Saturday, July 31, 2021

[Altcoin Discussion] - August 2021

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  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

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How about just go rage quit and reroll this game of life

Everything sucks about me, and there's no one to blame but myself.

Growing up i was always the freak that everyone keeps distance from, and i never got invited to events/parties.

I've always been doing bad at school works. Did pretty bad at high school entrance exam and it ended up costing my parents some great fortune to send me to a private school. (I am from a non-US country where the good and also low cost public high schools have entrance exams).

The same thing basically repeated itself for college. Couldn't do well in entrance exam. Ended up again costing my parents some very great fortune to send me to a private one that isn't even that good.

Didn't do well in college again. I was right on the edge when graduating such that I was one grade away from the failing the GPA threshold to graduate.

After college i neet'ed at home for one whole year before managed to get a job.

Don't think i do well at work neither. I've been here for 3 years and i am still at the bottom of the food chain among all in similar roles. Every single one else is much better in terms of both skills and knowledges.

I'm probably a huge disappointment and money pit to my parents.

Personal wise it's again a total failure. I hadn't kissed a girl until 27 year old, and i don't see any hope to maintain interaction with one, and absolutely no way to have a family in the future, given my interpersonal ability.

I was so bad at self-care such that i got type 2 diabetes at age 17.

There's simply nothing interesting about me. I don't even have answer to questions like what hobbies do you have or what do you do for fun. It's just nothing. Thought i'd still enjoy video games, but my PC has been sitting there collecting dust and never turn on since 2019. Thought i'd still enjoy movies/TVs; hadn't turn on my TV since 2020. Thought i'd enjoy hobbyist electronics; hadn't touched a soldering iron or arduino since college. Nowadays I'm just sleeping on bed for 14 hours or more a day if not working, and spend spare times refreshing the same webpage over and over.

And there were a series of financial mistakes. Was mining bitcoin for fun back in college only because I thought it was cool to use gaming rigs as space heaters, but never even read anything about crypto and never take it seriously. I never withdraw from that BTC guild such that i lost them all when they closed, so i mined for nothing but heat. If i had read anything about crypto and/or economics/finance, i would at least have withdrawn and secured my wallet.

I repeated basically a similar financial mistake in work. I sold my first year's RSUs at 60; second year's at 130. And guess what, this is the third year and they worth 400-ish. If i had read anything, just anything about finance, i would have known that it's in a growing stage and would have hold on to the shares and be able to now actually get a place that i'd enjoy living in.

Well i repeated similar financial mistake again. Someone was telling me to buy game stop back in Jan. If i had read anything about short squeeze, i would have buy them at 20 instead of 400.

I seem to just couldn't learn from the mistake of under-preparation. Rushed into a house because of being scared by the market; had it closed few weeks ago. After calming down form the hype and impulses and thinking about the place over the last 2 weeks, I like none of its location, interior or lawn; I don't see a way to deal with it. Then looking back at similar listings this month, there are bigger ones with better interior/exterior/lawn/garage in the same block being sold for tens of k under. Basically i overpaid a huge portion, just because i was impulsive and couldn't do proper research. With this much overpayment, I wouldn't even be able to cover my mortgage principle if i am to sell it rn even before commissions.

Health professional helps? Yeah, i've went through like ten different SSRIs and SNRIs since college; none helped despite the drowsiness, inability to focus and nausea. Doing some insulin or burning some charcoal might actually give peace.

Like what's the purpose of my existence? I don't see myself making any difference to anyone or anything.

What's the most cost effective way to get BTC onto Polygon?

Hi guys. I have some bitcoin sitting on binance.US that I would like to move onto Polygon. Of course we don't have access to WBTC like the real Binance does.

I'm thinking the most cost effective way would be to sell the BTC into Matic and just go ahead and create that taxable event, and then buy it back over on Matic. Is there a better way? I do have a non-KYC Kucoin account that has WBTC, but they don't support sending it on the Matic network.

Any advice you can offer would be appreciated. Thanks!

An interesting title

The "climate crisis", davos 2021, Agenda 21, id2020, cryptocurrency, big tech, mass surveillance, contact tracing, and covid are all linked. Climate crisis is not as bad as they say and the corporations create the pollution and use scientific tyranny to point the blame on the consumers of their products, big tech controls the media and the message which the public ingests while crippling free speech, propaganda is funneled through influencers, all of the media is owned and controlled by 6 corporations, and the mockingbird media repeats the same messages to teach us all to believe the same things and obey the narrative, corporations use the "climate crisis" for public image, they dont care about the environment or people and never have, davos 2021 economic reset is using the artificial economic collapse of the "pandemic" to reshape the globe, the public, the economy and government. Creating state dependency through literal bribes in stimulus checks and paid unemployment through the "pandemic" that dig the debt hole deeper and make corporations more powerful, government more powerful, and the people more dependent on them. Before covid, over 1000 of the largest corporations CEOS quit at around the same time. In 2015 event 201 was played out for a future potential "coronavirus" outbreak, and now bill gates who hosted it is at the head of the media propaganda campaign hailing the necessity of vaccines which are 0 liability, experimental, filled with toxic ingredients and unnecessary for a hyped up influenza season being used as an indocrination tool for the NWO. Suddenly no more flu season being recorded, all the numbers used for covid, the numbers are inflated with anything and everything, and in the beginning of the pandemic sick people were sent into nursing homes. They are positioning themselves as the savior, agenda 21 sustainable devolopement plan is really about the sustainability of the corporations and dependance of consumers, and the establishment of the one world government the bible prophecied. Id2020 precursor of vaccine identification card, likely to be digitized, possibly a bioid in the future, first steps are public desensetization to the measure, starting with covipass, vaccine passports, then as lockdowns reemerge vaccines being mandatory and cards being mandatory to work, possibly to buy or sell (mark of the beast conditioning possibly). 6 feet "social distancing", the contact tracing congress bill is HR6666, why that number? Ive heard that 6 feet is the distance to track people in a surveillance grid where within that space it registers as one person, distinction made by the digital vaccine ID, and further support in that the 5g infastructure was put up as essential work during what was an alleged "global pandamic", a trillion dollar push on 5g with towers outside of schools, on every other telephone pole (small cell), and disguised as trees and cactuses, literally everywhere even rurally and in thousands of satellites. The FCC chairman said 5g would not be tested, and it would be there to connect the internet of things, from PILL BOTTLES to PLANT WATERERS. Electromagnetic radiation or frequencies are harmful, so is so much of modern society but it is one of many cash cows being milked at the expense of health and safety. Cryptocurrency came out of nowhere, the alleged mysterious creator of bitcoins name literally means central intelligence, they are using blockchain as a means of disease surveillance, bill gates funds aadhaar in india and founded gavi in 2000, and has even blatantly stated vaccines are a great means of population control. He comes from a eugenics family and his dad was the head of planned parenthood an evil industry founded by a eugenicist. Think about it. Twitter censored tweets made by a president. Censorship is erasing freedom of speech and big tech has become the largest medium of social influence, the message is not free it is controlled.

The music industry is blatantly satanic, they are puppets who sell out for a paycheck and fame, but are controlled especially so the more influenrial they become. Satanic subliminals in all their music videos, the symbols they endorse (triangle/pyramid, devils horns, 666 hand symbol, one eye covered), and the backmasked messages in their songs are clearly satanic. Its a whole system and the subliminal messaging goes back to disney movies, kids shows, all of hollywood, advertisements and further.

The occult side of the world is clearly there and they dont even hide. The evil satanic powers that be have attacked the family, promote evil, adultery, promiscuousness, all manners of murder sin and sexual immorality and everything ungodly in all the entertainment we watch from a young age, media or movies/tv. The cia admitted they used films as a means of psychogical warfare in the 40s, think of it this way. When television was invented, just that one crappily shot video of a train coming towards people when they were in a theatre warranted a reaction of great fear in those who saw it. How much moreso the things we are exposed to from a very early age, we simply are desensitized to it from constant exposure.

The fruits of this new world order are corruption, and death, the path is paved towards destruction, there own as well. Jesus Christ told us He is the way, the truth, and the life, nobody comes to the Father except through Him. Who do you say Jesus is? That is the most important question you can ever ask yourself. God spoke of this evil world system thousands of years ago, it will be led by the antichrist in the tribulation period, and we are only in the beginning stages of its revealing itself to the public. There is obviously much more to it than the few things ive shared tangentially, and it is much deeper and a much older plan. At the end of the day, these satanists may try to steer the ship, but the devils wrath is great because he knows his time is short, God is ultimately in control, and when this evil kingdom is shaken up and utterly destroyed, a perfect Kingdom ruled by the risen Jesus Christ will be established with no end, no more evil, no more death, no more tyranny or deception. My only question to you is this, will you live for self, after the ways of a broken world that bears no fruit, or surrender that self to the God who will never leave or forsake you?

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Moved Onward From Beneath | Monthly FIRE Portfolio Update | July 2021

Till noon we quietly sailed on,

Yet never a breeze did breathe:

Slowly and smoothly went the ship,

Moved onward from beneath.

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Part V

This is my fifty-sixth monthly portfolio update. I complete this regular update to check progress against my goal.

Portfolio goal

My objective is to reach a portfolio of $2,585,000 by 31 July 2022. This would produce a real annual income of about $90,500 (in 2021 dollars).

This portfolio objective is based on an assumed safe withdrawal rate of 3.5 per cent.

Portfolio summary

  • Vanguard Lifestrategy High Growth Fund $810,231

  • Vanguard Lifestrategy Growth Fund $43,713

  • Vanguard Lifestrategy Balanced Fund $79,464

  • Vanguard Diversified Bonds Fund $101,270

  • Vanguard Australian Shares ETF (VAS) $351,101

  • Vanguard International Shares ETF (VGS) $200,090

  • Betashares Australia 200 ETF (A200) $290,938

  • Telstra shares (TLS) $2,014

  • Insurance Australia Group shares (IAG) $6,144

  • NIB Holdings shares (NHF) $8,568

  • Gold ETF (GOLD.ASX) $112,261

  • Secured physical gold $17,980

  • Plenti (P2P lending) $1,918

  • Bitcoin $628,750

  • Raiz app (Aggressive portfolio) $21,014

  • Spaceship Voyager app (Index portfolio) $3,412

  • BrickX (P2P rental real estate) $4,558

Total portfolio value $2,683,426 (+$87,183)

Asset allocation

  • Australian shares 37.2%

  • Global shares 21.7%

  • Emerging market shares 1.7%

  • International small companies 2.1%

  • Total international shares 25.4%

  • Total shares 62.6% (-12.4%)

  • Total property securities 0.2% (+0.2%)

  • Australian bonds 2.8%

  • International bonds 6.1%

  • Total bonds 8.9% (-6.1%)

  • Gold 4.9%

  • Bitcoin 23.4%

  • Gold and alternatives 28.3% (+18.3%)

Presented visually, the chart below is a high-level view of the current asset allocation of the portfolio.



The financial independence portfolio has grown by just over $87,000 since the last monthly update, or around 3.2 per cent.

This means that it continues to sit notionally above the portfolio goal, and expand, tracking towards its previous highs.


Yet this month has some peculiarities that affect the interpretation of these results.

The portfolio distributions received from the second quarter have led to a notional decrease in the level of equity holdings, because these have not immediately been reinvested.

In reality, around $52,000 of these distributions are aside in cash. They have yet to be put back into the portfolio, and are not recorded in the portfolio report.

Rather, these will continue to be placed into equity exchange traded funds (ETFs) on a fortnightly basis through to December, balanced between Vanguard’s Australian shares (VAS) and international shares funds (VGS).

This process will represent a significant underlying current pulling the portfolio in a positive direction over the next five months. For the current month, however, it means that the headline monthly portfolio movement is somewhat artificially lowered, and the absolute value of the equity portfolio is actually temporarily lower than a month ago.

With these caveats, there was price growth of 2.5 per cent in the international shares holdings, and Australian equities also increased in price by just less than 1.0 per cent. As a result, total equities holdings now sit at around 87 per cent of the intended target allocation (of $1.9 million, or around 75 per cent of the total portfolio goal).

Gold increased in value by around 5.3 per cent as global interest rates recommenced a downward movement, and bonds also increased in total value, despite their second quarter distributions.

The single largest positive contributor to the portfolio movement was once again Bitcoin, where holdings grew in value by over 17 per cent or $90,000.


The reinvestments of distributions this month were again split across the Australian shares exchange traded fund (VAS) and the Vanguard global shares (VGS) fund, using Selfwealth.

Vanguard FIRE analysis – updating the ‘4 per cent rule’

Last month global index fund provider Vanguard released an interesting report (pdf) directly relevant to seekers of financial independence and early retirement.

The report re-examines and analyses some of the assumptions and simplifications of the original Bengen work that developed the so-called ‘4 per cent rule’.

The Vanguard analysis highlights some hidden risks for those pursuing FI in some of the underpinnings of the original study, and seeks to provide some suggested ways to manage these risks. Some of its key findings are:

  • Relying on historical return estimates can create risk – and that potentially lower forward-looking market returns should be considered in safe withdrawal rate estimates.

  • Over periods longer than 30 years, the success of a 4 per cent safe withdrawal rate drops – a relatively well-known critique of the original 1994 study.

  • Fees matter – here, the important finding is that the original Bengen study assumed away investment fees, but that even relatively low fees (0.2 per cent) can lower the probability of success materially compared to the original findings/ International diversification can help lift success rates – in the example given (US-based), international diversification helps lift the success rate from 36 to 56 per cent.

  • Adopting a ‘dynamic spending rule’ should be considered – there are a myriad number of variations to the potential suitable rule, but essentially a dynamic spending rule reduces withdrawals in response to adverse market outcomes, and lifts withdrawals (within constraints) in cases of positive market outcomes.

This report is one of the best brief treatments of the 4 per cent rule I have seen published by an investment firm. Given my own average investment fees across the portfolio sit at around 0.22 per cent, its findings on the easily overlooked impact of small fees was a matter for some reflection.

Laying down new stores: an emergency fund reconsidered

This journey is now exactly one year from the revised target for its close.

At this stage, while finishing paid work is not yet on the immediate horizon, a couple of issues press their way forward for attention. The first is avoidance of sequence of return risk, and the second is the evolution in the role and functioning of an emergency fund, or ‘cash cushion’.

The post last month discussed why even sequence of return concerns were not sufficient reason in my personal circumstances to continue to actively target bonds with new investment.

This potentially places even more weight and attention on the issue: what level of cash reserves are appropriate for the eventual transition to financial independence?

In terms of a starting point, an emergency reserve of $21,000 is already in place today.

At one time, this was a full year of expenses. It was principally designed to serve as a protection again major life events, such as unexpected job loss.

Over time, as distributions income has increased, this has been reduced. The target has been for the sum of average annual distributions and the emergency reserve to remain equivalent to a full year of average expenses.

New functions and requirements for a cash reserve?

Yet for the movement to more secure financial independence, beyond accumulation towards the target, arguably a different type of cash reserve is called for. A reserve to serve two distinct purposes.

First, to represent a floating amount to ‘smooth out’ timing mismatches between highly variable quarterly and half yearly distributions.

Second, to provide the option of drawing down cash reserves, rather than selling assets at a time when markets prices have fallen significantly.

For a long time, the debates that occurred about ‘cash cushions’ in the financial independence arena seemed rather distant and theoretic to me.

Opinions differed between well known ‘bucket’ approaches, to quite persuasive critiques of these approaches, such as the suggestion that cash reserves provided an expensive and false sense of security, and that their role in avoiding sequence of return risk illusory.

A third potential purpose is to serve as an emergency fund for large potential expenditures, but without the loss of employment forming the definition of the emergency to be mitigated.

It is clearly now time to start thinking about this issue in more concrete terms.

My initial thinking is:

  • A goal of one year of expenditure in reserve – Setting the level of desired emergency funds at $85,000, which is around the average of one year of expenditure since 2013;

  • Supplemented by one-off capital expense fund – With a separate (already existing) lump-sum amount of around $16,000 for a major one-off unexpected area of capital expense; and

  • Building in highly conservative distributions assumptions – Applying the minimum estimate of $22,600 in distributions per annum. This estimate is based on the lowest recorded historical rate of distribution across all major investments.

Adopting an estimate of feasible lowered expenditure during a period of market down-turn of around $48,000 it is possible to estimate how long such a reserve fund might last.

In this scenario, the fund would be exhausted by the first quarter of the fourth year.

This means that for four years no new investments would be made, and the dividends and distributed capital would be used to support living expenses, but that otherwise no investments would be required to be sold.

Trends in average distributions and expenses

The trends for average distributions and expenses have not materially changed this month, with one exception.

Finalisation of the half-yearly portfolio distributions in earlier July has enabled the replacement of estimated distributions over the past six months with the actual amounts received.

This has not changed the level of expenses, but means that the three-year rolling average of distributions is now sharply increasing.

This is in contrast to past months, where conservative median estimates of distributions contributed to the blue line of distributions following the credit card expenses downwards.

The updated results are illustrated in the chart below.


This shows that about one year ago distributions decisively ‘crossed’ the line of card expenses, if three year averages are taken to be representative.

Card expenses continue to decline just below $5,000 per month, whilst average distributions are rising to around $7,000 per month.


Measure Portfolio All Assets

Portfolio objective – $2,585,000 (or $90,500 pa) 103.8% 133.6%

Total average expenses (2013-) – $84,700 pa 110.8% 142.6%


Most of this month it appeared that the portfolio would be delivering a small loss, driven by the delay in reinvesting a large set of distributions received in early July. To end the month positively is a surprise.

Progress and movement above the target, however, feels more abstract than progress towards a fixed end point. This is why my increasing focus has been on reaching the target level of equity holdings, which is still some distance away.

Nonethess, one significant marker was reached this month. For the first time on the journey, equities held directly or through exchange traded funds exceeded 50 per cent of total equities held.

This reflects the growing role since 2018 of ETFs, and no further investments being made in the Vanguard retail funds since that time. Passive index-based equity ETFs now make up almost one-third of total portfolio holdings.

A pleasing milestone of a different sort which was also reached this month, was this record of the journey passing 200,000 total page views.

From a total of around 14 views average per day when the journey started, four and a half years ago, this number feels hard to comprehend.

It means the equivalent of one person having sat down to continuously read the blog every day for 1000 days in a row, from morning through to the evening. This thought keeps my attention on seeking to write accurately and usefully about the personal journey, so as not to waste that hypothetical readers’ valuable time.

Financial markets continue to present apparent contradictions. The month has seen a significant downward turn in both government and some corporate bond yields. This is despite some signs of inflation not being quite as transitory, or solely supply chain related, as first suggested by some market commentators and authorities.

Equity markets still appear at precipitous levels, and in the past month even higher risk below investment grade corporate bonds have sold at negative yields. In some ways, there is a sense of large dynamic forces building up under the surface of financial markets.

Looking over the side, however, all appears calm and smooth. For the time being, the ship moves onward, pushed from beneath.

The full post, links and full charts can be seen here.

List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.




Fork/Hard Forks

Ethereum(ETH) London Hard Fork July 31, 2021



ICON(ICX) Vaccine Passport July 31, 2021
ZenCash(ZEN) China Roadshow: Shanghai July 31, 2021
CyberCoin(CC) Mainnet Launch July 31, 2021
Santa Coin(STC) July 2021 Updates July 31, 2021
Santa Coin(STC) STC Terminal Launch July 31, 2021
Elastos(ELA) Elastos Essentials 1.0 July 31, 2021
SINOVATE(SIN) Constellation July 31, 2021
Verus Coin(VRSC) AMA July 31, 2021
Wootrade Network(WOO) Monthly Burn July 31, 2021
Firo(FIRO) Elysium Tokenization July 31, 2021
Poolz Finance(POOLZ) BuyBack & Burning July 31, 2021
SafePal(SFP) Twitter Space AMA July 31, 2021
Polkamarkets(POLK) Kusama - MoonRiver July 31, 2021
Equalizer(EQZ) Defi Platform Deployment July 31, 2021
Equalizer(EQZ) Project Deployment July 31, 2021
Complus Network(COM) Fantom Chain Farming July 31, 2021
UPONLY(UPONLY) Lottery/Staking Pools July 31, 2021
ORAO Network(ORAO) Mainnet Launch July 31, 2021
Lillion(LIL) Booking Solution Release July 31, 2021
Random(RNDM) Token Burn July 31, 2021 Buy Back and Burn July 31, 2021
Formation FI(FORM) Early Adoption Program July 31, 2021
Cortex(CTXC) NFT Collector Program August 1, 2021
Auxilium(AUX) Aug Interest Distribution August 1, 2021
Helium(HNT) Rewards Halving August 1, 2021
Polkamarkets(POLK) Uniswap LP Rewards #4 August 1, 2021
ETNA Network(ETNA) Liquidity-Earn Farming August 1, 2021
yAxis(YAXIS) Buyback Distribution August 1, 2021
BitcoinBam(BTCBAM) UPDATE WEBSITE August 1, 2021
Less Network(LESS) LessPad Launch August 1, 2021
Rizen Coin(RZN) RizenSwap Launch August 1, 2021


Air Drops

UniLayer(LAYER) Mintr Airdrop July 31, 2021
Random(RNDM) Monthly Airdrop July 31, 2021
WingShop(WING) PWING Airdrop Rewards August 1, 2021



UniMex Network(UMX) App V2 and Layer2 July 31, 2021
Mina Protocol(MINA) New CEO Appointment August 1, 2021



SafeMoonCash(SAFEMOONCASH) Listing July 31, 2021
Gems (GEM) Bilaxy Listing August 1, 2021
RevoNetwork(REVO) Alpha Version Game Access August 1, 2021



Helium(HNT) Halving August 1, 2021



List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.




Fork/Hard Forks

Ethereum(ETH) London Hard Fork July 31, 2021



ICON(ICX) Vaccine Passport July 31, 2021
ZenCash(ZEN) China Roadshow: Shanghai July 31, 2021
CyberCoin(CC) Mainnet Launch July 31, 2021
Santa Coin(STC) July 2021 Updates July 31, 2021
Santa Coin(STC) STC Terminal Launch July 31, 2021
Elastos(ELA) Elastos Essentials 1.0 July 31, 2021
SINOVATE(SIN) Constellation July 31, 2021
Verus Coin(VRSC) AMA July 31, 2021
Wootrade Network(WOO) Monthly Burn July 31, 2021
Firo(FIRO) Elysium Tokenization July 31, 2021
Poolz Finance(POOLZ) BuyBack & Burning July 31, 2021
SafePal(SFP) Twitter Space AMA July 31, 2021
Polkamarkets(POLK) Kusama - MoonRiver July 31, 2021
Equalizer(EQZ) Defi Platform Deployment July 31, 2021
Equalizer(EQZ) Project Deployment July 31, 2021
Complus Network(COM) Fantom Chain Farming July 31, 2021
UPONLY(UPONLY) Lottery/Staking Pools July 31, 2021
ORAO Network(ORAO) Mainnet Launch July 31, 2021
Lillion(LIL) Booking Solution Release July 31, 2021
Random(RNDM) Token Burn July 31, 2021 Buy Back and Burn July 31, 2021
Formation FI(FORM) Early Adoption Program July 31, 2021
Cortex(CTXC) NFT Collector Program August 1, 2021
Auxilium(AUX) Aug Interest Distribution August 1, 2021
Helium(HNT) Rewards Halving August 1, 2021
Polkamarkets(POLK) Uniswap LP Rewards #4 August 1, 2021
ETNA Network(ETNA) Liquidity-Earn Farming August 1, 2021
yAxis(YAXIS) Buyback Distribution August 1, 2021
BitcoinBam(BTCBAM) UPDATE WEBSITE August 1, 2021
Less Network(LESS) LessPad Launch August 1, 2021
Rizen Coin(RZN) RizenSwap Launch August 1, 2021


Air Drops

UniLayer(LAYER) Mintr Airdrop July 31, 2021
Random(RNDM) Monthly Airdrop July 31, 2021
WingShop(WING) PWING Airdrop Rewards August 1, 2021



UniMex Network(UMX) App V2 and Layer2 July 31, 2021
Mina Protocol(MINA) New CEO Appointment August 1, 2021



SafeMoonCash(SAFEMOONCASH) Listing July 31, 2021
Gems (GEM) Bilaxy Listing August 1, 2021
RevoNetwork(REVO) Alpha Version Game Access August 1, 2021



Helium(HNT) Halving August 1, 2021



GameStop and Blockchain / NFT's - A match made in heaven that many yet fail to recognize

I have virtually no karma and am therefore unable to post in any major subs so I thought I'd share my observations on an incredibly promising industry trend with people here who like the stock and the scot (which would be Jamie in this case). Please feel free to post to any other subs, not looking for any credit.

I believe that a large number of people are looking at GameStop's ambitions to leverage blockchain technology in a completely wrong way. While I've read some interesting theories in regards to GS and NFT's, most of the attention has been drawn to the Crypto dividend / NFT dividend narrative, which is not only highly speculative but would also imply using a lot of resources for something that would not add direct value to consumers (or at least consumers that are not shareholders) on the long run. The truth is that Distributed Ledger Technology (e.g. Blockchain) and Gaming are a match made in heaven that could and most likely will optimize the experience for video gamers and provide companies that integrate DLT into gaming with insanely profitable new revenue streams (aka tendies).

What first encouraged me to put together some information on this topic was this Tweet from early bitcoin investor Ran Neuner saying: "(GAMING) NFT's will drive us into a full bull again".

Regardless of what people think of Ran Neuner, this tweet immediately got me thinking: "NFT's? Gaming? Bull? I've heard this before...". When I read some information on how the free-to-play video game model is drastically growing it was easy to connect the dots and understand where the industry is going and what opportunities it will provide to GameStop.

Everything indicates towards the fact that in the near future video game companies will completely erase their traditional revenue model and instead offer the overwhelming majority of games as free-to-play and fully focus on monetizing in-game transactions by offering consumers a much higher level of gameplay / character customization as well as complete ownership of digital items they purchased in-game. This article provides some insights on how free-to-play games are generating the majority of revenue in the gaming industry and how blockchain is the perfect solution to get the most out of this approach:

"The success of Epic Games’ Fortnite could be a premonition of blockchain’s success with gaming. Fortnite earned $2.4 billion in 2018, making it the highest-grossing game in history. Free-to-play games in general made up 80% of all global gaming revenue in 2018; on consoles, free-to-play titles grossed 458% more in 2018 than in 2017.:" - Fortnite is a huge example for the success of this new model and demonstrates that consumers obsess over the ability to customise their in-game experience by owning digital items or what I'd even call digital assets in this context. Everyone who plays video games could likely come up with hundreds of potential examples e.g. game characters, weapons, vehicles, sports kits and virtual sports players (more on this below), in-game digital currencies, virtual houses (think of GTA and other RPG's) etc. that could be traded in NFT format.

The same article proceeds with naming some solid arguments on why Blockchain is an ideal solution for this approach to gaming:

  • "Granting immutable ownership of in-game items, solving item theft due to hacking and the sale of fake in-game assets.
  • Tying assets to players instead of games, thereby protecting time/money investments players have made, irrespective of developer decisions.
  • Protecting players from undesirable actions on the part of creators; players can take the wheel, extending game longevity and encouraging user content. (Virtual reality game Decentraland is a promising example.)
  • Restoring trust between game developers and distributors by recording sales on a blockchain.
  • Creating a decentralized distribution network for games.
  • Creating more realistic economic systems within games.
  • Shifting the definition of a successful game away from revenue and toward in-game currency value, thereby refocusing game development efforts to benefit players.
  • Incentivizing players by offering dividends and granting them a vote in development processes.
  • Fixing the high-cost, low-revenue problems of cloud gaming initiatives (like Sony’s PS Now) by distributing the server over a blockchain network.
  • Encouraging game development competition outside of the monopolistic console and game-publishing industries."

This article from a few years ago also provides a good analysis of the compatibility between Blockchain and video games, again referencing Fortnite as a successful example of free-to-play gaming where NFT's would add immense value:

A thought of the author that I found very interesting: "For example, a tournament winner could sell or auction off their game-winning tool. Just imagine, if Bugha, winner of the Fortnite World Cup 2019 solo event, decided to sell one of his in-game assets such as his pickaxe. With blockchain, you can trace the history of each in-game asset – and owning Bugha’s pickaxe would be like owning a piece of historic sports memorabilia." As a matter of fact, people would likely spend tens of thousands (or more) for similar items despite them being purely digital. This should provide some perspective on the insane potential value of the Gaming NFT market.

Going back to the rise in free-to-play games: what got me quite jacked was learning that Pro Evolution Soccer is being renamed to eFootball and offered to consumers as free-to-play just like Epic Games did with Fortnite (article: I found it even more jacking that some rumours suggest that main competitor FIFA will potentially adopt the same model next year (

This might not mean much to some of you so please allow me to explain why this fits precisely into the Gaming NFT narrative:

- Virtual football games (PES and particularly FIFA) gain the vast majority of traction and revenue from separate in-game modes. In Fifa's case the mode is called "Ultimate Team"

- Ultimate Team consists in trading football cards specific to each player on a digital in-game marketplace in order to build your dream squad. The Ultimate Team market operates similar to the stock market as some players will suddenly gain immense value, others' value can crash and gamers invest a lot of time and effort into trading the same way you'd trade stocks or crypto.

- Some of the problems with the FIFA UT market is that it's extremely hard to trace the movement between buyers and sellers of certain cards (especially super rare, expensive cards). Recent scandals included black market sales of highly rare cards in exchange for thousands of dollars in FIAT.

- Players have expressed disappointment before due to lack of ownership and uniqueness of your club and players as all the items you own are...what is the word...fungible?

I will not waste any characters explaining why Blockchain is a good fit as I'm confident you guys are all seeing the potential here. And for those who still don't, let me share some figures on this one specific individual example I'm making:

- In the fiscal year 2021 (March 2020 to April 2021), gaming publisher Electronic Arts generated approximately 1.62 billion U.S. dollars in revenues from extra content sales for the Ultimate Team mode associated with its sports gaming franchises (Statista, 2021)

- Here is EA's net revenue from Ultimate Team game modes as of 2015 (Sportbible, 2020):

  • 2015: $587 million
  • 2016: $660 million
  • 2017: $775 million
  • 2018: $1.18 billion
  • 2019: $1.37 billion
  • 2020: $1.49 billion

One objection people might have is that merging Blockchain technology with Gaming might still be nothing more than an idea and far from reality. However, the game "Cryptokitties" is an excellent example of a Proof of Concept to demonstrate that the two go very well together and that this idea is realizable:

The game allows users to breed their own "cryptokitties", which are owned and traded in NFT format on the Blockchain. I've seen people naming this example before and many laugh it off stating that this actually takes away credibility from the potential of blockchain in gaming. In reality, the game has successfully run since 2017, demonstrating that NFT's and gaming have a history of compatibility rather than being a mere idea. Additionally, 30.000$ dollars in transactions still occur on the game DAILY to this day and a particular crypto kitty was sold for 600ETH (172K USD back in 2018, a lot more now).

Back to GameStop: We can only speculate on how the company will exactly capitalize on this opportunity, however, gaining some understanding on where the NFT Gaming market is heading definitely helps with understanding WHY GameStop is making the hugely strategic move of building blockchain capabilities within the organization. I liked the theory that was going around in regards to GS making digital games tradable just like physical games, this would however contradict the growing free-to-play strategy that gaming companies are deploying. I personally believe that GameStop will act as a middle-man / marketplace for an infinite number of tradable digital items and assets that gamers will buy and sell to enrich their gaming experience. I also believe that the speed, quantity and ease of trading and potentially producing NFT items once this area is more mature will aid GameStop with creating new routes to market that will increase their revenue in ways that some might not even imagine. In an ideal world we'll even see GameStop original NFT items (again; skins, characters, weapons, cars etc.) being sold by GS exclusively, both digitally and even by providing an in-store experience where people queue up overnight for an exclusive Fortnite skin release. Anyway, enough speculation.

Finally, I'd like to share a brief reminder on how impactful a successful adoption of DLT would be for GameStop from an investor perspective. I have experience selling enterprise software platforms with blockchain / smart contract capabilities and guarantee that nothing is 'sexier' right now than a well-defined, successful use case for Blockchain technology. I've been in sales for a while and nothing attracted more buyer attention than anything Blockchain related as everyone wants to invest into this emerging technology but still looking for tangible opportunities that go beyond theorizing / speculating. Below you'll find an insightful graph that shows the growing investments into Blockchain technology (unfortunately I could not find anything more recent):

If GameStop was one of the companies, or maybe THE company to truly bring the Blockchain - Gaming use case to life and overall contribute to Blockchain mass adoption, it'll attract attention of influential investors across the whole world. Not to mention the publicity it would get from the Crypto community, should GameStop's Gaming NFT's indeed aid the crypto market to some extent.

If anyone made it this far, thanks for reading and I'd like to hear your thoughts in the comments. I think some good old fashioned industry analysis is very healthy from time to time, especially to take a breather from NFT dividend speculation, bastille day hype, overanalysing tweets, MOASS impatience (you're telling me you've been holding your 0.8 shares for an entire month now and you're still not a billionaire??? This world is sick...) and a lot of other narratives that rarely have legs to stand on. Sometimes you can't see the forest due to all the trees being in the way - take a step back, look at the big picture and enjoy holding shares of a company that will potentially revolutionize an entire industry!


The potential impact of GME working with Blockchain technology is largely overlooked or misinterpreted. The focus should not be on NFT dividend but rather the video game industry's shift to free-to-play models and the immense revenue being generated purely from in-game purchases of digital items. Blockchain and more specifically NFT's are the perfect solution to optimize this revenue model to the fullest while providing players with a completely innovative and personalized experience. GameStop clearly recognizes this potential and could be a pioneer for a new generation of gaming and digital item trading. Gaming is seen as the most likely route to Blockchain mass adoption. GameStop deploying the right use cases = huge publicity in crypto and DLT world + huge interest from emerging technology investors + gigantic new revenue streams through innovative means. This could and will be the MOTHER OF ALL DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS.

List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.




Fork/Hard Forks

Ethereum(ETH) London Hard Fork July 31, 2021



ICON(ICX) Vaccine Passport July 31, 2021
ZenCash(ZEN) China Roadshow: Shanghai July 31, 2021
CyberCoin(CC) Mainnet Launch July 31, 2021
Santa Coin(STC) July 2021 Updates July 31, 2021
Santa Coin(STC) STC Terminal Launch July 31, 2021
Elastos(ELA) Elastos Essentials 1.0 July 31, 2021
SINOVATE(SIN) Constellation July 31, 2021
Verus Coin(VRSC) AMA July 31, 2021
Wootrade Network(WOO) Monthly Burn July 31, 2021
Firo(FIRO) Elysium Tokenization July 31, 2021
Poolz Finance(POOLZ) BuyBack & Burning July 31, 2021
SafePal(SFP) Twitter Space AMA July 31, 2021
Polkamarkets(POLK) Kusama - MoonRiver July 31, 2021
Equalizer(EQZ) Defi Platform Deployment July 31, 2021
Equalizer(EQZ) Project Deployment July 31, 2021
Complus Network(COM) Fantom Chain Farming July 31, 2021
UPONLY(UPONLY) Lottery/Staking Pools July 31, 2021
ORAO Network(ORAO) Mainnet Launch July 31, 2021
Lillion(LIL) Booking Solution Release July 31, 2021
Random(RNDM) Token Burn July 31, 2021 Buy Back and Burn July 31, 2021
Formation FI(FORM) Early Adoption Program July 31, 2021
Cortex(CTXC) NFT Collector Program August 1, 2021
Auxilium(AUX) Aug Interest Distribution August 1, 2021
Helium(HNT) Rewards Halving August 1, 2021
Polkamarkets(POLK) Uniswap LP Rewards #4 August 1, 2021
ETNA Network(ETNA) Liquidity-Earn Farming August 1, 2021
yAxis(YAXIS) Buyback Distribution August 1, 2021
BitcoinBam(BTCBAM) UPDATE WEBSITE August 1, 2021
Less Network(LESS) LessPad Launch August 1, 2021
Rizen Coin(RZN) RizenSwap Launch August 1, 2021


Air Drops

UniLayer(LAYER) Mintr Airdrop July 31, 2021
Random(RNDM) Monthly Airdrop July 31, 2021
WingShop(WING) PWING Airdrop Rewards August 1, 2021



UniMex Network(UMX) App V2 and Layer2 July 31, 2021
Mina Protocol(MINA) New CEO Appointment August 1, 2021



SafeMoonCash(SAFEMOONCASH) Listing July 31, 2021
Gems (GEM) Bilaxy Listing August 1, 2021
RevoNetwork(REVO) Alpha Version Game Access August 1, 2021



Helium(HNT) Halving August 1, 2021



So I looked up on Central Bank's Source Code for Fiat Currency

Since Elizabeth Warren claims Bitcoin is created by "shadowy super coders" which presumably means how Bitcoin works is a complete mystery, and is run by dodgy and shady people, I decided to check up on the Central Bank to see how transparent their source code is.

Turns out it's completely open, and remarkably it has only 1 file written in python called and not stored in a git repository. Here's the content of the file:

import money_printer

while economy_still_alive:

if inflation_rate < 0.02:


if stock_price_current < stock_price_last_year:

# used to run a library that examines sensible procedures to raise stock price but that's too complex, so will just print from money_printer for now as a temporary fix


Edit: Dear god I hate reddit code editor

Add to your calendar Bitcoin File (BIFI) event: POTS' IDO - August 2, 2021

List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.




Fork/Hard Forks

Ethereum(ETH) London Hard Fork July 31, 2021



ICON(ICX) Vaccine Passport July 31, 2021
ZenCash(ZEN) China Roadshow: Shanghai July 31, 2021
CyberCoin(CC) Mainnet Launch July 31, 2021
Santa Coin(STC) July 2021 Updates July 31, 2021
Santa Coin(STC) STC Terminal Launch July 31, 2021
Elastos(ELA) Elastos Essentials 1.0 July 31, 2021
SINOVATE(SIN) Constellation July 31, 2021
Verus Coin(VRSC) AMA July 31, 2021
Wootrade Network(WOO) Monthly Burn July 31, 2021
Firo(FIRO) Elysium Tokenization July 31, 2021
Poolz Finance(POOLZ) BuyBack & Burning July 31, 2021
SafePal(SFP) Twitter Space AMA July 31, 2021
Polkamarkets(POLK) Kusama - MoonRiver July 31, 2021
Equalizer(EQZ) Defi Platform Deployment July 31, 2021
Equalizer(EQZ) Project Deployment July 31, 2021
Complus Network(COM) Fantom Chain Farming July 31, 2021
UPONLY(UPONLY) Lottery/Staking Pools July 31, 2021
ORAO Network(ORAO) Mainnet Launch July 31, 2021
Lillion(LIL) Booking Solution Release July 31, 2021
Random(RNDM) Token Burn July 31, 2021 Buy Back and Burn July 31, 2021
Formation FI(FORM) Early Adoption Program July 31, 2021
Cortex(CTXC) NFT Collector Program August 1, 2021
Auxilium(AUX) Aug Interest Distribution August 1, 2021
Helium(HNT) Rewards Halving August 1, 2021
Polkamarkets(POLK) Uniswap LP Rewards #4 August 1, 2021
ETNA Network(ETNA) Liquidity-Earn Farming August 1, 2021
yAxis(YAXIS) Buyback Distribution August 1, 2021
BitcoinBam(BTCBAM) UPDATE WEBSITE August 1, 2021
Less Network(LESS) LessPad Launch August 1, 2021
Rizen Coin(RZN) RizenSwap Launch August 1, 2021


Air Drops

UniLayer(LAYER) Mintr Airdrop July 31, 2021
Random(RNDM) Monthly Airdrop July 31, 2021
WingShop(WING) PWING Airdrop Rewards August 1, 2021



UniMex Network(UMX) App V2 and Layer2 July 31, 2021
Mina Protocol(MINA) New CEO Appointment August 1, 2021



SafeMoonCash(SAFEMOONCASH) Listing July 31, 2021
Gems (GEM) Bilaxy Listing August 1, 2021
RevoNetwork(REVO) Alpha Version Game Access August 1, 2021



Helium(HNT) Halving August 1, 2021



TrustDice Casino $25 FREE + 3 BTC Bonus + 25 free spins

TrustDice Casino Exclusive Promotion

Get $25 Free Welcome Bonus at TrustDice Casino! Register your account via bonus link and enjoy free money instantly. No bonus code needed! Also, new players to TrustDice Casino get 3 BTC or $30,000 bonus money together with 25 free spins. Come on in and play the best cryptocurrency casino games. Fast Withdrawals! Instant Support! ProvablyFair Games!

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TrustDice Casino Review

TrustDice is a bitcoin-oriented casino that allows you to play casino, live casino, dice, and crash games. The platform recently added a packed sportsbook, as well. You can make deposits and withdrawals using a range of currencies and cryptocurrencies (namely USD, EUR, Bitcoin, Ethereum, among others). The casino also gives you access to an online portal and a chatroom, where you can interact with other players. TrustDice is powered by over 10 vendors. When you start playing at the casino, you get a three-part welcome bonus plus a range of regular offers. There is also a VIP program waiting for you called ‘Satoshi Club’. Speaking of Satoshi, you will also find a bitcoin faucet directly on TrustDice to win free crypto coins.

TrustDice Casino Game Selection

TrustDice offers an ever-increasing collection of games to its players. The casino contains three main categories and one more will be added in the near future. The categories you will find currently at the casino are Casino, Live Casino, and bitcoin games (Dice and Crash). A well-equipped sportsbook has joined the family recently.

The TrustDice games section allows you to play games like slots, table games, video poker, and more. In total, there are more than 2,000 options available to choose from. The live section brings you live dealer variations of games like blackjack, roulette, poker, and baccarat. While bitcoin games allow you to wager on dice and crash games that bring you cash rewards and multipliers. Overall, the game selections are very impressive.

However, we were disappointed by the fact that there only a few progressive jackpot games here.

TrustDice Slots & Table games

When you click on the Casino section on the top bar, you get access to the game lobby consisting of the following sections: All, Favourites, New, and Drops & Wins. This section does not show you exact game types (slot, table games, among others). To do so, you need to click on the games drop-down menu. From there, you can access slots and table games.

Slots are provided in two sub-categories, namely video and classic slots. The video section brings you games that follow a graphically-designed storyline with HD visuals and high-quality audio. The classic section presents you with online replicas of the slot machines of the past. One of the cool things about these games is that you can view their bet limits by hovering your pointer over them.

Fans of progressive jackpots won't find popular titles like Mega Moolah or Mega Fortune here. The only slots with such prizes at TrustDice were the Betsoft picks. These include Faerie Spells, Greedy Goblins, and Reels of Wealth. Their jackpots, however, rarely reach multimillion amounts.

Table games are also not given under a single section but are spread out over five different categories. These are poker, blackjack, baccarat, roulette, and table games. These games give you loads of time to make your move (unlike a lot of table games at land-based casinos) so that you enjoy every single round. You can even bet with as low as €0.10 when you play. The casino is powered by over 10 vendors including Wazdan, Endorphina, Belatra, Spinomenal, among others.

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TrustDice Bitcoin Dice and Crash Games

Since TrustDice is a bitcoin-based casino, you will find a plethora of Bitcoin-specific games. These include the two sections of Dice and Crash games. Bitcoin Dice games are quite simple and you only need to select a number between one and 100 (as your bet) and roll the dice. These games allow you to select your number and the amount you want to bet with. While doing so, you also view your win chances, payout ratio, and the profit you can expect if you win. You can also switch on auto betting and let the software play on your behalf.

Crash games allow you to bet using bitcoin and you simply need to make a deposit and hit ‘Join Game’. Once you have selected a bet amount and launched the game, the multiplier increases from 1x until the game crashes. If you cash out before the crash, you get your wager back with the multiplier you stopped at. Again, you can even turn on auto betting to make this game easier.

These games are powered by TrustDice Bitcoin Casino Gambling platform (in-house) and you can bet on them using Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.

TrustDice Live Casino games

Just like the casino section, the live casino lobby at TrustDice games is also divided into sub-categories. These are All, Favourites, and New. While ‘All’ and ‘New’ sections show you a list of games, the ‘Favourites’ section remains empty until you start playing at the casino. After this, it contains all the live games that you frequently play. You can also put games into this category by clicking on the star symbol on any game’s thumbnail.

Apart from these three categories, you also get a game sorting tab on the live casino. Using this tab, you can sort games in four options – All, Baccarat, Blackjack, and Roulette. You can also sort games as per their providers. The live casino is powered with games from top live vendors like Evolution Gaming, Ezugi, and Spinomenal.

Unlike the casino category, you cannot check out live games in demo mode and must click on ‘Play Now’ to start playing live dealer games for real money. You can play different variations of blackjack, roulette, and baccarat from these providers. Live games also show you the limit under which you can bet. For most games, you are allowed to bet between €0.10 and €5000.

TrustDice Sportsbook and betting

The newly launched TrustDice Sportsbook has over 30 sports on its menu. These include classics like football, basketball, and MMA. There are also alternatives like bandy, cycling, and ski jumping. For fans of esports, only League of Legends is available. We’d like to mention that the bookie also offers some specials, like betting on the Eurovision Song Contest

We overall liked the fresh sports betting platform thanks to its simplicity and good odds. It’s good to note that bettors can choose between six types of odds, including decimal, American, Malaysian, and fractional. TrustDice Bookmaker also boasts lots of betting options and a good range of events in each sport.

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TrustDice Live odds

Bettors at this crypto iGaming platform can partake in in-play betting, as well. The selection of sports in this section is modest. At the time of this writing, there were only four live events open for in-play wagers. Still, this changes depending on the season and what’s on. The wagering offer is equally good as the one in the pre-match betting section. Bettors can bet on totals, exact goals, winners, handicaps, and a range of other options.

One thing we were disappointed with was the lack of live streaming. There were visual representation and statistics, though. These were provided by the Sportradar platform. So, bettors can track the results and the happenings in the match. They won’t get access to live streaming, which can be a dealbreaker to some punters.

TrustDice Casino welcome offer

When you create an account at the casino, you get a welcome bonus of up to €30,000 (3 BTC) plus 25 free spins. This bonus, when divided into a percentage, makes up to 225% of your deposit amount. You do not get it in one go, but this offer is divided into three deposits of €10,000 each.

The first deposit bonus gets you a 100% matching return up to €10,000 (1 BTC) plus 25 free spins. To get the bonus, you need to activate it from the deposit page with a minimum deposit of at least €10. The 25 free spins that accompany the offer will be automatically added to your account upon a successful first deposit.

The second deposit bonus gets you a 75% matching return up to €10,000 (1 BTC), but you need to make a minimum deposit of €15 to get this offer. The third deposit also brings you a bonus of up to €10,000 (1 BTC), but the bonus percentage you get is capped at 50% of your deposit amount. Also, the minimum deposit needed to qualify for the third deposit is €20. There are no TrustDice free spins on offer.

Bonus terms and wagering requirement

The welcome bonus is only available after you create your account and make a deposit. All three deposit bonuses come with a wagering requirement of 40x, which is just slightly above the industry average of 35x. The maximum you can withdraw from the casino (for all three deposits) is capped at 10 times your deposit amount. Each TrustDice bonus is valid for seven days after claiming it. You need to complete the 40x wagering requirement in this period; otherwise, the bonus and all your wins from it may be forfeited to the casino.

To satisfy the wagering criteria, you can only bet an amount of €7 or less. You can only bet on slots to complete the wagering requirement. Casino, live casino, dice, and crash games are excluded from this bonus. The maximum you can win from TrustDice free spins is capped at €50 and these spins are valid for seven days only.

TrustDice Casino promotions and bonuses

TrustDice promotions page consists of an impressive line-up of offers for both new and regular players. Apart from the promotions page, you also get a VIP program called Satoshi Club and a bitcoin faucet to get free BTCs.

These offers do not require a TrustDice bonus code to take part in them. The promo page contains Dice weekly wager and Crash weekly wager contests. In the dice games contest, you get to win up to €3,000 in cash prizes that can increase further as more players place wagers. The Crash contest allows you to win cash rewards based on the amount of money wagered.

You can also refer your friends to the casino and earn a 50% commission on every single faucet they receive. Talking of faucet, the casino allows you to complete simple tasks and rewards you with free bitcoins. There is also an eight-level VIP program that brings amazing benefits like level-up rewards, monthly cashback, exclusive bonuses, free BTCs, and more.

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The best thing about the online casino is that everything you need to know is clearly given on the homepage. You can view the casino lobby, live casino and bitcoin games, as soon as you launch the page. You can scroll downwards to view daily promotions given at TrustDice and can also read about TXT coins (bitcoin tokens at the casino).

One thing we found not working on the casino homepage is that the payment methods section. When we clicked on it, we were taken to the top of the homepage and not to the payments page. Apart from that, the navigation at TrustDice is quite seamless. You can also read the casino’s testimonials and an in-depth section explaining the casino and its games.

On the top bar, you find tabs like Promotions, Satoshi Club, TXT, Coinbox, and Blog. Below it, you will find another menu bar containing game lobby tabs, namely Dice, Crash, Casino, and Live Casino. The online casino also provides you a game forum where players share tips and tricks to win more.

Scroll down to the end of the homepage to find licensing information, terms and conditions, privacy policy, help center and more.

Mobile Casino

TrustDice mobile casino is a close replica of the online website, with the homepage containing the same sections in the same order. The mobile version is customized to fit on all device screens ranging from small-screen mobile phones to large-screen tablets. Thus, some info may seem tightly presented as compared to the liberal presentation of the online website.

The range of devices that allow you to access this mobile casino and play on the go include Android (mobile phones and tablets) and iOS devices (iPhones and iPads). Other devices come with limited compatibility options. To start playing, you need to navigate to the mobile website on your browser. The best ones for that are Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. You can also find live support and a chatroom on your mobile device. Apart from playing games, the mobile casino allows you to partake in the VIP club, earn free bitcoins, participate in regular promotions, visit the casino blog, and get instant support.

TrustDice Casino Help and Support

A lot of players look for an FAQ section when they face issues at an online casino. Unfortunately, there is no FAQ section available at TrustDice but there is a help section found at the bottom of the homepage. Do note that if you would like to know more about TXT coins (bitcoin tokens), you can find a few FAQs under the TXT section on the homepage.

The online casino provides all its players a chatroom, where they can talk to each other and also offer help with issues faced by other players. You can find a bunch of important info on the chatroom and if your issue is not discussed, you can even raise a new query. Apart from that, you can contact the support team via online chat given on the bottom left of the website or email them by clicking on the Contact tab on the bottom of the website. Live chat support is available 24/7, which is great!

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TrustDice Casino Deposits and Withdrawals

The online casino does not have a dedicated banking page. However, there is a payment methods section on the homepage which contains a list of methods, but when you click on any method to know more, it reverts back to the top of the homepage.

Upon checking deeper, we found that there is a cashier available for registered players but you need to log in to access it. TrustDice is a bitcoin-centered casino but it does not mean that fiat money currencies are not accepted. You can make payments with a range of currencies including EUR, USD, JPY, BTC, USDT, and ETH. Some banking methods that allow you to make both deposits and withdrawals are Visa, Mastercard, Bank Wire, Bitcoin, Ethereum, among others. When you make a deposit, your account is credited with virtual funds. The minimum you need to deposit to start playing is €10.

In the case of withdrawals, the casino allows you to cash out up to €2,000 per day, €6,000 per week, and €20,000 per month. TrustDice online casino tries to pay out your wins in an hour, but in some cases, it may take up to 24 hours to deliver your wins.

Verifying your TrustDice account

When your withdrawal amount exceeds the limit of €2,000, the casino will ask you to get through a detailed KYC process. This entails you getting your account verified as per the casino’s anti-money laundering and underage gaming policies. To verify your account, the casino will ask for the following documents: an ID card (passport or driving license), address proof (utility bill no older than 3 months), and proof of ownership for the payment methods you have used. The casino may ask for additional documents if it finds any info lacking.

You are also held responsible for making sure all your documents are original. If your info is found fake or misleading, the casino will confiscate all your funds and terminate your account. In case your funds are seized if you are not able to present your documents, you can get in touch with the support team to get them released.

TrustDice Casino Security and Licensing

TrustDice Casino is owned by the Satoshi Gaming Group, which gets its gaming license from Antillephone N.V. (a Curacao license). The casino uses a standard SSL encryption to protect itself and all its players from online attacks. Any data you share with the casino is also kept safe on its server, protected with the latest firewall technology. Your account can only be accessed by a unique player ID and password, which you generate while signing up. You can also set up two-factor authentication (2FA) to further protect your TrustDice account.

To maintain player health and safety of its players, the casino has tie-ups with organizations that help you deal with gambling addictions. If you have any further questions about casino safety, you can also get in touch with the support team to know more about the safety protocols maintained at the online casino.

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Conclusion of TrustDice Casino Review

Based on our overall experience here, we found many plus points of playing at TrustDice. There is a good selection of online casino, live casino, and bitcoin games. You can also make payments with a large variety of options including multiple cryptocurrencies and get free bitcoins from the faucet. The mobile casino works well and can be accessed via both Android and iOS devices. Another big plus is the eight-tier VIP program on offer along with a chat room which allows you to interact with other players.

However, what we did not like about the casino is that you cannot access the payments page without signing in. Plus, many players will dislike the fact that there are only a few progressive jackpots available. If you are looking for an online casino that has a sportsbook, you will have to wait as the promised sportsbook does not have a launch date at the time of this writing.