Sunday, August 9, 2020

Bitcoin and Ripples XRP Weekly Technical Analysis – August 10th, 2020 (current BTC/USD price is $12,045.62)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin and Ripples XRP Weekly Technical Analysis – August 10th, 2020

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

[Daily Discussion] Monday, August 10, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Monday, August 10, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

Bitcoin Halving and Ethereum 2.0 Bring Big Changes for Crypto Miners

Although over two months have passed since the halving happened on the Bitcoin network, the crypto mining industry is still heaving from the frantic pace of events that have followed suit. The rollercoaster of hash rates has left Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) prices soaring while provoking mixed feelings among crypto miners.

The COVID-19 pandemic has left its mark on the industry as well, forcing dozens of pools to either switch off or shift their focus from Bitcoin, with its increasing mining difficulty, to less complicated altcoins that are trailing the Big Daddy of crypto.

The impending launch of Ethereum 2.0 is giving food for thought for all miners in their strive to maintain profitability in light of the challenges facing the mining hardware market. After the Bitcoin halving and the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, private miners were left reeling, but large manufacturers were also affected. Will the upcoming Ethereum upgrade aggravate the situation for mining device producers, or is it just another milestone that will be easy to adapt to?

Bitcoin Halving and Ethereum 2.0 Bring Big Changes for Crypto Miners

Although over two months have passed since the halving happened on the Bitcoin network, the crypto mining industry is still heaving from the frantic pace of events that have followed suit. The rollercoaster of hash rates has left Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) prices soaring while provoking mixed feelings among crypto miners.

The COVID-19 pandemic has left its mark on the industry as well, forcing dozens of pools to either switch off or shift their focus from Bitcoin, with its increasing mining difficulty, to less complicated altcoins that are trailing the Big Daddy of crypto.

The impending launch of Ethereum 2.0 is giving food for thought for all miners in their strive to maintain profitability in light of the challenges facing the mining hardware market. After the Bitcoin halving and the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, private miners were left reeling, but large manufacturers were also affected. Will the upcoming Ethereum upgrade aggravate the situation for mining device producers, or is it just another milestone that will be easy to adapt to?

Removed comments/submissions for /u/Iamblichus-

Hi /u/Iamblichus-, you're not shadowbanned, but 98 of your most recent 200 comments/submissions were removed (either automatically or by human moderators).


g0yju9j in india on 10 Aug 20 (1pts):

Yes, the muslims in India have pushed the majority of Hindus to the right. Radical Muslims have an agenda which is becoming so apparent that even the educated muslims are now standing with Hindus.

g0yfg1n in unitedstatesofindia on 10 Aug 20 (1pts):

you're literally worse than r/india

g0r0138 in DeclineIntoCensorship on 08 Aug 20 (1pts):


g0qzz32 in DeclineIntoCensorship on 08 Aug 20 (1pts):

you got saved from wasting your time on some BS

g0qlf1j in DeclineIntoCensorship on 08 Aug 20 (16pts):

10% on either side is still statistically significant if you assume that we're dealing with a normal distribution where we expect the mean proportion to be 50%. 1-2% would be acceptable, but 10% you...

g0qi5tp in DeclineIntoCensorship on 07 Aug 20 (35pts):

First off that is not equal, equal is 50/50. secondly its the directional trend that is the problem with the proportion moving towards women, and no policy in place to reverse the extreme bias and...

g0pwxu6 in banned on 07 Aug 20 (7pts):

lol censored for a username, the internet is fucked.

g0oynrx in meme on 07 Aug 20 (1pts):

More like you hate you for parking in the middle of shadows cast by the two buildings

g0komd1 in meme on 06 Aug 20 (2pts):

not if you're 13

g0km7n0 in meme on 06 Aug 20 (0pts):

Are you pure stupidity incarnate as a human? You might be, coz I never said I dislike my country dumbass. Making up your own shit to make your point how pathetic.

g0kke12 in meme on 06 Aug 20 (0pts):

You profited off of it too when you bought any of their products you hypocrite

g0kipjw in Nootropics on 06 Aug 20 (1pts):

Lmao Gorilla Mind. I think what you want is the opposite of that.

g0kigh7 in news on 06 Aug 20 (1pts):

Someone watches too much porn

g0icrxr in CNNmemes on 06 Aug 20 (5pts):

If anyones interested in the actual convo:

g0icftp in DeclineIntoCensorship on 06 Aug 20 (1pts):

I'm not 100% but it might have something to do with China's main man She Chink Pink.

g0hsq48 in news on 05 Aug 20 (1pts):

I'm beginning to think that the biggest public health crisis facing our nation, and one that had been ongoing for decades and has possibly been worsening recently, is poor education.

g0hmal1 in CNNmemes on 05 Aug 20 (7pts):

wow I didn't even think about it that way, but that would have been "news" for a couple nights with all the pundits giving us their diagnosis of how racist Trump is.

g0hlytv in relationship_advice on 05 Aug 20 (2pts):

I think you've figured it out. But i guess put another way don't go based on what someone says but observe what they do in actuality. In this case the guy told you that he was this and that, but the...

g0h7tx9 in CNNmemes on 05 Aug 20 (1pts):

uhm are you blind? the post is referring to the title of the video and if you bothered to watch the video you'd know what I was talking about.

g0dyzjz in CNNmemes on 04 Aug 20 (13pts):

Look up how the CCP indoctrinates its Army, which by the way takes an oath to protect the party and not the citizens. lol

g0dyn1k in CNNmemes on 04 Aug 20 (14pts):

Then why doesn't WP just move its headquarter to China and do its bullshit reporting there and see how that turns out.

g0dxy0k in Bitcoin on 04 Aug 20 (2pts):

Digital currencies are a fairly new phenomenon brought about by the spectacular rise of the internet. While Bitcoin is the most famous, there are numerous other digital currencies―from Amazon Coin...

g0cysdr in booksuggestions on 04 Aug 20 (-3pts):

Beyond Bitcoin by Hanna Hallburda

g0cg0ir in WatchRedditDie on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

Bruh this is alarming, it shows you how stupid the people in this country have gotten and how much control the media has over influencing the minds of the mass public.

g0cel4t in WatchRedditDie on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

r/politics is not about the news, its a safe space for libs to cry and console each other

g0cd3xu in WatchRedditDie on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

lmao why would you engage with someone who messgaes you with such a stupid reply. you gotta ignore these kinds of people, they're just looking get you angry

g0bn8dy in PoliticalVideo on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

lmao what a hypocrite

g0anhm0 in quotes on 04 Aug 20 (3pts):

well since you left her personal space so she should leave your personal space.

g0anfau in WatchRedditDie on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

how do you skip it its literally being shoved down your throat in all media and corporate events and everyday conversation?

g0anca2 in WatchRedditDie on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

I applaud you for saying it. Its just annoying at this point. These assholes are like an annoying mosquito that wont stop sucking out the blood from the non LGBTQ people.

g0an3kw in news on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

He came at their heads like dho dho dho

g0amotq in Nootropics on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

I'm not a doctor or a herbologist, but from personal experience it made me so docile and disinterested in daily affairs that I felt like not doing anything and stopped caring all together. I stopped...

g0am1ty in booksuggestions on 04 Aug 20 (0pts):

Wrong move, the problem is not women the problem is you havent made the effort to learn the game. Trust me stop reading books and just go out and hit on women, you'll probably fail but soon enough...

g0akuxn in nottheonion on 04 Aug 20 (7pts):

Japan always at the forefront of innovation

g0akt50 in todayilearned on 04 Aug 20 (25pts):

Oh shit they do kinda look alike.

g0akrhv in banned on 04 Aug 20 (4pts):

Welcome to the club, I got banned from there too

g0akl2p in WatchRedditDie on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

Yea because they dont want their people being corrupted by the truth.

g0ak69p in todayilearned on 04 Aug 20 (65pts):

wow that fool must have been a queen sympathizer. probably ddnt like USA being independent either.

g0ak0q6 in news on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

Police coming for your head like dho dho dho

g0ajypw in news on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

Always will be

g0ajux6 in news on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

Congress is full of idiots. Pelosi and McConnel both add -10 points to the combined average IQ of congress bringing it down from 80 to 60.

g0ajj4z in news on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

Why are people so eager to catch a case?

g0ajgih in Nootropics on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

Be carefull with ashwagandha, that shit will make you a zombie real quick.

g0ajeoj in booksuggestions on 04 Aug 20 (0pts):

Beyond Bitcoin by Hanna Hallaburda

g0ajdkp in news on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

Portland keeping it weird, staying true to its city's slogan.

g0aja8t in WatchRedditDie on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

Thats all you can do on reddit, imagine what its like to have an open forum where freedom of speech and differing opinions is tolerated.

g0aj4vm in WatchRedditDie on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

I always visualize mods like that look like fat lards with geeky ass glasses, wearing a t-shirt that is too small to cover their beer bellys, with cheese stains all over their clothes, sitting in...

g0afsf5 in CNNmemes on 04 Aug 20 (2pts):

Yeah that is not true, through debates the politicians positions and flaws come out, so debates definitely add to the decision making process.

g0a77me in ShadowBan on 04 Aug 20 (1pts):

for posting this:...

g09e50p in DeclineIntoCensorship on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

dem dems are dum dums

g08napn in whatstheword on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

Back stabbing bitach

g08n5qr in quotes on 03 Aug 20 (3pts):

People tend to live either in the future or the past, they rarely just live the now

g08m1xg in PoliticalDiscussion on 03 Aug 20 (0pts):

Ilhan Omar is probably the least progressive given shes a mooslim, and she probably holds a lot of beliefs that are dumb followers aren't aware of. But its not that hard to fool stoopid ass...

g07x2yx in booksuggestions on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

Beyond Bitcoin by Hanna Hallaburda

g07x0lj in news on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

They should have used the real Kaepernick

g07uhz1 in todayilearned on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

Atleast they didnt fuck em

g07ufhc in news on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

Fuck they let another criminal out just cause they black. I guess BLM propaganda is working

g07ubmd in nottheonion on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

to be fair this pussy doesnt know its a drug smuggler

g07u8vv in business on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

wow people will literally buy anything

g07u2at in news on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

They should have put the real Kaepernick in and solved everyones problem.

g07tx60 in todayilearned on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

I guess he didnt fit the narrative so he had to go

g07tt3z in technews on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

By banning it and restricting it in the app stores and online.

g07tlhc in news on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

Shit was wayyy too sad, I couldnt watch

g07tin2 in DeclineIntoCensorship on 03 Aug 20 (2pts):

You're wasting your time, all these dumbass platforms are controlled from the back by the puppet masters, I randomly got my subreddit deleted without a trace because I was posting news on it. The...

g07ta3y in todayilearned on 03 Aug 20 (-5pts):

Yea its a known fact idiot, way to learn it now

g07t6ej in todayilearned on 03 Aug 20 (1pts):

North Korea, the land of the retarded midgets

g07rz5d in business on 03 Aug 20 (2pts):

what else did you expect from a honest monster

I am sure we are not alone.

Well, I would like to have a records of my memories regarding unexplainable situations.

Basically, my family is very spiritual, we have several practitioner of various religions and we don't pay too much attention, just don't mess around with other people and be civil, common sense.

My grandmother, an uncle an I have a special attraction for occultism. We have read about energy, after life reincarnation I am a yoga practitioner since 2015 and so on...and always try to find the most reasonable answer to every that could happen to me, except for some particular times:

1.- I don't have dreams very often, when I do they are super crazy (once I dreamt a friend of mine died from a weed overdose and some people were giving his family Bitcoins, lol) . But there is a dream I have it was like a premonition. I dreamt I was walking near my former highschool when I was about to get robbed by two guys, one with a white shirt, other with a red short and they were riding a grey motorcycle. I was saved by the director of my highschool and woke up. Since this kind of events are very common in my city I decided to leave my cards, cellphone an ID, just left my house with cash for the public transportation. I was walking with my mom when two armed boys with a white shirt, a red shirt ridding a grey bike robbed a girl in front of us, if she weren't there, It could be us.

2.- A friend of mine lived with her mom and grandma and I went a Sunday afternoon for a talk and some coffee. I came in, sat down on the table and we were having a regular Sunday conversation. Where I was sat, I was able to see the kitchen and I could clearly see her "grandma" cleaning the cups and put it them in their place, it was super normal, I could see her blond hair, her white shirt and the movement of the cups. Suddenly, a cup fell down to the floor and crashed. When this happened her actual grandmother came out her bedroom asking what happened. She was there all the time.

There were other small moments I cannot recall rn. But since then I am sure, completely sure there is more we can see. What is or could be? Who knows.

XRP Fractal Evokes Flashback of Crypto Bubble Bitcoin Outperformance (current BTC/USD price is $11,775.33)

Latest Bitcoin News:

XRP Fractal Evokes Flashback of Crypto Bubble Bitcoin Outperformance

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

Weekly Update: 5th Parachute League, Constellation + Splunk, Limit Orders on Voyager, SwitchDex update…– 12 Jun – 18 Jun'20

Sup folks! Continuing with our six-part catch up series to get up to date on the May and June news from Parachute and partners, here’s Part V of VI (12 Jun – 18 Jun'20):

Jason's #fridayprompt for this week got Parachuters to "look at a holiday or major event celebrated in your nation" and talk about "the significance, how it evolved and what happens during the event or holiday". Tiproom crew launched a video contest for the best tutorial on how Crypto Leagues works. The 5th Parachute League with a 100k $PAR prize pot was launched this week. Naj hosted a fun trivia in TTR for 10k $PAR in prizes. Peace Love’s “Big Trivia” this week was based on general knowledge. Congratulations to Babywolf for winning this week’s Parena and taking home a boatload of $PAR. Saweet! This week’s Two-for-Tuesday was themed on rock and metal bands. If you’ve been in Parachute for a while, you’ll know that Parachuters across the world love sharing pictures from their daily lives in the chat. Here are some snippets they shared this week:

What a welcome sight amidst all this gloom and doom indeed, LordHades! Location: Black Sea

Some glimpses from Alexis’ and Carlos’ aquariums

Dang! What a view. Pic credits: Chris

In Hydro educational content this week, the team published articles on what an E-Money License was and a guide to prepaid card regulations. Mastercard did a shoutout to the PaaS report which was released 2 weeks back. And congratulations for getting listed in the Top Fintech Startups of 2020 list compiled by Business Insider. Amazing achievement! SelfKey published a guide to crypto lending in the US and an article on the benefits of crypto lending. While Constellation hasn’t made a public announcement yet, it seems like they have entered into a partnership with tech giant Splunk. Pynk’s Head of Investor Relations Miguel Ortiz penned an article on how the current financial system is skewed. Wibson crew attended an online Techqueria event on privacy this week. The team will be presenting at the next event. A chapter on Wibson has been included in a newly released book by Springer Nature titled Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology Use Cases. If you missed the Harmony AMA with Binance this week, you can read the transcript here. 1k USD worth of $ONE were given away. Sweet! And what an amazing edit for Justin Bieber fans. Haha! The weekly PoW thread can be read here. Harmony has climbed to the second position in overall score on the Staking Rewards platform. The team sat down for an AMA with Trust this week. Click here to catch up. They appeared for another AMA with Sesameseed as well. The entire session can be re-watched here. Covalent featured the project in its latest podcast. $ONE got listed on Switchain. Sesameseed started a staking campaign to reward $ONE delegators. Folks new to Intellishare can get acquainted with the project from their latest article. As GET Protocol’s Q2 2020 token burn event comes closer, the community got down to guessing the burn amount for a crack at 250 $GET in prizes. GET Protocol’s ticketing platform GUTS Tickets announced that it will be ticketing Woodkid’s Amsterdam event in Jan 2021.

The Mycro Hunter landing page looks fresh in case you haven’t checked it out yet

Click here and here to track the latest AXPR burns. 2gether founder Salvador Casquero was invited to the First Movers show on Capital Radio where he spoke about how the platform is innovating in fintech during the pandemic. CEO Ramon Ferraz appeared for the Territory BTC podcast to talk about the market in general and the growth of 2gether. YouTuber Bitcoin Sin Fronteras posted a video on how easy it was to buy crypto on 2gether. Quinten Francois of the Young and Investing YouTube channel also did a detailed review of the app. In #XIOSocial discussions this week, Citizens pondered over the semantics and economics of the XIO dApp staking fees. BIrdchain crew published an article on how to grow a business with SMS messages. Bounty0x's Jordan Smith spoke at the Run for the Unicorns event hosted by Silica Nexus. Limit orders went live on Voyager this week based on community feedback. So the team opened up another survey to take inputs on new features. The latest version of SwitchDex and McAfeeDex went live this week. Fantom released a general update to cover all the recent news from the dev front. The release schedule of its DeFi suite, Fantom Finance, was published as well. Alpha Sigma Capital covered Uptrennd in its research coverage of in-focus projects. GDA Capital released an extensive report on the project too. Founder Jeff Kirdeikis sat down for an interview with Best Bitcoin Casino. The team is on a hiring spree in case you are looking for a gig. Click here to read the latest weekly update from District0x. Among the new items covered are dev updates to Meme Factory and other districts, ongoing Ethlance remake etc. COTI laid out its wallet strategy and how it aims to build adoption for Viper in a detailed post this week.

And with that, we have to close for this week in the Parachutesphere! See you again with another update. Cheerio!

Being told to set the network to testnet by lightningd

Console output:

nate@nates-server:~/.lightning$ lightningd lightningd: WARNING: default network changing in 2020: please set network=testnet in config! bcli: Could not connect to bitcoind using bitcoin-cli. Is bitcoind running? Make sure you have bitcoind running and that bitcoin-cli is able to connect to bitcoind. You can verify that your Bitcoin Core installation is ready for use by running: $ bitcoin-cli -testnet echo 'hello world' 2020-08-09T21:22:44.513Z INFO plugin-bcli: Killing plugin: Plugin exited before completing handshake. The Bitcoin backend died. nate@nates-server:~/.lightning$ 

I have checked and bitcoind is running. I followed the instructions on and used the tar.gz file to install Bitcoin Core. I am trying to follow this guide to set up a Lightning node. I have also checked that the initial block download has completed.

I don't want to run on the testnet, which is what I assume will happen if I change the bitcoin.conf file to set network=testnet, I want to run the node on the mainnet. How can I do this?

Links Trading Volume on Coinbase Surpasses That of Bitcoin (current BTC/USD price is $11,656.56)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Links Trading Volume on Coinbase Surpasses That of Bitcoin

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

Help selecting a new platform that has better features

I made a similar post in /r/investing, but it's probably more relevant here. If you recommend a platform and I make the switch to it, I'll Paypal/Venmo you $100 (or make a $100 donation to a reputable US-based charity of your choosing if you prefer not to send your email...bitcoin would probably work too if that's easy enough for me to set up). Scout's honor on whether I make the switch. (It may take a couple weeks for me to make a decision and potentially switch.)

I'm a part-time fundamental trader and primarily trade equities and options. I use e*Trade which is what I've always used because I fell into trading after being purely a long-term investor. There are a lot of limitations to e*Trade, and it's high time that I see if I can find a platform that's better for my style of trading. I'm wondering if anyone could recommend another broker that you've been pleased with that has some features that would be helpful for me. Basically, I'm looking for the ability to organize and track my positions more easily within the platform itself.

I primarily do my research outside of market hours and place orders to open positions that have one day to several month time horizons, so I don't need fancy real-time dashboards for playing super short-term movements (though it would be nice to see an order book when placing orders).

Below are the features that I'd like to have. I doubt any platform has all of these, but if one has several (and favorable fees), it'd help me a lot:

  • (Top Need) Allows for positions to be sorted into thematic folders and be able to see the current balance of each, and ideally the performance of each (but the balance is fine).
    • It'd be great if it allows a % of every position within a thematic folder to be sold with one bulk action, but this may be a stretch. (I park a lot of idle cash in newly IPO'ed SPACs, and if I need the cash for a large more active position, I have to manually sell a portion of each.)
      • It'd also be great if it's possible to set a sequence of events i.e. Sell X at market and buy Y at market.
  • Supports the input of custom note types for individual positions, as well as the convenient display of these notes (i.e. "Investment Thesis", "Anticipated Holding Period", "Number of Attached Warrants", etc) in columns alongside the statistics for the position. e*Trade allows notes, but it's not very visible.
  • Allows the set-up of some sort of warning message when going to sell a specific position (i.e. You asked me to remind you before selling: "Do not sell this unless it looks like Joe Biden is going to lose the election. Are you sure he's going to lose?")
  • Allows for both automated and custom reminders to be configured for individual positions (i.e. toggle on/off reminders for upcoming earnings call(s), product announcements, etc as well as custom reminders like "In 12 months, remind me to to assess whether Walmart+ is gaining traction. If not, sell half of this position."
  • Makes it easy to set both a stop-loss order and a limit sell order (so the position is sold if it crosses a lower / upper limit). There are positions that I'd only like to hold to a certain point. Currently, if I have a stop-loss order set for risk management as I do on several positions, I cannot also set a limit sell order to take profit at a certain level.
  • Allows for open orders to be programmed to cancel if certain criteria are met (i.e. I have a 60-day buy order in for call options on a certain stock that is under contract to be acquired for cash. If the stock price falls below a certain threshold, it almost certainly signals that the buyer somehow backed out. I would like to be able to have that options buy order automatically cancel if the stock falls below $X, or else someone would sell me the options and get free money before I have a chance to manually cancel.)

Bitcoin Halving and Ethereum 2.0 Bring Big Changes for Crypto Miners

Although over two months have passed since the halving happened on the Bitcoin network, the crypto mining industry is still heaving from the frantic pace of events that have followed suit. The rollercoaster of hash rates has left Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) prices soaring while provoking mixed feelings among crypto miners. The COVID-19 pandemic […]

Weekly /r/DesMoines Events Thread for the week of August 09, 2020

This thread is for any events going on in Des Moines this week! What events will you be attending? What events do you want to attend? What events do you want to promote? Whats new around Des Moines this week? Add a comment below.

Please provide the following when posting new events: - Time, Date, Location, Cost and some sort of description of the event.

New threads start every Sunday, and will be stickied at the top of the subreddit.

Here are some places to find things to do: Cityview's Calendar - Juice's Calendar - Des Moines Register Event Page - Catch Des Moines Calendar

If you have any recurring events, specials, or other suggestions for this weekly thread, please send us a modmail

Bar Map


Discord for Iowa/Des Moines 

Trivia Nights:

  • First Monday of the month is Mona's Pub Quiz at The Lift

  • Benchwarmers in Ankeny on Mondays

  • BeerStyles in WDM, Tuesdays 7-9 PM

  • Ridgemont in Windsor Heights Wednesdays 8-11

  • Wednesdays at Fireside Grille in Altoona -starts at 8

  • Trivia Thursdays at The Ingersoll Tap.

  • Tuesdays at Quinton's

  • Gas Lamp has triva on Tuesday

  • Tuesdays at Basement Bar at Des Moines Social Club

  • There's trivia at The Beer House in Urbandale on Wednesdays, 7pm. Also at F&O's on Fridays, 9pm

  • Tuesdays at Wellman's Ingersoll

  • Wellmans Pub on Ingersoll has trivia Tuesday night at 8

  • Trivia at Thunder Head in Ankeny every Tuesday

  • Trivia at the Keg Stand, Thursday nights (I think it starts at 8:30?)

    Drink Specials:

  • 2 for Tuesdays @ the Flying Moose every Tuesday all night (Also, 2 fers every day until 8pm)

  • Beechwood has 2 for 1 on tuesdays.

  • Quintons: Thursday Half off all drinks

  • Quarter beers at both Flying Moose and Mickey's Clive on Weds

  • Wednesday is geeks who drink at the red monk

  • Lift has $3 draws on Thursday

  • First Wednesday of every month there is a bottle share at 515 Brewing @ 6

    • Tuesdays they have trivia at The Hall in Valley Junction too. Starts at 7.
    • Smashpark in WDM has trivia at 7 and 8 on monday nights

    Weekly Open Mic night:

  • Gas Lamp now does karaoke on Tuesdays (with a live band for you to sing with!).

  • Tuesday night comedy open mic at Lefty's Live Music at 8pm.

  • open mic every Tuesday at Luckys at 8.

  • Friday night at the Beechwood is free stand-up comedy.

  • Acoustic music open mic at AJ's on East Court, Sundays at 4pm

  • Free Killer Queen at Up-Down every Thursday!

  • There is trivia at The Ducktail Lounge on Sunday’s.

  • Open Mic Thursday at Java Joe's Downtown at 7:30

    Other Ongoing Events:

  • Blues Jam Band every Tuesday at Carl's Place, $3 tallboys

  • Des Moines Bitcoin and Blockchain MeetUp at Gravitate in West Des Moines - 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month (eg Oct 25th) at 7:00pm

    If any of these are no longer current or you would like to add something, please ping /u/annarchist to update this thread otherwise I may miss it.

Facial Recognition Could Help to Stamp Out Bitcoin Social Media Scams (current BTC/USD price is $11,611.93)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Facial Recognition Could Help to Stamp Out Bitcoin Social Media Scams

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

One of the best MicroJob Site accepting Bitcoin

Hello all, Today I am gonna tell you about a Microjob site where you can do simple tasks and earn bitcoins. The website is really fantastic and legit. Pays a lot, has lots of tasks onboard and super support system. Also, minimum withdrawal is only 5$.

Here is the link website: If you're new to the website, here is a video guide on how to join it and start making money:

This is a great website and you all must join it!

Thank you!

Global Stocks in Bubble Territory — But Bitcoin Traders Arent Fazed (current BTC/USD price is $11,646.04)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Global Stocks in Bubble Territory — But Bitcoin Traders Arent Fazed

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Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

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You'll learn Bitcoin Trading from beginning for free | A step-by-step guide

Want To Learn Bitcoin Trading from beginning | A step-by-step guide for free

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Table of Contents

$11500 is the Bitcoin Level to Watch With BTCs Weekly Close (current BTC/USD price is $11,651.12)

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$11500 is the Bitcoin Level to Watch With BTCs Weekly Close

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The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

How to Trade Bitcoin ? Learn Bitcoin Trading? (Free Guide)

[OFFER] Get $20 worth of bitcoin with Blockfi + $20 from me

Blockfi is a cryptocurrency lending platform which is similar to Celsius Network. You can receive compound interest on your cryptos up to 8.6% APY which is larger than any bank I know of in the UK. They had a great offer going when I joined which was to deposit $200 worth of crypto to receive $100 worth of bitcoin but unfortunately that has come to an end now.

They are still offering a referral bonus of $20 when you deposit $500 worth of crypto into a Blockfi interest account, but in addition to that you can earn good interest on stable coins. I like keeping my stable coins in here and earning solid interest than my Lloyds account where my money is sitting there doing nothing.

Another cool thing about this referral program is after your fifth referral, you start earning double the amount of the original bonus. This means you start to get $20 worth of BTC for every referral you make to the platform.

In addition to that, I am also offering you an extra $20 for a simple hours work bringing your total to $40.

Step by Step Guide

  1. Comment $bid below and sign-up through this link for the bonus:
  2. Verify your account with your ID
  3. Deposit at least $500 worth of crypto into your BlockFi account. (The best way to approach this is to buy stablecoins on an exchange such as and deposit them. This is because they maintain value and don't fluctuate to the extent of Bitcoin or other cryptos.)
  4. You will receive the $20 bonus BTC shortly after holding your deposit in your interest account for 30 days.
  5. I will then pay you the extra $20.
  6. BlockFi allows one free crypto withdrawal per month and one free stablecoin withdrawal per month , so you can withdraw both the crypto you deposited and the Bitcoin bonus without paying any fees.

Terms and Conditions

  • 'The referee must maintain a $500+ balance in any type of crypto or stablecoin in their BIA (BlockFi Interest Account) for at least 30 days after initial deposit or the referee will be ineligible to receive the payment. After the 30 days have passed, both parties will receive their BTC bonus payment on the nearest Interest Payment Day.'
  • Complete terms:

9 Ways To Avoid Cryptocurrency Scams|Beware Of Bitcoin Scams (current BTC/USD price is $11,678.34)

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9 Ways To Avoid Cryptocurrency Scams|Beware Of Bitcoin Scams

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The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

Looking for a ride from Marysville / Arlington tomorrow b Sunday.... 2 and ideal world Blaine but will gladly accept Bellingham or Ferndale. Ideas to help compensate inside.

Okay thanks so much for cleaning on this and if you are heading up there tomorrow even considering for a moment take me with you. I'm average sized 30 year old Caucasian male I had proper hygiene down to earth. I'm totally fine keeping completely of myself and not saying a word I very much enjoy conversing with other people about just about anything. I believe myself to be very open-minded and welcoming other people in every sense of the word whether it be Greece religion size aesthetics intelligence gender.... We're all people we're all just trying to f****** make it girl trying to be a little bit better today than we were yesterdayis a daily struggle and we're all in it together. Anyway just one of the guys again I don't think I do take care of my hygiene I'm not going to yak your ear off about politics and have unbearing close minded opinions. I'm tired as f*** but what I'm trying to say is I'm really chill I really easy to talk to I can't imagine I'd bother you're the most easily bothered of people. Compensation.....1. I'll drive gladly the whole way and it is a reoccurring event I'll even drive back cuz I'll be needing to come back a few days down the road and if you are a person the similar boat and you want to watch Netflix free to book stare out the window play with your Johnson (just keep it away from me porfavor.. I don't care if that's a service for you that I can provide it gets me from point a to point b I would gladly except that exchange... I probably work out the money I'm beyond broke I don't have hardly any money to my name I won't know until tomorrow morning but I could have as little as actually nothing like that I can't give you a thing to five ten bucks for two maybe fifty to a hundred bucks if some things really really work out of my favorite tonight and I get really lucky and or some undeserved generosity.... I'll drive I'd be willing to wash your car clean it I'll detail it I don't have the funds to buy lunch but I can cook I am very good at cooking if you have things for me to use I will literally make you anything you want if I don't already know how to make it really well I'm confident I can look up how to make it get very close to nailing it with just a simple recipe on the internet. If this some sort of reasonable labor or job that you need done that I could do an exchange for the ride where to buy me I'm sure I'll probably do it I need to get there. I know this is going to sound real convenient from someone of my position but I wanted those people who will occasionally offer a complete stranger I just really really out of the blue over Lee generous favor and demand absolutely nothing exchange except that when the time comes and they have the opportunity to pass it on they do. I've had a lot of ups and downs in my short 30 years and I could have done a lot more but I certainly didn't do nothing and I've passed it on a lot a lot a lot and I I will keep doing that for as long as I live.. if you're generous enough to get me from point a to point b you asking me to pass it forward I can guarantee you with whatever you find the strongest guarantee to be a promise to swear on the Bible my mother's grave pinky promise swear on my children etc I will pass it forward multiple fold it when the opportunity presents itself. Unique skills I have I'm okay with wrenches I'm fairly strong so I can do a manual labor a faster more efficient rate than the average 30 year old but not by much I'm at this point I'd say like I've got like a 20% edge LOL. I'm very good with people I would consider myself an expert in communication and sales. I personally ran my own business commission only that's brought in over six figures for coming up on 7 years now and my over six figures I mean in a literal sense barely like I can say I make six figures in the sense that I grossed chest barely barely barely otter gay like my highest year was 102 k. Why am I so down on my luck that asking for a ride all right if I'm so good sales why did I only grows on or in 2K? At least maybe I'm generating some curiosity Samara Channing conversation. I had a rough childhood I'm lazy as f*** disgustingly lazy I put that said I broke my back snap my dick off worked my fingers to the Bone watch my organs to failure to succeed in my business I wanted to succeed and I wanted to quote a quote make it as much as I wanted my next breath of air specifically the next breath of air as you been underwater for minutes and you're contemplating whether or not you're ever going to make it to the top and at the last second when you literally give up holding your breath and you unintentionally gasp for air just out of pure luck happens to be the same moment your face brakes the waters Crest and you inhale a giant one full of air. I was going to succeed there was no ands or buts about it I wanted it more than anything and I told myself that and I reminded myself of that constantly and no one or nothing was going to stop me. That said it took me two years to build a business thatb what's in a red zone generating a hundred k a year without me lifting a finger no employees either all's I did was just dick off his way bunny play video games all day and that business last for a while but stops generating money after about six seven years if you don't do anything it's super easy to keep that money coming in but you got to do a little bit of work but I was so f****** lazy and so entitled that after doing all that work to build that business up I let it crumble almost to nothing I caught it by its last thread and I've been working hard to put it back together before I lose it all completely these last few months that again interesting conversation for a ride. The reason behind all the texts is to provide some context as to why someone broken pores me where have anything of value someone else who's trying to be an entrepreneur or be a salesman or both because they generally are both you kind of have to be and Rihanna goes with that. From sales in general to just talking to people I've also pretty introverted my whole life I don't like crowds I don't like parties I don't like lots of people that is not fun to me that sounds like a terrible time and I built a business that is literally designed around talking to people and being good at it I'm ridiculous my head is on backwards. .. so I can answer questions teach consult in anywhere that department to a fairly high professional level at sea I also know how to do a lot of internet marketing I know how to run I got to create manage run test implement and succeed with Facebook ads YouTube ads Google ads Bing ads I understand and can implement mail advertising generating leads through the mail I have much less experience but I fairly comfortable with the concept of radio and TV advertising and how to go about something like that. I have absolutely genius as arrogant as that sounds for the believe me I know I'm full of myself I'm not oblivious to that that said I have some really genius tactics for not only keeping clients long-term but generating referrals legitimate real referrals not that over salesy b******* where you go in and you f****** foursome to write down 20 names their friends and family and basically force their hand ram it down their throat or you're not going to leave it's not like that this selling today it's not like selling in 1990 and that's where a lot of confusion is the salesman of the 70s 80s and 90s are all retiring and they're trying to teach them coming generations how to cell and they're not completely lost it's not completely useless but it's a lot people are allowed savvier nowadays they're a lot more in tune to your b******* and people are going to pick up on insincerity and sales and especially if you're in a position that is known for being commission-based and being particularly scumbag e things that come to mind insurance sales car sales real estate does the big 3 you working any of those most people I'm going to start out thinking that you're a scumbag and you're going to have to prove to them that you might be a scumbag LOL but you're better scumbag than any of the other ones and if they're going to buy from and you scumbag you should be you. Anyway pretty close to slash and rant I'd be looking to go in the morning sometime you can message me on here you can email me or text me if you can think of some other way I can compensate you that's you know within reason I'm not going to be 12 hours of manual labor for a 50 minute car ride no thanks but I will go above and beyond what I'm asking in exchange for the ride I have no problem over conversating in exchange for that ride. PM me if you would number we can at least text or email back and forth I'll be up most of the night and I if you're not going until middle of the afternoon or the late-afternoon don't count me out because that may be my only option just because I wanted to go in the morning doesn't mean I'm going to get to go in the morning if I don't have a way to get there and you're still going in the afternoon don't count me out please hit me up because you may be the only person but I consider giving me a ride. Anyway I think that's one hell of a rant of unorganized f*** b******* this voice to text grammar spelling all totally f***** if any of you f****** off for me a ride I'll be amazed well be back up you offer me a ride you actually come through you don't chop me to pieces in the backwoods and you're not as crazy bonkers lunatics who drives me up the wall and I have a very patient to open my person as I mentioned previously very slow to judge and welcoming of every type of person. Anyway you made it this far thanks for reading if you can get me up there give me a ride I really appreciate it I don't even really want to bring this up but I know there's two buses that make that trip bolt bus and the other one is God sending my mind but it's the one that I've taken a lot the one that does the Mount Baker ski bus I can't remember what it is but you guys know what it is this with the airporter so the airporter and the bolt bus both make like trips like almost on the how early will the airporter does like literally almost on the hour or 24 hours a day oh and then both of us I think runs like 4-5 times a day and I think tickets for them are like 20 bucks or so I'm depending I know if I ask for a trip from Marysville tulalip area to Bellingham they'll give it to me for like 18 bucks but if I ask him to drive that big ass bus out of Birch Bay and they'll do it just for me really really buy tickets like 33 bucks which in all honesty is super super fair but I just can't believe I don't know I'm rambling at this point that does not matter at all. I'm not going to put it on here I really don't want to beg and I'm really hoping I can work something out afro ride but if any of you beautiful bastards wantagh house 40 cents my way dollar something everything counts and I can park in I love and maybe somebody else out throws until I can put some money together for a bus ticket but if you do you honestly want to do that and help I'm going to ask you to p.m. me and ask me for my I've got it all you know venmo zelle Google pay most crypto wallets Bitcoin eth,xmr... No it won't stop the ones that are going to say it but I already know I'm a piece of s*** and lazy and I would be in wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for around doing and if I have been more grateful or worked a little harder I would be fucking dying for help. Move you guys.

Recap on CoinEx & Avalanche AMA Aug 5, 2020

Written by SatoshisAngels

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On August 5th 2020, Satoshi’s Angels hosted an AMA for CoinEx on “How BCH and Avalanche Are Bringing Financial Freedom to 6 Billion People” on a Chinese platform Bihu. During the 100-minute event, Haipo Yang of ViaBTC and CoinEx, and Emin Gun Sirer of AVA Labs shared their in-depth views on such topics as different consensus mechanisms, community governance, IPFS, Defi. And Haipo explained why he wants to fork BCH. This is the full text.

You can check out the full AMA here (mostly in Chinese with some English translation).

Cindy Wang (Satoshi’s Angels): There are news saying that you are to fork BCH. Is it a marketing makeover? Are you serious about it?

Haipo Yang: It’s definitely not a marketing makeover. But the details are not decided yet.

Over the past three years, the BCH community has gone through multiple discussions from reducing block time, changing mining algorithms, adding smart contracts, etc. But none of these disputes have been well settled.

BCH is a big failure in terms of governance. A lack of good governance has made it fall in disorder. It is too decentralized to make progress.

You may know that the first BCH block was mined by ViaBTC. And we gave a lot of support to it indeed. But we didn’t dominate the fork. The Chinese community in particular thought I had a lot of influence, but it was not true.

I think the whole community is very dissatisfied with Bitcoin ABC, but it is difficult to replace them or change the status quo. So I am thinking of creating a new branch of BCH. The idea is still in early stage. I welcome anyone interested to participate and discuss it with me.

Wang: Professor Emin, what’s your attitude to fork? Do you think it’s a good timing to fork BCH?

Emin Gun Sirer: I am a big fan of BCH. It adheres to the original vision of Satoshi Nakamoto. I like the technical roadmap of BCH. But just like what Haipo mentioned, BCH lacks a good governance mechanism. There are always something that can cause BCH community to divide itself.

But I think it’s not enough to just have a good governance mechanism. There are many good proposals in the community but failed to be adopted in the end. I think BCH needs social leadership to encourage discussion when there are new proposals.

Wang: We are all curious to know How Avalanche got its name?

I know that Avalanche doesn’t mean well in Chinese. But in English, it’s a very powerful word. Avalanche represents a series of algorithms piling together like a mountain. When decisions slowly form, the ball (nodes in the network) on top of the mountain starts going down the hill on one side, and it gets bigger and bigger, and like an avalanche and it becomes unstoppable, making the transaction final.

Wang: Prof. Emin, I know that you are a big blocker. Have you ever considered implementing Avalanche based on BCH? Why create another chain?

Sirer: Of course I considered that. Satoshi Nakamoto consensus is wonderful, but the proof-of-work mechanism and Nakamoto consensus base protocols have some shortcomings, such as network latency, and it is hard to scale. Avalanche, instead, is totally different, and is the new biggest breakthrough in the past 45 years. It is flexible, fast, and scalable. I’d love to implement BCH on top of avalanche in the future, to make BCH even better by making 0-conf transactions much more secure.

Wang: As an old miner, why did CoinEx Chain choose to “abandon” POW, and turn to POS mechanism?

Haipo: Both POW and POS consensus algorithms have their own advantages. POW is not just a consensus algorithm, but also a more transparent and open distribution method of digital currency. Anyone can participate in it through mining.

POW is fairer. For a POS-based network, participants must have coins. For example, you need to invest ICO projects to obtain coins. But developers can get a lot of coins almost for free. In addition, POW is more open. Anyone can participate without holding tokens. For example, as long as you have a computer and mining rigs, you can participate in mining. Openness and fairness are two great features of POW. POS is more advanced, safe and efficient.

POS is jointly maintained by the token holders, and there is no problem of 51% attacks. Those who hold tokens are more inclined to protect the network than to destroy the network for their own interests. To disrupt the network, you need to buy at least two-thirds of the token, which is very difficult to achieve. And when you actually hold so many coins, it’s barely possible for you to destroy the network.

POW has the problem of 51% attack. For example, ETC just suffered the 51% attack on August 3. And the cost to do that is very low. It can be reorganized with only tens of thousands of dollars. This is also a defect of POW.

In addition, in terms of TPS and block speed, POS can achieve second-level speed and higher TPS. Therefore, CoinEx Chain chose POS because it can bring a faster transaction experience. This is very important for decentralized exchanges. Both POW and POS have their own advantages. It’s a matter of personal choice. When choosing a consensus mechanism, the choice must be made according to the characteristics of the specific project.

Wang: Ethereum is switching to ETH 2.0. If they succeed, do you think it will lead the next bull market?

Sirer: If Ethereum 2.0 can be realized, it must be a huge success.

But I doubt it can be launched anytime soon considering that it has been constantly delayed. And even if it comes out, I am not so sure if it will address the core scaling problem. And the main technology in Ethereum 2.0 is sharding. Sharding technology divides the Ethereum networks into small parallel groups, but I think what will happen is everyone wants to be in the same “shard” so the sharding advantages might not be realizable in Ethereum 2.0.

Avalanche supports Ethereum’s virtual machine, and Avalanche can realize 1 second level confirmation, while with sharding finalizing confirmation takes 5–6 seconds at best. Avalanche approach to make Ethereum scale is superior to Ethereum 2.0. There are many big players behind Ethereum 2.0, and I wish them success. But I believe that Avalanche will be the fastest and best Smart Contract platform in the crypto space, and it is compatible with Ethereum.

Wang: Why is Avalanche a real breakthrough?

Sirer: Avalanche is fundamentally different from previous consensus mechanisms. It’s very fast with TPS surpasses 6500, which is three times that of VISA. Six confirmations can be achieved in one second. Compared with the POW mechanism of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, Avalanche’s participation threshold is very low. It allows multiple virtual machines to be built on the Avalanche protocol.

Avalanche is not created to compete with Bitcoin or fiat currencies such as the US dollar and RMB. It’s not made to compete with Ethereum, which is defined as the “world’s computer”. Avalanche is positioned to be an asset issuance platform to tokenize assets in the real world.

Wang: How do you rank the importance of community, development, governance, and technology to a public chain?

Sirer: These four are like the legs of a table. Every foot is very important. The table cannot stand without strong support.

A good community needs to be open to welcome developers and people. Good governance is especially important, to figure out what users need and respect their voices. Development needs to be decentralized. Avalanche has developers all over the world. And it has big companies building on top of Avalanche.

Yang: From a long-term perspective, I think governance is the most important thing, which is the same as running a company.

In the long run, technology is not important. Blockchain technology is developed based on an open source softwares that are free to the community. Community is also not the most important factor.

I think the most important thing is governance. Decentralization is more about technical. For example, Bitcoin, through a decentralized network method, ensures the openness and transparency of data assets, and the data on the chain cannot be tampered with, ensuring that the total amount of coins has a fixed upper limit.

But at the governance level, all coins are centralized at some degree. For example, BCH developers can decide to modify the protocol. In a sense, it is the same as managing a company.

Historically, the reasons for the success and failure of companies all stem from bad governance. For example, Apple succeeded based on Steve Jobs’s charisma, leadership and the pursuit of user experience. When Jobs was kicked out, Apple suffered great losses. After Jobs returned, he made Apple great again.

Issues behind Bitmain is also about governance. Simply put, governance requires leaders who have a longer-term vision and are more capable of coordinating and balancing the resources and interests of all parties to lead the community.

In the blockchain world, many people focus on technology. In fact, technology is not enough to make great products. User experience is most important. Users don’t care about the blockchain technology itself, but more concerned about whether it is easy to use and whether it can solve my problem.

We need to figure out how to deliver a product like Apple. The pursuit of user experience is also governance in nature. And governance itself lies in the soul of key leaders in the community.

Realize tokenization of assets in.

Wang: Speaking of asset tokenization, I would like to ask Haipo, do you think the market for assets on the chain is big?

Yang: It must be very big. We need to see which assets can be tokenized.

Assets that can be tokenized are standardized assets, sush as currencies and securities.

  1. In terms of currency, Tether has issued over 10 billion U.S. dollars. Many people think that’s too much. But I think this market is underestimated. The market for stablecoins in the future must be hundreds of billions or even trillions, especially after the release of Facebook’s Libra. Even US dollar might be issued based on the blockchain in the future.

At present, the settlement of USD currency is through the SWIFT system. But the SWIFT system itself is only a clearing network, a messaging system, not a settlement network. It takes a long time for clearing and settlement, and it is not reliable. But both USDT and USDC can quickly realize cross-border transfers in seconds and realize asset delivery. Even sovereign currencies are likely to be issued on the blockchain. I believe RMB also has such a plan.

  1. Equity and securities markets are the largest market. But they have strict requirements for market access.

Whether a stock is listed on A-shares or in the American markets, it’s hard to obtain them. I believe that the blockchain can completely release the demand through decentralization. It can allow any tiny company or even a project to issue, circulate and finance a token.

There may be only tens of thousands of stocks currently traded globally. There are also tens of thousands of tokens in the crypto space. I believe that millions or more of assets will be traded and circulated in the future. This can only be realized through decentralized technology and organization.

The market for assets tokenization will be huge. And at present, the entire blockchain technology is still very primitive. Bitcoin and Ethereum only have a few or a dozen TPS, which is far from meeting market demand. This is why CoinEx is committed to building a decentralized Dex public chain.

Wang: Avalanche’s paper was first published on IPFS. What do you think of IPFS?

Sirer: I personally like IPFS very much. It is a decentralized storage solution.

Yang: There is no doubt that IPFS solves the problem of decentralized storage, and can be robust in the blockchain world, and can replace HPPT services. But there are still three problems:

  1. IPFS is not for ordinary users. Everybody needs BCH and BTC, but only developers need IPFS, which is a relatively niche market;

  2. IPFS is more expensive than traditional storage solutions, which further reduces its practicality. In order to achieve decentralization, more copies must be stored, and more hardware devices must be consumed. In the end, these costs will be on to users.

  3. There may be compliance issues. If you use IPFS to store sensitive information, such as info from WikiLeaks, it may end up threatening national security. I doubt that decentralized storage and decentralized public chains can survive under the joint pressure of global governments.

The IPFS project solves certain problems. But from the perspective of application prospects, I am pessimistic.

Wang: What do you think of Defi?

Yang: I want to talk about the concept first.

Broadly speaking, the entire blockchain industry is DeFi in nature. Blockchain is to realize the circulation of currency, equity, and asset value through decentralization.

So in a broad sense, blockchain itself is DeFi. In a narrow sense, DeFi is a financial agreement based on smart contracts. DeFi, through smart contracts, can build applications more flexibly. For example, before we could only use Bitcoin to transfer and pay. Now with smart contracts, flexible functions such as lending, exchange, mortgage , etc. are available. The entire blockchain industry is gradually evolving under the conditions of DeFi. DeFi will definitely get greater development in the future.

Sirer: I think Defi will definitely have a huge impact. DeFi is not only an innovation in the cryptocurrency field, but also an innovation in the financial field. Wall Street companies have stagnated for years with no innovation. Avalanche fits different DeFi needs, including performance and compliance. In the future, not only will Wall Street simply adopt DeFi, but DeFi will grow into a huge market that will eventually replace the traditional financial system.

Questions from the community:

1. How does Avalanche integrate with DeFi?

Sirer: At present, all DeFi applications on Avalanche have surpassed Ethereum. What can be achieved on Ethereum can be achieved on Avalanche with better user experience. We are currently connecting with popular DeFi projects such as Compound and MakerDao to add part of or all of their functions.

At present, Avalanche is working on decentralized exchange (DEX). The current DEXs are limited by speed and performance but when they are built on top of Avalanche it will be real-time and very fast.

2. How many developers does BCH have?

Yang: I think it does not matter how many developers there are. What matters is what should be developed. I watched Jobs’ video the other day, and it inspired me a lot. We are not piecing together technology to see what technology can do. It’s we figure out what we want first and then we use the technology we need.

The entire blockchain community worship developers. Such as they call Vitalik “V God”. It’s not necessary to treat developers as wizards. Developers are programmers, and I myself is also a programmer.

ViaBTC has a development team of over 100 people, including core members from Copernicus (a dev team formerly belonged to Bitmain). Technically we are very confident to build faster, stabler, and better user experience products.