Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What If You Bought $100 of Bitcoin 5 Years Ago?

💭 Imagine the Possibilities of Crypto


Ever wondered what would have happened if you had invested in Bitcoin a few years ago? It's a question many people ask, especially as they see Bitcoin's meteoric rise and its impact on the financial world.

In this article, we’ll explore the potential outcome of investing $100 in Bitcoin five years ago, examining its journey, the factors driving its growth, and what the future might hold.

The Rise of Bitcoin: A Brief History

The Genesis of Bitcoin

Bitcoin was introduced in 2009 by an anonymous figure known as Satoshi Nakamoto. As the first cryptocurrency, it promised a decentralized financial system where transactions are recorded on a public ledger called the blockchain. This revolutionary concept laid the foundation for the digital currency landscape we see today.

Major Milestones in Bitcoin’s Journey

From its inception, Bitcoin has hit several significant milestones. These include the first real-world Bitcoin transaction in 2010 (buying two pizzas for 10,000 BTC), the rise of Bitcoin exchanges, and its increasing acceptance by major companies and financial institutions. Each milestone has contributed to Bitcoin's growing legitimacy and value.

Bitcoin Price Evolution Over the Last 5 Years

Year-by-Year Price Analysis

Over the past five years, Bitcoin’s price has seen dramatic changes:

  • 2018: Bitcoin experienced a significant drop from its 2017 peak of nearly $20,000, stabilizing around $3,000 to $4,000 by the end of the year.
  • 2019: The price fluctuated between $3,000 and $12,000, showing signs of recovery and renewed interest.
  • 2020: Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Bitcoin surged from around $7,000 in January to over $29,000 by December.
  • 2021: This year saw unprecedented growth, with Bitcoin reaching an all-time high of over $64,000 in April before experiencing significant volatility.
  • 2022: The price remained volatile, influenced by global economic conditions, regulatory news, and market sentiment.

Key Events Influencing Bitcoin Prices

Several key events have influenced Bitcoin's price over the years. These include regulatory announcements, technological advancements, market adoption, macroeconomic trends, and significant investments by institutions. Each event has played a role in shaping Bitcoin's value trajectory.

The Value of $100 in Bitcoin 5 Years Ago

Calculating Bitcoin Investment Returns

Let's break it down. If you had invested $100 in Bitcoin five years ago, you would have bought Bitcoin at the average price of $6,000 (price in mid-2018). With $100, you would have approximately 0.0167 BTC. Fast forward to today, with Bitcoin's current value at around $30,000 (June 2024), your investment would be worth approximately $500. This represents a significant return on investment, highlighting Bitcoin's potential for substantial growth.

The Impact of Market Volatility

Bitcoin is known for its high volatility. This characteristic means that while the potential for high returns exists, so does the risk of significant losses. Investors need to be aware of the market's unpredictability and be prepared for sudden price swings.

Factors Contributing to Bitcoin’s Growth

Increased Institutional Adoption

One of the main drivers of Bitcoin's growth has been increased institutional adoption. Companies like Tesla, MicroStrategy, and various hedge funds have invested in Bitcoin, boosting its legitimacy and driving up demand.

Technological Advancements

Technological advancements in the blockchain space have also contributed to Bitcoin's growth. Improvements in security, scalability, and usability have made Bitcoin more attractive to a broader audience, further fueling its adoption and value.

Comparing Bitcoin to Traditional Investments

Bitcoin vs. Stock Market

Comparing Bitcoin to the stock market reveals some interesting contrasts. While traditional stocks offer relatively stable returns and are backed by tangible assets, Bitcoin's returns have been much higher, albeit with greater risk. Over the past five years, Bitcoin has outperformed many traditional stocks, making it an attractive option for high-risk, high-reward investors.

Bitcoin vs. Gold

Bitcoin is often referred to as "digital gold." While gold has been a traditional store of value for centuries, Bitcoin offers similar benefits with added advantages like ease of transfer and potential for higher returns. However, gold remains more stable compared to Bitcoin’s volatility.

Risks and Rewards of Investing in Bitcoin

High Volatility

The high volatility of Bitcoin is a double-edged sword. While it can lead to significant gains, it can also result in substantial losses. Investors must carefully consider their risk tolerance and investment strategy when dealing with Bitcoin.

Long-term Potential

Despite its volatility, many believe in Bitcoin's long-term potential. Its limited supply, increasing adoption, and role as a hedge against inflation make it an appealing investment for those willing to weather the short-term fluctuations.

Practical Implications of Early Bitcoin Investments

Real-life Success Stories

There are numerous success stories of early Bitcoin investors. For instance, individuals who invested in Bitcoin during its early years have seen life-changing returns. These stories have inspired many to consider investing in Bitcoin despite its risks.

Lessons from Early Adopters

Early adopters teach us valuable lessons about Bitcoin investing. Patience, a long-term perspective, and thorough research are key components of successful investing. Those who held onto their investments despite market turbulence have often reaped significant rewards.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Bitcoin

Predictions and Projections

Experts have varying predictions about Bitcoin's future. Some believe it will continue to rise, potentially reaching six figures, while others caution about potential regulatory hurdles and market corrections. However, the overall sentiment is that Bitcoin will remain a significant player in the financial world.

Potential Challenges

Bitcoin faces several challenges, including regulatory scrutiny, competition from other cryptocurrencies, and technological limitations. Addressing these challenges will be crucial for its sustained growth and adoption.


Investing $100 in Bitcoin five years ago could have resulted in substantial gains, highlighting the potential of this digital asset. While Bitcoin's volatility presents risks, its growth over the past years showcases its potential as a high-reward investment. As the world of cryptocurrencies continues to evolve, understanding the dynamics of Bitcoin and staying informed about market trends will be essential for making informed investment decisions.

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1. What was the price of Bitcoin five years ago?
The average price of Bitcoin five years ago, around mid-2018, was approximately $6,000.

2. How much would $100 invested in Bitcoin five years ago be worth today?
If you invested $100 in Bitcoin five years ago, it would be worth approximately $500 today, given the current price of Bitcoin is around $30,000.

3. Why is Bitcoin so volatile?
Bitcoin is volatile due to its relatively small market size, speculative trading, regulatory news, and macroeconomic factors. Its limited supply also contributes to price fluctuations.

4. Is Bitcoin a better investment than traditional stocks?
Bitcoin has shown higher returns compared to traditional stocks over the past five years, but it comes with higher risk. The best investment depends on individual risk tolerance and investment goals.

Analyzing the Current State of the Crypto Market (BTC, ETH, SOL) + Educational

Hello everyone! Today, we'll dive into the latest trends and strategies in the cryptocurrency market. This analysis is based on a recent YouTube stream where we discussed market movements, potential trades, and risk management. Let's get started!

General Market Overview

First, let's address the overall market sentiment. Bitcoin isn't currently our focus due to potential market fluctuations related to the Mt. Gox distribution. This event may lead to increased selling pressure, affecting Bitcoin's fundamentals for the month. As a result, we believe other cryptocurrencies might perform better in the short term.

Bitcoin Analysis

Despite not being heavily invested in Bitcoin, it's essential to keep an eye on potential buying zones. Here are the key levels to watch on the daily timeframe:

  1. Around $56,000
  2. Near the previous lows

If Bitcoin's price approaches these areas, consider taking a calculated risk, which, for us, ranges from 4% to 6% of the trading portfolio.

Trading Strategy and Risk Management

One crucial piece of advice for traders experiencing losses is to stop trading temporarily. If you're down significantly, it's often best to step away from the screen, engage in physical activity, or spend time with friends. This mental reset can prevent further emotional trading and potential losses.

When it comes to managing trades, I follow a simple rule: if the market activity is primarily physical (like physically watching charts), switch to a mental activity (like reading). This balance helps maintain clarity and avoid burnout.

Altcoin Focus: Ethereum (ETH) and Solana (SOL)

Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum hasn't shown strong bullish signs recently. We exited our positions around bearish retests, as the price action didn't confirm a trend change. It's crucial to differentiate between different trade setups, and currently, ETH hasn't provided a convincing buy signal.

Solana (SOL)

Solana, on the other hand, might offer some immediate trading opportunities. On lower timeframes (like the 4-hour chart), current price levels could be a good entry point. The recent sharp decline in Solana's price suggests a potential overreaction, which might be an opportunity for a bounce. Look for a target around $145, with a stop loss set below the recent lows to manage risk effectively.

Hedging and Spot Positions

Hedging spot positions with short trades can be a viable strategy. However, my approach is straightforward: if Bitcoin loses its weekly market structure, I plan to exit all positions. This simplicity helps in managing trades without overcomplicating the decision-making process.

Market Psychology and Patience

During slow market downturns, there's no set time frame to wait before looking for long positions. Instead, focus on market reactions, especially on lower timeframes, to gauge buying pressure. Look for candle patterns and wicks indicating buyers stepping in, which can signal a potential entry point.


The crypto market is currently in a state of flux, with Bitcoin facing potential selling pressure and altcoins showing mixed signals. It's essential to stay vigilant, manage risk, and avoid emotional trading. Always look for signs of buyer interest and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Stay tuned for more updates, and remember to keep your trading approach balanced and well-informed. Happy trading!

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Summary | 3 July 2024 | wow exciting day today!

Summary of 3 Jul Stream

Introduction and Technical Setup

  • The stream begins with the streamer testing the audio and video setup, ensuring everything is working correctly. They express excitement about the day, hinting at it being a very significant and exciting event for them.

Financial Discussion

  • Payment Methods: The streamer talks about using PayPal since Cash App is not common in the UK.
  • Financial Status:
    • They mention their desire to pay their mom £800 this month to reduce a significant debt.
    • They reflect on their financial losses, including losing £15K in stocks and nearly £20K in taxes.
    • The streamer currently has £8K in the stock market and a couple of hundred pounds in Bitcoin but no substantial savings.
    • They clarify previous statements about having £20K, explaining that this was two years ago before the financial losses.
    • There’s a discussion about their financial struggles, the losses they faced, and their efforts to manage money better despite setbacks.

Personal Life and Recent Events

  • Family and Guests:
    • The streamer talks about family and guests visiting, which kept them busy for almost a month due to wedding preparations.
    • They express relief that the hectic period is over and look forward to having more personal time and a normal routine.
    • They mention looking forward to simple pleasures like having dinner on the sofa rather than at a table with six people.
    • Their mom’s partner, David Gibson, had a fight and left home, which the streamer briefly mentions.
    • Discussion about their mom’s payment schedule and their hopes to contribute significantly despite financial challenges.
  • Livestreaming Plans:
    • They consider streaming every day, especially when Sunny returns to the UK, and making content together.

Gaming and Technology

  • Gaming Setup:
    • The streamer discusses their gaming setup, which is a laptop connected to a monitor.
    • They mention an interest in upgrading to a high-performance setup with components like Ryzen 77800 and RTX 4090.
  • Wi-Fi Extender:
    • Plans to install a Wi-Fi extender to boost the internet range, allowing streaming from different locations in the house.
  • Current Games:
    • They talk about playing Elden Ring, reaching level 275, and finding the game too easy after leveling up.
    • They express concerns about the lack of challenge in the game once the player becomes powerful.
  • Future Games:
    • Anticipation for GTA 6 but skepticism about its potential due to the repetitive American gang culture theme.
    • They prefer a game set in a different country, like Japan, for a change in narrative and setting.

Streaming Content and Audience Interaction

  • Clickbait and Content Creation:
    • Discussion on using clickbait titles to attract viewers and the challenges of keeping an audience engaged.
    • They reflect on the nature of their content, acknowledging some elements as jokes or staged for comedic effect.
  • Viewer Engagement:
    • Interaction with viewers about various topics, including financial advice, streaming plans, and content ideas.
    • They address misconceptions and clarify previous statements, emphasizing the importance of clear communication with their audience.
  • Personal Stories and Anecdotes:
    • Sharing personal stories, such as falsely accusing Irish travelers of trespassing, which turned out to be a misunderstanding with wedding guests.
    • Discussing past experiences with stocks and investments, reflecting on mistakes made and lessons learned.

Daily Life and Routine

  • Routine Adjustments:
    • Expressing relief at returning to a normal routine after a busy month.
    • Plans to make a bacon sandwich during the stream, adding a casual, relatable element to the content.
  • Weather and Mood:
    • The streamer comments on the gloomy, cold weather affecting their energy levels and plans for the day.
    • They mention family members’ experiences with weather in different locations, including Japan.

Relationship and Personal Reflections

  • Relationship Status:
    • The streamer talks about their relationship struggles, indicating ongoing issues and a lack of interest in resolving repeated conflicts.
    • They reflect on past actions, such as cheating and the subsequent divorce, and their approach to content creation post-divorce.
  • Personal Space and Career Focus:
    • Emphasis on the need for personal space and prioritizing career over relationship drama.
    • Mention of family members’ activities and plans to leave soon, indicating a return to a quieter household.

Future Plans and Goals

  • Career and Financial Goals:
    • The streamer outlines their plan to grind out videos and streams to pay off debt and save for a Tesla Model Y.
    • They discuss the idea of investing in solar panels and other sustainable energy solutions for long-term savings.
  • Travel and Experiences:
    • Reflecting on past travel experiences, including staying in expensive ryokans in Japan, and deciding not to pursue travel content due to poor return on investment.

Concluding Remarks

  • Final Thoughts:
    • The stream ends with the streamer summarizing their day’s plans and reflecting on recent events and future goals.
    • They interact with viewers, addressing questions and comments, and setting the stage for upcoming content and streams.

Self-Perception and Identity

  • Emotional Expression: The streamer exhibits a range of emotions, from excitement about the stream to frustration over financial and personal struggles. Their excitement at the beginning suggests a strong identification with their role as a content creator and the importance they place on their online persona.
  • Self-Disclosure: The streamer is open about their financial situation, relationship issues, and personal struggles. This level of self-disclosure can be seen as an attempt to connect with their audience on a deeper level, fostering a sense of intimacy and trust.

Financial Stress and Coping Mechanisms

  • Financial Anxiety: The detailed discussion of financial losses, debt, and the pressure to contribute to family expenses indicates significant financial stress. The streamer’s focus on paying off debt and their strategic plans for financial recovery reflect an attempt to regain control over their economic situation.
  • Coping Strategies: The streamer copes with financial stress by setting clear goals (e.g., paying off debt, saving for a Tesla) and discussing future plans for financial stability, such as investing in solar panels. This goal-oriented approach demonstrates a proactive coping mechanism aimed at mitigating financial anxiety.

Interpersonal Relationships

  • Family Dynamics: The streamer's interactions with family members, particularly their efforts to support their mother financially, suggest a sense of responsibility and obligation. The mention of a family member's partner leaving indicates potential family tension, which the streamer appears to navigate with a mix of resignation and acceptance.
  • Romantic Relationships: The streamer reflects on past relationship struggles, including a divorce and ongoing conflicts. They express a lack of interest in resolving repeated conflicts, indicating possible relationship fatigue or emotional detachment. This detachment might be a defense mechanism to protect themselves from further emotional distress.

Motivation and Goal Orientation

  • Career Ambitions: The streamer’s motivation to grind out videos and streams reflects a strong work ethic and commitment to their career. This dedication indicates intrinsic motivation driven by a desire for success and financial independence.
  • Future Planning: The streamer’s focus on long-term goals, such as saving for a Tesla and investing in sustainable energy, reveals a forward-thinking mindset. This planning suggests a strategic approach to life and a desire for stability and improvement.

Coping with Change and Routine

  • Adaptation to Change: The streamer discusses the impact of recent events, such as family visits and wedding preparations, on their routine. Their relief at returning to a normal routine highlights a preference for stability and predictability in daily life.
  • Routine and Comfort: The mention of simple pleasures, like having dinner on the sofa, suggests that the streamer finds comfort in familiar routines. This need for routine may serve as a grounding mechanism amidst the chaos of their public and personal life.

Social Interaction and Community Engagement

  • Audience Connection: The streamer’s frequent interaction with viewers, addressing their questions and comments, indicates a strong desire to build a community. This engagement suggests that the streamer values their audience’s input and sees them as an integral part of their content creation process.
  • Transparency: The streamer's efforts to clarify misconceptions and provide detailed explanations reflect a commitment to transparency and honesty. This approach helps in building a trustworthy relationship with their audience.

Emotional Resilience and Reflection

  • Handling Setbacks: The streamer demonstrates resilience in handling financial and personal setbacks. Their ability to reflect on past mistakes, such as financial losses and relationship issues, indicates a capacity for self-awareness and learning from experiences.
  • Optimism and Realism: While the streamer exhibits optimism about future plans and goals, they also maintain a realistic perspective on the challenges they face. This balance of optimism and realism can be a healthy approach to dealing with life’s uncertainties.

The stream provides a window into the human condition, particularly themes of resilience, vulnerability, and the quest for stability. The protagonist's candid admissions about financial losses and relationship troubles underscore a universal experience of failure and the effort to rebuild. Their reflections on relationships, including the breakdown of their marriage and ongoing issues with a current partner, delve into the complexities of human connections and the difficulties in maintaining them amidst personal and professional pressures.

The protagonist's commentary on various aspects of life, from the monotony of daily routines to the anticipation of future events, mirrors a broader human experience. They express a longing for normalcy after a busy period, a sentiment many can relate to. Their desire to focus on career and personal goals, while dealing with the emotional toll of relationship issues, highlights the multifaceted nature of human ambitions and the conflicts that arise when different areas of life intersect.