Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Fidelity Calls Bitcoin an Aspirational Store of Value and an Insurance Policy (current BTC/USD price is $11,041.94)

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[MODPOST] GlobalPowers Season XV End Of Season Awards - Awards Ceremony


Welcome, one and all, to the GlobalPowers Awards for Season XV. With the conclusion of the season and the voting period, it is now time to recognize the best, brightest and wackiest among us- here, on this night of nights, the night of the final results ceremony. Let’s get right into it, shall we?



In a marvelous showing, u/nikvelimirovic takes the crown as Best Overall Player for his excellent Russia-Union State gameplay this season; netting 70% of the vote in an excellent showing for Mother Russia and a heroic night for the Soyuzi and/or Soviet people. The runner up, u/dedpotatos, achieved a solid showing for her first season- netting 30% of the vote but unfortunately failing to win it.

Congratulations to u/nikvelimirovic!


With a clean sweep totalling 85% of the vote, u/bowsniper’s fantastic conflict resolution for the Second Korean War, “At the End of All Things”, wins the award for Best Overall Post— even if it’s caked in the dried blood of 1.4ish million dead virtual civilians. Remember, kids; success demands sacrifice. Runner up “Establishment of the Union State” by u/ThatOneEvelyn earned the remaining 15% of the vote.

Congratulations to u/bowsniper!


In a tight four-way race between several new players and also Shah, the community has decided that u/AmericanNewt8 is GP’s Most Entertaining Player- having earned 40% of the overall vote. It was a close race, however, with runners-up u/Computer__Genius, u/KomradeDmitri, and u/Isfahan-Arclight earning 35%, 20% and 5% of the vote respectively; proving how shitty first-past-the-post is for more serious contexts.

Congratulations to u/AmericanNewt8!


Demonstrating his colossal brain and his tremendous literary skills, u/bowsniper takes the Most Entertaining Post award for, again, “At the End of All Things”, the conflict resolution for the Second Korean War, netting 80% of the vote. Runner-up u/nikvelimirovic’s “Landau’s Legacy - Part IV”, in which the Union State steals the world’s free bitcoin, earned 20% of the vote- a very strong showing.

Congratulations to u/bowsniper!


u/AmericanNewt8’s excellent albeit quite ridiculous South Korea takes the award for Season XV’s Most Entertaining Nation, his ceaseless warmongering and eventual destruction earning him 40% of the overall vote in a tight race. Runners-up Canada (u/Computer__Genius) and Tunisia (u/TheIpleJonesion) both earned 20%, with Iran (a variety, including u/Isfahan-Arclight and u/Fulanka26) taking another 10% and plucky North Korea stealing the final 5%.

Congratulations to u/AmericanNewt8!


In the toughest round and most divided showing of the night, u/barrybee1234 just barely eeks out a win for Best Shitposter, his memery as the UK and Norway pushing him just above long-time favourite, ex-mod, and esteemed glue boy u/A_Wild_Ferrothorn. u/barrybee1234 earned 35% of the vote, with runners-up u/A_Wild_Ferrothorn, u/AmericanNewt8, u/BOT_MARX and u/nikvelimirovic earning 25%, 15%, 15% and 10% respectively. Tough break.

Congratulations to u/barrybee1234!


In a sharp contrast to Best Shitposter, there was really only one option for Best Roleplayer: the magnificent and esteemed u/peter_j_, who stole the title of largest economy from the US and 65% of the vote through his brilliant roleplay and his excellent China game. Runners-up u/nikvelimirovic and u/A_Wild_Ferrothorn (lmao) took 25% and 10% of the vote respectively, offering a good showing even if Peter won it in the end.

Congratulations to u/peter_j_!


u/artistique1’s Pakistan, the underdog of the subcontinental shitfest, came out on top by the end— earning the title of Most Improved Nation (with 85% of the vote) despite it’s neighbour and it’s continental buddies throwing the world economy down the shitter. Runner-up North Korea, by u/KomradeDmitri, earned the remaining 15%, probably due to it’s rival getting kicked back to the 50s like them. Oh well— what are you gonna do.

Congratulations to u/artistique1!


Given that mods are the only people who matter, the Best Mod award stands as the only award that matters; and Season XV’s Best Mod vote was one for the books. Here, two titans of GP duked it out, even if one did so only in spirit— u/Physics98; founder of r/GlobalPowers, restorer of the rightful rule of the mod team, near-deity and long-time legend stood in one corner, an ethereal Goliath to u/bowsniper’s new but dedicated David, who stood in the other. At the end of the day, though, there could be only one; and u/bowsniper took the title with an overwhelming 80% of the vote despite him really not deserving to do that well. u/Physics98, for his part, still nabbed a rock solid 20% of the share; his first and to-date only nomination winning him the laurels of runner-up 5~ years after he left GP.

Congratulations to u/bowsniper!


Surprising literally no one, the Second Korean War, brought on by u/AmericanNewt8’s now legendary conflict post, “Korean War 2”, stole the show as the Most Unrealistic Action That Didn’t Get Invalidated. u/AmericanNewt8’s excellent if strategically bankrupt post earned 40% of the vote, pushing it above the competitors in both another demonstration of how terrible FPTP is and another crushing defeat for players located anywhere but Asia. I can’t be asked to list the runners up, but they didn’t earn more than 20% of the vote individually.

Congratulations to u/AmericanNewt8!


The Best Invalidation of the season, as determined by the community, was apparently easy to pick— the Invalidation of “South Korea Embraces Tradition: Grab As Much As Possible Before Cease-Fire” by u/AmericanNewt8 and u/bowsniper cleaned house with 50% of the overall vote, probably due to the over-effort put into what could’ve been a single click of the mouse and a one-word comment. Goddamnit. The runners-up, for their part, didn’t do half bad: u/barrybee1234, u/dedpotatos, and u/ThatOneEvelyn’s Invalidation of “Norway and Chile both bid $200,000,000…” earned 25%, u/WilliamKallio and u/bowsniper’s Invalidation of “Ugandan Hypersonic Missile ‘Victoria’ M-1337-69” earned 20%, and u/mfsmm and the Mod Team’s Invalidation of French Black Ops picked up the remaining 5% of the vote.

Congratulations to u/AmericanNewt8 and u/bowsniper!


In our first and only tie of the night, u/AmericanNewt8 and u/dedpotatos both win our award for the Best New Player— picking up 35% of the vote each for their excellent posts, strong albeit sometimes memey gameplay, general pleasantness and strong integration into the GP community as a whole. Welcome to GP, friends— hope you stick around for a while yet. Our runners up, u/Computer__Genius and u/barrybee1234, earned 20% and 10% of the remaining vote respectively, in a good showing for both. We hope you guys stick around too, among all the other new players not nominated.

Congratulations to u/AmericanNewt8 and u/dedpotatos!


The esteemed Player Who Adds The Most To The Community Award is often a close-fought, divisive matter— and this season was certainly no exception. As votes rolled it, the award repeatedly flipped between u/nikvelimirovic, u/Isfahan-Arclight and u/bowsniper before it pulled away in favour of the sole winner; u/bowsniper, who ended up netting a slight majority, totalling 55% of the total vote, by the end of the voting period. Runners-up u/nikvelimirovic, u/Isfahan-Arclight and u/peter_j_ all earned healthy vote proportions, for their part, winning 25%, 15% and 5% of the vote respectively. This result comes in spite of u/bowsniper barely playing this season, leading to much confusion among Awards Ceremony personnel.

Congratulations to u/bowsniper!


Our second to last award of the night, the Cutest Couple Award often features hilarious, esoteric, abstract pairings of man and post, concept and event, nation and player, among many others. This time, however, the award was passed to the straight shooting matchup of GP’s very own Romeo and Juliet; u/nikvelimirovic and u/ThatOneEvelyn, who, despite Nik’s continual aloofness, managed to pick up 50% of the total vote. Our lovebird runners-up included the very clever nomination Pain & Suffering, which picked up 25% of the vote, the marriage-sticking-together-for-the-kids that is u/Isfahan-Arclight & u/spummydue, which earned 15%, and the pairing of Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko, who are no doubt making out in the Kremlin as we speak, which stole the final 10%.

Congratulations to u/nikvelimirovic and u/ThatOneEvelyn!


And, last but not least, we reach the much maligned dumpster fire that is GP’s milwanking, which, despite being complained about by pretty much everyone, never seems to fully disappear. Funny how that works, right guys? The best of the worst this year comes in the form of the long-running Season XV meme, Quantum Radars, with u/Isfahan-Arclight and his “ATLA Quantum Initiatives” stealing the show as the Best Piece of Milwank/Techwank this season— just barely pulling out a win with 40% of the vote, compared to u/ThatOneEvelyn’s “Lider-class Destroyer”, which won 35% (goddamnit), and u/AmericanNewt8’s “Cheonan-class Corvette”, which won the remaining 25%.

Awards Tally


And thus, we round out the Awards Ceremony, and (arguably) with it Season XV. Thanks once again for the great season everybody; we hope you enjoyed your time with it and we hope you’ll stick around for Season XVI. See you at the next GlobalPowers Awards.

" Founder Threatens Ban & Permanent Fund Blacklist of 100 Users by Midnight London Time Tonight" Response from the founder

(Sorry that I post it here, the letters will be small, it would have been much better on, but it contains personal attacks on C. Edward Kelso and Shammah Chancellor, so I would have to ban me on for this post)

This is probably the most personal story I've ever published on the Internet on how your project will come back to haunt you and destroy your mind and your life.

CoinSpice should find enough "juicy" details here to humiliate me even further, I think they still could! I believe in their potential! Should I send you my nudes to post, CoinSpice, for you new article? (No, I'm not a girl, in case you're wondering)

Enjoy it if you like long reads. Warning: it contains quite a few jabs at some people.

So, you might have read this "piece" from afriendofsatoshi C. Edward Kelso Chief editor of CoinSpice

I'm really disappointed in CoinSpice. Anecdote from the past about them: my interview with them was terribly handled. I started the interview with them with "English is not my native language, so feel free to fix any errors you see in my answer", what did they write in CoinSpice? "We were able to determine that he is not a native English speaker" Seriously, "were able to determine", Sherlock?... why did you even need to publish that? To add a bit of a sensation? But this new piece from CoinSpice just breaks through the floor... I'm speechless... If you are ever offered to being interviewed by CoinSpice - run away! Save yourself!

What happened

28 July, 2020

An uneventful day on, people posting pictures of flowers, telling stories how they met their spouses, doing contests about who will sponsor whom, posting articles about teamwork and interviews with prominent Bitcoin Cash figures. Seriously, guys interviewed tons of Bitcoin Cash supporters (After the interview with CoinSpice I never gave anoter interview to anyone fearing it will be exactly unprofessional as CoinSpice - trying to get every little dirt the could dig out there)

micropresident (the guy who does not yet know he's going to, very professionally, like a normal stable developer he is, later go on to tell me "fuck") publishes a contest where he calls for memes that contain the following phrases: "Amaury the Socialist Dictator", "Marc De Mesel is Calvin Ayre Lite") promising up to 2 BCH in return (I believe, I didn't read his rules) for these memes.

Since a lot of users are from Philippines, Nigeria and other poor countries, where $300 is a lot of money (maybe something you will make in a year), people proceed to create these memes.

This goes directly against the rules of the site that everyone must agree before they sign up, directly violating the rule: "No name-calling, trash-talking, personal attacks or insults."

I log in to and notice the homepage full of low quality posts attacking Amaury, Marc, ABC, upvoted to no end, tons of boosted posts and Shammah giving $$ left and right for this stuff.

I publish 2 responses where I tell people to remove the memes that contain personal attacks or face a ban. and

Most of the people agreed and removed the offending memes and had no problem with it, many said they were sorry.

u/micropresident in a very professional manner proceeds to tell us to "fuck [ourselves]" and tells he's building a clone (non-moderated I presume). He also quotes us very calmly and professionally adding: "Complete bullshit" referring to rules of

CoinSpice proceeds to publish the "celebrity upskirt" kind of article " Founder Threatens Ban & Permanent Fund Blacklist of 100 Users by Midnight London Time Tonight". Emphasis mine, I just can't stand this kind of language... this is yellow press at best. It only lacks "Reason #2 will shock you!" in the title...

So, back to the story.

Why do we even have this rule?

Is it because I'm an egomaniac that hates people? Is it because I'm secretly funded by BSV? Is it because Marc de Mesel donated nearly $100,000 to the fund? Is it because I love censoring people?

No, no and no.

It's because I want Bitcoin Cash adoption. I frankly wanted Bitcoin adoption since 2013, alas, the tiny blocks and huge fees won't allow that. So I had to switch to Bitcoin Cash which kept Bitcoin idea going.

Do you have a friend that is not deep into cryptocurrency? Tell him/her to join the Crypto Twitter. They will look at it for five minutes and tell you: "Are you crazy? These people are constantly attacking and mocking each other. What if I do something wrong? Why are they doing it? Are they mentally ill? Is this really the money of the future?"

This will be his answer for nearly every site or platform that talks about cryptocurrency.

It's everywhere. But with Bitcoin Cash somehow it's very ingrained into the nature. I understand, Bitcoin Cash was attacked so often that it became a second nature of some people to attack everything they don't like.

Don't like Amaury? Let's attack him! Why? Don't care! I just don't like him!

Don't like Marc de Mesel? Let's attack him!

Don't like CSW and Calvin? - Let's attack them. - But why? They don't do anything bad to us now. - Wait, are you one of THEM? Let's attack or you'll be attacked! Fuck you, you and you and, fuck yeah! Attaccckkk!!!

This all seems totally crazy to a newcomer.

But what do we want to achieve with Getting newcomers to use Bitcoin Cash. Without the drama or craziness. Just some flower pictures.

Up until 28 July, 2020 this was the case. People were posting innocent pictures, got payments from the fund, tipped each other, sponsored each other, yelled at me for not getting paid enough.

Occasionally, we had some dissenters, like *****, who proceeded to tell spammers that they are "fucking cunts", got a warning for that, left forever, deleting all articles, returned, started attacking people again, got banned for that, started telling people on how stupid is because we didn't manually ban the spammers and wasted time programming software to detect them...

Ok, weird thing - she seems to recommend people to join now, which is confusing, so I removed her name.

Then there were people who wasted hours upon hours of my day by asking stupid questions, who got blocked (from me, not from

But mostly things were okay with (not with me though). We've got 12,000 users, very few incidents, the fund got a donation from Marc de Mesel for nearly $100,000 which will pay new users for a year or so. We gave away money to 5,700 people (for free)!

I want to stress one part here. Marc has donated (unconditionally) more than 97% of the fund. More than 30 times more than all of the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem combined donated.

Read that part again. Marc donated 30 times more than everyone else in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem combined! Unconditionally. I haven't received any condition about the donation use.

Marc even told us that he's willing to donate much more! Which we hastily declined, because is not profitable and it doesn't make sense to spend more than we would have gotten from ads if we were monetized. can't be living off donations forever. It's unsustanable. So we spend via the fund approximately what we would have gotten if was plastered with ads.

But again, 12,000 users of is 97% MarcDeMesel's achievement.

That's 12,000 users of Bitcoin Cash.

Isn't "adoption" what you wanted?

Yet, the guy who said "fuck!", all the while getting top payments from the fund, proceeds to create a contest about "Marc is Calvin Ayre Lite"...

Told that this is a personal attack, replies "Complete bullshit!" (exact quote)

Note: Marc is actually OK with memes about him and asked us directly to revert our policy to allow the [offensive] memes It wasn't Marc's initiative, it was mine.

And it wasn't only Marc who were being mocked.

I'll admit right here - I don't like Amaury's actions, I don't like IFP (and I listed my reasons), but I'll warn/ban anyone directly attacking him on read.csah (not his thoughts, but just him). Wanna discuss how Amaury's idea about DAA is bad? Feel free! Wanna call him an idiot? Welcome to ban'sville, population - you. Well, usually a warning, then a ban if you insist on doing that.

The same will go for CSW, Calvin or anyone anywhere.

Are you crazy? Did you just say you'll protect CSW and Calvin? We've got a BSV shill here! Attackkk!!!!

No, no and no. We have no funds from BSV (as far as I know, the fund is non-custodial and permissionless - anyone can donate and cancel at any time), I've never contacted Calvin or CSW and I've been attacked by BSV people on multiple occasions and was accused of being a BSV shill on multiple occasions (besides people telling me to "fuck [my project]").

One thing I figured early on is that if you allow people to do something, you need to apply that rule to everyone.

Otherwise, you are a hippocrite and you should hang your head in shame.

If you allow people to mock and denigrate Amaury, Marc, BSV, BTC supporters, that's the fine line that you'll have to keep later on, when BTC and BSV supporters come. How come you're allowing people to mock a BTC supporter, yet you protect a BCH supporter? That's dishonest.

So we will have to allow BTC and BSV supporters to mock us and denigrate us. Because that's the rule. You allowed it!

They will be right.

So if we allow people to attack other people (even if I don't like them), everybody would be entitled to attack everybody.

That's where you start your journey to becoming a Crypto Twitter, where you will be attacked for nothing, where a snowball will roll on you (it did on me, but thats another story), where people would start to stalk you and try to ruin your life, because you like the coin they don't like.

That's a place which normal people won't ever join.

Read it again: No adoption for you, no world money!

So, you either have "no censorship" (which is really moderation) or you have normal people. Choose one, choose wisely, you won't be able to change it later.

We chose "normal people".

The plan was working fine (almost) until the eventful post.

But I will not revert this policy. I hope I explained why.

Koush: But you allow worse crimes to happen on!

Ok, here's a yellow press sensation worthy of! Listen carefully! #1 will shock you!

I am... one guy.

Yes, is a one-man shitshow.

I'm the backend developer, I'm the frontend developer, I'm the system administrator, I'm the moderator, I'm the policy maker, I'm the one who replies to 100+ emails daily on, I'm the one getting up to 200 notifications per day on, I'm the one who writes articles, I'm the one who wakes up at night when a server fails, I'm the one who logged 1000 hours developing according to my IDE's time tracking plugin, I'm the one responsible for the bug that took your money, I'm the one who returned you your money, I'm the one fighting spam, I'm the one writing code to catch spammers, I'm

I'm the one responsible to keep 7,500 comments per day (that's one comment every 10 seconds, 24/7), 800 articles per day, 400 short posts per day clean. See the stats yourself, the damn thing is growing and growing...

It is an impossible task. But I do read every one of 100+ reports sent to me per day. And each one of them is a moral dilemma for me - what to do here. This guy has copied an article from the Internet, but edited it so that it looks like another article, what do I do here? Ok, this guy is posting non-sense - is that against rules? It's surely annoying, but doesn't violate the rules. What to do here? Now try this 100 times a day. This guy, Koush, I know, he's a good guy, but now he's attacking the only guy who really helped when no one else did? WTF do I do here?

That's why I'm always telling people to report anything that they see that violates rules. I can't be everywhere. I can't make the right decision every time too. I'm a regular fucking person. Two legs, two hands, one medium-sized brain.

Ok, to be honest, a few months ago I asked a developer friend to join me to help (paid with my own money, not using fund for that), so he helps some 10 hours per month. That helps, surely, not enough.

Though I'll still call we, as it is still a registered company.

BTW To be clear - I never got any money from the fund, but I spent more than $5,000 giving away. Here's a screenshot from an internal tool that I call "the random rewarder":

As you can see, I'm entitled to about $1.31 - $1.39 for today, but I get $0.00. That was always the case, because I strongly believe that I must give it to people of to attract new users.

I also gave away 100% of the funds that came to me as tips on

BTW Did you notice that on the screenshot the guy who said "Marc de Mesel is Calvin Ayre Lite" and "fuck" got the top payment from the fund, which is at the moment 97% funded by Marc de Mesel?

My friend, the developer, who joined me, told me a few days ago: "I read your history on, you sound progressively ..." "..depressive and passively aggressive," I ended his sentence, "I know."

Yes, I know. I'm pretty passive agressive already, because every day I met with demands from users. "Why am I not getting paid?" "I work for for 8 hours a day, why is my pay so low?" "I sent some money and now I have $0.01 less than I should?" "How do I get sponsors?" "I think this guy is cheating!" "Hey, our family of 20 people joined and it says that I have 19 colocated accounts on the same IP! That's not true!"

I loathe my morning, when I open my email and there's 50 new alerts from Sentry, there are 100+ emails from users demanding stuff from me, accusing me of being unfair, wrong, an idiot, telling me "fuck"!

etc.. etc.. etc.. daily grind.. I never experienced anything like that. I was always a lead developer or manager managing small teams of 5-10 people. Nothing close to this shit I experience now.

You get progressively less sensitive. You start to think that it's ok to just delete an email, since you can't reply to everyone. You can't research why someone of 12,000 people didn't get paid, since the algorithms are now so complex that you yourself will have to spend a week just researching one guy why he gets $0.10 instead of maybe $0.50... you have no idea who your users are. The project is out of your control. But you can't do anything, because it's not profitable enough to even cover the server costs, let alone hire additional programmer or a support guy.

Then one day you log and see the beautiful garden full of dog shit. Crappy memes. A guy telling you "fuck you, there's $25K for the clone of this!" Thank God Shammah didn't offer that $25K for my head...

You find this about the only guy who really helped with money and demanded nothing in return (not a single condition was made) being compared to a midget version of a guy who was in a FBI Top Wanted list!

Again, Marc says he's ok with this, I'm not! Whoever did this meme is an asshole, I don't have any other words for this human. (Yes, I would have been banned on for this alone. You can ban me here, I no longer care...)

You find yourself increasingly grumpy, angry towards those around you, your family, because everybody is angry at you in the Internet, people are demanding and people is attacking the only people you can trust (Roger, Marc)...

You think about your previous nice cozy job. You think about 5 recruiters sending you daily mails to just name the price to join their company. You realize that these 9 months you could have made maybe $100,000, maybe $200,000 sitting on your ass, managing 5-10 people like you always did.. Instead you spent 9 months, $5,000 in Bitcoin Cash, got grumpy and depressed.

You start to ponder why you do this and whether you should even continue.

That's your future, Mr. Shammah Chancellor!

That's the reality of running a social media platform with cryptocurrency.

I will be happy to see your platform, Mr. "fuck", grow and flourish, but I warn you - it's not going to cost you $25K, but much much more. It's going to eat you alive if you are mildly successful with it and you have a little bit of conscience.

You will be attacked, you will be spammed. People will tell you "fuck you!"

I honestly have no idea why you think you will fare better than or

What's your advantage? being censorship free, so that people can shit and pee on each other?

Then one day 9 months later, 12,000 users, $50,000 in tips later, a guy will come in and tell you "Fuck you, Shammah and your project! Fuck you! I'm building a clone for $5K of this shit of a platform!" You will look at the clock where it's 8pm, you will look at your inbox, where there's still 50 more people yelling at you.. you'll ponder why do you even do this...

That day you'll understand me, Mr. Chancellor. Or maybe not, I have no idea what kind of a human being you are. Maybe you're reading this and laughing madly: "poor pussy can't take a beating! boo-hoo! Get off the internet, you wuss!" Maybe that's your thoughts, I don't know. You certainly don't seem to care about other people's feelings dismissing them as "complete bullshit".

Well kept gardens die by pacifism is a wonderful read about this.

Somewhere in the vastness of the Internet, it is happening even now. It was once a well-kept garden of intelligent discussion, where knowledgeable and interested folk came, attracted by the high quality of speech they saw ongoing. But into this garden comes a fool, and the level of discussion drops a little—or more than a little, if the fool is very prolific in their posting. (It is worse if the fool is just articulate enough that the former inhabitants of the garden feel obliged to respond, and correct misapprehensions—for then the fool dominates conversations.)

Peace, and out.

P.S. I remind people that there's an ongoing fundraiser going for, so anyone agreeing with "fuck" policy of Mr. Chancellor should cancel their donations while there's still time. It's very easy to cancel. Don't give your money to idealistic fools like me.

P.P.S. I blocked u/afriendofsatoshi, so somebody please forward it to him so he can humiliate me further, only on! Subscribe now!

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, July 30, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Thursday, July 30, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

Rich Dad Poor Dad author suggests gold bulls load up on Bitcoin (current BTC/USD price is $11,124.41)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Rich Dad Poor Dad author suggests gold bulls load up on Bitcoin

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.


For Trading JULY 30th




Today’s market got off to a positive start and then gained all day. The FED announcement and the press conference had absolutely no effect on the market as did the House Judiciary cross examination of the CEOs of AAPL, AMZN, GOOGL, and FB. There was nothing new discussed as the congressional questioners got on their soapboxes to mug to the TV cameras. As is usually the case on Fed days, the market just drifted higher and when they got what was expected the market added on to the gains. We also had some economic numbers with pending home sales +16.6%, a lower trade deficit (70.6 vs. 75.3Bil), and a slight decline in mortgage applications. DJIA +160.29 (.61%), NASDAQ +140.85 (1.35%), S&P 500 +40 (1.24%), the Russell +30.87 (2.1%) and the DJ Transports +209 (2.16%). Market internals were positive with NYSE 4:1 and NAZ 2:1, with lighter volume in both. The DJIA was 19 up, 11 down with the biggest winners AAPL +49 and UNH +46 DPs and BA -35 DPs.

Our “open forum” on Discord, which allows me to interact with subscribers and others to allow direct questions and chart opinions on just about any stock, continues to grow with more participants every day. It is informative and allows me to share insights as the market is open and moving. The link is: and I will be there and active from before the open and all day. It’s a great place to share ideas and gain some insights, and we’ve grown to almost 3000 members. I also did this video over the weekend on a day-trade, (actually 2) that I made in AAPL on Friday. I think it’s highly informative as a guide to under what conditions these kind of trades in expiring options make sense. The link is Enjoy!!

Tonight’s closing comment video Today’s video on the UNG Trade:

SECTORS: The disgrace of what transpired with KODK should clearly be investigated. A stock whose avg daily volume is 100,000 trades 1.6MM and makes an announcement of major import and trades 260MM and then moves this dramatically deserves a look…A CLOSE LOOK! Then when it moves up 2000% and has to be halted repeatedly for volatility all day and trades in a range of $17.50 TO $60.00. Forget the political side where a major Republican donor is a director and owns 15% of KODK, this kind of action should be investigated. The lack of protection for investors is glaring! If I had bought even 1 of the KODK calls, the SEC would already have called me!!

FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN was HIGHER with TSN +1.27, BGS +.51, FLO +.05, CPB -.03, CAG +.34, MDLZ +.82, KHC +.64, CALM -.23, JJSF -1.31, SAFM +.66, HRL +.28, SJM +1.22, PPC -.39, KR -.12, PBJ $33.70 +.44 (1.3%).

BIOPHARMA was MIXED with BIIB -2.99, ABBV +.34, REGN +1.16, ISRG +16.10, GILD -.59, MYL +.86 (5.32% and we own the calls), TEVA +.32, VRTX +.20, BHC +.25, INCY -2.57, ICPT -.30, LABU -2.51, and IBB $137.00 -1.16 (.84%).

CANNABIS: was LOWER with TLRY -.54, CGC -.95, CRON -.25, GWPH +.45, ACB -.87, NBEV +.07, CURLF -.40, KERN +.35, and MJ $13.43 -.32 (2.33%).

DEFENSE: was HIGHER with LMT +.64, GD +.87, TXT +.07, NOC +2.33, BWTX +.22, TDY -.23, RTX -1.60, and ITA $160.27 -1.31 (.81%).

RETAIL: was HIGHER with M +.08, JWN +.10, KSS -.16, DDS +.51, WMT -.97, TGT +.11, TJX +.92, RL +1.33, UAA +.37, LULU +3.11, TPR +.36, CPRI +1.24, and XRT $47.84 +1.32 (2.84%).

FAANG and Big Cap: were HIGHER with GOOGL +23.55, AMZN +45.27, AAPL +7.74, FB +3.74, NFLX -3.51, NVDA +11.13, TSLA +25.51, BABA +4.33, BIDU +4.50, CMG +37.87, CAT +2.64, MSFT +2.03, BA -5.44, DIS -.53, and XLK $107.63 +2.02 (1.91%). PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THESE PRICES ARE LATE MARKET QUOTES AND DO NOT REPRESENT THE 4:00 CLOSES.

FINANCIALS were HIGHER with GS +1.18, JPM +2.28, BAC +.90, MS +.47, C +1.27, PNC +4.17, AIG +1.85, TRV +1.82, AXP +1.68, V +1.36, and XLF $24.49 +.48 (2%).

OIL, $41.27 +.23. Oil was lower in last night’s trading before we rallied in the morning. I mentioned in last night’s charts with comments section in the Weekly Strategies letter, that it is a toss-up for a move in either direction. The stocks were HIGHER with XLE $37.68 +.77 (2.09%).

GOLD $1,954.50 +10.10. It was a continuation rally and a new recovery high of $1,974.00. I have only the NEM August 65 / 70 spread on in the Gold market. The spread was put on at $1.30 and finished the day @ $2.47.

BITCOIN: closed $11,240 +205. After trading back to 8985 we rallied back to close – only $5. Since last week we have closed between 9200 – 92.85 every day with narrow ranges and today was a good start to move higher. A break over 10,000 still sends us higher. We added 350 shares of GBTC @ $10.02 to our position of 400 @ $8.06, bringing our average price to $8.97. GBTC closed $12.41 -.12 today.

Tomorrow is another day.


Add to your calendar Bitcoin Green (BITG) event: Halving - August 6, 2020

List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.





Cardano(ADA) Shelley Hardfork July 29, 2020
Enigma(ENG) AMA July 29, 2020
Enjin Coin(ENJ) AMA w/AlterVerse CEO July 29, 2020
BiblePay(BBP) Graviex Delisting July 29, 2020
Bitcoin Diamond(BCD) Halving July 29, 2020
Huobi Token(HT) AMA w/HuobiFutures July 29, 2020
BitTube(TUBE) Hardfork July 29, 2020
STASIS EURS(EURS) Live AMA July 29, 2020
Kava(KAVA) Crypto Pay Day July 29, 2020
PhoenixDAO(PHNX) PhoenixDAO AMA GemHunters July 29, 2020
NOIA Network(NOIA) Telegram AMA July 29, 2020
BitShares(BTS) Mainnet Upgrade July 30, 2020
ChainLink(LINK) ETH in the Enterprise July 30, 2020
ZenCash(ZEN) Weekly Insider #51 July 30, 2020
Stox(STX) CryptoZoom Arabia AMA July 30, 2020
BestChain(BEST) BEST Token Burn July 30, 2020
Elastos(ELA) 80% Token Burn July 30, 2020
Transcodium(TNS) TNS Burn Phase 5 July 30, 2020
BlockTrade(BTT) AMA w/BTT CEO July 30, 2020
Elrond(ERD) Mainnet Launch July 30, 2020
Aergo(AERGO) MTO Round 4 July 30, 2020
Harmony(ONE) June Newsletter July 30, 2020
CCUniverse(UVU) Explanation Video July 30, 2020
DEEX(DEEX) Stable Smart Coin on Deex July 30, 2020
ShareToken(SHR) AMA July 30, 2020
Livepeer(LPT) Community Call July 30, 2020
BOLT(BOLT) BOLT Vault #31 July 30, 2020
RESQ Chain(RESQ) Crex24 Delisting July 30, 2020



Skycoin(SKY) SCH Listing July 29, 2020
ZelaaPayAE(ZPAE) Probit Listing July 29, 2020
ADAMANT Messenger(ADM) ATOMARS Listing July 29, 2020
UCA Coin(UCA) LBank Listing July 29, 2020
BABB(BAX) Exchange Listing July 30, 2020
Energi(NRG) Indodax Listing July 30, 2020
NEXT.coin(NEXT) Exchange Listing July 30, 2020 Coin(CRO) Bittrex EURO Pair Listing July 30, 2020



Stox(STX) Blockstack Meetup July 29, 2020



StormX(STMX) New Partner Announcement July 29, 2020


Fork/Hard Forks

Zilliqa(ZIL) Town Hall July 30, 2020



List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.





Cardano(ADA) Shelley Hardfork July 29, 2020
Enigma(ENG) AMA July 29, 2020
Enjin Coin(ENJ) AMA w/AlterVerse CEO July 29, 2020
BiblePay(BBP) Graviex Delisting July 29, 2020
Bitcoin Diamond(BCD) Halving July 29, 2020
Huobi Token(HT) AMA w/HuobiFutures July 29, 2020
BitTube(TUBE) Hardfork July 29, 2020
STASIS EURS(EURS) Live AMA July 29, 2020
Kava(KAVA) Crypto Pay Day July 29, 2020
PhoenixDAO(PHNX) PhoenixDAO AMA GemHunters July 29, 2020
NOIA Network(NOIA) Telegram AMA July 29, 2020
BitShares(BTS) Mainnet Upgrade July 30, 2020
ChainLink(LINK) ETH in the Enterprise July 30, 2020
ZenCash(ZEN) Weekly Insider #51 July 30, 2020
Stox(STX) CryptoZoom Arabia AMA July 30, 2020
BestChain(BEST) BEST Token Burn July 30, 2020
Elastos(ELA) 80% Token Burn July 30, 2020
Transcodium(TNS) TNS Burn Phase 5 July 30, 2020
BlockTrade(BTT) AMA w/BTT CEO July 30, 2020
Elrond(ERD) Mainnet Launch July 30, 2020
Aergo(AERGO) MTO Round 4 July 30, 2020
Harmony(ONE) June Newsletter July 30, 2020
CCUniverse(UVU) Explanation Video July 30, 2020
DEEX(DEEX) Stable Smart Coin on Deex July 30, 2020
ShareToken(SHR) AMA July 30, 2020
Livepeer(LPT) Community Call July 30, 2020
BOLT(BOLT) BOLT Vault #31 July 30, 2020
RESQ Chain(RESQ) Crex24 Delisting July 30, 2020



Skycoin(SKY) SCH Listing July 29, 2020
ZelaaPayAE(ZPAE) Probit Listing July 29, 2020
ADAMANT Messenger(ADM) ATOMARS Listing July 29, 2020
UCA Coin(UCA) LBank Listing July 29, 2020
BABB(BAX) Exchange Listing July 30, 2020
Energi(NRG) Indodax Listing July 30, 2020
NEXT.coin(NEXT) Exchange Listing July 30, 2020 Coin(CRO) Bittrex EURO Pair Listing July 30, 2020



Stox(STX) Blockstack Meetup July 29, 2020



StormX(STMX) New Partner Announcement July 29, 2020


Fork/Hard Forks

Zilliqa(ZIL) Town Hall July 30, 2020



What do you give as paperwork when paying with bitcoin?

My shoes are on “clearance event” rn and I feel like DHL will call me soon if they can’t get in contact with the importer (in my case Monica) and idk what I would have to give. I asked Monica to send me declaration and “receipt” (I didn’t get a receipt from her idk if that’s normal) but she won’t answer yet since it’s not working hours for China yet. With paypal it’s easy to edit a paypal receipt but I’ve no idea about bitcoin payments. A bit scared rn

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Wallets Basic Guide | How To Choose a Wallet

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Wallets Basic Guide | How To Choose a Wallet

Binance Customer Care Number🏳️ 𝟭𝟴𝟰𝟰*𝟵𝟬𝟳*𝟬𝟱𝟴𝟯 🏳️ Binance Customer Care Number

Binance Customer Care Number🏳️ 𝟭𝟴𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟬𝟳𝟬𝟱𝟴𝟯 🏳️ Binance Customer Care Number

Binance support number 1844-907-0583 CEO Changpeng "CZ" Zhao really doesn't want to tell you where his firm's headquarters is located.

Binance support number 1844-907-0583 has loads of offices, he continued, with staff in 50 countries. It was a new type of organization that doesn't need registered bank accounts and postal addresses.

To kick off ConsenSys' Ethereal Summit on Thursday, Unchained Podcast host Laura Shin held a cozy fireside chat with Zhao who, to mark the occasion, was wearing a personalized football shirt emblazoned with the Binance support number 1844-907-0583 brand.

Scheduled for 45 minutes, Zhao spent most of it explaining how libra and China's digital yuan were unlikely to be competitors to existing stablecoin providers; how Binance support number 1844-907-0583's smart chain wouldn't tread on Ethereum's toes – "that depends on the definition of competing," he said – and how Binance support number 1844-907-0583 had an incentive to keep its newly acquired CoinMarketCap independent from the exchange.

There were only five minutes left on the clock. Zhao was looking confident; he had just batted away a thorny question about an ongoing lawsuit. It was looking like the home stretch.

Then it hit. Shin asked the one question Zhao really didn't want to have to answer, but many want to know: Where is Binance support number 1844-907-0583's headquarters?

This seemingly simple question is actually more complex. Until February, Binance support number 1844-907-0583 was considered to be based in Malta. That changed when the island European nation announced that, no, Binance support number 1844-907-0583 is not under its jurisdiction. Since then Binance support number 1844-907-0583 has not said just where, exactly, it is now headquartered.

Little wonder that when asked Zhao reddened; he stammered. He looked off-camera, possibly to an aide. "Well, I think what this is is the beauty of the blockchain, right, so you don't have to ... like where's the Bitcoin office, because Bitcoin doesn't have an office," he said.

The line trailed off, then inspiration hit. "What kind of horse is a car?" Zhao asked. "Wherever I sit, is going to be the Binance support number 1844-907-0583 office. Wherever I need somebody, is going to be the Binance support number 1844-907-0583 office," he said.

Zhao may have been hoping the host would move onto something easier. But Shin wasn't finished: "But even to do things like to handle, you know, taxes for your employees, like, I think you need a registered business entity, so like why are you obfuscating it, why not just be open about it like, you know, the headquarters is registered in this place, why not just say that?"

Zhao glanced away again, possibly at the person behind the camera. Their program had less than two minutes remaining. "It's not that we don't want to admit it, it's not that we want to obfuscate it or we want to kind of hide it. We're not hiding, we're in the open," he said.

Shin interjected: "What are you saying that you're already some kind of DAO [decentralized autonomous organization]? I mean what are you saying? Because it's not the old way [having a headquarters], it's actually the current way ... I actually don't know what you are or what you're claiming to be."

Zhao said Binance support number 1844-907-0583 isn't a traditional company, more a large team of people "that works together for a common goal." He added: "To be honest, if we classified as a DAO, then there's going to be a lot of debate about why we're not a DAO. So I don't want to go there, either."

"I mean nobody would call you guys a DAO," Shin said, likely disappointed that this wasn't the interview where Zhao made his big reveal.

Time was up. For an easy question to close, Shin asked where Zhao was working from during the coronavirus pandemic.

"I'm in Asia," Zhao said. The blank white wall behind him didn't provide any clues about where in Asia he might be. Shin asked if he could say which country – after all, it's the Earth's largest continent.

"I prefer not to disclose that. I think that's my own privacy," he cut in, ending the interview.

It was a provocative way to start the biggest cryptocurrency and blockchain event of the year.

In the opening session of Consensus: Distributed this week, Lawrence Summers was asked by my co-host Naomi Brockwell about protecting people’s privacy once currencies go digital. His answer: “I think the problems we have now with money involve too much privacy.”

President Clinton’s former Treasury secretary, now President Emeritus at Harvard, referenced the 500-euro note, which bore the nickname “The Bin Laden,” to argue the un-traceability of cash empowers wealthy criminals to finance themselves. “Of all the important freedoms,” he continued, “the ability to possess, transfer and do business with multi-million dollar sums of money anonymously seems to me to be one of the least important.” Summers ended the segment by saying that “if I have provoked others, I will have served my purpose.”

You’re reading Money Reimagined, a weekly look at the technological, economic and social events and trends that are redefining our relationship with money and transforming the global financial system. You can subscribe to this and all of CoinDesk’s newsletters here.

That he did. Among the more than 20,000 registered for the weeklong virtual experience was a large contingent of libertarian-minded folks who see state-backed monitoring of their money as an affront to their property rights.

But with due respect to a man who has had prodigious influence on international economic policymaking, it’s not wealthy bitcoiners for whom privacy matters. It matters for all humanity and, most importantly, for the poor.

Now, as the world grapples with how to collect and disseminate public health information in a way that both saves lives and preserves civil liberties, the principle of privacy deserves to be elevated in importance.

Just this week, the U.S. Senate voted to extend the 9/11-era Patriot Act and failed to pass a proposed amendment to prevent the Federal Bureau of Investigation from monitoring our online browsing without a warrant. Meanwhile, our heightened dependence on online social connections during COVID-19 isolation has further empowered a handful of internet platforms that are incorporating troves of our personal data into sophisticated predictive behavior models. This process of hidden control is happening right now, not in some future "Westworld"-like existence.

Digital currencies will only worsen this situation. If they are added to this comprehensive surveillance infrastructure, it could well spell the end of the civil liberties that underpin Western civilization.

Yes, freedom matters

Please don’t read this, Secretary Summers, as some privileged anti-taxation take or a self-interested what’s-mine-is-mine demand that “the government stay away from my money.”

Money is just the instrument here. What matters is whether our transactions, our exchanges of goods and services and the source of our economic and social value, should be monitored and manipulated by government and corporate owners of centralized databases. It’s why critics of China’s digital currency plans rightly worry about a “panopticon” and why, in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, there was an initial backlash against Facebook launching its libra currency.

Writers such as Shoshana Zuboff and Jared Lanier have passionately argued that our subservience to the hidden algorithms of what I like to call “GoogAzonBook” is diminishing our free will. Resisting that is important, not just to preserve the ideal of “the self” but also to protect the very functioning of society.

Markets, for one, are pointless without free will. In optimizing resource allocation, they presume autonomy among those who make up the market. Free will, which I’ll define as the ability to lawfully transact on my own terms without knowingly or unknowingly acting in someone else’s interests to my detriment, is a bedrock of market democracies. Without a sufficient right to privacy, it disintegrates – and in the digital age, that can happen very rapidly.

Also, as I’ve argued elsewhere, losing privacy undermines the fungibility of money. Each digital dollar should be substitutable for another. If our transactions carry a history and authorities can target specific notes or tokens for seizure because of their past involvement in illicit activity, then some dollars become less valuable than other dollars.

The excluded

But to fully comprehend the harm done by encroachments into financial privacy, look to the world’s poor.

An estimated 1.7 billion adults are denied a bank account because they can’t furnish the information that banks’ anti-money laundering (AML) officers need, either because their government’s identity infrastructure is untrusted or because of the danger to them of furnishing such information to kleptocratic regimes. Unable to let banks monitor them, they’re excluded from the global economy’s dominant payment and savings system – victims of a system that prioritizes surveillance over privacy.

Misplaced priorities also contribute to the “derisking” problem faced by Caribbean and Latin American countries, where investment inflows have slowed and financial costs have risen in the past decade. America’s gatekeeping correspondent banks, fearful of heavy fines like the one imposed on HSBC for its involvement in a money laundering scandal, have raised the bar on the kind of personal information that regional banks must obtain from their local clients.

And where’s the payoff? Despite this surveillance system, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that between $800 billion and $2 trillion, or 2%-5% of global gross domestic product, is laundered annually worldwide. The Panama Papers case shows how the rich and powerful easily use lawyers, shell companies, tax havens and transaction obfuscation to get around surveillance. The poor are just excluded from the system.

Caring about privacy

Solutions are coming that wouldn’t require abandoning law enforcement efforts. Self-sovereign identity models and zero-knowledge proofs, for example, grant control over data to the individuals who generate it, allowing them to provide sufficient proof of a clean record without revealing sensitive personal information. But such innovations aren’t getting nearly enough attention.

Few officials inside developed country regulatory agencies seem to acknowledge the cost of cutting off 1.7 billion poor from the financial system. Yet, their actions foster poverty and create fertile conditions for terrorism and drug-running, the very crimes they seek to contain. The reaction to evidence of persistent money laundering is nearly always to make bank secrecy laws even more demanding. Exhibit A: Europe’s new AML 5 directive.

To be sure, in the Consensus discussion that followed the Summers interview, it was pleasing to hear another former U.S. official take a more accommodative view of privacy. Former Commodities and Futures Trading Commission Chairman Christopher Giancarlo said that “getting the privacy balance right” is a “design imperative” for the digital dollar concept he is actively promoting.

But to hold both governments and corporations to account on that design, we need an aware, informed public that recognizes the risks of ceding their civil liberties to governments or to GoogAzonBook.

Let’s talk about this, people.

A missing asterisk

Control for all variables. At the end of the day, the dollar’s standing as the world’s reserve currency ultimately comes down to how much the rest of the world trusts the United States to continue its de facto leadership of the world economy. In the past, that assessment was based on how well the U.S. militarily or otherwise dealt with human- and state-led threats to international commerce such as Soviet expansionism or terrorism. But in the COVID-19 era only one thing matters: how well it is leading the fight against the pandemic.

So if you’ve already seen the charts below and you’re wondering what they’re doing in a newsletter about the battle for the future of money, that’s why. They were inspired by a staged White House lawn photo-op Tuesday, where President Trump was flanked by a huge banner that dealt quite literally with a question of American leadership. It read, “America Leads the World in Testing.” That’s a claim that’s technically correct, but one that surely demands a big red asterisk. When you’re the third-largest country by population – not to mention the richest – having the highest number of tests is not itself much of an achievement. The claim demands a per capita adjustment. Here’s how things look, first in absolute terms, then adjusted for tests per million inhabitants.

Binance support number 1844-907-0583 has frozen funds linked to Upbit’s prior $50 million data breach after the hackers tried to liquidate a part of the gains. In a recent tweet, Whale Alert warned Binance support number 1844-907-0583 that a transaction of 137 ETH (about $28,000) had moved from an address linked to the Upbit hacker group to its wallets.

Less than an hour after the transaction was flagged, Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance support number 1844-907-0583, announced that the exchange had frozen the funds. He also added that Binance support number 1844-907-0583 is getting in touch with Upbit to investigate the transaction. In November 2019, Upbit suffered an attack in which hackers stole 342,000 ETH, accounting for approximately $50 million. The hackers managed to take the funds by transferring the ETH from Upbit’s hot wallet to an anonymous crypto address.

[July 29, 2020] Weekly Electra Discussion Thread!

Welcome to the /r/Electra_Currency Weekly Discussion Thread

Current important posts

Thread Guidelines:

  • Be familiar with the subreddit rules..
  • Please be helpful and friendly.

Daily discussions will be used for:

  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post.
  • General discussion related to the week's events.

DeFi Awaits “Rude Awakening” as Bitcoin Rallies: Ex Goldman Partner (current BTC/USD price is $11,010.36)

Latest Bitcoin News:

DeFi Awaits “Rude Awakening” as Bitcoin Rallies: Ex Goldman Partner

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

[For Hire] Versatile experienced developer for web, desktop, mobile application, blockchain, game, using C++, Python, JavaScript, PHP, Java, C#, and more


  • 20 years professional programmer.
  • More than 12 years working in large global gaming companies.
  • Created several open source projects.
  • My personal website for more information.

I can do

  • Develop web front and back end using PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery, Bootstrap.
  • Tools and utilities development. Web scrappers, automation tools.
  • Develop applications, utility tools, games for desktop (Windows, Linux) and mobile.
  • Cryptocurrency and blockchain related technologies.
  • Programming mentor and consultant.

My portfolio, I created all these projects

  • eventpp library. It's a C++ library for event dispatcher and callback list.
  • eventpy and eventjs library. Python and JavaScript library for event dispatcher and callback list (sister libraries of eventpp).
  • cpgf library. It's a very complicated open source cross platform C++ library that adds reflection, serialization and script binding to standard C++.
  • Gincu library. It's an open source 2D cross platform game engine written in C++ and cpgf.
  • Jincu library. It's an open source 2D game engine and framework written in JavaScript ES6.
  • markdown utilities. It's a collection of Perl scripts to manipulate markdown files.
  • I developed my personal website and the blogging system on from scratch

My technology stack

  • Cross platform C++ (very experienced), Boost, Qt5, wxWidget, etc.
  • Python
  • PHP (Laravel), MySQL, JavaScript (jQuery, ES6, ReactJs), Bootstrap, Semantic UI
  • Java, C#
  • I can master any new technology quickly

My advantages

  • I'm reliable. I keep my promise. I do my best to finish your job.
  • I'm affordable. My price is lower than a Silicon Valley programmer in the US that's equally qualified.
  • I produce high quality result. I pursue high quality in both code and products.
  • I am very experienced and professional. I have been developing software and games since 2000 and have been learning C++ since 1995.

Payment methods

Paypal, Bitcoin (no altcoin please), TransferWise. 50% upfront, 50% after I finish the project and before I send you the final product/code. Negotiable.

Where am I

I work remotely. I live in Beijing, China, GMT+8. I'm native Chinese.

My fee and rate

I charge a fixed fee for each project.
My general fee is lower than a senior developer with my experience level in the US Bay Area, but also don't expect my fee is as low as a middle level developer from other low end freelancer sites.
Approximate fee for typical projects, in USD

  • Trivial - small projects: 3-4 figures
  • Small - medium projects: 4-5 figures
  • Medium - Large projects: 5 figures and more

The fee varies depending on the project type and the technology, and negotiable.

You get more than what you pay for

If you are looking for high quality development and don't want to waste your time and money, contact me, you will get very good results for your money.

To contact me, either PM me on Reddit, or contact me on my personal website

Bitcoin mining: popular software for managing the processes

The Bitcoin exchange rate faced a significant drop not a long time ago, so a lot of miners think that mining this coin is not as profitable as before. However, Bitcoin is stabilizing, so now is the time to start mining it again. And, definitely, it is better to do this with reliable and efficient software.

There are a lot of operating systems for managing Bitcoin mining, so making a final choice can be a rather complicated task. This guide is here to help you — it describes features, advantages and disadvantages of the most popular software.

Hive OS: an all-in-one solution

Hive OS is a highly secure and stable mining platform based on the Linux distribution of Ubuntu. Besides, you will have no difficulties with its installation, setup and use. However, if you have any questions, you can always get in touch with the support team. The support is provided 24/7, so you will get help very quickly. There is also an extensive knowledge base that you can use.

Hive OS significantly simplifies even large farms’ management. A lot of things can be automated. For instance, automatic control of the fans, execution of commands according to the schedule, etc. Apart from this, switching between pools, wallets or coins takes only a second. The list of miners is updated regularly, just like the list of features — the Hive OS team is constantly working on the system considering the needs of the community. With Hive OS it is also possible to control the workers remotely.

Hive OS allows mining Bitcoin on ASICs and GPU rigs, offers its own pool and custom firmware for ASICs. It is an all-in-one solution that you can use in order to make the management process simpler and increase your profits.

СGMiner: suitable for experienced owners of AMD cards

CGMiner is an open-source miner focused specifically on mining Bitcoin (although some other coins can also be mined here). It supports GPU, ASIC and CPU mining, and is available for the following platforms: Windows, Linux and OS X. While using all the traditional features (for instance, overclocking) you won’t have to pay a dev fee.

However, this miner is not that suitable for inexperienced users — you at least need to have some knowledge of GitHub. Another thing to keep in mind is that CGMiner doesn’t work well with Nvidia cards.

Cudo Miner: a nice option for beginners

Cudo Miner is a simple to use crypto mining platform. Remote management, monitoring and overclocking — these and other standard features are available. Cudo Miner also offers automated mining and auto coin switching. Besides, if necessary, you can create custom templates in order to increase performance of your devices.

On the other side, Cudo Miner doesn’t support ASICs. One more unpleasant thing is that the fees are based on the amount of cryptocurrency mined in the last 30 days, and they are pretty high. For example, for less than 0.005 BTC, the fee is 6.5%.

SimpleMining: the choice of GPU owners

SimpleMining is a mining OS platform supporting all modern Nvidia and AMD GPUs. Using it, you can take bulk actions on multiple devices. Standard features like overclocking and undervolting are available as well. Besides, there are a lot of miner programmes to choose from, but you can still add a custom miner if necessary. But please keep in mind that it is impossible to mix AMD and Nvidia in one rig.

Hashr8: for users who know everything about mining

Hashr8 is an operating system suitable both for ASICs and GPU rigs. The system also supports many pools and miners. You can monitor devices not only in the web interface, but also via the mobile application. Support is provided around the clock. Besides, Hashr8 can be used for free — this option is available to miners using up to 3 devices inclusive. At the same time, there are no other restrictions — free users can use all the functions of the system.

However, despite the above-mentioned benefits, Hashr8 also has some disadvantages. Firstly, you can contact the support team only using the form on the website or by email, so there is no chance for getting help instantly. The website also has no FAQ, so if you run into a problem, you are likely to have to solve it yourself. Secondly, Hashr8 is a rather unstable system, which can affect your income.

Awesome Miner: suitable for centralized mining management

Awesome Miner allows managing and monitoring the mining operations, and supports ASICs and GPU rigs (CPU mining is possible too). Using it, you can perform operations both on individual miners and the groups, and build templates for easier configuration. Note that Awesome Miner can be used for free, but on certain conditions: you can have up to 2 miners, while the list of available features is rather limited.

Awesome Miner runs only on Windows, but you can still connect it to mining software running on Linux. Apart from this, it can be difficult for a new user to understand how this solution works, as its interface is not that convenient and intuitive.

What Software to Choose?

Obviously, the final decision completely depends on your needs, but we recommend choosing a universal system that supports GPU rigs and ASICs. By doing this, you will have freedom of action. A similar recommendation can be applied to GPU rigs — if you prefer them, choose a system that works both with Nvidia and AMD cards.

Make your choice wisely, and have profitable Bitcoin mining!

Bitcoin mining: popular software for managing the processes

The Bitcoin exchange rate faced a significant drop not a long time ago, so a lot of miners think that mining this coin is not as profitable as before. However, Bitcoin is stabilizing, so now is the time to start mining it again. And, definitely, it is better to do this with reliable and efficient software.

There are a lot of operating systems for managing Bitcoin mining, so making a final choice can be a rather complicated task. This guide is here to help you — it describes features, advantages and disadvantages of the most popular software.

Hive OS: an all-in-one solution

Hive OS is a highly secure and stable mining platform based on the Linux distribution of Ubuntu. Besides, you will have no difficulties with its installation, setup and use. However, if you have any questions, you can always get in touch with the support team. The support is provided 24/7, so you will get help very quickly. There is also an extensive knowledge base that you can use.

Hive OS significantly simplifies even large farms’ management. A lot of things can be automated. For instance, automatic control of the fans, execution of commands according to the schedule, etc. Apart from this, switching between pools, wallets or coins takes only a second. The list of miners is updated regularly, just like the list of features — the Hive OS team is constantly working on the system considering the needs of the community. With Hive OS it is also possible to control the workers remotely.

Hive OS allows mining Bitcoin on ASICs and GPU rigs, offers its own pool and custom firmware for ASICs. It is an all-in-one solution that you can use in order to make the management process simpler and increase your profits.

СGMiner: suitable for experienced owners of AMD cards

CGMiner is an open-source miner focused specifically on mining Bitcoin (although some other coins can also be mined here). It supports GPU, ASIC and CPU mining, and is available for the following platforms: Windows, Linux and OS X. While using all the traditional features (for instance, overclocking) you won’t have to pay a dev fee.

However, this miner is not that suitable for inexperienced users — you at least need to have some knowledge of GitHub. Another thing to keep in mind is that CGMiner doesn’t work well with Nvidia cards.

Cudo Miner: a nice option for beginners

Cudo Miner is a simple to use crypto mining platform. Remote management, monitoring and overclocking — these and other standard features are available. Cudo Miner also offers automated mining and auto coin switching. Besides, if necessary, you can create custom templates in order to increase performance of your devices.

On the other side, Cudo Miner doesn’t support ASICs. One more unpleasant thing is that the fees are based on the amount of cryptocurrency mined in the last 30 days, and they are pretty high. For example, for less than 0.005 BTC, the fee is 6.5%.

SimpleMining: the choice of GPU owners

SimpleMining is a mining OS platform supporting all modern Nvidia and AMD GPUs. Using it, you can take bulk actions on multiple devices. Standard features like overclocking and undervolting are available as well. Besides, there are a lot of miner programmes to choose from, but you can still add a custom miner if necessary. But please keep in mind that it is impossible to mix AMD and Nvidia in one rig.

Hashr8: for users who know everything about mining

Hashr8 is an operating system suitable both for ASICs and GPU rigs. The system also supports many pools and miners. You can monitor devices not only in the web interface, but also via the mobile application. Support is provided around the clock. Besides, Hashr8 can be used for free — this option is available to miners using up to 3 devices inclusive. At the same time, there are no other restrictions — free users can use all the functions of the system.

However, despite the above-mentioned benefits, Hashr8 also has some disadvantages. Firstly, you can contact the support team only using the form on the website or by email, so there is no chance for getting help instantly. The website also has no FAQ, so if you run into a problem, you are likely to have to solve it yourself. Secondly, Hashr8 is a rather unstable system, which can affect your income.

Awesome Miner: suitable for centralized mining management

Awesome Miner allows managing and monitoring the mining operations, and supports ASICs and GPU rigs (CPU mining is possible too). Using it, you can perform operations both on individual miners and the groups, and build templates for easier configuration. Note that Awesome Miner can be used for free, but on certain conditions: you can have up to 2 miners, while the list of available features is rather limited.

Awesome Miner runs only on Windows, but you can still connect it to mining software running on Linux. Apart from this, it can be difficult for a new user to understand how this solution works, as its interface is not that convenient and intuitive.

What Software to Choose?

Obviously, the final decision completely depends on your needs, but we recommend choosing a universal system that supports GPU rigs and ASICs. By doing this, you will have freedom of action. A similar recommendation can be applied to GPU rigs — if you prefer them, choose a system that works both with Nvidia and AMD cards.

Make your choice wisely, and have profitable Bitcoin mining!