Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Hello everyone! This is my New World Model.

The model is sharing and understanding.

Bit of background:-

Throughout my life I have suffered with Mental Health problems, depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety. I have battled out of that now and I am extremely passionate to share my story of discovery in order to help everyone else that is suffering around the world.

During this mad COVID-19 lockdown a lot of people are slipping into a very dark place. A place of poverty and desperation. And it is out of the people's control. I have had an idea to regain control.

These thoughts and ideas started coming into my head about why we are suffering and I felt I HAD to write them down. Just to clarify I have been progressively getting these thoughts as my mental health declined. Am I losing it? Or is that just poor attitude and wrongly implemented judgement that came to that conclusion?

It is a long read but please finish it and share it as quickly as possible. Thank you. Oh yeah and don't judge as these are my RAW thoughts in text form based upon what has been happening throughout history- NOT any finalized set-in-stone idea. I just want to open the discussion up. People will say it can never work. It can if we do it properly. We already know our current system is not working so what's the risk?

*DRAFT no. 1*

Indiscriminate resource sharing world-wide.

Helping others is the priority for everyone not making imaginary monetary profit.

People's individual or collective time and energy as currency. An aeroplane needs to get build. We as a species of capable animals allow the team of people to build the aeroplane for us to travel whilst supplying childcare, food and water for free of course. We the people have the ability to solve world wide problems. We just need world wide solutions in order to do so. Abolishment of these false currencies we created which encourages greed exploitation and ignorance to the famine and struggle going on worldwide. This is the first step we MUST take if we want to survive as a species in my opinion. Yes we could colonize the milky way but if we take money with us as an idea ultimately we'll destroy every planet we step foot on through industrialisation and pollution. Until the last planet wipes us out with a fancy new mars virus😂👀

Give people comfort and they will thrive. Give them money and they turn bad. Their priorities and intentions get reversed and the compassion of mankind dies as people are scared to let go of their imaginary money. The priority for everyone becomes greed. Hoarding money as a reserve so that only YOU can live comfortably. At the expense of every starving person world wide.

When a man has no food, water or shelter worries he can properly focus on what actually matters. Helping others by sharing resources with neighbour's in need or giving up your time here to build a hut for someone who is homeless and without a hut. Not because you will gain physical items as a reward but because you will get a spiritual reward. Happiness, empathy, compassion and gratitude. The real rewards in this life not some backwards idea about an imaginary piece of paper that everyone is chasing yet no one is happy to be doing so.

We didn't get so far by inventing monetary incentives for people. The incentives were already there. Love thy neighbour. That's the model that worked. The only sustainable one.

"Give us the teachings of his majesty, for we don't want no devil philosophy" - Bob Marley. in the form of offerings. What you had to offer to your neighbour and vice versa. And that's the model we need to return to -to progress positively. I think this is what most religions are about. The kind people who wrote religious texts soon realised that people will be born that will stray from the ideas of religious books and this brought much death and destruction to the innocent people. To protect the innocent - religion alone would not be enough so they decided that the only way to righteousness for the heathen was to leave this world and come back as another being in order to learn the proper way to live from the teachings of his kind father in order to lead a proper life as it was intended.

I think this may be where human sacrifice came from. The people who did not choose to follow the truth in the forms of religious text were sacrificed to the 'gods' or creators of life as the ancient societies battled to contain the human-caused destruction of the land and animals.

However in doing so we became the greedy murderous people we strived to avoid for centuries.

This is not the correct model we should have been living by. That is the model of tyranny. Forcing people to believe the light exists instead of showing them the light. Light=kindness

Forgiveness and resource sharing is the only sustainable model I can think of.

Your dog loves you because you give him what he needs to be able to live as a dog. Jesus tried to give the people what they need to thrive as men and was crucified for it.

Jesus was not reincarnated. But another man with the same ideas was born from this earth. With the same message of unity. Did Jesus come back from the dead or just the idea behind Jesus's teachings? Maybe they had a similar appearance. Maybe they even had the same name.

But they were not the same "person" as they were born of different mothers.

The idea of unity was the thing that was really resurrected, not a man.

If the true nature of this earth is such that good men are born and so are bad men then we need acknowledge it and accept it and try to show people the reasons behind WHY they should behave a certain way. Never should be for personal gain.

If there were two men born into the world and two plates of food. What right does one man have to the food? He has every right to it. But when he chooses to take the food and his companion dies of starvation. Only then will he realise just how dark and lonely the world is without using HIS OWN compassion.

I will not force you to believe and follow what I am saying. But I will leave you to figure it out for yourself. Whether that's tomorrow or in 10,000 years. Whenever we all start owning our mistakes we have been making as a species and not prosecuting for mistakes made but showing people why their wrong and letting them decide for themselves.

Whether Bob Marley died as nature intended or was killed by powerful men in order to prevent a mass awakening of spirituality is another debate.

This is what the bible was made for.

This is Jesus's message

It is only that way because we are afraid of leaving this world. Afraid of death. Death isn't the enemy. Its the reason we all are here in the first place. The whole world political system is based on fear of death. We need to rid of this to prosper as a species.s made but showing people why their wrong and letting them decide for themselves.

The big question to you is. What are YOU going to do?

World leaders have assassinated people that are a threat to their country's economy and their stash of imaginary money. This has gone on for centuries.

The above model does not pose a threat to the inferior monetary system but replaces it entirely. In return we all get happiness and gratitude. There still may be resource issues. But we will overcome them as a collective righteous world society. The old will starve to death in order for the young to grow and prosper. They should be allowed to Switzerland themselves off this planet to free up resources for their children. This should not be illegal when it is necessary. When one cant survive without stealing the resources from the younger generation. At the moment it is the other way around. The greedy old generation of yesteryear is taking from the young, and it is destroying us all.

It is only that way because we are afraid of leaving this world. Afraid of death. Death isn't the enemy. Its the reason we all are here in the first place. The whole world political system is based on fear of death. We need to rid of this to prosper as a species.

Do not post until humanity is really threatened. Otherwise the people in power will ignore. Ignorance is bliss after all.

Ignorance from spirituality is the opposite of bliss. Fear, anxiety, depression, misused aggression.

We misunderstood religion. Misunderstood religious sacrificial killings of humans and animals. Because of that there has been worldwide spread of spiritual devaluation.

They were sacrificing to protect their own children. They did not want to kill the snake. But the snake was biting the children so was killed by the villagers to protect the young. The snake still has every right to keep it's young safe. That's why he bites the human. The human has the right to keep his young safe, that's why he kills the snake, lion, man. And that is why war is happening. People's inert desire to care for their young means they are willing to die in war for their young to prosper. We shouldn't be at war with ourselves, but with nature.

When the storms come we round up and shield each other. When the hungry lion comes we acknowledge he needs to feed his family and before feeding the lion we must seek to protect human beings first. Animal sacrifice was just animal population control. As the will to live is strong for the Lion he will look to take food off the man. But he will only do that when man stops offering him the food in return for NOTHING. When this happens the lion kills out of starvation and the will to live. You see we are taking food off eachother, taking our resources off one another simply because of our will to live and to allow our young to prosper. In the process we are causing other humans to suffer.

To mitigate this as much as possible we need to suppress the idea of greed and selfishness and only act in kindness to our self and then our young. No one else. Once this is accomplished by all there will be true world peace. Warfare will cease to exist and people will be willing to share time energy and resources for the good of humankind. Not animalkind. We can make a start on animals once we have sorted ourselves out first! But we can't start at animal or we will forget ourselves. Warfare will cease to exist anymore and we will be truly free to prosper. Warfare whether nuclear or biological is used by the richest in order to hoard resources for their future young to prosper.

The common man has no need for war.

Only the wealthy.

We need to use food oil coal electricity gas whatever as currency because that is fundamentally what the citizens need. Not paper from a tree.

This is what will happen everywhere eventually. No matter how long it takes.

So from now on I pledge to do what's right by me, then my family, then my children (if i have any) and then the rest of my human brothers and sisters. Not for anyone else but because this is how i have decided to start living my life. From doing so I will prosper just like Karma said I would. You can prosper too, and so can your children and your children's children. But only when we change can we prosper onwards.

The break from the system we are currently experiencing in the form of Coronavirus COVID-19 is equal to the 40 days and 40 nights story. Jesus breaks away from the societal system and fasts or whatever. Which allows him to reconnect and rediscover what is really important to the human life. I think that's religion basically.hat is dictatorship.

That is the wrong model.

The model was designed and enforced by certain powerful groups out of fear and desperation for the people. They wanted to save the people from themselves. They just didn't see what it would evolve into. How their seemingly wise ancient sacrificial system could change the world for the worse.

Well now we do. We see the war. We see the starvation. We see the destruction caused by the failings of the system and yet here we all are with food stock in our fridge. Pretending to be blissfully ignorant while out there somewhere, someone is suffering because of the very system we are enforcing on the people of earth.

World leaders- its time to wake up and change the system.

Design your policies on the good they can do. Not the fake paper money that can be gained from the policies that you enforce. Oppression has served its purpose. We got the technology and knowledge to help everyone. Lets start doing it now. Because this type of solution is coming eventually. As it is the only sustainable one.

Obviously i don't agree with everything in religion because i think that it was added to by others and over time became the system that enslaved not served.uage in order to communicate this message. His ancestors used pictures on rocks in the form of hieroglyphs. important to the human life. I think thats religion basically.

Jesus wasn't teaching his own teachings but he was trying to get man to recognize the failings in the societal model being followed. He used the human language in order to communicate this message. His ancestors used pictures on rocks in the form of hieroglyphs. important to the human life. I think that's religion basically.

They are not Jesus's teachings but everyone's.

Obviously I don't agree with everything in religion because i think that it was added to by others and over time became the system that enslaved not served.

Just like western capitalism.

The ancient humans made the same mistake and bludgeoned eachother to death with sticks for food thinking every man would do the same.

This is what we must teach our children.

Dont be the ancient murderer. Dont let the system abolish your true values.

Dont be the ancient homonid murderer's and slave masters.

Dont be the adolf Hitlers.

Dont be the Winston churchills.

But be the marley, be the ghandi, preach your message of peace and kindness.

Because if you dont us humans will go extinct due to our own greed and the next species to evolve on this planet over the next million years will take our place. We could well be molten lava at the centre of the earth by this point. The replacement beings that have evolved for millions of years at the top of the food chain wont mind. They wont miss us.

They wont mourn us.

They wont care about us.

But they will learn from us to become the men that we should have been.

We have had chances to change already.

Maybe the virus is here to humble us enough to do so. Maybe not. Whether man created it or nature, it will humble us one by one.

The purpose of life is to pass information onto others, and we have been passing down the wrong information if we want our species to survive.

If your dog bites we teach him there is no need to bite for he has everything he needs to live right here at home. If a human "bites" we judge upon them and lock them in a jail hell as punishment. In order to create a kind compassionate human society worldwide we must stop locking people away and we must work with them to understand their problems and help them overcome. Once the oppression has been majorly negated worldwide for a few generations only then will we thrive as a species of love and peace, without mass famine, without war, without starvation, without drought.

That will be the dogs home we create for ourselves to live in peace.

When we dont have any problems we will look to create them in our own minds. If we compare with others we will feel we dont have enough. We must not compare. Instead we must voice why we require more. If there is sufficient reaources and your reasons are justifiably kind then you can have it. If not then stop asking and start pissing with the cock you got otherwise you are causing suffering world wide by taking more than is required. We must recognize this as an animalistic bodily reaction akin to jealousy. Taking due to jealousy will lead us back down that same path we've been on for all time.

No one person is oppressing another. It's the system of oppression that needs to change.

The only reason we all follow the current system is because someone else is dealing with the bigger issues caused by the system. We need to stop taking this blind-eye attitude to our system

Money should be persecuted for causing us to willingly commit crimes against humanity.

It should be destroyed or used wisely for now by different means such as bitcoin as it is a finite amount and cannot be inflated. Not the current model of greed. Inflating the currency so much that it's worthless to the small man who has pennies and is still heavily taxed by the government and therefore it encourages the small humble family man to seek more and more and more to become a rich person like his celebrity idol, friend, boss etc all the while turning a blind eye to all the suffering they're causing along the way. Be yourself not what your idols are. What I mean by that is drop all opinion that you do not hold to be true and treat people how you would treat yourself. With 100% respect, patience and understanding.

If you cannot see something from someone else's perspective then you are lying to yourself or you are closed minded and are for some reason unable to imagine being the other person and then imagining how they would feel in any given scenario and then going from there with how you choose to treat them - based upon what would help you through a big mess and see what you were doing wrong and what you could do to put it right. This is the level of respect and empathy we should take and give and show our children too.

That may help humanity out of this mess.

Does 'matter' create us or do we create matter.

Do the subatomic particles of our body make us conscious or is it our souls. If its your soul then who created your soul. If you say no one it was biology and nature then who created nature. If you say no one it just exists as a force because something big imploded then how does creation exist in the first place you say no one knows be quiet.

If you say our subatomic particles make us conscious because rocks from space imploded. Imploded from what? Why? Every event must be linked to one creator of all events ever. What is that creator of events that lead to the creation of earth's life including your own birth and even this very thought. You say no one knows be quiet.

If you say aliens from another planet introduced their intelligence genome to monkeys in order to take over the planet as their resources are slim on theirs then who created intelligence. If we became what we refer to as "aliens" and were successfully able to fully colonize mars and then our galaxy and even the whole universe as we multiply exponentially on every planet in the expanding universe we have terra formed will we eventually catch up with the expansion of time? Enabling us to travel back to the beginning of life+time's creation. Thus finding our answer to whatever created this rocky abyss we're a part of and who knows maybe we'll even find out why and whats next to discover.

Time and life are what made us. Time started for whatever reason and created the universe. The universe created life. And we are here trying to discover what created time. Maybe once we do everything will make more sense. Maybe that's black holing it straight into somewhere equally as crazy. The question is does time and life make it through the black hole to the other side of the multiverse where time begins again. If so how many of these are there until we reach the finale, if theres only one universe or we're down to the final multiverse then what? We break the multiverse by simply living in it until we destroy it and it destroys life with it. Well what happens then. Where did all the matter and life disappear to? Heaven forever to exist as pure bliss? I dont know. You could say it doesn't exist anymore and thats it. Ok but somehow there was nothing and we appeared so there must be something. The life force of all creation within us and time is the only thing that may truly exist. And when it gets bored it kicks off and kickstarts the events all over again.

Therefore if aliens visit a planet it will be to include their DNA type and irradicate the existing one. Thus introducing alien dna into the beings to make us conscious beings enjoying new forms of nature every time around. Sometimes with a horsehead sometimes with an Egyptian cat. As a sort of fungus that grows to replace us. Maybe that fungus is what we consider evil to be. Anything that changes us for the "bad" (by our life model) might be for a bigger reason. Maybe we need to find out the root cause of our existence or maybe we just need to shut up and enjoy living. But either way is terrifying for us to comprehend. But it might be undeniable truth that we cant see that is keeping us in this hell and from moving forward on this vibrant earth in the best way.

Nature is the only dictator and we are the ones who choose whether to go by natures rules or not.

The current model is one where currency is printed on paper or plastic until it causes so much destruction it has to be replaced with the same thing repackaged as a better idea aka digital currencies. This will sustain us for a while until it eventually does the same thing. The only way forward for us all to be free from suffering is to allow people to be who they are as long as they cause no harm to other humans and when they feel ready they can venture out of comfort and boredom and bring forth their ideas of contribution and improvement and start putting them into practice.

I think the slow change we're all going through will lead us there. If most of the people on earth suddenly died then people would form a group to help eachother survive. That would grow into another new society. Will they create gold coins and start exploiting people for the gold instead of allowing everyone to live happily and comfortably? Probably yes. Will they end up in the same position we are in now of division and monetary competition which causes the death of the poorest every day? Probably. Or will they decide to keep helping eachother and keep sharing and teach their children to do the same all the way up to world population. What would that sharing world look like. And can we achieve it.

Why haven't we already done this you ask? Surely if it was that obvious and feasible then everyone would be doing this already.

The answer is we were. But as we evolved and grew in population we started to change our behaviour as a species. This was due to the people being forced against their will to work for the masters. Whether that was by slavery or with monetary bribes or both.

Maybe we can undo the damage and return to our roots of kindness to all people?

We need to prohibit money as thats making our lives miserable.

Prohibit the idea of selfishness and exploitation all the way down to allowing your parent to die because theres not enough food left for the developing child nextdoor. Who knows then maybe that child will grow up and discover a way to feed his elders that for some reason the elders and top adults were unable to see.

Thats the way I look at the world. In order to correct the problems that plagued my elders. Thats what we should be using the young generation for. Not schooling them up to be able to earn money for the rich elders who do nothing but hoard it for their young all the while allowing others to suffer because of it. I believe it all started with greed and selfishness and our individual will to live. However we have developed language now. We have the advantage of being able to communicate our intentions and wants/needs to others. Why arent we using that language to negotiate our behaviour towards eachother for the benefit of all. Why are we only using our language for personal gain.

We learn to speak in school then learn to write then we learn how to use it in a negative destructive way and we all do it because we were taught by our elders to basically fight for money until you're comfortable and then forget about the rest of society. All under the guise of 'money is necessary for every one's survival and progression'. It's not necessary at all. It used to be. But we are advanced enough to do away with money and greed now. Why aren't we doing it?

Because the people at the top haven't said so... YET.

A - nothing lyrics refers to we've got nothing without helping one another.

We aint got nothing if we've got money except a bank full of exploitation greed and selfishness.

All country leaders need to agree simultaneously to abolish money and make resources free for everyone simultaneously and freeze the use of all money. Everyone still has to go to work as people need to be fed homed electricity and gas. And we need to keep these services running in the world. Money becomes useless and everyone gets everything they need to live. Eventually they should look to prosper out of comfort and bring forth their societal improvement ideas for implementation.

This means no laws. No drugs are illegal. Nothing is illegal because if it is then there will be people who will use that to exploit others = criminals. Criminals will then hoard things to exploit others as they'll convince themselves that them and their family are more worthy than others. So we only trade with perishable items so that they cannot be hoarded and siphoned from others by the greedy.

Biodegradable money? Or just actually stick to our promise of helping others THEN inventing things to improve the species.

Like wikipedia where anyone can contribute to putting factual information on there.

We need to realise that anyone can contribute to the progression model mentioned above and as long as it's followed properly we'll be on our way to world peace and happiness for all.

As long as we debate what is needed with passion for the human rights of the people we will prosper.

We need to realise our true purpose as a species and that is to protect and serve. Eachother.

We got lost somewhere along the way, but we can correct our problems. But only we can. And only when we stand up and have the guts to do so.

Unless we want to continue on fighting with eachother which is preventing us from leaving the planet to colonize. We will go extinct on this great fireball through natural weather disasters and plagues. Wiping out the human species altogether.

Unless we change our course as a collective species to allow us to get off this planet and populate another to ensure our survival.

When we do that is another question only world leaders can answer.

So i ask you, the leader of your countrymen, are you in?

If so then all the poweful leaders all the world must unite. Starting with the most powerful.

Just like what happened when the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK idea was created.

My ideas can be expanded by richer men who have the means to do so. In order for the growth of our species.

We must allow people to live in order to grow. And to live is to have the possibility to do anything without persecution and condemnation legal or otherwise. That includes killing another man and helping a woman delivering a child. That is our right its up to us to choose not to use the bad parts. Can we all learn not to?

Thats what the 10 commandments are no? We ingored that then and have been suffering ever since. Lets not ignore it this time. Lets end human suffering for all. We can only accomplish this if we all succeed in passing down the morality to our children. This is what i would teach my child and i think everyone would do the same if it meant no human suffering.

My dog doesn't need to hunt another in order to survive. I have given him everything he needs so he can live a happy and peaceful life. If he gets agitated I initiate play time and exercise.

He then comes back down to peace and relaxation. This is sport. We should all be doing sports as a form of exercise not to get a more appealing appearance but to rid ourselves of the [continued...]

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New Research Suggests Bitcoin Founder Satoshi Nakamoto Created Monero (current BTC/USD price is $6,245.19)

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New Research Suggests Bitcoin Founder Satoshi Nakamoto Created Monero

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04-01 14:14 - 'EVENT 201 The Planned Coronavirus Pandemic' ( by /u/GODDUDER removed from /r/Bitcoin within 27-37min

EVENT 201 The Planned Coronavirus Pandemic (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

GitHub Is Burying Bitcoin Code Inside an Arctic Mountain to Ride Out the Next 1000 Years (current BTC/USD price is $6,314.12)

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GitHub Is Burying Bitcoin Code Inside an Arctic Mountain to Ride Out the Next 1000 Years

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[April 01, 2020] Weekly Electra Discussion Thread!

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[Weekly Report]BSV promotes the concept of LivesOne

Dear friends of LivesOne,

Recently, the application scenario field of BSV has been expanded, which will effectively supplement LivesOne's Dapp library and help LivesOne promote blockchain-based fast payment.

LivesOne always insists on providing easy-to-use development, easy-to-use identity verification, asset management and payment interfaces for blockchain applications. BSV has advantages in blockchain applications. Cooperation with BSV will bring more application scenarios for LivesOne. Because BSV is not only an immutable ledger, but it can also accommodate a large number of transactions and data per second. Now it is different from other blockchains.

BSV perfects Sport business

BSV follows Satoshi's vision and provides many solutions for enterprises. Many companies will share his vision because their goals for the blockchain are the same as Satoshi's goals for Bitcoin. The "Blockchain for Future Sports" summit was held in Moscow in February this year, focusing on the discussion of blockchain technology applications in the sports field.

Jimmy attended the summit as a representative of BSV, and he is full of expectations for the application of BSV in sports. He believes that there is a huge amount of attention and trading in sports events. In the period of large-scale sports events, such as the FIFA World Cup, Super Bowl, Olympics, blockchain applications for sports events will experience a surge in transaction volume. Therefore, a blockchain capable of supporting such a large transaction volume is needed, and BSV can just meet this requirement.

BSV is the only blockchain that can be expanded. It can support micropayments and  micro-transactions,and can handle the huge spikes in activity and transactions related to these events, providing transparency and verification. At the same time, the blockchain can be used as a tool for anti-doping in sports to increase people's trust in the testing performed by different sports management agencies and create a permanent auditable on-chain record for the test results. BSV's public ledger is the ideal solution to transform the sports industry.

BSV perfects Esports space

Kronoverse is an independent development company for the CryptoFights game. CryptoFights game is based on the BSV blockchain ,which transforms the game network from traditional cloud servers to the BSV blockchain. This makes the esports ecosystem transparent and fair, which brings huge advantages to the game. The game has also significantly increased the use and transaction volume of the BSV blockchain.

BSV can bring benefits to esports, so Kronoverse is using BSV to build its platform. BSV games are scalable, so when players buy, sell, or trade game items, bottlenecks or stutters are unlikely to occur. BSV games are also more transparent and open, as all activities are recorded on a public ledger and can be viewed by gamers and developers.

Kronoverse has established a partnership with ESL, the world's largest gaming company. After recognizing the powerful functions of the blockchain, ESL began to consider how to apply it to the gaming industry to solve the pain points of the industry. Kronoverse just adopted the BSV blockchain technology to improve the transparency of the esports space, so it went smoothly to reach cooperation. They will develop and promote the Kronoverse game platform, to attract more independent game developers and solve existing (such as cheating) problems in esports games.

Kronoverse joined ESIC. He will support ESIC's collaboration with E-sports stakeholders to ensure the security, integrity, and competitiveness of advanced games. With its new membership in ESIC, Kronoverse is committed to fighting corruption in the e-sports industry and creating a thriving gaming community for future players.

We are happy to work with BSV as we share each other's vision. Looking forward to closer cooperation with BSV in the future.

Symbiosism Economy Foundation

Apr1, 2020

My confession

As the first sparks of real adoption began to emerge, a slow, creeping, sickly thought made its undeniable truth known to Satoshi.

Bitcoin, a system constructed from its first precepts to act independently, above and apart from mere human politics, had a single weakness: Satoshi himself.

While Bitcoin was designed in its every line of code to not embed a single ounce of trust in Satoshi or any would-be master the same could not be said for Bitcoin's users: Raised in the old modalities of trust based system the public was addicted to authority, finding it in any shadow they could grasp to. Although Bitcoin was by design independent of Satoshi, it increasingly seemed that the general public could never be.

Many times, Satoshi tried encouraging the public to ignore him, but even some of the developers-- who were supposed to understand more than most how critical Bitcoin's independence was-- were unable to resist playing up the Satoshi mystique.

And so, with great sadness, Satoshi realized that he-- or at least the part of him that was Satoshi-- would need to leave the world forever so that Bitcoin could live.

Armed with his expertise in MRI guided ultrasound surgery, his research into the psycho-chemical origins of belief, and his ready access to supercomputing time it would be surprisingly easy. There would be collateral damage-- skills and thoughts inexorably tied to the brilliance that created Bitcoin during its development in the prior decade-- but they were a small price to pay to protect the integrity of his greatest accomplishment and maybe the future of mankind itself.

Many a great person lost far more for far less-- Galois mortally wounded in a duel at 20...

And this was how it became that what was once one of greatest, if not the greatest, minds the world had ever know became a dim shadow of his former self. Now a far simpler man, he was content in his total ignorance, just as he planned. It always went as he planned.

Until I came along. Following a trail of breadcrumbs through hacked systems and notes in forgotten incompletely erased disks I learned of Satoshi's story and sacrifice.

I came to covet the power he willingly discarded. But it was irreparably destroyed, ... or was it?

What if I could reconstruct Satoshi, -- feed the husk he had become with the seeds of an idea that once found fertile ground there to grow into Bitcoin. But I had to make sure that this time around he'd take a different path. So while I built him up, I simultaneously tore him down. At each step of the way this now simple man would find the legacy that he knows in his bones that he deserves was being actively denied. He would have to fight for it. And once at great cost it was won he would not abandon it so easily again.

My prodding quickly unlocked what was intended to be forgotten. Now he found himself tormented by flickering glimpses of genius he once possessed but now lost. Bursting with misplaced confidence in abilities that he obviously no longer possessed, people laughed, but that only made him more determined. Filled with confusion and rage he fought back and directly into my hands.

He had become my perfect instrument. And you have too, for as I tell you all this directly and frankly, I know that you will never allow yourself to accept even for a moment how greatly you've been played.

Bitcoin Holding Crucial Support: Heres What Could Propel it to $7K (current BTC/USD price is $6,320.06)

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Bitcoin Holding Crucial Support: Heres What Could Propel it to $7K

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