Thursday, February 25, 2021

Avoiding Echo Chambers: Beginner's tip on DYOR

You've probably seen it already a hundred times at least: DYOR (Do your own research). But unfortunately this can be hard to do as often as soon as you start looking into a coin, surprise surprise, it's great! Everything about this coin is amazing! Why is it so cheap? I need to go all in on it at once!

Really? Is it really that great? or have you fallen into an echo chamber?

If you're unfamiliar, an echo chamber is basically when you end up surrounded by people that share the same opinion as you and therefor only end up reinforcing their already biased opinions. You, as a newcomer to the coin don't have a pre-existing opinion on it and thus end up believing the hive mind. Then you buy, then the coin drops, but it's just the market right? Then the coin drops again, but it's just weak hands right? Then the coin drops again and suddenly people just aren't posting as much about the coin and you get left holding bags (stuck with a bunch of crypto that you paid much more than it's current value for).

How does this happen? Well typically one of the first things people do when they hear about a a coin spoken of positively (because why look into a coin that someone spoke negatively about, right?) they tend to do a couple of things that leads them into The Chamber (the positive echo chamber of the coin)

  1. They look at the coins website. Wow a website put together by professionals! It's almost as if this company has millions of dollars to spend on advertising! While you should check the website to make sure it is up to date, these websites will only ever speak of the coin/company in a positive light. They completely control the information here and only want to put their best face forward.
  2. They check the coins subreddit. Better, however if the mods of the subreddit work for the company, once again, you are only receiving curated information. I know of several crypto subreddits that are completely worthless for information but would not appear so to a newcomer.
  3. They check the groups Telegram. In my experience Telegram groups are usually the absolute worst of the worst Chambers. I've probably joined dozens of groups and only a couple were moderated in a positive way. One of the worst straight banned anyone that even asked a question that could be perceived as negative or perhaps having an answer that would be negative about the coin. Most coins will also have an "unofficial" price chat telegram where I actually have gotten better info than the official Telegrams (between the "when moon" and GIF spam of course).

Well Jeez Louise, Saram! How can I get unbiased info?

You can't.

Honestly it seems to always be "moon soon" or "shitcoin" when it comes to people's online opinions so the best you can do is to find dissenting opinions as well as looking at all the positive opinions. I find that the best place to find dissenting opinions about a coin will be on Twitter. Simply look up the hashtag for the coin and read what people are tweeting about. Remember to also check for hard numbers on a coin too. I often see people in low priced coins telegrams talking about all the money they'll make when the coin hits 10$. Check CoinMarketCap, coin has 900,000,000,000 circulating supply. Yeah, 10$ will never ever happen. You should check the ATH(all time high) check when it happened and then think about if the coin has enough going for it to hit it again or surpass it.

Protip: Check what the price of Bitcoin was during the previous ATH, if it was drastically lower than it is now then it will probably be easier for the coin to reach the previous ATH levels depending on what's going on with the coin and the market of course. Was the previous ATH three years ago when BTC was 10k? And the coin has a big event coming up (main net launch, etc)? Then it might be a good buy.
You can use to find upcoming events for your coin.

In the end the best way to DYOR in my book is to avoid The Chamber as much as possible. If you're feeling too good about a coin you should take a minute, and go out of your way to find those negative opinions then check the history of the coin. Don't buy a coin based off its cool name or logo.

Bitcoin 3.0


Official launching on March 12 2021 12pm TOKYO time

BITCOIN 3.0! Finally, a BITCOIN for the gen Z’s and Millennials and everyone in between.                           Wallets will be available for download from our official website at launch date.

Did you missed out on Bitcoin 12 years ago? Don’t be that guy (or gal) who misses out this time.Hurry and download your own BTC3 wallet and start mining your own BTC3 coins.

Did you missed the boat on the Bitcoin revolution? Have you ever wished that you can turn back the clock and invested on Bitcoin years before the price skyrocketed? Have you sold all your Bitcoins in the past before it even begun to see its true potential? Have you lost all your money, property or savings due to trading bitcoins in the past?

Do not despair, Bitcoin 3 is here to the rescue. We have created Bitcoin 3 (BTC3) for this very reason. We have created BTC3 for the all the people who might have missed out on the first Bitcoin wave. Whether you are a doctor, a teacher, an office worker, a politician, a delivery driver or a mechanic. You can still get in to the crypto currency wave with BTC3 as your lifeline. This may be your last chance to get into the crypto currency revolution.

Bitcoin 3 is now available to everyone and the good news is BTC3 can be mined or acquired using your normal everyday computer or laptop. The first thing to do after downloading the wallet zip file is to scan it with your trusted antivirus to make sure that it has not been corrupted or contaminated by a virus from any third party download source or man in the middle replacing downloaded files.

Included in the BTC3 wallet zip folder is a file named self_mine, it is an executable file that when launched will begin to mine for BTC3 coins and store it in your wallet. Just launch the file when your BTC3 wallet is open in windows or mac pc’s, on linux you might have to change permissions using chmod. Please take note self mining could take minutes or hours to find your first BTC3 coins depending on the specs of your computer hardware.

On first installation of your BTC3 wallet please do not forget to ENCRYPT and put on a strong password for your wallet before you do anything else and make it a point to back up your wallet on a weekly or monthly basis depending on how active your wallet is.

BTC3 mining difficulty level starts from zero and progresses from there and depending on how many people are mining the coin that would determine the next difficulty mining level. As the other large bitcoin mining farms are currently focused on mining bitcoins all the new users of bitcoin 3 will have little to no trouble trying to mine BTC3 using their own desktop computers.

Social media

Please don’t forget to follow us on social media through our and page. You can also follow us on our forums posts on and for all the latest announcements, promos, contests, airdrops, giveaways and much much more. Apple and android wallets will be available soon.

Some technical specs for you:

Available coins for mining   9500000

Algorithm                            SHA-256

Block type                    Proof-of-Work

Coin name                    Bitcoin3

Coin abbreviation               BTC3

Address letter                    3

Address letter testnet    C

Coin unit                            Satoshi

RPC port                            30267

P2P port                            30268

Block reward                    50 coins

Block halving                    95000 blocks

Coin supply                    10500000 coins

Premine amount            1000000 coins

Coinbase maturity            10 ( + 1 default confirmation) blocks

Target spacing                    5 minutes

Target timespan            10 minutes

Transaction confirmations    3 blocks

All premined coins are reserved for promos, events, contests, airdrops, site maintenance, giveaways and much much more.

Watch this post for further announcements  and updates.

ALL promos and contests, giveaways will be announced through our facebook and reddit pages.

We have enlisted the services of some reputable node hosting services to ensure our network always stays online.

As of today we have not yet partnered with any mining pool as we anticipate users will be mining this coin through their own desktop computers or laptops. Mining pool operators please feel free to get in touch with us.

We are holding off on announcing who the official BTC3 exchanges would be pending approval.

More to come....

Property Rights & Bitcoin.

I'm seeing some people within BSV say that they would not accept reassigned coins that were proven to have been stolen and ordered to be returned to their rightful owner. Why? Because computer says no! Code!

Wake up FFS.

How do I enforce MY PROPERTY RIGHTS regarding MY BITCOIN in the event of a theft?

I present evidence that my coins were stolen and that I own them.

Should I be punished for being the victim of a theft. Is that how this works, really? So the victim of a theft is basically told to fuck off, you can never spend your money again because the computer here says that the chain of digital signatures has been altered. Even if a record of the reassignment of the coins due to a theft taking place is entered onto the blockchain I will not accept those tainted coins. Honestly what sort of retarded thinking is this.

If property rights cannot be enforced on Bitcoin it is completely useless. A total waste of time.

If some scumbag steals my private keys and I can prove it I expect to be able to get my Bitcoin back and be able to spend them freely as I choose!

If your response to someone having their Bitcoin stolen is 'you should have stored the keys in a safer place', you are a child.

If your response is 'but state violence is not the answer', please tell me how I get my stolen property back? How do we enforce property rights without the use of the courts?

What are the other options? Please, enlighten me.

Why I don't care about the volatility

1) I did my homework...I know where this is going, so day to day or even month to month values mean next to nothing to me. I have literally gone months without even looking at the current value. In 2018 I had no clue it had dipped below 4k.

2) This was always a long play for and hold...for years...not weeks or months. This isn't a get rich quick game for me...that being said I will likely be able to retire a few years early because of it.

3) Bitcoin isn't going to zero at this stage. If you don't know why that's true, then you don't understand network effects and Metcalfe's law. If it's not going to zero its going to go a LOT higher.

4) It's not going to get banned in the US. It will get regulated. Thats a good thing. That will bring in even more institutional investors. Regulation means "legitimacy".

5) Central bank digital currencies are coming. They will have no negative impact on BTC...they will likely drive it even higher by introducing even more people to the concept of digital money.

6) If this goes where I know its going...I'll never need to sell. I'll take collateralized loans against it and earn interest off it. Neither creates a tax event and both allow me to keep all my Sats.


Was today's increase a pump&dump in the end, or are there more green candles in the forecast, due to the NFT event coming up? Asking, cuz I've lost quiet a lot due to those bitcoin drops and am trying to at least get back to point 0 and can't afford to hodl on dumped tokens 💀

If EVERYONE in the world knew exactly what was happening right now (the beginnings of a shift from one monetary system to another) it would be the best chance at fairly balancing wealth again amongst the people.

I see a lot of posts these days looking at both the positives and negatives of such large Institutional investment coming into Bitcoin.
As we move closer towards mass adoption it’s great to see the positive impact an increased volume/market cap provides with more stability to everyone’s investments.. zoom out I’m talking long term.

But it’s also sad to see a vast majority of the working class and lower income earners among us not taking this opportunity to benefit themselves and their futures.

I understand people’s frustration when they see more and more Institutions buying up large sums of Bitcoin sending the price up further but this is just merely the beginnings of a much greater move over to the new monetary system. Unfortunately if the smaller class (like myself) don’t take the opportunity to become informed and be a part of it at this early stage then it’s not the systems fault but their own.

I’m just being honest about what I’m seeing and I mean no disrespect to anyone. Its just frustrating to see opportunity lost as it would be such a wonderful thing to have this once in a lifetime event being used and embraced by everyone for a better chance at improving their own positions and future lives.

Satoshis dream.... what a legend!

DeFi is cancer, worse than buttcoin

My buddy the other day mentioned BlockFi to me. I had heard about it, but became more curious when he mentioned he was putting all his crypto in to it.

After doing research just from reading their website, it is absolutely beyond me how scams like this are allowed to operate. There are multiple funemental issues with their business model.

For example:

• They offer interest on crypto assets. 6% on bitcoin, about 8% on usdc, and 10% on tether. Which in and of itself it comical, interest generally is determined by risk & its funny that the highest interest is assigned to tether. Keep in mind usdc is also a stablecoin.

Earning interest on a traditional loan makes sense, they print more dollars everyday so eventually loans can be serviced. For something like bitcoin with a hard cap, where the F does the interest come from? What if a significant portion of buttcoiners had their assets “earning interest” where would the extra coin come from to add?

• In addition to the interest, where do they make money to provide this interest? Sure, they provide loans with a minimum 4.5% apr and maximum 10%. The minimum doesn’t even cover bitcoin’s interest. I highly doubt enough people are taking out loans to be able to service the amount of people risking their crypto for interest.

• Potential major liquidity issues. In the event of a “bank rush” where everyone requests their crypto at the same time. BlockFi generates revenue by loaning out the crypto you provide to institutions (what they do with it is beyond me). But if they’re not keeping full reserves then they’re set up for a major liquidity crisis in the event of a downturn & “bank rush”

This reminds me a lot of bitconnect. The rule of thumb, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. 6-8% interest is ridiculous. I have a feeling we see these DeFi scams crumble with a lot of financial devastation.

we might have seen max pain today event after the small rally earlier (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

A crypt-coding system for story verification

Many newspaper articles write about people, but so often there is a spin to the story, which one might or might not notice, that it becomes unclear what is or is not an accurate representation of the story.

In the past it would have been difficult to implement this, as things like image codes would have been difficult to make un-copyable - and thus not able to falsify -, however this is no longer the case.

Since crypto (bitcoin, ethereum, etc.) is basically the secure and retroactively unchangeable logging of events (currency transactions in these cases), this problem can now be solved, as copied codes could be made to always redirect to the located address on the waybackmachine.

This does not solve the entirety of fake news, but it would solve the misrepresentation aspect of it. If a reporter interviews someone, and then does a hatched-job at it, the interviewee could simply choose not to verify the article.

To prevent people being spammed by this process, one could make it required to stake ethereum (or a differrent form of currency) on the request, which would be burned when denied, making it costly to write bad articles and to unnecesarily bother someone through sending a bunch of spam their way.

If someone thinks this is cool and wants to work with it on my, lemme know (no, I'm not the "idea guy" who does jack shit, I've been programming for 5 years and I wanna check out the programming languages/libraries that run the crypto world during summer)

Novice looking for some help, got a bunch of questions I need clarification on please.

First I want to lead with how helpful the majority of this community has been, the laughs on the weekends, the insane DD people manage, just good stuffs!

Ok questions, I gots a few...

Feel free to make fun of me for not knowing, try and guide me a touch in the correct way though too if you could as well haha.

  1. Is moving your coins from an exchange to your own wallet ever a taxable event?
  2. When I stake a coin, is this a taxable event?
  3. I can't figure out how to link my Blockfolio with my ledger Nano X, is this supported?
  4. For a complete beginner, what is the simplest way to passively earn money on your own coins? Is it just staking (think KISS method, seriously I am dumb lol).
  5. If my wallet address gets made public, the one that you would use to deposit Bitcoin to let's say, is my "account" compromised now?
  6. What are the most simplest and user-friendly ways for novice to have a tangible way to interact with the crypto universe, I want to feel like I'm participating in a meaningful way. I use Brave browser, I think that counts?
  7. Have another question about staking, let's say I have 500 coins of ADA and I stake all of it. After all has been staked I buy 1,000 more coins and it goes to the same wallet as my previously 500 staked ADA, does this new 1000 coins get staked automatically?
  8. If I participate in a staking pool am I helping out the person that owns it way more than I'm helping out myself, am I just making some YouTuber rich? Full disclosure I went and used digital asset news to stake my ADA, hope this was not a dumb choice?
  9. From the literature angle, are there any physical books related to all things crypto that people should read and educate themselves with? Follow up why do you make that recommendation for this book too?
  10. Okay possibly really stupid question here, does it matter that I'm an American when I'm looking to buy Monero XMR I don't know if the feds will be stopping by since a potential percent of my portfolio could be XMR, anything else I should be aware of concerning this?
  11. is there a way to hold your "cash emergency funds" inside the cryptoverse without suffering capital gains when you need to withdraw and use it should the emergency come up?
  12. If I put some of my money into a stable coin to diversify and for safekeeping is there any way I can lose my money or is it super safe?

If I used the wrong terminology, please correct me so I can be on point next time I speak on this subject.

Understanding these questions will help me out so much everyone! I have some memory problems so keeping questions clumped up and in one space helps me navigate back to it when I will inevitably need to reference it.

You peeps really are awesome, thank you tons!

"Society has crossed into Bitcoin's event horizon and is now accelerating at the speed of light towards the financial singularity, which will teleport us through an economic wormhole to escape the impending universal heat-death of the dollar."

A Saylor quote, that I just made up.

Feel free to post your own verbal masturbatory, egomaniacal, pseudo-sciency, made up quotes in the comments.

The ability to satirize a deception, is the ability to expose the deception.

Investing In Moneta – Everything You Need to Know

Moneta is a decentralized blockchain platform that is self-governing and establishes a true digital commonwealth. It is a platform linked to digital tokens, called Moneta(MNT) and Stabila (STB). The platform is not based on mining. Token holders get a reward for participating in the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.

Moneta issued in circulation is backed by a one-to-one ratio of the equal amount of the corresponding fiat currency kept by Moneta Holdings in reserves. Moneta Holdings LLC serves as a responsible third party accountable for the asset as the trustee and support. This risk is mitigated by a straightforward implementation that jointly decreases the sophistication of both fiat and cryptocurrency inspections while at the same time increasing the protection, availability, and clarity of these tokens.

What is Moneta?

Moneta is a flat pegged cryptocurrency to support all currencies of the world. Each Moneta unit issued into circulation is backed in a one-to-one ratio (i.e., one Moneta USD is one US dollar) by the corresponding fiat currency unit held in deposit by Moneta Holdings.

The idea is to establish a 1-1 reserve ratio between a cryptocurrency coin, Moneta, and its related real-world asset, fiat currency, to maintain transparency and ensure equilibrium in the exchange price. This system uses the blockchain, Proof of Deposits, and other audit methods to show that released tokens are strongly endorsed and reserved at all times.

Countries supported by the Moneta project.

The Moneta project supports 195 countries. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and two non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.

Of the 195 countries supported by Moneta coins:

54 countries are in Africa

48 in Asia

44 in Europe

33 in Latin America and the Caribbean

14 in Oceania

2 in Northern America

What Problems Does Moneta Token Solve?

Like other cryptocurrencies, the Moneta token was created to solve a particular problem. Its primary purpose is to create a secure network that allows the free flow of money transfer. It is backed by fiat currency and offers a stable and decentralized means of trading value while using a standard accounting unit for individuals and organizations. It removes the need for multiple intermediaries, allowing money transactions much smoother and more uncomplicated to trace.

How does Moneta Token work?

Moneta's implementation team proposes a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-stake, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof. The longest chain serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed and proves that it came from the correct CPU. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-stake chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.

Benefits of Moneta

There are a lot of benefits that Moneta brings to the market. For one, Monetas can be used just like bitcoins, i.e., in a p2p, pseudo-anonymous, decentralized, cryptographically secure environment. The fiat currency has purchased the assets of Moneta on reserve, and its price is indefinitely monetized to the fiat currency price. Moneta has the following benefits over other Fiat pegged cryptocurrencies:

  • Monetas exist on the blockchain rather than within closed source software running on centralized, private databases.
  • Monetas can be integrated with merchants, exchanges, and wallets just as easily as Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.
  • Monetas inherit the properties of the Moneta Layer protocol, which includes: a decentralized exchange; browser-based, open-source, wallet encryption; blockchain-based transparency, accountability, multiparty security, and reporting functions.
  • Moneta Holdings employs a simple but effective approach for conducting Proof of Reserves which significantly reduces our counterparty risk to the custodian of the reserve assets.
  • Moneta issuance or redemption will not face any pricing or liquidity constraints. Users can buy or sell as many Monetas as they want, quickly and with low fees.
  • Moneta's one-to-one backing implementation is more manageable for non-technical users to understand instead of collateralization techniques or derivative strategies. At any given time, the balance of fiat currency held in our reserves will be equal to (or greater than) the number of Monetas in circulation.

Main Applications

The main applications of Moneta are divided into three classes of users:

Exchanges, Individuals, and Merchants.

For Exchanges

The primary purpose of the exchanges is to resolve the difficulty and costly acceptance of deposits and withdrawals using the traditional banking system.

For Individuals

Moneta can assists individual in the following ways:

  • Transact in any country/fiat value, pseudo anonymously, without any mediators/intermediaries
  • Cold store any country/fiat value by securing one's private keys.
  • Avoid the risk of keeping Fiat on exchanges and move crypto-fiat in and out of the exchanges quickly.
  • Avoid having to open a fiat bank account to store fiat value.
  • Easily enhance applications that work with bitcoin also to support Moneta.

For Merchants

These are several ways in which Moneta can assist merchants:

  • Price goods in any country/fiat value rather than crypto
  • Avoid conversion from crypto to any country/fiat and associated fees and processes.
  • Prevent chargebacks, reduce costs, and gain greater privacy
  • Provide novel services because of fiat-crypto features

What's Different About Moneta?

The main thing that separates moneta from most other cryptocurrencies is that it is pegged to every nation dependent on blockchain fiat. Monetas are solely allocated in a one-to-one ratio, totally independent of business forces, pricing, or liquidity restrictions. Moneta has a clear and convincing delivery of Evidence of Reserves and undergoes frequent competent audits. Monetas will not face any market risks, liquidity crunches, etc., as reserves are maintained in a one-to-one ratio rather than on market forces.

Would you still hold Bitcoin in non-custodial wallets in the event that you needed KYC to use one? Is legislation even necessary?

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong is warning Bitcoin owners about legislation cracking down on self-hosted crypto wallets that may be hastily introduced in the Trump administration's final days.
Self-hosted crypto wallets, also known as non-custodial wallets or self-custody wallets, allow crypto asset holders to protect and house their crypto independently and without the oversight of a custodian such as Coinbase.
The CEO suspects that the new legislation would require financial institutions like Coinbase to verify the identity of any self-hosted wallet owner receiving crypto assets.
Though this may seem like a reasonable measure, Armstrong stresses that it can be difficult and impractical to collect identifying information from recipients in the crypto economy
Armstrong points out that crypto-assets like Bitcoin serve a wide range of purposes across the web and many of those functions would be greatly hindered by the possible legislation. In some cases the Blockchain's unraveled technology is used by smart contracts in order to use decentralized finance (DeFi) apps, build an app around Ethereum's technology-which include revolutionary dapps like -EarnBet an online decentralized casino that seeks to revolutionize crypto gambling. On the other hand, the cryptocurrency with the highest market capitalization-Bitcoin is used in order to buy and sell goods on decentralized p2p platforms like Open Bazaar which contribute to the economy as well.
Many Bitcoin holders are also sending Bitcoin to people in emerging markets, where it is difficult or impossible to collect meaningful “know your customer” information. Some of these individuals are living in poverty, and may not have any permanent address or form of government ID.”

FORSAGE has elaborated a list of useful cryptocurrency services for you

Starting his way in the world of cryptocurrencies, a beginner needs services that will facilitate acquaintance with digital assets and provide up-to-date information about the current situation in the market and its participants ✍🏻

FORSAGE has elaborated a list of useful cryptocurrency services for you.

1- TradingView 📈

This is one of the most popular services not only for crypto traders, but also for traditional players.

The service is a data provider for many exchanges and brokers, including Binance and others.

2- CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko 📊

Monitoring cryptocurrency charts, trading volumes, capitalization, price dynamics for different time periods, filtering by category, block explorer, currency converter, etc.

3 - Coindesk 📖

News publication dedicated to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Useful articles, exchange rates, research, interviews with crypto market participants and much more.

4 - CoinMarketCal and Coindar 🗓

Calendar of events for each specific coin. Filtering by date, rating of expectations is available. On CoinMarketCal, unlike Coindar, you can set up email notifications.

5 - Сointelegraph 📖

The largest media resource covering blockchain, cryptocurrency news and new trends in the fintech industry.

6 - Bitcointalk 👥

Forum dedicated to BTC, blockchain and cryptocurrencies. It was here that the story began when Satoshi Nakamoto described how bitcoin works from the point of view of an ordinary user.

7 - DappRadar 🔍

A platform in which decentralized applications (dApps) are collected. In addition to a pleasant interface, divisions by categories (DeFi, NFT, games..), here you can find statistics for each specific project, links to social resources and much more.

8 - Reddit 💬

It is a multiplatform that combines a forum, a social network and a portal where news, articles, etc. are published. More than 2.5 million people read about Bitcoin on Subreddit.

9 - Crypto Research Report 📝

Quarterly reports on cryptocurrencies and in-depth analysis of the crypto market.

10 - FORSAGE community ( 🎓

News, tips, opinions, detailed guides for all areas of the community, answers to questions about cryptocurrencies and FORSAGE, training for newbies and much more.

Forsage Community (

Question on Capital Gains Tax (CGT allowance & exchange BTC to Stablecoins)

New into crypto but reading about Capital Gains Tax has made me paranoid for the future, waiting to see what the latest budget has to say on it, if I make gains below £12,300 do I have to declare these to the HMRC? I'd rather not disclose my full wallet address to HMRC, I also have no idea how to deal with the fact that exchange one Cryptocurrency into another is a taxable event, if I take profits from Bitcoin into a stable coin like Tether with the aim of rebuying Bitcoin later when the price dips is this taxable? If I'm able to time it so that I can buy back more Bitcoin than I started with and then the price massively dips will I still have to pay tax I'm so confused!! At this point I'm thinking I'll just stick to anything under £12,300 a year

EDIT - I've heard good things about 'Koinly' I think this is the name, software that helps me assess my tax liabilities, is the free version good? Are there any security concerns using the platform?

How do I fix my relationship

When I met my girlfriend I was on top of the world. I was making 6 figures, I was performing and hosting shows every night of the week, sleeping at a different girls house every night, and my life revolves around me and my entourage. I would do the shows, girls would come to me afterwards and I would direct them to one of my friends to get their contact information so we could invite them to parties, clubs, etc.

At one of my events, my soon to be girlfriend got up on the stage and clearly showed interest. I wasn’t really interested at all. She ended up coming to one of our private parties and explicitly stated she was only there for me. That night we had sex and started hanging out regularly (my friends and I would come to her house often). Soon after we started sleeping at her house, and she would take me to work until the point where I developed feelings for her, she had incredible goals, she wanted to be a surgeon, her dad is a ceo at a gas company and overall she just had so much going for her.

Corona hit and I lost all my gigs, I lost my radio job, and I went from 6 figures to nothing. I lost my car, and my friends relationship with me had become so strained because of this relationship that we stopped taking (they didn’t like that I was spending so much time with this girl. I didn’t care though because I was in love. We moved in together and started our relationship during quarantine. 24/7, nonstop time together. It was perfect, no disagreements, no arguing. Literally a dream. We took trips everywhere, had crazy times in hotels hung out with celebrities, and lived the rockstar lifestyle.

One day she was taking pictures and I told her she could definitely be an Instagram influencer, I introduced her to my connections and after a month I had boosted her organically by about 20k followers. Before this girl, I had insane trust issues and I didn’t like the fact that all her exes, guy friends, and random Joe’s were reinserting themselves into her life. I ended up having to get a shitty 9-5 One day I was at work and she said an old friend of hers (guy) and her other friend (girl) were coming over. Right before the guy gets there, the girl cancels. So I was extremely uncomfortable and stressed at work, so I called her. I stayed on the phone for 2 hours while her and the guy hung out. She was extremely unhappy about it and said that the relationship wouldn’t work if I didn’t trust her. A huge argument ensued and in the end I saw no other choice but to trust her. I let it go and told myself I loved this girl. This was the first time I was able to fully trust a woman. She got a text from DC Youngfly the comedian saying he wanted pictures of her “that she wouldn’t normally post on Instagram” she wanted him to follow her so she added him on Snapchat and he continued to ask for nudes. I specifically asked her not to send him anything and she didn’t listen. She sent him a video of her dancing in the mirror in a swimsuit. I was pissed not because of the video but because she told me she wouldn’t send him anything and she did anyway. We almost broke up because of that. I packed all my shit and said you know what, its not worth it. She basically begged me to stay and said she would change. I loved her and at this point I had invested so much into this that I couldn’t leave.

Shortly after she got a job as a bottle girl with my sister for a bunch of different clubs. Unfortunately the job requires you to lead guys on so they can buy sections and bottles etc. So she had several nba, nfl, rappers, all around rich guys flirting with her on a daily basis. She was very good about telling them she was in a relationship and she told me everything that went on, without me asking. Once she had a guy from the club texting her at 2am saying he wanted to see her. She was asleep so I texted him from her phone saying “I’m busy laying next to my boyfriend lmfao” when she found out she went crazy. She said that if I ever texted another person from her phone again that was the end of the relationship.

Soon after we got this incredible apartment on the 32nd floor of a high rise. (Her dad pays the bills.) Because of my criminal history I couldn’t get on the lease and now she’s free to kick me out whenever she wants, the problem is, I paid for everything that isn’t bills. Furniture, application fees, smart home appliances, her car note. Now she’s changed. When we got the apartment we agreed that we would use it to rebuild my network, invite high spenders over, make connections and I could get back to making what I was making before. But that isn’t how it’s going. All this fame and attention has gone to her head. Yesterday I invited my very good friend over, he’s very well connected and has tons of insider knowledge on the industry. We were at the gym and I told her he’d be there in an hour. An hour later she was taking pictures and I told her I was gonna go down and get him. She exploded, she thought that it had only been 10 minutes (I showed her the call was an hour ago) he brought food and drinks and she was acting insane. She told me she didn’t want anyone over and threw a tantrum about it. I couldn’t turn this guy down so I went down and got him. Brought him up and she’d decided she wanted to go out. Perfectly fine with me, I want her to be happy. So she got ready we all took some shots and she left. I hung out with my friend and talked it up. When she got home she was drunk and happy, great. Everything was going good until she noticed that her dog had pissed on the floor. She freaked out, called me irresponsible and said if it happened again she was taking my key to the apartment. This isn’t the first time she’s hung this over my head, several times in the past she puts the relationship on the line, or my lifestyle in general.

I realized there was a problem today when she told me she’d be going out, so I invited some friends to hang by the pool and have some drinks. She decided she wanted to stay home and spend time with me, cook, watch movies, etc. so without telling her I canceled on all my friends, knowing that if I’d told her I had made plans prior she would not be happy. 20 minutes later she decided she actually wanted to go out. So I sat alone at home.

She noticed I was unhappy but I couldn’t tell her why so I just told her I was tired. I had a nightmare last night about her and I woke up at 4am which is why I’m creating this post. I love this girl, but her whole mindset has changed, her focus in school has diminished, she’s become irritable, and selfish. It’s to the point where all she cares about is her. I’ve tried sitting her down to talk about it and this is how she sees it. I am number 4 on her list of priorities. First is her, then it’s her career then her family then me. She even told me she would end the relationship for an opportunity. I have invested a year in this relationship, I threw away everything to be with this girl. How do I fix this? Is it a problem with me? Am I not seeing it the right way? I tried to be 100% open and honest with my description.

Things to mention about her; She’s very good at shifting the narrative, ie; if I am unhappy that there’s a man at my house while I’m at work, I’m untrusting and “relationships don’t work without trust”

She’s extremely controlling and blatantly uses the fact that she’s a woman as an excuse. ie; I wanted to invest in Bitcoin, she forced me to take out all my money because we needed a tv stand, then the same day she used money to buy a Furbo for her dog and started a monthly subscription to bark box so her dog can get treats and toys every month. Her excuse was: I’m a woman, sometimes we do things that don’t make sense.

She doesn’t like to accept responsibility for anything and will instead find ways to blame others. ie; she forgot to close the trash can and claimed that it was broken/had to be a ghost because she always closes the trash can.

When she takes good pictures/is looking good. She becomes a total bitch. ie; she got dressed up for a photoshoot, and I came to give her a kiss, she pushed me away and said I was being annoying. Then got on her phone. I got on my phone and started watching videos and she complained that I’m always on my phone.

Immediate advice needed on abandoned property laws in NY and crypto

Howdy folks,

I’m in a real pickle, and I need possibly legal assistance. I also tried in r/legalssistance, but nobody is posting. Here’s my issue:

First off, I’m a US citizen that’s been out of the country for almost a year (first to avoid covid, then to avoid any potential fiascos around the election, and then to describe a new species and publish some range extensions).

I have a small amount of bitcoin sitting in a Circle account. I set the Circle account up a few years ago while I was recouping from Lyme disease at my folks’ house in NY (Lyme sucks, watch out for ticks, and always get a Doxy prophylactic if you get an attached tick). I’ve since moved out of state. I did an address change, but never thought to update it with Circle.

Fast forward to now, my mother asks me over the phone if she should open an envelope I got from Circle. It turns out they’ve stopped being a bitcoin brokerage (for some time) and they are on the verge of transferring my BTC to the state of NY as abandoned property in the beginning of March. There is a phone number on the form I can call as well as a USD amount that’s less than half of the valued BTC I have on there. I called the number and it’s for a company that handles the abandoned property transference. She says that I have a few weeks and to get on my account and transfer out the BTC to a private wallet. She also says if I get the letter filled out they’ll send me a check. Clearly I want the BTC, not the USD value from a few weeks ago. As well, their website clearly states that people with BTC in their account cannot convert it to cash, but can only transfer it out to another wallet. There are also holding fees, etc.

I immediately try and log on but quickly realize a huge problem. I no longer have the number associated with the 2FA I set up with my account or if I did use my current number then it doesn’t work internationally (I don’t think this is the case, as I get 2FA texts from my bank, etc, here). There is an option on the site if you’ve lost your device/number by submitting pics of your ID and a pic of you holding your ID. I did this, but the ID is of course in my new resident state. I get an immediate automated reply on 2/17. I respond with a letter stating this issue needs ASAP attention. I get nothing back. I write several emails and get nothing back. Some sleuthing nets me a phone number which I call and leave a detailed message on. The next day I get a reply saying that they had listened to my message and-

“Please note that your funds are in the process of being escheated to the state of New York.

When funds are escheated as unclaimed property, the state is responsible for holding these funds
on your behalf indefinitely.”

But no help in resetting my phone number to get into the account.

Best solution is I can reset the number associated with my account, log in and transfer my BTC to a wallet. The company seems completely unwilling to address this though.

If in fact they’ve converted my BTC to USD (is that legal without some sort of expressed permission?) do I have any recourse to sue for the actual amount of BTC I had as opposed to the converted value from USD from a while ago? And if they’ve done it before the deadline given to me on both the letter and the date given to me on the phone do I have any recourse there?

It’s been a week since I first emailed the company and I am no closer to getting on to my account. I have a little over a week to get on before the deadline.

I’m a conservation biologist and this would be a huge chunk of change for me that I was counting on having in the future. Losing a majority portion of that because of a weird confluence of timing and events as well as Circle simply not feeling like responding to my request to reset my number is nuts.

I’ll take any sound advice and gladly take any suggestions for legal rep from a lawyer with some experience in this field if you guys think it’s necessary.

Any help welcome!

CoinGecko debuts "How to Bitcoin" book!

The past few months have been an eventful time for Bitcoin as Fortune 500 companies, such as Tesla, continue to invest in it. As a result, we can also see that the general public is increasingly interested in cryptocurrencies and are eager to start their crypto journey.

We are proud to announce the launch of the CoinGecko “How to Bitcoin” book! Our brand new book is written for beginners and is chock full of easy-to-understand analogies as well as step-by-step guides on how to securely buy, sell, and store your Bitcoin!

Check it out here:

CleanSpark, The Future of Energy Management $CLSK ---- Bitcoin, Solar, EV, Green Energy

What is CleanSpark?

  • CLSK provides advanced energy software and control technology that allows energy users to obtain resiliency and economic optimization. The software is uniquely capable of enabling a microgrid to be scaled to the user's specific needs and can be widely implemented across residential, commercial, industrial, military, agricultural and municipal deployments.

What is a Microgrid?

  • A localized group of electricity sources and storage batteries that normally operate connected to the traditional grid. A microgrid can also disconnect to “island” away from the traditional grid as economic or physical conditions dictate.
  • CleanSpark’s software models and directs the microgrid’s operations.
  • THE ONLY THING CERTAIN ABOUT THE UTILITY GRID IS THAT IT WILL FAIL. The events that took place in Texas recently are a prime example.
  • CleanSpark’s proprietary solution helps large power users and residents sustainably lower costs by actively managing their generation, storage and load.
  • Microgrids - Combining Solar and Storage


mVSO interface

  • mVSO delivers flexible system optimization using advanced programming and big data principles to provide the ideal mix of distributed energy benefits customers care about:
    • Cost Savings / Revenue Generation
    • Energy Security / Resiliency
    • Sustainability / GHG Reduction
  • Outputs are your customized guide to maximizing your energy projects ROI.
  • State-of-the art data analytics account for real costs, precise utility rate models, equipment performance, actual energy consumption and outlines what type of energy resources are to be built, what it will cost, and how it will perform once deployed.
  • Regardless of your location or your utility rate, mVSO will deliver the optimal configuration of Solar PV, and Energy Storage to meet your objectives.
  • The results are game changing for:
    • Commercial and Industrial Campuses
    • Retail Shopping Center
    • Multi-Family Developments
    • Neighborhoods
    • Communities

mPulse CleanSpark's Distributed Energy Resource Management Software Solution

  • mPulse is a technology agnostic energy management and supervisory control software platform that is capable of managing a wide array of energy assets including Solar, Wind, Generators, Building Management and Energy Storage solutions to deliver the lowest cost energy with the highest level of resiliency.
  • It includes the capability of forecasting energy consumption and weather data utilizing its Patented Forecasting solution. Analysis of the system's available resources and the user's needs determines how to manage the immediate and future energy needs.
  • mPulse leverages standard communication protocols and interfaces such as Modbus RTU&TCP, DNP3, CAN and REST to name a few.
  •  It also supports plug and play protocols such as Sunspec and also is capable of participating in Demand Response programs using ADR 2.0.
  • The system is designed to be technology agnostic and capable of integrating with a wide array of energy resources and management systems.
  • Cyber-physical security is built into all levels of CleanSpark’s technology.

Switchgear CleanSpark Critical Power Equipment

  • CleanSpark can provide systems utilizing a variety of operating modes to meet a wide range of single or multiple-generator applications.
  • Single-generator applications can operate in open or closed transition modes.
  • Multiple- generator applications can be in an isolated bus or utility paralleled modes.
  • Utility paralleling with soft loading onsite enables customers and utility power companies to parallel generators with the utility power grid for peak shaving and demand/load-side management of electrical power.
  • CleanSpark offers synchronizing equipment in both low and medium voltage configurations

CleanSpark OpenADR Solutions

  • CleanSpark previously acquired GridFabric, a leading provider of OpenADR implementation and certification.
  • GridFabric’s products allow companies to implement OpenADR on their platforms and gain certification with the OpenADR alliance, faster and more cost effectively than doing it themselves.
  • With two product lines Plaid (Client) and Canvas (Server) - which together facilitate communication between power consuming, internet connected products and utilities or load aggregators, respectively.
  • Canvas and Plaid do not both need to be present for successful programs: both products will be able to add value individually or together in any demand response or load shifting program that implements OpenADR.
    • Canvas: Canvas implements a Virtual Top Node (VTN), the server side of the OpenADR protocol. It is used by Grid Operators and Aggregators to administrate load shifting programs.
    • Plaid: Plaid implements a Virtual End Node (VEN), the client side of the OpenADR protocol. It is used by controls and IoT product companies to participate in load shifting programs.
  • Entered into the Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station market through a new initiative focused on providing OpenADR software solutions to aid in load management for EV charging stations and balancing the impact the increased power demand has on the traditional grid.
  • CleanSpark's GridFabric Completes OpenADR Certification for EV Charging Company, KIGT


  • Feb. 06, 2020 announced the acquisition of all of p2klabs, Inc. a design and innovation consulting firm that specializes in applying design, technology, and business process methodologies to create intuitive digital experiences and journeys that help transform and grow businesses.

Case Studies

  • Rams Hill
    • Client: Rams Hill Golf Club
    • Location: Borrego Springs, California
    • Completion: 2015
      • CleanSpark designed a behind-the-meter 12 kV scalable microgrid for customer savings. The infrastructure enables true plug and play capibility for future distributed energy resource deployment.
  • Camp Pendleton
    • Client: Camp Pendleton
    • Location: San Diego, California
    • Completion: 2013
      • Critical Power Fractal Grid (CPFD)
      • With demand management enabled by CleanSparks mPulse software this CPFD is able to curtail non-critical energy demand in response to current or predicted conditions of the microgrid or utility grid. In addition the system can peak shave by supplying virtually instantaneous energy to cover sudden usage spikes and reduce energy costs. The grid architecture also incorporates cyber-physical security, a high value feature sought by the D.O.E.

Costa Rica/Tesla

  • Located on an industrial equipment retail facility in San Jose, Costa Rica, the project utilizes CleanSpark's patented mPulse controller to coordinate all aspects of the system and improve overall performance. 
  • The microgrid will consist of a 222-kW PV solar system, and a Tesla 111-kW/223kWh Powerpack provided by CleanSpark.  The system is integrated with standby diesel generation for use in the event of a sustained power disruption.  This will be one of the first Tesla battery systems deployed in Costa Rica. 
  • On Sept. 21st 2020, CLSK announced the commissioning of its software on a new solar plus storage microgrid project in Central America.
  • CleanSpark is providing its patented mPulse controls with market-based forecasting and operation. The Company has also procured and will incorporate the Tesla (Nasdaq:TSLA) PowerPack 2 battery energy storage system which will provide 558kW/1115kWh storage.
  • Additionally, the project's solar installation includes 480kW AC, 531kW DC of PV (photovoltaic) solar panels. This represents the second microgrid located in Costa Rica with an mPulse controller paired with a Tesla energy storage solution.

US Embassy

  • On Sept. 23rd announced that it received a contract to provide intelligent switchgear upgrades and support for a US Embassy located on the African continent.
  • According to the agreement, CleanSpark will service the paralleling switchgear controls at the Embassy for a term of 5 years including upgrades to the equipment.  Additionally, the Company will provide technical and online support to Embassy personnel.


  • mVoult is a smart power system that provides a single solution for resilient, reliable, and cost-effective energy for residential properties of all sizes. The systems are configured to your individual needs upon installation with flexibility for future expansion.
  • The essential components included with the purchase of an mVoult power system include a Residential Optimized Smart Controller and Mobile App.
    • Add-on the following Clean Energy Sources: Energy Storage (Battery), Generator, Solar Array, and more
  • The system is fully configurable according to your needs. You can start small and expand the modular system without significant design changes as your goals or requirements grow.
  • mVoult can be integrated with a brand new or existing system including Solar, Wind, Generators, and Energy Storage solutions to deliver the lowest cost energy with the highest level of resiliency.
  • Track your mVoult power supply and cost savings with our mobile App which is included with the system. An easy to understand dashboard gives insight into the system through multiple features such as energy usage, cost savings, or energy forecast.
  • Our expert consultants can help you to choose the system that is right for you. Our professional team or certified partners will install your system in a clean and efficient manner with minimal disruptions.
  • mVoult stores energy when the cost of energy is cheap, and it expends stored energy when the cost of energy is expensive.
  • On Feb. 24th, 2021 CleanSpark Completes Strategic Acquisition of Solar Watt Solutions.
    • Based on achievement of certain performance objectives, total consideration for the transaction will be up to 477,703 shares of the Company's common stock, and up to $3,850,000 in cash.
    • Solar Watt is a Carlsbad, California based company, founded in 2009 by David Watt. Solar Watt provides solar and alternative energy solutions for homeowners and commercial businesses throughout Southern California.
    • The acquisition is expected to immediately expand and accelerate CleanSpark's residential initiative by integrating an experienced energy storage and solar sales and installation team.
    • As a result, upon closing our transaction to acquire Solar Watt, we added more than $10 million dollars of executed contracts to our backlog. This backlog immediately positions CleanSpark as a player in the direct-to-consumer California residential microgrid market.
    • "This acquisition brings a significant pipeline to drive strong revenue growth immediately as part of our new residential initiative," said Lori Love, Chief Financial Officer of CleanSpark. "We anticipate that the acquisition will contribute approximately $20 million in revenue over the next 12 to 18 months and potentially more as we expand into additional territories with critical energy needs."


  • On December 10, 2020 CleanSpark acquired ATL Data Centers, LLC ("ATL") for up to $19.4 million in shares of the Company's common stock.
    • 5 Acres land / perimeter fencing
    • 48,000 sq. ft. facility
    • Dual GA Georgia Power Grid Feeds
    • Two 3000 AMP Services
    • 20 MW committed, Power expandable up to 80 MW
  • This transaction represents the first strategic acquisition as part of a larger growth plan following CleanSpark's recent $40M institutional investment. ATL creates a unique business opportunity as a full-scale, profitable demonstration facility for the Company.
  • As part of the first phase, the Company has contracted with the local municipality to expand the power to the facility from 20MW to 50MW.  It is expected that this expansion will begin promptly and be completed in April 2021.
  • 315 Ph/s, 30 MW or 2.2 BTC/per day beginning on Feb. 22nd 2021. Estimating $100,000 per day @ ~$50,000
  • ~1.3 Eh/s, 50 MW by July 2021 which will result in 6-9 BTC per day
  • $115 million-$150 million annual revenue from BTC mining after July 2021 expansion is complete.
    • This will increase the projected ~1.3 Eh/s, 50 MW mining capacity significantly.
  • IN LATE STAGE TALKS with other possible acquisition targets.
    • Announcements coming in weeks/months.
  • Private/Public mining companies have expressed interest in Energy management solutions
  • Possible further expansion to the ATL Data Center campus.
  • Mined 100th BTC on Feb. 17th 2021.
  • Their Bitcoin Mining team has deep connections within the space and 8+ years experience in cryptocurrency mining.
  • 50/50 BUY SELL RATIO on all mined BTC. VERY BULLISH on Bitcoin in the long term. To quote the CEO "holding slightly more than selling".
  • Looking to run ATL Data Center and other BTC mining operations 100% GREEN ENERGY, emphasis on Nuclear Energy.


  • Current Price: $36.31
  • Market Cap: $880 million
  • Outstanding Shares: 24.23 million
  • Float: 22.54 million
  • Short Interest: 6.28%
  • Insider Holdings: 21.36%
  • Institutional Holdings: 21.18%
  • CleanSpark more than doubled its comparable quarterly revenues, with quarterly revenue of $2.26 million, an increase of 130% from $0.98 million for the prior year.
    • $1.6 million from energy management solutions, $700k from BTC (only 21 days of operation was recorded for this number).
  • CleanSpark has increased revenue by more than double every year since 2018 and is projecting a 300% increase this year. 2020: $10M , 2021: $30M (extremely conservative)
  • Gross Margin increased to 41% to $0.92 million compared to 10% and $0.10 million to the prior year.
  • Loss from operations increased to $6.2 million compared to $3 million for the prior year.
  • Expecting profitability later this year.
  • The Company decreased its revenue concentration risk, for the three months ended December 31, 2020 37% of its revenues were derived from a single customer as compared to 91% in the same year-ago period.
  • Cash and cash equivalents totaled $25.6 million as of December 31, 2020, as compared to $3.1 million on September 30, 2020, an increase of $22.5 million.
  • Entered into the Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station market through a new initiative focused on providing OpenADR software solutions to aid in load management for EV charging stations and balancing the impact the increased power demand has on the traditional grid.
  • Implemented new sales and marketing initiatives resulting in increased revenues, contracted backlog, and proposal pipelines.
  • Received a large switchgear order from a Houston, Texas developer in support of microgrids to be built for the nation's largest retail chain.
    • The end-use customer is the world's largest retail chain, operating more than 11,500 locations worldwide.
      • WALMART??? Google: "USA largest retail chain", Google: "How many stores does Walmart operate?"
  • The CleanSpark team released a suite of usability enhancements to both their mPulse and mVSO products, including self-serve reporting of monthly and ad-hoc site telemetry as well as improvements in mVSO ease of use to allow developers to completed scenarios quickly and more efficiently.
  • Updates to mPulse forecasting and control algorithms ensures optimal site operation aligned with pre-determined targets. CleanSpark continues to grow its software team with specialists in web and cloud development.
  • Expect to see the strongest revenues related to our energy segments in our third and fourth fiscal quarters.
    • Winter is the slow season.
  • Bitcoin mining revenues contributed significant profitable revenue for the quarter, making up approximately 32% of our total quarterly revenues. This is especially meaningful considering our Bitcoin mining revenues consisted of only 21 full days of mining in December.
  • CLSK backlog as of Feb. 12th remains strong at approximately $7.3 million, an increase of $0.8 million from December 2020.
  • As stated, the goal is to mine Bitcoins at the lowest rates nationwide and we expect to achieve greater than 80% gross profit margin on our Bitcoin mining activities.


  • The Global Microgrid Market size was valued at USD 28.80 Billion in 2019 and is forecasted to reach USD 61.18 Billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 10.5%.
    • After the recent events in Texas, I can see this number going higher than projected. As more similar events (Deep freeze, Heat waves, etc.) occur, the demand for microgrids will skyrocket.
  • Blockchain technology is taking the world by storm. With popularity increasing, mining is one of the hottest emerging sectors today. The biggest hurdle in cryptocurrency mining is ENERGY. CLSK will be mining at a significantly lower cost than other mining operations. When word spreads that CLSK software can lower the overall costs to mine cryptocurrencies, they will flock. Energy is the main variable cost in mining so it would be dumb not to lower that cost.


  • Possible dilution to fund further development in products, software, and mining operation acquisitions/expansions.
  • Lose focus of main business, energy management solutions, and become fixated on bitcoin mining. Price of CLSK could come correlated to BTC price (BTC drops, CLSK drops).
  • There was a recent short report by a no-name short seller, Culper Research. This report is completely baseless and has been addressed by both Chairman and CEO. The flood of ambulance chaser law firms have plastered CLSK's recent media pages and has caused a lot of fear and uncertainty amongst novice investors. CLSK has not been served any lawsuits despite what the flood of reports.


  • Recent presidential election and senate election have turned both the oval office and Congress in favor of democratic views. There is discussion the Biden Administration will give tax benefits/incentives to companies that are working towards a more sustainable future.
  • Medicinal and Recreational marijuana are the MOST ENERGY INTENSIVE agricultural crops grown in the US. With a Blue senate and President, Marijuana legalization is inevitable. This will further increase the demand for microgrids and energy management solutions. This could be the next emerging market they will enter.
  • CEO of ATL DATA CENTER, Bernardo Schucman, is also CEO of Fastblock Mining, Official Distributor for Bitmain.
    • Bitmain has shipped billions of ASICs, accounting for 75% of the global market. Being one of the world’s few companies with the capability to develop cloud-based AI chips, Bitmain has successfully released four generations of its AI chip.
    • Fastblock Mining is suspected to have name changed last year to ATL Data Center, but i cannot find any public information confirming a name change. Here is a link detailing a speculative theory of mine involving CEO Schucman, Marathon Patent Group, and Fastblock Mining.


I am very bullish on the outlook of CleanSpark. They are poised for tremendous growth and their management team has proven to be top-notch. 2020 proved to be a pivotal year after 3 beneficial acquisitions (GridFabric, p2kLabs, and ATL Data Center) and they are on track for a banner year in 2021. The revenue from bitcoin mining will help CLSK achieve profitability faster than anticipated previously and currently there is not much sign Bitcoin will slow down (~$50,000 as I type this). They have set them up for great success and are positioned in several huge markets ( EV, Solar, Bitcoin).

My position: 322 @ $26.74

I began buying in Nov. 2020 around $8 after Biden won the presidential election. I have since averaged up to my current position and plan to hold through 2021 unless something dramatically changes. This is NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. Please Do Your Own Research (DYOR) before making any investments. Thanks for all that make it this far, best wishes.

STM > Smarter than Musk. Bitcoins lowest bottom

I don't do any sort of analysis since I think it's basically astrology for people who play with money. The markets are mainly driven by emotions and events that draw a lot of attentions have been the main factor why Bitcoin reached its prior peaks. These events haven't always been positive news (think: Silkroad) and so it doesn't matter whether you consider it positive or negative that a Twitter troll that happened to be the richest person on the planet have drawn the amount of attention that took BTC eventually to $~60K.

I believe there is still a lot of way to go, but short term exchange rates may go down. However I believe that based on the entry of Tesla (as long as they don't sell of - which is not very likely short-term) a very profound bottom has been defined that is particularly shaped by Elon Musk.

While Musk has a huge amount of fanboys and -girls he has a corresponding number of haters - and if these haters hate anything more than Musk it is the Musk-fans. Based on this sentiment we can assume that there will be a lot of attention to the entry point of Tesla (~ $33K/BTC as far as I estimate). People will be looking eagerly to entry the market to proof themselves they were more intelligent than the "sheeples" of Musk. However, since there are many that will try to make this move, there will be a long squeeze once we are getting closer to the $33K mark. So I call this bottom the Smarter than Musk-bottom.

Of course there is always a chance to lose all - but if we assume that 33K is a profound bottom, you cannot lose much more than ~30% if you enter the market at current prices. The upside, however, is much larger.

I wanted to share my personal crypto story from 2017 to now. Maybe you'll see similarities or just want something to read😄

I'm not a native speaker so be easy on me writing my story :). Anyway I'd love to share my story to you experienced or new crypto investors and fellow redditors!

My story started around September 2017. I was in my 2nd year of college and starting to learn a bit about the stock market etcetera. A guy I met that year who later became a good friend told me about crypto and how it might be interesting. We were talking about bitcoin (obviously) and after some small digging I decided to buy bitcoin on an investment app. Turned out this wasn't the "real" bitcoin but Just a derivative of it's price. I had leverage on it and when it went down after my buy the position closed and I lost all the money. At that point BTC was sitting around 3.000 I believe.

Later that year, around October or November the same friend explained to me how to invest in real currencies and so I opened an account on Bittrex. He had Verge coin and told me I could buy that as well so I put a small position in that one.

Around that same time I believe I joined Reddit and also this subreddit simultaneously. I came to know about other coins and projects such as Nano, NEO, Ethereum and others. I also kinda learned how Blockchain worked and I thought it was really interesting so I bought some more into Ethereum and the other coins. What I did was, and this is very important in my opinion, buy with money that I just accepted I lost. At that point my portfolio with the small verge position started surging. I didn't expect it to go so fast but it did. Like I read from a similar post the guy explained very well. The coins went x2, then another x2 and another and sometimes more. My verge position was multiplied by 18x and it was insane. I somehow sold verge at it's all time high and sold it for Ethereum which I still think was my best call at that time.

The other alts pumped as well and my portfolio went from a really tiny investment in something that became more and more serious. I totally admit this made me greedy as fuck🤦🏼‍♂️. When you see your portfolio doubling, and a week after it doubles again you start to think: damn this could get serious. Around Christmas it was madness. Bitcoin surged from around 13k to 20k in a matter of days, Ethereum and the alts boomed a few days or weeks after when Bitcoin was stable. Coins where coming out of nowhere and everything went x6 or x8 even. This made me stress out whether to keep the coins on an exchange, sell them or cold store them. I chose the latter.

At some point you started seeing some small dips in the market, some bigger and then up again. My portfolio had reached an all time high at that point and I didn't know it back then. When you see 10% drops you think: aah this'll go up again, no worries. Then it drops 20% and you tell yourself: I won't sell at these prices, it was higher before. It kept going down with some waves of up movement but the trend was definitely going down. Like I said before I considered the money I invested gone so luckily for me there weren't too many emotions involved.

Still at one point around October after 2018 summer my portfolio was down 93% and I was bag holding coins like REQ, ICX, NANO etc. Those took some hard beatings. When this happens you kinda become numb to it. You regret not selling but you also know it's impossible to time your positions. I also went to an event in my town which explained Blockchain and it's use case very well. I thought this was very cool!

Fast forward in 2019 I went to live in another country for my study. I still remember Bitcoin kinda coming back to life at one point and I noticed myself checking it more often again. I believe it even went to 12K and then back again. Sadly when bitcoin pumps alts don't directly go with it and when bitcoin dumps alts dump more. The more this happened the worse alts got beaten up. I never bought bitcoin because I didn't believe in it's user case. I saw it like a big old dinosaur which would go extinct. Still regret that now, hindsight sigh.

Anyway fast forward again and we reached the corona pandemic which made the market tank hugely again. Bitcoin sitting around 3k before going up again. I regret it but I never really added to my position because in times like that you really think: this is too risky, it might never go up again.

Since the corona pandemic I had more time and I checked the subreddit and my portfolio more often. I even logged into my exchange account again which I didn't do in 2 years. Lots of things going on as everything started climbing again. As I logged in I noticed my coins I was bag holding. I converted them all to Ethereum which was sitting at 540 at that time. Not a bad thing looking back now.

Now we're here today and I personally still haven't reached that 2017 all time high. It's just because I bought into some altcoins around their all time high and they never really recovered again. Also because I never dollar cost averaged on my 2017-2018 position.

These few years have definitely taught me a lot though. My lessons I've learned are:

• Don't invest more than you are willing to lose

• Consider the money gone to prevent emotional actions or trading.

• Hold on to your positions or make slight adjustments if you see fit.

-Do your own research at coins you're eyeballing (common advice here).

• Don't panic sell.

• DCA (dollar cost average) when possible. Don't invest everything at once.

• Spread risk into multiple projects consider a portion into more stable projects like Bitcoin and Ethereum


-Buy the dip (not like me who didn't do that hahaha)

Anyway if you made it this far, thanks a lot! I hope you enjoyed my tiny story of crypto investment.

Disclaimer; I'm not a financial expert and everything you read is my own personal experience. Do with it as you please :)

TLDR; was able to get big profits but held on and got greedy. Held everything through the 2018, 2019 and 2020 crash and now I'm up again

DO NOT USE Oracle Cloud if you care about security, integrity, or your and your customer's private information because it won't be secure with Oracle Cloud! (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Review )

If you're a programmer or anyone needing a backend. I would not suggest Oracle Cloud. If you're a stockholder or looking to invest in Oracle. I wouldn't. They are far behind in the times. Their cloud infrastructure is crumbling.

This is a review that might I add is protected by the FTC therefore Oracle cannot take it down, and if any evidence is needed. I have plenty. This situation led to the banning of my account after I upset tech support, but in exchange, they went into my server and took data and then sent me an attack script straight from the Oracle support board. Experience: computers 18 years. Internet Security 9.5 years. AWS 5 years. Oracle 4 mo. Languages: PHP, JS, C, HTML, CSS. (do those last two even count anymore?)

Since this is a programming reddit. Here's a tidbit to those who have moved to the light away from Apache: NGINX 1250 pm.max_children / 400 pm.max_requests / pm.start_servers 64 / pm.min_spare_servers 32 / pm.max_spare_servers 64 - auto | this was on a server with 24 cores, 256GB of RAM, and this handled 125,000 connections and was able to process 3,400 new connections with a 2Mb download per connection per second. You will also need access to a 50Gbps port as well to handle that many connections per second. So, anyway, Oracle decided to go digging around my server:

I signed up for the Oracle Startup program as I wanted to get away from AWS. I think AWS has some really great services, but I also can see the cost of their services is way beyond the price they should be. That's not what deters me from Amazon though. I think Amazon has too much power and I don't like the ethics of his company. They recently started favoring direct purchases from China but this is another story.

I signed up for Oracle Cloud (OCI) with my application that directly stated I was working on a social network that also was to be a hub for crypto securities. A place where you can inspect the rating of sellers, and contacts to make sure you're not getting scammed.

I saw they had a GPU instance, which I needed for the development of my project. It was the worst mistake of my life. The first thing was that they told me it was impossible to get Windows on a GPU4.8 instance which makes absolutely no sense. Their website proclaims that you can use any OS with their GPUs and even bring your own.

Yet, they still wouldn't. I made a fuss about this because Linux is not my favorite. I've used it for 5 years securing web servers but my experience is namely NGINX, SSL, Docker, Firewalls, IPTables, OpenVPN, Mining, Routing, etc. you know, web server stuff.

So, I started using Linux to set things up. Nothing worked. It crashed 25 times to the point I had to terminate the instance and get a new one. I have only had a server fault on me once and that was my fault when I blocked my own IP in IP tables. That was the only time I've ever been locked out of a server. Around my 5th try, I decided to test some mining pools, so I could start one of my operations which was ledger accountability. Out of pure redundancy, I proxied my connection with a VPN to my servers at OVH and routed it onion style to the pool. My connection should have been completely secure and unseen. All traffic from the server would have just been a connection to my other server of which they should not have seen any contents.

Alas, that instance failed, and that was the last time I mined, but I had enough data to proceed with the accountability. I was using machine learning to route every transaction from the pool with their ending accounts, and I ultimately found that one pool was sending money to a scam account (it had many comments, and reviews all over the internet about how this account never pays them for converting their cryptocurrency) and then that scam account would send 4 big transactions (from the same block reward that was sent to it) to different accounts, of which all sent their balance to the same account of which had hundreds of Ethereum in it. It also turned out that the scam website that the scam Ethereum wallet that converted the coins into bitcoin for their "miners" belonged to the same person. The reason I found this out was that they both used the same server, had the same kind of code, same generic design, and same web miners as all of the other ones. The guy makes the best fake sites you'll find, but his style is deadly obvious. Still, when you use the same server for all of your projects, someone is going to find out. I did alert the pool, but then 8 faceless profiles appeared in the chat out of nowhere attacking the credibility of the report even though there were a lot of people complaining about not being paid out for a block. You can actually see there the pool was stealing whole blocks at a time, of which none of the rewards was paid out to anyone. But the guy completely washed away the conversation by spamming his fake profiles.

I had too much to do so I didn't waste my time. And I'm not sure if I mentioned this. I did ask permission to mine before I mined and they told me that many of their customers were in Crypto and that they fully support it. That was obviously a lie. I did look for every Term of Use, Acceptable Use, and Policy that I could find, and not one mentioned Crypto Mining.

Later I tried to SSH into the server and it again crashed, so I used the Oracle Cloud SHELL to make a temp connection. The connection refused, even with a newly generated key. I rebooted and tried off and on for 2 hours. This was going to be a reoccurring theme for 3 weeks.

You also have to ask ORACLE to do anything. And I really mean anything. You know how on AWS you basically do what you want more or less as long as you pay when they ask you to? Yeah. No. Everything is locked on Oracle Cloud. You have to get approval for EVERYTHING. The system is so buggy that after I received approval to make a GPU4.8 instance, I had to go to support because it wasn't showing up. It took a week for them to fix it. That was the only time out of 20 support requests that they actually did something.

I was getting to the point where I was so angry that my eyes were twitching. Not my eye-lids. My eyes. And it was the strangest feeling ever because it looked as if everything was kind of bouncing.

I have never seen such an incompetent support team in my life! I hate AWS but guess what? I am never dissing them again. At this point. I don't care if they charge me 10x more than what Oracle does. The support and services beat them. You get what you pay for, and if you want headaches, constant server crashing, bad support, lazy support, and to be spied on, go to Oracle Cloud!

For 3 weeks, I had nothing but headaches with their system. And if you don't know anything about CIDR, routing, DNS, VCN, etc. don't even try to use Oracle Cloud. They are not user-friendly at all unless you specifically know about things from the 90s that no one uses anymore. They really need to streamline their system as Amazon does.

I finally found out what happened with my bare metal instance. I happened to be looking at a live log file as I was about 20 hours in. One line said process failure. Then it kept coming down.

  1. Time and Date Service Failure

  2. Hostname Service Failure

  3. Virtualization Daemon Failure

  4. NVIDIA Daemon Failure

  5. Time Dated Systemd Failure

  6. Uptrack Prefetch Failure

  7. g_str_has_prefetch: "assertion 'str !=NULL ' failed (72 times it posted this in a minute)

  8. Could not find home directory: $HOME is not set and user database cannot be read

  9. Can't load configuration file /etc/udisks2/udisks2.conf

  10. Failed to load config files: Failed to get contents of the config dir (/etc/libblockdev/conf.d/)Error opening directory "/etc/libblockdev/conf.d/"

  11. udisks daemon version 2.9.0 starting

  12. Requested start of the logical partition overlaps with extended partition metadata. Start of the partition moved to 1. (which made no sense because I didn't execute any command like this)

  13. Unmounted dev/sda2 on behalf of UID 0

This all happened within 3 minutes, which by the end of it, my server completely stalled. I rebooted and logged into the cloud shell to see what it was doing on bootup.

It seemed normal until it started saying "failure" of which then booted me out of SSH and refused to connect. I rebooted and still refused to connect.

I tried every instance because this kept happening every 20 or so hours. I installed webmin, a great web server tool that I would recommend to everyone. I booted up the partitions on a fresh install (well not really because ORACLE tainted it with their software so each Distro is basically Oracle Linux and if you didn't know, even NVIDIA refuses to support Oracle Linux because of how restrictive and broken their distro is) Amazon Linux is fully supported by NVIDIA though. Which. Would normally pain me to say but I have no issues referring anyone to AWS now after the onslaught of disaster that I experienced with Oracle.

So each one would basically destroy itself when using the GPU4.8. I brought this up to them a few times of which they seem to care very little of. Then magically one time when I needed permission to move my instance (from which I already had approval but I needed approval again for some reason) and I requested to use Windows as the operating system as it says on their site. They had all of the time in the WORLD! They were very fast to respond, but they only asked me questions about the failing instances. Their zoom call had 8 people on it which has never been the case before. After I gave them the information about the failing operating systems and where to look, they completely ghosted me. 14 hours went by. Still no response. I sent them 4 messages over an 8 hour period. No response.

They closed my ticket randomly without even responding. Then I tried to reopen the ticket and told them that I was going to contact corporate and 1 hour later they banned my account for crypto mining.

So here's the thing. Oracle Instances are supposed to be encrypted. I got an email from them stating that there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY FOR ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES, NONE, TO ENTER CUSTOMER SERVERS. Okay, that's funny. Because the only time I mined was 2 weeks ago, so it would be weird that you found that 2 weeks later if you were constantly that far behind, you would actually be years behind right now since they started how long ago. If it took them 2 minutes to process 1 minute of traffic, they would be behind 6 months in one year. At which case makes no sense. They also have instant "security" on their cloud so you would be able to detect any mining activity ON THE SPOT.

Aside from that. My server's traffic should have been completely hidden under two different proxies for redundancy. The first line went to my server at OVH so the connection would have been non-suspicious. And that line was also proxied to the pool.

The thing that erked me was that they kept saying that there is no way for them to enter or see anything on our servers. Which is funny, because one time, a random IP entered my server using an SSH key as the root user, and forced logged me out, and kept doing it for 2-3 minutes until I forced logged out that user. I checked to see what they were up to, and it was empty. The IP address used to login to my instance though was, you guessed it, from Oracle.

Here is the reply I received from Oracle Support:


Hello Andrew,

Kindly be informed that no one from Oracle can access the servers, instances or resources which belong to our customers. If such an event took place on your servers, it was not determined by Oracle.

Please provide the details requested in my previous message so that I can continue the investigation on your request.

I am looking forward to your update.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Kind regards,



Which okay, I believed him.

But then all this stuff happened and support was being the worst like they always are, and then they banned me for mining, of which I did on an encrypted server with all ports and incoming IP addresses blocked (well: drop) except for those who request access via an SSH key on port 22 to which then makes that IP address an established connection.

From my understanding, they have zero access? It says it all over their website and their forms. But this support team seems very sketchy to me because I had actually just moved Ethminer, an open source project that I had been updating from my desktop to my server via sftp and the name of zip was just source.

I had blocked and erased on my instance that Oracle uses for "analysis" and then also turned off their monitoring and other tools they use, as well as uninstalled any software that sent my logs elsewhere. That in itself is just a violation of privacy.

So, here I have some miner software with folder $HOME/docker/d/source/*ethminer

The only way they could have found that was if they had access to my file system. Which is completely and utterly unacceptable as then that exposes my PASSWORDS, any CUSTOMER DATA, and PRIVATE INFORMATION that a server holds. And I get why there should be some reporting metrics on a server, but really to that extent? If they have can log into these users to get the connection to send reports, then ANYONE at Oracle has front door access to your server. They also have a USB plugged into their Linux bare metals partitions of which you cannot see the contents.

I would warn any business using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to MIGRATE your data and sanitize any backdoors that they may have, or that an employee may have put onto your instances.

Because I find the support team to be very sketchy:

  1. They don't have a clue what they're doing. Seriously. I've been on the phone with these "tech experts" for hours and they don't have a clue what they're talking about. I've had to teach them how to do their job. It's that bad.

  2. A cybercriminal doesn't need to be smart, they just need to know how to follow instructions

  3. Any access to your server can be exploited to gain full access

  4. An IP address that is owned from Oracle SSH'd into my account as ROOT and tried to log me out. The log says the user didn't do anything, but that would be strange since I was logged out, 4 times until I was able to type "sudo killall -9 -u ROOT"

  5. They were very attentive when their machines were failing but when it came to actually help me, I got ghosted again... And this had happened 3 to 4 times before this.

  6. An hour after I tried to reopen a closed ticket from which they kept ignoring and said I was going to contact corporate about how incompetent their team was and how awful their coding abilities were. They banned me; of which they claimed there was crypto mining traffic. But the report they sent me, was blank, and for some reason when I opened the JSON file, my computer blocked a connection to a random IP.

Upon further review of this JSON file. It was instructed to do a TCP Amplification Attack. It was sending it to IP: which is Mighty Oak Technology. I have never heard of them. They aren't accredited at all. I have ZERO software that is associated with them. The last time they posted anything on their site was 2019.

Oracle IS NOT SECURE. Do not HOST anything there. After what I have seen from their employees, they HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE WHAT THEY'RE DOING! Zero! I almost cried when I returned to the Amazon console because I have never felt so safe. And you have no idea how painful it would normally be to say that. I cannot stand Amazon. I refuse to buy from them and if you find my Facebook, half of my posts are about bashing Amazon. But I have experienced the worst customer experience and the worst violation of my personal data I have ever witnessed, that it joys me now to refer AWS compared to the experience I had with Oracle.