Saturday, August 10, 2019

Live Bitcoin Interview 5 - Meni Rosenfeld

Less than 72 hours to go before I interview /u/menirosenfeld , chairman of the Israeli Bitcoin Association on Youtube Live.


Youtube Channel

Send me any questions you have for Meni, and pm me your email address if you want to be notified on future interviews in the series.

[Daily Discussion] Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Altcoin Discussion] Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

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[Daily Discussion] Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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ShionCoin Console Basics

The following is a brief overview of the commands provided by the "shc" utility console program.

The utility program "shc" communication with the server (shcoind) are restricted to the local host that the service is running. You must use the stratum API in order to access the server from a remote machine.

A sub-set of all the commands are provided here. This guide attempts to concentrate on commonly used commands that are useful. Run "shc help" for a full list of commands. Run "shc help <command>" for details about running that particular command.

You can enter an interactive mode by running "shc --prompt".

Run the daemon with "shcoind --debug" in order to print additional information to the log file (on linux, "/var/lib/share/shcoind.log") for diagnostic purposes.

ShionCoin "pub-key" coin addresses typically starts with "S" or "R". A "script address" will start with "1" and a seg-wit address will start with "3". Coin addresses are verified when entered on the command-line in order to ensure that the address is prudent in respect to the coin interface.

All fees for extended transactions, such as creating context and aliases, are either stored (for update purposes) in a local extended account and/or are provided as mining fees. You can use the "wallet.donate" command to intentionally create a transaction which includes a specified mining reward value.

[center][size=13pt][b]Wallet Commands[/b][/size][/center]

The wallet commands provides capabilities to transfer funds and manage accounts. Each account can contain several coin addresses and has a counter-part "extended account" that is not visible.

[size=11pt][color=green]Wallet Info:[/color][/size]

Display statistical and runtime information on wallet operations.

[sub] shc { "version": 3010000, "walletversion": 60000, "balance": 658, "keypoololdest": 1517000561, "keypoolsize": 101 } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Create Coin Address:[/color][/size]

The "" command is used to create a normal (non seg-wit) coin address and associate it with an account name. Coin addresses may be automatically generated for accounts, for example in order to return "change" in a fund transfer transaction. All change is directly returned to the associated account. [sub] shc test S2fzfzf1SStvaMzjGpCtYKxY3t8PXus9Ci [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]List Accounts: wallet.list[/color][/size]

The "wallet.list" command provides a balance of all accounts in the coin wallet. [sub] shc wallet.list { "": 0, "bank": 658, "system": 0 } [/sub]

Three accounts are created by default. The "" account receives coinbase rewards which are then distributed to users based on their stratum stats. The "bank" account is a 0.1% cut of the rewards received from the stratum mining pool. The "system" account is currently reserved for a cpu-miner which attempts a single mining operation each time new task work is assigned to miners. The frequency of how often this occurs is based on tracking the "luck" of past attempts.

[size=11pt][color=green]List Coin Addresses: wallet.listaddr[/color][/size]

The "wallet.listaddr" command will list all of the coin addresses associated with an account.

[sub] shc wallet.listaddr test ["S2fzfzf1SStvaMzjGpCtYKxY3t8PXus9Ci"] [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Create Transaction: wallet.send[/color][/size]

The "wallet.send" command is the primary method of sending funds.

All ShionCoin transactions are sent with at least the 0.0001 SHC minimum fee. Providing the minimum fee is provided, any fee can is permitted and affects the priority of the transaction.

[sub] shc wallet.send bank S2fzfzf1SStvaMzjGpCtYKxY3t8PXus9Ci 10 307711dace8c0583b744af8acd1df2073e36b0c7a54b8830a15ae146f8c22ddb [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Test Create Transaction: wallet.tsend[/color][/size]

You can "test send" a transaction in order to determine the aproximate fee and size that would result. [sub] shc wallet.tsend bank SLbnKamvSx8FhaBNpHUwffFDLZ16J8phdX 10 { "amount": 10, "tx-amount": 98.999900, "size": 300, "virt-size": 226, "fee": 0.000100, "inputs": 1, "priority": 1085539000000 } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Create Batch Transaction(s): wallet.bsend[/color][/size]

The "wallet.bsend" command allows you to transfer funds that are more complicated than would be permitted in a single transaction. Multiple transactions will be created, as neccessary, in order to send the specified coin value. The total value commited to be sent may be lower than the value requested under certain circumstances.

[size=11pt][color=green]Create Certified Transaction: wallet.csend[/color][/size]

The "wallet.csend" associated a pre-created certificate with the coin transfer. The certificate may be used to associate with the certificate, or provide a method to identity the source of the funds.

[sub] shc wallet.csend bank SLbnKamvSx8FhaBNpHUwffFDLZ16J8phdX 10 <cert-hash> [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Create Stamp Transaction: wallet.stamp[/color][/size]

The "wallet.stamp" command allows you to create a short message (up to 135 characters), or reference a geodetic location, to associate with a local coin address. The stamp transaction is the exclusive method of claiming spring matix location coins. Creating a stamp in the format "geo:<latitude>,<longitude>" will result in a single SHC coin, once processed on the network, being rewarded for all locations not yet discovered in the spring matrix. A minimum transaction fee (0.0001) is applied for each stamp transaction created.

Use the "ctx.findloc" command in order to search for locations active in the sprint matrix.

[sub] [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Validate Address: wallet.donate[/color][/size]

Donated coins are added to the upcoming block reward. Donations may be optionally associated with a certificate. The maximum donation value in a single transaction is 500 coins. Donations are associated with the coin address that generates them, and may contain a geodetic stamp depending on configuration and availability.

The total cost will include the donation coin value specified plus a minimum transaction fee (0.0001 SHC).

[sub] { "version": 1, "flag": 1025, "txid": "ace04609d0eca593b73a3f1afb1dcfeb10049c4ab4098ff9b17e01da65bf2ec6", .. "ident": { "version": 3, "expire": " ", "geo": "46.770000,113.980000", "addr": "SFrXpo9ykcSeycTdMaFu3xWwJFxN5gkUH4" } } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Validate Address: wallet.validate[/color][/size]

The "wallet.validate" command returns general information about the coin address specified, including whether the coin address is contained in the local wallet.

[sub] shc wallet.validate SLbnKamvSx8FhaBNpHUwffFDLZ16J8phdX { "isvalid": true, "address": "SLbnKamvSx8FhaBNpHUwffFDLZ16J8phdX", "ismine": true, "account": "system" } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Validate Address: wallet.key[/color][/size]

Obtain a code that identifies the private key of a coin address.

[size=11pt][color=green]Validate Address: wallet.setkey[/color][/size]

Create a new coin address, for the specified account, with a private key code.

[size=11pt][color=green]Validate Address: wallet.keyphrase[/color][/size]

Obtain a set of phrases that identify the private key associated with a coin address.

[size=11pt][color=green]Validate Address: wallet.setkeyphrase[/color][/size]

Create a coin address in the wallet given a key phrase.

[size=11pt][color=green]Export Wallet (json): wallet.export[/color][/size]

Creates a JSON formatted backup of all the accounts managed.

[size=11pt][color=green]Export Wallet (datafile): wallet.exportdat[/color][/size]

Creates a binary backup, in the tradition bitcoin wallet format, of all the accounts in the wallet.

[size=11pt][color=green]Import Wallet (json): wallet.import[/color][/size]

Creates a JSON formatted backup of all the accounts managed.

[size=11pt][color=green]Scan Wallet: wallet.rescan[/color][/size]

Cycle through all known wallet transactions and verify their state in the block-chain.

[center][size=13pt][b]Block Commands[/b][/size][/center]

[size=11pt][color=green]BlockChain Info:[/color][/size]

Print summarized information about the block-chain.

[sub] shc { "version": 2000000, "blockversion": 2, "walletversion": 60000, "blocks": 77029, "difficulty": 0.000488, "pooledtx": 0, "currentblockhash": "5c4e3a637d857c7df925dda1c017dd3864c0fb95c1421276619810f5b95fc8c5", "errors": "" } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Print Block (hash): block.get[/color][/size]

Print detailed information about the specified block hash.

[sub] shc block.get bc157eefd48e18152c70ad2937bd44e6bb38d218bf13c262a844a3d0ae9264d6 { "blockhash": "bc157eefd48e18152c70ad2937bd44e6bb38d218bf13c262a844a3d0ae9264d6", "version": 536870912, "merkleroot": "5bda555d945bc36806f1eb4913a47a2ecad4569133cce1d59bd82ad94e7be1c6", "time": 1521898215, "stamp": "03/24/18 07:30:15", "nonce": 4422421, "bits": "1e07ffff", "previousblockhash": "3312abddb29aea55f44a0e3c52d397d3041b9e2deaa160f2ac415cdca05057b9", .. } [/sub] [size=11pt][color=green]Print Block Hash (height): block.hash[/color][/size]

Obtain the block hash for a specified block height.

[sub] shc block.hash 77022 bc157eefd48e18152c70ad2937bd44e6bb38d218bf13c262a844a3d0ae9264d6 [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Export BlockChain: block.export[/color][/size]

Export an entire block-chain to a binary file. The actual export of data is performed asynchronously (in the background), and the log file should be reviewed to determine when the operation is actually done.

[sub] shc block.export /root/.shc/block.bin { "mode": "export-block", "minheight": 0, "maxheight": 0, "path": "/root/.shc/block.bin", "state": "init" }

tail /var/log/share/shcoind.log .. [03/24/18 07:47:14] info: shc: PerformBlockChainOperation: saved 77105 blocks to path "/root/.shc/block.bin". [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Import BlockChain: block.import[/color][/size]

Import a previously exported block-chain into the live system. The imported file will only over-write block records that do not previously exist.

[size=11pt][color=green]BlockChain Scan: block.verify[/color][/size]

Perform an integrity check against the last X blocks in the block-chain.

[center][size=13pt][b]Transaction Commands[/b][/size][/center]

[size=11pt][color=green]Print Transaction: tx.get[/color][/size]

Print details for a particular transaction from it's transaction hash.

[sub] shc tx.get 307711dace8c0583b744af8acd1df2073e36b0c7a54b8830a15ae146f8c22ddb { "version": 1, "flag": 1, "txid": "307711dace8c0583b744af8acd1df2073e36b0c7a54b8830a15ae146f8c22ddb", .. } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Print Transaction: tx.pool[/color][/size]

Print details for all transaction currently pending in the active "mempool" queue. These are transactions that are actively being inserted into mined blocks.

[size=11pt][color=green]Print Transaction: tx.validate[/color][/size]

Validate a transaction hash associated with the local wallet. Prints summarized information about all local coin addresses associated with the transaction.

[sub] shc tx.validate 307711dace8c0583b744af8acd1df2073e36b0c7a54b8830a15ae146f8c22ddb [{ "spent": "false", "ismine": "true", "address": "S7viXBKwUZKy4aPCby3oXzWFDxhZKjGipA" }, { "spent": "false", "ismine": "true", "address": "S2fzfzf1SStvaMzjGpCtYKxY3t8PXus9Ci" }] [/sub]

[center][size=13pt][b]Peer Commands[/b][/size][/center]

[size=11pt][color=green]Import Peers:[/color][/size]

Display a summary of information relating to connected peers.

[sub] { "clientversion": 3010000, "protocolversion": 2000000, "socketport": 24104, "connections": 3, "networkhashps": 11609, "errors": "" } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Import Peers: peer.list[/color][/size]

Display information about each node peer currently connected to the coin interface.

[size=11pt][color=green]Export Peers: peer.export[/color][/size]

Export all of the known peers to a JSON file.

[sub] ./shc peer.export /root/.shc/peer.json { "mode": "peer.export", "path": "/root/.shc/peer.json", "state": "finished" } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Import Peers: pee[Suspicious link removed]port[/color][/size]

Import a JSON file containing node peer information.

[size=11pt][color=green]Remove Peer: peer.remove[/color][/size]

Disconnect and remove the specified peer from the system.

[center][size=13pt][b]Context Commands[/b][/size][/center]

[size=11pt][color=green]Context Info:[/color][/size]

Print the current fee to create a context transaction and the total number of context records in the system.

[sub] { "fee": 25, "total": 1 } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Print String Context: ctx.getstr[/color][/size]

Prints the ASCII value associated with a particular context name.

[sub] shc ctx.getstr "test name" test value [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Print Context: ctx.get[/color][/size]

Prints detailed information about a context record given it's context hash.

[sub] shc ctx.get ab5b128ce3674f81f0271efbbbb191fed56e9a80 { "version": 3, "label": "ab5b128ce3674f81f0271efbbbb191fed56e9a80 test name (1zgfTHd5BQA)", "expire": "Mar 23 08:28:39 2020", "flags": 10244, "signature": "e0539d3ecb54c5c0a29ccd69f0b03dfdfb58bc24", "hash": "ab5b128ce3674f81f0271efbbbb191fed56e9a80", "valuesize": 10, "valuecrc": "1zgfTHd5BQA", "tx": "0dbf21191091e33ad7be3b1ce1983ffffdbedeb804e3ce934021f0fad038d50e" } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Create String Context: ctx.findloc[/color][/size]

Search for a location by it's name or with geodetic cordinates.

The "ctx.findloc" will scan an area and attempt to find a location within it. This area includes a span of about 100 sq. miles. The closest location with the smallest precision found will be returned. In addition, geodetic information provided by the share library is also utilized.

[sub] shc ctx.findloc "geo:46.9,114.2" { "name": "missoula, mt", "summary": "Montana", "zone": "America/Denver", "code": "MUNI", "country": "US", "geo": "46.94000,114.04000", "type": "Municipal Zone", "springable": "false" } shc ctx.findloc "Missoula, MT" { "name": "missoula, mt", "summary": "Montana", "zone": "America/Denver", "code": "MUNI", "country": "US", "geo": "46.94000,114.04000", "type": "Municipal Zone", "springable": "false" } [/sub]

Note: The "springable" value denotes whether the geodetic location can be claimed in the SHC spring matrix (see "wallet.stamp").

[size=11pt][color=green]Create String Context: ctx.getloc[/color][/size]

Print detailed information about a particular location by it's name or geodetic cordinates.

The "ctx.getloc" command requires specific cordinates to be specified when a latitude and longitude is specified.

[sub] ctx.getloc "Missoula Creek" ctx.getloc geo:46.9846,114.1213 [/sub]

Note: The "springable" value denotes whether the geodetic location can be claimed in the SHC spring matrix (see "wallet.stamp").

[size=11pt][color=green]Create String Context: ctx.setstr[/color][/size]

Create a text format context value. This establishes a simple name=value relationship.

Context names are stored as hash keys. Therefore, the string name of the context key must be known before-hand in order to perform the lookup. A small label is also provided as part of the context record which includes a snippet (or all of) the context name.

Context records are signed against the coin address that paid to generate the transaction. Context transaction typically cost about 25 SHC or less to create. A context will expire two years after the date at which it is either created or updated. The owner can update a context by creating a new one with the same name as a pre-existing one. The "context hash" that identifies a context is also the key hash of it's label. The context is shown as part of the transaction details.

[sub] shc ctx.setstr test "test name" "test value" { "version": 3, "label": "ab5b128ce3674f81f0271efbbbb191fed56e9a80 test name (1zgfTHd5BQA)", "expire": "Mar 23 08:28:39 2020", "flags": 10244, "signature": "e0539d3ecb54c5c0a29ccd69f0b03dfdfb58bc24", "hash": "ab5b128ce3674f81f0271efbbbb191fed56e9a80", "valuesize": 10, "valuecrc": "1zgfTHd5BQA", "tx": "0dbf21191091e33ad7be3b1ce1983ffffdbedeb804e3ce934021f0fad038d50e" } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Create Geodetic Context: ctx.setloc[/color][/size]

The "ctx.setloc" command creates contextual information about a specific place.

The command includes information about a location zipcode, name, and description. In addition, an optional place type code, country code, and web-url can be specified.

The place type corrosponds to one of the codes returned from the "ctx.loctypes" command.

This command has two different modes. One corrosponds to giving a name to a particular geodetic latitude and longitude corindate, and the other includes providing details about that particular location. A single location (as specified by latitude and longitude) may have multiple names, but it limited to a single set of details. Although some common places may be reserved from use (such as common city names), the application of detailed information to a geodetic location comes on a first-come-first-serve basis. Note that context information expires after two years.

The size of the area being referenced is dependent on the place type specified. For example, "AREA" spans roughly 30 sq. miles, while "SPOT" only spans 8 sq. feet. This precision is used in relation to geodetic lookups performed.

[sub] shc ctx.setloc test geo:46.9846,114.1213 "Bitterroot Creek" STM US shc ctx.setloc test "Missoula Creek" geo:46.9846,114.1213 [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Create Identity Context: ctx.setid[/color][/size]

Create a binary context from the raw command-line argument specified.

[size=11pt][color=green]Create Binary Context (raw): ctx.setbin[/color][/size]

Create a binary context from the raw command-line argument specified.

[size=11pt][color=green]Create Binary Context (file): ctx.setfile[/color][/size]

Create a binary context from the absolute path specified.

[size=11pt][color=green]Print Location Types: ctx.loctypes[/color][/size]

Print out all suported location type codes for use with the "ctx.setloc" command.

[sub] [{ "name": "AREA", "desc": "General Area", "prec": 1 }, { "name": "MT", "desc": "Mountain", "prec": 1 }, .. } [/sub]

[center][size=13pt][b]Address Alias Commands[/b][/size][/center]

[size=11pt][color=green]Alias Info:[/color][/size]

Print the current fee to create an alias transaction and the total number of alias records in the system.

[sub] shc { "fee": 31.250000, "total": 1 } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Create Address Alias: alias.pubaddr[/color][/size]

Create a persistent public association with a name and a coin address. Once confirmed, the coin address can be referenced as "@<name>" in command-line operations.

When a coin address is specified the alias label will be published onto the block chain in reference. If the alias label already exists, then a transfer will occur providing you are the original owner.

A coin address will be automatically created if none is specified. Only "pub-key" coin addresses are currently supported. An alias will expire after 12 years.

An alias cost around 30 SHC to create and will decrease over time.

[sub] shc alias.pubaddr test S2fzfzf1SStvaMzjGpCtYKxY3t8PXus9Ci { .. "alias": { "version": 1, "label": "test", "expire": "Mar 21 09:37:40 2030", "type": 30, "addr": "S2fzfzf1SStvaMzjGpCtYKxY3t8PXus9Ci", "type-name": "pubkey" } }

./shc wallet.send bank @test 2 d438fea502b7113f155617fc1b400161bb3045645094df5423ce7e484fadf7f2 [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]List Address Alias: alias.list[/color][/size]

Print all aliases that match the keyword provided.

[sub] shc alias.list { "test": { "block": "79b04f63fe5602f40bc559b1c5b39b730a2d6ea2d6b4ab491904d6054b1add71", "tx": "abb12ed2f4a74c58432afa9e19c08afad1d3dd84052f23be534e96ed53e11d4f", "alias": "77135966b271a06928cdff5548dbbaed61ee7250", "addr": "S2fzfzf1SStvaMzjGpCtYKxY3t8PXus9Ci" } } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Print Address Alias: alias.getaddr[/color][/size]

Print details about a particular coin address alias given it's name.

[sub] shc alias.getaddr test { "version": 1, "label": "test", "expire": "Mar 21 09:37:40 2030", "type": 30, "addr": "S2fzfzf1SStvaMzjGpCtYKxY3t8PXus9Ci", "type-name": "pubkey" } [/sub]

[center][size=13pt][b]Certificate Commands[/b][/size][/center]

[size=11pt][color=green]Certificate Info:[/color][/size]

Prints the current certificate transaction fee and the total number of certificates created on the block-chain.

[sub] shc { "fee": 14.750000, "total": 1 } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Certificate Info: cert.list[/color][/size]

Search for a certificate given the provided keyword.

[sub] shc cert.list test { "test certificate": "8069f1bbfb435cfa1efdb454684446528343b809" } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Certificate Info:[/color][/size]

The "" command is used to create a new certificate on the block-chain. The certificate than may be used to derive other certificates or dispense licences. The certificate may have an optional fee specified that will be required to derive or license it.

A certificate can either be designated for issueing other certificates or granting licenses, but not both. Either form of the certificate may be used in order to donate or send a certified coin transfer.

A certificate is signed against a private key that is generated from the associated extended account coin address. You may optionally specify a hexadecimal seed to use for generating the private key. The certificate's private key is not stored in a database or a transaction, and requires the original coin address to be present in the local wallet to be determined. The public key is provided as part of the certificate transaction, and can be used in order to verify the integrity of the associated signature.

The average fee for registering a new certificate is initially about 15 SHC and will decrease over time. The details of the certificate are visible in the underlying transaction that it was generated in.

The frame-work of the certificate is designed to be compatible with the x509 format. See the "shcert" share library utility program for more information on exporting x509 certificate created on the ShionCoin block-chain. Certificates may also be used to provide licensing authentication to run or provide features to programs using the share library "esig" functionality (see the "shesig_verify()" function).

Note that the certificate may contain identifying information such as the originating coin address and, when available, the geodetic location.

[sub] shc test "test certificate" { "version": 1, "flag": 17, "txid": "18d0a73c96af3dd211f27e4ada898e13b4cf25223da2591289edb8a1e86f1129", .. "certificate": { "version": 3, "label": "test certificate", "expire": "Mar 24 04:13:46 2066", "geo": "46.770000,113.980000", "addr": "SC2j6kxbrKzfpxsGqBQSrxeDh2CdPn1TLJ", "certhash": "8069f1bbfb435cfa1efdb454684446528343b809", "issuer": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "serialno": "0c96a132d74df2522f38babf0733224c", "flags": 10244, "signature": "0d5a4e6c7d4975ee443cfc2e057d3d76070bd2f5", "sigpubkey": "0334d9f89253fa0837a1524266414509bdce478368" } } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Certificate Info: cert.get[/color][/size]

Print the details of a certificate record given the certificate hash.

[sub] { "version": 3, "label": "test certificate", "expire": "Mar 24 04:13:46 2066", "geo": "46.770000,113.980000", "addr": "SC2j6kxbrKzfpxsGqBQSrxeDh2CdPn1TLJ", "certhash": "8069f1bbfb435cfa1efdb454684446528343b809", "issuer": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "serialno": "0c96a132d74df2522f38babf0733224c", "flags": 10244, "signature": "0d5a4e6c7d4975ee443cfc2e057d3d76070bd2f5", "sigpubkey": "0334d9f89253fa0837a1524266414509bdce478368", "txid": "18d0a73c96af3dd211f27e4ada898e13b4cf25223da2591289edb8a1e86f1129" } [/sub]

[size=11pt][color=green]Certificate Info: cert.derive[/color][/size]

Derive a certificate from another certificate. You can optionally specify a fee to be associated with the new certificate, and a fee may be required if one is associated with the parent certificate.

[size=11pt][color=green]Certificate Info: cert.license[/color][/size]

Generate a license from a certificate. A license represents authorization to use a particular product and typically requires a fee to be paid. You can optionally specify a hexadecimal seed to be used when creating the certificate's private key.

[size=11pt][color=green]Certificate Info: cert.export[/color][/size]

Exports the private key information from the extended account that is used to claim ownership over a particular certificate.

Ownership and management of a certificate depends on having specific coin address key(s) in the coin wallet. Exporting a certificate provides JSON formatted content which can be used with "wallet.import" command to attain ownership of a certificate.

[Daily Discussion] Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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Seeing The Light! Promoting Bitcoin to my colleagues at our team building Paint and Prosecco event. Some of them asked what's with the eyes? (aside from my lack of artistic talent). This lead to an in depth discussion over drinks afterwards. Converting them slowly.

[Daily Discussion] Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[uncensored-r/BitcoinMarkets] [Daily Discussion] Saturday, August 10, 2019

The following post by AutoModerator is being replicated because some comments within the post(but not the post itself) have been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: BitcoinMarkets/comments/cod9ji

The original post's content was as follows:

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[uncensored-r/Bitcoin] Tokoin Meet up in Singapore ??

The following post by tuansyho is being replicated because the post has been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: Bitcoin/comments/cogrut

The original post's content was as follows:

Tokoin recently participated in a meetup organized by XSQ at Beach Road, Shaw Tower (behind Suntech City). XSQ specializes in building hardware and infrastructure for blockchain development, and operates its own data centers in Singapore. The event was aimed at educating the audience about what Decentralized Finance means, and how it will impact our lives and MSME (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises) sector in the near future.

[Daily Discussion] Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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