Thursday, October 17, 2019

Which type of curren(t) do you want to see(cy)? A analysis of the intention behind bitcoin(s). [Part 2]

Part 1

It's been a bit of time since the first post during which I believe things have crystallised further as to the intentions of the three primary bitcoin variants. I was going to go on a long winded journey to try to weave together the various bits and pieces to let the reader discern from themselves but there's simply too much material that needs to be covered and the effort that it would require is not something that I can invest right now.

Firstly we must define what bitcoin actually is. Many people think of bitcoin as a unit of a digital currency like a dollar in your bank but without a physical substrate. That's kind of correct as a way to explain its likeness to something many people are familiar with but instead it's a bit more nuanced than that. If we look at a wallet from 2011 that has never moved any coins, we can find that there are now multiple "bitcoins" on multiple different blockchains. This post will discuss the main three variants which are Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV. In this respect many people are still hotly debating which is the REAL bitcoin variant and which bitcoins you want to be "investing" in.

The genius of bitcoin was not in defining a class of non physical objects to send around. Why bitcoin was so revolutionary is that it combined cryptography, economics, law, computer science, networking, mathematics, etc. and created a protocol which was basically a rule set to be followed which creates a game of incentives that provides security to a p2p network to prevent double spends. The game theory is extremely important to understand. When a transaction is made on the bitcoin network your wallet essentially generates a string of characters which includes your public cryptographic key, a signature which is derived from the private key:pub key pair, the hash of the previous block and an address derived from a public key of the person you want to send the coins to. Because each transaction includes the hash of the previous block (a hash is something that will always generate the same 64 character string result from EXACTLY the same data inputs) the blocks are literally chained together. Bitcoin and the blockchain are thus defined in the technical white paper which accompanied the release client as a chain of digital signatures.

The miners validate transactions on the network and compete with one another to detect double spends on the network. If a miner finds the correct solution to the current block (and in doing so is the one who writes all the transactions that have elapsed since the last block was found, in to the next block) says that a transaction is confirmed but then the rest of the network disagree that the transactions occurred in the order that this miner says (for double spends), then the network will reject the version of the blockchain that that miner is working on. In that respect the miners are incentivised to check each other's work and ensure the majority are working on the correct version of the chain. The miners are thus bound by the game theoretical design of NAKAMOTO CONSENSUS and the ENFORCES of the rule set. It is important to note the term ENFORCER rather than RULE CREATOR as this is defined in the white paper which is a document copyrighted by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.

Now if we look at the three primary variants of bitcoin understanding these important defining characteristics of what the bitcoin protocol actually is we can make an argument that the variants that changed some of these defining attributes as no longer being bitcoin rather than trying to argue based off market appraisal which is essentially defining bitcoin as a social media consensus rather than a set in stone rule set.

On first examination Bitcoin Core appears to be the incumbent bitcoin that many are being lead to believe is the "true" bitcoin and the others are knock off scams. The outward stated rationale behind the bitcoin core variant is that computational resources, bandwidth, storage are scarce and that before increasing the size of each block to allow for more transactions we should be increasing the efficiency with which the data being fed in to a block is stored. In order to achieve this one of the first suggested implementations was a process known as SegWit (segregating the witness data). This means that when you construct a bitcoin transaction, in the header of the tx, instead of the inputs being public key and a signature + Hash + address(to), the signature data is moved outside of header as this can save space within the header and allow more transactions to fill the block. More of the history of the proposal can be read about here (bearing in mind that article is published by the bitcoinmagazine which is founded by ethereum devs Vitalik and Mihai and can't necessarily be trusted to give an unbiased record of events). The idea of a segwit like solution was proposed as early as 2012 by the likes of Greg Maxwell and Luke Dash Jnr and Peter Todd in an apparent effort to "FIX" transaction malleability and enable side chains. Those familiar with the motto "problem reaction solution" may understand here that the problem being presented may not always be an authentic problem and it may actually just be necessary preparation for implementing a desired solution.

The real technical arguments as to whether moving signature data outside of the transaction in the header actually invalidates the definition of bitcoin as being a chain of digital signatures is outside my realm of expertise but instead we can examine the character of the individuals and groups involved in endorsing such a solution. Greg Maxwell is a hard to know individual that has been involved with bitcoin since its very early days but in some articles he portrays himself as portrays himself as one of bitcoins harshest earliest critics. Before that he worked with Mozilla and Wikipedia and a few mentions of him can be found on some old linux sites or such. He has no entry on wikipedia other than a non hyperlinked listing as the CTO of Blockstream. Blockstream was a company founded by Greg Maxwell and Adam Back, but in business registration documents only Adam Back is listed as the business contact but registered by James Murdock as the agent. They received funding from a number of VC firms but also Joi Ito and Reid Hoffman and there are suggestions that MIT media labs and the Digital Currency Initiative. For those paying attention Joi Ito and Reid Hoffman have links to Jeffrey Epstein and his offsider Ghislaine Maxwell.

Ghislaine is the daughter of publishing tycoon and fraudster Robert Maxwell (Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch, a yiddish orthodox czech). It is emerging that the Maxwells are implicated with Mossad and involved in many different psyops throughout the last decades. Greg Maxwell is verified as /u/nullc but a few months ago was outed using sock puppets as another reddit user /u/contrarian__ who also admits to being Jewish in one of his comments as the former. Greg has had a colourful history with his roll as a bitcoin core developer successfully ousting two of the developers put there by Satoshi (Gavin Andreson and Mike Hearn) and being referred to by Andreson as a toxic troll with counterpart Samon Mow. At this point rather than crafting the narrative around Greg, I will provide a few links for the reader to assess on their own time:


Now I could just go on dumping more and more articles but that doesn't really weave it all together. Essentially it is very well possible that the 'FIX' of bitcoin proposed with SegWit was done by those who are moral reprobates who have been rubbing shoulders money launderers and human traffickers. Gregory Maxwell was removed from wikipedia, worked with Mozilla who donated a quarter of a million to MIT media labs and had relationship with Joi Ito, the company he founded received funding from people associated with Epstein who have demonstrated their poor character and dishonesty and attempted to wage toxic wars against those early bitcoin developers who wished to scale bitcoin as per the white paper and without changing consensus rules or signature structures.

The argument that BTC is bitcoin because the exchanges and the market have chosen is not necessarily a logical supposition when the vast majority of the money that has flown in to inflate the price of BTC comes from a cryptographic USD token that was created by Brock Pierce (Might Ducks child star/hollywood pedo scandal Digital Entertainment Network) who attended Jeffrey Epstein's Island for conferences. The group Tether who issues the USDT has been getting nailed by the New York Attorney General office with claims of $1.4 trillion in damages from their dodgey practices. Brock Pierce has since distanced himself from Tether but Blockstream still works closely with them and they are now exploring issuing tether on the ethereum network. Tether lost it's US banking partner in early 2017 before the monstrous run up for bitcoin prices. Afterwards they alleged they had full reserves of USD however, they were never audited and were printing hundreds of millions of dollars of tether each week during peak mania which was used to buy bitcoin (which was then used as collateral to issue more tether against the bitcoin they bought at a value they inflated). Around $30m in USDT is crossing between China to Russia daily and when some of the groups also related to USDT/Tether were raided they found them in possession of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of counterfeit physical US bills.

Because of all this it then becomes important to reassess the arguments that were made for the implementation of pegged sidechains, segregated witnesses and other second layer solutions. If preventing the bitcoin blockchain from bloating was the main argument for second layer solutions, what was the plan for scaling the data related to the records of transactions that occur on the second layer. You will then need to rely on less robust ways of securing the second layer than Proof Of Work but still have the same amount of data to contend with, unless there was plans all along for second layer solutions to enable records to be deleted /pruned to facilitate money laundering and violation of laws put in place to prevent banking secrecy etc.

There's much more to it as well and I encourage anyone interested to go digging on their own in to this murky cesspit. Although I know very well what sort of stuff Epstein has been up to I have been out of the loop and haven't familiarised myself with everyone involved in his network that is coming to light.

Stay tuned for part 3 which will be an analysis of the shit show that is the Bitcoin Cash variant...

I created this simple little bitcoin progress bot that posts progress towards the next subsidy halving event.

Made a twitter bot for keeping track of Bitcoin's progress towards its quadrennial subsidy halving event. check it!

[Daily Discussion] Friday, October 18, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Friday, October 18, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

[uncensored-r/Bitcoin] In light of recent events...

The following post by a-kid-from-africa is being replicated because the post has been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: Bitcoin/comments/djcq60

The original post's content was as follows:

[Thursday, 17. October]

World News

The largest dark web child pornography site in the world has been taken down after IRS followed Bitcoin transactions

Comments | Link

Quebec to offer legal cannabis at $4.49 a gram, beating grey-market price

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HK protesters demand CCTV footage from Tiu Keng Leng school following death of 15-year-old student: Chan, a swimmer and a regular participant in the ongoing protests was last seen on Sept 19. Her body was found naked in the sea three days later.

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All news, US and international.

US Hearthstone players banned for Hong Kong protest

Comments | Link

A Lakers Fan Raised Almost $43k to Hand Out "Stand with Hong Kong" T-Shirts at the Season Opener

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Elijah Cummings, esteemed longtime Baltimore congressman, has died at 68

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From 2007 to 2017, the number of suicides among people ages 10 to 24 increased 56 percent

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The “kids these days effect”, people’s tendency to believe “kids these days” are deficient relative to those of previous generations, has been happening for millennia, suggests a new study (n=3,458). When observing current children, we compare our biased memory to the present and a decline appears.

Comments | Link

The largest-ever natural experiment on wealth taxes found that they work as intended — both raising revenue and controlling income inequality. The taxes had the greatest impact on the top .1% wealthiest.

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New Bill Promises an End to Our Privacy Nightmare, Jail Time to CEOs Who Lie: "Mark Zuckerberg won’t take Americans’ privacy seriously unless he feels personal consequences. Under my bill he’d face jail time for lying to the government," Sen. Ron Wyden said.

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The Public Is Clearly on the Side of Net Neutrality

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Marc Benioff says it's time to break up Facebook

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Sadly, this is not the Onion.

8 families find out they have been paying respects to the wrong graves for 39 years

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Paris zoo unveils the blob, an organism with no brain but 720 sexes

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Mum of 44 kids banned from having any more children

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Ask Reddit...

What is something most people need to hear but no one has the guts to tell people?


What would be the worst possible movie quote to yell as you climax?


Successful people who got crappy grades in high school or college - what are you doing now and how did (or didn't) your grades affect your success/career?



Run from Adobe Creative Cloud


Rant: Make the password "1234"


Amazon’s Consumer Business Just Turned off its Final Oracle Database


Microsoft SQL Server

Favorite resources to learn SSRS and SSIS?



'DarkMode' in Azure Network Topology Visualizer


Best way to start learning Powershell?


PSUrlScanio - Powershell module for using the API. (v1.0 release)


Functional 3D Printing

A simple cover for our laundry room connections, pun added by the missus

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Needed a new dog treat lid. Flexible print.

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Drilling guide to find the middle of the wood and make a nice vertical hole :)

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Data Is Beautiful

[OC] Top 5 accidental causes of death in Chicago, IL

Comments | Link

Color-Balancing Vote Margins and Vote Totals in the US Election Map [OC]

Comments | Link

[OC] Highly rated horror movies are less likely to have many jump scares

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Today I Learned (TIL)

TIL that after years of competition between Chuck E Cheese and Showbiz Pizza, Chuck E Cheese went bankrupt and was bought by Showbiz Pizza, who then proceeded to rebrand their locations as Chuck E Cheese.

Comments | Link

TIL 5-10% of Melanesians (a dark-skinned Pacific Island people) have blonde hair. This is not due to mixture with European populations, but rather due to an independently arising mutation.

Comments | Link

TIL that according to Graham Nash, Jimi Hendrix was unbeatable at the game Risk, especially while on LSD.

Comments | Link

So many books, so little time

Anyone else re-read old favourites for stress relief?


Almost finished reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to my son for the first time!




OldSchoolCool: History's cool kids, looking fantastic

The note my dad wrote to my mom on the back of his high school portrait when they were seniors. They ended up going to prom together and have now been married for 29 years :)

Comments | Link

After the assassination of senator and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, a lot of Americans went to see his funeral car as it traveled by rail from New York to Washington. A photographer who traveled with the casket took this photo as the train passed through Baltimore.

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Kid with Power Glove circa 1989

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Aww, now he can fly with the-

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Last flight to land in Jazan airport, saudi arabia before the airport close down due to massive sandstorm.

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Layers upon layers

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Reddit Pics

Though it has been around since the 1950s, the rockabilly culture is still going strong in Japan!

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10 year old kid standing tall after being arrested in Hong Kong for shouting “revolution of our time, glory to Hong Kong”

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A shirt I gifted my sister in 2013

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.gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure

The true heros of the sea

Comments | Link

Where did the human go?

Comments | Link

A breathtaking view of Switzerland from this hotel's pool

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A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures

Golden boy gets distracted by another handsome golden boy.

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Bobcat after a boy saved him from a fire (not my clip btw)

Comments | Link

Does this mean we are Best Friends Now?

Comments | Link

New IRS guidance says Bitcoin forks and airdrops are taxable events

Sending crypto to an email address? It's possible with XLMwallet

Co-founder and CTO of Stellar Jed McCaleb once said that sending money across the world should be as easy as sending an email. Here at XLMwallet, we take it literally. To send lumens, you don't need a wallet address anymore – an email is enough.

Imagine that you need to pay a friend of yours for something, and the easiest way is obviously crypto. You happen to have some lumens in your wallet – an in any case, you prefer to pay in XLM. It's super-fast, there's almost no fee, you don't need to wait for dozens of confirmations for the transaction to go through. Stellar beats Bitcoin and Ethereum every time when it comes to money transfers.

There's just one problem: your friend has never used XLM before. She doesn't have a lumens wallet. She's never heard of Stellar. Let's make it even more difficult: she doesn't use cryptocurrency at all.

What she uses are standard systems for sending fiat money – like PayPal or PaySend. In these apps, users are identified by their emails or phone numbers. It's enough to know the email address – and you can send money from your bank card or app account balance. It's easy and convenient, but there's always a fee (sometimes 2% or more), not all countries are supported, and often it's not instant.

So you think, I wish there was a way to send her lumens so that she would easily claim them – just like with PayPal! Good news – a way to do that already exists. XLMwallet allows you to send money using just the email address of a person – even if they don't have a lumens wallet yet.

Here's how it works:

  1. You enter your friend's email and the amount you want to send in the XLMwallet.
  2. The lumens are placed in custody.
  3. A new wallet address is automatically generated for your friend.
  4. Your friend receives an email saying that she's received some XLM from you and has 30 days to claim them. The email contains a link that will take her straight to her new wallet.
  5. She is provided with the public and secret keys. The private key is not not stored anywhere in the system, so nobody could get access to it and steal her lumens.
  6. The lumens you sent are released from custody and instantly transferred to her wallet.
  7. It happens so fast that she finds the XLM already there once she's finished with the keys.
  8. Your friends also receives useful welcome tips and a beginner guide that explains how Stellar (and cryptocurrency as a whole) works and why it's a better way to send money that PayPal and other apps she's used to.

As you can see, the only thing you have to do in this scheme is provide your friend's email address and hit Send. XLMwallet will do the rest for you. This is money transfers on a completely new level.

Of course, this also works for users who already have XLMwallets – as long as you know their email. You don't have to copy and paste long blockchain addresses anymore. You can form a contact list in the wallet and simply select the recipient you want.

Now, the small caveat: some of these features are still under development. It will take a couple more months until email lumen transfers are fully operational. But our team is working hard, so keep up with our updates!

Website -

Medium -


Twitter -

ILPT: In depth guide on how you can make a lot of money anonymously (Bitcoin)

So you've all heard of the old e-whoring and DNA scams by now, but people and corporations are already starting to crack down on them. So what do you do when these techniques become obsolete? Today I present to you: Cryptoconning! (As in cryptocurrency and con). So what is cryptoconning you may ask? Well it's a quick way to make a lot of bitcoins without them being traced back to you. I have only seen this technique used once and it *almost* got me, and I usually have a good eye for scams and the like. Cryptoconning is very easy to set up, even more so than e-whoring, as it requires no external downloads apart from a social media app/IM and a cryptowallet, although most people already have these anyway (and if you don't have a wallet set up you probably shouldn't be doing this scam anyway lol).

Alright so let me explain the general idea of this scam. It relies on some small mind tricks. You know how online games always have some kind of in game currency, or a premium currency? Well the reason they work so well is because it breaks the association between money-product and adds a barrier between them (money-currency-product). Would you rather spend 5 dollars on a cosmetic item for your character, or spend 6 dollars on 600 gems, then spend 500 of them on the item and have 100 left over to spend on other purchases. Pretty self-explanatory.

So now that we have the basis of the scam out of the way, let me show you how this is gonna work. You're going to offer someone 0.06 btc if they pay you 0.006 btc. Yeah, that's it. Well sort of, let me explain further. For those of you aren't into cryptocurrency, 0.006 btc is roughly 40 dollars as of right now, and 0.06 is 400. Now you are probably thinking I'm crazy, that people would actually fall for this type of scam, but it actually works. Going back to the mind trick idea, what do you think sounds less sketchier: "hey bro i can turn 40 dollars into 400 rn just paypal me the money" or "hey bro i can turn 0.006 btc into 0.06 rn just send the btc to my address". Mathematically, the difference between 0.06 and 0.006 sounds much smaller than 40 and 400 to us, even to those who understand cryptocurrencies, that's how this scam works. So you get your victim, give them this offer (change the prices if you want), hope they go through with it and boom, free 40 dollars. That easy.

So now that you get the gist of it, I'll write a more in depth instruction guide below, starting with a checklist for what you'll need to pull off this devious scam:

- Some kind of social media app/instant messaging app. It's better to use the more popular ones, such as Instagram and Snapchat, but you can use Kik or Skype (who?) if you want.

- Fake profile. Doesn't need to be in depth like with e-whoring, just make a simple page for your bitcoin
entrepreneur with a fake name, PFP etc. Your profile doesn't even need a real person, you can go for the good old
Xx_bitcoinguy69_xX if you want.

- YouTube account. You'll need this to "vouch" for yourself. You can just use your main if you want or make a quick Google account as this one doesn't even need any content.

- Crytowallet. There are plenty of good wallets out there. I use Blockchain on my phone for easy access, and it requires no ID verification.

Aaaand that's all. No extra downloads required, no "[FREE] [2019] Cryptoconning pack | Over 1200 bitcoins included!!!!!" needed!

So now that everything is set up let's get to work. The first thing you are gonna want to do is promote yourself. *Don't* promote yourself as yourself, that's just stupid. That's why we use your YouTube account to vouch for yourself in the comments of bitcoin videos. Now you may be asking, what type of video should I be looking for? And the answer is any. Really, just type bitcoin in the search box and sort by upload date. For the best results however, I would look for videos titled "how to get free bitcoins" and the like, as the type of people who will be watching those videos will be pretty desperate for money. In the comments just type something along the lines of "this is a good technique but my friend has access to a crazy mining rig. he can get you 0.06 btc in a few days message him on [social media] his name is [username].". If you want to increase your percieved authenticity, try and relate your comment to the video in some way. Yes this is more time consuming but it makes you stand out from all the bots in the comments. For example, instead of leaving the comment previously mentioned, start it like "this app is pretty cool i got 0.0002 btc in a few days. will definitely take some time but my friend already started me off etc etc etc.".

Now your first victims have begun messaging you, what next? Well the next part is similar to e-whoring, so if you are experienced in that this will be a breeze. The less questions they ask, the better. This is also a good way of seeing how desperate they are, so if you feel like you can take advantage of someone, increase the prices and the "profit". Just don't go too high, and keep the difference between the price and profit low. If they start asking questions just bullshit your way through them. "Where does the money come from?" "I have access to a mining rig in Texas", "How can you get it so fast?" "We have over 350 mining rigs, with Radeon RX 460s", "How do you make a profit out of this?" "It's not my mining rig", etc etc. When they finally ask for the money, that's when you tell them about the fee. You need a good reason for this, and by far the best one is to say that you need the money to pay for the mining rig's services. This one works like a charm. So by now you should have been able to see what kind of person they are. Friendly? Go semi high with the price and if they hesitate offer to lower it a bit. Straight forward? Go somewhere in the middle-high. Asks lots of questions? Go middle and offer to lower it a bit just for them. When you've finally got them on board all you need to do is give them your wallet address and they will send the bitcoins over. Sometimes this can take a few hours or sometimes it goes through immediately, but you should recieve it the same day. And just like that, you've made yourself a quick 30-80 dollars!

Now you don't your victim to get suspicious right away, so if the transaction hasn't gone through, tell them that it hasn't, and that you will get back to them as soon as it has. If you get it immediately, say "thanks got it" and that you've started the mining rig and it will take a couple days (be specific, don't just say "a few days", say "about 74 hours") and bid your farewell to them. At this point you can just block them but if you don't risk getting reported and your account taken down you can take it further. There's a chance that your victim will ask for progress on your mining so just give them a fake amount of bitcoins according to how long it's been since you "started it". So if you said it will take 74 hours and it's been 2 days since you scammed them, say you have mined 0.0454379 btc out of the 0.06 you agreed on. After the time period is finished come up with some excuse such as you're not allowed to use the mining rig anymore, or the owners took the bitcoins. Say you're sorry and that you returned the bitcoins they sent you and that it will probably take a few hours to send. You can even fake a screenshot of the confirmed transaction if you want, just in case they ask for proof, but at this point it's safe enough to block them.

And that's how you make 100s of dollars in bitcoins per day, completely anonymous, less hassle than other methods and less risk involved! I hope you found this useful because it took me forever to write this. Below I made a pros and cons list for a quick summary. Happy scamming! :)

Pros of cryptoconning:

- Completely anonymous, can't be traced back to you, especially if you launder it through Monero

- No downloads needed (except wallet and social media, but if you're on this sub you should probably already have those!)

- Faster than other methods, both setting up and actually executing; victims are more straight forward and willing to pay

- No need to maintain relationships with victims (also a con)

- Less risk than other money making methods (DNA is being cracked down on)

- Doesn't take up your time unlike e-whoring

- Less saturated than e-whoring

Cons of cryptoconning:

- Requires you to trade bitcoins for IRL currencies if you want to move it to PayPal/bank accounts

- Requires more promotion than other methods, can't just stick a profile on and let it do it's thing lol

- Victims are one time use, unlike e-whoring

- Bigger risk of account being banned

Weekly /r/Iowa Events Thread for the week of October 17, 2019

This thread is for any events going on in Iowa this week! What events will you be attending? What events do you want to attend? What events do you want to promote? Whats new around that state this week? Add a comment below. Anything from music to politics to a house party.

If you have any recurring events, specials, or other suggestions for this weekly thread, please send us a modmail or post it here and ping /u/annarchist - else it will likely be focused on shit Im interested in.

Please provide the following when posting new events: Time, Date, Location, Cost and some sort of description of the event.

New threads start every week, and will be stickied at the top of the subreddit. I am still working on the formatting, so if it sucks or you want changes, please provide feedback.

Here are some places to find things to do - if you see something that looks cool feel free to discuss it here because I'm sure some of us will miss it: Cityviews Calendar - Juice Calendar - Des Moines Register Event Page - Catch Des Moines Calendar - Travel Iowa Event Search

Outdoors: Trout Stocking Schedule | Iowa Biking Maps | Outdoors Things to Do | Hunting Regulations | Fishing Regulations Note -Annual Iowa hunting and fishing licenses expire on Jan. 10.

Sports: Iowa Cubs Schedule | Cedar Rapids Kernal Schedule | Hawkeye Football Schedule | Hawkeye Basketball Schedule | Iowa State Football Schedule | Iowa State Basketball Schedule | Drake Basketball | UNI Football | UNI Basketball | Barnstormer Schedule | Waterloo Blackhawks

Music: Bands in Town - Des Moines | Bands in Town - Cedar Falls | Bands in Town - Iowa City | Nitefall on the River

Local Message Boards: UrbanDSM|IowaOutdoors515Crew Election|Dates :--|:-- General Election|November 6, 2018. City Primary|October 8, 2019 Regular City & Regular School|November 5, 2019 City Runoff|December 3, 2019 Primary|June 2, 2020 General|November 3, 2020

Des Moines Reoccurring Events:
*Third Friday of Every Month is Mixology at the Science Center in Des Moines * Blues Jam Band every Tuesday at Carl's Place, $3 tallboys * Area515 1731 Grand Avenue, Des Moines - Electronics Club 2nd Wednesdays at 7pm - 3D Printing Club 3rd Mondays at 7pm - Ham Radio Night 4th Mondays at 7pm * Young Professionals Connection Calendar * Des Moines Bitcoin and Blockchain MeetUp at Gravitate in West Des Moines - 4th Thursday of the month - 7:00pm * D&D at Mistress Brewery in Ankeny Sundays 3:30pm-7:30pm.

Quad Cities Reoccuring events: * Every other Wednesday (July 25th): Eat the Streets (downtown Davenport) * relevant sub thread

Cedar Falls Reoccurring Events: * Every Tuesday night there are rides that leave at singlespeed in CF. 5:30 is the 22mph average ride. 6:00 is the 18mph average ride and women's ride. * Every Wednesday is the the CvC WOW ride that meets at 6 pm at 4th and Main St in CF. Several types of rides for all types of riders.

Council Bluffs Reoccurring Events: * Every Thursday night in council bluffs is the Taco Ride from CB to mineola Iowa

Central Iowa Bar Map - If you know who created this or want to download the XML and expand on it, please do so! If you create an updated one including your regions bar, Ill replace this one.

Note this is going to start likely central Iowa Centric as I am using that as the baseline the creation of this.

Tag/ping /u/AnnArchist if you post in here with like something added on a weekly basis. I also included the tag here so I remember to check this.

Iowa Discord Server

The Bitcoin Bull Market is in the Past

2019 has given a lot of hope that Bitcoin will finally begin its triumphal march and will be able to cross the mark of $ 20,000 for 1 coin. The first two quarters of this year have been very different from the past, when the bearish trend dominated and there was no chance of breaking it. After the currency appreciated more than $ 5-6,000 per coin, many analysts began to believe that the bull trend was for a long time.

However, everything is not as rosy as it seems. Sometimes it seems that Bitcoin is about to jump again, but no, it starts to decline downward, the dynamics are unstable, the prerequisites for a powerful promotion are still not visible. Now the hope that a bull trend will form at the end of this year remains even less. According to the latest SFOX reports, institutional investors and major traders should generally forget that Bitcoin will climb. It won't, and that's why:

According to SFOX analysts, the stock index, which previously has showed a moderate bullish trend, is shifting towards neutrality. This is due to the fact that the United States and China can't end up the trade war, despite the encouraging news that sound from the officials of both countries. The process of removing D. Trump from power due to corruption scandals and interference in the affairs of other countries has also influenced this.

As stated in the report, increasing uncertainty in global markets has begun to affect the cryptocurrency community and sites. Bitcoin's price decline is most likely due to the fact that traders are increasingly afraid of a global recession, problems in the banking sector that have accumulated in the PRC and scandals around Trump that can lead to his resignation.

No one can say when everything will return to normal and many analysts believe that uncertainty and pessimism will become dominant trends for at least the whole next year. It’s definitely not worth waiting for a positive movement from Bitcoin, which reacts extremely sharply to bad news.

The launch of Bakkt also played a negative role. Many believed that the platform could increase the Bitcoin exchange rate, but it didn't live up to expectations and that reduced the confidence of traders.

The likelihood that the bearish trend will begin to dominate again this year is quite high and analysts believe that it will last the whole next 2020 year if an extraordinary event that could push the coin's rate up doesn't occur.

How to Use Bitcoin SegWit Transactions: a Guide

How to Use Bitcoin SegWit Transactions: a Guide

Daily analysis of cryptocurrencies 20191017(Market index 40 — Fear state)

The Number Of BTC Whale Transfers Up By 41.72%
Monitored by, as of 00:00, October 17 (UTC), 1) the number of Bitcoin active addresses is on a day-to-day decrease of 0.16%, marking 638,100.
2) The number of Bitcoin on-chain transactions is 335,900 with a day-to-day decrease of 2.27%.
3) The number of BTC whale transfers (over 100 BTC each) is 479 with a day-to-day increase of 41.72%.
4) Active addresses on Ethereum report 322,900 with a day-to-day decrease of 3.67%.
Note: On-chain transactions and active addresses of a cryptocurrency have a positive correlation with its price.

Samsung SDS Pilots Blockchain-Based Medical Insurance Network
Samsung SDS, an IT solution developer partially owned by the South Korean tech conglomerate, is expecting to roll out a blockchain-based medical claims processing system in October.
According to a CoinDesk Korea report on Oct 16, Yoon Shim, a vice president of Samsung SDS, said at the Blockchain Seoul 2019 event that the firm has been piloting the system since August, 2019. Samsung SDS is 22.6 percent owned by Samsung Electronics and 17.1 percent owned by Samsung C&T.

Joint Statement Issued On Activities Involving Digital Assets
The Chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), and the Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a rare joint statement on activities involving digital assets.
This combined statement makes it clear that regardless of whether the digital asset qualifies as a security, commodity or some other regulated asset, the regulatory regime for digital assets is here to stay and key regulatory bodies are focused on ensuring AML/CFT obligations are met by those in the industry.

The Swiss Federal Council Continues To Monitor Stablecoins And Blockchain
In a press release on Oct 16, the Swiss Federal Council is continuing to keep close tabs on global stablecoin projects and their possible opportunities and challenges. The Swiss Federal Council stated that it was recently informed about “current opportunities and challenges associated with stablecoins” and that Switzerland will continue to monitor new digital technology developments, such as blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

Encrypted project calendar(October 17, 2019)

Holo (HOT): 17 October 2019 Redgrid AMA “Join us for the AMA with RedGrid on October 17th. Submit your questions before the AMA on our Holochain Dev Forum.”
IOST (IOST): 17 October 2019 Breeding Competition Ends “Join IOST 2nd Breeding Competition by @FishChainGame now! The competition only lasts till 17 Oct”
Aragon (ANT): 17 October 2019 Seoul Meetup “You are invited to join @licuende for a meetup and presentation on ‘Aragon and DAOs: What’s next after ICOs and DeFi?’”
Skycoin (SKY): 17 October 2019 NYC Skywire Meetup NYC Skywire Mainnet Meetup in NYC from 6–8 PM.
Horizen (ZEN): 17 October 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA.
AE/Aeternity: Aeternity (AE), held by members of the DCARPE Alliance, will be held in New York on October 17.
PYC/Privacy Chian: The Privacy Chian (PYC) BiKi platform will open the PYC recharge and withdrawal at 15:00 on October 17th and open the PYC/USDT trading pair transaction on October 18th at 5:00.
FBT/Fanbi: Fanbi (FBT) BKEX Global will launch FBT on October 17, 2019, Singapore at 15:00, open trading pair: FBT/USDT.
MFCC/Marsfarmer: Marsfarmer (MFCC) CoinW will start MFCC recharge on October 15th from 16:00 to October 17th at 16:00, and officially open MFCC/CNYT transaction in potential area on October 17th at 16:00.
GT/Gatechain Token: The Gatechain Token (GT) GateChain test network will be released on October 17.

Encrypted project calendar(October 18, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The SEC will give a pass on the VanEck/SolidX ETF on October 18th and make a final decision
HB/HeartBout: HeartBout (HB) will officially release the Android version of the HeartBout app on October 18.
OKB (OKB): 18 October 2019 Rotterdam Meetup “Meet us in Rotterdam on 18 Oct as we partner up with Crypto010 Meetup to bring you a talk on ‘Decentralized Finance’.”
HeartBout (HB): 18 October 2019 Android Version “18th of October 2019 will be officially released Android version of HeartBout app.”
BTU Protocol (BTU): and 2 others 18 October 2019 Paris Blockchain Summit The event will gather major international key players of the Blockchain ecosystem including well-known influencers, investors, government.
YDS/YDS Blockchain: YDS Blockchain (YDS) ZG.COM will open YDS’s currency and coin transfer business at 14:00 on October 18th, and open the YDS/USDT transaction pair at 19:00 on October 19th.
BTU/BTU Protocol: The BTU Protocol (BTU) Paris Block Summit will be held on October 18.
EWS/EWS Token: EWS Token (EWS) EXX will open the EWS recharge business at 10:18 on October 15th, Hong Kong time. It is expected to open the EWS/ETH trading market at 10:18 on October 18, Hong Kong time.
SIN/SIN Token: The SIN Token (SIN) BiKi platform will open SIN’s recharge and withdrawal at 18:00 on October 18th, and open the SIN/USDT trading pair transaction on October 21st at 5:00.

Encrypted project calendar(October 19, 2019)

PI/PCHAIN Network: The PCHAIN (PI) backbone (Phase 5, 82 nodes, 164, 023, 802 $ PI, 7 candidates) will begin on October 19.
LINK/ChainLink: Diffusion 2019 will be held in Berlin, Germany from October 19th to 20th
DeepBrain Chain (DBC): 19 October 2019 (or earlier) Deploy Main Chain “Deploy Main Chain,” during the third week of October.
General Event (CRYPTO): and 1 other 19 October 2019
Free State Blockchain “This “unconference” style event brings together some of the top financial tech innovators, researchers, company leaders, and other…”
PCHAIN (PI): 19 October 2019 Main Chain Voting “Main chain: Epoch 5, 82 nodes, 164,023,802 $PI, 7 Candidates, voting will start on Oct. 19th.”
Nash Exchange (NEX): 19 October 2019 Nash Anniversary Nash will present their work from the third quarter of 2019. Team members will be present and to answer your questions in person.

Encrypted project calendar(October 20, 2019)

GameCredits (GAME): 20 October 2019 (or earlier) Mining Reward Drop GameCredits mining reward will be cut in half at block 2519999 (~October 20). This will be the 4th halvening of the GAME mining reward!
Aeternity (AE): 20 October 2019 Starfleet 3 App Deadline #Starfleet3 is happening in Malta and you have by October 20th to apply!
FN/IPFS&Filenet: IPFS&Filenet (FN) will be launched on the UP project Filenet (FN). The UP subscription time is from 14:00 on October 20, 2019 to 18:00 on October 20, 2019.

Encrypted project calendar(October 21, 2019)

KNC/Kyber Network: The official online hackathon of the Kyber Network (KNC) project will end on October 21st, with more than $42,000 in prize money.
Horizen (ZEN): 21 October 2019 Sidechains Alpha Release Horizen releasing the alpha version of industry first decentralized and unfederated sidechains.
Horizen (ZEN): 21 October 2019 Updated Whitepaper Horizen releasing an updated whitepaper.
Kuverit (KUV) : IDAX will list #Kuverit (KUV) and open trading for KUV/BTC trading pair. is going to be listed on 21 Oct, at 10:00 am (UTC+8).

Encrypted project calendar(October 22, 2019)

ZRX/0x: The 0x protocol (ZRX) Pantera blockchain summit will be held on October 22.
Locus Chain (LOCUS): 22 October 2019 Public Test Begins Public test runs for three days from October 22nd to October 24th.
IOTA (MIOTA): 22 October 2019 EclipseCon Europe Next week, join Lewis Freiberg, our Director of Ecosystem, to learn how to build an ecosystem around IoT focused distributed ledgers.

Encrypted project calendar(October 23, 2019)

MIOTA/IOTA: IOTA (MIOTA) IOTA will host a community event on October 23rd at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles with the theme “Connecting the I3 Market and Experiencing Purchase and Sales Data.”
BTC/Bitcoin: The WBS World Blockchain Summit (Middle East) will be held in Dubai from October 23rd to 24th.
Cardano (ADA) and 1 other: 23 October 2019 WBS Dubai “One of a kind gathering of 500+ curated & pre-qualified investors, CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, Heads of Blockchain, Chief Digital Officers
CloakCoin (CLOAK): 23 October 2019 (or earlier) CloakCoin Competition “CloakCoin competition : solve the CloakCoin ENIGMA transaction, 3rd round.”
Loom Network (LOOM): 23 October 2019 Singapore Meetup “Unstack the Stack Series: Loom Network” from 6:30–8:30 PM (SST).

Encrypted project calendar(October 24, 2019)

BCN/Bytecoin: Bytecoin (BCN) released the hidden amount of the Bytecoin block network on October 24.
Horizen (ZEN): 24 October 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA.
ANT/Aragon: Aragon (ANT) Aragon Network will hold the theme “DAO: ICO and DeFi next step” in Hong Kong on October 24th?
DATA/Streamr DATAcoin: Streamr DATAcoin (DATA) Streamr Network Technology Exchange and Project Development Conference will be held in London on October 24th.
Lisk (LSK): 24 October 2019 Coding Workshop — Berlin “During this workshop you will acquire the skills to create custom transactions with the Lisk Alpha SDK using Node.js.”

Encrypted project calendar(October 25, 2019)

ADA/Cardano: Cardano (ADA) The Ada community will host a community gathering in the Dominican Republic for the first time on October 25. Coin (CRO): 25 October 2019 Live AMA with CEO “Live AMA with our CEO @Kris_HK on @cryptocom’s Twitter next Friday, 25 October, 11AM HKT.”

Encrypted project calendar(October 26, 2019)

KAT/Kambria: Kambria (KAT) Kambria will host the 2019 Southern California Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Conference in Los Angeles on October 26th with IDEAS.
BTC/Bitcoin: CoinAgenda Global Summit will be held in Las Vegas from October 26th to 28th
Horizen (ZEN): 26 October 2019 (or earlier) ZEN 2.0.19 Upgrade Zen 2.0.19 upgrade at block #610000, which is expected around October 26.

Encrypted project calendar(October 27, 2019)

ICON (ICX): 27 October 2019 Money 20/20 USA Event Money 20/20 USA in Las Vegas from October 27–30.

Encrypted project calendar(October 28, 2019)

LTC/Litecoin: Litecoin (LTC) 2019 Litecoin Summit will be held from October 28th to October 29th in Las Vegas, USA
BTC/Bitcoin: Mt.Gox changes the debt compensation plan submission deadline to October 28
ZEC/Zcash: Zcash (ZEC) will activate the Blossom Agreement on October 28th
Stellar (XLM): 28 October 2019 Protocol 12 Upgrade Vote Horizon v0.22.0 has been released, which supports Protocol 12. This gives everyone ample time to prepare for the Protocol 12 upgrade vote
Celsius (CEL) and 3 others: 28 October 2019 Litecoin Summit “…The Litecoin Summit offers two fun, jam-packed days with something for everyone.”

Encrypted project calendar(October 29, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2nd World Encryption Conference (WCC) will be held in Las Vegas from October 29th to 31st.
ICON (ICX): 29 October 2019 Decentralization “As a result, the decentralization schedule of the ICON Network has been changed from September 24, 2019 to October 29, 2019.”
Ark (ARK): and 10 others 29 October 2019 WCC 2019 Second annual Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technology event, World Crypto Conference (WCC), October 29th — October 31, 2019.
Insifa (ISF): 29 October 2019 Prototype Alpha “We from Insifa have decided to be more open. Our Prototype will be developed in scrum. This means new releases every two weeks.”

Encrypted project calendar(October 30, 2019)

MIOTA/IOTA: IOTA (MIOTA) IOTA will host a community event on October 30th at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles on the topic “How to store data on IOTA Tangle.”
TRON (TRX): 30 October 2019 SFBW19 Afterparty “TRON Official SFBW19 Afterparty from 7–10:30 PM in San Francisco.”
Horizen (ZEN): 30 October 2019 Horizen Quarterly Update Join our first Quarterly Update on October the 30th at 5 PM UTC/ 1 PM EST. Deeper look into Engineering, BD, Marketing, and more.
Aeternity (AE): 30 October 2019 Hardfork “The third hardfork of the æternity Mainnet is scheduled for October 30, 2019.”
Valor Token (VALOR): 30 October 2019 Transaction Fees Resume “It’s September and the SMART VALOR Platform is still waiving transaction fees for all members, until October 30th!”
Aragon (ANT): 30 October 2019 Singapore Meetup “Aragon on DAOs and DeFi” from 6:30–8:30 PM.
Kambria (KAT): 30 October 2019 Outliers Hashed Awards Outliers Hashed awards from October 30–31.
Ethereum Classic (ETC): 30 October 2019 Cohort Demo Day “ETC Labs hosts it’s 2nd Cohort Demo Day. Learn about the companies and project being accelerated through the Ethereum Classic ecosystem.”

Encrypted project calendar(October 31, 2019)

Spendcoin (SPND): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Cross Ledger Mainnet “Cross Ledger Mainnet Release and SPND Token Swap,” during October 2019.
Spendcoin (SPND): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Blkchn University Beta “Blockchain University Beta goes live,” during October 2019.
Stellar (XLM): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Minor Release “We will have 6 Minor Releases in 2019; one each in February, March, May, June, August, and October.”
Bitcoin SV (BSV): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) BSV Conference Seoul No additional information.
Seele (SEELE): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Public Network Mainne launch has been moved to Oct 31 .
Howdoo (UDOO): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Howdoo Live on Huawei Howdoo begins its exciting partnership with Huawei with listing as a featured app starting in October.
Chiliz (CHZ): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) App Soft Launch Soft launch of Socios App by end of October.
Dent (DENT): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Loyalty Program “Afterburner loyalty program launch for all 21,6 Million mobile #DENT users will be in October!”
IceChain (ICHX): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Wallet Release IceChain releases wallet during October.
Chiliz (CHZ): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) New Partnerships New sports and new teams joining Socios (+more updates and events) will be announced in the upcoming weeks.
Horizen (ZEN): 31 October 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA.
PCHAIN (PI): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) New Website No additional information.
IOST (IOST): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) New Game on IOST “Eternal Fafnir, a new role-playing game developed by INFUN is coming to you in Oct.”

Encrypted project calendar(November 1, 2019)

INS/Insolar: The Insolar (INS) Insolar wallet and the redesigned Insolar Block Explorer will be operational on November 1, 2019.

Encrypted project calendar(November 6, 2019)

STEEM/Steem: The Steem (STEEM) SteemFest 4 conference will be held in Bangkok from November 6th to 10th.

Encrypted project calendar(November 8, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2nd Global Digital Mining Summit will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from October 8th to 10th.

Encrypted project calendar(November 9, 2019)

CENNZ/Centrality: Centrality (CENNZ) will meet in InsurTechNZ Connect — Insurance and Blockchain on October 9th in Auckland.

Yesterday, we saw bearish signs for bitcoin below the $8,250 support area against the US Dollar. BTC price gained bearish momentum and broke a couple of important supports near the $8,100 level and the 100 hourly simple moving average. Moreover, the price broke a crucial support area near the $8,020 and $8,000 levels to move into a bearish zone and start another decline.

Additionally, yesterday’s highlighted major declining channel was breached with support near $8,100 on the hourly chart of the BTC/USD pair. The pair traded below $7,950 and formed a new weekly low near $7,915. It is currently consolidating gains below the $8,000 resistance area. An immediate resistance is near the $8,000 and $8,020 levels. Moreover, the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the recent drop from the $8,385 high to $7,915 low is also near the $8,020 resistance.

If there is an upside correction above $8,020, bitcoin could recover towards the $8,100 resistance area (the previous support). Above $8,100, the next major resistance is near the $8,150 level. It represents the 50% Fib retracement level of the recent drop from the $8,385 high to $7,915 low. However, the price must move above the $8,250 resistance and the 100 hourly SMA to start a decent upward move.

On the downside, an initial support is near the $7,915 low. Besides, the first key support is near the $7,800 level. If there is a downside break below the $7,800 support, the price could extend its decline towards the key $7,600 and $7,500 support levels.

Review previous articles:






List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.




Fork/Hard Forks

Qtum(QTUM) Qtum 2.0 Hard Fork October 17th October 17, 2019 3:00 PM - 3:00 PM



Rotterdam Meetup October 18, 2019



Bitcoin Unlimited (Futures)(BTU) Paris Blockchain Summit October 18, 2019



HeartBout(HB) Android Version October 18, 2019



List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.




Fork/Hard Forks

Qtum(QTUM) Qtum 2.0 Hard Fork October 17th October 17, 2019 3:00 PM - 3:00 PM



Rotterdam Meetup October 18, 2019



Bitcoin Unlimited (Futures)(BTU) Paris Blockchain Summit October 18, 2019



HeartBout(HB) Android Version October 18, 2019



[uncensored-r/CryptoCurrency] #BTC In May 2020, Bitcoin will undergo its third halving event to date. In previous years, the si...

The following post by webnowcompany is being replicated because the post has been openly greylisted.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: CryptoCurrency/comments/dj37fd

The original post's content was as follows:


Finding weed in Edinburgh?

So far I've lost about $300 in scams just trying to find even a little bit of weed, I feel so stupid but I don't know how things work here.

I have chronic pain and severe depression and anxiety and my friend I'm traveling with has MS, and so far without being able to get any weed on this trip, I've been confined to a bed and am wasting my vacation away.

Could anyone help guide me to where some spots of finding dealers or anything?

Edit: for everyone asking "How the hell did you lose $300?!" because I'm a big fucking idiot who doesn't understand how things work here and I trusted people who promised delivery and never got it.

I lost $180 Canadian paying through bitcoin with one person, and last night lost about $90 with some snapchat dealer.

Seriously I have extreme depression and losing all this because of my own naïve stupidity is really making me suicidal today and I really do not need people making me feel more stupid please

Trader’s Guide to Bitcoin Futures – Futures Arbitrage

Most crypto traders are familiar with arbitrage across spot exchanges, i.e. buy and sell a crypto on two exchanges with different prices. However, arbitraging across bitcoin futures exchanges is something that is not very well understood.

Check this awesome guide on Futures – Futures arbitrage across crypto derivatives exchanges.

Phoenix IPTV (A Review of my new primary)

I have used Helix for the past couple of years. During that time I did what many advise and tried some back up subs. They were a mixed bag but always handy for whenever Helix had problems (which it often could!) but the customer service was usually there and my back up would keep me safe. My back ups came and went, often disappearing (not too much of an issue as I generally stick to 1 month subs.) and, as this continued I found the price of Helix to increase and the service to become poorer as time went on. I gradually found the issues to become more frequent (missing epgs, extreme buffering issues, channels down, channels up but no audio, wrong channel playing when listed as another etc etc.) Now I know no service is perfect and for the most part Helixs support was great, they'd keep you in the loop and they would move to fix issues quickly, but yeah, whilst I still do think it is genuinely a good value service, it genuinely feels less great than it once was when it was at a better price point with seemingly much better support ticket repliers. This recently led to me trying out another new back up, this is how I got to Phoenix IPTV.

I recall another service from past called Phoenix and an app called Phoenix reborn, but neither of those are affiliated with the service I am currently with and reviewing today. So I came across this service on reddit whilst looking for trials, I was given an email to write to, requested a trial and promptly received the M3U link I had requested. I checked out the groups and channels over the weekend and instantly found the quality to be excellent right across the board. I found the channels to load up instantly and there was no buffering at all to my surprise! I have an average WiFi connection and use a firestick so whilst I'm not on the greatest of hardware, I was really quite surprised how well the product seemed to run. I actually tested the service over the weekend so one of the biggest winning points of the trial for me was game time. As most of you will have no doubt found in the UK, buffering issues often seem to be at their worst when you're watching 3pm EPL matches as there's such a high volume of viewers I guess, but again to my surprise, Phoenix's streams where absolutely faultless, something I really wasn't used to!

After a good weekend of binging on the content available I decided I'd take a sub on the service. Again correspondence was via email and through this I was told the service didn't actually have a website, not something I was used to with providers! But anyway, I was given a very attractive pricing list of £6 for a month, £15 for 3 months, £25 for 6 months or £35 for a full year. The pricing was almost too good and against better judgement I decided what the heck, I'll go for 3 months (I usually only go month at a time especially with unfamiliar providers.) I was given 2 options, bank transfer or PayPal. No bitcoin option currently as far as I can see and that may be a deal breaker for some but not for me. Payment was made and again, I promptly received my M3U URL.

And now to the present, I am now 4 months in and have renewed again as the service throughout has been excellent, in 4 months there has been absolute minimal downtime, only ever due to server reboots and I've been kept to date throughout on an app called telegram which the provider has a group on for user support. The quality of streams and lack of buffering has been fantastic during this time and it has become my primary sub. I decided a while ago not to renew Helix, again, I appreciate Helix has had many good points during my time with them but Phoenix just offers exactly the content I want, at a better price point and most importantly, it runs better especially at those most important times of PPV and sporting events. Helix does actually offer more content, there's the catch up feature (when it works) VOD, and a wider variety of channels over there. But having more content ultimately hasn't won me over for a couple of reasons, firstly it's only good if you're actually using it and a lot of it I wasn't, and secondly it's not much good when it's not working as expected. So yeah Phoenix IPTV for me from now on, I hope it lasts!

TLDR: Phoenix IPTV, a fantastic provider that has now become my primary sub. Offering all UK channels, US/International sports are on there, PPV and a selection of 24/hr channels. The streams are high quality, start up fast and don't buffer for me, literally, at all. Prices are £6pm/£15 for 3months/£25 for 6months/£35 for the year. They don't have a website. Payment options are bank transfer/PayPal. All support is via the Telegram app.

[uncensored-r/BitcoinMarkets] [Daily Discussion] Thursday, October 17, 2019

The following post by AutoModerator is being replicated because some comments within the post(but not the post itself) have been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: BitcoinMarkets/comments/dj10o7

The original post's content was as follows:

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

Bitcoin-guide #3: Køb af bitcoins med kreditkort