Thursday, April 16, 2020

Crypto Analyst Cautions Investors Against Bitcoin for 3 Key Reasons (current BTC/USD price is $7,066.05)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Crypto Analyst Cautions Investors Against Bitcoin for 3 Key Reasons

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

Holding 1 Bitcoin Will Still Make You Wealthy: Here's Why I Think It Will Happen...

"In the past, people have talked about Bitcoin being driven by a couple of key drivers - hedge (safe capital); mass adoption, transactional fluidity, technology innovation; scarcity and first crypto status; speculation (risk capital). Here is my view on Bitcoin's price future."

I think if Bitcoin was a hedge, then the contemporary Coronavirus Pandemic and "global" lockdown (160 countries or so) are two Black Swan events that should have supported a price appreciation, not a major pullback. So for its first major hedge test it failed imho. This may change in the future based on scarcity and the price level (as I will elude to later)

In the middle ground is mass adoption , transactional fluidity andtechnology innovation. It has not happened (still the crypto crowd with some growth) and has to compete with other crypto with better characteristics (TPS, tx confirmations, miner decentralisation, peak fees, business models, and advanced features). 

Scarcity and the first crypto status play a big part into the crypto 'Gold' story. I think these are still huge for Bitcoin. And yet to play out fully. The Bitcoin halvening is coming up in May/June (falling from 12.5 to 6.25 BTC). And lots of games will be played before hand by the big players. But with about only 14 million BTC (after 4 million lost in wallets etc) on the market and the upcoming lower block reward...this is putting more pressure on the market and it's not linear. These are the big supply side drivers.

I think on the back of scarcity, Bitcoin will rise with speculation demand (risk capital). Only crypto offers super normal returns. And the Institutional money is increasing. Not fast but slowly. All the major market players now have access to custodial bitcoin (like NYSE). Just 1% of big money portfolios would boom the Bitcoin price.  More products will come into place to channel money into Bitcoin.

My Final Thoughts... 

So I think Bitcoin (BTC) will still break its ATH (c$20k USD).  But without the hedge aspect and be more volatile. At some stage later this year and 2021 Bitcoin will soar to new heights - $50/60k (with a higher peak), pull back again (but shorter), before it moves skyward. And I don't think its high energy POW will hold it back.

Once Bitcoin reaches new heights. The hedge aspect and crypto 'gold' aspect is more likely to come into play. The more valuable it is. The more people will want some of it. Especially when it is scarcer than the year before! I think this is sound and not too optimistic. Don't get me wrong big players will still mess a round with Bitcoin. To get more of it and profit as average joe's expense. But better to be in to win.

Time will tell. Place your probability bets ladies and gentlemen. The past Bitcoin runs have been fun. The next one will be too! And it just might make you wealthy ;)



Full version on Publish0x with charts!

[Daily Discussion] Friday, April 17, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Altcoin Discussion] Friday, April 17, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

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Beyond AES, using Algorithms where the key is unknown, you can only use it, and is unhackable, because today's supercomputer is not powerful enough, it is worse than hacking bitcoin, because it still uses keys

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm or ECDSA is a cryptographic algorithm used by Bitcoin to ensure that funds can only be spent by their rightful owners.

A few concepts related to ECDSA:

  • private key: A secret number, known only to the person that generated it. A private key is essentially a randomly generated number. In Bitcoin, someone with the private key that corresponds to funds on the block chain can spend the funds. In Bitcoin, a private key is a single unsigned 256 bit integer (32 bytes).
  • public key: A number that corresponds to a private key, but does not need to be kept secret. A public key can be calculated from a private key, but not vice versa. A public key can be used to determine if a signature is genuine (in other words, produced with the proper key) without requiring the private key to be divulged. In Bitcoin, public keys are either compressed or uncompressed. Compressed public keys are 33 bytes, consisting of a prefix either 0x02 or 0x03, and a 256-bit integer called x****. The older uncompressed keys are 65 bytes, consisting of constant prefix (0x04), followed by two 256-bit integers called***\* x and y (2 * 32 bytes). The prefix of a compressed key allows for the y value to be derived from the x value.
  • signature: A number that proves that a signing operation took place. A signature is mathematically generated from a hash of something to be signed, plus a private key. The signature itself is two numbers known as r and s****. With the public key, a mathematical algorithm can be used on the signature to determine that it was originally produced from the hash and the private key, without needing to know the private key. Resulting signatures are either 73, 72, or 71 bytes long (with approximate probabilities of 25%, 50%, and 25%, respectively--although sizes even smaller than that are possible with exponentially decreasing probability).***\[[1]*](

"I will create my own Algorithms beyond ESCDA, you still cannot figure out what I can do without private and public keys, a totally new standard which where there is no way you can hack with today's supercomputer, it is worse than finding out the technology of warping time and space. It is a method, it is a technology, if you know the secrets you can easily get from point A to B, or else you need to go from A to Z, and the interger is so huge it is impossible to comprehend, almost infinite and no end. The secrets if you do not know, you will go into an infinite loop that never ends." Contributed by Oogle.

Cryptography is the study of codes - writing codes, solving codes, and manipulating codes. Yes, this includes the super secret spy decoder ring you had as a kid, and even pig latin! Cryptography is an ancient study that has existed for thousands of years, most often in the form of ciphers. It is generally believed that ciphers were invented as a method for concealing the information contained in a message from any person who didn't intentionally receive it.

Atwhay Aboutyay Ymay Omputercay?

Cryptography and computers have had a competitive relationship since the beginning of digital computing. During World War II, the United Kingdom invested heavily in deciphering Axis communications. With deciphering becoming too difficult to be performed by hand, a race began to develop a machine that was capable of deciphering codes faster than any human. This eventually led to the development of Colossus, the first digital programmable computer.

Since then, the war of computers and cryptography has only elevated. In what many describe as an "arms race," many of the computer systems we take for granted rely heavily on cryptography, while the invention of more powerful computers forces previously state-of-the-art ciphers into obsolescence.

Without cryptography, it would be impossible to encrypt data, ensure secure communications, or even confirm that you're browsing a safe site - yes, I'm looking at you, little-green-lock-in-my-browser. We're going to focus on the cryptography that powers a few parts of Bitcoin, a cryptographically revolutionary system.

Public and Private Key Pairs

What's in a Pair?

If you have used Bitcoin at all, you have probably heard of a private key. Private keys are vital to the Bitcoin system. They are the mechanism for proving ownership of bitcoin. This is what allows a user to authorize a transaction on the network. Private keys exist in many forms outside of Bitcoin for many purposes, and most people who are familiar with them from a previous experience would know them as a way to send encrypted messages.

For every private key that exists in Bitcoin, there is a 1:1 relationship with something called a public key. As you can imagine, a private key is intended to remain private and shared with no one, under any circumstance. A public key, in contrast, can be shared with anyone - there is no danger in me placing my public key on my website, for example, or to e-mail it to a client to receive payment for some activity. In this sense, you can think of public and private keys like a username and password - one allows you to identify yourself, while the other allows you to prove you are that person. However, unlike a password, a private key can never be reset or recovered if lost. Thus, a private key is an extremely important piece of data and should be protected perhaps to the point of paranoia.

Due to the 1:1 guarantee, public and private keys share a cryptographic relationship that links them together. In Bitcoin, private keys produce a public key via an Elliptical Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, or ECDSA. A private key that is an input for that algorithm will always produce its corresponding public key. However, the public key can never be reverse-engineered to produce its corresponding private key due to the one-sided nature of this algorithm.

A Bitcoin private key is usually a 256-bit number, which can be represented a number of ways.

That's a Lot of Keys!

Public and private key pair cryptography is what powers the address system in Bitcoin - the cryptocurrency equivalent to a checking account. A new address can simply be generated programatically. Whenever a new one is required, I can use my interface of choice (perhaps a Bitcoin wallet) and make one.

Usually, when I introduce someone to Bitcoin, their immediate question is "What if someone guesses my private key?", to which I reply, "Well, that is highly, HIGHLY improbable."

But how improbable?

Well, for a frame of reference, the total address space of Bitcoin is 2^160. That is this many:

Good luck visualizing that. For an even further head trip, consider that there are an estimated 2^63 grains of sand on Earth - this includes sand on beaches and underneath the ocean. 2^63 * 2^63 = 2^126.

This means, for every single grain of sand on Earth, you could create a new Earth, and then count all of the grains of sand on all of those Earths - and still not even come close to the address space of Bitcoin.

Clearly, in this case, cryptography obtains security through very big numbers. I could try to guess private keys over and over again, using any means known to mankind (including computers, of course), for many millions of years, and it is simply not going to happen.

This is wonderful because it allows all kinds of applications to be created using Bitcoin - for example, Decent created a prototype platform for charity that allows donations to be made using cryptocurrencies. There is no need to place a limit on the number of campaigns that could be created, or limit the number of deposit addresses a user can have, because there are a practically infinite number of addresses.

But What If Someone Just Gets Lucky and Guesses My Key?

Seriously, you're not getting it. Really. Big. Numbers. Re-read the last section.

In closing, public and private key pairs are a fundamental tool in cryptography that have many uses. In Bitcoin, the use is to confirm ownership and create a large pool of addresses available for use.

Remember, because of the large number of keys, it is safe to assume that any key I generate is mine and only mine. Thus, the Bitcoin system requires no further proof of ownership. Otherwise, in other systems, we'd traditionally use our identity as proof of ownership. Since Bitcoin removes this requirement, cryptocurrencies promote anonymity just like physical cash, but perhaps to a greater degree.

Bitcoin Cash price sees bulls towards $235 (current BTC/USD price is $7,093.19)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin Cash price sees bulls towards $235

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

Impulse is out of keys...?

I have bitcoin to pay with, however most links here are out of stock:

What gives?

What You Need to Know about Bitcoin Halving

Sometime in May of this year, Bitcoin (BTC) is expected to have its “third halving” at block 630,000.

What is Bitcoin halving and what are its implications in the industry?

For starters, Bitcoin halving is a pre-programmed event where the number of Bitcoin rewards per block will be literally halved or divided by two. Meaning the present block reward of 12.5 BTC is expected to drop to 6.25 BTC per block.

Each block is a permanent store of records. It is composed of records of all recent transactions in the Bitcoin network. A block is more likely compared to a ledger or a record book, and each time a block transaction is completed, it gives way to another block, thus “chaining” them together and creating a decentralized ledger.

As of writing, the current blocks mined are around 626,344 The third halving is expected to take place around the middle of May, between 12th to the 24th of May, when the network hits its 630,000th block.

Bitcoin was first launched in 2009 and had a block subsidy of 50 BTC. In November 2012, the first Bitcoin halving commenced and reduced the 50 BTC subsidy to 25 BTC. It further dropped on the second halving in 2016 by 12.5 BTC per block.

Why does Bitcoin cut its block subsidy by half?

Bitcoin has a total fixed supply of 21 million. At present, almost 18.3 million bitcoins were minted. This means that the number of bitcoins found per block will be scarcer, and doing a Bitcoin halving reward ensures that the total supply will reach 21 million in time. To moderate the rate of the issuance of new bitcoins, it reduces the amount of subsidy into 50% every 210,000 blocks, which happen every four years.

With this halving, the miners or the nodes that maintain the bitcoin network will create fewer new Bitcoins. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the miners’ revenue will be reduced by half. Though it doesn’t rule out this possibility, the reduction refers to the number of BTC produced and not the value of BTC measured by fiat currencies.

But why bitcoin investors are excited about the upcoming third halving?

State-issued currencies rely on tough political and economic processes. Their amount and value depend on the economic growth and stability. This is totally different from Bitcoin, which already has an amount and inflation supply schedule that is definite and fixed.

The prearranged number and schedule of BTC in the market is the unique factor of Bitcoins. This makes BTC technically scarce. Its current price and function influence its market value. Though the amount of BTC entering the system will be reduced, the demand might possibly stay the same or even higher, thus resulting in the probability of a BTC price increase. There is also the possibility of new market entrants, which might create more demand for buying BTC.

No one knows what’s about to happen after the third Bitcoin halving. As the event draws closer, BTC might be more scarce. The value of BTC is volatile around and after the Bitcoin halving. A price increase after the halving is also not a total conclusion, though the previous two halving in 2012 and 2016 proved to have a significant increase in BTC prices.

There are a lot of speculations on how this third halving would affect the BTC price as many believe that this upcoming event will still lead to an eventual increase in BTC. Thus, more earnings for its users. Another way users can earn BTC is through the Swipe Visa card rewards program available for users across Europe.


Stay up-to-date with all the latest news from Swipe






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For Trading April 17th

GILD to the Rescue!

Futures Moving Higher Tonight

Economic Number Horrendous

Today was a decent day with Governor Cuomo giving some good news but the real action came after the close with two pieces of new; GILD has had some solid success in their COVID-19 treatment and this lifted the market in extended hours and, BA is restarting their Puget Sound area plants. GILD was already higher @ $76.54 +1.91 but really took off to trade $89.25 and is currently $88.75 + 12.21. BA closed lower on the day, and a major drag on the DJIA taking 80 DPs off the index, closing $134.24 -11.74, but traded up to $146.70 and is now $145.53 +11.29. You can watch my closing comment below. The final numbers were DJIA +33.33 (.14%), NASDAQ +139.18 (1.66%), S&P 500 +16.19 (.58%), the Russell -5.89 (.50%) and the DJ Transports -21.30 (.27%). Market internals were weak with NYSE 1.8:1 and NASDAQ 1.3:1 down. Volume was average. Consumer discretionary, Info tech and healthcare were strong with energy and industrials weak with the financials, although as mentioned above, have reversed.

Our “open forum” on Discord, which allows me to interact with subscribers and others to allow direct questions and chart opinions on just about any stock, continues to grow with more participants every day. It is informative and allows me to share insights as the market is open and moving. The link is: and I will be there and active from before the open and all day. It’s a great place to share ideas and gain some insights, and we’ve grown to almost 1900 members. I also did this video titled “How to survive being an options trader and not blow up your account,” over the long weekend. I think it’s very informative as a guide to stock selection and option choices. The link is Enjoy!!

Tonight’s closing comment video (new equipment)

SECTORS: Financials were the star after hours and although I generally don’t talk about the “followed sectors” here, but the moves and reversals were so extreme that it bears attention. JPM was 87.33 -3.46 at the close but is now $92.60, GS was 177-1.48 and is currently $186, BAC $21.42 now 22.64, non-banks were, TRV 99.81 -2.36 now $106, V 162,42 -3.54, now $168, AIG 23.18 -.90 now 24.87,and AXP 81.35 -2.44 now 86.80. This was a major sector dragging on the overall market, and if it continues it puts a different tone on stocks.


BIOPHARMA: was HIGHER with BIIB +11.40, ABBV +1.73, REGN +37.31 (7.29%), ISRG +30.00, GILD +14.62 (19.25%), MYL +.53, TEVA +.53, VRTX +14.43, BHC +.31, INCY +5.94, ICPT +4.27, LABU +6.33 (22.39%), and IBB $125.00 +9.31 (8.05%).

CANNABIS: This group was LOWER with TLRY -.10, CGC +.05, CRON +.05, GWPH -2.14, ACB +.01, PYX -.12, NBEV -.10, CURLF +.01, KERN -.06 and MJ $11.90 +.53 (4.66%).

DEFENSE: was HIGHER with LMT +11.42, RTX +2.80, GD +3.51, TXT +.11, NOC +5.71, BWXT +.54, TDY -3.75 and ITA $153.23 +3.27 (2.18%).

RETAIL: was HIGHER with M +.53, JWN _.80, KSS +1.97, DDS +1.34, JCP +.02, WMT +1.54, TGT +5.16, TJX -.59, UAA +.30, RL +2.42, LULU +9.75, TPR +1.08, CPRI +.49, and XRT $35.00 +1.93 (5.84%).

FAANG and Big Cap: were HIGHER with GOOGL +33.70, AMZN +74.82, AAPL +10.35, FB +3.93, NFLX +5.10, NVDA +22.71(8.09%), TSLA +45.17, BABA +7.63, BIDU +3.65, BA -.08, CAT +4.47, DIS +4.51 and XLK $90.45 +3.42 (3.93%).


OIL, $19.87 unchanged. Oil was HIGHER overnight and by the NY open this morning the best it could do was $20.29 and started lower until it fell in the late afternoon to trade 19.20 before a small rally to close just over $19.85. Tonight, it is up $ .54. Stocks were lower with the XLE $32.55 +.48 (1.5%).

METALS, GOLD: $1,731.70 -8.50. After the recent gains, Gold broke solidly above $1,700 and traded as high as $1788 Wednesday. Today was lower again hitting $1,722 and if we get to 1,700 – 1720 I’ll be a buyer again.

BITCOIN: closed $7,105 +365. After we traded in the uptrend, I mentioned this weekend that I felt we’d have to test 6750 and today we hit 6465 before turning back up. While I want to add the 350 sold just over a week ago, I want to wait and see some stabilization. We still own 400 GBTC with an average of $8.06. GBTC closed $7.66 + 51 today.

Tomorrow is another day.


For Trading April 17th

GILD to the Rescue!

Futures Moving Higher Tonight

Economic Number Horrendous

Today was a decent day with Governor Cuomo giving some good news but the real action came after the close with two pieces of new; GILD has had some solid success in their COVID-19 treatment and this lifted the market in extended hours and, BA is restarting their Puget Sound area plants. GILD was already higher @ $76.54 +1.91 but really took off to trade $89.25 and is currently $88.75 + 12.21. BA closed lower on the day, and a major drag on the DJIA taking 80 DPs off the index, closing $134.24 -11.74, but traded up to $146.70 and is now $145.53 +11.29. You can watch my closing comment below. The final numbers were DJIA +33.33 (.14%), NASDAQ +139.18 (1.66%), S&P 500 +16.19 (.58%), the Russell -5.89 (.50%) and the DJ Transports -21.30 (.27%). Market internals were weak with NYSE 1.8:1 and NASDAQ 1.3:1 down. Volume was average. Consumer discretionary, Info tech and healthcare were strong with energy and industrials weak with the financials, although as mentioned above, have reversed.

Our “open forum” on Discord, which allows me to interact with subscribers and others to allow direct questions and chart opinions on just about any stock, continues to grow with more participants every day. It is informative and allows me to share insights as the market is open and moving. The link is: and I will be there and active from before the open and all day. It’s a great place to share ideas and gain some insights, and we’ve grown to almost 1900 members. I also did this video titled “How to survive being an options trader and not blow up your account,” over the long weekend. I think it’s very informative as a guide to stock selection and option choices. The link is Enjoy!!

Tonight’s closing comment video (new equipment)

SECTORS: Financials were the star after hours and although I generally don’t talk about the “followed sectors” here, but the moves and reversals were so extreme that it bears attention. JPM was 87.33 -3.46 at the close but is now $92.60, GS was 177-1.48 and is currently $186, BAC $21.42 now 22.64, non-banks were, TRV 99.81 -2.36 now $106, V 162,42 -3.54, now $168, AIG 23.18 -.90 now 24.87,and AXP 81.35 -2.44 now 86.80. This was a major sector dragging on the overall market, and if it continues it puts a different tone on stocks.


BIOPHARMA: was HIGHER with BIIB +11.40, ABBV +1.73, REGN +37.31 (7.29%), ISRG +30.00, GILD +14.62 (19.25%), MYL +.53, TEVA +.53, VRTX +14.43, BHC +.31, INCY +5.94, ICPT +4.27, LABU +6.33 (22.39%), and IBB $125.00 +9.31 (8.05%).

CANNABIS: This group was LOWER with TLRY -.10, CGC +.05, CRON +.05, GWPH -2.14, ACB +.01, PYX -.12, NBEV -.10, CURLF +.01, KERN -.06 and MJ $11.90 +.53 (4.66%).

DEFENSE: was HIGHER with LMT +11.42, RTX +2.80, GD +3.51, TXT +.11, NOC +5.71, BWXT +.54, TDY -3.75 and ITA $153.23 +3.27 (2.18%).

RETAIL: was HIGHER with M +.53, JWN _.80, KSS +1.97, DDS +1.34, JCP +.02, WMT +1.54, TGT +5.16, TJX -.59, UAA +.30, RL +2.42, LULU +9.75, TPR +1.08, CPRI +.49, and XRT $35.00 +1.93 (5.84%).

FAANG and Big Cap: were HIGHER with GOOGL +33.70, AMZN +74.82, AAPL +10.35, FB +3.93, NFLX +5.10, NVDA +22.71(8.09%), TSLA +45.17, BABA +7.63, BIDU +3.65, BA -.08, CAT +4.47, DIS +4.51 and XLK $90.45 +3.42 (3.93%).


OIL, $19.87 unchanged. Oil was HIGHER overnight and by the NY open this morning the best it could do was $20.29 and started lower until it fell in the late afternoon to trade 19.20 before a small rally to close just over $19.85. Tonight, it is up $ .54. Stocks were lower with the XLE $32.55 +.48 (1.5%).

METALS, GOLD: $1,731.70 -8.50. After the recent gains, Gold broke solidly above $1,700 and traded as high as $1788 Wednesday. Today was lower again hitting $1,722 and if we get to 1,700 – 1720 I’ll be a buyer again.

BITCOIN: closed $7,105 +365. After we traded in the uptrend, I mentioned this weekend that I felt we’d have to test 6750 and today we hit 6465 before turning back up. While I want to add the 350 sold just over a week ago, I want to wait and see some stabilization. We still own 400 GBTC with an average of $8.06. GBTC closed $7.66 + 51 today.

Tomorrow is another day.


Bitcoin Startup Purse to Shut Down After 6-Year Run (current BTC/USD price is $7,137.27)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin Startup Purse to Shut Down After 6-Year Run

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

Making the most of the rivals event [suggestion]

Let me start by saying the rivals event had its issues and criticisms, and this isn't related to any of that or the results. That is dealt with elsewhere, and keep this discussion relevant.

One thing that was great to see was the Bingo format and varied requirements of the players broke up the gameplay from a pure formula or meta game style for success as seen with Code Red. Some of the contestants spoke after on stream about enjoying the varied challenge and energy of it plus forcing them to think their strategy through a lot more than a money stacking formula. I watched a streamer take a bitcoin out of their gamma for a hot rod, none does that in normal gameplay. I didn't watch every team, so I can't comment for everyone but a lot that I watched enjoyed the format and the change of pace, and I did too.

My suggestion would be to offer the Bingo card to the player base from now until the wipe as a quest to help liven up the game for people bored, so we can all try our hand at it too, especially the armchair strategists. Accepting the quest would give a million roubles and a labs card. Will that break the economy? This late in the wipe, probably not. Labs cards have been trending upwards but still hold good value.

My thought would be a series of quests that can be accepted from Fence, that cover the horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines of the card (NA or EU card as people see fit), so completing tasks will tick off on all quests simultaneously, then on completion of a bingo line the prize would be a nominal sum of money e.g. USD 1800(higher, lower, whatever) to cover at least the insurance costs on the lost gear and a chunk of XP. Completing all nets a decent amount of cash, but not absurdly OP and worthwhile attempting for fun without crippling a player's economy to complete (I'm looking at you reap m1a task).

Completion of all of the Bingo lines opens a final quest to do something menial to complete e.g. level 1 with all core traders that anyone can pass. This final quest earns a big xp bonus, a unique outfit from Ragman as well as a cosmetic item with high resale value to traders to incentivise completion and recoups cost of attempting. Having an outfit means people get something that can't be taken away from them or lost in raid until wipe, and something physical to use as they wish. The XP should mean newer players go for it as well as a major leg up to levelling traders or towards getting flea market open rather than it being purely end game players that go for it. E.g. enough xp to instantly get a level 1 account to level 10.

You could also drop a random common item for every subtask completed, so we can all get our fix of toilet paper and crackers, and a rare or legendary for a bingo to spice up with some RNG. Or you make it community based, you and everyone on your friends list in the messenger gets a common drop if you complete a square, and vice versa. That way it doesn't punish solo players, but encourages community and making friends overall. Also encourages you to purge your messenger list of players you added to flame.

Participation is optional and doesn't feel mandatory to stay in line with the curve, completing it gains you no significant advantage over other players this late in the wipe, but helps break the boredom and gets people in raid doing non linear actions like going for AGS kills etc which may liven things up a bit for people who are sick of running marked rooms and shoreline and seeing the same things raid after raid. Plus a square was killing hatchlings, so you get something back for your money spent on bullets and gets people hunting them more actively which is always good.

When the next rivals event happens, remove these quests and replace with the new ones the day after the event finishes. My guess is rivals events won't happen early in any wipe, so you can sport your achievements for a period of the patch.

Is it cheesable? Somewhat. Can some of the tasks be gamed to achieve? Yes. Will some people take the opening cash and labs card and never try a single task? Possibly. Will it be something fun? Hopefully.

About the only thing it will break will be the cost of vodka, mayo etc, but right now they are not used beyond square placeholders for roubles in a bag while looting.

Weekly /r/Iowa Events Thread for the week of April 16, 2020

This thread is for any events going on in Iowa this week! What events will you be attending? What events do you want to attend? What events do you want to promote? Whats new around that state this week? Add a comment below. Anything from music to politics to a house party.

If you have any recurring events, specials, or other suggestions for this weekly thread, please send us a modmail or post it here and ping /u/annarchist - else it will likely be focused on shit Im interested in.

Please provide the following when posting new events: Time, Date, Location, Cost and some sort of description of the event.

New threads start every week, and will be stickied at the top of the subreddit. I am still working on the formatting, so if it sucks or you want changes, please provide feedback.

Here are some places to find things to do - if you see something that looks cool feel free to discuss it here because I'm sure some of us will miss it: Cityviews Calendar - Juice Calendar - Des Moines Register Event Page - Catch Des Moines Calendar - Travel Iowa Event Search

Outdoors: Trout Stocking Schedule | Iowa Biking Maps | Outdoors Things to Do | Hunting Regulations | Fishing Regulations Note -Annual Iowa hunting and fishing licenses expire on Jan. 10.

Sports: Iowa Cubs Schedule | Cedar Rapids Kernal Schedule | Hawkeye Football Schedule | Hawkeye Basketball Schedule | Iowa State Football Schedule | Iowa State Basketball Schedule | Drake Basketball | UNI Football | UNI Basketball | Barnstormer Schedule | Waterloo Blackhawks

Music: Bands in Town - Des Moines | Bands in Town - Cedar Falls | Bands in Town - Iowa City | Nitefall on the River

Local Message Boards: UrbanDSM|IowaOutdoors515Crew Election|Dates :--|:-- General Election|November 6, 2018. City Primary|October 8, 2019 Regular City & Regular School|November 5, 2019 City Runoff|December 3, 2019 Primary|June 2, 2020 General|November 3, 2020

Des Moines Reoccurring Events:
*Third Friday of Every Month is Mixology at the Science Center in Des Moines * Blues Jam Band every Tuesday at Carl's Place, $3 tallboys * Area515 1731 Grand Avenue, Des Moines - Electronics Club 2nd Wednesdays at 7pm - 3D Printing Club 3rd Mondays at 7pm - Ham Radio Night 4th Mondays at 7pm * Young Professionals Connection Calendar * Des Moines Bitcoin and Blockchain MeetUp at Gravitate in West Des Moines - 4th Thursday of the month - 7:00pm * D&D at Mistress Brewery in Ankeny Sundays 3:30pm-7:30pm.

Quad Cities Reoccuring events: * Every other Wednesday (July 25th): Eat the Streets (downtown Davenport) * relevant sub thread

Cedar Falls Reoccurring Events: * Every Tuesday night there are rides that leave at singlespeed in CF. 5:30 is the 22mph average ride. 6:00 is the 18mph average ride and women's ride. * Every Wednesday is the the CvC WOW ride that meets at 6 pm at 4th and Main St in CF. Several types of rides for all types of riders.

Council Bluffs Reoccurring Events: * Every Thursday night in council bluffs is the Taco Ride from CB to mineola Iowa

Central Iowa Bar Map - If you know who created this or want to download the XML and expand on it, please do so! If you create an updated one including your regions bar, Ill replace this one.

Note this is going to start likely central Iowa Centric as I am using that as the baseline the creation of this.

Tag/ping /u/AnnArchist if you post in here with like something added on a weekly basis. I also included the tag here so I remember to check this.

Iowa Discord Server

Guide to how Bitcoin ATM works and where to find them (for the curious)

we have 2 differant subs to choose from,one of them is below and the other iptv details are on the website

we have 2 differant subs to choose from,one of them is below and the other iptv details are on the website

we have 2 differant subs to choose from,one of them is below and the other iptv details are on the website

PHUKETIPTV (11900 channels ) -INFO-PRICES-channelsPRICES



1 MONTH $4.50

3 MONTHS $13

6 MONTHS $24
1 YEAR  $40



































Australia foxtel (many down,we are working on it again to get them all back on)

Australia sports

United kingdom

UK entertainment

UK regional

UK sports

UK Sports

Sky sports

BT sports

ifollow/Sky red button

PPV channels

Supersports 1-12/Nbc gold 1-10

Moto gp/F1 channels

Premier league channels

Live premiership/FA cup


Rugby pass/Rugby channels

Cricket channels

Horse Racing / Betting


Bein sports 1-13

movie channels

Documentary style channels,

news channels,

Kids channels

24/7 channels,

Music channels,


Usa regionals,

Usa entertainment,

Usa sport,

nhl/nba/nfl,mlb channels,

Espn plus 1-20


Canada sports / Dazn / Tsn / etc

4K Channels

Sweden Netherlands Norway Denmark, Greece Finland Iceland Bein

German sports





m3u,mac/mad id, xtream login, enigma 2 ,zoro,revolution 60-60/sunplus , fortec999/prifix9400/starport , geant/starsat/tiger/qmax/hyper/royal , spark , ariva , octagon auto script , webtv list , starlive v5 . mediastar/starlive v4 , starlive v3/starsat hd6060/az class , octagon , simplelist , dreambox oe 2.0 , gigableu











Za Africa








Al majd media

































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5 Best Bitcoin Casinos Revealed – Crypto Play Guide

We’re heading towards THOSE Bitcoin Casinos to play with crypto and real money. Warnings, HACKS, spoilers and how-to guides ahead of real crypto play at 5 best Bitcoin casinos are in the article below! Before huge reveals, take a look at the highly rated online casinos listed for you by Rhyker Hackarry – an author of the blog, journalist and a real Bitcoin casino user.

Bitcoin Hits $7K Amid Warning $2K US Payouts Make Fiat Hard to Value (current BTC/USD price is $7,063.22)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin Hits $7K Amid Warning $2K US Payouts Make Fiat Hard to Value

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

huge list of google alternatives tutorial for those people who respects their privacy

This guide aims to be the most exhaustive resource available for documenting alternatives to Google products.

With growing concerns over online privacy and securing personal data, more people than ever are considering alternatives to Google products.

After all, Google’s business model essentially revolves around data collection and advertisements, both of which infringe on your privacy. More data means better (targeted) ads and more revenue. The company pulled in over $116 billion in ad revenue last year alone – and that number continues to grow.

But the word is getting out. A growing number of people are seeking alternatives to Google products that respect their privacy and data.

So let’s get started.

Note: The lists below are not necessarily in rank order. Choose the best products and services based on your own unique needs.

Google search alternatives

When it comes to privacy, using Google search is not a good idea. When you use their search engine, Google is recording your IP address, search terms, user agent, and often a unique identifier, which is stored in cookies.

Here are ten alternatives to Google search:

  1. Searx – A privacy-friendly and versatile metasearch engine that’s also open source.
  2. MetaGer – An open source metasearch engine with good features, based in Germany.
  3. SwissCows – A zero-tracking private search engine based in Switzerland, hosted on secure Swiss infrastructure.
  4. Qwant – A private search engine based in France.
  5. DuckDuckGo – A private search engine based in the US.
  6. Mojeek – The only true search engine (rather than metasearch engine) that has its own crawler and index (based in the UK).
  7. YaCy – A decentralized, open source, peer-to-peer search engine.
  8. Givero – Based in Denmark, Givero offers more privacy than Google and combines search with charitable donations.
  9. Ecosia – Ecosia is based in Germany and donates a part of revenues to planting trees.

*Note: With the exception of Mojeek, all of the private search engines above are technically metasearch engines, since they source their results from other search engines, such as Bing and Google.

(Startpage is no longer recommended.)

Gmail alternatives

Gmail may be convenient and popular, but there are three major problems:

  1. Your inbox is used as a data collection tool. (Did you know Google is tracking your purchasing history from the receipts in your inbox?)
  2. Rather than seeing just emails, your email inbox is also used for ads and marketing.
  3. The contents of your inbox are being shared with Google and other random third parties.

When you remain logged in to your Gmail account, Google can easily track your activities online as you browse different websites, which may be hosting Google Analytics or Google ads (Adsense).

Here are ten alternatives to Gmail that do well in terms of privacy:

  1. Tutanota – based in Germany; very secure and private; free accounts up to 1 GB
  2. Mailfence – based in Belgium; lots of features; free accounts up to 500 MB
  3. Posteo – based in Germany; €1/mo with 14 day refund window
  4. StartMail – based in Netherlands; $5.00/mo with 7 day free trial
  5. Runbox – based in Norway; lots of storage and features; $1.66/mo with 30 day free trial
  6. – based in Germany; €1/mo with 30 day free trial
  7. CounterMail – based in Sweden; $4.00/mo with 7 day free trial
  8. Kolab Now – based in Switzerland; €4.41/mo with 30 day money-back guarantee
  9. ProtonMail – based in Switzerland; free accounts up to 500 MB
  10. Thexyz – based in Canada; $1.95/mo with 30 day refund window

Chrome alternatives

Google Chrome is a popular browser, but it’s also a data collection tool – and many people are taking notice. Just a few days ago, the Washington Post asserted that “Google’s web browser has become spy software,” with 11,000 tracker cookies observed in a single week.

Here are seven alternatives for more privacy:

  1. Firefox browser – Firefox is a very customizable, open-source browser that is popular in privacy circles. There are also many different Firefox modifications and tweaks that will give you more privacy and security. (Also check out Firefox Focus, a privacy-focused version for mobile users.)
  2. Iridium – Based on open source Chromium, Iridium offers numerous privacy and security enhancements over Chrome, source code here.
  3. GNU IceCat – A fork of Firefox from the Free Software Foundation.
  4. Tor browser – A hardened and secured version of Firefox that runs on the Tor network by default. (It also does a good job against browser fingerprinting.)
  5. Ungoogled Chromium – Just as the name says, this is an open source version of Chromium that has been “ungoogled” and modified for more privacy.
  6. Brave – Brave is another Chromium-based browser that is rather popular. It blocks trackers and ads by default (except for “approved” ads that are part of the “Brave Ads” network).
  7. Waterfox – This is a fork of Firefox that is configured for more privacy by default, with Mozilla telemetry stripped out of the code.

Of course, there are other alternatives to Chrome, such as Safari (from Apple), Microsoft Internet Explorer/Edge, Opera, and Vivaldi – but these also come with some privacy drawbacks.

Google Drive alternatives

If you’re looking for a secure cloud storage option, you can check out these Google Drive alternatives:

  1. Tresorit – A user-friendly cloud storage option based in Switzerland.
  2. ownCloud – An open source and self-hosted cloud platform developed in Germany.
  3. Nextcloud – Nextcloud is also an open source, self-hosted file sharing and collaboration platform, based in Germany.
  4. Sync – Based in Canada, Sync offers a secure, encrypted cloud storage solution for businesses and individuals.
  5. Syncthing – Here we have a decentralized, open source, peer-to-peer cloud storage platform.

Of course, Dropbox is another popular Google drive alternative, but it’s not the best in terms of privacy.

Google Calendar alternative

Here are some Google Calendar alternatives:

  1. Lightning Calendar is an open source calendar option developed by Mozilla, and it’s compatible with Thunderbird and Seamonkey.
  2. Etar, an open source, basic calendar option.
  3. Fruux, an open source calendar with good features and support for many operating systems.

For those wanting a combined solution for both email and calendar functionality, these providers offer that:

Google Docs / Sheets / Slides alternative

There are many solid Google Docs alternatives available. The largest offline document editing suite is, of course, Microsoft Office. As most people know, however, Microsoft is not the best company for privacy. Nonetheless, there are a few other good Google Docs alternatives:

  1. CryptPad – CryptPad is a privacy-focused alternative with strong encryption, and it’s free.
  2. Etherpad – A self-hosted collaborative online editor that’s also open source.
  3. Mailfence Documents – From the Mailfence team, this is a secure file sharing, storage, and collaboration tool.
  4. Zoho Docs – This is another good Google Docs alternative with a clean interface and good functionality, although it may not be the best for privacy.
  5. OnlyOffice – OnlyOffice feels a bit more restricted than some of the other options in terms of features.
  6. Cryptee – This is a privacy-focused platform for photo and document storage and editing. It’s open source and based in Estonia.
  7. LibreOffice (offline) – You can use LibreOffice which is free and open source.
  8. Apache OpenOffice (offline) – Another good open source office suite.

Google Photos alternative

Here are a few good Google Photos alternatives:

  • Piwigo – Piwigo is a great option that you can self-host. It is also free and open source.
  • Lychee – Lychee is another self-hosted, open source photo management platform.
  • Cryptee – Mentioned already above, Cyrptee is also a great option for securely storing photos.

Shoebox was another alternative, but it closed operations in June 2019.

YouTube alternatives

Unfortunately, YouTube alternatives can really be hit or miss, with most struggling to gain popularity.

  1. Peertube
  2. DTube
  3. Bitchute
  5. Vimeo
  7. Dailymotion
  8. Hooktube

Tip: is a great Youtube proxy that allows you to watch any Youtube video without logging in, even if the video is somehow restricted. To do this, simply replace [] with [] in the URL you want to view.

Google translate alternative

Here are a few Google translate alternatives I have come across:

  1. DeepL – DeepL is a solid Google Translate alternative that seems to give great results. Like Google Translate, DeepL allows you to post up to 5,000 characters at a time (but the pro version is unlimited). The user interface is good and there is also a built-in dictionary feature.
  2. Linguee – Linguee does not allow you to post large blocks of text like DeepL. However, Linguee will give you very accurate translations for single words or phrases, along with context examples.
  3. – This Google Translate alternative seems to do a decent job on single-world lookups, but it also feels a bit outdated.
  4. Swisscows Translate – A good translation service supporting many languages.

If you want to translate blocks of text, check out DeepL. If you want in-depth translations for single words or phrases, then Linguee is a good choice.

Google analytics alternative

For website admins, there are many reasons to use an alternative to Google analytics. Aside from privacy concerns, there are also faster and more user-friendly alternatives that also respect your visitors’ privacy.

  1. Clicky is a great alternative to Google Analytics that truncates and anonymizes visitor IP addresses by default. It is lightweight, user-friendly, and fully compliant with GDPR regulations, while also being certified by Privacy Shield.
  2. Matomo (formerly Piwik) is an open-source analytics platform that respects the privacy of visitors by anonymizing and truncating visitor IP addresses (if enabled by the website admin). It is also certified to respect user privacy.
  3. Fathom Analytics is an open source alternative to Google Analytics that’s available on Github here. It’s minimal, fast, and lightweight.
  4. Get Insights – Another privacy-focused analytics platform, with a full analytics suite. The front-end client is open source and available here.
  5. AT Internet is a France-based analytics provider that is fully GDPR compliant, with all data stored on French servers, and a good track record going back to 1996.

Many websites host Google Analytics because they run Google Adsense campaigns. Without Google Analytics, tracking performance of these campaigns would be difficult. Nonetheless, there are still better options for privacy.

Google Maps alternative

A map alternative for PCs is OpenStreetMap.

A few Google Maps alternatives for mobile devices include:

  1. OsmAnd is a free and open-source mobile maps app for both Android and iOS (based on OpenStreetMap data).
  2. Maps (F Droid) uses OpenStreetMap data (offline).
  3. Maps.Me is another option that is free on both Android and iOS, but there is a fair amount of data collection with this alternative, as explained in their privacy policy.
  4. MapHub is also based on OpenStreeMap data and it does not collect locations or user IP addresses.

Note: Waze is not an “alternative” as it is now owned by Google.

Google Play Store alternative

Currently the best Google Play Store alternative is to use F-Droid and then go through the Yalp store. As explained on the official site, F-Droid is an installable catalog of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform.

After you have installed F-Droid, you can then download the Yalp store APK, which allows you to download apps from the Google Play Store directly as APK files.

📷The Yalp Store is a good alternative to the Google Play Store.

See the F-Droid website or the official GitHub page for more info. Other alternatives to the Google Play Store include:

  • Aptoide – An independent marketplace for Android apps.
  • APKMirror – This is a large library of APK files uploaded by different users (be careful).
  • Aurora Store – A fork of the Yalp Store.

Google Chrome OS alternative

Want to ditch the Chromebook and Chrome OS? Here are a few alternatives:

  1. Linux – Of course, Linux is arguably the best alternative, being a free, open-source operating system with lots of different flavors. With some adjustments, Linux Ubuntu can be run on Chromebooks.
  2. Tails – Tails is a free, privacy-focused operating system based on Linux that routes all traffic through the Tor network.
  3. QubesOS – Recommended by Snowden, free, and also open source.

Of course, the other two big operating system alternatives are Windows and Apple’s operating system for MacBooks – Mac OS. Windows, particularly Windows 10, is a very bad option for privacy. While slightly better, Apple also collects user data and has partnered with the NSA) for surveillance.

Android alternatives

The biggest alternative to Android is iOS from Apple. But we’ll skip over that for reasons already mentioned. Here are a few Android OS alternatives:

  1. LineageOS – A free and open-source operating system for phones and tablets based on Android.
  2. Ubuntu Touch – A mobile version of the Ubuntu operating system.
  3. Plasma Mobile – An open source, Linux-based operating system with active development.
  4. Sailfish OS – Another open source, Linux-based mobile OS.
  5. Replicant – A fully free Android distribution with an emphasis on freedom, privacy, and security.
  6. /e/ – This is another open source project with a focus on privacy and security.

Purism is also working on a privacy-focused mobile phone called the Librem 5. It is in production, but not yet available (estimated Q3 2019).

Google Hangouts alternatives

Here are some alternatives to Google Hangouts:

  1. Wire – A great all-around secure messenger, video, and chat app, but somewhat limited on the number of people who can chat together in a group conversation via voice or video.
  2. Signal – A good secure messenger platform from Open Whisper Systems.
  3. Telegram – A longtime secure messenger app, formerly based in Russia, now in Dubai.
  4. Riot – A privacy-focused encrypted chat service that is also open source.

Google Domains alternative

Google Domains is a domain registration service. Here are a few alternatives:

  1. Namecheap – I like Namecheap because all domain purchases now come with free WhoisGuard protection for life, which protects your contact information from third parties. Namecheap also accepts Bitcoin and offers domain registration, hosting, email, SSL certs, and a variety of other products.
  2. Njalla – Njalla is a privacy-focused domain registration service based in Nevis. They offer hosting options, too, and also accept cryptocurrency payments.
  3. OrangeWebsite – OrangeWebsite offers anonymous domain registration services and also accepts cryptocurrency payments, based in Iceland.

Other Google alternatives

Here more alternatives for various Google products:

Google forms alternativeJotForm is a free online form builder.

Google Keep alternative – Below are a few different Google Keep alternatives:

  • Standard Notes is a great alternative for a note-taking service. It is secure, encrypted, and free with apps for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android (web-based also available).
  • Joplin is another great option that is open source and works on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android.
  • Zoho Notebook from Zoho, with apps for desktop and mobile devices.
  • QOwnNotes is an open source file editor with Nextcloud integration.

Google Fonts alternative – Many websites load Google fonts through Google APIs, but that’s not necessary. One alternative to this is to use Font Squirrel, which has a large selection of both Google and non-Google fonts which are free to download and use.

Google Voice (both free and paid)

G Suite alternativeZoho is probably the best option

Google Firebase alternativeKuzzle (free and open source)

Google Blogger alternativesWordPress, Medium, and Ghost are all good options.

Weekly general discussion - April 16, 2020

Welcome to the weekly general discussion thread of /r/btcsv! Thread topics include, but are not limited to: General discussion related to the weeks events, questions that don't deserve their own thread. Please discuss prices in the Weekly Bitcoin markets and price discussion thread.

Bitcoin witnesses high inrush of retail investors, report (current BTC/USD price is $6,798.14)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin witnesses high inrush of retail investors, report

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

Top News and Cryptocurrency Headlines

Daily Crypto Brief for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 by ITBiometrics Mainstream Financial News:

  1. Chinese giants Huawei and Tencent join national group on blockchain after Xi’s backing for the tech by CNBC -

  2. Bitcoin at Inflection Point, With Technicals Signaling Weakness by Bloomberg -

  3. Andreessen Horowitz aims to raise $450m for second cryptocurrency fund by Financial Times -

  4. Travelex Paid Hackers Multimillion-Dollar Ransom Before Hitting New Obstacles by The Wall Street Journal -

  5. SCUF Gaming Database Leaves 1.1 Million Customer Records Exposed Online by Forbes -

  6. Bitcoin Hash Rate Erases March Losses Before ‘Epic’ Difficulty Surge by Cointelegraph -

  7. Chinese State-Owned Bank Offers Test Interface for PBoC Central Bank Digital Currency by Coindesk -

  8. Are these the First Images of China’s Digital Yuan? (UPDATED) by Cryptonews -

Follow ITBiometrics on our other platforms for Industry Leading News and Headlines on crypto news, bitcoin news, cryptocurrency news, blockchain, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, altcoin, altcoin news and biometrics.

Your $ 10,000 Monthly Salary is on the Way. Click to Receive

Since its official launch on March 10, 2020, the CoinEx Ambassador Program has been well received in the CoinEx community. Within a month, we got applications of more than 200 industry elites from 30+ countries around the world. To better support Ambassadors in CoinEx promotion, we have organized the AMA and the first official training on this Program, which turned out a success among Ambassadors.

CoinEx Ambassadors have shown their professionalism and enthusiasm during the first period. They gave full play to their expertise to provide CoinEx with multi-faceted support. Marketing Ambassadors created abundant materials for promotion with their talent in creation and promotion. Overseas Operation Ambassadors have established local fan pages for us and set up Telegram communities in minor languages. Business Ambassadors referred to us many project developers, all yielding good feedback, and provided provide valuable insights in research reports. Referral Ambassadors also did a good job in referring users and guiding them to use the CoinEx Exchange. Thanks to their hard work, CoinEx has been known to more people and become more influential around the world.

To express our gratitude for their contributions, we distributed more than one million CET as their salary for the first month of this Program. In days to come, we will launch more Ambassador tasks to benefit more Ambassadors.

During the first period of this Program, several Ambassadors have outperformed their counterparts and are selected as the Star of Ambassadors. They are:

Star of Marketing Ambassadors:@Janice

Monthly Salary: 500USD

Janice has taken active part in the CoinEx marketing, independently created many materials for promoting CoinEx, and built and activated the CoinEx community.

Janice’s story with CoinEx: I got to know about the Bitcoin in 2017, yet I didn’t enter this field until 2019 when I translated an article about it. That job also brought me many friends in this field. I’ve heard about CoinEx on many occasions. I still remember one day an article about the Bitcoin fork went viral, and its author, CoinEx’s CEO Haipo Yang, left me deep impression. Then by accident I saw CoinEx recruiting global Ambassadors. I applied, without expecting anything, and later was approved. What a surprise! Fresh as I am in CoinEx, I love this community: everyone is taking their job seriously, the technology and products are great, the company is also running in good order and the team is powerful yet low-key. I’m always happy to share things I love, and since I like CoinEx so much, I have every reason to take this opportunity to share it with more people.

Star of Business Ambassadors:@Aladdin

Monthly Salary: 500USD

Aladdin has referred many projects to CoinEx and yielded effective feedback, and produced 3 research reports, all insightful and quality, on topics such as industry development and stable cryptocurrency.

Aladdin’s story with CoinEx: Aladdin team has been working in the blockchain field for many years with influential self-media channels, and has rich cooperation resources. Becoming an ambassador of CoinEx can give full play to our advantages and help increase CoinEx’s research capabilities in the fields of project research and industry analysis. In addition, we are also happy to connect our business resources to CoinEx to achieve a win-win situation for all parties.

Star of Operation Ambassadors:@Aravinth M

Monthly Salary: 500USD

Aravinth M has established CoinEx’s Indian community and actively interacted with members, cooperated with CoinEx to hold AMA events, and promoted CoinEx by publishing CoinEx teaching videos on his YouTube channels and blogs.

Aravinth’s story with CoinEx: I am Aravinth, crypto trader and YouTuber from India. I started to use CoinEx Exchange two years ago, and I was happy to use CoinEx’s website and mobile application due to user-friendly product experience and low transaction fee and also we gets friendly customer support from telegram admins. And CoinEx have all trading features and lending, etc.. So I always only support for CoinEx. Now I am one of the CoinEx Ambassador and very happy to work with CoinEx.

Star of Referral Ambassadors:@Coin919

Accumulated Commissions: 100,000+ CET

Coin919 has opened the banner position on Coin919 official website to guide traffic to CoinEx Exchange, and referred quality users, of whom the transaction rate reached 37.5%.

Coin919’s story with CoinEx: Coin919 is a quantitative software developed in 2017 that allows users to participate in quantification without programming and enhances the profitability of ordinary users in the secondary market. Long ago CoinEx impressed us with its strength, technology and innovation, and we became even more confident about it since talks with persons from this company at the World Blockchain Conference in Wuzhen. Coin919 and CoinEx hit it off straight away in cultivating users into professionals, and reached a cooperation intention. This cooperation is a triple win as CoinEx receives more users and their transactions through Coin919’s referral, users gain trading skills and enjoy the professional services of both CoinEx and Coin919, and Coin919 gets its brand awareness enhanced.

CoinEx chooses to benefit its users and train investors through cooperation with Coin919. That is a telling proof of its commitment to serving users. We have every confidence that CoinEx will embrace a brighter future.

Congratulations to these Stars of Ambassadors! Take them as the model, and you will be the next star!

Welcome to join CoinEx Ambassadors. Click this link for application to win the monthly salary of US$ 10,000!

Your $ 10,000 Monthly Salary is on the Way. Click to Receive

Since its official launch on March 10, 2020, the CoinEx Ambassador Program has been well received in the CoinEx community. Within a month, we got applications of more than 200 industry elites from 30+ countries around the world. To better support Ambassadors in CoinEx promotion, we have organized the AMA and the first official training on this Program, which turned out a success among Ambassadors.

CoinEx Ambassadors have shown their professionalism and enthusiasm during the first period. They gave full play to their expertise to provide CoinEx with multi-faceted support. Marketing Ambassadors created abundant materials for promotion with their talent in creation and promotion. Overseas Operation Ambassadors have established local fan pages for us and set up Telegram communities in minor languages. Business Ambassadors referred to us many project developers, all yielding good feedback, and provided provide valuable insights in research reports. Referral Ambassadors also did a good job in referring users and guiding them to use the CoinEx Exchange. Thanks to their hard work, CoinEx has been known to more people and become more influential around the world.

To express our gratitude for their contributions, we distributed more than one million CET as their salary for the first month of this Program. In days to come, we will launch more Ambassador tasks to benefit more Ambassadors.

During the first period of this Program, several Ambassadors have outperformed their counterparts and are selected as the Star of Ambassadors. They are:

Star of Marketing Ambassadors:@Janice

Monthly Salary: 500USD

Janice has taken active part in the CoinEx marketing, independently created many materials for promoting CoinEx, and built and activated the CoinEx community.

Janice’s story with CoinEx: I got to know about the Bitcoin in 2017, yet I didn’t enter this field until 2019 when I translated an article about it. That job also brought me many friends in this field. I’ve heard about CoinEx on many occasions. I still remember one day an article about the Bitcoin fork went viral, and its author, CoinEx’s CEO Haipo Yang, left me deep impression. Then by accident I saw CoinEx recruiting global Ambassadors. I applied, without expecting anything, and later was approved. What a surprise! Fresh as I am in CoinEx, I love this community: everyone is taking their job seriously, the technology and products are great, the company is also running in good order and the team is powerful yet low-key. I’m always happy to share things I love, and since I like CoinEx so much, I have every reason to take this opportunity to share it with more people.

Star of Business Ambassadors:@Aladdin

Monthly Salary: 500USD

Aladdin has referred many projects to CoinEx and yielded effective feedback, and produced 3 research reports, all insightful and quality, on topics such as industry development and stable cryptocurrency.

Aladdin’s story with CoinEx: Aladdin team has been working in the blockchain field for many years with influential self-media channels, and has rich cooperation resources. Becoming an ambassador of CoinEx can give full play to our advantages and help increase CoinEx’s research capabilities in the fields of project research and industry analysis. In addition, we are also happy to connect our business resources to CoinEx to achieve a win-win situation for all parties.

Star of Operation Ambassadors:@Aravinth M

Monthly Salary: 500USD

Aravinth M has established CoinEx’s Indian community and actively interacted with members, cooperated with CoinEx to hold AMA events, and promoted CoinEx by publishing CoinEx teaching videos on his YouTube channels and blogs.

Aravinth’s story with CoinEx: I am Aravinth, crypto trader and YouTuber from India. I started to use CoinEx Exchange two years ago, and I was happy to use CoinEx’s website and mobile application due to user-friendly product experience and low transaction fee and also we gets friendly customer support from telegram admins. And CoinEx have all trading features and lending, etc.. So I always only support for CoinEx. Now I am one of the CoinEx Ambassador and very happy to work with CoinEx.

Star of Referral Ambassadors:@Coin919

Accumulated Commissions: 100,000+ CET

Coin919 has opened the banner position on Coin919 official website to guide traffic to CoinEx Exchange, and referred quality users, of whom the transaction rate reached 37.5%.

Coin919’s story with CoinEx: Coin919 is a quantitative software developed in 2017 that allows users to participate in quantification without programming and enhances the profitability of ordinary users in the secondary market. Long ago CoinEx impressed us with its strength, technology and innovation, and we became even more confident about it since talks with persons from this company at the World Blockchain Conference in Wuzhen. Coin919 and CoinEx hit it off straight away in cultivating users into professionals, and reached a cooperation intention. This cooperation is a triple win as CoinEx receives more users and their transactions through Coin919’s referral, users gain trading skills and enjoy the professional services of both CoinEx and Coin919, and Coin919 gets its brand awareness enhanced.

CoinEx chooses to benefit its users and train investors through cooperation with Coin919. That is a telling proof of its commitment to serving users. We have every confidence that CoinEx will embrace a brighter future.

Congratulations to these Stars of Ambassadors! Take them as the model, and you will be the next star!

Welcome to join CoinEx Ambassadors. Click this link for application to win the monthly salary of US$ 10,000!