Thursday, May 11, 2023

Cardano Daily Discussion - May 12, 2023

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the Cardano Daily Discussion!

The standard sub rules apply here (see sidebar), with the exception that price discussion is allowed in this thread, though we encourage you to try not to make this the focus and talk about the project itself. Please ask questions, help others and be civil - be sure to get involved in Project Catalyst too!

If you're new, please make sure you're read through the newbies guide and share it with others (use the ?newbies comment command to reference it).

⚠️ Scam Warning ⚠️

Please read the Cybersecurity guidelines for Cardano Users.

There are ongoing giveaway scams on youtube and many scammers lurking in Cardano's social channels impersonating ambassadors/moderators/official staff contacting users via direct messages.

For example, searching 'cardano' on youtube and sorting by most recent upload date shows several giveaway scams running (all videos in screenshot are scams):

Ongoing 'giveaway' scams on Youtube

The youtube scams are automated; use stolen footage usually of Charles Hoskinson and are restreamed so to appear to be 'live'; appear to have many watchers (which are bots); use bought hacked channels and are edited to appear like official channels.

See this post for more examples of what they look like

Do not be fooled!

To be clear:

  • ⚠️ There is no such thing as a Cardano giveaway
  • ⚠️ Never share your seed phrase with ANYONE
  • ⚠️ Never send ADA to someone promising to send you more ADA back
  • ⚠️ You will never be contacted by ambassadors/moderators/staff

Please report scams on the Cardano Fraud Detection Bureau.

⚠️ Scam Warning ⚠️

Midnight Subreddit

In anticipation of Input Output's new data protection blockchain 'Midnight', I've managed to acquire r/Midnight through some negotiation and repurpose it for the Cardano Community (the sub was created for a card game back in 2011 but was mostly unused).

I decided to do this as I thought the project will eventually need a home on reddit and best to setup now before any scammers do. Obviously there's not much to post about on there right now as it's early days as the project is yet to be released, but if you'd like to be kept up to date on the project please feel free to join the new subreddit if the project interests you and I'll be sure to post updates as and when they become available.

Right now the sub is mostly a carbon copy of r/cardano, I've copied most of the automod and rules over, so certain aspects may seem a little incongruent atm, but I'll tailor and tweak the sub as we go. Feel free to send me or post any input if you want stuff to change.

Cheers all

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Stop it with the shilling Forbes, just stop it...

Cardano Rumor Rundown May 11, 2023

Hey Everyone!

Let’s go….

Newly Covered Today:

  1. There’s already a new version of Lace Wallet out.
  2. A nice thread on the many strengths of Cardano.
  3. Remember, lobster traps are a thing.
  4. Today (May 11 at 1pm EST) there will be a Messari Cardano Analyst call with Charles & Frederik.
  5. I think we all love it when they start making our case for us.
  6. Ethereum is lamenting many of its poor design choices that Cardano already fixed.
  7. Drunkenmiller says this is the broadest asset bubble he’s ever even studied let alone seen firsthand and we’ve only had a few soft landings since 1950.

Previously covered, but still interesting:

  1. Messari has published a “State of Cardano” Q1 2023 report.
  2. Charles dropped a video on his feelings around the Cardano Member Based Organization.
  3. Congressman McHenry ripped into Gensler today in the House Financial Services Committee after he refused to answer whether a specific crypto asset was a security.
  4. Congressman Emmer also aggressively interrogated Gensler on everything from Chokepoint 2.0, meeting with FTX, Terra Luna failure on his watch, lack of rulemaking on crypto, his 55 crypto enforcement actions, lack of ability for crypto to register, and etc.
  5. Gensler was called “an incompetent cop on the beat…pushing American firms into the hands of the CCP.”
  6. Congressman Davidson is introducing a bill to remove Gensler and restructure the SEC.
  7. Check out this crypto score card that ranks the crypto friendliness of US Congress members.
  8. The Cardano Foundation has released an annual report.
  9. There has been a big on-going stealth Robbery Forest event targeting crypto OGs.
  10. Adrienne Harris of the NYDFS just corrected Gensler and said the Signature bank failure was not due to crypto.
  11. Rep. Donalds went deep on Gensler not having authority to regulate crypto.
  12. Coinbase is making good on its promises to offshore and appears to be setting up operations in Bermuda.
  13. The CF wrote an article about Aiken.
  14. Ken Kodama is seriously stepping up his Twitter activity. Making threads about Cardano trends.
  15. This will be surprising to some: there is significant debate about the long-term security picture of Bitcoin.
  16. The manipulation of gov’t blockchain money by the traditional actors is already in full swing.
  17. Texas just passed a bill requiring exchanges to provide proof-of-reserves and forbidding comingling of customer funds with their own.
  18. A very well articulated argument before Congress for sensible stablecoin regulation.
  19. With publicly accessible AI suddenly increasing the power of attackers, it’s slowly dawning on the EVM crowd that the lack of security in the Solidity Robbery Forest may be a laugh now/cry later scenario for them vs. arguably more secure languages like Plutus.
  20. Here’s the IOG development update for April 21.
  21. Cardano is currently 47,000 times more efficient than Bitcoin.
  22. Don’t forget! Cardano 360 is coming on Thursday April 27th.
  23. The SEC is on a really silly course of proposing a rule that would support their bringing DeFi under the definition of an “exchange” for purposes of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act.
  24. Coincenter’s comment to the proposed rule points out the absurdity that their comment itself might be considered an exchange under the rule due to code in the comment.
  25. Here’s another update from Ken Kodama on all things Emurgo plus a few others.
  26. Now Coinbase is suing the SEC to provide some regulatory clarity to crypto.
  27. There is discussion about the profitability of Cardano stake pools.
  28. Great thread from a Cardano stake pool operator with a degree in AI comparing the AI adoption curve to that of crypto so far.
  29. Grimes has already figured out how to combine AI and crypto. Anyone can use her voice in AI created songs and she will split the royalties 50/50 with them via crypto payments.
  30. Cardano projects selling their own tokens into secondary is discussed as a part of project funding.
  31. There is also speculation about a single team being behind several projects.
  32. Cardano Whale makes a very good point about the staying power of Cardano in the top ten over half a decade.
  33. The CFTC is apparently saying there is no immediate path forward for Binance.
  34. Binance had this to say. It is bailing on the deal to acquire Voyager assets because of the “hostile and uncertain regulatory climate” in the U.S.
  35. Gensler in 2018: “ ¾ of the market are non-securities. It’s just a commodity, a cash crypto.”
  36. Charles is talking about GPT + Marlowe! That could be an incredible combination for the production of a large volume of smart contracts underlying useful dApps.
  37. There are big questions about First Republic Bank possibly falling into receivership and what happens after that.
  38. The UN Refugee Agency has a Cardano stakepool?
  39. At least one Cardano DeFi project is using ADA handles to increase transparency on their platform.
  40. Carda Station now has a live builder tool.
  41. IOG will be hosting a “Hydra for Auctions” Twitter space today on April 27th.
  42. Cardano 360 is going down today April 27.
  43. Emurgo will be at Consensus if you find yourself there.
  44. It looks like John MacPherson is moving on from the CF.
  45. In May, the Cardano Foundation will hold an on-chain poll of Stakepool Operators as to certain staking parameters and values (K! minFee?). Apparently, Delegators will be able to see an initial poll and then redelegate if they don’t like their pool’s position.
  46. Cardano Summit tickets are now available.
  47. Paul Grewal and Brian Armstrong of Coinbase have made a video response to the SEC’s Wells Notice.
  48. The Gensler Tapes from MIT in 2018 keep getting better and better. In this one he basically states that the SEC has already determined that Ether is not a security.
  49. People are noticing how much work has gone into Cardano.
  50. Remember, anyone can make a token with any name or image. But, it may be totally unconnected with what it mimics.
  51. Counting First Republic we now have five major bank failures in two months (including Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate, Credit Suisse, and Signature).
  52. Some believe First Republic is just the next in a line of non-Too Big to Fail bank failures.
  53. Larry Summers (fmr Sec. of Treasury) and Elon Musk have an interesting exchange over the chances of recession (Summers–70%, Elon–already here) and the level of severity (Elon thinks very high if Fed hikes more).
  54. The safety of ETH L2 rollups is called into question.
  55. It’s becoming harder and harder to deny that Cardano has the biggest (actually) liquid staking protocol in all of crypto.
  56. Coinbase’s position on Cardano keeps slipping more and more in our favor.
  57. There is discussion of “false metrics” and Solana.
  58. Much more of this and we won’t call them banks anymore. They’ll just be called Morgans. Apparently, an exception to the 10% rule.
  59. Some are calling this a decision to nationalize the banking sector.
  60. Pretty much everyone seems to see what’s going on here.
  61. Looks like the fighting over the debt limit is ramping up.
  62. Balaji has settled his million dollar bitcoin bet to put us all on notice about the trillions being printed. Here are his thoughts backed up by plentiful references.
  63. So much ghostbusting would be needed to clear us out.
  64. Charles was on Fox again and discussed a wide range of topics with Maria.
  65. Coinbase didn’t waste any time in getting their non-US futures platform open.
  66. A former SEC Chair in his 90s sees that the current SEC is wrong on crypto.
  67. Rumor is that Pacwest is next on death row.
  68. ADA + Lime Wire. Only asked for 300 retweets…they definitely don’t know us.
  69. Token locking. Not a comment on any specific project. But, Is there any good case it’s not really just to artificially drive price up? Obviously also useful to centralize liquidity.
  70. You can’t say that many of us in Cardano didn’t warn about exactly this. Always the same with these VC coins.
  71. Caitlin Long points out that both the non-main candidate challengers in the 2024 Presidential race are pro-crypto and anti-CBDC.
  72. The Fed raised by a quarter point bringing the federal funds rate to 5-5.25%.
  73. As predicted PacWest is facing death. Florida anti-CBDC bill passed both the FL House and the Senate.
  74. A sitting US Senator just said that the modern banking system is a sophisticated ponzi scheme.
  75. Hydra is live on mainnet.
  76. IOG wants you to know about the advantages of native tokens on Cardano.
  77. Cardano Movies!
  78. We really need to primary some members of the U.S. Congress.
  79. Wow! Not surprised at what’s being said here back in November. Just surprised it’s being said publicly.
  80. Here’s the longer video of that FDIC meeting for context.
  81. Looks like Western Alliance is up next.
  82. The weekly development update from IOG is out.
  83. It’s not hard to make a meme coin on Cardano.
  84. Still a crazy amount of mark-to-market losses that haven’t been absorbed by the system.
  85. Warren Buffet gives a not too comforting answer to a question about the status of the dollar: “America…we’ve got everything going for us…but…you can’t print money indefinitely as debt.”
  86. …and then everyone remembered what fee markets look like in busy times.
  87. …same for Bitcoin.
  88. Cardano hit 94% load.
  89. he MEV game is getting out of control over on Cardano’s biggest competitor chain. Convince me this shouldn’t just be called “theft” or “fraud”.
  90. Cardano Native Assets are vastly superior to BRC20 and ERC20 tokens.
  91. Rumor: SEC is going to make a move against Binance. Will the DOJ also?
  92. At the end of Q3 of last year, 722 banks reported unrealized losses greater than 50% of capital.
  93. Here’s a new article called “The Denominator” from Arthur Hayes explaining in detail why every non-Too Big to Fail bank is going to fail unless the Fed or Treasury do one of two things and what this means for crypto.
  94. Wyoming is inching closer to a state stablecoin. IOG’s significant presence there may turn out to be a huge advantage.
  95. Paypal disclosed almost $1 billion in customer crypto in its latest 10-Q.
  96. MiCA is shifting the balance of crypto investment to Europe.
  97. Today (May 10) will be a joint hearing of the Agriculture and Financial Services Committees on Crypto. The CLO of Kraken will testify.
  98. This is a legit point about centralized L2s: the best ones are called Coinbase, Kraken, and Binance.

~Army of Spies