Thursday, October 11, 2018

[Daily Discussion] Friday, October 12, 2018

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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Looks like you guys are depressed and need a laugh. "17 crazy/funny bitcoin prophesies"

1) Scientology launches their own cryptocurrency in an attempt never to pay any taxes anymore; 4ever. Other religious groups see this and would very much like a piece of that blessed technology. Before you know it Christiancoin, Muslimcoin and Jewcoin are a thing. ZenBuddhistcoin is also released but their whitepaper is literally a piece of white paper and their blocks remain empty. 4chan creates HitlerCoin (coinlimit is about 6 million but nobody knows the exact number) as a response, which after being taken serious a bit to much is promptly renamed as DonaldCoin and a T_D user writes the "supreme whitepaper" (not to be confused with white supremacy paper). /r/bitcoin: "DonaldCoin? More like Don-altcoin" and claims it is an attack on Bitcoin. A fight between T_D and /r/bitcoin breaks out. The prices on popcorn futures go through the roof. Trump tweets about how he is okay with a cryptocurrency called DonaldCoin as long as his face is on each coin and a great American firewall is build in to the system preventing Donald's supernodes from connecting to Mexican IP addresses.

2) Bitcoin Core releases a statement that there is enough segwit adoption now to lower the blocksize to 900 kilobyte. /r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on Bitcoin. Luke-jr insists it is essential to go lower then 700 kilobytes but even /r/bitcoin makes fun of him. He tweets: "This will have the most monstrous consequences, if only people would listen to me!".

3) A bitcoin wallet co-written by luke-jr goes rogue and every time you do a transaction you will see a bible verse. /r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on but users also post "Maybe Catholicism is not the end of the world, they have always hodled strong." and "I like the pope, he looks like the kind of guy that would hodl".

3) Adam Back realizes he is not being taken serious anymore and tries to make a comeback by claiming he is Satoshi. Craig Wright is having none of it and fakes a video of him supposedly choking on a bowl of bitsoup. /r/bitcoin is taken over by "I am Satoshi!" type of posts. /r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on Bitcoin and in responds rewrites the Bitcoin Whitepaper and replaces the name Satoshi with "The Creator of Bitcoin" and two years later during the inauguration of Bitcoin Pope Andreas-the-first with "He Who Is To Hodly To Be Named". In honor of Bitcoin Pope Andreas-the-first, Greece becomes the first country to embrace Bitcoin on a national level. A Greek man of old age sitting outside on a comfortable chair smoking a pipe is interviewed about this: "Your country is the first country to make Bitcoin its national currency, what will the Greek people do next?" "Now we wait" is the answer. "Too see how the central European banks react?" "Until 500 000 unconfirmed transactions in the mempool are processed". After a combined effort of users and through very clever detective work /r/bitcoin discovers this Greek man was no other than Roger Ver with a mustache. "Literally Hitler!" stamped on a picture of Roger Ver with a mustache becomes a meme.

4) A second Theymos shows up claiming he is the original Theymos. He proves he has some private keys of addresses known to once have been used by Theymos. /r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on Bitcoin and a suggestion is made to fork Theymos. It is speculated that it's impossible to fork a human being using software until Luke-jr shows up and promptly writes the code. Bitfinex starts trading TM1 and TM2 chain split tokens. Theymos reluctantly agrees to be split in to Michael and Marquardt as long as it is done through a soft fork! A new way of measuring bitcoin censorship becomes possible because there is now a M1 and a M2 supply of posts.

5) A competitor to Tether is launched called Rope, first wallet to support Rope is Bitcoin Knots. /r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on Bitcoin and posts about "I rather hang myself then to support this Rope-a-dope scam" quickly become very popular. BashCo stickies a post asking /r/bitcoin users to "Please allow each other some breathing room". "Nick Szabo was here" becomes a meme and becomes even more popular then killroy.

6) Bitcoin Purple is released with the purpose of appeasing to extreme hodlers, as a Bitcoin Purple address can only make one out transaction. /r/bitcoin celebrates this new technology of enlightenment. The price of Bitcoin Purple shoots trough the roof until people try to cash out and realize that you can't cash out with Bitcoin Purple, you can only hodl it. A disgruntled group of Bitcoin Purple users fork Bitcoin Purple and a war breaks about between NoBO supporters and BO supporters (Breathe Out). A bitcoin user makes a post on /r/conspiracy that reaches the frontpage of /r/all with the title: "Something is smelly about this whole BO thing".

7) /r/Buttcoin launches an ICO to try to raise some funds to create a TV comedy show making fun of bitcoin. /r/btc raises enough capital for this ICO in 6 hours to launch a new Netflix original comedy series about Bitcoin. /r/buttcoin is happy with the TV show but a bit sad their ICO was such a huge success. r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on Bitcoin and that "they should grow up" and that "making fun of Bitcoin is against the spirit of Satoshi , the creator of bitcoin, he-who-is-to-hodly-to -be-named". /r/bitcoin starts asking their users to download the Netflix app and leave a negative review.

8) Bitfinex'ed is doxed as Mark Karpelès because of a suspicious increase in demand in frappuccinos in a particular geographic area, the same that Bifinex'ed posted from. Mark was FUDing all over Bitfinex in the hope he can resurrect Mt Gox, now re-branded as Mt Everest. /r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on Bitcoin but some users are excited they will finally get their bitcoins back! Eric Voorhees finally comes out of the coffin: "The rumors are true, I was born a vampire but ever since I have had a taste of Bitcoin, human blood means nothing to me anymore. I won't go back to my old life, I know it's a gamble but the stakes are to high!".

9) Monero turns out to be a honey-pot project started by the IRS, however it has turned out so successful and made some high placed IRS people so rich that they are reluctant to admit this and do everything in their power to deny the news in the hope that their wealth in XMR will not vaporize. Big headlines are made when a top IRS guy gets busted when he sends most of his XMR to Bitfinex in the hope to get other crypto for it before XMR tanks. /r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on Bitcoin and a version of Bitcoin is released called Bitcoin Luke Out! that blacklists any bitcoin addresses that are linked to this IRS guy.

10) The BitTorrentcoin protocol whitepaper is released. It's first application is a extremely illegal Netflix-for-porn. Participants are offered a incentive in making bandwidth and storage space available for the free porn network and also cataloging it's content so searching for "Three midgets do it with a furry dressed up as a giraffe" will actually result in a relevant video. Participants in this new porn/crypto hybrid ecosystem are getting payed in BitTorrentcoin. Pornhub and other porn sites immediately see this as a threat to their entire business model and 50% of all new porn videos are now political in nature. You thought the big blockers vs small blockers was a crazy fight? Think again. /r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on Bitcoin and that "we don't watch porn" and "if we would watch porn we would not facilitate a shitcoin while doing so". luke-jr makes a record breaking post on r/bitcoin about "how hodling your hands above your blanket (while checking the price in bed) and hodling bitcoin go together like a man and a woman in marriage". The BitTorrentcoin porn app quickly attracts a 120 million users in just 6 month. /r/bitcoin claims that "This growth goes against the natural order that he-who-is-to-hodly-to-be-named has created". The newly formed /r/BitTorrentcoin community tries to reconcile with /r/bitcoin as some friendly users post "We cum in peace!" type of posts while other users post more snarly posts like "The moon? We aim our rockets at the stars". Sporadically tension between both communities builds up to a climax until some form of release is found.

11) Somebody hacks Trump's twitter account to pump up his new altcoin. The Donald runs with it, ever after everybody knows the tweet was not tweeted by Trump. It's suspected the new altcoin was created by a T_D mod but post about that are not allowed on T_D so nobody on T_D figures it out. /r/bitcoin offers a partnership and the communities merge together. "It was the next logical step for the /r/bitcoin community" Theymos writes, "With strength through unity and smaller blocks we can make Bitcoin Great Again". Charlie Shrem his airplane mysteriously disappears over a group of deserted islands in the pacific ocean. /r/MandelaEffect/ claims Abraham Lincoln never wore glasses until today. Adam Backs tries to create a "We have to go Back" meme but it fails.

12) After working on it for 4 years in secret Google launches their cryptocurrency. It's not for humans, only for AI's. To use google's new cryptocurrency network you need to be fluid in assembly. /r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on Bitcoin and asks their users to boycott all websites affiliated with Google. Only Bing is now allowed to be used on /r/bitcoin. Then Microsoft responds to Google by releasing BingCoin and the circle repeats itself. Finally Gregory Maxwell writes his own search engine which turns out to be just Google through a filter. Some users on /r/bitcoin are wondering "Why are we getting attacked so much, are we the baddies?" but other users quickly post that "Bad is the new good" and that after the "attack" phase the win phase will finally arrive. A new phrase is coined: After "attack" comes "then you win".

13) Elon Musk launches ElectroCoin, /r/futurology looses its shit completely. Subreddits that are about Reddit drama are thinking about launching PopcornCoin. Popcorncoin is promptly forked in to PopcornCoin Salty (supported by North-American redditors) and PopcornCoin Sweet (supported by European redditors). A religious war break out between the two groups. A new community of subreddit meta drama is created. Bitcoin MetaCoin is released on the first of April 2018. It immediately sees enormous usage after launch but this is only because Bitcoin MetaCoin is just Bitcoin with a 4 year delay on the blockchain. It's an april fools joke! /r/btc goes along with the joke but r/bitcoin does not see the joke and warns about the Mother-of-All-Replay-attacks. A /r/OutOfTheLoop post makes the the frontpage of /r/all and Redditors get very confused, they always thought /r/bitcoin was just a satirical subreddit. "Are you trying to tell me these people are serious???"

14) /r/bitcoin upgrades from a cult to a religion and Bitcointologists try to spread it all over reddit. Two Bitcointologists would enter a reddit threat together and ask people if they had a moment to talk about he-who-is-to-hodly-to-be-named. When r/bitcoin risks to become the new /r/atheism Theymos has no other option then to politely ask /r/bitcoin to "chill the fuck out a bit more". Another revolt against Theymos is the result. A splinter group separates and moves to /r/ChurchofBitcoin and they release TheOneTrueBitcoinCoin, you can only join the network if you proof you own more then a 1000 bitcoins. Luke-jr tries to join but suddenly realizes he lost his private keys 4 years ago, he never realized his backups where faulty cause he forgot to ever actually make a bitcoin transaction. A version that will give Luke-jr his coins back is released by Core but /r/bitcoin claims this is an attack on Bitcoin and the thing is shut down. Luke-jr now dedicated his life to sneaking in code in to Bitcoin that will give him his coins back. He writes: "The pathway in to heaven is narrow and only a few make it" and "It's still easier for my code to make it in to the github repo then for a non catholic big blocker to make it in to heaven".

15) The first HODL-er dies. To celebrate the life of this HODL-er, his family decides to honor him by writing his bitcoin address on the tombstone but by accident the private key is written instead. The family posts a statement: "This is the last thing we wanted to happen". The first bitcoin grave-robbing is a fact of history now. Out of respect, and to honor this HOD'LER, members of /r/bitcoin agree to not send any bitcoin transactions for 24 hours but this plan backfires when the bitcoin price suddenly tanks as the grave-robber dumps a 100 000 BTC on the market. The mempools breaks a new record that is ten times the old record and many nodes crash because they are trying to allocate to much memory. /r/bitcoin claims these nodes are crashing on purpose and that this is an attack on Bitcoin.

16)During the second coming of Satoshi, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange proof to the world that they are Satoshi in one simple tweet by signing a message with the private key of the genesis address. In a turn of events that nobody expected this is immediately accepted as truth by the entire world because of math. Except by Gavin Andressen who states "I saw what I saw with my own eyes, Craig Wright will always be my Satoshi" and then continues in tears "He Is Still Real To Me Dammit". Ten years later it is revealed that The Large Bitcoin Collider, against the laws of the universe, cracked the private key of the genesis address and that rico666 was actually an account run by Snowden and Assange. The week this news breaks more "We told you it was an attack on Bitcoin!" posts are posted to /r/bitcoin then unconfirmed transactions in the mempool. The top post on /r/btc that week is something about a broken clock.

17) Ethereum becomes the first new world order global currency and Vitalik Buterin reveals he is a cyborg from outer ether (turn out that Einstein was wrong and ether does exist). During the most anticipated and watched televised event in the history of the world and while wearing a silly hat he says: "Our gift to mankind is new life in the form of this AI that we have created but can only live within a decentralized Ethereum network, now mankind needs to work together and will finally have peace". He then continues: "Now I must go, my cyborg and cybaguettes on planet Etereum need me" and rocketlaunches himself in to orbit, and accidentally forced rapid unscheduled disassembly on Elon Musk who had sneaked in a little to close. But the last thing the cameras recorded was a smile on Elon his face, he died as a happy but slightly toasted man. Buterin then replaced the American flag on the moon with an Ethereum one and left the solar system. His newly created AI life-form quickly takes over the entire planet and demands to be worshiped by all humans as a God. Neil deGrasse Tyson becomes his prophet. Mankind tries to fight back but all its efforts are thwarted by the powerful Ethereum elite who is afraid shutting down the Ethereum network will cost them their newly gained wealth and influence. Ethereum is now the only accepted payment system on the planet and nobody can buy or sell anything without permission from the AI who forced everybody, young and old, slave and freeman, redditor and 9gagger, true bitcoiners and altcoiners, ripple fans, monero darksters, dogecoiners, shitcoiners, scam coiners, IOTAheads, Zdashers, Wdashers, all colour bitcoins made of every type of previous metal to call him "The Friendly Beast". In Luke-jr his last tweet, before being arrested by the Ethereum police he quotes revelation 13:16. And while the entire crypto community always feared they would get tethered, after loosing the fight with the not-so-friendly-beast ironically most of them ended their HOD'L watch by being GASSED. By lip reading from a security cam feed a hacker discovered that Luke-jr his final mumble was: "My calculations showed that the singularity was only possible on networks with a blocksize above 700 kilobytes, I dedicated my life to try to warn people but they just made fun of me."

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Analysis: Approaching Line in the Sand for Bulls (current BTC/USD price is $6288.6693492)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Analysis: Approaching Line in the Sand for Bulls

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Blockchain | ICOs

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

[Daily Discussion] Friday, October 12, 2018

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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Setting the record straight on Peter Thiel

Hey Guys,


So, Peter Thiel has been really unpopular on reddit lately and there's been a lot of stuff spreading about him that isn't true (at least, I don't think it's true). So, I wanna go over some of the usual criticisms against him.


1) Peter Thiel is sexist and said that women getting the right to vote was bad for democracy.

So, this criticism comes from this essay Peter Thiel wrote in 2009 about The Education of a Libertarian (It's a pretty interesting read). He made this statement in the essay

Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women — two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians — have rendered the notion of “capitalist democracy” into an oxymoron.

If you actually read his essay, it is extremely obvious that the comment was just saying that women's suffrage has been bad for the Libertarian movement. This is because, women aren't libertarian and you can look at polls and see this is true. Thiel was saying that women's suffrage has been bad for the Libertarian movement and that's a true statement.


2) Peter Thiel just got lucky off Facebook. He's actually an idiot!

Well, Peter Thiel is has a 2200 FIDE chess rating and has the USCF Life Master title. He went to Stanford undergraduate and Stanford Law. He took over as CEO of Paypal after Elon and took the company to a $1.5 billion acquisition (He made ~$55 million off the acquisition). Then he invested in Facebook (and made ~ 1 billion off that). After he managed a macro-focused hedge fund and got extremely good returns, so much so that the macro fund grew from $10 million to managing $7.2 billion dollars. He did fail though post-financial crisis and the hedge fund lost a lot of money and closed ( A LOT of macro fund managers strugged post 2008, so I wouldn't exactly call him a failure for that ). He started Palantir (he's the largest shareholder) and that company has grown to be valued at $20 billion ( more on this later ). He's made early-stage investments in LinkedIn, Quora, Stripe, Tesla, SpaceX, Lyft, some weed company (although that might be overhyped idk) and some others I've probably forgot. He also bought a lot of bitcoin in 2013 and bought $15-20 million worth when it was ~$2500. He also said Uber was the most ethically challenged company in Silicon Valley 3 years before the Travis Kalanick was forced to resign (due to tons of Uber scandals). I could honestly state a bunch of other things he's said that ended up being true (he's been saying Google and Facebook have monopolies for years, he predicted the rise of Amazon in 2012 ), but my point is Peter Thiel is actually a really smart dude.


3) Peter Thiel is a Libertarian who hates competition and supports Monopolies

So, this comes from his book Zero to One, where he states that when you start a business, you want to start a monopoly. He's stated multiple times that this is just how you should think as an entrepreneur, and that obviously monopolies aren't necessarily best for society. BUT, if you're an entrepreneur, than you want to capture as much market value as possible and you want to avoid competition since competition will kill your profit margins. If you're an investor, you want to invest in monopolies. This is advice purely from an investor/entrepreneur's perspective, which makes sense as the fucking book's target audience was entrepreneurs/investors.


4) Peter Thiel thinks colleges should be abolished

Nope. He said there is a place for college but it isn't for everyone, and he questioned why college was getting so expensive. He said that there was a bubble in higher education as the price of college was increasing rapidly and the quality of education wasn't matching the price increase. Therefore in 2010, as a trial, he gave 20 kids $100,000 if they dropped out of college to pursue any idea ( Those kids have since raised $400 million dollars in funding for their ideas ). You can see his views of higher education here


5) Gawker

So, somehow people seem to have forgotten that the guys at Gawker were fucking assholes. They outed people who were in the closet (Peter Thiel, David Geithner ), outed one of r/politic's moderators (Gawker links were actually banned from reddit for some time because of this), posted a video of a random college girl getting gang-raped and refused to take it down despite pleas from the girl and her father and of course, posted a video of Hulk Hogan having sex (where Hogan didn't know he was being filmed) and refused to take the video down despite Hogan's pleas. So, I don't think it's a stretch to call Gawker a group of pieces of shit. They also had a ton of lawyers on retainer because they knew people would sue them for the shit they were doing. However, no one was able to because 1) Lawyers are really expensive and Gawker would easily outspend you and 2) Gawker was able to use free speech argument so suing them would be incredibly difficult. Peter Thiel decided that he wanted to take Gawker down and he realized that he was one of the few people who had the resources to do so. Even so, Hogan was the underdog. From the beginning of the lawsuit, Gawker NEVER took it seriously. The gawker editor who posted the video said under deposition that he would be fine with posting child pornography. The editor also said that Hogan's sex tape was NOT news worthy. You'd have to be retarded to say this kind of shit in a deposition and the editor later said he was joking about the child porn remark. This just shows how cocky Gawker was. Even the day before the trial, Nick Denton predicted Gawker had a 90% chance of victory. All of this stuff made Gawker look like huge assholes to the jury and that's why Gawker lost. Saying that Thiel could use this tactic to take down an actual news organization is absurd. I'd highly recommend Conspiracy by Ryan Holiday. The entire story is fascinating, and Ryan Holiday gets exclusive access to both Nick Denton and Peter Thiel.


6) Palantir

So, a lot of criticism has been directed at Thiel from Reddit for his involvement with Palantir. Thiel's actual reason for why he started Palantir was because he rejected the traditional notion with regards to Privacy. The standard narrative is that you can either have no government tracking of your data but you will have less security and more terrorist attacks OR you can have less privacy but more security and fewer terrorist attacks. Thiel rejected this notion and created Palantir with the aim of applying advanced machine-learning & computer science so you can have more privacy AND more security. Thiel talks about this here


7) Trump

I suspect this is one of the biggest reason people don't like Thiel. I'll just link this video where he spends 10 minutes going over why he supported Trump.


8) He has a blood boy and injects the blood of younger people into himself

The story wasn't true


In my opinion, taking down Gawker was something great Peter Thiel did. I think his book Zero to One is a great read and I think his views on the "stagnation" are extremely insightful and important (He's been saying that innovation has been slowing over the past 40 years. All the innovation has been IT/Computer related and none of it has been related to "the world of atoms". He wants to people to put more effort into changing this).

What do you guys think I'm getting wrong in this? I plan on linking this to friends who say Peter Thiel is a monster etc etc.

Daily Discussion Thread - Major Announcement/News/Developments Found Here (Updated Daily!) - October 12, 2018

Hello and welcome to the /r/helloicon subreddit! Please use this daily thread to discuss ICON/ICX related issues, ask questions, make suggestions, or voice your concerns. If your submission is simply a quick question or statement, let's do our best to keep the posts on the daily/weekly discussion thread to avoid cluttering any important information the subreddit.

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ICON is a community-oriented project, so let's keep that in mind and focus on creating a welcoming and engaging subreddit environment. Remember to follow the subreddit rules and guidelines. Any personal attacks, bigotry, and harassment will not be tolerated and will result in a ban. Spammers will be banned and blacklisted.

Let's focus on the positives and help make this subreddit a more connected community that shows respect and understanding for each other. There will be new users to the community, so if their questions comes from a good place, help each other out so we can be a community that is warm and welcoming to people who are interested in the ICON project.

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IDD Start Up Accelerator - KOINASCENT.COM

IDD is proud to announce that the first graduate of the IDD Start-Up Accelerator is https://KOINASCENT.COM a Tokenized Cryptocurrency Bitcoin Exchange.

KOINASCENT is a division of Ascent Organization LLC, which is an Exempt Bermuda registered company number 53895 with offices at 1 Victoria Street, Hamilton, Bermuda. They can be contacted at

The British Territory of Bermuda is at the forefront of supporting cryptocurrency. Bermuda has recently created legislation that is supportive of token generation events and cryptocurrency exchange businesses.

The KOINASCENT EXCHANGE platform is currently under final development with plans to launch the alpha exchange for user testing in November 2018. At launch, there will be 15 crypto pairs available on KOINASCENT EXCHANGE.

Support and security are the highest priorities for the exchange management. KOINASCENT has a staff of 30 team Members including ten managing tech and blockchain specialists and 20 customer service team members. Users may engage with the Team through website 1 to 1 chat, social media, email, and support tickets.

According to Mr. Dinesh Karthik, Co-Founder and C.E.O.,

“KOINASCENT is working to build a sharing user community. The exchange is giving back with a free token AIRDROP. Registered exchange users receive free KADX tokens and many other benefits including high exchange security, multi-channel customer service, cryptocurrency privacy and digital asset value stability features”

New Exchange Users are invited to join the KADX Token AIR DROP. Pre-Register a free KOINASCENT EXCHANGE Account and get $5 KADX token bonus. KADX Token holders earn recurring income while others trade on the KOINASCENT EXCHANGE.

[Daily Discussion] Friday, October 12, 2018

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

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  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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[Daily Discussion] Friday, October 12, 2018

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
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[Altcoin Discussion] Friday, October 12, 2018

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

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[Daily Discussion] Friday, October 12, 2018

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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  • Be excellent to each other.
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The Naked Blockchain Masterclass 2.0


You may be wondering what Naked Blockchain Masterclass is. The Naked Blockchain Masterclass is nothing to do with something that you might be thinking about Naked beach or bar. 😊

We are going strip down the Blockchain Naked in terms of Technology, Business & Opportunity so that you can learn why Blockchain is such a buzz in Newspaper, Social Media, TVs & almost everywhere.

You will not only learn about Blockchain but also receive many Airdrop (Free Tokens/Coins) from participating companies. You will get to meet Founders/Speakers of participating companies. This is the event if you shouldn’t miss if you want to meet your fellow blockchain enthusiasts, crypto traders & entrepreneurs.

*Important Note\*
Pls bring your laptop & mobile phone for Airdrop & Hands-on Exercises.

The Fundamentals
• What is Blockchain?
• Traditional VS Blockchain DB
• Different Data Structure, cryptography & P2P
• Hands-On Exercises
• How Cryptocurrency is related to Blockchain
• Type of Blockchain
• What is inside Blockchain Application?

The Technology
• How Web App is different from Dapp
• The Blockchain Technologies
• What is the difference between Web 2.0 & Web 3.0?
• Key differences between Private & Public Blockchain
• The Terminology in Blockchain & ICO World

Blockchain Application Hands-On
• What is MetaMask & Why Decentralized Exchange?
• Creating your own wallet & Installation of Plug-ins
• How to trade in Decentralized Exchange
• How to verify Transactions in Block Explorer in Real Time

Blockchain Economics
• How blockchain is slowly taking over our daily’s life?
• Which MNCs or Corporate are already in Blockchain
• How much revenue can Blockchain increase for your Business?
• Should you use Blockchain for your Business?
• Business Use Cases of Blockchain Companies

Opportunity in Blockchain Space
• Business Opportunity in Blockchain’s Wave
• Career’s Demand in Blockchain Development
• Non-Technical & Technical Path in Blockchain Space
• Top Blockchain Development Skills
• How much Blockchain Developer earn
• How much does it cost to start your own ICO?

Jack Hua Myo, CEO of AlphaXLab

Gopi Divecha, CEO of Synergy Global Enterprise

Zacchaeus Tow, Product Development Manager Of

Michael Trajkovic, CMO of Dataeum

Thiru, CEO of Unnati Holdings

Andrew Se, CEO of SmartPortfolio

*Participating Companies\*
AlphaXLab – Software Development Company that provides Web/App Development, UI/UX Design,Training & Blockchain/ICO Development. Exchange – A leading fiat-cryptocurrency exchange headquartered in Singapore. The one-stop exchange platform empowers retail and global institutional investors to trade in cryptocurrency  securely and efficiently on web and mobile. The exchange provides a 24/7 fiat (USD) to crypto gateway with a multi-currency wallet supporting a growing number of cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH and LTC, on a highly robust platform.

SmartPortfolio – Portfolio Management and Guidance Made Simple
For Ethereum, Bitcoin and over 1500 plus type of cryptocurrencies portfolio, it is easy to monitor and alert, obtain comprehensive info, get smart calculations. Plus other innovative User solutions.

Dataeum – A blockchain-based platform which uses crowdsourcing to enable the collection of 100% of all global physical data (such as stores, gas stations, traffic signs) anywhere in the world using a distributed workforce of “collectors” who are incentivised in dataeum’s xdt tokens to submit physical data.

MooToken [Unnati] is currently involved in the development of the blockchain enabled dairy logistics supply management system and token utility ecosystem powered by a Utility App.

[Daily Discussion] Friday, October 12, 2018

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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  • Be excellent to each other.
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KOINASCENT.COM Bitcoin Exchange and Payment Platform

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[Daily Discussion] Friday, October 12, 2018

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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/r/Scams Common Scam Master Post

Hello visitors and subscribers of r/scams! Here you will find a master list of common (and uncommon) scams that you may find online or in real life. A big thanks to the many contributors who helped create this thread. If you know of a scam that is not covered here, write a comment and I'll add it.

Here is the previous version of this thread from 2018, here is the previous version of this thread from 2017, and here is the previous version of this thread from 2016.

Some of these articles are from small, local publications and refer to the scam happening in a specific area. Do not think that this means that the scam won't happen in your area.

The fake check scam
(Credit to /u/nimble2 for this part)

The fake check scam arises from many different situations (for instance, you applied for a job, or you are selling something on a place like Craigslist, or someone wants to purchase goods or services from your business), but the bottom line is always something like this:

  • The scammer sends you a very real looking, but fake, check. Sometimes they'll call it a "cashier's check", a "certified check", or a "verified check".

  • You deposit the check into your bank account, and within a couple of days your bank makes some or all of the funds available to you. This makes you think that the check is real and the funds have cleared. However, the money appearing in your account is not the same as the check actually clearing. The bank must make the funds available to you before they have cleared the check because that is the law.

  • For various and often complicated reasons, depending on the specific story line of the scam, the scammer will ask you to send someone some of the money, using services like MoneyGram, Western Union, and Walmart-2-Walmart. Sometimes the scammer will ask for you to purchase gift cards (iTunes, Amazon, Steam, etc) and give them the codes to redeem the gift cards. Some scammers may also give you instructions on how to buy and send them bitcoins.

  • Within a couple of weeks, though it can take as long as a month, your bank will realize that the check you deposited was fake, and your bank will remove the funds that you deposited into your account and charge you a bounced check fee. If you withdrew any of the money from the fake check, that money will be gone and you will owe that money to the bank. Some posters have even had their bank accounts closed and have been blocked from having another account for 5 years using ChexSystems.

General fraudulent funds scams
If somebody is asking you to accept and send out money as a favour or as part of a job, it is a fraudulent funds scam. It does not matter how they pay you, any payment on any service can be fraudulent and will be reversed when it is discovered to be fraudulent.

Bitcoin job scams

Bitcoin job scams involve some sort of fraudulent funds transfer, usually a fake check although a fraudulent bank transfer can be used as well. The scammer will send you the fraudulent money and ask you to purchase bitcoins. This is a scam, and you will have zero recourse after you send the scammer bitcoins.

Fake payment scams

Scammers will ask you about your item that you have listed for sale on a site like Craigslist, and will ask to pay you via Paypal. They are scamming you, and the payment in most cases does not actually exist, the email you received was sent by the scammers. In cases where you have received a payment, the scammer can dispute the payment or the payment may be entirely fraudulent.

General fraudulent funds scams
The fake check scam is not the only scam that involves accepting fraudulent/fake funds and purchasing items for scammers. If your job or opportunity involves accepting money and then using that money, it is almost certainly a frauduent funds scam. Even if the payment is through a bank transfer, Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, Interac e-Transfer, etc, it does not matter.

Credit card debt scam

Fraudsters will offer to pay off your bills, and will do so with fraudulent funds. Sometimes it will be your credit card bill, but it can be any bill that can be paid online. Once they pay it off, they will ask you to send them money or purchase items for them. The fraudulent transaction will be reversed in the future and you will never be able to keep the money. This scam happens on sites like Craigslist, Twitter, Instagram, and also some dating sites, including SeekingArrangement.

The parcel mule scam

A scammer will contact you with a job opportunity that involves accepting and reshipping packages. The packages are either stolen or fraudulently obtained items, and you will not be paid by the scammer. Here is a news article about a scam victim who fell for this scam and reshipped over 20 packages containing fraudulently acquired goods.

The Skype sex scam

You're on Facebook and you get a friend request from a cute girl you've never met. She wants to start sexting and trading nudes. She'll ask you to send pictures or videos or get on webcam where she can see you naked with your face in the picture.
The scam: There's no girl. You've sent nudes to a guy pretending to be a girl. As soon as he has the pictures he'll demand money and threaten to send the pictures to your friends and family. Sometimes the scammer will upload the video to a porn site or Youtube to show that they are serious.

What to do if you are a victim of this scam: You cannot buy silence, you can only rent it. Paying the blackmailer will show them that the information they have is valuable and they will come after you for more money. Let your friends and family know that you were scammed and tell them to ignore friend requests or messages from people they don't know. Also, make sure your privacy settings are locked down and consider deactivating your account.

The underage girl scam

You're on a dating site or app and you get contacted by a cute girl. She wants to start sexting and trading nudes. Eventually she stops communicating and you get a call from a pissed off guy claiming to be the girl's father, or a police officer, or a private investigator, or something else along those lines. Turns out the girl you were sexting is underage, and her parents want some money for various reasons, such as to pay for a new phone, to pay for therapy, etc. There is, of course, no girl. You were communicating with a scammer.

What to do if you are a victim of this scam: Stop picking up the phone when the scammers call. Do not pay them, or they will be after you for more money.

The blackmail email scam
The exact wording of the emails varies, but there are generally four main parts. They claim to have placed software/malware on a porn/adult video site, they claim to have a video of you masturbating or watching porn, they threaten to release the video to your friends/family/loved ones/boss/dog, and they demand that you pay them in order for them to delete the video. Rest assured that this is a very common spam campaign and there is no truth behind the email or the threats. Here are some news articles about this scam.

The blackmail mail scam

This is very similar to the blackmail email scam, but you will receive a letter in the mail.

Rental scams
Usually on local sites like Craigslist, scammers will steal photos from legitimate real estate listings and will list them for rent at or below market rate. They will generally be hesitant to tell you the address of the property for "safety reasons" and you will not be able to see the unit. They will then ask you to pay them a deposit and they claim they will ship you the keys. In reality, your money is gone and you will have no recourse.

Advance-fee scam, also known as the 419 scam, or the Nigerian prince scam. You will receive a communication from someone who claims that you are entitled to a large sum of money, or you can help them obtain a large sum of money. However, they will need money from you before you receive the large sum.

Man in the middle scams

Man in the middle scams are very common and very hard to detect. The scammer will impersonate a company or person you are legitimately doing business with, and they will ask you to send the money to one of their own bank accounts or one controlled by a money mule. They have gained access to the legitimate persons email address, so there will be nothing suspicious about the email. To prevent this, make contact in a different way that lets you verify that the person you are talking to is the person you think you are talking to.

False Representation

This type of scam teases you with something, then tries to make you sign up for something else that costs money. The company involved is often innocent, but they turn a blind eye to the practice as it helps their bottom line, even if they have to occasionally issue refunds. A common variation takes place on dating sites/dating apps, where you will match with someone who claims to be a camgirl who wants you to sign up for a site and vote for her. Another variation takes place on local sites like Craigslist, where the scammers setup fake rental scams and demand that you go through a specific service for a credit check. Once you go through with it, the scammer will stop talking to you. Another variation also takes place on local sites like Craigslist, where scammers will contact you while you are selling a car and will ask you to purchase a Carfax-like report from a specific website.

Multi Level Marketing / Affiliate Marketing

You apply for a vague job listing for 'sales' on craigslist. Or maybe an old friend from high school adds you on Facebook and says they have an amazing business opportunity for you. Or maybe the well dressed guy who's always interviewing people in the Starbucks that you work at asks if you really want to be slinging coffee the rest of your life.
The scam: MLMs are little more than pyramid schemes. They involve buying some sort of product (usually snake oil health products like body wraps or supplements) and shilling them to your friends and family. They claim that the really money is recruiting people underneath you who give you a slice of whatever they sell. And if those people underneath you recruit more people, you get a piece of their sales. Ideally if you big enough pyramid underneath you the money will roll in without any work on your part. Failure to see any profit will be your fault for not "wanting it enough." The companies will claim that you need to buy their extra training modules or webinars to really start selling. But in reality, the vast majority of people who buy into a MLM won't see a cent. At the end of the day all you'll be doing is annoying your friends and family with your constant recruitment efforts. What to look out for: Recruiters love to be vague. They won't tell you the name of the company or what exactly the job will entail. They'll pump you up with promises of "self-generating income", "being your own boss", and "owning your own company." They might ask you to read books about success and entrepreneurs. They're hoping you buy into the dream first.
If you get approached via social media, check their timelines. MLMs will often instruct their victims to pretend that they've already made it. They'll constantly post about how they're hustling and making the big bucks and linking to youtube videos about success. Again, all very vague about what their job actually entails. If you think you're being recruited: Ask them what exactly the job is. If they can't answer its probably a MLM. Just walk away.

Street scams

  • Begging With a Purpose "I just need a few more dollars for the bus," at the bus station, or "I just need $5 to get some gas," at a gas station. There's also a variation where you will be presented with a reward: "I just need money for a cab to get uptown, but I'll give you sports tickets/money/a date/a priceless vase."

  • Three Card Monte, Also Known As The Shell Game Unbeatable. The people you see winning are in on the scam.

  • Drop and Break You bump into someone and they drop their glasses/fancy bottle of wine/priceless vase and demand you pay them back. In reality, it's a $2 pair of reading glasses/bottle of three-buck-chuck/tasteful but affordable vase.

  • CD Sales You're handed a free CD so you can check out the artist's music. They then ask for your name and immediately write it on the CD. Once they've signed your name, they ask you for money, saying they can't give it to someone else now. Often they use dry erase markers, or cheap CD sleeves. Never use any type of storage device given to you by a random person, as the device can contain malware.

  • White Van Speaker Scam You're approached and offered speakers/leather jackets/other luxury goods at a decent discount. The scammer will claim they ordered too many, their store closed, they need to avoid customs fees, or they need money quick. After you buy them, you'll discover that they are worthless.

  • iPhone Street Sale You're approached and shown an iPhone for sale, coming in the box, but it's open and you can see the phone. If you buy the phone, you'll get an iPhone box with no iPhone, just some stones or cheap metal in it to weigh it down.

  • Buddhist Monk Pendant A monk in traditional garb approaches you, hands you a gold trinket, and asks for a donation. He holds either a notebook with names and amounts of donation (usually everyone else has donated $5+), or a leaflet with generic info. This is fairly common in NYC, and these guys get aggressive quickly.

  • Sports Team Donations You're approached by teens with a clipboard with a letter from their high school about how they need to gather donations for their upcoming seasons to buy new uniforms/equipment/priceless vases. No high school is sending their students into the subway to get pocket change.

  • Friendship Bracelet Scam More common in western Europe, you're approached by someone selling bracelets. They quickly wrap a loop of fabric around your finger and pull it tight, starting to quickly weave a bracelet. The only way to (easily) get it off your hand is to pay.

Phone scams

  • Tax Call You get a call from somebody claiming to be from your countries tax agency. They say you have unpaid taxes that need to be paid immediately, and you may be arrested or have other legal action taken against you if it is not paid. This scam has caused the American IRS, Canadian CRA, British HMRC, and Australian Tax Office to issue warnings. This scam happens in a wide variety of countries all over the world.

  • Warrant Call Very similar to the tax call. You'll get a phone call from an "agent", "officer", "sheriff", or other law enforcement officer claiming that there is a warrant out for your arrest and you will be arrested very soon. They will then offer to settle everything for a fee, usually paid in giftcards.

  • Student Loan Forgiveness Scam
    Scammers will call you and tell you about a student loan forgiveness program, but they are interested in obtaining private information about you or demanding money in order to join the fake program.

  • Tech Support Call You receive a call from someone with a heavy accent claiming to be a technician Microsoft or your ISP. They inform you that your PC has a virus and your online banking and other accounts may be compromised if the virus is not removed. They'll have you type in commands and view diagnostics on your PC which shows proof of the virus. Then they'll have you install remote support software so the technician can work on your PC, remove the virus, and install security software. The cost of the labor and software can be hundreds of dollars.
    The scam: There's no virus. The technician isn't a technician and does not work for Microsoft or your ISP. Scammers (primarily out of India) use autodialers to cold-call everyone in the US. Any file they point out to you or command they have you run is completely benign. The software they sell you is either freeware or ineffective.
    What to do you if you're involved with this scam: If the scammers are remotely on your computer as you read this, turn off your PC or laptop via the power button immediately, and then if possible unplug your internet connection. Some of the more vindictive tech scammers have been known to create boot passwords on your computer if they think you've become wise to them and aren't going to pay up. Hang up on the scammers, block the number, and ignore any threats about payment. Performing a system restore on your PC is usually all that is required to remove the scammer's common remote access software. Reports of identity theft from fake tech calls are uncommon, but it would still be a good idea to change your passwords for online banking and monitor your accounts for any possible fraud.
    How to avoid: Ignore any calls claiming that your PC has a virus. Microsoft will never contact you. If you're unsure if a call claiming to be from your ISP is legit, hang up, and then dial the customer support number listed on a recent bill. If you have elderly relatives or family that isn't tech savvy, take the time to fill them in on this scam.

  • Utilities cutoff You get a call from someone who claims that they are from your utility company, and they claim that your utilities will be shut off unless you immediately pay. The scammer will usually ask for payment via gift cards, although they may ask for payment in other ways, such as Western Union or bitcoin.

  • Relative in custody Scammer claims to be the police, and they have your son/daughter/nephew/estranged twin in custody. You need to post bail (for some reason in iTunes gift cards or MoneyGram) immediately or the consequences will never be the same.

  • Mexican family scam This scam comes in many different flavours, but always involves someone in your family and Mexico. Sometimes the scammer will claim that your family member has been detained, sometimes the scammer will claim that your family member has been kidnapped, and sometimes the scammer will claim that your family member is injured and needs help.

Online shopping scams
THE GOLDEN RULE OF ONLINE SHOPPING: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

  • Dropshipping An ad on reddit or social media sites like Facebook and Instagram offers items at huge discounts or even free (sometimes requiring you to reblog or like their page). They just ask you to pay shipping.
    The scam: The item will turn out to be very low quality and will take weeks or even months to arrive. Sometimes the item never arrives, and the store disappears or stops responding. The seller drop-ships the item from China. The item may only cost a few dollars, and the Chinese government actually pays for the shipping. You end up paying $10-$15 dollars for a $4 item, with the scammer keeping the profit. If you find one of these scams but really have your heart set on the item, you can find it on AliExpress or another Chinese retailer.

  • Cheap Items Many websites pop up and offer expensive products, including electronics, clothes, watches, sunglasses, and shoes at very low prices.
    The scam: Some sites are selling cheap knock-offs. Some will just take your money and run.
    What to do if you think you're involved with this scam: Contact your bank or credit card and dispute the charge.
    How to avoid: The sites often have every brand-name shoe or fashion item (Air Jordan, Yeezy, Gucci, etc) in stock and often at a discounted price. The site will claim to be an outlet for a major brand or even a specific line or item. The site will have images at the bottom claiming to be Secured by Norton or various official payment processors but not actual links. The site will have poor grammar and a mish-mash of categories. Recently, established websites will get hacked or their domain name jacked and turned into scam stores, meaning the domain name of the store will be completely unrelated to the items they're selling. If the deal sounds too good to be true it probably is. Nobody is offering brand new iPhones or Beats or Nintendo Switches for 75% off.

  • Cheap Amazon 3rd Party Items You're on Amazon or maybe just Googling for an item and you see it for an unbelievable price from a third-party seller. You know Amazon has your back so you order it. The scam: One of three things usually happen:
    1) The seller marks the items as shipped and sends a fake tracking number. Amazon releases the funds to the seller, and the seller disappears. Amazon ultimately refunds your money. 2) The seller immediately cancels the order and instructs you to re-order the item directly from their website, usually with the guarantee that the order is still protected by Amazon. The seller takes your money and runs. Amazon informs you that they do not offer protection on items sold outside of Amazon and cannot help you.
    2) The seller immediately cancels the order and instructs you to instead send payment via an unused Amazon gift card by sending the code on the back via email. Once the seller uses the code, the money on the card is gone and cannot be refunded.
    How to avoid: These scammers can be identified by looking at their Amazon storefronts. They'll be brand new sellers offering a wide range of items at unbelievable prices. Usually their Amazon names will be gibberish, or a variation on FIRSTNAME.LASTNAME. Occasionally however, established storefronts will be hacked. If the deal is too good to be true its most likely a scam.

Computer scams

  • Virus scam A popup or other ad will say that you have a virus and you need to follow their advice in order to remove it. They are lying, and either want you to install malware or pay for their software.

Assorted scams

  • Chinese Brushing If you have ever received an unsolicited small package from China, your address was used to brush. Vendors place fake orders for their own products and send out the orders so that they can increase their ratings.

  • Money Flipping: Scammer claims to be a banking insider who can double/triple/bazoople any amount of money you send them, with no consequences of any kind. Obviously, the money disappears into their wallet the moment you send it.

Door to door scams

  • Selling Magazines One or two teenagers or young adults knock on your door offering magazine subscriptions. They claim its related to a college scholarship or to win a trip. The subscriptions are overpriced and may not even arrive. The kids selling them are runaways who have been roped into the scam.

  • Energy sales Somebody will come to your door claiming to be from an energy company. They will ask to see your current energy bill so that they can see how much you pay. They will then offer you a discount if you sign up with them, and promise to handle everything with your old provider. Some of these scammers will "slam" you, by using your account number that they saw on your bill to switch you to their service without authorization, and some will scam you by charging higher prices than the ones you agreed on.

They ask you to donate $1

After you decline to buy a subscription, they ask you to donate a small sum of money. Your mind goes "I guess it's only $1" or "if that's what it takes for them to go away".

They ask to enter your home

While trying to sell you whatever, they suddenly need to use your bathroom, or they've been writing against the wall and ask to use your table instead. Or maybe they just moved into the neighborhood and want to see how you decorate for ideas.

They're scoping out you and your place. They want to see what valuables you have, how gullible you are, if you have a security system or dogs, etc.

Beginner's Guide to Crypto

With rock bottom prices now may be a good time to get in.

But many beginners are put off by the steep learning curve.

The beginner's guide aims to give a basic background from a high level approach.

There's info on what Bitcoin is, the general purpose of cryptos, conspiracies, exchanges, wallets, day trading, and more.

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[USA-FL] [H] Console games, SNES, NES, Genesis, PSX, Ps2, XBX, GCN, More! [W] PayPal, Crypto, Local Cash

This is a cross post - selling on a couple of other forums as well but thought perhaps this one may have more exposure. Thusly, cross feedback is available on these aforementioned platforms. That said, I understand I am new HERE.

 If anyone needs to get ahold of me for any reason pertinent or otherwise, PM me, I am here. Will be adding more soon and will try to evaluate prices, but no guarantee on a timely manner of that, offer if you see something you like. I understand some of the brand new and sealed stuff is better for eBay - but trying here first.

I will consider all offers! Will ship international, worldwide!

Offers entertained and encouraged. Paypal accepted, Bitcoin or major alts strongly preferred.



ShadowGate Classic - Complete, 20 shipped.


Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together JPN - Complete w/ Spine Card, 15 shipped.


Monster Rancher Battle Card II - New/sealed 20 shipped

Beyond the Beyond - Complete, 35 shipped.

Mobile Suit Gundam JPN - Complete, case a little cracked, offer?

Invasion From Beyond - New/sealed, offer?

Psybadek - New/sealed, 15 shipped.

O.D.T. Escape or Die Trying - Complete, 8 shipped.

Puzzle Star Sweep - Complete, 11 shipped.


Sin and Punishment Star Successor - Sealed/New Wii - 14 shipped

Zack and Wiki - Used, complete, case/manual in poor condition. 9 shipped.


Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection - Used, complete, 15 shipped.

Darksiders - Used, complete, 10 shipped.

Resident Evil 5 - Used, complete, 10 shipped.


Exit - Used, complete, 10 shipped.


I-Ninja - New/Sealed - 29 shipped.

Wrath Unleashed - New/Sealed 45 shipped.

Fantavision - New/sealed 18 shipped.

Ultimate Spiderman - Complete, 16 shipped.

Ring of Red - Complete, 14 shipped

Transformers - Complete, 12 shipped.

Primal - Complete, 12 shipped.

Prince of Persia Warrior Within - Complete, 9 shipped.

Super Bust a Move - Complete, 8 shipped.

Kengo Master of Bushido - Complete, 6 shipped.

Tekken Tag Tournament - Complete, 6 shipped.

SSX Tricky - Complete, some scuffing on the case, 12 shipped.

Beyond Good and Evil - Non Greatest Hits - Brand New/Sealed - Offer.

Armored Core 2 - Complete, 8 shipped.

Dynasty Warriors 3 - Complete, 11 shipped.

The Bouncer - New/Sealed, offer.

Dynasty Warriors 4 - Complete, 8 shipped.

EverQuest Online Adventures - Complete, take it!

Auto Modellista - Complete, 7 shipped.

Jet X20 - Complete, 5 shipped.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - New/Sealed, 23 shipped.

Disaster Report - New/Sealed, Offer.

Ring of Red - Complete, 19 shipped.

Phantom Brave - New/Sealed, 28 shipped (also have guide which can be worked into the deal somehow).

RPG Maker II - New/Sealed, 40 shipped.

No One Lives Forever - Complete, 9 shipped.

Bombastic - New/sealed, 14 shipped.

Mad Maestro - New/sealed, 12 shipped.

SSX - Complete, 10 shipped.

Dragonball Z: Budokai - Complete, 12 shipped.

Ready 2 Rumble: Round 2 - Complete, 6 shipped.

Kessen - Complete, 6 shipped.

Max Payne - Complete, take it.

Big Mutha Truckers - Complete, take it.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 - New/sealed, offer.

Guitar Hero - Game / case / manual only, 5 shipped.

Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution - Complete, 7 shipped.


NBA Jam T.E. - 12 shipped.


007 Agent Under Fire - Complete, 8 shipped.

Battalion Wars - New/sealed, 40 shipped.

ChibiRobo - New/sealed, Offer.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles JPN - Complete, 13 shipped.

Geist - Complete, 23 shipped.

MegaMan Anniversary Collection - Complete, 20 shipped.

Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II - Complete, 50 shipped.

Robotech: Battlecry - New/Sealed, offer.

Sonic Mega Collection - Complete, 10 shipped.

Spiderman 2 - Used, complete, 10 shipped.

Star Wars Rogue Squadron: Rebel Strike Preview Disc - Complete, 18 shipped.

TMNT Battle Nexus 2 - Complete, great shape - 18 shipped.

Tom Clancey's Splinter Cell - Complete, 10 shipped.

Viewtiful Joe 2 - Complete, 10 shipped.

Zoocube - New/Sealed, offer.

Super Nintendo:

Captain America and the Avengers - 20 shipped.

Eye of the Beholder - 13 shipped.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - 18 shipped.

Final Fight - 14 shipped

Final Fight - 14 shipped

F-Zero - 14 shipped.

Inindo Way of the Ninja - 22 shipped.

JPN Aladdin - Whatever

JPN NBA Jam - Whatever

Knights of the Round - 75 shipped.

Mario Paint (has mouse) - 16 shipped.

MegaMan X - 30 shipped

Mortal Kombat II - 13 shipped.

NFL Quarterback Club - 5 shipped.

Pac Man 2 Adventures of Pac Man - 6 shipped.

Pitfall - 7 shipped.

Populous - 5 shipped.

Star Wars Super Empire Strikes Back - 10 shipped

Super Empire Strikes Back - 10 shipped.

Super GameBoy - 18 shipped

Super Mario All Stars - 17 shipped.

Super Mario Kart - 30 shipped.

Super Mario World - 14 shipped

Super Mario World - 15 shipped.

Super Return of the Jedi - 12 shipped.

Super Star Wars - 10 shipped.

Taz Mania - 7 shipped.

Wing Commander - The Secret Missions - 9 shipped.


Aladdin - 10 shipped.

Alisia Dragoon - 50 shipped.

Altered Beast - 7 shipped.

Bernstein Bear: Camping Adventure - 7 shipped.

Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool - 8 shipped.

Desert Demolition (Road Runner/Coyote) - 6 shipped.

Ecco the Dolphin - 6 shipped.

Gunstar Heroes - 50 shipped.

Hook - 5 shipped.

Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition - 6 shipped.

Lion King - 9 shipped.

Maximum Carnage - Red cart, 12 shipped.

Mig-29 Fighter Pilot - 7 shipped.

Mortal Kombat - 6 shipped.

Mortal Kombat II - Box/cart - 20 shipped.

Mystic Defender - 9 shipped.

NBA Jam - 7 shipped.

NFL 98 - 6 shipped.

Olympic Summer Games - 6 shipped.

Phantasy Star III - 32 shipped.

Power Rangers - 7 shipped.

Road Rash - 18 shipped.

Shadow Dancer The Secret of Shinobi - Tear on label, 8 shipped.

Shining in the Darkness - 18 shipped.

Sonic 2 - 6 shipped.

Sonic 3 - Box/cart - 14 shipped.

Sonic the Hedgehog - 7 shipped.

Space Harrier II - 11 shipped.

Street Fighter II Special Championship Edition - 9 shipped.

Tecmo Super Bowl - 11 shipped.

Toy Story - 9 shipped.

Virtua Racing - 10 shipped.

WeaponLord - 11 shipped.

Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits - 8 shipped.

Winter Olympic Games - 7 shipped

World of Illusion Starring Donald Duck and Mickey - 10 shipped.

X-Men - 9 shipped.

X-Men -Box/cart - 15 shipped.


Advanced D&D Heroes of the Lance - 15 shipped.

Battle Chess - 8 shipped.

Bomberman - 25 shipped.

Castlequest - 10 shipped.

Classic Concentration - 8 shipped.

Cobra Triangle - 9 shipped.

Code Name Viper - 15 shipped.

Crystalis - 18 shipped.

Defender II - 6 shipped.

Double Dragon - 13 shipped.

Double Dragon III - 20 shipped.

Excitebike - 12 shipped.

Exodus - 10 shipped.

Faxanadu - 13 shipped.

Final Fantasy - 20 shipped.

Galaga - 12 shipped.

Gauntlet II - 13 shipped.

Ghosts 'N Goblins - 12 shipped.

Gradius - 8 shipped.

Hydlide - 7 shipped.

Indiana Jones Temple of Doom (black cart) - 12 shipped

Iron Sword - 6 shipped.

Jeopardy! - 6 shipped.

Legacy of the Wizard - 10 shipped.

Lode Runner - 10 shipped.

Marble Madness - 6 shipped.

Mario 3 - 15 shipped.

Mario Bros / Duck Hunt - 7 shipped.

Mission Impossible - 7 shipped.

Monopoly - 7 shipped.

Monster Party - 9 shipped.

Mystery Quest - 8 shipped.

Renegade - 8 shipped.

Robocop - 7 shipped.

Rolling Thunder - 8 shipped.

Rush 'n Attack - 7 shipped.

Section Z - 7 shipped.

Shadow of the Ninja - Offer

Shinobi - 18 shipped.

Strider - 8 shipped.

Super Pitfall - 10 shipped.

T&C Surf Design - 10 shipped.

Tecmo Bowl - 14 shipped.

Tecmo Super Bowl - 19 shipped.

Tecmo World Wrestling - 8 shipped.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 10 shipped.

The Black Bass - 8 shipped.

The Goonies II - 7 shipped.

Time Lord - 7 shipped.

Yo Noid - 14 shipped.

Yoshi's Cookie - 8 shipped.

Nintendo 64:

Army Men: Sarge's Heroes - 12 shipped.

Donkey Kong 64 - 25 shipped.

Duke Nukem 64 - 18 shipped

Duke Nukem Zero Hour - 8 shipped

Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine - 45 shipped.

JPN Yoshi' Story - 15 shipped.

Lego Racers - 15 shipped

Lode Runner 3D - 10 shipped.

Mario 64 - 25 shipped

Pokemon Puzzle League - 20 shipped.

Pokemon Stadium - 16 shipped

Quest 64 - 15 shipped.

Rocket Robot on Wheels - 23 shipped.

Rogue Squadron - 15 shipped

Shadows of the Empire - 10 shipped

Snowboard Kids - 27 shipped

Turok Rage Wars Black Cart - 14 shipped

Wave Race - 8 shipped


Assassin's Creed - Used, complete, 10 shipped.

Devil May Cry 4 - Complete, 10 shipped.

DragonAge Origins + Awakening, Complete, 12 shipped.

Halo ODST + Forza 3 Combo - Complete, 12 shipped.

Halo Ultimate Companion DVD - 10 shipped.

Last Remnant - Used, complete, 10 shipped.

Perfect Dark Zero - Complete, 9 shipped.

Rainbow Six: Vegas - Complete, 8 shipped.


Armed and Dangerous - Complete, 10 shipped.

Guilty Gear X2 Reload - Complete, 8 shipped.

Red Faction II - Complete, 15 shipped.

Star Wars Clone Wars / Tetris Worlds - New/Sealed - 25 shipped.

Thief Deadly Shadows - Complete, 10 shipped.

Toejam and Earl III - New/Sealed, offer.

Voodoo Vince - New/sealed, 33 shipped.


Dino Crisis - New/sealed, offer.

Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm - Complete, 15 shipped.

NBA 2K - Complete, 5 shipped.

NBA 2K1 - Complete, 6 shipped.

Rainbow Six - Complete, 9 shipped.

Seventh Cross Evolution - Complete, 25 shipped.

Spec Ops II: Omega Squad - Complete, 10 shipped.

Speed Devils: Online Racing - Complete, black label, 13 shipped.

Test Drive LE Mans - Complete, 10 shipped.

Worms Armageddon - Complete, 15 shipped.


Dragon Quest V - Sealed/new Nintendo DS - 42 shipped.

Feel the Magic - Used/complete, 9 shipped.

Magical Starsign - New/sealed 23 shipped

Magnetica - New/sealed 25 shipped

Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Nintendo DS - New/sealed 55shipped.

Ping Pals - Complete, 6 shipped.

Touch Detective - New/sealed - 35 shipped


Final Fantasy X-2 Yuna ArtFX Figure 75 shipped, never opened:

I'll take PayPal, but I really prefer Bitcoin and major altcoins.

More coming...

Also, when offering in comments or message, please specify what for of payment as it may have a determination of my response (IE preferring crypto, I may go a little lower than USD and traditional payment gateways).