Friday, November 26, 2021

MARA notes

Previous offering timing:

Jan 12, 2021 11:59pm EST Marathon Patent Group Announces $250.0 Million Registered Direct Offering of Common Stock - (To Be Closed "on or about" 1/15/21)

Jan 15, 2021 4:57pm EST Marathon Patent Group Announces Closing of $250.0 Million Registered Direct Offering of Common Stock - closed on time after hours

Jan 25, 2021 8:00am EST Marathon Invests $150 Million in Bitcoin - 10 days later they purchased the BTC

Current offering timing - 11/15/21 - closed 11/18/21


Let's Use our Discernment: That's why we have it.

Dear Colleagues,

A post from yesterday by u/Holykael did not, IMHO, sit well with most of the members who responded to him/her, leading to possibly why the Post was deleted or removed.

I respect all views on this sub, especially those with which I disagree. When u/Holykael was being engaged yesterday, there were both patent and latent instances of aggressive communication with the user. I was of the view that just as all the higher density beings, as well as Yeshua/Jesus ask us to use our discernment, ask us not to believe everything or take everything at face value, but rather use our discernment to take only that which resonates with us, yesterday was an opportunity to do that. Words like "delusional" are prohibited on other subs like the Mandela Effect Retconned sub and can get you banned. There was almost a condescending tone to what the user had to say. We are under no obligation to read what is posted or even to believe it at all. Such occasions should be treasured as they help us to really know how strong our own convictions and beliefs are in the information that has brought us here. You cannot know how strong you are or how potent your faith is, unless you get information which makes your blood boil by someone typing at length on information which makes you feel like what he or she is doing is screaming at the top of their lungs disseminating information which makes you want to retort even louder than they are.

We tend to discuss very familiar topics here because the sub is for LOO and L/L RESEARCH information. What the user had to say was mostly in line with that. Granted the information seemed "hot" or even vitriolic but that is where our discernment comes in. Ad hominem arguments like the user is "polarizing too fast", "is delusional", "is not in touch with facts", etc. do not help us to learn it grow. From what this user said, he/she is 26, 19 years younger than I am. But what he/she was able to discuss suggests he/she knows so much compared to me that, but for space and time, a library would have been constructed just on what it is I do not know and this user knows. I was reasonably comfortable with my present level of seeking, but when someone, two decades younger than I am, comes to say so much that I didn't know, I believe the most prudent thing is not to use ad hominem arguments but ask more questions on topics upon which the user touched, so I familiarise myself with the subject matter, and in my own time do more research. I didn't agree with the user on two facts of L/L RESEARCH never having asked about Lucifer, and the Christ Letters saying Christ was the archetypal serpent in the symbolical Garden of Eden. But I did not latch on to that to then disparage the user or the rest of everything else that the user had to say.

Two months ago I was categorised as an "undesirable", "weird user", symptomatic of other users in the past who have tried to "derail this sub" and it's a tag I shamefully carry to this day, as it almost resembles cattle branding, because I cited information without stating sources in my Post because I did not take it I was in an argumentative arena for me to cite references, sources and history of my citations. Other users like u/QuantumSerpent who tried to use this platform to recruit STS guys was basically insulted into silence and u/Since1700 have been called A-hole, but he persisted without engaging his disparagers. I do not agree with most of what is said on this sub, and I do think some users may use this to gather information of an adversarial nature to what they truly believe, but I use my discernment to either engage or not, basically focussing wholly and exclusively on the subject and not the user, their beliefs or mental state.

We are not the trumpet section of L/L RESEARCH and we are not messengers of LOO as we have not yet reached an understanding that comes with wisdom in fifth density as per what Ra says. So if u/Holykael says Ra is Lucifer and Jesus is Lucifer and that the US Dollar bill is symbolic of a pyramid, and has information which suggests the Ra symbology are on the USD and he/she is also the head of Hidden Hand, whilst at the same time the founder of Bitcoin but due to psychedelics and mushrooms, he/she believes he/she is Gaia, the galaxies or the Universe and is also Yahweh, both positive and negative, and is now in the Pleiades but wants us to watch out for revelations or events which will prove him/her right, we need to consider formulating questions on all topics on which expertise or even knowledge is being claimed and if at all we notice that no date was given as was done by others in June and July, we ask or use discernment to decide how we want to proceed with the information or user, in a non-verbal way.

u/Holykael came up with grand claims or disclosures, and we could have used that opportunity to ask on why he/she claims seventh density or 8th density familiarity when Ra said the last point of looking or turning back is sixth density, and densities beyond that are "an area into which they do not plumb". Instead we degenerated into the characteristics of traditional or organised religion, and almost started defending Ra, LOO and our own beliefs like LOO is a religion or like Ra is our leader. We came out more like a religion and, I dare say a cult, in defensive mode on our belief or understanding of the Ra Material as you see Catholics (which I was for 38 years), Protestants, Scientologists etc dogmatically defending their beliefs.  It was bizarre and excruciating to read and gave a rare glimpse into how traditional indoctrination religion comes to be, or how cults go to their extremes. This user's claims, for the sake of this sub, I will say were wide and far reaching and even outlandish.  Thus he/she bore the burden of proof to support what he/she was saying. Neither LOO nor TRM need any defenders and neither Ra nor Q'uo nor Hatonn or even the Creator need us to speak on their behalf. Their information is plainly out there. What is not, is some of the things u/Holykael was saying and it would behoove us to query further to either learn or discard the information disseminated by said user as at the end of the day, we all have free will to accept or reject any info, and we have the self awareness to discern what resonates with us. Whether the user is polarizing too fast, is on mushrooms or psychedelics  is not our problem. Our problem is only to discern what it is the user decides to regurgitate out as in line with LOO, and further linking up gaps that we had not noted.

Look at this sub. It has an average of half a post per day due to defensive modalities, gate-keeping manoeuvres and an obsession with weed, dreams, consciousness, reality and memes. This user brought a refreshing take to us for us to ask a battery of questions to later on ponder on what links and relationships he/she was claiming and, instead of receiving the info with open minds so we objectively dissect and if necessary respectfully dismiss his/her reasoning or claims, we went into religious, psychiatry mode and fell short of calling our own crusade against the many things which were anathema to us, like Ra is Lucifer. We have to decide whether we think the universal curriculum on LOO starts and ends with L/L RESEARCH and their Channellings, or we are going to accept that wanderers, lightworkers, starseeds and people with whom we disagree exist amongst us (and not call them delusional, high on shrooms or psychedelics, etc) as we can discern for ourselves if we have the time to read and believe what they say or they appear like the funny meme of the guy thinking he appears Christ-like when discussing LOO, when truly he looks like he has gone crazy.

Let us not adopt the traits of organised religion or we will soon have to face the fact that although we say we are not a cult, the reality is we are, except that we are formless, like a blob. We need to get all the information we can get without hanging on sources, references, citations, mental state of users, how weird users are, etc. How else are we going to learn or to view what comes out of L/L RESEARCH with an additional sceptical disposition beyond what our own minds can construct?

Personally, I didn't attack u/Holykael but I believe an apology from me is in order as an opportunity for me to know whether I understand enough for my level of seeking was wasted by ad hominem arguments so people can rush to make book recommendations and what mixture of cannabis, shrooms or LSD works. We are not religionists. We are not a cult. Let's not act like we are and spring to defences of concepts and entities which can stand on their own and do not need third density minds to help them out. Trust me. They don't need our help. But we clearly need theirs as despite daily anthems from them that we "use our discernment" and "pick out only what resonates with us", we were, yesterday, far too willing to throw away the baby with the bathwater. There was or no difference between catechists, indoctrinated dogmatics of traditional religions or cultists. We fitted in very well in that category yesterday, and that didn't sit well with some of us who keep saying LOO is not a religion or cult and believers focus on the information in it, and not on it as a belief system.


njRAT has been around since at least 2013 and is one of the most prevalent malware families.
Built in .NET Framework, the malware provides attackers with remote control over the infected systems, utilizes dynamic DNS for command-and-control (C&C), and uses a custom TCP protocol over a configurable port for communication.

Dubbed njRAT Lime Edition, the new malware variant includes support for ransomware infection, Bitcoin grabber, and distributed denial of service (DDoS), while also being able to log keystrokes, spread via USB drives, steal passwords, and lock the screen.

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DOGE and it’s potential.

Some technical analysis, people trade off these kinds of analysis and when collective agreement comes to play it does indeed go as “though out” “expected”. The concept has always been an approach to trading the “STRONG psychological patterns.” It can be accurate, or simply not accurate. It’s a coin “ toss “ BUT…. Future expectation of assured events of import events do propel forward a security/commodity/coin. Because “value” is expected to grow in this case “demand is expected to grow” ever hear about a bridge happening between doge and eth? Well that bridge is going to help transactions flow through eth to doge as a means of currency exchange. Bitcoin is built differently, so is Eth, and so is doge constructed for their own means of use.

Oddly enough Doge is built well enough to serve as currency for the larger population, people are already adopting it and it’s use case is higher than that of any other, because of its pricing we wouldn’t expect to cover small transactions in fractions of Bitcoin .0013. It simply looks ugly. Bitcoins structured value makes it rather attractive to exchange with high value items for example “property of high value”. In comparison to doge, paying a cup of coffee or $5 at the current value of .20 would be 25 Doge. It’s a much respected exchange, and to state the fact, no one will want to trade their ever growing Bitcoin for day to day transactional purposes, that’s where doge comes in. Not if but When doge reached the dollar, exchange of value for value will be much more alike to that of a dollar, or 5, or 10, $20, $50, $100? I’m not a wizard or predicting anything, I’m just speaking from the collective consciousness.

Mark Cuban and Crypto-Friendly Miami Mayor Francis X. Suarez to Share Stage at Miami Blockchain Week

Mayor Francis Suarez is popular in the crypto community due to his aspirations of making Miami, the first city in the US to give a Bitcoin yield as a dividend to its residents.

Do you think him attending the event would boost the global crypto adoption movement?

DAO (Governance) + Time Deposit(CD) + NFT treasury + MEME treasury

DAO(decentralized autonomous organization) + Time Deposits/CDs(biggest market in the world worth more than gold, bitcoin and all payment methods combined) + HYPE(NFT and MEMEs) + Proprietary Innovation = Mac&Cheese

Don't take it as a joke because of it's name. Pancakeswap, Sushi,... Food names work. Not to mention APPLE.

Basically it takes the frontend of pancakeswap for staking, but the backend is different. It works as a time deposit(CD).
In order to earn staking rewards, users must lock up their tokens. The longer you lock your tokens for, the higher rewards you receive.
A mistake that a lot of people make is they instantly label it as a ponzi/scam. But it's not, it offers no promise of return and the rewards are built into the system(through inflation). So the system can not collapse, but the price can(just like that of any other asset).

It's designed to work as an "DAO"(autonomous decentralized organisation). The locked-up stakers form the governing council -  those with locked tokens can vote on proposals, which enables the protocol to evolve and upgrade in a decentralized manner.

The entire system is ran through users - the inflation(rewards) are set to be entirely dynamic, as well as bonuses, fees and events. The "Governor"(contract) collects fees and penalties and once a certain threshold is reached an event can be scheduled by users, during which the  rewards are boosted for a period of time to attract new users. After event ends, penalties are burned and the global inflation of the system reduces( this is an alternative concept to bitcoin halvening where supply reduces in half every 4 years).

The goal is to let the users maintain the system and create an environment that prints the least inflation, but attract the most users. System also pays bonuses for extending and rolling-over expired time deposits. So basically removing potential sellers and attracting new users(perfect for price appreciation).

Similarly to how businesses provide additional services as they grow, the protocol can be upgraded and evolve to offer new services. The first and current service is the ability to stake & earn interest on your deposit.  The system is made to work in the favor of the long term participants as it ensures honesty amongst participants (if you withdraw stake prior to expiration, you can get hit with up to 82% penalty. If people buy and lock the tokens - don't sell, the price should gravitate upwards over time).
90% of people are looking to capture the extreme upside of cryptocurrencies and earn staking interest at the same time. This is why the protocol could become incredibly valuable - because it provides the service people are looking for and value the most.
HEX is a cryptocurrency that has successfully integrated that concept(CDs) and it performed x10,000 in 1-2 years. This uses the same concept, but adds additional features(governance, dynamic rewards, upgradeability,...)

It's a good system because it covers the whole stack (is decentralized, integrates oracles in decentralized manner(system regulation), works as a currency and time deposit, has it's own consensus and governance model. Those are the things you would want in an ideal cryptocurrency and it's how decentralized finance should look like.

Bitcoin was a great idea, but it's not fulfilling any of it's initial promises labeled in it's whitepaper - it failed as a peer to peer cash and it's not a currency(is too volatile). And because nothing else works, it's been labeled a "store of value". And the same is happening on Ethereum right now - as fees are reaching 50$ for a similar transfer of token and hundreds of dollars for a swap. It's becoming unusable and is also reaching a "store of value" status.

Mac&Cheese is built on Polygon network which alrady processes twice the transaction of Ethereum on a daily basis at 1/1000 the cost. Polygon is also secured through proof of stake and doesn't burn additional energy. It provides the same infrastructure of ethereum(EVM) at higher scalability.

If you already hold ETH, BNB, MATIC, SUSHI, CAKE or HEX, then you can get some tokens for free. Users with 200M$+ worth of tokens have already claimed(95%+ of which are HEX stakers. Presumably because they are familiar with the concept and know it works).

Just a good idea to share IMO, but kep in mind that Mac&Cheese is not an investment, could fail and go to 0

Mac&Cheese ($XVMC) (

P4S | PlexStory Inc| Resellers Plan | Plex Appbox | Plex Share | Google TD Shares|Automatic | website | 10GPS | Remux | 4K | Anime | Kids Tv | 27k+M | 10k+T | Automated invoice

Locations - USA (Live) - Middle East (Upcoming) - Europe (Currently Live) - CDN enabled.You can choose your CDN relay , multiple services worldwide Join us via this website: - Services - Plex Share - Plex Appbox Shared - Dedicated Reseller Appbox - IPTV (included PPV events) (VPN app for android user included) - Google Drive Share - Website disguised as VPN provider. Library - 10k + Tv Shows. - 27k + Movies. - 1500 + 4K Movies - 400+ 4K Tv - 800+ Anime -Few foreign films and tv. Total around 2k ish Payment options: - Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash/Etherium/Litecoin/Dash/XRP/USDT - Paypal Resellers Information(sell my products direcly on your website) - All you have to do is just order my services like normal ! - You buy my service for X amount and up charge it to your clients for X amount ! - You get a dedicated server with a specific amount of appbox.additional appbox can be installed on request - You can sell appbox,plex shares or both as per your wish Information You May Want To Know - Instant scans - We have limited amount of spots. - Auto Requests enabled on appbox - We use GPU for transcoding. - Transcode allowed besides 4k Content. - Instant Setup DISCORD Limited slots.Once we hit our user limits,you will not be able to sign up

Sleep selling $AMC stock

On Nov. 26th, 2021 at approximately 04:03am, $AMC stock took a tumble from $39.13/share to $36.31 by the time market opened .

At the lowest point, $AMC dipped to $35.93 at approximately 05:36am. No apes were selling at 4am. No apes were selling at 5am. No apes were selling at 6am. No apes were selling. Period.

Apes held at $72.62. Do you sincerely thing that these millions of investors have held all the way up to $72.62 just to sell at less than HALF of that?! Not in your wildest dreams.

The DD is done. Adam Aron has done an amazing job keeping $AMC afloat and helping bolster the business.

Revenue estimates called for $382.25 million. AMC posted actual revenue of $444.7 million, beating estimates by over 15%. Attendance at AMC theaters in the 2nd quarter was $251.7 million. Last quarter’s cash flow stood at $324.8 million.

$AMC is now chasing alternative content for theaters, including deals with the UFC, NFL, NBA, and other live sports as well as the possibility of gaming events alongside $GME in a collaboration.

$AMC CEO Adam Aron has also announced that $AMC will be accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, & possibly Dogecoin, along with Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Pay Pal at $AMC theaters as alternative forms of payment. These already account for 14% of online transactions.

There is NOT A THING to worry about. What you DO need to ask yourself is this: how far does your conviction go? Will you hold when the stock tumbles down to $30? Would you hold if the stick dipped down to $20? Would you hold if it went back down to $10?

The price on the ticket doesn’t matter. That can be manipulated. What can’t be changed is your conviction in the stock. Not if you’re truly convinced. The billions of naked shorts in the market cannot be swept under the rug so easily. And when $AMC finally squeezes it will be worth having held onto for this long - whether that’s months to come in the future, or sometimes in 2022.

What is a taxable event?

In looking toward the future where I can access some of my gains I’m curious as to what a taxable event in crypto is. This is specifically looking at exchanges in the UD.

If I transfer Bitcoin to Ethereum does that count as “selling Bitcoin” and thus I’m taxed 30% capital gains (if I’ve held less than a year)?

Similarly, if I transfer to a coin to USDC does that count as selling since it’s basically the US dollar?

Do I only get taxed for moving money off the exchange or if I keep it on the exchange does it count as holding an asset?

Is there a certain amount of value that I will have to take into account unrealized gains tax?

Tax season is still a few months away, but it’s be nice to know for decision making now. I plan to hold, but in the future it’s be nice to know.

Is this a good plan? Started with robinhood

I have about 0.35 BTC ($20k) in robinhood now, of BTC. I’m thinking I just leave that for at least a year to avoid taxable event, sell it, and move it to somewhere, where I actually own real BTC like Coinbase or crypto . Com. UNLESS RH starts doing wallets.

And in the meantime until it reaches a year or until robinhood starts using wallets so you own actual BTC, I just stick to investing a few hundred into BTC a month thru or Coinbase. I am currently using Coinbase for other cryptos kind of like a side hustle for extra money.

I have been using robinhood to invest monthly as I am using bitcoin it as a long term investment/savings account, and have been using Coinbase for other coins for faster money kind of like a side job. So I keep everything in RH the same until a year passes, after I year I sell and move it to another platform. I’m thinking I’ll just keep using Coinbase for other cryptos as a side hustle, and I’ll use crypto . Com as my new robinhood and just invest a few hundred a month into BTC as my long term investment savings account until I can move my RH BTC To my crypto . Com BTC.

Any suggestions? I don’t wanna sell my BTC in RH cus of taxes :/ thank you!

The first real-life Squid Game: Is Rich Bulls Club NFT the next Bored Apes? 🚀

The Rich Bulls Club is foreseen as a prominent actor in the 2021 crypto sphere. The launch of their NFT collection will be on the 2nd of December 2021 at 9 PM EST on Once their 9999 unique NFTs are sold, they will organize a massive, live-streamed, 4-days real-life Squid Game in which 100 randomly chosen Rich Bulls owners will compete to win one million dollars.

But what exactly is the Rich Bulls Club? It is a collection of 9999 bullish NFTs—unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. With over 170+ hand-drawn traits, your exclusive NFT serves as a membership to an elite club with multiple members-only benefits like invitations to parties and events with A-listers, big YouTubers and major influencers.

More and more people see NFT as the future of art. This new form of passive income is only at its early stage like bitcoin was in 2014. The NFT market grew by over 705% by the end of 2020 and is forecasted to grow exponentially until 2026.

Some very popular NFTs like CryptoPunks or Bored Apes saw their price rise by 1000 to over 10 000% after launching, and Rich Bulls might be one of them especially considering what they are planning.

The collection includes 7 primal bulls and 3 mythic bulls, each minter of a primal bull will be rewarded with $10,000 in ETH. Furthermore, once the collection is sold out, if you were lucky enough to mint a mythic bull, you will win a real 2020 Lamborghini Huracan if you got the Lamby Mythic Bull, a 2020 McLaren 600LT if you got the Laren Mythic Bull or a 2019 Ferrari 488 GTB if you got the Rary Mythic Bull unless you choose to receive 240 000$ in Ethereum instead!

After the minting process is over, the Rich Bulls Team will start a massive marketing campaign. Afterwards, ground-breaking features like an NFT investment fund will be implemented, enabling holders to invest in new NFT projects pre-launch, which is far more profitable than even a pre-sale slot.

Like any other NFT, your Rich Bull will be safely stored in the Ethereum blockchain, and you will own complete copyright over the art. There will only be 9999 Rich Bulls forever, so the best time to get one will be on launch since, let alone the history-making events and marketing campaigns, scarcity alone is often enough to make your NFT valuable and drive its price up. NFTs are the new Rolexes, and being able to flex it on social media or use it to create personalized merch is another perk on its own.

Unlike most NFTs, Rich Bulls Club is powered by a registered company incorporated in the United States (KodakMoney LLC), which makes the team responsible for the project before law and means that they have the legal responsibility to deliver on every commitment they make. Furthermore, on top of being open-source, their smart-contract and minting system will be audited and secured by a professional and trusted team (Certik) that includes engineers with experience from Google, Microsoft, Oracle, and Facebook.

Media details:

Name: Rich Bulls


Email: [](

The first real-life Squid Game: Is Rich Bulls Club NFT the next Bored Apes? 🚀

The Rich Bulls Club is foreseen as a prominent actor in the 2021 crypto sphere. The launch of their NFT collection will be on the 2nd of December 2021 at 9 PM EST on Once their 9999 unique NFTs are sold, they will organize a massive, live-streamed, 4-days real-life Squid Game in which 100 randomly chosen Rich Bulls owners will compete to win one million dollars.

But what exactly is the Rich Bulls Club? It is a collection of 9999 bullish NFTs—unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. With over 170+ hand-drawn traits, your exclusive NFT serves as a membership to an elite club with multiple members-only benefits like invitations to parties and events with A-listers, big YouTubers and major influencers.

More and more people see NFT as the future of art. This new form of passive income is only at its early stage like bitcoin was in 2014. The NFT market grew by over 705% by the end of 2020 and is forecasted to grow exponentially until 2026.

Some very popular NFTs like CryptoPunks or Bored Apes saw their price rise by 1000 to over 10 000% after launching, and Rich Bulls might be one of them especially considering what they are planning.

The collection includes 7 primal bulls and 3 mythic bulls, each minter of a primal bull will be rewarded with $10,000 in ETH. Furthermore, once the collection is sold out, if you were lucky enough to mint a mythic bull, you will win a real 2020 Lamborghini Huracan if you got the Lamby Mythic Bull, a 2020 McLaren 600LT if you got the Laren Mythic Bull or a 2019 Ferrari 488 GTB if you got the Rary Mythic Bull unless you choose to receive 240 000$ in Ethereum instead!

After the minting process is over, the Rich Bulls Team will start a massive marketing campaign. Afterwards, ground-breaking features like an NFT investment fund will be implemented, enabling holders to invest in new NFT projects pre-launch, which is far more profitable than even a pre-sale slot.

Like any other NFT, your Rich Bull will be safely stored in the Ethereum blockchain, and you will own complete copyright over the art. There will only be 9999 Rich Bulls forever, so the best time to get one will be on launch since, let alone the history-making events and marketing campaigns, scarcity alone is often enough to make your NFT valuable and drive its price up. NFTs are the new Rolexes, and being able to flex it on social media or use it to create personalized merch is another perk on its own.

Unlike most NFTs, Rich Bulls Club is powered by a registered company incorporated in the United States (KodakMoney LLC), which makes the team responsible for the project before law and means that they have the legal responsibility to deliver on every commitment they make. Furthermore, on top of being open-source, their smart-contract and minting system will be audited and secured by a professional and trusted team (Certik) that includes engineers with experience from Google, Microsoft, Oracle, and Facebook.

Media details:

Name: Rich Bulls


Email: [](

The first real-life Squid Game: Is Rich Bulls Club NFT the next Bored Apes? 🚀

The Rich Bulls Club is foreseen as a prominent actor in the 2021 crypto sphere. The launch of their NFT collection will be on the 2nd of December 2021 at 9 PM EST on Once their 9999 unique NFTs are sold, they will organize a massive, live-streamed, 4-days real-life Squid Game in which 100 randomly chosen Rich Bulls owners will compete to win one million dollars.

But what exactly is the Rich Bulls Club? It is a collection of 9999 bullish NFTs—unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. With over 170+ hand-drawn traits, your exclusive NFT serves as a membership to an elite club with multiple members-only benefits like invitations to parties and events with A-listers, big YouTubers and major influencers.

More and more people see NFT as the future of art. This new form of passive income is only at its early stage like bitcoin was in 2014. The NFT market grew by over 705% by the end of 2020 and is forecasted to grow exponentially until 2026.

Some very popular NFTs like CryptoPunks or Bored Apes saw their price rise by 1000 to over 10 000% after launching, and Rich Bulls might be one of them especially considering what they are planning.

The collection includes 7 primal bulls and 3 mythic bulls, each minter of a primal bull will be rewarded with $10,000 in ETH. Furthermore, once the collection is sold out, if you were lucky enough to mint a mythic bull, you will win a real 2020 Lamborghini Huracan if you got the Lamby Mythic Bull, a 2020 McLaren 600LT if you got the Laren Mythic Bull or a 2019 Ferrari 488 GTB if you got the Rary Mythic Bull unless you choose to receive 240 000$ in Ethereum instead!

After the minting process is over, the Rich Bulls Team will start a massive marketing campaign. Afterwards, ground-breaking features like an NFT investment fund will be implemented, enabling holders to invest in new NFT projects pre-launch, which is far more profitable than even a pre-sale slot.

Like any other NFT, your Rich Bull will be safely stored in the Ethereum blockchain, and you will own complete copyright over the art. There will only be 9999 Rich Bulls forever, so the best time to get one will be on launch since, let alone the history-making events and marketing campaigns, scarcity alone is often enough to make your NFT valuable and drive its price up. NFTs are the new Rolexes, and being able to flex it on social media or use it to create personalized merch is another perk on its own.

Unlike most NFTs, Rich Bulls Club is powered by a registered company incorporated in the United States (KodakMoney LLC), which makes the team responsible for the project before law and means that they have the legal responsibility to deliver on every commitment they make. Furthermore, on top of being open-source, their smart-contract and minting system will be audited and secured by a professional and trusted team (Certik) that includes engineers with experience from Google, Microsoft, Oracle, and Facebook.

Media details:

Name: Rich Bulls


Email: [](

The first real-life Squid Game: Is Rich Bulls Club NFT the next Bored Apes? 🚀

The Rich Bulls Club is foreseen as a prominent actor in the 2021 crypto sphere. The launch of their NFT collection will be on the 2nd of December 2021 at 9 PM EST on Once their 9999 unique NFTs are sold, they will organize a massive, live-streamed, 4-days real-life Squid Game in which 100 randomly chosen Rich Bulls owners will compete to win one million dollars.

But what exactly is the Rich Bulls Club? It is a collection of 9999 bullish NFTs—unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. With over 170+ hand-drawn traits, your exclusive NFT serves as a membership to an elite club with multiple members-only benefits like invitations to parties and events with A-listers, big YouTubers and major influencers.

More and more people see NFT as the future of art. This new form of passive income is only at its early stage like bitcoin was in 2014. The NFT market grew by over 705% by the end of 2020 and is forecasted to grow exponentially until 2026.

Some very popular NFTs like CryptoPunks or Bored Apes saw their price rise by 1000 to over 10 000% after launching, and Rich Bulls might be one of them especially considering what they are planning.

The collection includes 7 primal bulls and 3 mythic bulls, each minter of a primal bull will be rewarded with $10,000 in ETH. Furthermore, once the collection is sold out, if you were lucky enough to mint a mythic bull, you will win a real 2020 Lamborghini Huracan if you got the Lamby Mythic Bull, a 2020 McLaren 600LT if you got the Laren Mythic Bull or a 2019 Ferrari 488 GTB if you got the Rary Mythic Bull unless you choose to receive 240 000$ in Ethereum instead!

After the minting process is over, the Rich Bulls Team will start a massive marketing campaign. Afterwards, ground-breaking features like an NFT investment fund will be implemented, enabling holders to invest in new NFT projects pre-launch, which is far more profitable than even a pre-sale slot.

Like any other NFT, your Rich Bull will be safely stored in the Ethereum blockchain, and you will own complete copyright over the art. There will only be 9999 Rich Bulls forever, so the best time to get one will be on launch since, let alone the history-making events and marketing campaigns, scarcity alone is often enough to make your NFT valuable and drive its price up. NFTs are the new Rolexes, and being able to flex it on social media or use it to create personalized merch is another perk on its own.

Unlike most NFTs, Rich Bulls Club is powered by a registered company incorporated in the United States (KodakMoney LLC), which makes the team responsible for the project before law and means that they have the legal responsibility to deliver on every commitment they make. Furthermore, on top of being open-source, their smart-contract and minting system will be audited and secured by a professional and trusted team (Certik) that includes engineers with experience from Google, Microsoft, Oracle, and Facebook.

Media details:

Name: Rich Bulls


Email: [](

Why Bitcoin will fail

$ (or any govt issued currency) is legal tender. It has the full force of the US govt and all it has all instruments of power behind it. Including the power to tax, enforce contracts, regulate, make things illegal etc. Sovereign nations will doubt a lot before making BTC legal tender or even relevant as a currency beyond a point, since the foundations of BTC makes it anti-sovereign from the purview of a nation-state.

BTC has an incredible algorithm, a skilled decentralized developer community and a strong evangelizing community behind it. But that’s all of it, as of now. In the event of a dispute between 2 parties, who is going to adjudicate, enforce and honor contracts that is based on Bitcoin? How will force be brought in, in case the situation demands it?

All laws depend on the threat of violence to be enforced.

Contracts only matter insofar as they can be enforced. Without force/violence behind them, a contract is just a piece of paper. This includes “constitutions” and “charters of rights”.

Unless a govt co-adopts bitcoin, the above scenarios cannot effectively be dealt with. But, as of now, I cannot image how a sovereign nation can co-adopt Bitcoin. Without co-adoption it cannot be a reliable mainstream currency.

This is the reason why China banned it completely since it goes against what the CCP stands for. India also is tilting towards strong regulation because of the anti-sovereign nature of BTC in the context of the state.

El Salvador took the bold step of co-adopting BTC and will perhaps serve as the blueprint for others. But I doubt if BTC can make it without the larger more powerful nations truly co-adopting it.

If the US also gets to a stage where it strongly regulates Bitcoin; then Bitcoin will not fulfill it's original vision. Here and there, leaders in the US have already started criticizing BTC citing how it'll destabilize the economy, is bad for the environment. It's only a matter of time when its cited as a threat to national security.

What are the holes in my thought process, what am I missing here? How and why would BTC overcome these hurdles?

Why Bitcoin will fail

$ (or any govt issued currency) is legal tender. It has the full force of the US govt and all it has all instruments of power behind it. Including the power to tax, enforce contracts, regulate, make things illegal etc. Sovereign nations will doubt a lot before making BTC legal tender or even relevant as a currency beyond a point, since the foundations of BTC makes it anti-sovereign from the purview of a nation-state.

BTC has an incredible algorithm, a skilled decentralized developer community and a strong evangelizing community behind it. But that’s all of it, as of now. In the event of a dispute between 2 parties, who is going to adjudicate, enforce and honor contracts that is based on Bitcoin? How will force be brought in, in case the situation demands it?

All laws depend on the threat of violence to be enforced.

Contracts only matter insofar as they can be enforced. Without force/violence behind them, a contract is just a piece of paper. This includes “constitutions” and “charters of rights”.

Unless a govt co-adopts bitcoin, the above scenarios cannot effectively be dealt with. But, as of now, I cannot image how a sovereign nation can co-adopt Bitcoin. Without co-adoption it cannot be a reliable mainstream currency.

This is the reason why China banned it completely since it goes against what the CCP stands for. India also is tilting towards strong regulation because of the anti-sovereign nature of BTC in the context of the state.

El Salvador took the bold step of co-adopting BTC and will perhaps serve as the blueprint for others. But I doubt if BTC can make it without the larger more powerful nations truly co-adopting it.

If the US also gets to a stage where it strongly regulates Bitcoin; then Bitcoin will not fulfill it's original vision. Here and there, leaders in the US have already started criticizing BTC citing how it'll destabilize the economy, is bad for the environment. It's only a matter of time when its cited as a threat to national security.

What are the holes in my thought process, what am I missing here? How and why would BTC overcome these hurdles?

Why Bitcoin will fail

$ (or any govt issued currency) is legal tender. It has the full force of the US govt and all it has all instruments of power behind it. Including the power to tax, enforce contracts, regulate, make things illegal etc. Sovereign nations will doubt a lot before making BTC legal tender or even relevant as a currency beyond a point, since the foundations of BTC makes it anti-sovereign from the purview of a nation-state.

BTC has an incredible algorithm, a skilled decentralized developer community and a strong evangelizing community behind it. But that’s all of it, as of now. In the event of a dispute between 2 parties, who is going to adjudicate, enforce and honor contracts that is based on Bitcoin? How will force be brought in, in case the situation demands it?

All laws depend on the threat of violence to be enforced.

Contracts only matter insofar as they can be enforced. Without force/violence behind them, a contract is just a piece of paper. This includes “constitutions” and “charters of rights”.

Unless a govt co-adopts bitcoin, the above scenarios cannot effectively be dealt with. But, as of now, I cannot image how a sovereign nation can co-adopt Bitcoin. Without co-adoption it cannot be a reliable mainstream currency.

This is the reason why China banned it completely since it goes against what the CCP stands for. India also is tilting towards strong regulation because of the anti-sovereign nature of BTC in the context of the state.

El Salvador took the bold step of co-adopting BTC and will perhaps serve as the blueprint for others. But I doubt if BTC can make it without the larger more powerful nations truly co-adopting it.

If the US also gets to a stage where it strongly regulates Bitcoin; then Bitcoin will not fulfill it's original vision. Here and there, leaders in the US have already started criticizing BTC citing how it'll destabilize the economy, is bad for the environment. It's only a matter of time when its cited as a threat to national security.

What are the holes in my thought process, what am I missing here? How and why would BTC overcome these hurdles?

Why Bitcoin will fail

$ (or any govt issued currency) is legal tender. It has the full force of the US govt and all it has all instruments of power behind it. Including the power to tax, enforce contracts, regulate, make things illegal etc. Sovereign nations will doubt a lot before making BTC legal tender or even relevant as a currency beyond a point, since the foundations of BTC makes it anti-sovereign from the purview of a nation-state.

BTC has an incredible algorithm, a skilled decentralized developer community and a strong evangelizing community behind it. But that’s all of it, as of now. In the event of a dispute between 2 parties, who is going to adjudicate, enforce and honor contracts that is based on Bitcoin? How will force be brought in, in case the situation demands it?

All laws depend on the threat of violence to be enforced.

Contracts only matter insofar as they can be enforced. Without force/violence behind them, a contract is just a piece of paper. This includes “constitutions” and “charters of rights”.

Unless a govt co-adopts bitcoin, the above scenarios cannot effectively be dealt with. But, as of now, I cannot image how a sovereign nation can co-adopt Bitcoin. Without co-adoption it cannot be a reliable mainstream currency.

This is the reason why China banned it completely since it goes against what the CCP stands for. India also is tilting towards strong regulation because of the anti-sovereign nature of BTC in the context of the state.

El Salvador took the bold step of co-adopting BTC and will perhaps serve as the blueprint for others. But I doubt if BTC can make it without the larger more powerful nations truly co-adopting it.

If the US also gets to a stage where it strongly regulates Bitcoin; then Bitcoin will not fulfill it's original vision. Here and there, leaders in the US have already started criticizing BTC citing how it'll destabilize the economy, is bad for the environment. It's only a matter of time when its cited as a threat to national security.

What are the holes in my thought process, what am I missing here? How and why would BTC overcome these hurdles?

Why Bitcoin will fail

$ (or any govt issued currency) is legal tender. It has the full force of the US govt and all it has all instruments of power behind it. Including the power to tax, enforce contracts, regulate, make things illegal etc. Sovereign nations will doubt a lot before making BTC legal tender or even relevant as a currency beyond a point, since the foundations of BTC makes it anti-sovereign from the purview of a nation-state.

BTC has an incredible algorithm, a skilled decentralized developer community and a strong evangelizing community behind it. But that’s all of it, as of now. In the event of a dispute between 2 parties, who is going to adjudicate, enforce and honor contracts that is based on Bitcoin? How will force be brought in, in case the situation demands it?

All laws depend on the threat of violence to be enforced.

Contracts only matter insofar as they can be enforced. Without force/violence behind them, a contract is just a piece of paper. This includes “constitutions” and “charters of rights”.

Unless a govt co-adopts bitcoin, the above scenarios cannot effectively be dealt with. But, as of now, I cannot image how a sovereign nation can co-adopt Bitcoin. Without co-adoption it cannot be a reliable mainstream currency.

This is the reason why China banned it completely since it goes against what the CCP stands for. India also is tilting towards strong regulation because of the anti-sovereign nature of BTC in the context of the state.

El Salvador took the bold step of co-adopting BTC and will perhaps serve as the blueprint for others. But I doubt if BTC can make it without the larger more powerful nations truly co-adopting it.

If the US also gets to a stage where it strongly regulates Bitcoin; then Bitcoin will not fulfill it's original vision. Here and there, leaders in the US have already started criticizing BTC citing how it'll destabilize the economy, is bad for the environment. It's only a matter of time when its cited as a threat to national security.

What are the holes in my thought process, what am I missing here? How and why would BTC overcome these hurdles?

Subtipper has just tipped the top posts for this community! [06:31 GMT November 26, 2021]

Thanks to all posters for providing great content!

The top posts since the last payout (~1 week) have been tipped 1 US cent per vote, or 1653 sats per vote.

For an explanation of Subtipper and how it works, please see this article.


Winning posts:

FAIL! A Bitcoin influencer went to El Salvador to see how things worked. Only, they didn't. by u/Mafalzon

[tip] - 433086 sats = 0.00433086 BCH = ~2.62 USD

I've hidden a Bitcoin logo within my latest artwork which is soon to be the world's first NFT puzzle. Sorry for the shaky camerawork! by u/ryanforster

[tip] - 388455 sats = 0.00388455 BCH = ~2.35 USD

POV: you've entered r/Bitcoin by u/DoomRat_official

[tip] - 386802 sats = 0.00386802 BCH = ~2.34 USD

10 000 people donated an average amount of about 200 dollars worth of ETH to the Constitution DAO. To get it there they lost a 100 dollars out of the 200. The project failed. To get the refund back will again cost a 100 dollars per person. Everybody lost, accept for the Ethereum miners. by u/i_have_chosen_a_name

[tip] - 233073 sats = 0.00233073 BCH = ~1.41 USD

Newcomers changed and derailed the goal of BTC. by u/tralxz

[tip] - 190095 sats = 0.00190095 BCH = ~1.15 USD

[Removed in r/Bitcoin cause Snowden isn't maxi enough] You know that whole NSA story from almost TEN YEARS AGO? I paid for the servers that made that possible... using Bitcoin. by u/Bitcoin1776

[tip] - 178524 sats = 0.00178524 BCH = ~1.08 USD

Authoritarians trying to infiltrate Bitcoin by u/mtrycz

[tip] - 158688 sats = 0.00158688 BCH = ~0.96 USD

Bitcoin Cash solves BTC & ETH problems. by u/tralxz

[tip] - 155382 sats = 0.00155382 BCH = ~0.94 USD

Announcing Bitcoin Cash Node v24.0.0, with full support for the upcoming May 2022 Network Upgrade by u/NilacTheGrim

[tip] - 147117 sats = 0.00147117 BCH = ~0.89 USD

“ The BTC user experience is so bad. Tried to buy a new @Trezor with crypto and they only accept BTC. Swapped my BCH for BTC and then found they want you to pay to a SegWit address, which isn't supported by my wallet. Swapped back to BCH (minus $25 in BTC fees) and used credit card” by u/Egon_1

[tip] - 142158 sats = 0.00142158 BCH = ~0.86 USD


Tips not claimed within 7 days will be returned to the Subtipper fund and tipped out to future posts.


To support this bot, help spread Bitcoin Cash, and encourage great content in the r/btc community, tip this post using Chaintip by including u/chaintip in your comment!


Note: this payout event was triggered by block 715748, which was mined more than 3 days since the last event and has the last three hex digits of its hash (joined as a number) strictly smaller than 7. The BCH price at the time of activation was $604.9

Buy the dip, y'all! Black Friday sales bruh! We know what's up cuz we're crypto investors. EVERYONE IS STUPID EXCEPT US! Eehawww

There's a very real difference between a market correcting on its own and an external event that impacts the market like the news this morning of the new covid variant coming out of South Africa. Without even knowing why the market is dipping people are here to say every cliche BS line you can think of about buying the dip, how this is just FUD, Bitcoin will hit 100k blah blah blah. It's one thing to be able to look at things like relative strength index and see that something is oversold and it's a good buying opportunity. It's something entirely else to see that the market is down and just automatically react to that and start telling everyone to buy the dip and acting like you're some market guru everyone should to listen to.

The best advice I can give for anybody reading these posts in this subreddit as some kind of guide for their investment decisions is to just imagine everyone saying this stuff are 15-year-olds with about $80 worth of dogecoin. If you've got real money tied up in the markets be sensible and take some real time to consider WHY the market is dipping.

🔥Era7 Making Headlines!

💭Era7 has attracted the attention not only of investors, but the media as well, who have shown great interest in our game despite the fact that we are still at the early stages of our path!

📚Reporters from NewsBTC have made an article about our project and if you want to learn more about Era7, the article will be of great help. It talks about our game mechanics, our project’s team and the upcoming development milestones.

👍NewsBTC Media Group is a veteran cryptocurrency news publication offering the latest news, reviews, event coverage and market analysis to the Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurr1ency community.

🎯We are excited that this highly reputable publication has decided to share our project with their audience, and we are happy to share this article with you, as we hope it will get as excited about Era7 as we are:

CURE 💗 Charity 1st, token 2nd 🧡 Audit with Certik 💙 Mind-blowing & week-long Thanksgiving🦃 celebration...💚 Massive prizes, competitions, incentives and donations landing hourly🤍 50% Off on Buy Taxes 💜 Fully Doxxed & Known Dev

Chances are by now you’ve heard of CURE
The ONLY token created and backed by a real charity 💖
So far they have raised over $300,000 for charity with a further $10k being raised every single day 😇
But as the saying goes, charity starts at home 🏡

So this week it is all about the CURE community!! 🤗 Just in time for Thanksgiving 🦃 allow us to introduce Give A CURE! 💝

  • 🥧Starting today the Telegram team will be hosting a number of AMAZING community competitions and giveaways!! 🎰 Not only can you win outright if you are chosen for each activity, but you can also rack up points – whoever has the most at the end will win big prizes!!! 🎁
  • 🍗Also we will be slashing our taxes in half, meaning that any new purchases of CURE will only be subject to a 6% tax! 🔥
  • 🦃There are going to be a ton more amazing and exciting things going on, so make sure if you haven’t got into the Telegram already, you get in NOW. CURE is about to go stratospheric 🚀

Oh, and did I forget to also mention these about CURE? 👇

  • 🏎️ NASCAR deal secured! Implying wrapping and sponsoring a car all next year AND taking over their website.
  • 🔒 CURE passed and secured audit by Certik with zero major issues!
  • 👨‍🔬 Fully Doxxed & Known Dev
  • 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ Team Lead, Community Driven
  • 🔐 Liquidity Locked
  • 📊 CMC & CG Listed
  • 💸 Buyback System
  • 🚊 Potential London Underground advertising opportunities are being discussed at the moment!

📈📉 Tokenomics:

CURE Token was initially minted with a supply of 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) tokens. Each transaction has a 12% fee subtracted which powers the cause like this:

  • 3% Charity
  • 3% Marketing
  • 3% Reflections
  • 3% Liquidity

Also, recommended Slippage during making a transaction is from 10% to 12%.

📱 Contact:

🌎 Website
💬 Telegram Community
📰 Telegram Announcements
🕊️ Twitter
📘 Facebook
📢 Medium (Weekly articles by a bestselling author✍️)

📝 Contract Address: 0x76aecb353abf596bd61ee6bdb07d70787dec4fd6
💩 PooCoin Chart:

💡 Useful info:

👥 Who's The Team?
Founder and Chairman of the Beckley Foundation, Jacob Beckley has managed to raise approximately 1 million dollars in the battle against childhood cancers and beyond, since the foundation launch in 2016.

📅 When did CURE happen?
Well, lets follow the timeline 👇

  • 2016
    Jacob had an idea to row across Lake Michigan solo in a man-powered boat from Michigan to Chicago (65 miles) to help raise the funds necessary to keep a cancer research lab going. It was a spontaneous and eccentric venture that raised $40,000.
  • 2016-2019
    ✨Martini Party
    Supporting the research of acclaimed Dr. Mary Beth Madonna. This lab, currently located at Rush University Children's Hospital in Chicago was due to be closed, and with help of this campaign it was able to survive. $50,000 was raised at the event.
  • 2019
    Jacob joined forces with former Chicago Bear, Charles Tillman, in fight against pediatric cancer. They rowed non-stop across Lake Michigan in a homemade boat on September 1st, 2019. This went on to raise $280,000 dollars.
  • 2020
    During the pandemic, in partnership with Arizona Cancer Foundation, casino night event was hosted to co-raise funds in support of the cause. Although the pandemic forced cancellation of the event, these people collectively remain focused on the mission and are continuing their efforts. Over $100,000 was raised.
  • 2021 Sep 11th
    ✨Martini Party
    Once again in support of the incredible research of Dr. Mary Beth Madonna. This time $60,000 was raised to help support the continuation of their amazing work.
  • 2021
    ✨CURE Token Launch
    Token went on to reach a current ATH of $10,000,000 (million) market cap, and has already gifted over $150,000 in charitable donations and research support.

PS: If you want to make a quick x10 on a project then CURE is not for you. This is a token for people who want to make genuine change in the world, whilst making massive long-term gains. CURE team have Ethereum and Bitcoin in their crosshairs and they seem not to be stopping until CURE is as recognisable to everyone as above mentioned cryptocurrency market leaders. So don’t even invest yet, come visit the telegram and check out website and whitepaper.

Getting everything rolling With Crypto

Putting resources into the Crypto Currency market space can be somewhat overwhelming for the customary financial backer, as putting straightforwardly in Crypto Currency (CC) requires the utilization of new apparatuses and embracing some new ideas. So in the event that you do choose to plunge your toes in this market, you will need to have a generally excellent thought of what to do and what's in store.

Purchasing and selling CC's expects you to pick an Exchange that arrangements in the items you need to purchase and sell, be they Bitcoin, Litecoin, or any of the north of 1300 different tokens in play. In past releases we have momentarily depicted the items and administrations accessible at a couple of trades, to provide you with a thought of the various contributions. There are many Exchanges to browse and they all do things in their as own would prefer. Search for the things that make a difference to you, for instance: Bitcoin Account Recovery

- Deposit strategies, techniques, and expenses of every strategy

- Withdrawal arrangements and expenses

- Which government issued types of money they bargain in for stores and withdrawals

- Products they bargain in, for example, crypto coins, gold, silver and so forth

- Costs for exchanges

- where is this Exchange based? (USA/UK/South Korea/Japan...)

Be ready for the Exchange arrangement strategy to be nitty gritty and extensive, as the Exchanges for the most part need to know a great deal about you. It is likened to setting up another ledger, as the Exchanges are specialists of resources, and they need to be certain that you are who you say you are, and that you are a dependable individual to manage. It appears to be that "trust' is procured over the long haul, as the Exchanges regularly permit just little venture adds up in any case.

Your Exchange will save your CC's away for you. Many deal "cold stockpiling" which basically implies that your coins are kept "disconnected" until you show that you need to accomplish something with them. There are many reports of Exchanges being hacked, and many coins taken. Contemplate your coins being in something like a ledger at the Exchange, yet recall that your coins are advanced just, and that all blockchain exchanges are irreversible. In contrast to your bank, these Exchanges don't have store protection, so know that programmers are consistently out there taking a stab at all that they can to get at your Crypto Coins and take them. Trades commonly offer Password ensured accounts, and many deal 2-factor approval plans - something to genuinely consider to shield your record from programmers.

Considering that programmers love to go after Exchanges and your record, we generally suggest that you utilize a computerized wallet for your coins. It is somewhat simple to move coins between your Exchange account and your wallet. Make certain to pick a wallet that handles every one of the coins you need to purchase and selling. Your wallet is likewise the gadget you use to "spend" your coins with the vendors who acknowledge CC's for installment. The two sorts of wallets are "hot" and "cold". Hot wallets are extremely simple to utilize however they allow your coins to stay uncovered to the web, yet just on your PC, not the Exchange server. Cold wallets use disconnected capacity mediums, for example, particular equipment memory sticks and straightforward printed copy printouts. Utilizing a chilly wallet makes exchanges more muddled, yet they are the most secure.

Your wallet contains the "private" key that approves every one of the exchanges you need to start. You likewise have a "public" key that is shared on the organization so everything clients can recognize your record when associated with an exchange with you. At the point when programmers get your private key, they can move your coins anyplace they need, and it is irreversible.

In spite of the multitude of difficulties and wild instability, we are sure that the basic blockchain innovation is a distinct advantage, and will change how exchanges are led going ahead.

Assuming you are prepared to make a speculative interest into this troublesome innovation, and need to get all current and future suggestions from Crypto TREND Premium, we are keeping our Early Bird Special proposition open for somewhat longer, to offer our perusers the chance to begin at a $175 markdown. Remain tuned!

Bitcoin S2F Is Unaffected! Major Event Coming up for BTC, Watch Out These Levels – Coinpedia – Fintech & Cryptocurreny News Media 2021