Friday, March 12, 2021

Adoption of Cryptocurrencies by Countries

How would cryptocurrencies replace traditional money if they are so volatile? As compared to traditional currencies, cryptocurrency tend to fluctuate a lot. During a drastic event such as the Covid pandemic the INR Dollar exchange rate did not fluctuate a lot. Bitcoin and Ethereum on the other hand are now worth about 3 times what they were in 2019. That is what countries would need right ? stability in their courrencies.

Thoughts on BTC Exit Strategy

Hello all, first post here in r/CC . I first bought BTC (along with several other alts) in late December 2020 and have been lurking here ever since but one thing that has been on my mind more than most lately and so I decided to finally come out of my shell and say it.

Originally my plan was to flip my BTC fast. I wanted to take advantage of the incoming stimulus and inflation, hoping these things would lead to a massive surge in the price, then sell all my BTC at once. I am still hopeful that these things will come to pass and stoke the crypto markets, however, now I am having second thoughts about that plan. Originally I was operating under the assumption that BTC was on its way out: that it is old tech that will soon become obsolete and replaced by newer projects. Being the leading coin on the market, I thought it is a safer investment than other coins in the short term, but that someday soon people are going to abandon it for newer projects.

Now, however, I am wondering if BTC might be more resilient than I originally thought. Institutional investors are showing no sign of slowing down and are using BTC as digital gold. I'm strongly considering reformulating my exit strategy around that. In essence: as long as large institutions are buying/holding BTC, so will I. I think.

The big questions now occupying my thoughts are:

1) As long as large institutions continue to buy up bitcoin, will it be worth it to HODL?

2) How long can this trend continue? At what point will large institutions a) stop buying BTC or b) start selling off their holdings and what do you think will happen in such an event? Would that be a good time to exit?

3) Even if some newer project(s) come along and replace BTC in terms of functional purposes, could it still be used as a hedge against inflation? In other words, could it retain its value even long after people have stopped using it?

What are your thoughts? Do you have a BTC exit strategy? If so I would love to hear what/why? Thanks for hearing me out. I look forward to hearing your opinions.

Coin Hunt World Needs Beta Testers

Coin Hunt World is in open beta and needs more users to test the ever increasing number of features. This is a geo location game that rewards crypto. Players explore to find keys and vaults. A key will open a vault which produces a trivia question and if the users answers the question correctly they are rewarded with Bitcoin or Ethereum as well as other in game resources. There are also other aspects of the game such as buddy quests, special events user vaults and more.

Once you get setup please come and chat with the team on the discord.

Coin Hunt World

Coin Hunt World is a new mobile game (currently in open Beta) that allows you to earn cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum by answering trivia questions that are in vaults. When answered correctly the vault pays out BTC and ETH. Vaults pay out different amounts based on the tier of the vault. They start at ten cents for a common blue vault and go all the way up to a grand for the rare legendary purple vault! You will need keys to open the vaults. Keys and vaults are found all over the USA and Canada, you explore any area you want for keys and vaults, some areas are really loaded! There are also fun community events, a monthly leaderboard to see who hunts the hardest(with big time rewards as well) there is an event coming up for St Patrick’s day that I am looking forward too.

If you want to earn Bitcoin and Ethereum, enjoy trivia and exploring this is the game for you.

The beta is currently open to residents of Canada and the USA. Once this game is out of beta is it really going to blow up, people will be talking about it like when Pokemon Go got big. Now is a fantastic time to start playing, learn the ropes, make some friends and develop your strategies.

Access for Android users:

Apple users require TestFlight (the Coin Hunt World app is still in Beta-testing) but its easy to get TestFlight simply go here:

Use the link after you download TestFlight and Coin Hunt World, but before you create an account or make your HQ to get a cool bonus:

There is also a very active and helpful community on Discord. Developers are also active and are looking for our thoughts on the game and offer support:

Message me for any questions, tips, tricks, issues or if you want to be friends in the game to unlock buddy quests.

Happy hunting and stacking!

Coin Hunt World

Coin Hunt World is a new mobile game (currently in open Beta) that allows you to earn cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum by answering trivia questions that are in vaults. When answered correctly the vault pays out BTC and ETH. Vaults pay out different amounts based on the tier of the vault. They start at ten cents for a common blue vault and go all the way up to a grand for the rare legendary purple vault! You will need keys to open the vaults. Keys and vaults are found all over the USA and Canada, you explore any area you want for keys and vaults, some areas are really loaded! There are also fun community events, a monthly leaderboard to see who hunts the hardest(with big time rewards as well) there is an event coming up for St Patrick’s day that I am looking forward too.

If you want to earn Bitcoin and Ethereum, enjoy trivia and exploring this is the game for you.

The beta is currently open to residents of Canada and the USA. Once this game is out of beta is it really going to blow up, people will be talking about it like when Pokemon Go got big. Now is a fantastic time to start playing, learn the ropes, make some friends and develop your strategies.

Access for Android users:

Apple users require TestFlight (the Coin Hunt World app is still in Beta-testing) but its easy to get TestFlight simply go here:

Use the link after you download TestFlight and Coin Hunt World, but before you create an account or make your HQ to get a cool bonus:

There is also a very active and helpful community on Discord. Developers are also active and are looking for our thoughts on the game and offer support:

Message me for any questions, tips, tricks, issues or if you want to be friends in the game to unlock buddy quests.

Happy hunting and stacking!

Coin Hunt World - Help us beta test and earn!

Coin Hunt World is a new mobile game (currently in open Beta) that allows you to earn cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum by answering trivia questions that are in vaults. When answered correctly the vault pays out BTC and ETH. Vaults pay out different amounts based on the tier of the vault. They start at ten cents for a common blue vault and go all the way up to a grand for the rare legendary purple vault! You will need keys to open the vaults. Keys and vaults are found all over the USA and Canada, you explore any area you want for keys and vaults, some areas are really loaded! There are also fun community events, a monthly leaderboard to see who hunts the hardest(with big time rewards as well) there is an event coming up for St Patrick’s day that I am looking forward too.

If you want to earn Bitcoin and Ethereum, enjoy trivia and exploring this is the game for you.

The beta is currently open to residents of Canada and the USA. Once this game is out of beta is it really going to blow up, people will be talking about it like when Pokemon Go got big. Now is a fantastic time to start playing, learn the ropes, make some friends and develop your strategies.

Access for Android users:

Apple users require TestFlight (the Coin Hunt World app is still in Beta-testing) but its easy to get TestFlight simply go here:

Use the link after you download TestFlight and Coin Hunt World, but before you create an account or make your HQ to get a cool bonus:

There is also a very active and helpful community on Discord. Developers are also active and are looking for our thoughts on the game and offer support:

Message me for any questions, tips, tricks, issues or if you want to be friends in the game to unlock buddy quests.

Happy hunting and stacking!

Relax and congrats

Hey mostly a lurker on this subreddit here but I do hold Nano in my portfolio. I can’t think of one currency/protocol that I have been invested in that hasn’t had worse problems (than the current Nano spam) pop up for extended periods of time. Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETC is still the real ETH btw), BCH, LTC, DASH, DCR, MAID, FTM, FLOW, DOT, ATOM, XMR, ZEC, XLM, XRP, STX, VET, and many many others have faced bigger speed bumps than this spam event. These issues always get sorted out unless the project is a scam. Nano isn’t vaporware, the devs are some of the smartest in the space, and the community is growing exponentially. For all of the ppl new to Nano and crypto in general, take it from me (10 years of crypto experience), the Nano Foundation will sort this out and Nano will be stronger for it. Your funds are safe, the network never “crashed” or “halted”, and in a little time this will be a distant memory. Embrace the unknown, embrace the volatility, embrace this beautiful crypto world of imperfected decentralization; be proud to be a part of the early generation of this paradigm.

Why We Love Epic Cash

Just some thoughts on why we love epic cash.

I found epic cash when doing some scans for new and speculative coins to mine one day back in late August or early September of 2019. What I found was a new coin with a capped supply of 21 Million coins that didn't simply snapshot bitcoin's ledger and reward bitcoin whales by using a copy and paste approach like so many forks we've all seen too many of. This opens the door to newcomers who don't have a lot of bitcoin. And then there's the proof of work architecture.

Three mineable algorithms contemplatively chosen as to communicate the relevance and importance of all three. 60% of the day randomly allocated to randomx for CPU miners. 38% to progpow for GPU miners. 2% to cuckoo cycle for ASIC miners. All of this variety and clearly communicated interest in satoshis vision spoke directly to me.

As I read and asked questions in telegram I found that this architecture is also agile and flexible. It is intended to be rapidly adjustable to meet the challenging landscape of network warfare (quantum computing and targeted hardware exploits) while also being flexible to community governance that may propose change.

For me thia POW architecture has been the starting point and bedrock of epic cash fundamentals. First impressions go a long way and foreshadow future events. For example, tokenomics. Tokens and the continuing architecture is another topic worth exploring.

Need help filing taxes on bitcoin.

First time user here. I’m located in the US. I have never done taxes before on anything related to bitcoin. I’d like your help. This morning I received an email from the provider of my wallet saying it’s tax season.

I’ve looked up what triggers a taxable event and how to file taxes for bitcoin but is it only for people who make above a certain amount of profit from selling or is it for everyone who’s selling bitcoin?

I haven't eaten anything for last 5 days, only slept for 2.5 hours last 3 days, drinking energy drinks twice a day and still don't feel like eating. When will I pass out?

I am 23 years old male and I have given up on life. My parents are out on vacation for 3 weeks. I haven't eaten anything for 5 days, only drank Red Bull twice a day. Slept only for 2.5 hours in last 3 days and masturbated a lot to a point where I couldn't cum to allievate the boredom. I have just given up mentally.

I have given up on life. I wanted to end my life since 2019 and thought of doing it everyday. I have shitty genetics which lead to cycle of events which made me hate life more.

I failed in everything, I ever tried. I had dreams and wanted to make them true, but reality of them ever coming true isn't possible in this world with my shitty genetics.

I had the following dreams which can't be possible because of my low IQ (87)

Programming. Chess. Hacking(create malwares, worms) Reverse engineering. Bitcoin mining. Investing in stock. Shorting stocks. Rivaling big tech giants. Rivaling investors like geroge Soros. Being a Oil Mogul.

"Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded." Or: Why I bought Ethereum this morning after liquidating my other Crypto holdings last night *prior* to the selloff...

A quick disclaimer: I'm not knocking anybody for choosing their own personal journey through Crypto. This is just how I'm seeing things at the moment.

First off: I'm new to Crypto. And like all n00bs, I've been doing my best to research everything I can. I still have a lot to learn.

Big surprise (to nobody): initially, I saw BTC as a fun & exciting way to enter into the fray. BTC was everywhere I looked when I began researching Crypto. From financial analysts to celebrity tweets: everybody had their opinion. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, Bitcoin was unavoidable.

This was both good and bad.

It was good because there was a wealth of information available. (There was free crypto on Coinbase!) It was bad, too, because I was often left wondering whose information I could rely on. So much of what I read seemed like speculation. Or manipulation...

Then came last night's mini BTC selloff.

I wasn't surprised by it. In fact, I would've been surprised if there *hadn't* been a selloff. Even so, I was disappointed because the selloff convinced me of one thing: to my knowledge, Bitcoin (at the moment) isn't being used for the purpose for which it was created. As for my (extremely limited) understanding: BTC was designed to be a stable hedge against centralized, government-controlled inflation and deflation. (Among many other things....)

Why didn't last night's selloff surprise me? I got into BTC with a VERY modest, fractional amount when its price was hovering around the $48k mark, so I'd seen the mini selloffs at $51k and $56k. No big deal. Plus, I was still learning, so I didn't fully understand what or why those events were happening.

Still, I watched with excitement as BTC approached $58k, thinking that it would continue its upward trajectory, as some reports had indicated...

But sometime during the middle of the day yesterday, something just didn't sit right with me. It's almost like I suddenly sensed a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly... oops, wrong script.

In all seriousness though: I guess I just put two & two together and realized that a $58k selloff was coming. It's not rocket science: people see a new high on the horizon ("free money!") and they sell. And guess what? The moment BTC hit $58k, the selloff began immediately.

All of a sudden, it seemed to me that the people who were investing in BTC weren't buying into a product / idea / technology that they personally supported or believed in. In fact, it was just the opposite: investors were pumping cash into a reasonably predictable machine that could (or might) make them some quick, easy money. (Nothing wrong with that, but more on that later...)

So, I started thinking to myself: Yes, BTC continues to "recalibrate" and then gradually rise after each "milestone-selloff-cycle". However. More and more it seemed like larger "institutional" forces were treating BTC like a casino. A casino that *they* owned and controlled.

It felt like I could start "timing" events: 2am-3am selloffs, 10am-ish selloffs, Bull/Bear runs beginning occurring at 10min-15min intervals on some days... it was like a rollercoaster ride. But just like a rollercoaster ride there's a beginning, a middle, and an end. And then it repeats itself. If you learn "the track", then you kinda know what to expect. Now, I didn't *always* know what to expect, but I'll wager that some institutions with a lot of money knew *exactly* what to expect and exactly *when* to expect it.

Just like Old Faithful: as each new threshold neared, people gathered around to "ooh" and "ahh". Then as soon as it popped everyone scrambled away with their earnings and the process began again. Rinse and repeat.

Now, there's nothing inherently *wrong* with this. And I'm new here, so correct me if I'm off base... but do people see BTC approaching its own "jumped the shark" moment?

With each new day / week / pump and dump cycle, BTC seems to be functioning less and less as how it was designed to function. So, if a currency stops functioning in the way in which is was designed... then will people start losing faith in it?

I quote Yogi Berra in my post's title. Asked about a popular restaurant, Yogi answered, "Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded." Well, is BTC too crowded? Is BTC now saturated with so many people who are just treating it like a gold-rush and creating even more volatility than existed prior to BTC's mainstream awareness?

Anyway, this is my way of saying that I see ETH as a far more stable long-term investment, even if I only really understand a fraction of its capabilities and its purpose.

Final thought: this post may seem a bit "doom and gloomy", but in all honesty I can't remember when I've had so much fun researching finance, new technologies, and new opportunities for investing. So I promise: there's no "doom and gloom" intended in my post at all. (Plus, reading other people's posts in this forum & their thoughts & analysis has been fantastic as well.)

It's been a blast so far, and it's really only the beginning, both for me and for Crypto, and I plan on continuing to be a part of the Crypto community "for-ev-er".

And with that, it's time to get off my soapbox & do some more research. Cheers!

Nano now adding a limit on how many transactions can occur and an unconfirmed transaction pool... Hmmm where have i seen this idea before!?

The recent spam event has pulled back the curtains and shown reality to the Nano people. The reality being that the UX was a bad magicians trick which appeared amazing at the expense of sacrificing basic spam protection.

Colins proposal to solve spam

Eventually it is possible the block will have low enough difficulty that it will get removed from all ledgers in the network because there is a cap on the number of blocks the node will keep in the backlog. This will require the block creator to increase the difficulty on the block and publish it again. The functionality to increase this difficulty and republish already exists.

Turns out when you add spam protection to Nano you get the same UX as all other decentralised chains because it only prevents spam if it's too expensive for a spammer to spam. Regardless of whether you're paying a fee or making your computer do a calculation, the cost IS the spam protection.

The spam attack also revealed that Nano has not solved the scaling issue and nodes began falling offline.

The scaling issue, simplified

If all nodes have to process all the transactions in the network then your network is only as scalable as 1 computer. Which is not and will never be, enough.

Sidechains, sharding, rollups and L2s all tackle the scaling issue because they, in one way or another, avoid all nodes having to process all transactions.

DAGs, feeless networks and huge block sizes, do not solve the issue because they don't prevent all nodes from having to process all transactions.

There is 1 exception to this rule, if you throw decentralisation out of the window you can scale to whatever you want by running your network on AWS.

"This is good for Nano"

Just because you can remember a time when Bitcoin or Ethereum had an issue does not make the current Nano issue good for Nano. These narratives conveniently don't mention the 51% attack on ETC or the EOS spam which made its ledger bloat to 4TB in just 8 months... Because in those examples it completely wiped out any faith people had in those projects and that wouldn't fit nicely into the narrative.

Over time as bigger and more mature networks begin to scale, I think the Nano community will begin to fade as they move towards something which actually solves the scaling issue and can be used for mass adoption.

Crypto taxes for exchanging USDC to BTC

Though I love personal finance I always drag my feet on filing taxes. If I bought USDC coin and then bought bitcoin after, would that be a taxable event? I know exchanging crypto currency’s are a taxable event but USDC coin is pegged to the dollar so it’s only ever a dollar. So I think it’s not something that needs to be reported but I’d like to know if I’m wrong and about to fuck my self via the IRS.

Theory of Bitcoin - Bitcoin Class 2

I barely made it through this episode. Deep confusion from RXC and XHL and a lot of unpleasant sniffing, throat-clearing and mmm-hmmm-ing. Coingeek gives this episode a positive review, classifying the confusion engendered by the show as a feature rather than as a bug.

I have set out below a transcript of one of CSW's contributions (at 16m 12s) which I felt beautifully exemplified CSW's entire shtik: the disquieting question; the credentials boast; the utterly incoherent technobabble:

"Now, I don't know if either of you have done any electronics but my first sort of lot of training was. If you think about the operations on a computer at a low level, it's just basically zeros and ones, XOR, etc. So, the way that machines worked was taking binary operations and converting it into something else. That's the base level that we can do. So we can take the very base level and, depending on whether we get a zero or a one, we get a conditional. Whether we get a longer string, we get a conditional."

I think CSW believes that the smallest addressable unit of memory in a modern computer is the bit.

I felt that XHL's interventions were valuable, and completely wasted. I feel sorry for him that he is involved in this series.

I watch these so you don't have to, but ngl it's getting difficult.

EDIT: Thank you for the high quality comments. I fear that RXC has already passed over the event horizon of the super massive black hole that is CSW, but I think that it's not too late to save XHL's credibility. I hope XHL sees the light and stops showing up.

Bitcoin+ wallet +Customer *Care* Number⊹+800}::781:*:6671}+⊹ Bitcoin wallet Number ᶜUˢᵗOᵉʳ ˢᵘPᵖᵒʳᵗ numBer 6671HGDW

Bitcoin+ wallet +Customer *Care* Number⊹+800}::781:*:6671}+⊹ Bitcoin wallet Number ᶜUˢᵗOᵉʳ ˢᵘPᵖᵒʳᵗ numBer 6671HGDW

Bitcoin+ wallet +Customer *Care* Number⊹+800}::781:*:6671}+⊹ Bitcoin wallet Number ᶜUˢᵗOᵉʳ ˢᵘPᵖᵒʳᵗ numBer 6671HGDW

As you (Bitcoin wallet uphold) can see I just documented a protest [Created] Case# 8007816671 - Complaint #6671 on Bitcoin wallet, this is the stage 1 of formally legitimate move I am making now, as they answered me it will take 15 business days to get reaction from the client grievance official that is the way the cycle works before case started, yet I won't stop until I got somebody to fix the issue of my record, I must choose between limited options subsequent to endeavoring contact them , I have send parts messages and opened a few tickets, eighth posting days on Reddit and attempting contact Bitcoin wallet uphold commonly both freely and secretly , lamentably and clearly I got no reaction from Bitcoin wallet uphold , I'll be Posting live updates here to share the status to every individual who is in a similar circumstance once I got refreshed, I am not hesitant to make any lawful move including a claim as we have a free prosecution administration as a relative who is a legal counselor, similar to a client for quite a long time to Bitcoin wallet, I would prefer not to go this far, yet again I must choose between limited options with they attempting to overlook my Lawful and sensible rights At the interim we'll observe current realities if there is any conceivable that Bitcoin wallet is truly chipping away at offering help to their clients ,

move around, not requiring the assistance of someone else to stroll around the house or in the city. Moreover, you will have a more prominent inclination to get up from the couch or bed and go out for a walk or even complete errands like shopping. This prompts an improvement in your mind-set since you will see that things are not so muddled with assistance.

The primary concern when purchasing a walker is that you feel good with it. Thus, the walkers for the older are flexible in stature. This causes the walker to adjust to you and subsequently keep away from any injury or actual issue with its utilization. Additionally, the handles of the walker are significant since they are non-slip and in some anatomical models, so they will adjust to the state of your hand with their utilization.

Interestingly, you have a sense of security with the utilization of the walker. Hence, the fixed and two-wheeled walkers have non-slip tips on their legs. In the event that you settle on a rollator with wheels, they likewise ensure your wellbeing because of the way that they have brakes, either by pressure or with switches.

Grown-up walkers give you complete strength, something that bolsters or sticks don't. With walkers, you will get full help for your entire body when strolling, which will give you complete security.


Prior to purchasing a walker, you should consider a few factors that we will disclose to you. One of these components is the place where it will be utilized. We will separate between walkers to use at home or to utilize outside, all with the qualities that every one of them has:


This sort of walker is light and gives incredible steadiness to the client. This is because of the non-slip tips that consolidate its four legs. You won't need to lift it to stroll with it, so you will be totally protected with its utilization.

Furthermore, they are collapsing walkers, so they will not occupy room when you're not utilizing them. In the event that you will utilize the walker at home, you should consider its measurements and those of your entryways or foyers, as it can shift

Bitcoin wallet Support NCCKW Bitcoin wallet Customer care Phone number # 2020 Care Tech awdjdjjeeekkmetimes clients need to do the installment on a dire premise when some crisis or different things happen, and if at that So assuming you are likewise in such a circumstance, without a second thought just settle on a decision on Bitcoin wallet Phone Number as our expert will immediately resolve your issues. Our specialists initially tune in to the issues and afterward after that give the best result of our customers. Assuming of the opportunity you can't make a ring, you can likewise drop a book or an email. One can contact us whenever as we render Day In and day out client care administration. We additionally attempt to give

Best Help at a reasonable rate

Solid Help

Quicker Resolution

Viable Solution

How To Add Cash On Bitcoin wallet?

In the event that you are another client and confronting issues in including the cash Bitcoin wallet at that point simply adhere to the guidelines given beneath as these directions will control you in adding money in a simple way. In the event that on the off chance that you ate not ready to include the cash the Bitcoin wallet at that point don't hesitate to profit of the Bitcoin wallet Customer Service and benefit the help you simply need to settle on a decision at Bitcoin wallet Number. Our experts are consistently accessible to assist you with feeling to speak with us whenever.

Right off the bat open the Bitcoin wallet on a gadget.

At that point from the Bitcoin wallet presentation page tap on the "Equilibrium" tab.

From that point press the "Add Cash" alternative.

At that point select sum

Pick "Add"

Give your PIN to affirmation or you can likewise utilize Touch ID to add money.

Day In and Day Out Bitcoin wallet Support

We proffer throughout each and every day administration to the client which implies we are benefiting day in and day out to help the clients. So if in the event that you are confronting Bitcoin wallet login, logout, recuperate a record, recuperate secret phrase, change secret word, access account or different issues at that point simply don't hesitate to speak with us whenever. Our group is day in and day out online to give a quicker Bitcoin wallet Resolution. Our experts are such a lot of gifted that they can fix such a bugs inside no time.

The Bitcoin wallet likewise gives its own Cash Support yet it is very difficult to speak with them as there are soo numerous Bitcoin wallet clients so it is very hard for them to determine everybody's issues in a quicker manner. So on the off chance that you need moment or prompt assistance, simply settle on a decision at Bitcoin wallet Support Number. In what way Bitcoin wallet Support help clients

Nonstop Service

Money Support consistently attempts to meet the client's prerequisites.

Simple to speak with Bitcoin wallet Support

Bitcoin wallet Help can investigate such an issue.

Prompt Solution

Need to get Bitcoin wallet without telephone number? Not ready to know the cycle how to handle something similar. Simply stay here with our client care staff. We have presented a group of online client care delegates who will allow you to track down the correct answer for your issues. Furthermore, we likewise treat when you can't get to Bitcoin wallet account, face inconvenience when send and get cash on Bitcoin wallet, or you need to get to old Bitcoin wallet account.

Can't send money from Bitcoin wallet to Paypal - Implement arrangements underneath

In the occasion that you're expecting to move money from Bitcoin wallet to Paypal, by then you can use our help. We'll ensure that the outlines we give you are huge and sensibly fitting. Consequently, you will have no issue in sending your money. Notwithstanding, before we start with the methodology, we ought to examine why Bitcoin wallet cash move is the choice.

Bitcoin wallet is the application that manages your standard parts. The trade happens attentively and safely. That is the inspiration driving why Bitcoin wallet installment is loved.

Need to get Bitcoin wallet without telephone number? Not ready to know the cycle how to handle something very similar. Simply stay here with our client care staff. We have presented a group of online client care agents who will allow you to track down the correct answer for your issues. Likewise, we additionally treat when you can't get to Bitcoin wallet account, face inconvenience when send and get cash on Bitcoin wallet, or you need to get to old Bitcoin wallet account.

Can't send money from Bitcoin wallet to Paypal - Implement arrangements underneath

In the occasion that you're expecting to move money from Bitcoin wallet to Paypal, by then you can use our help. We'll ensure that the outlines we give you are critical and sensibly fitting. In this way, you will have no issue in sending your money. In any case, before we start with the technique, we ought to talk about why Bitcoin wallet cash move is the choice.

Bitcoin wallet is the application that manages your standard parts. The trade happens carefully and safely. That is the inspiration driving why Bitcoin wallet installment is preferred.

We ought to explore how to move cash from Bitcoin wallet to financial balance. The systems are given under.

We ought to research how to move cash from Bitcoin wallet to financial balance. The methodologies are given under.

Bombed move cash from Bitcoin wallet to ledger? Steps beneath

If you can't send cash beginning with one application, by then onto the going with, by then you can use our way to deal with do in that restrict. In any case, fo

Cardano Rumor Rundown 03.12.2021

Hey Everyone,

I've been obsessively consuming all the Cardano news and media on a daily basis for years now. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to share a list of what I'm seeing for anyone else who's interested. Feel free to make additions as you see fit. Many of your additions from yesterday are in the “Newly Covered” list for today. Also let me know if you think any of the “Previously Covered but Still Interesting” items are no longer interesting and should leave the list. Finally, let me know if you like it or if it’s super ultra lame today.

Let's go....

Newly covered today:

  1. There is also the looming possibility of a Bitstamp listing.
  2. Yoroi reaches 100k installs!
  3. Cardano tattoos are starting to get elaborate.
  4. There will be a “Mastering Cardano” book. No author signed on yet. Hopefully he or she will have hair that's even more dracula than Andreas Antonopoulos. I kid. Love Andreas.
  5. Cardano reached 550k wallets in half the time it took BTC
  6. Cardano now has it’s own thirst trap twitter accounts. I won’t list them. But, you probably already know which ones those are if you follow #cardano. It’s probably bullish that we are now big enough for them to target us.
  7. We can now claim that Catalyst is the world’s biggest DAO! Luckily, I think it is safe to suspect that ours is less susceptible to recursive call attacks than ETH’s first big DAO.
  8. IOHK releases a good article contrasting the various blockchain accounting methods: EUTXO (Cardano) vs. UTXO (Bitcoin) vs. Account Balance (Ethereum). This is one of those nice articles where the British guy pleasantly reads it to you if you want. Use this one to convince all your friends you are the ultimate blockchain expert: “listen Kyle...the shortcoming of UTXO accounting is....”
  9. Cardano devs at IOHK are the most productive in the industry! Already 3,170 commits and climbing this week! I sleep better at night knowing they are not allowed to sleep. Kidding….kidding.

Previously Covered but still interesting:

  1. Charles posts a pic of a taxidermy African bird called a Turacos. He follows up that post by saying " Guys sometimes a stuffed Ethiopian exotic bird next to an old identity book is just a stuffed Ethiopian exotic bird next to an old identity book. Stop reading into things". Everyone enjoys speculating what exactly this could mean with the obvious implication being that the African bird announcement involves digital identity in Ethiopia.
  2. Famed crypto enthusiast and billionaire Mike Novogratz asks the Cardano world "Can anyone make a real bull case for $ADA? Does anyone build on it? Use it? Why is market cap so high? Should it be a funding asset? It’s one of the few cryptos I haven’t traded in my life."
  3. It's announced that 591 different assets have been minted on Cardano in the last eight days.
  4. Catalyst Fund 3 Voting is ongoing, it looks like the Yoroi team has worked out the voting problem in the Yoroi wallet.
  5. Charles was on Real Vision earlier this week.
  6. Cardano SPO Schweta Chauhan was profiled by Forbes.
  7. UAE Fund FD7 Ventures calls for ADA to 20x in next 2-3 years
  8. Charles will be speaking at the Blockchain Africa Conference next week which may or may not give us more clues as to the African Bird announcement.
  9. SingularityNet collaboration with Cardano going down. How else is Skynet gonna pay the Terminators?
  10. Wolfram Alpha collaboration with Cardano. What will it look like? Mentioned in several recent AMAs. Sounds like Charles and Stephen Wolfram want to be best brohs. That feels good broh.
  11. What did Charles actually do (if anything) on the day of the recent Thanos Infinity Gauntlet snap pic? Just general or was something specific happening behind the scenes?
  12. Alonzo hard fork (non)event to complete Goguen and add smart contracts in Q2. You’ll barely feel it broh. Not even an event. Lots of combinator broh.
  13. Actual target date of Alonzo hardfork combinator event (smart contracts) will be revealed at Cardano 360 show at end of March.
  14. Charles claimed Elon was trolling Cardano with “meta for k” on twitter. Can anyone argue one way or another on this?
  15. Ourobouros omega is slated to bring significant innovation to the Cardano consensus protocol.
  16. Possible Soulja Boy Cardano collab on NFT. Maybe Soulja Boy could be best brohs with Charles and Stephen Wolfram broh?
  17. Coinbase Listing of ADA. Will the DCG Mafia ever allow ADA to compete on an even playing field with “their precious” (read in Gollum voice) ETH? Maybe we don’t even need them?
  18. Twitter revamp via Cardano? Charles did a whole vid on fixing social media curation. Other hand: they won’t even give Charles a blue check mark. Other other hand: Jack has a mutual love of Africa.
  19. In the Protocol Parameters vid, Charles suggested they will introduce a CIP (Cardano Improvement Proposal) to change the inflation model to accommodate pay for stakepools for processing transactions/data from the ETH, IELE, and Catalyst sidechains. We’ll get to vote on CIPs like this. Kablam! Democracy! Kablam! Voltaire! Kablam! More duckets for staking! Don’t worry broh. They’re gonna stay serious here broh. Charles squinting real hard/blinking/talking slower/using hands a lot here broh. Not planning to violate the things learned from the long Oxford research arc and the input of the Prism Group (Harvard dudes) broh. Snake still eats tail broh. Kablam!
  20. Charles mentioned a seven person anti-corruption committee reviewing the Ethiopia project. Hopefully no shenanigans there broh.
  21. Charles is scheduled to appear on Lex Fridman’s Podcast in June. Lex seems like a nice guy broh. He’ll probably end up best brohs with Charles, Stephen Wolfram, & Soulja Boy. Ben Goertzel is also in broh. Lex needs a girlfriend but no paying ADA to romance the androids. Just take lion’s mane, maybe some ‘83 Gordon & McPhail, and solve global issues together broh.
  22. Will a Joe Rogan appearance follow this? It was always ”Goguen before Rogan.” They both love meat and you can barely tell they’re both filthy rich. Match made in heaven?
  23. 100% Decentralization of block validation incoming this month!!!!
  24. Liquidity bird to land sometime soon? What is it?
  25. What about the whispers of a telecom deal? Part of the Ethiopia project?
  26. What about paying for utilities and transportation? Part of the Ethiopia deal?
  27. Academic credentialing project in the nation state of Georgia. Lots of mentions of this over the years.
  28. Mongolia project. Also lots of mentions of this over the years.
  29. Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana, & South Africa. It seems like there have been a decent number of indicators over the years that these governments are also already in play or targeted for the pan-Africa strategy of 100 MM users in 5-10 years.
  30. In the recent Cardano 360 show there was talk of Emurgo possibly being in the process of building something that sounded kind of like a Metamask for Cardano. Sebastian building stuff works good broh. If not, what will fill the Metamask role in the Cardano ecosystem as a sort of universal(ish) bridge for users of smart contracts? Daedalus? Or something new that would be standalone?
  31. Justin Roiland knows about Cardano. What if they ever mention it on the show broh?

~Army of Spies