Sunday, December 19, 2021

Moabie | P4S | Private Plex Servers & $5 Plex/Emby Shares | Powered by EverlyCDN | 28+ Locations - All Continents | 22K Movies | 5.5K TV | Local Storage | 500 4K Remux + 300 4K TV | Anime & Kids TV | 50% Off First Month for Appboxes | IPTV - 20K Channels - Worldwide - EPG + CATCHUP + VOD

Type: P4S

Payment: Credit/Debit & Bitcoin

Location: Europe - Germany (All connections and streams will go through EverlyCDN - not here)


  • Powered by EverlyCDN
  • 28+ Locations
  • All Continents Supported
  • Included with All Products
  • Check your coverage at Everly

Storage: 100% Local Storage within a private network

Content Offered (Approximately):

  • Movies - ~22000
  • TV Shows - ~3500
  • 4K Remux - ~500
  • 4K TV - ~ 300
  • Kids TV - ~500
  • Anime ~300


  • Automated Requests via Discord or Dashboard (choice)
  • Management Dashboards
  • EverlyCDN
  • Support Tickets via Dashboard Tickets, Store Tickets, or via Discord
  • Discord Community

Products Offered:


  • $10 - 2 Transcodes/4 Concurrent Streams
  • $20 - 4 Transcodes/6 Concurrent Streams
  • $30 - 6 Transcodes/10 Concurrent Streams
  • $50 - 10 Transcodes/20 Concurrent Streams

Plex & Emby Shares:

  • $4.99 - 2 Concurrent Streams w/ All Content Included (Additional Streams - $2 per)

IPTV Features:

  • 50K+ MOVIES
  • 8K+ TV SHOWS
  • 60FPS Streams
  • All PPV Events Covered
  • 24/7 Channels
  • Adult Channels - Optional (Included by Default - Please specify)



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This project has Modern technologies, a good team, fast dynamics of development. best of luck. Thank you for keeping us informed of all events and actively developing the project! #dao #pafdao #bitcoin #crypto

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Moabie | P4S | Private Plex Servers & $5 Plex/Emby Shares | Powered by EverlyCDN | 28+ Locations - All Continents | 22K Movies | 4.5K TV | Local Storage | 500 4K Remux + 300 4K TV | Anime & Kids TV | 50% Off First Month for Appboxes | IPTV - 20K Channels - Worldwide - EPG + CATCHUP + VOD

Type: P4S

Payment: Credit/Debit & Bitcoin

Location: Europe - Germany (All connections and streams will go through EverlyCDN - not here)


  • Powered by EverlyCDN
  • 28+ Locations
  • All Continents Supported
  • Included with All Products
  • Check your coverage at Everly

Storage: 100% Local Storage within a private network

Content Offered (Approximately):

  • Movies - ~22000
  • TV Shows - ~3500
  • 4K Remux - ~500
  • 4K TV - ~ 300
  • Kids TV - ~500
  • Anime ~300


  • Automated Requests via Discord or Dashboard (choice)
  • Management Dashboards
  • EverlyCDN
  • Support Tickets via Dashboard Tickets, Store Tickets, or via Discord
  • Discord Community

Products Offered:


  • $10 - 2 Transcodes/4 Concurrent Streams
  • $20 - 4 Transcodes/6 Concurrent Streams
  • $30 - 6 Transcodes/10 Concurrent Streams
  • $50 - 10 Transcodes/20 Concurrent Streams

Plex & Emby Shares:

  • $4.99 - 2 Concurrent Streams w/ All Content Included (Additional Streams - $2 per)

IPTV Features:

  • 50K+ MOVIES
  • 8K+ TV SHOWS
  • 60FPS Streams
  • All PPV Events Covered
  • 24/7 Channels
  • Adult Channels - Optional (Included by Default - Please specify)



50% off first month on any Appbox using promo code - "urethracactus"

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DEFI 101: What are smart contracts? (Blog post version)


Smart Contracts

As cryptocurrency becomes more prevalent every day, there is a growing importance for people to become educated and understand what is going on in the space. One of the most important concepts in cryptocurrency, and a driving force behind creating the utility crypto has today, is smart contracts. Smart contract code controls most of what goes on behind the scenes to make decentralized ecosystems work. However, even though smart contracts are vital to how cryptocurrencies work, they remain unknown to many investing and participating in the space.

This article is an introduction to smart contracts and how smart contracts work. Education is vital and an understanding of smart contracts will help everyone do their own research on the smart contracts that will become a bigger part of their life, whether they are invested in cryptocurrency or not.

What is a smart contract?

A smart contract is code, operating on the blockchain, that runs when certain conditions are met. Smart contracts enable two parties to enter into an agreement without a third party intermediary. The contracts automate transactions and secure them using blockchain technologies. There is added security, increased efficiency, and lower costs because transactions are able to happen peer-to-peer.

Security comes from the fact that all parties are able to inspect the smart contract code on the blockchain and understand what the code will do when they interact with it. Transactions cannot be altered after they take place, the transaction will always be reviewable. Since the code will run as written, consider checking if the smart contract has been audited by a trusted third party source.

Increased efficiency happens because smart contracts run automatically without a third party intermediary. There is no waiting for normal business hours, the transaction happens when the conditions are met.

Lower costs are a result of fewer steps in the process. There is no outside party that needs to be compensated for time or effort. The smart contract just runs how it was programmed to run.

The term “smart contract” was first introduced by Nick Szabo, a computer scientist and legal scholar, in 1994. He compared them to vending machines, where you insert money and press a button knowing that a corresponding item would be dispensed. There is no need for a middle man in the transaction because you enter into an agreement with the vending machine knowing what will happen after you follow certain steps. He saw the value in digital smart contracts by being able to automatically execute certain terms of a traditional contract.

Bitcoin introduced rudimentary smart contracts but it wasn’t until the release of the Ethereum blockchain in 2015 that smarts contracts truly took off.

Ethereum smart contracts allowed developers to be more creative and programming languages such as Solidity gave developers the tools to innovate on what was possible. Decentralized applications, or dApps, are programs that run off of one or more smart contracts on the blockchain and benefit from many of the same benefits smart contracts and blockchains provide.

How do Smart Contracts work?

Smart Contracts work by executing code when certain parameters occur. They typically follow if-then conditional logic. If X happens, then the smart contract will make Y happen.

Developers create the smart contract program and deploy it to the blockchain where it becomes immutable. Anyone can see the code which provides transparency regarding what will happen if the smart contract is interacted with.

When the conditions of the smart contract are met, the program is run on the blockchain and the transaction is then secured on the blockchain forever. 

Benefits of Smart Contracts

Benefits of smart contracts include speed of transactions, trustless transactions, and low cost transactions.

Since there is no third party involved, smart contracts on the blockchain are able to settle transactions from seconds to at most hours depending on network congestion, even the high end of hours is significantly shorter than the days required by traditional escrow services.

Most people are familiar with how long it takes for transactions to show up on their bank statement or for refunds to be processed back to their card. Those are all delays associated with the use of a third party intermediary for payments. Smart contracts remove those steps to create a transaction that can be processed much faster.

An issue with peer-to-peer transactions is being able to trust the other party. For example, if you meet up with someone to buy a toaster, the toaster could end up being broken or the check used to pay for it could bounce. There is a level of trust that needs to take place for people to feel safe about any transaction.

Smart contracts provide this security by making the transaction trustless, both parties are given assurance because the smart contract will only run if both parties fulfill their obligations.

Low costs are another benefit of smart contracts. Removing extra steps in the transaction process removes extra costs. Instead of paying for a third party to process paperwork, the smart contract takes care of everything automatically. This means that the transaction can occur with minimal fees.

Applications of Smart Contracts

Supply Chain

Smart contracts can be used to make the supply chain more efficient. Information can be transmitted in real time to keep everyone informed about where items are along the chain. Documents can be automatically generated as shipments are checked in. For example, a bill of lading can be generated when the carrier arrives at a destination. This helps to keep track of shipments and cuts down on steps that can delay the process.


Smart contracts are useful for insurance because they can automate payouts. Insurance payouts can potentially take months or longer to process. The information is transparent to everyone involved and administrative costs are reduced. The smart contract ties the insurance policy to certain real world events and can automatically payout if those events take place. Smart contracts use oracles, nodes on the blockchain that allow real world data to be accessible, to verify if events take place.

Decentralized Finance

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is powered by the use of smart contracts. DeFi opens up the potential for any person to be involved in finance without the need for an expensive middleman. The transparent, high speed, and low cost nature of smart contracts make DeFi viable. Smart contracts enable lending, borrowing, and providing liquidity among other uses.


Smart contracts are used in NFTs to ensure a fair distribution when minting digital assets. They allow the ownership history of each NFT to be tracked and the legitimacy to be proven on the blockchain. Also, royalty payments to benefit the original artist from subsequent sales are executed based on the original code

Loss of trust in banks, exchanges, the stock market and governments are the main reason why Bitcoin and Cryptos (particularly DeFi) will prevail in the long run.

When thinking about crypto from a macro economic perspective and trying to stay away from the short term FUD and noise I think the main reason why, in the long run, Bitcoin and Cryptos will prevail is because an entire generation (Millennials and below) are losing trust in Banks, the stock market and governments in the US but also around the world.

Millennials might not account for much as we speak with only 5% of all US wealth (CNBC Source) but this will change progressively as boomers pass on over $68 Trillion to millennials (FORBES Source) making them the richest generation in America’s history! Although not all that money will go in Cryptos we can expect the an increasing amount money will be invested in this new asset class. A recent survey shows that 83% of millennials already own cryptos (CNBC source).

The hypocrisy of the government wanting to regulate cryptos “because it’s used for fraudulent purposes” while bailing out banks time after time knows no limit. Now don't get me wrong, some regulations are needed for cryptos but for the right reasons... to protect retails investors against scams and not to prevent them from making money because it displeases the old guard.

Here are some recent events that have contributed to erode trust in central systems:

- The GME Case (Game Stop) where brokers and exchanges such as Robinhood blocked buying the stock, allowing only to sell because it suited hedge funds shorting the stock and against retail traders (how ironic for a company named Robinhood). (Source)

- The US central bank printing roughly 30% (or more) of all dollars in existence in the last 12 months causing inflation to spike to highest level for nearly 40 years (BBC Source) and just recently raising its debt ceiling by another $2.5 trillion (NYT Source).

- JP Morgan fined $200 million for failing to track work related communication (NYT Source)

- Panama Papers show how the rich, 12 national leaders and 143 politicians are avoiding hundreds of millions in taxes by using off shore accounts. (The Guardian Source).

- Pandora papers also showing how billionaires, 35 world leaders and 300 public officials are using off shores accounts to avoid taxes or for "political donations". (The Guardian Source)

- They US Secretary, Janet Yellen, that wants to regulate cryptos paid $7 millions in speaking fees by banks (The Guardian Source).

- The estimate $498 billion bank bail out of the Sub Prime Crisis (Mitsloan Source). A crisis caused by the bank themselves out of pure greed.

- HSBC, a very anti crypto bank that has blocked transfers to Crypto exchanges quoting that cryptos are used for fraudulent reasons now find $85 million for Anti Money laundering failings (Reuters Source).

Please tell me what other events (not necessarily in the US) have also damaged your trust and I will add them.

TL;DR / Conclusion: The more banks, governments, exchanges and central systems break the trust of Millennials and the more the wealth of boomers is passed on to us the more decentralized alternatives will gain traction. This will increase lobbying power and investments in favor Bitcoin and DeFi. So, find crypto projects that have a promising future, invest ,stake and be patient. It will be a bumpy road but cryptos are here to stay.