Thursday, March 4, 2021

CardanoWall - the simplest way to send Proof of Existence or any text message to the Cardano blockchain

Hello, everyone!

Link first:

Now the story and explanation:
The first phase of Goguen added the possibility to add metadata to a regular transaction. Probably, I was glad about this event even more than Charles himself was. The thing is that four years ago, I wanted to implement a project that would allow anyone to post a word (or better – many words) into Bitcoin's blockchain. That was technically possible, but I've abandoned the idea since I have studied the feasibility of OP_RETURN, and it turned out that it had been possible to post there only 80 bytes. Back then, it was only 40 bytes, which is even worse. One could only boast with such a message only to geek friends who could convert the hexadecimal string into text. So my wife would not understand such a message! 🤔

Cardano has added an excellent opportunity to put into transactions beautiful and structured data of up to 16 Kb in volume. You can view this data in blockchain explorers, such as AdaStat, Cardanoscan, or Cardano Explorer. There are new opportunities to save data permanently, which one might need someday. One of them is the Proof of Existence. I'll explain it for those who don't have a clue what this is:

Every file has a unique hash sum that's calculated based on an algorithm (I've decided to use SHA256 and the size of the file in Bytes). Nobody can create a file with different content but with the same hash sum and size. The blockchain network plays the role of a cryptography notary here. If you send a hash sum of your file to the blockchain, you create proof that your file has been existing in an exact moment. You do not send a file itself into the blockchain – you only send the hash sum. You do not disclose your file's contents to anyone since it is impossible to recreate a file from its hash sum. But the fact that it is impossible to delete or alter information containing in the blockchain allows everyone to use the Proof of Existence to protect digital property. If you have created something with your authorship's copyright, like a book or a musical track, you can send a hash sum to the blockchain to create the Proof of Existence. If you add some additional information, such as your digital signature or author data, you can claim your copyright in the future.

I have loads of ideas about improvements that I plan to implement in CardanoWall. Right now, I have managed to create a workable product, which allows sending a message with any text therein and, in the case of necessity, merely selecting a file from your computer to create the PoE.

Your browser will calculate the hash sums of files and fulfill the required fields. It is important to understand that the entire process occurs only in your browser, so you don't send your files to any server. Sending each transaction into the blockchain isn't free of charge, so I cannot make such a service run on a free basis. A text message has its limitations for line length in Bytes. CardanoWall will automatically adjust the text to the required format, so you don't have to worry about anything. The preview under the text gives a full understanding of how it will look like once posted. Also, I've created it with anonymity in mind, so there is no registration on the website. An email that you enter to the payment field is only needed to send you a unique code with the balance for sending messages.

Since the email is not saved anywhere on my website, try not to lose your balance code since I cannot restore it. You can send any text, so I'm asking you to act eco-friendly. Do not send to blockchain any data that might insult or hurt someone, including the future you. I created this project to bring added value and use the Cardano network's amazing features, in the bright future of which I genuinely believe. Besides, that was my dream for a long time to send 'Hello' to my mom and friends with a blockchain message. So… Hi, dear! Cardano Blockchain is cool! 💐 (

My first official \"Hi\" message.

Best regards,

Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme that uses Pump and Dumps for marketing.

Bitcoin wouldn't have had half of the psychological virulence it has if it didn't combine two winning "get rich quick" formulas together. If you bought at $1,000 in 2013 and it went in a straight line to $3500 in 2019, nobody would care. Just being a pyramid scheme alone isn't enough and is too boring. But because it dumped to $200 and shot up to $20,000, it attracts millions of people. The halving pump and dump is the marketing event that serves the dual purpose of drawing in noobs and letting veterans dump their bags.

Hive blockchain overview: Highlights

• With the recent acquisition of GPU Atlantic HIVE’s data centres now have an additional 50 megawatts of power, taking them to an incredible capacity of 100 megawatts! This puts Hive among the largest and most diversified of any publicly-listed cryptocurrency miner.

• DIVERSIFICATION: Unlike its competitors, hive mines both Bitcoin and Ethereum. As a matter of fact Hive is THE LARGEST ETHEREUM MINER IN THE WORLD! With ETH exponentially growing and constantly gaining popularity, we’re sure all the ETH bulls can agree that Hive Blockchain is an absolute gem 💎

Another note worthy strategy we should point out is that Hive currently has 2 different suppliers for their Bitcoin miners. This plan is highly effective in the event that one of their suppliers experience an issue. Hive will always have an extra supplier ready to fulfill their orders and execute their plans unhindered.

• Will have close to 2.474 Eh/s of operational power by the end of 2021. This number is expected to increase as frank holmes (the ceo of Hive blockchain) has mentioned in their webcast that they have further plans for expansion and growth.

•ETHICAL: HIVE is dedicated to mitigating environmental impact and have built facilities in jurisdictions with access to low-cost green/renewable energy ie. hydro and geothermal energy.

HODL: 21,500 Ethereum 165 Bitcoin (They have mentioned on their webcast that they are now focusing on hodling their coins so we can see these numbers increasing in the coming quarter.)

On paper these number may not look too impressive, however we have to keep in mind that unlike other companies, Hive has done an amazing job keeping shareholder value and hasn’t resorted to diluting their shares to raise money. Hive has proved that they are able to take control of operations on their own by selling some of their coins in order to fund their actions, we have to give credit, where credit is due and acknowledge the fact that hive is the only miner that’s actually profitable and their earnings are expecting to grow even more in the coming quarter.

If you would like to add on to this leave a comment. If there are any errors feel free to correct us. We’d love to hear feedback and grow as a community✌️

Elon’s tweet has to mean something

Elon has been known to be cryptic but usually his tweets lead to something. It doesn’t seem like anything has happened since the SPAC tweet, so I’m wondering if anyone has data regarding his other tweets that lead to something. I’m interested to see if they correlate

Tesla stock too high —> Tesla stock split

Doge/crypto tweets —> Tesla buys a fuckton of Bitcoin

I’m sure theres more but those are the main two off the top of my head, does anyone have data for when the tweet happened vs the event occurring

CardanoWall - the simplest way to send Proof of Existence or any text message to the Cardano blockchain

Hello, everyone!

Link first:

Now the story and explanation:
The first phase of Goguen added the possibility to add metadata to a regular transaction. Probably, I was glad about this event even more than Charles himself was. The thing is that four years ago, I wanted to implement a project that would allow anyone to post a word (or better – many words) into Bitcoin's blockchain. That was technically possible, but I've abandoned the idea since I have studied the feasibility of OP_RETURN, and it turned out that it had been possible to post there only 80 bytes. Back then, it was only 40 bytes, which is even worse. One could only boast with such a message only to geek friends who could convert the hexadecimal string into text. So my wife would not understand such a message! 🤔

Cardano has added an excellent opportunity to put into transactions beautiful and structured data of up to 16 Kb in volume. You can view this data in blockchain explorers, such as AdaStat, Cardanoscan, or Cardano Explorer. There are new opportunities to save data permanently, which one might need someday. One of them is the Proof of Existence. I'll explain it for those who don't have a clue what this is:

Every file has a unique hash sum that's calculated based on an algorithm (I've decided to use SHA256 and the size of the file in Bytes). Nobody can create a file with different content but with the same hash sum and size. The blockchain network plays the role of a cryptography notary here. If you send a hash sum of your file to the blockchain, you create proof that your file has been existing in an exact moment. You do not send a file itself into the blockchain – you only send the hash sum. You do not disclose your file's contents to anyone since it is impossible to recreate a file from its hash sum. But the fact that it is impossible to delete or alter information containing in the blockchain allows everyone to use the Proof of Existence to protect digital property. If you have created something with your authorship's copyright, like a book or a musical track, you can send a hash sum to the blockchain to create the Proof of Existence. If you add some additional information, such as your digital signature or author data, you can claim your copyright in the future.

I have loads of ideas about improvements that I plan to implement in CardanoWall. Right now, I have managed to create a workable product, which allows sending a message with any text therein and, in the case of necessity, merely selecting a file from your computer to create the PoE.

Your browser will calculate the hash sums of files and fulfill the required fields. It is important to understand that the entire process occurs only in your browser, so you don't send your files to any server. Sending each transaction into the blockchain isn't free of charge, so I cannot make such a service run on a free basis. A text message has its limitations for line length in Bytes. CardanoWall will automatically adjust the text to the required format, so you don't have to worry about anything. The preview under the text gives a full understanding of how it will look like once posted. Also, I've created it with anonymity in mind, so there is no registration on the website. An email that you enter to the payment field is only needed to send you a unique code with the balance for sending messages.

Since the email is not saved anywhere on my website, try not to lose your balance code since I cannot restore it. You can send any text, so I'm asking you to act eco-friendly. Do not send to blockchain any data that might insult or hurt someone, including the future you. I created this project to bring added value and use the Cardano network's amazing features, in the bright future of which I genuinely believe. Besides, that was my dream for a long time to send 'Hello' to my mom and friends with a blockchain message. So… Hi, dear! Cardano Blockchain is cool! 💐 (

PS: I also run my stake pool called VICE. I direct its profit to the development and support of the CardanoWall service and the development of my other projects / new ideas I am currently working on to bring more adoption to Cardano. Join my pool and support the decentralization by delegating to private pools!

DarkBook - New Service Launched - FaceBook Styled Darknet Social Network - Feature Rich - Games + More


DarkBook SubDread:



Hash: SHA256

Hello We just launched DarkBook after weeks of work to get it up and running.DarkBook is a Facebook styled Social Network Platform Almost identical to Facebook but without Tracking you , Logging your IP, Showing you endless ads.

We have everything Facebook has + More the site is very interactive.

Please when registering put your chosen username in the First name field and in the Surname field put something like "DarkBook" or something funny DO NOT use real life names and identitys i will delete account that have registered using real names!


Cover and Photo in User Profile: DarkBook is in keeping with the trend of modern social networks. DarkBook provides a user profile with photo and cover..

Groups and Pages: DarkBook lets you create unlimited Fan Pages and unlimited Groups.

Notifications in Real Time: Constantly you will receive notifications in real time. When someone comments on your posts, when someone made like on your posts, etc.

Preview Card: You can see a “preview” of a user profile through an Preview Card.

Live Chat: Chat with your friends using a super modern and very functional chat.

Responsive: 100% mobile responsive design.

Delete and Edit Posts: So that users have control of the contents at all times.

Save Posts: If you do not have time to read right now, then you save it and read it when you have much more time.

Events: Create unlimited events for the activities that you consider necessary.

Marketplace: A store where users can see and publish the products they want.

Library: A place to read and publish articles of your inspiration.

Games: Have fun playing. There is always a time for fun. Even Grand Theft Auto Clone , Call Of Duty And More some of these need a powerfull computer or may judder other run perfectly and run in tor browser no downloads. games are provided by crazygames

I would like to know how the games run in different peoples browsers the GTA was a little juddery in our browser but we are using not a very powerful system to browse.

Other work perfectly. The Call Of Duty game has Xbox like graphics in your tor browser please do not complain if your computer cannot run this properly old laptops will not play some of the games i will be adding Fruit Ninja and other games with lower graphics that will run perfectly in older computers.

Pending Updates:

2FA PGP Login.

PGP Messaging and Live Chat Optional.

Possibly future enable of the Marketplace Module with Bitcoin and Monero Support.


No Porn - If you upload porn videos to your news feed you will be Banned!

No Selling! No Direct Deals. this is not a market vendors may post ads if they have verified themselvs with a signed message! to do this comment below or PM me on DarkBook "DarkBook Admin" or Dread. Verified vendors will be allowed to create a group page with there logo and info Markets you sell on , Products you sell , Contact info for buyers , Price list. You can also use your group to post ads to reach buyers. Public posts will be seen site wide.

What ever happens in private messaged i do not know about and cannot stop but i don't want to see sales being posted publicly on the feed.

No Being a DICK!

If you would like to see a game or feature added please comment below or message us on DarkBook "DarkBook Admin"

You can find our PGP key posted on my profile on the site "DarkBook Admin"


Best Regards,



iQEzBAEBCAAdFiEE3BhC1So5Uu8iRHTTeIIONIZLWxEFAmAhvscACgkQeIIONIZLWxG2gwf8CYyMJWGJNckFXqxPAlBlIGfs4fVshjxC3XEShxYl+22iubOhY91O/iB9x4N7woO+BZFJ+R82FwBZPb7KBuY0igzUWjpR52nRp/Hn7RRoxIrpvrbcuLBqshAziiHC1eLaMptIT4vZtgmZr+lZZ9x+PZxBlImwaKujRP4Wx4nUYJwIyZ23N/fcXwKKllXTd0JjtojM9KuNouUGle+4fbHEd9QMLcW2HhrQxPPxzESdsWAGZmkffXcZDVUpyBG/F1BRJ9J5jnMefZrS0Krmpmn5U1Vete/sFRZghnqmKfwD1SpxwyO8MhW600+fnfFcVSWh0u6RHv7i77QX75OL1/dGxQ===S3Wr-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Why BTC?

I’ve been trying to get my friends and family members into adding some bitcoin to their traditional investments the last couple of months. They seem to have general interests especially given its recent performance and influx of institutions commenting on it but there they still have some questions. Any help answering them and getting some more information would be extremely helpful!

  1. I don't see how buying a house or lambs without a 3 party is more beneficial? Wire cost $25 and funds are held by an insured escrow party like the title insurance company who verify funds are in place and deeds are proper in form and will take the liability to properly record that interest. For securing payment, okay, but why would a wire or bank check or letter of credit not suffice? Also, if it has evolved from p2p what has it or what will it evolve into? If it's not for p2p then what is the demand that will keep the value pushing higher (limited supply needs demand)? Or demand to keep computing power available? My ultimate question I'm asking is what is the endgame for btc? Year 2040 no more being mined. What does the world look like with btc?

  2. We have escrow services already for legal goods. I don't understand how btc solves this? Can I do chargeback or fraud protection or extended warranty like with credit cards?

  3. Lightning fee is less secure. So for small related transactions seems okay but any charges as cost of transaction buyer has to pay will be frowned upon. Like buyer paying a fee for coffee, not the coffee shop. Imagine if coffee shop asked you pay merchantile fee. That's why seller/stores eat the merchantile fees. Do you think cost of retail goods will be lowered if btc is used? Seems unlikely they will pass that savings on. Also for larger purposes one may want a secure block those fees would higher than current fees e.g. Wire or bank check.

  4. How is store of value achieved if demand is based on p2p?


  1. So many altcoins and central banks from other countries have released or plan to release there own. How does btc stand alone with so many alternatives? How does it maintain an edge?

  2. The case for btc for illegal good is easy to make. Used to be cash or works of art would be used but as cash goes down, more and more is needed or need an art appraisal to verify real deal. Billions of value could now fit in your pocket and can be sent from anywhere anonymously. Why would govts allow this type of structure to exist unless 1. they owned it or 2. They taxed it heavily. A hypothetical case to ban would be a 9/11 event funded by btc or cartels using btc for weapons drugs.

I'm having trouble figuring the user need for btc p2p. Seems like strategy is to just hold it and then at some point swap it for cash other asset (real estate) if that's possible. Who is using it for transactions then? Is the only long term value derived from everyone just holding furthering shorting supply due to little demand?

Bitcoin Customer (Service) Number⊹⊹𝟭𝟖𝟖𝟖}𝖝::𝟒𝟏𝟕𝖝::𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎}⊹⊹⫸ Bitcoin Number ᶜᵘˢᵗᵒᵐᵉʳ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗ number 7832HGDW

Bitcoin Customer (Service) Number⊹⊹𝟭𝟖𝟖𝟖}𝖝::𝟒𝟏𝟕𝖝::𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎}⊹⊹⫸ Bitcoin Number ᶜᵘˢᵗᵒᵐᵉʳ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗ number 7832HGDW

Bitcoin Customer (Care) Number⊹⊹𝟭𝟖𝟖𝟖}𝖝::𝟒𝟏𝟕𝖝::𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎}⊹⊹⫸ Bitcoin Number ᶜᵘˢᵗᵒᵐᵉʳ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗ number 7832HGDW

Bitcoin finally solved the issue yesterday, 👏👏👏, I wish and I also believe that your problem will be solved sooner or later, just hang in here for a little more time!

As you (Bitcoin support) can see I just filed a complaint [Created] Case# 04289876756 - Complaint #04234613 on Bitcoin, this is the step 1 of officially legal action I am taking now, as they replied me it will take 15 business days to get response from the customer complaint officer that is how the process works before litigation initiated, but I will not stop until I got someone to fix the issue of my account, I have no choice after attempting reach out to them , I have send lots emails and opened several tickets, 8th posting days on Reddit and trying contact Bitcoin support many times both publicly and privately , unfortunately and obviously I got no response from Bitcoin support , I'll be Posting live updates here to share the status to everyone who is in the same situation once I got updated, I am not afraid to take any legal action including a lawsuit as we have a free litigation service as a family member who is a lawyer, as being a customer for years to Bitcoin, I don’t want to go this far, but again I have no choice with they trying to ignore my Lawful and reasonable rights At the meantime we’ll witness the facts if there is any possible that Bitcoin is really working on providing support to their customers ,

move around, not needing the help of another person to walk around the house or on the street. In addition, you will have a greater predisposition to get up from the sofa or bed and go out for a walk or even carry out tasks such as shopping. This leads to an improvement in your mood since you will see that things are not so complicated with help.

The main thing when buying a walker is that you feel comfortable with it. For this reason, the walkers for the elderly are adjustable in height. This makes the walker adapt to you and thus avoid any injury or physical problem with its use. Also, the handles of the walker are important since they are non-slip and in some anatomical models, so they will adapt to the shape of your hand with their use.

The most important thing is that you feel safe with the use of the walker. For this reason, the fixed and two-wheeled walkers have non-slip tips on their legs. If you decide on a rollator with wheels, they also guarantee your safety thanks to the fact that they have brakes, either by pressure or with levers.

Adult walkers give you total stability, something that crutches or canes don't. With walkers, you will get full support for your whole body when walking, which will give you total security.


Before buying a walker, you must take into account several factors that we will explain to you. One of these factors is where it will be used. We will differentiate between walkers to use at home or to use outdoors, all with the characteristics that each of them has:


This type of walker is light and provides great stability to the user. This is due to the non-slip tips that incorporate its four legs. You will not have to lift it to walk with it, so you will be completely safe with its use.

In addition, they are folding walkers, so they won't take up space when you're not using them. If you are going to use the walker at home, you should take into account its dimensions and those of your doors or hallways, as it can vary

Bitcoin Support NCCKW Bitcoin Customer care Phone number # 2020 Care Tech awdjdjjeeekkmetimes users need to do the payment on an urgent basis when some emergency or other things occur, and if at that So if you are also in this sort of situation then without hesitation simply make a call on Bitcoin Phone Number as our professional will instantly resolve your issues. Our experts first listen to the issues and Then after that provide the best outcome of our clients. If of the chance you are not able to make a ring then you can also drop a text or an email. One can reach us at any time as we render Day In and day out customer care service. We also try to provide-

Best Help at an affordable rate

Reliable Help

Faster Resolution

Effective Solution

How To Add Cash On Bitcoin?

If you are a new user and facing issues in adding the money on Bitcoin then just follow the instructions given below as these instructions will guide you in adding cash in an easy manner. If in case you ate not able to add the money on the Bitcoin then feel free to avail of the Bitcoin Customer Service and avail the service you just need to make a call at Bitcoin Number. Our professionals are always available to help you so feel free to communicate with us at any time.

Firstly open the Bitcoin on a device.

Then from the Bitcoin landing page tap on the "Balance" tab.

Thereafter press the "Add Cash" option.

Then select amount

Choose "Add"

Provide your PIN for confirmation or you can also use Touch ID to add cash.

Day In & Day Out Bitcoin Support

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Bitcoin login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Bitcoin Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Bitcoin also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Bitcoin users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Bitcoin Support Number. In what manner Bitcoin Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.

Easy to communicate with Bitcoin Support

Bitcoin Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

Want to get Bitcoin without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Bitcoin account, face trouble when send and receive money on Bitcoin, or you want to access old Bitcoin account.

Can't send cash from Bitcoin to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Bitcoin to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Bitcoin money transfer is the decision.

Bitcoin is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Bitcoin payment is liked.

Want to get Bitcoin without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Bitcoin account, face trouble when send and receive money on Bitcoin, or you want to access old Bitcoin account.

Can't send cash from Bitcoin to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Bitcoin to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Bitcoin money transfer is the decision.

Bitcoin is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Bitcoin payment is liked.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Bitcoin to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Bitcoin to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

Failed transfer money from Bitcoin to bank account? Steps below

In the event that you can't send money starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then you can utilize our approach to do in that limit. Nonetheless, for that, first, you'll need to send the cash to the bank. By then you can receive money from Bitcoin in an aberrant way. In any case, on the off chance that you try to send cash truly starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then Bitcoin transfer failed will show up. Subsequently, to manage this, you can utilize the suggestions that are recorded underneath.

Open the application

Before long tap on the equalization tab elective

Go down and you'll get the Cash out tab

Tap on the tab

Set the total you need to send the bank

Press the Cash out tab

Pick between standard or second choice

Contact the scanner for the check reason

You'll get an accreditation spring upon the effective certification

Tap on the choice done

These are the techniques by which you can get money off Bitcoin without Cash card and send it to the budgetary equality. On the off chance that you need to send money from Paypal to Bitcoin, by then you'll apply an equivalent stunt. All the between application partitions are blocked. Thusly, on the off chance that you're thinking to transfer money from Apple pay to Bitcoin, by then first exchange cash to the bank. You'll need to get money off Bitcoin and send it to the record so as to get the issue settled.


Essentially, you can do a ton of methods on Bitcoin. Regardless, on the off chance that you need to proceed with the move from Bitcoin to Paypal, by then you can't do it obviously. You'll need to from the outset add money to Bitcoin and a brief timeframe later you can't get money off Bitcoin without a bank. You'll need to utilize the choice Cash out on Bitcoin to send cash to the bank. The other choice, send money on Bitcoin will move the assets for the bank. Straightforwardly you don't need to pressure, why Bitcoin wont let me send money? You can now satisfactorily move the cash from the bank to Paypal.

In the event that you've tends to like, how much can you send on Bitcoin? How to execute Bitcoin refund or Bitcoin dispute? Why Bitcoin locked message bounces up?

Bitcoin Cash Customer (Service) Number⊹⊹𝟭𝟖𝟖𝟖}𝖝::𝟒𝟏𝟕𝖝::𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎}⊹⊹⫸ Bitcoin Cash Number ᶜᵘˢᵗᵒᵐᵉʳ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗ number 7832HGDW

Bitcoin Cash Customer (Service) Number⊹⊹𝟭𝟖𝟖𝟖}𝖝::𝟒𝟏𝟕𝖝::𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎}⊹⊹⫸ Bitcoin Cash Number ᶜᵘˢᵗᵒᵐᵉʳ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗ number 7832HGDW

Bitcoin Cash Customer (Care) Number⊹⊹𝟭𝟖𝟖𝟖}𝖝::𝟒𝟏𝟕𝖝::𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎}⊹⊹⫸ Bitcoin Cash Number ᶜᵘˢᵗᵒᵐᵉʳ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗ number 7832HGDW

Bitcoin Cash finally solved the issue yesterday, 👏👏👏, I wish and I also believe that your problem will be solved sooner or later, just hang in here for a little more time!

As you (Bitcoin Cash support) can see I just filed a complaint [Created] Case# 04289876756 - Complaint #04234613 on Bitcoin Cash, this is the step 1 of officially legal action I am taking now, as they replied me it will take 15 business days to get response from the customer complaint officer that is how the process works before litigation initiated, but I will not stop until I got someone to fix the issue of my account, I have no choice after attempting reach out to them , I have send lots emails and opened several tickets, 8th posting days on Reddit and trying contact Bitcoin Cash support many times both publicly and privately , unfortunately and obviously I got no response from Bitcoin Cash support , I'll be Posting live updates here to share the status to everyone who is in the same situation once I got updated, I am not afraid to take any legal action including a lawsuit as we have a free litigation service as a family member who is a lawyer, as being a customer for years to Bitcoin Cash, I don’t want to go this far, but again I have no choice with they trying to ignore my Lawful and reasonable rights At the meantime we’ll witness the facts if there is any possible that Bitcoin Cash is really working on providing support to their customers ,

move around, not needing the help of another person to walk around the house or on the street. In addition, you will have a greater predisposition to get up from the sofa or bed and go out for a walk or even carry out tasks such as shopping. This leads to an improvement in your mood since you will see that things are not so complicated with help.

The main thing when buying a walker is that you feel comfortable with it. For this reason, the walkers for the elderly are adjustable in height. This makes the walker adapt to you and thus avoid any injury or physical problem with its use. Also, the handles of the walker are important since they are non-slip and in some anatomical models, so they will adapt to the shape of your hand with their use.

The most important thing is that you feel safe with the use of the walker. For this reason, the fixed and two-wheeled walkers have non-slip tips on their legs. If you decide on a rollator with wheels, they also guarantee your safety thanks to the fact that they have brakes, either by pressure or with levers.

Adult walkers give you total stability, something that crutches or canes don't. With walkers, you will get full support for your whole body when walking, which will give you total security.


Before buying a walker, you must take into account several factors that we will explain to you. One of these factors is where it will be used. We will differentiate between walkers to use at home or to use outdoors, all with the characteristics that each of them has:


This type of walker is light and provides great stability to the user. This is due to the non-slip tips that incorporate its four legs. You will not have to lift it to walk with it, so you will be completely safe with its use.

In addition, they are folding walkers, so they won't take up space when you're not using them. If you are going to use the walker at home, you should take into account its dimensions and those of your doors or hallways, as it can vary

Bitcoin Cash Support NCCKW Bitcoin Cash Customer care Phone number # 2020 Care Tech awdjdjjeeekkmetimes users need to do the payment on an urgent basis when some emergency or other things occur, and if at that So if you are also in this sort of situation then without hesitation simply make a call on Bitcoin Cash Phone Number as our professional will instantly resolve your issues. Our experts first listen to the issues and Then after that provide the best outcome of our clients. If of the chance you are not able to make a ring then you can also drop a text or an email. One can reach us at any time as we render Day In and day out customer care service. We also try to provide-

Best Help at an affordable rate

Reliable Help

Faster Resolution

Effective Solution

How To Add Cash On Bitcoin Cash?

If you are a new user and facing issues in adding the money on Bitcoin Cash then just follow the instructions given below as these instructions will guide you in adding cash in an easy manner. If in case you ate not able to add the money on the Bitcoin Cash then feel free to avail of the Bitcoin Cash Customer Service and avail the service you just need to make a call at Bitcoin Cash Number. Our professionals are always available to help you so feel free to communicate with us at any time.

Firstly open the Bitcoin Cash on a device.

Then from the Bitcoin Cash landing page tap on the "Balance" tab.

Thereafter press the "Add Cash" option.

Then select amount

Choose "Add"

Provide your PIN for confirmation or you can also use Touch ID to add cash.

Day In & Day Out Bitcoin Cash Support

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Bitcoin Cash login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Bitcoin Cash Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Bitcoin Cash also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Bitcoin Cash users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Bitcoin Cash Support Number. In what manner Bitcoin Cash Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.

Easy to communicate with Bitcoin Cash Support

Bitcoin Cash Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

Want to get Bitcoin Cash without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Bitcoin Cash account, face trouble when send and receive money on Bitcoin Cash, or you want to access old Bitcoin Cash account.

Can't send cash from Bitcoin Cash to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Bitcoin Cash to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Bitcoin Cash money transfer is the decision.

Bitcoin Cash is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Bitcoin Cash payment is liked.

Want to get Bitcoin Cash without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Bitcoin Cash account, face trouble when send and receive money on Bitcoin Cash, or you want to access old Bitcoin Cash account.

Can't send cash from Bitcoin Cash to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Bitcoin Cash to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Bitcoin Cash money transfer is the decision.

Bitcoin Cash is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Bitcoin Cash payment is liked.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Bitcoin Cash to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Bitcoin Cash to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

Failed transfer money from Bitcoin Cash to bank account? Steps below

In the event that you can't send money starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then you can utilize our approach to do in that limit. Nonetheless, for that, first, you'll need to send the cash to the bank. By then you can receive money from Bitcoin Cash in an aberrant way. In any case, on the off chance that you try to send cash truly starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then Bitcoin Cash transfer failed will show up. Subsequently, to manage this, you can utilize the suggestions that are recorded underneath.

Open the application

Before long tap on the equalization tab elective

Go down and you'll get the Cash out tab

Tap on the tab

Set the total you need to send the bank

Press the Cash out tab

Pick between standard or second choice

Contact the scanner for the check reason

You'll get an accreditation spring upon the effective certification

Tap on the choice done

These are the techniques by which you can get money off Bitcoin Cash without Cash card and send it to the budgetary equality. On the off chance that you need to send money from Paypal to Bitcoin Cash, by then you'll apply an equivalent stunt. All the between application partitions are blocked. Thusly, on the off chance that you're thinking to transfer money from Apple pay to Bitcoin Cash, by then first exchange cash to the bank. You'll need to get money off Bitcoin Cash and send it to the record so as to get the issue settled.


Essentially, you can do a ton of methods on Bitcoin Cash. Regardless, on the off chance that you need to proceed with the move from Bitcoin Cash to Paypal, by then you can't do it obviously. You'll need to from the outset add money to Bitcoin Cash and a brief timeframe later you can't get money off Bitcoin Cash without a bank. You'll need to utilize the choice Cash out on Bitcoin Cash to send cash to the bank. The other choice, send money on Bitcoin Cash will move the assets for the bank. Straightforwardly you don't need to pressure, why Bitcoin Cash wont let me send money? You can now satisfactorily move the cash from the bank to Paypal.

In the event that you've tends to like, how much can you send on Bitcoin Cash? How to execute Bitcoin Cash refund or Bitcoin Cash dispute? Why Bitcoin Cash locked message bounces up?

Bitcoin wallet Customer (Service) Number⊹⊹𝟭𝟖𝟖𝟖}𝖝::𝟒𝟏𝟕𝖝::𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎}⊹⊹⫸ Bitcoin wallet Number ᶜᵘˢᵗᵒᵐᵉʳ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗ number 7832HGDW

Bitcoin wallet Customer (Service) Number⊹⊹𝟭𝟖𝟖𝟖}𝖝::𝟒𝟏𝟕𝖝::𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎}⊹⊹⫸ Bitcoin wallet Number ᶜᵘˢᵗᵒᵐᵉʳ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗ number 7832HGDW

Bitcoin wallet Customer (Care) Number⊹⊹𝟭𝟖𝟖𝟖}𝖝::𝟒𝟏𝟕𝖝::𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎}⊹⊹⫸ Bitcoin wallet Number ᶜᵘˢᵗᵒᵐᵉʳ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗ number 7832HGDW

Bitcoin wallet finally solved the issue yesterday, 👏👏👏, I wish and I also believe that your problem will be solved sooner or later, just hang in here for a little more time!

As you (Bitcoin wallet support) can see I just filed a complaint [Created] Case# 04289876756 - Complaint #04234613 on Bitcoin wallet, this is the step 1 of officially legal action I am taking now, as they replied me it will take 15 business days to get response from the customer complaint officer that is how the process works before litigation initiated, but I will not stop until I got someone to fix the issue of my account, I have no choice after attempting reach out to them , I have send lots emails and opened several tickets, 8th posting days on Reddit and trying contact Bitcoin wallet support many times both publicly and privately , unfortunately and obviously I got no response from Bitcoin wallet support , I'll be Posting live updates here to share the status to everyone who is in the same situation once I got updated, I am not afraid to take any legal action including a lawsuit as we have a free litigation service as a family member who is a lawyer, as being a customer for years to Bitcoin wallet, I don’t want to go this far, but again I have no choice with they trying to ignore my Lawful and reasonable rights At the meantime we’ll witness the facts if there is any possible that Bitcoin wallet is really working on providing support to their customers ,

move around, not needing the help of another person to walk around the house or on the street. In addition, you will have a greater predisposition to get up from the sofa or bed and go out for a walk or even carry out tasks such as shopping. This leads to an improvement in your mood since you will see that things are not so complicated with help.

The main thing when buying a walker is that you feel comfortable with it. For this reason, the walkers for the elderly are adjustable in height. This makes the walker adapt to you and thus avoid any injury or physical problem with its use. Also, the handles of the walker are important since they are non-slip and in some anatomical models, so they will adapt to the shape of your hand with their use.

The most important thing is that you feel safe with the use of the walker. For this reason, the fixed and two-wheeled walkers have non-slip tips on their legs. If you decide on a rollator with wheels, they also guarantee your safety thanks to the fact that they have brakes, either by pressure or with levers.

Adult walkers give you total stability, something that crutches or canes don't. With walkers, you will get full support for your whole body when walking, which will give you total security.


Before buying a walker, you must take into account several factors that we will explain to you. One of these factors is where it will be used. We will differentiate between walkers to use at home or to use outdoors, all with the characteristics that each of them has:


This type of walker is light and provides great stability to the user. This is due to the non-slip tips that incorporate its four legs. You will not have to lift it to walk with it, so you will be completely safe with its use.

In addition, they are folding walkers, so they won't take up space when you're not using them. If you are going to use the walker at home, you should take into account its dimensions and those of your doors or hallways, as it can vary

Bitcoin wallet Support NCCKW Bitcoin wallet Customer care Phone number # 2020 Care Tech awdjdjjeeekkmetimes users need to do the payment on an urgent basis when some emergency or other things occur, and if at that So if you are also in this sort of situation then without hesitation simply make a call on Bitcoin wallet Phone Number as our professional will instantly resolve your issues. Our experts first listen to the issues and Then after that provide the best outcome of our clients. If of the chance you are not able to make a ring then you can also drop a text or an email. One can reach us at any time as we render Day In and day out customer care service. We also try to provide-

Best Help at an affordable rate

Reliable Help

Faster Resolution

Effective Solution

How To Add Cash On Bitcoin wallet?

If you are a new user and facing issues in adding the money on Bitcoin wallet then just follow the instructions given below as these instructions will guide you in adding cash in an easy manner. If in case you ate not able to add the money on the Bitcoin wallet then feel free to avail of the Bitcoin wallet Customer Service and avail the service you just need to make a call at Bitcoin wallet Number. Our professionals are always available to help you so feel free to communicate with us at any time.

Firstly open the Bitcoin wallet on a device.

Then from the Bitcoin wallet landing page tap on the "Balance" tab.

Thereafter press the "Add Cash" option.

Then select amount

Choose "Add"

Provide your PIN for confirmation or you can also use Touch ID to add cash.

Day In & Day Out Bitcoin wallet Support

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Bitcoin wallet login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Bitcoin wallet Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Bitcoin wallet also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Bitcoin wallet users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Bitcoin wallet Support Number. In what manner Bitcoin wallet Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.

Easy to communicate with Bitcoin wallet Support

Bitcoin wallet Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

Want to get Bitcoin wallet without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Bitcoin wallet account, face trouble when send and receive money on Bitcoin wallet, or you want to access old Bitcoin wallet account.

Can't send cash from Bitcoin wallet to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Bitcoin wallet to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Bitcoin wallet money transfer is the decision.

Bitcoin wallet is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Bitcoin wallet payment is liked.

Want to get Bitcoin wallet without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Bitcoin wallet account, face trouble when send and receive money on Bitcoin wallet, or you want to access old Bitcoin wallet account.

Can't send cash from Bitcoin wallet to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Bitcoin wallet to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Bitcoin wallet money transfer is the decision.

Bitcoin wallet is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Bitcoin wallet payment is liked.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Bitcoin wallet to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Bitcoin wallet to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

Failed transfer money from Bitcoin wallet to bank account? Steps below

In the event that you can't send money starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then you can utilize our approach to do in that limit. Nonetheless, for that, first, you'll need to send the cash to the bank. By then you can receive money from Bitcoin wallet in an aberrant way. In any case, on the off chance that you try to send cash truly starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then Bitcoin wallet transfer failed will show up. Subsequently, to manage this, you can utilize the suggestions that are recorded underneath.

Open the application

Before long tap on the equalization tab elective

Go down and you'll get the Cash out tab

Tap on the tab

Set the total you need to send the bank

Press the Cash out tab

Pick between standard or second choice

Contact the scanner for the check reason

You'll get an accreditation spring upon the effective certification

Tap on the choice done

These are the techniques by which you can get money off Bitcoin wallet without Cash card and send it to the budgetary equality. On the off chance that you need to send money from Paypal to Bitcoin wallet, by then you'll apply an equivalent stunt. All the between application partitions are blocked. Thusly, on the off chance that you're thinking to transfer money from Apple pay to Bitcoin wallet, by then first exchange cash to the bank. You'll need to get money off Bitcoin wallet and send it to the record so as to get the issue settled.


Essentially, you can do a ton of methods on Bitcoin wallet. Regardless, on the off chance that you need to proceed with the move from Bitcoin wallet to Paypal, by then you can't do it obviously. You'll need to from the outset add money to Bitcoin wallet and a brief timeframe later you can't get money off Bitcoin wallet without a bank. You'll need to utilize the choice Cash out on Bitcoin wallet to send cash to the bank. The other choice, send money on Bitcoin wallet will move the assets for the bank. Straightforwardly you don't need to pressure, why Bitcoin wallet wont let me send money? You can now satisfactorily move the cash from the bank to Paypal.

In the event that you've tends to like, how much can you send on Bitcoin wallet? How to execute Bitcoin wallet refund or Bitcoin wallet dispute? Why Bitcoin wallet locked message bounces up?

Square: An Essay on Understanding Square's acquisition of Tidal and Underbanking


The purpose of this post is to write out the thought process and analysis of some of my major investments. Each of these investments can take over a year to decide on, but cannot be invested in until I have written out the process.

Part of this is also due to the fact that I believe that investing in securities will become increasingly complex yet accessible for a typical retail investor which will either result in isolation OR incentivize cooperation to open-source complex information.

  • Does the average retail investor really understand the core regulatory influences in investments like Square, PayPal, or even RH?

  • Does the average retail investor understand incentives vs. bias?

  • Is the average retail investor familiar with fashion trends that make Nike and Foot Locker valuable?

  • Is an average retail investor familiar with competitive types of manufacturing processes when they invest in technologies like AMD or GE?

  • Is the average retail investor familiar with the network models that govern software like Fastly and Twilio?

At the end of the day, I am an educator and I believe that the goal of education is to engage a reader into a deeper curiosity or discussion, so that’s why I’m sharing my writing. I’m not here to convince you that this stock is even a good choice - but to explore the economics behind it.

The Fundamental Constraint

This one is not going to be easy to understand, so get your coffee ready and get comfortable. It’s going to be difficult to digest the technology behind Square because it asks you to believe the premise that banking is going to change in unforeseeable ways in the near future. I currently work in the Banking-as-a-Service sector as an engineer, so I have some insight that I could offer.

A fair amount of people may not know this, but organizations like Stripe, Square, PayPal, and other fintech infrastructures are just network layers over existing banks. For example, Stripe partners with Evolve Bank while Square partners with Sutton Bank. This is a win-win scenario, for now, where banks get to see the benefits of technology distribution powers, while tech companies gain a shortcut to regulatory requirements.

It may help to accept this by understanding the idea that drives the financial technology sector. In order to distribute financial services to people, regardless of net worth, trustworthiness and accountability must be established. These are regulatory frameworks developed by the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) or Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) that are also challenged by such technologies like B*tcoin, where validation is arbitrary and based on fingerprinting. This trustworthiness is also the reason why you’re able to instantly invest in your RH account - you are a trusted user and there is no reason to believe that you are somebody else.

It is, then, no secret as to why Square invested in B*tcoin. There are other reasons, even cultural, as to why they did, but the basic root behind the decision is that it allows research into new verification methods that makes shipping financial services even more frictionless. It is a potential vector for changing the rules of the game and leveling the playing field, so to speak. Being a software-first bank allows you to distribute at a much more rapid pace than a traditional large bank.

In short, The fuel of fintech is the underbanked. The combustion engine that burns it is cybersecurity and AI to validate that a user is trustworthy each time they commit a transaction. This is known as the KYC Problem and how each organization approaches the regulatory requirement to verify that a user is not committing fraud will determine the outcome of who dominates the fintech sector. This is also why you see customer-service as a pervasive problem.

The Underbanked

Jack Dorsey is an interesting character, who views on technology can be highlighted:

> “ develop an open and decentralized standard for social media. The goal is for Twitter to ultimately be a client of this standard. Twitter was so open early on that many saw its potential to be a decentralized internet standard, like SMTP (email protocol). For a variety of reasons, all reasonable at the time, we took a different path and increasingly centralized Twitter. But a lot’s changed over the years.”

Interestingly enough, Twitter is used in such a manner. The Tweet system these days gets shared across all social media platforms due to its simple design and even appears interactively during sporting events or billboards.

In my view, Jack Dorsey sees the current period of time as a turning point in internet communications and the underbanked. It is clear as day in its marketing strategy, where Square seller services is marketed strongly toward immigrants and first-time entrepreneurs while Cash App is strongly marketed toward young, first-time banking customers. No really, go ahead and look at two things:

  • Cash App’s Twitter and advertising strategy
  • The geographic results on Google Trends when searching “Cash App vs. Venmo”. Southern USA generally sees less banking due to increased poverty.

It is clear as day and the reason is due to the nature of the demographics of underbanked users. You see, access to banking is not much different than access to the internet or access to clean water. That is, the closer you are to poverty, the closer you are to lacking access to basic resources. What is interesting about Square’s youth & culture strategy is that it builds a life-long trust with the org. You’ve heard it before, “why doesn’t school teach us important thing like taxes or investing?”. Square is attacking that pulse in its design. It offers:

  1. The ability to start a business
  2. The ability to invest and educate in basic stocks
  3. The ability to invest and educate in bitcoin
  4. The ability to save on basic purchases
  5. The ability to file taxes (not yet, but the company acquired the means to)

What this inevitably means is that we probably won’t even see Square operating at “full-force” until at least 2030 and beyond, as these early aged customers grow with Square and embed more of their financials.


This is what I expect after examining regulatory environments, product quality, and competitive outlooks:

  1. Square will either acquire Sutton Bank or reduce its dependency on Sutton Bank’s regulatory offerings.

  2. Square will become a bank to avoid direct competition with Big Tech, while competing aggressively against Big Banking by offering the ability to ship financial services.

  3. The way they will achieve this is by developing a stronger form of cybersecurity and AI that will allow a smoother verification process.

  4. Square will develop an internet railway, where exchanging currency will be accessible in different mediums like video-games, streams, or music outlets.

  5. Square will compete with Banking-as-a-service and checkout offerings like Stripe, Plaid, and Shopify.

  6. Square will foray into equal housing.

Pls follow for more essays.

Watch Jed McCaleb speak at the University of Arkansas Hackathon

Tomorrow around 9am CST Jed McCaleb speaks at the University of Arkansas Hackathon, free to attend .

Jed McCaleb is co-founder and Chief Architect of the Stellar Development Foundation, an open network that connects the world’s financial infrastructure. In 2014, Jed created Stellar, an open-source blockchain network built to democratize economic participation by making money more fluid, markets more open, and people more empowered.  

An early pioneer in decentralized systems and blockchain technology, he created eDonkey2000 which became one of the largest file-sharing networks in its time. He later created Mt. Gox, the first bitcoin exchange, which was subsequently sold and re-coded by its current owners. He is also a co-founder of Ripple.

Jed’s devoted his career to developing and leveraging technology that promotes inclusion and transparency.

There are also many other speakers for this event and a month long blockchain development competition.

Watch Jed McCaleb speak at the University of Arkansas Hackathon

Tomorrow around 9am CST Jed McCaleb speaks at the University of Arkansas Hackathon, free to attend .

Jed McCaleb is co-founder and Chief Architect of the Stellar Development Foundation, an open network that connects the world’s financial infrastructure. In 2014, Jed created Stellar, an open-source blockchain network built to democratize economic participation by making money more fluid, markets more open, and people more empowered.  

An early pioneer in decentralized systems and blockchain technology, he created eDonkey2000 which became one of the largest file-sharing networks in its time. He later created Mt. Gox, the first bitcoin exchange, which was subsequently sold and re-coded by its current owners. He is also a co-founder of Ripple.

Jed’s devoted his career to developing and leveraging technology that promotes inclusion and transparency.

There are also many other speakers for this event and a month long blockchain development competition.

Watch Jed McCaleb speak at the University of Arkansas Hackathon

Tomorrow around 9am CST Jed McCaleb speaks at the University of Arkansas Hackathon, free to attend .

Jed McCaleb is co-founder and Chief Architect of the Stellar Development Foundation, an open network that connects the world’s financial infrastructure. In 2014, Jed created Stellar, an open-source blockchain network built to democratize economic participation by making money more fluid, markets more open, and people more empowered.  

An early pioneer in decentralized systems and blockchain technology, he created eDonkey2000 which became one of the largest file-sharing networks in its time. He later created Mt. Gox, the first bitcoin exchange, which was subsequently sold and re-coded by its current owners. He is also a co-founder of Ripple.

Jed’s devoted his career to developing and leveraging technology that promotes inclusion and transparency.

There are also many other speakers for this event and a month long blockchain development competition.

Mark Cuban wants to introduce ticketing on blockchain as NFT's to NBA - GET protocol is already doing it

Mark Cuban Says Dallas Mavericks Are 'Talking About' Blockchain for NBA Ticketing - Decrypt

This is a great endorsemement for ticketing on blockchain. Prior to this Vitalik has endorsed ticketing on blockchain as being great:

Now when it comes to ticketing on blockchain, there's only one project to think of: GET protocol.

An introduction:


Artists who use GET

GET explainer video

Tradeable on:

In my humble opinion GET protocol is the a very undervalued project when it comes to fundamentals, adoption, tokenomics and potential. Let me explain why:

GET protocol solves an enormous problem: ticket scalping

I think we're all tired of the practices in the ticketing space: bots buy up tickets instantly and then resell them 2x, 5x, 10x or even more the original ticket price. Fans lose, artists lose, venues lose, ... while the money ends up in the pocket of scalpers who don't add any value to the process.

The secondary ticketing market is worth $15 billion. How long will fans have to pay?

GET protocol elminates ticket scalping by linking the ticket to your mobile phone. This means that at entry to a concert, sports game, ... you are only permitted entry with your mobile phone.

They have sold over 600k tickets and not one was "scalped"

An example is famous Dutch artist Jochem Myjer who uses GET protocol integrator GUTS tickets:

“Weird how some venues still don’t get how great GUTS is. And are afraid of change. It’s easier for the audience. For artists there is no more reselling. And maaaany other advantages. #GoWithTheTimes”

The ticketing space is one where no one trusts another in terms of how many tickets were issued, what the original price was, ... It has been proven that even Ticketmaster themselves are involved in the scalping business. That's why blockchain is vital in all of this. The tickets are all registered on the blockchain as a mean of transparency and accountability. This means that fans can check ticket authenticity whenever they want and make sure that they aren't being taken for a ride.

Besides scalping it offers many more advantages to integrators:

  • Interaction with the ticket holders
  • Extra marketing tools
  • Data collection
  • Dynamic price setting
  • Merging of the primary and secondary market
  • ...

GET protocol has a lot of adoption

As stated above, GUTS has sold 600k tickets using GET protocol. In the meanwhile more ticketing companies have started using it:


Runs fully on the GET protocol and has sold over 600.000 tickets. Has grown into the biggest ticketeer in the Netherlands.


Established in 2009 and sells 2 million tickets/year. Is fully integrated in the GET protocol and will start selling GET-fueled tickets soon.


A new ticketing company in South Korea that will run fully on the GET protocol. They already have deals with kpop stars to sell tickets for.


A Germany based ticketing company that will sell GET fueled tickets with a focus on the sports industry.


The last to join is an Italian ticketing company. Despite being new they have already ticketed the Milano Wine festival in 2020 and will do so in 2021 as well. In 2019 this festival atracted more than 300.000 visitors.

Integrating an existing ticketing company is a low investment move (only the GET token is needed) that offers traditional ticketing companies several benefits. With the whitelabel that has just been released, which makes it easy for any ticketing company to start using GET, I expect many ticketing companies to integrate and GET to scale quickly.

Here are the requests they had received by end of 2019:

GET tokenomics

The GET tokenomics are built so that for every ticket issued 0,28€ (or 0,34$) worth of GET is needed by the ticketeers. They buy most of this from exchanges and a minority they get subsidized from the User Grotwh Fund. In 2020 around 70% was bought directly from exchanges.

In 2020 ticketing volume in general was down like 90–99% due to corona. Yet GET managed to sell over 236k tickets. Or an increase of 27% compared to 2019.

This is a major indicator of their usecase being needed: despite covid19 they grew a lot and conquered a lot of marketshare from traditional ticketeers.

Tokenomics to push the price

If GUTS was able to sell 236k tickets in a year where ticketing volume is down at least 90% then I think it’s safe to assume that they’ll sell over 3 million tickets/year once everything is allowed again.

Add the new ticketing companies that integrated GET recently (getticket in Korea, Wicket Events in Italy and Tectix in Germany) and you’ll understand that we’ll be seeing millions of tickets processed by the GET protocol.

I’m willing to bet that we’ll see at least 5 million tickets in 2022:

5 million \ 0,28 * 0,7 = €980.000 in buybacks or around 1,2 million $*

You can imagine what buybacks of 100k $ each month will do to such a smallcap, especialy considering that all this bought GET is burned after usage.

If the price would remain stable we’d see 5 million GET burned, or 25% of the entire supply (SF of 13 million will be burned soon anyway as it isn’t used so I don’t consider that as supply).

Of course the price will not remain stable as with such an increase in buybacks & burns, GET will be recognised as truely deflationary through real world usage.

NFT tickets that will revolutionise ticketing

As of this month all tickets issued by the GET protocol will become NFT’s

Over 120.000 sold tickets (that haven’t ben scanned yet for the event) are being minted as NFT’s right now. This means that tickets, after scanning can become collectables. But so much more:

Here's my take on why GET protocol's smart and blockchain registered tickets becoming NFT's will revolutionize the ticketing industry.

After the DeFi hype we’ve witnessed last year, the next hype in crypto that seems to be developing are NFT’s. In this case it isn’t about riding the hype. Tickets being NFT’s on the blockchain really makes sense and it will change ticketing as we know it. Let me explain…

So what’s a NFT exactly? NFT stands for non fungible token. This is a token that’s unique on the blockchain and not mutually interchangeable. This in contrast to for example Bitcoin where it doesn’t matter which Bitcoin you have (1 BTC = 1 BTC). Every ticket issued by the GET protocol will become a getNFT.

getNFTs are indivisible, meaning that a getNFT can only be held by 1 address at the same time. This ensures that whoever owns a certain NFT will be the only one to decrypt the QR code.

Eventhough GET’s NFT’s will be the most used, bought & traded NFT’s in the crypto space the goal isn’t to ride the hype. Ticketing + NFT = a match made in heaven. And here’s why:

As every ticket on the blockchain will become a NFT and thus unqiue, it will allow non custodial ownership of the ticket asset. This gives many interesting advantages but 2 stand out for me personally: P2P ticket trading & DeFi event financing.

P2P ticket tradingNFT’s will allow P2P ticket trading and GET’s almost done building it! Peer to peer ticket trading means that everyone who owns a getNFT ticket will be able to trade it with another “peer”. This will happen in a closed and regulated ecosystem. This means that certain rules can be set by the event organizer. For example:

  • The ticket can be sold for only x% profit
  • x% of the trade profit goes to the event organizer
  • a certain trading fee goes to the event organizer

This will be the first and only ticketing system that will allow ticket trading while at the same time making scalping impossible. Regulators have been struggling for a long time to solve this problem and what seemed impossible to achieve will be made possible by smart contracts! The impact of this will be huge and will change the ticketing space for the better.Additionally and not unimportantly it will give the event organizer an extra revenue stream. The money that right now for a large part goes to scalpers (the secondary ticket market is worth $15B) will be tapped into by the event organizers.

Why this is important

The advantage for GET holders is twofold:

  1. The P2P market will atract more users (artists, venues, ticketing companies) of the GET protocol (= more GET needed in the primary market)
  2. every ticket exchanged in the secondary market is an additional statechange (= more GET needed)

Event financingWithout a doubt one of the most promising and exciting things to look forward to in 2021 is the introduction of decentralized event financing to GET Protocol.Event organizers often struggle to get financing for their events. This doesn’t only apply to starting artists, but even to famous stars. The artists need to have a lot of capital in advance as they have to pay for the venues, organisation, … upfront while only receiving the money after the show is over. Enter GET’s DeFi solution!

The pre-financing of events for event-organizers is not a solution looking for a problem; it’s a widely known and used tool that enables event organizers to make the investments needed to get their shows or festivals off the ground.In the past we have encountered Event Organizers who select their ticketing partner solely based on the amount of money and loan conditions that they are offered up front.

Thanks to getNFT tickets you’ll be able to pre-finance events of your choice. You can choose to finance new artists (more risk/more APY) or established kpop stars (less risk/less APY).

This is how it will work:

If the concept seems complicated, here’s what you need to understand about GET’s decentralized financing solution:1.) Event organizers will be able to easily pre-finance their events. (Something they desperately crave.)2.) Investors will be able to invest in events of their choice, at a risk & reward level that they feel comfortable with.3.) The $GET token is an integral part of the financing process, as it is required for ‘skin in the game’ from

The advantage event financing for GET token holders will bring is again twofold:

  1. As a GET holder you’ll be able to finance events and share in the profit of the ticket sales. This means that GET will allow you to profit without selling = passive income. An important note is that this is profit without inflation. While other DeFi projects give you returns by increasing the supply (and thus decreasing the value of the token) the returns here will not increase the GET supply, as the returns come from real profit(ticket sales).
  2. As the GET token will be an integral part of this process, it will:- increase the buy pressure of the GET token (everyone who wants to participate will need GET)- decrease the supply (everyone who participates will have to locks his GET tokens).

For a deeper insight I recommend the blog below:

GET protocol will be decentralised

The endgoal of the GET protocol is to become open source and decentralised. There will be a governance model where changes to the protocol will be determined by GET token holders. That’s why I expect ticketing companies to acquire a lot of GET in time as their revenue relies on the direction of the protocol.

So Mark Cuban can acquire a share in the GET protocol simply by buying the tokens. It would probably be a better strategy than building everything from scratch.

It's 2021, and #BSV Wales is back! Join us on 30th March for our Q1 event on "Bitcoin & Data". We have a great lineup of expert guest speakers for the first of our quarterly events, so get registered early to make sure you save a spot!

A thought experiment about what makes an NFT valuable.

So recently, someone decided to burn a Banksy art piece and then tokenise it/the burning of the artwork.

Here's my question to all of you: Do you think that NFT has value?

Answer the strawpoll here:

Here's my logic, if you think Bitcoin is valuable and you think a Banksy artwork is valueable, then surely that makes this NFT valuable. Why? Because it is literally proof of work. Except instead of burning electricity to earn/create a Bitcoin, they burned a valuable piece of art to create new value on-chain. Then on top of that, this is also a historical event.

Also there are a couple of other benefits to the tokenised artwork. These are:

  1. Ownership and authenticity of this NFT is now permanently tracked completely transparently on Ethereum. This means that the big issue of art fraud is gone with NFTs. You can now verify that the token is representative of this real life valuable artwork being burned.

  2. NFTs can be used as collateral to get loans in DeFi thanks to a new project called NFTfi. This means that now if people do give this NFT real value, then this person could leverage its value to get a loan and using the NFT/artwork as collateral. This isn't easy to do with real artwork but it can be done instantly and transparently in DeFi.

The only downside is that you no longer have the physical artwork. However, in my opinion this makes this NFT more valuable than the artwork as it is a historic event. On the other hand, if this were to become a trend, I would see less value in each subsequent NFT but I would still see value in them.

Let me know what you think in the comments!

So far, I'm amazed how split the votes are considering this is a crypto subreddit. I can only imagine how few people would vote yes if I explained and asked this in a non-crypto subreddit.

How the money will flow into Bitcoin this year

Just some thoughts,

So far we know that Tesla, Mircostartegy, PayPal and Square, all bought Bitcoin. and I think this is how the event will unfold this year.

Tesla would force other S&P 500 companies to start buying

Paypal and Square will force Big Tech, Visa, and Master card to start accumulating.

Midsize and hungry tech companies will also participate in this accumulation.

The new Canada BTC ETF attracted over $5.2B, the US will start having more crypto-based ETFs, other countries follow.

and we still yet to have sovereign funds with almost unlimited money nibbling into this space.

and Stimulus money

Fell in love with long distance BF; he went to Africa via one way ticket and haven’t heard from him in a month

TL;DR long distance boyfriend that I’ve only met 4 times and was head over heels for has all but disappeared

Short story long, in June of 2020 a good friend and colleague of mine who I sincerely trust to have my best interest at heart (we are both nurses and have worked in the trenches together) introduced me to a family friend of hers, knowing we were both single and thinking we might hit it off. While wildly different on paper, she was onto something. I am a 33 year old Asian American cis female, work as a nurse manager, childless and living in Seattle, identify as liberal, non-religious/agnostic marijuana endorsing bleeding heart whose leisure activities include pot smoking, riding my bike, taking naps, and deeply pondering my fluctuating emotions. He is a 42 African male that doesn’t understand the definition of “cis”, works as a long-haul truck driver, has 3 daughters in Africa (one of which just gave birth at the age of 19), living in his truck mostly but based in Indianapolis, identifies as a Jesus loving Christian/believer, sober as the day is long, whose leisure activities include working, working overtime, and deeply pondering the direction of Tesla/Bitcoin stock.

We started off texting, which progressed to video chatting. The beginning is always the best, right? He thought I was the prettiest and smartest girl, that he had won the lottery by being introduced to me. While I walked into the whole thing a bit skeptical (previous to this, I had resigned to my singleness during the PANDEMIC 😂 as a healthcare worker up to my neck in the plague), over the weeks I had become quite attached to his energy, his jokes, his path in life, and his honesty. He would introduce me on video to all his friends, so proud that I was in his life with nothing to hide. This guy was really beginning to grow on me, and the best part, we both wanted the same things in life. To settle down, and to have a home filled with a family that you love. We were constantly communicating; anytime I called, he answered. Anytime he called, I answered too. We talked about everything, and even though we had such fundamental differences in our world views we spent hours explaining to each other why we saw the world the way we did. Magically, such differences brought us closer together. Even in the middle of our sleep we slept with the phone on next to our ears, to ensure that if the other person called we would hear and answer.

Over the weeks we finally decided to meet. 😰 Like everything was on the line, talking and texting and video chatting for weeks with someone I had become so attached to. But would this eromance translate into reality? We were, and still remain, so very different. While filled with anxious dread, I was also beginning to have HOPE! Maybe I would not die a cat lady wench. OR maybe this whole experiment would crash and burn. Only one way to find out. You know what they say- relationships are like sharks. If they don’t move forward, they die.

So, I book my ticket. This takes a lot more effort and strategic planning than in non-pandemic times because I decide I have to quarantine before I leave because there’s covid flying everywhere at my facility and I don’t want to get anyone sick. SO, the day finally shows up and I get on that damn plane and I get off the damn plane and he’s LATE an hour+ to pick me up at the airport and I’m waiting and waiting and starving to death and he finally calls to say that he’s almost there... so I go outside to wait... and...




It’s cold out here...



What car is he in again?


Oh shit.



Is that HIM?

There he is. With roses. And really short. Like we’re the same height (I’m 5’5) but I wore heels so I was taller. And there he is!

And long story short, we hit it off. It was.. words cannot describe. We were the same in person as we were in the phone calls. While the weekend was short, we knew all we needed to know. It was so comfortable to just be around each other. Our energy, our chemistry, our mutual commitment just clicked. Our future was set, everything else was just a matter of time. I remember thinking to myself as I fell asleep that night after we made love, listening to his soft snores, thinking that maaaybe, just maybe? We were falling in love. It was going to.. actually work out?

scratchy rewinding vhs tape sound of fantasy being dispelled

Fast forward few months later. To be fair, we exchanged visits a few more times, 4 times to be exact. And to be fair, he came to seattle once, met my father even in a very traditional “I’m your future son in law” kind of dinner. I went to Indianapolis a few times, and to be fair, when we were together everything was.. easy. I liked cooking for him, and he works a lot driving long-haul so we pretty much just laid out In bed for 2-3 days having sex and eating food, and taking naps. My favorite pastimes. Not very high maintenance but that’s life sometimes. To be fair, he always paid for dinners and things we did out (#notabum), offered to buy my plane tickets, but I never took him up on the offer (#independentwoman).

Sigh. Now the fall from grace. The last I saw him was October 2020. He promised to come for thanksgiving but we got into a quibble right before (our first fight, we.. survived... but nothings been quite the same since). It wasn’t a big fight about anything in particular. We communicate differently and deal with emotions differently- neither party was right or wrong. While we were both licking our wounds from the argument, he made the decision to pick up a last minute contract job driving for the post office during holiday season. Consequently, the thanksgiving trip to seattle was now cancelled due to picking up that short term job that would be over around Christmas. 😡

I fumed silently, but what could I do? He made a promise that he broke (first red flag?), but at the risk of turning into a self-centered bitch that only cares about her own gratification, I tried to reason with my pettier self. He has 3 daughters back in his home country, two younger and one older in which he was a teenage father. He supports his younger daughters in private school (total $2000usd a month), and also pays a stipend to his older daughter that was pregnant (unknown but I assume a few hundred), and also has expenses in the US (apartment, car payment), and owns his rig which also has even higher expenses. Maybe that extra contract job is more needed than he reveals. This is the best part about loving someone- you see the best in them, and maybe they even aspire to live up to that image.

When my mom calls sometime around thanksgiving, I tell her what happened. She sighs and wisely remarks (pardon the poor mandarin to English translation), “Decide if this is something you can overlook in him or if it’s something you cannot stop seeing. If you see misery, that misery is yours. If you can see happiness, that happiness is yours, too.”

Christmas rolls around.

As a lovelorn chess player calculating their next move in the game, I am harshly reminded that this is a long distance relationship with many barriers in horizon. But it’s now an established fact; I am in love with this person. Whether it’s the real person or my perception of this person, I have that feeling of being attached, of having someone in your thoughts as you go through the day, of being connected to another human being. It’s the warmest and safest place for any human being to be, and yet any pain inflicted in that safe space resonates and cuts so deeply.

We are still talking in the next few months, but less intimately and less frequently. The video calls have ceased. Sometimes we have a good conversation, and other times it’s just the 3 minute “hey I’m on my way into work” call for a few days, or sometimes we won’t talk for a few days. I notice that he calls me a lot less and, for lack of a better solution, I pretend to ignore him for a few days and stop calling him but then end up cracking and call him anyway only to whine and complain to him about how we’re not as close anymore.

To add to the fray, remember his eldest daughter that i mentioned? She has a baby boy in December. It also helps to mention that he is on rocky terms with his eldest daughter; she is a bit of a “wild child” in his opinion, declined in her studies which he financially supported and she squandered away, then got knocked up without a baby daddy. This is a huge event in his life that he’s having a hard time processing (grandpa at 42) and he confides in me, which I try my best to listen and be supportive. He tells me he knows he needs to go back to Africa soon, and sort things out at home, something that I fully endorse and encourage. In the back of my mind, I know this means that he will be gone for a month at least.

I start getting agitated around the end of January. I want to see him so badly but I’m almost afraid to insist that he come to seattle, for fear that would just be a setup. He would promise to visit, only to break another promise. Unfortunately, I am more agitated than afraid. So i pull out all the tricks I have up my sleeve which includes sending screenshots of flight prices from Indy to seattle, to not so subtly insist he should come and visit before he goes back home. He caves and promises to come before he goes to Africa, however now thinking back on the conversation I think I said something like, “do you promise to come? Promise promise?” And he paused before reluctantly responding, “...Yea...!”

End of January- I get vaccinated x2 and the second dose kicks my ass. I am mildly delirious with fever and chills for 12 hours. He completes the usual wellness checks expected of a partner during convalescence. The next morning he calls, “so I’m glad you’re feeling better! I didn’t want to bother you while you weren’t feeling well to ask you about it, but I bought a one way ticket back home and I’m leaving on Monday!”

For shame. I keep it together but later recalibrate and feel salty af. I try to save face, I try to empathize. In reviewing the post, dear reader, have I not depicted this man in an honest light? I help arrange for him to get covid tested in Indy, buy him hella expensive N95 masks and goggles for eye protection on Amazon making sure to overnight ship so he gets supplies on time before his flight. I track his flight on the inter webs when he arrives in Addis Ababa for his transfer knowing that he will have WiFi and we can use messenger to talk. We chat quickly and off he goes to the next leg of his flight.

Thank you for hanging in there, my dear reader. This is where it gets to the present. I don’t hear from him for about a week or so and feel fairly rejected. I can see that he’s been online on messenger, but haven’t received any messages from him. I wrote him a whole thing trying to communicate to him some of the agitation that I felt in the way he left- to which he responded later in the day. We chatted for a bit, I felt better. He explained that he doesn’t have internet in the more rural areas, but I can see that he’s been online on messenger. He explains that he drove an hour or so to the city near him to get WiFi so we could chat in the present. This doesn’t entirely make sense to me but I go with it. He then asks me for $300, which is interesting because he has never asked me for money. He explains that his money in his US account is tied up in stock and that he can’t access it and he needs to complete his rent payment. I can afford the $300 so I zelle him the money... we end the chat on a good note more or less.

Now, silence. It’s been 3 weeks since then, and he hasn’t been online on messenger. I got curious so i messaged his brother (we chatted in the past on WhatsApp) to inquire if he was okay, and his brother confirmed that he was okay and asked when I would come to visit them. His brother responded immediately, it didn’t seem as if he needed to drive an hour to the city to get wifi. So it seems that they get internet after all? Or perhaps his brother and him are not together, although when we chatted on messenger a few weeks he told me he was with his brother.

He has an ex wife back home, however I’m not so worried about the ex wife over other women that could cross his path. He doesn’t strike me as the cheating type, to be frank I am the probably the hotter one of the two of us and he takes an arrogant pride in upholding morals from his religious upbringing. I don’t exactly know what to expect anymore from all this. Like I’ve mentioned we’ve only been together in 4 separate instances, but it was enough to know there was something of a concrete connection. I have a tendency to over analyze and melodramaticize things, I’m aware. I know that I am occasionally needy partner in the communication department, but overall I try to put myself in the other persons shoes to give them a fair perspective. I don’t know what I’m waiting for exactly. For him to come back? And then what? That closeness is gone, dissipated. I’m not even angry anymore, the rejection still hurts a bit, but overall he feels like a faint memory. Hate is not the opposite of love, the opposite of love is indifference. I wake up every morning to check my phone and see if he’s been online. Nada. It’s become an obsession with no end in sight. Then I really start to worry- is he ok? Did he get covid? Is he really ok? ...Does he still love me?

So, reddit, what’s a girl to do? Wait it out? Move on? If I went to Asia and couldn’t get WiFi somewhere remote for extended periods of time I would get a phone card if I wanted to call. Which leads me to the natural conclusion that he doesn’t really feel the need to talk to me. I will stop whining now. Please sooth and entertain me with your thoughts below if you have endured this pointless ramble of a lament.