Sunday, September 19, 2021

Why I believe if the hedges loses their current shorts it could be game over for them

There's a few things that's in the making if corporations and hedge funds lose to retail by the next halving. Retail ultimately wins and it would be hard to gain control once more.

Halving is the event where all bitcoin mined is halved and close to this halving event has shown bull markets in crypto.

I believe if Retail wins with AMC and causes the MOASS then Retail would most likely hold majority of crypto. Which if crypto is the next currency then Retail would be the 1% while hedgies would be left in the dust to try to reclaim their top position.

If anyone has played poker once a top player has a decent gap over second all they have to do is play safe and only pick cards they know will win and not wager too much.

  • This is where the hedgies screwed up they kept upping their bet even though they had only a pair of 2s.

  • Knowing they screwed up they paid someone in the crowd to whisper that the opposing players will lose to cheat their bluff.

  • Moral of the story they should of got out to keep their riches.

No matter what happens Retail shouldn't accept anything like what happened early this year with the buy button.

Not financial advice just an ape that doesn't accept the current 1% and their business models.

We can all use some Mindful breathing during stressful times

In learning to be mindful, we can begin to hedge against many of our everyday challenges such as big red dildos, the SEC and Elon Musk's twitter. This is because we are learning to experience black swan events more like a decentralised stable coin, impersonal, detached and free from volatility or possible regulation.

Mindful breathing is a very basic yet bullish meditation strategy. The idea is simply to stop focusing your attention on your favorite shitcoin and instead focus on your breathing—to its natural flow and market cycle. Hodl onto the way it feels on each buy (inhale) and (sell) exhale. Remember, each breath has a limited supply (bullish) but with mindfulness we can make it inflationary, in a good way. Focusing on your breath is particularly helpful because it serves as a psychological stop loss–something you can turn your attention to at any time if you start to feel stressed at bitcoin dropping to a level we are worried about now but felt great about 3 weeks ago.

Want To Know What's going on for Startups & the Startup Community in the Inland Empire? Check out the Startempire Weekly Wire Roundup No. 3

Weekly Wire Roundup No. 3

Want To Know What's going on for Startups & the Startup Community in the Inland Empire? Check out the Startempire Weekly Wire Roundup.

This video Newsletter is a wrap Up of Articles, News & Events around the Inland Empire & part of Startempire Wire - an aggregate location on the web dedicated to connecting you with the best startups, people and events in the Inland Empire

All of the Articles mentioned in this roundup and the script can be found on The Startempire Wire Website.

In Weekly Wire Roundup No. 3 we cover:

• 3 Billion Dollar Companies in the Inland Empire • Four Companies and One Country Building Future Tech Hubs from Scratch • Inland Empire’s 10 plus Startup and Business Incubators • AYRO and Karma Automotive to Produce $300M Worth of Vehicles in Moreno Valley • A $266M Bus Transit System Coming to San Bernardino in 2024 • The C3 Expo on 3rd Oct: Training 1M Minority Coders

Upcoming Meetups & Meetings
• Inland Empire Bitcoin Happy Hour - Mon. Sep 27
• Tech-O-Tuesday Tech Meetup - Tue. Sep 28

Conferences & Festivals • Ongoing: Riverside Angel Summit • Upcoming: FTR FST F//\ Nov 12

A summary of this week’s roundup can be found here:

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Here’s why Crypto might be safe from a global stock market crisis

I am no expert but this seems logical. Any pros out there with a differing view?

However, the cryptocurrency has an edge over traditional markets like commercial real estate, stocks, and bonds. Lenders will foreclose on these assets if clients default on their payments, and this adds further pressure because the bank or institution has no interest in keeping them.

On the other hand, generally speaking, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies cannot be used as collateral.

Regarding the billion-dollar Bitcoin futures liquidations on derivatives markets, those are just synthetic instruments. Undoubtedly these events will impact the price, but at the end of the day, the effective BTC stays at the derivatives’ exchange. It solely moves from the long (buyer) balance to the short (seller) account.

Until Bitcoin becomes fully entrenched in financial markets and accepted as collateral and deposits, the mid-term systemic risk for the cryptocurrency is lower than the traditional market.

New Crypto Regulations are worst than we tought.

Im just copying an article. Not my work.

New US Crypto Regulation Far More Invasive Than We Thought

US Congress intends to regulate crypto on a level far deeper than currently understood―They will:

Designate Bitcoin, Ether, and their hard-forks as commodities and regulate their transactions accordingly;

Create legal uncertainty for all other crypto projects and ICOs by allowing them to be labeled as securities;

Ban the use of (unauthorized) stablecoins;

Introduce prison sentences for the use of mixers and privacy coins;

Rebrand smart-contracts that take longer than 24 hours to deliver as futures contracts and regulate them accordingly;

Re-define legal tender and change the way money is created by the Federal Reserve; and authorize the issuing of a digital USD of which all transactions are recorded;

Introduce foreign regulations into US law for all virtual asset service providers in the US (and with US clients).

In short: Congress wants to bring crypto-currencies under full oversight and control.

These new regulations introduce massive regulatory burdens on existing projects, ban and criminalize current normal activities, restrain innovation and free enterprise, and even introduce a transparent central bank digital digital currency that redefines money as we know it!

According to United States representative Don Beyer, congress should incorporate “digital assets into existing financial regulatory structures.”1) As you will see, they intend to do just that.

And it will change the way things are done for crypto forever…

<What This Article Is About_

This article provides an overview of the crypto legislation currently (September 2021) being put through US congress; it does not just look at the proposed bills, but rather at the wide range of laws that are to be amended.

Once all the puzzle pieces are put together, the big picture reveals shockingly strict regulations of crypto and a complete overhaul of the idea of “money.” This could have serious effects not only on the crypto sector, but also on the financial system as a whole.

Behind the excuses of preventing money laundering and ensuring investor protection, the use of crypto is transformed in something it was not supposed to be. Especially delicate is the fact that part of this legislation is drafted outside the US.

Disclaimer: This report provides a high-level overview of the US laws that are to be introduced/amended by two new bills. Its depth is limited by the inadequate knowledge of the author of the large body of US law involved, and given that these bills are subject to amendments and have not even passed into law yet, none of this information can be considered legal or financial advice.

<What Is Going On?

On April 06, 2021, a “must pass” bill was introduced called the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act”2) (“Infrastructure Bill”). It passed in the House of Representatives and, after fierce debate, the Senate. Hidden in this bill, an amendment to the Internal Revenue Code was added. It introduced new reporting requirements and obligations for record keeping.

While this bill created a lot of public outcry, more recently, a real game-changing bill was introduced in the House on July 28, 2021, namely the: “Digital Asset Market Structure and Investor Protection Act”3) (“Digital Asset Bill”).

This bill proposes amendments to the Federal Reserve Act, the Bank Secrecy Act, Securities Exchanges Acts, and the Commodity Exchange Act. It changes the definition of legal tender, and it introduces international crypto regulation into US law.

This article looks at each of these amendments…

<Commodities or Securities?_

The main take-away is that two different bodies of law will apply to crypto projects: commodities and securities laws. So far, only Bitcoin, Ether, and their hard-forks are confirmed to be commodities (see below). All other cryptos are subject to future guidance by market regulators:

“Not later than 150 days after the date of the enactment of this section, the SEC and CFTC shall jointly publish, for purposes of a 60-day public comment period, a proposed rulemaking that classifies each of the major digital assets.

Not later than 270 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the SEC and CFTC shall jointly publish a final rule that classifies each of the top 25 major digital assets by (i) highest market capitalization and (ii) highest daily average trading volume as—

(1) a digital asset; or (2) a digital asset security.”4)


Cryptos will be subject to two different regulatory regimes: commodities and security regulations.

Services engaged with both digital assets (commodities) and digital asset securities (securities) could be subjected to both regulatory regimes.

<Commodities Regulation_

The Commodity Exchange Act regulates the trading of commodity futures in the United States. Passed in 1936, it has been amended several times since then.5) It provides federal regulation of all commodities and futures trading activities and requires all futures and commodity options to be traded on organized exchanges.

In 1974, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) was created to oversee the market. With certain exceptions, the CFTC has been granted exclusive jurisdiction over commodity futures, options, and all other derivatives that fall within the definition of a swap. Certain cryptos will be regulated as commodities.

Definition of “Commodity” Amended to Include Digital Asset:

First and foremost, Section 1a of the Commodity Exchange Act on definitions will be amended to read as follows:

“The term “commodity” means wheat, cotton, rice, corn, oats, barley, rye, flaxseed, grain sorghums, mill feeds, butter, eggs, Solanum tuberosum (Irish potatoes), wool, wool tops, fats and oils (including lard, tallow, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, and all other fats and oils), cottonseed meal, cottonseed, peanuts, soybeans, soybean meal, livestock, livestock products, digital asset (including Bitcoin, Ether, and their hardforks), and frozen concentrated orange juice, and all other goods and articles, except onions (as provided by section 13–1 of this title) and motion picture box office receipts (or any index, measure, value, or data related to such receipts), and all services, rights, and interests (except motion picture box office receipts, or any index, measure, value or data related to such receipts) in which contracts for future delivery are presently or in the future dealt in.”6)

Digital Asset Definition

Next, the end of Section 1a of the Commodity Exchange Act will be amended by adding a clarification of what a digital asset is:

“(A) means an asset—

(i) that is created electronically or digitally through software code;

(ii) that is programmed with rules that—

(I) govern the creation, supply, ownership, use, and transfer of such digital asset; and

(II) are designed to resist modification or tampering by any single person or persons under common control;

(iii) that has a transaction history that—

(I) is recorded on a—

(aa) distributed digital ledger; or

(bb) digital data structure in which consensus is achieved through a mathematically verifiable process;

(II) is updated as soon as possible in accordance with the digital asset programming rules related to transactions and ownership; and

(III) after consensus is reached, is designed to prevent modification or tampering with the ownership or transaction history by any single person or persons under common control;

(iv) that is capable of being transferred between persons through a decentralized method without an intermediate custodian; and

(B) is a broad term which includes several other terms used to describe digital assets by market participants and regulators such as ‘virtual asset’, ‘virtual currency’, and ‘convertible virtual currency’ among others.”7)

Smart Contracts with Delivery Time of More than 24 hours are Futures Contracts

A sharpening of the definition of retail commodity transactions could decrease the options for the use of smart contracts outside of regulated exchanges.

Currently, Section 2(c)(2)(D)(i) of the Commodity Exchange Act prohibits persons that are not “eligible contract participants” or “eligible commercial entities” to engage in agreements, contract or transactions in commodities on leverage, margin, or financed by the offeror, the counterparty, or a person acting in concert with the offeror or counterparty on a similar basis.8)

Next, additional amendments mentioned in the SEC. 202 of the Digital Asset Bill applies this on transactions done by smart contract of which the delivery takes longer than 24 hours:

“(ii)  Exceptions

(III) a contract of sale that–

(cc) with respect to digital assets, results in actual delivery (including transfer of control over private keys) not later than 24 hours after the transaction is entered into and such delivery is accomplished by either-

(AA) recording the transaction on the public distributed ledger for the digital asset; or

(BB) with respect to digital which are not recorded on a public distributed ledger for the digital asset, reporting the transaction to a CFTC registered digital asset trade repository; or”9)

Dodd-Frank Act and Market Transparency

After the 2008 financial crisis, the Dodd-Frank Act introduced strict regulations for swaps. Naturally, these will also apply to digital assets as well.

The definition of swaps, as provided by the Commodity Exchange Act (section 1a(47)) is broad. For example, it could refer to any “agreement, contract or transaction” that “provides for any purchase, sale, payment, or delivery that is dependent on the occurrence, nonoccurrence, or the extent of the occurrence of an event or contingency associated with a potential financial, economic, or commercial consequence.”10)

Next, the Dodd-Frank bill authorizes the CFTC to:

Regulate swap dealers by installing capital and margin requirements, require dealers to meet robust business conduct standards, and meet recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

Increase transparency and improve pricing in the derivatives marketplace by requiring standardized derivatives to be traded on regulated exchanges or swap execution facilities and bring better pricing to the market place and lower costs for businesses and consumers.

Lower risk to the American public by moving standardized derivatives to central clearinghouses.11)

Digital Asset Trade Repository

To meet the above mentioned market transparency requirement, the Commodity Exchange Act stipulates the need for a digital asset trade repository to collect information on SWAPS in order to provide the public with the correct market information:

“The term ‘digital asset trade repository’ means any person that collects and maintains information or records with respect to transactions or positions in, or the terms and conditions of, contracts of sale of digital assets in interstate commerce entered into by third parties (both on chain public distributed ledger transactions as well as off chain transactions) for the purpose of providing a centralized recordkeeping facility for any digital asset, but does not include a private or public distributed ledger or the operator of either such ledger unless such private or public distributed ledger or operator seeks to aggregate/include ‘off chain’ transactions as well.”12)

Interpretation Commodities Regulations:

As of writing, only BTC and Ether (and their hard-forks) will be confirmed as commodities. All other cryptos could potentially be regulated as securities (what this means is explained next).

The fact that novel technologies such as Bitcoin and Ether are to be subjected to a large body of law that developed around the trading of livestock and frozen concentrated orange juice could spell regulatory uncertainty for various business models in the industry.

No “trading on margin” is allowed outside regulated entities, unless done by high-level investors called “eligible contract parties.” This could perhaps frustrate particular ideas about decentralized finance or OTC markets.

Smart contracts that take longer than 24 hours to deliver could be considered futures contracts under the jurisdiction of the CFTC. That smart contracts can be labeled as futures contracts appears indeed to be the opinion of the CFTC.13)

<Securities Regulations_

In the US, securities are regulated by the 1933 Securities Act. Additionally, the 1934 Securities Exchange Act further regulates the trade of securities, and established the SEC to oversee these markets.

Definition of “Security” Amended to Include Digital Asset Security:

First and foremost, Section 3(a)(10) of the Securities Exchange Act will be amended to include a “digital asset security” (and exclude “digital assets”) in the definition of security:

“(10) The term “security” means any note, stock, treasury stock, security future, security-based swap, bond, debenture, certificate of interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement or in any oil, gas, or other mineral royalty or lease, any collateral-trust certificate, preorganization certificate or subscription, transferable share, investment contract, digital asset security, voting-trust certificate, certificate of deposit for a security, any put, call, straddle, option, or privilege on any security, certificate of deposit, or group or index of securities (including any interest therein or based on the value thereof), or any put, call, straddle, option, or privilege entered into on a national securities exchange relating to foreign currency, or in general, any instrument commonly known as a “security”; or any certificate of interest or participation in, temporary or interim certificate for, receipt for, or warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase, any of the foregoing; but shall not include any fiat currency, commodity, digital asset, or any note, draft, bill of exchange, or banker’s acceptance which has a maturity at the time of issuance of not exceeding nine months, exclusive of days of grace, or any renewal thereof the maturity of which is likewise limited.”14)

Digital Asset Security Definition

Next, the Digital Asset Bill (SEC. 101) defines what a digital asset security will be:

“(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘digital asset security’ means a digital asset that:

(i) Provides the holder of the digital asset with any of the following rights:

(I) Equity or debt interest in the issuer.

(II) Right to profits, interest, or dividend payments from the issuer.

(III) Voting rights in the major corporate actions (which shall not include new block creations, hardforks, or protocol changes related to the digital asset) of the issuer.

(IV) Liquidation rights in the event of the issuer’s liquidation.

(ii) In the case of an issuer with a service, goods, or platform that is not wholly operational at the time of issuing such digital asset, with respect to any fundraising or capital formation activity (including initial coin offerings) which is accomplished through the issuance of such a digital asset, issues such digital asset to a holder in return for money (including other digital assets) to fund the development of the proposed service, goods, or platform of the issuer.”15)

What does it mean to be regulated as a security?

Investing in securities in the US is regulated to:

“protect interstate commerce, the national credit, the Federal taxing power, to protect and make more effective the national banking system and Federal Reserve System, and to insure the maintenance of fair and honest markets in such transactions.”16)

Regulations focus on both the issuing of securities (primary market), and subsequent trade of such securities (secondary market).

The goal of securities laws is firstly to require issuers to fully disclose all material information that an investor would need in order to make up his or her mind about the potential investment. A regulated company must create a registration statement, which includes a prospectus, with copious amounts of information about the security, the company, the business, including audited financial statements.

Next, the subsequent selling and trading in these securities is regulated, by restricting trade to market places over which the regulator has oversight. The Security Exchange Act section §78l(a) states:

“It shall be unlawful for any member, broker, or dealer to effect any transaction in any security (other than an exempted security) on a national securities exchange unless a registration is effective as to such security for such exchange in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations thereunder.”17)

Summary of Securities Regulations:

Crypto projects will need to be regulated and provide clear financial information for investors to make an informed decision.

Trading of securities will generally take place on regulated exchanges.

Any new fundraising or capital formation activity (including ICOs) are likely to be securities.

When a crypto is regulated as a security, the entire coin is subject to strict regulations. In the case of commodities, only specific use cases (futures) are regulated. It is a big difference.

US Congress is taking a leap of faith. It needs identifiable persons to enforce a law upon. Who is going to be held accountable in a decentralized network? Many issuing companies have handed control over to network participants. Perhaps for this reason, Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 will be amended to allow the issuer to apply for “desecuritization.”18) The question remains: who will apply for desecuritization once a network is decentralized? The investors? Weren’t they the ones supposed to be protected in the first place?

<Changing the Nature of Money_

These regulations are not just about crypto. It is clearly part of a wider discussion on the future of money. As shown below, this bill not only changes the definition of money in the US, but also changes how money is created!

As a first, in Section 5312(a)(3)(B) of title 31, US Code (Money and Finance) digital assets are included as a monetary instrument.19) However, Section 5103, of title 31, US Code will be amended to specifically exclude digital assets and digital asset securities as legal tender.20) And finally, it is determined that digital assets and digital asset securities will not be covered by Federal Deposit Insurance (FDIC or NCUA).21)

Introducing the Digital USD (or Central Bank Digital Currency/CBDC)

After slamming the door on digital assets to be used as lawful money, the Federal Reserve Act is amended to provide the Federal Reserve Board with far reaching new powers; section 11 will be amended to say:

“(d) To supervise and regulate through the Secretary of the Treasury the issue and retirement of Federal Reserve notes (both physical and digital), except for the cancellation and destruction, and accounting with respect to such cancellation and destruction, of notes unfit for circulation, and to prescribe rules and regulations (including appropriate technology) under which such notes may be delivered by the Secretary of the Treasury to the Federal Reserve agents applying therefor.”22)

In addition, Federal Reserve notes will in the future also be issued digitally; an amendment to section 16 confirms this:

“Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is authorized to issue digital versions of Federal reserve notes in addition to current physical Federal reserve notes. Further, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, after consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, is authorized to use distributed ledger technology for the creation, distribution and recordation of all transactions involving digital Federal reserve notes. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be considered legal tender and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank.”23)

Interpretations on the Future of Money:

The door is shut for the use of cryptos as legal tender.

The Federal Reserve Board is to be authorized to create and distribute a ledger-based Federal reserve note that could be used for everyday transactions in USD.

Digital federal reserve notes will make the “recordation” of all transactions possible. Did they use this word because “monitoring all transactions” would be too obvious? Recording all transactions without anyone looking at them makes no sense.

These amendments significantly increase the power of the Federal Reserve. Contrary to what is widely understood, the Fed does not “print money.” It can only manage the money supply indirectly.24) The private sector “creates” most of what we use as money by issuing credit. It is with the supply of credit by the private banks that the monetary supply is inflated. Conversely, with the reduced demand for credit, the money supply deflates. The Fed is not as powerful as it wants the market to believe, and the Federal Reserve Act restricts a lot of its actions. This amendment, however, could drastically expand the authority of the Fed, by allowing them to create and distribute a “digital USD” directly. It could change the entire structure of the financial system and potentially have far reaching consequences.

The original idea behind the Federal Reserve was for private bank deposits to be combined to provide an emergency line of credit in times of economic stress.25) But if the Digital Dollar is based on a blockchain, how can it also be based on reserves? And what mechanism will determine how funds (and how much) are added to the economy? And where and how will they be distributed? What about privacy and security? Will all this authority be handed over to a board of seven unelected bureaucrats? This amendment has the potential to change the way the Federal Reserve operates. This deserves a wider discussion by economists and financial experts outside the crypto-space as well.

<International FATF Crypto Regulation Introduced in the US_

Those paying attention to international anti-money laundering legislation know that the following sections from the Digital Asset Bill originate from guidance issued by the FATF (Financial Action Task Force). FATF is an intra-governmental organization creating financial legislation.

In March, the Paris based FATF issued draft guidance26) (“FATF Guidance”) on a number of topics. And even though this guidance hasn’t been finalized, there are already a number of points directly included in the Digital Asset Bill.

Banning the use of Stablecoins

Subchapter I of chapter 51 of subtitle IV of title 31, United States Code, department of treasury regulation, will be amended, to read as follows:

“(a) IN GENERAL.—Beginning on the date of the enactment of this section, no person may issue, use, or permit to be used a digital asset fiat-based stablecoin that is not approved by the Secretary of the Treasury under subsection (b).”27)

Criminalizing the use of privacy coins and anonymizing services (mixers, coinjoins)

The bank secrecy act is going to be amended to sanction the use of anonymity-enhanced convertible virtual currencies and anonymizing services.28) It is worth noting that willful violations of the bank secrecy act could give rise to a fine of not more than $250,000, or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.29)

Introduction of the term Virtual Asset Service Provide (VASP) into US Law

As a next step, the term Virtual Asset will be introduced into Section 5312(a) of title 31, United States Code. A Virtual Asset can be a digital asset, or “a digital representation of value that can be digitally traded, or transferred, and can be used for payment or investment purposes;”30)

So far we have seen a number of definitions. To understand their relationship, the following image was made based on the definition of Virtual Asset according to Section 5312(a) of title 31, United States Code:31)


Virtual Asset is a broad definition; it covers most activities involving cryptos. We can see in the Digital Asset Bill that entities that are facilitating transactions in Virtual Assets are to be called “virtual asset service providers,” or VASPS. Sec 301 of the Digital Asset Bill defines a VASP:

“(A) means a person who—

(i) exchanges between digital asset and fiat currencies

(ii) exchanges between digital assets;

(iii) transfers of digital assets;

(iv) is responsible for the custody, safekeeping of a digital asset or an instrument that enables control over a digital asset;

(v) issues or has the authority to redeem a digital asset; and

(vi) provides financial services related to the offer or sale of a digital asset by a person who issues such digital asset; and

(B) does not include any person who—

(i) obtains a digital asset to purchase goods or services for themself;

(ii) provides communication service or network access services used by a money transmitter; or

(iii) develops, creates, or disseminates software designed to be used to issue a digital asset or facilitate financial activities associated with a digital asset.”32)

This definition comes directly from the FATF Guidance, with the only difference being that the US excludes the exchange between different forms of one virtual assets. On the other hand, section (v) is a new addition.

The Big Picture: Global Regulation

The logic behind this seems to be to first introduce a high-level definition (including coins regulated as commodities, securities, and everything in between). Next, any future global restrictions on the wider crypto-space can be applied at this level.

From the latest FATF Guidance, a number of possible additional restrictions can already be deducted. Things to look out for are the restriction of the use of “unhosted wallets,” the introduction of the “travel rule,” labeling those who engage in peer-to-peer transactions as a risk, and a whole host of other measures.33)

One additional aspect of VASP regulation mentioned in the FATF Guidance is also included in the Digital Asset Bill; VASPS engaged in services which are available in the United States and to United States persons, have to be regulated in the United States, even if the provider is located outside the United States.34)

Interpretation International Regulation in the US:

International AML legislation, created by Paris-based FATF, is being introduced in the US.

The FATF term “virtual asset service provider” (VASP) is introduced in the US. The definition is so broad that it covers practically all crypto projects.

After first being in the FATF Guidance, the banning of stablecoins and anonymity-enhanced cryptos and the obligation for VASPs to be licensed in the country of their clients are included in the Digital Asset Bill.

It is not hard to imagine that other restrictions for cryptos currently discussed by FATF, such as the travel rule and restricting unhosted wallets, will be introduced next. This is not a regulation you introduce to then never use it.

All VASPs with operating in the US or with US clients need to be regulated in the US.

<Amendments in the Infrastructure Bill_

Last August saw public outcry over the US Infrastructure bill. It included a section on IRS reporting for crypto. Some highlights:

Clarification of Definition of Broker

It makes sense that the tax authorities use a wide definition to cover all possible economic activities in crypto. Section 80603 of the Infrastructure Bill amendments the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, provides that brokers need to report the activity of their clients to the IRS and adds the following to the definition of broker:

“(D) any person who (for consideration) is responsible for regularly providing any service effectuating transfers of digital assets on behalf of another person.”35)

Reporting of Digital Assets

In addition, a unique wide definition of digital assets is added:

“any digital representation of value which is recorded on a cryptographically secured distributed ledger or any similar technology as specified by the Secretary.”36)

Effective Date

Effective after December 31, 2023. So there is time.

Interpretation Infrastructure Bill

There was a lot of commotion about this bill. This was mainly due to the wide definitions used, which could cover all activities in the crypto space, including mining. In response, according to an article on Bloomberg, the U.S. treasury will shortly issue additional guidance, along the lines of the following:

“Other firms key to the nearly $2 trillion crypto market — from developers and miners to hardware and software providers — won’t have any new requirements, so long as they don’t also act as brokers, according to a Treasury official”37)

At a glance, it appears that this bill is not as invasive as originally feared. It would also be impossible to enforce this legislation on miners due to the nature of the technology.

In this case perhaps it would have been better if clear definitions were used of what is, and isn’t included. Moreover, comments from “anonymous sources at the treasury” do not provide real regulatory clarity. This industry too easily accepts the opinions of officials as decree. But we are all, including officials, subject to the law. Given that officials change over time, opinions and guidance are not the way forward; clear laws are needed.

The commotion also distracted from the massive changes proposed in the Digital Asset Bill discussed in this article, which so far have been ignored by the industry.


Weekend Update 2021-09-19

We got a lot of news for you guys so let’s get rolling.

Farewell u/Atobitt

Atobitt stepped down to balance his personal life. I won't speak for him so you can read his goodbye here. Ato, you've been a great inspiration for many of us through these months. Thank you for your groundbreaking investigations and for building this place to what it has become! We'll see you around, friend! 🍻

New Mods! -- u/Dismal-Jellyfish & u/Justind123

We are very pleased to welcome Jelly and Justin to the mod team! Each of them comes with some great knowledge and skill sets that have already proven to be very helpful to the team so we’re glad to have them aboard! Please welcome them with the hype that we give to every single trading day! WOOOOOOO!!!

choo choo mothafucka 😎 choo choo


Superstonkbot has been decommissioned. I'm gonna be honest with you guys. It wasn't really effective. All the greatest DD from Superstonk came from people who wanted to stamp their name on it. 99% of the DD that we would post from it was already posted by the OP, so it'd double up. The rest of the submissions were either conspiracy junk or people asking for post reviews/flairs etc. Over the past 6 months we have not had any whistleblowers or anonymous posts. Honestly, it was a lot of extra work on the DD mods and from our perspective, the reasons to decommission it far outweighed the benefits of keeping it. As always, we do try our best to listen to you so if you think you have a solution to this problem, please let us know! Thanks!

Post Flairs

(Meme, Education, HODL, DD, Discussion, etc)

We are currently reworking the post flairs--combining flairs that generally overlap, removing the ones that are not useful anymore, and tweaking, but we wanted to give you a heads up that changes are coming that we hope will improve your browsing experience.

Automod Changes

Keep in mind that all discussions on Superstonk must still relate back to GME. Due to cryptocurrency becoming more and more relevant within the GameStop conversation, we have decided to remove the following from the automod banned list (meaning you can use them freely now):

  • BTC/Bitcoin
  • LTC/Litecoin
  • ADA/Cardano
  • USDT/Tether
  • COIN/Coinbase
  • MVIS/Microvision
  • Madana
  • Cunt (this is not a cryptocurrency lmayo--also don’t abuse this word or else we’ll have to ban it again, also keep in mind that if your post/comment uses cunt in a harassing manner, you can still get banned)

This meme is now allowed (notice how it does not name a specific person so we can’t get blamed for harassment lol suck deez nuts, hedgies 🖕)


Alright guys, I’m not gonna lie to you here. I’m a fucking smooth brain so the info I’m about to give you might erase all the wrinkles you’ve earned this week. This CS shit is confusing as hell, so I’m gonna try to summarize what I understand to you in an ELIA (Explain Like I’m Ape). (This explanation is an analogy, not to be taken literally)

Basically CS is like this storage facility and GameStop uses it to store their 100% authentic certified no-doubt-about-it shares. At this storage facility, we can buy shares in our name. When you do that, it should effectively remove that share from the float. Since there are only 76.49 mil shares in the float (according to FINRA), the question is what happens when people buy all the available shares? We know what’s supposed to happen theoretically (oops *Moass* my bad 😏), but we’ll have to wait and see how it will unfold. To say that I’m excited is an understatement.

We mods want to clarify though, we are not requesting you guys to do anything towards your investment except EDUCATE YOURSELVES on your options. From the beginning of this journey, it’s always been about the empowerment of the individual investor, so do your part by growing and learning and then make an informed decision about your investment. Power to the Players ✊🏼

CS Guides:

(I’ve been watching so much LotR lately lmao)

I personally have bought some shares directly from them and I will be transferring some shares in the near future. I will be up front with you, the user experience and customer service was super annoying, but I really think it's worth the hassle, especially if you are trying to get more Infinity Pool shares. If you are interested in buying or transferring your shares to Computershare, then the following guides written by fellow helpful Apes should aid you in your journey:

Criand the Pomeranian: Direct Registering Shares

Link to buying shares directly on CS (DirectStock)

  • (if you guys have a great Superstonk guide to buying direct shares then please tag me with a link in the comments)

Guide: Transfers to CS

Guide: International transfers to CS

Guide: Changing your shares to "Book Entry"

via u/bubbaganube --


When you’re buying from them, they’re gonna send you some emails that are completely useless until the shares have been successfully bought and settled. I have no idea why they send you those prior emails. Don’t try to do anything like create an account or log in until like a week after you sent your order. TBH I don’t even remember if I got a confirmation email or letter for my order going through. And the customer service [from my experience] is very unhelpful. So just be patient. Even though the user experience is shit, I’m still going to be buying/transferring some more shares to add to my own personal Infinity Pool. Do what you wish with your investment.


💻 ComputerShared 🦍

From all the CS mania, we’ve created a new flair! If you’ve transferred or bought shares from CS, then please comment the following code in any Superstonk post (all lowercase letters will also work):


Community PSA:

The dam could explode at any time and things are going to get wild. We can feel it: everyone is antsy, frustrated, hyped, jubilant...we’re all going through a lot of emotions week after week and the mods can see it’s taking a toll on morale. Over the past few months we have seen an uptick in nasty remarks and comments being made all over the subreddit. Instead of using tact and helpful language to convey a message, many users have decided to be dickbags and create a cloud of negativity and bad vibes around their presence. I believe we should avoid becoming an echo chamber at all costs because that’s not good for intelligent discussion, but we need to remember there’s always a kind way of saying what we want to say. No one wants to listen to an asshole. So don’t be an asshole.

And also, before I forget, not every opposing idea is FUD. Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn’t mean they’re a shill or creating FUD. There’s two sides to every coin and I see people all over being mean to each other. Just chill out and take a breather.

Then there’s a bunch of you guys who forget the mods are real people with lives outside of GME who are also just volunteers trying to do our best for the community we love. Some of these people have been straight up harassing us. To those people, I made this meme for you:

That brings us back to a message that we’ve been saying since the beginning:

Be Excellent to Each Other!

Be kind, patient, courteous, and forgiving when you’re dealing with other people. And that’s not just a thing for Superstonk, that’s a blanket piece of advice for literally all of life. If you are kind and compassionate then people will listen to you and maybe, just maybe, we can learn together.

It’s 4:20 somewhere ayoooo *jump high five*

Closing Thoughts

There might be a lot of fireworks starting soon. Remember that with each of these cataclysmic market events, there are families on the other side that will be gravely affected by the carnage. Don’t fucking dance. I know it’s gonna be hard when the headline says “HEDGE FUND LIQUIDATED” and all we can think is “I TOLD YOU SO,” but please remember to be respectful about it. When this popsicle stand gets blown, the world is gonna put a spotlight on this place. Make sure you aren’t doing anything to bring shame to this community of Apes.

With that said, you start getting your nipple cream ready because we’re about to start another week of jacking our titties.

--XOXO the Superstonk Moderators 🦍💎✋🚀🌕🐳🚽🦙🐸🍦

The Economy of Laptop Crypto Mining

Hi, just want to share some though on this, hopefully get some feedback and get some discussion going on so I can enrich my knowledge and understanding on the matter.

The Story

On November 2020, I was laid back by the company which I was working for. They don't tell me why and just terminate the contract on the last day, even though I have been asking about the matter within a month prior to the contract expiry date. That time I had HP Pavilion Gaming with Ryzen 7 3750h and GTX 1660 Ti Max-Q, my first ever gaming laptop. Because of the circumstances, I then sell it right away, never check or have interest on the crypto mining.

On January 8, 2021, I finally find someone that willing to buy the laptop at fairly good price. Back then I was thinking to use the money for my daily needs. But after some days without laptop, which I usually use for playing game, I feel so horrible I decide to buy another one on January 10, 2021. The new one is Lenovo Legion 5 with Ryzen 5 4600H and RTX 2060. In the process of selecting this laptop, I stumble upon some Youtube video that tell even laptop can be used for crypto mining. From then I tried to mine using the laptop.

Because I don't know where to start, I keep searching for the easiest method to start mining. Eventually I settled with NiceHash. As of now the Legion laptop is mining steady at ~32MH/s with NiceHash QuickMiner. The cooling system is great, quite, GPU run cool enough at 55-60°C so I don't think this will drain the lifespan too much. I put the laptop to sleep every two hour for 5 minutes. It also have battery charge limiter, and I can set to charge at 60% max so I think it could also improve the overall lifespan.

I started mining on February 15, 2021. Back then, I have no idea about how much overclocking can improve the hash rate and lower the temperature, so I use the stock setting and optimization profile from NiceHash. My first ever payout is on March 17, 2021, it's around 0.0105 BTC which valued around IDR 712.000. It took so long, like more than 1 month because I let the laptop do the mining when I go to sleep. For the rest of the time, the laptop is used for works or playing games.

After knowing that the mining is legit, confirming NiceHash is not a scam or something like that, I then thinking to run the mining 24h. Until around May, it goes well. I always transfer the payout to my local exchange, sell it and get the money. It was good I decide to buy another laptop. The new one is MSI GF65 Thin 10UE with Intel i5-10200H and RTX 3060.

I received the new laptop at May 8, 2021. I run some benchmark for reference in the future. I am impressed by the capability of this one, although I have doubt at the beginning because it use only i5. The only thing I'm not impressed about this one is the fan, it's very loud. After some research for the best overclock setting, the MSI laptop mine steadily at ~38MH/s and the temp is not that bad, around 58-62°C. With the two running, I can get the payout every 10 days. Not bad.

Unfortunately, the market crash. I was willing to cash out if the Bitcoin price is around IDR 850.000.000,-, so here comes the long hodl. Until now, I have 14 payouts from NiceHash and it sits on my local exchange, waiting for the price to hit this mark. Only god knows when the price will be that high again.

Right now, the MSI laptop is in the service center, because the fan sounds very very rough. It's almost like there is something in there. It is estimated to take one month to get fixed.

The Economy

I chose to continue with the laptop mining, over mining using external GPU card, because:

  1. It's really difficult to get GPU card right now, as the price is crazy and the stock is scarce;
  2. Laptop consumes less power than GPU card when mining
  3. Laptop has battery backup so I don't need to purchase UPS
  4. In my opinion it will be easier to resell a laptop.

I was purchasing the Lenovo Legion 5 for IDR 18.354.000,-. The MSI GF65 Thin cost me IDR 16.828.500,-. So I have at least invested IDR 35.182.500,-. After four months of mining, right now I hold around 0.014 BTC. If I can sell it at IDR 850.000.000 then the value is IDR 11.900.000 right now. If the number persist, I can hit break event point within 1 year of mining, assuming the BTC price is at the level I had hoped.

The two laptop I currently have is on 2 years official warranty. So if I use them mining for one year, I probably can sell the laptop easier and at a good price, since the laptop is still in warranty. To consider if this is going to work for you, try to calculate following variables

a. Mining Payout + Laptop Resell Price

b. Laptop Price + Operation Cost (accessories, electricity, etc.)

If (a) is more than (b), then the difference between the two will be your return of investment. As long as it is a positive number, then you are making a profit.

Let's use my data. At the end of the investment year I expect to have around 0.036 BTC. If I can sell the BTC for the price I targeted, then I will have IDR 30.600.000,-. If I can sell the laptop for 75% of the original price, then I will have IDR 26.386.875. The total is IDR 56.986.875,- (a).

The laptop cost as mentioned before is IDR 35.182.500. So far, per month I have to pay at least IDR 100.000,- for the electricity and IDR 75.000 for the internet. I have also purchase a wifi modem for IDR 692.000,- and some other accessories, in which the total is about IDR 1.000.000,-. My operation cost is 3.100.000,-. So the total is IDR 38.282.500 (b)

In this scenario, I make ( 56.986.875 - 38.282.500 ) = IDR 18.704.375,- in one year of investment.

Even if the BTC price is not good, I will still make profit, even though it may be extremely a little one.


In my opinion, this is not bad at all.

If you are here already, you don't have to worry too much. It will still make you a profit but might not as much as you wished for. Just make sure you take good care of the laptop, as the actual investment you do is in the laptop.

If you are considering this endeavor, please consider another option first. This is an investment that will take your mind, time, and money. It may be good for extra stream of income, but definitely not good enough for your main one.

Rollercoin is an online bitcoin mining simulator in which you can mine real bitcoins for free without paying for electricity - get a 1000 satoshi now!

Rollercoin is a game that you compete with your friends, who will have a bigger farm to mine bitcoin, ethereum or dogecoin. Аll you have to do is register and customize your avatar, then you're ready to start the race.

The best part is that this game does not require depositing money to grow your farm, it is enough to play games, raise enough money and buy your first miner.

Once you have collected the sufficient minimum amount (about 4-6$) you can withdraw your money to your personal wallet. You can take 1000 satoshi which will help for the development of your farm. They are equal to 0.00001 BTC.


It is now possible to progress faster with the new in the game "Event Pass", if you do not want to give real money, there are also free prizes such as, acceleration of production by 1 Ph / s for 1 day and 3 days, as well as 2 Ph / s for 7 days and other gifts.

If you wish, you can develop your mining farm with real money, this is optional!


There are also weekly offers that offer a limited series of miners, as well as discounts for miners up to 60%.


At Rollercoin you will never mine at a loss because you will not pay for electricity! The game is made you always mine to profit!

If you decide to invest the money you earn in miners, you will start earning more.

The cheapest miner costs only 2.6 RLT which is 2.6$.

Notes on using Rollercoin

• All purchases from the site require RLT, which is Rollercoin's own cryptocurrency. There are currently no means of purchasing RLT with real cash (this also applies to other cryptos!). You either must mine them from your "PC" or exchange them via funds from your Rollercoin wallet.

• You may withdraw your crypto from the site once it reaches the required quota, or deposit them to a different currency. You cannot, however, deposit any crypto from outside Rollercoin.

• The cooldown timer after playing the game will pause at any point you opened a tab or another browser to view, and will resume once you click on the site.

• You can only split power from mining crypto once every 12 hours.

• You must win at least one game per day to maintain the current level of your "PC", otherwise it will go back to the lowest level and with it your mining power.

• The more games you win, the more difficult it is, and the longer the cooldown. On the flipside, you get a bigger score which adds to your mining power.

• You can bring down the difficulty of any game by simply not playing them for awhile. Use this to diversify the games you play and earn as much mining power as possible.

• The higher your mining power, the more crypto you can get from each completed block.

• When starting off, switch all mining power to RLT ASAP and win 150 games. This lets you complete most of the Weekly Event quests and have power to gain enough RLT to purchase a miner within a few days (cheapest one as of this writing is 2.6 RLT).

• The last part of the Event Quest get additional XP requires you invite one person to sign up to Rollercoin. That person gets 1000 Satoshi free upon sign-up. 1000 FREE SATOSHI HERE

• Cryptonoid provides the highest score (thus the biggest mining power gain), followed by Dr. Hamster, and Token Blaster. Coin Flip gives the lowest score followed by Coin Click and Coin Match.

Rollercoin is an online bitcoin mining simulator in which you can mine real bitcoins for free without paying for electricity - get a 1000 satoshi now!

Rollercoin is a game that you compete with your friends, who will have a bigger farm to mine bitcoin, ethereum or dogecoin. Аll you have to do is register and customize your avatar, then you're ready to start the race.

The best part is that this game does not require depositing money to grow your farm, it is enough to play games, raise enough money and buy your first miner.

Once you have collected the sufficient minimum amount (about 4-6$) you can withdraw your money to your personal wallet. You can take 1000 satoshi which will help for the development of your farm. They are equal to 0.00001 BTC.


It is now possible to progress faster with the new in the game "Event Pass", if you do not want to give real money, there are also free prizes such as, acceleration of production by 1 Ph / s for 1 day and 3 days, as well as 2 Ph / s for 7 days and other gifts.

If you wish, you can develop your mining farm with real money, this is optional!


There are also weekly offers that offer a limited series of miners, as well as discounts for miners up to 60%.


At Rollercoin you will never mine at a loss because you will not pay for electricity! The game is made you always mine to profit!

If you decide to invest the money you earn in miners, you will start earning more.

The cheapest miner costs only 2.6 RLT which is 2.6$.

Notes on using Rollercoin

• All purchases from the site require RLT, which is Rollercoin's own cryptocurrency. There are currently no means of purchasing RLT with real cash (this also applies to other cryptos!). You either must mine them from your "PC" or exchange them via funds from your Rollercoin wallet.

• You may withdraw your crypto from the site once it reaches the required quota, or deposit them to a different currency. You cannot, however, deposit any crypto from outside Rollercoin.

• The cooldown timer after playing the game will pause at any point you opened a tab or another browser to view, and will resume once you click on the site.

• You can only split power from mining crypto once every 12 hours.

• You must win at least one game per day to maintain the current level of your "PC", otherwise it will go back to the lowest level and with it your mining power.

• The more games you win, the more difficult it is, and the longer the cooldown. On the flipside, you get a bigger score which adds to your mining power.

• You can bring down the difficulty of any game by simply not playing them for awhile. Use this to diversify the games you play and earn as much mining power as possible.

• The higher your mining power, the more crypto you can get from each completed block.

• When starting off, switch all mining power to RLT ASAP and win 150 games. This lets you complete most of the Weekly Event quests and have power to gain enough RLT to purchase a miner within a few days (cheapest one as of this writing is 2.6 RLT).

• The last part of the Event Quest get additional XP requires you invite one person to sign up to Rollercoin. That person gets 1000 Satoshi free upon sign-up. 1000 FREE SATOSHI HERE

• Cryptonoid provides the highest score (thus the biggest mining power gain), followed by Dr. Hamster, and Token Blaster. Coin Flip gives the lowest score followed by Coin Click and Coin Match.

Rollercoin is an online bitcoin mining simulator in which you can mine real bitcoins for free without paying for electricity - get a 1000 satoshi now!

Rollercoin is a game that you compete with your friends, who will have a bigger farm to mine bitcoin, ethereum or dogecoin. Аll you have to do is register and customize your avatar, then you're ready to start the race.

The best part is that this game does not require depositing money to grow your farm, it is enough to play games, raise enough money and buy your first miner.

Once you have collected the sufficient minimum amount (about 4-6$) you can withdraw your money to your personal wallet. You can take 1000 satoshi which will help for the development of your farm. They are equal to 0.00001 BTC.


It is now possible to progress faster with the new in the game "Event Pass", if you do not want to give real money, there are also free prizes such as, acceleration of production by 1 Ph / s for 1 day and 3 days, as well as 2 Ph / s for 7 days and other gifts.

If you wish, you can develop your mining farm with real money, this is optional!


There are also weekly offers that offer a limited series of miners, as well as discounts for miners up to 60%.


At Rollercoin you will never mine at a loss because you will not pay for electricity! The game is made you always mine to profit!

If you decide to invest the money you earn in miners, you will start earning more.

The cheapest miner costs only 2.6 RLT which is 2.6$.

Notes on using Rollercoin

• All purchases from the site require RLT, which is Rollercoin's own cryptocurrency. There are currently no means of purchasing RLT with real cash (this also applies to other cryptos!). You either must mine them from your "PC" or exchange them via funds from your Rollercoin wallet.

• You may withdraw your crypto from the site once it reaches the required quota, or deposit them to a different currency. You cannot, however, deposit any crypto from outside Rollercoin.

• The cooldown timer after playing the game will pause at any point you opened a tab or another browser to view, and will resume once you click on the site.

• You can only split power from mining crypto once every 12 hours.

• You must win at least one game per day to maintain the current level of your "PC", otherwise it will go back to the lowest level and with it your mining power.

• The more games you win, the more difficult it is, and the longer the cooldown. On the flipside, you get a bigger score which adds to your mining power.

• You can bring down the difficulty of any game by simply not playing them for awhile. Use this to diversify the games you play and earn as much mining power as possible.

• The higher your mining power, the more crypto you can get from each completed block.

• When starting off, switch all mining power to RLT ASAP and win 150 games. This lets you complete most of the Weekly Event quests and have power to gain enough RLT to purchase a miner within a few days (cheapest one as of this writing is 2.6 RLT).

• The last part of the Event Quest get additional XP requires you invite one person to sign up to Rollercoin. That person gets 1000 Satoshi free upon sign-up. 1000 FREE SATOSHI HERE

• Cryptonoid provides the highest score (thus the biggest mining power gain), followed by Dr. Hamster, and Token Blaster. Coin Flip gives the lowest score followed by Coin Click and Coin Match.

Rollercoin is an online bitcoin mining simulator in which you can mine real bitcoins for free without paying for electricity - get a 1000 satoshi now!

Rollercoin is a game that you compete with your friends, who will have a bigger farm to mine bitcoin, ethereum or dogecoin. Аll you have to do is register and customize your avatar, then you're ready to start the race.

The best part is that this game does not require depositing money to grow your farm, it is enough to play games, raise enough money and buy your first miner.

Once you have collected the sufficient minimum amount (about 4-6$) you can withdraw your money to your personal wallet. You can take 1000 satoshi which will help for the development of your farm. They are equal to 0.00001 BTC.


It is now possible to progress faster with the new in the game "Event Pass", if you do not want to give real money, there are also free prizes such as, acceleration of production by 1 Ph / s for 1 day and 3 days, as well as 2 Ph / s for 7 days and other gifts.

If you wish, you can develop your mining farm with real money, this is optional!


There are also weekly offers that offer a limited series of miners, as well as discounts for miners up to 60%.


At Rollercoin you will never mine at a loss because you will not pay for electricity! The game is made you always mine to profit!

If you decide to invest the money you earn in miners, you will start earning more.

The cheapest miner costs only 2.6 RLT which is 2.6$.

Notes on using Rollercoin

• All purchases from the site require RLT, which is Rollercoin's own cryptocurrency. There are currently no means of purchasing RLT with real cash (this also applies to other cryptos!). You either must mine them from your "PC" or exchange them via funds from your Rollercoin wallet.

• You may withdraw your crypto from the site once it reaches the required quota, or deposit them to a different currency. You cannot, however, deposit any crypto from outside Rollercoin.

• The cooldown timer after playing the game will pause at any point you opened a tab or another browser to view, and will resume once you click on the site.

• You can only split power from mining crypto once every 12 hours.

• You must win at least one game per day to maintain the current level of your "PC", otherwise it will go back to the lowest level and with it your mining power.

• The more games you win, the more difficult it is, and the longer the cooldown. On the flipside, you get a bigger score which adds to your mining power.

• You can bring down the difficulty of any game by simply not playing them for awhile. Use this to diversify the games you play and earn as much mining power as possible.

• The higher your mining power, the more crypto you can get from each completed block.

• When starting off, switch all mining power to RLT ASAP and win 150 games. This lets you complete most of the Weekly Event quests and have power to gain enough RLT to purchase a miner within a few days (cheapest one as of this writing is 2.6 RLT).

• The last part of the Event Quest get additional XP requires you invite one person to sign up to Rollercoin. That person gets 1000 Satoshi free upon sign-up. 1000 FREE SATOSHI HERE

• Cryptonoid provides the highest score (thus the biggest mining power gain), followed by Dr. Hamster, and Token Blaster. Coin Flip gives the lowest score followed by Coin Click and Coin Match.

[Sun, Sep 19 2021] TL;DR — Crypto news you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


Do I drop my 2 very young children’s savings into BTC now and hand over the keys when they reach 18 ?

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New Shocking US Crypto Regulation Far More Invasive [Due Diligence]

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Can't keep Bitcoin down forever

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Afraid of going bankrupt, AMC starts accepting cryptocurrencies - Amc accepts ethereum now

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I was going through my Twitter post media, and then I found my screenshot of old ETH tx on etherscan from 2020. I could do one swap for $0.35. Miss the old days.

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Rate my widget!

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U.S. Homeland Security Signs $1.36M Contract with Coinbase

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To all of you who keep chasing that 100x coin for fck you money; you would never hodl long enough for it to hit 100x unless you’ve already got fck you money

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The Politicians in Congress who want to Stop Crypto are the ones Insider Trading since over 10 Years based on Legal Loopholes

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My 1st #bchino on the Gold Coast

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BCH is top 3 coin in terms of volume. Disclosed shorts indicate that price is suppressed.

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Too much lies and misinformation about BCH

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Do you guys think I have too many alts? This is a 40k portfolio on a good day.

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Mat Yarger (IOTA), Steve Todd (Dell), Paul O'Neil (Intel), Reed Hinkel (Arm) on Project Alvarium and the current/future needs of data confidence technology is a must watch

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According To El Salvador President, Nayib Bukele, 1.1 Million Salvadorans Now Using Chivo Bitcoin Wallet

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Sovryn is the first, decentralized financial protocol built on Bitcoin’s network. Aiming to transform Bitcoin’s network into something between the traditional Bitcoin and Ethereum.

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U.S. Homeland Security Signs $1.36M Contract with Coinbase

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We Are All Satoshi: Statue of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Unveiled in Hungary – Featured Bitcoin News

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5 Years from Now: The Future of Cryptocurrency

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The Latest Crypto Adoption: Buyers Can Pay in Bitcoin for Manhattan Retail Properties

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LTC Sent To CoinBase BTC Address

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New Reddit accounts saying their Coinbase account was hacked???

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Just give me my money back and I'll move on

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New Binance token project announces plans to launch cross-chain decentralized exchange

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All red 📈

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5 Years from Now: The Future of Binance

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Legal Briefs - SEC's case fizzling against Ripple

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And now the New York Post in on the case: Still-young crypto industry could grow stronger — if SEC allows it to thrive (from the same journalist who reports on Fox Business)

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Daily Discussion 09/19/21 [Join FlareXRP Discord] -

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PayPal enables is 2million UK customers to buy Litecoin from within its app

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The difference between PoW and PoS.

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Electrum-LTC Generated wrong receiving address

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p2pool V1.0 just released!

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Lamassu ATMs to begin supporting XMR

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Here we are. They're declawing all of crypto while calling it "Investor Protection".

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Weekend Game development log with Video (City Gameplay) 2021-09-17

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IOHK posted this on Twitter. How come no one is talking about this ? Can’t wait for Cardano Summit.

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I can absolutely not get enough ADA.

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Learning Lessons - 2#. Cryptocurrencies

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10,000 Chads are eagerly leaving their moms' basements to forge the greatest Corporation of the metaverse. Mint a Chad and be a part of this thriving community of degenerates! 🏢🚀[link in comments]

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Dogmonauts! 10,000 algorithmically generated 3D NFTs coming to Solana. Membership Club, IRL Events, Airdrops, & a goal to save real dogs from shelters.

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Cute Beaver Club - My hand drawn collectible Beavers available on Opensea! Post your eth address and win one of them! :)

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On the SEC and GG, among other thoughts

Gary Gensler (GG) is the head of the securities exchange commission (SEC) in the United States.

He has gone in front of the US congress many times recently. Here is the most recent livestream:

He lectured about blockchain at MIT for a semester (or more). In those lectures, he hints at his vision of tokens as securities. Here is the best video so far that reveals the most about what he thinks:

Now, I will provide my perspective from where GG stands and what is to come. And where hex stands.


GG thinks many cryptocurrencies may be securities. He also thinks that Coinbase needs to register with the SEC as a securities exchange because they are trading things that may be securities. There are a couple qualities of which he looks for in determining if a token is a security. I will talk on the two most important question GG asks himself when determining if something is a security.

  1. Is there a leadership team for the coin? Are the investors into these projects investing with the expectation of profit from the work of others? E.g. are the cardano investors expecting profit once the cardano developers roll-out smart contracts? The answer seems to overwhelmingly be "yes." My guess is that cardano, in the eyes of the SEC chair, is a security.
  2. Is there a pre-sale for the launch of the coin (ICO) and subsequent expected profit for the investors? Was the pre-sale a securities offering? E.g. the ethereum launch raised $18 million in its launch phase to raise money. GG thinks that this was a securities offering, but the SEC, 4 years after the launch, deemed ethereum as decentralized enough for ethereum to not be a security.


Where hex falls with these two questions:

  1. RH is obviously the leader of the HEX community. But there is no expectation of profit from the work of others in the hex community. The HEX code launched complete, is immutable, and cannot be stopped. RH cannot change anything. Thus, there cannot be any expectation of HEX profit from the work of RH. All of the interest gained from staking is done through the crypto code. Not by people. You own your own keys, you mine your own hex.
  2. Firstly, hex was given for free to bitcoin holders. That is not a pre-sale quality. Secondly, the ethereum that was "swapped" for hex during the launch phase resulted in hex delivery to the investors (effectively, a trade). Where the money went is unknown, however, regardless, it does not match the definition of a securities offering. "A securities offering is done to fund operations, expansion, a capital project, an acquisition, or some other business purpose." It is my interpretation that the launch of hex cannot be a securities offering because the hex code moving forward cannot have any changes! There cannot be any operations to fund, and expansion to fund, or another business project because there is no changing the code! That cannot be said for many of the tokens out there being traded today. Furthermore, if you assume the pre-sale money did go to developers of hex--- wait, there is no development team! (Also note the pulse sacrifice was not a pre-sale! There is no expectation of profit from the work of others.)


My questions to you, as I would like to learn something (I will provide an answer to a couple of them to show where I stand):

- What are some other takes on answering these questions?

- What are some other points that GG takes into consideration when asking himself if the token is a security?

- How can we encourage those that do not know about hex to do their own research? (which is NOT, by the way, going on youtube and listening to some talking head spout about their interpretation of hex)

- What else would you like to talk about?

- What will happen to the tokens that are securities?

It is in my view that GG may think that ethereum may be a security due to the promise of ETH 2.0, and the development team, lead by Vitalik, working to improve the project. I think similarly about cardano. Both of these project have the history of promising return from the work of others, and have had updates to their system. What will the SEC do?

- Let's have a fun thought experiment-- let's assume the SEC finds that hex is a security. What happens? Well, they would go after the development team. Wait, who would they go after? Hex doesn't have a development team! And even if there was one, and we assume these people get thrown in jail, there is no stopping the immutable beautifulness that is hex! There are multiple front-ends and there are multiple places to trade hex. There is no stopping it, there is no changing it, there is just the running hex code. It is for these reasons that I sleep very well at night being all in on the fastest accumulating asset in history.

- Should hex be tradable on coinbase?

In my opinion, no. Hex is censorship resistant. Coinbase is a dumpster fire under the SEC microscope. Best if we stay with trustless code outside of centralized exchanges. Simple as that, to me.


As always, do your own research. Read up. Listening to others' interpretation of events/words on the internet is not doing your own research. NFA.

👉 BitCine Growed 1000% already and their target is reaching to be the most Gainer Token in the market ✅ . What BTCE has is Doxxed Team,Referral System,Airdrop Events..


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🔹 Team: 2%

🔹 Community: 3%

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Big Changes Coming in our World

It feels like we live in turbulent times, doesn’t it? And it’s true. Just mentally time travel back twenty or thirty years. What a different world it was back then. I mean there weren’t any smartphones yet - for example. So this device single-handedly took over all our lives in just a bit more than 15 years. The world is truly spinning fast.

And chances are that it’ll spin even faster in the coming decades. People usually sense that. They know that big changes are coming. Even if they don’t know the exact nature of these big changes, they can feel them. And if they feel them they usually divide themselves into two opposing groups. The one group wants to embrace the changes. It wants to use them to build a better future. The other group, however, is highly sceptical. They don’t want any change. They just want to live the life they have always lived. They are scared of what might come with the “new system”.

Let’s call these two types of people the a) “forward-looker” and b) the “backward-looker”. You can usually very easily distinguish these two types of people by looking at statements like “back in the days, everything was better” or “artificial intelligence is going to change the world”.

In several of my other posts I wrote that the world is not black or white (not binary). Of course, this also applies to this situation. No-one is “only” a forward-looker or only a backward-looker. We are always both simultaneously. In some areas of our lives, we’d rather live in the past. In some, we’d rather live in the future.

But let’s look at the topic at hand again. What big changes are coming? And why is it that every few hundred years society takes a big leap forward (if the forward-lookers are in the majority) or a big leap backwards (backward-lookers are in the majority)?

What Drives Major Societal Changes?

Because society is nothing more than the sum of all individuals, the short answer is: Everything. However, this answer doesn’t explain much and cannot be used to understand the world around us better. So, let’s try to break it down to some of the major drivers of the really big changes. Usually, it’s not one driver alone but a combination of different ones. I can explain this best with a specific example. Let’s look at the biggest societal change our society has ever seen. Let’s look at the “industrial revolution”.

When reading history books they usually point you to the invention of the steam engine with regards to the big “driver” behind this revolution. However, this is not entirely true. Of course, we would not have seen an industrial revolution without this wonderful new way to convert energy into products. But it wasn’t by any means the single main driver. There were two others that were equally important.

If we want to have a prosperous economy, we do not only need products (or services) but we also need money to pay for them. Also, individuals in such a society need to be able to communicate and exchange plans, information or instructions. In short, we can reduce the drivers of a major societal change to the three following big drivers:

  1. technological innovation (e.g. steam engine)
  2. information innovation (e.g. printing press)
  3. monetary innovation (e.g. paper and book money)

Only when several of these really big drivers come together do we see major changes in our society. And by the beginning of the industrial revolution time was ripe. We had machines that allowed us to automate in a way never seen before. Then, we also had the information technology that allowed us to communicate to and coordinate the big masses (e.g. newspapers, books, flyers). Finally, we also had the monetary tools which allowed us to pay for such products and services (e.g. paper money and book money).

Just think about it for a second. Do you really think the industrial revolution could have kicked off if we still had used gold coins back then? Or if the only source of information would have been the village square because newspapers could not have been reproduced without the printing press technology? Personally, I don’t think so.

So, for the really big societal changes to kick off we need three ingredients:

  1. A new way to produce stuff (i.e. technological innovation)
  2. A new way to exchange information (i.e. information innovation)
  3. A new way to pay for stuff (i.e. monetary innovation)

And it looks like we have all the three ingredients together again. In the past few decades we have seen numerous technological innovations. It all started with including machines in the production process (assembly lines). Then, it went on to letting machines coordinate stuff in the production process (automatic planning). Later we outsourced the task at hand completely to the machine and humans only defined the ground rules (automation).

Then, some thirty years ago came the big information revolution. Suddenly, we had a new technology that allowed us to exchange information at a time and cost never seen before. Just think about the magnitude of this innovation for a second. In the early 1990s an individual with “no importance” to the information technologies at the time (newspapers, television) had literally no way to spread information globally.

Now, every single one of us has that power with technologies like social media, blogs, websites or chat groups. It’s only logical that this information revolution, combined with the ongoing technological revolution could bring forth amazing innovations. Suddenly, we could connect millions that drive each other from A to B (Uber). Suddenly, every product we ever desired was only a click away (Amazon). Or, we simply shifted to consume digital stuff at all (Netflix, Spotify).

But still, one ingredient was missing from the big three. We still were paying for all this new and fancy stuff (or services) by using a monetary infrastructure that is heavily dependent on a few companies, is extremely fragile and nearly collapses every few years. So, it’s only natural that we were also looking for some innovation on that front. And it looks like it’s coming. And it’s coming big.

The Last Twitches of the Old Gatekeepers

In order for something being “ripe for change” there needs to be something wrong with the old thing. Unless something is wrong with the old system, most of the people will not change. Even if the new one is better. First, they need to tear the old system down before they start embracing the new one. It’s just how humans work. They don’t like change too much.

So, let’s look at some of the flaws of the old system. Ever since governments gave up the gold standard they printed money like a coke addicted maniac that needs to finance their desires. Usually, that additional money that flows into our economy sooner or later leads to inflation. This means that the products that we need increase in price and we end up with being able to buy the same amount of products even if we have more money. They just got more expensive.

While this happened at different times in the past few decades in different countries most of us (luckily) didn’t see the “evil face” of inflation like people in Venezuela (currently, you get over 400bn Bolivar for only one (!!!) USD). But this is only the case because we were focussing on the wrong inflation for years.

The inflation that the government and the newspapers tell you about is the so-called consumer price inflation (CPI). Put simply you could call it the “carrot inflation”. It tells you how much more expensive your carrot gets on a yearly basis. If one carrot costs you USD 1.00 today (it’s a very beautiful carrot and therefore expensive) and we have a 10% annual inflation it will cost you USD 1.10 in one year.

But this isn’t where all the money went that was “printed” in the past few decades. You always have to ask yourself who is getting that additional money that was printed? If it’s poor people, they might buy more carrots. But if it’s rich people, not necessarily. Rich people can only eat this many carrots. And if they’re full, they have to buy other shit. And this is usually not stuff that’s directly relevant for our survival. So it’s also not measured with an index like the consumer price inflation.

More likely, the money goes into buying stocks, real estate, paintings, classical cars or whatever else the materialistic heart desires. And if you look at the price increases of these things, the story is a whole lot different. This so-called asset price inflation (API) has really skyrocketed over the past few decades.

Unfortunately, the government usually doesn’t give you any meaningful analysis to directly observe this trend. They claim it’s not possible because the assets that inflated most are not per se trackable in price. They are illiquid, not fungible in nature and prices are rarely observable on the open market. That’s certainly true and one side of the story (after all, incompetence is one of their signature moves). There is also another side of the story, however.

If the “common” people would realize how worthless their money in their bank account actually is compared to only 50 years ago, they’d certainly put it all in either real assets (real estate, stocks, old classic cars, …) or new currency systems like crypto currencies. And this is what governments and central banks are afraid of. Because if they don’t control money anymore, they cannot “solve” the next crisis by just printing more of it. They would have to solve the underlying problem. They couldn’t just ease the symptom. And naturally, this scares them.

But let’s stay with asset price inflation for three more paragraphs. Some currencies in this world are considered “safe haven” currencies. One of these safe haven currencies is the Swiss Franc (CHF) for example. Do you know how many CHF you had to pay for one USD in the 1970s? It’s been over 4 CHF per USD! Now, you don’t even pay 1 anymore. So, compared to the CHF, the USD has lost over 75 % of its value over the last 50 years. By the way, it’s the same story when looking at other currencies (e.g. one British Pound (GBP) was roughly worth 10 CHF in the 1970 - now it’s about 1.30…).

But even within safe haven currencies like the CHF people have experienced HUGE asset price inflation. If you’re Swiss, for example, just ask your parent/grandparent what amount they paid for their house/apartment and what their salary was at that time. Chances are that this ratio is way lower than what it is today. This basically means that we have to work longer until we can buy the same thing. This is asset price inflation.

So, let’s just assume that also the “safe haven” CHF has depreciated 75 % in value. This would mean that the USD holder would have lost nearly 95 % of their value if they kept their savings in USD. Thankfully, no one saves money in the US. Otherwise, they would have long realized that they are getting scammed. Jokes aside, this is a BIG problem that we have with the current system right in its core. And it’s getting worse.

This completely worthless junk of book money then finds its way into our economy. But clearly we cannot handle it directly. This would be too dangerous. So, we give it to our banks who are responsible for keeping it safe (custody), allowing us to move it from A to B (payments) or maybe also letting us invest some of it to profit from this asset price inflation (e.g. in stocks).

But instead, they are creating a global casino where the shortsighted decisions of the banker with their quarterly bonus payments only guides it from one doomsday scenario to another. It seems like bankers have perfected the “ability” to attract “investments” that look like this: You earn a little bit of money every year only to lose it all if the next crisis hits. Ah yeah, and then the government needs to step in because they have already paid out all the money earned the years before as bonus payments to their “top” employees.

To summarize it, the current monetary system creates more inequality. It divides us instead of uniting us. And if something divides us over a long enough time and with a big enough severity, the two divided groups inevitably clash together at some point of time. It’s only natural. And this is where we are now.

The Monetary Revolution

Clearly, the current monetary system is not optimal. But what’s the alternative? For a long time, we didn’t have an answer. There was none. So, we stayed with the old system. Better keeping what we already know (even if not perfect) than having nothing at all... But since a few years, we suddenly do have alternatives.

It all started in 2009 with the “birth” of Bitcoin. Suddenly, we had a viable alternative to centralized currencies from governments that got more worthless by the year. It solved a lot of the problems that our current systems had. One couldn’t just create more. So, people that owned this new currency would be protected from inflation. Also, it’s been designed in a way where no gatekeepers can control or stop transactions (there are some limitations to that though).

This is an important feature of a truly new system due to one obvious reason. As soon as the “old elite” realizes that there is something new around the corner which they cannot control, they will do everything in their power to keep it from advancing. It simply threatens their power base.

A few years ago, it was big corporations who got the wink. Facebook, for example, publicly announced their work on their own digital currency libra (now: diem) in 2019. Of course, the US has then done everything it can to nip these efforts in the bud. They don’t want to be dependent on Facebook when the next crisis hits (and subsequently need to increase the monetary base). They want to own the “money printing machines”. So, Facebook (at least publicly) left the project.

This year, another chapter of the book “From Analog to Digital Money” has been written. China suddenly started fighting hard against crypto currencies in May this year. In a single day, they single-handedly pushed down crypto currency prices 50 % on average. Not only did they completely forbid mining activities (most miners were in China at the time) but also “incentivized” big Chinese crypto holders to sell off. Also, they announced their own digital currency - the e-CNY. And they put the big Chinese finance companies in handcuffs - just look at Ant Financial (Alipay → Jack Ma arrest) or Tencent (WeChat Pay).

I am not sure if it’s just me, but I think the Chinese might want to establish the “world currency” of the digital future. From an economic perspective, they have already overtaken the US. From a geopolitic and foreign affairs perspective not yet. The western countries would still rather align themselves with the US than with China. In this space, China is working on/with countries in Africa (e.g. Ethiopia) or Asia (e.g. Pakistan). It always follows the same script. First you help them build something by giving them the loans for it. Then, they cannot pay that loan back. Then, you come and take the “collateral” (e.g. critical infrastructure like a port). But that’s a topic for another time.

Monetary wise, they have already started racing the race of “digital currencies”. Soon, China will “incentivize” their own citizens only to use the new e-CNY for payments within China. “It’s just easier for them.” Also, China can then define “rules” how this e-CNY can be spent. Maybe they can only spend it for a certain time. After this, the currency automatically expires. Maybe, they can also just spend it for certain stuff. Maybe they have to spend some amount on products from their own country before they can start buying “foreign stuff”. All rules imaginable can be embedded into such a system.

So, for a country that puts the collective over the individual, this is one of the most amazing inventions ever made. Recently, for example, China ruled that minors are only allowed to play three hours of video games per week (or cannot listen to K-Pop anymore). Even if I agree with the fact that children should rather do other stuff than playing video games or listening to K-Pop all day long, I still feel very uncomfortable with such a rule. I simply think it should not be within the competence of the government to tell me this. Because from there it’s only a small step to an Orwellian future.

Like always in history, all the potential outcomes usually reduce themselves to two opposing fractions of people. Even if we don’t like it, most of us still think binary. So, we need a situation where we can choose between two options. Either you are A, or you are B. With regards to a future monetary system, it looks like these two options are: a) state sponsored central digital currencies (don’t worry, the other big governments will soon release theirs as well) or b) decentralized private digital currencies.

In the western countries, it looks like option b) is going to win in the long term. Governments are just too slow to come up with a serious competition for the existing digital currencies. Also, we don’t trust our governments anymore at all (just look at the reactions to the corona crisis). Therefore, more and more people are switching to decentralized digital currencies (whichever one) and if this group of people has reached a “critical mass” there’s nothing the government can do against it without risking riots.

In China, however, I am pretty sure that the e-CNY will replace existing decentralized digital currencies (unless there’s big resistance from the masses which is - however - unlikely with a social score and mass monitoring of the people). As soon as enough Chinese use the new e-CNY, it’s a small step for China to “incentivize” other countries to accept it as well. After all, they are producing all the products the world needs. So, they get to decide how the rest of the world shall pay for it.

The only valid chance we have against such a monopolistic and China controlled digital currency is a decentralized, multi-layered alternative that can - by definition - not be attacked at a single point of failure. Yeah, you can cut off one head, but like with Medusa in Greek mythology, you can be sure that two new ones will grow. Cryptocurrencies are - whether you like them or not - antifragile in their risk profile. They get stronger the more volatility they experience.

The reason is quite simple. They are completely transparent and everyone can see what mistakes have been made in the past. Then, you “simply” have to come up with a solution to the found problems and you end up with something stronger. In today’s financial system, we have closed systems everywhere. No one bank knows what the other bank does. So, every crisis makes the system weaker (fragility), not stronger (antifragility).

Just let me finish this chapter with one example that shows this exemplarily. As I have already mentioned, in May China single handedly crashed crypto markets 50 % in one (!!!) day. Just think about one second what would have happened, if the stock markets would have crashed 50% in one day. You could be sure as hell that not a single bank would have survived that event. Governments would have had to step in, bail out some rich bankers, print a ton more money and then cross their fingers that the cranky money machinery works again for some years.

What about crypto banks (e.g. wallet providers, exchanges, custodians) or crypto exchanges (decentralized or centralized)? Not a single one went bankrupt after this historic crypto drop. Of course, some bled. Of course, a lot of people lost money (because they sold at the bottom or invested with leverage). But the system itself worked. And how it worked…

It’s just built way more reliable than what we call the financial industry now. It’s not yet perfect. But we’ll get there.

Brave new World

For everyone having read the great book by Aldous Huxley, I can comfort you. I am not talking about a “dystopian” future, but an “utopian” one here. There will be no “artificial wombs” or “childhood indoctrination programs” in this vision. But still, it will be different from what we know today. It has to be.

The safest way to predict the future is to look at the journey behind us. It tells us where we’ve been, it tells us where we’ve already gone and it may also tell us where we’re heading towards. Not always exactly. But usually not too far from the truth.

In the past few years we have moved more and more aspects of our lives into the “digital world”. While we communicated with our friends in person 20 years ago, we now do it through a rectangular handy device (smartphone). While we spent our free time out in nature eating dirt some years ago, now it’s binge watching movies, playing (online-)games or spying on what other people do in their lives because ours bores us (social media).

Also, we are increasingly spending money for our “digital lives”. We are willing to pay for a Netflix subscription that gives us digital movies. We are willing to pay for digital games that help us distract ourselves from reality. And some of us are even willing to pay for digital souvenirs that can be used in their digital worlds (for example Fortnite players buying skins). So, isn’t it only logical that we will spend more of our income / wealth on digital stuff in 20 years than we do now?

In my opinion, it is. And what could be appropriate currencies to pay for such digital content? It can and will not be an analog currency that some old dinosaurs (i.e. banks) will try to convert into the digital age. More likely, it will be something new (be it a central bank digital currency or a multi-layered decentralized web of different digital currencies). The reason is quite simple.

Only if you apply a greenfield approach and plan such a digital currency from scratch, can you profit from all its advantages. For example, one could decide to build a decentralized platform where you can exchange one of these digital currencies into another (decentralized exchanges). Maybe someone designs a platform where you can lend your currency to someone else (decentralized lending). Maybe someone designs a platform where you can buy digital stuff with it (for example NFTs).

All these second layer applications will be what give value to the first layer. And of course, it will take some time until we can witness that switch. After all, the reasonable internet applications didn’t arrive in the 90s. They arrived in the early years of this new millenia.

Now, we are with digital assets where the internet has been in the early 2000’s. We are just about to start. There’s always the question of the “killer use case” when it comes to a new technology. For the printing press it was newspapers. For the internet it was the porn industry. And for Blockchain it looks like it could be the creative industry.

By connecting their individual piece of art with the power of Blockchain, artists have the ability to - for the first time ever - directly sell their art to everybody around the world immediately and at no cost. So, it’s only natural that this space has hit the Blockchain industry like a bomb. Is it really so different if a medieval painter uses paint and brushes or if a modern design artist uses paint and photoshop? In the end, it’s someone spending a certain amount of time of their life in order to create a certain something that represents how they see the world.

In the art industry, it’s never about the art. It’s always about the story that’s connected with that piece of art. As soon as you realize that, you’re no longer amazed that someone can pay millions for a banana taped on a wall. Yeah, it is completely pointless and everyone could do it. But someone HAS done it and you could be part of that story by just buying it. Be it to show other people that you’re so rich that you can spend millions on literally crap or be it for whatever other reason. You buy into the story, not the art piece.

As soon as you realize that, you also realize that it’s not important whether or not the art piece is a wonderful painting of some Italian woman (Mona Lisa from Leonardo da Vinci) or an expression of the troubled inside of a schizophrenic painter (Starry Night from Vincent van Gogh). All famous artists have an interesting story to share. And by buying a piece of art from them, you buy into the story. The art piece itself is just a nice thing on the side. Something that proves to others that you have bought into the story. This is also why an absolute perfect replica of the real thing is still (mostly) worthless. It shows you the same visual information. But it doesn’t connect you with the story behind the art.

Alright, we’re nearly there. Once you accept the fact that people just want a certain something that connects them with a certain story from a certain someone and need some kind of “proof” for that connection we can start truly thinking about the future. What if that connection could be created digitally. What if, for example, a famous Hollywood star could create something, then digitally sell this to their fans and create a direct link to them (like a digital autograph)?

Or, what if an amazing photographer could let you be part of the story and makes the photographs into NFTs and lets you buy them? Or, what if your favourite sports team lets you buy digital fan articles or collectibles? Or what if you were to create a decentralized Netflix, Spotify or Shutterstock alternative where every content producer could simply upload their work and people could buy in? Not only wouldn’t we need twenty streaming subscriptions like now but also would the artists get 90 % of the share and not the big gatekeepers like today.

The possibilities are endless. And if they are, usually someone hits the home run. I don’t know who it will be yet. But it will be someone. In some decades, we’ll look back with our bags filled with digital currencies, our homes full of digital art while listening to digital music that we truly own before watching a digital movie and wonder how we could have not seen it coming. All the signs were there. We just had to look.