Friday, May 14, 2021

Compilation of All DD, TA, Rules & Regulations, News, and more! ALL-IN-ONE STOP for DAILY Wrinkles ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿš€

I will try to update this very same post everyday since I'm here 24/7 anyways (so save it!), with weekly reposts (keep an eye out!). Any suggestions / additions / corrections ? Please let me know, apes & ants & other international species ๐Ÿค


KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Hermaeus Mora would agree


Last update: 2021-05-15 @ 1:57 am EST. Going to sleep now... If I missed one of you wrinkly brains DD, don't take it personally... I am 60% done.

๐ŸŒŸ May 14 ๐ŸŒŸ






๐ŸŒŸ May 13-12-11๐ŸŒŸ




๐Ÿ’Ž More posts from May๐Ÿ’Ž






๐Ÿ’Ž Posts from April ๐Ÿ’Ž






๐Ÿ’Ž Posts from March๐Ÿ’Ž






๐Ÿš€ atobitt's work ๐Ÿš€

  1. Citadel Has No Clothes
  2. BlackRock Bagholders, Inc.
  3. The Everything Short
  4. Walkin' like a duck. Talkin' like a duck
  5. A House of Cards - Part 1

๐Ÿš€ sharkbaitlol's work ๐Ÿš€

  1. CHAOS THEORY - The EVERYTHING Connection : The Cayman Islands
  2. CHAOS THEORY - Conflicts of Interest : Former SEC Chairman Jay Clayton & Apollo, Former Chairman of the CFTC Heath Tarbert & Citadel
  3. CHAOS THEORY - The FINAL Connection : CFTC & SEC, Credit Suisse, Gary Gensler, LIBOR & SOFR, The Great Trap

๐Ÿš€ augrr's work ๐Ÿš€

  1. The Shell Game I - FTDs can be "reset" through borrowing from ETFs
  2. The Shell Game II - How ETFs work and what their FTDs mean for GME
  3. The Shell Game III – Lifting the Final Cups for Take-Off

๐Ÿš€ broccaaa's work ๐Ÿš€

  1. Why March GME prices are suppressed and hedges are fucked: OBV, shorting and the disconnect with price
  2. The naked shorting scam revealed: lending of market maker privileges, the married put trade and why inflicting max pain will bleed them dry
  3. The naked shorting scam in numbers: AI detection of 140M hidden FTDs, up to 400M naked shorts in married puts and massive dark pool activity by Shitadel and the shorts
  4. The naked shorting scam using ETFs: mass shifting of FTDs from GME to 20+ ETFs & 27+ billion dollars still owed in remaining SI

๐Ÿ“ข AMAs of MVPs ๐Ÿ“ข

๐ŸŽฎ GameStop Company Related Posts ๐ŸŽฎ

๐Ÿ”ฅ Pictures of buildings lit up at night ๐Ÿ”ฅ

cause who doesn't love 'em

๐Ÿคก Current FUD tactics ๐Ÿคก

  • Betting that we will paperhand from impatience, from seeing all the other shiny shiny [...] in the green
  • Forum sliding, burying DD and valuable info
  • Making apes fight apes but ape no fight ape! = Divide and conquer. United we stand, divided we fall.
  • Shilly media with endless shilly nonsense

I recently spoke to a parent about their smart camera that was hacked and the hacker was talking to their kid, which is frightening , As a cybersecurity expert from Simius, Here on some tips on how to prevent your smart home/camera from being hacked ?

These are steps to prevent this.

When you engage in business with ethical hackers, it can offer the insight required to understand what must be done for securing IoT devices. We all want convenience, but the market must be brought to heel from the demand of consumers who are seeking mitigation from both the carelessness of IoT manufacturers (and their vendors), as well as the cyber criminals themselves who seek to wreak havoc. That does not mean that a synergistic relationship cannot be established with the IoT manufacturers, vendors, etcl. But we also need not negotiate with criminals under any circumstance either. When you take matters into your own hands, the empowerment is compounding and also has a ripple effect unto others.


A Canadian news team hired a team of ethical hackers to test smart devices. They found some interesting things. “Vulnerabilities revealed in smart home devices prompt 1 manufacturer to immediately beef up protections”

They also found that there are live streams of smart cameras which have been hacked, with people not even noticing that they are live in front of an unknown audience. Things like this are easily preventable.




Don’t click on strange links. If you get phishing or spam, block and delete it immediately, and be careful because it is down to the wire. Whether it is email, text message, or robocalls, they all just want your money and/or your data. They’ll do anything for both. Personal information is purchased by common criminals on the dark web to target people, especially if they have digital assets of any kind. I’ve seen a number of cases come up in my local jurisdiction recently. Most of it is raw identity theft and various types of online fraud.

Most cyber security breaches are carried out through phishing (over 90%), usually through email. This exposes you to social engineering, which is meant to trick you into making a mistake. Their intent is to fool you into becoming a victim of their targeting. Luckily you can easily avoid all phishing attacks by knowing how to spot them.

Being able to identify a phishing email is literally the easiest way to avoid a large portion of cyber attacks. But let's say you accidentally clicked a bad link, as it is bound to happen. This is why having proper security measures in place (i.e. updated software and firmware). It may very well be the case that this can ward off any of the cyber criminal attempts to breach your network further. 

Testing your devices with security tools is the only way to reveal those weak points is the only way for you to be sure and allows you to prepare as best as you can. Simius allows you to automate your smart home security testing while offering the flexibility for you to scan for threats on demand. It’s the only way to be sure of your smart device security.

On the other hand, we can expect the unexpected from internet criminals. They are improving their methods. Case in point, DeepFakes machine learning and artificial intelligence was used to impersonate the CEO’s voice. The company was tricked into wiring over $200,000 to online crooks. 

Sometimes it is difficult to avoid a click or tap on those malicious links, and this is understandable. You must choose caution in dealing with those things. They may be able to perform recon and attempt to weaponize any vulnerabilities in your devices immediately. The cyber attack technology is extremely sophisticated. They just need you to make a mistake.

It's worth mentioning that wardriving can also occur, whereby the cyber attacker actually drives a vehicle on a street where your home is physically located. They then scan your network remotely without trespassing on your property. This is less common than phishing, but there is still a chance that it can happen. Again, you can run security scans on your smart home network using Simius and correct any points of exposure before any criminals can take advantage. Furthermore it is important to note that not all wardriving is malicious. Some organizations host their wardriving data for public consumption so that it can add to the open-source intelligence shared for the benefit of businesses and consumers alike. 

Staying safe online is similar to anything in real life. Never trust a stranger, and the same is true for a random link appearing in your notifications or email. Again, block and delete, filter, etc. If you are wondering why you might be targeted with such an elaborate phishing campaign, then look no further than the fact that your phone number may have been leaked due to the recent Facebook breach:

533 million Facebook users’ phone numbers and personal data have been leaked online

Facebook is not alone, so make sure you keep passwords cycled and changed at least once every six months. To manage it with convenience, you can use a password manager app such as KeePass and it is best to avoid using the ones that are built into web browsers. Two-factor authentication is also highly recommended, especially for anything related to financials but also on your network security passwords. It is easy to use and is essentially your own security code system. Basically, you enter in a password along with a randomly generated number to accompany the login credentials, and most logins support the method. This adds an extra set of layers which intensifies the difficulty in breaching your data.


As IoT consumers, we are heading through uncharted waters. To avoid the storm, one must become the storm. Simius can help you to navigate as such, and with considerable ease. Again, if this were easy then everyone would be doing it. You may even wonder how we arrived in this situation however.

The unintended consequences of increasing the connectivity of smart devices causes the rising numbers in cyber threats and online vulnerabilities. This is similar to pollution released by factories during the industrial revolution which continues to plague us till this day. Same difference with cyber attacks, but there are things we can do to filter out those negative digital pollutants from poisoning the safety and security of our smart homes.

In the event of your smart home being breached, it's important to remain calm, collected, and vigilant. Never underestimate your ability to overcome a bad situation. Concentrate all your focus on fixing the problem in any way you can, while accepting things you cannot change which are out of your control. Then you can realize more quickly the actions required to repair and amend the problem. 


Suppose malware encrypted your sensitive files and they are holding it all for ransom, asking you to pay them bitcoin. It happens. So don’t give them anything. Even if you do pay, there is no guarantee they will even respond. Gather evidence, submit to any trusted government authorities for them to investigate, and keep backups of your important data. The latter cannot be emphasized enough.


Do not connect anything to the internet which you are not afraid to lose. That is to say, make sure you can repair or restore any form of data loss. Backup your smartphone, and any computer operating systems as well. Most operating systems offer this feature for your convenience. Sensitive files should not be stored in the cloud either. Power down non-essential appliances at night or when you are not home as well. These things will cover many of the basics for prevention and maintaining clean Cyber hygiene.

Be sure of your digital footprint. Every move you make leaves a mark. Don’t give in to any aspect of the fear. There will always be a way around the cyber attack. You cannot let them win. To prevent being a victim of ransomware that encrypts your sensitive files, be sure to backup your data and keep it off the network. An external hard drive will do. This will allow you to maintain a buffer in case any ransomware tries to lock up everything of value. 

Other than that, mixing the defensive and offensive strategies to your personal security online and in your smart home will be the best bet. Balance is critical here, and also be sure to realize that cyber security really isn’t that complicated. Having knowledge of preventative measures while using a basic understanding of the threat landscape to navigate into the future increases your chances of being unharmed even by the most persistent of cyber threats. Mindset is essential and be sure to not overthink cyber security problems. 

wellBe coin

WELB #WellBe Coin #Bitcoin #BSC #Crypto

Hi. join the professional WellBe Coin campaign! The guys are very well coordinated work for success, they all goes according to plan, join us and be aware of all the events!

What an absolute mess this tax season is going to be

Every man and their dog has gotten into crypto in the last few months. Everyone's balls deep in Bitcoin, Eth, Doge and a thousand more shit coins. The thing I've noticed too as that few people are looking to hold their coins long term, maybe their top 10 coins, but thanks to the endless shilling on YouTube and Reddit, a lot of people are swing trading across a hundred coins, across a dozen exchanges, and sometimes in a matter of days.

The thing is most people don't know that each trade is a taxable event. Personally, to me it makes the most sense that tax should came into play once profits are actually taken back in AUD. Seems like the common sense thing, but then again we are talking about the ATO here.

When you take into account how many people are in crypto now - a lot of them young and just YOLOing and FOMOing - plus the fact people are trying to swing trade on short to mid term holds, buying up tiny alt coins on some obscure Asian exchange, then people are going to have a nightmare on their hands come July. Even just people with OCD trying to round out the endless decimal points are gonna be forking up for something they haven't actually earned anything from. Without a doubt, a lot of people won't be paying their crypto taxes correctly more out of ignorance than deceit and it's going to be an absolute cluster fuck for the ATO trying to chase up everyone, from people who've made a killing to even the average larrikin who's traded $50 of Doge for Chiliz, went up to $100, then traded it a couple more times and maybe sitting on $500 now, but tax on all them trades are just gonna devour a lot of the profits.

I feel like a lot of people are gonna have a really horrible awakening come tax time and it's gonna leave a sour taste in a lot of people's mouths about crypto, maybe even leave them feeling like they don't wanna be in it anymore. I get the ATO are all out of touch boomers, but I dunno. Rant over. Just pisses me off. God fucking forbid us plebs try and make a bit of extra money while major corporations get away with paying less tax than your grandma.

New CDC guidance: Vaccinated Americans, run free! The Yodel Daily from Yahoo (05/14/2021)

Hey, look! Friday! We’re here! I know we’ve got places to be and people to see, so let’s jump into it. Today we need to discuss that latest CDC announcement, a truly diabolical reader and a Home Depot employee who deserves a raise.

News To Know

(Getty Images)

Finance For You


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7 Things You Should Know About Financial Advisors

People who retire comfortably know these secrets about financial advisors. #6: Make sure you understand how your advisor gets paid. 

See the rest

Sports. Sports. Sports.


  • It’s official: Alex Rodriguez is an NBA and WNBA team owner, picking up the Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx for $1.5 billion. This felt like the right time to google what exactly a lynx is, and I’m now more confused than I was before.
  • Tom Brady will make his first return to New England in October when the Bucs play the Patriots in Massachusetts. This whole situation sounds like the most awkward Thanksgiving dinner waiting to happen. Who’s bringing the stuffing?
  • Yankees shortstop Gleyber Torres became the eighth member of the organization and first player to test positive for COVID-19 this week. The team says it’s going full steam ahead with the season, but uh, something seems off.

AAPI Heritage Month

Culture Corner

  • A special graduation shout-out goes to great-grandmother Vivian Cunningham, who earned her bachelor’s degree at the age of 78. Protect Vivian at all costs!
  • I didn’t wake up this morning wanting to be utterly distressed, but it seems I have no choice after watching this video of a woman who has truly traumatizing reading habits. Ma’am, no book is worth bringing into! the! shower!
  • Six Flags is taking heat after a woman alleged that the park tried to force her to change her shorts and then threatened her with criminal trespassing if she didn’t leave. The amusement park, unsurprisingly, has a different version of events.

Tech Talk

Entertainment Spotlight


Fantastic Finish

One of the most chaotic TikTok trends of all time is this one where people share random meet-cutes and acts of kindness from strangers. One woman gave props to the Home Depot employee who let her take home 10,000 paint strips for free. A true hero.


Revisiting current events: Ransomware good for bitcoin?

There's been lots of talk lately about ransomware and how easy it is to carry one out, especially for frail security systems like regional institutions. With lots of publicity around the Colonial hack (and even for what the media calls "untraceable money", lol) and how they were forced to buy up $5m in bitcoin, this is actually a good thing for bitcoin™ right? While I wouldn't consider this a "whale", it's definitely a big enough event to push the price higher. Am I crazy or heartless for thinking this?

Revisiting current events: Ransomware good for bitcoin? (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

*** Ultimate AMC Timeline (Updated May 14) ***

Apes, our saga is gettin' juicier than Minute Maid! Who's thirsty?

I hope that you enjoy my educational "AMC Timeline." My goal is to research, compile, maintain, and clearly explain the chronology of events in recent AMC stock history in order to:

  1. provide a permanent, sharable point of historical reference for "all things AMC stock";
  2. educate new and veteran apes alike on exactly how AMC got to this point;
  3. show why/when/how shorts and hedge funds are getting increasingly desperate;
  4. prove that all happenings along the way thus far are squarely in apes' favor, slowly contributing to—and virtually guaranteeing—the moon landing;
  5. give existing AMC apes the confidence to buy and hodl more AMC bananas;
  6. give potential AMC apes the confidence to become first-time investors in AMC bananas . . . and hodl them sumbiches with kung-fu gorilla grip!

Learn, enjoy, and—most importantly—spread the "Word of Grodd" that AMC stock is awesome! Informing and educating new investors is the best way to thank me!

-- AMCGrodd


  • If you follow me on Reddit (u/Few_Campaign8623), you'll get an alert every time I post an updated timeline (which is roughly every 2 days).
  • If you think that something is missing from the timeline, please send me a message in Reddit. I'll gladly consider the addition and add it, if appropriate. Thank you.
  • Apes, whenever you post news, quotes, or data, please do the community—and, by extension, yourself—a massive favor by always including a link to your source. This necessary practice will become increasingly critical as we approach—and find ourselves immersed in—the squeeze. Time that we waste having to search for and verify each other's sources can cost you/us a great deal of money and a lifetime of regret.


I am not a financial advisor! Nothing in this personal reflection constitutes—or is intended to be—financial advice. I only have 3 teeth. You must always conduct your own due diligence before engaging in any financial activities.




Maurice, Edward, and Barney Dubinsky purchase the Regent Theatre in Kansas City, Mo.


Stanley Durwood becomes CEO of the company and renames it American Multi-cinema.


Opens the world's first multiplex, the Parkway Twin in Kansas City.


Becomes the first theatre chain to add cupholder armrests.


Introduces Clip®, a "film strip" character to serve as an ambassador of the brand and its Silence is Golden® program.


Opens the world's first megaplex. This innovative destination also inspires AMC to install stadium seating and LoveSeat®-style seating.


Co-founds online ticket services to add convenience to even the busiest AMC theatres like Empire 25 in New York City, which is recognized as the busiest theatre in the world.


Becomes the first theatre chain to introduce the circuit-wide gift card.


Co-founds National CineMedia (NCMI), which runs all of AMC's pre-show entertainment and in-theatre advertising.


Expands presence throughout the country with the acquisition of Loews Theatres


Partners with IMAX to bring approximately 125 IMAX large-screen digital projection systems to AMC locations around the country.


Launches Dine-In Theatres. The concept, which continues to expand throughout the United States, allows guests to order restaurant-style food with the push of a button, from the comfort of their own luxurious movie seat.


  1. Partners with Sony and RealD to implement digital and 3D technology.
  2. Partners with the Autism Society to launch AMC Sensory Friendly Films nationwide. The program allows children and families to enjoy a movie in a safe, accepting environment that allows talking, yelling, singing and walking around.
  3. Opens its first all-recliner seating theatre, AMC Lakewood 12, dubbed "The Miracle of Lakewood."


Acquires Kerasotes theatres and expands its presence in the Midwest.


Launches its AMC Stubs rewards program, which provides members with new benefits like concessions upgrades and dollars back for every dollar they spend.


Acquired by the Beijing–based Wanda Group, which enables funding to ensure a massive escalation of AMC's world-class amenities, including recliner seating, better sight & sound presentation and MacGuffins bars.


Goes public on the New York Stock Exchange. NYSE: AMC


  1. AMC and Dolby partner to create Dolby Cinema at AMC, a premium large format experience that includes Dolby Vision laser projection, Dolby Atmos sound and AMC's comfortable power recliners.
  2. Acquires Starplex Cinemas.


  1. Becomes the largest theater/cinema chain in the world by acquiring Carmike Cinemas and Odeon & UCI Cinemas (the largest theatre chain in the UK & Ireland). AMC most recently reported roughly 953 theaters and 10,700 screens.
  2. Adds a free tier to its AMC Stubs program—AMC Insider—to go along with its popular paid tier, AMC Premiere.
  3. First-year CEO Adam Aron went on quite a hiring spree in 2016!

December 11, 2017:

Signs "Memorandum of Understanding" to build theaters in Saudi Arabia, "hours after the Middle Eastern kingdom announced it will allow cinemas for the first time in 35 years."

June 20, 2018:

Launches AMC Stubs A-List monthly subscription service to counter the immensely popular—yet now defunct—MoviePass (HMNY).

May 23, 2019:

Acquires Cinetopia movie theaters

September 8, 2019:

Announces that select AMC theaters will air out-of-market, Sunday NFL games

October 14, 2019:

Launches "AMC Theaters On Demand," which offers approximately 2,000 films for sale or rent after their theatrical runs, just as iTunes, Amazon, and other video-on-demand retailers do.

November 7, 2019:

AMC CEO Adam Aron addresses short-selling attacks on AMC


March 18, 2020:

Due to COVID-19, Adam Aron announces the closure of all AMC theaters nationwide. The resulting loss of income would be so extreme that the company was "a couple of weeks away" from bankruptcy multiple times before the squeeze on Jan. 27, 2021 (per Adam Aron in his April 14, 2021 interview with Trey's Trades). To this day, AMC has never received a penny in government assistance/bailouts (CARES Act, PPP loans, etc.). Despite that stark disadvantage, AMC has still managed to pay its employees and bills. Bravo!

December 17, 2020:

SEC states that Robinhood misled its customers about how it was paid by Wall Street firms to pass along customers' trading data and profited at customers' expense. Robinhood pays $65 million fine.

January 26:

AMC secures $917 million in new capital to avoid bankruptcy through at least the end of 2021, the breaking news of which was the catalyst for the squeeze the following day.

January 27:

1- First AMC squeeze. The stock price jumped 310% overnight, from $4.96 at the close on January 26 to $20.34 at the open on January 27. (The price briefly reached almost $25 in pre-market on January 27.)


  1. Robinhood screwed apes by restricting apes' ability to buy shares of AMC. Only selling was allowed, which directly benefited hedge funds by tanking the share price. That is arguably the main reason why Vlad was dragged before the House to testify. Robinhood also implemented a 100% margin requirement for equity in AMC and GME.

January 28:

1- Robinhood blocks apes from buying shares of AMC, GME, and other stocks


  1. Robinhood (followed by other lemming brokers) institutes stricter, 100% margin collateral requirements

February 1:

In a Form 8-K dated Feb. 1, AMC's largest stakeholder (Wanda America Entertainment Inc.) capitalized on the mini squeeze on Jan 27 by converting its Class B shares (with 3 votes each) to Class A shares so that it could "cash out."

February 18:

Robinhood CEO (Vlad Tenev) testifies about Robinhood's Jan 27-28 fuckery against AMC and GME apes during a House Financial Services Committee hearing

February 26:

In a ridiculously intense, back-and-forth battle between apes and HF turds that literally wasn't decided until the finals seconds of trading, Apes emerged victorious by securing a closing price of $8.01 after rallying from $7.90 within only 4 minutes remaining. Finishing the day above $8.00 was very significant because it forced shorts and hedge fund pantywaists to have to purchase hundreds of thousands of shares via options contracts. The figure of "$8.01" has since become a rallying cry for the AMC ape movement.

March 3:

1- Per AMC's proxy statement, ". . . 63,096,124 shares (including 3,732,625 treasury shares) of the total number of shares of Common Stock currently authorized remain available for issuance or may be reserved for issuance prior to any amendment to increase the authorized shares of Common Stock."

(Ape Translation: Adam Aron clarified in his April 14, 2021 interview with Trey's Trades that 20 million of those 63 million shares are accounted for. Still, that leaves AMC with 43M already-approved shares available to introduce to the market WITHOUT apes' permission. So, if apes approve the 500M new shares, that will make Aron much more inclined to actually use those 43M already-approved shares that are CURRENTLY the only bullets in his holster. Just because he vowed to not use any of the 500M new shares in 2021 doesn't mean he won't use any of the 43M. In fact, getting the 500M new shares gives Aron much more freedom and ability to dilute with those 43M already-approved shares. That's why my vote is "NO." After we moon, Aron can dilute to his heart's content, and at a much higher price per share, too!)


  1. AMC has $1 billion in cash on its book as of March, 2021.

March 7:

SEC requests public comments (until April 8) on proposed Rule NSCC-2021-801 (i.e., "the straw that will break the hedge funds' backs")

March 16:

SEC approves Rule DTC-2021-003

March 26:

"Big Banks" force hedge fund Archegos to liquidate $20 billion in assets (most notably, shares/swaps of Discovery Channel and ViacomCBS, which caused the PPS of each stock to plummet)

March 29:

SEC approves the following rules:

  • FICC-2021-002
  • DTC-2021-004
  • NSCC-2021-004

March 30:

Susquehanna International Group, LLP ("SIG") and Richard J. McDonald formally oppose the OCC's new "Skin-in-the-Game" rule (OCC-2021-0003)

April 1:

Heath Tarbert (Ex-Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission) joins Citadel Securitiesas "Chief Legal Officer" only 27 days after leaving the CFTC

"[It's] the latest in a long list of hires [away] from US regulators by [Citadel CEO, Ken] Griffin."

April 4:

"Godzilla v. Kong" sets pandemic and pre-pandemic records, disproving shorts' FUD that "people will never go to AMC theaters again"

April 5:

"B. Riley Financial" upgrades AMC and raises price target from $7 to $13

April 6:

Trey gets death threats

April 7:

1- SEC approves "Skin-in-the-Game" rule (OCC-2021-801)


  1. Trey's Trades interview with Jordan Belfort

(Let's just pretend that it never happened, OK? Link intentionally excluded.)

April 8:

1- New SEC filing confirms plaintiffs' assertion that over 30 brokerages, trading firms, and/or clearing firms "including Morgan Stanley, E*Trade, Interactive Brokers, Charles Schwab, Robinhood, Barclays, Citadel and DTCC engaged in a coordinated conspiracy in violation of anti-trust laws to prevent retail customers from operating and trading freely in a conspiracy to allow certain of the other defendants, primarily hedge funds, to stop losing money on short sale positions in GameStop, AMC and certain other securities."


  1. Matt Kohrs gets banned by Youtube


  1. SEC warns SPACs to cut the dirty shit


  1. SEC's Chief of the Office of the Whistleblower, Jane Norberg, to Leave Agency


  1. Last day to submit your comments to the SEC in support of the approval of Rule NSCC-2021-801! Rule NSCC-2021-801 is the proverbial "nail in the coffin" that reeeeeeeeeeeally has the hedge funders shitting their fancy little britches. A decision will be imminent after April 8. The SEC is currently deliberating whether to approve this SUPER CRITICAL Rule SR-NSCC-2021-801, which would allow the NSCC to assess the risk of members (i.e., hedge funds) on a daily basis and also demand a higher Secondary Liquidity Deposit (SLD) on a daily basis if a member risks defaulting. If approved, this rule will force hedge funds and market makers to pay more if they are "playing too risky." It will also allow the DTCC to liquidate a member’s positions if those positions jeopardize the NSCC’s ability to complete that day’s trades. Furthermore, the arguably most important aspect of Rule NSCC-2021-801 is that hedge funds would no longer be able to take advantage of an inexplicable lack of scrutiny to hide naked shorting, FTD shares, dark pool trades, ladder attacks, trading amongst themselves to artificially lower the price per share, etc. They will no longer have 30 days to "get their affairs in order," either. Transparency could be our newest and greatest weapon!

April 9:

Melvin Capital hedge fund announces amusingly catastrophic losses of 49% and billions of dollars in the first quarter of 2021

April 10:

Dogecoin (DOGE-USD) begins its "convenient," unsustainable pump in what many argue is a calculated effort by hedge funds to fool apes into dumping AMC shares.

April 12:

"Better Markets" files an amicus brief (lawsuit) against Citadel to prevent Citadel from succeeding in stopping the SEC's plan to implement a new type of order ("Delimit Order") developed by IEX. This new "delimit order" would essentially prevent Citadel and other hedge funds from engaging in high-frequency trading and stock price manipulation via the use of sophisticated equipment and non-public information that give them a huge, unfair advantage over retail investors in the marketplace.

April 13:

1- Arclight and Pacific Theatres permanently closing in California, boosting AMC's future business and value


  1. Hedge funds start to "spoof" shares:

April 14:

1- Gary Gensler, notorious supporter of "the little guy," confirmed 53-45 by Senate to lead the SEC as Wall Street’s top regulator; plans to investigate SPACs and market manipulation by hedge funds (particularly in relation to Gamestop and AMC)

"The GameStop saga has led congressional Democrats to ask the SEC to reexamine the practice of payment for order flow, whereby stock brokers are paid to direct customer orders to market makers, as well as features in trading apps that critics say exemplify the use of so-called gamification techniques to encourage harmful overuse of those apps by retail investors. . . . The blowup of Archegos, meanwhile, could encourage Gensler to propose new rules for institutional investors that require the disclosure of short positions in stocks as well as derivative positions that mimic stock ownership."


  1. Adam Aron interview with Trey's Trades!

Notable Adam Aron quotes from the interview, in sequential order:

  • "I am in this for the long haul [as CEO], 5-10 more years."
  • "I am a fellow shareholder."
  • "Long-term, I am a bull. I own over 3,000,000 shares of AMC stock."
  • "I want to continue growing the company each year moving forward."
  • "Our main goal is to increase shareholder value."
  • "Our company is under attack by short sellers."
  • "I haven't sold a single share in 5 years, and don't plan to. I am a believer in this company."
  • "The last time we authorized 500,000,000 shares, we didn't use any shares [32,000,000] until 3.5 years later! We didn't use shares again [300,000,000] until 3.5 years after that! Each time, AMC's stock price rose 200%-300%."
  • "Flooding the market with 500,000,000 shares would be crazy and foolish."
  • "If AMC shareholders authorize the 500,000,000 shares, we will pledge in writing that we will not issue a single share in calendar year 2021!"
  • "I'm tired of playing defense. I want to play offense."
  • "We would only use shares to acquire other theater chains to instantly increase value for shareholders. Or to buy back debt at a significant discount to increase value. Or to entice landlords to accept stock NOW (at a discount) instead of waiting on cash over the course of 24-36 months."
  • "If you don't vote at all, your vote will be counted as a "No" by default.
  • "You own AMC. This is YOUR company!"
  • "I will give you one prediction: 50 years from now, analysts will be claiming that XYZ is going to put AMC out of business. Why [will AMC still be here]? Because there is something magical about going to the movie theater! . . . Watching at home just doesn't have the same impact."
  • "Going to the movie theater is a cheap date. The average movie ticket in the U.S. is about $10. Where else can you go to be entertained for 2-3 hours for only $10? You can't!"
  • "In 2019, the movie theater industry sold 7 times as many tickets as the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and MLS combined!"
  • "I think that AMC's best days are still to come."
  • "I say to those people who are betting against us: I don't think it's a good idea to bet against movie theaters. It's certainly not a good idea to bet against AMC. And I'd like to think that it's not a good idea to bet against Adam Aron, either."


  1. 2,709,393 FTD shares!

April 15:

J.P. Morgan sells a record $13 billion in bonds to raise cash

April 16:

1- SEC approves the following rules:

  • FICC-2021-001
  • DTC-2021-002
  • NSCC-2021-003


  1. Goldman Sachs sells $6 billion in bonds to raise cash


  1. Bank of America breaks J.P. Morgan's 1-day-old record of $13 billion by borrowing $15 billion through the sale of its own bonds.

April 17:

1- Gary Gensler sworn in as SEC Chairman, where he will serve as Joe Biden's enforcer, the "top cop on Wall Street." It’s very telling that he was quickly sworn in on a Saturday, which had not happened since 1973 (recession) and 2008 (recession) in order to address fraud. This is a clear indication that Biden and the SEC are preparing to take similar, emergency action against fraudulent actors and market manipulators.


  1. Bitcoin dropped 15%, as institutions are likely selling Bitcoin to raise the massive collateral that they now require—starting on April 22—to fully insure their lenders, including apes. (See "April 22" below.)


  1. Is somebody in a hurry? LMAO! Lights in Citadel's corporate building suggest that employees worked feverishly at all hours throughout the weekend, including Sunday. Hmmm . . . . Desperate much? The stock market was closed, but guess what was open for trading: Bitcoin. I suppose that it could be a total coincidence that Bitcoin dropped 15% on Saturday, but I doubt it. The more likely scenario is that Citadel and other hedge funds caused Bitcoin to plummet by selling Bitcoin to raise a small portion of the collateral that they will need to at least partially insure the lent/borrowed synthetic shares that they overleveraged, as required on or before April 22. (See "April 22" below.)

April 19:

1- Morgan Stanley sells $6 billion in unsecured bonds to raise cash.


  1. Infinity Q liquidates its hedge fund amid ramped-up U.S. regulatory probe into hedge fund valuation practices

April 20:

1- Date by which the share count—which will expose the number of synthetic shares—must be completed, which is 14 days before the shareholder meeting on May 4.

(HUGE NEWS: After the audit finished on Tuesday, April 20, there were suddenly zero [0] shares available to short, which remained the case for the next 8 days! That is NOT a coincidence. Did the recount uncover an insane number of synthetic shares? Seems likely. That would obviously disallow additional share lending, which is exactly what we saw.)


  1. DTC-2021-007 proposed

". . . market transparency to accurately determine the number of shares loaned, identify proper share ownership, and calculate the risk associated with share loans (all of which is currently self-reported) to prevent over-leveraging in the future."


  1. AMC is buying movie theaters again!

A cash-strapped company does not buy more brick-and-mortar stores. Methinks Aron knows that AMC will be coming into a shit-ton of money very soon (or already has).

April 21:

1- AMC reaches all-time high in short interest at 23.5%

(Keep in mind that the short interest was only 11% before AMC's first squeeze on January 27! Plus, there are far more apes now.)


  1. AMC reaches all-time record highs of 152,000,000 shares on loan, 100% utilization, and 26.7% borrow fee


  1. Shredding trucks appear outside of Citadel headquarters

"Iron Mountain: Secure Destruction Your Can Trust"


  1. Charles Schwab raises margin requirement for shorting AMC to 300%!

April 22:


Rule 15c3-3(b)(3) goes into effect. It "requires broker-dealers entering into agreements with their customers (e.g., apes) who lend the broker-dealers fully-paid or excess margin securities to provide the securities lenders (e.g., apes) with collateral that fully secures the loans."

(Apish: "Nope, you're no longer free to engage in your usual fuckery. Rule 008 is pending. In the meantime, you overleveraged bastards must now have the cash or collateral ON-HAND to fully cover every share that you borrow/lend, including unrealized losses! And, if you fuckers need to borrow more each day, you must also sufficiently increase your cash-on-hand and collateral to be able to FULLY COVER each day. Yeah, it's not yet an official law or regulation, but we're watching you. Rest assured that we will F you down the line if you cross us while Rule 008 is pending.")

April 23:

1- Following the share count on April 20, Hedge funds have 3 business days (until April 28) to eliminate (i.e., purchase) ALL newly-identified synthetic shares that they created/shorted, or those synthetic shares become "FTD" (failed to deliver). We don't know if the hedge funds will immediately cover or if they will decide to eat daily fines ***and*** increasingly higher interest rates. What we ***DO*** know is that hedge funds can't/won't eat massive interest forever, especially as the share price continues to rise and hedge funds' underlying banks threaten to force-liquidate the hedge funds' assets. Hodling, on the other hand, is 100% free . . . free FREE free.


  1. Notable movies (average of 3.83 per month) releasing in AMC theaters from April 23, 2021 through April, 2022 (in order of premier date):

  2. Demon Slayer (Apr 23)

  3. Mortal Kombat (Apr 23)

  4. Cruella (May 28)

  5. A Quiet Place, Part II (May 28)

  6. Conjuring (June 4)

  7. Samaritan (June 4)

  8. Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (June 16)

  9. Peter Rabbit 2 (June 18)

  10. Fast & Furious 9 (June 25)

  11. Forever Purge (July 2)

  12. Black Widow (July 7)

  13. Cinderella (July 16)

  14. Space Jam 2 (July 16)

  15. Hotel Transylvania: Transformania (July 23)

  16. Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (July 23)

  17. The Green Knight (July 30)

  18. Jungle Cruise (July 30)

  19. Suicide Squad (Aug 6)

  20. Paw Patrol (Aug 20)

  21. Candyman (Aug 27)

  22. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (Sep 3)

  23. Infinite (Sep 24)

  24. Sopranos: The Many Saints of Newark (Sep 24)

  25. Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage (Sep 24)

  26. Dune (Oct 1)

  27. Halloween Kills (Oct 15)

  28. The Last Duel (Oct 15)

  29. James Bond: No Time to Die (Oct 21)

  30. Eternals (Nov 5)

  31. Ghostbusters: Afterlife (Nov 11)

  32. Top Gun: Maverick (Nov 19)

  33. Resident Evil (Nov 24)

  34. Nightmare Alley (Dec 3)

  35. West Side Story (Dec 10)

  36. Spider-Man: No Way Home (Dec 17)

  37. The King's Man (Dec 22)

  38. The Matrix 4 (Dec 22)

  39. Sherlock Holmes 3 (Dec 22)

  40. Sing 2 (Dec 22)

  41. Wicked (Dec 22)

  42. Scream (Jan 14)

  43. Uncharted (Feb 18)

  44. The Batman (Mar 4)

  45. Morbius (Mar 19)

  46. Doctor Strange 2 (Mar 25)

  47. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Apr 8)


  1. ETF shares available to short suddenly dropped off a cliff from 3,800,000 to only 10,940! (Read why in April 20 entry above.)

For April 24 and beyond, click here to view the permanent, always-updating Google Doc.

Polkadot is finally moving! The 1st Polkadot Parachain has been launched on the Westend Testnet in hopes of a Q2 Parachain launch! Multiple catalysts are near term w/Parachain Auctions likely imminently announced May 19/20 at Polkadot Decoded.

Polkadot is nascent technology which is just starting to launch after more than 4 years in development. It was designed by Gavid Wood, one of the original developers of Ethereum. It serves to fix a lot of the issues inherent to Ether by improving network transaction speed, permitting interchain communication and improving scalability.

DOT's tokenomics mean that in the event of a major catalyst, liquidity is reduced with more than 65% of the total circulating supply staked and subject to a 28day bonding period

DOT's tokenomics mean that in the event of a major catalyst, liquidity is reduced with more than 65% of the total circulating supply staked and subject to a 28day bonding period

In its simplest form, Polkadot is designed to permit spoke-like “parachains” to communicate with one another via a wheel-like “relay chain.”

Most block chains are constrained by a “walled garden” ecosystem which cannot rapidly, or efficiently, communicate with other blockchains. The ability to provide, secure, fast, blockchain to blockchain communication is a holy grail for crypto developers.

In this case, Polkadot has incorrectly been labeled an “Ethereum-Killer.” In fact, Polkadot complements Ethereum by serving as a level 0 base layer which connects the Ethereum blockchain to the Bitcoin blockchain or to any other blockchain which is connected to the Polkadot ecosystem.

Today, on 5/14/21, Polkadot took their first major step toward launching their final network version (expected in Q2 2021). Creator and developer Gavin Wood announced that the first Polkadot parachain was deployed on the Westend perma-testnet.


5/14/21 Parachain Deployment on Testnet - coming together!

5/14/21 Parachain Deployment on Testnet - coming together!

The forthcoming Polkadot Dev Day is taking place on 5/19/21 – 5/20/21. An entire afternoon session has been dedicated to discussion the planned parachain auctions and launch. It can reasonably be assumed that the date for the parachain auctions will likely also be mentioned at this event.

Upcoming Polkadot related catalysts include: (

I strongly believe that Polkadot is worth considering for both long- and short-term portfolios. From a long-term hodler’s perspective, the technology inherent to Polkadot has the potential to greatly disrupt Defi as interchain communication can permit it to become a so-called “ecosystem of ecosystems.” Long term price targets support a potential for 4-5x returns over time if the technology launches successfully this year.

In the short term, Polkadot has the potential for good gains secondary to its tokenomics. Specifically, DOT tokens garner 12-12.7% interest when staked. Staking requires a 28 day bonding period. Because of this, as of the day of this writing 5/14/21, 65.1% of all DOT is staked. That leaves limited liquidity (350M) available if a major catalyst occurred….likely leading to a short term price squeeze until additional DOT unstake.

Disclosure: As always, I encourage everyone to do their own due diligence in regards to any crypto investments. I hodl DOT, BTC and ETH in my personal portfolio.

If you’re interested in learning more about Polkadot and its Defi ecosystem, I strongly recommend checking out:

Likewise, two good overviews of the project are available in written form and on You Tube at: