Wednesday, September 25, 2019

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

The Real Story Of The Repo Market Meltdown, And What It Means For Bitcoin

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot)

The event doesn't mean another financial meltdown is necessarily imminent-just that the risk of one is heightened-since the brush fire can be doused either by the Fed, or by the banks raising more equity capital.

US Treasuries are the core asset used by every financial institution to satisfy its capital and liquidity requirements-which means that no one really knows how big the hole is at a system-wide level.

Specifically, the Fed's focus on the fed funds market is misplaced because the real action is in the much bigger, much more global repo market; the Fed shouldn't have allowed America's big banks to pay dividends or buy back stock when they're so capital-constrained that they can't even pick up an 8% "Risk-free" arbitrage; the Fed's proclamation that "The financial system remains resilient," when it released the results of the most recent bank stress tests.

At a systemic level, the traditional financial system is as fragile as Bitcoin is anti-fragile.

In stark contrast to the traditional financial system, Bitcoin is not a debt-based system that periodically experiences bank run-like instability.

In this regard, Bitcoin is an insurance policy against financial market instability.

Summary Source | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: financial#1 bank#2 system#3 market#4 Fed#5

Post found in /r/Bitcoin and /r/Economics.

NOTICE: This thread is for discussing the submission topic. Please do not discuss the concept of the autotldr bot here.


When the stability has a fine indication, it is termed a alternate surplus, i.E. If it consists of exporting extra than is imported and a exchange deficit or a trade gap if the reverse is the case.

#money #rich #millionaire #trading #lifestyle #cash #wealth #billionaire #payday #bills #income #moneyteam #easymoney #wealthy #dollar #euro #bitcoin #makemoneyonline #binaryoptions #finance #financialfreedom #used #blockchain #passiveincome


[uncensored-r/Bitcoin] TEEKA TIWARI - 5 COINS TO $5 MILLION: A Special Cryptocurrency Investment Event

The following post by FluffTutu is being replicated because the post has been silently removed and some comments within it have been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: Bitcoin/comments/d5r3i0

The original post's content was as follows:

How Bitcoin Could Make Asset Managers of Us All

The Bank of England's recent report on payment technologies and digital currencies regarded the blockchain technology that enables digital currencies a 'genuine technological innovation' which could have far reaching implications for the financial industry.

So what is the blockchain and why are y'all getting excited?

The block chain is an online decentralised public ledger of all digital transactions that have taken place. It is digital currency equivalent of a high street bank's ledger that records transactions between two parties.

Just as our modern banking system couldn't function without the means to record the exchanges of fiat currency between individuals, so too could a digital network not function without the trust that comes from the ability to accurately record the exchange of digital currency between parties.

It is decentralised in the sense that, unlike a traditional bank which is the sole holder of an electronic master ledger of its account holder's savings the blockchain ledger is shared among all members of the network and is not subject to the terms and conditions of any particular financial institution or country.

So what? Why is this preferable to our current banking system?

A decentralised monetary network ensures that, by sitting outside of the evermore connected current financial infrastructure one can mitigate the risks of being part of it when things go wrong. The 3 main risks of a centralised monetary system that were highlighted as a result of the 2008 financial crisis are credit, liquidity and operational failure. In the US alone since 2008 there have been 504 bank failures due to insolvency, there being 157 in 2010 alone. Typically such a collapse does not jeopardize account holder's savings due to federal/national backing and insurance for the first few hundred thousand dollars/pounds, the banks assets usually being absorbed by another financial institution but the impact of the collapse can cause uncertainty and short-term issues with accessing funds. Since a decentralised system like the Bitcoin network is not dependent on a bank to facilitate the transfer of funds between 2 parties but rather relies on its tens of thousands of users to authorise transactions it is more resilient to such failures, it having as many backups as there are members of the network to ensure transactions continue to be authorised in the event of one member of the network 'collapsing' (see below). You can also get a loan to buy bitcoin and step out of the current banking system.

A bank need not fail however to impact on savers, operational I.T. failures such as those that recently stopped RBS and Lloyds' customers accessing their accounts for weeks can impact on one's ability to withdraw savings, these being a result of a 30-40 year old legacy I.T. infrastructure that is groaning under the strain of keeping up with the growth of customer spending and a lack of investment in general. A decentralised system is not reliant on this kind of infrastructure, it instead being based on the combined processing power of its tens of thousands of users which ensures the ability to scale up as necessary, a fault in any part of the system not causing the network to grind to a halt.

Liquidity is a final real risk of centralised systems, in 2001 Argentine banks froze accounts and introduced capital controls as a result of their debt crisis, Spanish banks in 2012 changed their small print to allow them to block withdrawals over a certain amount and Cypriot banks briefly froze customer accounts and used up to 10% of individual's savings to help pay off the National Debt.

As Jacob Kirkegaard, an economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics told the New York Times on the Cyrpiot example, "What the deal reflects is that being an unsecured or even secured depositor in euro area banks is not as safe as it used to be." In a decentralised system payment takes place without a bank facilitating and authorising the transaction, payments only being validated by the network where there are sufficient funds, there being no 3rd party to stop a transaction, misappropriate it or devalue the amount one holds.

OK. You make a point. So, how does the blockchain work?

When an individual makes a digital transaction, paying another user 1 Bitcoin for example, a message comprised of 3 components is created; a reference to a previous record of information proving the buyer has the funds to make the payment, the address of the digital wallet of the recipient into which the payment will be made and the amount to pay. Any conditions on the transaction that the buyer may set are finally added and the message is 'stamped' with the buyer's digital signature. The digital signature is comprised of a public and a private 'key' or code, the message is encrypted automatically with the private 'key' and then sent to the network for verification, only the buyer's public key being able to decrypt the message.

This verification process is designed to ensure that the destabilising effect of 'double spend' which is a risk in digital currency networks does not occur. Double spend is where John gives George £1 and then goes on to give Ringo the same £1 as well (Paul hasn't needed to borrow £1 for a few years). This may seem incongruous with our current banking system and indeed, the physical act of an exchange of fiat currency stops John giving away the same £1 twice but when dealing with digital currencies which are mere data and where there exists the ability to copy or edit information relatively easily, the risk of 1 unit of digital currency being cloned and used to make multiple 1 Bitcoin payments is a real one. The ability to do this would destroy any trust in the network and render it worthless.

"What the deal reflects is that being an unsecured or even secured depositor in euro area banks is not as safe as it used to be."

To ensure the system is not abused the network takes each message automatically created by a buyer and combines several of these into a 'block' and presents them to network volunteers or 'miners' to verify. Miners compete with each other to be the first to validate a block's authenticity, specialist software on home computers automatically seeking to verify digital signatures and ensure that the components of a transaction message logically flow from the one preceding it that was used in its creation and that it in turn reflects the block preceding it that was used in its creation and so on and so forth. Should the sum of the preceding components of a block not equal the whole then it is likely that an unintended change was made to a block and it can be stopped from being authorised.

A typical block takes 10 minutes to validate and therefore for a transaction to go through though this can be sped up by the buyer adding a small 'tip' to encourage miners to validate their request more quickly, the miner solving the block 'puzzle' being rewarded with 25 Bitcoins plus any 'tips', thus is new currency released into circulation, this incentivisation ensuring that volunteers continue to maintain the network's integrity.

By allowing anyone to check a proposed change against the ledger and validate it the blockchain removes the need for a central authority like a bank to manage this. By removing this middleman from the equation a host of savings in terms of prescribed transaction fees, processing times and limits on how much and to whom a transaction can be made can be negated.

"Blockchain in Business" by Bob Geller of FusionPR

Looking to launch or grow a blockchain venture? What are the secrets to success?

It’s a noisy world and a never-ending battle for the consumer’s attention. If the average user is slammed with info and updates, just think about journalists. They’re an especially tough crowd to reach and impress. Sure, you can try to take your message to the crowds directly, via social media. But it is not easy to rise above the noise in crowded newsfeeds and social streams.

This is especially true in the realm of blockchain. People are trying their best to understand what it all means – and if the tech really will be the game-changer that lives up the hype. There’s some baggage associated with ups and downs of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Plus, the jargon and technical details can be hard to decipher.

There are loyal and dedicated communities that follow updates in the crypto and blockchain worlds. They can be echo chambers that cater to speculators and recycle the same old buzz that links crypto to the blockchain.

To be successful and breakthrough to a mainstream audience, you need to think outside these communities – outside the block, that is. At a high level that means going beyond technology to talk more about utility and benefits. It means using the latest tactics and tools to unleash the marketing and PR that can help your venture get the attention it deserves.

How can you accomplish this? Join our Webinar on October 2nd to learn more

"Blockchain in Business" by Bob Geller of FusionPR

Looking to launch or grow a blockchain venture? What are the secrets to success?

It’s a noisy world and a never-ending battle for the consumer’s attention. If the average user is slammed with info and updates, just think about journalists. They’re an especially tough crowd to reach and impress. Sure, you can try to take your message to the crowds directly, via social media. But it is not easy to rise above the noise in crowded newsfeeds and social streams.

This is especially true in the realm of blockchain. People are trying their best to understand what it all means – and if the tech really will be the game-changer that lives up the hype. There’s some baggage associated with ups and downs of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Plus, the jargon and technical details can be hard to decipher.

There are loyal and dedicated communities that follow updates in the crypto and blockchain worlds. They can be echo chambers that cater to speculators and recycle the same old buzz that links crypto to the blockchain.

To be successful and breakthrough to a mainstream audience, you need to think outside these communities – outside the block, that is. At a high level that means going beyond technology to talk more about utility and benefits. It means using the latest tactics and tools to unleash the marketing and PR that can help your venture get the attention it deserves.

How can you accomplish this? Join our Webinar on October 2nd to learn more

"Blockchain in Business" by Bob Geller of FusionPR

"Blockchain in Business" by Bob Geller of FusionPR

Looking to launch or grow a blockchain venture? What are the secrets to success?

It’s a noisy world and a never-ending battle for the consumer’s attention. If the average user is slammed with info and updates, just think about journalists. They’re an especially tough crowd to reach and impress. Sure, you can try to take your message to the crowds directly, via social media. But it is not easy to rise above the noise in crowded newsfeeds and social streams.

This is especially true in the realm of blockchain. People are trying their best to understand what it all means – and if the tech really will be the game-changer that lives up the hype. There’s some baggage associated with the ups and downs of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Plus, the jargon and technical details can be hard to decipher.

There are loyal and dedicated communities that follow updates in the crypto and blockchain worlds. They can be echo chambers that cater to speculators and recycle the same old buzz that links crypto to the blockchain.

To be successful and breakthrough to a mainstream audience, you need to think outside these communities – outside the block, that is. At a high level that means going beyond technology to talk more about utility and benefits. It means using the latest tactics and tools to unleash the marketing and PR that can help your venture get the attention it deserves.

How can you accomplish this? Join our Webinar on October 2nd to learn more

What Is Bitcoin: The Beginners Guide

Bitcoin has risen from obscurity to one of the biggest buzzes on the globe. By today Bitcoin has settled in people’s lives quite firmly. If you are looking for a guide about all of the basic, yet essential stuff related to Bitcoin — this article is just for you.

What is Bitcoin? Basically, it is a form of digital currency which is used and distributed electronically.

For a long time, experts in the field of cryptography have been working on the creation of a unique decentralized system of payment. But only in 2008 during a huge financial crisis, Satoshi Nakamoto created the world’s first cryptocurrency — Bitcoin.

Nakamoto published a file with the Bitcoin protocol and briefly described the features of the new payment system. Actually, no one knows who Satoshi really is and it’s still a mystery whether it is one person or a group of developers. Anyway, the goal of the technology was to create a new electronic cash system that was completely decentralized with no server or central authority. As a result, the new currency should have increased the protection against scammy transactions, the independence from financial institutions and the ability to use currency anonymously.

In the spring of 2010, Laszlo Hanech made the first payment with Bitcoin for his pizza order. He paid 10,000 BTC for this delivery. We sincerely hope the pizza was good. Just imagine how much he could earn today if he hasn’t “eaten” these digital coins?

Bitcoin is fundamentally different from all the previously created electronic currencies and payment systems. It is not tied to any physical asset or “official” fiat currencies and the price of BTC is regulated exclusively by the market demand and supply. Bitcoin has a big similarity to gold — it is limited. Its number is restricted to 21,000,000 BTC, while in 2019 about 17,600,000 BTC was mined, so it’s more than 83% of the total amount.

Let’s go through the main characteristics and advantages of the first digital currency.

  • Decentralized. This means that Bitcoin is not regulated by any bank or government entity. It is designed so that every person, business, as well as every machine involved in mining and transaction verification, become part of a vast network. Moreover, even if some part of the network goes down, the currency will keep moving.
  • Anonymous. There is no need to share any personal information while making transactions with BTC.
  • Transparent. Every single BTC transaction that has ever happened is stored in the Blockchain. However, tracing a particular Bitcoin address to a person is still nearly impossible.
  • Speed. The Bitcoin network processes payments almost instantly, it normally takes just a few minutes for someone on the other side of the world to receive the coins, while usual bank transfers can take several days.
  • Ease of use. To open an account in a bank — it’s not a fast and easy process. And there is a chance that in the end, you can get a refusal without explanation. With Bitcoin, you can forget about this problem: you only need five minutes to create a Bitcoin wallet and immediately start using it. No questions, no fees.
  • Non-refundable. Once you send your Bitcoins to someone, there is no way of getting them back, unless the recipient would want to send them back to you. This ensures the reception of the payment, meaning that whoever you’re trading with can’t scam you by claiming that they never got the money.

However, Bitcoin has some weak points including the following:

  • Legal questions The legal status of Bitcoin varies drastically from country to country. In some countries, the use and trade of BTC are encouraged, while in others it is banned and outlawed.
  • Volatility. Unstable exchange rate reduces the potential of BTC as a payment option.
  • Continuous development. The future of Bitcoin is rather unclear. Currently, the governments and banks are not able to control BTC, it’s almost unregulated. However, the bigger and more popular it gets, the more world governments will try to take it under control. A regulated and governed Bitcoin would be an entirely different kind of currency.

To sum up, Bitcoin is the currency which marked the beginning of a revolutionary financial era. Whether you are looking for an anonymous way to pay, want freedom from high transaction fees, or are just curious about this digital currency, now is the perfect time to join the Bitcoin revolution. By the way, the StealthEX exchange service is here to help. You can exchange your coins to BTC and vice versa on StealthEX. The platform is anonymous, limitless and allows you to swap 200+ cryptocurrencies.

Want more interesting articles on the crypto world? Follow us on Medium, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit to get updates and the latest news about the crypto world.

For all requests message us at [](

[For Hire] Experienced senior developer for web/desktop/mobile application, blockchain, game, using C++, Python, JavaScript, PHP, Java, C#, and more


  • 20 years professional programmer.
  • More than 12 years working in large global gaming companies.
  • Created several open source projects.
  • My personal website for more information.

I can do

  • Develop web front and back end using PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery, Bootstrap.
  • Tools and utilities development. Web scrappers, automation tools.
  • Develop applications, utility tools, games for desktop (Windows, Linux) and mobile.
  • Cryptocurrency and blockchain related technologies.
  • Programming mentor and consultant.

My portfolio, I created all these projects

  • eventpp library. It's a C++ library for event dispatcher and callback list.
  • eventjs library. It's a JavaScript library for event dispatcher and callback list (a sister library of eventpp).
  • cpgf library. It's a very complicated open source cross platform C++ library that adds reflection, serialization and script binding to standard C++.
  • Gincu library. It's an open source 2D cross platform game engine written in C++ and cpgf.
  • Jincu library. It's an open source 2D game engine and framework written in JavaScript ES6.
  • markdown utilities. It's a collection of Perl scripts to manipulate markdown files.
  • I developed my personal website and the blogging system on from scratch

My technology stack

  • Cross platform C++ (very experienced), Boost, Qt5, wxWidget, etc.
  • Python 2/3
  • PHP (Laravel), MySQL, JavaScript (jQuery, ES6, ReactJs), Bootstrap, Semantic UI
  • Java, C#
  • I can master any new technology quickly

My advantages

  • I'm reliable. I keep my promise. I do my best to finish your job.
  • I'm affordable. My price is only a fraction of a Silicon Valley programmer in the US that's equally qualified.
  • I produce high quality result. I pursue high quality in both code and products.
  • I am very experienced and professional. I have been developing software and games since 2000 and have been learning C++ since 1995.

Payment methods

TransferWise, Paypal, Bitcoin. 50% upfront, 50% after I finish the project and before I send you the final product/code. Negotiable.

Hours I can work

Depending on the project, I can work about 10~20 hours each week.

Where am I

I work remotely. I live in Beijing, China, GMT+8.

My fee and rate

I charge a fixed fee for each project.
My general fee is far lower than a senior developer with my experience level in the US Bay Area, but also don't expect my fee is as low as a middle level developer from other low end freelancer sites.
Approximate fee for typical projects, in USD

  • Trivial - small projects: 3-4 figures
  • Small - medium projects: 4-5 figures
  • Medium - Large projects: 5 figures and more

The fee varies depending on the project type and the technology, and negotiable.

You get more than what you pay for

If you are looking for high quality development and don't want to waste your time and money, contact me, you will get very good results for your money.

To contact me, either PM me on Reddit, or contact me on my personal website

Daily analysis of cryptocurrencies 20190925(Market index 15 — Extreme Fear state)

Daimler Carries Out First Transaction On Marco Polo Blockchain Trade Network
Automaker Daimler has carried out its first transaction on the blockchain-based Marco Polo trade finance network.
The pilot commercial trade transaction saw the firm — which owns Mercedes-Benz among other brands — process the data required to exchange payments with engineering firm and parts builder Dürr, according to a press release sent to CoinDesk on Wednesday (Sept 25). German bank Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) was also involved in the trade.

Monero Protocol Upgrade Is Scheduled On November 30
According to AMBCrypto, Monero has caught the attention of the crypto-community for its upgrade towards the end of the year. The protocol upgrade will be carried out to improve Monero’s existing offerings. This upgrade will include freezing of code, which means that no further changes can be done from the developers’ end. There will be a network upgrade too. In order to enjoy the latest features after the update, users will be required to upgrade their systems to CLI v0.15 or GUI v0.15. Along with these minor upgrades, there is a significant number of major changes. A tentative schedule for the proposed upgrade was decided to take effect on 30 November.

SEC Officials Would Consider To Creating Some Safe Harbour For Cryptos
In a congress hearing on Sept 24 with SEC, a representative for North Carolina Patrick McHenry asked SEC chairman Clayton if he believes Libra is security. Clayton said that he was not prepared to make a decision. “We have to see how different assets function, to decide whether they would be a security, a commodity or a currency. But if what you are doing is using a digital asset to raise capital for a project with the idea that you are going to get a return as a result of investing in that project, sounds like security.” Mr.McHenry also expressed concerns that “too onerous regulation would drive off innovation from the US and the upside potential for investors.”
SEC Commissioner Peirce thinks the SEC still has work to do to make sure that people can develop digital assets in the US in compliance with the SEC rules. “I would like to see us be a little bit more forward-thinking in ways that we might accommodate unique aspects of digital assets. For example, as digital assets that are utility tokens, I don’t know that the securities law framework that we have right now is an appropriate framework for them and so I’d like to see us think about creating some kind of a safe harbour,” said Peirce.
Peirce stressed the idea is to allow is their current law for that SEC to write rigs around them and SEC has the authority that could allow the regulators to do that.

Encrypted project calendar(September 25, 2019)

MIOTA/IOTA: IOTA (MIOTA) IOTA will host a community event on September 25th at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles on the theme of “Building Your Own IoT.”
Quant (QNT): The Quant project will participate in a marketing conference in London from September 25th to 26th, which will focus on data technology.

Encrypted project calendar(September 26, 2019)

ADA/Cardano: The Cardano (ADA) Cardano community will host a party in Washington, DC on September 26.

Encrypted project calendar(September 27, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: Cripto Latin Fest will be held in Cordoba, Argentina from September 27th to 29th.
Switcheo (SWTH): After a one-year token exchange process, the project team will officially end the SWH→SWTH token exchange process on September 27.

Encrypted project calendar(September 28, 2019)

ADA/Cardano: Cardano (ADA) Cardano (ADA) 2nd Anniversary, Cardinal Foundation, IOHK and EMURGO main members will participate in community celebrations in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on September 28.
TOP Network (TOP): The TOP Network team will hold a hackathon in Prague, Czech Republic from September 28th to 29th.
Horizen (ZEN): Horizen project BD Rep Vano Narimandize will discuss the current status and development of sidechain technology at the Industry 4.0 Blockchain Summit on September 28.

Encrypted project calendar(September 29, 2019)

GAME/GameCredits: GameCredits (GAME) is expected to perform hard forks on September 29th at block height 2519999

Encrypted project calendar(September 30, 2019)

INS/Insolar: Insolar (INS) will be on September 30th
ERD/Elrond: Elrond (ERD) will conduct main network test on September 30th
NULS/NULS: The NULS team will plan to beta the ChainBOX in the third quarter.
CS/Credits: Credits (CS) will exchange tokens and bug rewards in the third quarter
QTUM/Qtum: Quantum Chain (QTUM) is expected to complete lightning network beta in the third quarter
XEM/NEM: New World Bank (XEM) will release mobile wallet and computer wallet in the third quarter
HC/HyperCash: hypercash (HC) will complete community management agreement in the third quarter

Encrypted project calendar(October 01, 2019)

HT/Huobi Token: The financial base public link jointly created by Firecoin and Nervos is expected to be open source in October.
RVN/Ravencoin: Ravencoin (RVN) Ravencoin will perform a hard fork on October 1.
ADA/Cardano: Cardano (ADA) plans to hold technical consensus meeting in Amsterdam on October 1st
XRC/Bitcoin Rhodium: Bitcoin Rhodium (XRC) will record account balance awards on October 1st
PPC/Peercoin: Peercoin (PPC) will perform Peercoin v0.8 (code tang lang) hard fork on October 1st

Encrypted project calendar(October 02, 2019)

BNB/Binance Coin: The 2019 DELTA Summit will be held in Malta from October 2nd to 4th. The DELTA Summit is Malta’s official blockchain and digital innovation campaign.
CAPP/Cappasity: The Cappasity (CAPP) London Science and Technology Festival will be held from October 2nd to 3rd, when the Cappasity project will be attended by the Science and Technology Festival.

Encrypted project calendar(October 03, 2019)

ETC/Ethereum Classic: The 2019 Ether Classic (ETC) Summit will be held in Vancouver on October 3–4

Encrypted project calendar(October 05, 2019)

Ontology (ONT): Ony Ji will attend the blockchain event in Japan on October 5th and explain the practical application based on the ontology network.

Encrypted project calendar(October 06, 2019)

SPND/ Spendcoin: Spendcoin (SPND) will be online on October 6th

Encrypted project calendar(October 07, 2019)

GNO/Gnosis: Gnosis (GNO) will discuss the topic “Decentralized Trading Agreement Based on Ethereum” will be held in Osaka, Japan on October 7th. Kyber and Uniswap, Gnosis and Loopring will attend and give speeches.

Encrypted project calendar(October 08, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2nd Global Digital Mining Summit will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from October 8th to 10th.

Encrypted project calendar(October 09, 2019)

CENNZ/Centrality: Centrality (CENNZ) will meet in InsurTechNZ Connect — Insurance and Blockchain on October 9th in Auckland.

Encrypted project calendar(October 10, 2019)

INB/Insight Chain: The Insight Chain (INB) INB public blockchain main network will be launched on October 10.
VET/Vechain: VeChain (VET) will attend the BLOCKWALKS Blockchain Europe Conference on October 10.
CAPP/Cappasity: Cappasity (CAPP) Cappasity will be present at the Osaka Global Innovation Forum in Osaka (October 10–11).

Encrypted project calendar(October 11, 2019)

OKB/OKB: OKB (OKB) OKEx series of talks will be held in Istanbul on October 11th to discuss “the rise of the Turkish blockchain.”

Yesterday, we saw a breakdown in bitcoin below the $10,000 support area against the US Dollar. The price remained in a bearish zone and broke many supports near $9,800 and $9,500. Moreover, there was a break below the $9,000 support and the 100 hourly simple moving average. Finally, the price traded close to the $8,000 level and registered a nasty decline. A low was formed near $8,055 and the price is currently correcting higher.

There was a break above the $8,250 and $8,400 levels. Moreover, the price traded above the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $9,779 high to $8,055 low. However, the $8,750 level is acting as a strong resistance. The next resistance is near the $8,920 level. It coincides with the 50% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $9,779 high to $8,055 low.

If there is an upside break above $9,000, the price could recover towards the $9,400 and $9,500 resistance levels. Additionally, there is a crucial bearish trend line forming with resistance near $9,500 on the hourly chart of the BTC/USD pair. An intermediate resistance is near $9,120 and the 61.8% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $9,779 high to $8,055 low.

On the other hand, if the price continues to struggle near $8,750 and $9,000, it could resume its decline. An immediate support is near the $8,400 level, below which it could test $8,250. If the bears remain in action, there is a chances of a break below $8,000. The next major support is near the $7,500 level.

Review previous articles:






Premium IPTV - Focusing on Premium North American and International Channels - Firestick APPROVED

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Prices are quoted in Canadian dollars. (2 connections per subscription)

  • 1 Week Full Pass = $10 ($8usd roughly)
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  • 6 Month Package = $93 ($70usd roughly)

Payment Options......

  • e Transfer
  • Bitcoin (btc)
  • PayPal (must use Friends and Family option).

Paid $3 trials are available for 12 hours.

PM me for more information on our service.

What Is Bitcoin: The Beginners Guide

Bitcoin has risen from obscurity to one of the biggest buzzes on the globe. By today Bitcoin has settled in people’s lives quite firmly. If you are looking for a guide about all of the basic, yet essential stuff related to Bitcoin — this article is just for you.

What is Bitcoin? Basically, it is a form of digital currency which is used and distributed electronically.

For a long time, experts in the field of cryptography have been working on the creation of a unique decentralized system of payment. But only in 2008 during a huge financial crisis, Satoshi Nakamoto created the world’s first cryptocurrency — Bitcoin.

Nakamoto published a file with the Bitcoin protocol and briefly described the features of the new payment system. Actually, no one knows who Satoshi really is and it’s still a mystery whether it is one person or a group of developers. Anyway, the goal of the technology was to create a new electronic cash system that was completely decentralized with no server or central authority. As a result, the new currency should have increased the protection against scammy transactions, the independence from financial institutions and the ability to use currency anonymously.

In the spring of 2010, Laszlo Hanech made the first payment with Bitcoin for his pizza order. He paid 10,000 BTC for this delivery. We sincerely hope the pizza was good. Just imagine how much he could earn today if he hasn’t “eaten” these digital coins?

Bitcoin is fundamentally different from all the previously created electronic currencies and payment systems. It is not tied to any physical asset or “official” fiat currencies and the price of BTC is regulated exclusively by the market demand and supply. Bitcoin has a big similarity to gold — it is limited. Its number is restricted to 21,000,000 BTC, while in 2019 about 17,600,000 BTC was mined, so it’s more than 83% of the total amount.

Let’s go through the main characteristics and advantages of the first digital currency.

  • Decentralized. This means that Bitcoin is not regulated by any bank or government entity. It is designed so that every person, business, as well as every machine involved in mining and transaction verification, become part of a vast network. Moreover, even if some part of the network goes down, the currency will keep moving.
  • Anonymous. There is no need to share any personal information while making transactions with BTC.
  • Transparent. Every single BTC transaction that has ever happened is stored in the Blockchain. However, tracing a particular Bitcoin address to a person is still nearly impossible.
  • Speed. The Bitcoin network processes payments almost instantly, it normally takes just a few minutes for someone on the other side of the world to receive the coins, while usual bank transfers can take several days.
  • Ease of use. To open an account in a bank — it’s not a fast and easy process. And there is a chance that in the end, you can get a refusal without explanation. With Bitcoin, you can forget about this problem: you only need five minutes to create a Bitcoin wallet and immediately start using it. No questions, no fees.
  • Non-refundable. Once you send your Bitcoins to someone, there is no way of getting them back, unless the recipient would want to send them back to you. This ensures the reception of the payment, meaning that whoever you’re trading with can’t scam you by claiming that they never got the money.

However, Bitcoin has some weak points including the following:

  • Legal questions The legal status of Bitcoin varies drastically from country to country. In some countries, the use and trade of BTC are encouraged, while in others it is banned and outlawed.
  • Volatility. Unstable exchange rate reduces the potential of BTC as a payment option.
  • Continuous development. The future of Bitcoin is rather unclear. Currently, the governments and banks are not able to control BTC, it’s almost unregulated. However, the bigger and more popular it gets, the more world governments will try to take it under control. A regulated and governed Bitcoin would be an entirely different kind of currency.

To sum up, Bitcoin is the currency which marked the beginning of a revolutionary financial era. Whether you are looking for an anonymous way to pay, want freedom from high transaction fees, or are just curious about this digital currency, now is the perfect time to join the Bitcoin revolution. By the way, the StealthEX exchange service is here to help. You can exchange your coins to BTC and vice versa on StealthEX. The platform is anonymous, limitless and allows you to swap 200+ cryptocurrencies.

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CoinGeek Seoul survival guide: Here’s everything you need to know before traveling to South Korea

Article by Coingeek: Ed Drake

With the CoinGeek Seoul Conference 2019 fast approaching, South Korea’s capital is set for an influx of visitors from the crypto community. Developers, entrepreneurs and academics from around the world will descend on the city for the event this October 1–2 to learn more about Bitcoin SV and the world’s new money.

Many will visit Seoul for the very first time. If that’s you, there are a few useful tips you can bear in mind while you’re there to make the most of your time in South Korea.

There are several ways to get to the Le Meridien Hotel, located in Gangnam, from Incheon International Airport. The airport shuttle service runs from 5 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. Monday-Sunday, and costs KRW16,000 (US$14) one-way. Taking a taxi from the airport to the hotel will cost about KRW57,000 (US$50), while take the subway will cost KRW4,250 (US$4). Alternatively, visitors can call the hotel and request for a pick-up service for KRW190,000 (US$160) one-way. Check out the exchange rates here.

Seoul benefits from one of the world’s most impressive transport networks, with comprehensive train, subway and bus route coverage across the city. For the first time visitor, navigating these options can be confusing — step up apps like Subway Korea (Jihachul) and Kakao Metro.

Available in English, Japanese and Korean, the Jihachul app covers subway and train routes across Seoul and beyond, helping visitors make sense of how best to move from A to B. Simply tap your start and end points to learn the quickest route, the travel time, ticket cost and other useful information — including how to find toilets within each station.

Kakao Metro offers similar functionality, including arrival alarms so you know when to alight and easy integration with KakaoTalk for sharing travel times.

For many visitors, language will prove a barrier to traveling around the city. Fortunately, there are apps designed to help travelers communicate while in Korea, with the likes of Hello Talk and Papago there to assist with on-the-fly translations.

Hello Talk pairs up users with native Korean speakers to help learn the essential words for a successful stay. Papago offers up a type-and-translate feature, where you simply type in the words you’re trying to say in your own language and the app reads them out in Korean — the perfect solution to any language issue during your visit.

With all the goings on at CoinGeek Seoul, delegates will inevitably build up their appetite. When it comes to food in Seoul, you’re spoiled for choice — but again, language can prove a barrier for some in ordering the food they want.

Yogiyo is another quick addition to your smartphone that will make life a whole lot easier. The app serves up simple pictures of different types of food to allow users to choose their meals, without relying on any knowledge of Korean or local eateries.

One more thing: don’t forget to pack a power plug adapter. South Korea is on the 220V standard at 60Hz, and uses a Type C and/or a Type F plug.

CoinGeek Seoul is set to be the cryptocurrency event of the year, with opportunities to attend talks and meet with some of the most influential developers in the BSV community.

With a few helpful apps on your smartphone, you’ll be well on your way to an enjoyable, as well as informative, stay at the event.

[uncensored-r/BitcoinMarkets] [Altcoin Discussion] Wednesday, September 25, 2019

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  • Discussion related to recent events
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  • Be excellent to each other.
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  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
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