Friday, February 1, 2019

[Daily Discussion] Saturday, February 02, 2019

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Bitcoin Bull Novogratz: Its Still Months Before Crypto “Heads North” (current BTC/USD price is $3482.82655924)

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Bitcoin Bull Novogratz: Its Still Months Before Crypto “Heads North”

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, February 02, 2019

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, February 02, 2019

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, February 02, 2019

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[Altcoin Discussion] Saturday, February 02, 2019

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, February 02, 2019

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, February 02, 2019

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Bitcoin Is Now Officially In Its Longest Bear Market Ever (current BTC/USD price is $3483.51940451)

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Bitcoin Is Now Officially In Its Longest Bear Market Ever

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, February 02, 2019

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[Daily Discussion] Saturday, February 02, 2019

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Hearts of Durasteel, Progress Report #0: The Mod So Far

Hello everyone. If you don't know already, I'm LuxLoser, lead developer for Hearts of Durasteel, a Star Wars mod for Hearts of Iron IV, a real time strategy game. You can find us at r/HeartsOfDurasteel, where there's a Discord link in the sidebar if you want to come join us there too. With permission from the moderators here, I figured I'd share this first progress report in this sub as well. It is meant to convey the general state of the mod and basic information. I will also be adding posts for the available leaks/declassified documents from the Discord, and the next progress report will come once the map is fully created, at least visually.


The map of Durasteel is a major component, as this isn't just an alternate history mod. Instead, it takes the map of Earth as we know it chucks it out, instead giving you a full map of the Star Wars Galaxy. "But how?" you might ask.

Well, the first thing we have done is create planets. They will be flat, 2-D items, representative of the planet as a whole. Think of it as a top-down view of a flattened globe, and the march of troops around the planet represents control of a certain region, of the southern hemisphere, of the large sea, of the mines, etc. The small provinces within the planets mean that planets aren't just one time battles but at times lengthy campaigns. Events during battles will also help make up for the limitations we have in depicting interstellar ground warfare. Planets that have no importance or are inhospitable and not valuable won't be depicted. Instead it is 'major' world displayed, not a star system. Various moons and satellites, however, are displayed near the planet, and important systems within the same system are placed close to one another.

Here is a look at the map layout, though it is, of course, constantly being updated. And here is an example of a planet and moon.

When we first started testing this idea in practice, the map looked like this. From there we did more refinement and ended up with this. You'll notice it very much looks like a bunch of islands in a very open sea. Technically, that's what it will always be, but we want to simulate the idea of a simplified map of space. We are still refining it, but the biggest things we tackled were: 1. the reflection of clouds, 2. waves and sea texture, 3. a space background. The reflection issue was easy enough, and we were able to figure out how to put in a background (admittedly still darkened and desaturated) not long after. But the issue of waves persisted. However, not long ago, we hit a break through and were able to remove the waves.

Here is the physical map as it exists presently. Here is a look at Coruscant and its moons and 'orbit tile'. And finally, here is a close up of Alderaan and a look at the stand-in "planetary ocean", which is blue mountains. We're still looking into improving the look.

We still have on the map agenda: 1. The sun. There is a light glare on the 'ocean' we are looking into disabling. 2. Improving the color of the background 3. Creating a proper, detailed space background with fairly accurate stars and easy to see hyperlanes 4. Improving planetary ocean look 5. Improving the height map to remove the rough look of the 'islands'


A lot less to cover here as I just want to clarify a few things. Firstly, we are not going for a plan of “every planet a tag.” Instead, while we do have plans for a number of tags, the approach is to have at game start, a large nation in the form of the Galactic Republic. The Republic will not be entirely united, with regions moving away from the Republic shown as separate puppets. This is a sort of narrative tool, as it shows that while some regions within the Republic have their own agendas, they believe in the Republic and respect its government. Near the Republic will be the CIS, focused on Serenno led by Dooku, at this point a growing movement that rejects the Republic government. The corporate states that he is enticing will be shown as moving away until the Battle of Geonosis comes and lines are drawn in the sand. The CIS will swell and the war will begin. The Neutral Systems will spawn not long after, refusing to accept either side of the conflict as their sovereign. Alongside all of this will be the Hutts and the Chiss. The former will be a large but fractured group, each of the leader of the Cartel having their own demesne. And the Chiss will be sitting in isolation, content on tackling their own issues. So, at the start there will be only a few nations available.

Why? Well the reason this mod is being made with Hearts of Iron IV is the unique way in which the event chains and the focus trees can be used to tell a story for a nation. Our objective is in taking Star Wars and allowing the player to craft their story. Fewer tags, more paths, more branches to the stories. Some of those stories will include switching to a different tag of a new nation, others will not. That the story is logical, sensible, and that the ways it affects the galaxy are cohesive is what will be important. Because Star Wars isn’t just some science fiction setting. It’s a Space Opera, a dramatic saga of heroes and villains, of the rise and fall of nations, of legends and myths, of prophecy and legacy. While we want to give the player choice, we have to be careful not to give total freedom. The massive conspiracies, intertwining stories, the presence of the Force, and the overarching themes of Star Wars mean that you can’t just be a rogue agent. There will be consequences, events that transpire because of things beyond your control. I want each playthrough to feel like it has a narrative, a story told in an unconventional medium. When you click “Senator Amidala dies!” I want it to be a little more than just an event that changes your focus tree and gives you some political power loss. I want the events that unfold, the war that ensues, the future that is written to feel like it was destined, not just random occurrences bumping into each other. That was a bit of an avant-garde rant there, but hopefully you’ll know what I mean as things progress.

But the question you might still have on tags is, “Well what about later on?” And that is more than fair. Ultimately there will be a number of tags, but mostly regional, with a few planets collected together around regional leaders. Forming each will take specific circumstances. So why not every world a tag? Well it also helps to demonstrate my personal view on how an interstellar nation functions on a greater scale. Namely, some systems are effectively “swept under the rug”. Due to the distance from major trade routes, economic capacity, population disparity, and military size, the neighbors of larger worlds are going to rally behind regional leaders, due in part to being just unable to stand alone. Worlds like Alderaan and Corellia, while having separate representatives than their neighboring systems, would have such sway and hegemony that the only reason their neighbors wouldn’t vote with them as a block is personal politics, and even that is more like one region being more liberal than another within one state and so electing a different party to the shared delegation than the others. But if the Republic were to just be dissolved, Alderaan’s neighbors, despite political differences, would be forced to work together, and work with Alderaan, to survive. This is partly due to the needs of a population accustomed to an economy where resources are practically infinite due to the shared resources of so many worlds in the galaxy. Unless a planet wanted to become an austere hermit kingdom, they have to work with more powerful neighbors. The materials used for infrastructure, the energy sources, the technological grids, the economic sectors, everything on a planet would be accustomed to what was available on the galactic market as a whole. Doonitum is common is some areas, but may be utterly unavailable on a planet. However, their security fleet is still made with doontium hulls, despite the metal not existing on their worlds. So unless they want their planet invaded and crushed, they need a doontium trade to survive.

The other component leading to regional leadership is how space travel works in Star Wars. Hyperspace Routes, planned paths of transit, and the perils of ‘rough space’ via nebulas and asteroid belts and so on, means it’s almost like Earth before air travel. If you’re far from a main route, ships will need to go through perilous, uncharted regions. Even before making that journey, if you’re an isolated world far from any routes, ships are first going to jump to the nearest planet close to a safe Hyperspace route. Imagine you’re a town near Florence in 13th Century Italy. Traders go to Florence on the main road before trying to reach you, and if it’s too much risk, you’re better off sending your own traders into Florence before they return. Say you’re on a minor road, one that branches off of the southern road to Florence. You want goods from north of Florence? Then you’re reliant on Florentine traders bringing it. And when war comes? You’ll need the Florentine army to hold off invaders. And so, despite disliking Florence, having your own culture, traditions, and political views, your town is under the jurisdiction of the Florentine city-state. Replace Florence with Corellia and Corellian and you see that due to the nature of hyper-space transit and the constrictions of moving through space itself, history has almost become cyclical for these minor worlds. Not to mention that as this situation persists, Corellian culture, ideals, and people would seep in, until what you have most in common with other minor world near Corellia is just Corellian you all are!

On a less philosophical or artistic note, let’s be honest. You really want to try to manage a game where you’re the faction leader of 50 minor nations, all with their own AIs? It would be a nightmare, especially when the war starts and each AI tries to command its own troops. And a major city on a planet falls? Rather than just lose some war score you can regain as your troops on the moons or nearby work to reclaim it, you instead get “THE WELSH UNION HAS CAPITULATED,” giving your enemies free reign in the territory, a huge hit to score, and the cession of control of worlds despite losing little on them.


This will be getting a separate post soon as well.

Durasteel presently has 11 set ideologies, with a 12th being in discussion in the form of “Grayism”, or “Neutralist”, meaning a state under the control of Gray Jedi. However, this is not yet set. Some of these ideologies, like New Order, the sides of the Force, and to some degree Akaan’adocrat, come from Star Wars canon or from Legends. But Star Wars has always been vague on its politics, leaving to us flexibility and creativity in developing coherent ideologies for gameplay.

Each ideology in the image has a definition but I want to elaborate on that definition here.

  • New Order: This is the Empire. Now some people think that the Empire is just under the control of the Dark Side. This is incorrect. The Sith had no official role, and in fact the Emperor’s status as a Force-user was kept secret. Instead, the New Order was maintained by ideology, pushing for more than just loyalty and authoritarianism, but a veneration of the state and of order. Palpatine wanted state worship to even supplant religion. It doesn’t require a Sith at the top, and puts all focus on the centralization of authority and the creation of a powerful government.

  • The Dark Side of the Force: Pretty much what’s on the tin. This is a flexible ideology, as the Sith may be more ‘egalitarian’, like Darth Kaan’s Brotherhood of Darkness, or it may be a New Order-like state akin to Darth Revan’s Sith Empire, or a proper magocracy like Darth Vitiate’s Sith Empire. Whatever the case, the Sith are present and in charge. And while some Sith might have a smarter outlook than murdering their only source of knowledge and power as quick as they can, succession will always remain determined by competition, on struggle and Darwinian politics, even if not lethal.

  • Unitist: From here we have the first original ideology. Unitism is a bit like New Order Lite. It wants strong leadership and centralization, but rather seeing the state as a higher end in itself, the state is supposed to be a protector of the weak and an arbiter in conflicts. Think Paternal Autocrats as opposed to National Populists. Furthermore, Unitists value personal liberty. Speaking out against the state isn’t heresy like followers of the New Order believe. In fact, the strong state should protect people’s rights. This ideology is a lot of dreaming and a lot harder to put into practice without slipping into Corism or New Order, but in some ways you can see it as the ‘good twin’ of the Empire.

  • Akaan’adocrat: So first, the name. I combine Stratocrat with the Mando’a word ‘akaan’ade’ which means army. It’s basically a stratocratic military dictatorship, distinct from the New Order or Unitism in that political power is not vested in a wise leader or impartial political arbiter, but the strongest and smartest warrior, the highest ranking official. In an Akaan’adocratic society, there are no civilians or civilian institutions. The military and the state are on and the same. So while that is most typically like when the Mandalorians are united under a Mand’alor, the ideology is also used for when an Admiral or General seizes control of state and declares martial law, conscripting the population. Perhaps it’s temporary, perhaps not, but during this period of organization, political commentators of the Star Wars Galaxy will label the state’s ruler an akaan’adocrat, even if as a pejorative.

  • Corist: Corism is an ideology that is totally original, but looks to provide an explanation for the many aristocratic democracies in Star Wars. Naboo elects a Queen who has total royal prerogative, and comes typically from politically and economically prominent families like the Naberries, and Alderaan is an elective monarchy ruled by noble houses like House Organa or House Thule. And yet they are proponents of liberal democracy. Maybe it’s pragmatic, but I think it’s a matter of ideology. Now the characters we see from these worlds, Padme and Bail Organa, aren’t proposing their local system on a galactic scale… but surely some people are! Not to mention local politics. Corist think a noble elite need not to rule but to keep an eye on things, be a guiding hand in democracy. Like having a powerful House of Lords, or a truly democratic Authoritarian Democracy.

  • Distributionist: Leftist politics are basically… nonexistent in Star Wars. And, in some ways, it makes some sense. They have a large state that has an effective super-abundance of supplies but transport and uneven industrialization makes distribution of resources a means of creating a market. Marxist thought might be more prevalent away from the Core, but these disconnected regions are also less politically inclined. So it’s probably a smaller movement and more on a local level. Still, where it has shown up, at least in rhetoric, is in Droid Rebellions from Legends. So, I took these ideas, that distribution was the problem, that droids have used leftist ideals in their quest for equality, and that extreme poverty is still a major, if dismissed, problem in Star Wars. Enter distributionism, which seeks to seize the means of production and ensure fair, free distribution of goods, utilizing automated and/or optimized systems to ensure this, and droid liberation is a… semi-divisive issue. Better treatment? Sure! Personhood? 50-50 on that one.

  • Corporate Consortium: So this is just a corporate state. Or a state driven by profit at least, making gangs and Hutt cartels a corporate consortium too. Admittedly a bit influenced by the idea that many gangs and criminal operations operate like companies in illegal markets… or that corporations are criminal operations in legal markets.

  • Trade Democrats: Forgive the uncreative name, but it was developed to explain and create a more liberalist faction of the Separatists. They believe in a free market, in a free people. In fact, freer the market? Freer the people! So long as, of course, you get rid of corruption and back room deals that actually constrain the market. Now some Trade Democrats think you need to constrain monopolies to keep the market free, as corporate tyranny is just another type of state intervention in the economy. Others disagree, and think a monopoly is just a successful business, and if it isn’t make corrupt dealings it deserves to stay, with the market dictating when people get sick of them. As you can guess, this makes their general alliance with Mega-Corps like the (Insider) Trade Federation, TechnoUnion, and Banking Clans a bit contentious at times.

  • Ruusanist: This one is original and steeped in Legends lore, but effectively is just conservatives. Not nationalist ones, but actual defenders of “status quo,” a status quo made a thousand years ago during the Ruusan Reformation, which happened under Chancellor Tarsus Valorum at the end of the New Sith Wars. Valorum led the Republic fighting another Jedi-Sith War, having taken emergency powers to do so. It was a war where a decentralized Republic allowed the Sith to grow strong, and saw Jedi establish themselves as benevolent warlords, so called “Jedi Lords” that formed the Army of Light, who brought the war to more corners of the galaxy. So in reaction, that meant no militarism, but a far more centralized state, and a big fat hell no to Jedi political power and autonomy. Valorum also weakened the Chancellery to prevent a tyrant from abusing the powers he had been so easily given during the crisis. Now that status quo has long been dead, but Ruusanists think and/or want it to be the case. So they hate the separatists for going against centralization, hate the Chancellor and his supporters for giving him power, hate the Jedi leading armies, hate the army for existing, hate the Inclusivists for weakening the Republic, hate the Corists for infringing on Democracy, and well, you get the picture.

  • Inclusivists: A new term to describe the most prominent moderate liberal group that seems to control the Republic just before the Clone Wars. Inclusivists believe in cultural pluralism and relativism, that every group has a valid opinion that must be heard and accommodated. This also means welfare to afflicted groups, expanding representation, more government regulations and intervention, and a general mentality of “everyone is right” democracy. While pretty good intentioned, it’s pretty easy to see where this optimistic, regulatory, social justice minded movement can hit some obstacles, and how their system can see plenty of inefficiency and abuse that allows corruption and bureaucratic failures to arise. They include folks like Padme Amidala of Naboo, Bail Organa of Alderaan, Mon Mothma of Chandrilla, and much of the Delegation of 2000. They want unity but want peace with the separatists to try and address the separatists’ concerns. Of course, the irony is that many of the CIS grievances are because of Inclusivist policies.

  • Light Side of the Force: I intentionally had this one written to mirror the Sith. And before you go “Horseshoe Theory sucks!”, it’s more because the two philosophies are designed to be mirrors of each other in many ways. Also, Jedi philosophy is nice and dandy for secluded ascetic monks, but to average people? Very hard to rigidly apply, and susceptible to seeing rebellion against it’s strict tenants. A Light Side state is thus going to be pretty fragile at times. People will resist, chaff against the system at times, and the Jedi have to be very careful if even if they aren’t applying Jedi philosophy strictly to the general public. Because in a Light Side state the Jedi have political power, and, well, power corrupts. The leadership has to be very very careful they don’t let ambition and selfish desires come into play in their government or they could have a sect of Dark Siders with control of the nation forming right under their noses. A little cynical? Maybe, but half the theme of Sith and Jedi is that it’s hard to stay on the path of good, and easy to fall to corruption if you aren’t careful.


Lastly, we have also begun implementing new resources into the mod. None of these are made up, though some lean more into Legends, as that continuity provides more detail in terms of military supplies. These are as follows, and in order on the screen:

  • Durasteel: A durable synthetic material, it is vital in construction and is needed for construction of weapons and armor, as well ground vehicles and repairing infrastructure.

  • Blaster Gas: The volatile gases used as ammunition in blasters, which heat the gas to produce amazingly condense plasma bolts. This is needed for making weapons to arm troops and for weapons on your ships and fights.

  • Raw fuel: A generic category for the various kinds of unrefined substances that are needed to power ships and vehicles, with more than one compound being capable of refinement for use in engines.

  • Doonium: A decently rare but valuable metal that is needed for creation of ship hulls and heavy armor for vehicles. Doonium is to your navy what Durasteel is to your army.

  • Circuitry: Another generic term referring to various advanced, but standardized circuitry needed for advanced weaponry/vehicles and, of course, for droids. Much of it can be salvaged or created from various scrap worlds, as well as produced from newer facilities.

  • Cortosis: A very rare material that is capable of blocking lightsabers, and a thin, processed cortosis weave can even be used to disrupt lightsabers, though this is not commonly known. Instead, what it is primarily needed is for the creation of heavier units and advanced ships, as a cortosis coating on hulls renders them able of absorbing some blaster fire.

  • Credits: The currency of the Republic, as well as representing the currency of other nations in the value of Republic Credits. Credits will be needed for just about everything, but particularly for commissioning troops, be that Clones, Droids, or Mercenaries. Credits are interesting is that best we can tell, they have physical form, but are vastly more commonly digital, making the physical copies a low-tech way of transferring a primarily virtual currency, like physical bitcoins. Not to saw Credits are data-mined crypto-currency, but it is instead a galaxy wide, well, measure of credit, since a physical currency would be too hard to control in terms of inflation, deflation, devaluation, and circulation over to vast a place as a galaxy. The ubiquity of credits in being required for most things demonstrates the way an interstellar currency functions: “I need credits for everything.” Why? “Because credits are valuable.” Why are they valuable? “Because I need them for everything.”

Alright well that’s most of what I wanted to address in this report, giving everyone an awareness of where the mod is at in terms of development. Hopefully we can have more regular Progress Reports, but with University, work, and other projects that devs are involved with, we’re trying our best to move as quick as we can. Thank you all for your support.

Vode An!

[Daily Discussion] Friday, February 01, 2019

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[Daily Discussion] Friday, February 01, 2019

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[Daily Discussion] Friday, February 01, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

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Adam Tracy Explains the Use of South Dakota Trusts in Crypto

Blockchain attorney and advisor Adam S. Tracy explains the use of South Dakota trusts with respect coins, tokens and initial coin offerings.

— —

A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur and, trader attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 17 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s experience ranges from commodities trader for oil giant BP, initial public offerings, M&A, to initial coin offerings, having represented both startups to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam has promoted growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique approach to representing crypto-clients. Based in Chicago, IL, Adam graduated from the University of Notre Dame with dual degrees in Finance and Computer Applications and would later obtain his J.D. and M.B.A. from DePaul University. Adam lives outside Chicago with his six animals, which is illegal where he lives.

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I get questions from people who want start a coin, okay? And let’s differentiate between a coin and a token. A coin is like a currency coin is not necessarily even etherium based, but a coin doesn’t represent a ownership interest — it’s not a security. A coin is typically, you know, not launched through an ICO, but it can be. And the question becomes what structure, if I’m launching a coin, what type of structure should have? And I’ve spoken about this before, and I spoke about this in the context of foundations, right? I don’t like foundations, as a foundation implies not-for-profit — I think that’s, one, limiting and I think that’s, two, perhaps untrue in a sense, right? There is some profit motive behind launching a coin in most cases. As it relates to, you know, the structure that you have to use, you definitely need a structure, right? There’s still liability in launching a coin, and there definitely needs to some of entity behind it. And, really, the best structure for that is a trust, and there’s plenty of offshore trusts, which I’ll talk about in a different episode, but there’s also a lot of good structures that are domestic that would certainly do the trick. And, again, in a trust you have a trustee, who’s in charge of the trust corpus or the property of the trust, and the beneficiaries of the trust are the owners or the people who are entitled to receive the the property in the trust — so basically your coin holders in this case. One of the great places oddly enough for domestic trusts is South Dakota, right. You hear lot about Delaware and Alaska, and they’re good. South Dakota just tends to be the best and there’s a few reasons why:

1) A self-settled trust, meaning a trust that’s settled by the person who may be a beneficiary, is immune from creditors, meaning that in event of like a lawsuit or anything like that, a creditor can’t attach or obtain any of the trust corpus, the trust property. So in this case, like in the case of a coin, your trust properties likely to be more coin, right? And so what you want to be able to do is sort of shield that from any sort of creditor claims, and that’s what a South Dakota trust is able to do.

2) It has what’s called the protector and so, you know, typically with like a South Dakota trust you have a professional trustee — you pay trustee a certain fee for a year to, you know, on an annual basis to act as the trustee of trust. And that trustee is to some degree to govern the assets of the trust, which in the case of, you know, a decentralized coin or token there’s really nothing to do, right? So you’re safe in that regards. But the South Dakota law allows from something called the trust protector. And the trust protector is an individual or an entity that, in the instance or the case of any sort of legal peril, call it, has the ability to fire or terminate the trustee, and take the trust corpus and move that trust corpus, right? So it has the ability effectively take the trust property and move that to a different jurisdiction to seemingly shield it from any sort legal parent, like a lawsuit or anything like to that effect. So it’s really important and like the trust protector is really common with offshore trusts because, you know, those are asset protection trust by nature and you want to see like the utmost ability to sort of override a trustee. And you see that with South Dakota trusts, which is rare if not unheard of in the United States.

So two main reasons. Obviously South Dakota trust income is tax-free by the state. You know, you still have to contend with the IRS, but at least you’re not dealing with state level taxation. And so, you know, for starting a coin of any nature, right, you definitely need an entity, you definitely need something that is alive from a legal perspective, right, that has some sort of formation behind it because if not, you as the promoter are, much like with any like just starting a regular company, you’re creating lot of liability for yourself. So check me out. If have questions hit me up. My information is, — and I’ll talk to you later. Cheers.

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Adam Tracy Evaluates Puerto Rico as a Tax Haven

The bitcoin lawyer Adam S. Tracy discusses the tax benefits of blockchain and cryptocurrency related companies relocating to Puerto Rico.

— — 

A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur and, trader attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 17 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s experience ranges from commodities trader for oil giant BP, initial public offerings, M&A, to initial coin offerings, having represented both startups to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam has promoted growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique approach to representing crypto-clients. Based in Chicago, IL, Adam graduated from the University of Notre Dame with dual degrees in Finance and Computer Applications and would later obtain his J.D. and M.B.A. from DePaul University. Adam lives outside Chicago with his six animals, which is illegal where he lives.

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Puerto Rico is the new tax haven, and it’s basically part of the United States. Section 933 of the tax code is always provided that income earned by residents of Puerto Rico is not calculable as part of gross income on your taxes. And, Puerto Rico sort of upped the ante with two laws: 1) one is Act 22, which says that you’ll pay zero capital gains on any assets acquired after moving to Puerto Rico. 2) And then Act 20, which says that the corporate tax rate for income earned within Puerto Rico is only four percent. Now if you compare this to the foreign earned income exclusion, you’re actually better off being in Puerto Rico than you are in Caymans, Belize, St. Lucia — you name it — any of your tax havens. And it’s important to note that Puerto Rico is really just the United States with exception of the fact that it has its own tax code. Right? And the ability to move there is based on our immigration laws. So you don’t need any special immigration. You can simply move there because you’re resident or citizen in United States. So it’s a phenomenal opportunity, and it’s sort of a tax holiday, meaning it’ll expire. But for crypto traders and crypto funds the Act 22 exemption, which provides for zero capital gains tax is phenomenal. It’s just phenomenal opportunity. And on the reverse, for companies that are making more than the foreign earned income exclusion — a hundred thousand year — that four percent tax rate is tough to beat, with the exception of renouncing citizenship and moving to some offshore locale permanently, which most aren’t, you know, happy to do. Puerto Rico really provides you with a phenomenal opportunity with Act 20 and 22. So if you have any questions, definitely hit me up or I’ll talk you soon.

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Adam Tracy Explains Investment Advisor Registration for Crypto Fund Managers

The bitcoin lawyer Adam Tracy explains SEC investment advisor registration for cryptocurrency hedge fund managers

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A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur and, trader attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 17 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s experience ranges from commodities trader for oil giant BP, initial public offerings, M&A, to initial coin offerings, having represented both startups to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam has promoted growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique approach to representing crypto-clients. Based in Chicago, IL, Adam graduated from the University of Notre Dame with dual degrees in Finance and Computer Applications and would later obtain his J.D. and M.B.A. from DePaul University. Adam lives outside Chicago with his six animals, which is illegal where he lives.

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A popular topic (especially with my hedge fund clients) is do I need to register as an investment adviser? And there’s two parallel: one being registration with the SEC, and one being registration with the individual state. So let’s just focus on on the SEC. Generally speaking, an investment advisor is somebody who engages in the practice for a fee of advising as to the value of security. So when you’re talking about a hedge fund manager, generally speaking, you fall into that category or that definition — the keyword, the operative word being securities. But I’ll get right back to that. So there’s three general parameters that would require registration with the SEC as an investment adviser. 1) One is regulatory assets under management in excess of a 150 million — that’s an absolute requirement. 2) Two is regulatory assets under management of a 100 million and some of your clients (some, not all) are not hedge funds or private equity funds. 3) Three you have regulatory assets under management of 25 million or less some, of your clients are not hedge funds or private equity funds, and you live in a state where investment advisor registration is not required, or you live in a state where it’s required but not required by examination. So the only two states there are Wyoming and New York. So you’ve got these three subcategories, the fourth is whether you generally hold yourself out to be investment advisor which is sort a catch-all, but you have these three thresholds: 150, 100, 25 million. So for your startup funds generally speaking, you’re under 25 million. There’s no compulsory registration as an investment advisor, and you don’t have to do it, depending on what state you’re doing it in you definitely don’t have to do it. When you get up to a hundred million and you have non-hedge fund or private equity clients, then it becomes required. So generally speaking in that range up to one hundred million you’re pretty much safe. Now in the crypto space it’s odd because when you want to talk about, you know, what the definition by the SEC’s own accord what definition of investment advisor, it’s someone who opines or advises as to the value of securities. Right? And so the question becomes well, if I’m advising as to the value of Bitcoin am I acting as an investment adviser? Well, answer would technically no because Bitcoin is deemed be commodity, and would trigger a whole slew of laws under the Commodities Act and the NFA Regulation, but it wouldn’t trigger any Investment Advisor Act. And so then the question becomes too what if I’m advising as to etherium? What if I’m advising as to Ripple? What if I’m advising as to Neo or any of these esoteric sort of currency type cryptocurrencies, which really been haven’t classified. So, you know, depending on the composition of the fund that you have, the question becomes whether you’re acting as an investment adviser to begin with and whether registration is even really question because the products you’re dealing with aren’t securities, right? And so that’s where this sort of gray area lies. But, you know, the bright line black line sort of rules would be the threshold of 25 million, 100 million, 150 million as it relates to regulated assets under management, so assets not including debt or contingent liabilities at offset that. So, hit me up if you have questions about investment advisor registration or fund formation. I’m Adam Tracey. I’ll talk to you soon.

Adam Tracy Discusses The Unlicensed Crypto Exchange

Attorney Adam Tracy discusses three jurisdictions to operate an unlicensed cryptocurrency exchange from and the procedure and pitfalls associated therewith.

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A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur and, trader attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 17 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s experience ranges from commodities trader for oil giant BP, initial public offerings, M&A, to initial coin offerings, having represented both startups to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam has promoted growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique approach to representing crypto-clients. Based in Chicago, IL, Adam graduated from the University of Notre Dame with dual degrees in Finance and Computer Applications and would later obtain his J.D. and M.B.A. from DePaul University. Adam lives outside Chicago with his six animals, which is illegal where he lives.

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I get this question a lot, and that is do you need a license for an offshore crypto exchange? And answer is no, okay, with some caveats to it. And that main caveat being where you’re domiciled or where you purport to operate from. As I discussed with, you know, like Vanuatu (places like that), the process of domiciling there and operating requires a license in that jurisdiction. In that jurisdiction it is very easy get what is a pseudo securities 4X license. There’s three particular jurisdictions, which allow 4X activity, which includes crypto exchange but doesn’t require license, and those ways are Nevis (which I’m a big fan of and I’ve spoke about before), Saint Vincent, and the Seychelles. None of them require a license to operate a foreign exchange dealer or a foreign exchange broker. That’s why you see a great deal of 4X binary options and other type of companies operating from those jurisdictions. So, it’s great in a sense. One of the pitfalls is that without a license banking becomes very difficult, and banking is already very difficult when you’re dealing with crypto. So now you’re compounding it in the sense that you’re operating an unlicensed 4X exchange. Now I’ve read, and I can’t verify it, that about 90% of 4X brokers actually start out as being unlicensed. And that may, in fact, be accurate, but as you as you grow it does make some sense, especially from a banking perspective and from a transparency perspective, to become licensed, whether that’s like in class C jurisdiction like a Vanuatu or Cyprus or Malta or Gibraltar, or like a Class B, even in UK and Australia, then class A which would be like the United States. So, it’s an interesting thing. And so, you can operate without the license, but you still have to be careful with respect to the jurisdictions in which you’re operating, right? And that’s particularly germane to the United States, right? So if you’re going to operate a crypto exchange based in one these three locales that don’t require any particular licensure, you have to be sure that you’ve got the requisite licensure in the United States, right? And if that entails if you’re dealing Fiat, having money transmitter license, if you’re not dealing with Fiat, at a minimum being money service business. And so the money service business registration (which I’ve also spoke about before) requires you register with FinCEN, and implicates and triggers all your AML KYC Bank Secrecy Act compliance and the whole scheme, which you may be doing anyway, right? It’s good practice to do anyway, but, you know, just because your operating from an unlicensed jurisdiction, it doesn’t mean that you escaped U.S. regulation if you’re going to take US customers. Which is particularly problematic if you’re a US citizen, because, of course, you’re opening the door to a fair amount of liability. So those three nations: Nevis, Saint Vincent, the Seychelles — great places to consider if you’re going to start a crypto exchange or even a 4X Broker, but it comes with its own set of challenges. And when you look at, you know, the ability to get licenses in places like Vanuatu especially, you know, for the cost versus the problems you encounter, it may not be the best place, but it is entirely legal and legitimate to operate from those locales. So hit me up is my email, and I’ll talk to soon.

Adam Tracy Revisits Airdrops & Bounties

Cryptocurrency attorney Adam Tracy revisits the legalities of airdrops and bounties used in connection with Initial Coin Offerings and discusses the legal implications of Security Token Offerings.

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A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur and, trader attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 17 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s experience ranges from commodities trader for oil giant BP, initial public offerings, M&A, to initial coin offerings, having represented both startups to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam has promoted growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique approach to representing crypto-clients. Based in Chicago, IL, Adam graduated from the University of Notre Dame with dual degrees in Finance and Computer Applications and would later obtain his J.D. and M.B.A. from DePaul University. Adam lives outside Chicago with his six animals, which is illegal where he lives.

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So just a quick update on air drops, and I got a lot of questions off my first episode — it was talking of the legality of air drops. And a lot people brought up the free stock concept, right? And for those that maybe aren’t familiar, during the dot com bubble, there was a series of SEC administrative actions against companies that were providing quote on quote free stock. And stock wasn’t totally free. What they what had do to get the free stock for these dot com companies was sign up at their website, link your to their website, and do some other menial tasks. And one of the actions was called, and the SEC came in and halted those defacto air drops in the sense that they were securities offerings. And the same can be said for airdrops and bounties, to a lesser extent, with respect to tokens that are deemed securities. So the question, you know, that I was received is, I’m doing a security token offering can I do an airdrop? And the answer is you have to very careful, and probably not. The reason being that consideration is still being given, right, just because there’s no money or BTC or F involved, doesn’t mean that there isn’t consideration for token, right? You’re obtaining some minuscule benefit from it, but you’re still, you know, receiving consideration for the issuance of that token through the air drop. So if you do have a security token you truly have to give it away for free, like you literally would have to receive no consideration for it not to be an offering. And if it’s offering of securities then, of course, you have to worry about Reg D, who you’re doing with, are they accredited, how you’re promoting it, how your marketing it and all that, which in an air drop you’re seemingly not going to do that, because there’s just such an incrementally small benefit from the tasks that are being performed in exchange for a token. So, you know, the security token concept in that environment, airdrops really are verboten, right? You can’t really do them because you can’t monitor that offering — you can’t comply with securities laws in that offering. And if you did, it’d be a very limited air drop. So, you know, be careful, especially if you’re going to call it a security token. I would shy away from an airdrop and bounty program altogether probably. In the utility token context, you know, again, it’s more of a loyalty rewards type arrangement where you’re earning loyalty rewards points or tokens, as you will to make it work. So I still think it’s a viable means of marketing and a viable means of getting a, you know, token holder base. So definitely check it out. But if you have any questions, be sure to hit me up. My contact information is in the description.

Adam Tracy Explains Initial Exchange Offerings

Cryptocurrency expert Adam S. Tracy explains the mechanics and legality of Initial Exchange Offerings and how they can be used in connection with Initial Coin Offerings.

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A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur and, trader attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 17 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s experience ranges from commodities trader for oil giant BP, initial public offerings, M&A, to initial coin offerings, having represented both startups to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam has promoted growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique approach to representing crypto-clients. Based in Chicago, IL, Adam graduated from the University of Notre Dame with dual degrees in Finance and Computer Applications and would later obtain his J.D. and M.B.A. from DePaul University. Adam lives outside Chicago with his six animals, which is illegal where he lives.

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Instagram: @adamtracyattorney

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So the initial exchange offering, right? It’s new and I like it. You know, what you have is an ICO that takes place through an exchange much like an IPO. And I think that’s actually a good start, and I like it for its redundancy for couple reasons: 1) You know that there’s actually an active market, or will be a market for the token that you’re purchasing, right? Too often you see tokens that can’t get listed on an exchange — I think majority of them can’t get listed on exchange (which I can with by the way) and then there’s just no liquidity, and so you just can’t sell. Well if it’s already listed on an exchange, at least you know or you go into it knowing that you have the ability to have that token listed and the ability to sell. So, it’s good for that reason. 2) It shows some financial wherewithal by the promoters because there is cost, obviously, to list on exchange, right, so it’s one these sort of fly-by-night operations. There’s some amount — it maybe not be a great amount, but it’s something. 3) It makes sure that their tokens get put in enough people’s hands, right? I think there’s a greater chance of success. There’s a greater chance that you get a robust token holder vase, which only has the tendency to create liquidity for the token, which again if you’re looking to sell or you’re looking sell down the road, you have that that option. The trick is of course unlike, you know, not unlike an ICO all the rules still apply, right, like all the securities rules, all the peril you can find yourself in by potentially doing an ICO, especially if it’s a security token offering, those still exist. Just because you’re selling through an exchange, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t count as an ICO or that Reg D of the Securities Act doesn’t apply or anything like that. And also as an exchange, for my exchange clients, you know, you have to worry about it, and this happened in the likes of like token lot and dragging chain and others, if you’re actively promoting tokens that are securities and you’re selling them and you’re taking commissions, well then you could be acting as an unlicensed broker-dealer run into peril doing that. So something definitely to watch for. Happy to, you know as always, answer any questions people have on the initial exchange offering, but visit me and I’m happy to go through this, but I think it’s a positive element. And I think more ICOs should go the route through an exchange. See you later.

Adam Tracy on Crypto Hedge Funds & Investment Company Act Compliance

Cryptocurrency hedge fund attorney Adam S. Tracy explains how crypto based hedge funds can comply with the requirements of the Investment Company Act.

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A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur and, trader attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 17 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s experience ranges from commodities trader for oil giant BP, initial public offerings, M&A, to initial coin offerings, having represented both startups to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam has promoted growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique approach to representing crypto-clients. Based in Chicago, IL, Adam graduated from the University of Notre Dame with dual degrees in Finance and Computer Applications and would later obtain his J.D. and M.B.A. from DePaul University. Adam lives outside Chicago with his six animals, which is illegal where he lives.

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Instagram: @adamtracyattorney

Telegram: @adam_tracy

Skype: @adamtracyesq

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There are an abundance of crypto funds out there, and many of them aren’t complying with the Investment Company Act. And, there are two main exemptions from the Investment Company Act 3: the 3C1 Fund and the 3C7 Fund. A 3C1 Fund limits you a 100 owners, right? So think of a 100 investors or 99 if you’re set up in a general partnership, because general partner counts as one, and so you’re exempt from registration up until and including the point where you hit 100 investors. You can use 506, you can sell to non-accredited and other elements of reg D, and you’re exempt from registration. If you want go over 100 investor limit, then you’re a 3C7 Fund. The 3C7 Fund says you can go up to two thousand investors, but those investors have to be qualified, and that qualified status is actually higher than accredited, right? So qualified purchasers must have at least 5 million in investments, or if they’re an entity, the entity must be owned by qualified purchasers. So you have the flexibility of having far more investors, but yet you have the threshold for obtaining those investors as much higher. So it’s something to obviously consider when you’re structuring your funds. Do you want to have one large fund that’s a 3C7 but perhaps limits the the pool of investors, or do you separate that and have multiple funds, right, to stay as a 3C1 Fund and have different funds that are each themselves exempt under 3C1. But there’s a multitude (I see him everyday) of crypto related hedge funds, and people kind ignore the Investment Company Act because they think that they don’t necessarily qualify as one because they’re doing crypto or what have you. But you do, because irrespective the oldest debate and discussion on what exactly crypto is from a legal perspective, you’re not selling crypt. What you’re selling is a security, because you’re selling a, you know, purchase interest — a unit interest in the fund, right, a limited partnership interest. So you’re definitely within the ambit of the securities world. Just the underlying assets may or may not be securities. But you know, there’s been hedge funds for everything from racehorses to cargo containers, so in those each were under the ambit or within the exemption from the Investment Company Act. So that’s my two cents. Adam Tracy. Check me out., and hope to hear from you. Thanks.