Tuesday, November 5, 2019

[uncensored-r/BitcoinMarkets] [Daily Discussion] Wednesday, November 06, 2019

The following post by AutoModerator is being replicated because some comments within the post(but not the post itself) have been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link:

np.reddit.com/r/ BitcoinMarkets/comments/dsawxb

The original post's content was as follows:

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

Price($) of Top 15 Cryptocurrencies Without Bitcoin (2013-2019)

Price($) of Top 15 Cryptocurrencies Without Bitcoin (2013-2019) #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #coinmarketcap A cryptocurrency (or crypto currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currency and central banking systems. Source: https://coinmarketcap.com

[Daily Discussion] Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

Price($) of Top 15 Cryptocurrencies With Bitcoin (2013-2019)

Price($) of Top 15 Cryptocurrencies Without Bitcoin (2013-2019) #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #coinmarketcap A cryptocurrency (or crypto currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currency and central banking systems. Source: https://coinmarketcap.com



Last Friday, November 1st, 2019 Indonesian crypto community gathered to celebrate Halloween in Jakarta with the theme Cryptocalypse, Bitcoin raised from the dead

while usually crypto and blockchain events are held in the form of talk shows, seminars, and conferences which are too formal and serious, Cryptocalypse Halloween party was like a breath of fresh air for the community to relax, unwind and mingle.

you know it wouldn't be a Halloween party without jack o lanterns, sweets and costumes (also boozes, lol). We played some games, sang some songs, drank some drinks and ultimately had so much fun.









the one wearing the best costume wins Bitcoin! so cool, right?


How to Use Bitcoin SegWit Transactions: a Guide


How to Use Bitcoin SegWit Transactions: a Guide


Wanchain Telegram AMA - 05/11/2019 - questions and answers

location: t.me/wanchainchat

some of the questions and answers, sorry if I missed some!

  1. question: The current roadmap of Wanchain ends in 55 days. (When) can we expect to see a new one?
    answer: Yes we have been in many discussions about our roadmap next year. Hopefule we will release that by the end of month. Please feel free to contribute...
  2. question: Will WAN have any burn or buy back in the future, any plan?
    answer: Wanchain has burned the 21 million WAN (10% reserved for mining rewards) by sending them to an address where the WAN is not recoverable.
    Here is the address: https://www.wanscan.org/address/0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    The tx: https://www.wanscan.org/tx/0x6bc3b697e48b95793aae27b8e9aa84f98eebe5beb024b4a051b5845ef547d865
    PoS rewards are explained here: https://medium.com/wanchain-foundation/wanchain-proof-of-stake-validator-economics-for-upcoming-alpha-testing-d57353a4d0f9
  3. question: What is the team doing more regarding marketing ? How much mcap wan is targeting? Competition is getting too much now..
    answer: We are working with a few new marketing partners. Revamping social media, leveraging our ambassador program but giving an extra boost when the DEX with RiveX launches. As well as other dApps we are looking closely at and hoping to have them deployed quite soon.
  4. question: Hello Mr. Lu. It seems integrating new existing blockchains to the wanchain ecosystem is a very slow process... indeed only 2 at the moment (ethereum and bitcoin)... one every 9 months... when is this time going to be reduced and by how much time... ? there are hundreds of blockchains out there... both public and private... I understand the success of wanchain depends on integrating as many blockchains as possible.
    answer: We are in the process of improving the cross-chain mechanism and make it more open. Once that is done, they will be coming a lot faster. BTW, we are working on EOS integration...
  5. question: Hello. What are your next major plans to boost wanchain ecosystem? Who is going to use wanchain network? Any significant partnerships?
    answer: We are working with FinNexus and RiveX currently to build the ecosystem. Also we are working with our partner on the cross-chain DEX
  6. question: Does wanchain work for interop with chain like hyperledger and such?
    answer: Yes we are working with EEA and Hyperledger on the interoperability standards
  7. question: Do feel financially stable? Do you still have funds from ICO to continue as going concern?
    answer: Yes, we have enough funds to continue our develoment in the coming years
  8. question: My second question is related to the Elevenpaths (Telefonica) / Rivetz / Civic / Wanchain partnership. Is it still alive? Could you please share any details about the progress of that partnership up to date?
    answer: Hey, I'll take that one. We have a few new things in motion with Telefonica's Eleven Paths. Due to NDA we cannot comment on the specifications but more is definitely coming :)
  9. question: We have seen many stable coins added to Wanchain (DAI, GUSD, TUSD, USDC). But I miss Tether... Are there plans to include USDT in Wanchain? It would be really helpful for WRDEX success IMHO
    answer: We'd love to integrate with USDT. It will only takes us a few days to integrate with the USDT on Ethereum...A little more challenging for the one on BTC though
  10. question: Next Question : will there be any AMA in binance group for more new users engagement for the WAN ? so many great projects are doing ama in exchange group, team should consider some AMA with current listed exchanges..
    answer: That's a great idea and yes we are planning to have more AMAs in/with other communities. After all, we are bridging technically (blockchains) but also their communities. We had a good AMA in the Cryptoverse telegram last week. We also intend to include more team members in future AMAs (business, technical, community, marketing).
  11. question: What's the progress of lanchain, is it wan 4.0 that's due the end of the year?
    answer: Wanchain recently partnered with PUC Berhad for enterprise blockchain solutions, more info can be found here: https://medium.com/wanchain-foundation/wanchain-partners-with-malaysian-digital-firm-puc-for-enterprise-blockchain-solutions-ddc823474395
    RiveX is also building on Wanchains private chain to offer enterprise solutions, you can find more info on what RiveX is doing here: https://medium.com/@RiveXOfficial/erox-the-enterprise-super-solution-explained-c5c776c0e6c0
  12. question: i was wondering if its possible to increase the number of validators selected and reduce the amount of reward per selection? Small nodes will get selected more frequently, so people wont just choose large nodes for delegation
    answer: That is possible by reducing the block time. We have many parameters to play around but all of them require code change. At the stage we want to gather enough data from the POS network before we make any changes...
  13. question: Hi Jack, which month do you expect storemannodes to be implemented? If all goes according to plan.
    answer: We are doing internal planning right now. Hopefully you can see our roadmap very soon...
  14. question: What work doing our team to increase use cases of wan?
    answer: We are researching Dapps on different chain and are focusing on cross-chain DEFI applications. That's why we are working with FinNexus and RiveX. Also DEX, Lending applications, Games are coming up...
  15. question: What's your take on mass adoption of wanchain? Do you have any plan or strategy to achieve that?
    answer: It will be a long process but will be faster than internet mass adoption. We are working with mobile partners like Telefonica and Pundix get us well positioned. Also we are looking into DEXes, DEFI applications, integration with Libra and DCEP and etc.
  16. question: Hi @jackxlu, what will be the boost of WAN in 2020 to build confidence, create awareness and more adoption? Also why work on a cross-chain DEX when you can also work together with a cross-chain DEX, for example Switcheo/Neon Exchange?
    answer: Each partner has their own technologies and their own priority. We just want to push that forward as soon as we can
  17. question: Hi @jackxlu what is the status of the blockchain interoperability alliance with aion and icon? It’s been a while since there has been any news on that. I know that the focus has been for each project to get their mainnet built and properly functioning. Since all 3 now have working Main nets and projects starting to deploy, will you be working more closely with those other projects again in terms of interoperability?
    answer: Hey Tim! There is no update here. Projects are focused on their own roadmaps for now and as Jack mentioned above, each project has its own technology so there isn't much need for the interoperability alliance right now. We will, however, bridge all chains together it's just a question of when. We hope to collaborate more with Aion and Icon going forward but we have to continue working on new integrations and eventually come out with a plug and play solution.
  18. question: Is tokenization of building and other real world stuff in wan program?
    answer: On the enterprise side, we are mostly focused on interoperable reward programs (like with Telefonica's Eleven Paths, PUC Malaysia) as its a blue ocean right now. We are however talking to a few of our partners about creating joint ventures (tech + business) in Asia and Europe. We will leverage each other's technology stacks and business contacts.
  19. question: You only mentioned WAN POS TPS is more than 1000+. Can you showcase the TPS to the community ? Or is there any already we can see it ?
    answer: Our research team has been working on gathering and analyzing POS data in the past few weeks. We should have the research data published very soon
  20. question: Is it possible to integration with DCEP? I doubt China will allow an altcoin do that, please confirm it.
    answer: It's too early to tell but we do want to get the right partnership and make that a reality
  21. question: @jackxlu how about SDK for popular programming languages like c# and java? For smart contract development you will only support solidity programming language? I understand the initial choice of this, take advantage of the network effect of developers that already know solidity, but what about all the others?
    answer: We recently released a SDK for Java. As long there is a demand, we can easily do for any programming language. For smart contract, we are looking into EWASM and hopefully we can support many programming languages for the smart contract
  22. question: Can you share something about the legal status of Wanchain in the US, are there any legal issues/obstacles for getting listed on a US regulated exchange in the future?
    answer: No legal reasons stopping us from getting listed in the US. We want WAN to be available to anyone that wishes to use our platform. Having said that, there are a number of discussions happening and we are taking necessary precautions to stay ahead, it's just taking very long. That's all we can say about that right now, Adam.
  23. question: @jackxlu can you talk about the recent events in China and their impact on Wanchain? what is wanchain doing to take advantage of china opening up to blockchain?
    answer: The recent events in China are very exciting. Many people approached me for possible partnership. Our team in China is so busy in different talks in recent days. Wanchain 4.0 release is coming up by the end of year and we have been working with EEA and Hyperledger on the interoperability standards. We have Lanchain as our enterprise solution and Wanchain can integrate with any other types of enterprise blockchain solutions. So we are really well positioned to take advantage of the current blockchain boom in China in the coming years
  24. question: Any concrete plan on embark more developers to wanchain ecosystem? Team alone won't make it in the long run.
    answer: We plan to build https://wandevs.org/ out further. Wandevs is a community of developers working on technical documentation, cross-chain dApps and tools for Wanchain. We had a soft launch but plan to increase the number of developers and incentives in this program through new guides, challenges and vitual hackathons. We are for example talking to 0xcert now about doing a cross-chain NFT virtual hackathon in the new year.
  25. question: Hi Jack Lu. Amazing to have you here! You perhaps have already answered this question, but will the others blockchain projects ever be able to integrate themselves to Wanchain (plug & play system)? Waiting for wanchain team to do the whole work can be hard.
    answer: Our plan is to get the solution perfect before our dev community or other projects can integrate with Wanchain by themselves
  26. question: Hi @jackxlu, @machinayz has there been any progress with the potential Belt and Road initiative contract that you spoke of in a previous AMA? Thanks.
    answer: Sorry Steve, we missed this. There are no further updates here. Li Ni and team are working hard on it though :)
  27. question: Jack Lu, thanks for your work. Wanchain is growing a lot. My question: Are you talking with any retail company for partnership?
    answer: Not yet but it's a great idea because Wanchain can serve as a gateway for multi-coin payment. Any suggestions?
  28. question: @jackxlu Is there any plan to improve node management ? to pass "partner off-chain" to "partner on-chain" ?
    answer: Not at this point but please send your requirement or suggests to me. Thanks!
  29. question: Do you still believe in Wanchain becoming a top 10 project? Thank you both Oliver and Jack for your time and answers¡ It has been a great AMA.
    answer: Sure I do believe that. And thanks so much for your support!

Thanks for everyone for participating, sorry if I missed any questions/answers. Stay tuned for any upcoming AMAs!

Wanchain Telegram AMA - 05/11/2019 - questions and answers

location: t.me/wanchainchat

some of the questions and answers, sorry if I missed some!

  1. question: The current roadmap of Wanchain ends in 55 days. (When) can we expect to see a new one?
    answer: Yes we have been in many discussions about our roadmap next year. Hopefule we will release that by the end of month. Please feel free to contribute...
  2. question: Will WAN have any burn or buy back in the future, any plan?
    answer: Wanchain has burned the 21 million WAN (10% reserved for mining rewards) by sending them to an address where the WAN is not recoverable.
    Here is the address: https://www.wanscan.org/address/0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    The tx: https://www.wanscan.org/tx/0x6bc3b697e48b95793aae27b8e9aa84f98eebe5beb024b4a051b5845ef547d865
    PoS rewards are explained here: https://medium.com/wanchain-foundation/wanchain-proof-of-stake-validator-economics-for-upcoming-alpha-testing-d57353a4d0f9
  3. question: What is the team doing more regarding marketing ? How much mcap wan is targeting? Competition is getting too much now..
    answer: We are working with a few new marketing partners. Revamping social media, leveraging our ambassador program but giving an extra boost when the DEX with RiveX launches. As well as other dApps we are looking closely at and hoping to have them deployed quite soon.
  4. question: Hello Mr. Lu. It seems integrating new existing blockchains to the wanchain ecosystem is a very slow process... indeed only 2 at the moment (ethereum and bitcoin)... one every 9 months... when is this time going to be reduced and by how much time... ? there are hundreds of blockchains out there... both public and private... I understand the success of wanchain depends on integrating as many blockchains as possible.
    answer: We are in the process of improving the cross-chain mechanism and make it more open. Once that is done, they will be coming a lot faster. BTW, we are working on EOS integration...
  5. question: Hello. What are your next major plans to boost wanchain ecosystem? Who is going to use wanchain network? Any significant partnerships?
    answer: We are working with FinNexus and RiveX currently to build the ecosystem. Also we are working with our partner on the cross-chain DEX
  6. question: Does wanchain work for interop with chain like hyperledger and such?
    answer: Yes we are working with EEA and Hyperledger on the interoperability standards
  7. question: Do feel financially stable? Do you still have funds from ICO to continue as going concern?
    answer: Yes, we have enough funds to continue our develoment in the coming years
  8. question: My second question is related to the Elevenpaths (Telefonica) / Rivetz / Civic / Wanchain partnership. Is it still alive? Could you please share any details about the progress of that partnership up to date?
    answer: Hey, I'll take that one. We have a few new things in motion with Telefonica's Eleven Paths. Due to NDA we cannot comment on the specifications but more is definitely coming :)
  9. question: We have seen many stable coins added to Wanchain (DAI, GUSD, TUSD, USDC). But I miss Tether... Are there plans to include USDT in Wanchain? It would be really helpful for WRDEX success IMHO
    answer: We'd love to integrate with USDT. It will only takes us a few days to integrate with the USDT on Ethereum...A little more challenging for the one on BTC though
  10. question: Next Question : will there be any AMA in binance group for more new users engagement for the WAN ? so many great projects are doing ama in exchange group, team should consider some AMA with current listed exchanges..
    answer: That's a great idea and yes we are planning to have more AMAs in/with other communities. After all, we are bridging technically (blockchains) but also their communities. We had a good AMA in the Cryptoverse telegram last week. We also intend to include more team members in future AMAs (business, technical, community, marketing).
  11. question: What's the progress of lanchain, is it wan 4.0 that's due the end of the year?
    answer: Wanchain recently partnered with PUC Berhad for enterprise blockchain solutions, more info can be found here: https://medium.com/wanchain-foundation/wanchain-partners-with-malaysian-digital-firm-puc-for-enterprise-blockchain-solutions-ddc823474395
    RiveX is also building on Wanchains private chain to offer enterprise solutions, you can find more info on what RiveX is doing here: https://medium.com/@RiveXOfficial/erox-the-enterprise-super-solution-explained-c5c776c0e6c0
  12. question: i was wondering if its possible to increase the number of validators selected and reduce the amount of reward per selection? Small nodes will get selected more frequently, so people wont just choose large nodes for delegation
    answer: That is possible by reducing the block time. We have many parameters to play around but all of them require code change. At the stage we want to gather enough data from the POS network before we make any changes...
  13. question: Hi Jack, which month do you expect storemannodes to be implemented? If all goes according to plan.
    answer: We are doing internal planning right now. Hopefully you can see our roadmap very soon...
  14. question: What work doing our team to increase use cases of wan?
    answer: We are researching Dapps on different chain and are focusing on cross-chain DEFI applications. That's why we are working with FinNexus and RiveX. Also DEX, Lending applications, Games are coming up...
  15. question: What's your take on mass adoption of wanchain? Do you have any plan or strategy to achieve that?
    answer: It will be a long process but will be faster than internet mass adoption. We are working with mobile partners like Telefonica and Pundix get us well positioned. Also we are looking into DEXes, DEFI applications, integration with Libra and DCEP and etc.
  16. question: Hi @jackxlu, what will be the boost of WAN in 2020 to build confidence, create awareness and more adoption? Also why work on a cross-chain DEX when you can also work together with a cross-chain DEX, for example Switcheo/Neon Exchange?
    answer: Each partner has their own technologies and their own priority. We just want to push that forward as soon as we can
  17. question: Hi @jackxlu what is the status of the blockchain interoperability alliance with aion and icon? It’s been a while since there has been any news on that. I know that the focus has been for each project to get their mainnet built and properly functioning. Since all 3 now have working Main nets and projects starting to deploy, will you be working more closely with those other projects again in terms of interoperability?
    answer: Hey Tim! There is no update here. Projects are focused on their own roadmaps for now and as Jack mentioned above, each project has its own technology so there isn't much need for the interoperability alliance right now. We will, however, bridge all chains together it's just a question of when. We hope to collaborate more with Aion and Icon going forward but we have to continue working on new integrations and eventually come out with a plug and play solution.
  18. question: Is tokenization of building and other real world stuff in wan program?
    answer: On the enterprise side, we are mostly focused on interoperable reward programs (like with Telefonica's Eleven Paths, PUC Malaysia) as its a blue ocean right now. We are however talking to a few of our partners about creating joint ventures (tech + business) in Asia and Europe. We will leverage each other's technology stacks and business contacts.
  19. question: You only mentioned WAN POS TPS is more than 1000+. Can you showcase the TPS to the community ? Or is there any already we can see it ?
    answer: Our research team has been working on gathering and analyzing POS data in the past few weeks. We should have the research data published very soon
  20. question: Is it possible to integration with DCEP? I doubt China will allow an altcoin do that, please confirm it.
    answer: It's too early to tell but we do want to get the right partnership and make that a reality
  21. question: @jackxlu how about SDK for popular programming languages like c# and java? For smart contract development you will only support solidity programming language? I understand the initial choice of this, take advantage of the network effect of developers that already know solidity, but what about all the others?
    answer: We recently released a SDK for Java. As long there is a demand, we can easily do for any programming language. For smart contract, we are looking into EWASM and hopefully we can support many programming languages for the smart contract
  22. question: Can you share something about the legal status of Wanchain in the US, are there any legal issues/obstacles for getting listed on a US regulated exchange in the future?
    answer: No legal reasons stopping us from getting listed in the US. We want WAN to be available to anyone that wishes to use our platform. Having said that, there are a number of discussions happening and we are taking necessary precautions to stay ahead, it's just taking very long. That's all we can say about that right now, Adam.
  23. question: @jackxlu can you talk about the recent events in China and their impact on Wanchain? what is wanchain doing to take advantage of china opening up to blockchain?
    answer: The recent events in China are very exciting. Many people approached me for possible partnership. Our team in China is so busy in different talks in recent days. Wanchain 4.0 release is coming up by the end of year and we have been working with EEA and Hyperledger on the interoperability standards. We have Lanchain as our enterprise solution and Wanchain can integrate with any other types of enterprise blockchain solutions. So we are really well positioned to take advantage of the current blockchain boom in China in the coming years
  24. question: Any concrete plan on embark more developers to wanchain ecosystem? Team alone won't make it in the long run.
    answer: We plan to build https://wandevs.org/ out further. Wandevs is a community of developers working on technical documentation, cross-chain dApps and tools for Wanchain. We had a soft launch but plan to increase the number of developers and incentives in this program through new guides, challenges and vitual hackathons. We are for example talking to 0xcert now about doing a cross-chain NFT virtual hackathon in the new year.
  25. question: Hi Jack Lu. Amazing to have you here! You perhaps have already answered this question, but will the others blockchain projects ever be able to integrate themselves to Wanchain (plug & play system)? Waiting for wanchain team to do the whole work can be hard.
    answer: Our plan is to get the solution perfect before our dev community or other projects can integrate with Wanchain by themselves
  26. question: Hi @jackxlu, @machinayz has there been any progress with the potential Belt and Road initiative contract that you spoke of in a previous AMA? Thanks.
    answer: Sorry Steve, we missed this. There are no further updates here. Li Ni and team are working hard on it though :)
  27. question: Jack Lu, thanks for your work. Wanchain is growing a lot. My question: Are you talking with any retail company for partnership?
    answer: Not yet but it's a great idea because Wanchain can serve as a gateway for multi-coin payment. Any suggestions?
  28. question: @jackxlu Is there any plan to improve node management ? to pass "partner off-chain" to "partner on-chain" ?
    answer: Not at this point but please send your requirement or suggests to me. Thanks!
  29. question: Do you still believe in Wanchain becoming a top 10 project? Thank you both Oliver and Jack for your time and answers¡ It has been a great AMA.
    answer: Sure I do believe that. And thanks so much for your support!

Thanks for everyone for participating, sorry if I missed any questions/answers. Stay tuned for any upcoming AMAs!

CloudCoin Newsletter

Dear Friends we want to informed you about our last activities...

Forecast message from Consortium President.

Consortium President Sean Worthington recently shared his forecast on the possible trading price of CloudCoin over the next few years:

I believe the price of CloudCoin is dependent on five variables, any one of which can be a bottleneck and keep the price low:

RAIDA must work if the client software is to work.Client software must work if people are to buy, sell and trade CloudCoin. People must be able to buy, sell and trade if we are to market them virally so that people continue using CloudCoin and feel confident telling their friends. We must market effectively to attract and keep a huge network of users. The more users (demand) we have, the higher the price given a fixed (scarce) supply.

The price cannot go up unless all the variables have capacity. The variable with the least degree of freedom controls the equation. It is like having a pipe with five parts and water flowing through each part. The part that constricts the most becomes the bottleneck and holds the price down.

The first part is the capacity of the network infrastructure: RAIDA. I am certain that RAIDA has better infrastructure than any other payment system including Visa, PayPal and bitcoin. RAIDA is more efficient, faster, scalable and more private than anything else. RAIDA is not visible, but we have put huge amounts of work into it and have developed something exceptional that no one can compete with.

The second part of the pipe is the client software. We have just finished 95% of this; it is first-rate and works well. We expect to have our web-based software released soon and we have a new system that makes it look as if we are paying with credit cards. The client software is really opening up the flood gates of value so that the price will go up. I believe we can deliver client software that is better than any other system. When looking at the pure function of sending and receiving money, I am confident that right now our desktop software is better than PayPal, better than Bitcoin, and better than Visa.


The third element is liquidity. People will be more likely to buy and use CloudCoin once they can quickly change dollars into CloudCoin and CloudCoin into dollars (or other fiat currencies). CloudCoin has been attacked or blocked by major payment services and locked out of big exchanges. Banks have closed accounts of Consortium members and related entities. We have put off a big battle with the establishment, but we can now fight back. We have to become more liquid than PayPal, Visa, bitcoin, etc. This is a tall order, but we have something that these payment systems do not have. We have a global authentication system: RAIDA. Although RAIDA is used to authenticate CloudCoins, we can also use it to globally authenticate people and create trust.

There are many aspects of liquidity. The biggest is our peer-to-peer exchange software. We are about 90% done on the exchange. People will initially be able to plug-in their PayPal or Stripe accounts, then we will add 30 of the biggest payment systems in the world including systems from Europe, India, Africa and Asia. We will be able to exchange nearly any digital currency in the blink of an eye. We will even have cash and check systems.

An exchange is not the only liquidity project we are working on. We have a two-month schedule to finish merchant payment systems, white-label CloudCoins, RAIDA Mail, RAIDA Data, APIs, documentation, plug-ins and a CloudCoin store. We hope to accomplish this before the New Year. We will even have a video game that uses CloudCoins.

Next comes marketing. Once the liquidity is achieved, we can tell people about CloudCoin with confidence. This process will not be easy. What we really want is for CloudCoin to go viral. We need to do a little marketing, have people try CloudCoin, find out what they don't like about it, and fix that. Then market again. We will try to improve and improve until everyone tells their friends and it goes viral.

Lastly is what I call operations. This is our ‘make or break’ area. When we are successful, we can expect a lot of attention from governments, hackers, media, etc. We can expect huge traffic growth on our servers. We will need to strengthen everything, and that includes our own organization. I will start stepping aside to allow many others to take leadership roles. Once CloudCoin is around for a while and is able to take the attacks from everything, the price will go up even more.

How much will the price go up?

My expectations are that the price will go increase to at least US$0.95 three years from now. We will gradually ramp up marketing efforts through mid-2020, which I expect will positively affect coin prices. Once we have things working virally, I believe the price will explode. If it does not, it will create an opportunity for us to look at what we are doing wrong and what is not working for people. The number of CloudCoins is fixed and in 29 months all the coins that have been minted will have been spent into existence. It may be this scarcity event, with no new future supply, that stimulates demand and causes prices to explode.

Either way, we should see tremendous and exciting growth for CloudCoin between 2020 and 2022

Sean Worthington

Also we have another forecast about the price level) from Consortium Members.


The price $0.95 could be very conservative. The upward potential of CloudCoin could be in the $300-400 range based on historic highs for bitcoin, (given that ultimately there will be 70X more CloudCoins than bitcoins). Bitcoin took nine years to reach its highest point. If CloudCoin followed the same path, one could would be worth about $12 in 2.5 years. (bitcoin was worth about $850 after five years before dropping)..

Zug Switzerland - Crypto Valley meet CloudCoin!


The creation of Crypto Valley was inspired by the enormous advantages of global industry clusters — a friendly regulatory environment, network effects, economies of scale, attracting the world’s best talent, building deep pools of capital and a rich ecosystem of resources and know-how for startup companies, nurturing an entrepreneurial culture, infectious energy, and strong trust relationships that make the impossible possible.

In January 2017 the Crypto Valley Association was established as a professional organization to coordinate, accelerate, and scale the further development of Crypto Valley into the world’s best ecosystem for crypto technologies and businesses. The founding members included Bitcoin Suisse, Bussmann Advisory, iprotus, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Luxoft, Monetas, and Thomson Reuters.

Consortium to formally organize as Swiss e.V.
The CloudCoin Consortium plans to have a formal legal structure soon by associating as a Swiss eingetragener Verein , or "registered voluntary association," governed by Swiss Civil Code.

The Verein will be formed in Zug canton, known as a hub for digital currency and other disruptive technologies.

The Consortium may then formally be known as "CloudCoin Consortium, e.V."

Swiss Vereins are very attractive alternative structures to financial mergers in some circumstances, which require exceptionally good leadership and management from each entity, and the building of a strong merged entity culture of trust and collaboration to ensure they work well. 


CloudCoin Wallet upgrades available

Developers continue to make improvement to the CloudCoin Wallet software. The latest version (v. 2.1.19) is available now for download . This edition adds additional improvements to the user interface and separates some coding logic to make later changes easier to implement. 2.1.19 has all of the functionality currently planned for the wallet, but other more advanced features will be added in the future.   Video and handbook tutorials are also available to help users master the new software.   A fun "learn and earn" program is underway to reward users for downloading the latest CloudCoin Wallet software, learning about its functionality and providing feedback. There are additional opportunities to earn CloudCoins by sharing your experiences with friends and through social media.


The quantum revolution

There continues to be new advances and developments in quantum computing each week, and CloudCoin Weekly Bulletin will try to keep readers up-to-date.

phys.org: Researchers create quantum chip 1,000 times smaller

Scroll.in: On molecular spintronics (& good overall quantum primer)

Advances in quantum computing continue to be realized much more quickly than expected. Its advent will effectively make all current forms of encryption, the basis of all digital currencies except CloudCoin, obsolete.

Quantum computers rely on quantum mechanical phenomena like superposition and quantum entanglement to radically outperform classical computers, both in terms of speed (possibly 20 million times faster) and sheer dimension (a quantum computer can approach problem solving in ways no conventional computer can). Quantum computing calculations involve qubits rather than traditional bits. While bits are binary (limited to being either a 1 or a 0), a qubit can be a 1, a 0, or anything in between or both 1 and 0 at the same time !

An easy analogy is to imagine a globe of the earth. A bit can be either the point on the globe that is the North Pole (1) or the point on the globe that is the South Pole (0). A qubit, however, can be every point on the globe and every point within the sphere of the globe, all at once


RAIDA Guardians proxy program launched

Do you have what it takes to be a RAIDA Guardian?

RAIDA Guardians operate proxy servers to make RAIDA more reliable and robust, and they can receive 100,000 CloudCoins for participating.

Guardians are a vital part of CloudCoin's global effort to create a perfect monetary system that will increase the freedom and prosperity of everyone, while helping combat authoritarian governments who rely on currency manipulation for their existence.

Guardians will create more ways CloudCoin software can reach RAIDA servers by protecting RAIDA's backup Domain Name System (DNS) and Content Delivery Network (CDN). It will also make DNS/CDN services more resistant, following the recent blocking of cloudcoin.global by the communist Chinese government.


What are Guardians?   Each Guardian will operate a small, inexpensive server in their home or business. These servers will act as reverse-proxy servers and DNS servers that hold critical web pages that should not be taken down.  

Why be a Guardian?   Guardians will be a vital part of CloudCoin's global effort to create a perfect monetary system that will increase the freedom and prosperity of everyone, while helping combat authoritarian governments who rely on currency manipulation for their existence. Guardians will receive voting membership in the CloudCoin Consortium for as long as their server remains online and a one-time payment of 100,000 CloudCoins.   If you are interested in becoming a Guardian, please sign up here for more information and an invitation to a members-only Telegram group  

What are the requirements?

Guardians must:  

- Love liberty and be willing to participate in a project that authoritarians will want to destroy.

- Agree to the Guardian rules and pass a philosophical exam.

- Have a reliable internet connection and electricity, the faster and more reliable the better.

- Have basic technological knowledge and skills to be able to operate the server (be able to connect components, type and follow configuration instructions).

- Be willing to purchase a basic computing device (under $100) such as the one pictured below.

- Purchase and maintain a domain name in your country, such as raidaguardian.jp in Japan or raidaguardian.ru in Russia.

- Be willing to spend a few hours each month updating the server in the event of any problems (the servers will, however, most likely be able to update themselves).  


RAIDAtech completes successful crowdfunding


RAIDAtech, the private company that develops new applications for RAIDA technology, has completed a crowdfunding raise of over $300,000 from nearly 200 small investors. The company conducted a private placement round last year, as well.

RAIDAtech will be officially launching its RAIDA Engage suite of customer engagement/immersion solutions this month at a major smart packaging conference in the Netherlands. The technology allows digital currency (CloudCoins) to be placed in or on consumer product packaging to reward and incentivize customers.

RAIDAtech was founded last year by Sean Worthington and is a separate entity from the CloudCoinConsortium, although RAIDAtech's success will also benefit CloudCoin by expanding utility and value of the RAIDA network's native currency.

Earn CloudCoins & $$$ as a RAIDA Detection Agent


A few months ago we launched the Detection Agent program to allow anyone, anywhere to become a RAIDA operator. The goal has been to make the network stronger and more robust while letting the operators to earn a share of huge revenues about to be generated from network traffic for RAIDAtech applications.

We created the "Founders" program to further incentivize adoption and increase rewards for the very first people owner/operators. The Founders receive a bonus, paid monthly in CloudCoins, that honestly makes becoming a Detection Agents a can't lose proposition.

RAIDAtech is in discussions with major companies all over the world to use RAIDA technology for customer engagement, anti-counterfeiting, packaging and many other uses which we expect to grow to millions in revenues over the next few years.

We'd like to invite you to become a Detection Agent before the Founders slots are all filled.

Detection Agent's receive all the hardware and software they need; there is no special technical knowledge needed. Just plug in the DA unit, connect it to your Wi-Fi and it will do the rest so you start earning money! RAIDAtech's Support Team will guide you through the process or assist in any way needed.

Three grades (Platinum, Gold and Silver) are available with varying license duration and revenue share.

The best part is the Founders Bonus, which gives you CloudCoins every month for two years. If the value of CloudCoin reaches even half of its recent peak, this bonus alone will be worth 3X the license fee.

We hope you will help us make the RAIDA network even stronger by becoming a Detection Agent operator. You'll earn $$$ every time our clients use the network and you'll earn CloudCoins for being a visionary pioneer.

There are still slots remaining for people interested in becoming founding RAIDA Detection Agents.   Operators of these units help make the RAIDA network stronger, faster, and more secure. Operators earn a portion of network traffic revenues, as well as a bonus paid in Cloudcoins. Be advised, however, there are a limited number of special "Founders" opportunities available.   There is also a referral program where you can become a Detection Agent, with zero licensing fees, simply by referring potential operators.

 If you interested to be a RAIDA Detection Agent give us [feedback](mailto:cloudcoinconsortium@protonmail.com).

Interested in using your talents to make a difference

Are you interested in using your talents and experience to make a difference? Do you have a passion for learning about the revolutionary new world of digital currency? Would you like to connect with like-minded, liberty-loving people from around the globe?

Consider joining the CloudCoin Consortium. There are opportunities available in numerous capacities. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or devote several hours a day working from the privacy and comfort of your own home, or are available to join us in our California HQ, we encourage you to apply. If you have experience in any of the following fields, visit our Opportunities pagewith a resume or CV.  

  • Social Media pros and community managers
  • Marketers and PR experts
  • Content creators
  • Web developers
  • Filmmakers and video specialists
  • Graphic designers
  • Writers and bloggers
  • Attorneys/Paralegals
  • Grant Writers
  • Software developers/programmers
  • Software testers for all operating systems
  • Software solutions salespeople
  • Minecraft developers/modders
  • Electron programmers
  • HR/personnel professionals
  • Accounting/bookkeeping professionals


Thanks to all that you with us!

To be continued...

CloudCoin Newsletter

Dear Friends we want to informed you about our last activities...

Forecast message from Consortium President.

Consortium President Sean Worthington recently shared his forecast on the possible trading price of CloudCoin over the next few years:

I believe the price of CloudCoin is dependent on five variables, any one of which can be a bottleneck and keep the price low:

RAIDA must work if the client software is to work.Client software must work if people are to buy, sell and trade CloudCoin. People must be able to buy, sell and trade if we are to market them virally so that people continue using CloudCoin and feel confident telling their friends. We must market effectively to attract and keep a huge network of users. The more users (demand) we have, the higher the price given a fixed (scarce) supply.

The price cannot go up unless all the variables have capacity. The variable with the least degree of freedom controls the equation. It is like having a pipe with five parts and water flowing through each part. The part that constricts the most becomes the bottleneck and holds the price down.

The first part is the capacity of the network infrastructure: RAIDA. I am certain that RAIDA has better infrastructure than any other payment system including Visa, PayPal and bitcoin. RAIDA is more efficient, faster, scalable and more private than anything else. RAIDA is not visible, but we have put huge amounts of work into it and have developed something exceptional that no one can compete with.

The second part of the pipe is the client software. We have just finished 95% of this; it is first-rate and works well. We expect to have our web-based software released soon and we have a new system that makes it look as if we are paying with credit cards. The client software is really opening up the flood gates of value so that the price will go up. I believe we can deliver client software that is better than any other system. When looking at the pure function of sending and receiving money, I am confident that right now our desktop software is better than PayPal, better than Bitcoin, and better than Visa.


The third element is liquidity. People will be more likely to buy and use CloudCoin once they can quickly change dollars into CloudCoin and CloudCoin into dollars (or other fiat currencies). CloudCoin has been attacked or blocked by major payment services and locked out of big exchanges. Banks have closed accounts of Consortium members and related entities. We have put off a big battle with the establishment, but we can now fight back. We have to become more liquid than PayPal, Visa, bitcoin, etc. This is a tall order, but we have something that these payment systems do not have. We have a global authentication system: RAIDA. Although RAIDA is used to authenticate CloudCoins, we can also use it to globally authenticate people and create trust.

There are many aspects of liquidity. The biggest is our peer-to-peer exchange software. We are about 90% done on the exchange. People will initially be able to plug-in their PayPal or Stripe accounts, then we will add 30 of the biggest payment systems in the world including systems from Europe, India, Africa and Asia. We will be able to exchange nearly any digital currency in the blink of an eye. We will even have cash and check systems.

An exchange is not the only liquidity project we are working on. We have a two-month schedule to finish merchant payment systems, white-label CloudCoins, RAIDA Mail, RAIDA Data, APIs, documentation, plug-ins and a CloudCoin store. We hope to accomplish this before the New Year. We will even have a video game that uses CloudCoins.

Next comes marketing. Once the liquidity is achieved, we can tell people about CloudCoin with confidence. This process will not be easy. What we really want is for CloudCoin to go viral. We need to do a little marketing, have people try CloudCoin, find out what they don't like about it, and fix that. Then market again. We will try to improve and improve until everyone tells their friends and it goes viral.

Lastly is what I call operations. This is our ‘make or break’ area. When we are successful, we can expect a lot of attention from governments, hackers, media, etc. We can expect huge traffic growth on our servers. We will need to strengthen everything, and that includes our own organization. I will start stepping aside to allow many others to take leadership roles. Once CloudCoin is around for a while and is able to take the attacks from everything, the price will go up even more.

How much will the price go up?

My expectations are that the price will go increase to at least US$0.95 three years from now. We will gradually ramp up marketing efforts through mid-2020, which I expect will positively affect coin prices. Once we have things working virally, I believe the price will explode. If it does not, it will create an opportunity for us to look at what we are doing wrong and what is not working for people. The number of CloudCoins is fixed and in 29 months all the coins that have been minted will have been spent into existence. It may be this scarcity event, with no new future supply, that stimulates demand and causes prices to explode.

Either way, we should see tremendous and exciting growth for CloudCoin between 2020 and 2022

Sean Worthington

Also we have another forecast about the price level) from Consortium Members.


The price $0.95 could be very conservative. The upward potential of CloudCoin could be in the $300-400 range based on historic highs for bitcoin, (given that ultimately there will be 70X more CloudCoins than bitcoins). Bitcoin took nine years to reach its highest point. If CloudCoin followed the same path, one could would be worth about $12 in 2.5 years. (bitcoin was worth about $850 after five years before dropping)..

Zug Switzerland - Crypto Valley meet CloudCoin!


The creation of Crypto Valley was inspired by the enormous advantages of global industry clusters — a friendly regulatory environment, network effects, economies of scale, attracting the world’s best talent, building deep pools of capital and a rich ecosystem of resources and know-how for startup companies, nurturing an entrepreneurial culture, infectious energy, and strong trust relationships that make the impossible possible.

In January 2017 the Crypto Valley Association was established as a professional organization to coordinate, accelerate, and scale the further development of Crypto Valley into the world’s best ecosystem for crypto technologies and businesses. The founding members included Bitcoin Suisse, Bussmann Advisory, iprotus, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Luxoft, Monetas, and Thomson Reuters.

Consortium to formally organize as Swiss e.V.
The CloudCoin Consortium plans to have a formal legal structure soon by associating as a Swiss eingetragener Verein , or "registered voluntary association," governed by Swiss Civil Code.

The Verein will be formed in Zug canton, known as a hub for digital currency and other disruptive technologies.

The Consortium may then formally be known as "CloudCoin Consortium, e.V."

Swiss Vereins are very attractive alternative structures to financial mergers in some circumstances, which require exceptionally good leadership and management from each entity, and the building of a strong merged entity culture of trust and collaboration to ensure they work well. 


CloudCoin Wallet upgrades available

Developers continue to make improvement to the CloudCoin Wallet software. The latest version (v. 2.1.19) is available now for download . This edition adds additional improvements to the user interface and separates some coding logic to make later changes easier to implement. 2.1.19 has all of the functionality currently planned for the wallet, but other more advanced features will be added in the future.   Video and handbook tutorials are also available to help users master the new software.   A fun "learn and earn" program is underway to reward users for downloading the latest CloudCoin Wallet software, learning about its functionality and providing feedback. There are additional opportunities to earn CloudCoins by sharing your experiences with friends and through social media.


The quantum revolution

There continues to be new advances and developments in quantum computing each week, and CloudCoin Weekly Bulletin will try to keep readers up-to-date.

phys.org: Researchers create quantum chip 1,000 times smaller

Scroll.in: On molecular spintronics (& good overall quantum primer)

Advances in quantum computing continue to be realized much more quickly than expected. Its advent will effectively make all current forms of encryption, the basis of all digital currencies except CloudCoin, obsolete.

Quantum computers rely on quantum mechanical phenomena like superposition and quantum entanglement to radically outperform classical computers, both in terms of speed (possibly 20 million times faster) and sheer dimension (a quantum computer can approach problem solving in ways no conventional computer can). Quantum computing calculations involve qubits rather than traditional bits. While bits are binary (limited to being either a 1 or a 0), a qubit can be a 1, a 0, or anything in between or both 1 and 0 at the same time !

An easy analogy is to imagine a globe of the earth. A bit can be either the point on the globe that is the North Pole (1) or the point on the globe that is the South Pole (0). A qubit, however, can be every point on the globe and every point within the sphere of the globe, all at once


RAIDA Guardians proxy program launched

Do you have what it takes to be a RAIDA Guardian?

RAIDA Guardians operate proxy servers to make RAIDA more reliable and robust, and they can receive 100,000 CloudCoins for participating.

Guardians are a vital part of CloudCoin's global effort to create a perfect monetary system that will increase the freedom and prosperity of everyone, while helping combat authoritarian governments who rely on currency manipulation for their existence.

Guardians will create more ways CloudCoin software can reach RAIDA servers by protecting RAIDA's backup Domain Name System (DNS) and Content Delivery Network (CDN). It will also make DNS/CDN services more resistant, following the recent blocking of cloudcoin.global by the communist Chinese government.


What are Guardians?   Each Guardian will operate a small, inexpensive server in their home or business. These servers will act as reverse-proxy servers and DNS servers that hold critical web pages that should not be taken down.  

Why be a Guardian?   Guardians will be a vital part of CloudCoin's global effort to create a perfect monetary system that will increase the freedom and prosperity of everyone, while helping combat authoritarian governments who rely on currency manipulation for their existence. Guardians will receive voting membership in the CloudCoin Consortium for as long as their server remains online and a one-time payment of 100,000 CloudCoins.   If you are interested in becoming a Guardian, please sign up here for more information and an invitation to a members-only Telegram group  

What are the requirements?

Guardians must:  

- Love liberty and be willing to participate in a project that authoritarians will want to destroy.

- Agree to the Guardian rules and pass a philosophical exam.

- Have a reliable internet connection and electricity, the faster and more reliable the better.

- Have basic technological knowledge and skills to be able to operate the server (be able to connect components, type and follow configuration instructions).

- Be willing to purchase a basic computing device (under $100) such as the one pictured below.

- Purchase and maintain a domain name in your country, such as raidaguardian.jp in Japan or raidaguardian.ru in Russia.

- Be willing to spend a few hours each month updating the server in the event of any problems (the servers will, however, most likely be able to update themselves).  


RAIDAtech completes successful crowdfunding


RAIDAtech, the private company that develops new applications for RAIDA technology, has completed a crowdfunding raise of over $300,000 from nearly 200 small investors. The company conducted a private placement round last year, as well.

RAIDAtech will be officially launching its RAIDA Engage suite of customer engagement/immersion solutions this month at a major smart packaging conference in the Netherlands. The technology allows digital currency (CloudCoins) to be placed in or on consumer product packaging to reward and incentivize customers.

RAIDAtech was founded last year by Sean Worthington and is a separate entity from the CloudCoinConsortium, although RAIDAtech's success will also benefit CloudCoin by expanding utility and value of the RAIDA network's native currency.

Earn CloudCoins & $$$ as a RAIDA Detection Agent


A few months ago we launched the Detection Agent program to allow anyone, anywhere to become a RAIDA operator. The goal has been to make the network stronger and more robust while letting the operators to earn a share of huge revenues about to be generated from network traffic for RAIDAtech applications.

We created the "Founders" program to further incentivize adoption and increase rewards for the very first people owner/operators. The Founders receive a bonus, paid monthly in CloudCoins, that honestly makes becoming a Detection Agents a can't lose proposition.

RAIDAtech is in discussions with major companies all over the world to use RAIDA technology for customer engagement, anti-counterfeiting, packaging and many other uses which we expect to grow to millions in revenues over the next few years.

We'd like to invite you to become a Detection Agent before the Founders slots are all filled.

Detection Agent's receive all the hardware and software they need; there is no special technical knowledge needed. Just plug in the DA unit, connect it to your Wi-Fi and it will do the rest so you start earning money! RAIDAtech's Support Team will guide you through the process or assist in any way needed.

Three grades (Platinum, Gold and Silver) are available with varying license duration and revenue share.

The best part is the Founders Bonus, which gives you CloudCoins every month for two years. If the value of CloudCoin reaches even half of its recent peak, this bonus alone will be worth 3X the license fee.

We hope you will help us make the RAIDA network even stronger by becoming a Detection Agent operator. You'll earn $$$ every time our clients use the network and you'll earn CloudCoins for being a visionary pioneer.

There are still slots remaining for people interested in becoming founding RAIDA Detection Agents.   Operators of these units help make the RAIDA network stronger, faster, and more secure. Operators earn a portion of network traffic revenues, as well as a bonus paid in Cloudcoins. Be advised, however, there are a limited number of special "Founders" opportunities available.   There is also a referral program where you can become a Detection Agent, with zero licensing fees, simply by referring potential operators.

 If you interested to be a RAIDA Detection Agent give us [feedback](mailto:cloudcoinconsortium@protonmail.com).

Interested in using your talents to make a difference

Are you interested in using your talents and experience to make a difference? Do you have a passion for learning about the revolutionary new world of digital currency? Would you like to connect with like-minded, liberty-loving people from around the globe?

Consider joining the CloudCoin Consortium. There are opportunities available in numerous capacities. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or devote several hours a day working from the privacy and comfort of your own home, or are available to join us in our California HQ, we encourage you to apply. If you have experience in any of the following fields, visit our Opportunities pagewith a resume or CV.  

  • Social Media pros and community managers
  • Marketers and PR experts
  • Content creators
  • Web developers
  • Filmmakers and video specialists
  • Graphic designers
  • Writers and bloggers
  • Attorneys/Paralegals
  • Grant Writers
  • Software developers/programmers
  • Software testers for all operating systems
  • Software solutions salespeople
  • Minecraft developers/modders
  • Electron programmers
  • HR/personnel professionals
  • Accounting/bookkeeping professionals


Thanks to all that you with us!

To be continued...

Today, the main cryptocurrencies are on the uptrend, yet some losers are presented within the top 100 list.

Bitcoin rose +0.6% and is wavering around $9,400. Ethereum added +1.9%, Bitcoin Cash stepped up a bit +1.0% and Litecoin got an even promotion, +2.9%. Today’s losers are mainly in 3rh tiers: Decred -7.9% and Chiliz -10.5%.

The UK’s tax agency has issued cryptocurrency tax guidance for businesses: Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) issued a guidance for businesses and enterprises for crypto asset exchange tokens which it taxonomically separates from utility tokens and security tokens. Corporations engaged in trading exchange tokens, including selling goods or services for crypto or mining, are liable for tax payments. Most mining activities constitute a taxable event as a form of trade. The HMRC says at-home mining is not a taxable event, however.

QuadrigaInitiative.org Is Live

As much as I hate doubling the operating costs, to better reflect our mission as not-for-profit, a .org domain makes more sense.

The .com will continue to work going forward, however I plan to gradually switch promotions and emails over to .org.

Especially as we reach out to businesses, the .com is just confusing. There are two things businesses have indicated they care about from survey responses:

  • Reach (for marketing). Which is something we will initially lack, and need to focus heavily on building up.
  • Efficiency (for philanthropy). Basically, if they are generous with their money/products/services, what portion goes to the cause (in this case fraud victims/making something right).

Initially, I believe our focus will have to be very heavily in the philanthropy side. We need to find businesses that believe in blockchain/bitcoin strongly, something closely related to our cause, and/or were impact by Quadriga themselves. As we get closer to the holiday season, I believe that's the ideal time to be pitching more businesses on being a part of this cause. While philanthropy will get us started and go a long way to helping victims, it's not going to be sufficient to recover all the funds.

Once (if) we get the sizable reach, then we can pivot to reach and target the wider community of small/medium businesses, focusing on those who are connected to and familiar with bitcoin/blockchain. The pitch is that we have tens of thousands of potential customers to be reached through the leaderboard, and potentially a "deal of the day" program, which can make or break the new business. We need to be able to point to examples of other businesses finding this as an effective promotion method. This is how we can recover the remaining funds.

Most of this post is the future. The right now is putting together a pitch to attract the first 7 businesses. Once we can get a meeting set up, we can establish the rest based on the feedback of what works well for them and our community. That gives a guide going forward, and proof of viability to many skeptical affected users.











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PAY BY SKRILL (https://www.skrill.com/en/) TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS [ jayandlak@hotmail.co.uk](mailto:jayandlak@hotmail.co.uk)




CHANNEL LIST = https://pastebin.com/TXNMhV3x






Build in Blockchain BootCamp

Event Information: Build in Blockchain BootCamp is an exclusive BootCamp program on Blockchain and its applications in FinTech Industry. Here Team Era Swap will explain the fundamentals and foundation of Blockchain to all beginners as well as experts. Also, the participants will have the benefit to experience Blockchain based DApps (Decentralized Applications) for the first time. It will be a super interactive event focusing on the Following areas:

Build in Blockchain

- Introduction, Features & Industry Applications of Blockchain

- Decentralized System (DApps) in Blockchain

- Blockchain Tools like Blockchain Wallet (Decentralized Wallet, MetaMask, etc.

- Blockchain Transactions (use-cases for FinTech)

- Public Blockchain, Private Blockchain, Federated Blockchain with Examples and Difference

- Public Blockchain Ethereum

- Multiple Use-Cases of Blockchain as per different domains & FinTech

- Real Time Use-Cases (DApps) in Blockchain (Era Swap Ecosystem)

You can register On : https://buildinblockchain.com

Register On Everbrite : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/build-in-blockchain-bootcamp-tickets-80060760891

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[uncensored-r/btc] How to start a bitcoin cash trading exchange. An insightful step-by-step guide.

The following post by hollaex is being replicated because the post has been openly greylisted.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link:

np.reddit.com/r/ btc/comments/drx82s

The original post's content was as follows:


Daily analysis of cryptocurrencies 20191105 (Market index 54— Neutral state)


Coca-Cola Embraces Blockchain Technology Developed By SAPAlabama-based Coca-Cola has become the latest major corporation to recognize the advantages of blockchain technology.According to a recent Business Insider report, Coca-Cola’s bottlers now rely on the blockchain solution, which was developed by German software corporation SAP to keep track of all transactions that take place within 70 franchises.

Æternity Blockchain Developers Take On Ethereum With Final HardforkThe core development team for Æternity, a next-generation, open-source blockchain for building decentralized applications, announced its LIMA hardfork on Nov 5, releasing the latest software to miners and in fact, handing over governance to the community. The third major æternity protocol upgrade this year, LIMA adds a sophisticated, improved Virtual Machine, governance, and naming system to challenge Ethereum and other blockchain platforms. Æternity is one of the most active blockchain developer communities measured by code activity. Core developers proposed hardfork, LIMA software release to miners, who will mine or not mine fork of aeternity blockchain.

Bangkok Bank To Launch Blockchain-Based L/C Service Next MonthBangkok Bank (BBL) is set to roll out a blockchain-based letter of credit (L/C) service next month and aims for the innovative financial service to increase the bank’s trade finance business.The bank will use R3’s Corda-powered Voltron platform to digitise the L/C process, said executive director Charamporn Jotikasthira.BBL is the only Thai bank among the eight founding members of Voltron, which include BNP Paribas, HSBC, ING, and Standard Chartered Bank.

Chinese Regulator Investigates Firm’s Blockchain Efforts Amid Stock SurgeAn obscure porcelain and education firm is under investigation by a top Chinese regulator after it became one of the most sought-after blockchain stocks last week.Guangdong Great Wall Group, whose stock price skyrocketed for five consecutive days last week after Chinese president XI Jinping praised blockchain technology, said it was under investigation by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The investigation comes as the government appeals for “rational” investments in Chinese blockchain and fintech firms.


BTC — BTC rose rapidly in the early hours of this morning, reaching a maximum of $9645, now falling back to around $9400. In the past 24 hours, the net outflow of BTC funds is close to US $50 million, and the outflow of market funds is significantly increased compared with the previous cycle. BTC made a tentative pull in the early morning to test the upper resistance. In terms of the 4-hour line, the overall volume is not obvious, and the follow-up strength is insufficient, and the breakthrough is not successful. The domestic market is still dominated by shocks, and may withdraw again after the failure of short-term breakthrough to prepare for the next round of offensive. The upper resistance continued to focus around $9600, while the lower support continued to focus on $9000. In terms of operation, it is suggested to control the position and wait for the right opportunity to build the position.

Review previous articles: https://medium.com/@to.liuwen

Encrypted project calendar(November 5, 2019)

Nexus (NXS): 05 November 2019 Tritium Official Release “Remember, Remember the 5th of November, the day Tritium changed Distributed Ledger. Yes, this is an official release date.”NEM (XEM): 05 November 2019 Innovation Forum — Kyiv NEM Foundation Council Member Anton Bosenko will be speaking in the upcoming International Innovation Forum in Kyiv on November 5, 2019.TomoChain (TOMO): 05 November 2019 TomoX Testnet “Mark your calendar as TomoX testnet will be live on Tuesday, Nov 5th!”aelf (ELF): 05 November 2019 Bug Bounty Program Ends On Oct 24th, 2019 aelf’s biggest bug bounty will launch with a large reward pool. The event will run for almost 2 weeks.ICON (ICX): 05 November 2019 Seoul Meetup “We are pleased to announce that the ICON x Steem DApp SEOUL MEETUP will be held in the ICON Lounge on November 5th.”Utrust (UTK): 05 November 2019 Lisbon Meetup “We’re hosting a meetup for anyone interested in blockchain & crypto adoption! Industry leaders like Cointelegraph, BetProtocol & others…”Siacoin (SC): 05 November 2019 Zurich Meetup “Join us Tuesday, Nov 5th in Zurich for a Sia meetup with CEO David, and devs Chris and PJ at @impacthubzurich.”OKB (OKB): 05 November 2019 Simulation USDT Futures “NEW LAUNCH: The much-awaited $USDT-Margined Futures Trading will soon be available on #OKEx… Simulation launching Nov 5”

Encrypted project calendar(November 6, 2019)

STEEM/Steem: The Steem (STEEM) SteemFest 4 conference will be held in Bangkok from November 6th to 10th.KIM/Kimcoin: Kimcoin (KIM) Bitfinex will be online at KIM on November 6, 2019 at 12:00 (UTC).Nebulas (NAS): 06 November 2019 Burn Deadline “Be sure to read this announcement & burn your $NAT by November 6th, 3:00p.m. (UTC+8, Beijing time).”Power Ledger (POWR): 06 November 2019 Book Launch ATTN Perth Power Ledger community, we will be hosting renowned economist Ross Garnaut at our WA office for the launch of his latest book…

Encrypted project calendar(November 7, 2019)

XRP (XRP): 07 November 2019 Swell 2019 Ripple hosts Swell from November 7th — 8th in Singapore.BTC/Bitcoin: Malta The A.I. and Blockchain summit will be held in Malta from November 7th to 8th.Waves (WAVES): 07 November 2019 Joins Odyssey “#Waves is joining Odyssey… We’re kicking off on Nov. 7 at Polaris…”Komodo (KMD) and 1 other: 07 November 2019 Block Party Amsterdam Block Party Amsterdam in Amsterdam from 17:30–22:00.Horizen (ZEN): 07 November 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA.

Encrypted project calendar(November 8, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2nd Global Digital Mining Summit will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from October 8th to 10th.IOTX/IoTeX: IoTex (IOTX) will participate in the CES Expo on November 08TOP (TOP): 08 November 2019 Mainnet Launch “So excited to announce that on November 8th, TOP Network will officially launch the mainnet…”OKB (OKB): 08 November 2019 OKEx Talks — Valencia “Meet us at our next OKEx Talks in Valencia on 8 Nov with speaker Gustavo Segovia @sepu85 who will look at the benefits of creating

Encrypted project calendar(November 9, 2019)

CENNZ/Centrality: Centrality (CENNZ) will meet in InsurTechNZ Connect — Insurance and Blockchain on October 9th in Auckland.HTMLCOIN (HTML): 09 November 2019 (or earlier) Mandatory Wallet Update Mandatory Wallet Update: there will be a soft fork on our blockchain. This update adds header signature verification on block 997,655.

Encrypted project calendar(November 10, 2019)

Bibox Token (BIX): 10 November 2019 Bibox Summit “Bibox Summit 2019 — Maximizing Profit On Uptrend Season” from 1 PM — 5 PM (ITV) in Ho Chi Minh City.

Encrypted project calendar(November 11, 2019)

PAX/Paxos Standard: Paxos Standard (PAX) 2019 Singapore Financial Technology Festival will be held from November 11th to 15th, and Paxos Standard will attend the conference.Crypto.com Coin (CRO): and 3 others 11 November 2019 Capital Warm-up Party Capital Warm-up Party in Singapore.GoldCoin (GLC): 11 November 2019 Reverse Bitcoin Hardfork The GoldCoin (GLC) Team will be “Reverse Hard Forking” the Bitcoin (BTC) Blockchain…”Horizen (ZEN): 11 November 2019 (or earlier) Horizen Giveaway — Nodes Horizen Giveaway — Win Free Node Hosting! Entries before November 11th.SINOVATE (SIN): 11 November 2019 Roadmap V3 SINOVATE (SIN) Roadmap V3 will be released with new upcoming technologies and proof of concepts!

Encrypted project calendar(November 12, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The CoinMarketCap Global Conference will be held at the Victoria Theatre in Singapore from November 12th to 13thBinance Coin (BNB) and 7 others: 12 November 2019 CMC Global Conference “The first-ever CoinMarketCap large-scale event: A one-of-a-kind blockchain / crypto experience like you’ve never experienced before.”Aion (AION) and 17 others: 12 November 2019 The Capital The Capital conference from November 12–13 in Singapore.Loom Network (LOOM): 12 November 2019 Transfer Gateway Update “If you have a dapp that relies on the Transfer Gateway, follow the instructions below to make sure you’re prepared.”

Encrypted project calendar(November 13, 2019)

Fetch.ai (FET): 13 November 2019 Cambridge Meetup “Join us for a @Fetch_ai #Cambridge #meetup on 13 November @pantonarms1.”Binance Coin (BNB) and 5 others: 13 November 2019 Blockchain Expo N.A. “It will bring together key industries from across the globe for two days of top-level content and discussion across 5 co-located events…”OKB (OKB): 13 November 2019 Dnipro, Ukraine- Talks Join us in Dnipro as we journey through Ukraine for our OKEx Cryptour on 11 Nov.Centrality (CENNZ): 13 November 2019 AMA Meetup “Ask our CEO @aaronmcdnz anything in person! Join the AMA meetup on 13 November in Singapore.”OKB (OKB): 13 November 2019 OKEx Cryptotour Dnipro “OKEx Cryptour Ukraine 2019 — Dnipro” in Dnipro from 6–9 PM (EET).

Encrypted project calendar(November 14, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2019 BlockShow Asia Summit will be held at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore from November 14th to 15th.Binance Coin (BNB): and 4 others 14 November 2019 BlockShow Asia 2019 BlockShow Asia 2019 at Marina Bay Sands Expo, Singapore from November 14–15.Basic Attention Token (BAT): 14 November 2019 London Privacy Meetup “If you’re in London on Nov. 14th, don’t miss our privacy meetup! The Brave research team, our CPO @johnnyryan, as well as @UoE_EFIHorizen (ZEN): 14 November 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA.IOTA (MIOTA): 14 November 2019 Berlin Meetup From Construction to Smart City: IOTA, Maschinenraum & Thinkt Digital will explain, using concrete use cases, how to gain real value from..Dash (DASH): 14 November 2019 Q3 Summary Call “Dash Core Group Q3 2019 Summary Call — Thursday, 14 November 2019”NEO (NEO): 14 November 2019 NeoFest Singapore Meetup “Glad to have @Nicholas_Merten from DataDash as our host for #NeoFest Singapore meetup on 14th Nov!”

Encrypted project calendar(November 15, 2019)

TRON (TRX): 15 November 2019 Cross-chain Project “The #TRON cross-chain project will be available on Nov. 15th”Bluzelle (BLZ): 15 November 2019 (or earlier) CURIE Release CURIE release expected by early November 2019.Zebi (ZCO): 15 November 2019 ZEBI Token Swap Ends “… We will give 90 days to all the ERC 20 token holders to swap out their tokens into Zebi coins.”OKB (OKB): 15 November 2019 OKEx Talks — Vilnius “Join us for a meetup on 15 Nov (Fri) for our 1st ever Talks in Vilnius, Lithuania.”

Encrypted project calendar(November 16, 2019)

Bancor (BNT): and 2 others 16 November 2019 Crypto DeFiance-Singapore “Crypto DeFiance is a new global DeFi event embracing established innovators, financial market disruptors, DApp developers…”NEM (XEM): 16 November 2019 Developer’s Event “BLOCKCHAIN: Creation of Multifirma services” from 10:50 AM — 2 PM.

Encrypted project calendar(November 17, 2019)

OKB (OKB): 17 November 2019 OKEx Talks — Lagos Join us on 17 Nov for another OKEx Talks, discussing the “Life of a Crypto Trader”.

Encrypted project calendar(November 18, 2019)

Maker (MKR): 18 November 2019 MCD Launch “BIG changes to terminology are coming with the launch of MCD on Nov. 18th Say hello to Vaults, Dai, and Sai.”

Encrypted project calendar(November 19, 2019)

Lisk (LSK): 19 November 2019 Lisk.js “We are excited to announce liskjs2019 will take place on November 19th. This all day blockchain event will include…”

Encrypted project calendar(November 20, 2019)

OKB (OKB): 20 November 2019 OKEx Cryptour Odessa Ukr “Join us in Odessa as we journey through Ukraine for our OKEx Cryptour!”

Encrypted project calendar(November 21, 2019)

Cardano (ADA): and 2 others 21 November 2019 Meetup Netherlands (AMS) “This meetup is all about how to decentralize a blockchain, the problems and differences between Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake…”Cappasity (CAPP): 21 November 2019 Virtuality Paris 2019 “Cappasity to demonstrate its solution for the interactive shopping experience at Virtuality Paris 2019.”Horizen (ZEN): 21 November 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA.OKB (OKB): 21 November 2019 OKEx Talks — Johannesburg “Join us the largest city of South Africa — Johannesburg where we will host our OKEx Talks on the 21st Nov.”IOST (IOST): 22 November 2019 Singapore Workshop Join the Institute of Blockchain for their 2nd IOST technical workshop in Singapore on 22 Nov 2019. The workshop includes IOST’s key tech.OKB (OKB): 22 November 2019 St. Petersberg Talks “Join us in St. Petersberg on 22 Nov as we answer your questions on Crypto Security. “

Encrypted project calendar(November 22, 2019)

IOST (IOST): 22 November 2019 Singapore Workshop Join the Institute of Blockchain for their 2nd IOST technical workshop in Singapore on 22 Nov 2019. The workshop includes IOST’s key techOKB (OKB): 22 November 2019 St. Petersberg Talks “Join us in St. Petersberg on 22 Nov as we answer your questions on Crypto Security. “

Encrypted project calendar(November 27, 2019)

OKB (OKB): 27 November 2019 OKEx Cryptour Vinnytsia “Join us in Vinnytsia as we journey through Ukraine for our OKEx Cryptour!”Fetch.ai (FET): 27 November 2019 London Meetup “Join us on 27 November @primalbasehq to hear an exciting progress report as we prepare for the launch of our #mainnet”

Encrypted project calendar(November 28, 2019)

Horizen (ZEN): 28 November 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA.

Encrypted project calendar(November 30, 2019)

Ethos (ETHOS): 30 November 2019 (or earlier) Rebranding “In November, we unveil the broker token, a dynamic utility token to power our commission-free crypto trading and broker platform, Voyager.”Digitex Futures (DGTX): 30 November 2019 Public Testnet Launch “…We can expect to see the world’s first zero-commission futures trading platform live on the Ethereum public testnet from 30th November.”Monero (XMR): 30 November 2019 Protocol Upgrade “Preliminary information thread regarding the scheduled protocol upgrade of November 30.”Chiliz (CHZ): 30 November 2019 (or earlier) Fiat to CHZ Exchanges “We will add another two fiat to $CHZ exchanges in November…”Skrumble Network (SKM): 30 November 2019 (or earlier) P2P & Group Calling “P2P & Group Video Calling,” during November 2019.Aergo (AERGO): 30 November 2019 (or earlier) Mainnet 2.0 Upgrade Mainnet 2.0 Protocol update by end of November.Akropolis (AKRO): 30 November 2019 (or earlier) Beta Release “All functionality has been deployed to mainnet.”Nash Exchange (NEX): 30 November 2019 (or earlier) Mobile Strategy Phase 2 “Phase 2 of our mobile strategy will be live soon with our wallet and portfolio app hitting stores in November!”

Telegram: https://t.me/Lay126



