Some Context: 1. USD or at least PetroDollar is taking its nosedive. After the impact, what is left of USD ain't gonna be even similar to what we have today. 2. New brainfuck is needed, so globalists ghave chosen next obvious choice: crypto -in centralized form, so that it can be controlled glo0bally from one point. 3. Technical efforts to filter out any other competition (OS and off-the-shelf equipment backdoors etc) have failed to guarrantee full control that would keep various local cryptos and Bitcoin out. 4. Time is running out. Globalists tried staving the impact of by waves ofgovernment bonds sells, which have flopped, especially in EU. So Lagarde/EU has said straight out that EU is to enforce errrm "present" CBDC by Oct, She revealed that in a phone call from Russian prankster, imeprsonating (Z)Elensky, no less:
* [ChristineLagarde,President of the EuropeanCentralBank gets dup€d by Russian comedian/hacker pretending to be Zelensky](
* [Christine Lagarde admits that central banks will lose control of the monetary system unless they move to the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) ](
so all "democracies" are: * announcing CBDC under various local brands as disguises: BritCOin, Digital Dollar, Digital EURO etc. * Bank of England assembles 30 experts to design the digital pound * CryptoShekel in CBDC/"Digital EUro" flavor incoming: * Major Australian Banks Are Going Cashless - Forced Acceptance Of CBDCs Next? * they are gradually introducing legislation that is eventually to formally forbid anything but CBDC, but at this time they are pushing physical cash out - simply by denying the user that option at particular points. For now, they are hiding it under decision of particular outlets (ALDI etc), shops, banks etc. * planting the narrative to make cash illegal, often in most ridiculous ways: * Hillary Clinton: ‘It’s Time to BAN Cash To Fight Climate Change’
... all of which is just an uverture to CBDC enforcement. As lagarde has said, EU can't wait much past October, so what is it to do ?
Well, one way might be to wait for some of its part to be in dire need of money injection and since EU is practically bancrupt, only obvious way is to introduce digital "funny money" - CBDC!
Well, one of the most vulnerable points of EU as Italy and chronically bankrupt vassal microstates east of it up to Ukraine and Albania to the south. Remember, COVID-19 has started its EU journey in Italy, where it had significant "help on the ground": * Hug a Chinese tourist event held in Italy shortly before Coronavirus spread around country. If this is state sponsored, it's for sure biowar * During COVID-ITA outbreak, teams of couple dozen "nurses" were sent to "help" from usual vassal suspects (Albania etc). Why would bazzilion times bigger and far more advanced Italy need dozen nurses for help ? COVID OTOH might well used to boost its spread rate.
So this time, we have unusually strong rains in that area, followed by record hailstorms. They are not unusual for this time of year, but their size is - it's just like they, just as COVID, had quite a bit help on the ground: * Northern Italy pelted by ‘out of the ordinary’ golf-ball sized hail as region enters fourth summer heat wave * Weather tracker: new European record set as 19cm hailstone found in Italy
Interestingly enough, people have been reporting on chemical analysis in hailstones showing unusually high content of the stuff that is used to percipitate rain (aluminum compounds etc).
So, now, at the end of Aug, we have another result: highest-ever flood in neighbouring Slovenia:
Slovenia, as all "independent" (LOL!) vassal micro-quasi-states has economy in total shit and being almost two orders of magnitude smaller than Italy, almost no real voice in EU.
Flood has caused probably more than €3B in damage and Lagarde's response is... €400M. And since she had to come personally, make all the theatre out of it and personal meetings, it obviously is to come with strings attached.
So, Slovenia is now in convenient, dire need for help, just at the right time for CBDC to be introduced, just like Lagarde has revealed it quite a few months ago. * CryptoShekel in CBDC/"Digital EUro" flavor incoming:
EUgenicists do everything stepwise. Slovenia is just a first step/anchor for the CBDC, before it starts intruding into its neighbours. They are always used as a testing ground for the stuff that is to be R&D-ed before it's applied elsewhere. 🙄