Saturday, December 14, 2019

Bitcoin CZ (BCZ) Price Reaches $0.0991 (current BTC/USD price is $7,111.91)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin CZ (BCZ) Price Reaches $0.0991

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

How can I create a think-tank to come up with a solution for Iran's imminent internet shutdown?

I'm really, really sorry that I chose this sub for this thread, but I couldn't find any other place. To the mods, please, find it in your heart to let this thread remain. Delete the political posts if you wish, but let the on-topic posts remain. I know I'm asking for a lot, but I really, really have no other venue to rely on.

/r/networking mods just deleted my thread, giving me a convoluted reason that "this subject is related to one locale and is not enjoyable by all of our readers". Well, their sub, internet is a dictatorship after all. In case you're interested in reading my post, here it is. Scroll down for the main material of my post, regarding /r/cscareerquestions.

President Rouhani, who once said "access to internet is any citizen's birthright" has reneged on his word and now he wants to shut down Iranian people's access to the internet, this time for good. Shutting down the internet has always been a good deterrent for the protests which lit up Iran ablaze. They shut down the internet in 2009 and people stopped. They shut down the internet in 2010 and people stopped. They shut down the internet in 2017 and recently, the internet was out for exactly a week in most parts of Iran and this was a major deterrent for Iranians to stop protesting and go home. It is impossible to organize protests using traditional ways of communication. Besides, they could just shut down the phones! They aren't above anything, are they?

I have emailed the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs a couple of times, inquiring them about what their plans are regarding this inevitable event. I'm a programming student, and I have cooked up a plan to provide Iranians with premium internet, which they have to pay between 5$ to 10$ for each month, but this plan is impossible to come to fruition without the State Departments aid.

I'm a programming student who lives in Iran. I'm a Christian convert (not baptized yet) and I hate the regime. I'm not afraid of them. And I have told the State Department that I am ready to help them with anything, almost anything, if they trust me. I know they have their own Iranian experts, but I doubt they are very adept in their job. For example, Pompeo sanctioned Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi for the recent outage. Sure, he's the minister of communications, but he wasn't at all responsible for the shutdown. Who shut down the internet? A body called "Higher Council of Security". They were behind it. And I'm pretty sure they are, with their unshaven faces and the print of "mohr" on their foreheads, cooking up another plan to limit out access to the internet. The domestic internet is very operational. It could replace the real internet at any minute, cutting access to web, VoIP, mail, and most important of all, Usenet!

So what shall we do? Iranians are willing to pay for access to free internet, if this happens. I say, Iranians are willing to spend at maximum $10 a month for a free, uncensored internet. If BNE doesn't reply to my email, please, one of you, you can launch a startup to help us do this. The transactions could happen via an in-app cryptocurrency. Or Bitcoin. We could create a mesh network that can cover all 8 major cities, or at least, 3 biggest cities of Iran. Thankfully, there's a satellite hovering over Iran called Yahsat. It's very easy to aim a dish at Yahsat, and most Iranians have dishes. They have receiver LNBs, but not transmitter LNBs. We should create an steady flow of transmitter LNBs to Iran. Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan. There's at least two million electronic engineers in Iran. They can create ready-to-install kits for people. We can write a custom firmware for people's routers using Rust, we could train "nassabs", people who install dishes for people, to set up satellite internet. We could use HF channels, using regular ham radio equipment, to carry internet signals.

But why should we give the Iranians internet access? Aren't they the same people who shout "Death to America"? First, that's like 2-3% of Iranians. Most Iranians love West. Most my friends watch Western movies, and wish to emulate Western lifestyle in their diurnal lives. For example, Friends may just be an unfunny TV show to you guys, but for Iranians, its' a manifesto. Plus, what's better than showing these 3% outliers that your intentions are good, other than steady internet connection? Most Iranians have relatives abroad. Without internet, they are doomed. But more importantly, when finally protests erupt, a strong communication framework shall be the death of Islamic Republic.

To the mods of this sub, please, please let this thread remain. I will not discuss politics. Please, only discuss the technical side of things. If you have any doubts as to the imminence of things, read this:

It makes it seem like their harboring some sort of ailment towards Iranians in general, but again, it's their sub, and it just happens to the only networking sub on Reddit.

Ok. The internet in Iran is not down yet. I want to use this opportunity to do all my bidding to find an alternative way to give Iranians access to the internet. I want it to be slick. And as I said earlier, it shouldn't be free, we're not running a charity here. $10-$12 a month should do the trick. I want to start a think-tank, comprised of Iranians, Westerners, and Easterners alike. I'm a programmer, but we need economists, sysadmins, communications majors, media majors, MBAs, lawyers, and all sorts of people to be a part of this think-tank. We need to find a slick, cheap, untrackable way for Iranians to access the internet and organize protests. Then we could branch to North Korea! China! Russia! Everyone will be compensated when the network is up

So anyone, if you can help me achieve my dream, please PM me, or contact me at chubakbidpaa [at] gmail [dot] com. It's not only about Iran, but it's about other countries that limit the access to the internet as well. We could have a private subreddit. Or a Discord server. Liberty shall prevail!


@AlphaexCapital : Forex Trader: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners In 2019 #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

[Daily Discussion] Sunday, December 15, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Sunday, December 15, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

Bloxroute Releases Blockchain Distribution Network for Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash (current BTC/USD price is $7,100.99)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bloxroute Releases Blockchain Distribution Network for Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

@AlphaexCapital : DiNapoli Trading Method is proven & highly-effective adaptation of the Fibonacci Levels. In this quick guide learn how to use the DiNapoli Trading Method => #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

scammed by

well ive used trade it a few times over the years selling items from both dota 2 and csgo without ever having a problem. got some super lucky drops in csgo crates and was able to sell for over $500 sometime last year, and even sold some dota 2 items to fund part of a vacation. so to say is a scam would be a lie. HOWEVER, after some unfortunate life events that are unrelated, money has been a little tight this year, and i havent even really been playing dota i decided to sell all my items, ive been playing dota 2013 so ive gotten quite a bit over the years, so much so that it took 3 different trades to sell the items worth over 3 cents. the first one equaling up to $700, and the following two around $50. i did them all back to back and wanted the funds transferred into bitcoin but sadly only the second trade ever went through meaning ive lost over $750 worth of items, items that were gonna be used to buy a few of my daughters Christmas presents..... ive emailed the company and all ive received is "we will look into it and reply' that was almost 2 days ago with nothing else back. i know steam doesnt give back items anymore and im pretty sure these guys just fucked me out of all of it... i guess the reason for this post is just to let anyone know, if your thinking about using in the future, even if you've done it in the past, dont. when they see an opportunity to make an easy chunk of change, they're gonna take it.

5 Bearish Candlestick Patterns Every Bitcoin Trader Must Know (current BTC/USD price is $7,135.54)

Latest Bitcoin News:

5 Bearish Candlestick Patterns Every Bitcoin Trader Must Know

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

Bitcoin as an emergency out-of-country piggy-bank?

Hi All, I live a country where we seem to be constantly on the verge of financial collapse. As a consequence, I want to keep some money outside of the country, or at least independent from our local currency in the event of a runaway devaluation of our currency. I don't have a lot of savings to move as a lump sum, so making a conventional off-shore account seems to be more trouble than it's worth. I've recently started looking into keeping some savings (just a small portion) as Bitcoin, and to contribute to my wallet regularly in an attempt to build up an emergency savings account that I can easily access and convert to other currencies locally as well as from other countries. I'm not looking to make a profit or investment, on the contrary I'm willing to accept some losses since its only purpose is to serve as an emergency piggy-bank independent from my country's economy. Is there some aspect of this I'm missing or not fully thinking through? Or is this a viable approach?

Give the people a place to start doing their own research and verify / a lame excuse for delay in content

"Do your own research and verify"

That is the purpose of this sub. Bitcoin is a controversial topic. My family and close friends don´t get it. I held a presentation two years ago for coworkers about Bitcoin at work when the hype started to take off mid 2017. It was 2 hours long and I just scratched the surface of it all.

It is hard enough to keep track of and understand Bitcoin and what is happening in this space as someone who mined his first coins in 2011. I have a page long list of links that lead me to historically important posts, comments, and events that played a significant role in explaining why we are here today.

There is people in this space who keep track of what has been going on. Who have been collecting links, archiving them, reposting it every once in a while on various subs. That is admirable. But if you are not online and active in the sub at the moment these links get reposted, you will miss them.

So what about creating a hub that will have just one purpose: To collect, organise and share links to historically important controversial topics surrounding Bitcoin?

This is what I want to create. Why is Bitcoin so controversial today and when did it start? Why is Bitcoin Cash a controversial fork? Why does Segwit2X heat up emotional verbal fights? Why does /bitcoin censor and ban so many users?

There is a lot to talk about and link to.

Unfortunately, I have a pretty fullfilling life. It might not seems that way since from the day I created this account shortly after the BCH fork, I have been online here basically every day. But I have to admit that real life is important, and I am having trouble to do everything I wanted to do.

So. Please be patient. This sub will have rules, a faq, and first content soon.

If you stumbled upon this sub and have a list of links that you would like to share, please send me a PM.



When alprazolam powder ran through the postal system like gold

So roughly around the end of winter in 2015 going on 2016 I was finishing up college for my computer networking degree. I was a avid silk road customer with ties to Xanaxman and few others I wont mention but mostly all are incarcerated now. With real alprazolam xanax powder flowing through the postal system like gold in the hills, there were 2, 2.5, and 3 and even 4mg pressed xanax bars being sold for .20 cents to 75c per pill. As a college student in a college town and experimenting with different drugs every weekend I knew I could make some money. I quickly made friends with one of the biggest xanax distributors on the silk road. We actually had conversations daily and I considered him a friend. He would explain his press machine, the way he operated his business and allot of personal information as we just clicked and quickly a friendship became. From going to selling 1000 every 2 weeks for 3$ ea and customers coming back like clockwork this quickly went to 5k a week selling bulk. He would eventually front me 20k sent 4 packages to 4 different addresses that I knew my friends wouldn't mind for cash. This is where I knew I fucked up. With cash coming in like I've never seen before I literally could do or go anywhere. I was on top of the world. ( I'll get back to this in a second). One afternoon I woke up from a night at the bar, head still spinning and that good next day feeling from the benzos. As I tried rubbing the sleep off my eyes I stumbled out of my roommates bed onto his glass table breaking the entire thing, shattering it into hundreds of peices. How I didn't get hurt is beyond me. As I lay on the ground very confused and panicked I look at the ceiling fan which is on, swinging a belt from the blades around and around. I get up cussing at my self and remember yelling out to my roommate to come here. I took the belt off the fan and noticed it wasn't mine and a wallet came off with the belt that was holding it down. I looked at the wallet, I had no idea who this person was. After sitting down for a second trying to recollect from the night before I get up and go to the living room where I see my front door wide open I freak out worried my dog got out but I ran to my room which door was closed and thankfully he was on the bed looking at me like mother fcker you have some big problems. Sigh of relief my pup was there but shit and piss was everywhere. Now to find my phone. I tore up my roommate's bedroom looking for my phone. No luck. As a few hours passed I got a more worried as I totally blacked out the night before and couldn't remember anything after popping 3 3mg xanax and flow of drinks. I realized I was supposed to be getting a package this day and went out to mailbox but nothing was there. Little freaked out I came back inside and grabbed my burner phone and called one of my drops. The package wasn't there either, nor was any of them. I then drove to the bar I was last at the night before and not even 3 steps in the owner stopped me and said sir you are no longer allowed in here after what happened last night and I'm calling the police. Stunned, I said I don't remember what happened last night and whatever I did I'll pay for the damage. He said the only thing you broke was a pool stick across a police car and you and your friend got into a fight with 5 college students. I looked down and things were starting to come to me. He said police were looking for me and my roommate was in jail. Very confused I thanked him and gave him 100$. So I assume the wallet was one of the persons I got into a fight with. I go to address on ID but no one answered so I left it on the chair on the front porch. Why the hell was a belt and his wallet on the blade of my ceiling fan? So many questions I had. I come home and get on my computer to see where my packages were at before I call the jail. All packages said they needed to be picked up at post office sig required. This freaked me out beyond belief. How was I going to tell this vendor I wouldn't be able to pay for 40k bars that were fronted. Logged off my account and got off my chair and a knock on the door. I hit my toe on the edge of my bed and there was my phone, I was very happy. I plugged it in and went to front door. It was a police officer. Freaking out, I didn't know what to do so I just stood behind the door panicking. I ran to my safe and put everything I had in there which I hadn't used in years because I forgot the code to get in. Along with the drugs was my random generated pin for my btc wallet. As I closed it I very loudly shouted FUCK as I watched it closed remembering I didn't know the code. I'll just worry about it later I told myself and rushed to door. Officer asked if I was at the bar last night where the incident happened I said yes I was and he asked if I could come down to station to write a affidavit. Agreeing nervously as I didn't want more cops to come or come inside my house he let me follow him up there. As i sit down he asks me questions about the fight and said my roommate had broken one guys jaw that's why he was in jail. I told him honestly sir I blacked out, defended myself and I don't remember how I got home. He said I was told you were running down the street with only shoes on and a belt. I looked down and busted out with a laugh saying sir there is no way that's accurate. With the straightest face he said does it look like I would make this up. My face was white as a ghost and I looked down again apologizing asking if I was in trouble. He stated there was nothing on camera about the fight nor was the guy pressing charges. Thought maybe this day will finally get better. So he said to fill out the affidavit best of my knowledge and I asked when my friend was getting out since no charges were being filed. He said when he calms down as he was still in the drunk tank. I left there wth only one thing on my mind, how in the hell am I going To get these packages. I was honestly scared and figured they were seized but wondered why I didn't get a controlled delivery instead. Not that I was complaining but I was still freaked out about losing 40K bars and how is it going to explain it to my silk road vendor. Days go and pass and about a week later I find over 200 people had had controlled deliveries across the US and my vendor had been arrested. I had been so scared these past few days that I haven't even thought about getting back into the safe as I had bars laying around the house that I was taking to call my anxiety and so I didn't have any type of come down in decided to wing myself off now that I Was facing possible charges on these packages. 3 weeks pass and I finally try to get the remaining bars I had left from the safe and remember about my btc wallet code. This wasnt a 100$ safe it was a family members huge gun safe that was like a bank vault. My roommate and I tried to get into that safe for 3 days straight doing anything and everything I could and nothing would budge. I was out of options. I finally gave up and given up selling xanax as I was afraid of the possible consequences that might occur. Almost a year later when I moved out of the house I had a few friends of mine get to say from the back of The truck to take it out to a lease to blow it up with tannerite. It took us a few days of blowing up, shooting it and putting a drill to the corners we finally opened it. I had forgotten how many drugs were actually in there. Finding my btc pass for my wallet I was really excited as the price of bitcoin had gone up substantially. It was all there. Ended up being close to 65k worth of btc. It was a glorious day. I was completely off all drugs and had all this bitcoin. Nothing ever came about the packages and I moved far away from where I went to college. Looking back it was a fun, dangerous ride but wouldnt change a thing. Unfortunate events for my buddy being busted for his lab and I eventually found him in prison system and sent a letter anonymously saying I can send him money to family if he wanted. I never got a letter back and dont know if he even got the letter. Craziest thing I've ever done but wouldn't of gone back to do it any different. Bars took a tole on me and I'm very fortunate I even came out of the situation not in jail or repercussion for owing someone money. Oh the good ol days...?

@AlphaexCapital : Discover The Guide That Gives You 100% Done For You Trading Strategies - Click Here For A Trial #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

HEX: An OG Hodlers perspective

So, I have been following Bitcoin since the whitepaper and really started to make the crypto space my primary off work hours focus since the beginning of the great bull run of 2017. I follow everyone I find to be intelligent or provides access to intelligent people in the crypto space. I regularly watch/listen to content from Richard as well as many of the people he has been arguing with since the launch of HEX. With that out of the way here is how I view this project for other Maximalist(ishes) out there.

Let's start with the big controversy of the project, Richard. This is where most people get stuck on this project as he is a bit narcissistic and does assume everyone is like him in the sense that they only care about the biggest ROI possible. He is so far wrapped up in his own cleverness that he fails to see the deeper meaning people get from Bitcoin. He will openly insult the intelligence of those of us that view Bitcoin as the obvious choice for a vote of no confidence in the current financial system, to him that is just a silly dishonest narrative maximalists tell themselves. I increasingly have to turn off parts of his interviews. I am also going to write the rest of this under the assumption that Richard has %100 control of both the origin and flush addressees.

However, Richard is also a very intelligent person who, believe it or not, does actually derive satisfaction doing right by people. In some ways his ego is justified as many of his views are incredibly insightful and he is very honest with people about how he sees things. It's his inability to see where someone else is coming from, especially when he deems them too stupid to have opinion, that makes those gems come out tasting badly to most people. When he feels personally attacked (which he has no doubt felt a lot of with the scammer label recently), he personally attacks back which comes off even worse. The effect is kind of like serving someone a Wagyu steak on the lid from the garbage can out behind your house, then wondering why the person doesn't want to eat the steak.

But, He is %100 accurate in his assessment that he would have the SEC all over his ass if he promised or said anything about the planned use of the origin address or flush address funds. So yes, he has to leave people with the possibility that he could totally dump all that origin address ETH and HEX, then spend the rest of his life on a beach with scantily clad women bringing him fruity alcoholic beverages all day. But the other possibilities, the ones he actually can't talk about are that he uses those funds to increase the value, market, onboard more users, and get HEX listed on big exchanges. Once again, He can't say that because if he did, HEX could be considered a security and here comes the SEC.

If you can't tell by now, part of me has felt kind of kindred to Richard, as I have come off the same exact way to people in my career. It's hard to be way more intelligent on a subject than the people taking the other side, because you can't find a way to even point that out without coming off as completely arrogant and narcissistic. But, they will form an opinion regardless.
So I am going to finish by giving you the cold hard analysis that Richard would give to HEX if it wasn't his baby.

If you HODL Bitcoin it would actually be a good idea to find the time to figure out how to claim your free coins and do it, because there is chance he could do right by the people supporting him and use those massive bags to add value to HEX. And, even if he were to exit scam the project, you have lost an hour or two figuring out how to use the signing function in Bitcoin and use a smart contract in Ethereum (activities which have intellectual value in and of themselves).

However, Using the AA to acquire HEX using ETH means you are a sucker, even if you do get rich doing it. Anyone who would part ways with a crypto of proven value for one being marketed with techniques used primarily by scammers should not be managing their own money. Yes, there may be a few exceptions for those paying close attention to the price on DEXs and the AA numbers then using that to guide their decision making, but overall it is a bad idea that is highly unlikely to pay off. And, while I do lean towards Richard having the best of intentions right now, he will always do what is best for Richard. So how is he going to feel about exit scamming after a year or 2 of everyone in the crypto space calling him a scammer?

For my part, I wish Richard well as he has provided me plenty of good information (and free HEX), in spite of what I disagree with him on, and I will hold off judgement of HEX until I see what he actually does with those massive bags.

Bitcoins grim future indicates a retest of $6515 and perhaps lower (current BTC/USD price is $7,108.42)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoins grim future indicates a retest of $6515 and perhaps lower

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

Guide to running bitcoind on a Raspberry Pi 4 (4gb ram) on an external hard drive

I have seen a lot of guides online but for a few reasons I thought it'd be good to share how I set up my full node (with relatively few headaches) and less than $150.

Stuff to get

  1. Raspberry Pi 4 (4gb ram is essential!) - $55
  2. Power cable for the raspberry pi - $10
  3. Case for the raspberry pi - $5 (optional, looks good and makes it easier to store)
  4. microHDMI to HDMI cable (needed to view desktop of raspberry pi) - $10
  5. SD Card, at least 8GB - ~$10+ (PS: you may also need a converter to read/write from your PC to the SD card).
  6. External hard drive, ideally at least a 1TB - $50+

Setup the Raspberry pi

  1. Download NOOBS and unzip it to SD card, and insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi.
  2. Insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi, and place the Raspberry Pi into its case. Connect the relevant cables, and plug in the power to the Raspberry Pi.
  3. Follow the instructions on screen to get Raspian up and running.

Configuring the External Hard Drive

  1. Turn off automount
  2. Configure the raspberry pi to mount the external hard drive where you want it. See this page on how to configure external hard drives for Raspberry Pis.

Download and configure bitcoin-core

  1. Go to and download bitcoin-core.
  2. Follow the instructions here and install bitcoin-core.
  3. Create a directory called .bitcoin from the home directory.
  4. Create a file called bitcoin.conf in ~/.bitcoin. Add the following settings to it to ensure that you can process historical transactions:

server=1 txindex=1 rpcuser=<username> rpcpassword=<password> datadir=<path-on-external-harddrive> dbcache=2500 

Run bitcoind

  1. From the command line, run bitcoind -daemon
  2. Now you can run bitcoin-cli -getinfo or tail <path-on-external-harddrive>/debug.log to get info on how bitcoind is doing.

That should do it. Assuming a solid internet connection, you should be up and running relatively quickly (less than a day). If you need help, feel free to ask questions below. I'd be happy to help.

Get Bitcoins A Guide to Earning Bitcoins Fast and Free

Top 3 crypto casino


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Even though it began as a crypto casino just, Bet Chain these days likewise acknowledges conventional monetary forms. Adaptability is the name of the game with this one, and you can store in your preferred customary cash and play in Bitcoin. They have truly made it a point to give the player however much adaptability as could reasonably be expected, so that in any event, playing in Bitcoin, or whichever money you like, and the creation a withdrawal in customary cash is conceivable. One major ace to this casino is that it's accessible in various dialects and it additionally has a fairly smooth portable interface, so the fun proceeds with whether you're on the lounge chair or the bus.

Bitcoin is This Decades Best Investable Asset (current BTC/USD price is $7,177.01)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin is This Decades Best Investable Asset

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

Bitcoin Volatility May Spike as Coins Consolidate in “Whale” Wallets (current BTC/USD price is $7,216.62)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Bitcoin Volatility May Spike as Coins Consolidate in “Whale” Wallets

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad.

/r/Monero Weekly Discussion – December 14, 2019 - Use this thread for general chatter, basic questions, and if you're new to Monero


  1. General questions
  2. Wallet: CLI & GUI
  3. Wallet: Ledger
  4. Nodes

1. General questions

Where can I download the Monero wallet?

There are multiple Monero wallets for a wide range of devices at your disposal. Check the table below for details and download links. Attention: for extra security make sure to calculate and compare the checksum of your downloaded files when possible.

Please note the following usage of the labels:

⚠️ - Relatively new and/or beta. Use wallet with caution.

☢️ - Closed source.

Desktop wallets

Wallet Device Description Download link
"Official" GUI / CLI Windows, macOS, Linux Default implementation maintained by the core team. Use this wallet to run a full node and obtain maximum privacy. Integrates with hardware wallets. Current version: /
MyMonero Windows, macOS, Linux Lightweight wallet -- you don't need to download the blockchain and run a node. MyMonero was developed with the assistance of the core team. It also has web-based and iOS versions.
Exodus Windows, macOS, Linux ⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet.
ZelCore Windows, macOS, Linux ⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. It also has Android and iOS versions.
Guarda Windows, macOS, Linux ⚠️ ☢️ / Multi-asset wallet.

Mobile wallets

Wallet Device Description Download link
Monerujo Android Integrates with Ledger (hardware wallet). Website: Google Play / F-Droid / GitHub
MyMonero iOS Website: App Store
Cake Wallet iOS Website: App Store
X Wallet iOS Website: App Store
Edge Wallet Android / iOS Multi-asset wallet. Website: Google Play / App Store
ZelCore Android / iOS ⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website: Google Play / App Store
Coinomi Android / iOS ⚠️ ☢️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website: Google Play / App Store
Moxi / Guarda Android / iOS ⚠️ ☢️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website: Google Play / App Store
Exa Wallet Android / iOS ⚠️ Website: Google Play / App Store
Wookey Wallet Android / iOS ⚠️ Website: Google Play / F-Droid / App Store

Web-based wallets

Wallet Description Link
MyMonero Web version of the MyMonero wallet. Web
XMRWallet Web wallet with TOR support. Web / Onion URL
Guarda Multi-asset wallet. Web

How long does it take for my balance to unlock?

Your balance is unlocked after 10 confirmations (which means 10 mined blocks). A block is mined approximately every two minutes on the Monero network, so that would be around 20 minutes.

How can I prove that I sent a payment?

The fastest and most direct way is by using the ExploreMonero blockchain explorer. You will need to recover the transaction key from your wallet (complete guide for GUI / CLI).

How do I buy Monero (XMR) with Bitcoin (BTC)?

There are dozens of exchanges that trade Monero against Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Check out the list on CoinMarketCap and choose the option that suits you best.

How do I buy Monero (XMR) with fiat?

  • Kraken (USD and EUR): old-school, decent exchange. They might require your documents for verification and approval of your account.
  • LocalMonero: peer-to-peer exchange. They have pretty much everything as a payment method and they support hundreds of fiat options.

How can I quickly exchange my Monero (XMR) for Bitcoin (BTC)?

There are multiple ways to exchange your Monero for Bitcoin, but first of all, I'd like to remind you that if you really want to do your part for Monero, one of the simplest ways is to get in touch with your merchant/service provider and request for it to accept Monero directly as payment. Ask the service provider to visit the official website and our communication channels if he or she needs help with system integration.

That being said, the community has been recommending two services in particular, XMR.TO and MorphToken. These services are only recommendations and are operated by entities outside the control of the Monero Project. Be diligent.

How do I mine Monero? And other mining questions.

The correct place to ask questions and discuss the Monero mining scene is in the dedicated subreddit r/MoneroMining. That being said, you can find a list of pools and available mining software in the website.

2. Wallet: CLI & GUI

Why I can't see my balance? Where is my XMR?

Before any action there are two things to check:

  1. Are you using the latest available version of the wallet? A new version is released roughly every 6 months, so make sure you're using the current release (compare the release on with your wallet's version on Settings, under Debug info).
  2. Is your wallet fully synchronized? If it isn't, wait the sync to complete.

Because Monero is different from Bitcoin, wallet synchronization is not instant. The software needs to synchronize the blockchain and use your private keys to identify your transactions. Check in the lower left corner (GUI) if the wallet is synchronized.

You can't send transactions and your balance might be wrong or unavailable if the wallet is not synced with the network. So please wait.

If this is not a sufficient answer for your case and you're looking for more information, please see this answer on StackExchange.

How do I upgrade my wallet to the newest version?

This question is beautifully answered on StackExchange.

Why does it take so long to sync the wallet [for the first time]?

You have decided to use Monero's wallet and run a local node. Congratulations! You have chosen the safest and most secure option for your privacy, but unfortunately this has an initial cost. The first reason for the slowness is that you will need to download the entire blockchain, which is considerably heavy (+70 GB) and constantly growing. There are technologies being implemented in Monero to slow this growth, however it is inevitable to make this initial download to run a full node. Consider syncing to a device that has an SSD instead of an HDD, as this greatly impacts the speed of synchronization.

Now that the blockchain is on your computer, the next time you run the wallet you only need to download new blocks, which should take seconds or minutes (depending on how often you use the wallet).

I don't want to download the blockchain, how can I skip that?

The way to skip downloading the blockchain is connecting your wallet to a public remote node. You can follow this guide on how to set it up. You can find a list of public remote nodes on MoneroWorld.

Be advised that when using a public remote node you lose some of your privacy. A public remote node is able to identify your IP and opens up a range for certain attacks that further diminish your privacy. A remote node can't see your balance and it can't spend your XMR.

How do I restore my wallet from the mnemonic seed or from the keys?

To restore your wallet with the 25 word mnemonic seed, please see this guide.

To restore your wallet with your keys, please see this guide.

3. Wallet: Ledger

How do I generate a Ledger Monero Wallet with the GUI or CLI?

This question is beautifully answered on StackExchange. Check this page for the GUI instructions, and this page for the CLI instructions.

4. Nodes

How can my local node become a public remote node?

If you want to support other Monero users by making your node public, you can follow the instructions on MoneroWorld, under the section "How To Include Your Node On Moneroworld".

How can I connect my node via Tor?

This question is beautifully answered on StackExchange.

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