Wednesday, July 24, 2019

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Daily Discussion] Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

The Saturn Time Cube (MEGATHREAD) Part 2

So we left off asking ourselves the question: what will happen when literally everything is linked up to the cube? In order to answer that question I think we should first take a step back and ask how it will happen.

If you’re familiar with the Bible you know that before the apocalypse begins there will be a world leader known as the antichrist. The antichrist will supposedly implement a new monetary system, one enforced by a certain ‘mark’.

“He causes all, both great and small, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark.” — Revelation 13

Some conspiracy theorists think this mark will be a computer chip implanted in your hand. This technology already exists, and some people are actually already utilizing it.

People get this chip because it’s convenient. You no longer have to carry around your ID or your credit cards. You’ll never lose them either, because they’re... attached to your body.

However, in order to make the chip mandatory, the first thing that has to happen is the eradication of all paper money. This is already happening. Most currency existing today is digital. In fact, it’s around 90%.

I believe cryptocurrency, you know shit like bitcoin, is major step in the direction of a cashless society. Will bitcoin be the new dollar? I don’t think so. But I do think there is a company out there paving the way for whatever it might be. That company is Chainlink.

Now that you know a bit about Saturn’s symbols, you can see why I find this company a bit creepy. But the weirdness doesn’t stop with their logos, it goes much deeper.

First of all, the origins of Chainlink are a bit sketchy. What was supposed be a small startup, was given accolades by the big boys at the World Economic Forum.

Not only that but they are already working with the infamous SWIFT system. SWIFT, or the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, is a vast messaging network used by banks all over the world. To me this sounds like the infrastructure of a one world economic system.

They also recently aquired the Town Crier project. Look familiar?

But even more strange, is the fact that one of Chainlink’s advisors, Ari Juels, seems to belong to a cult, the Cult of Demeter! He even references it on his personal webpage.

Demeter was the goddess of the harvest, agriculture, fertility and sacred law. Like we discussed earlier, Saturn was known for the same things. Saturn was also known as the god with a thousand names and was both male and female, so it is possible that Demeter was a personification of the ringed planet. However, this doesn’t make much of a difference. It’s still weird.

The cult of Demeter is a very old thing. It began in ancient Greece and was known for it’s yearly ceremonies where new members were initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries. There is not much known about them, except that they stressed the importance of the cycle of descending into the underworld and returning anew. They tried their best to keep all of their rites, ceremonies, and beliefs a secret.

Ari Juels also wrote a bizarre novel called Tetrakyts. It’s about a secret cult of latter day followers of Pythagoras who are performing cyberattacks around the world. The numerology obsessed cyber terrorists believe they are oracles doing the work of God.

An oracle is a priest or priestess who acts as a medium for prophecy to be spoken through. Thousands of years ago, people would travel far and wide to ask them about the future. Chainlink literally calls itself an ‘oracle network’. Does Ari see himself as one of the cultists in his book?

The name of his book is a play on the word tetractys. The tetractys, or tetrad, is a mystical symbol and it was very important to the secret worship of Pythagoreanism. Pythagoras believed God was numbers.

Pythagoras, like those in the cult of Demeter, believed in reincarnation. He believed between each cycle of rebirth was a period of 216 years, which is the number six cubed, or 6³, which brings us back to the cube and 666.

So let’s pretend these people are paving the way to global cashless society. What else would need to happen? What about the mark on the forehead? Well, have you heard of Elon Musk’s Neuralink?

This new product is literally trying to link our brains up with our smartphones. As if we didn’t use them enough. I don’t think this is the mark of the beast, but I do think the technology is carving out the path towards it.

Any type of technology being implanted in my body is a scary thought. What if there’s a glitch or something? I think this technology will eventually be used for mind control.

Mind control technology already exists. Can you imagine how much easier it could be done if everyone had a chip in their brain? I believe those who take the mark will become a part of a hivemind, like the Borg from Star Trek, who ironically travel around in a cube!

The hivemind is already happening. Everyone’s thoughts are constantly being shaped by the subliminal programming and propaganda the television and radio feed them. I hate to say it, schools to blame as well. Ever wonder why you wear a black cube on your head at your gradual indoctrination ceremony? Whoops, I mean graduation...

Scientists estimate by the year 2045 humans will be able to upload their consciousness into the ‘cloud’ or onto a computer or robotic body and live forever. I don’t know about you, but living forever sounds like Hell, and that might be the meaning of the mark sending people straight to the fiery furnace.

The new virtual reality game Observation and Netflix movie 2036 Origin Unknown show us this merging of man with machine and it’s affiliation with Saturn. Spoiler alert for the next two paragraphs.

In Observation, a woman and her AI companion crash land their space ship inside Saturn’s hexagonal storm. They find themselves on an alternate Earth where all possible timelines have merged into one. It’s here that they become one entity.

In 2036 Origin Unknown a massive black cube is found on Mars. Again, a woman and her AI companion are trying to study it. After a series of events that results in the nuclear destruction of planet earth, it is revealed that the woman was inside the cube the whole time and that she was actually a copy of her real self being tested by the AI over and over again.

Is this the game we’ve been playing for all of time? Are they creating a simulation within the simulation to further trap us in a hall of mirrors? We might already have the mark. Just take a look at what our DNA is made of.

Without the mark we can not buy or sell, or rather, we can not participate in commerce. Commerce is defined as intercourse. Without your carbon based body you could not have sex and reproduce. In fact, your birth certificate is really a bank note, which means you, the citizen are what is known in the stock market as a commodity.

So how do we escape this time loop, this serpent biting its own tail? How do we hop off the wheel? I hinted at it earlier, but if this thread gets just as good as a reaction as the last one, I will continue the series. Thank you for reading.

The Saturn Time Cube (MEGATHREAD) Part 2

So we left off asking ourselves the question: what will happen when literally everything is linked up to the cube? In order to answer that question I think we should first take a step back and ask how it will happen.

If you’re familiar with the Bible you know that before the apocalypse begins there will be a world leader known as the antichrist. The antichrist will supposedly implement a new monetary system, one enforced by a certain ‘mark’.

“He causes all, both great and small, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark.” — Revelation 13

Some conspiracy theorists think this mark will be a computer chip implanted in your hand. This technology already exists, and some people are actually already utilizing it.

People get this chip because it’s convenient. You no longer have to carry around your ID or your credit cards. You’ll never lose them either, because they’re... attached to your body.

However, in order to make the chip mandatory, the first thing that has to happen is the eradication of all paper money. This is already happening. Most currency existing today is digital. In fact, it’s around 90%.

I believe cryptocurrency, you know shit like bitcoin, is major step in the direction of a cashless society. Will bitcoin be the new dollar? I don’t think so. But I do think there is a company out there paving the way for whatever it might be. That company is Chainlink.

Now that you know a bit about Saturn’s symbols, you can see why I find this company a bit creepy. But the weirdness doesn’t stop with their logos, it goes much deeper.

First of all, the origins of Chainlink are a bit sketchy. What was supposed be a small startup, was given accolades by the big boys at the World Economic Forum.

Not only that but they are already working with the infamous SWIFT system. SWIFT, or the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, is a vast messaging network used by banks all over the world. To me this sounds like the infrastructure of a one world economic system.

They also recently aquired the Town Crier project. Look familiar?

But even more strange, is the fact that one of Chainlink’s advisors, Ari Juels, seems to belong to a cult, the Cult of Demeter! He even references it on his personal webpage.

Demeter was the goddess of the harvest, agriculture, fertility and sacred law. Like we discussed earlier, Saturn was known for the same things. Saturn was also known as the god with a thousand names and was both male and female, so it is possible that Demeter was a personification of the ringed planet. However, this doesn’t make much of a difference. It’s still weird.

The cult of Demeter is a very old thing. It began in ancient Greece and was known for it’s yearly ceremonies where new members were initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries. There is not much known about them, except that they stressed the importance of the cycle of descending into the underworld and returning anew. They tried their best to keep all of their rites, ceremonies, and beliefs a secret.

Ari Juels also wrote a bizarre novel called Tetrakyts. It’s about a secret cult of latter day followers of Pythagoras who are performing cyberattacks around the world. The numerology obsessed cyber terrorists believe they are oracles doing the work of God.

An oracle is a priest or priestess who acts as a medium for prophecy to be spoken through. Thousands of years ago, people would travel far and wide to ask them about the future. Chainlink literally calls itself an ‘oracle network’. Does Ari see himself as one of the cultists in his book?

The name of his book is a play on the word tetractys. The tetractys, or tetrad, is a mystical symbol and it was very important to the secret worship of Pythagoreanism. Pythagoras believed God was numbers.

Pythagoras, like those in the cult of Demeter, believed in reincarnation. He believed between each cycle of rebirth was a period of 216 years, which is the number six cubed, or 6³, which brings us back to the cube and 666.

So let’s pretend these people are paving the way to global cashless society. What else would need to happen? What about the mark on the forehead? Well, have you heard of Elon Musk’s Neuralink?

This new product is literally trying to link our brains up with our smartphones. As if we didn’t use them enough. I don’t think this is the mark of the beast, but I do think the technology is carving out the path towards it.

Any type of technology being implanted in my body is a scary thought. What if there’s a glitch or something? I think this technology will eventually be used for mind control.

Mind control technology already exists. Can you imagine how much easier it could be done if everyone had a chip in their brain? I believe those who take the mark will become a part of a hivemind, like the Borg from Star Trek, who ironically travel around in a cube!

The hivemind is already happening. Everyone’s thoughts are constantly being shaped by the subliminal programming and propaganda the television and radio feed them. I hate to say it, schools to blame as well. Ever wonder why you wear a black cube on your head at your gradual indoctrination ceremony? Whoops, I mean graduation...

Scientists estimate by the year 2045 humans will be able to upload their consciousness into the ‘cloud’ or onto a computer or robotic body and live forever. I don’t know about you, but living forever sounds like Hell, and that might be the meaning of the mark sending people straight to the fiery furnace.

The new virtual reality game Observation and Netflix movie 2036 Origin Unknown show us this merging of man with machine and it’s affiliation with Saturn. Spoiler alert for the next two paragraphs.

In Observation, a woman and her AI companion crash land their space ship inside Saturn’s hexagonal storm. They find themselves on an alternate Earth where all possible timelines have merged into one. It’s here that they become one entity.

In 2036 Origin Unknown a massive black cube is found on Mars. Again, a woman and her AI companion are trying to study it. After a series of events that results in the nuclear destruction of planet earth, it is revealed that the woman was inside the cube the whole time and that she was actually a copy of her real self being tested by the AI over and over again.

Is this the game we’ve been playing for all of time? Are they creating a simulation within the simulation to further trap us in a hall of mirrors? We might already have the mark. Just take a look at what our DNA is made of.

Without the mark we can not buy or sell, or rather, we can not participate in commerce. Commerce is defined as intercourse. Without your carbon based body you could not have sex and reproduce. In fact, your birth certificate is really a bank note, which means you, the citizen are what is known in the stock market as a commodity.

So how do we escape this time loop, this serpent biting its own tail? How do we hop off the wheel? I hinted at it earlier, but if this thread gets just as good as a reaction as the last one, I will continue the series. Thank you for reading.

What Is USDQ and Q DAO? Complete Guide from PLATINUM ENGINEERING

What Is USDQ and Q DAO? Complete Guide from PLATINUM ENGINEERING

Mihaill Kudryashev, a Front-end engineer at PLATINUM ENGINEERING, wrote this article while seeking to raise awareness about USDQ, a stablecoin his team is helping to develop. Among the biggest benefits, USDQ brings full decentralization and predictive capabilities. Soon there will be even more fully backed stable coins: JPYQ, KRWQ, SGDQ, HKDQ, CNYQ, RUBQ under Q DAO governance. Slowly learning more about blockchains, Mihail has been effective in transforming vague ideas into effective front-end solutions with strong UI/UX. Within his team, he’s helped many crypto startups to make their voice heard throughout the emerging global crypto community. In this article, Mihail looks into the key benefits that users win from using USDQ.

USDQ brings stability, with no need to engage legacy finance

How do USDQ and Q DAO coins work within the ecosystem?

USDQ is decentralized stablecoin, which uses algorithms to offer higher stability and reliability. It's backed by Bitcoin (another top 10 cryptocurrencies will be added in future). The elegant system places all transactions on the blockchain and empower users to execute cross-border and disintermediated transactions at any time and from any place. It's pegged to the value of USD, i.e. 1 USDQ always equals 1 USD. The ecosystem's design borrows heavily from fractional banking systems. In the nutshell, USDQ is a customer-facing stablecoin and Q DAO is an internal "operational" coin; together they help create a stabilized safe haven for anybody who's looking to hedge against rampant volatility of crypto markets.

Introduction to Q DAO and USDQ

There's a number of factors that prevent mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. The biggest factor among this is high volatility, seen in crypto. Bitcoin, the oldest and most popular coin, has been fluctuating with prices oscillating between 20,000 and 3,500 in just one year of 2018. No potential adopters, be it merchants or individuals, would be happy with suffering huge losses that such drastic changes can entail. And it's this high volatility that USDQ is set to address, bringing stability and convenience.

Tether (USDT) is probably the most well-known and widely used stablecoin. However, it has been embroiled in various controversies from the very start with no end to these in sight. Although the system is supposed to assure the 1-to-1 fiat reserves for all Tether units created, the website content has been recently changed to say that the issuer views not only cash in the bank, but also various loans to other companies, as the reserves. Both regulators and crypto enthusiasts have voiced concerns, which might bode ill for Tether in the months to come.

USDQ works differently. Here, the stablecoin is pegged to US Dollar and backed by Bitcoin (+top 10 other cryptocurrencies in future). It's similar to lending operations and fractional banking systems. Overcollateralization is used to mitigate potential unexpected changes in assets prices.

The USDQ ecosystem is highly transparent as all of the operations are recorded on the immutable Ethereum blockchain, open to review by anybody and at any time. The smart contracts bring automation to business processes and eliminate the need for middlemen to assure trust and prevent abuse.

In order to determine how viable USDQ will be in the future, we need to discuss the two tokens used within the ecosystem.

Review of Q DAO and USDQ

Q DAO is governance token, entitles holders to participate in voting for new decisions. Importantly, holders are interested seeing Q DAO's prices growing and thus they are incentivized to thoroughly review proposals and deliver the best decisions. In this way, Q DAO imbues higher democracy and decentralization, on which many current crypto projects lag.

In addition, all the fees, charged for the system use, can be paid only in Q DAO.

In order to create USDQ, a user needs to transfer Bitcoins into a Collateralized Debt Contract (CDC). This will automatically trigger the smart contract to generate USDQ and send it to the user. In order to change USDQ back into crypto assets, users need to pay back the amount of USDQ they input and the fees, chargeable in Q DAO Tokens. Whenever this is done, USDQ is automatically destroyed and the Collateralized Debt Сontract is closed.

In addition by getting USDQ directly at the company's website, users can trade in USDQ on secondary markets. It's as easy as trading Bitcoin or Ethereum or any other coin.

Traders can store both coins in their wallets, assuring higher security. The stability and ease of use for USDQ open up wide ranges of adoption for both businesses and end consumers alike.

What makes USDQ stand apart

The main difference between projects like Tether and USDQ is complete transparency and openness in the inner workings of USDQ. All the data is easily accessible on the blockchain and there are no rumors or controversies as to the reserves held by the team, potential conflicts of interest or hidden agendas.

The CDС mechanics ensure that it's impossible to create fake units of USDQ, as smart contract can be activated only after an amount in Bitcoins is input. The development is being done completely transparent. Interested parties can review the smart contract, presented on the website. The audits and peer reviews were carried out to assure the highest quality of smart contract. The website-based scanner enables to track all the data about each and every transaction, including time, amount and collateral size.

In addition, should a "black swan" event occur, i.e. a drastic fall in Bitcoin prices, Q DAO is sold on secondary markets. Bitcoin value is liquidated to make a USDQ buyback procedure, which prevents any losses on the part of the system's users.

Additionally, PLATINUM BLOCKCHAIN ENGINEERING which is helping to develop the ecosystem is working hard to build up long-term partnerships with stakeholders in the crypto industry. The more liaisons the team wins, the better outlook for USDQ will be.

Why do we need stablecoins anyway?

Different assets produce varying levels of volatility in prices, when compared to each other. For instance, the purchasing capacity of US dollar has reduced over time with 1 USD from 1913 equaling 24 USD today (2019). This happens due to inflation 3-10% per year.

In comparison, Bitcoin almost tripled in value in 2018 and then fell down by as much. Thus, fiat currencies are more stable, when compared to cryptocurrencies.

Stablecoins don't attempt to fight inflation. Instead, coins like Tether and USDQ peg themselves to US dollar, bringing relatively higher stability to crypto trading communities. One of the most famous transactions with Bitcoin is when a pizza was bought with Bitcoin back in 2010. At that time, the pizza ended up costing just a couple of bucks, but today it costs millions. Although stablecoins continue to be impacted by inflation and exchange rates that come to them from fiats they peg themselves to, they are nowhere near the mindboggingly high volatility of crypto assets.

One of the major use cases for stablecoins like USDQ is concluding long-term contracts. For instance, when using a popular decentralized platform Augur, users can bet on the price of oil in 5-10 years. The problem is that you won't only have to account for future changes in oil prices, but also for prices in Ethereum or Bitcoin that you use to make the bet. USDQ solves this problem elegantly and without much trouble. Using it, users don't have to consider future changes in Bitcoin prices and they can concentrate on what they've come here for - betting on future events. And they don’t have to worry about technical details as it’s easy to purchase USDQ and use for trader’s purposes.

Betting industry is just one of the many use cases, where USDQ can bring benefits. It can be successfully used for any transactions done across borders and long-term financial contracts. Virtually, USDQ opens up new opportunities any time value is exchanged and volatility has a negative effect.

Bottom Line

USDQ has a high potential to democratise transactions between companies and individuals globally, bringing fast execution and low volatility. The "PLATINUM BLOCKCHAIN ENGINEERING" is working hard to enable and improve various features in order to help USDQ to take leading positions on crypto markets.

Here are the main ecosystem’s features:

  • The system uses two tokens (USDQ and Q DAO) in order to tackle volatility, while staying on the blockchain.
  • USDQ is always pegged to USD 1:1. In order to come into line with as many national exchanges as possible and enter other markets, the company will issue other tokens pegged to the national currencies. For example, there will be CNYQ (for Chinese Yuan), KRWQ (for South Korean Won), as well as JPYQ (for Japanese Yen) at the early stage.
  • USDQ brings higher decentralization, driving this important vector in the development of crypto industry.
  • Q DAO holders are interested in seeing the coin grow and succeed, thus they will work hard to review and pick the best proposals for the system to move forward.

Taking into account these beneficial features, there's no question that USDQ will become a viable alternative to other fiat-backed cryptocurrencies like TUSD, USDT, GUSD, USDC etc. Competing with other stablecoins, both already operating and just being developed, PLATINUM ENGINEERING will roll out the new features and underlying tech solutions that'll help propel the coin.

USDQ is decentralized stablecoin, which uses algorithms to offer higher stability and reliability. Fully on-chain and monitored by high-speed AI robots, ecosystem offers reliable defences against malicious acts and attacks. First run in line of fiat-pegs, USDQ is brought by PLATINUM ENGINEERING Team, looking to edge together innovative solutions in collateralization, using stabilizing mechanisms for high-endurance stablecoins. Soon there will be even more fully backed stable coins: JPYQ, KRWQ, SGDQ, HKDQ, CNYQ, RUBQ under USDQ brand. Fully anonymous, USDQ breaks limits out of this legacy world.

PLATINUM ENGINEERING values your opinion and welcomes you to continue the conversation on Telegram or Facebook, where the company’s development team is always ready to help you find solutions to pressing issues. Working on projects like USDQ, Michael has gained an invaluable suite of skills and insights, enabling to roll out high-usability UI/UX with tight deadlines and lack of clear expectations as to user behaviors. The team has successfully produced white-label wallets, stand-alone fundraising platforms, as well as integrated fundraising ecosystems. Any startup looking for a reliable partner to help execute a success-story will win from a free consultation with the PLATINUM ENGINEERING team about potential solutions to their needs and issues.

This overview may not be fully exhaustive and does not assess the viability of any project, nor its team legitimacy. Readers should conduct their own due diligence before using or investing in any of the listed Stablecoins. This article represents the author’s opinions only and should not be considered investment advice. All described functionality in the article is still under development, it can be changed/processed. Please follow the updates.

god fucking damnit hause don't delete this

join the discord server | first shop that accepts EmpCoin

The goal for EmpCoin (EMP) is to make 2b2t commerce easier, more secure, and better for everyone.

EmpCoin is based on bitcoin.

it's on a blockchain, and it's 100% secure. That means it's mineable, tradeable, and completely open to use.

EmpCoin is completely anonymous.

No more worrying if somebody will steal your credit card information, all they see is your EmpCoin address, which you can change unlimited times.

It's free to start using.

Now is the best time to start mining! You can mine solo and on your mom's laptop! Guides are available in the discord server.

It's actually worth something.

EmpCoin will have a value and will be usable all across 2b2t. No matter what faction. It will eventually be able to be traded for real money (USD)

you can view the guide for getting started here

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

What Is USDQ and Q DAO? Complete Guide from PLATINUM ENGINEERING

What Is USDQ and Q DAO? Complete Guide from PLATINUM ENGINEERING

Mihaill Kudryashev, a Front-end engineer at PLATINUM ENGINEERING, wrote this article while seeking to raise awareness about USDQ, a stablecoin his team is helping to develop. Among the biggest benefits, USDQ brings full decentralization and predictive capabilities. Soon there will be even more fully backed stable coins: JPYQ, KRWQ, SGDQ, HKDQ, CNYQ, RUBQ under Q DAO governance. Slowly learning more about blockchains, Mihail has been effective in transforming vague ideas into effective front-end solutions with strong UI/UX. Within his team, he’s helped many crypto startups to make their voice heard throughout the emerging global crypto community. In this article, Mihail looks into the key benefits that users win from using USDQ.

USDQ brings stability, with no need to engage legacy finance

How do USDQ and Q DAO coins work within the ecosystem?

USDQ is decentralized stablecoin, which uses algorithms to offer higher stability and reliability. It's backed by Bitcoin (another top 10 cryptocurrencies will be added in future). The elegant system places all transactions on the blockchain and empower users to execute cross-border and disintermediated transactions at any time and from any place. It's pegged to the value of USD, i.e. 1 USDQ always equals 1 USD. The ecosystem's design borrows heavily from fractional banking systems. In the nutshell, USDQ is a customer-facing stablecoin and Q DAO is an internal "operational" coin; together they help create a stabilized safe haven for anybody who's looking to hedge against rampant volatility of crypto markets.

Introduction to Q DAO and USDQ

There's a number of factors that prevent mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. The biggest factor among this is high volatility, seen in crypto. Bitcoin, the oldest and most popular coin, has been fluctuating with prices oscillating between 20,000 and 3,500 in just one year of 2018. No potential adopters, be it merchants or individuals, would be happy with suffering huge losses that such drastic changes can entail. And it's this high volatility that USDQ is set to address, bringing stability and convenience.

Tether (USDT) is probably the most well-known and widely used stablecoin. However, it has been embroiled in various controversies from the very start with no end to these in sight. Although the system is supposed to assure the 1-to-1 fiat reserves for all Tether units created, the website content has been recently changed to say that the issuer views not only cash in the bank, but also various loans to other companies, as the reserves. Both regulators and crypto enthusiasts have voiced concerns, which might bode ill for Tether in the months to come.

USDQ works differently. Here, the stablecoin is pegged to US Dollar and backed by Bitcoin (+top 10 other cryptocurrencies in future). It's similar to lending operations and fractional banking systems. Overcollateralization is used to mitigate potential unexpected changes in assets prices.

The USDQ ecosystem is highly transparent as all of the operations are recorded on the immutable Ethereum blockchain, open to review by anybody and at any time. The smart contracts bring automation to business processes and eliminate the need for middlemen to assure trust and prevent abuse.

In order to determine how viable USDQ will be in the future, we need to discuss the two tokens used within the ecosystem.

Review of Q DAO and USDQ

Q DAO is governance token, entitles holders to participate in voting for new decisions. Importantly, holders are interested seeing Q DAO's prices growing and thus they are incentivized to thoroughly review proposals and deliver the best decisions. In this way, Q DAO imbues higher democracy and decentralization, on which many current crypto projects lag.

In addition, all the fees, charged for the system use, can be paid only in Q DAO.

In order to create USDQ, a user needs to transfer Bitcoins into a Collateralized Debt Contract (CDC). This will automatically trigger the smart contract to generate USDQ and send it to the user. In order to change USDQ back into crypto assets, users need to pay back the amount of USDQ they input and the fees, chargeable in Q DAO Tokens. Whenever this is done, USDQ is automatically destroyed and the Collateralized Debt Сontract is closed.

In addition by getting USDQ directly at the company's website, users can trade in USDQ on secondary markets. It's as easy as trading Bitcoin or Ethereum or any other coin.

Traders can store both coins in their wallets, assuring higher security. The stability and ease of use for USDQ open up wide ranges of adoption for both businesses and end consumers alike.

What makes USDQ stand apart

The main difference between projects like Tether and USDQ is complete transparency and openness in the inner workings of USDQ. All the data is easily accessible on the blockchain and there are no rumors or controversies as to the reserves held by the team, potential conflicts of interest or hidden agendas.

The CDС mechanics ensure that it's impossible to create fake units of USDQ, as smart contract can be activated only after an amount in Bitcoins is input. The development is being done completely transparent. Interested parties can review the smart contract, presented on the website. The audits and peer reviews were carried out to assure the highest quality of smart contract. The website-based scanner enables to track all the data about each and every transaction, including time, amount and collateral size.

In addition, should a "black swan" event occur, i.e. a drastic fall in Bitcoin prices, Q DAO is sold on secondary markets. Bitcoin value is liquidated to make a USDQ buyback procedure, which prevents any losses on the part of the system's users.

Additionally, PLATINUM BLOCKCHAIN ENGINEERING which is helping to develop the ecosystem is working hard to build up long-term partnerships with stakeholders in the crypto industry. The more liaisons the team wins, the better outlook for USDQ will be.

Why do we need stablecoins anyway?

Different assets produce varying levels of volatility in prices, when compared to each other. For instance, the purchasing capacity of US dollar has reduced over time with 1 USD from 1913 equaling 24 USD today (2019). This happens due to inflation 3-10% per year.

In comparison, Bitcoin almost tripled in value in 2018 and then fell down by as much. Thus, fiat currencies are more stable, when compared to cryptocurrencies.

Stablecoins don't attempt to fight inflation. Instead, coins like Tether and USDQ peg themselves to US dollar, bringing relatively higher stability to crypto trading communities. One of the most famous transactions with Bitcoin is when a pizza was bought with Bitcoin back in 2010. At that time, the pizza ended up costing just a couple of bucks, but today it costs millions. Although stablecoins continue to be impacted by inflation and exchange rates that come to them from fiats they peg themselves to, they are nowhere near the mindboggingly high volatility of crypto assets.

One of the major use cases for stablecoins like USDQ is concluding long-term contracts. For instance, when using a popular decentralized platform Augur, users can bet on the price of oil in 5-10 years. The problem is that you won't only have to account for future changes in oil prices, but also for prices in Ethereum or Bitcoin that you use to make the bet. USDQ solves this problem elegantly and without much trouble. Using it, users don't have to consider future changes in Bitcoin prices and they can concentrate on what they've come here for - betting on future events. And they don’t have to worry about technical details as it’s easy to purchase USDQ and use for trader’s purposes.

Betting industry is just one of the many use cases, where USDQ can bring benefits. It can be successfully used for any transactions done across borders and long-term financial contracts. Virtually, USDQ opens up new opportunities any time value is exchanged and volatility has a negative effect.

Bottom Line

USDQ has a high potential to democratise transactions between companies and individuals globally, bringing fast execution and low volatility. The "PLATINUM BLOCKCHAIN ENGINEERING" is working hard to enable and improve various features in order to help USDQ to take leading positions on crypto markets.

Here are the main ecosystem’s features:

  • The system uses two tokens (USDQ and Q DAO) in order to tackle volatility, while staying on the blockchain.
  • USDQ is always pegged to USD 1:1. In order to come into line with as many national exchanges as possible and enter other markets, the company will issue other tokens pegged to the national currencies. For example, there will be CNYQ (for Chinese Yuan), KRWQ (for South Korean Won), as well as JPYQ (for Japanese Yen) at the early stage.
  • USDQ brings higher decentralization, driving this important vector in the development of crypto industry.
  • Q DAO holders are interested in seeing the coin grow and succeed, thus they will work hard to review and pick the best proposals for the system to move forward.

Taking into account these beneficial features, there's no question that USDQ will become a viable alternative to other fiat-backed cryptocurrencies like TUSD, USDT, GUSD, USDC etc. Competing with other stablecoins, both already operating and just being developed, PLATINUM ENGINEERING will roll out the new features and underlying tech solutions that'll help propel the coin.

USDQ is decentralized stablecoin, which uses algorithms to offer higher stability and reliability. Fully on-chain and monitored by high-speed AI robots, ecosystem offers reliable defences against malicious acts and attacks. First run in line of fiat-pegs, USDQ is brought by PLATINUM ENGINEERING Team, looking to edge together innovative solutions in collateralization, using stabilizing mechanisms for high-endurance stablecoins. Soon there will be even more fully backed stable coins: JPYQ, KRWQ, SGDQ, HKDQ, CNYQ, RUBQ under USDQ brand. Fully anonymous, USDQ breaks limits out of this legacy world.

PLATINUM ENGINEERING values your opinion and welcomes you to continue the conversation on Telegram or Facebook, where the company’s development team is always ready to help you find solutions to pressing issues. Working on projects like USDQ, Michael has gained an invaluable suite of skills and insights, enabling to roll out high-usability UI/UX with tight deadlines and lack of clear expectations as to user behaviors. The team has successfully produced white-label wallets, stand-alone fundraising platforms, as well as integrated fundraising ecosystems. Any startup looking for a reliable partner to help execute a success-story will win from a free consultation with the PLATINUM ENGINEERING team about potential solutions to their needs and issues.

This overview may not be fully exhaustive and does not assess the viability of any project, nor its team legitimacy. Readers should conduct their own due diligence before using or investing in any of the listed Stablecoins. This article represents the author’s opinions only and should not be considered investment advice. All described functionality in the article is still under development, it can be changed/processed. Please follow the updates.

Cryptocurrency compliance attorney Adam S. Tracy explains the difference between Anti-Money Laundering (AML) v. Know-Your-Customer (KYC) requirements and its application in cryptocurrency ventures.

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So there’s a great deal of confusion over AML, Anti-Money Laundering, and KYC, Know Your Customer, and I see a lot of people interchanging them and or assuming the same thing, and they’re not. AML is an overall program or policy to prevent the proceeds of criminal activities from flowing through money service businesses. And money service businesses is anything from a bank to the crypto space, a money transmitter, or a money remitter, which is what you see exchanges like coinbase or even cracking get at the state level. That state level license, which was originally was created for purpose of sending things like Western Union and money orders and things of that nature, is what triggers your money service business registration with FinCEN, which is the US Federal Government Official Crimes Network. And that’s where your AML policy requirements are triggered. So, AML is sort of the umbrella of requirements and regulatory requirements with respect to being a money service business.

KYC, or Know Your Customer, is really an element of AML, almost like a department. The biggest issue with KYC, which is really more pertinent for crypto currency based operation, is CIP, which is Customer Identification Procedures. These are simple things like collecting certain quantitative and qualitative information about a person. So we’re talking about basic information — address, name, phone number, tax ID, or passport number, something similar numeric that would be unique to that individual. That’s how you can meet your KYC burden. And it’s an ongoing burden because, not only do you have to collect and follow the CIP procedures when you on board a client, but you’re an ongoing requirement with respect to transactions and suspicious transactions — suspicious transactions being certain denominations, transactions with certain countries or places. And then also, there’s a list kept by OFAC, which is Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List, which you have to consistently scrub your clients both, individual and corporate, against to make sure they’re not in the list, which is deemed to be known sponsors of money laundering, terrorism, and things of that nature. So, KYC from a cryptocurrency standpoint, whether it’s an exchange or even mining operations, where there is some transfer of FIAT currency to cryptocurrency and back, you really have a medium or a modicum of requirements from the KYC side. And even if you’re an exchange that doesn’t accept FIAT currency, where you’re just trading cryptocurrencies, right, you still ideally would have to register as a money service business so that AML and KYC would trigger in.

Now at the AML level, there’s sort of a broader policy — a lot of it’s very expansive probably not entirely relevant to most crypto ventures — but it does require some ongoing policing at a higher level to understand where the sources and uses of funds that are coming through your company. And it also requires the filing of SARS, or Suspicious Activity Reports, if you’re within the United States, which refers to certain transactions or patterns of transactions that, for instance, are meant to be below the five thousand dollar threshold, or a series of transactions that are broken up into smaller amounts to evade detection coming from certain locales and the like. And it’s a very broad thing. On my website or, you’ll see a sample AML KYC policy that I’ve come up with and I’ve used with some successful crypto ventures in the past. Take a look at it. It doesn’t hurt to have it. Most of the time you’re following your KYC procedures, if you simply are identifying who your people are. So, it’s really not a terribly difficult burden to meet. And there’s also a lot of great third parties that’ll do it. So that’s my take — KYC vs. AML. There is a difference, and you need to take note of it in either event. So check out my website. I’ve got those up there. Feel free to use them.

Questions? Contact Adam S. Tracy here.

A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur, trader and attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 15 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s transactional experience ranges from initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions to initial coin offerings, representing the pure startup to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam Tracy has been deeply involved in the growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique, proprietary approach to representing crypto-clients. Adam resides in Chicago, IL with his six dogs/cats, which he is fairly certain is illegal in the town in which he lives.
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Cryptocurrency expert Adam S. Tracy explains the mechanics and legality of Initial Exchange Offerings and how they can be used in connection with Initial Coin Offerings.

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So the initial exchange offering, right? It’s new and I like it. You know, what you have is an ICO that takes place through an exchange much like an IPO. And I think that’s actually a good start, and I like it for its redundancy for couple reasons: 1) You know that there’s actually an active market, or will be a market for the token that you’re purchasing, right? Too often you see tokens that can’t get listed on an exchange — I think majority of them can’t get listed on exchange (which I can with by the way) and then there’s just no liquidity, and so you just can’t sell. Well if it’s already listed on an exchange, at least you know or you go into it knowing that you have the ability to have that token listed and the ability to sell. So, it’s good for that reason. 2) It shows some financial wherewithal by the promoters because there is cost, obviously, to list on exchange, right, so it’s one these sort of fly-by-night operations. There’s some amount — it maybe not be a great amount, but it’s something. 3) It makes sure that their tokens get put in enough people’s hands, right? I think there’s a greater chance of success. There’s a greater chance that you get a robust token holder vase, which only has the tendency to create liquidity for the token, which again if you’re looking to sell or you’re looking sell down the road, you have that that option. The trick is of course unlike, you know, not unlike an ICO all the rules still apply, right, like all the securities rules, all the peril you can find yourself in by potentially doing an ICO, especially if it’s a security token offering, those still exist. Just because you’re selling through an exchange, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t count as an ICO or that Reg D of the Securities Act doesn’t apply or anything like that. And also as an exchange, for my exchange clients, you know, you have to worry about it, and this happened in the likes of like token lot and dragging chain and others, if you’re actively promoting tokens that are securities and you’re selling them and you’re taking commissions, well then you could be acting as an unlicensed broker-dealer run into peril doing that. So something definitely to watch for. Happy to, you know as always, answer any questions people have on the initial exchange offering, but visit me and I’m happy to go through this, but I think it’s a positive element. And I think more ICOs should go the route through an exchange. See you later.

Questions? Contact Adam S. Tracy here.

— —

A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur and, trader attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 17 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s experience ranges from commodities trader for oil giant BP, initial public offerings, M&A, to initial coin offerings, having represented both startups to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam has promoted growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique approach to representing crypto-clients. Based in Chicago, IL, Adam graduated from the University of Notre Dame with dual degrees in Finance and Computer Applications and would later obtain his J.D. and M.B.A. from DePaul University. Adam lives outside Chicago with his six animals, which is illegal where he lives.

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Cryptocurrency hedge fund attorney Adam S. Tracy explains how crypto based hedge funds can comply with the requirements of the Investment Company Act.

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There are an abundance of crypto funds out there, and many of them aren’t complying with the Investment Company Act. And, there are two main exemptions from the Investment Company Act 3: the 3C1 Fund and the 3C7 Fund. A 3C1 Fund limits you a 100 owners, right? So think of a 100 investors or 99 if you’re set up in a general partnership, because general partner counts as one, and so you’re exempt from registration up until and including the point where you hit 100 investors. You can use 506, you can sell to non-accredited and other elements of reg D, and you’re exempt from registration. If you want go over 100 investor limit, then you’re a 3C7 Fund. The 3C7 Fund says you can go up to two thousand investors, but those investors have to be qualified, and that qualified status is actually higher than accredited, right? So qualified purchasers must have at least 5 million in investments, or if they’re an entity, the entity must be owned by qualified purchasers. So you have the flexibility of having far more investors, but yet you have the threshold for obtaining those investors as much higher. So it’s something to obviously consider when you’re structuring your funds. Do you want to have one large fund that’s a 3C7 but perhaps limits the the pool of investors, or do you separate that and have multiple funds, right, to stay as a 3C1 Fund and have different funds that are each themselves exempt under 3C1. But there’s a multitude (I see him everyday) of crypto related hedge funds, and people kind ignore the Investment Company Act because they think that they don’t necessarily qualify as one because they’re doing crypto or what have you. But you do, because irrespective the oldest debate and discussion on what exactly crypto is from a legal perspective, you’re not selling crypt. What you’re selling is a security, because you’re selling a, you know, purchase interest — a unit interest in the fund, right, a limited partnership interest. So you’re definitely within the ambit of the securities world. Just the underlying assets may or may not be securities. But you know, there’s been hedge funds for everything from racehorses to cargo containers, so in those each were under the ambit or within the exemption from the Investment Company Act. So that’s my two cents. Adam Tracy. Check me out., and hope to hear from you. Thanks.

Questions? Contact Adam S. Tracy here.

— —

A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur and, trader attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 17 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s experience ranges from commodities trader for oil giant BP, initial public offerings, M&A, to initial coin offerings, having represented both startups to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam has promoted growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique approach to representing crypto-clients. Based in Chicago, IL, Adam graduated from the University of Notre Dame with dual degrees in Finance and Computer Applications and would later obtain his J.D. and M.B.A. from DePaul University. Adam lives outside Chicago with his six animals, which is illegal where he lives.

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Adam S. Tracy Explains The State of Incorporation (Fallacy) Decision

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Where should I incorporate? What state? I get this question five times a week. What state is better, what state helps me? What state has a better tax regime? Why should I incorporate in Nevada versus Delaware? Right? And the reality is the answer is completely over hyped. There couldn’t be a bigger misunderstanding in terms of what states have certain rights and privileges that others don’t. Your traditional states are like Delaware, Nevada. And then recently you had places like Wyoming and even Florida that have kind of come on, and almost offered cheaper incorporations as sort of a revenue stream for the state in question. But when you’re talking about running a crypto related business, what’s really relevant isn’t what state you incorporate in, but it’s what state you reside and operate from. So, obviously New York has the BIT license requirement. If you’re talking about state money transmitter laws, like Wyoming, which is a popular state to incorporate in, has some different capital requirements for operators of Bitcoin related businesses typically exchanges, right? But at the same time Wyoming is a very small state, and you’re probably not operating from there, statistically speaking. So, you really don’t have to worry about the laws. So the reality is you can incorporate in like a Wyoming and then operate from Illinois, and you have to worry about the laws of the state that you are actually operating from. Right? And if you want to operate in another state then you’ll have to worry about the laws pertaining to cryptocurrency or money transmission in that state, right? But if you can find your activity to a certain state or the nature of your activities such that you can deem every transaction you effectively encounter to occur in that state, which by contract you definitely can, then you only really need to concern yourself with the laws of that state. So to answer the question, you know, I’m a big proponent of cost, right? Like when I look at Delaware, you’re looking at almost $1,100. When I look at Nevada, they hit you with this business list, which takes their $150 Corporation and makes it almost $800, and you don’t really get a great deal of benefit from that. Right? I mean, there’s some speed and convenience elements to Nevada that make it very cogent, like in terms of having a robust online platform and quick turnarounds of formations which to a large extent can make it worthwhile. But, you know, from a legal perspective, you look at a state like Wyoming, which is really just pattern, its corporations code against the Nevada code, which in turn was an amalgamation of Delaware — the original sort of corporate Hub — and then all the case law that has developed which makes Delaware an attractive place to incorporate. But if you’re looking for convenience and sort of speed, Nevada’s great. If you’re looking for the same legal protections and not keen to pay thousands of dollars a year, especially when you start increasing number of shares in your paid-in capital or the tax your yearly franchise tax can go through the roof, then look at Wyoming. You can incorporate online immediately. It’s $100 cost, and you get the same protections and privileges as Nevada. So, you know, but at the end of the day, any state is pretty much on par with all others. I think the difference is very overstated, and I think you have certain states that have a reputation, but the reputation is a bit overstated for what they really get. So when you’re talking about a crypto-based entity, look first at what the particular cryptocurrencies (if there are any) laws are in that state and even to the extent and how they’ve interpreted things like money transmission license applications for exchanges in bitcoin ATM networks, things like that, look into those which a lot you can get with a simple Freedom of Information Act request that sends to the right Bureau. They’ll give you copies of the application, you get a sense of it, but don’t let the alleged preference of one state over another guide your decision for a crypto-based entity because there’s simply nothing compared to it. We’ve got to rely on the state that you’re from.

If you have any questions regarding where to incorporate, be sure to contact attorney Adam S. Tracy.

A former competitive rugby player, serial entrepreneur and, trader, attorney, Adam S. Tracy offers over 17 years of progressive legal and compliance experience in the areas of corporate, commodities, cryptocurrency, litigation, payments and securities law. Adam’s experience ranges from commodities trader for oil giant BP, initial public offerings, M&A, to initial coin offerings, having represented both startups to NASDAQ-listed entities. As an early Bitcoin adapter, Adam has promoted growth of cryptocurrency and offers a unique approach to representing crypto-clients. Based in Chicago, IL, Adam graduated from the University of Notre Dame with dual degrees in Finance and Computer Applications and would later obtain his J.D. and M.B.A. from DePaul University. Adam lives outside Chicago with his six animals, which is illegal where he lives.

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Instagram: @adamtracyattorney
Telegram: @adam_tracy
Skype: @adamtracyesq
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[Daily Discussion] Wednesday, July 24, 2019

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[Daily Discussion] Wednesday, July 24, 2019

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