Wednesday, July 31, 2019

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, August 01, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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Bitcoin’s Lightning Network Being Supported by Electrum Wallet

Global exchange for bitcoin’s lightning network will soon be added by the popular wallet service, Electrum. Bitcoin’s lightning network being supported by Electrum wallet.Thomas Voegtlin, Electrum’s founder shared with media source, Coindesk, that the solution for sending lightning transactions with the Electrum wallet is approaching its official release. He discussed this from the BIP001 blockchain event in Odessa, Ukraine. Voegtlin said, without revealing a specific release date: “We’ve been doing this work for about a year in a separate branch [on GitHub] and we’ve reached the point when we are ready to merge it with our master branch.Globalexchange, This is going to happen in the coming weeks until the end of July, and it means that the next major release will have lightning support.”Several iterations are in development by different projects. Global exchange, The lightning network is an in-development “layer 2” scaling technology that is aimed to enable:

  • faster payments
  • lower fees
  • greater transaction throughput than the bitcoin network can provide directly

Electrum chose not to integrate with the existing lightning clients. Voegtlin explained that they instead developed their own implementation- Globalexchange “We want to give users control over their funds,” he said. Voegtlin further explained that even though the product will be similar to that of Eclair, the lightning wallet, because it uses Electrum servers to interact with the bitcoin network, and Electrum uses its servers for bitcoin transactions, Globalexchange- it will not for the interaction with the lightning network.

Georgia Tombstones (Part 2)

Georgia Tombstones (Part 2)

by Jayge 8^J

"Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming. The allegations were presented in 1994 by Quebecois journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast, and later published in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA). Proponents of the theory allege that Monast and another unnamed journalist, who both died of heart attacks in 1996, were in fact assassinated, and that the Canadian government kidnapped Monast's daughter in an effort to dissuade him from investigating Project Blue Beam. The project was apparently supposed to be implemented in 1983, but it didn't happen. It was then set for implementation in 1995 and then 1996. Monast thought Project Blue Beam would be brought to fruition by the year 2000, really, definitely, for sure. The theory is widely popular (for a conspiracy theory) on the Internet, with many web pages dedicated to the subject, and countless YouTube videos explaining it. The actual source material, however, is very thin indeed. Monast lectured on the theory in the mid-1990s (a transcript of one such lecture is widely available), before writing and publishing his book, which has not been reissued by his current publisher and is all but unobtainable. The currently available pages and videos all appear to trace back to four documents: A transcript of the 1994 lecture by Monast, translated into English. A GeoCities page written by David Openheimer and which appears to draw on the original book. A page on, compiled in 2005, which appears to include a translation of the book from the French. Monast's page in French Wikipedia. The French Wikipedia article is largely sourced from two books on conspiracy theories and extremism by Pierre-André Taguieff, a mainstream academic expert on racist and extremist groups. From these few texts have come a flood of green ink, in text and video form, in several languages. Even the French language material typically does not cite the original book but the English language pages on However, conspiracy theorists seem to use quantity as a measure of substance (much as alternative medicine uses appeal to tradition) and never mind the extremely few sources it all traces back to. Proponents of the theory have extrapolated it to embrace HAARP, 9/11, the Norwegian Spiral, chemtrails, FEMA concentration camps and Tupac Shakur. Everything is part of Project Blue Beam. It's well on its way to becoming the Unified Conspiracy Theory. Behold A Pale Horse, William Cooper's 1991 green ink magnum opus, has lately been considered a prior claim of, hence supporting evidence for, Blue Beam by advocates. The book is where a vast quantity of now-common conspiracy memes actually came from, so retrospectively claiming it as prior evidence is somewhere between cherrypicking and the Texas sharpshooter fallacy. However, the following quotes, from pages 180-181, intersect slightly with the specific themes of Blue Beam: It is true that without the population or the bomb problem the elect would use some other excuse to bring about the New World Order. They have plans to bring about things like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, an extra-terrestrial landing, and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these things just to make damn sure that it does work. They will do whatever is necessary to succeed. The Illuminati has all the bases covered and you are going to have to be on your toes to make it through the coming years. Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of those things happen to bring about the New World Order. “Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible!” The alleged purpose of Project Blue Beam is to bring about a global New Age religion, which is seen as a core requirement for the New World Order's dictatorship to be realised. There's nothing new in thinking of religion as a form of control, but the existence of multiple religions, spin-off cults, competing sects and atheists suggest that controlling the population entirely through a single religion isn't particularly easy. Past attempts have required mechanisms of totalitarianism such as the Inquisition. Monast's theory, however, suggests using sufficiently advanced technology to trick people into believing. Of course, the plan would have to assume that people could never fathom the trick at all — something contested by anyone sane enough not to swallow this particular conspiracy. The primary claimed perpetrator of Project Blue Beam is NASA, presented as a large and mostly faceless organization that can readily absorb such frankly odd accusations, aided by the United Nations, another old-time boogeyman of conspiracy theorists. According to Monast, the project has four steps: Step One requires the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. This will apparently be accomplished by faking earthquakes at precise locations around the planet. Fake "new discoveries" at these locations "will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines", specifically Christian and Muslim doctrines. This makes some degree of sense — if you want to usurp a current way of thinking you need to completely destroy it before putting forward your own. However, religious belief is notoriously resilient to things like facts. The Shroud of Turin is a famous example that is still believed by many to be a genuine shroud of Jesus as opposed to the medieval forgery that it has been conclusively shown to be. Prayer studies, too, show how difficult it is to shift religious conviction with mere observational fact — indeed, many theologians avoid making falsifiable claims or place belief somewhere specifically beyond observation to aid this. So what finds could possibly fundamentally destroy both Christianity and Islam, almost overnight, and universally all over the globe? Probably nothing. Yet, this is only step one of an increasingly ludicrous set of events that Project Blue Beam predicts will occur. Step Two involves a gigantic "space show" wherein three-dimensional holographic laser projections will be beamed all over the planet — and this is where Blue Beam really takes off. The projections will take the shape of whatever deity is most predominant, and will speak in all languages. At the end of this light show, the gods will all merge into one god, the Antichrist. This is a rather baffling plan as it seems to assume people will think this is actually their god, rather than the more natural twenty-first century assumption that it is a particularly opaque Coca Cola advertisement. Evidence commonly advanced for this is a supposed plan to project the face of Allah, despite its contradiction with Muslim belief of God's uniqueness, over Baghdad in 1991 to tell the Iraqis to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Someone, somewhere, must have thought those primitive, ignorant non-Western savages wouldn't have had television or advertising, and would never guess it was being done with mirrors. In general, pretty much anything that either a) involves light or b) has been seen in the sky has been put forward as evidence that Project Blue Beam is real, and such things are "tests" of the technology — namely unidentified flying objects. Existing display technology such as 3D projection mapping and holograms are put forward as foreshadowing the great light show in the sky. This stage will apparently be accomplished with the aid of a Soviet computer that will be fed "with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electro-mechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain", and every human has been allocated a unique radio wavelength. The computers are also capable of inducing suicidal thoughts. The Soviets are (not "were") the "New World Order" people. Why NASA would use a Soviet computer when the USSR had to import or copy much of its computer technology from the West is not detailed. The second part of Step Two happens when the holograms result in the dissolution of social and religious order, "setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before." The United Nations plans to use Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" as the anthem for the introduction of the new age one world religion. There is relatively little to debunk in this, the most widely remembered section of the Project Blue Beam conspiracy, as the idea is so infeasible. Citing actual existing communication technology is odd if the point is for the end product to appear magical, rather than just as cheap laser projections onto clouds. This hasn't stopped some very strange conspiracy theories about such things popping up. Indeed, the notion of gods being projected into the sky was floated in 1991 by conspiracy theorist Betty J. Mills. And US general (and CIA shyster extraordinaire), Edward Lansdale, actually floated a plan to fake a Second Coming over Cuba to get rid of Castro. Step Three is "Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication." It involves making people think their god is speaking to them through telepathy, projected into the head of each person individually using extreme low frequency radio waves. (Atheists will presumably hear an absence of Richard Dawkins.) The book goes to some lengths to describe how this would be feasible, including a claim that ELF thought projection caused the depressive illness of Michael Dukakis' wife Kitty. Step Four has three parts: Making humanity think an alien invasion is about to occur at every major city; Making the Christians think the Rapture is about to happen; A mixture of electronic and supernatural forces, allowing the supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics, coax, power and telephone lines to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances, that will by then all have a special microchip installed. Then chaos will break out, and people will finally be willing — perhaps even desperate — to accept the New World Order. "The techniques used in the fourth step is exactly the same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to accept Communism." A device has apparently already been perfected that will lift enormous numbers of people, as in a Rapture. UFO abductions are tests of this device. Project Blue Beam proponents believe psychological preparations have already been made, Monast having claimed that 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars and the Star Trek series all involve an invasion from space and all nations coming together (the first two don't, the third is peaceful contact) and that Jurassic Park propagandises evolution in order to make people think God's words are lies. The book detailed the theory. In the 1994 lecture, Monast detailed what would happen afterwards. All people will be required to take an oath to Lucifer with a ritual initiation to enter the New World Order. Resisters will be categorised as follows: Christian children will be kept for human sacrifice or sexual slaves. Prisoners to be used in medical experiments. Prisoners to be used as living organ banks. Healthy workers in slave labour camps. Uncertain prisoners in the international re-education center, thence to repent on television and learn to glorify the New World Order. The international execution centre. An as yet unknown seventh classification. Joel Engel's book Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek was released in 1994, shortly before Monast's lecture on Project Blue Beam: “In May 1975, Gene Roddenberry accepted an offer from Paramount to develop Star Trek into a feature film, and moved back into his old office on the Paramount lot. His proposed story told of a flying saucer, hovering above Earth, that was programmed to send down people who looked like prophets, including Jesus Christ.” All the steps of the conspiracy theory were in the unmade mid-'70s Star Trek film script by Roddenberry, which were recycled for the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Devil's Due, broadcast in 1991. There is no evidence of deliberate fraud on Monast's part; given his head was quite thoroughly full of squirrels and confetti by this time, it's entirely plausible that he thought this was the revelation of secret information in a guise safe for propagation. However, the actual source was so obvious that even other conspiracy theorists noticed. They confidently state it was obvious that Monast had been fed deceptive information by the CIA. Of course!" -- "Serge Monast was a Québécois investigative journalist, poet, essayist and conspiracy theorist. He is known to English-speaking readers mainly for Project Blue Beam and associated conspiracy tropes. His works on Masonic conspiracy theories and the New World Order also remain popular with French-speaking conspiracy theorists and enthusiasts." -- Wikipedia

"A human microchip implant is typically an identifying integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted in the body of a human being. This type of subdermal implant usually contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal identification, law enforcement, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information. The first experiments with an RFID implant were carried out in 1998 by the British scientist Kevin Warwick. His implant was used to open doors, switch on lights, and cause verbal output within a building. After nine days the implant was removed and has since been held in the Science Museum (London). On 16 March 2009 British scientist Mark Gasson had an advanced glass capsule RFID device surgically implanted into his left hand. In April 2010 Gasson's team demonstrated how a computer virus could wirelessly infect his implant and then be transmitted on to other systems. Gasson reasoned that with implanted technology the separation between man and machine can become theoretical because the technology can be perceived by the human as being a part of their body. Because of this development in our understanding of what constitutes our body and its boundaries he became credited as being the first human infected by a computer virus. He has no plans to remove his implant. Several hobbyists have placed RFID microchip implants into their hands or had them inserted by others. Amal Graafstra, author of the book RFID Toys, asked doctors to place implants in his hands in March 2005. A cosmetic surgeon used a scalpel to place a microchip in his left hand, and his family doctor injected a chip into his right hand using a veterinary Avid injector kit. Graafstra uses the implants to access his home, open car doors, and to log on to his computer. With public interest growing, in 2013 he launched biohacking company Dangerous Things and crowdfunded the world's first implantable NFC transponder in 2014. He has also spoken at various events and promotional gigs including TEDx, and built a smartgun that only fires after reading his implant. Alejandro Hernandez CEO of Futura is known to be the first in Central America to have Dangerous Things' transponder installed in his left hand by Federico Cortes in November 2017. Mikey Sklar had a chip implanted into his left hand and filmed the procedure. Jonathan Oxer self-implanted an RFID chip in his arm using a veterinary implantation tool. Martijn Wismeijer, Dutch marketing manager for Bitcoin ATM manufacturer General Bytes, placed RFID chips in both of his hands to store his Bitcoin private keys and business card. Patric Lanhed sent a “bio-payment” of one euro worth of Bitcoin using a chip embedded in his hand. Marcel Varallo had an NXP chip coated in Bioglass 8625 inserted into his hand between his forefinger and thumb allowing him to open secure elevators and doors at work, print from secure printers, unlock his mobile phone and home, and store his digital business card for transfer to mobile phones enabled for NFC. Biohacker Hannes Sjöblad has been experimenting with NFC (Near Field Communication) chip implants since 2015. During his talk at Echappée Voléé 2016 in Paris, Sjöblad disclosed that he has also implanted himself between his forefinger and thumb and uses it to unlock doors, make payments, and unlock his phone (essentially replacing anything you can put in your pockets). Additionally, Sjöblad has hosted several "implant parties," where interested individuals can also be implanted with the chip. Researchers have examined microchip implants in humans in the medical field and they indicate that there are potential benefits and risks to incorporating the device in the medical field. For example, it could be beneficial for noncompliant patients but still poses great risks for potential misuse of the device. Destron Fearing, a subsidiary of Digital Angel, initially developed the technology for the VeriChip. In 2004, the VeriChip implanted device and reader were classified as Class II: General controls with special controls by the FDA; that year the FDA also published a draft guidance describing the special controls required to market such devices. About the size of a grain of rice, the device was typically implanted between the shoulder and elbow area of an individual’s right arm. Once scanned at the proper frequency, the chip responded with a unique 16-digit number which could be then linked with information about the user held on a database for identity verification, medical records access and other uses. The insertion procedure was performed under local anesthetic in a physician's office. Privacy advocates raised concerns regarding potential abuse of the chip, with some warning that adoption by governments as a compulsory identification program could lead to erosion of civil liberties, as well as identity theft if the device should be hacked. Another ethical dilemma posed by the technology, is that people with dementia could possibly benefit the most from an implanted device that contained their medical records, but issues of informed consent are the most difficult in precisely such people. In June 2007, the American Medical Association declared that "implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) devices may help to identify patients, thereby improving the safety and efficiency of patient care, and may be used to enable secure access to patient clinical information", but in the same year, news reports linking similar devices to cancer caused in laboratory animals had a devastating impact on the company's stock price and sales. In 2010, the company, by then called "PositiveID", withdrew the product from the market due to poor sales. In January 2012, PositiveID sold the chip assets to a company called VeriTeQ that was owned by Scott Silverman, the former CEO of Positive ID. In 2016, JAMM Technologies acquired the chip assets from VeriTeQ; JAMM's business plan was to partner with companies selling implanted medical devices and use the RFID tags to monitor and identify the devices. JAMM Technologies is co-located in the same Plymouth, Minnesota building as Geissler Corporation with Randolph K. Geissler and Donald R. Brattain listed as its principals. The website also claims that Geissler was CEO of PositiveID Corporation, Destron Fearing Corporation, and Digital Angel Corporation. In 2018, A Danish firm called BiChip released a new generation of microchip implant that is intended to be readable from distance and connected to Internet. The company released an update for its microchip implant to associate it with the Ripple cryptocurrency to allow payments to be made using the implanted microchip. In February 2006, CityWatcher, Inc. of Cincinnati, OH became the first company in the world to implant microchips into their employees as part of their building access control and security system. The workers needed the implants to access the company's secure video tape room, as documented in USA Today. The project was initiated and implemented by Six Sigma Security, Inc. The VeriChip Corporation had originally marketed the implant as a way to restrict access to secure facilities such as power plants. A major drawback for such systems is the relative ease with which the 16-digit ID number contained in a chip implant can be obtained and cloned using a hand-held device, a problem that has been demonstrated publicly by security researcher Jonathan Westhues and documented in the May 2006 issue of Wired magazine, among other places. The Baja Beach Club, a nightclub in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, once used VeriChip implants for identifying VIP guests. The Epicenter in Stockholm, Sweden is using RFID implants for employees to operate security doors, copiers, and pay for lunch. In 2017 Mike Miller, chief executive of the World Olympians Association, was widely reported as suggesting the use of such implants in athletes in an attempt to reduce problems in sport due to drug taking. Theoretically, a GPS-enabled chip could one day make it possible for individuals to be physically located by latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, and direction of movement. Such implantable GPS devices are not technically feasible at this time. However, if widely deployed at some future point, implantable GPS devices could conceivably allow authorities to locate missing persons and/or fugitives and those who fled from a crime scene. Critics contend, however, that the technology could lead to political repression as governments could use implants to track and persecute human rights activists, labor activists, civil dissidents, and political opponents; criminals and domestic abusers could use them to stalk and harass their victims; and child abusers could use them to locate and abduct children. Another suggested application for a tracking implant, discussed in 2008 by the legislature of Indonesia's Irian Jaya would be to monitor the activities of persons infected with HIV, aimed at reducing their chances of infecting other people. The microchipping section was not, however, included into the final version of the provincial HIV/AIDS Handling bylaw passed by the legislature in December 2008. With current technology, this would not be workable anyway, since there is no implantable device on the market with GPS tracking capability. Since modern payment methods rely upon RFID/NFC, it is thought that implantable microchips, if they were to ever become popular in use, would form a part of the cashless society. Verichip implants have already been used in nightclubs such as the Baja club for such a purpose, allowing patrons to purchase drinks with their implantable microchip. In a self-published report anti-RFID advocate Katherine Albrecht, who refers to RFID devices as "spy chips", cites veterinary and toxicological studies carried out from 1996 to 2006 which found lab rodents injected with microchips as an incidental part of unrelated experiments and dogs implanted with identification microchips sometimes developed cancerous tumors at the injection site (subcutaneous sarcomas) as evidence of a human implantation risk. However, the link between foreign-body tumorigenesis in lab animals and implantation in humans has been publicly refuted as erroneous and misleading and the report's author has been criticized over the use of "provocative" language "not based in scientific fact". Notably, none of the studies cited specifically set out to investigate the cancer risk of implanted microchips and so none of the studies had a control group of animals that did not get implanted. While the issue is considered worthy of further investigation, one of the studies cited cautioned "Blind leaps from the detection of tumors to the prediction of human health risk should be avoided". The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) of the American Medical Association published a report in 2007 alleging that RFID implanted chips may compromise privacy because there is no assurance that the information contained in the chip can be properly protected. Following Wisconsin and North Dakota, California issued Senate Bill 362 in 2007, which makes it illegal to force a person to have a microchip implanted, and provide for an assessment of civil penalties against violators of the bill. In 2008, Oklahoma passed 63 OK Stat § 63-1-1430 (2008 S.B. 47), that bans involuntary microchip implants in humans. On April 5, 2010, the Georgia Senate passed Senate Bill 235 that prohibits forced microchip implants in humans and that would make it a misdemeanor for anyone to require them, including employers. The bill would allow voluntary microchip implants, as long as they are performed by a physician and regulated by the Georgia Composite Medical Board. The state's House of Representatives did not take up the measure. On February 10, 2010, Virginia's House of Delegates also passed a bill that forbids companies from forcing their employees to be implanted with tracking devices. Washington State House Bill 1142-2009-10 orders a study using implanted radio frequency identification or other similar technology to electronically monitor sex offenders and other felons. The general public are most familiar with microchips in the context of tracking their pets. In the U.S., some Christian activists, including conspiracy theorist Mark Dice, the author of a book titled The Resistance Manifesto, make a link between the PositiveID and the Biblical Mark of the Beast, prophesied to be a future requirement for buying and selling, and a key element of the Book of Revelation. Gary Wohlscheid, president of These Last Days Ministries, has argued that "Out of all the technologies with potential to be the mark of the beast, VeriChip has got the best possibility right now"." -- Wikipedia

"In this latest book Joseph P Farrell examines the subject of mind control, but from a very unusual perspective, showing that its basic underlying philosophy, and goal, is not only cosmological in nature, but that the cosmology in view is very ancient, and that mind control of any sort, from the arts to hypnosis, remote electromagnetic technologies and “electroencephalographic dictionaries” has cosmological implications." -- Microcosm and Medium: The Cosmic Implications and Agenda of Mind Control Technologies publisher's description

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, August 01, 2019

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[Daily Discussion] Thursday, August 01, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

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  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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[Altcoin Discussion] Thursday, August 01, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

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  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

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[Daily Discussion] Thursday, August 01, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

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[Daily Discussion] Thursday, August 01, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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How-to Bitcoin Guide

Hi everybody,

One of our members in the group chat was generous enough to type up a quick guide for purchasing bitcoin. This method is through coinbase since it's one of the more popular exchanges, but there are other resources all over reddit if you cannot use coinbase for whatever reason.

How to use Crypto a (basic) guide:

Make sure you have an active bank account with an active debit card. Credit cards/Visa gift cards sometimes work with the popular exchanges but that is never a guarantee. It is easiest to use a debit card.

In choosing your exchange the easiest option for someone new is going to be either Coinbase or Cashapp. We'll cover Coinbase as if you know how to use one you know how to use the other.

When making an account on Coinbase at inception you have to go through the normal rigamarole. This will be the same as many other account making processes you have done before. HOWEVER be sure to use your real name, address, ssn, phone number whatever they ask of you. If not this leads to problems further down the line (aka you might not be able to buy and if you are you can't do shit with the coin you buy.) This goes for any major exchange, Cashapp, Gemini etc.

So now that your account is made you have to provide further proof of identity. Once you go into your account settings you will see that you are at "level one" and you have some restrictions on buying, trading etc. You will have to provide them with things like your address, ssn, photo of the front and back of your ID etc. etc. They are in essence a bank and operate like one. Your info is safe with them and you are good to just give them what they ask. You will need to regardless to have higher limits and full use/move-ability of your crypto. (This process may take them a day to verify your info before they "level up" your account.)

Once all that is said and done and you have your "highest level" account. You can add your purchasing method. The easiest and quickest way to do this is with your debit card. To link your debit card you provide your card information and they will make two small verification charges (less than $1) on your account. They will tell you what amounts from those charges to enter to verify your card.

Now that you have your card and account all setup. You want to click on that enticingly thicc, big blue "trade" button on the top right corner, enter the amount of cash of want to convert to btc (+1.99 for the Coinbase fee and in general you want to be putting in 5-15 more dollars than what you actually want to buy to cover any transfer fees, and fluctuations in coin value before your purchase) and purchase! The purchase should be relatively instant and now once you go to your account you will see your available balance of (money/btc). If they are not the same amounts just wait a bit and they will sync.

Now everything is done exchange side and you have purchased your crypto. Now you want to get a wallet to move it to. Your best choices are either Electrum or Wasabi wallet (I personally prefer Wasabi but both are great open source trustable pieces of software). Once you download these wallets the setup up if very straight forward. You make a password and a recovery key. MAKE SURE you store that recovery key somewhere safe. Write it down on a piece of paper and store it somewhere good (the wallet itself will tell you this).

Now that your wallet is all setup and ready to use somewhere on it will say "send" and "receive" click on receive and once you generate the address (wasabi will require you to label it) it will show you a long string of numbers and letters. That is your wallet id for receiving coins for that transaction.

Now go back to Coinbase, go to your portfolio and click on send, enter the amount you want to send, and the wallet receiving address you just looked at. Once you have all that info in there you are ready to send to the wallet. Sending to a wallet depending on the amount of coin your sending coin can take some time. Sometime it takes minutes, other times it takes hours it is all luck of the draw in my experience.

Once the coins in your wallet and your transfer on Coinbase goes from "Pending" to "Complete" you are all ready to use your coin!

Where ever you are purchasing from with Crypto at the end of the transaction they will show you a wallet address. Go into the wallet you sent your coins to go to send. Select your coins (again in Wasabi you must give your transaction a label) stick the wallet address the company you are buying from sent you into the address area, set the fee you want (controls the speed at the which the transaction goes through) and click send! (Most wallets will require you to type in the password you made to create and access the wallet to send coin.)

Now you just completed your first crypto purchase and you should get a confirmation of your completed order from said company whenever they decide to send it out.

Special thanks to beef for taking the time and writing this all up!

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, August 01, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

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  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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Website where you can make predictions about future events to earn bitcoin

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, August 01, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

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  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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[Daily Discussion] Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
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  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

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Blow To Bitcoin As Former Banker Makes Stark Price Warning

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency bulls have been out in force over recent weeks and months, pushing the bitcoin price and the wider cryptocurrency market to year-to-date highs and somewhat recovering lost ground after a disastrous 2018.

The bitcoin price has more than doubled in the first half of 2019, rising from under $4,000 to over $8,000 as the world's technology giants and big retailers dip their toes into bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain.

Now, a former Wall Street executive has warned bitcoin's long bitter bear market—known as crypto winter for its debilitating effect on the market—might not yet be over. 


"[I don't see] too much external money coming into the [bitcoin and cryptocurrency] space," the former financial analyst at U.S. banking giant JPMorgan Tone Vays told bitcoin and cryptocurrency trade news site Cointelegraph in an interview this week, warning investors not to trust the recent rally in the bitcoin and crypto markets.

Vays did, however, reiterate his previous statement that he thinks "everyone should have some bitcoin" and that it is unlikely that bitcoin can dip below $2,000 "at this point."

The former banker made a $250,000 bet in March that bitcoin will fall below the $2,000 price point before the 2024 bitcoin halving.


Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investors are divided on where they see the market going after this year's strong rallies, with some expecting the coming bitcoin halvening event next year to drive price higher, while moves from the likes of social media giant Facebook to step into the bitcoin and crypto game have led to renewed mainstream interest in the sector.

Others are worried the gains made so far this year are overblown and a course correction is inevitable.

Earlier this week, bitcoin and cryptocurrency "millionaire" Erik Finman revealed he thinks bitcoin will return to its all-time highs of near $20,000 per bitcoin before 2020 if the industry makes the strides his is expecting, pointing to tech companies and bitcoin and crypto interest from U.S. presidential hopefuls.


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The next-generation blockchain infrastructure people should know - YAO Network


Press Release Service

Jul 31, 2019, 22:44 ET

SINGAPORE, July 30, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, the most influential events in the entire industry are Facebook Libra projects. The move of Facebook into the encryption field once again pushed the blockchain industry to the peak of popularity and became a hot topic in the world. With the addition of technology giants, the blockchain market has emerged with unprecedented dynamism, and various underlying development service platforms have sprung up. At present, Ethereum is the most famous open platform, but the scalability of the Ethereum platform has been criticized by the public. Once the number of DAPPs in the platform is increased, the entire network is very dangerous to block, making developers painfully.

In fact, developers don't have to be trapped in one house. In addition to Ethereum, developers have better choices. The single development network can't meet the growing demand, and developers need an "arbitrary door" that can easily access various types of blockchain networks. The YAO Network, which is positioned as the "port, chain, and marketplace of the blockchain world", is the door that developers are dreaming of.

Unlike the general BaaS platform, YAO Network is designed for community developers and underlying blockchain technology providers to provide adaptive access and upgrade capabilities for blockchain networks through topological orchestration techniques for different blockchain underlying layers. YAO Network provides different access strategies for public links, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Superbook, etc. YAO Network provides second-level access, while alliance chains and private chains like R3 provide fast and flexible Network creation capabilities. Developers can use the visualization tools to view the status of the underlying network and select the most appropriate blockchain network based on their needs.

YAO Network is a decentralized blockchain public infrastructure platform for the next generation. Users can freely develop blockchain technology, such as creating a Hyperledger Fabric environment and accessing the Ethereum test network. Besides, the platform provides developers with technical information, community information, developer guidance, and other related project information. YAO Network is a rising star in the industry who is attracting the attention of lots of investors.

In the process of development, YAO Network will provide developers with a variety of services to help developers carry out project incubation, financing promotion, technical architecture, core technology customization, and other services. After the project is completed, the platform will provide stable operation and maintenance support and customized business upgrade information services to help developers further improve the project's scalability.

The strong technical team and consultant team is one of another highlight behind YAO Network. Seldom teams in China can be said to compare with it. YAO Network's team consists of professional developers and technicians. The founder that Walter Komarek has a strong background in business strategy and technology development. He was the CEO of Angel Investment and the former founder of Forbestelecom in the European telecommunications industry, who owns a good reputation.

Also, the YAO team includes several blockchain architecture and software development professionals, Dr. Neil Wasserman graduated from the top universities in the United States, holds a bachelor's degree from Cornell University. He also achieved a master's degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. Neil focused research on blockchain architecture from time to time, dedicated to combining innovation strategies and emerging technologies with traditional industries.

As the value and potential chance of the YAO Network having been discovered, more and more top talents from the industry are joining the team. It is worth expecting that the YAO Network team will soon welcome a Nobel Prize winner. He will also work on the construction of the blockchain basic service platform with YAO and contribute to future development in the blockchain industry.

The future path of the blockchain industry is still long that hard for us to forecast. Who can imagine that the bitcoin that was originally used to buy pizza can rise to US$20,000? Just like social media giant Facebook will issue coins? Just similar to the original bitcoin, YAO Network is also a newborn together with a full of vitality and unlimited possibilities. YAO Network will be the next unicorn in the blockchain basic service platform.

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