Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Bitcoin ETF

With the biggest financial firms in the US fighting to be first in the country to create a btc backed ETF, in a market that highly depends on network size and user count, what is your rationale for BCH?

Tons of demand is coming to bitcoin specifically in the next 6 months with about 5% of total supply available. 6 months until the halving which further decreases the flow of additional supply making it the hardest money the world has ever seen. Common sense and basic economics said the increase of demand and decrease of supply will cause the underlying asset’s price to rise. It would have to be a historical event in the sense that it has never happened before to not see a Bull run post halving.

It seems to me that this demand and the accessibility it will bring to the common user will result in bitcoin’s network size and user count rising exponentially compared to bch.

With all that being said I do see the benefits of bch. I think the bitcoin network becoming even more dominant and it being common place in people’s retirement accounts will be a good thing for bch. I think we could see bch being used hand in hand with btc if other layers like lightning don’t work out.

What is Chain Reorganization ?


In the realm of cryptocurrencies, "chain reorganization," often termed "chain reorg," is a pivotal concept primarily observed in blockchain-based systems like Bitcoin and Ethereum. This phenomenon unfolds when an alternative version of the blockchain gains dominance, replacing the prior one. Chain reorgs typically originate during blockchain forks, which can be either planned upgrades or unintentional events due to network issues. Forks create a situation where two or more blocks are mined and appended to the blockchain simultaneously, causing a brief divergence in the chain. In blockchain networks, consensus mechanisms such as Proof of Work or Proof of Stake determine the valid chain by relying on miners or validators' choices. The chain with the most accumulated work or the highest stake backing it is confirmed as the authentic one. When one of the competing blocks forms a longer or more fortified chain, the network performs a reorganization to adopt this new chain as the primary one, effectively discarding the shorter or weaker branch.

Chain reorgs are an intrinsic part of blockchain networks, instrumental for maintaining the blockchain's integrity, rectifying forks, and achieving consensus among network participants. Nevertheless, it's important to note that chain reorganizations can pose challenges for cryptocurrency exchanges and businesses that depend on a specific number of confirmations to deem a transaction final. Transactions with deeper confirmations offer greater resilience against chain reorgs, as modifying them would require a substantial amount of computational power.

#Blockchain #ChainReorg #Cryptocurrency #Forks #ConsensusMechanisms #CryptoExchange #TransactionConfirmation #ProofOfWork #ProofOfStake