Thursday, December 23, 2021

Technical Analysis Works 24/7/365

Recently a very long post was put up boldly stating that "Technical Analysis is bullsh*t" had >1100 up votes before the mods here (wisely) whacked it. (If it bleeds, it clearly leads!)

That the post was heavily plagiarized is telling, but matters not. The OP is welcome to its opinions, but unfortunately the data does not support the effusive thesis/rant/opinion. Inconvenient truth that.

I could post another 100,000 words and cite 27 sources to support this, but look folks, Occam's Razor is instructive-and I will respect that here: google "DOW Theory"*


If you are interested in non Clif Notes discussion, just read on.......

First, all such discussions are best begun with consensual definitions of the operative term. Here is Investopedia's, with which I concur:

"Technical analysis is a trading discipline employed to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities in price trends and patterns seen on charts. Technical analysts believe past trading activity and price changes of a security can be valuable indicators of the security's future price movements."

I hold this belief, and have for >15 years, (I am a full time section 475 pattern day trader of the scalper varietal, and have traded professionally as a sole source of income for >20 years now). I teach TA, (but no, I am not here selling anything). I moved to full TA after years of being frustrated with the various failures I found in other means of trading (fundamental analysis, narrative trading, robotic buy and hold, et etc). IE: I did not start here, I just ended up here by way of the school of very hard knocks.

This I have learned in all that time: one is best off doing what one is most comfortable with.

The reality is that TA is pervasive, everyone (yes, even you!) uses it every day, and there are about as many forms of it as there are traders that use it. I developed my own, as I could not find one off the shelf that worked for me. Mine works very well and has a greater than 80% rate of success in scalping, (which is all I do-as I have a fundamental distrust of manipulated markets). But this post is not about scalping or day trading, etc.

*To head off the "show me proof" set of what are often just TA haters that feel threatened by TA, or treat it as some form of HODL Heresy (it isn't!), here is the oldest form of well documented TA I know of: "Dow Theory". Google that. Google the thoroughly tested author/expert "Jack Schannep". Read, read, and read. DOW Theory enhances stock market returns by ~30%. Compound that over a life time and tell me it doesn't work! :) Dow Theory has produced significantly positive results longer than anyone on Reddit has been alive. (The OP of the BS piece included.)


Just because one can trot out a plethora of examples why TA has failed, does not mean TA is useless BS as the referenced OP loudly proclaimed, (ignorantly as it happens). Any form or theory of trading or investment can fall prey to that framing tactic. Even yours. (Certainly mine!)

Here is why TA can be so very powerful when used with care and skill:

Historical Price Action Contains A Clean Summary Of All Important Data Known To Date About A Given Asset

Nothing else does. No one can cook those books. Narratives can't begin to touch the power of historical hard data. No white paper or fundamental analysis is superior, if they were-nothing else would be used by heavy money.

The old addage: "those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it" is operative here.

Price action is a complete unedited picture of what was.

Does it mean that is what will be? No. (No such crystal balls exist.)

But when we study history, we can better forecast the probability of an event in the future.

And look, even die hard HODLrs do this. ('The price of bitcoin did X, so it will do Y.')

Patterns exist. They can be readily identified. (Monday stock markets open up >90% of the time, January returns predict annual returns, and so on.)

One of the first things I do with new TA students is show them this in real time. You can all do this right now-just pull up a chart of price action over time. Run a trend line on it and see how often trends continue from day to day.

Here is an example from today, based on the VIX, via the leveraged security UVXY:

Day 1 Action Correctly Predicted Day 2 Price Drop

This is live right now. Is this a cherry pick? No. Pull up 100 charts and do this. How many positive hits do you get? (Me? if I get >67% I use it.)

This is not complicated, in fact, I eschew complex TA. It's that "Occam's Razor" thing all over again. :)

Did I "know" today's volume in UVXY would be lighter than yesterday's? Yes. How? Historical pattern.

With this chart I shorted UVXY at 14.88, and covered it at 14.10. Nothing earth shattering-but that is TA, and that works reliably, (not always-again, nothing does that!).

Can any big firm's big algo guns sniff this trade out same as I? Of course. Did that matter? No.

Indeed, doesn't look like they even showed up this morning. (That's nice.)

Meanwhile, if you were a UVXY long buy and holder who vests in the narrative that the 'market is going to crash because it is so high'.....would you have lost $, (realized or not)? Yes.

UXVY or Coin X, just does not matter. It is all about Price Action patterns, and every asset has them.

Here is another random chart, this one for CELO:

That white line is 1 hour DDT TA Support-the overhead red line is 1hr Broken Trend

This is live right now. See how the price hugs (mean reverts) to the white line? See the volume going *meh*? What is the TA statement here? It can be read directly, like a tracker tracks an animal across solid rock:

CELO will likely hit overhead broken support (now overhead resistance), and re-seek (mean revert) to that white line-as it has 11 times over ~8hrs. Does this make me want to enter long or short? Short! The tip? Declining volume (lack of up price conviction, indeed, check the history-volume is evident pulling to the short side). Do I know why? No. Do I care what the narrative is? No. My goal is to earn money. I am short CELO right now as a direct result. That is TA. You can follow from here and see if this trade works-or not. (I certainly will.)

We can do this endlessly (I do). You can follow me and see if this is, in fact, flash in the pan stuff cherry picked stuff, or not, (it isn't).


What TA does is give one a frame of reference that does not otherwise exist. One can use any such frame: narratives like "the price will always go back up, because it always has" (that is TA confirmed based on Bitcoin, pre the last sell off!), or "the price will go up because this is a great project" et etc..

Without such a frame, one is just randomly picking, (and no, Mr. GOX, RIP, was in fact not doing that).

I head out into the wilderness, I am bringing my compass. No Compass? A star chart. Etc.

If you like to head into uncharted waters with nothing more than a narrative, good luck to you!

TA is a compass for asset trading, nothing more, and certainly nothing less. If you do not know how to use a compass or a star chart-try learning and practice as opposed to blind bashing-as the OP of the deleted piece did. You may learn something very valuable. Learning is good!

This is what TA does, regardless of the system employed:

1) TA requires discipline. (Discipline is the #1 most important tenet of trading or investing.)

2) TA requires patience. (Patience is the #2 most important tenet of trading or investing.)

3) TA requires focus. (Focus is the #3 most important tenet of trading or investing.)

4) TA requires an action plan. (Successful Traders & Investors Plan Their Acts, and Act On Their Plans.)

5) TA provides a framework within which to organize and center yourself. (Zen philosophy anyone?)

These 5 things reduce stress and subtract emotion from trading & investing. Emotion being enemy #1.

TA may or may not work for you. But what it will do on average, for anyone that learns the ropes of it, is improve your returns and help minimize your liabilities. And it will do this on any scale-be it scalp, swing, or hodl....with any market traded asset.

Good luck out there and a parting note:

The most important tool one has at one's disposal is an open mind that can learn effectively.

Shouting NO! rarely aids in that. NO! is the end of the thought process. :)

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Yet another Modern Day Byzantine Empire

So. I wrote a draft to a book. It's yet another alternate history where the Byzantine Empire survived to the modern day 2016. Yeah yeah, I'm a Byzaboo. Only, it's the sort of ridiculous alternate history where there has to be a series of ridiculous, improbable events. And, even worse, it's the sort of alternate history where the modern timeline isn't even affected that much. My head-canon is that this neo-Byzantine Empire fulfilled the same void as the Ottoman Empire.

Honestly, I just wanted an excuse to write a matrilineal modern-day Byzantine Empire. Yeah, you can see where this is going when I mentioned matrilineal. And, of course, I chose the point of divergence to be 1453--or rather, a few decades earlier when Constantine XI's sole daughter didn't die in childbirth.

Yup. Revived Byzantine Empire from a tiny rump state in 1453? I may have been too influenced by my EU4 games. And, uh, after the Napoleonic Wars, this Roman Empire controlled most of the eastern Mediterranean, including Greece, Crimea, Anatolia, Syria, Jerusalem, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Sicily and Rome. Yeahhhh, shit, it's pretty ridiculous it conquered all of that in roughly 350 years or so.

As I mentioned, this cursed timeline doesn't even affect modern events too much. It joined the Central Powers during WWI and got the shit beaten out of them. Boy, you thought the Ottoman partition was bad. This Empire lost everything except mainland Greece and Anatolia. Even eastern Anatolia seceded to form the Republic of Turkey, presided by the glorious Ataturk. Cyprus was snatched by the British, and honestly, in my head-canon the partition was basically exactly the same as OTL Ottoman partition after WWI. One important detail is that the Imperial government remained intact. Pre WWI there were talks about transitioning to a republic, but the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and, in the same time and place, Imperator Zoe Palaiologos left the Empire in a regency during WWI. The regency council was corrupt and incompetent, and this led the people to restore the monarchy after the devastating loss.

In WWII, the Empire was attacked by the Axis and thus joined the Allies. Most of mainland Greece and Crete fell in around the same dates as OTL, but Constantinople held out until the end of the war. For the Empire's efforts, the Allies rewarded them with Cyprus and wiped debts from WWI. Oh, and a permanent seat on the UN. Yay. The Empire was in no position to bargain, and its Imperator (Alexandra "The Pirate") didn't push the issue.

Imperator Alexandra "the Pirate" was a racist twat (she loathed Germans, Italians, Turks, Japanese, etc), but she was amazingly competent at keeping the Empire together during the Cold War. She finally abdicated in 2000, (she's still living in 2016!) and her successor, Imperator Ophelia "the Feeble", while not as flashy as her predecessor, was good at diplomacy and easing Romano-Turkish tensions in a post 9/11 world. Which leaves us to here. Yup. It's literally modern day borders except for OTL Greece and Turkey and Cyprus.

Mind, the Empire is crumbling in 2016. While most positions are reasonably democratic, the head of state is still a monarchy and has considerable power much to the chagrin of the populace. Unless drastic action is taken soon, the Roman Empire will finally join the 21st century and become a Roman Republic.

I could already hear the questions.

How tf did the Balkans end up the same way as OTL?​

In 1453, the Byzantine victory at the battle of Constantinople killed Mehmed II, but didn't decisively defeat the Ottoman army. Surviving heirs competed and eventually the Ottomans split into the Western and Eastern Ottoman Empire. The Western Ottoman Empire had the main army since, well, they were still stuck on the European side of the strait. And they were a terror to the Balkans. They somehow replicated the OTL Ottoman Empire's successes and nearly conquered Vienna just like OTL. They weren't fully stamped out until the mid-late 1800s by Austria-Hungary and the Byzantines. And then Yugoslavia formed after WWI, like normal.

How similar are we talking about to OTL in 2016 do you mean...?​

Syrian Civil War is happening. Pokémon Go was still released. Bitcoin was also around $300. The Chicago Cubs finally won. Leicester City won the Premier League. A gay nightclub is bombed in Florida, Turkey has a coup, Olympics were in Rio, and an airport is bombed in Istanbul/Constantinople. Panama Papers are released. All on the same dates. Yup. That similar.

Wait, you can't just do that. The Byzantine revival surely would affected those events somewhat.

Probably? Those events were slightly affected. The Panama Papers, for instance, had some hidden corrupt Byzantine officials. And certainly demographics in Syria would be different, but remember, the Entente still owned it after WWI. There's surely some world where events largely play out the same.

So why is the Byzantine Empire matrilineal?​

After dueling and decapitating Mehmed II in 1453, Imperator Konstantina "the Great" ascended to the throne after her father's death, his only heir. Of course it was disputed, but the public loved her for being the hero of the Siege of Constantinople. Of course, she also had to kill and blind and castrate cousins and uncles, but don't they all?

And it happened she only had daughters. And the next Imperator also only had daughters. It kinda stuck. Of course there were eventual civil wars when sons would argue, but eventually the Palaiologoi would become the world's only matrilineal dynasty.

This does have societal implications, such as the Empire becoming more feminist than most. It was also able to punch above its weight, drafting both men and women into their wars.

You are aware Imperator Alexandra and Imperator Ophelia are old? And they had their daughters at like, what, fortyish?​


Why did you post this...?​

I'm not a historian. My only historical knowledge extends from Paradox games and curiously browsing through Wikipedia articles and Reddit and videos on interesting subjects. I am also aware this scenario is, like, 0.00000000000000001% probable. there anything I hadn't accounted for? Like, I dunno, maybe the Chicago Cubs could only win the World Series if and only if the Ottoman Empire existed. But in my limited, primitive understanding, most current world events could be traced back to post WWI, and the existence of a Byzantine Empire instead of a Greece and Turkey shouldn't affect the timeline too much, Syrian Civil War included. Mind, the Republic of Turkey does still exist. It's in NATO and everything.

I am sorely aware I should have asked this question after I wrote my draft.

Decentralized Twitter clone demonstration running and hosted on Radix

What is this?

A demonstration of a Twitter clone operating as a decentralized application.

Decentralized applications (or DAPPS) will form the corner stone of #web3 technologies, allowing users to completely control their data, accessibility to it and montetization.

Why choose Twitter?

A Twitter clone is a great demonstrator for this technology as everyone is familiar with it or at least social networks in general.

This common knowledge provides an opportunity to create an interactive demonstration that requires little learning curve to use.

From a technical point of view Twitter is quite a complicated platform, a clone of it implemented with #web3 technologies allows us to push and find the limits. Twitter also has a huge amount of data which we have managed to acquire allowing us to test at scale.

We have over 100TB (about 20,000 DVDs) of tweets and image data, all of which will be available to this Twitter DAPP.

What can I do in the demo?

You will be able to perform all the basic actions you can on the real Twitter such as:

  • Register an new account
  • Make tweets
  • Reply to tweets
  • Retweets and likes
  • Search users
  • Search hashtags
  • Follow others

Because we are also importing real tweets and users from the data we have, it is likely that if you have a Twitter account it will already be there. You can gain access instructions to your imported Twitter account by tweeting / messaging @fuserleer.

The demonstration is currently importing tweets and users beginning 1st January 2021. If you follow a popular account in the demonstration you will see historic tweets made by them appear as they are imported (which is pretty cool!).

Later more advanced demonstrations will import starting ~2012, have more features and ingest the full 100TB+ data set.

Don't panic! We only have your public user and tweet information!
Not passwords, not email addresses, not private messages!

What is missing in the demo?

Lots, as the currently implemented features are driven by the research needs. We plan to add more features over the coming weeks, the main ones being

  • Upload/change profile/banner images
  • Display embedded media content
  • Tipping functionality
  • Direct messages
  • Trending hashtags

As our data feed is not a 100% snapshot of Twitter, some tweets, retweets, replies and profiles will not be imported. By the same account, many profile images and banners are missing from our media data set with the default profile image and banner image being used in this cases.

What this demo is not?

This demonstration is just that, a demonstration, which we thought would be cool to share in the hope of triggering some imaginations of what might be possible in the future.

It is not a complete, polished product. There will be bugs, things that don't work or break. The website was built by one person over the course of a few weeks who is not a competent web-dev by any measure of a yard-stick.

How does it work?

This #web3 Twitter DAPP is completely hosted within a decentralized network called Cassandra, which you can think of as an internet within the internet. All of the data, tweets, images and even the website itself live within this decentralized network. Not only that, multiple large scale DAPPS could be build and deployed such as marketplaces, forums, websites, etc.

Cassandra is an open-source distributed ledger technology (similar to Bitcoin or Ethereum) network we use at Radix DLT to research new, cool and exciting things we can include on our product roadmap. It represents a number of novel research achievements and theory unification not seen any other technology.

This research is notable because while Twitter has been built on other platform such as Ethereum, it could not operate at the scale of data or throughput seen in this demonstration. Any attempts to replicate this demonstration like for like on other DLT platforms would require various dependencies on other independent technologies, increasing complexity and potentially decreasing security or reliability.

For example, to do the same in Ethereum would require each node in the network to have a specification of at least 64GB RAM and 100TB of storage. For comparison each node in the Cassandra network can operate with just 8GB RAM and 1TB of storage thanks to a technique called Sharding.

For the more technical, Cassandra is a novel hybrid consensus mechanism which provides high levels of safety, liveness and throughput. This demonstration is operating on a total of 64 replicas, split into 8 sets of 8 replicas which are geo-located in 4 continents. Each group is responsible for a large set of shards (2253) and each tweet touches multiple shards and replica sets. Commits are atomic across shards and must satisfy an 'all or none' policy. All events undergo full consensus, signing, verification and execution as would be in a deployed network.

Operating conditions are also sub-optimal as the feed data we have is not complete, therefore a reply or retweet may reference a parent tweet which is not present in the feed data. This is not discovered until the action is executed after undergoing the first round of consensus (there are two rounds). Consensus still must complete with replicas agreeing the tweet should fail. Around 10-15% of tweets presented from the feed fail due to this issue which is a nice side-effect to test many failing conditions.

While the total quantity of replicas is low in this deployment, each tweet touches on average 4 sets, giving a total quorum size involved in consensus of at least 32 replicas. From a focussed research perspective a greater quantity of replicas presently does not offer much additional value for the associated logistical cost. Later deployments and demonstrations will have greater quantity of both replicas and replica sets as required and we will also leverage the generous community to increase further at testing progresses.

Cassandra is still in heavy research and is completely unoptimized. When interacting with the demonstration actions to the ledger require 10-15 seconds to become final with most of that latency due to all actions being cross shard and strictly atomic. There are optimizations possible which should reduce finality latency by 50% or so. Demonstration throughput is held constant at ~500 tweets/users/images per second.

All You Need to Know About #Ether and Its Value

Bitcoin holds the best position as the world’s first and biggest cryptocurrency The coin conveys worth dependent on its situation as a store of significant worth equipped for executing esteem around the world and nearly simpler than other comparative resources, like gold. Ethereum’s resource, Ether (ETH), has an alternate offer, seemingly significant for various reasons. 

Ethereum gets its worth from various elements, including gas charges, its use as insurance, its capacity to be loaned and acquired, its utilization as a mechanism of trade for exchanging and NFTs [nonfungible tokens], and the way that it tends to be marked for revenue. It additionally has theoretical worth and is acquiring expanded consideration and premium from institutional financial backers.

The Story of Ethereum

Ethereum is the network on which its tradable coin, ETH, runs. Ethereum was founded in 2015 on an idea from a programmer named Vitalik Buterin about two years earlier. To put it plainly, Ethereum goes about as a stage on which engineers can build projects and solutions. The Ethereum network has turned into a staple in the crypto space throughout the long term, with many activities dependent on it. An enormous number of introductory coin contributions utilized Ethereum in 2017 as a subsidizing vehicle. Crypto resources dependent on Ethereum’s blockchain are called ERC-20 tokens, despite the fact that ERC-721 tokens likewise exist as nonfungible tokens based on the organization.

At the point when an undertaking expands on Ethereum, it might accompany a resource for use inside that environment. That resource would almost certainly be an ERC-20 token. It isn’t extraordinary, notwithstanding, for activities to switch over to their own mainnet blockchain subsequent to dispatching at first on Ethereum’s blockchain.

A significant part of the decentralized money area of crypto additionally started on Ethereum, with decentralized trades dependent on Ethereum’s blockchain facilitating exchanging for a very long time related with the specialty. DeFi allows members to acquire and loan crypto resources, among different abilities. As indicated by Melker, ETH can have an influence on this biological system. Ethereum exchange or transaction costs are called gas expenses.

Some portion of ETH’s worth identifies with gas charges. At whatever point an individual sends ETH, they should pay a specific measure of the coin to pay for the exchange — a comparative idea to the expenses clients pay when sending Bitcoin (BTC).

A major distinction with ETH, nonetheless, is that sending ERC-20 tokens brings about gas charges. To send an ERC-20 token, the transactor should likewise hold ETH in a similar wallet to pay for the exchange. Exchanging on DEXs likewise accompanies gas expenses. Somebody may purchase and hold ETH for gas expenses, providing the coin with a base degree of interest on the lookout. 

During the DeFi blast of 2020, Ethereum’s organization saw high traffic, spiking gas expenses to excessive levels. High exchange expenses proceeded into 2021. In view of information from YCharts, a normal ETH exchange cost $39.49 in February 2021 — essentially higher than levels recorded in years earlier. An expense of around $1–$2 would be viewed as typical. 

“Ethereum Average Transaction Fee measures the average fee in USD when an Ethereum transaction is processed by a miner and confirmed,” YCharts notes on its site. 

The digital assets and their speculatory value

The theory might have its part in ETH’s worth as a resource. Financial backers might purchase ETH coins as a bet on the Ethereum organization’s conceivable future achievement and reception into the standard world. ETH’s cost might actually likewise address hypothesis on the achievement or disappointment of a piece of the crypto business, given the number of ventures based on the organization.

Tyler Winklevoss, the prime supporter, and CEO of the Gemini crypto trade offered this viewpoint cycle in a meeting with Casey Adams, a business person, and podcaster, in December 2020. Winklevoss contrasted crypto industry advancement with that of the web, in spite of the fact that putting resources into a little part of the web during its initial years, other than through indirect techniques, would have demonstrated troublesome. 

Purchasing ETH ostensibly offers that kind of fragmentary speculation of a more extensive creating area. Winklevoss clarified by contrasting such a buy with theoretical halfway race track possession, which would benefit more on movement rather than on individual race results. 

“Ether is the same thing for indexing a piece of the Ethereum network, which is a […] decentralized global computer,” he said. “A lot of people equate Ether to digital oil,” he added. “If you want to get into the crypto game, my suggestion is to own some Bitcoin, digital gold, and own some Ether, digital oil, and with those, you have most of your bases covered.”

Ethereum 2.0 

Ethereum’s scaling has been an issue, as seen with the CryptoKitties prevailing fashion in 2017, and with the DeFi frenzy that started in 2020. Ethereum 2.0 points toward a quicker experience, however, the redesign is an interaction and has seen delays. Eth2 incorporates the network’s change to proof of stake innovation, which relies on ETH holding at minimum some degree of value esteem, as per Aditya Asgaonkar, a scientist at the Ethereum Foundation. 

“Proof-of-stake operates on the premise that if validators do something bad — if they are trying to attack the system or misbehaving in some way — then they’ll be penalized,” he said during a LA Blockchain Summit board. “These penalties apply to their stake, which is in the coin ETH, so ETH price has to be, like, greater than zero for the penalties to have any kind of effect in terms of incentive,” he added. 

In this way, validators need a 32-Ether stake to participate in backing the organization. Validators that help run the blockchain in a PoS framework are paid out for the measure of commitment to the organization given by them. Request produced by validators collecting Ether in groups of 32 and the craving to acquire yields from marking drives market interest for the currency. 

The Competitive Space

Considering the cutthroat crypto market, Binance Smart Chain has surfaced as one of the other options. The organization acts comparably to Ethereum, with the exception of BSC utilizing Binance’s BNB coin for exchange costs rather than ETH, as indicated by Binance Academy’s clarification of BSC.

The strong competitors include Cardano, Neo, and numerous others. Throughout the long term, the possibility of usurping Ethereum’s network has been an interesting topic. Outperforming Ethereum in predominance would be huge, given Ethereum’s wide use. 

Because of the huge number of uses, items, and administrations based on Ethereum, it additionally profits by something many refer to as the organization’s impact. “The organization impact is a peculiarity by which expanded quantities of individuals or members work on the worth of a decent or administration,” Investopedia clarifies, adding: “The Internet is an illustration of the organization impact. At first, there were not many clients on the Internet since it was of little worth to anybody outside of the military and some examination researchers.” 

“In any case, as more clients accessed the Internet, they delivered more substance, data, and administrations. The turn of events and improvement of sites pulled in more clients to interface and work with one another. As the Internet experienced expansions in rush hour gridlock, it offered more worth, prompting an organization impact.” 

Basically, the more something is utilized and based on, the more predominant it becomes, like a wave, acquiring force as it goes. On account of Ethereum, the organization’s impact implies added trust as the stage is notable and noticeable. 

In the always-changing universe of crypto, resources rise and fall in ubiquity and cost. Throughout the long term, ETH has shown value strength just as predominance as a stage on which engineers can construct. The reality of the situation will become obvious eventually, in any case, in case a quicker and less expensive organization will usurp Ethereum over the long haul, or then again if Ethereum 2.0 will scale the blockchain to satisfy a market need.

The 10 Best Crypto News Stories of 2021

Some of the world's biggest celebrities embraced cryptocurrencies for the first time, a country made Bitcoin legal tender, and a 12-year-old made life-changing sums of money. Let's have a look!

10. Massive Crypto Donations

After Bitcoin accelerated from $29,000 to $69,000 — with Ether rocketing from $750 to $4,800 — crypto investors were rightly feeling very generous.Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home received one of the largest-ever cryptocurrency donations in Scottish history — a whopping 26 ETH. The funds are going to ensure that the charity's pet food bank service can run through 2022, giving essentials to owners in need.In an interview with the CoinMarketRecap podcast, the non-profit organization said crypto had opened up new ways of raising funds during the coronavirus pandemic — at a time when normal events had to be canceled.Crypto Giving Tuesday also broke records this year. A whopping $2.4 million was donated to a plethora of charities — a 583% increase compared with last year.

9. NFTs Transform Lives

Non-fungible tokens have come a long way since CryptoKitties burst onto the scene in 2017. This year, we saw everyone from Disney to WWE announce plans to launch NFT collections — with fast food chains including Burger King and McDonald's getting in on the action.

But one of the coolest news stories this year relates to Benyamin Ahmed, a 12-year-old boy in London who made $400,000 by selling his own NFT collection.

Weird Whales features 3,350 pixelated designs of animals in an array of designs, each with their own distinctive traits.

8. Married on the Blockchain

A couple got married on the blockchain this year, in what has to be one of the coolest applications of this technology that we saw in 2021.

Rebecca Rose and Peter Kacherginsky digitized their rings as a token of their love, with the groom writing an Ethereum smart contract for their marriage that issued digital artwork to their cryptocurrency wallets.

Each of the two unique tokens features an animation by Carl Johan Hasselrot, which illustrates two distinctive objects becoming one… like in a normal marriage.

7. Hamster Beats Warren Buffett

A crypto trading hamster hit the headlines earlier this year — not least because his portfolio was outperforming the S&P 500 and Warren Buffett.

Mr Goxx would run in a decision wheel to select his favorite cryptocurrency, and then go through one of two tunnels: one for buy, one for sell.

His business hours were livestreamed on Twitch — and over the course of his career, the hamster secured returns of 19.72%.

Sadly, Mr Goxx died in November.

6. Mt. Gox Victims Get Closure

There was also good news for the customers of Mt. Gox, the crypto exchange that spectacularly collapsed in 2014 after 850,000 BTC was stolen in an audacious hack.About 150,000 BTC was later recovered — and a rehabilitation plan has been approved that will reunite victims with some of their lost funds. Although they'll only receive a fraction of the BTC they had invested, the cryptocurrency's value has surged substantially since then.

There are fears that the release of this stash could lead to downward pressure on prices if victims choose to sell.

5. Payment Giants Take Notice

In a sign that cryptocurrencies are really beginning to cut through, some of the world's biggest payments companies embraced digital assets like never before in 2021.

PayPal — which started allowing U.S. customers to buy, sell and hold four cryptocurrencies in 2020 — said demand had "greatly exceeded expectations," and began allowing millions of merchants to accept BTC, ETH, BCH and LTC as a payment method. The company also rolled out its crypto offering to customers in the United Kingdom.Not to be out done, Visa snapped up a $150,000 CryptoPunk and began allowing transactions in its payments network to be settled using USD Coin on the Ethereum blockchain. December also saw Visa launch a global crypto advisory service for banks and merchants.Mastercard has also been busy. Not only has it acquired the blockchain intelligence firm CipherTrace, but it has teamed up with Gemini — the exchange founded by Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss — to launch a credit card that offers instant rewards paid in Bitcoin and other digital assets. A partnership was also forged with Bakkt.

4. Celebs Endorse Crypto

It's also been a blockbuster year for celebrities embracing crypto. Mila Kunis launched an NFT collection to fund an exclusive TV show starring Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, Mariah Carey endorsed an exchange, Tom Brady gave a whole Bitcoin to a fan, and countless NFL stars started receiving their salary in BTC. Snoop Dogg claimed he was Cozomo de' Medici, a pseudonymous NFT collector on Twitter, and Gene Simmons even revealed he's a budding crypto investor.

3. Dogecoin Surges

The mania surrounding cryptocurrencies was especially good news for Dogecoin — a digital asset created in 2013 to mock Bitcoin.

With a little help from Elon Musk, DOGE surged from $0.0047 to $0.73 in the space of five months — up by a whopping 15,431%. The memecoin became one of the world's 10 biggest cryptocurrencies in the process… with a market cap that eclipsed major banks.

Unfortunately, DOGE later crashed in value — a sign of speculative excess in the market. But attention soon turned to self-proclaimed "Dogecoin killer" SHIBA INU, which then witnessed an astronomical rise.

2. Tesla Embraces Bitcoin

Tesla made a huge splash when it added $1.5 billion in Bitcoin to its balance sheet — later selling 10% of this stash to prove its liquidity. At one point, the company had generated more profits from owning BTC than it did from selling cars in the whole of 2020… at least on paper, that is.

But the company also caused BTC to tank when it announced that it would stop accepting the cryptocurrency as a payment method — predominantly over concerns about its environmental impact.

Despite all of this drama, Tesla has held on to its Bitcoin investment throughout this year… and has opened the door to accepting BTC once miners can prove that at least 50% of the energy they use comes from renewable sources. DOGE is now being accepted for merchandise, too.

1. El Salvador Makes History

And that brings us to the most bullish news story of 2021: a country elevating Bitcoin to the same status as the dollar.

It's been a bumpy journey for El Salvador — with technical glitches and protests overshadowing this red letter day for adoption.

We're just three months into this radical experiment, and it's going to be fascinating to see how it fares in 2022. Make no mistake, countries around the world are watching how things go very closely.

Thu Dec 23 23:16:38 2021

NYSE:GME / 133

The goal of day trading is to take advantage of volatility. The same stock isn't going to be volatile every single day of the week. Realistically a single ticker, might only have 4 or 5 volatile days per year. Of course there are outliers(think MRNA, TSLA, AMZN,etc). By focusing on only a few stocks you are going to miss a lot of opportunities. Image if GME wasn't on your magical list back in January. You would have missed the biggest trade of the year!

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 18:08:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading

Correct, forward splits do the opposite. If AMC or GME forward split, they would squeeze as retail has a better buy-in

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 02:29:09 2021 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks

Have you ever heard of GME? You might just turn your luck around!

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 16:37:40 2021 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks

Tell them GME every time

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 17:12:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket

tell them you buy GME, and you really like the stock

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 18:41:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket

Just tell them to invest in GME. They’ll stop taking you seriously

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 00:23:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket

I snooped around a bit and you appear to chase moonshots yourself. GME, crypto, etc. You also often mention you do research like you're some savant even though all these assets have poor solid inputs to analyze. My guess is that you keep bragging you're making tons of money to sound smart and make people around you FOMO. So just shut up or be honest with your true capacities and it should settle. There, true advice

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 14:31:01 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket

Granted, I have GME and crypto. That makes up less than 5% of my portfolio, although judging from this account you would be forgiven for assuming it's more. Moon shots are rare and risky so it's not something I allocate a huge amount of money to nor do I suggest others should do the same. I've never even mentioned these investments to anyone in real life. Also, you're a fool if you don't have any GME or crypto right now. They might be higher risk than other assets but that's not a good reason not to allocate some of your portfolio to them. Crypto is the reason I'm financially stable before the age of 30. Anyone who invested in crypto before 2020 very likely made huge amounts of money. I'm not sure why you think someone claiming to spend hours researching something is claiming to be some kind of savant. I've never bragged about making money. The closest thing to that I've done is mention to some people that I trade full time and don't need to work a normal job anymore. That's not bragging though - that's explaining why I no longer work.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 14:37:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket

GME Before I get banned for talking about a “pump and dump" on a "legit" stock page, hear me out. Even without the short squeeze theory, if you want to believe that or not. They have the following going for them. -New chairman in Ryan Cohen who revolutionized the pet industry. -They've lured a huge list of new execs from Amazon, Walmart, and other big e commerce giants, I don't have the exact number but it's like 50+ talented individuals who've started with the company over the last year or so. Why would all these execs be joining a dying company? -2+ billion in capital earmarked for growth. -Two brand new massive fulfillment centers on each coast, one 500,000sq ft, one 700,000sq ft, why do they need this if nothing is changing in the company? -Brand new 500+ employee customer care centre, again why do they need this if they plan to maintain the status quo? They never had this before? -Rumors of the world's first nft gaming marketplace are more then rumors now, you can see the Gamestop job postings easily online. This is happening. -New CFO and CEO are former Amazon execs. Can't speak for CFO but the CEO is only paid in stock and with the stipulation that it has to grow BEYOND the current values. Either he is dumb and plans to work for free for the next X amount of years or he knows something we don't. I could go on but you get the point. In my humble opinion there is no other opportunity on the planet like GME right now.

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 00:54:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

>biggest digital transformation play around: GameStop Can you explain how this happens? All I see is: * Shrinking revenue * Shrinking market share * No profits, consistent losses * Majority of video games are now sold digitally * Toxic company culture * No IP, no unique products * 20 major competitors * 3 straight earnings calls lasting less than 10 minutes offering no guidance and no Q&A Edit: as I said in my other comment, to the detractors: I would love to hear where my analysis is off, maybe I missed something? Feel free to unload those numerous bullish GME financial stats on me whenever they become available!

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:05:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

>New chairman in Ryan Cohen who revolutionized the pet industry. Chewy never turned a profit til 3 years after he left. Amazon outsells Chewy for pet supplies. Chewy still doesn't have a full year of profits. >They've lured a huge list of new execs from Amazon, Walmart, and other big e commerce giants, I don't have the exact number but it's like 50+ talented individuals who've started with the company over the last year or so. Why would all these execs be joining a dying company? This is misinformation - they have hired a bunch of mid level managers and engineers from listed companies to be execs at their new company. The new GME CEO was the Head of Amazon Australia which would be like number 300 in the line of Amazon succession lol. Feel free to cite all the names of "execs" if I am wrong, should be easy enough if true. The rest of your comment fails to address: * Shrinking revenue * Shrinking market share * No profits, consistent losses * Majority of video games are now sold digitally * Toxic company culture where most employees hate working there * No IP, no unique products * 20 major competitors * 3 straight earnings calls lasting less than 10 minutes offering no guidance and no Q&A I think you might be caught in an MLM if none of those are alarming to you. Edit: again, if you have some GME news I missed that makes a bullish case I missed above feel free to share!

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:13:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

>I really believe this company will be a dominant tech company. Can you explain how this happens? Consider me the "controlled narrative" but I only see the bear case here: * Shrinking revenue * Shrinking market share * No profits, consistent losses * Majority of video games are now sold digitally * Toxic company culture * No IP, no unique products * 20 major competitors * 3 straight earnings calls lasting less than 10 minutes offering no guidance and no Q&A Edit: to the detractors, I would love to hear where my analysis is off? Feel free to unload the bullish GME financial stats on me whenever they become available!

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:03:29 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I don’t see anything meaningful here aside from the 30% increase in YOY revenues, which isn’t all that impressive when you consider that in the context of all the attention GME got this year, not to mention the fact that the share price is up like 25x already which is completely unjustified.

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 05:03:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Hi there, I just wanted to share with you the case for a company pivoting into tech and blockchain. There’s a post I wrote a few days ago pinned in my profile that presents analysis on RadioShacks white paper and how it applies to GME X LRC. I present the case that during this transformation, the numbers ultimately don’t matter as the only goal at this moment is to secure a distribution channel to “cross the chasm” to allow mainstream adoption to begin by allowing the average customer to pragmatically use the tech without having to know all the details surrounding how it works

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 08:42:10 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Wait so should I short it or not? If shorting it offends you maybe you aren't up 1400% like you claim? Lol. Are you one of those GME LARPers that pretends they got rich? Lolll

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 05:33:00 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

The guy's from Meltdown. They've made it their mission to troll and argue for the sake of arguing, just to make GME look bad and keep others from investing. They're good at provoking and then shitting on your opinion. There is absolutely nothing that you could say to make them reply anything else but "lol, no, you are stupid". Happy Holidays!

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 09:38:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I don't mean super low risk, but something less risky than the shit that went down surrounding the AMC GME bubble. Investing in cannabis and solar when a democratic was elected felt like the right move but clearly wasn't.

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 02:00:21 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

If you lost money on GME it’s because you bought the top. That’s your own fault.

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 09:47:54 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Not paying attention/taking it seriously when all the GME news developing a year ago.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 20:19:27 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

bought 3 GME at 340 bucks...sold at 88. I became an investor after that day. no more trading

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 03:05:49 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I lost 6k on GME. My logic at the time?: "Fuck yea, me and reddit are going to stick it to Wall Street. They'll be panicking for money after this" Lol.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 21:50:35 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I bought GME at 14. Felt like I had to take profits at 35. Then sold my last at 44. It went much higher in the following days lol cant be too upset with profits but still....

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 07:36:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Thinking that any randomly peddled stock would blast off to another moon or planet. I experienced the GME euphoria like everyone else but smartened up eventually.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 01:09:20 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

During GME hype. Some eSports company(SLGG) had gone up 69% to $4.20 I bought a bunch and sold it a week or so later at about $10

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 07:22:02 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Bought GME when it was at 40 and sold at 405 right after market open. Followed the same greedy logic and bought BB at 25 (!!), sold for a huge loss a week ago due to taxes. I‘m fortunate that my mistake didn’t wipe out all of my GME profit.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 09:06:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Seeing AMC, GME, and BB hype, deciding to buy like 20 shares of BB cuz it looked most promising, then seeing AMC and GME blow up, so then doubling down on BB, just to see AMC and GME skyrocket more and BB plummet. I promise this is my only WSB-esque decision in the world of stocks. Wanted to have fun but I paid the price

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 09:32:54 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

You mean I shouldn’t place my life savings on AMC and GME?!

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 03:01:26 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Exactly. When mainstream media started to spam GME every day, it should’ve been a red flag to gtfo asap

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 20:26:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I seriously cant understand how anybody on GME lost money. It was my first stock I ever bought and I bought right before the rally in January and held, I mean I was literally clueless about stocks. Bought more, I never got the dip right, it always continued to dip more. I bought most when their offering at 220 was completed and it fell even below that. I made so many bad decisions with GME, I bought so often at a peak before it dropped and I am still green.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 04:09:08 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

FWIW, I meant that I kept seeing posts on reddit and ignored it, then started seeing it on the news and figured I'd missed the boat and wished I'd gotten in on it early. However as a pretty novice investor, I'm sure I woulda sold at the wrong time, anyway. I did end up buying some GME and AMC about a month ago. Did some research, but it was mostly FOMO. In the best case scenario, I'll wish I invested more, in the worst case, it'll sting a little. Either way, there will be a tinge of regret, I guess.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 22:26:38 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I'm 100% GME and I outperformed the market convincing YTD

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 06:00:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

This is assuming GME continues to go up or at least hold value which isn’t guaranteed

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 12:32:14 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

RobinHood is pretty good for anyone not wanting to do anything that complicated. Most of the people who got mad at it were the ones who got screwed during the GME craze.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 03:43:52 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Agreed on the interface. I think a lot of people we really bothered that they restricted buying but not selling during the GME squeeze

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 20:39:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I’ve never held GME, but the stock buying restrictions on GME really rubbed me the wrong way.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 03:52:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

This. RH had the best UI and functionality of any broker BY FAR. But besides that, its one of he easiest to use for "advanced" trades. People only shit on it for the GME fiasco

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 02:18:35 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Rh app. It’s simple, user friendly and just makes sense. But I’d rather go with a more trusted platform…also the whole GME buying restriction really bothered me

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 19:31:16 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Your probably right…but then GME happened

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 20:24:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I did not like their response to GME. I’ve never been a holder, but that really rubbed me the wrong way. I actually really like to app. No issues with it.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 13:27:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

They restricted stock buying on GME during the short squeeze. I’ve never held GME, but if they can manipulate a stock like that then they can do that on any stock. Besides that, I really like the RH app and features. Just was a shitty/non ethical move imo.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 13:35:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Is there really any huge downsides to buying and holding shares long term on Robinhood? I remember the whole GME debacle, but other than that I've heard that sometimes there can be server issues which causes issues buying/selling for very short periods of time. I've been putting a lot of money into QQQ/VTI/TQQQ recently though, all on Robinhood and I just want to make sure I'm not making a mistake.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 20:29:40 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Many brokers restricted trading when GME rallied in January, they disabled the buying of some stocks, like AMC, SSOK (reverse), BB, BBBY, and of course GME. A lot of people were really really mad

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 19:44:24 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

When GME and AMC was skyrocketing a bunch of brokerages disabled their buy buttons (mind you they still allowed selling) on those stocks to suppress the price because apparently the brokerages and hedge funds were shorting it. Fidelity and Vanguard were one of the few that allowed normal trading so you could still buy.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 19:25:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I mean I care. If they can do it to GME holders then they can do it to me and YOU. I never purchased GME, it’s the principle that they can restrict a particular stock/ETF and there’s nothing you can do about it.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 19:35:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

GME, the fundamental development within the company will be coming to fruition in 22 so I expect strong growth as they sit on 2bil cash and have had growing revenue all 21. Those shorting this 'brick and mortar' company will lose

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 06:42:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I have to be honest I just ordered a bunch of stuff from GME online their service was pretty good, the games I ordered as Christmas gifts are all downloads (which isn’t as cool to hand out as hard copies but I digress) I can definitely see how this would be much more profitable than their old business model but how overvalued is the company with the massive run up with the meme stock ordeal? It will be interesting to watch

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 10:22:55 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Just yolo into GME and get rich soon.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 18:22:24 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Listen, wsb folks get lucky too occasionally with stocks like GME and what have you. Tesla was her big break in 2020, Bitcoin in 2017. It might work short-term for massive bursts, but it's not a sustainable strategy. Index funds tend to be much more long-term sustainable gains even if smaller gains. If you believe strongly in high-risk ARKK, buy it and stick to it. It's your call. For me, I don't believe in her car salesman scheme to search for pumps or pump it herself like she did Tesla. If you look at wsb over time, it will work wonders until it doesn't. I bet Cathie stays up at night trying to see if she can find the next Tesla. If she does, great. If she doesn't, then her world crumbles. She always has the option to quit the fund & start the next one. That has been a sustainable strategy for her that is tried-and-tested multiple times by her in the last 20 years.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 23:53:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I meant the 100 dollar promo lol. I use fidelity already since that RH fiasco with GME earlier this year.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 15:50:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I think you’ll likely get biased bearish views on HOOD on Reddit considering the GME incident. Cathie is a huge bull on it, it does probably have the cleanest UI out of the brokerages and therefor will continue attracting more users, and they do make a lot of money (see loss porn on WSB for example). I’m not saying it’s a good investment, but people here think it’s going to 0. I think potential for rebound is more probable than what people take it granted for

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 05:07:22 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Allow me to introduce you to Super League Gaming (SLGG) who has been partnering with Viacom and running ads for Paramount in Minecraft and Roblox. For Halloween, they ran an event in their Minecraft server, Minehut, which was sponsored by Nickelodeon. The following is a link to a webinar put together with members of SLGG and Viacom as well as other companies working towards metaverse growth. I wouldn’t recommend paying for or watching the webinar as it seems to be more for those in the industry. However, Doug Rosen from Viacom has been involved in each one. I would recommend checking out r/SLGG for some background of the company and see how it makes you feel about Viacom moving forward in 2022. I for one am very excited. I have a hunch that Viacom and metaverse companies like SLGG and even companies like GME have the ability to do something that bigger companies like Facebook, or Meta, can’t and that’s work with children. It’s a demographic that FB tried to get into with Instagram, but that was shut down. Imagine if Viacom created a Roblox or Minecraft environment that was Paw Patrol and made for kids of all ages. Just think about the possibilities moving forward with this new tech.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 13:04:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

GME: Once I saw it start to tilt around $400 I cut and ran. TESLA: Owned one share but I learned what my taste for volatility was and this stock would have sent me into constant anxiety attacks over a tweet.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 12:59:22 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

(1) GME -> Got out with a 600% profit. Sold on the second peak of the "M" pattern(~$320), before it fell to $40 for a while. (2) WISH -> Got assigned on $9 puts. Sold at a loss at $7.50. (3) BB -> Had average of $14+. Sold at a slight loss at $13.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 13:05:49 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Meme stocks like AMC and GME are LIKELY going to see a nice spike in January. It will probably be temporary so that would be more of a swing trade play if I made one. Not a terrible way to ring in the new year.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 19:48:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Same smh the thieves invested my life savings in GME and I just want all the money returned please 😉 You can trust me I would never do something that irresponsible I promise! (Sorry Bad Joke!! I pray you get your money back OP nobody deserves to be robbed)

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 05:07:00 2021 SUBREDDIT : RobinHoodPennyStocks

GMErry Christmas!

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 08:21:25 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Deciding between two options for my GME shares: HOLD or HODL…

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 09:36:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I don't understand the intensity of hate for Jim Cramer. It's just over the top and strange. This is from WSB people who didn't have an account until GME already peaked. Yep, look around. Guy is entertaining, he's a meme. It's a bit... coked out Jim. "Mad money". Inverse Jim is an old meme. This is fun. Relax, you guys are being super, super ghey.

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 07:04:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

U forgot GME bro

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 02:46:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Oh, hey look you have reasonable picks for holdings, not fucking WISH, CLOV, AMC, GME etc.

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 02:32:50 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Im still up with AMC and GME. Also still HODLing until shorts cover. Sometimes less activity, is better.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 21:16:10 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

"meme stocks" in general maybe, but GameStop? I'm up 5x and every time people online beg me to sell I buy more. The attempt at roping all the stocks together though and treating them equally has worked great for the shorts. Never forget that GME had 160% shares sold short, and the SEC report literally said that January's run-up was just autists from here fomoing in. This isn't over.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 20:57:08 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Had to loss harvest BB (read sell at 70% loss) to offset GME gains. Fuckin A man.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 20:21:40 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Time to admit GME isn’t a meme. Wish on the other hand…

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 01:02:38 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

FACT: GME wasn't a meme stock until it went to $400. Before that it was a serious and calculated play.

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 00:42:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

What are you on about I'm still over 100% on GME and it's been solid as a rock through 3 market wide dips this year.

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 09:20:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Hood 🤦🏼‍♂️ Seriously? After what they did to GME ??

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 21:57:58 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

There was never any low quality memes like this on WSB prior to GME. There was some memes but it tended to be high effort ones that people put work into and which were bespoke to the subreddit. Not the generic memes like in the OP which you find on literally every single shifty subreddit on this site

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 18:54:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Would it interest you that I was offered monies to be an influencer during the GME days? It looked like they just wanted to buy my account honestly.

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 01:02:52 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I am an unpaid GME shill. How do I become a paid gme shill?

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 06:28:37 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I would put that 50 into GME.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 16:43:09 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I feel ya bruh. The worst feeling is knowing that you lost a bunch of money in some weird biotech stocks that no one else is buying. At least stocks like WISH AMC GME BB you have a bunch of retards losing money with you. But for biotech, you cry alone

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 15:57:13 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Sad thing, 90% of this sub has no idea who this guy is. And you can't even filter by top voted of all time anymore, because it's all just fucking GME until your scroll wheel breaks. Rip the legend, we will never forget his guh.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 06:21:03 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Fucking this bro. Guh is a legend. After February of this year somehow these new retards thought posting $5000 of GME shares was a YOLO. That’s no fucking YOLO. The potential of losing everything is a YOLO.

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 00:47:36 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Wsb always loss in trading. Maybe you shill should buy GME .Thank me later

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 07:12:51 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

GME made this sub horribly repetitive for a while. I'm glad that it's mostly back to normal.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 12:04:55 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Sure I'd prefer to back to before GME happened but I still think that it's better than that.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 13:18:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

GME was fun for awhile but when it became a constant conspiracy theory about hedgies thats when it really went to shit. I thought we were all here to hit it rich? What the fuck is the deal with how it morphed into this weird social justice hate hedge funds bullshit? The original OG wallstreetbets members want to BE the hedge funds, if anything. We want to BE rich af, we didn't hate on rich af wall street. We want to BE wall street. I mean hell, look at the name of the fucking sub...

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 19:17:24 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I only have room for 3 stocks. GME,AMC and SNDL. 💎🙌

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 18:55:37 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

well there was that one guy talking about GME....

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 17:35:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

thats a tad different, lol. DFV had like 6-8+ hour videos of GME on the weekly or even monthly. Dude deserves every penny and he made a lot of people a LOT of money.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 19:57:43 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

honestly it was pure luck. I think even he’s surprised by the amount of gains in January. if you watched his streams he was definitely thinking GME would be worth $50+ in like 5-10 years. he was longggg on GameStop

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 22:55:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I’ve been looking at the all time top posts, god that GME craze was fucking beautiful, retards united!

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 22:28:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

>Today's five most talked about tickers on /r/wallstreetbets are TSLA, GME, NVDA, BB, and CG. /r/wallstreetbets\WSB) at 2021-12-23 05:00:34 EST-0500

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 10:00:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

People don't realize how fucked you'd be in Examples 2/3 if you didn't get to match losses up with gains entirely. Like, imagine paying taxes on $120k you don't have anymore lmao. However a key point here of course is these are realized gains and losses. If you hit on GME or some shit in January for $100k gain, bought leaps with that $100k that are fading to dust and are only worth $5k, you re still marked with $100k net capital gains for 2021. So when tax time come and you upload your docs the IRS will want a cut of that 100k capital gains you netted in 2021. They don't care your 100k is now 5k.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 22:15:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I'm thinking there are a lot of people who made 5 or 6 figures on GME in January and bought leaps or shares and they are sitting on near equal amounts of unrealized losses. If they don't realize those losses they will be on the hook for the capital gains and only $3k a year when the realize those losses in the future.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 16:52:03 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

So the GME 12/31 $400C I bought in November might not expire OTM..?

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 07:33:58 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Bro SPY and GME raped me last month I can’t even walk 🤣🤡

NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:12:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

they already shut down selling on Doge...Coin after the GME fiasco so you're sure as hell wrong about that. F RobinHood

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 17:37:55 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

For real, RH is so so easy to use and the UI is amazing. I started trading after the whole GME thing too so its not as if I got burned by them.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 17:40:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Quadruple down by selling your parents house and putting all of their life savings to GME.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 21:43:51 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I am partly responsible for mooning last year. Someone yolod 3DTE 25 calls when GME was around 20. I called him a retard. GME mooned that friday because of this, and he replied to my comment. I apologized to him. Lets make it happen again. You’re a retard!

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 01:07:48 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I also have GME in my ROTH. I’ll pay some penalties for spending some early 😁

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 22:07:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

what are we doing with GME. I'm way under water. was hoping for a bump just before announcement back on the 14th. never happened.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 17:29:24 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

This makes me want to look into why anyone would ever want GME in a retirement account. Doesn’t make sense to me at all, most brokers lend out shares that are purchased through a customer or client’s IRA. In this specific scenario, that’s exactly what you don’t want.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 00:51:24 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

This guy is probably brain dead. GME is old news. No pump will justify his future losees

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 11:02:25 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

A veteran of the GME war, circle early 2021. -Salute-

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 17:37:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

why the fuck are people still pretending GME is a thing. Its not going to skyrocket any higher. Its eitehr staying right where its been at or returning back down to nothing where youll lose all your money

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 04:11:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

No, gamestop is GME. Dutch Bros is BROS.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 22:35:09 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

careful now, hedgies are going to hit hard leading up to it. I actually have puts in place for AMC and GME just to capitalize on what I think the market will do. I wish I had more money than the bare 10k to play with, but then again...10k is a lot to "play" with so I need to be happy with what I have.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 04:04:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Amazing that these idiots think GME is still a thing.

NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 22:19:43 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

No lie, Ive been buying waaaay OTM puts for $.01 and let them expire worthless just to inverse myself so GME will moon.

NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 04:29:43 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

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