Wednesday, June 12, 2024

👋We’re happy to announce Hakan Sezikli Hakan Sezikli, co-founder of BEVM, as one of our keynote speakers at WDMS in Las Vegas on June 16-18th! 😻Discover insights on EVM-compatible Bitcoin layer 2 technology, backed by #BITMAIN. 🫡Join us for an exciting event! 🔗

Exploring the World of HugeWin: An Overview

Exploring the World of HugeWin: An Overview

Dive into the captivating realm of HugeWin, where modern gaming seamlessly merges with the integration of casino classics, sports betting, and crypto play. At HugeWin, players are treated to a diverse array of classic and trending casino slots, thrilling live sports events, and engaging games, all accompanied by a plethora of promotions, bonuses, and the chance to win an unparalleled Mega Jackpot.

Delving Into the Abundant Features at HugeWin

At the core of HugeWin's appeal lies its commitment to providing players with a seamless and rewarding gaming experience. One of the standout features of the platform is its support for instant deposits and withdrawals with crypto, catering to the growing demand for fast and secure transactions in the digital age. Whether you prefer Bitcoin, Tether, TRON, or other popular cryptocurrencies, HugeWin has you covered, ensuring that your gaming journey is as convenient as it is enjoyable. Additionally, the platform operates with efficiency and adheres to top-tier security standards, providing players with peace of mind as they immerse themselves in their favorite games.

Unlocking the Deposit Bonus

One of the most enticing aspects of playing at HugeWin is the opportunity to reap the rewards of generous deposit bonuses. Upon making deposits, players can expect to receive bonuses ranging from 5% to 25%, depending on the game they choose to play. These bonuses serve as a valuable boost to players' gaming budgets, allowing them to explore a wider range of games and increase their chances of landing big wins. However, it's essential for players to familiarize themselves with the intricacies of bonus wagering rules to make the most of these incentives and maximize their gaming experience.

Exclusive Casino and Sports Discounts

In addition to its deposit bonuses, HugeWin also offers players access to exclusive discount bonuses for both casino games and sports betting. Players can claim cashback of up to 15% of their losses when playing casino games and up to 5% of their losses on sports bets, providing them with added value and mitigating potential losses. These discounts serve as a testament to HugeWin's commitment to rewarding its players and ensuring that they feel valued and appreciated every step of the way.

The Coveted Mega Jackpot at HugeWin

For players seeking the ultimate thrill and the chance to land a life-changing win, the Mega Jackpot at HugeWin is the pinnacle of excitement. With its continuously growing prize pool, the Mega Jackpot offers players the opportunity to turn their dreams into reality with a single spin. Players can access various jackpot tiers, including the Mega, Major, Minor, and Mini jackpots, each offering unique opportunities for landing significant wins and making their mark in the world of online gaming.

In Conclusion: HugeWin, Where Gaming Dreams Come True

In conclusion, HugeWin emerges as a trailblazing online casino and betting platform, dedicated to providing players with a transparent, equitable, and rewarding gaming environment. With its extensive selection of casino games, sports betting opportunities, enticing bonuses, and unparalleled promotions, HugeWin stands as the ultimate destination for players seeking excitement and rewards in the online gaming landscape. Embark on an unforgettable gaming journey by visiting today and experience firsthand the thrill of turning gaming dreams into reality.

I've noticed something about Ice FUdsters

They're all ridiculously low IQ. They'll say things like "omg bro Bitcoin is up 7 grand and Ice is up 3/10th of a penny lmfaoo 🤣🤣 ur so poor so stupid"

I don't even bother explaining the flaw in their logic anymore as I realized Ice FUDsters are seemingly impervious to basic math and logic. I'm not even going to explain it here either, if you don't understand that going from $0.004 to $1 is EONs better than going from Bitcoin's $40,000 to $200,000 then you just don't belong in anything crypto. It seems like people who oppose Ice the most do it because of it's low Price.

Funny cuz they're the same people who say "buy low sell high", I've even had some people say "Id only buy ice when it's $1" like okay but by then how much ROI are you missing out on? 🤣 People can't even math to save their lives.

Another argument FUDsters like to throw at me is the all time graph. "look breh down 30% all time" like dude do u even understand what airdrops are? Do you want the core team to hold all the coins?? They distributed it to gather attention and to get a natural economy going. Don't be low IQ here how is a project in crypto supposed to start without dropping if it never dropped upon launch? Would have to be if it was never distributed, and if that's the case it's not a real cryptocurrency. Just some token made by Joe schmoe for shits and giggles, or worse, nefarious scam purposes.

Then people like to point its ranking on CMC. Bro it's below 700. Yeah man but do you realize it's doing a whole bunch of things no other Blockchain is doing? And all of them make sense? Hosting real world events like the music festival, passive revenue from Hermatic, partnering up with the biggest crypto e-commerce site. Pi Chain Mall would have single handedly made Pi, a bad project, a decent success had the PCT had the balls to list. By decent success, I mean a handful of billion Market Cap after a 8-9 years ish. Ice got with them and they have a bunch of other things in their arsenal all of them good, all of them help reduce the supply drastically. The fact that it's fully Diluted market cap is $110 Million (around 50 million if u factor how much it'll be burning) is a Blessing. Buying Ice before mainnet is buying a Amazon/Microsoft Hybrid IPO on steroids. Some guy who I convinced to buy 50,000 ice told me recently he was lamenting selling Nvidia at $160 I'm like bro that 50,000 ice is gonna go laps around it and you'll be lamenting tens times over for not buying at least $1000 worth of ice 😭.

You cannot sit there and tell me crypto e-commerce, Blockchain hosting real world events, Web3 and censorship resistance, Tap-to-Mine, and trading bot commission are not all the future. Man it feels good looking at doctors and lawyers being a paycheck to paycheck Joe knowing that my IQ is going to make me 10x richer than these go-with-the-flow mindless robots with zero insight and anti-speculation ideology commoners. "So I'm up 40% so far in my S & P 500" yeah okay bub u keep investing in this ancient outdated infrastructure that's doomed to be obsolete in the upcoming decades.

And I always check my bias at the door, dooyaknowotimsaiyin? I always make sure to evaluate whether I'm being realistic or not here. Cuz I invest in crypto projects I believe are the future.

I've invested in Solana when it was at $100 because I saw its momentum and understood meme coin culture was (to my disliking) a winning idea. I've invested in Shib at $0.000011 because I read it was deflationary and later realized it was voluntarily burning (which is lame). I've invested in Cronos because to me a crypto credit card seems like an idea with a future. So when I say Ice got KILLER ideas I mean it. I ain't blowing smoke. I've invested in crypto projects with WAAAAAY inferior indeas, and much higher market caps!!

I tell everyone about ice cuz I'm high IQ enough to see the core team understands economics and aren't just some goofballs that made a blockchain willy nilly like it seems most other projects out there are. And I only get more excited and more bullish each day this project is gonna help me live the best life and I can't wait to buy some more.

Oh I just remembered another argument made by the subhuman. "ice will never surpass Bitcoin" like lmfao 🤣. DO YOU NEED IT TO? So if it doesn't get to $70,000 in 15 years you're not interested? What idiot logic is this and how do you get dressed in the morning if this is how u reason. YO STOCK WILL NEVER BE BITCOIN EITHER BRO, the most expensive stock is cheaper than the Bitcoin. It's just a stupid thing to say because first of all, in terms of technology and use cases Ice will vastly surpass BTC. In terms of Price, yeah no $h!+ It'll probably never be $70,000 or at least not in our lifetimes or our kid's lifetimes. But when it's $100 in a little over 12 years and $1000 in 20ish years you're gonna be sitting realizing how much of an idiot you were for being a Bitcoin Maxii when BTC only did a 10x and 20x in 12 and 20ish years respectively.

quick update and ortex data flow as well as si update

quick update on spwr.

today large flow that came for calls exp this friday not sure if there hedging to short

those 4.50 look interesting

next up ortex

looks like si has gone down maybe shorts did a bit of covering as well as today

borrow rate. looks like they used 500k shares yesterday to short the stock once it hit 3.9

this stock is related to gme popped in 2021 and during the recent meme pop

i guess we got to find out whats going on with gme tommorow if if RK really did sell his option contracts

update on gme max pain as well as spwr for next week opex week

not financial advice