Friday, June 21, 2024

I communicate with my Future Self in a meditative state.

I started doing this in 2020 during the lockdowns, I would ask my future self about stock trades and bitcoin investments. I will share the details with you briefly: 1) go into a meditative state 2) visualize your most probable future self as your energy is today. (Remember there are different versions of yourself different 'timelines') 3) now visualize blank room and a chair placed in front of you. 4) now make the future self sit in the chair in front of you. 5) it helps now to make a golden line of energy connected from your brain to your future self's brain, or your third eye to his third eye. 6) now ask questions, but package the questions with images. Some people have success with just asking questions as a dialogue in your mind, but personally I use images that will trigger emotions because they are 'louder' for me, they are more percievable. 7) so let's say I want a signal of which stock to pick, I will be open to receiving a visual signal that will come as an emotional of physiological response, let me explain: 8) it's embarrassing to admit but I'll send sexual images and visualization for the strongest signals. When I want the signal to represent a 'yes' I will suddenly get sudden physiological response of getting aroused. 9) if the signal I get back is something that angers me or makes me fearful, I used to visualize someone kicking me dog while I was tied up, which is a horrific scene for me. 10) a 'happy' emotion would be a visualization of my dog licking my face, this warms my heart. -all of these visualization images trigger strong emotional responses and helps me go into greater detail with specifics when I am one by one identifying specifics on let's say a stock, crypto or yes or no questions.

I know I'm being somewhat vague here but im giving you a general overview but there is much detail I can add here- such as how I quickly go into this state using specific sounds with headphones.

Now I want to point out that using this for monetary gain like I was trying to do won't work because of the various realities we shift through. You will shift into the reality that bitcoin goes down in price when your future self was in the reality it goes up.

However, you can change your 'energy field' to shift into realities where you do in fact come into money this is where I have had success. But that is another post as it gets off topic.

You can, however, ask things about people, companies, events, and situations and get really in depth information. You can place different people in that chair as well and probe, such a celebrities or Trump for example.

Now if you do decide to probe people, do not place that energetic line , and when you are done you want to 'unzip' by first cutting any energetic lines with scissors and then flashing yourself with golden energy thoroughly (use visualisation) . The reason for this cleansing is you do not want any illness, diseases or their negative karma psychicly connected to you. Elizabeth Targg died of the specific rare cancer from the patients she was doing this sort of thing with. So 'unzipping' is essentially reversing the process you used to get first make that connection. So you make the person get up from the chair and walk out the door for example.

There is a lot of documentation and research on this sort of thing but connecting to your future self or your higher self is safe to do. But I evolved to do nowadays is make connections to not just my future self but better versions of myself that are all the things I want in this life and can potentially be. I then ask that version of myself advice and questions.

If anyone has questions about this feel free to ask.

Biggest event-ever for bitcoins


Hey CULO Community,

During yesterday AMA we had tons of updates and insights, as usual we share a recap with you all.

We kicked things off by celebrating our sponsorship of Adam Charles, who recently fought in London. Adam is a heavy wheigth Champion and a professional fighter It’s been fantastic to support such talent. Make sure to follow him on X at "@"AdamCharlesMKT.

Next up, we talked about the BTC 2024 event in Nashville. Despite the challenging market conditions we’re facing, we’re staying focused on the long term. These tough times are temporary, and we’re gearing up for what’s next. The BTC conference in Nashville will be our next big IRL event, and we’re really looking forward to it.

We also have some exciting news for our top holders. While we can’t reveal too much just yet, we’ve got something special planned that we’ll announce before the end of next month. Stay tuned for that!

During the AMA, we touched on why we hold these weekly spaces. It’s all about keeping our community engaged and informed. We know it can be hard to stay patient during market downturns, but we’re here for the long haul. Our project isn’t going anywhere. We’re committed to building and growing together.

RC shared some personal insights, talking about what drives us to keep going. We’re incredibly proud of what we’re building and the community we’ve fostered. Even though we’re 90% down from our all-time high, we’ve achieved so much. RC isn’t cashing out—he’s continuing to DCA because he believes in the long-term potential of CULO. "We have the connections and resources to succeed, and we want to see our community win. Remember, our team and community are one and the same."

Culotoshi remains bullish about the market and CULO. Now we are on a bitcoin season extremely deep with a plus 55% BTC dominance. That only means that when the altseason comes all this money will flow back creating a massive pump. On the macro scene SP500 and Nasdaq are near ATH with NVDA soaring, again this proffits will flow to undervalued assets. About CULO? Which project shows up on IRL events like us arround the world. Remeber guys we've been in Crypto conferences in Denver, Austin, Orlando, Nashville, Paris... And we've make events on Brazil Miami and Cancun and Mexico DF. Which project is building technology like us with a complete scratch created tg raid bot, video game and our own aggregator (CULOSWAP). We have several reasons to keep building, this is for the CULO.

We don’t take days off because we’re dedicated to making CULO a success.

Thanks for tuning in to the AMA and being part of this incredible journey. Let’s keep pushing forward together and build something amazing!


As the crypto market is giving the trust, the dApps are also revolving around the internet. New dApp projects are making their way to the market. Crypto market is no more limited to just currency. The new coming decentralized applications are providing the solutions to real-world problems.

We will not discuss Bitcoin and Etherium as dApp examples as everybody knows about them. Rather we will discuss the new decentralized projects that are providing the solutions to the real world problems.

There are hundreds of decentralized applications are available on the internet and they are working on the base of the peer to peer network. The crypto industry is new and it evolving with time. That’s the reason many people don’t have any idea about these amazing projects.
We will discuss some of them but you can visit coinmarketcap and check all the 1650 decentralized applications available there.

Vevue project

Vevue is an amazing project that is based on the decentralized system. Hence we can say it is a Dapp. It promises to “bring Google Street View to life”, by enabling users to take 30-second video clips of restaurants, hotels, places, events and more to share with other people around the world.

The Vevue website itself says “Make videos, earn tokens anywhere in the world.”

All users need is a smartphone, and by answering requests pinned in their neighborhood they can earn bitcoin or even Vevue equity tokens in selected areas.

The “Make Videos, earn Bitcoin” app is already available on the Google Play store, though is not in its final state and does not currently reward users.