Thursday, March 18, 2021

The real bull market has not yet arrived! Put a long line to catch a big fish

Bitcoin currently remains between the two blue lines below. The daily oscillating highs are getting higher and higher, and the oscillating lows are getting higher and higher, showing a solid parallelogram pattern as a whole. Therefore, Bitcoin is currently in an oscillating phase, and oscillation is the adjustment. After the adjustment is over, Bitcoin is expected to break from a high point upward. The large range of oscillation is 28,000-62,000 US dollars, and the oscillation amplitude is 34,000 US dollars. It can be expected that after the successful breakthrough of this model, it will grow wildly like a rocket launch, refreshing everyone’s cognition.

Of course, not everything is 100% certain. Although the shock mode has a higher probability of breaking upward, there may be some small probability events. For example, if there is a correction in the middle, it will lead the market into a deep adjustment phase, but this possibility is relatively small. When Bitcoin is lower than 45,000 in the callback phase, the market will enter a deep adjustment, and the time of skyrocketing will be delayed for a while. It can be expected that the possibility of an upward breakthrough in the shock is relatively high, and the market will enter the carnival by then. This will not only refresh the cognition of market novices but also refresh the cognition of 90% of analysts because most of these analysts have only experienced the market after 2017 and do not have a long-term vision.

Currently, everything is at the bottom. The small range of Bitcoin fluctuations is between 52,000 and 62,000. During this adjustment period, some high-quality coins will take turns soaring. This bull market is different from 2017. At that time, every coin in the market will soar, but now the bull market coin price surge is selective. All this is due to the fact that there are few types of coins in 2017, but now The market environment is different and there are many types of coins. Among them, 90% are inferior coins. Inferior coins will not rise, or the rise will be very small. Really valuable high-quality coins will soar, the increase will be greater, and the market value will also create a new record.

In other words, the small fluctuation range of Bitcoin is between 52,000 and 62,000 for a few days. The fluctuation range of a large parallelogram is 28000~62000. If the breakthrough is successful, its price will increase at the speed of a rocket launch. Of course, everything is not 100%, so we must be vigilant against certain risks and unpredictable risks. It is expected that the callback will not be less than 51,000. During the Bitcoin shock period, some new coins will be launched in turn, among which there are many low-quality coins. Therefore, when entering the market, please choose carefully, otherwise, the low-quality coins in your hand will successfully make you miss the rare bull market in many years.

According to my previous predictions, the second goal of Bitcoin is $62.000, which has now been reached. So the third and next target is US$79,000 and the fourth target is US$108,500. If you choose to go in the long-term, the end of the Bitcoin bull market is expected to reach around $250,000 to $300,000.

The subsequent growth of Ethereum will surpass that of Bitcoin. Ethereum's next goal is $2,600, the second goal is $3,500, and the third goal is $4280. In the long run, it is expected to reach about 15,000-20000 US dollars. This is just very conservative. According to forecasts, the actual market out-of-control may be far more than this, and the future view will be constantly updated according to the development of the market.


1.The bull market is still in progress, and the truly turbulent bull market has not yet begun. At present, this is only the warm-up stage, and the follow-up market will continue to refresh everyone’s understanding. Therefore, buy low, don't chase the rise, and sell the fall. Getting rich cannot be achieved overnight. Achieving prosperity requires you to maintain a calm mind when the market rises and falls slightly to wait. The arrival of the late skyrocketing.

  1. In the big bull market, not all coins have skyrocketed, and not all coins have risen the same. Among them, high-quality currencies will gradually expand from the lowest point of the bear market to the highest point of the bull market and increase by hundreds of thousands of times. Therefore, we must choose high-quality, valuable potential tokens. During the bull market, the ranking of the top 20 coins in the market will be reshuffled.

How about a Taylor Swift cryptocurrency? SwiftCoin!

Hey all,

I like Taylor and her music. Been to a couple of her concerts and have always enjoyed the event. The super passionate fans stand out to me. It's all so heartwarming and she's adored by so many.

I've got a bit of technical skills and I'm thinking that maaaaaybe there's a place for a Taylor Swift coin (like bitcoin!) that could be freely bought and sold via a few simple steps. It could act as a store of value initially but perhaps at some point be used for unique or exclusive Taylor stuff (just thinking out loud here).

I figure that these passionate fans could potentially help the project succeed and, who knows? Maybe SwiftCoin could be the next talk of the financial world?

If there's any interest, I'm happy to work on this and just see where it goes.

[ Bitcoin ] Warning: STOP buying Bitcoin on Robinhood. These guys almost went under to a 3b margin call on illegal $GME paper trades. They will rob you and go broke.

Topic originally posted in Bitcoin by TheGreatGasbyy [link]

If this applies to you, seriously what are you thinking? We’ve been shouting “don’t buy BTC on RH” from the rooftops. The latest update is finding out that RH has admitted to paper trading $GME and fucking investors when their naked positions caught a 3 billion dollar margin call.

If this has been a Bitcoin related event, there would have been no recovery, RH would have filed for bankruptcy and relied on their elite friends to manage any government intervention that may crop up.

RH basically shorted every order their client’s made, not only stabbing those clients in the back short term, but setting them up to lose everything if they were right. If $GME had gone to $1,000 all of these folks would have been left with less than their buy-in because RH would have gone under.

Returning to Bitcoin, it’s important to understand that this deceptive practice is even more easily perpetrated against RH’s BTC buyers and that Congress / regulators are even less likely to do anything about it.

For the love of Satoshi, I know at least one of you reading this is still not selling the Bitcoin you have on RH, transferring your fiat to a legitimate exchange, rebuying the Bitcoin, and storing it off exchange. Stupid games, stupid prizes, and you can’t be entirely dumb if you’ve read this far. Make the move right now and sleep better knowing your coins are safe and Sonos the integrity of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Other exchanges to consider include: Gemini, Kraken, Binance US, Coinsebase Pro, Swan, and if you’re a real legend BISQ.

If this is your first time hearing this stuff, search r/Bitcoin for Robinhood and checkout this recent r/wallstreetbets thread detailing RH’s 3 billion dollar margin call

TL:DR - RH probably isn’t buying Bitcoin when you buy Bitcoin on RH. If Bitcoin rallies hard enough, or if RH has an internal problem, you’re likely to lose everything. Move your funds off of RH.

/u/TheGreatGasbyy your post has been copied because one or more comments in this topic have been removed. This copy will preserve unmoderated topic. If you would like to opt-out, please send a message using [this link].

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The real bull market has not yet arrived! Put a long line to catch a big fish

Bitcoin currently remains between the two blue lines below. The daily oscillating highs are getting higher and higher, and the oscillating lows are getting higher and higher, showing a solid parallelogram pattern as a whole. Therefore, Bitcoin is currently in an oscillating phase, and oscillation is the adjustment. After the adjustment is over, Bitcoin is expected to break from a high point upward. The large range of oscillation is 28,000-62,000 US dollars, and the oscillation amplitude is 34,000 US dollars. It can be expected that after the successful breakthrough of this model, it will grow wildly like a rocket launch, refreshing everyone’s cognition.

Of course, not everything is 100% certain. Although the shock mode has a higher probability of breaking upward, there may be some small probability events. For example, if there is a correction in the middle, it will lead the market into a deep adjustment phase, but this possibility is relatively small. When Bitcoin is lower than 45,000 in the callback phase, the market will enter a deep adjustment, and the time of skyrocketing will be delayed for a while. It can be expected that the possibility of an upward breakthrough in the shock is relatively high, and the market will enter the carnival by then. This will not only refresh the cognition of market novices but also refresh the cognition of 90% of analysts because most of these analysts have only experienced the market after 2017 and do not have a long-term vision.

Currently, everything is at the bottom. The small range of Bitcoin fluctuations is between 52,000 and 62,000. During this adjustment period, some high-quality coins will take turns soaring. This bull market is different from 2017. At that time, every coin in the market will soar, but now the bull market coin price surge is selective. All this is due to the fact that there are few types of coins in 2017, but now The market environment is different and there are many types of coins. Among them, 90% are inferior coins. Inferior coins will not rise, or the rise will be very small. Really valuable high-quality coins will soar, the increase will be greater, and the market value will also create a new record.

In other words, the small fluctuation range of Bitcoin is between 52,000 and 62,000 for a few days. The fluctuation range of a large parallelogram is 28000~62000. If the breakthrough is successful, its price will increase at the speed of a rocket launch. Of course, everything is not 100%, so we must be vigilant against certain risks and unpredictable risks. It is expected that the callback will not be less than 51,000. During the Bitcoin shock period, some new coins will be launched in turn, among which there are many low-quality coins. Therefore, when entering the market, please choose carefully, otherwise, the low-quality coins in your hand will successfully make you miss the rare bull market in many years.

According to my previous predictions, the second goal of Bitcoin is $62.000, which has now been reached. So the third and next target is US$79,000 and the fourth target is US$108,500. If you choose to go in the long-term, the end of the Bitcoin bull market is expected to reach around $250,000 to $300,000.

The subsequent growth of Ethereum will surpass that of Bitcoin. Ethereum's next goal is $2,600, the second goal is $3,500, and the third goal is $4280. In the long run, it is expected to reach about 15,000-20000 US dollars. This is just very conservative. According to forecasts, the actual market out-of-control may be far more than this, and the future view will be constantly updated according to the development of the market.


1.The bull market is still in progress, and the truly turbulent bull market has not yet begun. At present, this is only the warm-up stage, and the follow-up market will continue to refresh everyone’s understanding. Therefore, buy low, don't chase the rise, and sell the fall. Getting rich cannot be achieved overnight. Achieving prosperity requires you to maintain a calm mind when the market rises and falls slightly to wait. The arrival of the late skyrocketing.

  1. In the big bull market, not all coins have skyrocketed, and not all coins have risen the same. Among them, high-quality currencies will gradually expand from the lowest point of the bear market to the highest point of the bull market and increase by hundreds of thousands of times. Therefore, we must choose high-quality, valuable potential tokens. During the bull market, the ranking of the top 20 coins in the market will be reshuffled.

Bitcoin halving: what, when, and how and the price be affected?



#Bitcoin_price_today #Bitcoin_price

There's an event in the world of cryptocurrencies that happens every few years and is of great importance for the entire crypto industry. This event doesn't come unexpected but has severe and lasting consequences nonetheless. Meet Bitcoin halving.

Visit our site:

Full Nodes and ISP Data Caps

I am less than one month in to operating my Bitcoin Full Node. Within my first week of ownership I had to increase my data plan through my ISP (Cox Internet). The data cap per month was 1.250TB and I had consumed 95% of that data with a few days more to go before reset.

Checking my router's native application today here are the numbers:

Download: 385.6GB
Upload: 1,967.9GB

I have 124 Peers on Bitcoin Core and 2 Peers on LND. I know the download is a onetime event, but is that a normal monthly data expectation for upload?

Got into SOS in early March after hearing about the extremely high SI. I was hoping to ride the hype of busting shorts but after looking into Hindenberg's past as well as discovering the extremely solid DD and community strength in sub's like this, I AM ALL IN! πŸš€(DD + Positions Inside)πŸš€


TD ThinkorSwim ~ $18k

My entries are anywhere between $7.50 & $5.50. I loaded up throughout March as I dug deeper into Hindenberg's past & discovered all the amazing πŸ’Ž✋ communities like this sub. I realized earlier today that my portfolio is about 95% SOS, yet I have never been less worried about an investment over my entire time in the market. You guys are amazing. The DD on SOS I have seen on this sub and others has been far more advanced than anything produced by Hindenberg. ( I don't even understand what they are thinking at this point ). I credit my seat on the πŸš€ to all of you amazing apes whose hands stayed strong through the first rip no matter what lies were thrown your way. We wouldn't be here without you.

The more I research, the angrier I get that these hedge funds have been getting away with tearing down strong companies and hiding blatant lies and slander behind the guise of "short reports". They have been tearing down people's businesses and robbing retail traders blind for years, but they are going to get burnt on this one. We are leaving the solar system. πŸš€πŸŒŒ

🧠The DD

πŸš€ Every Hindenberg & Culper Research Lie Disputed w/ Strong Evidence πŸš€

🚨 Hindenberg Research 1st Twitter "Short Report"

  • Hindenberg's first short report, which read more like a slanderous Twitter rant, was heavily focused on the idea that SOS was a fabricated company due to the fact that they could not locate their facilities.
    • To start, this idea was extremely blown out of proportion in the 1st place. I have an Uncle who owns a business that would have been in this exact position. This is a normal business practice and is done for tax purposes.
      • Hypothetical Example: tax rate to have HQ "located" on paper in PA is 6%, but only 3% in NJ. To take advantage of this, a business owner would buy a small location in NJ, state it to be the HQ, then continue to run the bulk of operations in PA. This allows the business to save 3% in taxes and is 100% legal. (What blows my mind is Hindenberg had to know this and still went ahead with the lie)

🚨 SOS Executive Team 1st Response

  • About a week after Hindenberg releasing the first smear campaign on Twitter, SOS executives, rightfully so, decided they had enough of the lies and made a statement dispelling all of the lies and misconceptions in the first "short report". Secondly, executives stated they had a much more detailed response being prepared for the next week.
    • Hindenberg, Culper & other short sellers even went as far as to impersonate & disable some of the SOS social media accounts. This is where I began to get a feeling the shorts were paranoid...
    • To confirm my hypothesis the shorts were getting shaken up, days later a one-page article began circulating the internet, stating anyone involved in trading SOS should call the Hagen Berman attorney office to seek assistance for being "scammed by a fraudulent stock"
      • Aside from the big scary headline, the rest of the page was filler. They wanted that title to scare people off, too bad it didn't... πŸ’ŽπŸ‘
    • It was soon found out that not only was Hindenberg involved with that article being released, but he was actually the one to hire the attorney!
      • It was at this moment I went from believing we had the shorts starting to sweat, to believing we had them by the balls ⚾⚾

🚨 Hindenberg & Culper Research 2nd Twitter "Short Report"

  • In what I believe to be a last-ditch effort, Culper Research once again pounces on the release of SOS's detailed statement.
    • Culper was of the belief that SOS had had not been preparing a detailed response, rather "only pathetically attempting to cover its tracks".
    • On March 3rd, Culper tweets again, this time accusing SOS executives of never actually purchasing the second batch of 5,000 miners they had promised.
      • Keep in mind, the sole basis of this accusation was a delay in shipment and set-up times.
  • πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ Put your party hats on for this one...
    • The very next day, March 4th, SOS Executives released a video touring their entire mining facility along with showing off the 5,000 new miners Culper Research was so sure were fake.
      • This was a big push for me and was where I moved a majority of my funds into SOS

  • Culper Research went quiet for a while after this incident, but that didn't stop big bad Hindenberg from attempting to come back and save his fellow hedgie...
    • On March 9th, Hindenberg tweets for the fifth time about the previously disproven lies regarding SOS "not having any facilities or even an HQ"
      • Hindenberg continues on to slander SOS for choosing to keep their rigs in "various confidential locations" and uses MARA and RIOT as examples of how SOS "should be doing business.
  • To be completely honest, this would have been the first red flag for if it was not for the fact that Hindenberg Research was, wait for it... also slandering and short on the cryptocurrency mining company RIOT at the time of the statement.
    • This is where the deal was sealed for me. Hindenberg Research is a fund that should be comprised of smart individuals with one goal, making smart investment decisions. Not to mention they have all the tools to do so. It left my jaw wide to see how hypocritical of a statement they would make when even an average retard like myself could have guessed it to be a horrible idea.
    • Link to Hindenberg short report on RIOT: RIOT Short Report - Hindenberg
  • Hindenberg finishes off his tweet mocking the fact that SOS will relocate its miners from time to time in order to waste the least amount of electricity. I do not see how this statement even makes sense in itself since my interpretation is that operating in this way makes SOS is the smart one.
    • Maybe that's the reason SOS is already cash-flow positive, and even further, was able to recapitalize in February with $300 Million in successful offerings...

  • That brings me to my final point of the section. A snippet of DD I found in this sub last week that I do not believe has gotten the exposure it deserves yet, states how SOS is poised to beat out other popular mining stocks RIOT & MARA in BOTH the short and long term time horizons.
    • Short Term Outlook: Since it is now clear SOS is not lying about its miner purchases, as long as we stay on the course were riding at the moment, SOS will quickly begin to outperform any other major mining company. Not only will it outperform, but as time goes on it will begin to do so exponentially.

  • Long Term Outlook: Remember how Hindenberg criticized SOS for relocating its miners in order to reap the lowest electricity costs? Well, we can all get in the second laugh of the day. While Hindenberg for whatever reason saw efficient energy utilization as a negative, SOS's attention to detail with their resource usage is the reason they will beat out all other mining companies long term.
    • SOS recently secured an agreement with Leibodong Hydropower Station, which will be supplying the electricity to SOS's cloud crypto mining center.
    • Leibodong, located in Hejiang, Luzhou, Sichuan Province, offers richer and cheaper hydropower resources than the rest of China and will supply SOS's cloud mining center with electricity for a price between 0e.22-0.38kW/h
  • Direct Statement from SOS Chairman Yandai Wang: "one of the key success factors for cloud crypto mining is to secure cheap power in regions with rich renewable energy resources. Southwest China, such as Sichuan province, is one of such regions. SOS will continue to search for cheap and sustainable electricity to execute its aspiring cloud crypto mining strategy." 

Link to SOS Energy Deal: SOS & Leibodong Hydropower Station Agreement

🚨 SOS Institutional Holdings

  • All we have heard so far from Hindenberg & Culper Research is how SOS is a shell company that is lying about its cryptocurrency mining endeavors in an attempt to scam investors with a classic pump and dump scheme.

πŸš€ I am about to provide you with two facts that in my mind, 100% nullify any such claims. πŸš€

🚨 1) SOS Institutional Holdings

Direct quote from Fintel: Largest shareholders include Prelude Capital Management LLC, Susquehanna International Group, LLP, Klingenstein Fields & Co LP, Cutler Group LP, Bank Of America Corporation, Morgan Stanley, Cutler Group LP, Penserra Capital Management LLC, Edge Wealth Management LLC, and Advisor Group Holdings Inc.

  • The day I discovered this information another 15% of my portfolio went right into SOS on a same-day dip. This sealed the deal for me. How can you even say SOS is a "shell" company when such large and well-respected banks & institutions are holding decent-sized positions. While nothing is ever a 100% chance, I am willing to be wrong if Morgan Stanley & Bank of America are too.

🚨 2) On top of the large, well-respected American institutions cutting themselves a piece of the SOS pie, SOS is also a big player in the world of cloud and marketing services. While I personally am heavy on SOS for the cryptocurrency play, SOS services some very large and well-respected insurance companies, financial institutions, medical institutions, healthcare providers, auto manufacturers, security providers, senior living assistance providers, and other service providers in the emergency rescue services industry across the globe.

  • Seems to me like almost everyone believes in SOS besides Hindenberg and Culper, I wonder why...

πŸš€ Now that we've gotten the fundamentals out of the way, its time for some technical and social sentiment analysis on SOS πŸš€

🚨 Extremely High Short Interest Data

Just to clear things up

  • Short Volume: # of shares that have been shorted over a given time period
  • Short Interest: # of shares that have yet to be covered or closed out by short-sellers
  • Short Interest Ratio = # Shares Shorted / Average Volume of Daily Trades
  • Short Borrow Fee Rate: % of interest charged to any short position for borrowing the shares, think of it as a mortgage, but your borrowing shares of SOS instead of money
    • SOS's most recent borrow fee is 13.59%, while it might not seem significant without a comparison, AMC currently has a borrow fee of around 11% and is extremely hyped for a short squeeze. SOS BORROW FEE IS EVEN HIGHER!
  • Short Shares Availability: # of shares available to borrow and use to short
    • extremely low compared to SOS's overall float

  • As you can see in the above image, the borrowing fee and short shares availability has slowly gotten lower and lower over the past few days. At first glance, it might seem scary and make you think there would be less of a chance for a potential squeeze, but let me explain.
    • While some shorts have begun trying to exit their positions, so far it's been a minuscule amount. Look at what that minuscule change has done to the price action over the past few days.
      • We are ahead of schedule price-wise for even my extremely bullish outlook and the majority of the shorts are still balls deep. They pulled out the tip and were up almost $3 in 3 days.

Bottom Line: When SOS has its real squeeze, it is going straight out of the fucking solar system. It isn't even going to stop and say hi to all the GME apes chillin' on the Moon. πŸ’Ž✋πŸš€πŸŒ—

🚨 Charting

  • The above charts may be a little hard to read, but bear with me, I've been learning to edit pictures on the fly as I make this post πŸ˜…

Left Two Charts

- Far left: SOS 1 Year 1 Day

- SOS 5 Day 15 Minutes

  • Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) ( Bottom of Chart): Trend-following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of a security's price. The MACD is calculated by subtracting the 26-period exponential moving average (EMA) from the 12-period EMA.
    • MACD line first crosses the signal line (bullish), then continues its follow through to cross the centerline (bullish)
      • I am extremely bullish here because while on lower timeframe charts such as the 5 Day 15 Minute, MACD tends to have a lot more movement, seeing a lineup across time frames just gives it an even higher success probability.
  • Relative Strength Index (RSI) (Above MACD): Momentum indicator used in technical analysis that measures the magnitude of recent price changes to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions in the price of a stock or other asset. The RSI is displayed as an oscillator (a line graph that moves between two extremes) and can have a reading from 0 to 100.
    • RSI line in general terms represents the strength of the bulls vs the bears. The higher the RSI, the stronger the bullish momentum and vice versa.
      • Again, we see this trend not just on the 15-minute chart, but also lining up with the daily
  • Lastly, we are seeing extreme volume over the past few days relative to the average, as well as the On Balance Volume (OBV) steadily increasing over the daily chart

The other chart on the right does not require any in-depth technical explanation but shows us where the shorts entered their positions.

  • This is extremely important because anyone short will begin to lose money as we push above their short entry. The further we push, the harder they begin to panic, and the second they do... Houston, we have fucking liftoff! πŸš€πŸŒ—

🚨 Social Sentiment Analysis

Social media has played a major role in the short squeeze events that have been occurring over the past few months and I have found social sentiment indicators to be extremely accurate during such times.

  • Shown above is SOS's Memeberg Terminal statistics
    • Memeberg Terminal is a free social sentiment tracker that shows how many mentions a stock ticker gets across Reddit as a whole as well as individual subreddits such as WallStreetBets.
  • Below Memeberg Terminal is Google Trends, another free social sentiment tracker, but for the entire internet, rather than just Reddit.
    • As you can see, SOS is rapidly gaining traction on both Reddit and with the general public. In the past, this has been an extremely bullish signal for hot stocks like SOS.
      • Another bonus is since SOS is still trading under $10, new investors see that as a steal due to the psychological barrier of double digits.

🚨 Analyst Price Forecasts

  • Pictured above are the three price targets given to SOS by professional analysts.
  • Scorpio VC: $40
  • CNN: ~$20
  • SeekingAlpha: Fair value of $18, upside to $36+

  • While their target is essentially just their prediction, the word spreads and tends to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    • Also, I was not expecting suits like CNN to hop on our side so quickly and would be feeling bullish with price targets of even $12+ so the fact we have a high of $40 and our average is mid $ 20s is pretty wild.

🚨 Unusual Option Chain Volume ( Gamma Squeeze )

  • Pictured above is one of the many unusual option volume notifications I have received from Benzinga Pro over the trading week. I wish I could add the rest but I could not figure out how to fit them in properly for the life of me.
    • Essentially, this shows you when a large order is placed on a stock option contract. Large call orders are bullish and large put orders are bearish. While it in no way guarantees a price follow-through, it is a well-known strategy to follow the big money. Typically the rich are in the know before the average retail investor and the thought process is if they feel strongly enough to put $1 Million+ on the line, they are not doing it randomly.

🚨 Lastly: Bitcoin

  • I saved the Bitcoin analysis for last because I am assuming the majority of you are following Bitcoin, but for those that are new or not into cryptocurrency, BTC is about to take its next leg up in its bull run
    • I believe this may be one of the most aggressive rips we have seen in Bitcoin yet due to Jerome Powell announcing interest rates will remain low for at least another year if not two.
      • Long story short, that destroys the value of the dollar which has a direct negative correlation to Bitcoin (Dollar goes down, Bitcoin goes up)
      • Worth it to compare the DXY (US Dollar Index) chart next to Bitcoin just to see the correlation yourself.

🚨 Miscellaneous

  • Above are some screenshots I couldn't find a place for in the DD, but still find extremely interesting. Feel free to add any insights on said images in the comments or through PM.

🎊 Conclusion 🎊

Congratulations if you've made it here, we'll have to meet up somewhere in space. πŸš€πŸŒŒ

πŸ˜„ Please take it easy on me if I fucked anything up with formatting or images, this is my first ever extensive DD post. Feel free to leave any feedback in the comments. I had an amazing time drafting this and will definitely be doing more in the future.

On a serious note, I've learned almost everything I know about trading from Reddit DD and can not express how appreciative I am of not only this sub but any trading sub out there that sees this and Reddit as a whole. Anyone reading this, you are part of a community that has been able to get me excited and put a smile on my face on a daily basis. I know times are tough for everybody right now, but we really have been making the best of it and I can guarantee you these memories will last me a lifetime.

I genuinely believe we are going to the moon one way or another because this movie isn't ending until the good guys win. Never let anybody tell you how to live your life and follow your dreams!

πŸ’Ž PS: If you have any questions about any of the information or want to know where I find my data, feel free to reach out through PM. I don't believe I am allowed to "promote" any of the services I use directly in a post. Happy hunting tomorrow you fucking apes! πŸš€πŸŒ—πŸ¦

Headline: WSGF - Vaycaychella Integration of Cryptocurrency into P2P Short-Term Rental Property Investment Strategy Is Inevitable

Dallas, Texas--(Newsfile Corp. - December 21, 2020) - World Series of Golf, Inc. (OTC Pink: WSGF) ("WSGF") today announced that the integration of cryptocurrency into Vaycaychella's overall peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing economy application (app) connecting short-term rental property buyers with investors is inevitable.

WSGF acquired Vaycaychella earlier this year and is in the process of changing its corporate name to reflect the company's new focus on the Vaycaychella business direction.

"Just look at Square's $1.63 billion in year to date reported Bitcoin revenue and Elon Musk publicly discussing moving Tesla cash to Bitcoin and its clear that cryptocurrency is here to stay and that any new business needs to include a cryptocurrency strategy," said William "Bill" Justice, CEO of WSGF. "A cryptocurrency strategy seems obvious and inevitable for any endeavor focused on introducing an innovation to the investment sector."

WSGF is scheduled to publish an online presentation tomorrow on Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020 with the latest updates on the Company's progress toward launching its Vaycaychella peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing economy application (app) to connect short-term vacation property buyers with investors.

The presentation follows an internal management meeting on Friday with the software development team rolling out the P2P app.

The presentation will include more details on Vaycaychella's approach to including cryptocurrency into the Company's overall business strategy.

To learn more and keep up with the latest updates at Vaycaychella, visit At the company website, you will find a blog with frequent industry publications on the short-term rental market in general, as well as entries specific to Vaycaychella.

Disclaimer/Safe Harbor: This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act. The statements reflect the Company's current views with respect to future events that involve risks and uncertainties. Among others, these risks include the expectation that any of the companies mentioned herein will achieve significant sales, the failure to meet schedule or performance requirements of the companies' contracts, the companies' liquidity position, the companies' ability to obtain new contracts, the emergence of competitors with greater financial resources and the impact of competitive pricing. In the light of these uncertainties, the forward-looking events referred to in this release might not occur.

gf sends me btc - I invest - i send her her profit

so my gf and i been investing in bitcoin and altcoins for the past year using my account. This year when filling taxes, I got confused. She sent me btc using cashapp or coinbase. I haven't sent her anything back yet. When doing my taxes for crypto they say that there are some sells that occur with no buy event.(received from her wallet) Any suggestions? Thank you

Is it possible Bitcoin rallies to incredible heights and leaves Altcoin in the dust this cycle?

I'm just curious of your take on it?

I've lived through 2017 until now.

Today, I'm hearing everything from, "we are just after the 1st peak of the bull cycle" all the way to "we are about to go into a bear cycle" .... which I think is just FUD.

So I've obviously stated my opinion here.....

I think we're in the middle of a bull super cycle bigger than the ones before...

but my question to you is....

Do you think Bitcoin can go skyrocket and leave every other ALT in the dust this cycle?

or will the ALTS keep up with Bitcoin's gains?

Let's speculate, just for fun...

which market conditions or events have to take place for EITHER of the scenario to occur?


Buying concert tickets with Bitcoin - it's possible. Have you done it?

There are various sites where you can find events that accept Bitcoin payments, like Kickcity or the suggestively named CryptoTickets.

Another way is, of course, Bitrefill where you can find Ticketmaster giftcards.

So what festivals, concerts or other events have you bought tickets for with crypto? If any.

Concert tickets bought with crypto - any experience?

There are various sites where you can find events that accept Bitcoin payments, like Kickcity or the suggestively named CryptoTickets.

Another way is, of course, Bitrefill where you can find Ticketmaster giftcards.

So what festivals, concerts or other events have you bought tickets for with crypto? If any.

This is research from back in August and could be updated and corrected. I thought they may have continued mining bitcoin and remained in the SAFT business. They have odd pumps capitalizing on current events. Bitcoin, Covid.... maybe NFTs now 🀷🏼‍♂️

[finfellas] - Crypto

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to let you know that Finfellas is organizing a 2-day virtual event about Crypto. This is not spam, I really do believe that you can get a lot out of this event, here is a link to our website

#crypto #bitcoin #btc

Best way to get my bitcoin out of robinhood and into coinbase ASAP?

I bought 5 bitcoin last year in robinhood, and have recently been anxious to move it into coinbase, however I hate the idea of having to wait until everything clears, and then deposit it into coinbase. A lot can happen over that period of time. Plus I would be incurring a capital gains event.

RH has stated that they intend to allow people to withdraw their coin, but who knows when or what that would look like.

I plan to withdraw it monday morning, and just hope for the best. If anyone has any other ideas, it would be much appreciated!! Thanks.

Blockchain made by people for people

New blockchains must be much better, faster and more secure than old ones. But I didn’t expect to find something that satisfies all my needs. I’m gonna tell you about one of the most social blockchain called FreeTON

Free TON is based on a flexible multi-blockchain platform called TON Blockchain, which is capable of processing millions of transactions per second. The best side of the project is a high security for its users. You can share any info or personal data without fear that it will be stolen or hacked.

Blockchain has a lot of great products and wallets (like FreeTON Stake or TON Surf) for tokens earning or sharing. Besides you can get a Crystal tokens by taking part in TON social programs, events, votes and contests

Also TON Crystal can be bought on,, or

The last news impressed me the most. Not so long ago FreeTON announced their cooperation with China’s Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN) which means a new lvl for FreeTON and an opened Chinese market for the platform!

Are there any TON fans? Share your opinion about the project. What are you waiting for from TON this year?

I bought $1k of the Top 10 Cryptos on January 1st, 2019 (Feb Update/Month 26)

EXPERIMENT - Tracking 2019 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies – Month Twenty-Six - UP +354%

The full blog post with all the tables is here.

Greetings to all and WELCOME to newcomers! This is the monthly report for the 2nd of 4 concurrent homemade Top Ten Crypto Index Funds, the Class of 2019.

MOONS GIVEAWAY: 80 Moons to the first person to name the artist and title of the hidden song in this post. That's worth about $5 (80\.062) at the moment, just enough to treat yourself to a* r/CryptoCurrency special membership!

A very long tl;dr:

  • What's this all about? I purchased $100 of each of Top 10 Cryptos in Jan. 2018, haven't sold or traded, reporting monthly for over three often very panful years. Did the same in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Learn more about the history, rules, and FAQs of the Experiments here.
  • Top Performers of February - BTC and Tron.
  • Overall since Jan. 2019 - BTC takes back lead from ETH, both are up quadruple digits since Jan. 2019! 2019 portfolio up +354% (vs. S&P's +56%), every coin in the green, XRP worst performing.
  • 2018+2019+2020+2021 Combined Top Ten Portfolios are returning 247% compared to +32% return of S&P

Month Twenty Six – UP 354%  

2019 Top Ten - now second place behind the 2020 Portfolio

Although it is no longer the best performing of the four Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Experiments, the 2019 Top Ten had a very strong February and its second straight all green month.  BTC and Tron led the way and the portfolio as a whole increased from +260% to +354% in just one month.  

February Ranking, Movement Report, and Dropouts

For the second straight month, the only crypto that managed to gain ground was Stellar, up one position from #10 to #11.  

The rest of the field lost ground in the rankings:

  • Bitcoin Cash – down one place (#10→#11, and out of the Top Ten)
  • Tether – down two places (#3→#5)
  • XRP – down three places (#4→#7)
  • Tron – down three places (#21→#24)
  • EOS – down four places (#18→#22)
  • BSV – down six places (#17→#23)

2019 Ranking as of Feb 2021. BSV dropping quickly, XLM back in the Top Ten

Top Ten dropouts since January 2019: After twenty-six months of the 2019 Top Ten Experiment 40% of the cryptos that started in the Top Ten have dropped out.  EOSBitcoin Cash, BSV, and Tron have been replaced by Binance Coin, Chainlink, Cardano, and Polkadot.

And this month BSV and EOS joined Tron as the only 2019 Top Ten cryptos that have dropped out of the Top Twenty

February Winners and Losers

February Winners – BTC (+46%) and Tron (+44%) were the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio’s best performers this month followed by another strong showing by XLM (+32%).     

February Losers – Always a good sign for the 2019 portfolio when Tether is the worst performer.  After USDT came BSV with only a +3% gain this month.  

Tally of Monthly Winners and Losers

Which crypto holds the most wins or losses over the life of the project?  Here’s a snapshot of the winners and losers over the first twenty-six months of the 2019 Top Ten Experiment:

2019 Top Ten Ws and Ls

Tether has the greatest number of monthly victories (7) followed by BTC with five. This tells us 27% of the time (i.e. seven times out of twenty six months) every crypto in the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio has finished the month in the red.   

BSV, although up +93% since January 2019, leads the loss column with nine losses out of the twenty six months of the 2019 Experiment (i.e. BitcoinSV has lost 35% of the time).  BTC and EOS are the only two cryptos without a monthly loss compared to their 2019 Top Ten peers.

Overall Update – BTC takes lead from ETH. BTC and ETH both up over 1000%.  2019 Top Ten is up +354%. All cryptos in green, XRP in last place.

Thanks to its first place showing in February, BTC (+1195%) has overtaken ETH (+1025%) for the lead in the 2019 Top Ten Experiment. The performance of both cryptos this month has helped the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio reach another milestone: the first two cryptos to be up more than +1000% since January 2019.  

The initial $100 investment into first place Bitcoin? Currently worth $1,320.

After twenty six months 100% of the cryptos in the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio are either flat or in positive territory. Not counting Tether, the worst performing crypto is XRP’s +23% gain.

Although the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio is up an impressive +354%, it has lost Best Performing Top Ten Index Fund Experiment bragging rights to the 2020 Top Ten Portfolio’s +426% gain.

Total Market Cap for the Entire Cryptocurrency Sector:

Total crypto market cap up a massive 773% since Jan 2019

Since January 2019, the total market cap for crypto is up +773%. 

The total crypto market cap gained nearly half a trillion (with a T) US dollars in February, just one month after finally reaching the $1T milestone.

For the fifth straight month, the total market cap finishes the month at a record high since the 2019 Experiment began twenty-six months ago.

Bitcoin Dominance:

BitDom leveling off...for now.

BitDom slipped one percentage point to 61% in February, a non-event in crypto.  If you’re new to the space, Bitcoin Dominance is a helpful figure to keep your eye on: a falling BitDom percentage means Alt Coins (cryptos other than Bitcoin) are on the rise.

For context, the table above shows the progression over the last twenty six months with BTC domination ranging between 50%-70% since the beginning of the 2019 Experiment.

Overall return on $1,000 investment since January 1st, 2019:

2019 Top Ten Portfolio ROI

Another great month for the 2019 Top Ten Cryptos: they gained almost $1000 in February.  Twenty-six months later the value of the initial $1000 investment is $4,543. That makes four straight months of record returns for the 2019 Portfolio.

Here’s a table summarizing the monthly ROI over the life of the 2019 Top Ten Index Fund experiment:

2019 Top Ten ROI Summary

The 2019 table is the exact opposite of the 2018 Top Ten Experiment, which is completely red except for one green month. The first month was the lowest point (-9%) with some single digit bumps along the way.  The high point is now.  The previous high point? Last month. The one before that?  Two months ago.  You get the picture: it’s been a great run for the 2019 Top Ten in recent months.

At +354%, the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio has dropped to second best performing out of the four Experiments.  First place is the 2020 group of Top Ten Cryptos, up 426%.  Over the years, it’s been a back and forth battle between the 2019 and 2020 Top Ten Portfolios for supremacy, but this month’s breakout performance has given the 2020 group a commanding 72 percentage point lead over the second place 2019 Portfolio.

Combining the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Top Ten Crypto Portfolios

Speaking of other Top Ten Portfolios, let’s put them all together now:

Taking the four portfolios together, here’s the bottom bottom bottom bottom line: 

After a $4,000 investment in the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies, the combined portfolios are worth $13,893 ($1,150 + $4,543 + $5,264 + $2,936).

That’s up +247% on the combined portfolios, a record high for the Top Ten Index Fund Experiment project.

Here’s a table to help visualize the progress of the combined portfolios:

Combined ROI of all four Experiments

In summary: That’s an +247% gain by investing $1k on whichever cryptos happened to be in the Top Ten on January 1st for four straight years.

Top Ten Index Approach vs. All-In Approach

But what if I’d gone all in on only one Top Ten crypto for the past four years? While many projects have come and gone over the life of the experiment, only five cryptos have remained in the Top Ten for all three years: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, and LTC. So let’s take a look at those five:

All in on ETH or BTC? Good call so far.

Since I started tracking this metric, there’s been a bit of a back and forth between Bitcoin and Ethereum.  This month, for the second time in a row, ETH would have given the best return on investment:  $4,000 into Ethereum in $1k chunks once a year would now be worth an impressive $27,794. That’s up +826% and a pretty good argument for dollar cost averaging. 

In second place, going all in on Bitcoin with $4,000 USD would have yielded +747%, turning the initial investment into $25,400.

XRP, would have been the worst four year all-in bet, with a return of +88%.  But even that is nearly double the return from traditional markets (more on that below).

And the Top Ten Index Fund approach?  

As you might expect, as indexes are designed to mitigate risk, the +247% gains of the Top Ten Index Fund approach fall somewhere in between.  The Top Ten strategy isn’t keeping up with ETH, BTC, or LTC, but it is outperforming a hypothetical all-in investment in both XRP and BCH by a healthy margin.

Alright, that’s crypto madness this month. How does crypto markets compare to the stock market?

Comparison to S&P 500:

I’m also tracking the S&P 500 as part of the experiments to have a comparison point with traditional markets.  The S&P 500 sputtered in January, but gained about 5% in February, reaching yet another all time high. It's up +56% since Jan. 2019.

The initial $1k investment I put into crypto two years ago would be worth $1,560 had it been redirected to the S&P 500 in January 2019. 

For traditional markets, +56% in two years is spectacular and well above what investment advisors use as a planning figure (about 8%/year). 

Yet about three hundred percentage points behind the return of the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio over the same time period.

But what if I took the same world’s-slowest-dollar-cost-averaging $1,000-per-year-on-January-1st crypto approach with the S&P 500? It would yield the following:

  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2018 = $1460 today
  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2019 = $1560 today
  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2020 = $1210 today
  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2021 = $1040 today

Taken together, here’s the bottom bottom bottom bottom line for a similar approach with the S&P: 

After four $1,000 investments into an S&P 500 index fund in January 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, my portfolio would be worth $5,270.

That is up +32% since January 2018 compared to a +247% gain of the combined Top Ten Crypto Experiment Portfolios, a difference of 215% in favor of crypto.

You can also compare against five individual coins (BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, and LTC) by using the table above if you want, but I’ll save you the scroll: even the lowest performing crypto (XRP) is still returning double the S&P over the same time period.

Here’s a table providing an overview of the four year ROI comparison between a Top Ten Crypto approach and the S&P:

The 215% difference is by far the largest gap since I began tracking this metric last year, even with stocks at all time highs.


Another fantastic month for the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio and for the Combined Experiments, especially when compared to traditional markets.  Although it did lose its front runner status compared to the other Top Ten Experiments, it will be interesting to see if the 2019 Top Ten Cryptos can mount a comeback and regain the lead in the coming months.    

To both new and long time Experiment followers: thanks so much for reading and for supporting the Top Ten Indexes, I hope you’ve found them helpful. I continue to be committed to seeing this process through and reporting along the way. 

Feel free to reach out with any questions and stay tuned for progress reports. Keep an eye out for my parallel projects tracking the Top Ten cryptos as of January 1st, 2018 (the OG experiment), January 1st, 2020, and most recently, January 1st, 2021.

For those just getting into crypto, I hope these reports can somehow help you see the highs and lows of what might await you on your crypto adventures.  Buckle up, think long term, don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose, and most importantly, enjoy the ride!

Again, warm welcome to the newcomers to r/CryptoCurrency!!!

At Bitfortip you can offer Bitcoin Cash as a financial incentive in exchange for a useful tip. 5 spots available if you want to try it :)

If anyone is interested, please feel free to send me a PM with the following details:

  • Your username on the platform
  • What you would like to post

Some use case examples to offer Bitcoin Cash as an incentive:

  • Identify a fashion item that you saw somewhere. (With your smartphone you can easily take a picture and upload it directly with a BCH reward)
  • Find a better price deal an an item/service.
  • Find a specific link/video/image.
  • Help on a coding issue.

Funds are held in escrow and once you mark an answer as correct they are credited to the person that gave you the tip that you were looking for.

Platform link

More information about the service can be found on the following google slide presentation.

A flipstarter is currently also running. On a potential successful funding a video will be made from a very popular BCH promoter group and it will be showcased as a use case on the local Bitcoin Cash events that they are organizing.

The real bull market has not yet arrived! Put a long line to catch a big fish

Bitcoin currently remains between the two blue lines below. The daily oscillating highs are getting higher and higher, and the oscillating lows are getting higher and higher, showing a solid parallelogram pattern as a whole. Therefore, Bitcoin is currently in an oscillating phase, and oscillation is the adjustment. After the adjustment is over, Bitcoin is expected to break from a high point upward. The large range of oscillation is 28,000-62,000 US dollars, and the oscillation amplitude is 34,000 US dollars. It can be expected that after the successful breakthrough of this model, it will grow wildly like a rocket launch, refreshing everyone’s cognition.

Of course, not everything is 100% certain. Although the shock mode has a higher probability of breaking upward, there may be some small probability events. For example, if there is a correction in the middle, it will lead the market into a deep adjustment phase, but this possibility is relatively small. When Bitcoin is lower than 45,000 in the callback phase, the market will enter a deep adjustment, and the time of skyrocketing will be delayed for a while. It can be expected that the possibility of an upward breakthrough in the shock is relatively high, and the market will enter the carnival by then. This will not only refresh the cognition of market novices but also refresh the cognition of 90% of analysts because most of these analysts have only experienced the market after 2017 and do not have a long-term vision.

Currently, everything is at the bottom. The small range of Bitcoin fluctuations is between 52,000 and 62,000. During this adjustment period, some high-quality coins will take turns soaring. This bull market is different from 2017. At that time, every coin in the market will soar, but now the bull market coin price surge is selective. All this is due to the fact that there are few types of coins in 2017, but now The market environment is different and there are many types of coins. Among them, 90% are inferior coins. Inferior coins will not rise, or the rise will be very small. Really valuable high-quality coins will soar, the increase will be greater, and the market value will also create a new record.

In other words, the small fluctuation range of Bitcoin is between 52,000 and 62,000 for a few days. The fluctuation range of a large parallelogram is 28000~62000. If the breakthrough is successful, its price will increase at the speed of a rocket launch. Of course, everything is not 100%, so we must be vigilant against certain risks and unpredictable risks. It is expected that the callback will not be less than 51,000. During the Bitcoin shock period, some new coins will be launched in turn, among which there are many low-quality coins. Therefore, when entering the market, please choose carefully, otherwise, the low-quality coins in your hand will successfully make you miss the rare bull market in many years.

According to my previous predictions, the second goal of Bitcoin is $62.000, which has now been reached. So the third and next target is US$79,000 and the fourth target is US$108,500. If you choose to go in the long-term, the end of the Bitcoin bull market is expected to reach around $250,000 to $300,000.

The subsequent growth of Ethereum will surpass that of Bitcoin. Ethereum's next goal is $2,600, the second goal is $3,500, and the third goal is $4280. In the long run, it is expected to reach about 15,000-20000 US dollars. This is just very conservative. According to forecasts, the actual market out-of-control may be far more than this, and the future view will be constantly updated according to the development of the market.


  1. The bull market is still in progress, and the truly turbulent bull market has not yet begun. At present, this is only the warm-up stage, and the follow-up market will continue to refresh everyone’s understanding. Therefore, we should start with high-quality coins at low prices as early as possible, instead of waiting for their prices to rise. Getting rich cannot be achieved overnight. Achieving prosperity requires you to maintain a calm mind when the market rises and falls slightly to wait. The arrival of the late skyrocketing.

  1. In the big bull market, not all coins have skyrocketed, and not all coins have risen the same. Among them, high-quality currencies will gradually expand from the lowest point of the bear market to the highest point of the bull market and increase by hundreds of thousands of times. Therefore, we must choose high-quality, valuable potential tokens. During the bull market, the ranking of the top 20 coins in the market will be reshuffled.

St Patrick's Day 500 USDT Giveaway

To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, we will be giving away 50 USDT each to 5 lucky winners. To win, please change this lucky phrase, “May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold — and at the end of your rainbows, may you find a pot of gold” to a more crypto-related quote. Here is an example of the selection altered, “May you have all the happiness and luck and make a big splash — and at the end of your rainbows, may you find a pot Bitcoin Cash. The 5 quotes best to embody this special day (as chosen by Matrixport) and reflect a newer crypto-related feel will receive an airdrop of 50 USDT to their MatrixPort wallet.

Please tag 3 friends, and if we reach 444 Retweets, we will double the payout of our 5 winners to 100 USDT. Remember to be creative and unique. Bonus consideration if you add a graphic that impresses.

The event is now underway, and we will close on March 21 at Midnight GMT (UTC+7). Please post your responses directly on the original Twitter post or Reddit post. Good luck to everyone, and again Happy St. Patrick’s day.

Matrixport reserves the right of final interpretation of this event.

Cardano Rumor Rundown 03.18.2021: Coinbase Day!

Happy Coinbase Day!

I've been obsessively consuming all the Cardano news and media on a daily basis for years now. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to share a list of what I'm seeing for anyone else who's interested. Feel free to make additions as you see fit. Many of your additions from yesterday are in the “Newly Covered” list for today. Also let me know if you think any of the “Previously Covered but Still Interesting” items are no longer interesting and should leave the list.

Also, there’s now an audio version available for anyone interested:

Let's go....

Newly covered today:

  1. Today is Coinbase day! Finally! Rejoice. Trading on Coinbase Pro is supposed to open at or after 9am Pacific!
  2. Charles finally gets the blue check on twitter.
  3. Perceptions are shifting on which platform will be #1 for smart contracts over the next decade. Here’s the biggest crypto youtuber asking his co-host if he’s losing faith in the traditional #1. If you’re in Cardano, you can guess which coin his answer is shifting away from.
  4. Even septuagenarians are getting in on Cardano.

Previously Covered but still interesting:

  1. Charles posts a pic of a taxidermy African bird called a Turacos. He follows up that post by saying " Guys sometimes a stuffed Ethiopian exotic bird next to an old identity book is just a stuffed Ethiopian exotic bird next to an old identity book. Stop reading into things". Everyone enjoys speculating what exactly this could mean with the obvious implication being that the African bird announcement involves digital identity in Ethiopia.
  2. Famed crypto enthusiast and billionaire Mike Novogratz asks the Cardano world "Can anyone make a real bull case for $ADA? Does anyone build on it? Use it? Why is market cap so high? Should it be a funding asset? It’s one of the few cryptos I haven’t traded in my life."
  3. It's announced that 591 different assets have been minted on Cardano in the last eight days.
  4. Catalyst Fund 3 Voting is ongoing, it looks like the Yoroi team has worked out the voting problem in the Yoroi wallet.
  5. Charles was on Real Vision earlier this week.
  6. Cardano SPO Schweta Chauhan was profiled by Forbes.
  7. UAE Fund FD7 Ventures calls for ADA to 20x in next 2-3 years
  8. Charles will be speaking at the Blockchain Africa Conference this week which may or may not give us more clues as to the African Bird announcement.
  9. SingularityNet collaboration with Cardano going down. How else is Skynet gonna pay the Terminators?
  10. Wolfram Alpha collaboration with Cardano. What will it look like? Mentioned in several recent AMAs. Sounds like Charles and Stephen Wolfram want to be best brohs. That feels good broh.
  11. What did Charles actually do (if anything) on the day of the recent Thanos Infinity Gauntlet snap pic? Just general or was something specific happening behind the scenes? RETIRED!
  12. Alonzo hard fork (non)event to complete Goguen and add smart contracts in Q2. You’ll barely feel it broh. Not even an event. Lots of combinator broh.
  13. Actual target date of Alonzo hardfork combinator event (smart contracts) will be revealed at Cardano 360 show at end of March.
  14. Charles claimed Elon was trolling Cardano with “meta for k” on twitter. Can anyone argue one way or another on this?
  15. Ourobouros omega is slated to bring significant innovation to the Cardano consensus protocol.
  16. Possible Soulja Boy Cardano collab on NFT. Maybe Soulja Boy could be best brohs with Charles and Stephen Wolfram broh?
  17. Coinbase Listing of ADA. Will the DCG Mafia ever allow ADA to compete on an even playing field with “their precious” (read in Gollum voice) ETH? Maybe we don’t even need them? RETIRED!
  18. Twitter revamp via Cardano? Charles did a whole vid on fixing social media curation. Other hand: they won’t even give Charles a blue check mark. Other other hand: Jack has a mutual love of Africa.
  19. In the Protocol Parameters vid, Charles suggested they will introduce a CIP (Cardano Improvement Proposal) to change the inflation model to accommodate pay for stakepools for processing transactions/data from the ETH, IELE, and Catalyst sidechains. We’ll get to vote on CIPs like this. Kablam! Democracy! Kablam! Voltaire! Kablam! More duckets for staking! Don’t worry broh. They’re gonna stay serious here broh. Charles squinting real hard/blinking/talking slower/using hands a lot here broh. Not planning to violate the things learned from the long Oxford research arc and the input of the Prism Group (Harvard dudes) broh. Snake still eats tail broh. Kablam!
  20. Charles mentioned a seven person anti-corruption committee reviewing the Ethiopia project. Hopefully no shenanigans there broh.
  21. Charles is scheduled to appear on Lex Fridman’s Podcast in June. Lex seems like a nice guy broh. He’ll probably end up best brohs with Charles, Stephen Wolfram, & Soulja Boy. Ben Goertzel is also in broh. Lex needs a girlfriend but no paying ADA to romance the androids. Just take lion’s mane, maybe some ‘83 Gordon & McPhail, and solve global issues together broh.
  22. Will a Joe Rogan appearance follow this? It was always ”Goguen before Rogan.” They both love meat and you can barely tell they’re both filthy rich. Match made in heaven?
  23. 100% Decentralization of block validation incoming this month!!!!
  24. Liquidity bird to land sometime soon? What is it? RETIRED!
  25. What about the whispers of a telecom deal? Part of the Ethiopia project?
  26. What about paying for utilities and transportation? Part of the Ethiopia deal?
  27. Academic credentialing project in the nation state of Georgia. Lots of mentions of this over the years.
  28. Mongolia project. Also lots of mentions of this over the years.
  29. Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana, & South Africa. It seems like there have been a decent number of indicators over the years that these governments are also already in play or targeted for the pan-Africa strategy of 100 MM users in 5-10 years.
  30. In the recent Cardano 360 show there was talk of Emurgo possibly being in the process of building something that sounded kind of like a Metamask for Cardano. Sebastian building stuff works good broh. If not, what will fill the Metamask role in the Cardano ecosystem as a sort of universal(ish) bridge for users of smart contracts? Daedalus? Or something new that would be standalone?
  31. Justin Roiland knows about Cardano. What if they ever mention it on the show broh?
  32. There is also the looming possibility of a Bitstamp listing.
  33. Yoroi reaches 100k installs!
  34. Cardano tattoos are starting to get elaborate.
  35. There will be a “Mastering Cardano” book. No author signed on yet. Hopefully he or she will have a hairline that is even more dracula than Andreas Antonopoulos. I kid. Love Andreas.
  36. Cardano reached 550k wallets in half the time it took BTC
  37. Cardano now has it’s own thirst trap twitter accounts. I won’t list them. But, you probably already know which ones those are if you follow #cardano. It’s probably bullish that we are now big enough for them to target us.
  38. We can now claim that Catalyst is the world’s biggest DAO! Luckily, I think it is safe to suspect that ours is less susceptible to recursive call attacks than ETH’s first big DAO.
  39. IOHK releases a good article contrasting the various blockchain accounting methods: EUTXO (Cardano) vs. UTXO (Bitcoin) vs. Account Balance (Ethereum). This is one of those nice articles where the British guy pleasantly reads it to you if you want. Use this one to convince all your friends you are the ultimate blockchain expert: “listen Kyle...the shortcoming of UTXO accounting is....”
  40. Cardano devs at IOHK are the most productive in the industry! Already 3,170 commits and climbing this week! I sleep better at night knowing they are not allowed to sleep. Kidding….kidding.
  41. Actual spycam footage of Brian Armstrong watching Coinbase customers discover ADA. RETIRED!
  42. Novogratz follows up that he’s bearish for now but will jump on a call with Charles next week.
  43. Apparently the first $1200 stimulus check if invested in ADA would be $44,800 now.
  44. Charles gives us that real talk about why a young billionaire would devote his life to this Cardano thing.
  45. Cardano uses a tiny fraction of the energy some other top-ten blockchains use. This factoid alone should allow you to hook up with eco-obsessed nature people.
  46. Now you can drive your drinking buddies crazy with your ADA obsession without even saying a word!
  47. Will Babel Fees in Cardano lead to delegators receiving an almost index fund like assortment of native tokens? Will SPOs be willing to accept a wide assortment as payment for transaction fees? Will the economics of the delegation/staking landscape require SPOs to share those Babel Fee tokens with their delegators?
  48. Will NFTs be a glaring exclusion from Babel Fees? Will I have to pay for the transaction fees on my NFT in ADA because I don’t want to give an SPO a small piece of the ownership interest in the digital art or other asset represented by the NFT?
  49. There’s a new Crypto Time Traveler and this one loves Cardano.
  50. Business Insider covers Cardano among four other coins.
  51. The “Cardano Pizza” event becomes an NFT.
  52. Bloomberg covers Cardano, Cites Charles as saying 100 Companies Coming Over
  53. Cardano definition added to search function in Bloomberg Terminal
  54. Commenter Report: Africa Special has finished recording
  55. Cryptoviser apparently is not romantically in love with us.
  56. There is a Part 2 to the IOHK EUTXO discussion we reported under item 39. Good read for verbally upstaging your ETH & BTC supporting co-workers. Be the king of the post-zoom call crypto banter!
  57. Commenter Report: the “metamask of Cardano” speculated about previously in item 30 is the “Yoroi dApp connector”. It’ll be rolled out “with Ergo first and Cardano once Plutus is released.”
  58. It looks like this Yoroi dApp Connector info has even been detailed by Sebastien and Rob on yt. Not sure if we can link directly to this video. But, here is the link to the link. Looks like the dApp Connector talk starts at 1:23:10.
  59. The visionaries among us are already thinking about advanced NFT derivative instruments (some even created by AI) in our ecosystem.
  60. Today is staking rewards day for Epoch 253! Let’s get those duckets!
  61. Cardano is getting a disproportionate cut of the attention market compared to its CMC neighbors.
  62. “Ask the Doctor” is switching from ERC-20 to Cardano. Note that Ask the Doctor is linked to FD7 Ventures in Item 7 below.
  63. We get another People of Input Output Global video. This one features Dan Friedman. He currently lives in Japan. But, the interview starts off with some very interesting stories about his youth in 1980s Kiev, Ukraine. His speaking and story-telling style is similar to the captain in a 1990s buddy cop movie (in a good way). Very interesting and compelling guy.
  64. St. Patrick brings us the green today! The Liquidity Bird has landed!!!!!! We begin going live on Coinbase Pro tomorrow!!!!
  65. Native Token Minting Workshop released on the Slack Dev Community Channel.
  66. This Minting Workshop above is a follow up after a previous Native Token Workshop from 03.04.2021.
  67. The Coinbase News is allowing us to retire rumors 11, 17, and 41 above.

~Army of Spies

Would this be considered a taxable event?

Coinbase offered the chance to “earn rewards”. Watched a few videos, answered a few questions and received different amount of each altcoin the videos/questions pertained too. So example I got $10 (26.04 XLM)of stellar lumens for free. If I was to convert that to Bitcoin would that be a taxable event?

Would this be considered a taxable event? (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)