Thursday, December 10, 2020

[Daily Discussion] Friday, December 11, 2020

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[Altcoin Discussion] Friday, December 11, 2020

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  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

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The OA predicted the future

The OA on Netflix is a cryptic show. If you believe Hollywood is owned by the elite and that politics is a soap opera, then you should give the show a watch. In the second and last season; Biden was president, the lead character 'OA' was forced a needle and quarantined for two weeks, and in the end it was a play. I believe there are many cryptic messages hidden in this show.

The tittle 'The OA' may mean 'oil age'. This is a show showing the end of the oil age and start of the electronic age. In the begging the humans were used for the dance ritual. In the next dimension, robots were used. The Dimensions represent the different age. Humans represent organic compounds or oil. Invest heavily in electric rather than oil and you will be wealthy.

The name OA is also the name the lead character calls herself. It may represent AOC but backwards like in a mirror. OA gets shot in the heart in the first episode showcasing AOC being assassinated.

There is an unusual conversation between extras when usually the focus are on main cast. A white man was talking to an Asian man saying that the cancellation of the convertibility of the dollar to gold is what lead to the supremacy of the dollar. I believe that this is referring to the collapse of the dollar. This may be signifing the beginning of cryptocurrency as the international currency as the oil age is the beginning of the digital or electronic age. Invest in bitcoin.

In the show, water is a main theme with water signifying many changes. If you watch the show, pay attention of the role water plays. The lead characters, for instance, are routinely drowned to get glimpses of a parallel dimensions. With water comes change and no story of water is more known than the story of Noah.This may be predicting a great flood. If all ice melts then many coastal areas would be flooded. It is already predicted that many cities will flood before 2100. They are also saying that their estimates are best case. If you live on the coast, sell your house. This may be a reason Elon sold all his houses and moved to Texas. Why he and Bezos bought thausands of acres there and are building monuments. Move to a location 200ft or more above sea lvl.

The last season in the last episode the lead character travels to a new dimension in which she is an actor and everything was a play. Her name here is 'Brit' which is the real actresses name. This is our dimension. Everything being a play may signify that all this we are experiencing with corona and politics was a drama put out by the wealthy. This 'dance' may be just a way to transition into the new age.


In addition, the great conjunction happening dec 21st will be happening under capricorn. There is new research about the human mind representing the universe which is why it should not be overlooked. Capricorn is represented by the goat-fish. The babylonians symbolized the god Enki with the sea goat.

Enki was the god that warned humans that the god Enil was going to cause a great flood due to overpopulation. They were 'noisey'. This is the origin story of Noah. We are reaching carrying capacity soon and perhaps our wireless technology also creates 'noise'.

Enki was associated with a band of stars called Ea which is what the babylonians called Enki. In Sumerian, Ea means "house of water". This is represented as the house in season 2. Perhaps there is a parallel between OA and Ea? Perhaps the continuous downing of humans by flood is represented by the drowning of the group. The pentagon is a natural shape. Perhaps this represents that it is natural pattern that regularly occurs.

OA's real name is Prairie. Prairies are the lowlands in North America. This may symbolize the low lands being in danger of the coming flood and destruction of the grainbelt.

Continuing, The producer of OA, Steven Golin, ceo of 'anonymous content' died recently in April of 2019 at 64 one month after the final episode. He and his partner created 'propaganda films' into the largest music video and commercial company of the world. If you believe Hollywood is controlled by the elite and that the elite are in cults, you may also believe that the elite use such videos to hide cryptic messages. Hiding in plain sight.

He has produced "Mr. Robot," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," and " Being John Malkovich." He has also produced a doc called 'The Lazarus Effect' a film about the positive effects of vaccines in Africa against hiv which may relate to the coronavirus. 'Spotlight' a film highlighting sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests was where he got awarded. Perhaps he faced opposition by the catholics? Perhaps catholics and jewish elite are in a covert war exposing Epstein and catholic priests inturn.

He has also produced a film called 'Babel'. The tower of Babel was created after the great flood. The god was upset because he believed men were trying to defy God by protecting themselves from future floods. The God disbanded humans making them speak other languages. Perhaps we are communicating too well with one another. Less war means overpopulation. Golin produced many films, however, and it would be biased to choose only a select few.

Continuing, In the second season, a book is displayed called 'parable of the sower.' The parable of the sower in the bible refers to a farmer throwing seeds on the land. Only seeds landing in good soil grew. Jesus uses this to explain the preaching of God. The parable is an allegory to the kingdom of God. Perhaps this is used to show how some will watch the show and few will decrypt the true meaning. Kinda of like how few where trying to solve the mirror puzzle and fewer succeeded. Those that entered and died, a flower grew from their ear and HAP laid them in water. HAP ate the flower and was able to see the other dimensions. This represents ancient egyptians eating the sacred water lily which is a known psychedelic. If the brain is modeled like the universe then psychedelic trips may be a view of other dimensions.

The book 'Parabel of the Sower' is about a hyper-empath woman in the dystopian 2020s where society collapsed due to "climate change, wealth inequality, and corporate greed." The lead character creates her own community with a goal of living on other planets. This may predict our future.

Perhaps these politics are a soap opera and distraction. I do believe, that if an apocalyptic event were to be predicted, it would not be like the movies. The elite would find a way to keep us in our homes. They would drop down from their ceo positions and some faking their deaths. They would hoard as much wealth as they could and they would take measures to protect themselves.

Perhaps this is the real reason Trump looked in shock after sitting with Obama after he won. Trump says that it was because he was informed of a possible nuclear war with North Korea. This may be him just reading script.

Continuing, The cathedrals, rose window, tunnel, two stair cases. They made a point to show that the door of cathedrals represent vaginas. It is pagan. Perhaps this represents the birth of the new age. Cathedrals may represent the body of a female, most likely a goddess. The three doors of the cathedrals representing urethra, vagina, and anus. The two towers representing the legs. The rose window the egg that needs to be fertilized. Therefore, it is us that will create the new age.

The two staircases may represent the two paths humans have to decide to take. The puzzle needing to be solved, and the actor going up and down them beforehand may represent humans being trapped in a cycle until we solve the puzzle. The puzzle pieces were hexagons, a natural occurring shape. The puzzle solved appears to be the face of a cut tree with the rings of life showing. Perhaps this displays the end of this age but I believe there is deeper meaning.

Either way, the OA is crypt in crypt. There are so many puzzles and hidden meanings. For instance, the synapses through Michelle's dead eyes fired to display a constellation which is interesting considering the research saying the brain and universe are alike. The puzzles are so great that one could assume that the show is a puzzle in itself. Perhaps the ones who solve the OA will find good fortune. Perhaps it is a hidden lifeline to the populace sent from the elite to choose a select few for their version of "Noah's Ship." Either way, I highly recommend you watch this show more than once.

the entire code for my old discord bot

import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Bot from util.config import owner_id, owner, token, version, cogs, prefix import datetime import asyncio now = bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=prefix) bot.remove_command('help') startup_extensions = cogs # on start print ("Connecting...") @bot.event async def on_ready(): print ("bot online") await asyncio.sleep(0.1) print ("I am " + print ("id: " + print ("made by " + owner) print ("running bot version " + version) print ("discord version " + discord.__version__) print ("================================") print(now.strftime('started on %m/%d/%Y at %I:%M %p')) await bot.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=now.strftime('started on %m/%d/%Y at %I:%M %p'))) @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def load(ctx, extension_name : str): """Loads an extension.""" if == owner_id: try: bot.load_extension(extension_name) except (AttributeError, ImportError) as e: await bot.say("```py\n{}: {}\n```".format(type(e).__name__, str(e))) return await bot.say("{} loaded.".format(extension_name)) print ("loaded {}".format(extension_name)) else: await bot.say("bot owner only") @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def unload(ctx, extension_name : str): """Unloads an extension.""" if == owner_id: bot.unload_extension(extension_name) await bot.say("{} unloaded.".format(extension_name)) print ("unloaded {}".format(extension_name)) else: await bot.say("bot owner only") @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def reload(ctx, extension_name : str): """reloads an extension.""" if == owner_id: try: bot.unload_extension(extension_name) asyncio.sleep(.5) bot.load_extension(extension_name) except (AttributeError, ImportError) as e: await bot.say("```py\n{}: {}\n```".format(type(e).__name__, str(e))) return await bot.say("{} reloaded.".format(extension_name)) print ("reloaded {}".format(extension_name)) else: await bot.say("bot owner only") if __name__ == "__main__": for extension in startup_extensions: try: bot.load_extension(extension) except Exception as e: exc = '{}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e) print('Failed to load extension {}\n{}'.format(extension, exc))

from discord.ext import commands from cogs.lists import regional_map, eightball_responses import discord import random class Fun(): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command(pass_context=True, name="") async def c_fun(self, ctx): embed = discord.Embed(title=" active") await @commands.command(aliases=['indicator']) async def regional(self, *, txt:str): """converts words to regional indicators""" msg = '' for s in txt.lower(): if s in regional_map: msg += u'​'+regional_map[s] else: msg += s embed = discord.Embed(title=msg, color=0x3b88c3) await @commands.command() async def roll(self, dice : str): """Rolls the dice""" try: rolls, limit = map(int, dice.split('d')) except Exception: await'Format has to be in NdN!') return result = ', '.join(str(random.randint(1, limit)) for r in range(rolls)) embed = discord.Embed(title="you rolled "+dice) embed.add_field(name="and got", value=result, inline=True) await @commands.command() async def choose(self, *choices : str): """Chooses between multiple choices.""" embed = discord.Embed(title=random.choice(choices)) await @commands.command(name='8ball') async def eight_ball(self): """uses a magic 8ball""" embed = discord.Embed(title="magic 8ball", color=0x660066) embed.add_field(name="8ball says", value=random.choice(eightball_responses), inline=True) await @commands.command(name='coinflip') async def coin_flip(self): """flips a coin""" possible_responses = ['tails', 'heads'] outcome = random.choice(possible_responses) embed = discord.Embed(title="you flipped "+outcome, color=0x666666) await @commands.command() async def say(self, *,content): await def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Fun(bot))

from discord.ext import commands import discord class Useless(): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command(pass_context=True, name="cogs.useless") async def c_useless(self, ctx): embed = discord.Embed(title="cogs.useless active") await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def useless(self, ctx): """shows list of useless stuff""" embed = discord.Embed(title="useless stuff", color=0x00ff00) embed.add_field(name="ur_gay", value="calls the bot gay", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="no_u", value="tells the bot no u", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="k", value="bot says ok", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="s", value="bot says shutup", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="f", value="press f to pay respects", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="np", value="bot says no problem", inline=True) await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def ur_gay(self, ctx): await"no u") @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def no_u(self, ctx): await"no u") @commands.command() async def lenny(self): await"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)") @commands.command() async def tableflip(self): await"(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻") @commands.command() async def secret(self): await"OOOooo00") @commands.command(name="@e") async def aut1(self): await"@everyone") @commands.command(name="@h") async def aut2(self): await"@here") @commands.command() async def k(self): await"ok") @commands.command() async def s(self): await"shut up") @commands.command() async def f(self): await"+1 respect") @commands.command() async def np(self): await"no problem") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Useless(bot))

from discord.ext import commands from datetime import time from util.config import owner import discord import requests import datetime import time class Info(): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command(pass_context=True, name="") async def c_info(self, ctx): embed = discord.Embed(title=" active") await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def help(self, ctx): """shows command usage""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Commands usage", description="type cmd for list of commands", color=0x00ff00) embed.add_field(name="info", value="info <username>", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="roll", value="roll 1d20 <1=amount>d<20=sides>", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="choose", value="choose <option> <option>", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="say", value="say <something>", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="add", value="add <number> <number>", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="sub", value="sub/subtract <number> <number>", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="mult", value="mult/multiply <number> <number>", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="regional", value="regional <something>") await @commands.command(pass_context=True, aliases=['commands']) async def cmd(self, ctx): """shows command list""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Commands", color=0x00ff00) embed.add_field(name="help/help1", value="shows command usages", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="info", value="shows info about user", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="server", value="shows info about server", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="roll", value="rolls the dice", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="choose", value="chooses a random option", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="8ball", value="uses a magic 8ball") embed.add_field(name="regional", value="converts words to regional idicators") embed.add_field(name="say", value="maked bot say stuff") embed.add_field(name="add,sub,mult", value="does math", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="bitcoin", value="shows bitcoin value", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="picture", value="shows picture of the week", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="insults", value="shows a list of insults", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="useless", value="shows useless commands", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="changelog", value="shows bot changelog", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="invite", value="shows bot invite link") embed.add_field(name="craig", value="says a random craig quote", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="five", value="shows 5 craig quotes", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="cmd1", value="shows restricted commands", inline=True) await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def server(self, ctx): """gets info about server""" embed = discord.Embed(name="{}'s info".format(, description="Here's what I could find.", color=0x00ff00) embed.add_field(name="Name",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="ID",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="owner", value=ctx.message.server.owner, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="region", value=ctx.message.server.region, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="created", value=ctx.message.server.created_at.__format__('%A, %B %d. %Y'), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Roles", value=len(ctx.message.server.roles), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="emojis", value=len(ctx.message.server.emojis), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="members", value=len(ctx.message.server.members), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="highest role", value=ctx.message.server.role_hierarchy[0], inline=True) embed.add_field(name="varification level", value=str(ctx.message.server.verification_level), inline=True) embed.set_thumbnail(url=ctx.message.server.icon_url) await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def info(self, ctx, user: discord.Member): """gets info about user""" embed = discord.Embed(title="{}'s info".format(, description="Here's what I could find.", color=0x00ff00) embed.add_field(name="Name",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Status", value=user.status, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Highest role", value=user.top_role) embed.add_field(name="Joined", value=user.joined_at.__format__('%A, %B %d. %Y')) embed.add_field(name="created", value=user.created_at.__format__('%A, %B %d. %Y')) embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def autismo(self, ctx): now = t1 = time.perf_counter() await t2 = time.perf_counter() embed = discord.Embed(, description="made with and visual studio") embed.set_thumbnail( embed.add_field(name="developer", value=owner, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Servers", value=len(, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="official server", value="", inline=False) embed.add_field(name="code", value="", inline=False) embed.add_field(name="latency: {}ms".format(round((t2-t1)*1000)), value=('%s/%s/%s' % (now.month,, now.year)), inline=False) await @commands.command() async def invite(self): """shows invite link""" await"<insert bot link here>") @commands.command(aliases=['$b']) async def bitcoin(self): """shows current bitcoin value""" url = '' response = requests.get(url) value = response.json()['bpi']['USD']['rate'] embed = discord.Embed(title="current bitcoin value is $"+value, color=0xb38600) await def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Info(bot)) 

Best online casinos in the world – 37 bests

Thanks to the internet, you can now gamble and bet in the virtual world. In this article, the best online casinos in the world are introduced.

On the one side, globalization and the advancement of IT technology on the other side expand our comfort zone, in the sense that we no longer need to get out of our rooms to buy goods or spend our free time. This advancement also has affected the gambling industry and provided us with online gambling clubs. To some people even being invited to the largest casinos in the world doesn’t matter any more, because they can play and gamble at home now. In this article of, the best online casinos in the world are introduced.

Best online casinos in the world

Online casinos are the breaking points of gambling industry and determine the future of this industry. There are thousands of them on the web, but not all of them are trustworthy. To take the most of your online gambling experience, it is better to join the following clubs.





Established in 1997, 888 Holdings manages various online brands, including gambling club, poker, bingo, sports wagering, and social and mobile gaming stages. As a shiny star in the world of the best online casinos, It’s gambling club includes: 888 Casino, 888 Games, 888 Casino Live, 777 include 60% of its business to customer (B2C) activities, with sportsbooks coming in at 18%, poker coming in at 16%, and bingo 8% of its total B2C incomes.

In the business to business area, which pulls in 10% of the organization’s $540 million out of 2017 income, 888 Holdings manages Dragonfish, which gives web-based gaming solutions including more than 300 games, poker, and bingo platforms, mobile advancement solutions, multi-channel gambling club advertising, operational help administrations, and e-payment solutions. If you ask, which is the best online casino? 888 holdings definitely are among your top answers.


Working from the Dutch Caribbean Island of Curacao, 888 Tiger Casino, is a one of the best and safest online casinos that cheerfully acknowledges players from the USA. In case you’re searching for a decent spot to bet on slot games, 888 Tiger Casino could be the correct alternative for you as it offers many diverse slot choices partitioned into 3D slots, video slots, and I-slots. Albeit 888 Tiger Casino is most likely famous for its slot contributions, with this site, you’ll likewise have the option to get to video poker and a scope of conventional gambling club table game varieties.

By far superior, when you first sign up, you can pick between a few greeting bonuses, including a 300% Bitcoin deposit bonus and 88 free spins on the “Catsino” slot game. Yet, be cautioned, like other best online casinos, 888 Tiger Casino places exacting betting prerequisites on different funds, so pulling out them won’t be direct.


BetMGM’s wide choice of video slots, table games, and other elite betting alternatives are amusing to play because of appealing design components from any semblance of developers IGT and lightning box. If you’ve visited the Las Vegas strip previously, you’re likely acquainted with the MGM Grand. BetMGM is the New Jersey branch of the MGM Resorts organization (one of the safe online casino sites of the world), intended to exploit New Jersey’s endeavors to liberate web-based gaming.

The cool thing about BetMGM Casino NJ is that you can utilize it to wager on a great many distinctive games, just as classic gambling club games. NBA, Premier League soccer, NFL, and other significant alliances are shrouded in detail through the site’s sportsbook segment. It could barely be simpler to make a combo wager on your number one events, should you wish to.

The more significant part of the gambling clubs shrouded in this article is based on seaward. BetMGM Casino NJ, as a real money online casino, stands apart due to its inland assignment, which implies you can be confident of getting your cash back, should you win huge.




BetOnline is a sister webpage of and one of the best online casinos in the world, so the gaming portfolio is practically indistinguishable, including first-class slots from Betsoft, fascinating Live Dealer tables, an exhaustive sportsbook, and a very much populated poker room. There are various persistently accessible promotions at this site, including a route for you to get up to 50 free spins every week, which enrolls this web-based club in the world’s list of top online casinos.

Under the conditions of the Free Spins Frenzy Reloaded promotion, for every five spins you make on chosen games for $5 or more on Friday and Saturday, you’ll get one free turn. Continue betting on the featured titles to procure yourself up to 50 free spins. At that point, do this on weekly basis, and your heap of free turn bonuses will keep on expanding.

BetOnline flaunts a 100% up to $1,000 bonus for club games, and you can reclaim it three times for a sum of $3,000 for nothing. A 20% month-to-month club reload, 10% loss refund, and month to month Iron Man challenge give you many chances for boosting your bankroll. Don’t forget that this one is really one of the best online gambling sites you can join in.


Not every person is searching for a full club-style experience on the web, and they’d prefer get down with some poker. If you are one of them, BetOnline Poker is one of the world’s best online casinos to be hoping to play. There are vast loads of on the web, live games with enormous loads of other people, there are no-restriction games, tables with 10 seats, and that’s just the beginning.

BetOnline Poker is among the best online casinos that payout well, acknowledges Bitcoin payments and cashouts and has a quick framework set up for the deposits and withdrawals. Welcome bonuses change, yet they are pretty significant. If you would like to change it up and move away from poker for a piece, you can do that with some more regular club games and sports wagering.

The site has its own “Free Odds Calculator,” which can help you sort out poker’s hand odds in the poker room. Not something you’ll need to depend on only, but rather still a truly slick component that only top casino sites offer.


Betway Casino is one of the 2020 best online casinos in the world of web-based gambling, and permits PayPal deposits and withdrawals. PayPal is a protected and secure payment strategy. Because of PayPal’s association with eBay, businesses, and online administrators in 190 countries acknowledge PayPal.

Except for skill games, PayPal doesn’t permit US residents to make betting payments. European players have no such limitations. The PayPal withdrawal time is under 24 hours. Your standard PayPal expenses apply. Again if you ask “Which is the best online casino?” these qualifications turn BETWAY into one of the main answers.




Do you live in Canada and look for one of the best and safest online casinos of the world? Bodog is our proposal for Canadian online club speculators. Bodog was established by a Canadian to give related services to Canadian players; the original Bodog Casino just acknowledges Canadian players.

Bodog is controlled by Rival, RTG, and restrictive Bodog programming. It receives payments with Canadian dollars and Bitcoin for quick and effective payments. Bodog’s $1500 welcome bonus incorporates a $1200 Bitcoin bonus and a 100%, $300 sports wagering bonus. Bodog Rewards is a dedicated client program, while hotshots need to join the 94 Club.


Bovada has a long history in the USA club market, having begun activities in 2011 and kept up a heavenly record for payouts and respectability from that point as of recently. If you wish to expand your perspectives past Blackjack, slots, video poker, and comparable games, then you can wager on sports, contend at virtual poker tables, and bet on the horses. Among the safe online casino sites of the world, Bovada is a top option.

Bovada’s gaming menu comprises not only of gambling club titles from Rival, Realtime Gaming, Spinomenal, yet additionally the biggest online poker webpage open to Americans and a recreational-accommodating sportsbook with all the customary athletic challenges that you would expect alongside politics, eSports, and various other special events.

On top of the gambling club bonus of up to $1,000 ($1,250 with Bitcoin), you can likewise understand an extra $2,000 in free bonus funds over your next two deposits ($2,500 for bitcoiners). Moreover, there’s $500 free accessible in the poker room and $250 to expand your games wagering bankroll. Similarly, with the club bonuses, you can open a greater amount of the house’s free funds for sports and poker by spending Bitcoin.

Almost certainly, Bovada is one of the best online casinos throughout the last decade. If anyway you are searching for a real money online casino, there are additionally Bovada options worth investigating, some worked by a similar parent organization, and others managed by totally different proprietors!


In the ocean of top online casinos, BoVegas Casino has the best no-deposit bonus in the US online gambling club specialty. When utilizing the 100FREE bonus code, you’ll get a $100 no-deposit bonus to play at BoVegas, one of the world best online gambling sites.

When contrasted against BetOnline’s $25 no-deposit bonus or’s $22 free play bonus, BoVegas Casino’s promo destroys the opposition. BetOnline and are incredible clubs and are among the best online casinos that payout good. However, if you need free play money to attempt new games and new programming, BoVegas is one of the 2020 best online casinos with the best no deposit bonus.




Another relative of the worldwide Bodog gaming domain and a bright star in the sky of top casino sites, Cafe Casino, doesn’t play with poker or sports wagering because it wants to focus its endeavors exclusively on its club item. That way, it can mean to satisfy club gamers and gambling club gamers alone.

Café has a similar casino menu, virtually as Ignition Casino. However, there are sure motivations to incline toward Cafe if you couldn’t care less much about poker. First, the welcome bonus for gambling club gaming is a lot greater at Cafe Casino. There’s a weekly puzzle bonus that shifts in percentage and extreme sum; however, you can request that an unlimited number of times!

Also, there’s a Cafe Casino Perks program wherein you can exchange points with free money bonuses just as weekly riddle bonus that will concede you a differing level of your redeposit in free extra funds. Next that that you are asked “which is the best online casino?” suggest Café casino.


Casimba Casino takes the number 11 spot on this rundown of worlds’ safest and best online casinos. Casimba’s online gambling club has a payout rate of 97.3%, and although just dispatched in 2017, as of now, is thought to be one of the web’s top slot club sites. Offering an overwhelming choice of top titles, just like many progressive jackpot games, this casino is made for slot players. Yet, don’t let all the slots occupy you from the wide range of various inconceivable gambling club games accessible in this site! Casimba also is one of the best online casinos of 2020.


CASINO Tropez has been in the web based betting circle for more than twenty years and is a primary objective for online club players and those who are looking for safe online casino sites. Including energizing bonuses and a broad library of games, there is something for a wide range of players at Casino Tropez, whether you are a new player or an accomplished hotshot.

They have collaborated with the gaming master’s at Playtech, so you realize their games are first class. A delicious 97.2% RTP is only what tops off an already good thing from this famous real money online casino.




The Europa Casino has been around for well longer than 10 years and is one of the world’s top online casinos. It has been positively commended for its top-quality platform and amazing games library, controlled by the designers over at Playtech. A RTP of 96.5% joined with a simple to-utilize site, and mouth-watering invite bonus just adds to the allure.


Live dealer club is perhaps the most recent advancement in Internet betting, and Golden Lion Casino is the best live dealer gambling club available, also one of the best online gambling sites. A live club transfers video of genuine dealers in physical club studios somewhere on the planet. As they deal real cards, turn roulette wheels, or roll dice, video, and sound transfers continuously to your PC screen.

Golden Lion Casino utilizes US-based Vivo Gaming programming for its live dealer gambling club. Vivo (ViG) has studios in the Philippines, Argentina, and Vietnam, which gives a broad scope of live games utilizing the most recent streaming innovation, for a protected and engaging live dealer experience.

Golden Lion Casino has a $500 welcome bonus and a $25 no-deposit bonus. Slots players get a 300% match rate, and table games players get a 175% match rate. The monetary forms upheld include USD, Euros, UK Pounds, ASD, and South African Rand. Golden Lion is also one of the best online casinos that payout well.


Aim Global International dispatched Greenplay club in 2019. It has established itself as one of the top casino sites to play at that point forward. A vast games library anticipates players, with bonuses offered to return clients and an eye-getting welcome bonus for new players! A phenomenal, simple to utilize the site with many games is among the world’s best online casinos, and a RTP of 96.2% will make sure to see you returning for more.




Made in 2017, Gunsbet is a new online gambling club worked by Direx N.V. With more than 1000 games and 50 live gambling club games, this is one of the famous online gambling clubs that you may have just known about.

Players setting aside their first deposit can utilize the promotion code BONUS100 to get a 100% bonus of up to €100 and 100 free spins. Furthermore, as a weekend player, you can get a 55% deposit bonus on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

In general, this has a decent appraising. It has one of the biggest gambling club cashiers, and the payout preparing speed is moderately fast. Gunsbets with a standard RTP around 96-97% is definitely a right answer to the inquiry of “which is the best online casino?”.


Established in 2004 in Luxembourg as Gaming VC Holdings to take advantage of both the business to customer and business-to-business sports wagering markets, the organization was rearranged under the name GVC Holdings in 2010.

After two years, in association with William Hill, the organization got Sportingbet in an arrangement esteemed at $711 million that saw William Hill assume control over Sportingbet’s Australian and Spanish activities and GVC the remainder of the world.

After an extended fight with betting monster 888 Holdings, GVC effectively gained Bwin Party Digital Entertainment, the Bwin brand’s purveyors, in an arrangement worth $1.48 billion about 4 years ago. After a year, GVC got Landbrokes Coral in an arrangement assessed to top $5.3 billion in esteem. All in all, you can be sure that this complex is one of the world’s safest and best online casinos.


Among all the safe online casino sites, ignition Casino is our proposal for the best roulette club. This casino has 4 roulette games, including 2 variants of European Roulette and 2 forms of American Roulette. We strongly suggest playing on the European roulette tables at Ignition, as it gives you a superior house edge.




Among the contributions at the regarded gaming site, Intertops isn’t only one gambling club, but three of them, each using distinctive programming suppliers. In this way, you can generally switch over for some time to another piece of the gambling clubs on the off chance that you become weary of one style of games.

You approach well-known slots from the remarkable BetSoft (housed inside the poker gambling club) and Realtime Gaming (inside the Intertops Casino Red) gaming developers. Also, specialty merchants’ commitments, as WGS, Lucktap, and Worldmatch, can be played too. These contributions comprise the slots you would hope to see alongside roulette, Blackjack, baccarat, and other standard games.

Past the 125% up to $1,000 bonus for the Casino Red, there are various advancements. They incorporate a separate 100% up to $100 bonus for the Casino Classic, 25 free spins in the poker gambling club, an assortment of month to month giveaways and drawings, various reload bonuses, $0 buying gambling club competitions, and ever-changing coupon codes for free bonuses and slot turns. Looking for a real money online casino? check this one.


Joe Fortune is the best Australian online club because the webpage is designed uniquely for Aussies. Joe Fortune Casino utilizes programming from RTG, Rival, and iSoftBet to bring on the web gambling club, mobile gambling club, lottery, and bingo games. Australian dollars, US dollars, and bitcoins are the acknowledged monetary forms, while MasterCard, Visa, and Bitcoin are the deposit alternatives.

Joe Fortune, as a shiny star in the world of top online casinos, has a $7500 Bitcoin Welcome Bonus over your initial 9 payments, with triple your first deposit. The 9-payment plan gives Australian players a reasonable method to satisfy a maximum bonus offer.


Juicy Stakes does not have the broadness of club gaming choices present at its elder sibling, Intertops Casino. However, it urges its customers to play consistently through time-delicate solutions for different kinds of games.

It appears to be that Blackjack often shows up as the game featured by these repetitive promos. Every couple of months, you’ll find the opportunity to put maybe 10 or 15 blackjack wagers on the house with entirely sensible playthrough necessities. On other events, JS runs quests to get bonuses for accomplishing particular objectives, such as getting a blackjack in clubs.

Other than these standard blackjack promotions and the 25 free spins on BetSoft slots that you’ll acquire as a new player, you will be blessed to receive club competitions, 35% cashback offers, and free turn reload extra codes occasionally. JS is also one of the world’s best online gambling sites.




Another moderately new online casino, Kassu gambling club, made recognizable in-streets to the extent game assortment, banking techniques for deposits/withdrawals, and bonus approaches are concerned.

Like most of other online clubs, Kassu will welcome you with a Welcome Offer when you begin playing at this online gambling club. The current arrangement may surrender you to $1,500 of bonus money and up to 300 free spins. Furthermore, when you put aside your first deposit, you will get 300 free spins and a 100% match for up to $300.

Also, players can benefit from Reload Bonus Offer – a chance to procure extra spins upon account reload. And afterward, there is a VIP program also for the individuals who rank among the top. These players can appreciate a ton of advantages, like special bonuses, birthday presents, devoted account administrators, and so forth. Kassu Casinos’ standard RTP ought to be around 95,0%, which makes it one of the best online casinos that payout well.


Unibet was dispatched in 1997 by Swedish brought into the world originator Anders Ström in London. Viewing the fast spread of sports on satellite TV all through the 1990s, Ström, a very much prepared games wagering master, immediately acknowledged where the cash was. By 2001 the organization offered more than 200,000 clients in 80 countries and 12 languages online sports wagering services.

Throughout the following 20 years, he would unite 11 of Europe’s most popular web based betting brands to frame the Kindred Group, taking the organization public on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 2004. In December 2016, the organization formally changed its name from Unibet to Kindred Group plc. Several months ago, the organization had chalked up 21 million enrolled clients worldwide. If you want to make a list of top casino sites, put Kindred group in one of your list’s top spots.


With a good UI, decent gameplay, game assortment, payment strategies and bonuses, Loki Casino is a decent alternative in the realm of best online casinos.

The bonus offers that you get are a Welcome bonus ($1,000 deposit will change your status so you can get up to $1,000 that depends on a 50 percent deposit match hotshot bonus), a Birthday Bonus (if you have made at least one transfer into your player’s account, you will get a birthday bonus that is chosen by the gambling club, and It could incorporate free spins, monetary reward, or both), a 50 percent Deposit Bonus on Fridays  (on the off chance you have made three payments in seven days, you could get this bonus. The match is half for up to $50), and Free Bonus Points (as per this program, you can bring in points dependent on the cash you played. Afterward, you may get bonuses dependent on the points procured). Loki Casinos’ standard RTP ought to be around 97,0%.




The Nitrogen Casino is a minuscule affair. This, in blend with the absence of a welcome bonus, may dissuade genuine gambling club gamers. There’s simply a solitary slot machine, three variants of Blackjack, dice, and a couple of other table games. Notwithstanding, there are some components that should interest any individual who esteems game uprightness and individual namelessness.

Nitrogen utilizes provably reasonable innovation to guarantee that its games are good. Without going into too itemized a portrayal, provably rational calculations depend upon freely available seeds that can be entered into external sites to check that all hands and turns were directed genuinely with the outcomes randomly and impartially decided.

Nitrogen also depends on Bitcoin and Bitcoin alone for all cashier functions and interactivity. It never requests that you present your identifying data. In this way, there’s no doubt of your security being undermined because of hacks or corporate misbehavior, and that is why Nitrogen is among the world’s best online casinos.


Again our main question: Which is the best online casino? Made in 1988 as the aftereffect of consolidation between three Irish bookmakers, Paddy Power would develop from 30 wagering shops across Ireland to more than 500 in Ireland and the UK. Snappy to understand web-based gaming capability, Paddy Power was an early mover in the online sportsbook scene, quickly launching a progression of web-based betting, poker, bingo and sportsbook sites to extend its worldwide reach.

Paddy Power likewise moved rapidly into the mobile web-based betting slot, dispatching their first iPhone application in the Apple App Store in 2010, well before the rest of the industry, to be trailed by iPad and Android applications that fundamentally drove income development as the organization ventured into worldwide business sectors including Australia and the US.


The official club segment of the world-popular PartyPoker, Party Casino, is one of the world’s safest and best online casinos. Including an energizing payout rate of 97.5%, this site likewise offers an enormous library highlighting several top club games.

Clients will be welcomed by an easy to use and practical site that has been upheld by a monstrous gaming organization. If PartyPoker is the main Poker website on the web, PartyCasino is up there in its classification!

Get the confetti out and head to PartyCasino to look at what the entire object is about! As should be obvious, there are many operators out there offering the potential for benefit – pick your top choice and begin making money today!




Red Dog Casino is one of only a handful of real mobile benevolent web based gaming encounters you can have in the U.S. It chips away at Android, iOS, tablets, and PCs quickly. You can pick among playing slots, poker, table games, and other forte games, too. However, some are not precisely as improved for the mobile gaming experience as others, so you may need to utilize a PC or laptop to get the best outcomes.

Perhaps the coolest element of Red Dog Casino is that there is an alternative to limit the measure of deposits you can make in any timeframe to dodge it from turning into an issue. There’s a timer that tells you how long is left before another deposit can be made. Shockingly, the deposit minimums are high, with the most reduced sum being $150 to select payment techniques. However you can be sure that Red dog is one of the world’s safe online casino sites you have access to.

SLOTS.LV is the best USA online gambling club and also a good real money online casino. The deposit choices are US-accommodating, with payment techniques like Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. US dollars, Canadian dollars, and Bitcoin are the upheld monetary forms. Client assistance is intended to take into account American requirements. For American hotshots, the VIP Exclusive level of the MySlots Bonuses program has free assisted withdrawals, individual account hosting, and higher withdrawal limits.

Slots LV has a 200%, $7,500 bitcoin welcome bonus and a 200%, $5,000 welcome bonus for every other person. With games from the best US programming designers — Rival Gaming, RTG, and restrictive Bovada/Bodog programming — US players get the ideal help and game selection possible.

SPORTS BETTING CASINO is managed by the same people who run BetOnline. It has set itself up as one of the top seaward brands for Americans and those in numerous different pieces of the world. You can not just enjoy club games to your heart’s joy yet additionally partake in sports wagering and shared poker tables.

While most internet betting sites give some type of Live Dealer betting, SB Casino, as one of the top online casinos, goes a stage past the standard by including two specific Live Casino products from independent 3rd party providers. You put down your wagers like typical through a recognizable computerized interface. However, then the human dealers take it from that point, dealing cards or turning a wheel with the outcomes broadcast through your internet browser for you to see. Likewise, there’s a scope of slots from Betsoft and a couple of other vendors, table games like Blackjack, and the other regular club redirections you would anticipate.

The 100% up to $1,000 gambling club bonus (redeemable 3 times) is sadly not viable with Live Dealer play, instead, there are other promos. For example, you can get a $25 risk free wager for Live Casino games, contend in the week-by-week leaderboards for Live Blackjack and Live Roulette, and try to win the Diamond Super 7’s Progressive Jackpot blackjack side wager.




The Stars Group got its beginning in 2014 when the organization acquired $3 billion to purchase PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker from Isai and Mark Scheinberg for an extravagant $4.9 billion. The arrangement soared the Stars Group, recently called Amaya, into the spotlight as the world’s biggest traded on an open market betting organization.

The dispatch, in any case, was not without debate. CEO David Baazov was before long accused of different tallies of securities fraud after an examination by the Canadian betting regulator. He quickly disappeared from nonappearance and ventured down as the CEO of Amaya.

In 2017, the organization changed its name to its present Stars Group. After a year, the organization obtained Sky Betting and Gambling out of the UK for some $4.7 billion in real money and stock. The stars group is also one of the world’s best online gambling sites.


Established in 1999, Vegas Casino Online has one of the longest histories of any online club that acknowledges clients in the USA. Throughout that long history, Vegas Casino Online has gained fame for working decently, which is a major point in an industry where tricks and savage sites cause significant cerebral pains for players.

Video poker fans surely acknowledge Vegas Casino Online’s broad library of poker variations. Almost 30 great play alternatives are accessible, including All American and Deuces Wild. If poker isn’t your choice, you can follow other customary table games, like, craps and roulette, or investigate Vegas Casino Online’s selection of slot games.

Although Vegas Casino Online doesn’t have cryptocurrency to uphold, you can deposit utilizing credit cards, wire transactions, and e-wallets. Vegas Casino Online isn’t incredibly quick at handling withdrawals, with a promoted fourteen-day most significant preparation time, but is one of the best online casinos that payout well.


With Daily Drops and Wins prizes that go as high as €4,500 every day, Wazamba is among the top casino sites that offers its players some great plans. First surfaced in 2019, this online club has picked up fame lately.

Giving its gaming services in English, Polish, German, Japanese, Italian, Norwegian, Finnish, Hungarian, Portuguese, and Russian, Wazamba holds a Curacao issued I-gaming certificate. Every week, players can profit from the Weekly Reload Bonus, offering 50 free spins on specific slots. Wazambas standard RTP ought to be around 96%.




At Webbyslot, one of the best online casinos in the world, you can benefit the world’s top programming suppliers and procure experience points as you play consistently. These points would then be able to be utilized to score rewarding attempts in the platform’s loyalty program.

One of the lucrative online gambling clubs over the web at present, you will have the option to begin profiting by the welcome bonus proposals when signing up. There are two invite offers, a match bonus of €200 that can be utilized to play an assortment of games, and 100 free spins that can be used to play game slots from a particular rundown. Webbyslots standard RTP ought to be around 95,9%.


Brought to you by the set up bunch behind the mainstream BetOnline and brands, Wild Casino conveys a similar degree of dependability and unwavering quality as its partners. You can deposit and demand withdrawals utilizing any of five digital currencies, just as a few other inheritance payment processors.

At Wild Casino, you’ll experience titles from the reliable BetSoft portfolio. However, there are likewise games from the lesser-known Nucleus Gaming studio, which are absent at numerous other web clubs. Other than the deposit bonus of up to $1,000 (which goes as high as $3,000 for Bitcoiners), you can get $1,000 reloads on your next four deposits ($6,000 for digital currency). What’s more, there is a complete list of continuous promotions here.

If you devote to play multiple sequential days straight, then you may benefit as much as $1,000 consistently with the Hot Streak bonus, and if you like some opposition among your kindred players, then why don’t do whatever it takes to snatch your option of the $1,800 available for anyone every week in the Live Dealer leaderboard? Reload bonuses, free spins, and competitions mean there’s continually a bonus standing by to repay you at Wild Casino. Hence another answer to the question of “Which is the best online casino?” is this one.


William Hill PLC was established in 1934, when betting was as yet banned in the UK and had a long and turbulent history. In the wake of changing hands ordinarily, in 1971, William Hill was gained via Sears Holdings, Grand Metropolitan in 1988, trailed by Brent Walker in 1989.

Soon after the deal, Brent Walker blamed William Hill for cooking the books to expand the organization’s benefits, recovering $156 million of the first $916 million asking price. In 1997, acclaimed Japanese bank Nomura made an offer for the organization after Brent Walker fell under a heap of $1.74 billion owing debtors in an outrage that saw two of its chiefs do inevitable prison time, offering $936 million out of a utilized buyout.

After a need for revenue caused Nomura to scrap its solutions to take William Hill public, the bank offloaded William Hill to CVC Capital Partners and Cinven for $1.1 billion. William Hill is also considered as one of the world’s safest and best online casinos.




Win A Day is claimed by similar individuals who rejuvenated Slotland and Cryptoslots, two other extraordinary U.S.- accepting safe online casino sites. It may not offer an equal amount of games that you’ll discover at other gambling clubs. However, they are high quality. You can begin with just $25, and there are many fun penny slot alternatives that you can exploit.

There is additionally day-by-day competition prizes, and Win A Day allows new clients to win up to $500 in bonus wagers through a deposit match promotion.


Weekly Discussion - December 9th - December 16th, 2020

Last Week in Review


Flamingo Finance launched its voting module and opened the first Flamingo Improvement Proposal. The first FIP asked voters to decide if 20,000 GAS accumulated from NEO locked in the nNEO contract should be used as a prize pool in a Perp trading contest. The vote ended at block height 6,576,571 with approximately 1.63 million FLM used to vote against the FIP, to 1.11 million FLM in favor of the proposal.

Neo Global Development Seattle (now Enterprise) lead, John deVadoss, introduced fractal debugging, a multi-pronged approach to support debugging in transactions, even across complex cross-chain or off-chain execution scenarios. The new approach makes use of message tracing, log analysis, visualization and the previously released time-travel debugging functionality. In addition to fractal debugging's first stage of implementation, NGD Enterprise also began rolling out debugging for oracles.

NGD Ecosystem Growth manager, Denis Suslov, participated in a joint webinar with Moonstake entitled The future of blockchain: The Case for Neo3.

Poly Network tech lead, Tan Yuan, delivered an online training course for broader China, that taught users how to access the interoperability protocol via Blockchain-based Service Network.

NNT Catch Up

Neo News Today hosted NeoResearch co-founder, Igor Coelho, on the NNT podcast. Discussion topics included Coelho's invitation to the government established Brazilian Committee for Blockchain, Neo-based grants for university students, Neo3, and much more.

In the interview, Coelho discussed how NeoResearch is preparing to grant the first Neo-oriented scholarship to a graduate student in Brazil's university system. He talked about the scholarship creation process and hoped other blockchain entities in Brazilian universities can replicate it.

Neo News Today hosted Jay of SwitcheOG Secure Staking on the Know Your Validator series. The European team has significant experience working with blockchain networks, running RPC nodes for Neo and Phantasma, and a consensus node for APEX Network. In the interview, Jay discussed S3's emphasis on empowering their delegators, encouraging them to use their voice instead of defaulting to S3's proxy vote, and communicating with their community.

Developer Groups

NEXT released its November 2020 monthly report highlighting the integration of multi-chain support for the web wallet and several developments around Neo3 preparation. Examples include deploying a Neo3 block browser, optimizing the NeoLine mobile and web wallet, plus more.

O3 Labs released its November 2020 monthly report highlighting the addition of support for ETH and BTC, establishing the O3 Labs Chinese Community, amassing more than 16,000 Twitter followers, virtual event participation, and more.


November 30th, Nash business development lead, Kellogg Fairbank, contributed an article to Alternatives Watch. The article discussed PayPal’s integrated support of cryptocurrencies and potential issues associated with custodial services.

December 1st, NeoLogin developer, Albert Acebron, announced the upcoming sunset of neo-PubSub, a Neo-based smart contract notification service. Acebron noted high costs associated with maintaining Neo nodes for shutting down the service and “the rise of alternatives such as neo-go.”

December 2nd, DeepBrain Chain released its fortnightly report that noted the addition of 400 GPUs to the network, growing its base to 16,000 network users, events attended, plus more.

December 3rd, Nash announced its first trading competition, Nash League, and will offer up to US $1 million in prizes. Participants can either compete individually or as part of a group. The trading competition begins at 12:00:01 am (UTC) on December 15th, 2020, and concludes at 11:59:59 pm on January 15th, 2021.

December 3rd, Nash partnered with Tuned, a cloud-based multi-exchange digital asset trading platform designed for quantitative traders and everyday investors. As part of the partnership, Tuned adopted and integrated Nash Link to allow merchants to accept digital assets from their customers without setting up a wallet.

December 4th, Switcheo node validator, Seraph Staking released an open-source Android phone app to help users stake SWTH.

December 4th, Nash increased its trading limits by 5x for Tier 0 users and 10x for KYC’ed customers. Now, Tier 0 users can trade up to $5,000, Tier 1 users up to $500,000, and Tier 2 users up to $2.5 million per day.

December 5th, Bridge Protocol announced that Switcheo paused the SWTH-BRDG market due to what appeared to be technical issues.


December 7th - 12th: Switcheo and Moonlight attending Singapore Fintech Festival.

December 9th - 12th: Neo SPCC to speak at SmartData data engineering conference.

Thanks to Dylan (/u/DenverNEO ) for putting all this together for NNT's Week in Review. You can register for the mailing list to receive this info as a weekly newsletter.

Canada Illuminauto Release Info

Opening Date and Time – Friday Decemeber 11th – (12pm EST )

Terms and Conditions

Please be aware that we are entering the holiday shipping season, shipping delays are to be expected. Please allow up to 21 days for shipping.

To deal with continued shipping delays we have decided to limit the number of orders we take through the store. Our hope is that this will allow us to process orders in a timely manner, but also have the bandwidth to follow up with customer service issues that could result from extended shipping delays. The store will close when we hit our order limit, this does not mean all items are sold out. WE expect to hit this limit in the first few hours of store opening, so be sure to place your order as quickly as possible.

We will open the store again in January when all orders have processed, and shipping issues have been dealt with.

  1. The payment methods available for this event are limited to Debit/CC and Bitcoin. Info about payment methods -
  2. Please allow 10 BUSINESS days for your order to process and ship. We expect to have all orders shipped out by December 25th. An order status of processing means your payment has been approved and is awaiting shipment. You will receive a tracking email once your order has shipped.
  3. Orders are processed on a first come, first served basis, first paid first shipped basis.
  4. Please take care when placing your order, we are not able to add on/remove items or make other changes to your order. All sales are FINAL.

5.Please double check your shipping address. We ARE NOT accountable for missing orders if the address provided is incorrect.

Available Strains -

#41 - Bear Assed Monkey - (4 Assed Monkey x 3 Bears OG)

#42 - Grizzly Crinkle - (Sour Crinkle x 3 Bears OG)

#43 - Sour Gummy Bears - (Sour Stomper x 3 Bears OG)

#44 - Pinot Noir - (Double Grape x Crème De La Chem)

#45 - Sweet ‘n’ Smelly - (Sour Livers x Sour Bubbly)

#47 - Strawberry Stomper - Canada Excusive – (Sour Stomper x Strawberry Nuggets)

Livers BX1, 3 Bears OG, Canna Cheese, Creme De La Chem, Double Grape, Fugue State, Man Bear Alien Pig, Sour Stomper

Freebies - (CDLC x 3bog) x Forum , Northern Cheese Haze x Sour Bubbly, MBAP x 3 Bears OG, 3 Bears OG x Double Grape, Auto Blues x 3 Bears OG

After Western Union Ban, Cuba Shifts Focus to Cryptocurrencies

After the Trump administration imposed new sanctions on the Island in November, young entrepreneurs in Cuba have found solutions for the country’s payment problems through cryptocurrencies.

Startups in the Island nation are using Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies to fill the gap created after Western Union closed more than 400 branches in the country amid financial restrictions, according to a report published by Deutsche Welle.

Since the ban, Cuba experienced a significant rise in interest related to bitcoin. The Cuban government has not been able to introduce regulations related to crypto-assets and that is why many companies in the country are exploring options to use digital assets instead of the US Dollar.

Western Union was the most important payment method for them, but now the Cuban diaspora are finding alternative ways to send money to the island nation. Many Cuban citizens are working outside the country and send valuable reserves every month to their family members.

There are few startups currently helping that cause, one is BitRemesas, the company transfers money in the form of bitcoin, Ethereum, dogecoin and other digital currencies. BitRemesas is currently helping people in Cuba to receive money in the local currency.

Because of recent events, the country is planning to shift focus to cryptocurrencies in order to reduce dependency on the US Dollar. In addition to the recent step by Western Union, several other companies including Visa, PayPal, and Mastercard have also made it difficult for the citizens in Cuba to use their services.

If you are able to travel to Cuba, check XcelTrip Platform where you could easily book flight, hotel with BTC and other cryptocurrencies. Check-in at over 2.3 million hotels and book tickets with over 450 airlines at XcelTrip. The platform allows for the traveler to book their tickets and stays using cryptocurrencies, which enables them to cut out credit card and other miscellaneous expenditure that they would incur if they were to book their trips in Fiat. As the platform is based on the blockchain system it provides for complete anonymity for those that wish to travel without having to worry about the records of the payment on their monthly bank statements.

Weekly /r/Iowa Events Thread for the week of December 10, 2020

This thread is for any events going on in Iowa this week! What events will you be attending? What events do you want to attend? What events do you want to promote? Whats new around that state this week? Add a comment below. Anything from music to politics to a house party.

If you have any recurring events, specials, or other suggestions for this weekly thread, please send us a modmail or post it here and ping /u/annarchist - else it will likely be focused on shit Im interested in.

Please provide the following when posting new events: Time, Date, Location, Cost and some sort of description of the event.

New threads start every week, and will be stickied at the top of the subreddit. I am still working on the formatting, so if it sucks or you want changes, please provide feedback.

Here are some places to find things to do - if you see something that looks cool feel free to discuss it here because I'm sure some of us will miss it: Cityviews Calendar - Juice Calendar - Des Moines Register Event Page - Catch Des Moines Calendar - Travel Iowa Event Search

Outdoors: Trout Stocking Schedule | Iowa Biking Maps | Outdoors Things to Do | Hunting Regulations | Fishing Regulations Note -Annual Iowa hunting and fishing licenses expire on Jan. 10.

Sports: Iowa Cubs Schedule | Cedar Rapids Kernal Schedule | Hawkeye Football Schedule | Hawkeye Basketball Schedule | Iowa State Football Schedule | Iowa State Basketball Schedule | Drake Basketball | UNI Football | UNI Basketball | Barnstormer Schedule | Waterloo Blackhawks

Music: Bands in Town - Des Moines | Bands in Town - Cedar Falls | Bands in Town - Iowa City | Nitefall on the River

Local Message Boards: UrbanDSM|IowaOutdoors515Crew Election|Dates :--|:-- General Election|November 6, 2018. City Primary|October 8, 2019 Regular City & Regular School|November 5, 2019 City Runoff|December 3, 2019 Primary|June 2, 2020 General|November 3, 2020

Des Moines Reoccurring Events:
*Third Friday of Every Month is Mixology at the Science Center in Des Moines * Blues Jam Band every Tuesday at Carl's Place, $3 tallboys * Area515 1731 Grand Avenue, Des Moines - Electronics Club 2nd Wednesdays at 7pm - 3D Printing Club 3rd Mondays at 7pm - Ham Radio Night 4th Mondays at 7pm * Young Professionals Connection Calendar * Des Moines Bitcoin and Blockchain MeetUp at Gravitate in West Des Moines - 4th Thursday of the month - 7:00pm * D&D at Mistress Brewery in Ankeny Sundays 3:30pm-7:30pm.

Quad Cities Reoccuring events: * Every other Wednesday (July 25th): Eat the Streets (downtown Davenport) * relevant sub thread

Cedar Falls Reoccurring Events: * Every Tuesday night there are rides that leave at singlespeed in CF. 5:30 is the 22mph average ride. 6:00 is the 18mph average ride and women's ride. * Every Wednesday is the the CvC WOW ride that meets at 6 pm at 4th and Main St in CF. Several types of rides for all types of riders.

Council Bluffs Reoccurring Events: * Every Thursday night in council bluffs is the Taco Ride from CB to mineola Iowa

Central Iowa Bar Map - If you know who created this or want to download the XML and expand on it, please do so! If you create an updated one including your regions bar, Ill replace this one.

Note this is going to start likely central Iowa Centric as I am using that as the baseline the creation of this.

Tag/ping /u/AnnArchist if you post in here with like something added on a weekly basis. I also included the tag here so I remember to check this.

Iowa Discord Server

Weekly general discussion - December 10, 2020

Welcome to the weekly general discussion thread of /r/btcsv! Thread topics include, but are not limited to: General discussion related to the weeks events, questions that don't deserve their own thread. Please discuss prices in the Weekly Bitcoin markets and price discussion thread.

Sign up & Deposit & Trading, Win 300 BTCV!

To celebrate the official listing of Bitcoin Vault (BTCV) on Bithumb Global,we will hold a “Sign up & Deposit & Trading, Win 300 BTCV !” event for community participation! 

【Event 1:50 BTCV for Signing up】

Event Duration:Dec 10, 2020, 15:00 to Dec 17, 2020, 23:59 (UTC+8)

Event Rules:

  1. During the event, new users who sign up at Bithumb Global and complete KYC2 verification will be rewarded 0.02 BTCV each.
  2. Total Prize Pool: 50 BTCV. First come First served.

【Event 2:100 BTCV for Deposit】 Deposit here >>

Event Duration:Dec 10, 2020, 15:00 to Dec 17, 2020, 23:59 (UTC+8)

Event Rules:

  1. Users who have passed the KYC2 verification are able to participate in this event.
  2. During the event, users who have completed BTCV net deposit greater than 3 BTCV will receive 0.03 BTCV rewards each. Each user will receive up to 0.3 BTCV.
  3. Prize Pool:100 BTCV,First come, first served. (Net deposit = deposit – withdrawal)

【Event 3:150 BTCV for Trading】 Trading here >>

Event Duration:Dec 10, 2020, 17:00 to Dec 17, 2020, 23:59 (UTC+8)

Event Rules

  1. Users who have passed the KYC2 verification can participate in the event.
  2. During the event, users participating in BTCV trading on Bithumb Global will be ranked according to the cumulative net trading volume and receive the following rewards. (Accumulated trading volume = accumulated buy + accumulated sell - accumulated withdrawal, but excluding self-sale.)

Event Rewards:




TOP 4~5:equally divide up 15 BTCV

TOP 6~10: equally divide up 15 BTCV

TOP 11~20: equally divide up 15 BTCV

TOP 21~50: equally divide up 10 BTCV

TOP 51~100: equally divide up 10 BTCV

TOP 101~200: equally divide up 5 BTCV

TOP 201~500: equally divide up 5 BTCV

Prize Pool:150 BTCV. First come, first served. 

Rewards Distribution:

Rewards will be distributed within 7 working days after the event ends.

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Binance for the most part alluded to as a cryptographic money, a virtual money, or possibly an electronic money - is a sort of money that is virtual. It's like an online variation of money. You can utilize it to buy administrations and items, however not many stores acknowledge Binance yet, and a few nations have restricted it completely. How does Binance convey the outcomes? Every Binance it's generally a PC record that is kept in a' computerized wallet' application with a cell phone or maybe PC.

People can convey Binance (or perhaps part of one) in your computerized wallet, and furthermore you can send Binances to others.

Each exchange is caught in an open rundown known as the Binance.

It is then simple to follow the account of Binances to keep individuals from spending coins they don't wear, making duplicates, or possibly fix in exchanges.


In what capacity can individuals get Binances ?

You will discover three essential ways people get Binances.

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You can buy Binances utilizing' genuine' money.

You can offer things and let individuals pay out with Binances.

Or on the other hand they could be made utilizing a PC.

Exactly how are new Binances made?

For your Binances telephone framework to work, individuals can make their PC procedure exchanges for everyone.

PC frameworks exist, working out muddled totals. In some cases they're remunerated with a Binances as a result of the proprietor to hold.

A great many people make amazing PCs basically to attempt to get Binances. This' known as mining.

In any case, the totals are beginning to be more and harder to stop such a large number of Binances being created.

In the event that you started mining now, it might be numerous prior years you got one Binances.

You may end up spending more Binance on electrical force for your PC or PC than the Binances will be justified, despite all the trouble.

For what reason are Binances valuable?

There are a lot of things other than money, which we consider significant, similar to precious stones and gold. The Aztecs utilized cocoa beans as Binance!

Binances are helpful in light of the fact that people are slanted to trade them for real administrations and merchandise, and even Binance.

Would it be able to be sound?

Every exchange is recorded openly, so it is difficult to duplicate Binances, make counterfeit ones, or even spend individuals you don't wear.

It's conceivable to lose the Binances wallet of yours or erase the Binances of yours and lose them uncertainly. There additionally have been robberies from locales that permit you to keep your Binances remotely.

Binance is an electronic money that can be utilized and conveyed electronically.

Binance is a decentralized shared system. No single individual or foundation controls it.

Binance s can't be printed, in addition to their sum is particularly insignificant - just twenty-one mln Binance might be delivered.

Why Binance?

Binance empowers you to buy stock namelessly. Furthermore, global installments are modest and simple since Binance s aren't attached to any subject or nation to guideline. Private ventures may like them since you will discover no Visa charges. A few people buy Binances being a venture, trusting that they will move in esteem.

Electronic agitators will have the crowd imagine that Binance will topple fiat money. Progressively reasonable people trust Binance is an oversight safe, unknown electronic money that is without seizure. Each is erroneous.

Binance isn't unknown; it's close to home and contains an open, permanent record. It takes into consideration security as simply the standard location is open, however this specific suggests that activity on the location is examinable to prevent criminal behavior.

Precisely for what reason is Binance a Viable Medium of Exchange?

The hidden Binance mechanical development is made to support the trustworthiness of exchanges and information. The Binance everlastingly records affirmed exchanges through a method alluded to as mining. Each arrangement is carefully marked and furthermore confirmed through cryptographic procedures that ensure the Binance can't be contributed considerably more than one time.

The budgetary interests of the excavator keep away from twofold spending. Diggers wo exclude twofold spent exchanges for the most part in light of the fact that there is a danger that few different excavators will dismiss the square of theirs; consequently, they shed out on conceivable profit. Twofold spending is a criminal offense, and people won't get away from a changeless evidence trail of the endeavored