Wednesday, March 31, 2021

[Altcoin Discussion] - April 2021

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

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  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

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Beermoney Global site of the month - April 2021 - Reward XP

Who is Reward XP?

  • Founded in 2018, Reward XP is a boutique rewards platform for the beermoney and gaming communities
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Steam Wallet $5
Riot Points $10
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Payment Proofs

Two years of payment proofs can be found on our Discord.


/u/RewardXP can answer any question you have!

NOIA Network - top 10 sàn giao dịch bitcoin uy tín 2021

NOIA Network là gì?

Mỗi khi các bạn muốn xem video trên mạng, máy tính của các bạn sẽ phải gửi một lệnh bắt buộc đến máy chủ sở hữu nội dung đấy, ví dụ như các bạn xem video trên Youtube, máy tính của bạn sẽ được kết nối với máy chủ ở Mỹ. Việc kết nối với khoảng cách quá xa tương tự sẽ khiến cho tốc độ tải video bị chậm đi, tốn phổ thông lưu lượng truy vấn cập mạng.

NOIA ý định sẽ đặt các node của hệ thống trên toàn toàn cầu, các node này sẽ được kết nối trực tiếp với các máy chủ chứa các thông tin dữ liệu. Nhờ vậy, lúc muốn xem video, các bạn chỉ cần kết nối máy tính của mình với node gần nhất của NOIA để đặt lệnh xem video ấy thay vì với máy chủ ở rất xa. Điều này sẽ tạo điều kiện cho người dùng không chỉ vận tải những video với tốc độ cao mà còn có thể tiết kiệm được một lượng data truy nã cập mạng to.

NOIA - 1 trong top 10 sàn giao dịch bitcoin khởi đầu bằng việc vun đắp công nghệ màng lưới sản xuất nội dung (Content Delivery Network: CDN) trên nền móng Blockchain. Mục tiêu hướng tới của NOIA là vững mạnh một phương pháp cho phép máy tính của người mua bình thường có thể lưu trữ dữ liệu tạm và tận dụng băng thông ko dùng đến để cải thiện tốc độ truyền tải dữ liệu cho các nhà phân phối nội dung.

Hiện nay, mạng lưới của NOIA đang có khoảng 25TB+ dung lượng chưa dùng đến với 5000+ nodes đã được chuyển vận về, trong đó có ít ra 300+ nodes hoạt động thường xuyên.


Vấn đề NOIA khắc phục là gì?

Giao thức định tuyến của Internet Đầu tiên và hiện nay đang dùng cốt yếu là Giao thức Định tuyến Liên miền (Border Gateway Protocol: BGP)

khắc phục về mặt ngoài mặt của giao thức định tuyến Internet hiện tại

  • các quyết định điều hướng đều dựa trên liên hệ IP của đích tới
  • ko kiểm soát được các con phố điều hướng đến điểm Tiếp theo
  • không có khả năng kết liên và ko có thông tin hiệu suất hoạt động
  • Quyết định dưa trên các chính sách cấu hình tay chân
  • những đường định tuyến chậm hơn ko được dùng đến

Kiến trúc Internet hiện tại chưa tối ưu

  • Chất lượng của đông đảo phần mềm, ứng dụng, trang web đều bị tác động bởi hoạt động của màng lưới Internet
  • những vụ tiến công BGP xảy ra hàng ngày trên mạng Internet gây ra những lỗ hổng bảo mật và làm giảm chất lượng nhà sản xuất

xem thêm tại : hướng dẫn cách đăng ký sàn CoinEx

kỹ thuật của NOIA

IPv6 và công nghệ Định tuyến Phân đoạn (Segment Routing:SR)

IPv6 đã và đang là một thiên hướng thế giới và ngày một được áp dụng phổ quát với phổ quát tối ưu cho mạng Internet. Khi mà ấy, SR cho phép các router có thể đăng kí vào sổ cái phân tán để lưu trữ đầy đủ thông báo hiện trạng của Internet. Khi hiện trạng và cấu trúc của các router được nhận điện, lưu lượng có thể được lập trình dựa trên thông tin về số đông những định tuyến Internet có sẵn. Sự kết hợp giữa IPv6 và SR tạo nên SRv6.

công nghệ Sổ cái Phân tán (Distributed Ledger)

Việc lập trình lưu lượng và chọn định tuyến,yêu cầu những nhà phát triển phải nắm được toàn bộ cấu trúc ko gian của hệ thống mạng. Phương pháp Giao thức Định tuyến Liên miền (BGP) hiện tại có thể sản xuất được những thông tin này nhưng các dữ liệu này đều thuộc sở hữu của những công ty hoặc công ty nên có tính tập chung cao. Với kỹ thuật Sổ cái Phân tán, khách hàng có thể nắm được thông tin cấu trúc của các router SR tham dự trong màng lưới thế giới khi mà vẫn đảm bảo hệ thống Internet hoàn toàn phi tập chung

ứng dụng của NOIA

các nền móng tiêu chuẩn Trước tiên của hạ tầng cơ sở vật chất Internet có khả năng lập trình:

nền móng NOIA

nền móng NOIA là một nhà sản xuất nhà mạng (NAAS) mang đến kết nối chất lượng giữa những điểm tróc nã cập với phương pháp Chuyển mạch Nhãn Đa Giao thức (MPLS: Multi-Protocol Label Switching). NOIA dùng các thuật toán định tuyến thông minh và phương pháp Định tuyến phân khúc (Segment Routing: SR) để đảm bảo tuyến đường truyền nhanh nhất với độ trễ bằng 0.

đọc thêm tại : mua bitcoin bằng visa

Sổ cái NOIA (NOIA Ledger)

Sổ cái NOIA hoạt động với tốc độ nhanh và độ tin cậy cao, sẽ được phát triển một giao thức đồng thuận đã được chứng minh và tích hợp một đại lý phân phối phi tập chung(Decentralized Internet Transit Exchange: DITEX). Sổ cái NOIA có thể được sử dụng để thương lượng và mua bán tài sản là những đường link Internet, đảm bảo mọi giao dịch đều được xác minh và mạng Internet có khả năng lập trình được phi tập chung.

Token sales

  • Token: NOIA
  • Loại token: ERC-20 trong công đoạn testnet
  • Loại tiền ưng ý: ETH/BTC/Fiat
  • Hardcap: 6.600.000 đô la Mỹ
  • Tổng nguồn cung: 1 tỉ
  • Seed round: 13,26 triệu token = 440.000 đô la (đã bán hết), giá: 1 NOIA =0,0167 đô la, lockup 3 tháng
  • Private round: 149,5 triệu token = 4.985.000 đô la, còn 1.150.000 triệu đô la Mỹ, giá 1 NOIA = 0,02 đô la Mỹ, lockup 3 tháng, sau ấy trả 20% mỗi tháng trong 5 tháng Tiếp đến.
  • Public round: đã hoàn tất trên Cobak ngày 4/7/2019, giá: 1NOIA = 0,033 USD, tổng: 750 ETH
  • Token generation event: sau khi chấm dứt Private sale

công thức tăng giá token của NOIA:

  • những các bạn mạng thừa data truy nã cập mạng đăng ký trở thành một node trong hệ thống sẽ được thưởng một lượng token.
  • những người muốn xem video thông qua những node mạng của Noia sẽ phải trả 1 token cho mỗi 5GB lưu lượng (dự kiến), và tương lai lúc Noia huy động được đủ 25triệu đô la hardcap, Báo cáo này sẽ được giảm xuống còn xấp xỉ 0,01 đô la cho mỗi 1GB data.

Như vậy nên, số lượng quý khách đăng ký trở nên node của NOIA và số lượng người mua yêu cầu xem video chuẩn y Noia càng lớn, cùng đồng càng mạnh thì token của Noia càng có giá cao.

đội ngũ vững mạnh NOIA

Domas Povilauskas (CEO): đồng sáng lập của Tellq (dự án trực tổng đài điện thoại cho các tổ chức vừa và nhỏ), tốt nghiệp đại học ISM University of Management and Economics chuyên ngành nghề kinh tế học, giám đốc phát triển Dự án

Kipras Kazlauskas (CBDO): đồng sáng lập Công trình ReHobby (thị trường P2P bán những thiết bị đã qua sử dụng), nhà đầu tư thiên thần (angel investor) cho Moerie (sản phẩm chăm sóc tóc) và Tellq, tốt nghiệp đại học Rīgas Ekonomikas augstskola – Stockholm School of Economics in Riga chuyên lĩnh vực kinh tế, giám đốc đảm nhận đầu tư và luật pháp cho Dự án

Domantas Jaskunas (COO): giải đáp tài chính của Gaotime (nhà sản xuất biện pháp nhà cung cấp tích hợp), tốt nghiệp đại học Lancaster và đại học Kentucky chuyên ngành nghề kinh tế, giám đốc thị trường và HR của Công trình

Justinas Valutavicius (Co-founder và kĩ sư phần mềm chuyên môn): trưởng bộ phận kỹ thuật của Tellq, vững mạnh hệ thống GPS theo dõi xe tải

Jonas Simanavicius (CTO): CTO của Clouder (chuỗi cửa hàng bán vape trực tuyến), phân tích kỹ thuật cho đơn vị JPMorgan Chase & Co (cung cấp các biện pháp tài chính), tốt nghiệp đại học Edinburgh chuyên ngành kỹ thuật phần mềm.

nhóm trả lời

Jim Robinson: giám đốc của Pull Market, Ltd (công ty lôi kéo nguồn vốn cho các Dự án khởi nghiệp), làm việc tại bộ phận tìm kiếm cơ hội tại thung lũng Silicon, trả lời cho đa dạng Dự án như Wipster, Ltd (nền tảng thực hiện video chuyên nghiệp), TranscribeMe, Inc (công ty chuyển đổi giọng kể thành văn bản), …

Francesco Altomare (tư vấn kĩ thuật): kỹ sư kĩ thuật của Akamai Technologies (nền tảng phân phối đám mây lớn), kỹ thuật viên hỗ trợ thầu cho IBM

Anatoly Ressin: giám đốc của Blockvis (dự án blockchain về giáo dục), trả lời cho phổ quát Công trình blockchain như carVertical (phát triển những mô phỏng kinh tế, mật mã, dữ liệu), Birdchain (có ý tưởng tương tự với carVertical)

lộ trình lớn mạnh NOIA

Công trình đã hoàn tất MVP vào quý 1/2018 và hiện chỉ thông báo kết quả với các nhà đầu tư riêng, đội ngũ của NOIA hứa hẹn sẽ sớm ban bố MVP của Công trình trên website. Đây là một bước tiến to trong kế hoạch của Công trình, giúp Công trình có thể mở rộng quy mô hệ sinh thái. Thêm vào đó, Công trình cũng có tầm nhìn phát triển trong vòng 3 năm đề cập bắt đầu từ tạo mainnet, đây cũng là một điểm sáng cho Công trình, tạo niềm tin lớn cho những nhà đầu tư về tính vững bền và lâu dài cho Dự án.

Để biết thêm sàn tiền ảo uy tín thế giới hiện nay trên toàn cầu, đừng quên theo dõi những bài viết mới nhất tại danh mục sàn Tiền ảo

Bitcoin and the Stock Market Crash

What will happen to Bitcoin in the event of a stock market crash?

Last week was eventful for Bluzelle 🥂 Key highlights: 📈1mil $BLZ pool on Uniswap 🌎Zillacracy joins as validator 🔝Top Altcoin in 2021 by Yahoo Finance 📰CTO Neeraj Featured on Coindesk & Bitcoin News ▶️Check out & Subscribe to Newsletter

Riot earnings out.

Fiscal Year 2020 Financial Results

Total mining revenue in 2020 was $12 million, as compared to $6.7 million in 2019, an increase of 78% year-over-year.

Gross profit, which is computed as mining revenues in excess of cost of revenues (excluding depreciation and amortization), was $5.7 million (48% of total mining revenues), as compared to $0.6 million (10% of total mining revenue) in 2019. The increase in revenue and gross profit were due to the increase in the Company’s hash rate in addition to an increase in the price of bitcoin during 2020, offset by the Bitcoin halving event in 2020.

Selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) expenses in 2020 increased to $10.2 million from $9.1 million in 2019, an increase of 12% year-over-year. The increase in SG&A was primarily due to an increase in consulting fees, legal fees, audit and related professional fees.

Net loss for 2020 was $12.7 million, or $(0.30) per share, compared to a net loss of $20.03 million, or $(1.02) per share in 2019. The net loss included $12.0 million in non-cash items consisting primarily of the impairment of our investment in Coinsquare of $9.4 million, depreciation and amortization (D&A) of $4.5 million and stock-based compensation of $3.4 million, offset by the gain on sale of cryptocurrency discussed below and a net of other items of $0.1 million. The net loss for the year ended December 31, 2020 also included a $5.2 million gain on the sale/exchange of cryptocurrencies.

At December 31, 2020, the Company had $235 million in cash and cryptocurrencies, as compared to $11.3 million at December 31, 2019.

Flippening Trigger

Do you think the merge / full switch to PoS, will trigger the flippening, or some other upcoming event, and do you think wrapped Bitcoin will play some part if it does?

Ps loving the run to 2k 🚀🚀🚀

[Wed, Mar 31 2021] TL;DR — Crypto news you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


The most bullish chart I’ve seen this cycle

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Coinbase ordered to pay $6.5M fine for being caught running bots to manipulate crypto prices on their platform.

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Bitcoin taxation is broken. Here’s how to fix it: Make the Bitcoin capital gains tax exemption for transactions $10k and lower and people can use it to cover almost 100% of monthly expenses. This is the way.

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The William Shatner is deal is finally live: you can buy the captain's stuff (and a few hundred more items in coming weeks) for Ether. With that whole fancy legal provenance thing Mattereum has been building for years, what's more. Now I'm going to get drunk :) Bottoms up!

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Capping the number of actively attesting validators

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New legit scam attempt!

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I stopped reading whitepapers. Not because I'm a lazy noob, but because I'm humble enough to recognize I won't be able to understand a lot of what they say.

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Letter to my younger self

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I recently shared with you a bot I coded that buys Bitcoin when Elon Musk tweets about it, and your response got it featured on Decrypt. You guys made me want to release an official application for it

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Buying a Tesla with BTC

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Did Satoshi intend BTC to be limited to ~2mb blocks so all users could run full nodes?

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By Popular Request: Jimmy Song Ragequitting a Conversation with Kim Dotcom on Clubhouse's "Cafe Bitcoin" Room

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$VOX $1.6M MCAP is about to get listed on a TOP 10 VOLUME EXCHANGE

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Lendefi, the actual Aave destroyer

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A wholesome crypto-charity token I truly believe in: $BDOG, Bulldog Token, listed on ProBit and CoinsBit, Partnered with FEG, more incoming!

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PayPal, Processor of $936 Billion in 2020, Allows Payment in BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH

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It's You..

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What your kids will hear after you secured the family bag

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Visa becomes the first major network to use a stablecoin. Crypto bank Anchorage will support Visa’s move. Their team will work with to support USDC.

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Cointelegraph remarks last recent OGN's steps becoming a leader in NFTs & DeFi

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Is it best to get in with GRT now or once it competes its Mainnet migration?

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About to not be able to pay rent due to account under review...

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Bakkt Launches Bitcoin Wallet With Starbucks And More

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Scammer Trash impersonating Coinbase Support

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My lenticular art, hope you guys will like it here

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30K TUSD are in my Binance wallet for 6 days are not credited to my account. Support is not replying. Please like and upvote for resolution ! I'm desperate..

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Behind Every Successful Crypto Trader

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Bank of International Settlements new White Paper on CBDC

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The ODL for USD-PHP has gone through the roof today and isn't stopping. Any idea what's causing it?

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I think I got a great price prediction for XRP

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Grayscale Adds Millions in LTC Over Weekend

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Slovenian startup offers all-in-one POS terminal - allows paying with crypto, cards, and digital payments all on one device - Litecoin supported!

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Promoting Monero In Mario Maker 2

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'I think that Monero is a really well-engineered blockchain' - Paolo Ardoino (Bitfinex CTO & Tether CTO)

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Monero payments on Shopify stores - a NOWPayments update

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Grayscale Adds Millions in XLM Over Weekend

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XLM payments on your Shopify store - a NOWPayments update

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Stellar Development Foundation Q1 2021 Review - Stellar Development Foundation

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300,000 Cardano Subs Achieved Today! In just 77 days, Our community has tripled in size from 100k users to 300k users! A big thank you to all ADA users who try and help share their knowledge and answer questions with new users in our community!

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😎 D=0 Day is almost there 😎

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People are trusting ADA

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My 1st Jewelry Design. I call it the “Ethereum Block Chain”. I wanted to make a cool way to display NFTs. Digital x Physical assets.

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Ducks in a row! Each one of these is an NFT.

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My first NFT on FND. What do you think?

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What is going to cause ZEC to grow?

I've been learning about zk SNARKs and I'm mesmerized by the tech, but I'm trying to understand how ZEC gets traction. What are the events that lead to mass adoption? Bitcoin is growing because it has cracked social agreement about a digital store of value. It's like Craigslist - not the best technology, but the one everyone agrees on.

Does ZEC grow because a particular set of users begins to use it? Does it grow because it keeps making news? What is a plausible sequence of events that leads to mass adoption?

Inspirational: HOGE: informations and what will be your job from now on - also what the real value of HOGE?

Hello dear fellow hoglers, as we speak we are skyrocketing to 10k HOGE Members (next target a 100k - yes I mean this)

As I seen in a lot of posts a lot of you guys are fairly new to crypto some made their first purchase with the HOGE Coin - don’t worry every beginning is hard and with crypto it can be „I don’t wanna get wrecked“ hard Chill - you bought some nice store of value coin - to be clear for now calling HOGE a meme coin or a community coin is kind of a distraction from what it’s really aiming to be - the store of value - the tokenomics are to good to be true but here we are - we are burning thousands of coins per second and redistributing thousand to every holder of the HOGE (you have to hold them on a wallet to profit from the redistribution)

Ok so I will give you some glimpse on what will happen now

First of all, you gotta do a ton of learning - I call it the manic I just invested into crypto phase - I can assume you are checking the price every few minutes sometimes even every few seconds and because of crazy volatility it’s always an event - all of us have been here - you will keep on being manic for this new upbeat investment for a few more days - then two things could happen - you sold someday for a win or maybe even for a loss because it was just to much to bear with - the sleepless nights the first time thinking I should have sold with the profit now it’s dumbed again and the first Time being in the red thinking you shouldn’t have bought in at the first place - yes I am talking to you fellow hoglers who bought the 0.0009 all time high (if you didn’t sell till now - respect my friend you got some diamond hands) so if you are one of the (for now) unlucky guys maybe just double down (doubling down means buying in more with the new lower price - it’s a good strategy cause your average cost for the coin is less and the day it spikes you will be in the green for long - a lot of people do not buy more when it’s red - you should buy when it’s red ;) - cause you will not be a paperhand (always tempted to sell to make things even - it’s basic psychology once you got exploited to a possible loss- not having losses will be enough (remember there was a day when you invested and truely believed in the future value) do not get tricked by the crazy manipulation powers of the usual market (also getting paranoid over whales and stuff is a usual thing for first time buyers - it will get better )

Read and learn as much as you want - but don’t get to stressed cause all the „I have to make sure my investment will pop“ will make you feel so tempted every day to sell - just forget about the crypto like you always forget about a ton of things - that’s the best thing you can do now

HOGE is a good coin to Dollar average - the only times I really care about the price is when I have a bit pocketmoney to buy more - I am being real serious about this - price really does not matter atm - the only thing that matters is „how much coin can I get for my buck“ - watch the chart and the price action - become the hunter you are and get the coin as cheap as possible ;) Once you made it forget about it

Ok so we are consolidating this means big wallets are accumulating more HOGE - cause more HOGE means more 🚀- they wouldn’t do that if HOGE wouldn’t have value - every new level we are heading to will be full of strong sell walls - it’s called the resistance and usually it’s where large numbers of people bought in - they will sell because they only care about the money they put in.. and the moment they are Even again they will sell - don’t be one of them cause it’s very likely that you will FOMO in back with a ton of tokens less than you could have had, if you would have been chilled about it (in order to be chilled read the paragraph about doubling down a second time ^ )

So most important - when to buy more - don’t Watch the Price to much - and just forget about the so called „value“ - the real value of HOGE is somewhere in between of another 150x and even a 1000x from now - for real And once we are there OMG this will be so so so different and scarce and yes hoge could compete with the bitcoin 😂 we are talking years - maybe decades but it’s very possible - it’s called tokenomics

Godspeed fellow hoglers and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask

Ok so what’s your job!?

You have to spread positivity and a good laugh every now and then - we are in a fucking pandemic and we need some lighthearted dreams are made of this coin and I truely believe HOGE is the MVP

Go to img.flip - and create your own memes - it’s fun - also support each other and don’t get to angry about the FUD - we will outgrow this and rise 🚀

I hope you are enjoying the memes and the genuine conversations

I came from the future to make this happen 🚀

XOXO Future Trunks

Daily Outlook for March 31st 2021

Notable Events

  • End of month & quarter today – expect volatility from portfolio rebalancing by investors
  • 10yr Treasury Yield remains flat ~1.72% this morning after jobs report
  • GS to soon offer Bitcoin & other digital assets to its wealth management clients, while PYPL has started accepting Cryptocurrency as payments.
  • PFE vaccine 100% effective in study in 12- to 15-year-olds
  • 51.9 act. vs 50.6 prev. China Manufacturing PMI for March
  • 56.3 act. vs 51.4 prev. China Non-Manufacturing PMI for March
  • +517,000 act. vs +525,000 est. for ADP Employment Change Report for March
  • President Biden delivers Biden-Harris Administration’s plan to Build Back Better ($2T Infrastructure Plan + increase in corporate tax from 21% to 28% + increase in foreign earnings) at 4:20pm EST

Stock Watchlist

  • AMAT – Analyst Upgrade by Bernstein, up ~3% this morning.
  • APHA – NY passed bill to legalize Recreational Use
  • BB – ER and down >5% this morning
  • CGC – NY passed bill to legalize Recreational Use
  • CHWY – ER and up >10% this morning
  • DISCA – IV still inflated from Archegos liquidation, up ~3% this morning.
  • LULU – ER and down <2% this morning
  • MU – Increased IV, ER on 3/31.
  • TLRY – NY passed bill to legalize Recreational Use
  • TSLA – Sold PCS on this on Monday, high volume and up ~2% this morning.
  • VIAC – IV still inflated from Archegos liquidation, up ~2% this morning.

Do you we want adoption or endless speculation?

Two days ago maybe the biggest news event since the conception of cryptocurrency has hit us: Visa is going to settle payments on the Ethereum network. There is almost no bigger validation imaginable yet the ETH price against BTC is barely up 1% even 2 days later. Yes we know that crypto twitter and some BTC maxis on this sub initially twisted the news by removing Ethereum from the title and inserting "Bitcoin partners", but still after a few days the correct news should have hit the markets.

If this would have been any other altcoin than ETH the price would have exploded by at least 50-200%. So why hasn't it? What is the point in staying stubborn in BTC which has zero usability or speculating on $0.4 altcoins with an insane supply when the adoption is HAPPENING right in front of us.

Has the FUD of high fees overtaken any bullish sentiment? Because in less than 2 months Ethereum is scaling to 2000tx per second (source:

It's time to reassess why you're in crypto and what you envision for crypto to become, a new digital asset class that promotes technological decentralization adopted by the world or endless speculation on a greater fools SoV with 3 TPS and endless ETH killers which are bound to become ghost chains like EOS, TRON, NEO, and so many others.

Sold 10BTC (at ~$10k each) for $100,000 back in 2018 on the way down from its ATH, back then, of $20k. Not paid tax question. Just sat in account.

So I sold 10 bitcoin which I had purchased back in 2011 for roughly $100,000. Since then the cash sat in my exchange account (a very reputable one). I know I've been dumb here, 1 for leaving it in an exchange, and 2, for not paying CGT on it. I thought back then that I would only pay tax once I had withdrawn to my bank account, I didn't know selling on the exchange was the taxable event. From the research I had done earlier during that time, I remember reading that cryptocurrency wasn't taxable, but that was probably misinformation or outdated.

I want to sort this out and pay the correct tax without putting myself in the shit. What is the best course of action here? I assume withdrawing that amount to my bank account is going to raise some alerts as it's way above any other previous deposit.

What are the benefits of using blockchain technology for the manufacturing industry?

Currently, the world is highly fascinated with terms such as cryptocurrency, bitcoin and blockchain technology. The reason for this is simple - people are getting are really benefitting from them, especially blockchain.

When we talk about modern manufacturing, the supply chain can work across multiple organizations, as well as countries. This can make the system complex in terms of finding solutions to increase efficiency and chasing the individual events.

Mostly, the company information in the manufacturing industries flows through the supply chain. They have a uniform way of recording, storing and exchanging the data.

1. Enhanced inventory management

Blockchain provides a holistic and permanent record of every single transaction that takes place in your supply chain process. Moreover, it enables you to connect to each party in the value chain - be it suppliers, production sites, distribution centres or even the retail partners.

2. Improved data security

Information like invoices and contract details that are exchanged in any supply chain process is highly confidential. Communicating this information using traditional methods can be quite risky, as they can leak easily in a number of ways. On the other hand, blockchain keeps the floating information secured with the best cryptography techniques.

3. Better transparency and traceability

The blockchain that works within the supply chain is able to provide you with all the data relating to or the status of your transaction. For instance, how the goods are made, where they are shipped from, how they are managed and much more - all the information is stored in the blockchain-based system.

4. Automated supplier payments

Blockchain also facilitates the transfer of funds to any corner of the world. You don't need to indulge in the traditional banking methods. Transfers can be made possible directly between the payer and the payee.

5. Enhanced customer engagement

The blockchain is much more than a storage technology. You can analyze the data to create forecasts and predictions, which can further help you solve the lags in the supply chain. Not only this, but the analytics can also contribute to boosting customer satisfaction. You can use the blockchain database to find ways of building a delivery timeline.

Can also go through

I hope this was helpful, give it an upvote if you liked it !!

Tap to visit the website Wharf Street Strategies

GBTC - Institutions dumping Bitcoin in OTC

Learn about Grayscale and why one month trading at a discount of GBTC is not bullish.

GBTC has been trading at prices averaging 10% lower from the market price of BTC. This event leads me to believe that massive dumping by institutions is ongoing and the discount will create a negative outlook for BTC soon.

(Quickbooks) Customer Service +I=860=288=7497 Quickbooks Customer service Number

Quickbooks*(Support*Number)*☎️ ™+860∺288∺7497 ® Quickbooks Support

Quickbooks) Customer Service +I=860=288=7497 Quickbooks Customer service Number 24/7 for Toll-Free Number USA

(CashApp) CustomerService +I-(860≠288≠7497} CashAppCustomerservice Number 24/7 for Toll-Free Number USA

The purpose of this thread is to find those old games from the past whose title you just can't remember, or even a newer game you can't put your finger on. All questions pertaining to this subject must be asked here.

The old Game Remembrance Thread has been around since July 2008 and reached a titanic size with 58 pages and over 1700 posts and we agreed it would be a good idea to start over with a new one. It will remain available for reference here.

----------------CashApp Gold Customer Support Number{} Customer Support NumberpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Table of Contents: ******\*

- How this thread works CashApp Gold

- How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for CashApp Gold

Keep an eye on the thread CashApp Gold

Be patient CashApp Gold

If your game is found, say it!


How this Thread Works:

You come in and post as many details as possible about the game you're looking for, then wait until someone comes up with the answer. It's as simple as that. If no one has replied to your post, maybe it wasn't specific enough (see below), or maybe people are working on it, but don't have any further questions. Be patient.


How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for: CashApp Gold

Follow these simple guidelines:

1) As a general rule, be as much specific as you can, every little detail counts and may help us find what you're looking for.

2) Specify the time frame the game came out, at least the decade . Can't remember? Try thinking of other games you might remember playing around the same time as the one you are looking for.

3) Specify the system you played the game on (which console, PC, operating system). If you're not sure, telling us which systems you owned in your gaming history narrows the field down considerably. If it was a flash game that you played on some website, don't say "PC game", say "flash game" or "browser game".

4) List any distinctive qualities you can remember: what genre of game was it (FPS, RPG, Plat former...)? Was the game 2D or 3D? What did the characters and enemies look like? Was the protagonist a male or a female or multiple characters? Was it first person or third person? If third person, what was the camera angle: behind the character, from the side, top-down, isometric? Was the game really bloody? How many players in multiplayer? Post anything you can remember, even if it sounds insignificant.

Sticking to these ground rules will not only help others find the answer to your request, but ensures that the first answer given is more likely to be what you are looking for.

----------------CashApp GoldError Support Number} } CashApp GoldError SupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Keep an eye on the thread

Once you've posted a query, remember to periodically drop by to see if anyone was able to help. In that case be sure to say so, so people know the query has been resolved. Did you remember some new details? Add them via a new post, don't just edit your old one if it's older than a few days, or no one will see the edit!

----------------CashApp Gold premierSupportNumber{} } CashApp GoldpremierSupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Be patient

Just because you don't receive an answer right away it doesn't mean we aren't working on it. Sometimes it takes time for someone to recognize the game you're describing, so check back whenever you see the thread has new replies, they may contain the answer to your request.

Still no replies to your query? Don't assume people didn't try. Don't just repor

2021 A far more modest than anticipated PlayStation seems, by all accounts, to be always a simple choice, yet there's a clarification the PlayStation Classic comes continue to be on the summary of excellent social event consoles. Undoubtedly only a little PlayStation, yet its library leaves out games like Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider, and its underpowered mirroring and odd usage of PAL transformations of numerous games does the general horrendous looking mid 3D of the system no favors.

CashappCustomer Support Phone Number CashApp provides you one of the safest, quickest and free way to transfer the money from one bank account to another. It is easy to use app but it is always best to have a support while transacting money. To have that support you must rely on the professionals provided by the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp is the platform which has been continuously evolving. As they not only allow you to transfer the basic currency but also Bitcoin. This kind of feature makes the app one of its kind.

Using the CashApp is easy and there is list of frequently asked question has been answered in the app only. But there can be some questions in your mind that are not in the list. For those kinds of questions, you can contact the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp has been proven in the past as one of the safest platforms for money transfer. The data stored in the app is safe with each person having unique username. These kinds of feature have made CashApp fast growing app in the U.S.

They have not stopped there only, as they are providing the 24-hour customer support to their users. It does not matter how you are contacting them weather it is through mail, via app or dialling the CashApp support number. All you need is put the question in front of them and they will answer you as soon as possible.

How do I talk to CashApp representative?

CashApp has always been the all about the customer satisfaction. This is the reason CashApp Support are providing various ways to contact them if you face any problem. Ways through which you can contact the CashAppcustomerService.

With the help of CashApp

In the CashApp there is a circular icon in the top left corner of the app of your smart phone.

There you will find the option of “Cash support”.

After that you will get different options like “access old account”, “missing payment”, and “something else”. If you have the listed problem then you can choose them otherwise select “something else”.

Once you do that you will be getting a list various other common issues, if you are able to find your issue than select that option. But once you have gone through the list and still not satisfied than in the last you will get the option of “contact support”.

After this you will be getting the option of getting in touch with them via e-mail or by phone call. You have to describe the issue best way possible and they will revert you back within 24-hours

(Quickbooks) Customer Service +I=860=288=7497 Quickbooks Customer service Number

Quickbooks*(Support*Number)*☎️ ™+860∺288∺7497 ® Quickbooks Support

Quickbooks) Customer Service +I=860=288=7497 Quickbooks Customer service Number 24/7 for Toll-Free Number USA

(CashApp) CustomerService +I-(860≠288≠7497} CashAppCustomerservice Number 24/7 for Toll-Free Number USA

The purpose of this thread is to find those old games from the past whose title you just can't remember, or even a newer game you can't put your finger on. All questions pertaining to this subject must be asked here.

The old Game Remembrance Thread has been around since July 2008 and reached a titanic size with 58 pages and over 1700 posts and we agreed it would be a good idea to start over with a new one. It will remain available for reference here.

----------------CashApp Gold Customer Support Number{} Customer Support NumberpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Table of Contents: ******\*

- How this thread works CashApp Gold

- How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for CashApp Gold

Keep an eye on the thread CashApp Gold

Be patient CashApp Gold

If your game is found, say it!


How this Thread Works:

You come in and post as many details as possible about the game you're looking for, then wait until someone comes up with the answer. It's as simple as that. If no one has replied to your post, maybe it wasn't specific enough (see below), or maybe people are working on it, but don't have any further questions. Be patient.


How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for: CashApp Gold

Follow these simple guidelines:

1) As a general rule, be as much specific as you can, every little detail counts and may help us find what you're looking for.

2) Specify the time frame the game came out, at least the decade . Can't remember? Try thinking of other games you might remember playing around the same time as the one you are looking for.

3) Specify the system you played the game on (which console, PC, operating system). If you're not sure, telling us which systems you owned in your gaming history narrows the field down considerably. If it was a flash game that you played on some website, don't say "PC game", say "flash game" or "browser game".

4) List any distinctive qualities you can remember: what genre of game was it (FPS, RPG, Plat former...)? Was the game 2D or 3D? What did the characters and enemies look like? Was the protagonist a male or a female or multiple characters? Was it first person or third person? If third person, what was the camera angle: behind the character, from the side, top-down, isometric? Was the game really bloody? How many players in multiplayer? Post anything you can remember, even if it sounds insignificant.

Sticking to these ground rules will not only help others find the answer to your request, but ensures that the first answer given is more likely to be what you are looking for.

----------------CashApp GoldError Support Number} } CashApp GoldError SupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Keep an eye on the thread

Once you've posted a query, remember to periodically drop by to see if anyone was able to help. In that case be sure to say so, so people know the query has been resolved. Did you remember some new details? Add them via a new post, don't just edit your old one if it's older than a few days, or no one will see the edit!

----------------CashApp Gold premierSupportNumber{} } CashApp GoldpremierSupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Be patient

Just because you don't receive an answer right away it doesn't mean we aren't working on it. Sometimes it takes time for someone to recognize the game you're describing, so check back whenever you see the thread has new replies, they may contain the answer to your request.

Still no replies to your query? Don't assume people didn't try. Don't just repor

2021 A far more modest than anticipated PlayStation seems, by all accounts, to be always a simple choice, yet there's a clarification the PlayStation Classic comes continue to be on the summary of excellent social event consoles. Undoubtedly only a little PlayStation, yet its library leaves out games like Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider, and its underpowered mirroring and odd usage of PAL transformations of numerous games does the general horrendous looking mid 3D of the system no favors.

CashappCustomer Support Phone Number CashApp provides you one of the safest, quickest and free way to transfer the money from one bank account to another. It is easy to use app but it is always best to have a support while transacting money. To have that support you must rely on the professionals provided by the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp is the platform which has been continuously evolving. As they not only allow you to transfer the basic currency but also Bitcoin. This kind of feature makes the app one of its kind.

Using the CashApp is easy and there is list of frequently asked question has been answered in the app only. But there can be some questions in your mind that are not in the list. For those kinds of questions, you can contact the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp has been proven in the past as one of the safest platforms for money transfer. The data stored in the app is safe with each person having unique username. These kinds of feature have made CashApp fast growing app in the U.S.

They have not stopped there only, as they are providing the 24-hour customer support to their users. It does not matter how you are contacting them weather it is through mail, via app or dialling the CashApp support number. All you need is put the question in front of them and they will answer you as soon as possible.

How do I talk to CashApp representative?

CashApp has always been the all about the customer satisfaction. This is the reason CashApp Support are providing various ways to contact them if you face any problem. Ways through which you can contact the CashAppcustomerService.

With the help of CashApp

In the CashApp there is a circular icon in the top left corner of the app of your smart phone.

There you will find the option of “Cash support”.

After that you will get different options like “access old account”, “missing payment”, and “something else”. If you have the listed problem then you can choose them otherwise select “something else”.

Once you do that you will be getting a list various other common issues, if you are able to find your issue than select that option. But once you have gone through the list and still not satisfied than in the last you will get the option of “contact support”.

After this you will be getting the option of getting in touch with them via e-mail or by phone call. You have to describe the issue best way possible and they will revert you back within 24-hours

(Quickbooks) Customer Service +I=860=288=7497 Quickbooks Customer service Number

Quickbooks*(Support*Number)*☎️ ™+860∺288∺7497 ® Quickbooks Support

Quickbooks) Customer Service +I=860=288=7497 Quickbooks Customer service Number 24/7 for Toll-Free Number USA

(CashApp) CustomerService +I-(860≠288≠7497} CashAppCustomerservice Number 24/7 for Toll-Free Number USA

The purpose of this thread is to find those old games from the past whose title you just can't remember, or even a newer game you can't put your finger on. All questions pertaining to this subject must be asked here.

The old Game Remembrance Thread has been around since July 2008 and reached a titanic size with 58 pages and over 1700 posts and we agreed it would be a good idea to start over with a new one. It will remain available for reference here.

----------------CashApp Gold Customer Support Number{} Customer Support NumberpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Table of Contents: ******\*

- How this thread works CashApp Gold

- How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for CashApp Gold

Keep an eye on the thread CashApp Gold

Be patient CashApp Gold

If your game is found, say it!


How this Thread Works:

You come in and post as many details as possible about the game you're looking for, then wait until someone comes up with the answer. It's as simple as that. If no one has replied to your post, maybe it wasn't specific enough (see below), or maybe people are working on it, but don't have any further questions. Be patient.


How to maximize your chances of finding what you're looking for: CashApp Gold

Follow these simple guidelines:

1) As a general rule, be as much specific as you can, every little detail counts and may help us find what you're looking for.

2) Specify the time frame the game came out, at least the decade . Can't remember? Try thinking of other games you might remember playing around the same time as the one you are looking for.

3) Specify the system you played the game on (which console, PC, operating system). If you're not sure, telling us which systems you owned in your gaming history narrows the field down considerably. If it was a flash game that you played on some website, don't say "PC game", say "flash game" or "browser game".

4) List any distinctive qualities you can remember: what genre of game was it (FPS, RPG, Plat former...)? Was the game 2D or 3D? What did the characters and enemies look like? Was the protagonist a male or a female or multiple characters? Was it first person or third person? If third person, what was the camera angle: behind the character, from the side, top-down, isometric? Was the game really bloody? How many players in multiplayer? Post anything you can remember, even if it sounds insignificant.

Sticking to these ground rules will not only help others find the answer to your request, but ensures that the first answer given is more likely to be what you are looking for.

----------------CashApp GoldError Support Number} } CashApp GoldError SupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Keep an eye on the thread

Once you've posted a query, remember to periodically drop by to see if anyone was able to help. In that case be sure to say so, so people know the query has been resolved. Did you remember some new details? Add them via a new post, don't just edit your old one if it's older than a few days, or no one will see the edit!

----------------CashApp Gold premierSupportNumber{} } CashApp GoldpremierSupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Be patient

Just because you don't receive an answer right away it doesn't mean we aren't working on it. Sometimes it takes time for someone to recognize the game you're describing, so check back whenever you see the thread has new replies, they may contain the answer to your request.

Still no replies to your query? Don't assume people didn't try. Don't just repor

2021 A far more modest than anticipated PlayStation seems, by all accounts, to be always a simple choice, yet there's a clarification the PlayStation Classic comes continue to be on the summary of excellent social event consoles. Undoubtedly only a little PlayStation, yet its library leaves out games like Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider, and its underpowered mirroring and odd usage of PAL transformations of numerous games does the general horrendous looking mid 3D of the system no favors.

CashappCustomer Support Phone Number CashApp provides you one of the safest, quickest and free way to transfer the money from one bank account to another. It is easy to use app but it is always best to have a support while transacting money. To have that support you must rely on the professionals provided by the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp is the platform which has been continuously evolving. As they not only allow you to transfer the basic currency but also Bitcoin. This kind of feature makes the app one of its kind.

Using the CashApp is easy and there is list of frequently asked question has been answered in the app only. But there can be some questions in your mind that are not in the list. For those kinds of questions, you can contact the CashAppCustomerService.

CashApp has been proven in the past as one of the safest platforms for money transfer. The data stored in the app is safe with each person having unique username. These kinds of feature have made CashApp fast growing app in the U.S.

They have not stopped there only, as they are providing the 24-hour customer support to their users. It does not matter how you are contacting them weather it is through mail, via app or dialling the CashApp support number. All you need is put the question in front of them and they will answer you as soon as possible.

How do I talk to CashApp representative?

CashApp has always been the all about the customer satisfaction. This is the reason CashApp Support are providing various ways to contact them if you face any problem. Ways through which you can contact the CashAppcustomerService.

With the help of CashApp

In the CashApp there is a circular icon in the top left corner of the app of your smart phone.

There you will find the option of “Cash support”.

After that you will get different options like “access old account”, “missing payment”, and “something else”. If you have the listed problem then you can choose them otherwise select “something else”.

Once you do that you will be getting a list various other common issues, if you are able to find your issue than select that option. But once you have gone through the list and still not satisfied than in the last you will get the option of “contact support”.

After this you will be getting the option of getting in touch with them via e-mail or by phone call. You have to describe the issue best way possible and they will revert you back within 24-hours

AnySwap Finance (ANY), A Fully Decentralized Cross-chain Swap Protocal, to List on BitMart Exchange

BitMart, a premier global digital asset trading platform, will list AnySwap (ANY) on March 31, 2021. For all BitMart users, the ANY/USDT trading pair will be officially available for trading at 4:00 AM EDT. To celebrate the listing of ANY, BitMart is giving away 5,000 ANY in Buy & Earn, Trading Competition & Trading Lottery events!

What is AnySwap?

AnySwap is an entirely distributed protocol allowing the swapping of tokens from various decentralized platforms.

Launched in July 2020, AnySwap is an entirely distributed protocol allowing the swapping of tokens from different decentralized platforms. The system’s strength comes from its ECDSA signature support. Note that 95 percent of active digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (USDT), Litecoin (LTC), and Ripple (XRP) implement the scheme.

Additionally, the protocol is powered by Fusion’s Decentralized Control Rights Management (DCRM) technology, further boosting Anyswap’s ability to handle the movement of tokens between blockchains.

The Protocal’s Key Features

A distributed inter-blockchain bridge – It allows users to deposit any ECDSA-compliant token and receive wrapped tokens without the need for a third party.

Inter-chain swaps – This enables Anyswap users to swap cryptocurrencies instantly.

Programmed liquidity – The liquidity providers determine the liquidity levels on the platform. However, the network also uses available liquidity to alter prices accordingly.

AnySwap brings another dimension to the DeFi ecosystem. By rewarding traders, LPs, and working nodes, everyone on the ecosystem receives incentives for their contribution to the network. Notably, the system’s use of Fusion strengthens its position as the first DeFi platform to support cross-chain transactions. The protocol’s use of open-source smart contracts and community governance not only makes it more decentralized but also community-driven.

With all the competing DeFi-based systems in the crypto space, it’s hard to determine which one is here to stay and thrive. One thing that’s clear is that AnySwap is an undertaking that’s worth pursuing, at the very least.

About BitMart

BitMart Exchange is a premier global digital assets trading platform with over 2 million users worldwide and ranked among the top crypto exchanges on CoinMarketCap. BitMart currently offers 365+ trading pairs with one of the lowest trading fees in the market. To learn more about BitMart, visit their website, follow their Twitter, or join their Telegram for more updated news and promotions. Download BitMart App to trade anytime, anywhere.

About AnySwap

AnySwap is a fully decentralized cross chain swap protocol, with automated pricing and liquidity system. To learn more about AnySwap, please visit their website and join their Telegram.