Thursday, September 19, 2019

[Daily Discussion] Friday, September 20, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Altcoin Discussion] Friday, September 20, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

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How do I (35F) handle this group in my niche industry that is dissing me?

So I founded a tech startup in the cryptocurrency space (for those unfamiliar, Bitcoin = cryptocurrency, and in a nutshell we made our own version with different functionality). Needless to say, there are barely any female tech startup founders, let alone female *crypto* tech startup founders.

I recently relocated to a new city and had engaged some with a services company here that had been targeting crypto startups back when they had a lot of money in 2017ish. I was asked to be on a podcast they do, and would see some of their team members at industry events.

Eventually, I ended up proposing an idea for a panel talk at this event they were co-sponsoring (was about how my company's cryptocurrency can be used to help people who have been s e xually a s saulted, and the panel was on the day Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court), and I'm confident I was a huge part of what made the event a success because I was very candid and straightforward, and opened up the conversation in ways no one else came close to. This led to making friends with one of the women on the team after that, J. We sort of bonded in that we had both experienced s e xual a s sault.

J helped me a little pro bono, and so did her teammate, N (this basically involved one Skype call where we discussed some ideas, but nothing actionable came of it). The firm then laid off a bunch of people in 2019, and J ended up being one of them, but we've kept in touch.

Anyway, J had been the person at their firm who created a Meetup group for Women in Crypto in our city, but I guess because it was associated with her old work email and nobody else at the firm was on top of this, the group was on the verge of being disbanded.

Meetup sent out this email to all of the group members that was basically like, 'Hey this group will disappear forever at the end of the month, so if someone would like to take it over, please do.'

I saw a couple of these emails, realized nobody else was responding, and then figured, why not? So I paid for a 6 month subscription and "took over the group." This was like a week ago, and I haven't planned an event or anything yet, but was going to do so soon.

Today I get an email from one of their teammates, K, who I think I've met once briefly, with N and the company CEO (who I know a little bit) cc'd. K said 2 things:

1 - They're planning a big event for all Women in Crypto very soon in our city and would "love for me to attend."

I actually saw this event posted on Twitter today, and was weirded out to see that the like 5 women in crypto they have speaking are mostly not high quality choices IMO. Only one of them actually founded a startup. One is a cool developer doing stuff with women in the space, but the rest are later-stage employees, consultants, and/or just new to blockchain and not very knowledgable. The one woman on the panel who is a founder actually cold emailed me like a year ago to try and sell our company all of the cryptocurrency they created because their product basically wasn't working.

So yeah I thought it was strange that they either didn't think to ask me/didn't want to ask me?

2 - Then K is like, 'thank you for saving the Meetup group...could you add me as co-organizer so I can post about this event?'

So first, I paid a subscription to "save" this group, and these people "lost" it because they weren't on top of their shit. It's not cool for them to ask this without offering to at least split the cost.

Secondly, obviously I could just post this event for them if they asked. It isn't necessary for this woman to be a co-organizer to do that.

So this message seems disingenuous, like this is actually about regaining control of this group after they fucked up, and they're doing it in this kind of gross-feeling way.

And then on top of that, I'm just so confused that they didn't think to have me on this panel when my resume/experience and demonstrated performance is perfect for it, particularly when the other panelists aren't at that level.

Should I care? How should I handle this? I need to at least reply to K's email.

tl;dr - Dissed by a Woman in Crypto group when I am the Womaniest in Crypto....specifically not sure how to handle them trying to get me to compensate for their fuck-up/am generally not sure how to navigate the overall diss-ish tone.

HFT supercomputer / Blockchain speed parity, circuit breaker… MFID II Darkpool Limits: I.R.S. cryptocurrency transactions as taxable events

fintech #trading #algotrading #quantitative #quant #cryptocurrency #hft #blockchain

I.R.S. cryptocurrency transactions as taxable events HFT / Blockchain speed parity — circuit breaker… It’s TIME

Why not super computer High Frequency Trade #HFT / #Bitcoin#Blockchain transaction speed parity? On / off floor trade parity?

What if we revisited using the “Great John Nash’s” Equilibrium algorithms?

Sustainable#Stock#Exchange Initiative US Sct #573 Alice Corp Vs CLS Bank “claims may not direct towards abstract ideas” — sonar water drop in pond physical meme representing latency, propagation delay

MFID II Dark Pool Limits / Cryptocurrency exchange transactions are taxable events HFT CIRCUIT BREAKER / transaction speed algorithmic regulation LINK Algorithms drive markets but do not regulate them = Napoleon @ Waterloo Groundhog’s Day #Sustainable#Stock#ExchangeInitiative#MFID II #DARKPOOL#HFT High Frequency Trade Limits 2018 I.R.S. Tax code Cryptocurrency transactions are taxable events Use the “Great John Nash’s” Equilibrium algorithms to address trade parity .....

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"Anonymous" DNA testing, but for money, and now rather than next year.

If you want to store and sell your data now, you can, by following the same protocol Nebula suggests, using the Gene-Chain once you do a test with our partners.

"That’s why the first step to anonymous sequencing is to clean up your ecommerce habits more generally. Nebula suggests getting encrypted email, a service provided by companies like Enigmail, Mailvelope, and Protonmail, and using a VPN to mask your browsing behavior. And you’ll definitely need an address not associated with your name. For that a PO Box will work. A secure crypto wallet or preloaded credit card is also a must. Once you’ve done all that, you’re ready to anonymously pay for and receive a Nebula spit kit."

Unnecessarily complex for ordinary users. Much easier with the Gene-Chain, and available now at

[Hiring] Follow my guide on how to make money as a Bitcoin Vendor

Follow this guide exactly and become a bitcoin vendor.

WYO2019 commemorative tokens for the upcoming WyoHackathon 2019!

I'm flying to the WyoHackathon 2019 this weekend! I created an unofficial WYO2019 token.

If you're attending the event please install Badger Wallet and send me your slp address so I can send you some commemorative WYO2019!

More details about WyoHackathon 2019:

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What is

In a nutshell, you send us monero and we make your bitcoin payment.

The advent of cryptocurrencies enabled frictionless and secure payments to take place all over the world including for unbanked people. However, with the first and still prominent contender being Bitcoin, it imposed a huge degradation of privacy to users compared to what can be experienced in the “traditional” banking system. In the banking system, your neighbors, friends, employers, any entity you transact with, cannot see your bank account or your day-to-day transactions; law enforcement is done on a need-to-know basis without all financial activities being constantly broadcast to the entire world as a default.

XMR.torecognized very early on that the Monero technology could help this state of affairs. However the number of merchants accepting Monero is still too limited. allows Monero users to spend their Monero at any Bitcoin-accepting merchants.

We encourage every user of to reach out to their Bitcoin-accepting merchant and ask them to accept Monero directly. Hopefully one day, services like will not be needed anymore!

How does work?

  1. Enter the Bitcoin address given to you by Bitpay or any other merchant or payment processor, and the amount you want to send. Hit the 'Create' button.
  2. We tell you how many moneroj you need to send us.
  3. Once we receive the moneroj you send us, we make your requested bitcoin payment.

Are there any hidden costs?

No. The BTC/XMR exchange rate that you are quoted determines the exact number of moneroj you need to send us in order to have your Bitcoin payment fulfilled.

How well is protecting my privacy?

By default, Monero payments protect your privacy much better than Bitcoin ones, by putting you back in control: you control how much you reveal and to who thanks to view keys. Hence, it is not that protects your privacy as we are NOT a trusted third party in the equation – something we would be uncomfortable with. Instead, it is Monero that gives you back control of a reasonable financial privacy in the digital realm.

Note that because the Bitcoin blockchain is transparent, payments originating from us will be easily discernible as coming However, thanks to the intrinsic properties of Monero, no-one can associate that payment with you unless you decide to. This would be true and simpler if your merchant was accepting Monero directly – insist they should do so next time!

Do you have an .onion address?

You can access any website on the web through TOR. To protect yourself you can also access us on the TOR network via our own onion address: 4orvxy2szja3ngiv (dot onion)

[For Hire] Experienced Crypto Writer

I am a freelance news reporter with a wealth of experience, having written for several news publications such as,, and BitcoinExchangeGuide and have written hundreds of news articles in the process. I'm interested in long-term working relationships and offer in-depth research on more complex pieces as well as fast turnaround time for breaking stories. I charge $0.10 per word and accept a wide range of cryptos. My work can be found below and feel free to message for more information.



The best way to obtain new bitcoins is nowadays through the use of Monero.

Not through mixing or coinjoining, which leaves a trails and worse, mix your coin with other people also mixing for maybe very bad reasons. Imagine mixing because you're a good guy but keen on your privacy, and ending up with coins publicly known as robbed on exchange X or from scam Y?

Here is the most private way to obtain "fresh" bitcoins, thanks to the outstanding privacy features of Monero. In fact the entire privacy that you'll get by following this procedure actually comes from Monero.

  • Convert some Bitcoins to Monero. You can do that OTC, on some exchanges such as or on shapeshift.
  • Be sure that there is a high mixin (>= 10) used when you receive your Moneroj. Ideally, transfer them to another Monero wallet of yours, again with a high mixin. Always use a high mixin for all your Monero transactions. At this point, everything you will do with your wealth on the Monero network (and also how much it is) is completely unknown to the entire world.
  • When you need your fresh bitcoins, convert your Moneroj back to Bitcoins. It should be on a different market place/individual/service than the one you used in the other direction. If you want to make a single anonymous Bitcoin purchase instead of converting a stash in advance, use XMRto.

This simple technique is known since there have been several cryptocurrencies with sufficient liquidity, we just jump from blockchain to blockchain to prevent blockchain analysis. The nice trick here is that the Monero blockchain is the most private one available at the moment - far more than the previously existing Bitcoin clones - and it has a decent liquidity that allows real usage.

Re: @RGrottola, DNVGL. Keynote from Shanghai Blockchain International Week

Save us the trouble of translating: posting here since it’s too long for the daily thread.


Re: @RGrottola, DNVGL

”Norwegian Centennial Enterprise DNV GL Senior Vice President: The real potential of the blockchain is to promote the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy

Chain Express Coupon Logo Logo Chain Express · September 18, 2019 13:12 On September 17, 2019, "2019 Shanghai Blockchain International Week" officially kicked off in Shanghai. This event was hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Lab to "Blockchain New Economy: New Decade, New Starting Point" As the theme, focus on the industry's ten-year changes and look forward to a new future. The real potential of blockchain technology for society is to promote the shift of the linear economy to the circular economy. Renato Grottola, senior vice president of DNV GL, shared the practical case of the blockchain reshaping the trust industry. Image (50).jpg

The following is the full text of Mr. Renato Grottola's speech.

First of all, I would like to thank the Wanxiang Blockchain Lab for inviting me to participate in the blockchain global summit. This is my second time in Shanghai to participate in the blockchain conference. I would like to share with you the work done by DNV GL on the blockchain. For us, the blockchain is a disruptive technology. First of all, I will first introduce our current work and future plans.

At present, the blockchain has become an important part of our business. Let me introduce myself first. I am the global head of DNV GL digital transformation. My company is not a startup company, an established company founded 155 years ago, a Norwegian company. We are a non-profit foundation, the industry is a third-party credibility industry, and the blockchain is very similar, because the blockchain is a trusted machine. The company has multiple businesses that provide customers with a variety of services to build trust, such as verification, certification, and other businesses, ensuring that there is sufficient trust in the transactions between the customer and the supplier so that the transaction can be successfully executed. When we started to get in touch with the potential technology of the blockchain, a few years ago, we started to study the blockchain in 2015. When we read the relevant articles in the blockchain, we saw that the blockchain would kill all the intermediaries. At that time, I thought we were going to be unemployed, and the industry was going to disappear, so I began to try to analyze this technology and try to understand How to protect yourself.

It quickly became clear that for DNV GL and other companies, this technology will give us many opportunities to create new business value for us. Why? First of all, let me introduce that trust is actually the origin or cornerstone of any type of transaction. In fact, trust is not only important when transferring value between customers and suppliers, but also the execution of any transaction is inseparable from trust. In normal business life, the cost of trust is implicit in the price of products and services, and we have defaulted to the cost of such a trust. Trust has a cost, so there are many services, many business models, and if you have trust, you can be proud of it. But be aware that the cost of trust now is too expensive compared to the price of a single transaction.

The third point I want to talk about is the impact of digitization on trust, which changes the nature of the transaction and therefore the type of trust required to execute the transaction. Give everyone an example, think about the transaction between the machine and the machine or no one. In this kind of transaction, a large number of IoT technologies will bring us 3 trillion transactions per day. The transaction amount per transaction is very small, but the frequency of transactions is very high. There is no cheaper form of trust. Making this type of transaction feasible is economical.

So in this respect the blockchain can really influence or reshape our future. Why? First of all, as a developer, everyone knows about the blockchain far more than me. The blockchain actually transforms the process of trust creation. It has replaced some elements of trust, making the process of trust creation more transparent. , security and decentralization. More dependent on calculations. So far, companies like DNV GL have been acting as intermediaries to provide buyers and sellers with the necessary trust to execute transactions. So the question we are facing now is that we still have the need in the future? Is it necessary to have a technology like blockchain? In society, do we still have status? Does the blockchain solve all the trust problems in any transaction? The answer is, to some extent, to see why.

Because in the digital world, if we talk about value transfer or the transfer of value of a pure asset, there is really no need for intermediation. The blockchain itself can provide all the necessary elements to enable the successful execution of digital asset transactions. In this case, the blockchain is a necessary element of trust, and the trust mechanism provided by the third party is no longer needed to promote The value of digital assets has shifted. But in the real world, when digital transactions involve physical objects, such as products, services, processes, and even people, blockchains are not enough. Because we still need to ensure that the information we use to make decisions, which actually represents the real thing or the service itself. This information is consistent with the facts. This is actually a blockchain that cannot be implemented, so the blockchain is still an essential element of our trust mechanism. If the transaction involves physical objects, the blockchain itself is not enough. When it comes to physical objects, processes, and non-native digital assets, the blockchain technology itself is not enough. This is why we will study this technology in depth. Working with the unique chain of VeChain, I hope to deploy a new concept. Two years ago we had released a new concept, digital certification, which integrates the blockchain with other activities. Other activities are human-based or digital-based, providing all the necessary elements to ensure physical assets or The transaction of the process is new.

Regardless of the relationship between the customer and the supplier, and any stakeholder is trustworthy, including public government departments and so on. As I delve into, at the beginning of this journey, we realized that we must be very cautious when it comes to new business models and new services, because this work is very difficult. So the first implementation we made, this project is our project with Deloitte and the only chain VeChain, which is very important for us. When we perform any confidence-building activities, our ultimate goal is to send a statement, perhaps a certificate of the management system or any other statement. The first thing we did was to turn this statement into a digital asset. So at present our certification declaration is a token, which can be shared and traded between the parties, and is basically an untouchable token. This product is in compliance with regulatory requirements. This statement is on the smart contract. Anyone can verify its authenticity and reliability. If there is a problem with the certificate, we will immediately withdraw the certification statement, so there is no risk of fraud. The solution was released at the end of 2017 and is now fully developed and is driven by the blockchain.

The first project started this year, and we have provided this platform to our customers so that our customers can create and share their own compliance statements. In the near future, it is very important for large-scale promotion. In the near future, digital assets will be placed in digital wallets. We will provide digitally certified wallets to 900,000 customers. We will provide this service at the end of January 2020. We will continue to cooperate with Weigel and Deloitte. of. Yesterday, Mr. Lu said that there are 470,000 active users in the Bitcoin community. By January 2021, we will have 900,000 active users to use this digital wallet. There are digital assets in the wallet, and there are some features that can enter the blockchain. Among the supported ecosystems.

When it comes to the relationship between the blockchain and the supply chain, we often focus on the benefits that the blockchain will bring to the supply chain, for example, it will increase the efficiency of supply activities. For example, if we can trace the traces of the product, such a tracking solution actually proves the value of the blockchain for the supply chain. We are convinced that the true value of promoting blockchain technology far exceeds its value in the traditional blockchain. The real potential of blockchain technology is its ability to create a community and create an ecosystem. This kind of organizational entity can empower new business models, such as shared and circular economy business models, and we are convinced that the future of the blockchain is closely related to any business model based on shared and circular economy. So the benefits of blockchain or the benefits of tokenization are actually very large.

I want to give you a few examples, some of the work we do. Back in the traditional supply chain, we have launched a solution since January 2019, which is available to food and beverage customers. You will see this solution, which basically combines the tracking and tracking of the blockchain characteristics with some business considerations. These business considerations are very important for the company. In the beginning, I talked about trust. In fact, there has been a shift in trust in society. In particular, after 00 and 90, more and more rely on the product itself, rather than relying on the brand. So this program combines our classic verification activities with blockchain to provide real stories to any consumer. It combines the benefits of the blockchain, which is to trust this aspect and all product-related information, to provide it to consumers. If the consumer comes into contact with the product, they can see all the information about the product. This product was launched in Italy and involved three wine manufacturers. One of them is Italy's largest wine producer. Everyone knows that Italy is the world's largest wine producer. The potential market is 2.7 billion bottles a year. This is only in Italy, so this program has been mass-produced and is based on Chain VeChain's blockchain technology is done.

Norwegian Centennial Enterprise DNV GL Senior Vice President: The real potential of the blockchain is to promote the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy

I will spend a few more minutes talking about the future. I just said that the future of the blockchain is closely related to the model of circular economy. Where is our future?

We are convinced that our future is to create an ecosystem that uses blockchains while at the same time stimulating good behavior and leveraging the principles of any circular economy. Minimize negative externalities, such as carbon dioxide emissions. Or another example, there are activities that may increase the share of recyclable products. By using tokenization, we can reach the right platform at the right time by ensuring any type of incentive mechanism. We believe this is a huge opportunity for the blockchain to enable the blockchain to be large-scale. Landing.

Recently in July, we signed an agreement with a small European country, and we worked with the country to create an ecosystem. All citizens will participate in this ecosystem. There are 35,000 people in this small country, and every citizen has their own wallet. If the public has good behavior, they will be motivated, that is, if the citizens use shared travel instead of driving by themselves, they will be rewarded. If they act to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, save energy or save water, they can get rewards. This reward will be placed in the smart contract and will be verified by us, and the citizen will be able to enter the early ecosystem to get established. This token will be accepted by the government as a tax incentive, and citizens can use this reward to shop in the store. This is a very good opportunity for us to try out how this technology can create value for us in a small country. At the same time, we are able to ensure compliance with all existing regulatory requirements.

At the end of the speech, share with us the lessons we have learned.

First, the era of proof of concept is over, so the company has no time to announce projects that are only in the proof of concept phase. Everyone is thinking about this solution, is there a chance to land on a large scale, so the blockchain is not a tool for proof of concept. We need to use the blockchain to really make an impact, rather than using it as an eye-catching propaganda tool. Second, not all blockchains are suitable for us, so it is most important to choose the right blockchain partner to support our business development. Because value is not actually in the technology itself, this value is the perfect integration of technology and business processes, so we must apply the blockchain technology from a business perspective. Based on this, we have cooperated with the unique chain VeChain. Third, the enemy of the massive blockchain landing is not a regulation, but a lack of supervision. If there is no supervision, it will slow down the pace of promoting blockchain technology. If there is no regulation, most companies do not have enough courage to adopt the blockchain, so this is something the government should pay attention to. There is also an enemy in the blockchain. In the community itself, the argument of one coiners and alt coiners (supporting the coin) is actually a debate between Bitcoin and its world, which is a huge obstacle to the large-scale landing of this technology. I think the blockchain community should be consistent and promoted together to promote the large-scale landing of blockchain technology, not just financial technology or transfer payments, so that more companies can truly understand the value of blockchain. . Finally, the real potential of blockchain technology for society is to promote the shift of the linear economy to a circular economy.”

Why I am supporting Bitcoin Cash

First, I want to say that I believe that Bitcoin (BTC) will moon and that lambo will rain, for several reasons that I won’t explain here and now. So please don't shit on me or down vote this post without explaining yourself properly. I'm saying this because the crypto community is full of young and emotional person insulting each other all the time without being able to explain their view clearly. I’m just sharing my story and my opinion, if I say something wrong, please let me know. No need to be emotional.

My story: I’m French (Forgive my English), a software engineer, working from home, previously in the banking industry, big noob in blockchain code related. I have been supporting bitcoin for a couple of times now, unfortunately I discovered it a bit late, promoting it to people around me as the peer to peer cash system and hoping that it will give us our financial freedom.

During this bear market and after losing a big part of my coins, I finally took the time to get a better understanding of each coin I’m holding and I quickly realised that Bitcoin Cash wasn’t a scam, that Bitcoin BTC is purely a speculative asset, the playground of professional traders, used to rekt noobs and that Lightning network will end as custodial wallets because no one will take the time/risk for opening/closing/securing a channel, especially poor people (few billions). There is no benefit for the average user in maintaining a LN node. I believe it will be more interesting to mine Bitcoin rather than maintaining a LN node.

So basically, I lost faith in the promise made by the Lightning Network which made me focusing on why Bitcoin Cash is the answer to a decentralized peer-to peer electronic cash system. I can confess that in the past I used to believe that second layer solution was the solution for everything, but I changed my mind.

To make it simple, BCH allows to make instant payment for very cheap whereas BTC can’t and won’t.

For each crypto project, I look at those different points:

1. Length of the chain

BTC and BCH are sharing the longest chain, it has been working well without any issues since now 10 years. No other project has such a good track record. This make me feel confident that the chance that this will continue to work as well for years or decades.

2. Community behind it

A good community for me is when you see technical people, risking their reputation/identity by posting videos, writing stuff and talking in public events about the project they support. Based on that, I believe the BCH community is the biggest of all. By technical people I mean someone talking using technical approach to back their opinion rather than beliefs based on emotions. Usually in the crypto space, those people are developers but it’s not always the case.

I made a small list of technical people supporting BCH:

-Peter R. Rizun: Chief Scientist, Bitcoin Unlimited.

-Vitalik Butterin (he often showed his support regarding BCH but didn’t produce any content)

-Jonald Fyookball: Electron Cash Developer

-Jonathan Toomim: Bitcoin cash developer who made interesting proof regarding scaling onchain)

-George Hotz: no need to present this awesome crazy dude!

-Amaury Séchet: Bitcoin Cash Developer and French! 😊

-Rick Falkvinge: Founder of the swedish pirate party, watch his youtube channel.

-Gabriel Cardona (Bitcoin cash developer)

-Justin Bons : Founder & CIO of Cyber Capital

-Dr. Mark B. Lundeberg: Developer researcher

And there is a lot more, but those people are people that I personally trust for their work they shared and that I like following.

Recently we had the Bitcoin cash city conference, another event full of people supporting BCH, that kind of thing doesn’t happen with other crypto. So many brilliant people supporting BCH, how could it be possible that all those guys are supporting a scam or a shitcoin. As well, there is often meetups and conferences all over the world.

The developer community is not centralized, there is multiple teams (BitcoinABC, Bitcoin Unlimited, BCHD, Bcash, Bitcoin Verde…) independent of each other arguing sometimes about technical and political stuff, this ensure that developments and important decisions are not centralized. I find this very healthy. If a fork occurs, it’s not a problem, it will simply double your coin and allows two different ways of thinking to grow and compete. This won’t happen in Bitcoin (BTC) anymore, the way of thinking is centralized for BTC, they all share the same view: the segwit workaround + small block + layer 2 = (moon + lambo) in 18 months.

Regarding CSW, I don’t believe in this guy for now but maybe I’m wrong, maybe this guy is wrongly understood but based on all the things I know about him, he seems too complicated to be someone honest. Honesty comes with simplicity.

Finally, regarding Roger Ver: He is hated a lot and I still don't understand why, I feel sorry for him, I really tried my best to hate him like the crowd, but I couldn’t find any reasons. Many people are saying that he is lying and scamming people but none of them are technically able to explain why. It's really a crazy story and I understand why some people call him "Bitcoin Jesus". I personally think he is doing a great job and I thank him.

3. The current and future adoption

BCH is used by reel people and reel shops (check the bitcoin cash map), there are transactions on the network to buy and sell real things that exist in the real world. Can you believe this? Maybe the only blockchain having that. Please let me know if you know another blockchain which is today serving the real world.

The Bitcoin cash wallet app is easy and exciting to use. Same for the app for merchant. This can be used by my old mum! The BCH roadmap shows that more features will be added to simplify and enhance the user experience. I can’t find other blockchain having that level of user friendliness.

Recently Roger Ver announced HTC mobile phone with a BCH wallet preinstalled. I read as well that Burger King is accepting BCH, but I haven’t verified if this was legit or not.

4. Existing features and roadmap

-Multiple wallets built on all platform.

-Bitcoin Cash point of sales: this app is the app that merchant should use to accept Bitcoin, as well very easy to use and takes 5min to install.

-Cash shuffle with Cash fusion allowing to transact anonymously, making BCH competing with privacy focused coins such like Zcash, Monero, Dash. I heard this function will be implemented as well on mobile devices.

-SLP token: The simplicity of creating a token and sending dividends make BCH a bit competing with all smart blockchain. Anyone can create a token, raise funds and send dividends easily and it works! Will Bitcoin Cash evolve to a smart economy? A social network stored on the blockchain, fixing the problem of censorship we have on reddit for example. I recently discovered it, it’s awesome to know that you can write whatever you want, and nobody will be able to delete it and this forever. It’s really an awesome experience. I invite you to test it. For example, yesterday I had fun creating, sending token and being tipped in BCH or in any token by random people, it really shows the potential of BCH. I think I made around 50 on chain transactions in less than one hour with less than 10 cents.

-Stable coins: We can build stable coin on BCH; this is something very important as well.

Regarding the roadmap: It’s well described on and looks promising, but no update since the last 5 months. Not sure if it’s normal.

5. Security

SHA256 based algorithm are I believe the most secure, I don’t think we need to add more regarding this. Maybe someone can help me to find some downside regarding security, often some people talk about the potential 51% attack that could attack on BCH but I couldn’t manage to have my own opinion regarding this.

Regarding the double spending attack because of the zero confirmation, I have asked many people to explain to me how this could potentially be a problem for a real merchant. I think that small and insignificant amount doesn’t need instant confirmation but if you sell a lambo then of course you should wait for at least 5 confirmations.

To summarize I would even consider that zero conf is more advantageous than Lightning Network if you take everything into consideration. Worth case scenario if your restaurant is victim of a double spending attack a few times, you will just increase the confirmation level and prevent your customer from living your place. I think that it’s easier to print fake fiat money and try to pay with it rather than trying a double spending attack. But again, I might have misunderstood something or maybe there is more sophisticated exploits that I haven’t thought of.

6. Price

21 million coins, no inflation, the price currently around 300usd, a boiling community. The potential gains could be as good as BTC and even more. Maybe it’s the so waited coin that you will never convert back to that shit fiat. Certainly, one of the best coins to invest in now.

7. Electricity and efficiency

Since the cost of electricity is the same whatever the size of the block, it means that BCH is more environment friendly than BTC for the same amount of transaction or we can say that it’s "wasting" less energy. Maybe if LN works one day this will change.

My Conclusion:

Bitcoin is technically the worst coin; all others existing coins are better technically. But Bitcoin survives because of the network effect, illustrated by its biggest hash rate, making BTC the most secure blockchain. As well because of promises made by the Lightning Network. Bitcoin is the gold of crypto currencies. Bitcoin like Gold have both almost no utility. In a traditional market, gold drop when economy goes well and goes up when investors need to find a refuge. BTC is the drop zone for fresh meat.

Most of the BTC holders cannot think clearly regarding the BTC/BCH debate, they become completely irrational. This kind of behaviour leads to ruin, especially in trading/investment.With low fees, instant transaction, smart contracts, big community, user friendly apps, stable coin and a lot more to come, Bitcoin Cash has clearly a good future. I hope that someone will find my post useful. Cheers.

Karatbit - A Crypto / Gold MLM trying to invade San Antonio

My girlfriend and I have been going to meetups on that are clearly MLMs for fun. This is our experience from last night.

If y'all like this I'll start posting more. We try going to at least one per week.

Meetup Information

Event Title: San Antonio New Gold & Crypto Giveaway Meetup

Event Description: We are a Group of Motivated Entrepreneurs, with over 50 years of Success in the Financial and Precious Metals Industry. We uncover unique technical analysis of Crypto currencies and Pure Physical Gold, that you will not find anywhere else. We will provide documentation from Reliable sources, that you can share with others. We look forward to your Attendance and Knowledgeable input in this meeting. THERE WILL BE A DRAWING FOR 5 WINNERS, WHO WILL EACH RECEIVE GOLD." Must RSVP and be Present at the meeting to qualify.

What Really Happened


We entered a meeting room that had a suspicious amount of people in it. After sitting down, the organizer came by and introduced himself and two others he introduced as business partners. I explained what I do for a living and after some odd looks between the three, the person they felt who could best handle me stuck around and the two others walked away.

The conversation started a little strange in that the business partner said he was sued in 2000 due to some financial issues that sounded a lot like securities fraud. He then went on to tell me that the Mastercard they receive commissions on can't be shut down by the US government. I rebutted and explained how payment systems actually work. He changed the topic quickly and walked away.

The Meeting Begins

The Hardware

The meeting began with a brief introduction video. A video about how our data is the most valuable asset and how Facebook, Google, and Amazon are tracking our every move. The video wasn't wrong but it was a clear scare tactic to make us think that Karatbit has solved this issue.

The presenter then chose the wrong video on accident and played the following video which made me think I accidentally joined ISIS.

In order to recover from this mistake, we are told that the company is moving away from gold and into privacy by integrating blockchain into phones and laptops that they are manufacturing. No pictures of these phones or laptops can be found but they are being shipped within the next few weeks... When I asked very basic questions about the purpose of a blockchain laptop or phone and how blockchain makes a phone or laptop more secure, they changed topics quickly and offered buzzword answers (transparency, blockchain, bitcoin, gold, government).

The phone website is here I've been unable to find a site dedicated to this laptop.

The Math

We get past this strange rabbit hole and back on track discussing Karatbit. Another presenter arrives late and is full of energy. He takes over the presentation.

Shortly into the presentation we are told that we can convert $3 worth of Karatbit to $50 of gold any time we like. I asked how that could be possible and what stops someone from doing this over and over daily. The answer was amazing...

"Karatbit has so much gold that it doesn't matter. Do it! No problem at all. However, let me explain why you shouldn't"

He then spoke 2X louder and said


He then hinted to us that the price of the token was about to pump sky high in as sneaky a way as he could. He was obviously trying to present this as a security without presenting it as a security. Selling the token now would be dumb because the value keeps going up. Why get gold now when you can hold the asset and watch the value go up.

When pressed on the unlimited funds issue and how we can just buy some of this token and instantly convert it to real gold that was more valuable he became irritated and combative with me and two other people asking similar questions. During the meeting he also started acting like one of the attendees was an idiot for having a 401K.

I got a little angry over the attacks and called the presenter out over his attitude. He calmed down.

The End

We left the meeting early after paying for our dinner and on the way out the original presenter approached us. He seemed really stressed out but told me the conversions to gold are limited to 1 gram per day. It didn't help their case.

We missed the packages that allow us to be part of the opportunity. It had been two hours and we were ready to call it an evening. They treated us right at least, two free drinks and some appetizers.

When we got home I messaged the original presenter and let him know that he is part of an MLM and possible ponzi scheme. He seemed like a nice guy and I gave him the benefit of a doubt that he may not know.

Weekly /r/Iowa Events Thread for the week of September 19, 2019

This thread is for any events going on in Iowa this week! What events will you be attending? What events do you want to attend? What events do you want to promote? Whats new around that state this week? Add a comment below. Anything from music to politics to a house party.

If you have any recurring events, specials, or other suggestions for this weekly thread, please send us a modmail or post it here and ping /u/annarchist - else it will likely be focused on shit Im interested in.

Please provide the following when posting new events: Time, Date, Location, Cost and some sort of description of the event.

New threads start every week, and will be stickied at the top of the subreddit. I am still working on the formatting, so if it sucks or you want changes, please provide feedback.

Here are some places to find things to do - if you see something that looks cool feel free to discuss it here because I'm sure some of us will miss it: Cityviews Calendar - Juice Calendar - Des Moines Register Event Page - Catch Des Moines Calendar - Travel Iowa Event Search

Outdoors: Trout Stocking Schedule | Iowa Biking Maps | Outdoors Things to Do | Hunting Regulations | Fishing Regulations Note -Annual Iowa hunting and fishing licenses expire on Jan. 10.

Sports: Iowa Cubs Schedule | Cedar Rapids Kernal Schedule | Hawkeye Football Schedule | Hawkeye Basketball Schedule | Iowa State Football Schedule | Iowa State Basketball Schedule | Drake Basketball | UNI Football | UNI Basketball | Barnstormer Schedule | Waterloo Blackhawks

Music: Bands in Town - Des Moines | Bands in Town - Cedar Falls | Bands in Town - Iowa City | Nitefall on the River

Local Message Boards: UrbanDSM|IowaOutdoors515Crew Election|Dates :--|:-- General Election|November 6, 2018. City Primary|October 8, 2019 Regular City & Regular School|November 5, 2019 City Runoff|December 3, 2019 Primary|June 2, 2020 General|November 3, 2020

Des Moines Reoccurring Events:
*Third Friday of Every Month is Mixology at the Science Center in Des Moines * Blues Jam Band every Tuesday at Carl's Place, $3 tallboys * Area515 1731 Grand Avenue, Des Moines - Electronics Club 2nd Wednesdays at 7pm - 3D Printing Club 3rd Mondays at 7pm - Ham Radio Night 4th Mondays at 7pm * Young Professionals Connection Calendar * Des Moines Bitcoin and Blockchain MeetUp at Gravitate in West Des Moines - 4th Thursday of the month - 7:00pm * D&D at Mistress Brewery in Ankeny Sundays 3:30pm-7:30pm.

Quad Cities Reoccuring events: * Every other Wednesday (July 25th): Eat the Streets (downtown Davenport) * relevant sub thread

Cedar Falls Reoccurring Events: * Every Tuesday night there are rides that leave at singlespeed in CF. 5:30 is the 22mph average ride. 6:00 is the 18mph average ride and women's ride. * Every Wednesday is the the CvC WOW ride that meets at 6 pm at 4th and Main St in CF. Several types of rides for all types of riders.

Council Bluffs Reoccurring Events: * Every Thursday night in council bluffs is the Taco Ride from CB to mineola Iowa

Central Iowa Bar Map - If you know who created this or want to download the XML and expand on it, please do so! If you create an updated one including your regions bar, Ill replace this one.

Note this is going to start likely central Iowa Centric as I am using that as the baseline the creation of this.

Tag/ping /u/AnnArchist if you post in here with like something added on a weekly basis. I also included the tag here so I remember to check this.

Iowa Discord Server

Daily analysis of cryptocurrencies 20190919(Market index 31 — Fear state)

Bank Of America Joins Marco Polo Blockchain Trade Network
Bank of America has joined Marco Polo, a consortium working to bring efficiencies to international trade using blockchain technology.
Founded by startups R3 and TradeIX, Marco Polo is built on R3’s Corda blockchain platform. The network aims to deliver real-time connectivity, greater visibility for trading relationships and lower barriers to accessing capital.

China State Council: Promoting Integration Of New Technologies Like Blockchain Tech With Transportation Industry
According to Xinhua News Agency, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council recently issued an outline for transportation construction in China. In terms of smart transportation innovation, the outline proposes to promote the deep integration of new technologies such as big data, Internet, artificial intelligence, and blockchain with the transportation industry.

Arab Bank Switzerland Opens Bitcoin Custody, Brokerage Services
Arab Bank Switzerland has partnered with blockchain technology firm Taurus to offer Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) custody and brokerage services to its clients. Serge Robin, the CEO of Arab Bank Switzerland — a Swiss institution that forms part of the Jordan-headquartered Arab Bank group — said: “We firmly believe that blockchain will disrupt the financial industry as we know it and we intend to be amongst the.

The Turkish Government Has Announced Plans To Establish A National Blockchain Infrastructure
According to a Cointelegraph report, the Turkish government has announced plans to establish a national blockchain infrastructure to utilize distributed ledger technology (DLT) in public administration, according to the Strategy 2023 presentation provided by The Ministry of Industry and Technology on Sept. 18 in Ankara. Strategy 2023 emphasizes blockchain and DLT as priorities for the coming year. The document refers to a Startup Genome survey that marks blockchain as one of the fastest-growing tech trends, with a 101.5% increase in early-stage startup funding globally.

Encrypted project calendar(September 19, 2019)

NRG/Energi: Energi (NRG) Energi will launch a trading competition on the KuCoin platform on September 9th. By September 19th, 800 NRG will be presented to the top 470 participants.
ADA/Cardano: The Cardano (ADA) project official will host the Wyoming hackathon from September 19th to 22nd.
KIN/Kin: The Kin (KIN) project team will host a community gathering in Toronto on September 19.
BTC/Bitcoin: The 2019 Open Core Summit will be held in San Francisco from September 19th to 20th.
BSV/Bitcoin SV: The Bitcoin SV (BSV) BSV Eco Conference will be held in Hangzhou, China on September 19th. OKEX will jointly host the event as a strategic partner of BSV.
NPX/NaPoleonX: NaPoleonX (NPX) Binance DEX will be online NPX at 9:30 am (UTC) on September 19.
VIDY: On-line IDAX exchange and opening the GOB/BTC trading market

Encrypted project calendar(September 20, 2019)

NULS / NULS: The NULS 2.0 Beta hackathon will be held from September 20th to September 21st, 2019.
AE/Aeternity: Aeternity (AE) will hold “Cosmos One” conference in Prague, Czech Republic on September 20th
COCOS/COCOS: The Cocos-BCX (COCOS) Oasis Arena hackathon will take place from September 20th to 22nd in Shanghai, China (“GO Shanghai”).
RVN/Ravencoin: The Ravencoin (RVN) Ravencoin project team will host the “Ravencoin Asia 2019” party in Seoul, South Korea on September 20.
GOB: Go online on the IDAX exchange and open the GOB/BTC trading market

Encrypted project calendar(September 21, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 6th FINWISE Global Summit Macau will be held from September 21st to 22nd. Distributed Financial Technology (DeFi) is the main topic of this conference.
OKB/OKB: OKB (OKB) OKEx The Africa Cryptour series of talks in Kenya will take place on September 21 in Nairobi.
ADA/Cardano: Cardano (ADA) Cardano Ambassador Marin Kramaric will host the Ada community gathering in Croatia on September 21.
ZIL/Zilliqa: The Zilliqa (ZIL) Zilliqa project representative will attend the “Bitcoin and Blockchain Future” conference in London, UK on September 21st.

Encrypted project calendar(September 22, 2019)

NPXS/Pundi X: Pundi X (NPXS) PundiX Labs will officially launch the XPOS transaction at the “AkiColle” event in Tokyo on September 22.

Encrypted project calendar(September 23, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: Bakkt, the digital asset platform led by ICE, the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange and the world’s second largest trading group, will launch a bitcoin physical delivery futures contract on September 23.
EOS/EOS: EOS main network is expected to upgrade version 1.8 on September 23
DCR/Decred: Project leader Jake Yocom-Piatt of Decred (DCR) Decrex will attend the Encryption Community Party in San Francisco on September 23 and will deliver a speech.

Encrypted project calendar(September 24, 2019)

ENG/Enigma: Enigma (ENG) ENG main network token snapshot will end on September 24, the original start time is August 26.
LINA (LINA): Lina Review will host the Lina network launch event in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on September 24th and release a 10-year operational strategy.
Cappasity (CAPP): Cappasity will showcase its digital signage solutions in luxury stores at the Paris Retail Week from September 24th to 26th.

Encrypted project calendar(September 25, 2019)

MIOTA/IOTA: IOTA (MIOTA) IOTA will host a community event on September 25th at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles on the theme of “Building Your Own IoT.”
Quant (QNT): The Quant project will participate in a marketing conference in London from September 25th to 26th, which will focus on data technology.

Encrypted project calendar(September 26, 2019)

ADA/Cardano: The Cardano (ADA) Cardano community will host a party in Washington, DC on September 26.

Encrypted project calendar(September 27, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: Cripto Latin Fest will be held in Cordoba, Argentina from September 27th to 29th.
Switcheo (SWTH): After a one-year token exchange process, the project team will officially end the SWH→SWTH token exchange process on September 27.

Encrypted project calendar(September 28, 2019)

ADA/Cardano: Cardano (ADA) Cardano (ADA) 2nd Anniversary, Cardinal Foundation, IOHK and EMURGO main members will participate in community celebrations in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on September 28.
TOP Network (TOP): The TOP Network team will hold a hackathon in Prague, Czech Republic from September 28th to 29th.
Horizen (ZEN): Horizen project BD Rep Vano Narimandize will discuss the current status and development of sidechain technology at the Industry 4.0 Blockchain Summit on September 28.

Encrypted project calendar(September 29, 2019)

GAME/GameCredits: GameCredits (GAME) is expected to perform hard forks on September 29th at block height 2519999

Encrypted project calendar(September 30, 2019)

INS/Insolar: Insolar (INS) will be on September 30th
ERD/Elrond: Elrond (ERD) will conduct main network test on September 30th
NULS/NULS: The NULS team will plan to beta the ChainBOX in the third quarter.
CS/Credits: Credits (CS) will exchange tokens and bug rewards in the third quarter
QTUM/Qtum: Quantum Chain (QTUM) is expected to complete lightning network beta in the third quarter
XEM/NEM: New World Bank (XEM) will release mobile wallet and computer wallet in the third quarter
HC/HyperCash: hypercash (HC) will complete community management agreement in the third quarter

Encrypted project calendar(October 01, 2019)

HT/Huobi Token: The financial base public link jointly created by Firecoin and Nervos is expected to be open source in October.
RVN/Ravencoin: Ravencoin (RVN) Ravencoin will perform a hard fork on October 1.
ADA/Cardano: Cardano (ADA) plans to hold technical consensus meeting in Amsterdam on October 1st
XRC/Bitcoin Rhodium: Bitcoin Rhodium (XRC) will record account balance awards on October 1st
PPC/Peercoin: Peercoin (PPC) will perform Peercoin v0.8 (code tang lang) hard fork on October 1st

Encrypted project calendar(October 02, 2019)

BNB/Binance Coin: The 2019 DELTA Summit will be held in Malta from October 2nd to 4th. The DELTA Summit is Malta’s official blockchain and digital innovation campaign.
CAPP/Cappasity: The Cappasity (CAPP) London Science and Technology Festival will be held from October 2nd to 3rd, when the Cappasity project will be attended by the Science and Technology Festival.

Encrypted project calendar(October 03, 2019)

ETC/Ethereum Classic: The 2019 Ether Classic (ETC) Summit will be held in Vancouver on October 3–4

Bitcoin slipped below $10,000 on Thursday after the Federal Reserve cut benchmark lending rates by 25 basis points.

The BTC/USD instrument settled a new session low towards $9,585.86 on San Francisco-based Coinbase exchange. That brought the pair’s week-to-date losses close to 7 percent.

The move downhill occurred despite the presence of so-called bullish catalysts, mainly the recent drone attacks on Saudi Arabia oil production facilities that choked the world’s oil supply by 5 percent. The latest rate cut announcement and its immediate impact on bitcoin are reminiscent of how investors are not treating the cryptocurrency bitcoin as a safe-haven asset in the times of macroeconomic and geopolitical crisis.

Bulls, nevertheless, see bitcoin at new highs in the coming times. According to Arthur Hayes, the CEO & co-founder of controversial crypto-derivatives exchange BitMEX, bitcoin would surge to $20,000 after taking cues from the Fed’s dovish sentiment.

Review previous articles:






[uncensored-r/BitcoinMarkets] [Daily Discussion] Thursday, September 19, 2019

The following post by AutoModerator is being replicated because some comments within the post(but not the post itself) have been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: BitcoinMarkets/comments/d68qlt

The original post's content was as follows:

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[uncensored-r/Bitcoin] AMA I am a Bitcoin Time Traveler from 2113

The following post by RaptorRules is being replicated because some comments within the post(but not the post itself) have been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: Bitcoin/comments/d69q3m

The original post's content was as follows:

I traveled back here from the year 2113. I don’t have time to explain who I am or where I come from but I will give you a brief synopsis, all I can tell you is that I am here to do research in the past. I arrived here through inter-time birth transfusion, which means my birth mother was expecting her baby but instead got a genetically equivalent baby with a separate consciousness designed to be downloaded over the course of my development, most data has been downloaded onto my clone (my current self in the year 2019) and the clone does not have much time, you may question the ethics of the clone but our genetics have been altered so deeply that our objectives and missions are motivated by an intense desire to serve our kind.

The current year is 2113, and most of humanity has been washed away on the shores, including the mega-city Tuery (in 2083) which is also know to you as New York due to the global climate instability.

To ease your mind about your progress in developing culture which is highly revered in my time, most of humanities artifacts have been preserved due to missions propagated by our superiors so those funding my travel desired certain artifacts to be preserved in a time locked vault. Since the landmass shift, all of humanity has retreated to the “insides” of the countries if there was an easier way to put it, away from the hurricanes that form on the atlantic ocean, daily.

Bitcoin has reached a set price of around 400 million dollars per coin, with about a 5 million coin supply and many coins have been lost due to wars, and individuals involved in those wars dying with their bitcoin going into the grave with them. So there is your bitcoin fix, people only use bitcoin to purchase capital goods, nothing more. Money isn’t great power anymore as it is more like evidence that is used to determine whether you have contributed enough to our society to enjoy the goods and services provided. Most power lies within the greatest scientists and engineers alike because of their revered status and advancements in our society.

The last time traveler to post here, did not mention that deflationary currency was purposely injected into the timeline to avoid a greater loss of life during Earth’s major climate events, because he simply did not know. With significantly less people, more people would be saved and this individuals that had not existed became famous scientists and engineers that have created the optimized world today.

I am here to answer questions as to research the intelligence of responses in order to compare how much humanity has evolved within my time. Responses would be very valuable to the research in 2113, as genes can be harvested via DNA teleportation from other time travel craft hidden in your atmosphere, or stratosphere. Just as a side note these DNA craft have been observed by many governments mostly because they are run by our own genetic experiments which in turn has confused many governments as we also injected them with false memories so that they believe they are a different race. They are more like, biological legos.

Please answer your questions in your current mindset, and try not to delete any of your questions as it will skew the dataset

Bitcoin Futures: Where We Stand Now And Pending Upcoming Events

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Cialis (Tadalafil) relaxes muscles and increases blood flow to particular areas of the body. Cialis (Tadalafil) is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence). Cialis (Tadalafil) may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.

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Do not take Cialis (Tadalafil) if you are also using a nitrate drug for chest pain or heart problems. This includes nitroglycerin (Nitrostat, Nitrolingual, Nitro-Dur, Nitro-Bid, and others), isosorbide dinitrate (Dilatrate-SR, Isordil, Sorbitrate), and isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur, ISMO, Monoket). Nitrates are also found in some recreational drugs such as amyl nitrate or nitrite ("poppers"). Taking tadalafil with a nitrate medicine can cause a serious decrease in blood pressure, leading to fainting, stroke, or heart attack.

A small number of patients have had a sudden loss of eyesight after taking Tadalafil. This type of vision loss is caused by decreased blood flow to the optic nerve of the eye. It is not clear whether Tadalafil is the actual cause of such vision loss. Sudden vision loss with Tadalafil use has occurred most often in people with heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or certain pre-existing eye problems, and in those who smoke or are over 50 years old.

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4 Cryptocurrency Investment Stories That No One Would Believe

Cryptocurrencies have altered the world economy and, in addition, changed the lives of numerous individuals, or at least the individuals who had confidence in them and wagered on them. There are numerous stories which demonstrate that there's nothing impossible and a wise investment made at the right time can make anyone a millionaire overnight.

In the event that the price of crypto keeps on rising further, without a doubt, an ever increasing number of individuals will end up rich. Like even little speculations now, as long as they are made in the right crypto, can produce immense returns in the future. Be that as it may, there's one consuming inquiry: how to learn which coins or tokens will succeed? The appropriate response is that it is impossible.

The crypto world is exceptionally unpredictable and unforeseeable, so nobody can anticipate precisely what will occur. Of course, anybody can study the industry closely, examining the market and making predictions based on this. Also, anyone can adhere to the advice of experienced specialists or follow the success stories of these Crypto Millionaires. In any case, ultimately, everything boils down to taking a risk and lucky chance.

In this article from KuCoin, meet these young people who's brave enough as they took a once in a lifetime chance and won. They invested in crypto coins when almost everyone didn’t even hear of Bitcoin. Though each of them is unique, all portray the same narrative. To succeed in the crypto world, anyone should follow their dream and take the risk. Today, they are self-made Crypto Millionaires with their own intriguing stories.