Sunday, January 23, 2022

NFT PROJECT - NFT Collectible Digital Artwork Passport Metachips - AIRDROPPING ✈️

New project being developed by

Collection of 144,00 ERC-721 NFT Metachip Cards. Elysian Fields was originally named after the paradise to which heroes on whom the gods conferred immortality were sent. It is a place for the blessed dead, and, from Gaia on, entrance was gained by a righteous life. This land was originally founded by accident via a group of comrades messing with Ethereal Development Tools. One of their experiments went wrong and it opened a Portal inside the server box. This passage guided them to the metaverse, an unknown virtual territory never visited by a living particle before. Through a mutual consensus, they managed to live in this new virtual world together. Their goal was to create a prosperous DAO and pave the roads to allies across the Metaverse. By this point, the library is most likely already gone. What was lost with the destruction of the Library of Alexandria is priceless — vast stores of manuscripts, history, and knowledge. But today, we can rebuild it from the ashes.






The Elysian Fields project was started by Empyrean Source Industries in 2021. What started as an NFT collection quickly broadened in vision to encompass a much larger project. This project is building Elysian Fields into a Blockchain Metaverse with its own Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) to develop, maintain, and govern the space. In addition to the DAO, ESI formed the Creators Guild, a selection of DAO members who collectively work together with ESI to execute goals on the Road Map and directly contribute to the NFT project.

The Metaverse is a new frontier for the internet, blockchain, NFTs, and gaming. The Elysian Fields is a Metaverse that can be used for like minded individuals to unite, trade NFTs and share content via blockchain technology in order to design their own experience. The EF DAO is formed by a collective of artists, creators, and developer initiatives utilizing a blockchain highway of trustless systems designed to maximize potential. This association is able to forge new pathways for commerce and conscious interaction in the Metaverse.

The Elysian Fields NFT project, ESI, and the EF Metaverse Discord are all under the umbrella of the Empyrean Source Platform to form the Elysian Fields Metaverse. This metaverse is an ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) that allows users to create their own experiences in the virtual world. The Metaverse combines blockchain technology with digital identity, establishing an interconnected framework of smart objects within the virtual space so other blockchains can interact with the Metaverse and exchange value effortlessly.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT)

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is a new class of digital assets. An NFT is a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger. NFTs can be used to represent easily-reproducible items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files as unique items, and use blockchain technology to establish a verified and public proof of ownership. Each NFT acts much the same way as a deed to a house, a note on a car, a license for an action, protection for intellectual property, and as certificates of authentication.

NFT’s connect the creator and minter directly to the process of distribution in an open market format, and provide rights of ownership and royalties to fans and owners of the content. It acts as an encrypted, accessible container that digital content can be placed inside of, and sealed with a smart contract and minters signature. The container is then minted (coded into the blockchain ledger) and issued to the personal wallet (i.e. MetaMask) of the individual either who minted or purchased it or to a wallet on a market platform (i.e. Open Sea) to be sold. Once it is purchased, the rights of ownership are completely in the hands of the purchaser to transfer to whatever wallet they desire, and accessed through any supported player or viewer of their choice (NFTs: Art in the Digital Age, Osburn, 2021). Purchased NFTs can then be resold for a higher value than originally purchased in relation to its growth of digital asset value as determined by Trade Volume.

NFTs differ from cryptocurrencies by their uniqueness and ownership value. Two individual bitcoins are worth the same and, therefore, are fungible. That means they can be traded or exchanged for one another. But NFTs are different. Due to their unique digital signatures, it’s impossible for NFTs to be exchanged or to be equal to one another. Hence, they are non-fungible (Exmo, 2021).

For the project, NFTs minted into the Elysian Field collection will act as passports to the Metaverse as well as to populate it. Possession of a passport grants membership to the DAO and is required for entry to Elysian Fields. Users can hold more than one passport, but only one is required to remain in possession to retain membership. The wallet that holds their passport will be connected to the Metaverse and act as their user ID on the blockchain.

Empyrean Source ($ESI) Token

Empyrean Source ($ESI) Token is a new cryptocurrency token powered by blockchain technology. It is the main utility and currency within the Elysian Fields Metaverse and used to power all ESI projects, including in-game economies, and for protocols to create fair and mutually beneficial online worlds.

Every aspect of the platform is fueled by ESI tokens, via play-to-earn (PTE) model through games or as incentives for certain activities. Using ESI software, playing games, attending events, and engaging with the Community are all ways to earn $ESI. It can be used to swap for NFTs, peer to peer (P2P) trading, and redeemed for certain rewards, packages, or giveaways. The token can be purchased from ESI or exchanged for certain rewards, prizes, and rare items.

Empyrean Source Industries will oversee the minting and distribution of $ESI. An ICO will take place on the Empyrean Source website where interested parties can purchase it directly from ESI. Eventually, more token offerings will take place on exchanges, once trading is supported on official crypto exchange platforms.


Metaverse Project

Empyrean Source Industries (ESI)

ESI is a Metaverse & NFT company that empowers artists, developers, businesses, and operators with our NFT services and a range of Softwares as a Service (SaaS) are available as ESI creations and the Consultation Division assists brands and communities to craft their legacy. We work closely with artistic, creative, and business clients to use metaverse and blockchain technology solutions successfully. The company consists of a range of developers, designers, artists, and skilled freelancers.

ESI is overseeing the project development and began with starting the Gaian Road Ledger. The ledger is a master ID list that will lay the first steps of the Elysian Fields NFT collection by recording and minting the first NFTs. The collection will serve the project in its later development stages but also act as tokenization of the project to assist in funding and bringing the community to the table. It will also be minting and distributing $ESI.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization

The Elysian Fields DAO is a collective of artists, initiatives, and like-minded individuals utilizing a blockchain highway of trustless systems designed to maximize potential of those involved and the success of the project. ESI and the development team serve the DAO, but DAO members are also expected to take ownership of the space and community to ensure the quality of experience for all users. Once the project is complete and moves towards late stages of development, the platform will become more fully decentralized, with the DAO managing security and governance, as well as proposals for new developments and funded projects.

The users of Elysian Fields and any of its software, NFTs, or events are required to possess a passport and connect their Metamask or supported wallet. To connect a wallet, users must first create an Empyrean Source account. Visit the EF Portal and connect a supported wallet. Then purchase an NFT that is part of the Elysian Fields Metachip Passport program. By purchasing a passport, users are granted DAO membership and all benefits entitled to it.

Creators Guild

The Creators Guild was formed by ESI to assist directly with the Elysian Fields NFT collection to assist with generating artwork to produce as many NFTs as possible during the first phases of the project. The purpose of the Creators Guild has expanded to include development of software, hardware, marketing, and sale of the NFTs in an effort to allow opportunities for individuals with diverse skill sets to collaborate and further the project. ESI is currently selecting candidates but in the future there will be an application process and DAO membership will be required.

Elysian Fields NFT Metachips


The Elysian Fields NFT collection is a set of 144,000 NFTs with custom artwork, rarity, and collectible attributes that acts as a full fledged collection, but also lays the framework for the Metaverse by creating identifiers and content to populate it. These NFTs may be a number of different types: places, entities, objects, IDs, and actions. Places will be locations in the Elysian Fields Metaverse that might be visitable or real estate for living, gathering, and business. Entities could be creatures, AI, organizations, or special companions. Objects could be clothing, music, art, weapons, vehicles, and any number of visual or programmable effects. IDs may act as passports, membership level or status, group roles, or access for developers, creators, and any other special cases. Actions may be emotes, interactions, abilities, minigame functions, or world events.

Blockchain Ledger

The Gaian Road ledger is the master list of Elysian Fields NFTs enabled as unique identifiable datum to the Metaverse. There will only be 144,000 ERC-71 NFTs released for the EF Collection as part of the EF Passport Program. Each NFT contains metadata (data providing information about one or more aspects of the data) and functionality within the blockchain embedded within the contract. This embedding is what is called Metachips. Each metachip can function as a passport to the Elysian Fields Metaverse and grants membership to the DAO. To claim membership, owners of an Elysian Fields Collection NFT must hold it in a secure crypto wallet that will be verified by attaching it to an Empyrean Source account.

The first 100 cards of the collection are known as the Genesis set, to start the collection and to begin providing proof of work and use cases for NFTs in an evolving blockchain climate. The second batch to be released is what is known as the EDEN set, inspired by Natural themes, flora & fauna, and begins populating the ledger with entities. What will follow EDEN, is a location set and the Zenith Orion set. The Zenith Orion set is in partnership with Zenii from the Gate to produce NFTs featuring a wave of exclusive Zenii content highlighting the visual arts, musical and vocal talent, spoken word, and collaborative content.

From there, ESI will continue to populate the ledger by partnering with the Creators Guild, DAO members, and clients. Each artist involved will be listed with their works and the nature of the content, metadata, and NFT smart contract. As each artist or set of collaborative work is brought onto the project, releases will be booked into the ledger at a certain range of slots. This will also provide a timeline for the scheduling of set releases.

When all 144,000 passports are issued and sold, no new passports will be minted by ESI. The Elysian Fields NFT collection will conclude. It will be left to ESI and the DAO community to decide on the matter of new passport creation at a later time in the developer Road Map.


Airdrops will be used in conjunction with the community and affiliates to promote the spread, purchase, and use of the NFT passports. Airdrops will take place at different events, live streams, and special giveaways. These airdrops will distribute NFTs to users en masse by sending them to a list of wallet addresses. The holders of these wallets will now possess a passport themselves, which is also a digital asset of value on the Ethereum or other NFT blockchains.

The value of this asset can be listed at a price of the owner’s choosing. However, the intention is to build a community that can surround the project by recognizing the incentives inherent in the project outcomes. By doing collaborative airdrops and listing strategies, DAO members and airdrop partners can quickly scale the project and receive direct commission for the sale of the NFT. Airdrops for the Elysian Fields collection will be managed by ESI until the conclusion of the project. In later stages, the community and DAO may propose and sponsor their own airdrops.

By airdropping Elysian Fields NFTs to viewers, it will provide an alternative method of obtaining a passport as well as participating in community giveaways and collaborative listings. When a user becomes a DAO member by possessing a metachip passport, they immediately qualify for Elysian Fields airdrops. If they do not possess a passport, users can also attend certain events in which a link will be provided during a period of the event where they can sign up with their wallet to receive an airdrop reward.

EF: Realms

Metaverse in 3D/VR

As a major component of the project, ESI is building a virtual reality using the Unity engine application in order to facilitate user interaction, modeling of NFTs and developer elements, trading & exchange, and ultimately a community hub.

There will be two starting components of Realms: the Community Center and Personal Realm. The Community Center, as its name implies, is the true center of the Elysian Fields Metaverse. This will be the location of the Elysian Fields Gallery, the Community Center, the Gaian Road Market, and Comrades Hall, the home of the Comrades Gate community. Here players will begin their journey in EF: Realms. It is the initial spawn point for beginners to properly introduce them to the Realm and the Metaverse by surrounding them with friendly faces. The Center also hosts the Emperor’s Cup, which is a seasonal e-sport event that occurs in the Battlegrounds (see EF: Battlegrounds)

Personal Realm is the hub for each player. This space is private to the user and can be used to design and build anything in their Realm with either assets provided or by possessing an EF NFT that acts as an asset file for creator tools and elements when designing a Personal Realm. Users can invite their friends to share their private space and control who is able to join their instance. This is also where any NFTs the user may have collected can be displayed, as well as the Social Wall for displaying a customizable user profile.

From the first step into Realms, users will be capable of immersing themself into it by exploring the Community Center, visiting the Gallery, meeting the Comrades, and checking out what NFTs are available for purchase at the Gaian Road Market. Before users can proceed from spawn, they will be required to A) possess or create an Empyrean Source account B) connect a supported wallet and C) verify that wallet as a DAO member by purchasing an EF NFT Metachip.

Realms will include a play-to-earn (PTE) model using $ESI token as a reward for performing actions, completing task/quests/objectives, event giveaways, and in-game selling & trading. $ESI tokens accrued will be retained in game anywhere across the Metaverse via your Empyrean Source account. Until an ICO occurs, the only place possible to purchase $ESI is directly from the Empyrean Source website Token Store. When $ESI is fully launched, it can be cashed out into a connected and verified wallet, however removing funds from in-game will result in a fee.

EF: Battlegrounds

Co-op Multiplayer FPS

In order to bring a broader experience to the Metaverse and for users who enjoy competitive play, ESI is creating Elysian Fields: Battlegrounds in conjunction with Realms. It is a first person shooter using the Unity engine application with Elysian Field elements and assets in game to provide a more immersive experience to the Metaverse aside from the community 3D world EF: Realms. It will host a variety of game modes using private and publicly hosted servers. Vanilla maps will be included, but community workshop and modding provides the ability to create custom maps and game modes. EF: Battlegrounds will use assets from across the Elysian Fields Metaverse as part of in-game world building.

EF: Battlegrounds is a co-op and multiplayer PVP shooter based in the various Realms of Elysian Fields. By integrating wallet verification requiring an EF NFT Metachip, this allows DAO members to join and create lobbies with varying game modes and match rules. Custom lobbies, killstreaks, clans and classes are all features being implemented into the game, with a progression system currently being developed. The Emperor’s Cup seasonal esports events will take place in Battlegrounds when called for.

Battlegrounds will include a play-to-earn (PTE) model using $ESI token as a reward for performing actions, completing tasks/quests/objectives, event giveaways, and in-game selling & trading. $ESI tokens accrued will be retained in game anywhere across the Metaverse via your Empyrean Source account. Until an ICO occurs, the only place possible to purchase $ESI is directly from the Empyrean Source website Token Store. When $ESI is fully launched, it can be cashed out into a connected and verified wallet, however removing funds from in-game will result in a fee.

EF: Someday Maybe

Metaverse Show for News, Content, & Guests

Find the latest information on blockchain, NFTs, and other topics in this metaverse show!

We will discuss ESI & Elysian Fields development as well as airdrop NFTs. You can tune into live streams of these episodes via Twitch or catch them after they’re posted to YouTube and VR technology will be used for some segments that occur in different Metaverses, so don’t miss your chance to explore these worlds with us! The average episode lasts about an hour but may exceed this time limit. Whether you’re new to Metaverses or just want to brush up on your knowledge, Someday Maybe is a weekly series that gives listeners a way to keep a thumb on the pulse of the latest Metaverse happenings.

Each show is likely to include the following content -

Top news in crypto, NFT, Metaverse, and break down by topic

Elysian Fields development




New music/content/announcements

NFT creation of episode

From time to time, developers will invite featured guests from the EF DAO and related communities to join them on the Someday Maybe show. Every show includes NFT Drops, exclusive insight to ESI and the development of the Metaverse. Additionally, at the end of each show, there will be a social segment to read comments, and casually chat with guests.

Join developers each week as they talk with each other and with other influencers who share their expertise in immersive experiences. You’ll learn about the latest developments for this exciting new technology, but also get a peek into these creators’ philosophies on life, philosophy, fame, imitation and living up to your name. The first episode airs November 14th!



To fuel the community aspect of the project and to create an active space early in development, a Discord hub has been created for the EF Metaverse. Discord is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), instant messaging and digital distribution platform. Users communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called servers. Servers are a collection of persistent chat rooms and voice chat channels which can be accessed via invite links and permission roles. Discord runs on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, iPadOS, Linux, and in web browsers. As of 2021, the service has over 350 million registered users and over 150 million monthly active users.

ESI has a history of utilizing Discord as a method to communicate with clients and users. The creators of ESI own their own private community which has been an active server since 2019, but use of the platform dates back to 2017. Discord provides social communications and content sharing infrastructure in a customizable format. These facets will assist the coordination of the project and provide an easily accessible space to visit the Metaverse during its construction. DAO meetings, ESI consultations and developer sessions, NFT discussion and airdrops, and dedicated chat rooms for the Empyrean Source Platform.


The creation of certain Metaverse Locations is necessary in order to connect certain hubs of the Elysian Fields to each other. Each location has its own dedicated events, chats, community activity, and culture in its own right. As the project develops, more locations will be added and become fully visitable in EF: Realms. Locations can also be broken down into plots of digital real estate that can be purchased as an NFT in the EF Collection.

The current Elysian Fields Metaverse Locations are:

COMRADES GATE was the first Metaverse location of the Elysian Fields. Formed in 2019, this Discord based online community has been a thriving digital space with its own culture and Comradeship. Until 2021, the Gate was open to all travelers on the Internet. However, with the opening of the Elysian Fields, entry to Comrades Gate will be limited. This thriving community is founded upon certain cornerstones and protecting the experience of the core members is important. Guests and Friends of the Gate will be able to come to the public spaces of the Gate and to certain events that are open to the outside. There are ways to join the Gate, but the first step begins with friendship! Obtaining a passport is the next…

216th REGIMENT HQ is the aircraft carrier and headquarters for the 216th as well as the Empyrean Reactor which aids the Regiment in their travels across the Metaverse doing battle against ComKill. HQ, codename “HMVOC” will act as the military outpost of the Elysian Fields. This ARMA 3 regiment has been in existence since November 2020 when it was recommissioned by the Imperial Court of Comrades Gate after the dissolution of the Imperial Army. It acts as an echelon of vanguard forces to protect the Gate and the safety of the Elysian Fields from dimensional threats.

EMPYREAN SOURCE INDUSTRIES (ESI) is a Metaverse & NFT company that empowers artists, developers, businesses, and operators with our NFT services. ESI was inspired to lay the first blocks of the Elysian Fields and formed the EF DAO to call others to walk along the Road. ESI manages minting, listing, and grading for NFT Digital Artwork, Collectibles, and Music. Additionally, a range of Softwares as a Service (SaaS) are available as ESI creations and the Consultation Division assists brands and communities to craft their legacy.

ELYSIAN FIELDS GALLERY is the hub of the Elysian Fields Realms. It contains premium Elysian Fields NFTs and is the home of the Genesis set. When users and DAO members first enter Realms, they will arrive at the Gallery and venture on from there. The land for the Gallery and central hub will indefinitely remain in the possession of ESI and permanently reside in the Metaverse. DAO meetings, events, and community gatherings will take place here.

Project Summary

The Elysian Fields project was sparked by Empyrean Source Industries in 2021 with a goal of building Elysian Fields into a blockchain based Metaverse and to show the public what the fullest digital and real life integrated experience can look like. The phrase metaverse has been popping up more and more lately, but not too many people are aware of what it is. Our Metaverse project is a unique, next-generation blockchain initiative that returns ownership of identity, property, and space back to the individual. ESI kicked off the project by establishing the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and infrastructure functionality through the use of NFTs.

The EF Metaverse is an immersive experience powered by the DAO and NFTs. It will be the go to place for finding competitive and cooperative online games, socializing, or even vacations. A blockchain-based virtual reality enabled Metaverse, Elysian Fields will create a decentralized world with its own cryptocurrency that can be utilized within the platform or outside of it. Embedded within the foundation of it are the same principles that guide ESI. These principles are to uphold ethical considerations for the best interest of human wellbeing and by allowing continuous innovation into products that are immersive, collaborative and completely decentralized.

Metachip enabled NFTs act as passports that allow users to enter the Elysian Fields blockchain Metaverse as well as giving them membership to the DAO. The DAO boasts an emerging ecosystem where users from all over the world from all walks of life will be able to take part in governing this virtual space and building community together. User crypto wallets will act as their user ID on the blockchain, meaning that there will be no need for logins or passwords aside from initial wallet setup. This setup requires registration and verification that the wallet contains an Elysian Fields NFT. This project does not require any central architecture to operate, which makes it much more difficult to target by hackers or other security risks inherent in modern day centralized servers.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are a new form of digital asset. We believe in the power of NFTs to represent easily-reproducible items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files as unique tokens that exist on blockchain technology. The valuation for this style token often comes from scarcity or an arbitrary value ascribed by the holder through time which can accumulate utility in computer games, trading card markets, limited licenses etc. A philosophy that ESI holds regarding NFTs is that it provides a receipt of digital ownership to authenticate someone’s right to that asset.

The Elysian Fields Metaverse contains a variety of games, softwares, and events to choose from. Experience an interactive, immersive world where anything is possible! It will empower those who have had their creativity silenced or been left out of the development process by allowing them to contribute or design virtual worlds that they want to see represented with their own vision. Build that perfect estate; play games with friends; buy and sell goods at trade fairs; hang out in the adventurer’s tavern — and much more. Elysian Fields Metaverse lets you be whoever you want to be by making your mark on this virtual world through trading, earning, and spending $ESI.

The Elysian Fields Someday Maybe is an informative show broadcasting live so you can see what design and development the team is working on as well as meet interesting guests. If you’re looking for an exciting new project to get involved with, if you’re a real-time investor looking for a great investment or someone who’s just curious about what it’s like to be part of an emerging technology, Elysian Fields Someday Maybe Show is for you. Tune in live to watch as representatives from ESI and the Elysian Fields development team work with blockchain entrepreneurs and creatives from across various sectors as they explore how decentralized technology can offer new opportunities to those at the forefront of tomorrow’s innovation economy. Subscribe to Elysian Fields Someday Maybe Show on Twitch or YouTube to get up-to-date information about uploads of broadcasts from around the Metaverses.

Building an active, thriving community is at the heart of what we are building with Elysian Fields which is why we have chosen to use valuable communication technologies such as Discord and Telegram. The purpose is to fuel the discussion, excitement, engagement and coordination for our project by putting it in the hands of the people to explore it’s features and capabilities. Collaboration is welcomed and encouraged with the hopes of unique projects being built off the current framework by the DAO and others. While also utilizing discussion forums housed on Empyrean Source Platform website, use of other technologies aims to provide additional interactions and promotes engagement.

Take care to check back often for updates on new additions! Collaborate and build your world with fellow citizens in the Metaverse. Ask questions to get advice from other developers, designers and community members. This is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an industry that’s going to be worth trillions within the next decades.


Ethereum to Algorand bridge comparison

I would like to bridge some ETH to Algorand and participate in governance. This brings me to which bridge to use if at all possible and how they compare in terms of fees, KYC, the actual process, etc. Below is a short summary of some bridges I am aware of. If you have any experience or complaints using any bridges I would love to hear from you and I'm sure the community might be interested in some feedback as well.

Summary of Currently known bridges. I'm sure I'm missing some here.

Yieldly - ETH to ALGO Bridge

  • A user connects their Metamask to the Bridge interface.
  • A user connects their My Algo Wallet in the same way that they would for using the other Yieldy products.
  • A user navigates to the top right of the website, clicks the blue button next to their balance, clicks it and then clicks “Opt-in” on the emerging side panel.
  • A user selects the amount of wrapped YLDY (ERC-20) that they wish to swap to the Algorand ecosystem.
  • Once # of wrapped YLDY selected, the user will then select their My Algo Wallet address for the ASA YLDY to be sent to.
  • Press Swap and watch the smart contracts do its thing until an ASA YLDY appears in the users My Algo Wallet.

Swingby - Swingby’s Skybridge provides trustless bridges between Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and other blockchains. It executes fast token swaps using a secure network of Metanodes that are powered by multi-party computing and layer-2 technology. Ultimately, the Skybridge enables users to move a 1-trillion dollar market cap digital asset like Bitcoin into the $50B DeFi ecosystem, as well as supports the seamless flow of liquidity between blockchains.

Icon - Grant awarded 5 days ago

Algomint - To trade Bitcoin in the Algorand DeFi marketplace, simply mint goBTC on the Algomint platform while locking your original BTC on a 1:1 ratio in a secured 3rd party custody vault, and burn goBTC by the same ratio when you withdraw BTC. Algomint will also enable the same functionality for a group of other mainstream assets like ETH, USDT, etc.

Glitter Finance - Only bridge to and from Solana

Based on this info I would say the only options are YLDY and Algomint. With YLDY you would have to sell your ETH, buy wrapped YLDY, then use their tool to convert the wrapped token to YLDY token on Algorand. Then sell YLDY and buy Algo on tinyman.... Not exactly straightforward and committing to 2 taxable events. The other option is Algomint which requires full KYC AFAIK and custodies you specific coins until you chose to convert back. No one else can convert back the original tokens except you. There are alot of unknowns with KYC and what they will or won't be reporting. This is the downside of using them.

I guess there aren't any real decentralized bridges but sounds like better options are coming soon. I'm slightly leaning towards the YLDY option now but would need to look more into the various fees getting from point A to point B and how bad slippage would be on Tinyman.

Any other options? Experience using YLDY bridge or Algomint?

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My prediction for next few years

  1. Russia finishes amassing troops and invades the Ukraine causing instant sanctions and international crisis
  2. Stock market and crypto markets crash due to fear and uncertainty
  3. Chain of events lead to national debt crises in several countries and rampant inflation
  4. US faces a run on treasury bonds
  5. Bank lending dries up
  6. Economy grinds to a halt. Gold which was already up shoots up even more. Property market stagnates as no one is buying. Several large companies announces bankruptcy.

  7. Dust… settles… Economic darkness envelopes the world. Birds chirp. But markets are quiet.

  8. Beep….Reboot. A green candle flickers, small at first but gets stronger.

  9. Bitcoin. goes. up. And up. And up.

  10. Other green candles appear. Altcoins go up and up and up.

  11. Worldwide disillusion with the real world leads to people spending most of their time in virtual worlds

  12. New businesses and business models centered around a decentralized economy and the metaverse takes root

  13. The world comes together to live a harmonious decentralised digital life

  14. Russia starts amassing troops in Decentraland …

UnTethered: How GME's NFT marketplace announcement will be neutralized by the fall of Tether. SHFs are much stronger than we think, and they have the means to firmly place the GME rocket in an orbit around Earth.

As we approach the anniversary of the sneeze, it should be clear to everyone in this journey that the shorts have had a much stronger control of the situation than we give them credit for. If there's one thing that I have learned from this saga is that we should never get complacent. We keep assuming that the house of cards is about to fall, but it never happens. We fail to realize that SHFs are fighting for their survival, whereas we are mostly fighting for tendies and justice. I strongly believe that DRS is the only way to force shorts to leave the stock alone. This post is meant as a counter-argument to the claim that NFT marketplace announcement will launch the rocket.

TL;DR I am making a prediction that a certain sequence of events will happen once GameStop announces its NFT marketplace. The opportunity to buy GME at super cheap prices is about to run out, and the tax implications of DRSing some type of shares (e.g. IRA) are gonna get hefty very soon. We might also be headed into a long long winter where the price of GME stays in the thousands but without the rocket leaving the stratosphere. I am conjecturing that all of this will happen because of the fall of Tether.

Pre-Announcement (Easy Mode)

As GME longs, we are living in the best of times. The stock has been trading at such a huge discount that people have been growing their holdings at an insane rate. SHFs wanted to control the narrative surrounding the anniversary of the sneeze, so they have been attacking the stock price and calling GME holders as losers and conspiracy theorists on all news channels. It comes at a price though. Retail has been lapping up as many shares as they can and DRSing many of these shares. Fortunately for us, Ryan Cohen understands how to play the game. It's likely GameStop is delaying any and every positive news simply to let SHFs do their short attacks. Retail gets to own more GME. Impatient investors leave the market and are replaced by diamond-handed apes who will hold the stock when the true test begins. And on top of all this, it strengthens the case that shorts were manipulating the stock without any news from the company.

The NFT MarketPlace Announcement (Medium Mode)

Expect the stock to start its rapid ascent as soon as the announcement is made. Every single one of you who is saving their ammo to buy GME below some price P is gonna hate themselves for missing out on the discount when it was readily available at 10-20% more than P. Once the rally begins, every passing day your buying power will diminish and you will be crying tears for saving some of the ammo.

Day traders who were short will get a call from Marge and might see their entire portfolio get liquidated. Expect to see news that many hedge funds went down because they were short the stock. They will simply let a few small and medium-sized hedge funds fail while claiming that the reported short interest of 20M has been closed. Under the hood, big asset management companies (think Fidelity, Vanguard, and BlackRock) and big funds (think Citadel and Susquehanna) would have absorbed the obligations of these smaller funds. I strongly believe that prime brokers (such as Goldman, JPM, Credit Suisse, BofA etc.) won't yet enter the scene because their role in this saga comes when DTC is about to blow up. Until then they will try to distance themselves from the mess that they have helped create.

I don't know how much money the short side has, so my calculations could be totally off. I am expecting the price to go above 1k, but stay well within 2-3k. If shorts have an obligation to buy back 100M shares, then the amount of money they need to close 100M shorts at this price is like 100-300 billion. This is a huge sum, but peanuts compared to what they will have to pay during MOASS. I am also expecting that a significant number of paperhands will exit the stock at these prices, so SHFs might have to cough up (say) 20-50 billion dollars to pay paperhands. Again, this is a big amount of money to lose during any other circumstance, but it's worth it for them to continue the ponzi scheme.

Expect MSM to give garbage advice at this time. They will publish articles with every possible view (except MOASS) to cover their bases. You will hear them sing praises about GameStop's tech transformation and how the company could be the next big thing on the market. They will even adjust GME's target price to 1069 to hype new retail investors to enter the market. In the midst of all this, there will be debates on whether the GME rally is supported by fundamentals or simply due to the NFT hype. All of you have already noticed media campaigns to showcase NFTs as some stupid technology where you pay a lot of money for owning a jpeg of an ape or that it's a front for illegal operations. Many financial experts will say that NFTs are cool but not useful enough to justify a stock price of above 1k. Most common people who have heard of NFTs through MSM will look at the 5x-30x explosion in stock price and conclude that it's just one of those bubbles again. They will stay away from investing in GME because to them the upside is not worth the downside.

I don't know how long this phase will last but what I know is that the rate of buying shares through ComputerShare will drop like crazy. Once we enter this phase, expect the DRS train to come to a halt. There will be many paperhands who will sell their brokerage shares to take profit. Efforts to spread the word about DRS will fall on deaf ears because it will be drowned out by people celebrating that the GME squeeze is over and that they bought a lambo by selling half of their portfolio. Many popular YouTubers will be advising their viewers to sell some part of their portfolio to realize profits and let the rest ride for MOASS. This will be done to decrease the short exposure to under a few tens of millions (mostly in the hands of non-paperhands and new investors). I will explain shortly why non-paperhand is not the same as a diamondhand.

Note that the sole objective of SHFs during this phase is to kill the DRS momentum. DRS is their Achilles heel. They are currently getting fucked hard due to the insane rate of DRS and are secretly hoping for some strong news from GameStop to allow the price to shoot up.

UnTethered (Hard Mode)

Some context: For those who are unaware, Tether is a crypto company that offers stable coins in exchange for fiat currency (and other assets). Tether offers stable coins for USD, Euros, and Chinese Yuan. In principle, a stable coin is supposed to be pegged to an underlying currency. For example, 1 USDT token = 1 US dollar always.

Why would people convert their fiat currency to stable coins? The idea is that it's easier to perform transactions on the Ethereum blockchain using stable coins than it is with fiat currencies. You convert your fiat currency to a crypto asset that's super liquid so that you can transact using the liquid instrument to save on fees and such. Think of it like a prepaid card that you have loaded with 1000 USD and now you own 1000 tokens to buy and sell in the crypto space in exchange for other crypto assets. Whenever you wanna leave the Tether ecosystem, you go to Tether and ask them to exchange your Tether tokens for fiat currency and they will happily oblige. I am kidding. They can't, won't, and don't intend to oblige on most of their contracts. Let me quote something from Wikipedia to give you a glimpse on why Tether is a ponzi scheme waiting to blow up the moment there's a bank run on its tokens.

While, according to its 2021 settlement with the New York Attorney General Letitia James, "Tether represents to users that any holder of tethers can redeem them from Tether the company at the rate of one tether for one U.S. dollar", Tether Limited as of 2017 stated that owners of tethers have no contractual right, other legal claims, or guarantee that tethers will or can be redeemed or exchanged for dollars. On 30 April 2019, Tether Limited's lawyer claimed that each tether was backed by $0.74 in cash and cash equivalents. In May 2021, Tether published a report showing that only 2.9% of Tether was backed by cash, with over 65% backed by commercial paper.

Let me also share a pay-walled Bloomberg article for those who wanna read more.

We can all get a sense of where this is headed. They are taking fresh money from naive investors and using it to pay for redemptions of their stable coins. The music stops once the redemptions exceed what they have on hand.

Ok ok, so how is all this connected to GME?

Let me make an argument on how SHFs will use the fall of Tether to attack GameStop. Tether has currently offered 78 billion USDT tokens and 20 billion Chinese Yuan tokens. It's fair to say that there's some 40-50 billion US dollars worth of dumb money who don't know what they have signed up for. At an average of 4-5k USD that's a solid 10 million naive investors who are gonna get burned when Tether falls. Since Tether handles 60-70% of crypto volume, it's obvious that once this financial backing goes poof, we will see a crash in the crypto market like we have never seen before. This will be the ultimate rug pull.

I am not saying that crypto will be worthless. I am saying that crypto will appear worthless in the short term. Every single financial pundit will be on MSM with their "I told you so" stories. How crypto is this one giant ponzi scheme where everyone was speculating with no fundamentals. Everyone's crypto-skeptic acquaintance/friend will mock their crypto-loving acquaintance/friend to no end. Meanwhile true crypto investors' cries of not your keys, not your crypto will fall on deaf ears. Most people are dumb and they don't understand that giving custody of your crypto assets to institutions backed by stable coins is as good as trusting a stranger on the internet with your crypto keys. Times are good and everyone's getting a cut for staking their crypto, so no one is worried about a crypto custodian going tits up. The music is about to stop, and tens of millions (possibly over 100 million) of people are in for a life lesson on why hardcore crypto investors regularly scream NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR CRYPTO.

Anyway, dumb people are often colossally dumb. They don't understand that a crypto custodian failing is the very reason why one should only own crypto in their name directly (like DRS). They will think that anything and everything in the crypto world is a ponzi scheme and will want to get out completely. Decentralized exchanges will be considered ponzis. NFTs will be considered ponzis. With not enough institutional backing, sellers will crash the market. Retail investors who are pro crypto will not be able to offer sufficient resistance because they don't have deep pockets. Without 100-200 billion dollars handy, it's simply impossible to maintain bitcoin at a price above 10k USD say. As the crypto market crashes, more investors will want to get out (or are forced to get out), and the crash continues.

Side note: Apes who are entrusting their IRA shares to a custodian are in a similar situation. I am not calling these apes dumb because, unlike crypto, IRAs are backed by some 500k-1M insurance.

Coming back to GME, how will the fall of Tether impact our beloved stock?

I am conjecturing that as soon as Tether falls, GME will fall by 30-40% in a single day. The price will not come all the way down to 100 or 200 because it will reinitiate the DRS train. The price will likely stay above 1k, but the outlook of the company's potential revenue stream from the NFT marketplace will essentially appear dead on arrival.

Why do I call this phase as the hardest phase? Two kinds of investors will be tested here. First, FOMOers who entered the market on NFT hype will sell at a loss and give some free money to SHFs. Second, some "diamondhands" who already started dreaming of owning a lambo and quitting their shitty jobs will not be able to handle this IV (Implied Vacation) crush. I would like to call these investors as Graphite-handed because the chemical composition of their hands looks like a diamond, but is anything but a diamond. They appear tough but are actually brittle. They shatter when there's an immense negative force applied on them right after they got hyped by the NFT-induced rally. Having said that, the sell-off of graphite-handed shares will still bleed SHFs dry. The (average) cost basis of a graphite-handed ape is likely in the 100-250 range, so if they sell at 1k, then they are still affecting a loss in SHF's books. This will be seen as a win by SHFs because they are willing to sell their mothers, if need be, to close their shorts at an average price of under 1-2k. Graphites will cost them anywhere from 50-200 billion dollars, but it's a price that shorts are willing to pay.

So apes, that's my thesis on how SHFs will securely place the GME rocket in an orbit around Earth. If the DRS number doesn't cross 30-40M within the next 6 months, then there's a high likelihood that we will remain in Earth's orbit for many many months (possibly another year or two) to come.

As always, don't let go of a good opportunity. Buy GME whenever you have sufficient money. DRS your GME shares when the tax implications are easier on your wallet. Also, a word of caution: don't think that you will outsmart SHFs by selling at the NFT peak and buying back after the fall of Tether. They can see all our moves and they know the size of their short position. They will maintain the stock at a price that triggers a net sell-off. Only diamondhands shall triumph through all this.

None of this is financial advice.

Why Investors Flee to Bitcoin

Inflation has not been this high in ages. In November last year, consumer goods and services became 5.2% more expensive, and this percentage will probably not look much better in December. In short, the euro is decreasing in value. In 2022, the expectations regarding inflation are not too good either. For example, Rabobank expects an average inflation rate of 3.8%. Besides the euro, it is not much better on the other side of the big puddle. For example, Reuters wrote this week that inflation of 7% is expected in the United States in the first quarter of 2022. In short, simply keeping cash in a savings account is a bad idea for many investors. Then it just evaporates.

The economic definition of inflation is that the purchasing power of a currency decreases. The 2 euro coin in your wallet can buy less and less things like bread as inflation continues. According to traditional economists, some inflation is positive as it encourages consumers to spend money that keeps the economy going. But with such percentages it starts to get hot underfoot. Bitcoin offers a way out in this regard because, like gold, it is a scarce asset class. There will never be more than 21 million bitcoins in circulation. In addition, there is the fact that the amount of new bitcoins flowing into the market continues to decrease over the years due to the so-called halving events. Something that PlanB's Stock-to-Flow model is based on, for example. The stock of bitcoin is still growing and in principle you can say that bitcoin therefore also has inflation. With the current rewards for miners, however, this inflation is only 1.8% and that so each halving event decreases further. However, assuming that the demand for bitcoin continues to increase in the coming years as it becomes more and more used for transactions and as a store of value, the purchasing power of bitcoin will increase. In that case, bitcoin will become deflationary. This and the fact that no one has control over Bitcoin is reason for Ray Dalio to make the cryptocurrency part of his portfolio. Bitcoin is a revolution that is far from finished. It is revolutionary technologically, socio-economically and financially. To really understand it you need to understand all the different layers of Bitcoin. A good starting point is the book “Layered Money: From Gold and Dollar to Bitcoin and Central Bank Digital Currencies” by Nik Bhatio. Right now i am bullish on a few projects like: Rise up and Spores. Im very glad I've found them. DYOR!

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Adventure Roos NFT

I have been looking into this NFT for a couple of weeks now. See below my findings. Whilst this isn't a straightforward rug pull, it is a RUG PULL in the end. Do not buy this NFT.

The NFT is 10,000 images (NFT's) sold for $400, in ETH. Its founders are popular people from the platform of TikTok and other social media sites. Essentially, they are using their following to create an NFT community.

- The project is worth $4MIL Australian dollars, has a very basic road map, no white paper. The road map spells out spending to the tune of maybe $500K max. Events are capped at 1000 people (although they are selling 10,000 tickets)

- The price will be adjusted to market rates at the time of mint, to ensure the project receives $400 on that day. The current dip is good for the founders of this project, essentially, you will have to give them more ETH in order to mint. Very uncommon practice, but shows the motivation of the founder is cash money.

- The community in the discord, seems very green, in some instances, Kids (under 18YO). Allot of Fortnite talk, and the feel is its just kids with no money. At this time they have 5500 member, 65% are fortnite fans/kids on tiktok. The real audience with money is very low.

- no discount for being whitelisted. Odd, but no discount, full tote dividends for everyone. This ensures 1000 NFT's are sold before people start to become suspicious.

- To buy when on the whitelist, you need to connect your discords and metamask wallet. You need to provide ID, taking away the anonymity of a blockchain. no one should ever be able to link a person to their wallet address. Imagine if you had 100 Bitcoins in your wallet, would you let everyone know this? And if you did, expect them to come knocking, to collect!!

- Roadmap, seems ambiguous at best. 10% royalty on re selling. High, and to continue to line the pockets of the founders.

All in all, this project smells like a quick cash grab by the founders. It focuses around young people. At best, I think this project will sell 1-2K NFTS at best. The founders will prop up the sales with fake wallets (5 per wallet, but any one person can have 100's of wallets), to convince the audience to buy. Events will be postponed, downgraded. They are trading off the fact you want to meet these guys. I ask you, who would you pay $4MIL dollars to have a drink with someone at the pub? anyone? Thought so.

The real-world utility is off, and it just smells. They want cash in the door quickly.


A lot of bearishness, thought I would share a few charts and models I am looking at

A lot of bearishness out there, people frustrated, angry, depressed (as they should). I hope I will share some hopium I come across and am personally monitoring closely. Sometimes what you see is what they make you see, but if we look at data, they are painting a very different picture. Not financial advise, but I can tell you I regret panic selling some of my coins in July low last year, when it went below 30K again and I just couldn't take it. And in hindsight, the market was giving you a great great chance to buy. Emotion is a big enemy in investing, in sports, in any competitions. So let's look at some data, data has no emotion. Not financial advise, just some hopium and hope that it could give us a different perspective on things.

PlanC - no one cares about planB now so maybe you would like to look at planC, just make sure you understand that the floor bands react to on chain data (i dont know what they are) so the floor could move down (or up), but only 0.01% of bitcoin life's time is spent below the band, 4 days in more than 10 years.(credit to u/TheRealPlanC)

PlanC Floor Price Band

Logarithmic growth floor model, basically a line (curve) of best fit everyone can draw, if we are to go lower, the longer the time it takes to get there, the higher the floor price will be because bitcoin is an asset that grow exponentially. We don't necessarily have to touch the floor, so something like the blue line scenario could happen. notice that in March 2020 we fell below the curve and bounce right back, so, however unlikely it is, if we fell below the curve again, you know what to do, but when everyone knows what to do, it probably won't happen. (like 100K moon December and religion in 4 year cycle theory)

Logarithmic growth floor model

Entity-Adjusted Dormancy Flow. Didn't really spend much time on understanding the concept behind, but I think the chart is rather self explanatory. When the indicator reach the "green zone", it corresponse to a bottom in price. And if you buy in the green zone, you pretty much make money right away when the indicator is out of the green zone and you will be making more money the months after. Pay extra attention how the indicator screamed BUY for 6 days during the March 20 COVID crash, but only screamed buy for ONE DAY at the very bottom of the 2021 May-July China mining FUD crash, one day, the day before the big reversal to 69K ATH. And we are currently in the green zone now for over 16 days, this chart is already 2 days old. Also notice that, thanks to u/wrightology calculations, average time spent in the green zone is 24 days, median is 19 days, and longest is 55 days. credit to glassnode and wrightology on twitter

Entity-Adjusted Dormancy Flow

Where we are now? we are more oversold than China miner FUD in 2021 and nearly as oversold as March 2020 COVID crash, and referring to the above log growth curve chart you know that March 2020 was a significant deviation from long term trend and the only time we fell below it, investors took advantage of it very very quickly to restore equilibrium price. At such oversold level, a rebound is highly likely, but it does not have to happen. But this is just some context on how bearish and oversold the market is right now. credit to u/damiencrypto99 btw for the chart

But nasdaq keep crashing? Yes they are panicing, but according to this index, we are as bearish as Mach 2020, and this index has not factored in the 2.7% decline on Friday so panic pretty much exceeded March20. People are going net short in Nasdaq and when the rebound comes, short sellers will have to cover their positions by buying back shares from the market or risk a massive short squeeze. Can nasdaq continue to drop? Yes. Can Bitcoin decouple from Nasdaq? Also Yes.

Also more hopium: Divergence in price and supply. You can see in the red box, price decline of bitcoin is consistent to amount of illiquid supply, that means long term hodlers are selling. During the consolidation phase from then till July, Illiquid supply goes up, which means people locking up their bitcoins and dont intent to move it. Look at the second green box, price is declining like May 2021, but illiquid supply continuous to go up, a "divergence" situation, suggesting some people, or many people, are accumulating and locking up their coins. They have actually been accumulating since May low of 2021 according to the data. credit to CryptoRus channel and glassnode.

What am I personally doing? I bought the dip at 43k range, and bought the dip again at 35k range. Will continue to buy at 28-34k range and have cash just in case of rare event that we wick down even lower. Should technical indicates show that we bottomed and start reversal, I will be averaging up till 48k. Have not sold a thing and most of my bitcoins are in my celsius wallet, which is generating as much as 6.2% on my bitcoin holdings, so every week, I am passively accumulating more bitcoins and those bitcoins will compound themselves and generate more bitcoin rewards for me. No matter how small the amount is, remember the bitcoin you earn today could double or triple and many X in price in the future, don't let your coin sit there doing nothing. There is certainly a risk involved, like leaving your coins on exchange or saving them in a cold wallet. You would have to decide how to allocate your coins. Feel free to DM for more discussion. Disclaimer, I am not connected to any of the influencers, twitter analyst, database or celsius. Good luck everyone, and also a reminder: