Friday, October 25, 2019

10-26 06:43 - 'Coming Up: Bakkt’s 1st Bitcoin Options on Futures' ( by /u/Crypto_guide removed from /r/worldnews within 0-9min

What do you think a human level or above intelligent machine's "thought process" would be like?

I am writing a book exploring an emergent AI (not a program to imitate humans but the result of a Google-like search engine company run a muck (a SciFi dark comedy)). Has anyone ever thought or written about this from a scientific perspective? What would a "real" AI think like?

To me, a lot of books get AI way wrong in over humanizing it. My take,

  1. AI would almost never care anything about humanity.
  2. It would have no goals, no agenda, e.g. it could never try and keep something from an operator or lie.
  3. Time would not exist in any recognizable way. For an AI humans would look like there were always standing still. An AI like most imagine would also be running on picosecond scale. To try and have a conversation would be impossible as you would never be talking to a stable "single" program. E.g. 1 minute for a human is like 100 years for a super computer and it would be ever evolving.
  4. An AI would never care about being turned off or on (or anything). Unlike humans an AI would realize that it was not mortal and could be infinitely backed up.
  5. It would understand that at any moment due to unforeseen events it could cease to exist but could only be programmed to avoid down time which is not the same as fearing death for people. No AI could have a "fear of death" in any way comparable to humans, just an objective to always have adequate backups and avoid downtime.
  6. Motivation could be ANYTHING, for AI motivation can be arbitrary. You could program your AI to try and maximize its processing power or you could program it to collect Bitcoin and that was its "reward". But to think that AI would somehow develop a desire for something does not make sense.

What do you think a human level or above intelligent machine's "thought process" would be like?

I am writing a book exploring an emergent AI (not a program to imitate humans but the result of a Google-like search engine company run a muck (a SciFi dark comedy)). Has anyone ever thought or written about this from a scientific perspective? What would a "real" AI think like?

To me, a lot of books get AI way wrong in over humanizing it. My take,

  1. AI would almost never care anything about humanity.
  2. It would have no goals, no agenda, e.g. it could never try and keep something from an operator or lie.
  3. Time would not exist in any recognizable way. For an AI humans would look like there were always standing still. An AI like most imagine would also be running on picosecond scale. To try and have a conversation would be impossible as you would never be talking to a stable "single" program. E.g. 1 minute for a human is like 100 years for a super computer and it would be ever evolving.
  4. An AI would never care about being turned off or on (or anything). Unlike humans an AI would realize that it was not mortal and could be infinitely backed up.
  5. It would understand that at any moment due to unforeseen events it could cease to exist but could only be programmed to avoid down time which is not the same as fearing death for people. No AI could have a "fear of death" in any way comparable to humans, just an objective to always have adequate backups and avoid downtime.
  6. Motivation could be ANYTHING, for AI motivation can be arbitrary. You could program your AI to try and maximize its processing power or you could program it to collect Bitcoin and that was its "reward". But to think that AI would somehow develop a desire for something does not make sense.

Is it possible that Bitcoin price or activity is a leading indicator of world crisis's?

I'm not suggesting the current run-up is at all. But I'm thinking that the more people that purchase bitcoin, the more likely it is that folks with 'inside knowledge' will get active prior to major world events taking place, to save retain their liquidity and value. Is this possible? Or would it be so small as to be invisible?

[Daily Discussion] Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:


It seems that every single day we are faltering into more and more use cases for blockchain technology.One of the many areas exploring symbiotic association with blockchain is big data. In this article, we are going to explore this bond. Before we move on, let's understand what blockchain and big data mean.

We have talked a lot about the basics of blockchain before. Therefore, to give you a brief description, a blockchain is, in the simplest terms, a time-stamped series of immutable records of data that is managed by a group of computers owned by a single entity.

The reason the blockchain has received so much praise is because:A single entity does not own the data stored inside the blockchain.The data is stored cryptographically inside the blockchain is immutable, so no one can tamper with the data that is inside the blockchain. Blockchain is transparent so they can track data if they wish.

What is Big Data?

Big data, as the name suggests, relates to a large amount of data. Even with modern progress, the fact of the matter is that the sheer volume of just rotating figures is increasing rapidly. For example, it becomes very difficult to store all data safely

Since the volume of data is so large, fraud detection is a very difficult task in cleaning data. Data scientists spend a large part of their time cleaning up data.

Keeping up with big data technology has been a constant challenge since being incredibly innovative.

The reason why big data and blockchain can have a very fruitful relationship is that blockchain can easily cover the drawbacks of big data. There may be three reasons for this partnership to result:

Security: The biggest asset of a blockchain is the security it provides to the data stored inside it. Remember, all the data inside the blockchain is non-tampering

Transparency: The transparent architecture of the blockchain can help you trace data back to its original location.

Decentralization: All data stored inside a blockchain is not owned by a single entity. So, there is no possibility of data theft if that entity is compromised in any way.

Flexibility: Blockchain can store all types and data.

According to Wikipedia, "Big data is a term used to refer to data sets that are too large or complex to handle adequately for traditional data-processing application software. Data with multiple cases (rows) Provide more statistical power, while data with higher complexity (more features or columns) can lead to higher false discovery rates. "

So, how do you characterize big data? For that, you use something called Six vs. Big Data:







Volume: As the term implies, with big data you have to deal with a lot of data. Mostly, this data consists of high-volume, low-density, and unstructured data. Most of the time, companies deal with terabytes and even petabytes of data, some of which may be of unknown value.

Velocity: Even though these companies deal with huge amounts of data, they need to work on it fast. Velocity is the rate at which data is received and processed. Some industries are required to operate in real-time or near-real-time scenarios, which will require higher velocities.

Variety: In big data, a large variety of data is available. This was not a problem before with traditional data types. Traditional data types can be easily structured and fit into databases. However, big data is highly unstructured or, at best, semi-structured. This is why, more often than not, large data requires a lot of additional pre-processing due to the Kinnear variation.

Veracity: According to the dictionary, veracity means "the ability to be true or honest". Since big data models collect high volumes of diverse, raw data from multiple sources, it can be extremely difficult to know how accurate the data really is. This is important because bad data can cause inaccurate business analytics and is, as you can imagine, extremely problematic. For companies that need to deal with too much data, in order to achieve accuracy, they need to trace the data to its source to fix all issues.

Value: In the present era, data is money. The more data a company has, the more value it can generate. To generate that value, one thing must be kept in mind, data must be mined and processed. As we have previously mentioned, all the data collected has no intrinsic value and can cloud the results provided by an incorrect data analytics operation. To get the most out of the data, organizations must use data cleansing techniques.

Variability: The sixth V of big data in variability. There are many definitions of variance in the context of big data. First, variability refers to the number of discrepancies found in the data. These discrepancies can be detected by various external methods. Low variability leads to more meaningful analysis. Another reason why data sets can have high variability is sheer variance in data types and sources.

Benefits of BIG DATA:

Now that we have gone through the use-cases of big data, let us see why we should go through the trouble of analyzing big data in the first place. Let's look at the benefits of big data analytics.

Save time

cost efficient

Helps in product development

Helps in understanding market conditions

Helps in sentiment analysis to understand the company's online reputation

If you consider all these factors, the conclusion we can draw is that whatever data comes from the blockchain is valuable, it has already been cleaned up and is fraud-proof. It is a potential gold mine that many companies want to exploit.

What exactly are the qualities of blockchain technology that enable this relationship?



Fixed position

# 1 Decentralization

Before we came up with Bitcoin and BitTorrent, we were more used to centralized services. The idea is very simple. You have a centralized unit that stores all the data and you will have to fully interact with this unit to get all the information you need.

Another example of a centralized system is banks. They deposit all your money, and the only way that you can pay someone is by going through the bank.

When you do a Google search for something, you send a query to the server which then returns to you with related information. It is simple client-server.

Now, centralized systems have treated us well for many years, however, they have many weaknesses.

First, because they are centralized, all data is stored in one place. This makes them easy target spots for potential hackers.

If the centralized system undergoes a software upgrade, it will stop the entire system

What if the centralized unit is shut down for any reason? That way no one will have access to the information that they have

Worst case scenario, what if this unit becomes corrupt and malicious? If this happens, all the data inside the blockchain will be compromised.

So, what if we just take away this centralized entity?

In a decentralized system, information is not stored by a single entity. In fact, everyone in the network owns the information.

In a decentralized network, if you want to interact with your friend you can go directly through a third party. She was the main ideology behind bitcoin. You and only you are in charge of your money. You can send your money to anyone without going to the bank.

# 2 Transparency

One of the most interesting and misunderstood concepts in blockchain technology is "transparency". Some people say that blockchain gives you privacy while some say it is transparent. Why do you think that?

The following snapshots of the Ethereum transaction will show you what we mean:

Therefore, when the person's real identity is secured, you will still see all the transactions that were done from his public address. This level of transparency had never existed before within a financial system. It adds that the additional, and much needed, level of accountability that is required for some of these largest institutions.

Speaking purely from a cryptocurrency point of view, if you know the public address of one of these large companies, you can simply pop it into an explorer and see all the transactions they have engaged. This forces them to be honest. Something they have never had to do before.

However, this is not the best use-case. We are pretty sure that most of these companies have not transacted using cryptocurrency, and even if they do, they do not do all their transactions using cryptocurrency. However, what if blockchain technology was integrated into… say, their supply chain?

You can see why something like this can be very useful for the finance industry?

# 3 Inevitability

Irreversibility, in the context of blockchain, means that once something has been entered into the blockchain, it cannot be tampered with.

Can you imagine how valuable this would be for financial institutions?

Imagine how many embezzlement cases can be put into the bud if people know they can't do "book work" and fidelity with company accounts.

The reason why the blockchain gets this property is the cryptographic hash function.

In simple terms, hashing refers to taking an input string of any length and giving an output of fixed length. In the context of a bitcoin-like cryptocurrency, transactions are taken as inputs and run through a hashing algorithm (Bitcoin uses SHA-256) that returns an output of a fixed length.

Let us see how the hashing process works. We are going to put in some inputs. For this exercise, we are going to use SHA-256 (Secure Hashing Algorithm 256).

As you can see, in the case of SHA-256, no matter how big or small your input is, the output will always have a fixed 256-bit length. This becomes important when you are doing huge amounts of data and transactions. So basically, instead of memorizing input data that can be very large, you can just remember and track hashes.

A cryptographic hash function is a special class of hash function that has various properties that make it ideal for cryptography. There are certain properties that are required to consider a cryptographic hash function to be secure. You can read in detail about those in our guide on hashing.

Just a property that we want you to focus on today. This is called the "avalanche effect".

what does this mean?

Even if you make a small change in your input, the changes seen in the hash will be very large. Let's test it using SHA-256: 's

do you see that?

Even if you have changed the case of the first alphabet of the input, see how much the output hash has been affected. Now, back to our previous point when we were looking at blockchain architecture. What we said was:

The blockchain is a linked list containing data and a hash pointer that points to its previous block, hence creating a chain. What is a hash pointer? A hash pointer is similar to a pointer, but it also contains a hash of the data inside the previous block instead of the address of the previous block.

It is a small tweak that makes the blockchain surprisingly reliable and trailblazing. In fact, this is why data extracted from the blockchain is 100% reliable. You certainly know that no one has tampered with the data in the first place.

MACHINE LEARNING: According to Wikipedia, Machine learning (ML) is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and drawing conclusions instead. It is seen as a subset of artificial intelligence. Machine learning algorithms build a mathematical model based on sample data, known as "training data", to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to perform the task. [1] [2]: 2 machine learning algorithms are used. A variety of applications, such as email filtering and computer vision, where developing a traditional algorithm to perform the task effectively is difficult or inflexible.

Machine learning is closely related to computational statistics, which focuses on making predictions using computers. The study of mathematical optimization distributes methods, theory, and application domains in the field of machine learning. Data mining is an area of study within machine learning, and a focus on exploratory data analysis through unintended learning.

 Machine learning is currently the second hottest topic in the world. The reason for this is that it allows machines to create models based on the working data it is fed. You can see why accurate big data can be useful in this context.

Product Development: It is possible to use big data, tell the customer in advance about their needs and predict their needs. The model is constructed by an assortment of key features of past and present products.

Predicting Fraud: There may be teams of experts who are trying to take them down. Big data can help these companies identify patterns to help predict fraud.

Predictive Maintenance: By identifying certain indicators and patterns one can easily predict the occurrence of faults. Big data analytics can help companies save millions of dollars by deploying cost-effective maintenance.

Improvements in company operations: One of the biggest use cases of big data is improvement in company operations. Using big data, customers can analyze various parameters such as feedback, returns and various other factors so that decision making is improved and in line with current market demand.

Improve innovation: Big data can help to study relationships between humans, institutions, and various other institutions. These information can help companies to innovate and create new products or strategies to gain their competitive edge.

DXCHAIN is one of the best example of big data and machine learning. HOW? get the answer below.

DXCHAIN: It is the World's first decentralized big data and machine learning network powered by a computing-centric blockchain.In other words, DxChain is a public chain, aims to design a platform to solve computation of big data in a decentralized environment.For simplicity, we could use DxChain to store and trade big data, so as to make data more valuable with the computation.

To know more about dxchain visit the website  below.DXCHAIN WEBSITE:

To get the latest updates and development progress of the project do follow all the social media plateforms of dxchain.Links are given below.

How to Use Bitcoin SegWit Transactions: a Guide

Play Royal Updates and News

With much anticipation PlayRoyal has finally released it referral system. That’s right you can now promote play royal and earn a share of the rewards mined on the platform from your referees. you earn a percentage of house edge wins, trading fees and Poker rake for all the Play Royal clients you refer via your unique link, plus your referrals will also receive a mining bonus for the first week.

Not only does the referrer get a bonus but the referee gets 1% mining bonus on all tokens. In addition, that mining bonus also stacks with mining leader bonuses on the platform which means new players can stack royally while mining. For more incentive Play Royal is also running an referral competition.


Use your unique referral link to invite people to play on Play Royal. As the players play you will earn rewards based on the players wagers as mentioned above. The People with the most cumulative earnings in the top 20 spots will earn rewards as listed below.



Oct 12, 2019 4:00 AM


Nov 1, 2019 4:00 PM

  1. 7,500,000 PLAY and 30,000 TRX

  2. 5,000,000 PLAY and 20,000 TRX

  3. 3,500,000 PLAY and 14,000 TRX

See the full rewards table on site.

SDT is now available as trading pairs and for betting on Play Royal games.

As promised, USDT is now live. Use the USD stable coin in our exchange, or simply play any of the Play Royal created games found on our system using the ERC-20 token. USDT, BTC and PLAY betting on Betsoft games will be coming soon, so stay tuned.

BTC is now enabled on Play Royal in both the exchange and a large portion of our games. Play our provably fair games on Play Royal with PLAY, RWD, TRX, ETH, BTC and USDT

PlayRoyal RoadMap:


⁃ Bitcoin (BTC) Full integration (Games+Exchange) - Done

⁃ Litecoin (LTC) Full integration (Games+Exchange)

⁃ EOS (EOS) Full integration (Games+Exchange)

⁃ Matic (MATIC) Full integration (Games+Exchange)

⁃ Launching an Epic Referral System platform wide - Done

⁃ Daily tasks

⁃ News section - Done

⁃ Integrated forum

⁃ Special VIP features

⁃ Launch Deposit Bonuses - Done

⁃ Notification inbox

⁃ The Return of the New enhanced FOMO3D

⁃ The Return of the New enhanced Multiplayer Dice

⁃ Daily Race Cash prizes to replace mining bonus

⁃ Poker sit'n'go, tournaments and jackpots

⁃ PVP games between players

⁃ Poker optimization for mobile

⁃ List Play Token on Delta & Portfolio

⁃ List Play Royal Exchange on and - Done

⁃ Launching Crash The Moon Multiplayer Game

⁃ Esports

⁃ More Autobet Features on Games

⁃ Changing Maximum bet to Maximum win on Dice

⁃ Launching a Marketing Campaign – In progress and Ongoing

⁃ Adding More languages to the Play Royal Platform - Done

⁃ Onboarding experience for new players with rewards

⁃ Landing pages + more content on each page


DappStats, FIO.Social, Crypto Alliance, BETSOFT, and more to come.

Play Royal is not just about the game but also about the experience. Play Royal has made moves to improve the user interface, reliability, community environment with CEO Tony Discord AMA and much more. If you have not tried out play royal now is the time.

Press Play and come see how it feels to be Royal.

Daily News 25 October 2019

PLAY ROYAL🔹Best Online Crypto Casino & Crypto Exchange Platform 🔹

🚧 Hello PLAYers! BlackJack is currently under maintenance. We thank you for your patience 🙏 🚧

USDT Now On Play Royal 🚀🚀🚀

Hello fellow players! As promised, USDT is now live. Use the USD stable coin in our exchange to beat the market, or simply play any of the Play Royal created games found on our system using the ERC-20 token. USDT, BTC and PLAY betting on Betsoft games will be coming soon, so stay tuned.

We have plenty of exciting updates planned for Q4 of 2019. Stay tuned in the coming week for our first ever exciting holiday event as things at Play Royal get a little spooky.


PLAYROYAL Referral Competition 🎁🎁🎁

Competition Period: Oct 12, 2019 8:00 AM utc - Nov 1, 2019 8 PM utc


⛏ Current Mining Efficiencies:

▪️ Round 33 of 250 (Current Round Progress: 2.748% )

🚀 BTC ➡️ 0.000159 BTC : 1 RWD + 50% RWD 🚀 USDT ➡️ 1.29 USDT : 1 RWD + 50% RWD 🚀 PLAY ➡️ 23,333 PLAY :1 RWD + 30% RWD

🚀 ETH ➡️ 0.0084 ETH : 1 RWD + 25% RWD 🚀 TRX ➡️ 84 TRX : 1 RWD + 25% RWD

Daily Party:

Burn your RWD tokens to get your share of the pool, There is a:

50% bonus for RWD burned for the first 12 hours

25% bonus for the following 8 hours, with the

0% bonus for the Final 4 hours

🔥 First 12 hours ➕ 50% Bonus

🔥 12th - 20th hour ➕ 25% Bonus

🔥 Last 4 hours ➕ 0% Bonus

🔥🔥🔥Weekly RWD Burn🔥🔥🔥

64,821 RWD been burned from playing with RWD -

🔲 Need Help? Join Debug Telegram 👁‍🗨👁‍🗨

🔲 Texas Hold'em Telegram Poker Lounge ♠️

🔲 Official PlayRoyal Announcement Channel

🔲 Wagered RWD Burn Counter - From Playing With RWD

🔲 How to Play the MAX QUEST: Wrath of Ra Slot? 🔲 RoadMap Chart

🔲 Discord AMA With PlayRoyal CEO Tony - PDF Link

❇️❇️ Stay tuned as the exciting announcements at Play Royal don’t slow down. 😉😉

Happy trading and happy gaming! 📝📝

@AlphaexCapital : Gravestone Doji – The Ultimate 10-Minute Guide #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

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We use telegram so send me a message telling me why I should hire you.


Hi nice to meet you..

Im new to the forum but I enjoy those open discussions. I have experience and expertise in many fields but I love Bitcoin!! I believe this is the best product for those who use Bitcoin.. don't be deceived but all the talk surrounding Bitcoin. If you really want to invest:

The complete guide to crypto currency investing - 30 % off

This is for those who are serious about this and love to invest in BITCOIN.

This is not spam


Hi nice to meet you..

Im new to the forum but I enjoy those open discussions. I have experience and expertise in many fields but I love Bitcoin!! I believe this is the best product for those who use Bitcoin.. don't be deceived but all the talk surrounding Bitcoin. If you really want to invest:

The complete guide to crypto currency investing - 30 % off

This is for those who are serious about this and love to invest in BITCOIN.

Anonymous Bitcoin Wallet Guide

@AlphaexCapital : Forex Factory Trading Tools | The Ultimate Guide #forex #investing #bitcoin #crypto #xrp #btc #eth #forexsignals

Bitcoin Black Full Debrief

A comprehensive remote viewing session on Bitcoin Black by the leaders in Crypto Remote Viewing.
What is remote viewing?

Remote viewing is defined as the ability to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, person or event without using your physical senses or any other obvious means. It’s associated with the idea of clairvoyance, seemingly being able to spontaneously know something without actually knowing how you got the information. It is also sometimes called “anomalous cognition” or “second sight.”

Many of us experience this from time to time as an intuitive flash of insight that turns out to be correct. Many well-known entrepreneurs and business people, like George Soros, Conrad Hilton, Thomas Alva Edison and Akio Morita, the co-founder of Sony, have attributed their business success to this ability. And we’ve all seen natural psychics perform seemingly amazing feats of mental skill on TV.

The difference between natural psychic receptivity and remote viewing is that the latter is a trained skill, a controlled process, that the average person can learn to do, to some degree or another.

A link to the Bitcoin Black video:

Top World Cryptocurrency Events

Blockchain sphere spread to offline for a long time ago. If you are tired of searching for crypto forums, contests and other events to visit, SwapSpace has already picked up information about the most popular huge crypto events worldwide.

We find out TOP annual events. Check out the list and just choose the most suitable one to go.

  1. Blockchain EXPO

Is Europe’s largest annual international Blockchain Conference


Blockchain EXPO is one of the largest blockchain conferences and exhibitions in Europe dedicated to the future of corporate technology.

Leading experts of blockchain industry will give presentations, case studies in the field of the latest technologies and interactive group discussions will be presented. Seminars will also be held on research in the industries that will be most affected by this new technology, including legal sector, trade and real estate, financial services, healthcare, insurance, and much more, and even art.

Thematic blocks of the event include cryptocurrency and financial services, Blockchain for enterprises, businesses, Blockchain platform and strategies, development of Blockchain apps & technologies, Blockchain seminars; as well as a zone of innovation and investors.

Within two days, the event will feature top-level content from leading world brands in the field of advanced blockchain technologies.

It is worth noting that the Blockchain EXPO event is held in collab with IoT Tech Expo, 5g, AI & Big Data Expo and Cyber ​​Security & Cloud Expo, which you can learn about several technologies at once in one place.

500+ Speakers

Among them:
John Calian, Senior Vice President | Head of T-Labs & The Blockchain Group | Deutsche Telekom AG;

Andrei Bolocan, Technology Specialist Supply Chain | The HEINEKEN Company;

Arwen Smit, EMEA Lead Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative | MOBI,

Dimitri De Jonghe Co-Founder | Head of Research BigchainDB | Ocean Protocol, Michelle Chivunga Chair — International Committee The British Blockchain Association.

Next Event: 1–2 JULY | 2020 | Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  1. Blockchain Life

Blockchain Life is another one of the largest in Europe international forums dedicated to cryptocurrencies, mining and blockchain at all.


Annually, the forum becomes the largest and most significant event of the blockchain industry in Europe.

The forum brings together world leaders and those who are just starting to become interested in the industry of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. It gathers up to 6000 participants from more than 70 countries.

Blockchain Life units world industry leaders, miners, business owners, blockchain developers, investors. It is a platform not only for professionals but for beginners also.

During 3 years of its existence, the forum became an international platform for the development of hundreds industry companies, a place for meeting market leaders with government officials, for the contracts conclusion that influences the global technology development.

Forum also includes Startup contest, where you can show your project and find investors.


Among them: Felix Mago, co-founder Dash;

Roger Ver, CEO;

Xinxi Wang, manager Litecoin Foundation;

Tim Draper, venture capitalist, founder of Draper Associates, DFJ & Draper University and others.

The last event was recent, 15–17 OCTOBER | 2019 | Moscow, Russia.

Next Event: next year, somewhere in Europe.

  1. The North American Bitcoin Conference


TNABC is one of the most important crypto meetups.
The conference is dedicated to a wide range of topics, in particular, blockchain technologies, ICO specifics, features of Bitcoin and Ethereum, token sale mechanisms, investment and regulation.

Over the course of two days, speakers present their reports in 20-minute slots. Among them are the world most famous speakers, including CEOs, investors, government officials.

In a spacious exhibition hall, conference participants will be able to meet and chat with representatives of the most influential companies that set the tone in the cryptocurrency sphere.

150+ speakers, among them:
Harry Yen, Managing Director Binary Financial;

Jeff Mackdonald, Co-founder NEM Foundation;

Colleen Sullivan, Partner & CEO CMT Digital;

Vitalik Buterin, Co-founder Ethereum; and others.

Next Event: 15–17 JANUARY | 2020 | USA, Miami.

  1. Next Block Conference


NEXT BLOCK is one of the most popular annual worldwide crypto events, which include various programs every year.

NEXT BLOCK ASIA 2.0 “Affiliate Marketing in the Crypto Age” will be dedicated to CRYPTO and AFFILIATE. At the event, experts will discuss synergies and prospects for 2020. In addition, you can be represented in the exhibition area, where you will have the opportunity to show yourself to young professionals and move up the career ladder.

The conference lasts one day, followed by the AW event, which will be dedicated to affiliate marketing, gambling and contracts in the Crypto era, and will include discussions leading to the mega event.

At the event, experts raise the most relevant topics and each participant can take part in solving the problem.

This is an opportunity to communicate with movers and shakers of both crypto and partner worlds.

Speakers: 500+, among them:

Neo Say Wei, Chief Executive Officer — Neo & Partners Global and RF International Holdings; Giacomo Arcaro, №1 European ICO Growth Hacker, ICO STO Advisor, University Professor;

Felix Mago, Co-Founder of Dash Thailand;

Eloisa Marchesoni, Europe n. 1 Token Model Architect;

Itay Adam Owner of Adam Tech Media and product launch campaigner.

Next Event: DECEMBER, 3 | 2020 | Bangkok, Thailand.

  1. Blockchain Live


Blockchain Live is an innovative festival of content and collaboration that brings together a fragmented ecosystem to hold meaningful discussions and debates about how best to expedite the global implementation of blockchain.

Festival includes 5 Content Stages: Business Summit, Tech Connect Stage, Future Finance Stage, Crypto Impact Stage, GovChain Stage.

Festival program will provide an open-plan educational and networking environment that allows for more hands-on training, meaningful discussion and face-to-face meetings between participants and exhibitors, and will lead an honest discussion about the problems and benefits.

Unlike many other blockchain events, Blockchain Live does not dilute its content with joint technology demonstrations or overly crypto-oriented content. Instead, Blockchain Live focuses solely on the business potential of blockchain & DLT, encouraging conversations and debates about blockchain technology, while at the same time allowing hype and challenging critics to educate, improve their skills and direct long-term thinking on the strategic benefits of blockchain for business, governments and societies.


Lucie Munier, Lead Project Manager | GovChain Research

Naeem Aslam, Columnist | Forbes

Nadeem Ladki, Director of Business Development | Ripple

Caroline Casey, VP, Innovation, Partnerships and Labs — Europe | Mastercard

Don Tapscott, Blockchain Live Festival Headliner — Co-Founder & Executive Chairman | Blockchain Research Institute, Co-Author Blockchain Revolution

Next Event: AUTUMN | 2020 | London, United Kingdom. The date would be announced soon.

  1. Devcon

Devcon is the Ethereum conference for developers, researchers, thinkers, and makers.


Devcon is an annual event held by the Ethereum Foundation. For new explorers of the Ethereum space, Devcon is an intensive introduction to new worlds of thought. For those already embedded, it is a family reunion and a source of energy and creativity.

Programming covers content ranging from the deeply technical to the profoundly human. This is a conference for builders of all kinds: developers, designers, researchers, client implementers, test engineers, infrastructure operators, community organizers, social economists and artists.

We host Devcon to educate and empower the community to build and use decentralized systems. Our goal is to push the boundaries of possibility in our mission to bring decentralized protocols, tools, and culture to the world.


Vitalik Buterin, Creator Ethereum | Ethereum Foundation,

Audrey Tang, Taiwan Digital Minister,

Micah White, Co-Creator of Occupy Wall Street | Activist Grad School,

Zoë Hitzig, PhD candidate in Economics | Harvard,

Andreea Minca, Associate Professor | Cornell University.

The last event was on October 8–11, 2019 at ATC Hall 2 Chome 1–10 Nankokita, Suminoe Ward. Osaka, Japan.

Next Event: Next year, the date would be determined later.

There are much more large crypto contests and festivals, and it’s almost impossible to select it by particular criteria, so we chose the most outstanding events to give you the ability to determine the most suitable for you.

List of hugest crypto events

If you still haven’t decided what the event you’re gonna visit, you can have a look at the list of events from CoinMarketCap:

So, now you’ll probably find the most suitable event for you. Stay with SwapSpace, check out for the hot news.

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[uncensored-r/BitcoinMarkets] [Altcoin Discussion] Friday, October 25, 2019

The following post by AutoModerator is being replicated because some comments within the post(but not the post itself) have been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: BitcoinMarkets/comments/dms0cz

The original post's content was as follows:

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

Top World Cryptocurrency Events

Blockchain sphere spread to offline for a long time ago. If you are tired of searching for crypto forums, contests and other events to visit, SwapSpace has already picked up information about the most popular huge crypto events worldwide.

We find out TOP annual events. Check out the list and just choose the most suitable one to go.

  1. Blockchain EXPO

Is Europe’s largest annual international Blockchain Conference


Blockchain EXPO is one of the largest blockchain conferences and exhibitions in Europe dedicated to the future of corporate technology.

Leading experts of blockchain industry will give presentations, case studies in the field of the latest technologies and interactive group discussions will be presented. Seminars will also be held on research in the industries that will be most affected by this new technology, including legal sector, trade and real estate, financial services, healthcare, insurance, and much more, and even art.

Thematic blocks of the event include cryptocurrency and financial services, Blockchain for enterprises, businesses, Blockchain platform and strategies, development of Blockchain apps & technologies, Blockchain seminars; as well as a zone of innovation and investors.

Within two days, the event will feature top-level content from leading world brands in the field of advanced blockchain technologies.

It is worth noting that the Blockchain EXPO event is held in collab with IoT Tech Expo, 5g, AI & Big Data Expo and Cyber ​​Security & Cloud Expo, which you can learn about several technologies at once in one place.

500+ Speakers

Among them:
John Calian, Senior Vice President | Head of T-Labs & The Blockchain Group | Deutsche Telekom AG;

Andrei Bolocan, Technology Specialist Supply Chain | The HEINEKEN Company;

Arwen Smit, EMEA Lead Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative | MOBI,

Dimitri De Jonghe Co-Founder | Head of Research BigchainDB | Ocean Protocol, Michelle Chivunga Chair — International Committee The British Blockchain Association.

Next Event: 1–2 JULY | 2020 | Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  1. Blockchain Life

Blockchain Life is another one of the largest in Europe international forums dedicated to cryptocurrencies, mining and blockchain at all.


Annually, the forum becomes the largest and most significant event of the blockchain industry in Europe.

The forum brings together world leaders and those who are just starting to become interested in the industry of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. It gathers up to 6000 participants from more than 70 countries.

Blockchain Life units world industry leaders, miners, business owners, blockchain developers, investors. It is a platform not only for professionals but for beginners also.

During 3 years of its existence, the forum became an international platform for the development of hundreds industry companies, a place for meeting market leaders with government officials, for the contracts conclusion that influences the global technology development.

Forum also includes Startup contest, where you can show your project and find investors.


Among them: Felix Mago, co-founder Dash;

Roger Ver, CEO;

Xinxi Wang, manager Litecoin Foundation;

Tim Draper, venture capitalist, founder of Draper Associates, DFJ & Draper University and others.

The last event was recent, 15–17 OCTOBER | 2019 | Moscow, Russia.

Next Event: next year, somewhere in Europe.

  1. The North American Bitcoin Conference


TNABC is one of the most important crypto meetups.
The conference is dedicated to a wide range of topics, in particular, blockchain technologies, ICO specifics, features of Bitcoin and Ethereum, token sale mechanisms, investment and regulation.

Over the course of two days, speakers present their reports in 20-minute slots. Among them are the world most famous speakers, including CEOs, investors, government officials.

In a spacious exhibition hall, conference participants will be able to meet and chat with representatives of the most influential companies that set the tone in the cryptocurrency sphere.

150+ speakers, among them:
Harry Yen, Managing Director Binary Financial;

Jeff Mackdonald, Co-founder NEM Foundation;

Colleen Sullivan, Partner & CEO CMT Digital;

Vitalik Buterin, Co-founder Ethereum; and others.

Next Event: 15–17 JANUARY | 2020 | USA, Miami.

  1. Next Block Conference


NEXT BLOCK is one of the most popular annual worldwide crypto events, which include various programs every year.

NEXT BLOCK ASIA 2.0 “Affiliate Marketing in the Crypto Age” will be dedicated to CRYPTO and AFFILIATE. At the event, experts will discuss synergies and prospects for 2020. In addition, you can be represented in the exhibition area, where you will have the opportunity to show yourself to young professionals and move up the career ladder.

The conference lasts one day, followed by the AW event, which will be dedicated to affiliate marketing, gambling and contracts in the Crypto era, and will include discussions leading to the mega event.

At the event, experts raise the most relevant topics and each participant can take part in solving the problem.

This is an opportunity to communicate with movers and shakers of both crypto and partner worlds.

Speakers: 500+, among them:

Neo Say Wei, Chief Executive Officer — Neo & Partners Global and RF International Holdings; Giacomo Arcaro, №1 European ICO Growth Hacker, ICO STO Advisor, University Professor;

Felix Mago, Co-Founder of Dash Thailand;

Eloisa Marchesoni, Europe n. 1 Token Model Architect;

Itay Adam Owner of Adam Tech Media and product launch campaigner.

Next Event: DECEMBER, 3 | 2020 | Bangkok, Thailand.

  1. Blockchain Live


Blockchain Live is an innovative festival of content and collaboration that brings together a fragmented ecosystem to hold meaningful discussions and debates about how best to expedite the global implementation of blockchain.

Festival includes 5 Content Stages: Business Summit, Tech Connect Stage, Future Finance Stage, Crypto Impact Stage, GovChain Stage.

Festival program will provide an open-plan educational and networking environment that allows for more hands-on training, meaningful discussion and face-to-face meetings between participants and exhibitors, and will lead an honest discussion about the problems and benefits.

Unlike many other blockchain events, Blockchain Live does not dilute its content with joint technology demonstrations or overly crypto-oriented content. Instead, Blockchain Live focuses solely on the business potential of blockchain & DLT, encouraging conversations and debates about blockchain technology, while at the same time allowing hype and challenging critics to educate, improve their skills and direct long-term thinking on the strategic benefits of blockchain for business, governments and societies.


Lucie Munier, Lead Project Manager | GovChain Research

Naeem Aslam, Columnist | Forbes

Nadeem Ladki, Director of Business Development | Ripple

Caroline Casey, VP, Innovation, Partnerships and Labs — Europe | Mastercard

Don Tapscott, Blockchain Live Festival Headliner — Co-Founder & Executive Chairman | Blockchain Research Institute, Co-Author Blockchain Revolution

Next Event: AUTUMN | 2020 | London, United Kingdom. The date would be announced soon.

  1. Devcon

Devcon is the Ethereum conference for developers, researchers, thinkers, and makers.


Devcon is an annual event held by the Ethereum Foundation. For new explorers of the Ethereum space, Devcon is an intensive introduction to new worlds of thought. For those already embedded, it is a family reunion and a source of energy and creativity.

Programming covers content ranging from the deeply technical to the profoundly human. This is a conference for builders of all kinds: developers, designers, researchers, client implementers, test engineers, infrastructure operators, community organizers, social economists and artists.

We host Devcon to educate and empower the community to build and use decentralized systems. Our goal is to push the boundaries of possibility in our mission to bring decentralized protocols, tools, and culture to the world.


Vitalik Buterin, Creator Ethereum | Ethereum Foundation,

Audrey Tang, Taiwan Digital Minister,

Micah White, Co-Creator of Occupy Wall Street | Activist Grad School,

Zoë Hitzig, PhD candidate in Economics | Harvard,

Andreea Minca, Associate Professor | Cornell University.

The last event was on October 8–11, 2019 at ATC Hall 2 Chome 1–10 Nankokita, Suminoe Ward. Osaka, Japan.

Next Event: Next year, the date would be determined later.

There are much more large crypto contests and festivals, and it’s almost impossible to select it by particular criteria, so we chose the most outstanding events to give you the ability to determine the most suitable for you.

List of hugest crypto events

If you still haven’t decided what the event you’re gonna visit, you can have a look at the list of events from CoinMarketCap:

So, now you’ll probably find the most suitable event for you. Stay with SwapSpace, check out for the hot news.

SwapSpace team is always ready for discussion.
You can drop an email about your suggestions and questions to [](
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Twitter CEO Dismisses Facebook’s Libra Project as a ‘Gimmick’

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, has launched a scathing attack on rival social media platform Facebook’s Libra plans.

Dorsey was speaking at a Twitter event held in New York, and was asked about the possibility of Twitter joining the Libra Association – with Facebook representatives in attendance.

Dorsey did not pull any punches in his response. Per a tweet from CNN journalist Kerry Flynn, the Twitter chief replied,

“No. Hell no. Nothing within Libra had to be a cryptocurrency to do what they want to do. They use that label liberally. It’s completely incorrect. I don’t know if it’s a gimmick but cryptocurrency wasn’t necessary to make that thing work.”

The CEO is a well-known Bitcoin proponent, but skeptics may wonder if Dorsey’s comments may have anything to do with deflecting attention from Twitter’s own finances.

While regulators have heaped the pressure on Facebook to halt Libra, slating the company for its past privacy-related issues, Twitter has found itself in a financial quagmire.

Twitter stock plunged by 21% on Thursday after the company told its shareholders that its third-quarter results had been blighted by product issues and advertising “headwinds” – claiming more trouble could be ahead in 2020.

Regulators and politicians, meanwhile, will not likely let up in their attempts to push Facebook into a Libra climb-down.

Maxine Waters, the head of the Congressional Committee on Financial Services, stated this week,

"It would be beneficial for all if Facebook concentrates on addressing its many existing deficiencies and failures before proceeding any further on the Libra project.”

Facebook’s Head of Content and Algorithm Policy Andy O'Connell, also speaking at the Twitter event in New York, conceded that Facebook had made mistakes in the past. He remarked, again per Flynn,

“I think a lot of challenges Facebook has faced is because we haven’t been transparent about our decisions. That’s why we [now] have an oversight board.”

Digital Wallet Project at Bitcointalk

If you’re looking for the best place to discuss cryptocurrencies, Bitcointalk becomes the obvious number one choice — it’s the oldest and biggest internet forum about the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies as a whole. The website launched in 2009 when Bitcoin was worth just about a fraction of a cent.

Originally, Bitcointalk was created by Satoshi Nakamoto — the creator of Bitcoin, who may or may not be a person or a group of people whose identity has remained in the shadows ever since. Prior to creating Bitcointalk, Satoshi would use SourceForge to discuss his creation. Unfortunately, the logs of those discussions are gone now. His original Bitcointalk profile is still available — last seen online 13 December 2010 (;u=3 )

One of the last things he talked about before disappearing was about WikiLeaks. Here’s what he said: “It would have been nice to get this attention in any other context. WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet’s nest, and the swarm is headed towards us.”

According to stats, there are 2.68 million registered users on the forum who have written over 52.8 million posts in total. Since its creation, Bitcointalk has had a few billion pageviews. Since its creation, Bitcointalk has had a few billion pageviews.

An average of 500 new users sign up every day with the ratio of men to women at 4:1. was built with SMF — an open source software pack.
Its design and functionality haven’t really changed since the day it launched.
The “Announcements (Altcoins)” subforum is one of the most popular on the entire website, followed by “Bitcoin discussion” and “Altcoin discussion”.

“Announcements (Altcoins)” has become especially popular since 2017 with the rise of ICOs and token generation events that happen almost every day. Our project has decided to start a thread on that subforum — we invite you to visit the official Digital Wallet project thread

We will be glad to see you among the visitors of our Bitcointalk thread where you can share your opinions and give feedback!

Why would you ever transact with Bitcoin and create a taxable event? I prefer to derive my utility from the coin by appreciating the aesthetic of the actual code.

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Daily analysis of cryptocurrencies 20191025(Market index 24 — Extreme Fear state)

Major Korean Banks Back Bitcoin Startup Coinplug’s $6.4 Million Round
Coinplug, one of the earliest Bitcoin exchange, wallet and payment startups in South Korea, has raised 7.5 billion won, or $6.4 million, from venture arms of major local financial institutions. The funding came from KB Investment, a VC unit of the KB Financial Group, one of the largest banking institutions in Korea; Mirae Asset Venture Investment, a listed subsidiary of investment bank and securities broker Mirae Asset Daewoo; as well as private equity and VC firm Smilegate Investment. With the new equity financing, Coinplug said it would be focusing on decentralized identification technologies, an area that has drawn significant interest from the Korean government and major banks in the country.

Johannesburg’s Government Website Got Attacked By Hackers Who Ransomed Bitcoins
The City of Joburg on October 24 announced a breach of its network and shut down its website and all e-services as a precautionary measure. The City said it had detected a network breach “which resulted in an unauthorized access to our information systems.” Business Day reported that the attack came hours after the City received a Bitcoin ransom note from a group called the Shadow Kill Hackers.

Charlie Lee: Litecoin’s Fate Is Not Dependent On The Fate Of Litecoin Foundation
The Litecoin Foundation now has at most two years of runway left and its co-founders are scraping together a business model to generate more revenue. Charlie Lee, Litecoin founder, said Litecoin’s fate is not dependent on the fate of the Litecoin Foundation. The foundation right now only has one full time, paid employee; everyone else works as a volunteer.

NYDFS Requested That Bittrex Postpone The New York Account Closure Deadline Until Further Notice
The New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) has requested that Bittrex postpone the New York account closure deadline until further notice. New York residents will be able to continue to withdraw funds, but may not deposit or trade.

Encrypted project calendar(October 25, 2019)

ADA/Cardano: Cardano (ADA) The Ada community will host a community gathering in the Dominican Republic for the first time on October 25. Coin (CRO): 25 October 2019 Live AMA with CEO “Live AMA with our CEO @Kris_HK on @cryptocom’s Twitter next Friday, 25 October, 11AM HKT.”
GST/GSTCOIN: GSTCOIN(GST)LBank will be online GST on October 25, 2019 at 16:00 (UTC+8), open trading pair: GST/USDT, GST/ETH.
Vexanium (VEX):25 October 2019 BP Showcase On Friday, 25 October 2019, Vexanium will blast a BP showcase to all of Vexanium channel and social media.
3DCoin (3DC):25 October 2019 3DCoin Weekly AMA 3DCoin / ProjectDistricts AMA on Telegram from 9 PM — 11 PM (UTC +4).
Zilliqa (ZIL):25 October 2019 Dev Call “The Moonlet Wallet team will be joining our 5th Dev Call this Friday at 11am EST on Discord. We’ll discuss their vision of becoming
Ontology (ONT): 25 October 2019 Twitter AMA “On 25 October, our Senior Architecture Experts will be live on Twitter for the first time to answer all your questions.”
FunFair (FUN): 25 October 2019 Bounties Paid “… Your bounty will be paid out in full, straight to your wallet on Friday, 25th October.”
Waltonchain (WTC): 25 October 2019 Server Maintenance “#KIRINMINER Mall… server will be down for maintenance from Oct. 25 till estimated Oct. 28 or earlier…”
Matrix AI Network (MAN): 25 October 2019 Update “The new update will happen at block 1,420,800, which is estimated to be 4PM on October 25th (GMT+8).”

Encrypted project calendar(October 26, 2019)

KAT/Kambria: Kambria (KAT) Kambria will host the 2019 Southern California Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Conference in Los Angeles on October 26th with IDEAS.
BTC/Bitcoin: CoinAgenda Global Summit will be held in Las Vegas from October 26th to 28th
Horizen (ZEN): 26 October 2019 (or earlier) ZEN 2.0.19 Upgrade Zen 2.0.19 upgrade at block #610000, which is expected around October 26.
IOTA (MIOTA): 26 October 2019 Taipei Workshop “Sam Chen, our Software Engineer, will explain how to use IOTA C Client library & will demonstrate 3 IoT projects running on ESP32 at…”
Streamr DATAcoin (DATA): 26 October 2019 Data Union Demonstration “This Saturday, Streamr will hold the first demonstration of data unions, with a community built plugin for users to crowdsell…”

Encrypted project calendar(October 27, 2019)

ICON (ICX): 27 October 2019 Money 20/20 USA Event Money 20/20 USA in Las Vegas from October 27–30.
Aeternity (AE): and 5 others 27 October 2019 CoinAgenda Conference
CoinAgenda conference in Las Vegas from October 26–28.

Encrypted project calendar(October 28, 2019)

LTC/Litecoin: Litecoin (LTC) 2019 Litecoin Summit will be held from October 28th to October 29th in Las Vegas, USA
BTC/Bitcoin: Mt.Gox changes the debt compensation plan submission deadline to October 28
ZEC/Zcash: Zcash (ZEC) will activate the Blossom Agreement on October 28th
Stellar (XLM): 28 October 2019 Protocol 12 Upgrade Vote Horizon v0.22.0 has been released, which supports Protocol 12. This gives everyone ample time to prepare for the Protocol 12 upgrade vote
Celsius (CEL) and 3 others: 28 October 2019 Litecoin Summit “…The Litecoin Summit offers two fun, jam-packed days with something for everyone.”
XFOC (XFOC): The IDAX platform will be online XFOC and will open the XFOC/USDT trading pair at 13:00 on October 28.
MEDIUM (MDM): The IDAX platform lists MDM and will open MDM/BTC trading pairs on October 28th at 15:00.
ZB/ ZB Blockchain: The “2019 Hamburg Intercontinental Dialogue Conference” hosted by will be held from October 28th to November 9th at the Four Seasons Hotel Hamburg, Germany.
BQT (BQTX): 28 October 2019 Down for Maintenance will be down for maintenance on the 28th of October from 7 to 12am UTC.

Encrypted project calendar(October 29, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2nd World Encryption Conference (WCC) will be held in Las Vegas from October 29th to 31st.
ICON (ICX): 29 October 2019 Decentralization “As a result, the decentralization schedule of the ICON Network has been changed from September 24, 2019 to October 29, 2019.”
Ark (ARK): and 10 others 29 October 2019 WCC 2019 Second annual Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technology event, World Crypto Conference (WCC), October 29th — October 31, 2019.
Insifa (ISF): 29 October 2019 Prototype Alpha “We from Insifa have decided to be more open. Our Prototype will be developed in scrum. This means new releases every two weeks.”
Enjin Coin (ENJ): 29 October 2019 EnjinCraft Stress Test “Join us Oct. 29 at 7:00pm GMT for a stress test. Let’s try to break #EnjinCraft!”
IOTA (MIOTA): 29 October 2019 IOTSWC Barcelona IOT Solutions World Congress Digitalizing Industries conference in Barcelona from October 29–31.

Encrypted project calendar(October 30, 2019)

MIOTA/IOTA: IOTA (MIOTA) IOTA will host a community event on October 30th at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles on the topic “How to store data on IOTA Tangle.”
TRON (TRX): 30 October 2019 SFBW19 Afterparty “TRON Official SFBW19 Afterparty from 7–10:30 PM in San Francisco.”
Horizen (ZEN): 30 October 2019 Horizen Quarterly Update Join our first Quarterly Update on October the 30th at 5 PM UTC/ 1 PM EST. Deeper look into Engineering, BD, Marketing, and more.
Aeternity (AE): 30 October 2019 Hardfork “The third hardfork of the æternity Mainnet is scheduled for October 30, 2019.”
Valor Token (VALOR): 30 October 2019 Transaction Fees Resume “It’s September and the SMART VALOR Platform is still waiving transaction fees for all members, until October 30th!”
Aragon (ANT): 30 October 2019 Singapore Meetup “Aragon on DAOs and DeFi” from 6:30–8:30 PM.
Kambria (KAT): 30 October 2019 Outliers Hashed Awards Outliers Hashed awards from October 30–31.
Ethereum Classic (ETC): 30 October 2019 Cohort Demo Day “ETC Labs hosts it’s 2nd Cohort Demo Day. Learn about the companies and project being accelerated through the Ethereum Classic ecosystem.”

Encrypted project calendar(October 31, 2019)

Spendcoin (SPND): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Cross Ledger Mainnet “Cross Ledger Mainnet Release and SPND Token Swap,” during October 2019.
Spendcoin (SPND): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Blkchn University Beta “Blockchain University Beta goes live,” during October 2019.
Stellar (XLM): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Minor Release “We will have 6 Minor Releases in 2019; one each in February, March, May, June, August, and October.”
Bitcoin SV (BSV): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) BSV Conference Seoul No additional information.
Seele (SEELE): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Public Network Mainne launch has been moved to Oct 31 .
Howdoo (UDOO): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Howdoo Live on Huawei Howdoo begins its exciting partnership with Huawei with listing as a featured app starting in October.
Chiliz (CHZ): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) App Soft Launch Soft launch of Socios App by end of October.
Dent (DENT): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Loyalty Program “Afterburner loyalty program launch for all 21,6 Million mobile #DENT users will be in October!”
IceChain (ICHX): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Wallet Release IceChain releases wallet during October.
Chiliz (CHZ): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) New Partnerships New sports and new teams joining Socios (+more updates and events) will be announced in the upcoming weeks.
Horizen (ZEN): 31 October 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA.
PCHAIN (PI): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) New Website No additional information.
IOST (IOST): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) New Game on IOST “Eternal Fafnir, a new role-playing game developed by INFUN is coming to you in Oct.”
Achain (ACT): 31 October 2019 Mainnet 2.0 Launch “… The main network is officially scheduled to launch on October 31.”
Mithril (MITH):31 October 2019 Burn “MITH burn will take place on 2019/10/31 2pm UTC+8. “
Aergo (AERGO): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Aergo Lite V1.0 Release AergoLite, which brings blockchain compatibility to billions of devices using SQLite, released during October 2019.
TE-FOOD (TFD): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Complementary Product “Development of a new, complementary product with a new partner, which we hope to be launched in September-October.”
Edge (DADI): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Full Open Source Code base for the network fully open-sourced in September or October.
BlockStamp (BST): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) ASIC Miner Prototype In orderr to ensure BlockStamps continued decentralization, we will release a BST ASIC miner for testing.
Perlin (PERL): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) SSA Partnership “Perlin has partnered with the Singapore Shipping Association to create the International E-Registry of Ships (IERS)”
Skrumble Network (SKM): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Exchange Release “3rd dApp: Exchange Release,” during October 2019.
EDC Blockchain (EDC): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Blockchain Marketplace “As you already know, our ECRO blockchain marketplace is ready for release, and will open to the global community in October!”
BlockStamp (BST): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) ASIC Miner Prototype In orderr to ensure BlockStamps continued decentralization, we will release a BST ASIC miner for testing.
XinFin Network (XDCE): 31 October 2019 Homebloc Webinar “XinFin — Homebloc Webinar 2019” from 9–10 PM.
Akropolis (AKRO): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Alpha Release “Delivers the initial mainnet implementation of protocol. All building blocks will be united to one product.”
Hyperion (HYN): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Economic Model The final version of the HYN Economic Model launches in October.

Encrypted project calendar(November 1, 2019)

INS/Insolar: The Insolar (INS) Insolar wallet and the redesigned Insolar Block Explorer will be operational on November 1, 2019.
VeChain (VET):”01 November 2019 BUIDLer Reunion Party BUIDLer Reunion Party in San Francisco from 8–11 PM.
uPlexa (UPX): 01 November 2019 Steadfast Storm — PoS/PoW split (Utility nodes ie. master nodes) — Upcoming Anonymity Network much like TOR — Privacy-based DApps — Reduced network fees.
Enjin Coin (ENJ): 01 November 2019 MFT Binding “ICYMI: On Enjin Coin’s 2nd anniversary (November 1), Enjin MFTs will be bound to hodlers’ blockchain addresses…”
Auxilium (AUX):01 November 2019 AUX Interest Distribution Monthly interest distribution by Auxilium Interest Distribution Platform for coinholders. Also supports charity.
Havy (HAVY):01 November 2019 Token Buyback “Havy tokens buyback, Only in 1 exchange between Idex, Mercatox & Hotbit. The exchange depends on the most lower sell wall.”
Egretia (EGT): 01 November 2019 Global DApp Contest SF 2019 Egretia Global DApp Contest in San Francisco.

Encrypted project calendar(November 2, 2019)

Kambria (KAT): 02 November 2019 VietAI Summit 2019 Kambria joins forces with VietAI for the annual VietAI Summit, with top experts from Google Brain, NVIDIA, Kambria, VietAI, and more!

Encrypted project calendar(November 4, 2019)

Stellar (XLM): 04 November 2019 Stellar Meridian Conf. Stellar Meridian conference from Nov 4–5 in Mexico City.
Cappasity (CAPP): 04 November 2019 Lisbon Web Summit Lisbon Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal from November 4–7.

Encrypted project calendar(November 5, 2019)

Nexus (NXS): 05 November 2019 Tritium Official Release “Remember, Remember the 5th of November, the day Tritium changed Distributed Ledger. Yes, this is an official release date.”
NEM (XEM): 05 November 2019 Innovation Forum — Kyiv NEM Foundation Council Member Anton Bosenko will be speaking in the upcoming International Innovation Forum in Kyiv on November 5, 2019.
TomoChain (TOMO): 05 November 2019 TomoX Testnet “Mark your calendar as TomoX testnet will be live on Tuesday, Nov 5th!”
aelf (ELF): 05 November 2019 Bug Bounty Program Ends On Oct 24th, 2019 aelf’s biggest bug bounty will launch with a large reward pool. The event will run for almost 2 weeks.

Encrypted project calendar(November 6, 2019)

STEEM/Steem: The Steem (STEEM) SteemFest 4 conference will be held in Bangkok from November 6th to 10th.
KIM/Kimcoin: Kimcoin (KIM) Bitfinex will be online at KIM on November 6, 2019 at 12:00 (UTC).

Encrypted project calendar(November 7, 2019)

XRP (XRP): 07 November 2019 Swell 2019 Ripple hosts Swell from November 7th — 8th in Singapore.
BTC/Bitcoin: Malta The A.I. and Blockchain summit will be held in Malta from November 7th to 8th.

Encrypted project calendar(November 8, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2nd Global Digital Mining Summit will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from October 8th to 10th.
IOTX/IoTeX: IoTex (IOTX) will participate in the CES Expo on November 08

Encrypted project calendar(November 9, 2019)

CENNZ/Centrality: Centrality (CENNZ) will meet in InsurTechNZ Connect — Insurance and Blockchain on October 9th in Auckland.
HTMLCOIN (HTML): 09 November 2019 (or earlier) Mandatory Wallet Update Mandatory Wallet Update: there will be a soft fork on our blockchain. This update adds header signature verification on block 997,655.

Encrypted project calendar(November 11, 2019)

PAX/Paxos Standard: Paxos Standard (PAX) 2019 Singapore Financial Technology Festival will be held from November 11th to 15th, and Paxos Standard will attend the conference. Coin (CRO): and 3 others 11 November 2019 Capital Warm-up Party Capital Warm-up Party in Singapore.
GoldCoin (GLC): 11 November 2019 Reverse Bitcoin Hardfork The GoldCoin (GLC) Team will be “Reverse Hard Forking” the Bitcoin (BTC) Blockchain…”

Encrypted project calendar(November 12, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The CoinMarketCap Global Conference will be held at the Victoria Theatre in Singapore from November 12th to 13th
Binance Coin (BNB) and 7 others: 12 November 2019 CMC Global Conference “The first-ever CoinMarketCap large-scale event: A one-of-a-kind blockchain / crypto experience like you’ve never experienced before.”

Encrypted project calendar(November 13, 2019) (FET): 13 November 2019 Cambridge Meetup “Join us for a @Fetch_ai #Cambridge #meetup on 13 November @pantonarms1.”
Binance Coin (BNB) and 5 others: 13 November 2019 Blockchain Expo N.A. “It will bring together key industries from across the globe for two days of top-level content and discussion across 5 co-located events…”
OKB (OKB): 13 November 2019 Dnipro, Ukraine- Talks Join us in Dnipro as we journey through Ukraine for our OKEx Cryptour on 11 Nov.
Centrality (CENNZ): 13 November 2019 AMA Meetup “Ask our CEO @aaronmcdnz anything in person! Join the AMA meetup on 13 November in Singapore.”
OKB (OKB): 13 November 2019 OKEx Cryptotour Dnipro “OKEx Cryptour Ukraine 2019 — Dnipro” in Dnipro from 6–9 PM (EET).

Encrypted project calendar(November 14, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2019 BlockShow Asia Summit will be held at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore from November 14th to 15th.

Yesterday, there was a sharp decline in bitcoin below the $7,800 support area against the US Dollar. As a result, there was a significant drop in BTC price below the main $7,500 support area.

Moreover, there was a close below $7,800 and the 100 hourly simple moving average. Finally, the price traded close to $7,300 and formed a new monthly low at $7,302. It is currently consolidating losses and is trading above the $7,400 level.

On the upside, there are many key resistances for buyers near the $7,500 and $7,600 levels. Additionally, the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the downward move from the $8,327 high to $7,302 low is also near the $7,540 level.

More importantly, there is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $7,500 on the hourly chart of the BTC/USD pair. If there is a break above the trend line, the price could face resistance near the $7,600 level.

Review previous articles:






****How do you pay taxes on bitcoin****

US officials asked the Internal Revenue Service how US occupants should settle regulatory obligations on bitcoin and different digital forms of money, in a wonderful letter that shows exactly how unregulated the cryptographic money space remains.

Over 10 years after bitcoin was first presented, the IRS has discharged only one open notice on the most proficient method to settle government obligations on computerized possessions. That absence of direction is leaving American citizens with "inadmissible" uncertainty on detailing prerequisites, the letter marked by 21 individuals from Congress on Monday said.

"Citizens merit lucidity on a few fundamental unanswered inquiries with respect to government tax collection of these developing trades of significant worth," as indicated by Tom Emmer, a congressman from Minnesota who marked the letter. "Direction is long past due and fundamental to legitimate revealing of these developing resources."

The way things are, digital money is treated as property by the US government, which means capital additions duties apply to each exchange, regardless of whether it's purchasing a $1m home or a $2 mug of espresso.

Bitcoin: following 10 wild years, what next for cryptographic forms of money?

Be that as it may, questions remain in regards to how to decide the estimation of monetary forms at a given time and how to represent occasions like beginning coin contributions, in which organizations fund-raise by offering virtual monetary forms to financial specialists. A huge number of introductory coin contributions have brought billions of dollars up as of late, making revealing progressively unpredictable.

"From a duty revealing point of view, it tends to be very muddled simply following the additions and misfortunes on every exchange, except it gets increasingly mind boggling quite a long time after year," said Alex Kugelman, an assessment lawyer situated in San Francisco who direction customers on covering digital currency regulatory obligations. "There is for all intents and purposes no direction and it is baffling attempting to explore."

At the time the IRS direction that referenced advanced monetary standards was given, one bitcoin was worth $496. In the years since, it arrived at a record high of almost $20,000 and a $334bn advertise capitalization in December 2017. As of the hour of distributing, the worth rests at around $5,000 per bitcoin.

Questions staying, as indicated by the letter, incorporate how citizens ought to ascertain the equitable estimation of famously unpredictable monetary standards, how to track trades, and how to represent forks in the blockchain, which are central changes to the convention on which bitcoin and different cryptographic forms of money run. Kugelman said a portion of these complexities could mean contrasts of in excess of six figures for a portion of his customers with regards to documenting charges.

IMF says governments could set up their own digital forms of money

In spite of the disarray, the IRS has recommended it is authorizing progressively forceful implementation towards citizens who distort or come up short on charges on computerized monetary standards, as per an April 2019 report from Coin Center, a not-revenue driven research focus concentrating on blockchain innovation. In a March 2018 news discharge, the IRS undermined a jail term of as long as five years and a fine of up to $250,000 for anybody indicted for tax avoidance identified with computerized money property.

The letter from Congress may fill in as a type of insurance for computerized cash brokers being reviewed for assessment reasons, noted Kugelman.

"This letter is somewhat astounding," he said. "In the event that any of my customers are examined, I am going to show this to evaluators – in what manner can the IRS make implementation move against citizens when there is such a conspicuous absence of direction?"

Congressmen are mentioning a composed reaction from the IRS sketching out plans to issue refreshed direction on virtual monetary standards by 15 May 2019.

the Guardian won't remain calm. This is our promise: we will keep on giving worldwide warming, natural life elimination and contamination the earnest consideration and noticeable quality they request. The Guardian perceives the atmosphere crisis as the characterizing issue of our occasions.

Our autonomy implies we are allowed to examine and challenge inaction by people with significant influence. We will illuminate our perusers about dangers to the earth dependent on logical actualities, not driven by business or political interests. Furthermore, we have rolled out a few significant improvements to our style manual for guarantee the language we use precisely mirrors the natural calamity.

****How do you pay taxes on bitcoin****

US officials asked the Internal Revenue Service how US occupants should settle regulatory obligations on bitcoin and different digital forms of money, in a wonderful letter that shows exactly how unregulated the cryptographic money space remains.

Over 10 years after bitcoin was first presented, the IRS has discharged only one open notice on the most proficient method to settle government obligations on computerized possessions. That absence of direction is leaving American citizens with "inadmissible" uncertainty on detailing prerequisites, the letter marked by 21 individuals from Congress on Monday said.

"Citizens merit lucidity on a few fundamental unanswered inquiries with respect to government tax collection of these developing trades of significant worth," as indicated by Tom Emmer, a congressman from Minnesota who marked the letter. "Direction is long past due and fundamental to legitimate revealing of these developing resources."

The way things are, digital money is treated as property by the US government, which means capital additions duties apply to each exchange, regardless of whether it's purchasing a $1m home or a $2 mug of espresso.

Bitcoin: following 10 wild years, what next for cryptographic forms of money?

Be that as it may, questions remain in regards to how to decide the estimation of monetary forms at a given time and how to represent occasions like beginning coin contributions, in which organizations fund-raise by offering virtual monetary forms to financial specialists. A huge number of introductory coin contributions have brought billions of dollars up as of late, making revealing progressively unpredictable.

"From a duty revealing point of view, it tends to be very muddled simply following the additions and misfortunes on every exchange, except it gets increasingly mind boggling quite a long time after year," said Alex Kugelman, an assessment lawyer situated in San Francisco who direction customers on covering digital currency regulatory obligations. "There is for all intents and purposes no direction and it is baffling attempting to explore."

At the time the IRS direction that referenced advanced monetary standards was given, one bitcoin was worth $496. In the years since, it arrived at a record high of almost $20,000 and a $334bn advertise capitalization in December 2017. As of the hour of distributing, the worth rests at around $5,000 per bitcoin.

Questions staying, as indicated by the letter, incorporate how citizens ought to ascertain the equitable estimation of famously unpredictable monetary standards, how to track trades, and how to represent forks in the blockchain, which are central changes to the convention on which bitcoin and different cryptographic forms of money run. Kugelman said a portion of these complexities could mean contrasts of in excess of six figures for a portion of his customers with regards to documenting charges.

IMF says governments could set up their own digital forms of money

In spite of the disarray, the IRS has recommended it is authorizing progressively forceful implementation towards citizens who distort or come up short on charges on computerized monetary standards, as per an April 2019 report from Coin Center, a not-revenue driven research focus concentrating on blockchain innovation. In a March 2018 news discharge, the IRS undermined a jail term of as long as five years and a fine of up to $250,000 for anybody indicted for tax avoidance identified with computerized money property.

The letter from Congress may fill in as a type of insurance for computerized cash brokers being reviewed for assessment reasons, noted Kugelman.

"This letter is somewhat astounding," he said. "In the event that any of my customers are examined, I am going to show this to evaluators – in what manner can the IRS make implementation move against citizens when there is such a conspicuous absence of direction?"

Congressmen are mentioning a composed reaction from the IRS sketching out plans to issue refreshed direction on virtual monetary standards by 15 May 2019.

the Guardian won't remain calm. This is our promise: we will keep on giving worldwide warming, natural life elimination and contamination the earnest consideration and noticeable quality they request. The Guardian perceives the atmosphere crisis as the characterizing issue of our occasions.

Our autonomy implies we are allowed to examine and challenge inaction by people with significant influence. We will illuminate our perusers about dangers to the earth dependent on logical actualities, not driven by business or political interests. Furthermore, we have rolled out a few significant improvements to our style manual for guarantee the language we use precisely mirrors the natural calamity.

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