Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Highlights: Saito X Gate.io AMA

Our CEO & Co-founder, Richard Parris, had an AMA with Gate.io on Telegram at 22:00 on June 14, 2021 (UTC+8). If your goal is to learn more about Saito Network, our vision for a scalable network capable of powering decentralized versions of Twitter, Facebook and Amazon without the need for predatory monopolies in the network layer, how we’re actually making that happen, read on.


1. Tell us about how you entered the crypto space and how your background contributed to your early successes.

David Lancashire and I have been involved in the Beijing technology scene since the early 2000s. David studied computer science, economics and Chinese in Toronto and Berkeley. I studied mathematics and philosophy at the university of Melbourne.

We both got into the Beijing Bitcoin scene back in 2012 and 2013 and became friends at Beijing bitcoin events.

Back then the space was really undefined, would bitcoin be money or something more like web3? There were no forks and no Ethereum.

We met a lot of great people back then, many of whom are part of Saito or have helped along the way.

Most importantly the very idea for Sato was forged in WeChat groups and with early bitcoiners. Watching the bitcoin community split along the lines that eventually separated off BCH then BSV.

2. What is your project exactly and can you tell us more about your vision?

Our vision is massive scale, without sacrificing openness.

Saito is an open network layer that delivers web3 to users. Applications on Saito can run without closed plugins, private APIs and non-open infrastructure. Saito runs without an owner while funding the nodes that provide routing and user infrastructure for its own network and other public blockchains.

All this is powered by an entirely new blockchain design – Saito consensus.

Saito consensus is unique as it pays for what networks need to scale. By paying for nodes to collect fees from users and routing them into blocks, Saito consensus solves the biggest hurdle to open scaling – paying for large scale infrastructure without brining in corporate business models and web2 structures.

Saito is also more secure than PoS and PoW. Using collecting fees as ‘work’ eliminates the 51% and other economic attacks. Best of all Saito also has lower ‘gas fees’ as it is always cheaper per byte. Securing the network with routing eliminates payment for Mining or Staking, halving cost to users.

We are web3 through and through – and are working toward an open internet corporations cannot use their financial power of business advantages to exclude and control.

3. What are some of the major milestones you guys have hit so far and why are they important?

David convinced me to join him and co-found Saito in late 2017. He had some ideas and very early prototype software.

In 2018, we created legal entities, raised a seed round and got to building SAITO.

In 2019 we launched a test net. Tested and benchmarked it, and took what we learned and reimplemented the protocol.

In 2020 we launched a ‘canary network’ to explore building software on Saito. We built social, enterprise and gaming software on the network and have a growing community. Saito Networks have transmitted over 12 Million transactions.

Importantly, as part of building the games – we created a novel game engine. We proposed open sourcing this for the web3 community to the web3 foundation and received a grant for this in November 2020. This introduced us to a huge audience and continues to help the project.

Since then we have IDOed and launched an ERC20 token that makes it simple to buy and use SAITO. We have also set up partnerships with Crust network, Stack OS and Mixin and continue to support Skyepanda – a Australian/Chinese open marketplace project.

4. How has your community grown since you first launched?

The Saito community has been building since the launch of our first network. We have always tried to build software people can use – to help explain web 3 and how Saito supports it.

Of course the games were an early attraction and we have built up communities around these. This increased as we refined and improved the network and today creates 30 to 50k transactions per day on the network.

In April this year we added an IDO to this mix. This has catapulted the community forward and grown it immensely. We now have a growing telegram and twitter following as well as independent communities on reddit and discord.

We are starting an ambassador program, and working hard to include our community in everything we do.

5. Can you tell us more about your business model?

Saito itself does not have a business model – just like bitcoin and ethereum do not.

Saito has a simple but powerful economic model. Unlike Mining or Staking money does not flow out of the system. Instead a very powerful circular economy develops, where providers earn in SAITO and users either need to buy SAITO directly or get them from Advertisers etc to pay for services.


Saito’s token ecosystem is simple but powerful. Let’s use an example most people won’t think of when they think web3:

One of Saito’s great features is the ability to quickly create a light wallet in the browser. This is so simple it can be done – one per tab.

This creates a world where each tab creates a wallet that gets a small payment from an advertisement that funds the user’s browsing till the tab is closed. When the tab is closed the wallet can be destroyed. If the user does not mind being tracked a little they can send any remaining money to a permanent wallet. If they want complete freedom from tracking they can burn the few cents or donate it.

This solves many problems delivering the web3 promise of better privacy and user control of their identity and data. At the same time it creates a way for users to browse for free while doing that. And, creates a way to pay for services, like say listening to a song without signing up for anything.

Best of all because the ‘middle man’ is taken out of the relationship between the user and advertiser – the user gets much more benefit for their attention.

6. What are some of the competitors you’ve identified (crypto or non crypto) and how are you different?

There are many approaches to scaling in the blockchain space. Eth2/NEAR Protocal and to some extent Polkadot, choose sharding and optimisations. EOS/ICP/Polygon use controls on block production to speed things up. DAGs, Avalanche and other structures lose properties like universal broadcast (anyone can send anyone else a transaction without an intermediary).

Saito Consensus is different. Saito solves a critical piece of the puzzle, none of the above addresses. How do we pay for the high bandwidth network that massive scale requires without a volunteer network (bitcoin), Infura (ethereum), google, amazon or tencent stepping in.

As a blockchain network, rather than a blockchain ledger or evm, Saito is alone in offering a solution for open infrastructure at massive scale.

The projects mentioned above are competitors for ‘mind space’ but we believe over time people will come to see their ultimate success as dependent on Saito based solutions to infrastructure for the open web.

7. Where are you heading in the next few years and what are the next major updates for you?

Community growth. Usage continues to grow on our canary network and we will continue to grow this ahead of main-net. This is key to providing an audience and users to developers.

Developer on-boarding. We are working hard to extend and improve the on-boarding experience for developers wanting to create aps and businesses on Saito.

Partnerships form a huge part of Saito’s growth model. We have great existing partnerships and will continue to expand these to

8. What have you thought of the recent price action?

I am incredibly enthusiastic about what we have seen from the market and think we are stepping into a phase we have not seen before.

We had a ‘frothy’ peak driven by memecoins and pure hype that drove the market to unsustainable levels with unsustainable speed. We have seen a correction – but not a crash.

This is great news for projects, like Saito, with great fundamentals. All that ‘noise and heat’ has attracted a lot of new people to get interested in blockchain and associated technologies and developments.

That audience is educating itself and looking for value and real innovation. This has laid a great foundation for Saito over the coming year.

9. How do you feel about the industry at the moment and where do you think you fit in?

It is so hard from ‘the inside’ to understand how new and experimental things still are.

Defi, is the ‘vanguard’ of innovation and experimentation. It’s not all perfect but it is a We great way to see what is possible to me.

To me, Defi is to web3 what internet banking is to the internet. An important part of the whole – but only a small part. Everything we do online is moving toward disintermediation – getting rid of the middle-men that charge fees, and require complete control in exchange for access.

The business models, and services and tools that are possible when that happens are still not fully imaginable. For us ‘old timers’ we all remember that feeling – the first time we sent bitcoin, and realised that we didn’t need permission from anyone.

That is coming to all of our online experiences.

Saito supports developers to create open business models for their apps and services, and users by keeping the network cheap and open.

Saito is the perfect partner for parachains, and other layer one blockchains letting them scale their user facing services efficiently, by taking transactional data and bandwidth off chain.

For more updates, please keep up with Saito social media

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaitoOfficial

Telegram: https://t.me/SaitoIOann

Blog: https://org.saito.tech/blog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/HjTFh9Tfec

The American Blockchain 3

The American Blockchain

The Blockchain is more than just the means of moving money or wealth on a secure network. It is a way to securely move information, at the code level; anything that that is already on a computer is already just code. Anything that is tracked on paper can be converted to digital code, it is the same basic idea we have for most things in our lives. A house has a Title or Deed, a vehicle has a pink slip and registration, these are paper representations for the things of value in our lives. The information or wealth you are trying to store is difficult, different States have different types of registration for everything from cars to boats to houses, and paper documents can be lost destroyed or stolen. Current digital versions of information, including any digital representation of a physical asset like a digital car pink slip, are not secure. Hacks happen all the time and the losses can be data or access and control to a private network. Coins are basically the Blockchain, the numbers of Coins there are and who currently holds them. It tracks the Coins every single time a Coin moves wallets, each Coins value is identical to another Coin. The creation of Coins is controlled by the code of the Blockchain, either a max limit, or some form of inflation is how Coins are made. Coins are typically divisible to 8 decimal places 1.00000000. Tokens can be built on a Blockchain; a Token is similar to a Coin however Tokens are built onto the Blockchain not into the Blockchain code. Tokens are representations of information or wealth; they are stored on the Blockchain and follow the Blockchain code. However Tokens can be created at anytime and attached to some form of wealth or information on the Blockchain, the information or wealth are all equal. They must be traded at a 1 for 1 value; they are also divisible to 8 decimal places 1.00000000. Non-Fungible Tokens can also be built onto the Blockchain; NFTs as they are called are still Tokens. Each Token is unique; they are valued based on the information stored in the NFT. Most NFTs would not be divisible, however because the NFT is just code it can be split if written into the code of the NFT. Tokens and NFTs run on the same Blockchain as the Coin, so the Blockchain would be what protects all information and wealth stored in the Tokens and NFTs. The Miners, Pools, and Nodes run the network or Blockchain, however the blocks they verify are just hashed code on the Blockchain, they have no real access to any of the information on the Blockchain. Knowing the basic principles about Blockchain, we can start to imagine how we can safely transfer current wealth, information and assets to a safer more secure network. There are many use cases on the Blockchain, not all of them are good and not all of them are bad. What follows is an example of how Tokens and NFTs can replace every single major system for storing information and wealth we have today. It would not happen overnight and with Government support we could stream line the entire economy and help level the financial playing field for the American people To simplify things Tokens are a currency, they are traded at equal values and valued at an agreed upon rate, compared to the value of the Coin of that Blockchain. A simple comparison would be stocks, shares in a company that can be divided and traded at the current value of the stock; Blockchain is a 24 hour a day 7 days a week network. NFTs would be tied to physical assets or objects in the world, a Deed or Title to a house, a person’s medical records, the ‘start’ code for the owner of a vehicle. Because all these would run on The American Blockchain everything would be secure and transactions would be trusted to be authentic by all users. What follows are a few examples of how we will transition to the Blockchain, not everything will benefit everyone; however the wheels are in motion. Bitcoin itself can be traced back to the 2008 financial crisis; there are papers on Bitcoin’s open source code and the history of Bitcoin, this paper will not explain where Bitcoin came from. What the American people need to understand is the code it out there, if we don’t use it someone else will, this means a CBDC and/or The American Blockchain is not an ‘if’ but more of a ‘when’, and it all started 12 years ago. The rate of adoption for Bitcoin and other Blockchain Coins is growing fast, HR 1602 passed the House of Representatives in April 2021, and is currently being discussed in the Senate, Senator Elizabeth Warren lead a Senate hearing posted to YouTube in June 2021. The hearing discussed CBDCs and how Blockchain tech would be incorporated at a Federal level. The path set out on in 2008 is finally starting to have repercussions; the American people must understand the changes that are coming, for better or worse.

Tokens on the Blockchain would allow for the creation of the stock market on the Blockchain, hedge funds and long or short trades would still be possible. However the number of shares of a stock could never be changed, preventing incidences like the GameStop short. A public video posted on YouTube recorded the almost 5 hour Federal hearing, where inefficiencies with the stock markets T1 or T2 settlement dates basically proved the shares were created in order to meet buying volume. This would never be an issue on The American Blockchain, the Tokens would be created at a predetermined rate and not allow this kind of market manipulation. The individual American would be able to access the stock market instantly regardless of how much money they have, and they could trust the Tokens because they run on The American Blockchain. NFTs would be anything that has value to an individual, as a former Realtor the first NFT use case I will present will be a real estate transaction and how NFTs will be adopted and incorporated into the real estate transaction. The NFT will record the parcel number, the limits of the property and structures on the property; it will include Title reports and easements on the property. It will be a full history of the property and eliminate many of the costs incurred during a real estate transaction. If a physical home or building is represented by an NFT the entire sale process of a home could be accomplished with far fewer 3rd parties. The NFT would move from the sellers wallet to the brokers wallet, a trusted 3rd party, the broker would work with a real estate agent and the seller. Once a buyer was found Coins would fund the broker’s wallet, either from a cash buyer or from a buyer getting a loan, the Coins in that case would come from a financial lender. The broker and real estate agent would write up the contract and have all parties agree, Coins would be sent to the seller and the NFT of the house would be sent to the buyer. Home inspections and appraisals would still be needed, however escrow companies, Title reports, many of the additional fees normally associated with a real estate transaction would no longer be needed. The information or security provided by these industries would be replaced by the security of the Blockchain.

This sounds bad for people in industries that will be replaced, however we must remember what a truly free economy is, it’s the secure transfer of information or wealth between individuals. If the people can’t trust the Blockchain code then they can’t trust transactions on that Blockchain. Inevitably a Blockchain will secure our information and wealth digitally. A great analogy would be horses and cars, most people in America do not ride a horse to work, simply because cars are available for purchase and they are more efficient. If an individual was looking to buy a house, would they spend extra money with a broker on escrow fees and Title reports, or would they use a broker that charges them less because less 3rd parties are involved. The inevitability is the cheaper faster more secure path would be the new standard. Those that did not adapt to the consumers needs would fail, leading to the eventuality that will be complete adoption of the Token and NFT asset class. Benefiting the individual with lower costs for services; also benefiting those companies that did adopt the NFT and Token Blockchain system. The use of Tokens and NFTs, either being traded like stocks, or information updates on NFTs, add transactions to the Blockchain. Transactions are put into blocks by the Pools, those blocks produce the Blockchain and the block rewards for the Pool. The use of Tokens and NFTs not only is inevitable, but also beneficial to individuals and industries that move or store digital information and wealth. It may be hard to understand, but imagine if everything you use or have today from a house that is represented by paper Deed; to a vehicle that has a metal license plate and paper or digital registration. All of it could be represented by NFTs, and paper stocks that a company issues would be Tokens, the list of assets, wealth, or information that could be represented by Tokens and NFTs is more than can be covered in this paper. If we break them into the fungible and non-fungible groups we have a better idea of the scope of use cases for Tokens and NFTs, when imaging current systems and the sensitivity of personal information involved in these systems remember Tokens and NFTs run on The American Blockchain. The code of this Blockchain is set up to reject invalid transactions, and to store the information in such a way that only you have access to it, and only you can give the access to allow someone to view that information. I will talk more about a digital ID NFT later in this paper, what follows is a short list of systems or things that could be represented by a Token or NFT… Token​​​​​​Non-Fungible Token Stocks​​​​​​Deed or Title for a home Tickets for events​​​​Vehicle pink slip and registration Coupon or discount for a product​​Identification card or driver license Gift cards​​​​​Medical records Airline ticket​​​​​City permits Hotel reservations ​​​​Government issued business license Bus passes​​​​​College degree

With so much information and wealth stored on the Blockchain it becomes easy to understand the need for that Blockchain to be absolute when it comes to invalid transactions; who controls the Miners and Pools of that Blockchain, and who controls the updates to the code of that Blockchain. It all plays a factor in how much of the information stored in the Blockchain, can be accessed by 3rd parties. The American Blockchain will be built from the underlying code up, if we focus at the code level to ensure the individuals freedom and privacy we will have a solid foundation to add use cases to the Blockchain, like Tokens and NFTs. If implemented correctly this American Blockchain will bring a bright future to the American people. If we allow a CBDC or any Blockchain to be ran at the Federal level of government we must ensure they do not give themselves access to change the Blockchain code or access the NFTs. Doing so would give the Federal Government unprecedented access and control over the individual’s information and wealth on the Blockchain. -JRO

The American Blockchain 3

The American Blockchain

The Blockchain is more than just the means of moving money or wealth on a secure network. It is a way to securely move information, at the code level; anything that that is already on a computer is already just code. Anything that is tracked on paper can be converted to digital code, it is the same basic idea we have for most things in our lives. A house has a Title or Deed, a vehicle has a pink slip and registration, these are paper representations for the things of value in our lives. The information or wealth you are trying to store is difficult, different States have different types of registration for everything from cars to boats to houses, and paper documents can be lost destroyed or stolen. Current digital versions of information, including any digital representation of a physical asset like a digital car pink slip, are not secure. Hacks happen all the time and the losses can be data or access and control to a private network. Coins are basically the Blockchain, the numbers of Coins there are and who currently holds them. It tracks the Coins every single time a Coin moves wallets, each Coins value is identical to another Coin. The creation of Coins is controlled by the code of the Blockchain, either a max limit, or some form of inflation is how Coins are made. Coins are typically divisible to 8 decimal places 1.00000000. Tokens can be built on a Blockchain; a Token is similar to a Coin however Tokens are built onto the Blockchain not into the Blockchain code. Tokens are representations of information or wealth; they are stored on the Blockchain and follow the Blockchain code. However Tokens can be created at anytime and attached to some form of wealth or information on the Blockchain, the information or wealth are all equal. They must be traded at a 1 for 1 value; they are also divisible to 8 decimal places 1.00000000. Non-Fungible Tokens can also be built onto the Blockchain; NFTs as they are called are still Tokens. Each Token is unique; they are valued based on the information stored in the NFT. Most NFTs would not be divisible, however because the NFT is just code it can be split if written into the code of the NFT. Tokens and NFTs run on the same Blockchain as the Coin, so the Blockchain would be what protects all information and wealth stored in the Tokens and NFTs. The Miners, Pools, and Nodes run the network or Blockchain, however the blocks they verify are just hashed code on the Blockchain, they have no real access to any of the information on the Blockchain. Knowing the basic principles about Blockchain, we can start to imagine how we can safely transfer current wealth, information and assets to a safer more secure network. There are many use cases on the Blockchain, not all of them are good and not all of them are bad. What follows is an example of how Tokens and NFTs can replace every single major system for storing information and wealth we have today. It would not happen overnight and with Government support we could stream line the entire economy and help level the financial playing field for the American people To simplify things Tokens are a currency, they are traded at equal values and valued at an agreed upon rate, compared to the value of the Coin of that Blockchain. A simple comparison would be stocks, shares in a company that can be divided and traded at the current value of the stock; Blockchain is a 24 hour a day 7 days a week network. NFTs would be tied to physical assets or objects in the world, a Deed or Title to a house, a person’s medical records, the ‘start’ code for the owner of a vehicle. Because all these would run on The American Blockchain everything would be secure and transactions would be trusted to be authentic by all users. What follows are a few examples of how we will transition to the Blockchain, not everything will benefit everyone; however the wheels are in motion. Bitcoin itself can be traced back to the 2008 financial crisis; there are papers on Bitcoin’s open source code and the history of Bitcoin, this paper will not explain where Bitcoin came from. What the American people need to understand is the code it out there, if we don’t use it someone else will, this means a CBDC and/or The American Blockchain is not an ‘if’ but more of a ‘when’, and it all started 12 years ago. The rate of adoption for Bitcoin and other Blockchain Coins is growing fast, HR 1602 passed the House of Representatives in April 2021, and is currently being discussed in the Senate, Senator Elizabeth Warren lead a Senate hearing posted to YouTube in June 2021. The hearing discussed CBDCs and how Blockchain tech would be incorporated at a Federal level. The path set out on in 2008 is finally starting to have repercussions; the American people must understand the changes that are coming, for better or worse.

Tokens on the Blockchain would allow for the creation of the stock market on the Blockchain, hedge funds and long or short trades would still be possible. However the number of shares of a stock could never be changed, preventing incidences like the GameStop short. A public video posted on YouTube recorded the almost 5 hour Federal hearing, where inefficiencies with the stock markets T1 or T2 settlement dates basically proved the shares were created in order to meet buying volume. This would never be an issue on The American Blockchain, the Tokens would be created at a predetermined rate and not allow this kind of market manipulation. The individual American would be able to access the stock market instantly regardless of how much money they have, and they could trust the Tokens because they run on The American Blockchain. NFTs would be anything that has value to an individual, as a former Realtor the first NFT use case I will present will be a real estate transaction and how NFTs will be adopted and incorporated into the real estate transaction. The NFT will record the parcel number, the limits of the property and structures on the property; it will include Title reports and easements on the property. It will be a full history of the property and eliminate many of the costs incurred during a real estate transaction. If a physical home or building is represented by an NFT the entire sale process of a home could be accomplished with far fewer 3rd parties. The NFT would move from the sellers wallet to the brokers wallet, a trusted 3rd party, the broker would work with a real estate agent and the seller. Once a buyer was found Coins would fund the broker’s wallet, either from a cash buyer or from a buyer getting a loan, the Coins in that case would come from a financial lender. The broker and real estate agent would write up the contract and have all parties agree, Coins would be sent to the seller and the NFT of the house would be sent to the buyer. Home inspections and appraisals would still be needed, however escrow companies, Title reports, many of the additional fees normally associated with a real estate transaction would no longer be needed. The information or security provided by these industries would be replaced by the security of the Blockchain.

This sounds bad for people in industries that will be replaced, however we must remember what a truly free economy is, it’s the secure transfer of information or wealth between individuals. If the people can’t trust the Blockchain code then they can’t trust transactions on that Blockchain. Inevitably a Blockchain will secure our information and wealth digitally. A great analogy would be horses and cars, most people in America do not ride a horse to work, simply because cars are available for purchase and they are more efficient. If an individual was looking to buy a house, would they spend extra money with a broker on escrow fees and Title reports, or would they use a broker that charges them less because less 3rd parties are involved. The inevitability is the cheaper faster more secure path would be the new standard. Those that did not adapt to the consumers needs would fail, leading to the eventuality that will be complete adoption of the Token and NFT asset class. Benefiting the individual with lower costs for services; also benefiting those companies that did adopt the NFT and Token Blockchain system. The use of Tokens and NFTs, either being traded like stocks, or information updates on NFTs, add transactions to the Blockchain. Transactions are put into blocks by the Pools, those blocks produce the Blockchain and the block rewards for the Pool. The use of Tokens and NFTs not only is inevitable, but also beneficial to individuals and industries that move or store digital information and wealth. It may be hard to understand, but imagine if everything you use or have today from a house that is represented by paper Deed; to a vehicle that has a metal license plate and paper or digital registration. All of it could be represented by NFTs, and paper stocks that a company issues would be Tokens, the list of assets, wealth, or information that could be represented by Tokens and NFTs is more than can be covered in this paper. If we break them into the fungible and non-fungible groups we have a better idea of the scope of use cases for Tokens and NFTs, when imaging current systems and the sensitivity of personal information involved in these systems remember Tokens and NFTs run on The American Blockchain. The code of this Blockchain is set up to reject invalid transactions, and to store the information in such a way that only you have access to it, and only you can give the access to allow someone to view that information. I will talk more about a digital ID NFT later in this paper, what follows is a short list of systems or things that could be represented by a Token or NFT… Token​​​​​​Non-Fungible Token Stocks​​​​​​Deed or Title for a home Tickets for events​​​​Vehicle pink slip and registration Coupon or discount for a product​​Identification card or driver license Gift cards​​​​​Medical records Airline ticket​​​​​City permits Hotel reservations ​​​​Government issued business license Bus passes​​​​​College degree

With so much information and wealth stored on the Blockchain it becomes easy to understand the need for that Blockchain to be absolute when it comes to invalid transactions; who controls the Miners and Pools of that Blockchain, and who controls the updates to the code of that Blockchain. It all plays a factor in how much of the information stored in the Blockchain, can be accessed by 3rd parties. The American Blockchain will be built from the underlying code up, if we focus at the code level to ensure the individuals freedom and privacy we will have a solid foundation to add use cases to the Blockchain, like Tokens and NFTs. If implemented correctly this American Blockchain will bring a bright future to the American people. If we allow a CBDC or any Blockchain to be ran at the Federal level of government we must ensure they do not give themselves access to change the Blockchain code or access the NFTs. Doing so would give the Federal Government unprecedented access and control over the individual’s information and wealth on the Blockchain. -JRO

Not Every New Coin Is A Shitcoin, Let'S Buyshitcoin

In my opinion, see if new coins appear every year and see the project as a long-term investment. If you have the free money, you can risk your chances of buying a crappy coin by placing your selling position and getting the pumper or player on the trading platform to use the coin for you. I think investors have a different choice: they can invest in older coins over the long term and see the price rise over the long term.


Of course, it's nice to invest in dead coins when they generate a lot of hype and FOMO. In this way, you can indulge in positive pumping and choose the best coins. When you come to the party, when the coin starts pumping in the early stages, you can make a profit.

If you're willing to buy shitcoin because it's probably shit, there are a few ways to do it. The dirty money is to start a shit coin, use it and buy it when the price of the coin goes up because you have FOMO and you're a dummy on the way. An investment of $10 in a shitcoin, if it is still in its infancy, will print money for you when you need it, and I have seen this with many cryptocurrency groups like Sir Look at Cryptocurrency (MMM), which have fallen behind in raising investment.

Coin offers options to buy, sell, trade, convert and transfer your digital coins. Most use a paper wallet, but Litecoin is a cryptocurrency with potential exchanges that allow you to buy or sell yourself easily with the same account. The conversion of your cryptocurrencies into Fiat cash or cash into your money is supported, and you do not need a credit or debit card from a customer bank.

If you are a crypto expert and need a professional platform to manage your cryptocurrencies but are not ready to trade in real currencies, take advantage of the free plan. Use the free plan to get started managing your cryptocurrencies and learn how to trade a demo account.

In the 21st century, people around the world will pay you for your skills. Those who need a professional platform are good at trading cryptocurrencies, but are still on the rise and want to make the most of automated features.

Cryptocurrency is a businessman, and investing in shitcoins makes you a millionaire. Most of the gaz collect what they see, say baffkain transactions and contact dey on your phone today 24 low 24hours Injective protocol was 13dolls low 20dolls high imagine you have bagged 50 coins today and you wear 20k naira in crypto put and come out with cap this nonsense is not you read about the project you are investing in, see future coins like Bnb, ethereum and other coins and go buy There are only 5 coins available and it is funny to say that crypto is a money laundering.

We will be able to take more coins to more people and places, strengthen them and create more coins that will enable us to have dealers who use these coins and take us to a new level of cryptocurrencies and become the first choice of dealers. Money flows will be faster and simpler, and will not depend on governments switching from one single currency to another, or one coin to another. Onecoin is a cryptocurrency that has no release date anywhere in the world, and cannot be used by any company or state except Microsoft.

This one coin cryptocurrency, which has no release date, has more benefits than conventional money. Your coins are yours, they cannot be counterfeited, they are outside the control of a bank or financial institution, you have control over your money. This event will bring together leaders from all countries as a team. It will make you an écoin, it has the skin of a chicken and a lot of energy to conquer the world.

We have provided tools for you to sort, filter, list and highlight the features that are important to you. You can see the latest prices of Bitcoin, Universal Currencies, Cryptos and Altcoins listed below.

At the end of an action, many traders who bought top candles and left a large bag behind to buy currencies like Poloniex and Shapeshift turned to cryptocurrency shitcoins to pump up the benefits. In the end, the action of these traders was to buy these coins and turn the cryptocurrencies into Shitcoin pumps for a profit. Trade and investment in high-volume cryptocurrencies are well researched and promise low ceilings for coins above a certain volume threshold (e.g. 10% or 5%).

Sintaxis del Codigo (similar to JavaScript Y / C) is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange. ForkDelta is a decentralized platform that allows Shitcoin token owners to trade.

It is important to know that MetaMask is an Ethereum browser and supports ERC-20 tokens, including Shitcoin tokens. Open MetaMask in the upper right corner of your browser, navigate to the menu, click Add Token and then click Custom Token. Select the amount of Shitcoin or Shit tokens you want to withdraw into a connected MetaMask wallet.


Highlights: Saito X Gate.io AMA

Our CEO & Co-founder, Richard Parris, had an AMA with Gate.io on Telegram at 22:00 on June 14, 2021 (UTC+8). If your goal is to learn more about Saito Network, our vision for a scalable network capable of powering decentralized versions of Twitter, Facebook and Amazon without the need for predatory monopolies in the network layer, how we’re actually making that happen, read on.

1. Tell us about how you entered the crypto space and how your background contributed to your early successes.

David Lancashire and I have been involved in the Beijing technology scene since the early 2000s. David studied computer science, economics and Chinese in Toronto and Berkeley. I studied mathematics and philosophy at the university of Melbourne.

We both got into the Beijing Bitcoin scene back in 2012 and 2013 and became friends at Beijing bitcoin events.

Back then the space was really undefined, would bitcoin be money or something more like web3? There were no forks and no Ethereum.

We met a lot of great people back then, many of whom are part of Saito or have helped along the way.

Most importantly the very idea for Sato was forged in WeChat groups and with early bitcoiners. Watching the bitcoin community split along the lines that eventually separated off BCH then BSV.

2. What is your project exactly and can you tell us more about your vision?

Our vision is massive scale, without sacrificing openness.

Saito is an open network layer that delivers web3 to users. Applications on Saito can run without closed plugins, private APIs and non-open infrastructure. Saito runs without an owner while funding the nodes that provide routing and user infrastructure for its own network and other public blockchains.

All this is powered by an entirely new blockchain design – Saito consensus.

Saito consensus is unique as it pays for what networks need to scale. By paying for nodes to collect fees from users and routing them into blocks, Saito consensus solves the biggest hurdle to open scaling – paying for large scale infrastructure without brining in corporate business models and web2 structures.

Saito is also more secure than PoS and PoW. Using collecting fees as ‘work’ eliminates the 51% and other economic attacks. Best of all Saito also has lower ‘gas fees’ as it is always cheaper per byte. Securing the network with routing eliminates payment for Mining or Staking, halving cost to users.

We are web3 through and through – and are working toward an open internet corporations cannot use their financial power of business advantages to exclude and control.

3. What are some of the major milestones you guys have hit so far and why are they important?

David convinced me to join him and co-found Saito in late 2017. He had some ideas and very early prototype software.

In 2018, we created legal entities, raised a seed round and got to building SAITO.

In 2019 we launched a test net. Tested and benchmarked it, and took what we learned and reimplemented the protocol.

In 2020 we launched a ‘canary network’ to explore building software on Saito. We built social, enterprise and gaming software on the network and have a growing community. Saito Networks have transmitted over 12 Million transactions.

Importantly, as part of building the games – we created a novel game engine. We proposed open sourcing this for the web3 community to the web3 foundation and received a grant for this in November 2020. This introduced us to a huge audience and continues to help the project.

Since then we have IDOed and launched an ERC20 token that makes it simple to buy and use SAITO. We have also set up partnerships with Crust network, Stack OS and Mixin and continue to support Skyepanda – a Australian/Chinese open marketplace project.

4. How has your community grown since you first launched?

The Saito community has been building since the launch of our first network. We have always tried to build software people can use – to help explain web 3 and how Saito supports it.

Of course the games were an early attraction and we have built up communities around these. This increased as we refined and improved the network and today creates 30 to 50k transactions per day on the network.

In April this year we added an IDO to this mix. This has catapulted the community forward and grown it immensely. We now have a growing telegram and twitter following as well as independent communities on reddit and discord.

We are starting an ambassador program, and working hard to include our community in everything we do.

5. Can you tell us more about your business model?

Saito itself does not have a business model – just like bitcoin and ethereum do not.

Saito has a simple but powerful economic model. Unlike Mining or Staking money does not flow out of the system. Instead a very powerful circular economy develops, where providers earn in SAITO and users either need to buy SAITO directly or get them from Advertisers etc to pay for services.

Saito’s token ecosystem is simple but powerful. Let’s use an example most people won’t think of when they think web3.

One of Saito’s great features is the ability to quickly create a light wallet in the browser. This is so simple it can be done – one per tab.

This creates a world where each tab creates a wallet that gets a small payment from an advertisement that funds the user’s browsing till the tab is closed. When the tab is closed the wallet can be destroyed. If the user does not mind being tracked a little they can send any remaining money to a permanent wallet. If they want complete freedom from tracking they can burn the few cents or donate it.

This solves many problems delivering the web3 promise of better privacy and user control of their identity and data. At the same time it creates a way for users to browse for free while doing that. And, creates a way to pay for services, like say listening to a song without signing up for anything.

Best of all because the ‘middle man’ is taken out of the relationship between the user and advertiser – the user gets much more benefit for their attention.

6. What are some of the competitors you’ve identified (crypto or non crypto) and how are you different?

There are many approaches to scaling in the blockchain space. Eth2/NEAR Protocal and to some extent Polkadot, choose sharding and optimisations. EOS/ICP/Polygon use controls on block production to speed things up. DAGs, Avalanche and other structures lose properties like universal broadcast (anyone can send anyone else a transaction without an intermediary).

Saito Consensus is different. Saito solves a critical piece of the puzzle, none of the above addresses. How do we pay for the high bandwidth network that massive scale requires without a volunteer network (bitcoin), Infura (ethereum), google, amazon or tencent stepping in.

As a blockchain network, rather than a blockchain ledger or evm, Saito is alone in offering a solution for open infrastructure at massive scale.

The projects mentioned above are competitors for ‘mind space’ but we believe over time people will come to see their ultimate success as dependent on Saito based solutions to infrastructure for the open web.

7. Where are you heading in the next few years and what are the next major updates for you?

Community growth. Usage continues to grow on our canary network and we will continue to grow this ahead of main-net. This is key to providing an audience and users to developers.

Developer on-boarding. We are working hard to extend and improve the on-boarding experience for developers wanting to create aps and businesses on Saito.

Partnerships form a huge part of Saito’s growth model. We have great existing partnerships and will continue to expand these to

8. What have you thought of the recent price action?

I am incredibly enthusiastic about what we have seen from the market and think we are stepping into a phase we have not seen before.

We had a ‘frothy’ peak driven by memecoins and pure hype that drove the market to unsustainable levels with unsustainable speed. We have seen a correction – but not a crash.

This is great news for projects, like Saito, with great fundamentals. All that ‘noise and heat’ has attracted a lot of new people to get interested in blockchain and associated technologies and developments.

That audience is educating itself and looking for value and real innovation. This has laid a great foundation for Saito over the coming year.

9. How do you feel about the industry at the moment and where do you think you fit in?

It is so hard from ‘the inside’ to understand how new and experimental things still are.

Defi, is the ‘vanguard’ of innovation and experimentation. It’s not all perfect but it is a We great way to see what is possible to me.

To me, Defi is to web3 what internet banking is to the internet. An important part of the whole – but only a small part. Everything we do online is moving toward disintermediation – getting rid of the middle-men that charge fees, and require complete control in exchange for access.

The business models, and services and tools that are possible when that happens are still not fully imaginable. For us ‘old timers’ we all remember that feeling – the first time we sent bitcoin, and realised that we didn’t need permission from anyone.

That is coming to all of our online experiences.

Saito supports developers to create open business models for their apps and services, and users by keeping the network cheap and open.

Saito is the perfect partner for parachains, and other layer one blockchains letting them scale their user facing services efficiently, by taking transactional data and bandwidth off chain.

Bitcoin will be the end of me: Part 1

Present Day

I am ready to die soon. I have a concrete plan on how to kill myself. I bought a water pump machine for $500. All I need is to buy a tent or rent a storage unit for 1 month. I got this idea from the HBO’s documentary called “I Love You, Now Die: The Commonwealth v. Michelle Carter”. My death will be painless, carbon monoxide poisoning will just feel like I am falling asleep. This could sound stupid, but the only reason why I am still alive is because I am curious who will win the NBA playoffs and the Euro Cup. Once those tournaments are over I plan to kill myself. I have been wanting to do this for the last 20 years and now I am finally brave enough to go through with it. They said, “It will get better.” This was a cruel lie that was ever told because I’ve been suffering since I was a child.

The Great Run

In 2017-2018 I turned 1K to 162 in just 3 months. It was unbelievable and I thought I was destined for greatness. I thought it would go on forever and I would be insanely rich. I was working 16 hour days but it felt great to make so much money every single day. But something very bad would happen....we'll get back to this. Let’s go back to 2016 first.

10 Jobs in 1 year

In 2016 I was dead broke and didn’t know what to do with my life. I figured it was time to get a job and fall into line with everyone else in society. But it seemed like with every job that I had, I would ultimately become depressed and quit my job. I went through this vicious cycle about 10 times that year. The amount of time, energy and effort used to find these jobs was enormous, it was such a defeating moment when depression kicked in and it was unbearable. There was this feeling of hopelessness. I was also taking an anti-depressant called Wellbutrin, which greatly contributed to my troubles at my workplace. It made me feel anxiety and irritability. I remember one time this one co-worker who’s been working there for 12 years, scolded at me in front of everyone in the office because I had called a customer of his. The thing is my job was to call the clients to remind them of an upcoming event, I checked the account call logs and there was simply no data entered in. It was simply HIS mistake and this motherfucker was yelling at me? Hellllll fucking no. I yelled straight back at him, I really didn’t give a fuck. The irony was that I was still within my 3 month probation, but I have this crazy mentality of really not giving a fuck. I am not going to trade my dignity for a bit of money. Fuck that. Needless to say I caused more trouble in the office for weeks later and eventually was fired. I went through a few more jobs but ultimately it was the same situation, I would either get fired or would quit.

Making Money in GTA and real life

Then I said fuck working for the man and proceeded to play GTA V for months. I would play 16 hours a day and just grind out for GTA $ to buy in-game apartments, cars and clothes. But after a while I figured I should try to go make some IRL money. So my next big idea was to make websites that would share porn and video games. I found an off-shore web hosting provider and they told me they take payments using prepaid credit cards or bitcoins. At the time the price of 1 Bitcoin was about $1000. But the thought about meeting some random dude and paying him in cash was sketchy AF. So I went to Walmart and bought about $1000 worth of prepaid credit cards, the fees on these cards were very high. A few months later I realized I was not making enough progress from my websites. My cousin then told me the price of graphics cards were very expensive because of the crypto miners buying up cards. At the time the price of ETH was crashing and it was about $190 USD in July 2017. In that very moment I remembered Warren Buffer’s quote about buying when people are fearful, so I decided to go all in on crypto. I remember withdrawing all $7000 in my account and went to a Bitcoin ATM machine. But the quote on the website was different on the machine, it was much more expensive so I decided not to buy at that moment. The next day the price of OMG went from $1.50 to $2.00. I felt tremendous FOMO so I found a LocalBitcoins trader and officially bought Bitcoin at $2900.

The Great Run….Continued

Tether Chain Swap Fraud. Non Existent Burns.

Why Tether’s Recent Chain Swap Indicates Fraudulent Activity

In recent years, cryptocurrency prices have benefited from the increasing adoption of “stablecoins”, a surrogate for fiat currency which have increased market liquidity and made trading of cryptocurrencies more accessible to retail investors. The largest of these “stablecoins” is Tether (also known as USDT) which has the third highest market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies at approximately US$62.6 billion[1], almost half of which has been generated in the past six months.

Although not necessarily well known, USDT is integral to cryptocurrency markets as it facilitates and enables a large portion of daily liquidity, particularly on unregulated exchanges. This can be demonstrated by looking at the volume of USDT that is traded on a daily basis, which is often larger than the trading volume of either Bitcoin or Ethereum.

As USDT’s value is “pegged”, it is often overlooked because, for investors, it is an intermediate step for turning the US Dollar into cryptocurrency investments. However, with USDT’s ever expanding role in providing liquidity in cryptocurrency markets and its deeper integration into the cryptocurrency ecosystem, it is extremely important for them to conduct their business transparently and with integrity as they are effectively custodians for US$62.6 billion of client monies, which includes your money as USDT is widely used on exchanges such a Binance and, more recently, Coinbase. If, as this article seeks to assert, the value of USDT is likely to be less than the market’s current valuation this has a significant impact on all parties that either hold or interact with third parties that hold USDT, including the exchanges. If exchanges such as Binance, who hold at least USDT17.1 billion[2], are heavily exposed to USDT and it effects their solvency this has a direct implication on your ability to withdraw your funds and your assets, potentially losing vast sums.

This article draws attention to recent events that, in our opinion, unequivocally demonstrate that Tether are deceptive, fraudulently maintaining the value of USDT to the US Dollar and that their actions are a direct threat to the value of your investments.

Key Takeaways:

- In May 2021, Tether performed a chain swap which resulted in a net increase of USDT1,000,000,000 to the total supply of USDT, contradicting statements made by Tether and its Chief Technical Officer which advised that total USDT supply would not change as a result.

- Tether and its Chief Technical Officer have demonstrably lied, artificially creating unbacked USDT with an equivalent value of US$1,000,000,000.

- If USDT is not 100% backed by Tether’s US Dollar reserves, the value of the USDT peg of 1-to-1 to the US Dollar is fraudulent.

- If you have sold your cryptocurrency for unbacked USDT you have, to some degree, given your cryptocurrency away for free or at least for a significantly lower value than you believe.

[1] https://coinmarketcap.com/

[2] https://wallet.tether.to/richlist


Tether issues a “stablecoin”, also called “Tether” or “USDT”, which is purportedly pegged 1-to-1 with the US Dollar (US$) and acts as a surrogate US Dollar on a number of exchanges throughout the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Tether is integral in providing liquidity in cryptocurrency trading, particularly on unregulated exchanges, on the fundamental premise that each USDT is always redeemable for 1 US Dollar. In order for this to be achieved, Tether’s reserves must be fully backed by stable, low risk and liquid assets that can be exchanged for US Dollars easily such that they can meet requests for US Dollars on demand from customers. The important part to note, for this article, is that USDT must be fully backed by assets for the 1-to-1 peg to be maintained and the “minting” (creation) of each USDT must follow the receipt of 1 US Dollar by Tether, a principle that Tether claims to abide by[3].


In circumstances where a USDT is created without a corresponding US Dollar, this dilutes the value of USDT against the US Dollar and should negatively impact the peg of 1-to-1. In our consideration, a recent event unequivocally demonstrates that USDT has been created without corresponding US Dollar inflows – a narrative that can be shown on the blockchain and through statements made on Twitter by both Tether and its Chief Technical Officer (“CTO”), Paolo Ardoino.

Chain Swap

USDT is centralized and created by the “Tether Treasury” then issued on two different blockchains, the TRON blockchain (“TRC20”) and the Ethereum blockchain (“ERC20”), as at June 10, 2021 TRC20 held approximately USDT32 billion and ERC20 held approximately USDT31 billion for an aggregate circulation of approximately USDT63 billion.

A chain swap occurs when parties wish to move an item, such as USDT, from one block chain to another and should not have any impact on the total amount of that item across both blockchains. On a personal level, this is analogous to transferring cash between your personal bank accounts, it changes the amount held in each individual bank account but does not positively or negatively impact the total cash held by the individual (assuming there are no charges for such transactions).

Tether announced that it would be performing a chain swap of USDT3 billion from TRC20 to ERC20 and that the total supply of USDT would not change during the process:

[3] https://tether.to/


On the same date, Paolo Ardoino, Tether’s CTO, confirmed the chain swap and advised that it would happen in three separate transactions of USDT1 billion:


At the end of the day, Paolo Ardoino then summarized the transactions that took place as part of the chain swap, as shown below:


In summary, the above statement made by Paolo Ardoino details that Tether authorised the creation of USDT3 billion on ERC20 and destroyed USDT2 billion on TRC20. The net result of the chain swap therefore results in an additional USDT1 billion being in circulation, which can be confirmed by the “TRONSCAN” blockchain analyzer[4], relevant extracts of which are below:


The above screenshot shows the amount of USDT across TRC20 and ERC20 before the chain swap occurs, the aggregate balance is USDT61,910,478,984.


The above screenshot shows the amount of USDT across TRC20 and ERC20 after the chain swap is performed, the aggregate balance is now USDT62,910,478,984 an increase of USDT1 billion.

However, after the chain swap is performed, Paolo Ardoino states that there will be an additional “burn” (destruction) of USDT1 billion on TRC20 the following day which, if performed, will result in the net impact on USDT in circulation being zero and consistent with Tether’s statement that the total USDT supply would not change.

[4] https://tronscan.org/#/token20/TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t/analysis


As at today’s date, being June 10, 2021, the USDT1 billion that Paolo Ardoino stated would be burned the following day has not taken place and the total supply is USDT62,905,955,597 or a reduction of only approximately USDT4.5 million compared to the USDT1 billion promised:



If the USDT supply is greater than the value of Tether’s US Dollar reserves, then USDT cannot reasonably be expected to maintain its peg of 1-to-1 to the US Dollar because if all individuals were to redeem their USDT, Tether would have insufficient assets to pay those redemptions, rendering it insolvent. It is critical to understand that drawing a comparison to banks holding fractional reserves is not appropriate or equivalent because the amount of reserves held by a bank does not dictate the value of the US Dollar in the foreign exchange market. If a bank is unable to meet its liabilities and becomes insolvent, this impacts its share price and the credit worthiness of its debt, not the value of the US Dollar. However, the value of Tether’s reserves will have a direct impact on the value of USDT in a properly functioning, transparent market.

As a result, if USDT supply is greater than Tether’s US Dollar reserves, any party receiving USDT in exchange for their cryptocurrency is, in effect, selling their cryptocurrency for less than fair market value because the USDT they have received is overvalued.

One can make the argument that, where the USDT supply is only marginally higher than Tether’s US Dollar reserves, the risk is relatively minimal. However, if the USDT supply is substantially bigger than Tether’s US Dollar reserves this poses a significant risk to any party holding USDT at the point in time that it is discovered.

As an example, if you were to trade an item of value for gold worth US$10,000, that gold has a value on the spot market which can be publicly viewed at any time. As you believe the gold bar to be genuine, you accept an amount of gold equivalent to US$10,000 in reference to the current spot price for the item of value. However, when you go to a gold dealer to convert the gold in to US Dollars, the gold dealer tests the gold and discovers it is, in fact, primarily copper with a gold casing and the gold dealer then offers you the spot price for the gold casing and copper, which equates to US$1,000. This would have the effect of you selling your item, valued by you at US$10,000, for US$1,000, a 90% decrease.

This is the overriding concern with USDT and Tether, USDT has the appearance of being equivalent to 1 US Dollar, however, upon further inspection it is highly unlikely that is true because USDT has been created without US Dollar inflows to back the creation.


Tether and its CTO announced that there would be a chain swap which would not impact the total supply of USDT and that this transaction would take place over two days.

The transaction that took place on the first day and resulted in a net increase of USDT1 billion to Tether’s total supply. The second transaction that was supposed to take place the following day to offset the additional USDT1 billion created did not take place. This sequence of events demonstrates that Tether and its CTO, Paolo Ardoino, lied as the transactions they stated would have no impact on the USDT in circulation in fact increased the total USDT in circulation by USDT1 billion with no genuine US Dollar inflow to support that creation.

The question that must then be asked is, if there has been a net increase of USDT1 billion which was not supposed to happen (as per Tether and its CTO’s own statements), how is this USDT1 billion supported by US$1 billion in reserves as the additional creation of USDT is supposed to come from external inflows of US Dollars from parties wishing to exchange those US Dollars for USDT and trade on cryptocurrency exchanges. Tether’s claim that each USDT is backed by reserves is therefore fraudulent.

To draw this back to a real life example, this is the equivalent of transferring US$3,000 from Personal Account A to Personal Account B and the balance of Personal Account A only being reduced by US$2,000 whilst the balance of Personal Account B being increased by US$3,000, making you US$1,000 richer. This would of course be a pleasant surprise to you as an individual, but it does not happen.

The really concerning thing is, if Tether and its CTO are prepared to publicly lie so brazenly about the creation of unbacked USDT, what else are they prepared to lie about? The one-page pie chart demonstrating Tether’s “unrivalled transparency” looks even less credible than it did before.

[1] https://coinmarketcap.com/

[2] https://wallet.tether.to/richlist

[3] https://tether.to/

[4] https://tronscan.org/#/token20/TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t/analysis

Theory Crafting - Hyperinflation

Ok so let me preface this by saying I really don't think the US will enter a hyperinflationary state anytime soon (if at all). I thought this could be an interesting conversation around something that most likely nobody here has ever experienced, so it's not really "advice", it's more theory-crafting. If you HAVE experienced this please let us know how, whether you owned RE or not, etc.

So how would you handle a hyperinflationary event with your RE portfolio? It would switch from profit making to survival mode, so that you come out the other side roughly the same way you went into it.

Here are some examples of how I thought I would handle this:

- Switch all my leases to month-to-month so that I can continually raise rent every month not to make a profit, but to continue to afford the cost of labor and materials for maintenance.

- Consider collecting rent in different assets rather than cash, such as gold or Bitcoin.

- Consider not having tenants at all once the mortgage is quickly paid off to prevent unnecessary expenditures.

These are just some examples. What are some ways you've thought about handling this?

Team Safemars or Simply Don’t Buy

Seeing lots of lost hope in this coin and negativity. We’re talking about a coin that hit an ATH in April and pumped again in May. The entire market crashed that’s the reasoning for the massive dip just like every other coin. If you secured gains from either pump congrats but what do you have to loose buying at this price right now??? Plus HODLers gain more coins. The ATH is .00000229 and it’s sitting at .00000012(hasn’t been this low since it’s debut in March 2021) Safemoon didn’t event get a full second pump. This coin is 40x cheaper. This is no SHIBA either, it doesn’t have a big exchange that it’s listed on and it isn’t followed by DOGE. So the pump will take time. But with Bitcoin trending up look for another pump by the end of this month. There was just another burn of the $14K worth of coins and the team continues to burn coins.

If you lost hope or are not interested just don’t follow this Subreddit.

⭐️💥⭐️ ZerosKiller - FairLaunch , Just Launched ! ⭐️💥⭐️

⭐️💥⭐️ ZerosKiller - FairLaunch , Just Launched ! ⭐️💥⭐️

We are a bunch of normal people just like you, with hopeful dreams of making it big some day. Our lives were affected as badly as were yours, and we were as confused, frustrated, annoyed, and upset at all that was happening around us. We started looking for answers to the mess that the world was slowly sinking into from the beginning of 2020.


🔥 6% Automatically BURN! 🔥 2% Distributed to holders 🔥 2% Liquidity Pool.

🌟 Owner - Renounced. 🌟 Liquidity LOCKED .

✨ Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000

✨ MarketCAP: 20k CONTRACT: 0x58fbdb948f38513025da51823b201a45cf9a8357

☁️ Website: zeroskiller.com 🌥 Twitter: https://twitter.com/killer_zeros ⛅️ Telegram: ZerosKillerChat

Who are we?

We are a bunch of normal people just like you, with hopeful dreams of making it big some day. Our lives were affected as badly as were yours, and we were as confused, frustrated, annoyed, and upset at all that was happening around us. We started looking for answers to the mess that the world was slowly sinking into from the beginning of 2020.

Unsurprisingly, however, we could not find what we were looking for. The rapidly growing and widely impacting financial debacle was knocking against our heads, forcing us to think about the false world that we live in. A world where power exists only in promises.

When we had had enough, we got together and thought of creating something that could find a common ground between our ideology and the growing distrust of central governments amongst common people.

The answer was ZerosKiller.

What is ZerosKiller?

It is a token that finds its value from the community that supports it – the community that includes people like you and us driven by a single purpose.

Our motive with ZerosKiller is – as probably the name suggests – kill the zeroes that traditional investors and bankers keep saying cryptocurrencies will fall down to.

We plan to do this by immediately burning 50% of the total supply of the token when it is released. From each transaction, 6% supply is automatically going to be burned. 2% each will be directed to liquidity pool so that people can take their profits from it and to “hodlers” so the value of the tokens they hold sees an increase.

We also aim to develop our own wallet as the community matures so that people can easily transact ZerosKiller on our decentralized platform.

What is a community token?

A community token is a token whose value comes from the community that supports it. We believe that for everything blockchain-related, it is the community that powers things forward. Adhering to the tenet of decentralization, we know that it is hard to establish a system that does not fall under the traditional financial structure.

A community token gives power to its creators – people like us who must be the true recipients of decentralized finance.

Let’s suppose that you are a designer who talks about their designs in a weekly YouTube video. The motive behind that is to share your experiences as a designer and talk about the different approaches you take when conceptualizing and designing your work. You know that you are providing tons of value to the people who are religiously consuming your content. However, there is one problem.

And that problem is the fact that YouTube takes away 45% of the revenue that you make from streaming ads. While that may not seem a lot, but for someone like you who is probably putting in a lot of effort in scripting, shooting, and editing the videos and generating such a huge amount of value for the viewers in the process – you’d naturally feel cheated when you’d realize that for a net income of $1000, you only get $550.

This is where the concept of community tokens comes in. When you create a token for yourself or the brand that you run, you are ensuring that your content is accessibly only to those people who buy your tokens. So, if you are one of my favorite YouTubers, then I am willing to purchase your token because I appreciate the value that you give me.

In return, I am paying you for it by buying that token. You can obviously keep that token in limited supply so that there is an organic rise in the value of that token.

This is what true decentralization and power-to-the-people really means. We are not focused on creating a system that loots you off of your money, unlike the scam ICOs of 2017 – in fact we devasted by the centralized financial systems and we desire to foster a community that is able to support its members and nurture organic growth.

Our Vision

It is quite simple and straightforward – to bring together that community of people that are mostly upset with the way centralized financial structures tend to reserve profits to themselves. Historical events in global financial systems such as the Great Depression of 1929 – 39 and the GFC of 2007 – 200 are evidence that the very systems that assure us of financial security are looting us off of our money in every way possible.

On papers, everything looks rosy and beautiful, but the reality is that banks are issuing loans at high interest rates and levying extraordinarily high taxes on our income.

And even we are promised of “tax cuts” – they never really do happen because the tax brackets change! Let us understand this clever method.

Let us suppose that I am earning roughly $25,000 a year. With that income I fall under the 12% tax bracket. In this case, I am paying roughly $3,000 a year in taxes. So, I have an income of $22,000 a year.

Suddenly my boss comes to me one day and says that I have been doing extraordinarily well over the past couple years and he wants to give me a massive raise. He suggests raising my annual income to $45,000.

With that income, I fall under the 22% income tax bracket. Thus, I pay a total of $9900 each year to the government in taxes. This means I am left with only $35,000. Thus, even though on paper my income has increased by $20,000, in reality the increase is only of $10,000 or 40%.

And, given the ever-increasing costs as a result of growing inflation, the amount of money that I actually save only slightly increases as compared to my original savings with a salary of $25,000.

This is just one example of how we, the common people, are signing most of our income away to a pool of liquidity whose benefits are directed routed to centralized financial structures and a few people in power. These are the problems with the current financial system. They can be worse in some countries, or only slightly better in others.

But, situations like these are what bother us the most and make our blood boil. If we are to do all the hard work and toil all throughout our life – then why should we not get adequately compensated for it monetarily?

But that never happens. Instead of that, we are shown dreams of someday having that life that is often shown in movies. Unfortunately, for many of us, the glorious lives that social media (the new-age cinema) and its raging influencers display today is one that can only be afforded to 1% of the population in the world.

If things are going the way they have been going for the past several years, then we are going to end up being the mess that millions of people before us found themselves in in a hundred years ago.

Our Principles

We believe in four core principles that set us apart from everyone else.

Financial inclusion

This is the central principle of blockchain – one that has been positively used to show light to hundreds of thousands of people who do not have access to a traditional banking system because they hail from a lesser-known or hugely-criticized community that gives no overall value to country they reside in.

We detest this belief and do everything in our power to create a community that welcomes everyone from around the world. Like blockchain, we really do not care where you are from. What we do care about is you want to be a part of our community.

Global Community

This principle is admittedly an extension of the first principle – financial inclusion ensures that people from all over the world are being able to be a part of the growing community around decentralized finance and its varying applications.

We want this community to grow by supporting each other and by believing the central guiding tenet that we have now set in stone for ourselves and the community.

Shared Prosperity

Any talk about a growing community sharing profits commensurately must have a detailed explanation about how the profits are shared. We have already done this above, sharing our plan for the development of the coin.

When you hold the coin with the belief that is the basis of the community that we are building to ensure that any argument made by the traditional men-in-black government officials against the “volatility” of cryptocurrencies can be dismissed as false.

By the Community for the Community

This coin has been created by a community of disgruntled-with-the-government people who truly believe in decentralized finance. As such, there is no one person or authority exhibiting any uncontrolled prowess over the price of the coin.

The value of ZerosKiller coin is derived by us. The reason why we believe that our coin is truly a zero killer is because it’s value comes from shared understanding and trust between the participating members.


If you were to ask a conservative investor about the price and volatility of bitcoin and seek advice for investment, they would dismiss you right away: “It’s bound to fail”. If you were to argue with them about the reasons why they think it’s going to fail, and they will never be able to come to you with data or facts backing their claim.

Bitcoin, although being a highly volatile asset, has seen an astronomical growth each year since it was introduced. Yes, it experienced the investor’s dilemma and faced the wrath of some government officials trying to shed bad light on it. But the truth is that it has stood the test of time.

This indicates that there is a growing community of people who are unflinchingly placing their trust in this often-alleged-for-speculation asset.

Even if we were to keep aside the monetary value of cryptocurrencies, look at how many careers are being generated in this space. 2020 was one of the first year when LinkedIn reported most recruiters looking for employees with a specialization in blockchain.

Look at the number of exchanges that have since propped up in every corner of the world. Look at the number of YouTube channels talking about cryptocurrencies. Look at the number of news websites talking in detail about it. Look at what Ethereum’s blockchain has done for NFTs, or what the 2.0 update promises for micropayments and scalability.

When you put the effort to look around, you’ll notice that an entire ecosystem of decentralized finance is being made right under the nose of the traditional financial structures. It is only a matter of time when both of them will come head-to-head and one will eventually fall.

We will be here, fighting for our beliefs and supporting our community.

Get your slice of BitcoinPizza $BTCP

BitcoinPizza is starting a new journey.

Get you slice of it on: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0211a2c90d9365c785371cf6514d12eb947635c5

The tokens were minted: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xef4a4ce894af756172244345cdfad934c0e39a087bd7c7914c207c5bfa969dd3

Locked to PancakeSwap:


And burned:


Now there are only 10000 BTCP tokens left. Grab some for yourself.

For now its just a memecoin honoring the first purchase done with Bitcoin.

But in the future we want to do good with it. For example Bitcoin Restaurant NFTs that would support Bitcoin Pizza day comunity events and such. You can ask me anything.

HUT8(HUT) new to Nasdaq today (UNDERVALUED)

Author: u/Trendtrader777(Karma: 933, Created: Jan-2021).

HUT8(HUT) new to Nasdaq today (UNDERVALUED) on r/stockmarket

HUT 8 will have explosive growth in the coming days and months. Hut 8 is a crypto mining company in Canada which jus LISTED ON NASDAQ TODAY!

With Bitcoin becoming legal tender in El Salvador

and on track to become legal in other countries (Paraguay coming soon), this is the beginning of mass adoption. First by countries who have been decimated by the US Dollar, then by the bigger countries. There's a reason the US and China are spreading FUD about Bitcoin and coincidently release coins they control. They want 100% control of the monetary supply, at the expense of the population.

This is the beginning of a revolution and we are living in it.

Obviously, with mass adoption, the price will increase as people begin to realize the legitimacy and buy more BTC. First it becomes an accepted standard store of value and then it becomes a medium of exchange. Crypto miners, especially those that hodl their BTC, which Hut 8 does, are going to reap significant rewards.

Comparing Hut 8 to two other miners who are listed on US exchanges, there's a significant value gap.

Hut 8 (HUTMF) vs. Crypto Miners that trade on NASDAQ

Hut 8RIOTMARAShare Price (USD)4.0531.4126.14Market Cap (USD)486.14M3.014B2.60BTrailing P/E7.8721.97 (forward P/E)36.36Gross Profit (Q1 2021)12,13015,663-45,659BTC on Balance Sheet (Q1 2021)3,2711,7715,324*

\MARA purchased ~4,800 BTC for $150 Million to bolster their holdings, but it has also hurt their balance sheet for the time being.*

There are many other crypto miners out there, but these are the big ones that I'm going to compare. Hut has hodl'd pretty much all the BTC they've mined from the get go. They insist on keeping BTC on the balance sheet and using it as leverage to generate fiat to pay for expenses.

Hut 8 has a solid balance sheet and is garnering institutional interest as they strive to be ESG compliant. They recently signed a deal to capture wasted energy with Validus Power to power their rig and hired a head of sustainability who's responsible for meeting institutional ESG standards. Once that happens and institutions are on board, money will flow in. Kevin O'Leary mentioned Hut 8

(go to 17:30 on the link) the other day. It's on their radar.

Hut's diversification of their revenue streams is also noteworthy. Not only are they mining BTC, but they are mining Ethereum using their new NVIDIA CMPs which are expected to be fully deployed by August 2021. Their payout will be in BTC and with the current difficulty rates, this will result in 3.357 BTC mined per day

. They also are getting into hosting in order to further diversify revenue streams.

China's ban on crypto miners using non-renewable energy in various provinces has lowered the network difficulty, meaning that companies like Hut will be able to mine more BTC per day than they estimated previously. Below, you can see a 16% decrease in difficulty and an additional estimated 5.6% drop next (source



BTC Network difficulty charts

From Hut themselves: "Our philosophy is regular equipment refresh cycle; Avoid chasing giant capital balloons to roll over entire fleet; Refresh 25% every 6-12 months based on Bitcoin economics" (Link

). This ensures they have optionality in the market as new, more efficient equipment gets released.

One final point is about the price of BTC. If BTC were to hit $100k USD, which many analysts have predicted, then Hut 8's bitcoin holdings (as of March 31 - it's more now) would be just under 70% of their entire market cap. Excluding cash, plant and equipment value and other assets. For a bullish scenario, it is way undervalued.

Simply by being uplisted, I think that will close some of the gap we see. In fact, I think that Hut's methodical approach is one of the best out there and with time, rewards will be reaped. 🚀

Full Disclosure: I own shares of HUTMF.

TickerDatabase entries updated:

Ticker Price
NVDA 711.41
CMPS 37.87
EL 302.81
MARA 30.64
RIOT 35.03

Events are proving Dr. Craig right

Dr. Wright’s insistence that Bitcoin will scale has been proved right with increasingly spectacular numbers. #BSV #DRCraigWright #Bitcoin📷


Matt Huang ( Co-Founder Paradigm ) wins first-ever CryptoChamps.

Matt Huang the Co-Founder of Paradigm, an investment firm focused on cryptocurrencies, has won the first-ever CryptoChamps. The event was organized by Chess.com and sponsored by Coinbase. Matt defeated Surojit Chatterjee, Chief product manager, Coinbase.

With his victory, Huang earned $5,000, which he donated to the Bitcoin Development Fund of the Human Rights Foundation. While Chatterjee donated his $3,000 to Pratham USA's COVID Relief Fund for India. Huang after winning the event jokingly said that "A lot of people worry about crypto volatility, what happens if it all comes crashing down. Maybe I can have a backup career here".


Let’s get Technical 📰🤯 Crypto news, prices, trends, bnb bullish, and more!

Hey everyone! You all know how much I love a little light reading, and where better to get my fix than a little NEWS.

Bnb looking bullish? Analysts are saying YES, and hey, we like that - that’s always great for Ultrasafe!


Do you like charts? 🗺 do you like comparing charts? 🥸 do you like drawing on charts? ✍️ then this article may satisfy you!


And lastly - you know what says a lot about the future of the entire crypto market to me - when big money makes plays. A little look at what Goldman Sachs is up to, plus a recap on some significant recent events in the industry!


That’s all in Chook’s newsroom at the moment everyone 🏆 Always important to keep updated and aware of current affairs in all things crypto - we like to see positive news as always ☺️

I’ll even throw in an extra tid bit: Crocs Shoes went up 3% in the stock market last session. Shoutout to anyone here who somehow wears them 😂❤️

Here's how one young German dude is attracting a new type of cryptocurrency customer to his regular bricks and mortar business, one party at a time.

So I run this this little blog where I interview cryptocurrency people for shits and gigs, oh and the one time I got 5 cents from Medium. No but seriously, usually these guys are entrepreneurs hence posting in here.

Anyway, I stumbled across this dude u/evens2out over in r/Bitcoincash (excuse me if that is blasphemous here) from a post he made about how he had setup support for Bitcoin Cash (a type of cryptocurrency) and was now one of only 19 businesses in Germany to accept BCH. We got talking and he decided to do an interview.

The TLDR version of our back and forth goes along the lines of, u/evens2out runs an events business specialising in music and lighting, think lasers and DJ equipment, that kinda thing, out of Karlsruhe in Germany. He goes into quite a bit of depth about how he got started and what he does day-to-day if that is of any interest BTW.

He had some time on his hands what with governments shutting the world down due to Covid and decided he'd do a little looking into things so he setup a wallet through the Bitcoin.com-App and began offering his clients a 10% discount if they'd pay with crypto.

A potential customer came along somewhat interested, a few strongarm tactics later (JK) and the customer wound up with a new BCH wallet, a 10% discount and a couple bottles of smoke machine liquid, apparently what he really wanted.

Not exactly breaking news, I know, but I thought it was cool little story showing how small little changes in regular day-to-day business activities can add value and potentially bring a totally new channel of clients in.

Goes to show how easy it is to get folks setup using crypto for business as well.

If folks are interested here is the full interview.


A Warning About Crypto Savings Accounts

As crypto has grown in popularity, so have crypto savings accounts (but to a much lesser extent). The concept sounds amazing, the ability to get guaranteed double digit interest on your coins, but in reality it's much different.

First let’s talk about what a crypto savings account is not. The name is a bit of misnomer because it isn’t actually a savings account and shouldn’t be treated like one. They lack the regulatory protection associated with regular banks, specifically none of them are FDIC insured. Aside from the lack of FDIC protection, what are some of the other negatives associated with a Crypto Savings account?

  • Unlike traditional savings accounts, you will have to pay a fee every time you withdraw funds from you account along with a cap on the maximum amount of fund you can withdraw in a given period. While the caps are high enough that it would not affect most people, if you are placing a majority of your portfolio in crypto and need to use it for a large purchase, this could present a problem for you.
  • With the more popular coins, you interest rate will actually decrease with the more coins you have. The dollar equivalent where this threshold starts is typically around the six-figure mark which won’t affect many newer investors. But for those who are invested heavily in the crypto space this can be a substantial negative
  • For most of the crypto savings accounts, your interest will be paid back to you in the same coin that you deposited. So there if the coin you are invested in sees a significant loss in value, this could wipe out all of the interest you have earned
  • Another potential issue with crypto savings is that it requires you to transfer your private keys over to the business so they can lend out your currency. While many of the new crypto banks tout the high security, they use to protect your keys, you are still giving up control of your currency to someone else. Many of the crypto banks advertise the amount of insurance they have to protect your money, but if you go into the fine print you’ll see that the insurance only covers your money in the event of commercial theft or embezzlement. While top companies advertise the extensive fail-safes they have instituted to protect your funds through maintaining a baseline of crypto so you can withdraw at any given time along with the collateral they require to guarantee their loans, they have not yet experienced any massive string of defaults. Ideally, their systems would be able to handle such a situation, but it is still untested.

Now for the positives that crypto savings offer, and they are definitely appealing:

  • The returns offered easily beat out anything offered by traditional banks, and you would expect them based on the increased risk you take on.
  • For the majority of platforms, the interest offered will be the highest on stable coins, with relatively lower interest on the largest cryptos like Bitcoin and Ethereum. If you like to have a sizeable reserve of stable coins so you can buy into other cryptos when their value drops, this could be a great way to earn interest on your reserves in the meantime.
  • Some crypto savings accounts allow you to deposit US dollars without ever having to deal with buying and selling cryptos yourself. This is a great way for investors who want to diversify and reap some of the higher yields from crypto without having to buy and sell different cryptos on their own
  • Now is probably the highest interest rates we will see from crypto savings accounts. As crypto becomes more generally accepted and less volatile, interest rates on crypto will go down. So when does putting your money in a crypto savings account make sense?

As with anything related to crypto, because of the inherit volatility, you shouldn’t invest your entire portfolio or any money that you cannot afford to lose. So who are crypto savings accounts best for?

  • If you are new to crypto and want to dip your toe in the water without buying crypto yourself, the companies that allow you to only deal in US dollars are a great way to start reaping the higher yields immediately.
  • If you are a buy and hold investor of crypto, then putting your coins into a savings account is another way to maximize the overall return, but this still involves taking on another level of risk on top of the existing risk by being invested in crypto.