Monday, October 18, 2021


This subreddit is pretty bland right now I'm sick of all the "best cheat" posts and I'm ready to revitalize our interest in cheating and make it a bit exciting.


  • REGISTRATION: Fill out this form in order to register
  • TIME AND DATE: SATURDAY 18:00 EST AKA 6PM EST (If you don't know what that is in your time zone google is your friend)
  • DISCORD SERVER ( If you have any questions please ask them here I would rather not have my DM,s flooded
  • 50 person limit
  • Games will be half the length of a comp match with 15 rounds max first to 8 rounds
  • Failure to show up to match within 30 minutes is automatic disqualification
  • Server crashing = DISQUALIFICATION For both players


  • First Place will win $100 USD in bitcoin
  • Second Place will win $50 USD in bitcoin
  • Third Place will win a lifetime subscription to Romanian paste Plaguecheat

Shoutout to u/miskadev for hosting the server and moral support while setting up the tournament they've really helped me out more then I can put into words.


Gistcoin will put power in the hands of Creators and their online Communities. Gistcoin offers anyone with an online community to monetize their community without necessarily waiting for the social media Network to provide them the enablement. Gistcoin is on a decentralized platform completely governed by the community. This means that creators and their communities have unfettered control to use the Gistcoin social token across all social platforms.The goal of Gistcoin is to enable creators to unlock an economy around their community and to tap into new methods of monetization that work across multiple platforms. Not only does it create an engaged community who can tip with GistCoin and spend GistCoin to get exclusive access to content, special access, events, and merch, from content creators, it also enables creators to monetize their content in whatever way that pleases them. It’s not just about making money, but also building a loyal fanbase and rewarding them for their support with GistCoin. Creators and their community on Social Media Networks adopting the GistCoin are also able to earn weekly network community rewards in the form of Gistcoin when their community is highly engaged.We aim to provide utility, content and support for creators and users alike from the get-go. We will have a Creators and Users rewards program in place within the first 3 months of introducing the beta version of the GistHouse to the public.We will create our own GISTCOIN exchange where users can buy and sell GISTCOIN, Bitcoin and other major crypto currencies to and from each other. Users, called traders, create the request for buying and selling with the price they want to offer. Users can find traders buying and selling GISTCOIN, Ethereum, Bitcoin and other major cryptos online. User can trade GISTCOIN, Ethereum, Bitcoin and many other crypto currencies globally.

Bonus tokens for Website signup and/or token purchase! Details can be found here:

Official Link:









Everyone seems to think it's going to be THAT easy...

Everywhere I read and everyone I talk to seems to say the same thing, "ya bro, we'll pump until mid December and then I'm going to lock in profits and ride off into the sunset!"

Ok, I added the sunset part, but you get the point. Everyone and their grandma is planning around this Q4 doing the EXACT same thing as 2017's bull run did, but what if it doesn't?

I'll happily be wrong, but I think it's going to be different this time. How I don't know yet. Maybe the pump is quick and ends in mid-late November and on the first lower high when people are clamoring that it's about to break new ATH, it confirms that lower high and we begin the descent and signal the end of the bull run.

Or, maybe while every is happy to lock in their profits in mid December and begin telling everyone around Christmas dinners how much of a genius they are, the market just keeps fucking going. January, February, March, bull run still going and all sellers are FOMO'ing the fuck out. Ahhh, the coveted super cycle actually happened.

But hey, either of those outcomes are still green for the upcoming month(s), but then there's also the potential for the Wright/Kleiman case and the trust which holds an amount of Bitcoin you and everyone else in the world can only dream of. This court case is set to FINALLY end, and soon. Either way, it could add signify some selling pressure to BTC and subsequently the market.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, take the time to read this.

The author seems to believe that CSW is in fact Satoshi, or at least the original creator of BTC, but I'm not here to debate that at all (I have friends on both sides of the argument, personally), I just believe this has the most recent info for a person to read about the ordeal.

Here is some actual betting odds on the case (yes, it's a real thing).

Lastly, the whole world financially seems to be propped up by soggy toothpicks, so a major economic event could crash all markets, including our beloved crypto.

I'm not going to make a prediction about what will happen, but I will predict that SOMETHING is going to happen, whether it be one of the examples above or not, who knows? But, something other than repeating exactly 2017's finale will be my vague prediction.

I like my daily injections of hopium like the rest of you, but hopefully a little dose of thinking bigger than the color of your '22 Lambo will broaden your perspective moving forward.

Cheers and good luck!

Bitcoin ETF and @Apple Event | Mining Market Signal 🔴LIVE

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Amp’s long term “max” value? Take a seat as I attempt to calculate. Spoiler: trillions and even a quadrillion are involved, as well as the number $100

Curious, what are your longer term projections and potential point of ‘maxing out’ on Amp’s value?

So that’s almost an impossible question to answer, but I love a good challenge so let me try to tackle it. Disclaimer: obviously most of this is just hypothesizing and brainfarting.

The first thing to understand before anything else is that Amp is a collateral token. This means its marketcap will not merely signify value of investment capital in the project but also critically refer to the total value of collateral available to the Flexa payment protocol (though that amount will by nature always be less than the total marketcap).

Therefore we can look to several things such as general credit/debit card transaction volume/value as well as digital payments transaction value as a guide for how much value Flexa’s collateral (Amp) — and by extension overall marketcap value — should be worth at any given time. Visa alone has an estimated credit and debit transaction volume of about $30 billion daily. That’s just Visa. MasterCard would add another $10 billion daily to the total. Combined that would be nearly $15 trillion a year. According to certain sources payment transactions that are specifically digital amount to about $1.3 trillion in value a year. Strictly bitcoin transactions amount to about $3 trillion a year.

Because Amp is designed to be “flexible,” available to collateralize any asset transfer regardless of nature (though principally bridging digital assets to real world goods/applications), it’s safest to assume the total value of collateral at any given time would need to take into account both real world transaction volume as well as digital transaction value, including bitcoin txns as well as the txns of other crypto/digital assets. And while the $15 trillion a year includes credit transactions, which arguably is not exactly how Flexa is being utilized at the moment, consider the following remarkable data point: Visa’s 2020 annual debit volume was greater than its credit volume by nearly 50%, and that was a 20% increase in difference from the previous year ending in 2019 (Visa’s debit volume alone is nearly $7 trillion annually or roughly a little over $18 billion daily). In any case, for simplicity sake and to err on the side of [reasonably bullish] reality, let’s just go with the combined total (credit and debit, MasterCard included, but excluding exclusively btc and digital payments txns for now) of $15 trillion annually and $30 billion daily.

One more important data point for this admittedly haphazard analysis (as, among other things, I will for now ignore other potential use cases for collateralization that Amp [with or without Flexa] could one day be involved with such as securing more exotic/alternative/sizable asset transfers/transactions like real estate and complex loans). The total value or marketcap of the entire cryptosphere. It currently sits at around $2.5 trillion with bitcoin alone averaging just over $1 trillion. This data point is important because, presumably, crypto (or some form of it) will be the preferred currency utilized for Flexa/Amp collateralized transactions. Now consider that the current $2.5 trillion is expected to grow tremendously — actually, tremendously doesn’t quite describe it as the amount of growth, well, let’s put it this way ... it’ll either blow your mind to smithereens or you’ll immediately dismiss me as a lying charlatan; as alluded to in my most recent post, where institutional adoption has finally truly begun thanks to the organizing and galvanizing regulatory drive (led by the SEC first and next the actual federal government), and if the SP 500 having a total current value around $40 trillion is any indication, the crypto market can and will one day see a total combined value in the tens of trillions, and actually most likely even much much more, as in the hundreds of trillions not excluding even 1 quadrillion dollars (the total value of “money” in the world, based on some estimates, is in the quadrillions, and consider how the legacy markets have grown at least 2x every dozen years or so).

Ok ... with all that out of the way, now the fun part. I’ll add general time frames for reference (but it will probably still get messy and confusing). In the next 5 years, Amp’s total marketcap can realistically reach $1 trillion. Most definitely within 10 years (excluding the possibility of any black swan events for the world in general, crypto more specifically, and/or Flexa/Amp exclusively). Why $1 trillion? Well remember the aforementioned data regarding transaction volumes/values in a given day/year, as well as the projected marketcap of crypto broadly speaking. Also quickly consider that, of the circulating supply, not all Amp will necessarily be staked, so a marketcap of $1 trillion will not mean a total collateral value of $1 trillion but say around half less. Now in 5 years $1 trillion would equate to Amp at an average price of $15-18, considering an additional at least 12 billion or so will have been added to the circulating supply making it at least 60 billion. If 10 years is the time frame for a $1 trillion marketcap target, an additional 25 billion or so will have been added making the circulating supply around 70 billion; so in that case Amp could be trading at a little under $15. If someone were to be a little more restrained in their bullishness for Amp for the next 5 years, a $200-500 billion marketcap may feel a little more realistic, giving Amp an average price of about $5-6. (Someone even more conservative could target this price and corresponding marketcap in a 10 year timeframe.)

One thing I can almost guarantee, having written all of the above, is in 5 years Amp will in all likelihood have reached at least $2 with a marketcap of about $120 billion and a circulating supply of about 60 billion. For an investor, this would be the most conservative, realistic, minimum target in a 5 year timeframe — and in all honesty, to me this would signal the Amp project as having essentially failed.

But since you asked for “longer term” with the curious phrase “maxing out,” I’ll add the following. Within 25 years, the total supply will be fully circulating at about 100 billion; though, if you can imagine, with 6 more halvening cycles, bitcoin should have a market cap well over $100 trillion by then — like half a quadrillion. Seriously. And the entire crypto market cap could be easily in the hundreds of trillions — or actually more like one full quadrillion. This would be the reality of crypto essentially accomplishing its one in a quadrillion moonshot. And Amp, with its 100 billion circulating supply will definitely have surpassed a $1 trillion marketcap (by necessity as the protocol would fail if the total collateral value is not adequately greater than the minimum expected daily total transaction volume/value), giving it a minimum, extremely conservative value of $10; *a more realistic projection would give Amp’s marketcap a reasonable value of at least $10 trillion, which would put Amp at about $100 per token**.

So that’s my “long term maxing out projection” answer. In 25 years, with a circulating supply of 100 billion, Amp’s marketcap could realistically be worth at least $10 trillion with a single token trading at no less than $100.

\ \

“Proof of work”

Here’s my grossly oversimplified calculation logic ...

Consider the general current marketcap of the SP 500 ($40 trillion), and use it as a legacy parallel to crypto’s current marketcap ($2.5 trillion).

Consider in 25 years the SP 500 equaling over $100 trillion, as it has and could again 10x in 25 years. Likewise, the crypto marketcap led by bitcoin [sort of] has and [sort of] can again several hundred x in 25 years (“sort of”, because crypto is less than 25 years old, but has now 3 data points over about a 10 year period where it has consistently/consecutively increased at least 100x each time). So also consider the total crypto marketcap equaling $1 quadrillion in 25 years. (Yes it would have flipped the SP, not impossible nor a big deal).

Consider the total transaction volume/value for major legacy payment companies like Visa and MasterCard ($15 trillion annually, $40 billion daily).

Consider that potentially a little more than half but never 100% of Amp’s total marketcap will be staked. Also consider that presumably the total collateral value of staked Amp will likely have to be significantly greater than the expected daily total transaction value, so say 10x.

If in 25 years, total crypto marketcap is $1 quadrillion, roughly divide by 3 (because currently Visa and MasterCard’s worldwide annual transaction volume is about 1/3 the value of the SP 500’s marketcap. Now take that number (~$300 trillion) and divide by 365 to calculate the rough estimated daily crypto/digital transaction volume/value. About $900 billion. Now assume that the protocol will want total collateral value to be at least 10x the estimated daily transaction value. So $9 trillion. Now roughly multiply by 2 for good measure, considering not all circulating Amp will be staked for collateral (currently a little more than half of CS is staked). About $18 trillion. Finally, considering Flexa/Amp will likely not be the sole network powering crypto/digital transactions with its unique collateralization protocol (sorry maxis), divide roughly by 2. ~$10 trillion marketcap (where 1 Amp token equals $100 considering the total circulating supply of 100 billion). Whew.

\ \

**Bonus for the low vol-whitepaper pundits*

Considering bitcoin started out for all intents and purposes under $1 and has meaningfully surpassed $60k about 10 years later on its journey targeting perhaps $30 million in 25 years (so let’s say in the next 10 years bitcoin could hit $15 million), the fact that Amp would reach [only] $100 from an all time low of under 1/10 of a penny in the same time frame kind of does prove Amp’s white paper claim that it does function as relatively “low-volatility collateral.” Relatively. (Read with slight touch of sarcasm.)

In all seriousness, if you read the whitepaper, it becomes crystal clear low vol is referenced explicitly in the context of preventing sudden/steep price drops, that’s drops with a d, as in decreasing, as in low vol works to prevent nasty decreases, naturally, obviously ... not work against price increases no matter how sudden or steep (why would that thought even cross your mind) — because the whole point of collateral is for it to be able to guarantee value, therefore collateral value must always be equal to but in reality actually always greater than the transaction. One more time because I already know people will still not get it. Price goes up, slowly, suddenly, a little, a lot, doesn’t matter, price goes up is great, great, great I tell you, only great, it’s what Flexa/Amp wants — no conspiracy, no plot to destroy Amp, no manipulated dumping — because price increase means collateral happens to be worth more and can guarantee more and Flexa wins. What cannot happen is, if, after the increase, price drops suddenly, quickly, steeply, dramatically, this is bad, decreasing is bad, down is bad, not what Flexa wants, never, because that means the collateral value will drop and therefore may dangerously fail to guarantee network txns, which is the whole point, and Flexa loses. So again, low vol is meant to explicitly defend against dramatic downsides, not prevent dramatic upsides. If we get any style of upside (which is only a good thing because collateral is worth more, yay), you better believe the tokenomics will not want the price to suddenly drop, thereby potentially threatening the security and integrity of the network. And if you are going to ask again why then did and does the price drop dramatically these past few months every time we see an increase ... for the 1 quadrillionth time, it’s because the token and network are literally new; like Amp barely had its 1 year old birthday. Pre adoption people. Barely half of the total supply is in circulation. Merchants are just now starting to get on boarded. Exchange volumes are unsurprisingly coy and inconsistent. Volatility is par for the course for any project legacy or otherwise (but especially crypto) in its earliest phase. The beautiful thing and I expect why many of us chose Amp (I hope) in the first place is because once we finally get that rocket launch to where the marketcap currently deserves to be (add a 0 to our current total), expect less nasty corrections compared to other cryptos, especially as the project ages and matures year over year. At least that is what the whitepaper means and promises when it claims “low vol.” Price is free to go dramatically up, but never allowed to go violently down. Because the whole system is built on collateral.

Ok done. As always, don’t forget to hodl.

Bitcoin scammers created a fake livestream for Apple's MacBook Pro launch event and garnered over 30,000 views

🐕 KishuBTC 💸 | Low 25K Marketcap Gem | Daily Lotteries | Daily Burns | Limited Halloween NFTS Coming Soon | ⚙️ $BTC rewards

What is $KishuBTC?

KishuBTC is a multi-utility community token that rewards its holders Bitcoin ($BTC) dividends for holding. Buybacks, Daily Burns, Daily Lotteries and soon to come NFTs!

Phase 2 of our Roadmap is about to begin and we plan to list on CMC and CG as soon as possible. We will be releasing Dog Tag NFTs that will have usecases like Bonus Rewards and access to 0% Tax. We plan on expanding KishuBTC all over Social Media and Communities all around the World.

⚙️Tokenomics: 5% Liquidity, 3% $BTC Rewards for all holders, 5% for Marketing & Buy-Backs

Current tax is 13% (0% Tax Events to be Announced)

⚙️ $BTC rewards

🔥 Low Market Cap Gem 🔥

- 7.5% Daily Lottery Wallet

- 5% Daily Burn Wallet

🔐 Liquidity Locked VIA Pinksale for 1 Month


Contract Address: 0x2632b6A9e29761B5F1B0c8B9b5b311e1AB0959e4

-Social Media-

🔵 Telegram u/KishuBTC

🌐 Website:

🐦 Twitter:

The job hunt begins again. this point, I'm over panicking over the fact that I spent my Bitcoin BECAUSE it wasn't a one-off event. Every opportunity to regain what I had spent, and I had many, I had squandered. I had no control over it. I never even looked at it from an "investing" standpoint. I just really love cryptography. I had 1.44 BTC that I spent in April of 2020 because I was going CRAZY from stress from being in this freaking apartment all day. It's really tough to be where you live all day, every day, each day of your life. And no, being on campus is not the solution. I hate being on campus. The students are very overwhelming for me.

The isolation aspects of COVID have been a blessing for me. Back when I used to drive from 2007 to 2011, my father had once told me "Don't drive just for the sake of driving!" He told me a lot of strange reprimands. Well, my ideal work environment is not working for home. It's not working in an office, either. It's working "on the go." You know, like those developers at Starbucks. I don't want to be what people call a "digital nomad."

From time to time since moving into this apartment in 2019, I've used up all my energy searching for jobs. I just started again and I feel like I have a good chance at this one place, but I had to consent to a background check applying. I have a rap sheet. I'll still be on probation for another 10 months.

I think even worse than being where you live all day, every day, each day of your life is being where you live all day, every day, each day of your life with no way out of it for the foreseeable future. Because of that, I have extreme anxiety and fatigue. My mother takes me for drives nearly every day, which I don't see to be normal. Often, when my mother shows up to my apartment, I am very stressed. All this messes with my judgment.

While I can't work in my ideal work environment right now, I can take an office job until I can work in my ideal work environment. An office job would be K-12 all over again for me. School was really difficult for me. I even got kicked out when I was in fourth grade. When people hear that school wasn't easy for me, they assume that I was made fun of. I was, but I never talk about that because there were things about school that were far worse for me than being made fun of. I've just never done well with organized things and authority.

Why MATIC needs Ethereum to pump, now more than ever

A large number of coins followed in the footsteps of Bitcoin and joined yesterday. However, when the real coin price took a break and started to “cool down” around $ 62k, most of the highs took a step back.

However, MATIC remained the only alternative [apart from NU] of the top 100 that continued to reflect two-digit 24-hour appreciation numbers even as of this writing.

After witnessing its own part of consolidation in recent months, MATIC finally changed its "consolidation" narrative yesterday by recording a massive green candle on its price chart. After opening at $ 1.2 on Friday, MATIC managed to close around $ 1.6, a level last seen on September 7.

The Ethereum-MATIC link

MATIC has followed in the footsteps of Ethereum during most of the uptrend / downtrend phases. Consider this: In May, when Ethereum was creating new highs on a daily basis, MATIC rallied 350% [from $ 0.6 to over $ 2.7] in just two weeks. In particular, during that same period, Bitcoin was trending down on its price chart.

However, Ethereum development has managed to notice an increase of less than 1% during the last day. Therefore, it can be argued that the relationship that MATIC shares with ETH is gradually fading.

Although the aforementioned argument may seem true for now, it should be noted that it will not hold up in the long run.

The X factor

MATIC's recent listing on the South Korean exchange Upbit managed to trigger the alt surge this time around. In the last 24 hours, MATIC recorded a trading volume of $ 1,870,086,050 - equivalent to 28.73% of the total volume of the exchange.

The tokens are not listed on the daily exchange. But whenever they are, they end up feeding the price of any asset. Therefore, without this event, the price of MATIC would not have been able to take such high steps in such a short time.

Eventually, accumulated withdrawal transactions [from exchanges] yesterday hit a 4-month high and the reading for this metric topped 13k. For context, an increase in withdrawal transactions implies that the accumulation trend is in play, while a fall indicates the opposite.

However, the increase was short-lived and the aforementioned level could not be sustained for long. The attached chart below clearly highlights how the transaction count witnessed a free fall. In fact, at the time of this writing, the same had returned to its 6-month lows.


However, the divergence of DAA prices has been increasing lately. According to Santiment's chart, it has been projecting a strong bullish signal since the end of last month.

This model, as such, tracks the relationship between the price of the coin and the number of daily active addresses that interact with the coin. A buy signal is indicated with the DAA divergence increases along with the price. On the contrary, when active addresses decline during a price rise phase, selling pressure is induced.

MATIC being able to maintain its bullish streak on this chart, only indicates the healthy state of the active directions. Indeed, the environment is quite favorable to sustain the MATIC rally.


The Upbit hype would eventually fade over time, but the fundamentals of the token and its relationship with Ethereum would continue to have a commanding impact on its price.

Therefore, if Ethereum development recovers from this point, the price of MATIC can be expected to move in tandem. The ripple effect of the same would see currency withdrawals record another rally and the build-up narrative would again gain traction.

However, if that doesn't happen, MATIC's price increase phase could end up being momentary.

Why MATIC needs Ethereum to pump, now more than ever

A large number of coins followed in the footsteps of Bitcoin and joined yesterday. However, when the real coin price took a break and started to “cool down” around $ 62k, most of the highs took a step back.

However, MATIC remained the only alternative [apart from NU] of the top 100 that continued to reflect two-digit 24-hour appreciation numbers even as of this writing.

After witnessing its own part of consolidation in recent months, MATIC finally changed its "consolidation" narrative yesterday by recording a massive green candle on its price chart. After opening at $ 1.2 on Friday, MATIC managed to close around $ 1.6, a level last seen on September 7.

The Ethereum-MATIC link

MATIC has followed in the footsteps of Ethereum during most of the uptrend / downtrend phases. Consider this: In May, when Ethereum was creating new highs on a daily basis, MATIC rallied 350% [from $ 0.6 to over $ 2.7] in just two weeks. In particular, during that same period, Bitcoin was trending down on its price chart.

However, Ethereum development has managed to notice an increase of less than 1% during the last day. Therefore, it can be argued that the relationship that MATIC shares with ETH is gradually fading.

Although the aforementioned argument may seem true for now, it should be noted that it will not hold up in the long run.

The X factor

MATIC's recent listing on the South Korean exchange Upbit managed to trigger the alt surge this time around. In the last 24 hours, MATIC recorded a trading volume of $ 1,870,086,050 - equivalent to 28.73% of the total volume of the exchange.

The tokens are not listed on the daily exchange. But whenever they are, they end up feeding the price of any asset. Therefore, without this event, the price of MATIC would not have been able to take such high steps in such a short time.

Eventually, accumulated withdrawal transactions [from exchanges] yesterday hit a 4-month high and the reading for this metric topped 13k. For context, an increase in withdrawal transactions implies that the accumulation trend is in play, while a fall indicates the opposite.

However, the increase was short-lived and the aforementioned level could not be sustained for long. The attached chart below clearly highlights how the transaction count witnessed a free fall. In fact, at the time of this writing, the same had returned to its 6-month lows.


However, the divergence of DAA prices has been increasing lately. According to Santiment's chart, it has been projecting a strong bullish signal since the end of last month.

This model, as such, tracks the relationship between the price of the coin and the number of daily active addresses that interact with the coin. A buy signal is indicated with the DAA divergence increases along with the price. On the contrary, when active addresses decline during a price rise phase, selling pressure is induced.

MATIC being able to maintain its bullish streak on this chart, only indicates the healthy state of the active directions. Indeed, the environment is quite favorable to sustain the MATIC rally.


The Upbit hype would eventually fade over time, but the fundamentals of the token and its relationship with Ethereum would continue to have a commanding impact on its price.

Therefore, if Ethereum development recovers from this point, the price of MATIC can be expected to move in tandem. The ripple effect of the same would see currency withdrawals record another rally and the build-up narrative would again gain traction.

However, if that doesn't happen, MATIC's price increase phase could end up being momentary.

Why MATIC needs Ethereum to pump, now more than ever

A large number of coins followed in the footsteps of Bitcoin and joined yesterday. However, when the real coin price took a break and started to “cool down” around $ 62k, most of the highs took a step back.

However, MATIC remained the only alternative [apart from NU] of the top 100 that continued to reflect two-digit 24-hour appreciation numbers even as of this writing.

After witnessing its own part of consolidation in recent months, MATIC finally changed its "consolidation" narrative yesterday by recording a massive green candle on its price chart. After opening at $ 1.2 on Friday, MATIC managed to close around $ 1.6, a level last seen on September 7.

The Ethereum-MATIC link

MATIC has followed in the footsteps of Ethereum during most of the uptrend / downtrend phases. Consider this: In May, when Ethereum was creating new highs on a daily basis, MATIC rallied 350% [from $ 0.6 to over $ 2.7] in just two weeks. In particular, during that same period, Bitcoin was trending down on its price chart.

However, Ethereum development has managed to notice an increase of less than 1% during the last day. Therefore, it can be argued that the relationship that MATIC shares with ETH is gradually fading.

Although the aforementioned argument may seem true for now, it should be noted that it will not hold up in the long run.

The X factor

MATIC's recent listing on the South Korean exchange Upbit managed to trigger the alt surge this time around. In the last 24 hours, MATIC recorded a trading volume of $ 1,870,086,050 - equivalent to 28.73% of the total volume of the exchange.

The tokens are not listed on the daily exchange. But whenever they are, they end up feeding the price of any asset. Therefore, without this event, the price of MATIC would not have been able to take such high steps in such a short time.

Eventually, accumulated withdrawal transactions [from exchanges] yesterday hit a 4-month high and the reading for this metric topped 13k. For context, an increase in withdrawal transactions implies that the accumulation trend is in play, while a fall indicates the opposite.

However, the increase was short-lived and the aforementioned level could not be sustained for long. The attached chart below clearly highlights how the transaction count witnessed a free fall. In fact, at the time of this writing, the same had returned to its 6-month lows.


However, the divergence of DAA prices has been increasing lately. According to Santiment's chart, it has been projecting a strong bullish signal since the end of last month.

This model, as such, tracks the relationship between the price of the coin and the number of daily active addresses that interact with the coin. A buy signal is indicated with the DAA divergence increases along with the price. On the contrary, when active addresses decline during a price rise phase, selling pressure is induced.

MATIC being able to maintain its bullish streak on this chart, only indicates the healthy state of the active directions. Indeed, the environment is quite favorable to sustain the MATIC rally.


The Upbit hype would eventually fade over time, but the fundamentals of the token and its relationship with Ethereum would continue to have a commanding impact on its price.

Therefore, if Ethereum development recovers from this point, the price of MATIC can be expected to move in tandem. The ripple effect of the same would see currency withdrawals record another rally and the build-up narrative would again gain traction.

However, if that doesn't happen, MATIC's price increase phase could end up being momentary.

Bearish post in a bullish phase. Advice worth considering.

Dear Hodlers,

Bearish post in a bullish phase. I'm expecting downvotes, but I am happy to have them if it means I can give wisdom to 1 or 2 people. In this post, I wanted to list a few things to be mindful of when entering what could be one of the craziest weeks of price action we have seen in a few years.

I want to preface my points by saying, I have been, and still am, a HODLER of BTC and other cryptos for many years and have also been burnt in the past and seen significant portfolios dwindle because I didn't take profits when so many fundamentals were screaming at me to do so. I'm not a professional. However, I have a strong passion for trading and love all Bitcoin, and the broader crypto community is looking to achieve.

Here are my thoughts moving forward:

  1. Buy the hype, sell the news. Coinbase listing & futures. These two events have been equally as significant as the recent news of a US Futures Bitcoin ETF, which is looking likely to go ahead this coming week. When previously mentioned events occurred, the price has often risen the weeks prior (buying into the hype) and crashed the day or days later after the news hits and is confirmed.
  2. As Warren Buffett said, "Be fearful when others are greedy". It takes one search of Bitcoin on YouTube to see the sheer number of green arrows, bulls, and shocked faces at present to action/consider this advice. More so, the BTC fear/greed index is at a point where rejection/price correction has occurred seven times over the last year. See the following link: I've overlayed the one-year BTC price and the fear greed index. The white lines represent times the price hasn't blown through this point and instead rebounded or consolidated, resulting in a decent drop in price (>15%).
  3. Bitcoin IS overbought from a technical analysis view. I think that's pretty clear to everyone. Most indicators have been screaming for a reversal. We all know that BTC ignores indicators in true euphoric bull runs and respects them when simply rising in price, reversing close to when it should. At this stage, Bitcoin keeps being bitcoin and is going against all the bears claiming 20K incoming.
  4. Nothing is linear. Price has been too euphoric. Bitcoin and all assets like to retrace. It's essential for the longevity of a bull run. Since the 25th of September, the price hasn't retraced >~7% from high to low. It's relatively uncommon, especially with the greater than average volume we have seen since this date.
  5. Finally, Evergrande. As much as we like to think that BTC isn't tied to traditional markets, it is. I'm not going to lecture you about what's happening. If you don't know what I mean by simply stating, Evergrande, google it and read. It hasn't gone away and isn't any time soon. It could heavily impact this euphoric run we are experiencing if the broader traditional market were to tank.

As much as I'd love to give you the pipedream that we're going to surpass ATH and go the moon from here, I've been led by my emotions so many times in times like this and wanted to give (what I hope) are some wise words of advice.

Stay safe out there, family <3