Friday, March 26, 2021

Popular opinion: it is foolish to expect something to happen because of prior events.

One of the big mirages a big chunk of this sub has is basing their intuition on prior events, even if the event has been repeated in history with clear results several times.

We knew of the crypto bubbles of 2013 and 2017. And here we are, in a bull market like what happened at those times. We see lots of bullish news, such as institutional adoptions, whale movement, blockchain upgrades. This is way different than 2017 where there was more controversy and not as much adoptions as today.

I agree that it is a pretty accurate way to predict the price movement can happen. I've seen overlaps of the 2013 and 2017 price charts and they look pretty close.

But anything can happen. When Elon Musk announced his purchase of bitcoin, the price shot over 4k for bitcoin in 1 day, and it was completely out of the blue.

I just saw several posts on the top page about Bitcoin options expiring and how it can be correlated to our current dip. It's easy to put your full trust into convincing arguments for the price action. I would advise you have some skepticism no matter what.

Exercise caution by setting limit orders, an exit plan, and DCA both in and out.

Changing 2017 and 2018 Taxe Return

Hello kind people of BitcoinCA,

I'm one of the many misinformed people that didn't quite understand crypto>crypto transactions are taxable events. I've been trying my best to correct this, and I've hit a bit of a roadblock. I'm hoping someone could provide me with some information.

I was able to pull together all of my transactions (121 in total) during the 2017 and 2018 years. Now, I'd like to refile, but it looks like TurboTax no longer provides access to the 2017 online software package I used. As an alternative, I started looking into the 'Change my return" feature directly from the CRA. I see I am able to add new lines to the return. Would it be suitable to add a new line and declare the capital gains and losses? For example, one total value for capital gains, and another value for losses. Is this possible, or do I need to enter in the values individually? Or is there a completely different approach I should be investigating?

Thanks kind strangers!

Tax Related Questions

I've always been a traditional, equities investor, but recently I decided to dive into crypto--I checked my foundational understanding of crypto in this post.

I started with Coinbase, but quickly setup a Coinbase Pro account once I realized the fee difference. However, in the Pro I notice there are different markets: fiat, stablecoin, and crypto. I'm assuming these different "markets" are based on what the underlying assets is (fiat money vs stablecoin vs crypto coins) and what the coin is pegged to; is this correct? It appears that trading on the fiat market is where I need to be if I'm investing directly from USD, correct?

I erroneously purchased <$100USD worth of coins on PayPal (I know, shame on me; not my keys, not my coin). If I sell now, which will be a at a slight profit, how will I record this for tax purposes? Note, that I'd only being selling from the PayPal platform to reinvest through a more secure, key-offered platform (i.g. Coinbase)

It seems that the tax recording/submitting situation for crypto is unfortunate and aggravating at best. Here is my understanding:

  • Fiat to Crypto = Nontaxable taxes

  • Crypto appreciation while holding = Nontaxable event

  • Crypto->Crypto Conversion = Capital Gains Taxable Event

  • Crypto spent for G&S = Capital Gains Taxable Event

  • Crypto as Income = Income Taxable Event

  • Crypto received as a Gift = UNCLEAR?

  • Crypto Exchange-to-Exchange (i.e. Coinbase to Coinbase Pro) Transfer = UNCLEAR? Assuming not taxed.

  • Crypto Exchange-to-Wallet = UNCLEAR? Assuming taxed.

Correct me if I'm wrong on any of the above. Pertaining to the taxation on "gifts," I'm primarily thinking of anything earned on the Coinbase platform for doing lessons.

I intend to be a long-term investor, however, should I ever sale anything, what needs to be recorded for tax purposes? Any recommended way to access this info on Coinbase Pro? Any recommended programs for assisting with crypto tax filing?

Thanks for answers and guidance to any of my many questions and comments.

BSG Podcast Summary


Patch 12.10 should be next week.


  • Steam audio is back in 12.10
  • There will be another patch that will focus on audio improvements and fixes, should be after 12.10
  • Most of new items added in 12.10 will be "Found in Raid" only
  • Gun Jamming - later
  • Streamer Mode - 12.11
  • Scar-H, Scar-L - probably 12.11
  • New Shotty - Ultima aka Doom Shotty - it has thermals in front. "Adding it for luls."
  • Factory scav boss will use big hammer! His name will be Kovalda? (Blacksmith, Anvil?)
  • Streets of Tarkov - patch 13, planned at the end of this year
  • Factory expansion - planned for 12.11, some spoilers in 1-2 weeks
  • They hope that at the end of this year, they will be able to tell when the game will release
  • Lighthouse after Factory expansion, before Streets of Tarkov map.

Scav karma will use reputation of Fence (planned for 12.11): - will impact scav cooldowns - will impact scav gear - you gain rep from protecting bosses, scavs, extracting with PMCs, some other things - Fence will have Loyalty Levels with some "cool features"

They will never announce barter changes in advance! Get used to it! - Unity 2019 upgrade - Between 12.10 and 12.11! - "Streets will be most ambitious location in the games history." They are aiming for 60 FPS on decent GPU - Proximity chat and voip this year 100% - Landmark's streamer item is planned. They need ideas

Q&A from Instagram: - English speakign BEAR, they have it already, but Nikita is not sure if it will fit the lore. - PMC Karma is work in progress. - Switching gun from shoulder to shoulder will come, they test it right now. - No Engine changes, they stick with Unity - Color options for guns and clothes - planned. - Med system is hardcore enough, it will probably stay like that - Sights and scopes rework was planned for 12.10, but it was moved to 12.11 - Revolvers planned. - Working IR Lasers and IR Flashlights - this year. - More detailed modding, triggers, pins, mags release buttons - planned. - You will lose gear in Arena Mode. You will be able to insure it. Looks like there will be also modes where you don't lose your gear. - EFT for consoles can happen - How you will rework Bitcoin farm? "I don't know, somehow" - What are the things taking the most time for you guys? Networking, anti-cheat, new features.

  • Economy: They want to add as much human factor as possible - imperfections. It will make things unpredictable. Traders will have days off, randomly change prices, there will be global events cutting off supplies etc.

  • What's going on in the background with the servers? They still change stuff. A lot of changes comming later. Work on networking is not finished. Some changes in 12.10. Unity 2019 brings some nice improvements.

  • Aiming deadzone. Not sure if they will add it.

Stuff to expect in the future: - Weapon malfunctions and jamming - Low-ready, high-ready stances - IR flashlights and IR lasers - Nikita doesn't remember all of them, they focus on game improvements right now. - New bosses - New stationary weapons. - Offline co-op planned. - Inertia - planned for 12.11 - Quests rework - planned


I am a loser from Russia who lost everything on Bitcoin :(


My kitty :(

My name is Dmitry, I am 36 years old and I am from Russia. In September 2020, I learned about futures on Binance and decided to get into cryptocurrency trading. I chose Bitcoin and Ethereum for this, at first everything went well - I was happy with the profit, but I invested all the profit in cryptocurrencies again and again and at the first sharp drop I lost not only profit, but also part of my original asset :( As a result, from the 26th September, I "leaked" almost $ 72,000, but did not stop there and tried to recoup, which led to even greater debts - as a result, my debt grew to $ 300,000, which, in principle, is too much for me. Since January 2021, I don’t know what to do and I am in a very depressed state. I have no means of subsistence left :(

I would never ask anyone for help, but the event that happened on Wednesday night completely depressed me and I don't want to live - I lost my friend, my beloved kitty (I have 3 more cats and a dove at home). After sterilization (there was suppuration of the uterus and the operation was necessary) on March 19, 2021, she became very sluggish - she was urgently taken to the clinic, where antibiotics and droppers were prescribed, but no improvement was observed. So, together with the veterinarian, we fought to the last for her life, but we could not save: '(

A little about what I was doing before losing all the money. I had an exchange office for electronic currencies, including cryptocurrencies, which brought in a good income, which allowed me to provide for myself and my family, as well as to do charity work. I fed street animals (cats, cats, dogs), treated them, sterilized them if necessary, bought food and fed them. In addition to the 3 cats and a pigeon I have at home, there are 2 cats and 2 cats at work, and also in the basement of the house where I equipped them with a shelter, there are about 7 more cats and cats, which at the moment I do not even have the opportunity to feed :(

I'm completely desperate, that's why I'm here. I read a lot about how Reddit users help other, unfamiliar people and decided to try my luck too, and I hope that at least someone will read my message.

All of the above, I can confirm with photographs, if necessary.

I ask all of you, Reddit users, if you have the opportunity - to help me financially. I will not leave any details here, but if someone touches my post, then I will gladly talk to him personally and, if necessary, provide details.

Thank you all for your attention, sorry for wasting your time! :(

My kitty :(

What would happen to Bitcoin in these events?

  1. Hyperinflation event
  2. Deflationary event

What will the 2021-2022 alt-season look like? The time is nigh!

Based on my dominance chart astrology, Cancer has aligned with Scorpio and the numbers of 2021 add 2+0+2+1=5, indicative of a shift from Bitcoin dominance to Alt dominance. Because I am a Gemini, my sexually affluent twin brother and I know this to be true (I, myself, am celibate, as I am saving myself for that sweet market cap peak).

At their peaks during the bullrun, ETH accounted for ~32% of total market cap, (11% today) and all coins other than ETH and BTC commanded ~53% of the market (32% today). We can see that during the past few months, altcoins have been testing BTC dominance, and BTC dominance appears less stable than in previous months and years, and immediate drop in BTC may be around the corner.

How do we envision the next alt-season going down? Will it be a slow burn with a gradual BTC dominance decline? Or will see a total shit show flippening-non-flippening event similar to 2017/18? Or has the pond grown too large to see major waves rocking the boat? What were the circumstances leading to the brief flippening event of ETH-BTC and ALT-BTC and do we forsee similar circumstances today or tomorrow?


ИЗ НИОТКУДА В НИКУДА (Vimeo) (Sasha Sotnik) (Sotnik-TV Live)

Искандеры обозлились, наметив траекторию полета из ниоткуда в никуда. В Минобороны зарычали о том, что США начали вести «ментальную войну» против России. А если началась «война» - значит, должны быть жертвы. И их очень много…

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Stoicism and Crypto Investing

I posted this once, but the timing was bad and it got buried. The original interest in the idea was very high, so I'm putting it out there again for those who missed it.

How to Approach Crypto Investing with a Stoic Mindset


Anyone who has ever decided to invest their hard earned cash into a market, regardless of the investment, has had to deal with the emotional roller coaster that sometimes comes with investing. In cryptocurrency, that roller coaster tends to have a lot more highs and lows than legacy markets. That means our traditional fears are more keenly felt; the fear of missing out (FOMO) while watching an investment quickly appreciate, and the trio of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) can feel like such a force that we act on those emotions, sometimes to our own detriment. Stories about buying high and selling low are heard every day, and are much more likely to happen when these emotional responses to the market take over. I too can turn a thousand dollars into five dollars this way. It’s only human.

We don’t have to behave this way. Philosophy can aid us in becoming a more rational investor. Specifically, the ancient Greek philosophy of stoicism holds many insights into becoming a more rational investor, which will likely increase anyone’s success while investing. But, there are many strategies to investing, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Some are a mix of holding onto Bitcoin and trading altcoins, only to roll profit back into Bitcoin, or perhaps some blue chip crypto. There are others better suited for a deep dive into those strategies, so here I only want to glance at some basic differences between Bitcoin and altcoins. First, let’s briefly examine whether holding Bitcoin for the long term works as a strategy, and any downfalls. Then, we’ll look at altcoin investments and some of the problems people run into investing there.

Warren Buffet isn’t a fan of cryptocurrency, but he is a respected investor, and is cited as saying “the stock market is a device for transferring wealth from the impatient to the patient.” This would seem to apply to any market, and crypto is no exception. While volatility can scare us into irrational moves, that volatility does not affect whether an asset has a general trend visible when looking at larger time frames. Gains and losses can be averaged out to seek the annual return of an asset. According to, the mean annual return for Bitcoin is 408.8% from 2017-2020, though it is noteworthy that this includes 2017, in which the return was 1,318%, and the 2018 crash which was -72.6%. For Bitcoin none of this is news; investors have long said to “hodl” or hold on for dear life, meaning never sell your Bitcoin. Followers of this strategy will often tell you that time in the market is better than timing the market. Having diamond hands is easier when you zoom out and see the gains you’ve already had, and can expect to have in the future outside of the present moment. Stoicism can help you keep that perspective in focus.

Could the same strategy be true for other coins? Veterans of the 2018 crash often speak of coins that went all the way to zero. Examples are plentiful, and in those cases, holding certainly didn’t work out. As of March 22, 2021 there are 1,924 dead coins (Coinopsy). However, as of January 2021, more than 4,000 cryptocurrencies exist (Investopedia). Obviously, you can’t just hold onto just any coin and expect it to increase in value, and if there’s no growth in the coin, you’re missing out somewhere else in the market where you could have an investment that is growing. There’s an opportunity cost to a bad investment, in addition to possible monetary losses. But where there is risk, there’s reward, and in altcoin season these smaller coins can significantly outperform Bitcoin. We have to manage our risk exposure, and a stoic mindset can help with that, too. You might also have to buy and sell more depending on how you invested, Whatever your investment strategy is, stoicism can help by teaching us how to react more rationally to market fluctuations that make us behave irrationally and buy or sell at the wrong times because of an emotional response.


To understand a stoic mindset to investing, we have to understand what stoicism is. There are only fragments that survive from the early stoic philosophers who founded this school of thought. We do know the story of perhaps the most famous founder, Zeno of Citium, who was a merchant who lost everything in a shipwreck near Athens around 300 BCE. Instead of despairing at starting over, he began reading and studying with the local philosophers, and later, started the school of thought we now call stoicism. If you’re someone who learns better by video, you can see an excellent summary of his story and an overview of stoicism here: Stoicism Overview. I’m sure many investors feel like they understand just a little what Zeno must have felt when his ship sank.

We have a lot more material from Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca the Younger. There are also a lot of modern philosophers who’ve written about and studied stoicism, like Chris Fisher, Pierre Hadot, and William Braxton Irvine. Instead of getting into the particulars about the differences between all of their views, we’ll instead concentrate on the most basic elements of stoicism that might be useful for investing. However, I mention their names in case you have any interest in taking a deeper look at stoicism. This is just scratching the surface.

The Stoic Discipline of Assent

The facet we’ll be focusing on is the stoic discipline of assent. In the stoic discipline of assent, the idea is to increase how mindful we are concerning how we react to the events around us. Any time an event happens we get an impression of it. At this point, we have not yet formed an opinion of the event. There are no emotions because you have not assented to any value judgment yet. Now, let’s assume something bad is happening, like Bitcoin hitting a bear market. You might then experience what the stoics refer to as pathos. This arises after our assent to the value judgment but is not part of the event itself. Instead the negative emotion arises as a result of assent to the judgment about that event. For example, you might assent to the judgment of a driver as a terrible person when really their bad driving caused no harm. In other words, the event did not warrant your reaction.

Where did the harm come from in the event? The harm, it turns out, comes from our negative reaction. The stoics define such events as morally indifferent, meaning the event cannot cause any real harm to us (they really mean our soul, but I’m keeping it simple). However, our reactions can cause us great harm and distress. I’ll borrow heavily from Chris Fisher here, who was originally who I first learned this from. You can find his excellent podcast on the topic here: Stoic Logic: The Discipline of Assent-Episode 9. In it he outlines the following process, citing John Sellars. I’ll paraphrase here to try and make it clearer and remove some of the philosophical jargon.

There is an event, and before we realize what is happening, we make a value judgment of that event concerning whether it is good or bad. Then, we give our assent, and whatever the event is begins to immediately affect our emotional state, regardless of whether that event is one that we should really be indifferent toward. Once we realize this is happening, we can reorder this process by being more mindful of it. This change in how we think gives us more internal control over the events that occur, which are largely out of our control anyway. What we can learn to better control is how we react to those events.

The stoics refer to our observations about the world as impressions. Basically, they’re either something that is happening that we observe, or a thing we observe that is external to us. Dealing with impressions/external events or things is tricky. In this explanation Fisher borrows heavily from Pierre Hadot, who talks about the citadel of the mind. You can think of the mind as a citadel, and on the way to the citadel is a road. The events that happen in our lives travel up that road, gaining value judgments along the way that will affect our emotional state, and enter the citadel. Now we’re a mess! But what if we put a guard post on that road to stop those value judgments before they wreck us? Epictetus writes,

In the first place, do not allow yourself to be carried away by [the] intensity [of your impression]: but say, 'Impression, wait for me a little. Let me see what you are, and what you represent. Let me test you.' Then, afterwards, do not allow it to draw you on by picturing what may come next, for if you do, it will lead you wherever it pleases. But rather, you should introduce some fair and noble impression to replace it, and banish this base and sordid one. (Discourses 2.18.24–5)

Here’s how we might practice the wisdom Epictetus has shared with us. The presentation of this process is credited to Chris Fisher, but is paraphrased here:

  1. Stop the impression/event or thing in its tracks. Place a stoic road block at the gate of your inner citadel. There is so much that we can’t control about the world. Instead of trying to control those things, we can control how we react. In this stage, we are stopping the internal process of attaching a value judgment to that thing or event.

  2. Strip the impression/event or thing bare: Remove those value judgments from the bare impression. Don’t allow it to lead you on by picturing what may come next or what may happen to you. No thing or event is good or bad in itself, it is our thinking of those events that make it good or bad.

  3. See the impression/event or thing from a broader perspective for what it is. An example of doing this would be to see the impression as part of the world that is outside of your control, and view it more objectively. In both interpretations of stoicism, an event may have a different meaning when viewed from a broader perspective so that we can more easily see it for what it truly is. And most of the time, it isn’t as big of a deal as we thought it was to begin with.

A final note on stoicism pertains to desires. When we desire a particular outcome, we are setting ourselves up to suffer because often the outcome isn’t up to us. This is particularly true in cryptocurrency markets. We like green candles, and when numbers go only ever upward. But, we have to be careful in what we assent to, because red candles exist and numbers can go to zero. Consider this often quoted paragraph from Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, in which you can see the stoic mindset we’ve been discussing outlined:

When you have savouries and fine dishes set before you, you will gain an idea of their nature if you tell yourself that this is the corpse of a fish, and that the corpse of a bird or a pig; or again, that fine Falernian wine is merely grape-juice, and this purple robe some sheep’s wool dipped in the blood of a shellfish; and as for sexual intercourse, it is the friction of a piece of gut and, following a sort of convulsion, the expulsion of mucus. Thoughts such as these reach through to the things themselves and strike to the heart of them, allowing us to see them as they truly are. So follow this practice throughout your life, and where things seem most worthy of your approval, lay them naked, and see how cheap they are, and strip them of the pretenses of which they are so vain. (Meditations VI.13)

Similarly, Epictetus tells us that until we take control of our assent, we remain slaves to our desires. He would know something of it, because his name means gained or acquired, or what we might translate in modern times as “slave”. Though born a slave, Epictetus had a kind master who allowed him to educate himself, and eventually Epictetus gained his freedom. Along the way, he learned about stoicism and based much of his philosophy on the process outlined above.

Note that all of this might give you the idea that stoics are just these passive, emotionless people. They’re not that way at all! Marcus Aurelius would not have been a very good emperor if he weren’t an active ruler. It isn’t that stoics don’t feel emotion, it is that they gain an understanding of why they feel that way, and over time are better able to prepare themselves to defend against being emotionally overwhelmed and therefore, less rational. Over time, the idea is that our reactions to impressions improves and we are able to live a better, freer life.

Stoicism and Investing

Well, there you have it. If we fortify our minds to be more mindful of how we react to market fluctuations, we’ll be more rational investors and be better prepared to stop us from making emotional mistakes. Now, obviously, this is good advice to live by generally. But it seems me to be a very detailed way to avoid FOMO and FUD. Maybe taking a stoic mindset will make for stronger hands when there’s good narrative and analysis that indicates when to hold through a bearish trend to the promised land of green candles, or perhaps the stoic mindset might make it so we don’t hold onto a coin too long out of sentimentality instead of protecting profit. I hope this essay is able to help some people have a little more peace of mind, and enables them to be better investors regardless of the strategy they use.

There are other ways stoicism might help your trading as well. You know when you took profits “too soon” and didn’t time the market just right? You controlled what events you could, and took a profit. That’s a win. Remember when you gave up on a coin and sold low, just before it took off? Hopefully you have no recollection of that happening because therapy is expensive, but if you do remember the stoic mindset can remind you to take a more objective perspective. You might see how your portfolio is performing overall instead of focusing on this loss and losing your confidence. Or, maybe you take a broader look and see your portfolio is underperforming the market, and instead of having a really bad time it’s only a little bit of a bad time and you’re able to see and understand why your portfolio is underperforming because you were able to keep your emotions in check well enough to give your trading a critique. If you have a rational understanding of your trades, instead of giving in to the human propensity to focusing on the bad things that happen, you’ll have a better understanding of your past trades and how to improve. If you keep a journal of your trades, you’ll have even more of an understanding of why you did what you did and how it worked out. This is beneficial for any transactions you make in the market, as you can objectively track your successes and failures over time. It might even make your taxes easier if you tracked prices and profits.

We can’t predict the market, but we can strive to understand, and thereby regulate our reactions to it. That, my friends, will make us better at navigating it.

Here are some of the sources I drew from that aren’t already linked. Since this is a reddit post I’m not making a true works cited page because they’re a pain.,communities%20of%20backers%20and%20investors.

Stoic Logic: The Discipline of Assent-Episode 9

[EVENT] Fitspiration Event for Fashionreps Discord (INCLUDES PRIZES)

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to make a quick announcement that in the Fashionreps Discord we are running an event called Fitspiration.

What is that you might ask? Well, it's an event where it's essentially like Best Dressed (an event we host often on the discord) however, You don't need the items in hand to participate, all you need is your imagination!

All you need to do is use the template provided to create your own outfit that is based around the theme of the event. The theme we are going for is Spring/Summer outfits, such as this for example, and your entry will be put into a tournament bracket in which the members of the discord community will vote to see who has the best fit idea!

And of course, there are prizes for the event! First place will receive a lovely "Stylist" role with your own color to distinguish you from everyone else + $20 USD in bitcoin, the runner up will receive $10 in bitcoin or Discord Nitro!

The current amount of entries is low, and you have a perfect opportunity to win as long as you follow the guidelines for the event! Submissions will not close until 11:59 PM on April 2nd, so join the fashionreps discord today to find out more about this event and other amazing features such as the #finds channel (I'm always posting on there with new exclusive heat 👀🔥)

Noob question on taxable event (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

To current and future Bitcoin millionaires....

As the hype and awareness and knowledge of bitcoin grows exponentially, along with its value, bitcoin will inevitably encounter hurdles and road blocks as it threatens the status quo.

You already know this and it bears repeating again.

Precisely because, in this world, especially currently and as we drag old paradigms into the future that are difficult to let go, wealth (and not necessarily wisdom) plays a crucial role in influence and direction of our society.

As with any new technology, depending on who wields it, and the wisdom they have, the technology, which is inherently neutral, can either become a boon to our species and the world at large, or devolve into pathology and degrade our humanity and world. Examples are of course, the ability to harness nuclear energy, or more current, the internet itself. What holds the possibility for liberation, also contains the possibility for weaponization. As users, early adopters, and drivers of new technology we must remain humble and focused on our responsibility to use our power wisely.

And so, as those of us who already have or are on the precipice of generating great wealth and the power that can possibly be wielded, I urge everyone of us to remember that the future of Bitcoin is in our hands. Not the government. Not the whales. Not centralized structures that seek to profit of this genius discovery as well. Because now we can lobby. We can influence and wield and utilize this most massive transfers of wealth to ensure a better world we know is possible.

Those who worry about government intervention or the rich getting richer and controlling everything like it has always been. Well... its always been like that, and now, we have an opportunity, a gambit if you will, to shift this course and tides and become something fresh, vibrant, and beneficial for our world. Those reading this, you will likely become fabulously wealthy because you have adopted bitcoin in this most infant of stages and it will be combination of your mind towards innovation, your mind towards justice, your visionary spirit, and luck that you are here, now, to participate. Don't allow it to inflate your ego and devolve the beauty of the power that will result from this evolution into the same old game of haves and have nots, exploitation and abusive hierarchy.

To those who fear what may become of Bitcoin as it threatens current power structures: you have power now. Use it to influence this shift in a good way.

To those who think Bitcoin is the gravy train to enrich themselves and buy a lambo: Own your fancy cars if you must, however your existence and life urges you to remain humble, grateful, and appreciative of the opportunities that this specific opportunity is offering and to truly allow this rising tide to lift all boats.

The bitcoin network only works if it is a network. A cooperative and team based endeavor to create a sound money the world has never seen. A once-in-a-species event. Let's make sure everybody gets a chance to play.

Beginners Guide IOTA: If you know little / nothing about IOTA, you should read this post.


If you don't know much about IOTA yet, I promise you that you can learn a lot within 25 minutes and you will be glad you invested them.

If you have never dealt with IOTA before, then this text might give you an exciting introduction. I myself have no connection to the IOTA Foundation (except that I am invested in MIOTA myself) and am writing this text solely to describe to you in a nutshell why IOTA is exceptional. Many of my ideas come directly from the homepage and other sources. I will also use some video clips that can explain some points better than I can. Additionally, I will also highlight all the points that I also currently still see as problematic and not just report on positive points. There is also a section that explains why right now is an exciting time for IOTA. (I'm really not trying to sound like someone who makes empty promises and just wants to sell an idea. Please see for yourself when you read)

I am not a native speaker, but I will try my best. Please don't be too harsh. It took me longer to write this post than I am willing to admit.

Of course, I would like to point out once again that this is not about investment advice, but is only intended to provide education.


These are the sections that make up my post:

  • The three big promises

  • Real world use cases

  • The technology

  • Solving the Blockchain-Trilemma

  • Transparency, professionalism and communication

  • Partnerships

  • Tokenomics

  • Roadmap - What lies ahead

  • History and why IOTA has not gone through the roof so far

  • Further information

The three big promises

To understand what makes IOTA special we need to start with three points that the technology promises to deliver. Over the course of this post, I will go into each of these points in detail. So please believe them first and let me convince you as the post progresses. Please keep the points in mind as you read and consider how they differ from other blockchain technologies.

Feeless, scalable, secure

  • Feeless: IOTA can be used with 0 (!) mining or network fees.

  • Scalable: In contrast to second-wave blockchains, Iota becomes faster according to the number of participants using it.

  • Secure: No crypto product makes sense without the certainty that the network is secure.

Real world use cases:

First of all, before the technology or the background, I would like to talk about possible use cases. I am deeply convinced that a technology that can solve real world problems and create opportunities that did not exist before is the most important thing that will define the entire crypto bubble and what will ultimately determine which cryptos will be successful in the long and medium term. So from my point of view the use cases are the most important thing to know.

The core idea behind IOTA is machine-to-machine communication and payment. You can think of it as a communication protocol like TCP/IP for the WWW.

The IOTA-Foundation (IF) sees seven possible core industries and explains them further on their homepage

  • Mobility & Automotive
  • Global Trade & Supply Chains
  • Industrial IoT
  • EHealth
  • Smart Cities
  • Customs and Border Management
  • Digital Identity

Please check out this video to get some inspiration. I am sure many points are known by you, but please pay some attention to detail. The most important thing to think about is the scale of billions of devices and the need for beeing feeless for this to work.

IOTA is the only protocol that exists today that actually allows this to work.

If you know another one, please tell me. (Could be a good investment opportunity. LOL)

Even if its old (2018), I think it is pretty good:

I really like the example from the video about one car paying another to drive in its slipstream to save energy. Imagine what small units we are talking about here. They are tiny and such a trade would make no sense at all if there were even minimal network fees. For this concept to work, the trade must be feeless. But this only shows a very small part. A completely different use case is also being used in the pandemic:

Or that progressive cities are already relying on IOTA for their smart cities of the future:

The problem with talking about the use cases now is that at the beginning of the 1990s no one could foresee what would be possible on the web. And we are currently at the same point with technologies like IOTA.

The technologie:

It might come as a shocker to you but IOTA is not based on the 2nd wave BlockChain technologie like Etherium and others are. The technologie used is named tangle. This solves many problems the classical Blockchains (with its literal chain of blocks) have.

You all know how to imagine a schematic blockchain. To put a picture in your head of what a Tangle looks like I would like to use the following:

A short explanation video (from 2017) about this can be found here:

Of course, it is possible to go into much more detail here. If the demand for it is there, I would perhaps make a separate post and explain it in detail.

Solving the Blockchain-Trilemma:

Probably most of you know what the blockchain trilemma is. If you are familiar with the topic, you can skip this point or read it as a quick refresher.

The blockchain trilemma is the problem that traditional blockchain solutions are not able to fulfill all three needs: Scalability, Security, Decentralization.

Let's take Bitcoin as an example. Bitcoin is extremely secure (no double spending event has ever been proven, no manipulation of transactions has ever been detected) and very decentralized (although of course this is decreasing due to the increasing centralization of hashing power). But because only one block is mined every 10 minutes, Bitcoin is not scalable at all. Bitcoin will never be able to be used across the board. The technology is simply not designed for that. Transaction fees will continue to rise in the future.

Ripple is another example that is secure and scalable, but not decentralized.

However, it will be different with IOTA. IOTA technology promises to cover all three of these points. This is possible because it is not based on a classic blockchain, but on the Tangle. Because the whole network does not always have to confirm transactions, there is incredible scalability. Because the participants to confirm a transaction are randomly selected (from billions of devices in the future), there is still security. And after the coordinator is switched off in the course of the year, the system is also 100% decentralized. A greater decentralization can never be achieved by the fact that there are no server farms that provide their hasching power even in theory.

Here's a graphic on the blockchain trilemma:

Transparency, professionalism and communication:

For me, this is one of the key points that once again shows a lot of positive things about the IOTA Foundation. The professionalism, transparency and communication is outstanding. The best that I know about all crypto projects.

  • The complete (!) IOTA project is open source and can be viewed by anyone on GitHub at any time. (
  • There is a weekly AMA session with one of the co-founders (Dominik Schiener) in which he answers questions from the IOTA community. (Questions can be submitted here:
  • There are regular coding sessions with the developers as livestream on youtube.
  • The IF permanently uses several professional external auditors who review the code.
  • The homepage that shows the vision, roadmap, partnerships and much more is clear and easy to understand for everyone. An absolute must to have a look around. The roadmap is updated regularly.
  • Via the IOTA Discord ( you can get in contact with the responsible persons and developers.
  • IF is headquartered in Berlin, Germany. One of the most heavily regulated countries in the world.
  • IF has over 160 employees, from developers to the HR department.


This is another area where IOTA shines and is in a fantastic position.

Be it still very fresh, new partnerships such as with * DELL ( or older, but no less promising ones such as with industrial giants like

IOTA is already established in the industry and is eagerly awaited. The three examples mentioned are only a small excerpt. Further information can be found on the homepage (


You may have noticed that IOTA's token has a protruding M, so it's called MIOTA. The M stands for mega, i.e. millions, as in the case of hard disk space, for example. So you would buy IOTA in units of millions. Since this is possibly somewhat confusing for someone new here a diagram:

IOTA's token needs to be small enough to perform the microtransactions I mentioned earlier. There is no smaller unit than an IOTA, as an equivalent to the Satoshi in Bitcoin.

All IOTA tokens have already been generated and no new ones will be added. So Iota is not inflationary.

Otherwise I don't want to bore you with the details that you can look up quickly anyway, such as the market capitalization etc.

Roadmap - What lies ahead:

The reason why I am writing this post and why now is an exciting time for IOTA is the upgrade to IOTA 1.5 (Codename chrysalis) which will take place from April 21st to April 28th. So in about 4 weeks. This was on the timeline for quite some time, but it was just recently announced to work as planned. I won't go into too much detail because I couldn't describe it better than the IF's blog post anyway. So if you're more interested in what chrysalis adds, please click here:

At the same time, the IF also released a new native wallet. It bears the name firefly and can already be downloaded from the official homepage in the beta.

This is the biggest upgrade in the history of IOTA and the first extremely important step towards the completely decentralized IOTA 2.0.

IOTA 2.0 is primarily used to describe the deactivation of the coordinator. This is also planned for this year. But this means at the same time that IOTA is a centralised network until now (might be a problem for a few of you, but as mentioned this will change)

But many other exciting developments such as smart contracts or sharding are also on the agenda. It is important to understand that with IOTA 1.5 a status will be achieved with which industrial companies will begin to deal with their use cases. That is the actual starting signal.

Otherwise, take a look at the timeline on the homepage and see for yourself what the next steps are:

History and why IOTA has not gone through the roof so far:

If everything is as fantastic as I write it, why has IOTA not yet conquered the world? From my point of view, there are various hard and soft points for this.

  • A little over a year ago, the Trinity wallet was hacked. This takes place through a back door in the software of a third party (moon pay) and has led to seeds being passed on to criminals. This hack obviously destroyed a lot of trust. For more information, take a look at a short excerpt from this video:

  • So far, the IF has not advocated an increase in MIOTA's market capitalization, as an operational technology should first be created. This will be done with IOTA 1.5.

  • In order to be quantum safe, IOTA has currently not used any reusable addresses. This is one of the main reasons why various exchanges have not listed IOTA. This is now changing with IOTA 1.5. A co-founder announced in the new AMA that IOTA will be listed on more exchanges soon (

Maybe we could gather some more in the comments.

Further information:

  • The IF's official youtube channel is great. Here you could hear all the recordings of the AMA sessions, the talks and much more.

  • There are two subreddits for IOTA. One for discussing the technologie (IOTA) and one for the Token investors (IOTAmarkets)

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AMA with Da Hongfei and Erik Zang: ENGLISH TRANSLATION

I put together a rough translation for who is interested:


What are the optimizations of Neo N3 compared to the new version of Neo blockchain just released?What are the reasons for making these optimizations?

Da: let me answer the second question first.Neo's vision is to be the Open Network Foundation of the intelligent economy,and Neo N3's purpose is to provide minimal trust and permission to access any physical and digital assets.The new version has made several efforts in order to break the boundary between the digital and physical worlds:

New economy and governance: the new governance framework will enable important "resiliently manageable" functions, which make it possible for a social-based jurisdiction system to interact with the blockchain.According to Neo N3's new on-chain governance and economic model, the governance body Neo Council will exist in a dynamic form,and council members will be updated regularly based on votes.The new GAS distribution mechanism will also motivate members of the entire Neo community to participate in voting governance.Since any individual and institution can run for the Neo Council, the Neo blockchain will be able to achieve dynamic regulation based on the compliance background of each council member.

New features*: this time, three new components, including the decentralized storage system NeoFS; trusted link between on-chain smart contracts and off-chain data-built-in Oracle Oracle; and neoid, a Decentralized Identity solution that bridges the gap between on-chain assets and physical identity.From a functional point of view, directly solve the link needs of the on-chain and off-chain world.\*

New architecture*: Neo has been committed to overcoming the shackles of“scalability+high performance+security " can not be both at the same time, and strive to start from the technology itself and simplify the development experience, for enterprises, projects and developers to provide a complete set of tools and mechanisms necessary for the future of large-scale blockchain commercial landing in the intelligent economy.N3 redesigned NeoVM, upgraded the original consensus mechanism to dBFT 2.0, simplified the Smart Contract Architecture, and enhanced systems such as ledgers, communications, and storage.Achieve 10-100 times the performance improvement,and at the same time bring a more secure, more stable network experience.\*

New ecology*: to realize Neo's vision of an intelligent economy, it is not enough to improve its own platform.Neo N3 will help projects and assets easily enter the Neo ecosystem through the interoperability protocol alliance Poly Network, which has been joined by nine blockchains (still growing), making Neo a key platform hub.Integration with Poly Network will not only improve the scalability of the Neo blockchain, but will also optimize the flow and use of assets on its chain.\*

So it is new in: governance,economic model,function,architecture,ecology


What is the design thrust of Neo N3 and what kind of blockchain platform do you want to create?

Da: being able to link with the real economy has always been Neo's pursuit

*** Erik: * * \* in order to achieve these two purposes, N3 has made some designs,such as high performance,high reliability,built-in Oracle (Oracle), massive data storage(NeoFS), etc


Why should Neo N3 start a new chain?

*** Erik: * * * because the architecture is completely different

Da: N3 is a revolutionary upgrade, the architecture is completely different, so it is more reasonable to choose the mode of starting a new chain


Not sure what's the question... (Likely 'what's new on N3')

Erik: first, UTXO is removed,and all assets are defined with the latest NEP,such as NEP-11, NEP-17

Second, all logic on the chain is defined in smart contracts,including native contracts and user-defined contracts

Third, dBFT2.0, ensures the certainty and stability of consensus

Fourth, NeoVM has also been completely updated,a new instruction set architecture,plus a lot of advanced features


Thanks to Zheng Wen's answer ~ [social society]just da shu also mentioned a new governance and economic model, can you share in-depth your ideas on new governance and through”flexible management“to solve the differences in real-world jurisdictions?

The most important and complex new change in Da: Neo N3 is its new dynamic on-chain governance mechanism.

Neo's governance board members can be any registry, informal organization, anonymous organization or individual, voted by NEO holders and dynamically change, the voting results of the top 21 candidates will form the board, of which the top 7 are consensus nodes, responsible for the block.The results of the ballot are updated every 21 blocks.

NEO holders can get more incentives by participating in governance.The term of office of the council is theoretically 21 blocks,and voters can flexibly adjust their voting strategies.

The status of Neo board members will be diverse, and some of these entities, or as compliance agencies within a particular sovereign region or legal jurisdiction, will be subject to compliance restrictions in the region in which transactions are processed.Board members face different policy environments, regulatory frameworks, and compliance standards, and anonymous nodes are not affected by this.

When processing transactions, different nodes will react differently to different types of transactions, which will affect the type of business processed on the Neo network to varying degrees.For example, for a particular type of transaction, more than 1/3 of the consensus nodes are affected by local justice can not pass such transactions, then the impact of justice on such a particular transaction that is reflected in the Neo Network.

In the framework of dynamic elections, NEO holders will then make a decision whether to continue to vote for the affected nodes in the next term.Node candidates can also make adjustments according to the voter's strategy.Gradually, Neo's business attributes and council morphology are formed in a repetitive game of voters and node candidates.

The Neo community will determine the direction of Neo by actively participating in governance and expressing its position,which is also the embodiment of Neo's unique community value, experimenting in a resilient and controllable network.

To sum up, the community can decide to make Neo more compliant or to make Neo more open

This is a huge advantage of dBFT consensus mechanism+Neo's on-chain governance

But also from the goal of connecting to the real economy.


Uncle spoke in detail~I believe we also have a certain understanding of Neo N3 new governance and economic model,then the next question, can please give us a brief introduction to the long-term ecological development plan after the launch of Neo N3?

Da: Neo N3 is a community-driven platform, its launch will enable the project side and the developer community to build their ideal projects, together to contribute to the future of the smart economy.

Community developer involvement is critical on the road to achieving Neo's vision.In order to engage the community more widely and bring more technological innovation, the Neo Foundation has set up a number of grants and incentives for Neo-related development and research.In order to reach more new developers and further improve the N3 ecosystem, we also plan to hold a hackathon event for all developers interested in N3 on the N3 test network.

On the other hand, the Neo team will continue to support the full development of the project and partners through the EcoBoost program.

In addition to EcoBoost, Neo will continue to support the growth of the project through Ecofund, an investment fund established by the Neo Foundation.The fund will continue to support Neo N3's infrastructure, dApps and blockchain ecosystem projects.

After N3 goes live, the Neo community and ecosystem project will enter the migration phase.In order to achieve a smooth transition from Neo Legacy to Neo N3, Neo will also launch an Early Adopter Plan during the N3 migration phase to motivate developers and project parties to quickly launch on N3.


Thank you for the detailed answer ~ it seems that the next will be a busy and fulfilling period of time[Hey ha] in fact, when it comes to the large-scale landing of blockchain technology,we will naturally think of cooperation with some international organizations and large companies, after the launch of Neo N3, what is the layout in terms of industry cooperation?Can you introduce uncle tat?

Da: as a forerunner in the blockchain field, Neo's leadership position in major key institutions further proves its unique leading position.By joining.Neo is promoting the mainstream application and standardization of blockchain technology.

Neo founded the InterWork Alliance (IWA) as one of the five initiators, working with industry leaders including Microsoft, Accenture, IBM, SDX, Nasdaq and UBS to develop and promote widely applicable blockchain standards.

We also cooperate with the blockchain-based Service Network (“BSN”) to become its first public chain partners, aiming to reduce the threshold of blockchain development, accelerate the large-scale landing of Block Technology, and jointly promote an interconnected, truly frictionless world.

In addition, Neo interoperates with many blockchains through Poly Network.As an advanced heterogeneous cross-chain interoperability protocol, Poly Network has integrated many blockchains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Neo, ontology, Elrond, Ziliqa, Binance smart chain, Switcheo and Huobi ecological chain.

As of the first quarter of 2021, Poly Network's cumulative cross-chain assets have exceeded $ 3.3 billion.In the future, Neo will continue to use Poly Network to optimize the efficiency and liquidity of N3, and as the infrastructure for Neo Legacy to Neo N3 migration, Poly Network will also make Neo the first platform to achieve a major upgrade through cross-chain technology.

Through the above industry cooperation and the continuous burst of innovation, Neo N3 will become a milestone for Neo and the entire blockchain community.With Neo's rich accumulation and development vision, Neo N3 will further optimize the amount of spit, reduce the development threshold, achieve decentralized governance, and bring a higher level of security.Through these efforts, Neo will work with many industry partners to help the era of large-scale blockchain landing and realize the future of intelligent economy.


Blockchain technology has evolved and evolved at an alarming rate over the past few years.Public chain, as the most important foundation track in the entire industry,the competition between platforms is also extremely fierce and three-dimensional, from the early performance of the dispute, gradually evolved into a comprehensive competition that includes developer experience, infrastructure and ecosystem.How did the two see these rivalries?What role does Neo intend to play in it?

Da: building a world-leading protocol system and corresponding developer infrastructure is an extremely difficult task, especially without sufficient community support.

Therefore, most smart contract platforms naturally choose a technology system similar to Ethereum, more or less drawing on or directly forking Ethereum's codebase, EVM, and toolset.In order to quickly cold start the entire ecosystem and application scenarios, bypassing the long technical and code Reserve stage in the early stage.

These platforms will soon find that choosing a shortcut also has a price.The system of inheriting ethereum also means inheriting many of the shortcomings of Ethereum and putting them in direct competition with Ethereum.

Although the current PoW-based Ethereum has many shortcomings, but also for these competitors to provide its short-term comparative advantage stage, however, with the landing of Ethereum 2.0 and the maturity of expansion technology, the window of opportunity for these competitors is rapidly closing.

Not because of convenience, compromise to accept the shortcomings of other platforms, and is committed to providing the industry's best solutions and user experience in every possible aspect: as a pioneer to lead the popularity of new consensus mechanisms; adhere to the original code base; and build multi-programming language compatible development infrastructure.Neo chose to go his own way.

This is my positioning for Neo's role.

Erik*: to be honest, I haven't seen any strong competition yet.Not to say how well NEO is doing,but the current blockchain is basically building an overhead world,rarely related to the real world, at least outside the transaction hype this relationship has not happened.This shows that the development of blockchain is even in its early stages so far,so I say there is no competition.*

The goal of N3 is to serve large-scale commercial applications,serving the real economy.This is very different from the model of other blockchains.NEO is ultimately going to become the next generation of the internet, there are too many things to do, we step by step, I firmly believe that we are in the right direction.

The next few questions are from the live audience.


Everyone is very concerned about the transition between Neo N3, a new chain, and Neo Legacy.Do I need to migrate, how do I migrate,do I need to change tokens?

Da: Token needs to be migrated

Erik: to migrate, to change the token.How to migrate,there are several programs, is not sure.One possible scenario is through cross-chain.Of course, it's still subject to the final announcement.


Well, the next question,but also the group of tv friends want to know:NEOFS is similar to FIL miner economy?Is the threshold for participation high?

Da: not the same. Filecoin requires a dedicated miner to mine, and NeoFS storage nodes can be implemented with an ordinary server

Erik: pretty much.The difference is that NeoFS uses GAS as a token, is a component of NEO smart contracts, and can also be used alone.But whether it is used in the NEO contract or alone, GAS is used as a token.The income received by miners is also GAS.In N3, GAS application scenarios will be greatly expanded, NeoFS is one of them.

Da: Filecoin mining also needs to pledge a large number of FIL,the value of the Fil that needs to be pledged is several times higher than the miner.No pledge is required to participate in NeoFS.

Taken together, in the Filecoin economic model, less than 10% of the cost is used for storage itself and 90%is used for meaningless mining; NeoFS does not have such a design before the cart is put before the horse


Question 1: How does toracle accomplish the consensus from the physical internet world to the blockchain world?Because the physical internet world itself has a lot of fake content?

The role of Oracle in Da: Neo N3 is to get the URL content of the internet

Neo is the Digital Asset Protocol for the next generation of the internet (or Web 3.0), and Oracel is the channel connecting Web 3.0 and today's internet

With built-in Oracle capabilities, Neo N3 can seamlessly connect to current internet applications and websites

Erik: N3's built-in Predictor allows smart contracts to access internet resources at runtime, access URLs through Oracle nodes, BFT consensus on the results, and then transfer the results back to the contract's callback function.So it only implements a simple Url crawling function,is not responsible for identifying false content.Complex Predictor can be based on the N3 built-in predictor to achieve.

Da: through N3's built-in Oracle, you can read the internet's asset prices,weather forecasts,microblogging content,and even picture content, and so on


Thank you for answering ~ the third question from the group tv buddy:FS is storage,blockchain is the system, now there are a lot of computing power projects, then NEO will become a decentralized cloud computer?

Da*: the objects in the design of NeoFS are for smart contracts on Neo and other App services that can call NeoFS across chains*


da shu and Zheng Wen how to see the market on the domestic project public opinion "domestic cool"."Domestic annihilation

".And so on for the entire blockchain field at home and abroad differences

Erik: is NEO a domestic project?

The one that asked the Q: I personally don't think so, neo is a community-based open source project

Erik: so, there's nothing to say.

Da: Neo has always paid great attention to community, internationalization and decentralization

After N3 is launched, it will accelerate the process of community, internationalization and decentralization


Issue 5. DEFI than traditional financial derivatives in efficiency, security and operational amounts are several orders of magnitude higher, NEO team how to see the DEFI trend,N3 on DEFI action?

Da: Neo is a protocol that focuses on digital assets,so DeFi must be the key direction of Neo

You will see a thriving DeFi ecosystem in N3


Question: the community has a lot of small partners always say that neo can surpass ethereum, how to see [Wang Chai]

Da: Neo's goal is to become the most important Open Network for the smart economy,and as long as this is done, it will naturally surpass other blockchains

“Bitcoin could hit a new all-time high.” How Tesla will affect the crypto market

Elon Musk’s company has once again heated up digital money quotes. Experts explained why the news of the automaker adding a new payment option is a significant step for the entire crypto industry.


Few days ago Tesla added the ability to pay for its products in bitcoins. Now this method is available only for customers from the U.S., in other countries the company promises to introduce it later this year. The automaker has no plans to convert the cryptocurrency received as payment into fiat.

Against the backdrop of this announcement, bitcoin quotes began to rise sharply, rising to $57,200 at their peak. For a few hours, the asset rose in price by almost 7%.

The public company has officially announced that its products can now be bought for cryptocurrency. This is really significant news not only for the crypto market, but also for the whole society. This event is a significant step towards expanding the boundaries of cryptocurrency use. Cryptocurrencies are getting even closer, they are already part of everyday life.

Nikolay Klenov, a financial analyst at the investment company Raison Asset Management, also called this news a landmark event that should have a positive impact on the bitcoin exchange rate. However, in his opinion, the effect may be short-lived if Tesla is not followed by other major companies. The market should confirm that this is not just an eccentric move by Ilon Musk.

“There is a possibility that in the short term, bitcoin will renew its historic high of $61,800 on this news. However, one cannot say for sure,” Klenov added.

Elon Musk is a cult figure, and his actions add confidence to investors. Tesla announced plans to add cryptocurrency payment options back in February. At that time, the company reported to the SEC that it had purchased $1.5 billion worth of bitcoins. Therefore, the current rise in quotations may be short-lived because nothing fundamentally new has happened.

The more companies will start to accept bitcoin as a means of payment, the more positive this will be for its exchange rate. At the same time, the main catalyst for the current price growth is the fact that the funds in the cryptocurrency will be saved in bitcoins and not converted into fiat currency.

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Follow these simple guidelines:

1) As a general rule, be as much specific as you can, every little detail counts and may help us find what you're looking for.

2) Specify the time frame the game came out, at least the decade . Can't remember? Try thinking of other games you might remember playing around the same time as the one you are looking for.

3) Specify the system you played the game on (which console, PC, operating system). If you're not sure, telling us which systems you owned in your gaming history narrows the field down considerably. If it was a flash game that you played on some website, don't say "PC game", say "flash game" or "browser game".

4) List any distinctive qualities you can remember: what genre of game was it (FPS, RPG, Plat former...)? Was the game 2D or 3D? What did the characters and enemies look like? Was the protagonist a male or a female or multiple characters? Was it first person or third person? If third person, what was the camera angle: behind the character, from the side, top-down, isometric? Was the game really bloody? How many players in multiplayer? Post anything you can remember, even if it sounds insignificant.

Sticking to these ground rules will not only help others find the answer to your request, but ensures that the first answer given is more likely to be what you are looking for.

----------------CashApp GoldError Support Number} } CashApp GoldError SupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Keep an eye on the thread

Once you've posted a query, remember to periodically drop by to see if anyone was able to help. In that case be sure to say so, so people know the query has been resolved. Did you remember some new details? Add them via a new post, don't just edit your old one if it's older than a few days, or no one will see the edit!

----------------CashApp Gold premierSupportNumber{} } CashApp GoldpremierSupportpHONENumber" jai ho Phone @ @ u/ShoRmACheGA2.O

Be patient

Just because you don't receive an answer right away it doesn't mean we aren't working on it. Sometimes it takes time for someone to recognize the game you're describing, so check back whenever you see the thread has new replies, they may contain the answer to your request.

Still no replies to your query? Don't assume people didn't try. Don't just repor

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Want to Buy a Tesla With Bitcoin? It Ain’t Easy

The difficulty underscores how even in a roaring bull market, crypto still struggles to gain widespread acceptance as a payment method.

Tesla is not making it attractive to pay for a model S, 3, X or Y in BTC.

This week, CEO Elon Musk announced via Twitter (where else?) that his upstart automaker had begun letting interested buyers pay for their electric vehicles in bitcoin. It’s part of a corporate push to acquire as much of the original cryptocurrency as possible – or at least that’s how it seems – as the manufacturer has no plans to convert the cryptocurrency to fiat. 

But the idiosyncrasies of crypto make it difficult to take advantage of this option. For example, according to the company’s Bitcoin Payment Terms and Conditions, bitcoin transactions must be completed within a certain window of time, or else the price in BTC expires and the buyer must ask for a new one. 

“You have about 30 minutes to make a payment,” a Tesla representative for the northeast region said Thursday.

While that condition is not surprising given bitcoin’s infamous volatility – depending which direction the exchange rate moves, either the car buyer or Tesla could get hosed by a wide swing – it underscores how even in a roaring bull market, crypto still struggles to gain widespread acceptance as a payment method. 

The fault lies with the native complexities of the Bitcoin system, the U.S. tax policy around cryptocurrencies and, in this case, a paucity of information available from Tesla’s customer support team. At least, if you’re a member of the press looking for answers.

No BTC discount

Tesla is notoriously media-shy, after disbanding its PR department late last year. So after calling headquarters in Palo Alto and getting bounced around, and then separately emailing CFO Zach Kirkhorn and the black-hole address for press inquiries, this reporter phoned a number of Tesla retailers based in the northeast and along the West Coast … and learned very little about purchasing a vehicle with bitcoin. 

“It’s very simple. If they ask about purchasing it, we can assist them with making an appointment,” the northeast Tesla representative said, unhelpfully. To be fair, a New Jersey resident who is actually in the market for a vehicle said she called a Tesla branch and got all her questions answered. 

She told CoinDesk that the Paramus-Route 17 gallery accepts bitcoin – though was told flat-out there was no early-adopter’s discount. 

But we were able to glean a few telling insights, including the 30-minute payment window.

Another is that Tesla will only accept exact amounts and will not reimburse payments sent to an incorrect alphanumeric address. 

In fact, bolded passage punctuate the company’s Bitcoin Payment Terms & Conditions document with warning including:




‘Not quite sure’

That document says nothing about tax liabilities, though this is another consideration for U.S. buyers. Under current policy, a purchase of goods or services made with cryptocurrency is a taxable event – even if it’s just a cup of coffee. 

This means that car buyers must account for potential gains or losses if their bitcoin is worth more or less now than when they first purchased it. 

Finally, there are the deflationary incentives in the Bitcoin ecosystem that may discourage potential buyers from spending their coins on cars, or anything. A hard cap of 21 million coins, a decreasing rate of issuance and a growing number of buyers create favorable conditions for the price of BTC to rise over the years, all else equal.

While Lamborghinis have long been the objet petit a for many Bitcoiners, those that have made the purchase – or any purchase – often come to regret it. In 2013, someone purchased a $103,000 Tesla Model S Performance for 91.4 BTC. Those coins today would be worth $4.7 million.

Asked whether there has been any interest from HODLers since Musk tweeted this week, the Tesla representative said, “Not quite sure if anything sold yet in bitcoin.”

But another employee sounded excited: “I don’t really know that much, and don’t want to take on the liability of speaking to the press, to be frank. It’s great news,” this Tesla representative said.

Cardano Rumor Rundown 03.26.2021: March Cardano 360 Edition

Hey Everyone!

I've been obsessively consuming all the Cardano news and media on a daily basis for years now. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to share a list of what I'm seeing for anyone else who's interested. Feel free to make additions as you see fit. Many of your additions from yesterday are in the “Newly Covered” list for today. Also let me know if you think any of the “Previously Covered but Still Interesting” items are no longer interesting and should leave the list.

Check out the youtube companion to today’s post:

Let's go....

Newly covered today:

  1. Cardano 360 was yesterday! The big news first: it sounds like the Alonzo (smart contracts) testnet will launch around end of April or early May. It’s looking like Alonzo HFC event will happen on main net late July or August. The stream was over three hours long. They covered so much! Now, let’s get to the other details revealed.
  2. Grigory Rosu from Runtime Verification gave a big rundown on the universality in programming languages that will be provided by K framework in Cardano. He said he should have some kind of proof of concept around six months from now.
  3. Michael Peyton Jones and Manual Chakravarty (the architects of Plutus) talked about 1) the benefits of Cardano’s modern approach to designing Plutus TX and Plutus Core and how Plutus Core basically being lambda calculus allows for mathematical verification of software written in Plutus, 2) how UTXO (and EUTXO in Cardano) are much more battle proven than other leger accounting systems like account balance system (e.g. ETH) which have had problems, 3) how non-fungible role tokens will be a thing, and 4) how they are now laying out a real development platform for builders instead of just throwing Plutus out into the world.
  4. Lars Brünjes (Head of Education) laid out how they are going to train a group of developers through the Plutus Pioneers program. That group will help test the Alonzo test net after it launches.
  5. Lars has also cloned Uniswap in Plutus with a graphical user interface and completely automated price discovery in the liquidity pools. He did this as a proof of concept to show the capabilities of Plutus. That was demoed right on the stream.
  6. They then brought on people from three different Haskell development firms who will be building things on the testnet as a sort of “red team” test of Alonzo. They all seemed to be very capable in terms of Haskell development (note here that Plutus is basically Haskell).
  7. Tom Lindeman (Chief Security Officer at Runtime Verification) then laid out how disastrous the last few years in Ethereum have been for smart contract security. But, Cardano has a solution. IOHK and Runtime Verification will partner to certify smart contracts as to security. Runtime Verification will do the security audits. This program will be called “Alpha Frontier”.
  8. Charles then laid out the details of the timeline for Alonzo as described above. It sounds like they are targeting to be totally done and hit a code/feature freeze at the end of June. But, it will take Coinbase, Kraken, Binance et al. at least four weeks to update their systems before they can actually launch smart contracts on mainnet.
  9. Collin Edwards and Duncan Couts then gave us an update on the stake pool world as we approach “D DAy” or d=0 which is full decentralization of block production. A stake pool operator Shawn McMurdo has made some Cardano Improvement proposals as to 1) a non-linear curved basis for a0 (pronounced a-naught, represents stake pool operator pledge) to affect rewards more greatly, 2) non-centralized rankings in Daedalus, and 3) an adjustment to minimum fees from fixed to variable. Collin and Duncan clarified there will be no changes to a0 (pledge) or k (max pool size) at the d=0 (full decentralization) event coming up. Duncan also laid out how they are going to launch P2P node testnet in early Q2. This will allow for information to flow directly between nodes and will accomplish automation of things like peer discovery that are currently manual on the network.
  10. Dor Garbash then gave an update on Catalyst. As covered previously here, Catalyst has become a monster. There are 17k people in Ideascale and the treasury is worth more than $400MM. You heard that right, almost a half billion dollars in the Catalyst Treasury. We also heard from a bunch of the previous catalyst winners.

Previously Covered but still interesting:

  1. Charles posts a pic of a taxidermy African bird called a Turacos. He follows up that post by saying "Guys sometimes a stuffed Ethiopian exotic bird next to an old identity book is just a stuffed Ethiopian exotic bird next to an old identity book. Stop reading into things". Everyone enjoys speculating what exactly this could mean with the obvious implication being that the African bird announcement involves digital identity in Ethiopia.
  2. Famed crypto enthusiast and billionaire Mike Novogratz asks the Cardano world "Can anyone make a real bull case for $ADA? Does anyone build on it? Use it? Why is market cap so high? Should it be a funding asset? It’s one of the few cryptos I haven’t traded in my life."
  3. It's announced that 591 different assets have been minted on Cardano in the last eight days.
  4. Catalyst Fund 3 Voting is ongoing, it looks like the Yoroi team has worked out the voting problem in the Yoroi wallet.
  5. Charles was on Real Vision earlier this week.
  6. Cardano SPO Schweta Chauhan was profiled by Forbes.
  7. UAE Fund FD7 Ventures says ADA could 20x in next 2-3 years
  8. Charles will be speaking at the Blockchain Africa Conference this week which may or may not give us more clues as to the African Bird announcement.
  9. SingularityNet collaboration with Cardano going down. How else is Skynet gonna pay the Terminators?
  10. Wolfram Alpha collaboration with Cardano. What will it look like? Mentioned in several recent AMAs. Sounds like Charles and Stephen Wolfram want to be best brohs. That feels good broh.
  11. What did Charles actually do (if anything) on the day of the recent Thanos Infinity Gauntlet snap pic? Just general or was something specific happening behind the scenes? RETIRED!
  12. Alonzo hard fork (non)event to complete Goguen and add smart contracts in Q2. You’ll barely feel it broh. Not even an event. Lots of combinator broh.
  13. Actual target date of Alonzo hardfork combinator event (smart contracts) will be revealed at Cardano 360 show at end of March.
  14. Charles claimed Elon was trolling Cardano with “meta for k” on twitter. Can anyone argue one way or another on this?
  15. Ourobouros omega is slated to bring significant innovation to the Cardano consensus protocol.
  16. Possible Soulja Boy Cardano collab on NFT. Maybe Soulja Boy could be best brohs with Charles and Stephen Wolfram broh?
  17. Coinbase Listing of ADA. Will the DCG Mafia ever allow ADA to compete on an even playing field with “their precious” (read in Gollum voice) ETH? Maybe we don’t even need them? RETIRED!
  18. Twitter revamp via Cardano? Charles did a whole vid on fixing social media curation. Other hand: they won’t even give Charles a blue check mark. (Retired: he finally got it) Other other hand: Jack has a mutual love of Africa.
  19. In the Protocol Parameters vid, Charles suggested they will introduce a CIP (Cardano Improvement Proposal) to change the inflation model to accommodate pay for stakepools for processing transactions/data from the ETH, IELE, and Catalyst sidechains. We’ll get to vote on CIPs like this. Kablam! Democracy! Kablam! Voltaire! Kablam! More duckets for staking! Don’t worry broh. They’re gonna stay serious here broh. Charles squinting real hard/blinking/talking slower/using hands a lot here broh. Not planning to violate the things learned from the long Oxford research arc and the input of the Prism Group (Harvard dudes) broh. Snake still eats tail broh. Kablam!
  20. Charles mentioned a seven person anti-corruption committee reviewing the Ethiopia project. Hopefully no shenanigans there broh.
  21. Charles is scheduled to appear on Lex Fridman’s Podcast in June. Lex seems like a nice guy broh. He’ll probably end up best brohs with Charles, Stephen Wolfram, & Soulja Boy. Ben Goertzel is also in broh. Lex needs a girlfriend but no paying ADA to romance the androids. Just take lion’s mane, maybe some ‘83 Gordon & McPhail, and solve global issues together broh.
  22. Will a Joe Rogan appearance follow this? It was always ”Goguen before Rogan.” They both love meat and you can barely tell they’re both filthy rich. Match made in heaven?
  23. 100% Decentralization of block validation incoming this month!!!!
  24. Liquidity bird to land sometime soon? What is it? RETIRED!
  25. What about the whispers of a telecom deal? Part of the Ethiopia project?
  26. What about paying for utilities and transportation? Part of the Ethiopia deal?
  27. Academic credentialing project in the nation state of Georgia. Lots of mentions of this over the years.
  28. Mongolia project. Also lots of mentions of this over the years.
  29. Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana, & South Africa. It seems like there have been a decent number of indicators over the years that these governments are also already in play or targeted for the pan-Africa strategy of 100 MM users in 5-10 years.
  30. In the recent Cardano 360 show there was talk of Emurgo possibly being in the process of building something that sounded kind of like a Metamask for Cardano. Sebastian building stuff works good broh. If not, what will fill the Metamask role in the Cardano ecosystem as a sort of universal(ish) bridge for users of smart contracts? Daedalus? Or something new that would be standalone?
  31. Justin Roiland knows about Cardano. What if they ever mention it on the show broh?
  32. There is also the looming possibility of a Bitstamp listing.
  33. Yoroi reaches 100k installs!
  34. Cardano tattoos are starting to get elaborate.
  35. There will be a “Mastering Cardano” book. No author signed on yet. Hopefully he or she will have a hairline that is even more dracula than Andreas Antonopoulos. I kid. Love Andreas.
  36. Cardano reached 550k wallets in half the time it took BTC
  37. Cardano now has it’s own thirst trap twitter accounts. I won’t list them. But, you probably already know which ones those are if you follow #cardano. It’s probably bullish that we are now big enough for them to target us.
  38. We can now claim that Catalyst is the world’s biggest DAO! Luckily, I think it is safe to suspect that ours is less susceptible to recursive call attacks than ETH’s first big DAO.
  39. IOHK releases a good article contrasting the various blockchain accounting methods: EUTXO (Cardano) vs. UTXO (Bitcoin) vs. Account Balance (Ethereum). This is one of those nice articles where the British guy pleasantly reads it to you if you want. Use this one to convince all your friends you are the ultimate blockchain expert: “listen Kyle...the shortcoming of UTXO accounting is....”
  40. Cardano devs at IOHK are the most productive in the industry! Already 3,170 commits and climbing this week! I sleep better at night knowing they are not allowed to sleep. Kidding….kidding.
  41. Actual spycam footage of Brian Armstrong watching Coinbase customers discover ADA. RETIRED!
  42. Novogratz follows up that he’s bearish for now but will jump on a call with Charles next week.
  43. Apparently the first $1200 stimulus check if invested in ADA would be $44,800 now.
  44. Charles gives us that real talk about why a young billionaire would devote his life to this Cardano thing.
  45. Cardano uses a tiny fraction of the energy some other top-ten blockchains use. This factoid alone should allow you to hook up with eco-obsessed nature people.
  46. Now you can drive your drinking buddies crazy with your ADA obsession without even saying a word!
  47. Will Babel Fees in Cardano lead to delegators receiving an almost index fund like assortment of native tokens? Will SPOs be willing to accept a wide assortment as payment for transaction fees? Will the economics of the delegation/staking landscape require SPOs to share those Babel Fee tokens with their delegators?
  48. Will NFTs be a glaring exclusion from Babel Fees? Will I have to pay for the transaction fees on my NFT in ADA because I don’t want to give an SPO a small piece of the ownership interest in the digital art or other asset represented by the NFT?
  49. There’s a new Crypto Time Traveler and this one loves Cardano.
  50. Business Insider covers Cardano among four other coins.
  51. The “Cardano Pizza” event becomes an NFT.
  52. Bloomberg covers Cardano, Cites Charles as saying 100 Companies Coming Over
  53. Cardano definition added to search function in Bloomberg Terminal
  54. Commenter Report: Africa Special has finished recording
  55. Cryptoviser apparently is not romantically in love with us.
  56. There is a Part 2 to the IOHK EUTXO discussion we reported under item 39. Good read for verbally upstaging your ETH & BTC supporting co-workers. Be the king of the post-zoom call crypto banter!
  57. Commenter Report: the “metamask of Cardano” speculated about previously in item 30 is the “Yoroi dApp connector”. It’ll be rolled out “with Ergo first and Cardano once Plutus is released.”
  58. It looks like this Yoroi dApp Connector info has even been detailed by Sebastien and Rob on yt. Not sure if we can link directly to this video. But, here is the link to the link. Looks like the dApp Connector talk starts at 1:23:10.
  59. The visionaries among us are already thinking about advanced NFT derivative instruments (some even created by AI) in our ecosystem.
  60. Today is staking rewards day for Epoch 253! Let’s get those duckets!
  61. Cardano is getting a disproportionate cut of the attention market compared to its CMC neighbors.
  62. “Ask the Doctor” is switching from ERC-20 to Cardano. Note that Ask the Doctor is linked to FD7 Ventures in Item 7 below.
  63. We get another People of Input Output Global video. This one features Dan Friedman. He currently lives in Japan. But, the interview starts off with some very interesting stories about his youth in 1980s Kiev, Ukraine. His speaking and story-telling style is similar to the captain in a 1990s buddy cop movie (in a good way). Very interesting and compelling guy.
  64. St. Patrick brings us the green today! The Liquidity Bird has landed!!!!!! We begin going live on Coinbase Pro tomorrow!!!!
  65. Native Token Minting Workshop released on the Slack Dev Community Channel.
  66. This Minting Workshop above is a follow up after a previous Native Token Workshop from 03.04.2021.
  67. The Coinbase News is allowing us to retire rumors 11, 17, and 41 above.
  68. Today is Coinbase day! Finally! Rejoice. Trading on Coinbase Pro is supposed to open at or after 9am Pacific!
  69. Charles finally gets the blue check on twitter.
  70. Perceptions are shifting on which platform will be #1 for smart contracts over the next decade. Here’s the biggest crypto youtuber asking his co-host if he’s losing faith in the traditional #1. If you’re in Cardano, you can guess which coin his answer is shifting away from.
  71. Even septuagenarians are getting in on Cardano.
  72. Coinbase Pro did actually happen yesterday morning. Congratulations everyone. It’s been a long road and it was beautiful watching those initial candles build on the chart after all these years.
  73. The Crypto Time Traveler mentioned last week (Item 49) has apparently left us and now gone back to the future. It definitely adds a touch of realism when they actually leave.
  74. Charles delivered his pre-recorded keynote address at the Blockchain Africa Conference. His remarks support the rumor that the initial Ethiopia project will be around identity. He specifically mentioned Atala Prism. There was talk of the digital identity being able to be linked to wallets, payment systems, and property. He also reasserted that the deals on the table in Africa would bring “millions of users” into the Cardano ecosystem.
  75. If you haven’t seen it in the past, the Atala Prism website has a demo that works with the mobile app showing how the identity solution (along with academic credentialing, health insurance, and proof of employment) would run on Cardano.
  76. ADA is now live on as well as Coinbase Pro! So, you don’t even need to understand orderbooks to buy ADA now.
  77. Tim Harrison of IOG sums up this week perfectly: “Glass of nice red tonight, I think. Quite a week.”
  78. Never imagined there would be a holiday light display that flashed “Screw Doge Coin; ADA is Best” to the original Doge music. Friendly rivalry is probably good in crypto.
  79. Charles doubles down on the declaration that Cardano’s defining moment will be when it can provide the rails for micro finance from the developed world to the developing world not as a form of charity but as a profitable financial activity for both lender and loan recipient. He thinks it will be the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. He says the base infrastructure for this is being rolled out over the next 24-36 months.
  80. The ADA adoption numbers are looking really good lately!
  81. Max Keiser is also not romantically in love with us. Charles lays down the stick pretty hard on this one. I’m saying good. If you can’t take the heat...stay out of the Cardano kitchen, my man.
  82. Cardano releases an infographic that sums up all the partnerships, deployments, startups, and functionality in the entire ecosystem. We got a lot going on!
  83. Here’s a really good article discussing decentralization in the context of Cardano core code maintenance. Really good job on this by
  84. The Cardano tattoo phenomenon continues to proliferate.
  85. BlockFi to add ADA “as soon as we can.”
  86. ADA Heart Pool made an awesome infographic guide to staking:
  87. Awesome comparative chart showing how much more decentralized Cardano is already compared to BTC.
  88. Transactions are way up over the last several epochs!
  89. Cardano 360 going down on Thursday March 25th. This is the big monthly streaming event where they tell us what’s going on. Save your spot here:
  90. Critics think that lack of burned fees is a valid complaint against Cardano. But, good outcomes at scale only come with good incentives and free competition. So, if the fees aren’t paying the costs of transactions in these other protocols, the question goes begging: who is? In the end, the answer always turns out to be that the transaction costs have just been obfuscated under the guise of inflation via coin emission or some other hidden tax on someone in the ecosystem (usually the coin holders).
  91. We are starting to see cracks in the psychological armor of the Ethereum crowd. This anti-Cardano post was at 0 upvotes (at time of writing) while the fairly pro-Cardano response received triple figure upvotes.
  92. When smart contracts go live with Alonzo (the final HFC event in Goguen), and we eventually have Babel Fees, it’s going to make almost zero sense for any developer to choose ETH over Cardano. This will apply especially to any project that sends tokens to its customers (e.g. NFT projects) and any project that involves significant computation or transaction loads on the network (e.g. DeFi projects).
  93. Emurgo is thinking about supply chain solutions for the seafood industry.
  94. Check out this very cool relay node global tracker form monadpool! Thanks for building this!
  95. We now have a Backstreet Boy. Might not seem that important, until you notice he has 600k followers. Network effects. Thanks, Nick!
  96. A guy tried to use Charles’s reaction to the King Soopers tragedy in Boulder to criticize Cardano. Charles told him to go f*** himself and then auctioned off the tweet with proceeds going to the families of the victims. The auction price quickly hit four figures and closed at $7k.
  97. Thursday is Cardano 360 and Friday will be “Get ADA Day” as staking rewards for Epoch 255 close. Gonna be an action packed close to the week. Enjoy!
  98. Here was my favorite moonboi tweet of the last few days. Old photo, but excellent captioning work here.
  99. Great new interview with Sebastien! In this one he explains a lot about the dApp Connector being built by Emurgo. As reported by a commenter in one of our earlier threads, it will work with Ergo first and then Cardano. A very interesting tidbit was Sebastien’s explanation of how the Emurgo dApp Connector will actually be safer than Metamask (which fills a similar role in the ETH ecosystem). Very good info. Thanks to Sebastien and the Cardano Podcast!
  100. Today is Cardano 360 day!!!! Watch it here at 10:30AM Pacific, 17:30 GMT, 18:30 CET. This is the live monthly streaming show from IOHK. Watch this one. Hopefully we’ll get a target date for Alonzo. That’ll tell us when we get smart contracts.
  101. Looks like the Cardano 360 show may highlight how Cardano will not experience some of the shortcomings that leading blockchains have in the past (like the time that bitcoin accidentally issued 184 billion BTC in one block).
  102. Catalyst Fund 5 will have a $2MM total budget! Included will be a very interesting $50k Metadata challenge in Fund 5. Metadata can be used to prove the existence of a certain document or event to third parties without necessarily revealing the data contained therein. This means you can do cool things on the blockchain without using smart contracts as in the prior New Balance anti-counterfeiting and Beefchain traceability Cardano projects.The winners of this challenge are actually going to be incubated and supported by the IOHK Metadata team! People waiting for Goguen and smart contracts are definitely sleeping on what can be done with metadata on Cardano today.
  103. There is a Catalyst Dashboard available that gives you all the stats on the current projects in Cardano’s multi-million dollar decentralized innovation fund (the world’s biggest).
  104. Charles says they are going to end up spending $15-30MM this year on research and they will hire 100-200 people. That’s an investment in the future of the ecosystem!

~Army of Spies