Friday, November 27, 2020

[Daily Discussion] Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

Donations requested for marketing initiatives in Singapore to raise awareness and gain adoption in BCH

Donations needed : 50 BCH Will post screenshot daily until targeted funds met

Wallet address: qqad5y88ya7cev64q7k53jyr5ehvx5jdr5gx20ryrn

Operations 3 men team (1 chinese, 1 Malay and 1 Indian)

COVID situation in Singapore, no mass gatherings (less than 6 ppl allowed) but able to travel around with mask on, our strategy of outreach will be different, as in Singapore most of us lived in block flats/unit numbers, we will bring ourselves to them, we will do door to door visiting, bringing along our laptop and promotional materials, explaining and showing them the benefits of Bitcoin cash

Almost 97% population in Singapore using smartphones and the elderlies (55-75) age group are one of the most IT tech savvy ranked top amount the world

Background We come from diverse backgrounds, financial, advertising and computer engineering fields, thus able to tap on this and deliver this project fruitfully, Face to face marketing and engaging/building rapport is our forte and we do it in a high conversion rate

Scope of work included:

1) door to door visiting marketing covered 40 blocks of residential flats (1 flats normally 12-16 storeys with 6-10 units)

2) print 10,000 flyers and distributed to the mailbox’s of unit as well, flyers will consists of English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil languages translations

3)prepare 10,000 small door gift to be given to the prospects to entice them

The goal is to try and get them to purchase and hold at least one BCH.

We will take event photos and videos to showcase our work done and pictures with prospects/users

This is a tedious hard work task and we each will only get a little compensation for our efforts minus off all those promotional materials/door gifts, expenses travelling around.

Please support us and we will deliver a successful marketing campaign, and we do not ask for huge sum of marketing fees for our part.

We do have the next campaign in mind and after residential campaign we will proceed to target companies for utilising BCH in their payments

Thank you

Why XLM is still a worth buy!

  1. Team is solid. Hi, McCaleb.
  2. Already upgraded the network to Protocol 15 which makes it easier to onboard noobs like your grandma. The non-crypto illiterates really don’t have to know about xlm or lumens or how the process works in the background. This is the biggest puzzle in Bitcoin community. I think they should read how Stellar is doing it. This is not to bash daddy BTC (I hold Bitcoin!)
  3. USDC on January 2021.
  4. Partnership with banks is growing.
  5. Brazil and Argentina stablecoins are first launched on Stellar network. (There are other more stablecoins launched on Stellar like EURT, PHP, NAIRA, and more)
  6. Stellar is a network like Ethereum (minus the ridiculous gas fee). You can tokenize any assets & create tokens easily e.g metals (gold, silver — check out MintX ) You can even create NFTs on Stellar. Check out Litemint game
  7. XLM is the native asset used for opening accounts & transactions. Fast and dirt cheap.
  8. Undisclosed project with ABRA.
  9. Burned half of the supply already and removed inflation.
  10. Remittance, stablecoins, banking the unbanked, cross-border payments and currently the exploration of CBDC are the use cases of Stellar. Their last Meridian event held this month featured Reid Hoffman (co-founder of Linkedin), Sir Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of world wide web), Jim Yong Kim (former president of world bank group) and more.

I am pretty sure I missed out a lot more but that’s all I can think of right now.


Monero Con-Arguments

Hello Monero community,

I’ve recently come around to understand why default privacy is so important for a currency. In doing some research (as a non-technical / non-expert), Monero appears to be the king of privacy with a large developer community and proven security after years of analysis. However, as with any other project in the cryptocurrency universe, there are still pros and cons commonly cited. So, in this regard, can you explain if the “Con-Arguments” for Monero cited on r/CryptoWikis (last updated July 2019) are still relevant? Or if any of these have been mitigated/improved? Here’s what it says:



-Dominated by 2-3 mining pools which account for nearly 50% of the hashing power.

-Overwhelming majority (~70%) of code contributions since 2017 have come from one individual: moneromoo-moo.

-The threat that a larger, more popular blockchain adopts full privacy-preserving technology making its existence (essentially) superfluous.

-Increased regulatory scrutiny due to private transactions and anonymity.

-More difficult user experience and fewer wallet options due to the privacy technology associated with transaction.


Monero is an open-source community-driven project and although the core team is the primary contributor to the platform's development, community members can actively participate in donating, mining, and developing Monero. Unlike Monero, many cryptocurrency communities are subject to the decisions made by centralized development teams and early-stage on-chain governance mechanisms that still have many issues that need to be worked out in order to function properly.

Monero guards against 51% attacks through its emphasis on decentralization using the CryptoNight Proof-of-Work mining and a focus on maintaining ASIC resistance. Estimates to 51% attack the network as of March 2019 suggest it would cost the would-be attacker ~$6,300 per hour plus the upfront cost of mining hardware. For reference, Bitcoin’s 51% attack cost is estimated to be ~$434,000 per hour while Ethereum Classic, who was recently successfully attacked, is estimated at ~$5,000 per hour.

Although focusing on ASIC resistance, Monero's mining is dominated by two mining pools which account for nearly 50% of the hashing power. This top heavy hashing power hierarchy brings into question Monero’s true decentralization. Furthermore, a messy forking event over an AISC debate appears to have been for naught as a large majority (85%) of Monero’s hashing power is still under ASIC control.


Thanks! 🙏

When Speeches are Always so Richly Inspiring

My notes of my own interpretation of what was said: Native assets can have a lot of advantages over ERC20 tokens in performance and cost, and we can have a path where you can pay token fees in the native asset instead of ADA, that is a very powerful prospect. You can even have vanity addresses where you can have your own address preference.

Dapps, Oracles, stablecoins, DEXs, all coming.

When Prism is fully integrated so that you have an identity center you no longer send ADA to an address, you will be able to send it to Jason, to James, to the identity in Prism. Basic grandma level usability.

End to end communication, end to end encrypted communication, pub-sub, all will come.

Proof of stake implementation is far harder than doing the smart contracts bit that Ethereum so prides itself in. Cardano did the harder PoS right with all the peer review and papers, and now has the right foundation to do smart contracts and more.

Upgrades will be a hardfork combinator event, just a flipping switch, no disruption to service.

Among the top 10 by market cap, Polkadot and Cardano are the scalable ones, no other. Nominated Proof-of-Stake that Polkadot uses is based on the Cardano's Ouroboros protocol.

Cardano will not just do the smart contracts, it will do the "pond and the ocean" (the term is a surprise to be revealed in the Cardano update at end month).

Cardano has decoupled the clock to deal with clock issues, can recover from dishonest majority, has a better way of generating random numbers. Dealt with the account model, network stack, consensus model, programming languages.

If we do one deal in Africa we get 5 million people, then we wake up one day we have 100 million. That needs a system that can scale and we have thought about how to get there, and get there with regulation, with identity, with off-chain, with permissioned ledger.

When the price increases we get more decentralized, K increases, we get more stake pools, we will get more resilient and run more Hydra nodes that gets us to more than 1000 tps. 1000 stake pools and 1000tps will get you to a million tps. Bitcoin is the opposite, when the price of Bitcoin goes up, you get more vertical integration with mining towards asics and subsidised power, and the pools go from public to private, and you end up with 5 guys doing the mining. You can feed the entire bitcoin mining community with two pizzas, that is not decentralization.

Bitcoin uses more electricity than Switzerland (and when prices goes up further, Canada) and is still constrained to 7tps. Cardano gets more decentralised and gets more tps. The entire Cardano runs on 20 kilowatts.

With the base layer of Cardano alone as it is today we can go from 150 tps to 1000 with the base protocol pre-sharded. So if you add on to that the state channels to run all the micro transaction off chain and low economic value transactions off chain, maybe we will exceed that in ten years. Cardano has 5 years or more to think about Sharding before the network needs it, because we built it right from the ground up and cannot outgrow our designs. Ethereum outgrew itself and is now hastily and chaotically backpedaling to rectify and do game theory, sharding, proof of stake, consensus mechanism etc, which creates complexity doing so many things all at once in an attempt to contain the implosion.

In the beginning in 2015, we went back to basics and we asked ourselves what does a blockchain mean and wrote the GKL paper, then we asked if proof of stake can even work and created a toy theoretically secure proof of stake but not the real one just to prove that under the worst conditions proof of stake can match Bitcoin and that was the original Ouroboros paper.

Then we said let's build it to work at scale in a real operating environment and went from synchronous to partial synchronous, not scalable random number generation to high throughput number generation, static to adaptive security which is Ouroboros Praos, to be able to bootstrap from genesis we did Ouroboros Genesis, clock issue we did Ouroboros Chronos, recover from dishonesty majorities we did Consensus Redux, state channels Ouroboros Hydra. Every time we did that we built on the foundation already laid so that we never need to do a regression. Then the thousands of citations for Ouroboros papers. Far ahead of Ethereum on the the theory side and on the engineering side.

We did the ITN to rollout Shelley and spent 6 months with the incentivised testnet building a stake pool population, learning the mechanics of staking, getting the parameters right before we went to do the Shelley hardfork. Now that we did the Shelley hardfork we are now in the hybrid era where we gradually move from OBFT to Praos, network has never stalled. Professional adult way do it rather than experimenting with peoples businesses and hurting them as they lose money in badly built DEFI. Can be trusted by govts and fortune 500 companies when we take it to them, because we did it right.

Doing things without proper research and sound theoretical foundation is irresponsible and immature. This has plagued Ethereum which has been built with total lack of peer review, formal verifications, and due dilligence, hurting the people that use it as they lose money through DEFI errors and gas fee (check here for what a rash unmeasured approach on Ethereum does to users).

Mnemonic Phrase and Its Importance

Today we'd like to tell you about the mnemonic phrase — and its importance and features. This will answer a lot of questions from our users, including why you cannot use your own words within your UMI mnemonic phrase. Let us not “beat about the bush” and get straight to the point.

Mnemonic phrase inside out 

Essentially, the word “mnemonic” is translated from the Ancient Greek as “art of memory”. Mnemonics are a set of methods and techniques to facilitate data perception and storage. In other words, abstract objects or ideas the brain finds hard to process are replaced with those easily perceived visually, aurally or kinesthetically. 

To access coins, Bitcoin wallets initially used only private keys — randomly generated and stored in the wallet.dat file. It caused a lot of problems and was terribly inconvenient. This is why the crypto community decided to turn to mnemonics. 

The crypto world uses mnemonics to simplify visual perception and memorization of private keys for crypto wallets — i. e. to generate mnemonic phrases. In simple terms, mnemonics “transforms” a really long number consisting of multiple digits into a set of a few words that become your “login and password” to access your wallet — or your mnemonic phrase. 

Mnemonic phrase aka seed-phrase is the main method used to log into the official UMI wallet and access coins. It's important to note it's not a password. While you can recover passwords for your e-mail and accounts on social media, exchange platforms and other web-sites that require authorization, there are no way whatsoever to restore mnemonic phrases. Equally, you cannot change your mnemonic phrase. It's not stored anywhere, and you're the only one with access to your wallet by default.

This is why it's really important to store your mnemonic phrase with maximum (!) security. In one of the future articles we'll tell you more about it. Naturally, it's important not to show your mnemonic phrase to strangers as anyone who knows your mnemonic phrase can log into your wallet unchecked and take possession of your coins. You and only you are the one person who should know the phrase. This is the foundation of your crypto security. 

How the technical aspect works: explained in simple terms

When you create a crypto wallet, you auto-generate your own unique private key in the cryptocurrency network: 

  • Initially, a combination of characters in binary code is generated. It consists of a certain number of digits (zeros and ones aka bits). The output is a number comprising a multitude of 1's and 0's or entropy, in science terms.

Part of entropy in its initial format. Source. 

  • Entropy is randomly generated and represents a multi-digit number that is unique for each new generation event. In other words, it’s never repeated. Each number of this kind may contain an endless number of digits/bits, but generally numbers containing 128 to 256 digits are used. It is sufficient to prevent two people from generating identical entropies. If you want more details, the number of possible combinations in an entropy that is 256 bits long is 2 raised to the power of 256. In numerical terms, it's 1.157920892373162e+77 or 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,907,853,269,984,665,640,564,039,457,540,007,913,129,639,936 variations. This number contains 78 digits, i. e. the number of possible combinations is bigger than the number of stars in the visible Universe! An attempt to hack it using the full enumeration method and existing machine power would take more time than the life of the Sun. Is this enough to make you feel completely safe?
  • Since human brain finds it a lot easier to perceive and memorize a set of words rather than a multitude of binary code digits, mnemonics transforms entropy into a user-friendly text format. In the end, the wallet owner will see a text consisting of 12–24 words instead of a number with 128–256 digits. This text is the mnemonic phrase.
  • It's then processed by the special hashing algorithm (in the case of UMI, it means 2,048 rounds using sha512). The result is a private key you can use to access your coins and a public key used to generate your address in the UMI network. Thus, the mnemonic phrase is a universal “magical code” that opens all doors for you to access and fully use your cryptocurrency. In the end, the mnemonic phrase saves you from storing private keys, dealing with complex cryptography or noting down a bunch of digits and characters. You will only have a simple set of a few words which is more than enough for the successful use of cryptocurrency.

Simplified diagram of mnemonic phrase generation. Source. 

Methods of mnemonic phrase generation have certain peculiarities, too. Theoretically, you can use any words you want, but the crypto community believes it's not safe. Therefore, they generally use a few standards known as BIP (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal) to generate mnemonic phrases. Despite the name, these standards are used in most official wallets of other cryptocurrencies, too.

But we're not going to get into technical complexities. Suffice it to mention that the most widely used, safe and convenient standard is BIP39 used for Bitcoin, Ethereum and other top coin wallets. 

  • BIP39 allows you to generate a phrase ranging from 12 to 24 words. It's 12 words for 128 bits and 24 words for 256 bits, accordingly.
  • The BIP39 word list used for phrase generation includes 2,048 simple and easy-to-remember English words you can review here. Moreover, according to the standard, words in phrases are selected in a way that makes them easy to remember and allows you to use the first three letters to easily make up the remaining part. 

BIP39 is a safe and convenient standard as it can be used to create an easy-to-remember text without human input. Why is it a good thing? It's because it's quite difficult to create a phrase consisting of a random set of words on your own as in the vast majority of cases human brain will subconsciously try to link words to some terms, events or dates it knows or relates to. 

User-entered words are considered unsafe for cryptography purposes by default. To ensure your wallet is protected against password hacking algorithms and technologies that currently exist in abundance, words for the phrase must be selected randomly. BIP39 is designed to ensure reliable protection for users. 

Mnemonic phrase for the UMI wallet ensures your coins are reliably protected
Though some developers think 12 words are enough for wallet protection, 24 words are a more reliable combination which is why official UMI wallets use the latter option. UMI ensures the highest security level which is why our mnemonic phrases contain the optimal number of words corresponding to the most reliable, 256-bit BIP39 standard.

Official UMI wallet uses the secure BIP39 standard.

UMI protects its wallets using the 256-bit standard. Therefore, our mnemonic phrases contain 24 words. 

We're certain you now understand why you cannot insert your own words into the mnemonic phrase for your UMI wallet. Let’s recap why:

  1. UMI wallets use the safe, popular and convenient BIP39 standard that is compatible with other wallets and cryptocurrencies. It will allow us to design new technological solutions related to other crypto industry projects in the future. For instance, it'll make it easier to embed UMI in other crypto wallets and, technically, use the same mnemonic phrase for different cryptocurrencies. 
  2. According to the standard, each word in a mnemonic phrase is an integral part of a private key specifically generated for your wallet. The phrase won't work even if a single letter is changed, let alone a word.
  3. It's not recommended to make a mnemonic phrase using your own words, not to compromise your coins. At any rate, a mathematical algorithm is more effective than man in selecting words for the phrases — a randomly generated phrase is a lot more reliable than any password even if you think it's really complicated. 

Nonetheless, the UMI network does not restrict developers of wallets and other apps in any way. In the future, we might have non-official wallets where you can use a mnemonic phrase consisting of your own words. The BIP39 standard for the official wallet is just a recommendation. 

We hope that this article has helped you understand the subject and find exhaustive answers to all your questions. Now you know that you can use official UMI wallet without fear for you coins — they're completely safe and secure. 

Sincerely yours, UMI Team! 

P. S. In the future articles, we'll tell you about the rules to store your mnemonic phrase — and coins — safely. 

[For Hire] Versatile experienced developer for web, desktop, mobile application, blockchain, game, using C++, Python, JavaScript, PHP, Java, C#, and more


  • 20 years professional programmer.
  • More than 12 years working in large global gaming companies.
  • Created several open source projects.
  • My personal website for more information.

I can do

  • Develop web front and back end using PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery, Bootstrap.
  • Tools and utilities development. Web scrappers, automation tools.
  • Develop applications, utility tools, games for desktop (Windows, Linux) and mobile.
  • Cryptocurrency and blockchain related technologies.
  • Programming mentor and consultant.

My portfolio, I created all these projects

  • eventpp library. It's a C++ library for event dispatcher and callback list.
  • eventpy and eventjs library. Python and JavaScript library for event dispatcher and callback list (sister libraries of eventpp).
  • cpgf library. It's a very complicated open source cross platform C++ library that adds reflection, serialization and script binding to standard C++.
  • Gincu library. It's an open source 2D cross platform game engine written in C++ and cpgf.
  • Jincu library. It's an open source 2D game engine and framework written in JavaScript ES6.
  • markdown utilities. It's a collection of Perl scripts to manipulate markdown files.
  • I developed my personal website and the blogging system on from scratch

My technology stack

  • Cross platform C++ (very experienced), Boost, Qt5, wxWidget, etc.
  • Python
  • PHP (Laravel), MySQL, JavaScript (jQuery, ES6, ReactJs), Bootstrap, Semantic UI
  • Java, C#
  • I can master any new technology quickly

My advantages

  • I'm reliable. I keep my promise. I do my best to finish your job.
  • I'm affordable. My price is lower than a Silicon Valley programmer in the US that's equally qualified.
  • I produce high quality result. I pursue high quality in both code and products.
  • I am very experienced and professional. I have been developing software and games since 2000 and have been learning C++ since 1995.

Payment methods

Paypal, Bitcoin (no altcoin please), TransferWise. 50% upfront, 50% after I finish the project and before I send you the final product/code. Negotiable.

Where am I

I work remotely. I live in Beijing, China, GMT+8. I'm native Chinese.

My fee and rate

I charge a fixed fee for each project.
My general fee is lower than a senior developer with my experience level in the US Bay Area, but also don't expect my fee is as low as a middle level developer from other low end freelancer sites.
Approximate fee for typical projects, in USD

  • Trivial - small projects: 3-4 figures
  • Small - medium projects: 4-5 figures
  • Medium - Large projects: 5 figures and more

The fee varies depending on the project type and the technology, and negotiable.

You get more than what you pay for

If you are looking for high quality development and don't want to waste your time and money, contact me, you will get very good results for your money.

To contact me, either PM me on Reddit, or contact me on my personal website

How to fork bitcoin

To begin with, we’ll take you through the fundamentals. How to fork bitcoin happens when two diggers find legitimate squares simultaneously. Accordingly, when two squares have a similar square stature, this is alluded to as a fork.

The chances of finding the following squares on the two branches simultaneously again are fairly low. Be that as it may, in the event that one split of the blockchain develops longer, excavators will join this split, withdrawing the more limited split.

The squares in the more limited variant are classified “vagrant squares”. No exchanges are lost since exchanges on the stranded square, in the event that they were not as of now added to the substantial square, are re-communicated to the organization and added into the following legitimate square. These forks generally don’t change the hidden convention. On the off chance that a fork, notwithstanding, is purposeful, it is alluded to as a lasting fork.

Smartphone application which connects the drivers offering the trips and passengers with the possibility of cryptocurrencies payment

About JILT

JILT is an on-demand e-hailing platform that will offer unique, convenient, and safe transportation for everyone in Nigeria. At the startup phase, the company will focus on Lagos, Ibadan, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Imo, and Kano. However, there are plans to scale up the service to other states of the country.

Goals and objectives

Our goal is to simultaneously position JILT as a focal point for cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria while also providing a reliable solution to the myriad of problems facing the nation’s transportation industry.

Problems and solutions

The importance of a functional transport system of any country cannot be overemphasized as it connects people and places and also promotes social interaction. However, the transport system in Nigeria is below par.
The effectiveness of road transportation - the most used mode of transportation in the country is limited by a lack of regulations which in turn spurns unprofessionalism, inadequate access to means of transportation, traffic congestion, parking problems, accidents, and environmental pollution.
JILT will provide everyone (on request) with unhindered access to safe, reliable, efficient, environmentally-friendly transit services that suit their needs. The rides will be handled by qualified, competent, and trusted drivers to ensure the safety of passenger(s) and the effectiveness of services.
Transacting with JIL Token will not only allow seamless payment, but it will also serve as a template for future cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria.

Value propositions

JILT has been structured into a multi-sided platform it will offer a value proposition to both the users (passengers) as well as the drivers. The passengers will enjoy a reliable and efficient means of transit while the drivers will be afforded the opportunity to earn, freedom to choose when they want to work, and also the ease of getting started.

Target market

JIL Taxi service is targeted towards the crypto enthusiast (passengers)by giving them the most affordable means of transportation when compared to its competitors. Additionally, these passengers will be able to take full advantage of their digital currency by utilizing it as a method of payment. Moreover, JIL Taxi did not forget the traditionalist, who prefers to pay with credit cards, as this remains a payment option as well.

Market strategy

Ride-hailing service is not new to Nigeria, there are a number of such services in operation. However, JILT is coming with a service that has the potential to change how ride-hailing service providers operate in Nigeria.
Our marketing strategy will integrate print and media advertising, sales promotions, events and experiences, public relations, and other means to communicate the cost efficiency, increasing service range, and high level of customer convenience prospects of JILT to all range of customer segments irrespective of their geographical location, age and/or social status.
Also, first-time customers will be offered discounts while ‘regular’ customers will enjoy discounts when they refer new users to JILT.

Business model

Uber’s business model which Bolt’s and other on-demand e-hailing platforms in Nigeria is copying is, to be polite, deeply flawed. This is because it does not address the unprofessionalism, nefarious acts, reckless driving, and other problems that are peculiar to Nigeria and its people.
JILT’s uniqueness is not just about adopting cryptocurrency - JIL Token as its payment gateway. Our services addressed the felt needs of the people, especially the challenge they face in their day to day activities.
We are out to offer our target market a unique ride-hailing experience, much like they never had it. Our company has been able to identify a shorter way of having ridden around for the populace by providing an app that allows our esteemed customers to book for rides and promptly make the rides available in the shortest possible time. All they have to do is download our app for free, buy the JIL Token with their local currency, order the ride nearest to them and pay using the coin.
We will utilize the latest technology and equipment to facilitate convenient and enjoyable travel. Our app has been designed for both the drivers and the users. The users are allowed to download the user version of our app for personal uses while the drivers can also download the driver version of the app, register their car with us. All they have to do is download our app for free, buy the JIL Token with their local currency, order the ride nearest to them and pay using the coin. JIL Taxi will accept other popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ether as well.

Competitive landscape & Advantage

All the ride-hailing service providers in Nigeria have a common pattern they copy the concept of Uber and add adjustments, but JILT is different.
JILT is designed to directly affect the challenges of the transportation system in Nigeria, i.e, the design details are specific to Nigeria.
Also, unlike other services, JILT does not just have its own payment gateway. Its payment gateway is modeled to accept cryptocurrency (JIL Token) and the local currency.

Financial projections

We estimate that every registered user on JILT will spend an average of $1 (~N400) per ride. JILT will charge a commission of 20% on each ride. This thus indicates that for every ride, JILT will earn an income of $0.2 (~N80).
By our projections, one (1) driver will have an average of five (5) orders per day in the first year, 7 in the second year, 10 per day in the third year, 12 per day in the fourth year, and 15 per day in the fifth year as our marketing strategy will be geared towards bringing more customers to use our app each month. We will also start with 400 drivers, which will increase to 650 in the second year, 1,300 in the third, 2,150 in the fourth, and 3,150 in the fifth year.
Please note that our projections are wild guesses. It is a result of an in-depth analysis of the ride-hailing business in Nigeria.


JILT has been recording landmark achievements since its inception. At only three (3) months old, the JILT found its way to its first exchange. At 6 months, we landed our 2nd exchange listing.
The JILT was listed on Coingecko and EXNCE became its 3rd exchange listing. Our logo has been established on the Trust wallet and we have officially registered in Nigeria got incorporated as JILTOKENS INDUSTRIES LIMITED.

Risk to revenue

There is no doubt that there are some circumstances that might hinder the revenue flow of JILT when it begins operations in Nigeria. However, the team, who are cryptocurrency enthusiasts with more than 35 years of combined experiences, are prepared to navigate through the challenges.
Also, because the business model of JILT is peculiar to the challenges of the transportation system in Nigeria, our strategy is well thought and is a result of months of understudying other ride-hailing service providers already in operation in Nigeria.

JILT on Tecra Space

Any member of our community will soon be able to vote for a project that has the opportunity to appear on Tecra Space. Currently, the JILT project is waiting for community verification in the waiting room.

The JILT project team needs $250,000 to implement all their ideas. In the near future our investors will be able to buy project tokens (TCR payment), which will give them the opportunity to profit from the project. More information coming soon!

Sources: JILT's Pitch Deck

Smartphone application which connects the drivers offering the trips and passengers with the possibility of cryptocurrencies payment

About JILT

JILT is an on-demand e-hailing platform that will offer unique, convenient, and safe transportation for everyone in Nigeria. At the startup phase, the company will focus on Lagos, Ibadan, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Imo, and Kano. However, there are plans to scale up the service to other states of the country.

Goals and objectives

Our goal is to simultaneously position JILT as a focal point for cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria while also providing a reliable solution to the myriad of problems facing the nation’s transportation industry.

Problems and solutions

The importance of a functional transport system of any country cannot be overemphasized as it connects people and places and also promotes social interaction. However, the transport system in Nigeria is below par.
The effectiveness of road transportation - the most used mode of transportation in the country is limited by a lack of regulations which in turn spurns unprofessionalism, inadequate access to means of transportation, traffic congestion, parking problems, accidents, and environmental pollution.
JILT will provide everyone (on request) with unhindered access to safe, reliable, efficient, environmentally-friendly transit services that suit their needs. The rides will be handled by qualified, competent, and trusted drivers to ensure the safety of passenger(s) and the effectiveness of services.
Transacting with JIL Token will not only allow seamless payment, but it will also serve as a template for future cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria.

Value propositions

JILT has been structured into a multi-sided platform it will offer a value proposition to both the users (passengers) as well as the drivers. The passengers will enjoy a reliable and efficient means of transit while the drivers will be afforded the opportunity to earn, freedom to choose when they want to work, and also the ease of getting started.

Target market

JIL Taxi service is targeted towards the crypto enthusiast (passengers)by giving them the most affordable means of transportation when compared to its competitors. Additionally, these passengers will be able to take full advantage of their digital currency by utilizing it as a method of payment. Moreover, JIL Taxi did not forget the traditionalist, who prefers to pay with credit cards, as this remains a payment option as well.

Market strategy

Ride-hailing service is not new to Nigeria, there are a number of such services in operation. However, JILT is coming with a service that has the potential to change how ride-hailing service providers operate in Nigeria.
Our marketing strategy will integrate print and media advertising, sales promotions, events and experiences, public relations, and other means to communicate the cost efficiency, increasing service range, and high level of customer convenience prospects of JILT to all range of customer segments irrespective of their geographical location, age and/or social status.
Also, first-time customers will be offered discounts while ‘regular’ customers will enjoy discounts when they refer new users to JILT.

Business model

Uber’s business model which Bolt’s and other on-demand e-hailing platforms in Nigeria is copying is, to be polite, deeply flawed. This is because it does not address the unprofessionalism, nefarious acts, reckless driving, and other problems that are peculiar to Nigeria and its people.
JILT’s uniqueness is not just about adopting cryptocurrency - JIL Token as its payment gateway. Our services addressed the felt needs of the people, especially the challenge they face in their day to day activities.
We are out to offer our target market a unique ride-hailing experience, much like they never had it. Our company has been able to identify a shorter way of having ridden around for the populace by providing an app that allows our esteemed customers to book for rides and promptly make the rides available in the shortest possible time. All they have to do is download our app for free, buy the JIL Token with their local currency, order the ride nearest to them and pay using the coin.
We will utilize the latest technology and equipment to facilitate convenient and enjoyable travel. Our app has been designed for both the drivers and the users. The users are allowed to download the user version of our app for personal uses while the drivers can also download the driver version of the app, register their car with us. All they have to do is download our app for free, buy the JIL Token with their local currency, order the ride nearest to them and pay using the coin. JIL Taxi will accept other popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ether as well.

Competitive landscape & Advantage

All the ride-hailing service providers in Nigeria have a common pattern they copy the concept of Uber and add adjustments, but JILT is different.
JILT is designed to directly affect the challenges of the transportation system in Nigeria, i.e, the design details are specific to Nigeria.
Also, unlike other services, JILT does not just have its own payment gateway. Its payment gateway is modeled to accept cryptocurrency (JIL Token) and the local currency.

Financial projections

We estimate that every registered user on JILT will spend an average of $1 (~N400) per ride. JILT will charge a commission of 20% on each ride. This thus indicates that for every ride, JILT will earn an income of $0.2 (~N80).
By our projections, one (1) driver will have an average of five (5) orders per day in the first year, 7 in the second year, 10 per day in the third year, 12 per day in the fourth year, and 15 per day in the fifth year as our marketing strategy will be geared towards bringing more customers to use our app each month. We will also start with 400 drivers, which will increase to 650 in the second year, 1,300 in the third, 2,150 in the fourth, and 3,150 in the fifth year.
Please note that our projections are wild guesses. It is a result of an in-depth analysis of the ride-hailing business in Nigeria.


JILT has been recording landmark achievements since its inception. At only three (3) months old, the JILT found its way to its first exchange. At 6 months, we landed our 2nd exchange listing.
The JILT was listed on Coingecko and EXNCE became its 3rd exchange listing. Our logo has been established on the Trust wallet and we have officially registered in Nigeria got incorporated as JILTOKENS INDUSTRIES LIMITED.

Risk to revenue

There is no doubt that there are some circumstances that might hinder the revenue flow of JILT when it begins operations in Nigeria. However, the team, who are cryptocurrency enthusiasts with more than 35 years of combined experiences, are prepared to navigate through the challenges.
Also, because the business model of JILT is peculiar to the challenges of the transportation system in Nigeria, our strategy is well thought and is a result of months of understudying other ride-hailing service providers already in operation in Nigeria.

JILT on Tecra Space

Any member of our community will soon be able to vote for a project that has the opportunity to appear on Tecra Space. Currently, the JILT project is waiting for community verification in the waiting room.

The JILT project team needs $250,000 to implement all their ideas. In the near future our investors will be able to buy project tokens (TCR payment), which will give them the opportunity to profit from the project. More information coming soon!

Sources: JILT's Pitch Deck

Smartphone application which connects the drivers offering the trips and passengers with the possibility of cryptocurrencies payment

About JILT

JILT is an on-demand e-hailing platform that will offer unique, convenient, and safe transportation for everyone in Nigeria. At the startup phase, the company will focus on Lagos, Ibadan, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Imo, and Kano. However, there are plans to scale up the service to other states of the country.

Goals and objectives

Our goal is to simultaneously position JILT as a focal point for cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria while also providing a reliable solution to the myriad of problems facing the nation’s transportation industry.

Problems and solutions

The importance of a functional transport system of any country cannot be overemphasized as it connects people and places and also promotes social interaction. However, the transport system in Nigeria is below par.
The effectiveness of road transportation - the most used mode of transportation in the country is limited by a lack of regulations which in turn spurns unprofessionalism, inadequate access to means of transportation, traffic congestion, parking problems, accidents, and environmental pollution.
JILT will provide everyone (on request) with unhindered access to safe, reliable, efficient, environmentally-friendly transit services that suit their needs. The rides will be handled by qualified, competent, and trusted drivers to ensure the safety of passenger(s) and the effectiveness of services.
Transacting with JIL Token will not only allow seamless payment, but it will also serve as a template for future cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria.

Value propositions

JILT has been structured into a multi-sided platform it will offer a value proposition to both the users (passengers) as well as the drivers. The passengers will enjoy a reliable and efficient means of transit while the drivers will be afforded the opportunity to earn, freedom to choose when they want to work, and also the ease of getting started.

Target market

JIL Taxi service is targeted towards the crypto enthusiast (passengers)by giving them the most affordable means of transportation when compared to its competitors. Additionally, these passengers will be able to take full advantage of their digital currency by utilizing it as a method of payment. Moreover, JIL Taxi did not forget the traditionalist, who prefers to pay with credit cards, as this remains a payment option as well.

Market strategy

Ride-hailing service is not new to Nigeria, there are a number of such services in operation. However, JILT is coming with a service that has the potential to change how ride-hailing service providers operate in Nigeria.
Our marketing strategy will integrate print and media advertising, sales promotions, events and experiences, public relations, and other means to communicate the cost efficiency, increasing service range, and high level of customer convenience prospects of JILT to all range of customer segments irrespective of their geographical location, age and/or social status.
Also, first-time customers will be offered discounts while ‘regular’ customers will enjoy discounts when they refer new users to JILT.

Business model

Uber’s business model which Bolt’s and other on-demand e-hailing platforms in Nigeria is copying is, to be polite, deeply flawed. This is because it does not address the unprofessionalism, nefarious acts, reckless driving, and other problems that are peculiar to Nigeria and its people.
JILT’s uniqueness is not just about adopting cryptocurrency - JIL Token as its payment gateway. Our services addressed the felt needs of the people, especially the challenge they face in their day to day activities.
We are out to offer our target market a unique ride-hailing experience, much like they never had it. Our company has been able to identify a shorter way of having ridden around for the populace by providing an app that allows our esteemed customers to book for rides and promptly make the rides available in the shortest possible time. All they have to do is download our app for free, buy the JIL Token with their local currency, order the ride nearest to them and pay using the coin.
We will utilize the latest technology and equipment to facilitate convenient and enjoyable travel. Our app has been designed for both the drivers and the users. The users are allowed to download the user version of our app for personal uses while the drivers can also download the driver version of the app, register their car with us. All they have to do is download our app for free, buy the JIL Token with their local currency, order the ride nearest to them and pay using the coin. JIL Taxi will accept other popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ether as well.

Competitive landscape & Advantage

All the ride-hailing service providers in Nigeria have a common pattern they copy the concept of Uber and add adjustments, but JILT is different.
JILT is designed to directly affect the challenges of the transportation system in Nigeria, i.e, the design details are specific to Nigeria.
Also, unlike other services, JILT does not just have its own payment gateway. Its payment gateway is modeled to accept cryptocurrency (JIL Token) and the local currency.

Financial projections

We estimate that every registered user on JILT will spend an average of $1 (~N400) per ride. JILT will charge a commission of 20% on each ride. This thus indicates that for every ride, JILT will earn an income of $0.2 (~N80).
By our projections, one (1) driver will have an average of five (5) orders per day in the first year, 7 in the second year, 10 per day in the third year, 12 per day in the fourth year, and 15 per day in the fifth year as our marketing strategy will be geared towards bringing more customers to use our app each month. We will also start with 400 drivers, which will increase to 650 in the second year, 1,300 in the third, 2,150 in the fourth, and 3,150 in the fifth year.
Please note that our projections are wild guesses. It is a result of an in-depth analysis of the ride-hailing business in Nigeria.


JILT has been recording landmark achievements since its inception. At only three (3) months old, the JILT found its way to its first exchange. At 6 months, we landed our 2nd exchange listing.
The JILT was listed on Coingecko and EXNCE became its 3rd exchange listing. Our logo has been established on the Trust wallet and we have officially registered in Nigeria got incorporated as JILTOKENS INDUSTRIES LIMITED.

Risk to revenue

There is no doubt that there are some circumstances that might hinder the revenue flow of JILT when it begins operations in Nigeria. However, the team, who are cryptocurrency enthusiasts with more than 35 years of combined experiences, are prepared to navigate through the challenges.
Also, because the business model of JILT is peculiar to the challenges of the transportation system in Nigeria, our strategy is well thought and is a result of months of understudying other ride-hailing service providers already in operation in Nigeria.

JILT on Tecra Space

Any member of our community will soon be able to vote for a project that has the opportunity to appear on Tecra Space. Currently, the JILT project is waiting for community verification in the waiting room.

The JILT project team needs $250,000 to implement all their ideas. In the near future our investors will be able to buy project tokens (TCR payment), which will give them the opportunity to profit from the project. More information coming soon!

Sources: JILT's Pitch Deck

Smartphone application which connects the drivers offering the trips and passengers with the possibility of cryptocurrencies payment

About JILT

JILT is an on-demand e-hailing platform that will offer unique, convenient, and safe transportation for everyone in Nigeria. At the startup phase, the company will focus on Lagos, Ibadan, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Imo, and Kano. However, there are plans to scale up the service to other states of the country.

Goals and objectives

Our goal is to simultaneously position JILT as a focal point for cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria while also providing a reliable solution to the myriad of problems facing the nation’s transportation industry.

Problems and solutions

The importance of a functional transport system of any country cannot be overemphasized as it connects people and places and also promotes social interaction. However, the transport system in Nigeria is below par.
The effectiveness of road transportation - the most used mode of transportation in the country is limited by a lack of regulations which in turn spurns unprofessionalism, inadequate access to means of transportation, traffic congestion, parking problems, accidents, and environmental pollution.
JILT will provide everyone (on request) with unhindered access to safe, reliable, efficient, environmentally-friendly transit services that suit their needs. The rides will be handled by qualified, competent, and trusted drivers to ensure the safety of passenger(s) and the effectiveness of services.
Transacting with JIL Token will not only allow seamless payment, but it will also serve as a template for future cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria.

Value propositions

JILT has been structured into a multi-sided platform it will offer a value proposition to both the users (passengers) as well as the drivers. The passengers will enjoy a reliable and efficient means of transit while the drivers will be afforded the opportunity to earn, freedom to choose when they want to work, and also the ease of getting started.

Target market

JIL Taxi service is targeted towards the crypto enthusiast (passengers)by giving them the most affordable means of transportation when compared to its competitors. Additionally, these passengers will be able to take full advantage of their digital currency by utilizing it as a method of payment. Moreover, JIL Taxi did not forget the traditionalist, who prefers to pay with credit cards, as this remains a payment option as well.

Market strategy

Ride-hailing service is not new to Nigeria, there are a number of such services in operation. However, JILT is coming with a service that has the potential to change how ride-hailing service providers operate in Nigeria.
Our marketing strategy will integrate print and media advertising, sales promotions, events and experiences, public relations, and other means to communicate the cost efficiency, increasing service range, and high level of customer convenience prospects of JILT to all range of customer segments irrespective of their geographical location, age and/or social status.
Also, first-time customers will be offered discounts while ‘regular’ customers will enjoy discounts when they refer new users to JILT.

Business model

Uber’s business model which Bolt’s and other on-demand e-hailing platforms in Nigeria is copying is, to be polite, deeply flawed. This is because it does not address the unprofessionalism, nefarious acts, reckless driving, and other problems that are peculiar to Nigeria and its people.
JILT’s uniqueness is not just about adopting cryptocurrency - JIL Token as its payment gateway. Our services addressed the felt needs of the people, especially the challenge they face in their day to day activities.
We are out to offer our target market a unique ride-hailing experience, much like they never had it. Our company has been able to identify a shorter way of having ridden around for the populace by providing an app that allows our esteemed customers to book for rides and promptly make the rides available in the shortest possible time. All they have to do is download our app for free, buy the JIL Token with their local currency, order the ride nearest to them and pay using the coin.
We will utilize the latest technology and equipment to facilitate convenient and enjoyable travel. Our app has been designed for both the drivers and the users. The users are allowed to download the user version of our app for personal uses while the drivers can also download the driver version of the app, register their car with us. All they have to do is download our app for free, buy the JIL Token with their local currency, order the ride nearest to them and pay using the coin. JIL Taxi will accept other popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ether as well.

Competitive landscape & Advantage

All the ride-hailing service providers in Nigeria have a common pattern they copy the concept of Uber and add adjustments, but JILT is different.
JILT is designed to directly affect the challenges of the transportation system in Nigeria, i.e, the design details are specific to Nigeria.
Also, unlike other services, JILT does not just have its own payment gateway. Its payment gateway is modeled to accept cryptocurrency (JIL Token) and the local currency.

Financial projections

We estimate that every registered user on JILT will spend an average of $1 (~N400) per ride. JILT will charge a commission of 20% on each ride. This thus indicates that for every ride, JILT will earn an income of $0.2 (~N80).
By our projections, one (1) driver will have an average of five (5) orders per day in the first year, 7 in the second year, 10 per day in the third year, 12 per day in the fourth year, and 15 per day in the fifth year as our marketing strategy will be geared towards bringing more customers to use our app each month. We will also start with 400 drivers, which will increase to 650 in the second year, 1,300 in the third, 2,150 in the fourth, and 3,150 in the fifth year.
Please note that our projections are wild guesses. It is a result of an in-depth analysis of the ride-hailing business in Nigeria.


JILT has been recording landmark achievements since its inception. At only three (3) months old, the JILT found its way to its first exchange. At 6 months, we landed our 2nd exchange listing.
The JILT was listed on Coingecko and EXNCE became its 3rd exchange listing. Our logo has been established on the Trust wallet and we have officially registered in Nigeria got incorporated as JILTOKENS INDUSTRIES LIMITED.

Risk to revenue

There is no doubt that there are some circumstances that might hinder the revenue flow of JILT when it begins operations in Nigeria. However, the team, who are cryptocurrency enthusiasts with more than 35 years of combined experiences, are prepared to navigate through the challenges.
Also, because the business model of JILT is peculiar to the challenges of the transportation system in Nigeria, our strategy is well thought and is a result of months of understudying other ride-hailing service providers already in operation in Nigeria.

JILT on Tecra Space

Any member of our community will soon be able to vote for a project that has the opportunity to appear on Tecra Space. Currently, the JILT project is waiting for community verification in the waiting room.

The JILT project team needs $250,000 to implement all their ideas. In the near future our investors will be able to buy project tokens (TCR payment), which will give them the opportunity to profit from the project. More information coming soon!

Sources: JILT's Pitch Deck

Smartphone application which connects the drivers offering the trips and passengers with the possibility of cryptocurrencies payment

About JILT

JILT is an on-demand e-hailing platform that will offer unique, convenient, and safe transportation for everyone in Nigeria. At the startup phase, the company will focus on Lagos, Ibadan, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Imo, and Kano. However, there are plans to scale up the service to other states of the country.

Goals and objectives

Our goal is to simultaneously position JILT as a focal point for cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria while also providing a reliable solution to the myriad of problems facing the nation’s transportation industry.

Problems and solutions

The importance of a functional transport system of any country cannot be overemphasized as it connects people and places and also promotes social interaction. However, the transport system in Nigeria is below par.
The effectiveness of road transportation - the most used mode of transportation in the country is limited by a lack of regulations which in turn spurns unprofessionalism, inadequate access to means of transportation, traffic congestion, parking problems, accidents, and environmental pollution.
JILT will provide everyone (on request) with unhindered access to safe, reliable, efficient, environmentally-friendly transit services that suit their needs. The rides will be handled by qualified, competent, and trusted drivers to ensure the safety of passenger(s) and the effectiveness of services.
Transacting with JIL Token will not only allow seamless payment, but it will also serve as a template for future cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria.

Value propositions

JILT has been structured into a multi-sided platform it will offer a value proposition to both the users (passengers) as well as the drivers. The passengers will enjoy a reliable and efficient means of transit while the drivers will be afforded the opportunity to earn, freedom to choose when they want to work, and also the ease of getting started.

Target market

JIL Taxi service is targeted towards the crypto enthusiast (passengers)by giving them the most affordable means of transportation when compared to its competitors. Additionally, these passengers will be able to take full advantage of their digital currency by utilizing it as a method of payment. Moreover, JIL Taxi did not forget the traditionalist, who prefers to pay with credit cards, as this remains a payment option as well.

Market strategy

Ride-hailing service is not new to Nigeria, there are a number of such services in operation. However, JILT is coming with a service that has the potential to change how ride-hailing service providers operate in Nigeria.
Our marketing strategy will integrate print and media advertising, sales promotions, events and experiences, public relations, and other means to communicate the cost efficiency, increasing service range, and high level of customer convenience prospects of JILT to all range of customer segments irrespective of their geographical location, age and/or social status.
Also, first-time customers will be offered discounts while ‘regular’ customers will enjoy discounts when they refer new users to JILT.

Business model

Uber’s business model which Bolt’s and other on-demand e-hailing platforms in Nigeria is copying is, to be polite, deeply flawed. This is because it does not address the unprofessionalism, nefarious acts, reckless driving, and other problems that are peculiar to Nigeria and its people.
JILT’s uniqueness is not just about adopting cryptocurrency - JIL Token as its payment gateway. Our services addressed the felt needs of the people, especially the challenge they face in their day to day activities.
We are out to offer our target market a unique ride-hailing experience, much like they never had it. Our company has been able to identify a shorter way of having ridden around for the populace by providing an app that allows our esteemed customers to book for rides and promptly make the rides available in the shortest possible time. All they have to do is download our app for free, buy the JIL Token with their local currency, order the ride nearest to them and pay using the coin.
We will utilize the latest technology and equipment to facilitate convenient and enjoyable travel. Our app has been designed for both the drivers and the users. The users are allowed to download the user version of our app for personal uses while the drivers can also download the driver version of the app, register their car with us. All they have to do is download our app for free, buy the JIL Token with their local currency, order the ride nearest to them and pay using the coin. JIL Taxi will accept other popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ether as well.

Competitive landscape & Advantage

All the ride-hailing service providers in Nigeria have a common pattern they copy the concept of Uber and add adjustments, but JILT is different.
JILT is designed to directly affect the challenges of the transportation system in Nigeria, i.e, the design details are specific to Nigeria.
Also, unlike other services, JILT does not just have its own payment gateway. Its payment gateway is modeled to accept cryptocurrency (JIL Token) and the local currency.

Financial projections

We estimate that every registered user on JILT will spend an average of $1 (~N400) per ride. JILT will charge a commission of 20% on each ride. This thus indicates that for every ride, JILT will earn an income of $0.2 (~N80).
By our projections, one (1) driver will have an average of five (5) orders per day in the first year, 7 in the second year, 10 per day in the third year, 12 per day in the fourth year, and 15 per day in the fifth year as our marketing strategy will be geared towards bringing more customers to use our app each month. We will also start with 400 drivers, which will increase to 650 in the second year, 1,300 in the third, 2,150 in the fourth, and 3,150 in the fifth year.
Please note that our projections are wild guesses. It is a result of an in-depth analysis of the ride-hailing business in Nigeria.


JILT has been recording landmark achievements since its inception. At only three (3) months old, the JILT found its way to its first exchange. At 6 months, we landed our 2nd exchange listing.
The JILT was listed on Coingecko and EXNCE became its 3rd exchange listing. Our logo has been established on the Trust wallet and we have officially registered in Nigeria got incorporated as JILTOKENS INDUSTRIES LIMITED.

Risk to revenue

There is no doubt that there are some circumstances that might hinder the revenue flow of JILT when it begins operations in Nigeria. However, the team, who are cryptocurrency enthusiasts with more than 35 years of combined experiences, are prepared to navigate through the challenges.
Also, because the business model of JILT is peculiar to the challenges of the transportation system in Nigeria, our strategy is well thought and is a result of months of understudying other ride-hailing service providers already in operation in Nigeria.

JILT on Tecra Space

Any member of our community will soon be able to vote for a project that has the opportunity to appear on Tecra Space. Currently, the JILT project is waiting for community verification in the waiting room.

The JILT project team needs $250,000 to implement all their ideas. In the near future our investors will be able to buy project tokens (TCR payment), which will give them the opportunity to profit from the project. More information coming soon!

Sources: JILT's Pitch Deck

The title of the final draft(s) of the "bitcoin" paper does not mention bitcoin at all

On 22 August 2008, 2 months before the release of the original bitcoin paper Satoshi had a different title not mentioning the word bitcoin in it at all. Also the abstract was different and this is what he wrote in what was one of the final draft versions.

Title: Electronic Cash Without a Trusted Third Party

Abstract: A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without the burdens of going through a financial institution. Digital signatures offer part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as honest nodes control the most CPU power on the network, they can generate the longest chain and outpace any attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcasted on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.

Old/new differences in abstract



Introduction to Cryptocurrencies — The Mainnet Launch Caused a Stir. What Makes Filecoin So Special?

Written by the CoinEx Institution, this series of jocular and easy to understand articles will show you everything you need to know about major cryptocurrencies, making you fully prepared before jumping into crypto!

Among all the excitements in the cryptocurrency community this year, there must be the launch of the Filecoin mainnet. You must be no stranger to Filecoin. In 2017, Filecoin raised a total of 257 million US dollars in ICO, a record high in terms of the ICO (with Telegram excluded, whose ICO was stopped by the the US SEC). Till today, Filecoin remains on top of the world’s ICO ranking list.

Here comes another blockchain 3.0 project, as users applaud, followed by EOS. Ever since it was unveiled, Filecoin has been in the spotlight, and even the slightest move will seize the greatest public attention. What makes Filecoin so special? Now join me to get to know one of this year’s most popular cryptocurrency projects — Filecoin.

Its story starts with IPFS.

IPFS (“Inter Planetary File System”): A Peer-to-peer Distributed File System

Inter Planetary File System (IPFS), a peer-to-peer (P2P) distributed file system, initiated by an American computer scientist Juan Benet in May 2014, was designed to overturn the HTTP protocol (Hypertext Media Transfer Protocol). It is a file system that uses data storage technology, or rather, a transmission protocol.

More specifically, IPFS is a decentralized network low-level protocol, which is essentially a content-addressable, versioned, peer-to-peer hypermedia distributed storage and transmission protocol; similar to Bitcoin, IPFS miners can join this network at will to contribute storage space to the IPFS network and acquire various resources there. IPFS is aimed at supplementing or even replacing the HTTP prevailing for the past two decades and building a faster, safer, and more free Internet era.

By the way, here is some information about HTTP. Is anyone unfamiliar with it?

HTTP is a simple request-response protocol, usually running on TCP; it specifies what kind of message the client may send to the server and what kind of response it receives. For example, if we want to find something on the Internet, we have to enter the URL, which usually starts with HTTP.

HTTP uploads and downloads files through the transfer of domain names, IPs, and multiple central servers. Its merits are naturally irreplaceable. After all, we all rely on it to access the Internet.

But HTTP also has its shortcomings, such as poor performance and excessive reliance on the central server and backbone network. Compared with IPFS, it is a multi-centralized solution in which content addressing does not rely on the domain name or IP, but the unique HASH key. As a distributed file storage system, IPFS does not store file data on a centralized server, but on all eligible computers on the network.

Then again, IPFS was launched as early as May 2015. But strictly speaking, without using blockchain technology or issuing coins, IPFS cannot be deemed a blockchain project. Still, it coincides with blockchain in terms of decentralization.

Filecoin we are going to talk about in this article is the byproduct of IPFS.

Filecoin: A Distributed Storage Network on IPFS

Filecoin is a distributed storage network built on IPFS and also a blockchain cryptocurrency technology. Being part of the next-generation infrastructure, it carries data in the data storage network across the world. Filecoin uses idle hard disk space to provide data storage and retrieval services in the open market, so that anyone can engage as a storage space provider and profit from the idle capacity of hard disks. In addition, the Filecoin blockchain has a built-in self-healing process that detects failed storage nodes and redistributes stored files to reliable nodes.

On the other hand, Filecoin is believed to be the incentive level of IPFS. Users who participate in IPFS mining and contribute storage space and hashrate to IPFS can get FIL, Filecoin’s token. FIL was mainly mined in the early days.

The operation of Filecoin is quite similar to market rules: the buyer functions as a person looking for storage space services, and the seller is the storage provider. In this market, buyers are called customers, and sellers are Filecoin miners. Therefore, in this blockchain data storage network, sellers can get corresponding returns as long as they provide storage services. And Filecoin monetizes the unused and excess storage around the world in a distributed network.

Unlike Bitcoin POW (Proof of Work) mining, Filecoin is a valid proof of storage. Therefore, for Filecoin miners, greater hashrate is not derived from a larger hard disk but from more data stored.

Filecoin uses two proofs to ensure that information is stored safe and sound:

1. Proof of Replication (PoRep): To verify that the network node does store corresponding information as required;

2. Proof of Space-time (PoSt): To verify that the network node has the ability to replicate proof within a period of time.

What are the functions of Filecoin?

With certain characteristics, the Filecoin network is likely to be a storage network market with incentives:

  1. The third-party custody can save Filecoin funds, allowing customers and Filecoin miners to negotiate the retrieval and availability of data and spacetime.

  2. The customer bidding system is called the storage market and the miner retrieval market. Customers bid on available space by offering Filecoin. Filecoin miners compete with each other and respond to customers’ data requests, and get Filecoin as rewards after completing the service quickly.

  3. As the token for network settlement and Filecoin’s native cryptocurrency, FIL can be exchanged for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Japanese Yen, and U.S. dollars on exchanges.

  4. Storage prices are freely floating, subject to the demands of storage miners and customers.

  5. The Filecoin network enables Filecoin miners and customers to build smart contracts for complex operations, such as designing flexible reward strategies and conditions.

  6. Interoperability with other blockchain platforms.

  7. New proof of storage and proof of replication.

FIL: The Collateral for Miners’ Engagement in the Filecoin Ecosystem

Now let’s talk about the Filecoin token FIL:

FIL is used as the collateral for miners to engage in the Filecoin ecosystem, and the required collateral will be proportional to the storage space provided by the miners. Filecoin has three different mortgage mechanisms:

  1. Initial mortgage: the pre-mortgage for nodes to participate in network events. If miners are found to cheat maliciously, their token mortgage will be reduced.

  2. Block reward mortgage: To reduce the pre-collateral demand, block rewards are also used as the collateral. If the storage interval of a hard disk is terminated before its expiration, the collective rewards of miners will be slashed.

  3. Storage transaction mortgage: To mortgage the storage provider’s storage service for trading.

There are a total of 2 billion FIL. The distribution plan consists of four parts:

70% as the return of mining: Gradually distributed according to the progress of mining, like Bitcoin.

15% reserved for Protocol Labs: Gradually distributed in 6 years as R&D expenses.

10% allocated to ICO investors: Gradually distributed according to the mining progress.

5% reserved for the Filecoin Foundation: Gradually distributed in 6 years as expenses for long-term community construction, network management and other matters.

It should be noted that the IPFS system is not equivalent to the Filecoin system: IPFS is just a protocol, not the mining software itself; while Filecoin is the mining software, except it uses the IPFS protocol to run the system.

Filecoin has been carrying high hopes and expectations from the industry since its creation. Before its mainnet was launched, Filecoin had been made known to the public through promotion events featuring “pre-sale”, “pre-mining”, and “double-mining”. Unfortunately, it did not go on smoothly as the mainnet launch plan had been postponed again and again. In October this year, the Filecoin mainnet was finally launched amidst the public expectation. Among many well-known exchanges that stayed up all night to support Filecoin was CoinEx.

As the demand for storage in the era of big data grows, Filecoin is trying to reform the storage field using the blockchain solution, and it is expected that IPFS may add more possibilities to the implementation of blockchain applications. Yet the future remains uncertain as the mainnet has just been launched. Let’s wait patiently for the answer from Filecoin.

About CoinEx

As a global and professional cryptocurrency exchange service provider, CoinEx was founded in December 2017 with Bitmain-led investment. It is a subsidiary brand of the ViaBTC Group, which owns the fifth largest BTC mining pool, which is also the largest of BCH mining, in the world.

CoinEx supports perpetual contract, spot, margin trading and other derivatives trading, and its service reaches global users in nearly 100 countries/regions with various languages available, such as Chinese, English, Korean and Russian.




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