Saturday, March 16, 2024

During the peak of COVID-related market volatility, oil prices per barrel plummeted to unprecedented negative levels. The prospect of a Black Swan event affecting Bitcoin's value due to rampant derivative trading is not entirely farfetched.

Sky is falling, Bitcoin will never recover

Kidding. KIDDING!! KIDDING!!!!

But seriously, expect we'll recede a bit more. Then probably re-boom as spring sets in.

The Stock market has been extremely bullish. Based upon historical, this trend has a high probability of continuing all year. Which means Bitcoin will follow and boom too.

NASDAQ futures are up a crushing 70% since the trend change in October. A staggering rip. This current week we're finishing in an area where the stock markets shifts notably to a weaker structure due to massive amounts of expirations of option positions. Next two weeks it would not be surprising to see more red. 20%? No. 3 to 7%? Wouldn't be surprising. This'll pull crypto down some as well.

But after, as I said based upon historical, this trend has a high probability of continuing all up year. Least for 2024.

Side note, sadly, it'll mean inflation is here to stay. Which is good for Bitcoin. But, bad for society and the future.

Pure speculation, according to some random user on reddit. There are no guarantees or promises in life, it's all probability or the likelihood of events. Best to trade and invest responsibly.