Sunday, May 24, 2020

“Africa” ​​May Be The Most Popular Bitcoin In The Next 5 Years (current BTC/USD price is $8,790.80)

Latest Bitcoin News:

“Africa” ​​May Be The Most Popular Bitcoin In The Next 5 Years

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

[Daily Discussion] Monday, May 25, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

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[Altcoin Discussion] Monday, May 25, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

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Kava In the News

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” Author Continues to Promote Bitcoin as Economy Worsens (current BTC/USD price is $8,786.68)

Latest Bitcoin News:

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” Author Continues to Promote Bitcoin as Economy Worsens

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

BitFlyer Commemorated Bitcoin Pizza Day with Donation to Homeless Shelters (current BTC/USD price is $9,041.09)

Latest Bitcoin News:

BitFlyer Commemorated Bitcoin Pizza Day with Donation to Homeless Shelters

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

Garmin Customer Service (𝟏-𝟖𝟎𝟎*𝟐𝟎𝟔-*𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟒) @ Garmin GPS Customer Care Number @ Garmin GPS Update

Garmin Customer Service (𝟏-𝟖𝟎𝟎*𝟐𝟎𝟔-*𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟒) @ Garmin GPS Customer Care Number @ Garmin GPS Update

Garmin Customer Service (𝟏-𝟖𝟎𝟎*𝟐𝟎𝟔-*𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟒) @ Garmin GPS Customer Care Number @ Garmin GPS Update

Garmin Customer Service (𝟏-𝟖𝟎𝟎*𝟐𝟎𝟔-*𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟒) @ Garmin GPS Customer Care Number @ Garmin GPS Update

Garmin Customer Service (𝟏-𝟖𝟎𝟎*𝟐𝟎𝟔-*𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟒) @ Garmin GPS Customer Care Number @ Garmin GPS Update

To kick off ConsenSys' Ethereal Summit on Thursday, Unchained Podcast host Laura Shin held a cozy fireside chat with Zhao who, to mark the occasion, was wearing a personalized football shirt emblazoned with the Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 brand.

Scheduled for 45 minutes, Zhao spent most of it explaining how libra and China's digital yuan were unlikely to be competitors to existing stablecoin providers; how Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924's smart chain wouldn't tread on Ethereum's toes – "that depends on the definition of competing," he said – and how Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 had an incentive to keep its newly acquired CoinMarketCap independent from the exchange.

There were only five minutes left on the clock. Zhao was looking confident; he had just batted away a thorny question about an ongoing lawsuit. It was looking like the home stretch.

Then it hit. Shin asked the one question Zhao really didn't want to have to answer, but many want to know: Where is Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924's headquarters?

This seemingly simple question is actually more complex. Until February, Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 was considered to be based in Malta. That changed when the island European nation announced that, no, Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 is not under its jurisdiction. Since then Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 has not said just where, exactly, it is now headquartered.

Little wonder that when asked Zhao reddened; he stammered. He looked off-camera, possibly to an aide. "Well, I think what this is is the beauty of the blockchain, right, so you don't have to ... like where's the Bitcoin office, because Bitcoin doesn't have an office," he said.

The line trailed off, then inspiration hit. "What kind of horse is a car?" Zhao asked. Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 has loads of offices, he continued, with staff in 50 countries. It was a new type of organization that doesn't need registered bank accounts and postal addresses.

"Wherever I sit, is going to be the Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 office. Wherever I need somebody, is going to be the Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 office," he said.

Zhao may have been hoping the host would move onto something easier. But Shin wasn't finished: "But even to do things like to handle, you know, taxes for your employees, like, I think you need a registered business entity, so like why are you obfuscating it, why not just be open about it like, you know, the headquarters is registered in this place, why not just say that?"

Zhao glanced away again, possibly at the person behind the camera. Their program had less than two minutes remaining. "It's not that we don't want to admit it, it's not that we want to obfuscate it or we want to kind of hide it. We're not hiding, we're in the open," he said.

Shin interjected: "What are you saying that you're already some kind of DAO [decentralized autonomous organization]? I mean what are you saying? Because it's not the old way [having a headquarters], it's actually the current way ... I actually don't know what you are or what you're claiming to be."

Zhao said Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 isn't a traditional company, more a large team of people "that works together for a common goal." He added: "To be honest, if we classified as a DAO, then there's going to be a lot of debate about why we're not a DAO. So I don't want to go there, either."

"I mean nobody would call you guys a DAO," Shin said, likely disappointed that this wasn't the interview where Zhao made his big reveal.

Time was up. For an easy question to close, Shin asked where Zhao was working from during the coronavirus pandemic.

"I'm in Asia," Zhao said. The blank white wall behind him didn't provide any clues about where in Asia he might be. Shin asked if he could say which country – after all, it's the Earth's largest continent.

"I prefer not to disclose that. I think that's my own privacy," he cut in, ending the interview.

It was a provocative way to start the biggest cryptocurrency and blockchain event of the year.

In the opening session of Consensus: Distributed this week, Lawrence Summers was asked by my co-host Naomi Brockwell about protecting people’s privacy once currencies go digital. His answer: “I think the problems we have now with money involve too much privacy.”

President Clinton’s former Treasury secretary, now President Emeritus at Harvard, referenced the 500-euro note, which bore the nickname “The Bin Laden,” to argue the un-traceability of cash empowers wealthy criminals to finance themselves. “Of all the important freedoms,” he continued, “the ability to possess, transfer and do business with multi-million dollar sums of money anonymously seems to me to be one of the least important.” Summers ended the segment by saying that “if I have provoked others, I will have served my purpose.”

You’re reading Money Reimagined, a weekly look at the technological, economic and social events and trends that are redefining our relationship with money and transforming the global financial system. You can subscribe to this and all of CoinDesk’s newsletters here.

That he did. Among the more than 20,000 registered for the weeklong virtual experience was a large contingent of libertarian-minded folks who see state-backed monitoring of their money as an affront to their property rights.

But with due respect to a man who has had prodigious influence on international economic policymaking, it’s not wealthy bitcoiners for whom privacy matters. It matters for all humanity and, most importantly, for the poor.

Now, as the world grapples with how to collect and disseminate public health information in a way that both saves lives and preserves civil liberties, the principle of privacy deserves to be elevated in importance.

Just this week, the U.S. Senate voted to extend the 9/11-era Patriot Act and failed to pass a proposed amendment to prevent the Federal Bureau of Investigation from monitoring our online browsing without a warrant. Meanwhile, our heightened dependence on online social connections during COVID-19 isolation has further empowered a handful of internet platforms that are incorporating troves of our personal data into sophisticated predictive behavior models. This process of hidden control is happening right now, not in some future "Westworld"-like existence.

Digital currencies will only worsen this situation. If they are added to this comprehensive surveillance infrastructure, it could well spell the end of the civil liberties that underpin Western civilization.

Yes, freedom matters

Please don’t read this, Secretary Summers, as some privileged anti-taxation take or a self-interested what’s-mine-is-mine demand that “the government stay away from my money.”

Money is just the instrument here. What matters is whether our transactions, our exchanges of goods and services and the source of our economic and social value, should be monitored and manipulated by government and corporate owners of centralized databases. It’s why critics of China’s digital currency plans rightly worry about a “panopticon” and why, in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, there was an initial backlash against Facebook launching its libra currency.

Writers such as Shoshana Zuboff and Jared Lanier have passionately argued that our subservience to the hidden algorithms of what I like to call “GoogAzonBook” is diminishing our free will. Resisting that is important, not just to preserve the ideal of “the self” but also to protect the very functioning of society.

Markets, for one, are pointless without free will. In optimizing resource allocation, they presume autonomy among those who make up the market. Free will, which I’ll define as the ability to lawfully transact on my own terms without knowingly or unknowingly acting in someone else’s interests to my detriment, is a bedrock of market democracies. Without a sufficient right to privacy, it disintegrates – and in the digital age, that can happen very rapidly.

Also, as I’ve argued elsewhere, losing privacy undermines the fungibility of money. Each digital dollar should be substitutable for another. If our transactions carry a history and authorities can target specific notes or tokens for seizure because of their past involvement in illicit activity, then some dollars become less valuable than other dollars.

The excluded

But to fully comprehend the harm done by encroachments into financial privacy, look to the world’s poor.

An estimated 1.7 billion adults are denied a bank account because they can’t furnish the information that banks’ anti-money laundering (AML) officers need, either because their government’s identity infrastructure is untrusted or because of the danger to them of furnishing such information to kleptocratic regimes. Unable to let banks monitor them, they’re excluded from the global economy’s dominant payment and savings system – victims of a system that prioritizes surveillance over privacy.

Misplaced priorities also contribute to the “derisking” problem faced by Caribbean and Latin American countries, where investment inflows have slowed and financial costs have risen in the past decade. America’s gatekeeping correspondent banks, fearful of heavy fines like the one imposed on HSBC for its involvement in a money laundering scandal, have raised the bar on the kind of personal information that regional banks must obtain from their local clients.

And where’s the payoff? Despite this surveillance system, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that between $800 billion and $2 trillion, or 2%-5% of global gross domestic product, is laundered annually worldwide. The Panama Papers case shows how the rich and powerful easily use lawyers, shell companies, tax havens and transaction obfuscation to get around surveillance. The poor are just excluded from the system.

Caring about privacy

Solutions are coming that wouldn’t require abandoning law enforcement efforts. Self-sovereign identity models and zero-knowledge proofs, for example, grant control over data to the individuals who generate it, allowing them to provide sufficient proof of a clean record without revealing sensitive personal information. But such innovations aren’t getting nearly enough attention.

Few officials inside developed country regulatory agencies seem to acknowledge the cost of cutting off 1.7 billion poor from the financial system. Yet, their actions foster poverty and create fertile conditions for terrorism and drug-running, the very crimes they seek to contain. The reaction to evidence of persistent money laundering is nearly always to make bank secrecy laws even more demanding. Exhibit A: Europe’s new AML 5 directive.

To be sure, in the Consensus discussion that followed the Summers interview, it was pleasing to hear another former U.S. official take a more accommodative view of privacy. Former Commodities and Futures Trading Commission Chairman Christopher Giancarlo said that “getting the privacy balance right” is a “design imperative” for the digital dollar concept he is actively promoting.

But to hold both governments and corporations to account on that design, we need an aware, informed public that recognizes the risks of ceding their civil liberties to governments or to GoogAzonBook.

Let’s talk about this, people.

A missing asterisk

Control for all variables. At the end of the day, the dollar’s standing as the world’s reserve currency ultimately comes down to how much the rest of the world trusts the United States to continue its de facto leadership of the world economy. In the past, that assessment was based on how well the U.S. militarily or otherwise dealt with human- and state-led threats to international commerce such as Soviet expansionism or terrorism. But in the COVID-19 era only one thing matters: how well it is leading the fight against the pandemic.

So if you’ve already seen the charts below and you’re wondering what they’re doing in a newsletter about the battle for the future of money, that’s why. They were inspired by a staged White House lawn photo-op Tuesday, where President Trump was flanked by a huge banner that dealt quite literally with a question of American leadership. It read, “America Leads the World in Testing.” That’s a claim that’s technically correct, but one that surely demands a big red asterisk. When you’re the third-largest country by population – not to mention the richest – having the highest number of tests is not itself much of an achievement. The claim demands a per capita adjustment. Here’s how things look, first in absolute terms, then adjusted for tests per million inhabitants.

Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 has frozen funds linked to Upbit’s prior $50 million data breach after the hackers tried to liquidate a part of the gains. In a recent tweet, Whale Alert warned Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 that a transaction of 137 ETH (about $28,000) had moved from an address linked to the Upbit hacker group to its wallets.

Less than an hour after the transaction was flagged, Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924, announced that the exchange had frozen the funds. He also added that Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 is getting in touch with Upbit to investigate the transaction. In November 2019, Upbit suffered an attack in which hackers stole 342,000 ETH, accounting for approximately $50 million. The hackers managed to take the funds by transferring the ETH from Upbit’s hot wallet to an anonymous crypto address.

Garmin Customer Support (𝟏-𝟖𝟎𝟎*𝟐𝟎𝟔-*𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟒) @ Garmin GPS Customer Care Number @ Garmin GPS Update

Garmin Customer Support (𝟏-𝟖𝟎𝟎*𝟐𝟎𝟔-*𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟒) @ Garmin GPS Customer Care Number @ Garmin GPS Update

Garmin Customer Support (𝟏-𝟖𝟎𝟎*𝟐𝟎𝟔-*𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟒) @ Garmin GPS Customer Care Number @ Garmin GPS Update

Garmin Customer Support (𝟏-𝟖𝟎𝟎*𝟐𝟎𝟔-*𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟒) @ Garmin GPS Customer Care Number @ Garmin GPS Update

To kick off ConsenSys' Ethereal Summit on Thursday, Unchained Podcast host Laura Shin held a cozy fireside chat with Zhao who, to mark the occasion, was wearing a personalized football shirt emblazoned with the Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 brand.

Scheduled for 45 minutes, Zhao spent most of it explaining how libra and China's digital yuan were unlikely to be competitors to existing stablecoin providers; how Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924's smart chain wouldn't tread on Ethereum's toes – "that depends on the definition of competing," he said – and how Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 had an incentive to keep its newly acquired CoinMarketCap independent from the exchange.

There were only five minutes left on the clock. Zhao was looking confident; he had just batted away a thorny question about an ongoing lawsuit. It was looking like the home stretch.

Then it hit. Shin asked the one question Zhao really didn't want to have to answer, but many want to know: Where is Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924's headquarters?

This seemingly simple question is actually more complex. Until February, Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 was considered to be based in Malta. That changed when the island European nation announced that, no, Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 is not under its jurisdiction. Since then Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 has not said just where, exactly, it is now headquartered.

Little wonder that when asked Zhao reddened; he stammered. He looked off-camera, possibly to an aide. "Well, I think what this is is the beauty of the blockchain, right, so you don't have to ... like where's the Bitcoin office, because Bitcoin doesn't have an office," he said.

The line trailed off, then inspiration hit. "What kind of horse is a car?" Zhao asked. Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 has loads of offices, he continued, with staff in 50 countries. It was a new type of organization that doesn't need registered bank accounts and postal addresses.

"Wherever I sit, is going to be the Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 office. Wherever I need somebody, is going to be the Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 office," he said.

Zhao may have been hoping the host would move onto something easier. But Shin wasn't finished: "But even to do things like to handle, you know, taxes for your employees, like, I think you need a registered business entity, so like why are you obfuscating it, why not just be open about it like, you know, the headquarters is registered in this place, why not just say that?"

Zhao glanced away again, possibly at the person behind the camera. Their program had less than two minutes remaining. "It's not that we don't want to admit it, it's not that we want to obfuscate it or we want to kind of hide it. We're not hiding, we're in the open," he said.

Shin interjected: "What are you saying that you're already some kind of DAO [decentralized autonomous organization]? I mean what are you saying? Because it's not the old way [having a headquarters], it's actually the current way ... I actually don't know what you are or what you're claiming to be."

Zhao said Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 isn't a traditional company, more a large team of people "that works together for a common goal." He added: "To be honest, if we classified as a DAO, then there's going to be a lot of debate about why we're not a DAO. So I don't want to go there, either."

"I mean nobody would call you guys a DAO," Shin said, likely disappointed that this wasn't the interview where Zhao made his big reveal.

Time was up. For an easy question to close, Shin asked where Zhao was working from during the coronavirus pandemic.

"I'm in Asia," Zhao said. The blank white wall behind him didn't provide any clues about where in Asia he might be. Shin asked if he could say which country – after all, it's the Earth's largest continent.

"I prefer not to disclose that. I think that's my own privacy," he cut in, ending the interview.

It was a provocative way to start the biggest cryptocurrency and blockchain event of the year.

In the opening session of Consensus: Distributed this week, Lawrence Summers was asked by my co-host Naomi Brockwell about protecting people’s privacy once currencies go digital. His answer: “I think the problems we have now with money involve too much privacy.”

President Clinton’s former Treasury secretary, now President Emeritus at Harvard, referenced the 500-euro note, which bore the nickname “The Bin Laden,” to argue the un-traceability of cash empowers wealthy criminals to finance themselves. “Of all the important freedoms,” he continued, “the ability to possess, transfer and do business with multi-million dollar sums of money anonymously seems to me to be one of the least important.” Summers ended the segment by saying that “if I have provoked others, I will have served my purpose.”

You’re reading Money Reimagined, a weekly look at the technological, economic and social events and trends that are redefining our relationship with money and transforming the global financial system. You can subscribe to this and all of CoinDesk’s newsletters here.

That he did. Among the more than 20,000 registered for the weeklong virtual experience was a large contingent of libertarian-minded folks who see state-backed monitoring of their money as an affront to their property rights.

But with due respect to a man who has had prodigious influence on international economic policymaking, it’s not wealthy bitcoiners for whom privacy matters. It matters for all humanity and, most importantly, for the poor.

Now, as the world grapples with how to collect and disseminate public health information in a way that both saves lives and preserves civil liberties, the principle of privacy deserves to be elevated in importance.

Just this week, the U.S. Senate voted to extend the 9/11-era Patriot Act and failed to pass a proposed amendment to prevent the Federal Bureau of Investigation from monitoring our online browsing without a warrant. Meanwhile, our heightened dependence on online social connections during COVID-19 isolation has further empowered a handful of internet platforms that are incorporating troves of our personal data into sophisticated predictive behavior models. This process of hidden control is happening right now, not in some future "Westworld"-like existence.

Digital currencies will only worsen this situation. If they are added to this comprehensive surveillance infrastructure, it could well spell the end of the civil liberties that underpin Western civilization.

Yes, freedom matters

Please don’t read this, Secretary Summers, as some privileged anti-taxation take or a self-interested what’s-mine-is-mine demand that “the government stay away from my money.”

Money is just the instrument here. What matters is whether our transactions, our exchanges of goods and services and the source of our economic and social value, should be monitored and manipulated by government and corporate owners of centralized databases. It’s why critics of China’s digital currency plans rightly worry about a “panopticon” and why, in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, there was an initial backlash against Facebook launching its libra currency.

Writers such as Shoshana Zuboff and Jared Lanier have passionately argued that our subservience to the hidden algorithms of what I like to call “GoogAzonBook” is diminishing our free will. Resisting that is important, not just to preserve the ideal of “the self” but also to protect the very functioning of society.

Markets, for one, are pointless without free will. In optimizing resource allocation, they presume autonomy among those who make up the market. Free will, which I’ll define as the ability to lawfully transact on my own terms without knowingly or unknowingly acting in someone else’s interests to my detriment, is a bedrock of market democracies. Without a sufficient right to privacy, it disintegrates – and in the digital age, that can happen very rapidly.

Also, as I’ve argued elsewhere, losing privacy undermines the fungibility of money. Each digital dollar should be substitutable for another. If our transactions carry a history and authorities can target specific notes or tokens for seizure because of their past involvement in illicit activity, then some dollars become less valuable than other dollars.

The excluded

But to fully comprehend the harm done by encroachments into financial privacy, look to the world’s poor.

An estimated 1.7 billion adults are denied a bank account because they can’t furnish the information that banks’ anti-money laundering (AML) officers need, either because their government’s identity infrastructure is untrusted or because of the danger to them of furnishing such information to kleptocratic regimes. Unable to let banks monitor them, they’re excluded from the global economy’s dominant payment and savings system – victims of a system that prioritizes surveillance over privacy.

Misplaced priorities also contribute to the “derisking” problem faced by Caribbean and Latin American countries, where investment inflows have slowed and financial costs have risen in the past decade. America’s gatekeeping correspondent banks, fearful of heavy fines like the one imposed on HSBC for its involvement in a money laundering scandal, have raised the bar on the kind of personal information that regional banks must obtain from their local clients.

And where’s the payoff? Despite this surveillance system, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that between $800 billion and $2 trillion, or 2%-5% of global gross domestic product, is laundered annually worldwide. The Panama Papers case shows how the rich and powerful easily use lawyers, shell companies, tax havens and transaction obfuscation to get around surveillance. The poor are just excluded from the system.

Caring about privacy

Solutions are coming that wouldn’t require abandoning law enforcement efforts. Self-sovereign identity models and zero-knowledge proofs, for example, grant control over data to the individuals who generate it, allowing them to provide sufficient proof of a clean record without revealing sensitive personal information. But such innovations aren’t getting nearly enough attention.

Few officials inside developed country regulatory agencies seem to acknowledge the cost of cutting off 1.7 billion poor from the financial system. Yet, their actions foster poverty and create fertile conditions for terrorism and drug-running, the very crimes they seek to contain. The reaction to evidence of persistent money laundering is nearly always to make bank secrecy laws even more demanding. Exhibit A: Europe’s new AML 5 directive.

To be sure, in the Consensus discussion that followed the Summers interview, it was pleasing to hear another former U.S. official take a more accommodative view of privacy. Former Commodities and Futures Trading Commission Chairman Christopher Giancarlo said that “getting the privacy balance right” is a “design imperative” for the digital dollar concept he is actively promoting.

But to hold both governments and corporations to account on that design, we need an aware, informed public that recognizes the risks of ceding their civil liberties to governments or to GoogAzonBook.

Let’s talk about this, people.

A missing asterisk

Control for all variables. At the end of the day, the dollar’s standing as the world’s reserve currency ultimately comes down to how much the rest of the world trusts the United States to continue its de facto leadership of the world economy. In the past, that assessment was based on how well the U.S. militarily or otherwise dealt with human- and state-led threats to international commerce such as Soviet expansionism or terrorism. But in the COVID-19 era only one thing matters: how well it is leading the fight against the pandemic.

So if you’ve already seen the charts below and you’re wondering what they’re doing in a newsletter about the battle for the future of money, that’s why. They were inspired by a staged White House lawn photo-op Tuesday, where President Trump was flanked by a huge banner that dealt quite literally with a question of American leadership. It read, “America Leads the World in Testing.” That’s a claim that’s technically correct, but one that surely demands a big red asterisk. When you’re the third-largest country by population – not to mention the richest – having the highest number of tests is not itself much of an achievement. The claim demands a per capita adjustment. Here’s how things look, first in absolute terms, then adjusted for tests per million inhabitants.

Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 has frozen funds linked to Upbit’s prior $50 million data breach after the hackers tried to liquidate a part of the gains. In a recent tweet, Whale Alert warned Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 that a transaction of 137 ETH (about $28,000) had moved from an address linked to the Upbit hacker group to its wallets.

Less than an hour after the transaction was flagged, Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924, announced that the exchange had frozen the funds. He also added that Garmin Gps Update support number 1800-206-1924 is getting in touch with Upbit to investigate the transaction. In November 2019, Upbit suffered an attack in which hackers stole 342,000 ETH, accounting for approximately $50 million. The hackers managed to take the funds by transferring the ETH from Upbit’s hot wallet to an anonymous crypto address.

[uncensored-r/BitcoinMarkets] Both BTC and ETH Median Transaction Fees Have Exploded Since the Halving

The following post by kealenz is being replicated because some comments within the post(but not the post itself) have been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: BitcoinMarkets/comments/gppt4x

The original post's content was as follows:

The halving has caused the transaction fees on both the Bitcoin and the Ethereum network to increase significantly, with Bitcoin recording a growth of 800% in the past 3 months. However, median transaction fees on other major networks, such as Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, XRP, and Litecoin have remained relatively flat during the same period.

BTC and ETH Transaction Fees Continue to Climb

The block reward halving is one of the most monumental events in the Bitcoin ecosystem, with its consequences being debated for months before and after it happens. And while its effects on Bitcoin have been heavily discussed this month, focusing too closely on Bitcoin fails to provide a bigger picture—that the halving has affected Ethereum, too.

According to the latest report from CoinMetrics, the transaction fees on both the Bitcoin and the Ethereum network have skyrocketed after the halving. This came as a surprise as most other metrics on the network, illustrated in the chart below, have remained relatively flat. 

Table showing the 7-day average metrics for the top 5 cryptocurrencies. (Source: CoinMetrics)

Bitcoin and Ethereum See Median Fee Increases of 800% and 250%

On May 14th, two days after the halving, the median transaction fee on the Bitcoin network reached $2.88, the highest it has been since June 2019, CoinMetrics found. Data from Bitinfocharts showed that the average transaction fee on the same day reached as high as $5.1. 

Ethereum also recorded the highest median translation fee since August 2018 on May 14, reaching $0.25. According to Bitinfocharts, the average transaction fee that day increased 30% in 24 hours and hit $0.55 at one point. 

This was most likely a result of both networks having relatively full blocks, the report found, adding that other high-market cap cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin SV (BSV), XRP, and Litecoin (LTC) did not record any meaningful increases in transaction fees. 

With block rewards cut to half, the transaction fee was expected to soar as miners suddenly start earning half the revenue from block rewards. Currently, their revenue from fees is a very small percentage of that of block rewards. Ethereum’s fees increase can also be attributed to the increase in the activity of stablecoins, many of which are ERC20 tokens.



Humble Book Bundle: Definitive Guides to All Things Programming by O'Reilly (pay what you want and help charity) (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

Weekly /r/DesMoines Events Thread for the week of May 24, 2020

This thread is for any events going on in Des Moines this week! What events will you be attending? What events do you want to attend? What events do you want to promote? Whats new around Des Moines this week? Add a comment below.

Please provide the following when posting new events: - Time, Date, Location, Cost and some sort of description of the event.

New threads start every Sunday, and will be stickied at the top of the subreddit.

Here are some places to find things to do: Cityview's Calendar - Juice's Calendar - Des Moines Register Event Page - Catch Des Moines Calendar

If you have any recurring events, specials, or other suggestions for this weekly thread, please send us a modmail

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Discord for Iowa/Des Moines 

Trivia Nights:

  • First Monday of the month is Mona's Pub Quiz at The Lift

  • Benchwarmers in Ankeny on Mondays

  • BeerStyles in WDM, Tuesdays 7-9 PM

  • Ridgemont in Windsor Heights Wednesdays 8-11

  • Wednesdays at Fireside Grille in Altoona -starts at 8

  • Trivia Thursdays at The Ingersoll Tap.

  • Tuesdays at Quinton's

  • Gas Lamp has triva on Tuesday

  • Tuesdays at Basement Bar at Des Moines Social Club

  • There's trivia at The Beer House in Urbandale on Wednesdays, 7pm. Also at F&O's on Fridays, 9pm

  • Tuesdays at Wellman's Ingersoll

  • Wellmans Pub on Ingersoll has trivia Tuesday night at 8

  • Trivia at Thunder Head in Ankeny every Tuesday

  • Trivia at the Keg Stand, Thursday nights (I think it starts at 8:30?)

    Drink Specials:

  • 2 for Tuesdays @ the Flying Moose every Tuesday all night (Also, 2 fers every day until 8pm)

  • Beechwood has 2 for 1 on tuesdays.

  • Quintons: Thursday Half off all drinks

  • Quarter beers at both Flying Moose and Mickey's Clive on Weds

  • Wednesday is geeks who drink at the red monk

  • Lift has $3 draws on Thursday

  • First Wednesday of every month there is a bottle share at 515 Brewing @ 6

    • Tuesdays they have trivia at The Hall in Valley Junction too. Starts at 7.
    • Smashpark in WDM has trivia at 7 and 8 on monday nights

    Weekly Open Mic night:

  • Gas Lamp now does karaoke on Tuesdays (with a live band for you to sing with!).

  • Tuesday night comedy open mic at Lefty's Live Music at 8pm.

  • open mic every Tuesday at Luckys at 8.

  • Friday night at the Beechwood is free stand-up comedy.

  • Acoustic music open mic at AJ's on East Court, Sundays at 4pm

  • Free Killer Queen at Up-Down every Thursday!

  • There is trivia at The Ducktail Lounge on Sunday’s.

  • Open Mic Thursday at Java Joe's Downtown at 7:30

    Other Ongoing Events:

  • Blues Jam Band every Tuesday at Carl's Place, $3 tallboys

  • Des Moines Bitcoin and Blockchain MeetUp at Gravitate in West Des Moines - 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month (eg Oct 25th) at 7:00pm

    If any of these are no longer current or you would like to add something, please ping /u/annarchist to update this thread otherwise I may miss it.

Why Global Deflation May Not Be Bad News for Bitcoin

Contrary to expectations, bitcoin could see a positive performance during a possible bout of global deflation if it acts not just as an investment asset, but as a medium of exchange and a perceived safe haven like gold. The top cryptocurrency by market value is widely considered to be a hedge against inflation because its supply is capped at 21 million and its monetary policy is pre-programmed to cut the pace of supply expansion by 50 percent every four years. As such, one may consider any deflationary collapse as a price-bearish development for bitcoin. Talk of deflation began earlier this month after the U.S. reported massive job losses due to the coronavirus outbreak. The prospects of a deflationary collapse have strengthened with this week’s oil price crash. “The oil price rout will send a deflationary wave through the global economy,” tweeted popular macro analyst Holger Zschaepitz on Tuesday. Read more: First Mover: What the Oil Price Collapse Means for Bitcoin’s Halving Valuation Cash typically becomes king during deflation because the drop in the general price levels boosts the monetary unit’s purchasing power, or the ability to purchase goods and services. “Unlike inflation, when people try to get out of the dollar because it’s losing value, during deflation people are more comfortable with the dollar because its value is going up,” said Erick Pinos, ecosystem lead for the Americas at the public blockchain and distributed collaboration platform Ontology. The rush for cash, however, may not have a substantially negative impact on bitcoin’s price because deflation would also boost the purchasing power of the cryptocurrency. “While the price per coin may stagnate during a period of aggressive economic deflation, the inherent buying power of the currency will actually rise, possibly quite significantly,” said Brandon Mintz, CEO of the bitcoin ATM provider Bitcoin Depot. As time goes on and people become more comfortable with digital assets, the average person begins to see Bitcoin as a legitimate viable alternative to gold.** The uptick in the purchasing power will likely draw greater demand for bitcoin, as the cryptocurrency is already used as means of payment. “Hundreds of thousands of businesses, brands and merchants do accept the ‘digital gold’ as payment, and thousands more every day are realizing the benefits of diversifying their revenue stream and accepting bitcoin as payment for their goods and services,” said Derek Muhney, director of sales and marketing at Coinsource, the world’s leader in Bitcoin ATMs. Moreover, the cryptocurrency’s appeal as a medium of exchange is likely to continue strengthening with the growing prevalence of technology in consumers’ everyday lives caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

##Digital gold ##

Ever since its inception, bitcoin has been dubbed “digital gold.” Like the yellow metal, the cryptocurrency is durable, fungible, divisible, recognizable and scarce. Both assets share features that fulfill Aristotle’s call for a currency to be practical and functional. Bitcoin has actual utility as the means of payment, which gold lacks, according to Coinsource’s Muhney. “As time goes on and people become more comfortable with digital assets, the average person begins to see Bitcoin as a legitimate viable alternative to gold. Thus, it’s reasonable to assume that during a period of deflation bitcoin would perform well like gold has in the past,” said Erick Pinos, America’s ecosystem lead at the public blockchain and distributed collaboration platform Ontology. Read more: Looking for a Safe Haven Digital Asset? Try Gold Hence, gold’s performance during the previous bouts of deflation could serve as a guide for bitcoin investors. Historical data shows gold performs well during deflation, which includes a sharp rise in financial stress and increased risk of corporate defaults; highly levered companies tend to go bust during deflation because their revenues fall while their debt service payments remain the same. Of course, gold’s shine is particularly bright during periods of inflation as well. As in periods of sizable deflation, inflation brings a set of price distortions that shake-up income statements and economies. A commonly-used measure of stress is the “Ted spread” or the difference between the three-month U.S. interbank rate and the three-month T-Bill rate. Ted SpreadSource: St. Louis Fed Research“Massive spikes in the Ted spread in the 1970s were accompanied by a sharp rise in gold.  The Ted spread also rose sharply in the early 1980s; in 1987 in the wake of the stock market crash and during the global financial crisis of 2007-2009 – both also periods of stronger gold prices,” according to Oxford Economics’ research note. Gold’s performance in stress periodsSource: Oxford ResearchThe real or inflation-adjusted price of gold rose an average 33 percent per annum in the 1970s, 18 percent in 1980s and 15.8 percent in 2000. Underscoring all of the scenarios is that a sudden rise in economic stress usually fuels a global dash for cash, forcing investors to sell everything from stocks to gold. However, once economic uncertainty starts settling, people again start looking for safe havens. “During the Great Recession, while gold initially declined alongside other equities, it found its footing and rallied faster than stocks recovered,” Ontology’s Pinos told CoinDesk. The Ted spread spiked as high as 4.6 following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in August 2008. Gold fell from $920 to $680 per troy ounce in the August to October period, as investors treated the yellow metal as a source of liquidity, but still ended that year with 5.5 percent gains. More importantly, it rallied by 24 percent in 2009 and went on to hit a record high above $1,900 in 2011. Read more: First Mover: Bitcoin Jumps as Fed Assets Top $6.5T and Traders Focus on Halving The yellow metal’s recent price gyrations suggest history may be repeating itself. As the Ted spread rose from 0.11 to 1.42 in the four weeks to March 27, gold fell from $1,700 to $1,450 yet is now trading near $1,725 per ounce, having hit a 7-year high of $1,747 ten days ago. Bitcoin, too, was treated as a source of liquidity last month, as evidenced from the near 40 percent drop to levels under $4,000 seen on March 12. Since then, however, the cryptocurrency has risen by nearly 85 percent to $7,500. If gold’s historical data and the recent market activity is a guide, then the path of least resistance for bitcoin appears to be on the higher side.

##Unprecedented stimulus to undermine fiat currencies ##

Both the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve have unleashed massive amounts of liquidity into the system over the past few weeks to contain the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. Notably, the Fed is running an open-ended asset purchase program and its balance sheet has already risen to record highs above $6.5 trillion. Meanwhile, central banks from New Zealand to Canada have slashed rates to zero and have recently announced bond purchase programs. What’s more, the amount of fiscal stimulus announced by 22 countries in March is equivalent to 75 percent of the global gross domestic product (GDP), according to JPMorgan. However, most governments and central banks appear to have run out of ammo. Hence, if the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread or leads to corporate defaults, investors may lose trust in traditional finance and look for alternatives like bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. Moody’s Analytics recently warned of the heightened risk of corporate defaults in the oil and gas sector across the globe, and weakness in entertainment and leisure giving way to pressure on consumer durables. “The willingness to fight deflation should bode well for bitcoin,” said Richard Rosenblum, head of trading at GSR. Meanwhile, Ashish Singhal, CEO and founder of the cryptocurrency exchange, said, “In a deflationary scenario, the chances of negative interest rates are high, and users would want to move their existing assets into more stable assets like bitcoin to prevent loss in their asset value.” Interest rates are already set below zero across Europe and in Japan and are hovering at or near zero in other advanced countries. Further, with central banks willing to do whatever it takes to defeat deflation, the real yield or inflation-adjusted returns on bonds are likely to remain negative or meagerly positive at best. As a result, zero-yielding assets like gold and bitcoin may attract more buyers. Bank of America’s analysts noted earlier this week that the stimulus frenzy amid the coronavirus pandemic would put pressure on the currencies and send gold to $3,000 by October 2021. While bitcoin could perform well during deflation, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have seldom tracked macro developments on a consistent basis in the past. “Blockchain-based currencies are really their own beasts,” said Bitcoin Depot CEO Brandon Mitz. DisclosureRead MoreThe leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.


Fan problem out of nowhere

Hi guys. Most of the time I have my laptop set on the silent mode through ROG Gaming Center because the balanced and overboost settings are too loud for me. For the past year I've had zero complaints and have sent it once for repair cause of a loud and weird noise coming from the fan area.
But it was completely replaced so I assumed it is all good now. That was 3 months ago.

Since a week or two my fans are spinning quite loudly even on silent mode and I have no idea why. My gaming experience has been impacted as well due to temperatures reaching higher levels than normal as well. They peak at 90-100 degrees and makes the game stutter occasionally. I was suspecting that I might have a bitcoin miner virus but using software like Malwarebytes or Hitmanpro were unsuccessful. I hope someone will be able to help or guide me in what I could do to fix this. Thanks!

Help needed

Anyone please can help me or guide how to properly withdraw bitcoin from coinbase pro to android electrum wallet? I tried but it sent to my regular coinbase account instead off wallet.. Dont know why, because i chose to withdraw to crypto adress in coinbade pro instead of coinbase and still in sent to coinbase. Im worried and dont want to move it because i dont want to lose btc if again something mystic happens...

Both BTC and ETH Median Transaction Fees Have Exploded Since the Halving

The halving has caused the transaction fees on both the Bitcoin and the Ethereum network to increase significantly, with Bitcoin recording a growth of 800% in the past 3 months. However, median transaction fees on other major networks, such as Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, XRP, and Litecoin have remained relatively flat during the same period.

BTC and ETH Transaction Fees Continue to Climb

The block reward halving is one of the most monumental events in the Bitcoin ecosystem, with its consequences being debated for months before and after it happens. And while its effects on Bitcoin have been heavily discussed this month, focusing too closely on Bitcoin fails to provide a bigger picture—that the halving has affected Ethereum, too.

According to the latest report from CoinMetrics, the transaction fees on both the Bitcoin and the Ethereum network have skyrocketed after the halving. This came as a surprise as most other metrics on the network, illustrated in the chart below, have remained relatively flat. 

Table showing the 7-day average metrics for the top 5 cryptocurrencies. (Source: CoinMetrics)

Bitcoin and Ethereum See Median Fee Increases of 800% and 250%

On May 14th, two days after the halving, the median transaction fee on the Bitcoin network reached $2.88, the highest it has been since June 2019, CoinMetrics found. Data from Bitinfocharts showed that the average transaction fee on the same day reached as high as $5.1. 

Ethereum also recorded the highest median translation fee since August 2018 on May 14, reaching $0.25. According to Bitinfocharts, the average transaction fee that day increased 30% in 24 hours and hit $0.55 at one point. 

This was most likely a result of both networks having relatively full blocks, the report found, adding that other high-market cap cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin SV (BSV), XRP, and Litecoin (LTC) did not record any meaningful increases in transaction fees. 

With block rewards cut to half, the transaction fee was expected to soar as miners suddenly start earning half the revenue from block rewards. Currently, their revenue from fees is a very small percentage of that of block rewards. Ethereum’s fees increase can also be attributed to the increase in the activity of stablecoins, many of which are ERC20 tokens.


List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



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Bitcoin(BTC) Block Reward Halving May 25, 2020



List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



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Bitcoin(BTC) Block Reward Halving May 25, 2020



List of Today's and Tomorrow's Upcoming Events

I will be bringing you upcoming events/announcements every day. If you want improvements to this post, please mention /u/houseme in the comments. We will make improvements based on your feedback. | /r/kryptocal | Android | iOS | Telegram Interactive Bot (add cryptocalapp_bot) | Telegram Channel @kryptocal



If you like an event to be added, click Submit Event, and we will do the rest.





Bitcoin(BTC) Block Reward Halving May 25, 2020



Law of attraction works in the most strangest of ways

So from my experiences with lottery wins and the LOA serving Justice or balancing wrong doers (more on this below). I have come to the conclusion that Law of Attraction works via psychic or higher self means. It will almost always directly go to work when a person absolutely completely let's go of the matter.

In my case, the LOA both brings me things I desire like lottery wins. I won lottery 7 times via LOA and the lottery wins happen only when I get the tugging pulling feeling that guides me to the win, I can't just play every day, it has to somehow one day just tell me "Buy that". It even nearly made me a millionaire via CryptoCurrency.

In 2016, something gave me a feeling to buy 1 Bitcoin from a local bitcoins website that matched me with a Russian smart young dude in my city that sold it to me for around $600, it was the strangest feeling buying something that he sent me digitally for that high of cash. And then, something else told me to shapeshift that near whole Bitcoin into 600,000 Ripple XRP as I was on the Shapeshift website which didn't need registration at that time. But I sadly didn't listen to it, but instead bought 80,000 XRP and the shocker is that the news of it getting on Coinbase skyrocketed it to $4 an XRP and I would've had 4 million dollars, but I instead got out with around $70k as it started dropping out.

LOA was trying to make a millionaire and I didn't listen to it LOL, but hopefully it will give me a big juicy lottery win.

LOA didn't end with just giving me huge Cryptocurrency gains, it also gave me a $50k lottery win, and also gave me another $25k lottery win and now it keeps on giving me $500 in a border state game from next door state, that game is called "All or Nothing". My state stopped that game sadly, but the border state has it and the border state is rich with lottery revenue so they have a lot of good games.

From all my Lottery wins, I found out there is 1 persistent thing that makes me believe LOA is very real and it is tied to higher self and also Psychic self. It is that the win always arrives spontaneously when I Have not played for a long time or a while, like for example I haven't played for 1 month or weeks, and then I get a random idea to go play it or some good feeling is pulling me towards it, and I suspect it is the LOA so I go play and guess what? BAM it hits me with a $500 or $25k win. Also the LOA is very powerful when multiple people are involved. Like my friend and I and my other friend split hat $25k prize but it was me who paid for it as it was my turn to buy it since we take turns buying it but we still go together and split it 3 way. The $50k was all by myself, and I won that under some mysterious circumstances. I suddenly found myself tired one evening as I decided to go out to drive Uber out of boredom, and this was strange because I had plenty of sleep the previous night, and also drank well and eat healthy and I am still young. So I just decided to head to my sisters house and on my way to sisters house, I recalled that her kids love gum and soda so I decided to go buy those at the store but I also noticed a guy in front of me buy 2 scratch off tickets of a game, so I decided to buy 1 of the same game he did and I scanned it in the store after scratching off bar code and it told me to see lottery office.

I normally just scratch off barcode area just to get to the point and see if I won or not. But this was my first time playing lottery in a while and that became a winner. And surprisingly my energy levels and alertness returned to normal. I believe it was LOA and higher self guiding me to it.

Right now it is about the 5th time that I won All or Nothings $500 prize and each time I play, it is something tugging me to go play it and I win $500, so for example there wasn't a time in the last 5 wins that I played it and did not win it. That gas station workers in that state know me as the guy who wins the $500 because they see my win it all the time. So this is telling me the LOA or Higher Self is guiding me to it. I also noticed in one of these 5 wins, that I left my sisters house and was heading up i35E and was approaching i494 and West takes me to my house while i494 East takes me to that border state that has that game. And I felt something with some excited energy telling me to take i494 East and go play that game, and I did even though I clearly just wanted to go home, I did take the East exit and bought the game and thank God my home was still on the way taking i494 North up. Got home and this game draws daily and I find out I won $500, heck Google images even indexed these wins of mine when I posted them in the Lottery sub after taking photos of them.

But what surprises me is that the LOA keeps giving me the $500 win which is just 1 number away from the $100k and I really desire the $100k and still have not won it. So now I just let go again totally and completely stopped playing the game.

I discovered that to get the LOA to work, one has to absolutely accept the reality that one will not get what he/she desires, just completely accept it and let go. And in the most least expected time, the win will come and find you. Or whatever you desired will come and find you. I believe the higher self or subconscious starts putting together a series of events that appear coincidence, but are actually not coincidence, these events ultimately lead you to the win. This was your higher self guiding you all this time, but some people want to believe it is coincidence or whatever else you call that thing.

Another example of my LOA working is that it gave my Ex-Fiance bad luck. She did various wrong things to me and said bad things to me and she is in another country, I did a lot for her and went there after I left Morocco and her father and mother liked me, and I wanted to return to finish marriage for her, but my passport was expiring in 6 months and I lost $1800 in Plane ticket because of the fact that the airliner would not let me board since rule is that people can't fly out international if passport is expiring in 6 months or less.

Her dying uncle also wanted to see our ceremony and wedding, but there was also the fact that we never finished the initial Shiekh Halal part, and I bought her a Gold necklace when her father and I and her were together at the Jewelry store in that country, but this Gold necklace was for the gift of what they call Mehr and this is valid for her only if she finishes the processes with me and we become husband and wife and I assumed all would fall in smoothly and we would finish it, but her fighting became excessive and she blamed me for my passport that expired and the fact that her dying Uncle never got to see wedding as I never went there to finish everything even though I scrambled to do everything I can.

But guess what? back to the part about how the LOA harmed her, now keep in mind that I don't want my power that I can't control to harm people, I want the good for humanity and forgive the wrongdoings of people and I forgave her, but just as I messaged her to tell her that if she still has that Gold Necklace, it may bring her harm because she never finished process with me and that she fought me too much when I wanted to better her. She said she had to sell it because it did indeed bring her bad luck, she didn't tell me exactly what bad luck, but I believe her. As long as she sold it and got rid of it I am happy even if she didn't mail it to me, because hopefully at least she won't get affected by my Higher Self which has been known to balance me and others if I wronged people or if they wronged me. It goes both ways, my own higher self can bring me bad luck or other people can bring me bad luck or harm if I wrong them. So the Universe does balance people

Ever notice that people who are angry often keep having more negativity and bad luck attracted to themselves? they can never get what they want because they never let go and let their higher self handle it. For example I often see at the Gas station I buy the lottery tickets from that there is always crumbled up tickets or scratchers that people leave on the counter that is right next to the scanner that scans the tickets, but there is a garbage can nearby. So this tells me that person got angry or frustrated and that is not how you win, to win you have to let go and let the higher self guide you to the win in the most unexpected of time. Also the not throwing away the losing slips part and letting the workers pick up doesn't help in the person actually getting guided to the win is what I believe because it is a wrong act to just purposely leave losing slips or scratchers there for another person to throw away for you.