Thursday, June 20, 2024

The XRP Conspiracy: Is Price Suppression Setting Up an Explosive Surge?

Scenario: The Purposeful Suppression of XRP Price?

"XRP Holders: Could Years of Price Suppression Be Setting the Stage for a Skyrocket?"

Background: Ripple Labs developed XRP with the goal of transforming the financial sector by providing a fast, low-cost solution for international payments. Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, XRP was specifically designed for institutional use, aiming to replace the outdated SWIFT system and modernize cross-border transactions.

Key Points of the Scenario

  1. Regulatory Smokescreen:

    • The SEC lawsuit against Ripple in December 2020 could be seen as a strategic move. This high-profile case created uncertainty around XRP, leading to delistings from major exchanges and driving the price down. However, the lawsuit might have been a controlled event, orchestrated to provide the necessary regulatory clarity for XRP's future use.
    • Throughout the lawsuit, Ripple's legal team has maintained a strong defense and consistently hinted at the inevitability of XRP's exoneration, suggesting they never truly felt at risk.
  2. Accumulation Phase:

    • Financial institutions and banks have had ample time to accumulate XRP at low prices during these years of uncertainty. Ripple's numerous partnerships with banks and financial entities worldwide could be part of a quiet accumulation strategy.
    • On-demand Liquidity (ODL) services have been expanded quietly, ensuring banks could integrate and test XRP without causing significant market reactions.
  3. Utility Over Speculation:

    • Unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are driven largely by speculative investments, XRP's value proposition lies in its utility for institutional transactions. The low price has maintained retail investors' disinterest, while institutions recognize and prepare for its potential.
    • The XRP ledger’s capabilities, such as its speed (3-5 seconds per transaction) and scalability (1,500 transactions per second), are consistently highlighted in Ripple's communications, but the price does not reflect these advantages, maintaining the veil.
  4. Strategic Partnerships and Trials:

    • Ripple's partnerships with major financial institutions like Santander, American Express, and SBI Holdings, as well as central banks exploring digital currencies, are trials for the mass adoption of XRP.
    • The RippleNet network has been expanding globally, setting the stage for a switch to XRP as a bridge currency once regulatory clarity is achieved.
  5. The Flip of the Switch:

    • Once the SEC case resolves and XRP receives the long-sought regulatory clarity, it could mark the end of the suppression period. Financial institutions, now fully prepared and integrated with Ripple’s technology, could begin large-scale use of XRP.
    • The price of XRP may not appreciate gradually like speculative tokens. Instead, as institutions begin using XRP en masse for liquidity and settlement, the demand for XRP could skyrocket.
  6. Immediate Price Surge:

    • The initial price jump could be significant, potentially catapulting XRP into the range of $1,000 to $5,000 per token. This sudden appreciation would reflect the intrinsic value that had been suppressed for years.
    • Retail investors, previously skeptical due to years of low prices and legal uncertainties, might be blindsided by the rapid increase. Meanwhile, institutions that had been accumulating would be positioned for massive gains.

Supporting Evidence

  1. Historical Price Suppression:

    • Despite being one of the earliest and most well-known cryptocurrencies, XRP's price has lagged behind Bitcoin and Ethereum. This anomaly can be seen as indicative of artificial suppression.
  2. Strategic Partnerships:

    • Ripple's extensive network of partnerships with over 300 financial institutions globally is often downplayed in media and price reflections. These partnerships are essential for the quiet accumulation and testing phase.
  3. Legal Developments:

    • The strategic and confident approach of Ripple’s legal team during the SEC lawsuit, including their refusal to settle easily and their public optimism, suggests an underlying plan.
  4. Technological Integration:

    • Ripple’s continuous technological advancements and the expansion of ODL services across different corridors provide a robust infrastructure, indicating readiness for a major shift.


The foundations for a potential future surge in XRP's price are being laid meticulously. The SEC lawsuit might be providing the regulatory clarity needed, while partnerships and technological advancements ensure readiness. The low price of XRP could be a strategic suppression, allowing institutions to accumulate before a massive price increase. This scenario highlights why the price possibly has remained stagnant and why it might be difficult for the average retailer to hold XRP, setting the stage for a potential explosive growth once all pieces fall into place.

Update: FFIE Ortex Short Interest 06.20.2024 / number of shares borrowed stagnant at 120M since June 14th

It seems odd to me that the on loan number has hit a plateau since June 14th. Shares are being shorted in the morning and returned by end of day to suppress the price.

Volume has been low relatively to previous weeks. Hopefully the excitement around expiring calls tomorrow gets the volume up and puts some of these calls in the money!

Not financial advice just what I have observed

Help Valuing Mining Machines

Hi there,

I have, through some strange turn of events been given the responsibility of selling 2698 ASIC miners. I have no clue about Bitcoin mining and am desperate for help in trying to figure out how to sell the stock we have. We have Bitmain Antminers s17, s17e, s17pro, s17+, t17, t17e, and t17+

The hash rates vary from 40 - 76 I believe. I’ve seen some on eBay etc for around $700-$950. The people who own them just want them gone and are willing to sell for pretty much anything and are even considering selling for scrap.

So, kind strangers - am I sitting on anything of value?
