Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Falling Wedge Breakout Propels Bitcoin Price Above Key Resistance at $9.2K (current BTC/USD price is $9,176.19)

Latest Bitcoin News:

Falling Wedge Breakout Propels Bitcoin Price Above Key Resistance at $9.2K

Other Related Bitcoin Topics:

Bitcoin Price | Bitcoin Mining | Blockchain

The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

[uncensored-r/Bitcoin] A Noobs Guide to Buying Bitcoin

The following post by ggabriel8 is being replicated because some comments within the post(but not the post itself) have been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: Bitcoin/comments/grp202

The original post's content was as follows:

OK Gabriel, you convinced me. My money isn't my money. Governments are taking advantage of their citizens. I want to dip my toes into the financial revolution, but I’m not sure how. Can you help me buy some Bitcoin?

I am happy to hear that you are ready to take the plunge!

There are many platforms that allow you to buy and sell Bitcoin, but the best one for new users is Cash App. Cash App is a product developed by Square, that allows you to efficiently transfer money to other users on their platform.

Reasons I like Cash App:

  1. Transparent fees
  2. Simple interface
  3. The ability to move Bitcoin into an external wallet

Transparent Fees

Cash App has a flat fee of 1.7%, which is relatively low compared to other platforms. Some platforms, like, offer a 0% fee on purchasing Bitcoin, which make it seem cheaper, but will charge more for the asset itself. The fee structure is more suited for large purchases while Cash Apps structure is suited for small consistent purchases.

Simple interface

Cash App offers a clean and simple interface for processing transactions. Other platforms, like, may have more features but this can overwhelm new customers.

Cash App also allows you to buy Bitcoin on a set basis (i.e, $10 every day or $500 a month). Buying small amounts of Bitcoin frequently is a good way to build your bitcoin portfolio with less risk. This is called Dollar Cost Averaging.

External wallet

There is a famous saying in the Bitcoin community:

“Not your keys, not your Bitcoin”

When you buy Bitcoin through an exchange like Cash App, they are in possession of your Bitcoin until you transfer it to a wallet. If you leave it in their position, your Bitcoin is at risk of being lost or stolen.

To secure you possessions, you need a wallet which is like your bank account.

I found Atomic Wallet to be a good option, however as you get more comfortable I recommend branching out. It takes only a few minutes to create a wallet. Just download the app and follow the step. Make sure to write down the 12 word pass code that they provide you with. This can be used in case of emergency to restore your wallet.

When you open the app you will see a list of many different cryptocurrencies that can be stored in your wallet. For the moment, scroll down until you find BTC aka Bitcoin. Click on it and you will have an option to send or receive. When you click receive you will be presented with a QR code and your Bitcoin address. This is your account number. Copy and paste this info into Cash App and in about 30 mins your balance will be reflected in you wallet.

Congrats! You are now the proud owner of your first Bitcoin and part of the finance revolution.

Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency world can be overwhelming for new users. When you’re just getting started, it is important to keep things simple. There is so much information out there, tons of platforms, and a lot to learn. I hope this article helps you as you begin on your Bitcoin journey.

[uncensored-r/BitcoinMarkets] [Daily Discussion] Thursday, May 28, 2020

The following post by AutoModerator is being replicated because some comments within the post(but not the post itself) have been silently removed.

The original post can be found(in censored form) at this link: BitcoinMarkets/comments/grz3o4

The original post's content was as follows:

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:


I want to get into Bitcoin mining, can someone please guide me, as to how I can go about doing that?

[Daily Discussion] Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • General discussion related to the day's events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • Quick questions that do not warrant a separate post

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Do not make posts outside of the daily thread for the topics mentioned above.

Other ways to interact:

[Altcoin Discussion] Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thread topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussion related to recent events
  • Technical analysis, trading ideas & strategies
  • General questions about altcoins

Thread guidelines:

  • Be excellent to each other.
  • All regular rules for this subreddit apply, except for number 2. This, and only this, thread is exempt from the requirement that all discussion must relate to bitcoin trading.
  • This is for high quality discussion of altcoins. All shilling or obvious pumping/dumping behavior will result in an immediate one day ban. This is your only warning.
  • No discussion about specific ICOs. Established coins only.

If you're not sure what kind of discussion belongs in this thread, here are some example posts. News, TA, and sentiment analysis are great, too.

Other ways to interact:

The Need for Financial Technology Literacy

At these present times, everything and everyone is adapting to modern technology. From devices, diagnostic equipment, transportation, communication, research, and now to financial transactions — the convenience that the technology has brought us is indeed immeasurable.

We’ve written this article with the intention of letting people realize the importance of adapting to modern technology to alleviate the current financial system, not just in the cryptocurrency field.

The term “Fintech” or financial technology has been gaining more attention, and we believe that it is very important to discuss the need to educate the public on what this really means before we dive into more technical details. By understanding what fintech means, we hope that more people will realize its importance and adopt it in their everyday lives.

What is Financial Technology?

Fintech, a term coined for Financial Technology, is used to define the industries behind the expansion of the financial technology system across the globe. Whether in banking, insurance, mobile payments, and cryptocurrency, the term is widely used to describe the rapidly growing financial system. A lot of fintech businesses or products are created in such a way that they will connect and simplify financial transactions through the use of modern technology.

There is an increase in financial access, and freedom thanks to fintech. It has helped the world change the financial system in numerous ways. Before discovering the possibility of mobile or online banking, people used to line-up in banks just to open an account. Also, e-commerce flourished thanks to fintech. The availability of mobile apps and the internet catering to various services helped not just the consumers but also the businesses to expand their options and business goals.

Fintech and Cryptocurrency

Fintech upgraded the traditional financial transactions. Long gone are the days when people have to keep their money physically or have to visit banks to make transactions. Everything is almost digital. Everything is also almost convenient.

In this age where everything is fast-paced, people always look for “convenience” and “efficiency” in a product and service. This is where cryptocurrency has the most advantage.

The technology that cryptocurrency introduced through Bitcoin showed a profound effect on the Fintech industry. Thanks to the launch of Bitcoin in 2008, it was realized that a decentralized blockchain system is possible, and it can help solve the difficulties people encounter in the traditional financial system. As a form of digital or virtual money that runs in a blockchain, cryptocurrencies help users to manage their own money easily, quickly and securely. Users can make a transaction without the need for any central authority involved. People just need to have a cryptocurrency wallet where they can make crypto transactions.

The Importance of Fintech Literacy

The fintech industry has made a drastic growth in the financial sector over the years. As the world keeps on innovating, people will continuously adapt to changes. The more convenience fintech brings, the more people are inclined to use it. This is why Swipe believes that it is very important for users to understand how to have the right financial behavior in this high-tech world.

People find it easier to store, but at the same time, they also spend money easily with the use of the internet or mobile applications. However, products and services that can easily be bought online make it easier for consumers to develop a habit of impulsive buying. People need to realize that even though fintech helps brings more convenience, the need to control and manage their transactions is extremely important.

As a multi-asset digital wallet, Swipe believes that understanding the ropes of fintech and also cryptocurrencies will lead to better asset management and spending. Having a good grasp of fintech literacy helps the users’ ability to make informed decisions about their financial behaviors. Cryptocurrency rates are very volatile. Though it can be easily bought and spend any time, a crypto user must be knowledgeable enough on when or how to invest or spend his assets.

Fintech will surely dominate the financial sector in the years to come. A user needs to have an open mind to adapt to these changes and learn how to use it properly. Having adequate fintech literacy will surely help a user to have the right attitude and behavior in making financial decisions in a world that is slowly becoming more digital.


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FAANG Slips Again

For Trading MAY 28TH

FAANG Slips Again, Russell Surges ALL 11 S&P Sectors Higher

Today’s market was up after continued strength in the futures and markets around the world and although the DJIA ran well ahead for the first half of the day but by the close the only laggard was the NASDAQ. The DJIA finished +553.16 (2.21%), NASDA +72.14 (.77%), S&P 500 +43.36 (1.48%), the Russell +43.28 (3.11%) and the DJ Transports were +255 (2.86%). The DJIA was 25 up and only 5 down with the biggest winners being GS +92, UNH +60, AXP +48, MMM +41, JPM +38, CAT, BA, and HD all +43 DP’s. Market internals were a bit soft with volume roughly 30% lower than normal and A/D 3:1 on NYSE and NASDAQ >2:1 gainers. The strong sectors were financial, industrials and home builders while the weaker were Information tech (FAANG), communication services, consumer discretionary, and energy. On the news front we had those two do-nothing groups of legislators actually BOTH pass a bill for sanctions against China for violations of human rights. Unfortunately, that leaves the Orange Emperor still in charge of getting the message across to his very best friend and extreme admirer who has continued to promise to execute on Phase 1 of that perfectly marvelous and magnificent Trade seal, the quality and scope of which has never been seen in the history of the world, that the BS he’s pulling in Hong Kong, withs eyes on Taiwan will not be tolerated. Yeah, right!!!

Our “open forum” on Discord, which allows me to interact with subscribers and others to allow direct questions and chart opinions on just about any stock, continues to grow with more participants every day. It is informative and allows me to share insights as the market is open and moving. The link is: and I will be there and active from before the open and all day. It’s a great place to share ideas and gain some insights, and we’ve grown to almost 1900 members. I also did this video titled “How to survive being an options trader and not blow up your account,” over the long weekend. I think it’s very informative as a guide to stock selection and option choices. The link is Enjoy!!

Tonight’s closing comment video

SECTORS: The news was catch-up yesterday and a solid follow-thru today. I find it increasingly difficult to separate the market from the economy, and that has been to my detriment. The two trades we have on right now should, by all rights work out in our favor. I started the position small and I averaged down in both today. The XRT trade in particular seems to me to have the best potential, although there are some earnings this week, AND I HATE TO PLAY EARNINGS, we are so overbought and extended that I set aside that particular worry. We also took some profits in NEM, and re-entered today about $6 lower.

FOOD SUPPLY: was HIGHER with TSN ++1.10, BGS +1.15, FLO +.09, CAG +.77, MDLZ +.71, KNC +.91, CALM +.73, JJSF +8.45, SAFM +1.56, LANC +7.59, GO -.13, HRL +1.19, and PBJ $31.62 +.87 (2.83%).

BIOPHARMA was MIXED with BIIB +5.59, ABBV-.71, REGN -2.21, ISRG +3.64, GILD +1.42, MYL +.86, TEVA +.57, VRTZ +12.01, BHC +.40, INCY -.46, ICPT -.97, LABU -.10, and IBB $131.80 +.99 (.76%).

CANNABIS: This group was LOWER with TLRY -.26, CGC -.13, CRON +.06, GWPH -5.15, ACB -.31, PYX +.39, NBEV -.06, CURLF -.08, KERN +.27, and MJ $14.25 -.03 (.21%).

DEFENSE: was HIGHER with LMT +=25.98, GD +6.73, TXT +1.43, NOC +16.81, BWXT +2.99, TDY +9.71, RTX +3.13, and ITA $167.19 +7.94 (4.99%).

RETAIL was HIGHER with M +1.73, JWN +3.11, KSS +3.28, DDS +3.05, WMT -1.27, TGT +1.98, TJX +.20, RL -1.16, UAA +.83, LULU +.09, TPR +.65, CPRI +1.60, and XRT $41.64 +1.38 (3.43%).

FAANG and Big Cap: were LOWER after being higher earlier with GOOGL -1.09, AMZN -18.36, AAPL +1.07, FB -5.05, NFLX+5.23, NVDA -8.51, TSLA -4.47, BABA -.72, BIDU -.14, CMG -24.00, CAT +5.54, BA +12.01, DIS +1.47, and XLK $96.94 +.55 (.57%).

FINANCIALS were HIGHER with GS +14.44, JPM +6.32, BAC +1.72, MS +3.39, C +4.53, PNC +7.63, AIG +.52, TRV +3.97, V +.28, and XLF $24.06 +1.00 (4.34%).

OIL, $32.81 -1.54. Oil was unable to make a new high today and after that failure it fell all the way back 31.75 before closing 2/3s down on the range. If we break 30.72 on a closing basis, I think we can work lower. The stocks generally lower and XLE was $40.06 +.51 (1.29%).

METALS, GOLD: $1,710.70 +5.10. After trying to break to new highs Gold failed to follow-thru and opened slightly lower and fell all the way back to trade $1,700 yesterday, and this morning got only worse hitting $1,684 before turning back up and closing up on the day. We bought back 2 lots of NEM roughly $6.00 lower that our sale yesterday.

BITCOIN: closed $9,170 +385. After breaking down from just over 10,000 and trading 8,220 we started back up and traded all the way back, it failed to make a new recovery high. We broke all the way back to trade 8815 today but managed a move to close just over $9000. We added 350 shares of GBTC last Wednesday @ $10.02 to our position of 400 @ $8.06, bringing our average price to $8.97. GBTC closed $10.50 +.32 today.

Tomorrow is another day.


FAANG Slips again

For Trading MAY 28TH

FAANG Slips Again, Russell Surges ALL 11 S&P Sectors Higher

Today’s market was up after continued strength in the futures and markets around the world and although the DJIA ran well ahead for the first half of the day but by the close the only laggard was the NASDAQ. The DJIA finished +553.16 (2.21%), NASDA +72.14 (.77%), S&P 500 +43.36 (1.48%), the Russell +43.28 (3.11%) and the DJ Transports were +255 (2.86%). The DJIA was 25 up and only 5 down with the biggest winners being GS +92, UNH +60, AXP +48, MMM +41, JPM +38, CAT, BA, and HD all +43 DP’s. Market internals were a bit soft with volume roughly 30% lower than normal and A/D 3:1 on NYSE and NASDAQ >2:1 gainers. The strong sectors were financial, industrials and home builders while the weaker were Information tech (FAANG), communication services, consumer discretionary, and energy. On the news front we had those two do-nothing groups of legislators actually BOTH pass a bill for sanctions against China for violations of human rights. Unfortunately, that leaves the Orange Emperor still in charge of getting the message across to his very best friend and extreme admirer who has continued to promise to execute on Phase 1 of that perfectly marvelous and magnificent Trade seal, the quality and scope of which has never been seen in the history of the world, that the BS he’s pulling in Hong Kong, withs eyes on Taiwan will not be tolerated. Yeah, right!!!

Our “open forum” on Discord, which allows me to interact with subscribers and others to allow direct questions and chart opinions on just about any stock, continues to grow with more participants every day. It is informative and allows me to share insights as the market is open and moving. The link is: and I will be there and active from before the open and all day. It’s a great place to share ideas and gain some insights, and we’ve grown to almost 1900 members. I also did this video titled “How to survive being an options trader and not blow up your account,” over the long weekend. I think it’s very informative as a guide to stock selection and option choices. The link is Enjoy!!

Tonight’s closing comment video

SECTORS: The news was catch-up yesterday and a solid follow-thru today. I find it increasingly difficult to separate the market from the economy, and that has been to my detriment. The two trades we have on right now should, by all rights work out in our favor. I started the position small and I averaged down in both today. The XRT trade in particular seems to me to have the best potential, although there are some earnings this week, AND I HATE TO PLAY EARNINGS, we are so overbought and extended that I set aside that particular worry. We also took some profits in NEM, and re-entered today about $6 lower.

FOOD SUPPLY: was HIGHER with TSN ++1.10, BGS +1.15, FLO +.09, CAG +.77, MDLZ +.71, KNC +.91, CALM +.73, JJSF +8.45, SAFM +1.56, LANC +7.59, GO -.13, HRL +1.19, and PBJ $31.62 +.87 (2.83%).

BIOPHARMA was MIXED with BIIB +5.59, ABBV-.71, REGN -2.21, ISRG +3.64, GILD +1.42, MYL +.86, TEVA +.57, VRTZ +12.01, BHC +.40, INCY -.46, ICPT -.97, LABU -.10, and IBB $131.80 +.99 (.76%).

CANNABIS: This group was LOWER with TLRY -.26, CGC -.13, CRON +.06, GWPH -5.15, ACB -.31, PYX +.39, NBEV -.06, CURLF -.08, KERN +.27, and MJ $14.25 -.03 (.21%).

DEFENSE: was HIGHER with LMT +=25.98, GD +6.73, TXT +1.43, NOC +16.81, BWXT +2.99, TDY +9.71, RTX +3.13, and ITA $167.19 +7.94 (4.99%).

RETAIL was HIGHER with M +1.73, JWN +3.11, KSS +3.28, DDS +3.05, WMT -1.27, TGT +1.98, TJX +.20, RL -1.16, UAA +.83, LULU +.09, TPR +.65, CPRI +1.60, and XRT $41.64 +1.38 (3.43%).

FAANG and Big Cap: were LOWER after being higher earlier with GOOGL -1.09, AMZN -18.36, AAPL +1.07, FB -5.05, NFLX+5.23, NVDA -8.51, TSLA -4.47, BABA -.72, BIDU -.14, CMG -24.00, CAT +5.54, BA +12.01, DIS +1.47, and XLK $96.94 +.55 (.57%).

FINANCIALS were HIGHER with GS +14.44, JPM +6.32, BAC +1.72, MS +3.39, C +4.53, PNC +7.63, AIG +.52, TRV +3.97, V +.28, and XLF $24.06 +1.00 (4.34%).

OIL, $32.81 -1.54. Oil was unable to make a new high today and after that failure it fell all the way back 31.75 before closing 2/3s down on the range. If we break 30.72 on a closing basis, I think we can work lower. The stocks generally lower and XLE was $40.06 +.51 (1.29%).

METALS, GOLD: $1,710.70 +5.10. After trying to break to new highs Gold failed to follow-thru and opened slightly lower and fell all the way back to trade $1,700 yesterday, and this morning got only worse hitting $1,684 before turning back up and closing up on the day. We bought back 2 lots of NEM roughly $6.00 lower that our sale yesterday.

BITCOIN: closed $9,170 +385. After breaking down from just over 10,000 and trading 8,220 we started back up and traded all the way back, it failed to make a new recovery high. We broke all the way back to trade 8815 today but managed a move to close just over $9000. We added 350 shares of GBTC last Wednesday @ $10.02 to our position of 400 @ $8.06, bringing our average price to $8.97. GBTC closed $10.50 +.32 today.

Tomorrow is another day.


Large-scale updates of Tkeycoin. What’s next? — listing on the crypto exchange. Are you with us?

Hello, everyone, It’s been a long time since you heard our team, someone thought we were gone, someone was waiting, and someone disappeared himself.

All this time we have worked hard to bring you good news. We will tell you what we have prepared for you, what events will be soon, what you can use right now and what else will be new in the year. And so, let’s go!

Preparing for listing on the exchange

The pandemic period played into the hands of the entire team and we managed to build beauty in our services. In anticipation of the exchange, the team tidied up the sites and services and connected new tools. First of all, we paid attention to the preparation of all services for a foreign audience, taking into account its mentality.

New sections, localizations, nice things, and much more to ensure the most efficient use of the TKEY resource. In addition to the new tabs, the services that we will talk about in this material, there is a special page for representatives of the exchange with the necessary documentation for listing —

Full localization

Already today the official website available in 5 languages: Russian, English, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional).

We made adjustments to the Russian and English versions of the site, including support for Korean and Chinese for each section of the site. Professionals in their field, native speakers translated and adapted the information as it should be, and we, in turn, structured and framed it properly. So welcome!

We will update language support for the site, and soon it will include support for all languages that are available in the mobile app.

QR Codes for Asian Audience

Our friends and residents of Asian countries actively use QR codes in their lives, both when paying in stores and when working with websites. QR codes are used almost everywhere when renting a car or bike, we just open the phone, scan and the mode of transport becomes available for use, anything is available for rent, even a battery, even an umbrella.

“It was a hot May day. Seven-year-old Wang Jiaozui came out of school and saw his grandfather, who came to pick him up. He was standing in the sun, and his shirt was soaked with sweat. Jiaozui invited the grandfather to buy a cold Cola in the shop, but he forgot her purse at home. It turned out that this is not important — the boy took his grandfather’s smartphone and called the payment app with a QR code on the screen.” ©

What to say if QR codes are used even to identify entire farms. By pasting QR codes on farm buildings and then scanning them, government inspectors can quickly figure out who owns the building and whether its owners are violating any laws.

We must be on the trend! Now a special library generates QR codes for the desired page, any tab on the site in Chinese and Korean-accompanied by a QR code that leads to the requested page: fast, convenient, and simple.

Providing this opportunity to our colleagues and future users of Tkeycoin from Asia is a friendly approach and most importantly, a strategic step on our part. After implementing QR codes, we are undoubtedly drawn into the convenience of this function, which we recommend to You:) If you like it, we will make QR codes on the Russian and English versions of the site.

Buying and withdrawing cryptocurrency to a Bankcard

On the site, you can now buy Bitcoin for pound, dollars, euro, and any other currency. This is a powerful automated service for instant exchange of fiat currencies for cryptocurrencies. The system works around the clock and seven days a week, allowing everyone to conduct exchanges at any time of the day and in the shortest possible time.

Withdrawal to a Bank card will be available until the end of the month, we finish the details, the page is available now, and the withdrawal itself will be activated during this week. You can buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other currency right now.

These features are the future for the function of purchasing any product or service for TKEY at any point of sale, which will form the basis of the mobile app, quickly, conveniently, and most importantly, observing the letter of the law.

All we do is build an Empire that is being built before your eyes. Every service and product is connected, so any update promises the appearance of even more cool and effective features than before.

Buying cryptocurrency for pound, dollars, euros, and other currencies

At the end of February, we told you that we are working on building a payment service that will include the provision of services: buy cryptocurrencies, sell a cryptocurrency, withdraw cryptocurrency to Bank cards, etc.

This day has come, now you can buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether USDT, Basic Attention Token (BAT), Algorand (ALGO), Tron (TRX), OKB (Token

The purchase is available in any currency: Russian ruble, US Dollar, Euro, British pound, Ukrainian hryvnia, Indonesian rupiah, South Korean won, Japanese yen, Turkish Lira, Argentine peso.

As you can see, the currency corridors are quite extensive, which allows you to make exchanges fast and at a favorable rate. Just choose the right pair to exchange or buy, available fiat currencies: RUB, USD, EUR, GBP, UAH, IDR, KRW, JPY, TRY, ARS, available cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, BAT, USDT, ALGO, TRX, OKB.

Even if this wide list does not include the currency you want to buy, such as Bitcoin or USDT, it’s okay — the service will automatically convert your currency into the payment currency and the Bank will make the exchange.
Exchanges take place within 1–3 minutes, it is enough to pass quick verification once, which allows you to work with a volume of > 15,000 euros per month.

Exchange of cryptocurrencies for pound, dollars, euros, and withdrawal of Bankcard

In addition to the fact that you can now easily buy a cryptocurrency for fiat currencies, pound, dollars or any other, during this week we will finish work on the withdrawal to a Bank card and you can easily withdraw your profit to the card, the most important thing is that this is a completely legal method, and all operations pass through banks and jurisdictions where work with digital assets is legalized.

This means that when you buy or make a withdrawal to the card, you get legal funds that are credited to you by the Bank or payment system.

If you are used to working with effective tools that work in a new way, or rather correctly and legally, then this service is for you. Fast crediting, easy exchange, a large selection of currency pairs, that’s what the company is betting on.

We work with the most reliable third-party partners to make your cryptocurrency process easy and convenient, and most importantly safe for You. The service supports plastic and virtual Bank cards VISA, MasterCard, MIR, and other payment systems for fast payment processing.

On the exchange page, you can choose any currency pair to exchange in the opposite direction, for example, GBP to BTC or USD to BTC. Choose a suitable pair for exchange, available fiat currencies: RUB, USD, EUR, GBP, UAH, IDR, KRW, JPY, TRY, ARS, available cryptocurrencies for exchange: BTC, ETH, BAT, USDT, ALGO, TRX, OKB.

How it works

When buying cryptocurrency for the first time, your Bank reserves (holds) the requested amount, then this amount is transferred to the authorization waiting state. As soon as the Bank freezes the fiat funds, the service fixes the exchange rate at the time of creating the application, reserves the cryptocurrency, and provides you with 30–40 minutes to complete verification. After successful verification, the service charges cryptocurrency to the wallet.

Quick verification

Verification takes 2–3 minutes and requires only one time to perform operations every day. The “Know Your Customer” (KYC) procedure is necessary to exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat currencies.

As you understand, you need to pass verification 1 time, regardless of whether you withdraw funds or buy currency, after passing verification, all services are available to You without any further confirmation.

New currency

Support for other currencies, including TKEY, will be added gradually and highlighted through service updates. As for the TKEY exchange, it will become available in exchange services after listing on the exchange. Listing on an exchange allows you to automate the exchange process, link the necessary services, and most importantly, the exchange provides liquidity, which is key when we talk about exchanging for a particular currency.

We will tell you more about the operation of the service and its advantages, chips, in a separate material dedicated to the withdrawal and purchase of cryptocurrencies for fiat currencies, as well as touch on various banking issues and tell you how you can combine the SWAP service for more efficient exchange and withdrawal to the card.

Charitable activity

By making an exchange or purchase of cryptocurrency, you help children and people who need our help. We deduct 0.1% of the profit from each transaction to charity funds.

This is the fastest and most comfortable way of charity, which allows you to bring together people who are not indifferent to other people’s problems. TKEY enables people to do good deeds, and the resulting turnover profit of 0.1% is sent to charity funds every month. Together with You, we create new opportunities for people in need who need help — “Big things have small beginnings”.

How does it work?

You have made an exchange or purchase operation, the company has accumulated the volume of these operations for a month->the company has chosen a charity Fund->sent funds to the charity Fund’s account. Priority charity funds are children’s aid funds. You can always suggest a candidate for a particular Fund by sending a message to [](

Why do we write Funds and not a Fund?

This is the first launch of the service, so depending on the monthly volume, we will focus on distributing funds to one charity or several. For example, if we have accumulated $ 10,000, we can distribute $ 5,000 to 2 funds. if we have accumulated $ 100, it is logical that we will only send this amount to 1 Fund. With the development of the service, we will be able to focus on several funds, which we will actively help due to the received volume.

New sections, improvements for existing services

Menu logic and site structure

The menu logic has been revised. now more items are available on the menu and they are divided into sections. Navigation through the sections has become much easier and more convenient. for some sections, QR codes are available for Russian and English-speaking audiences, and for representatives of Asian countries, all sections are available by QR code.


New blocks were added, the entire page was fully localized and is available in Chinese, Korean, English and Russian, and QR codes were added for easy navigation for the Asian audience.

Documentation for the exchange

We have already mentioned that there is a section for exchanges with the necessary documentation for listing, now it is available in English. In the next updates, it will be translated into Russian, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), and Korean.

Market Data (Coin Data)

The market data section has been optimized for mobile apps. Charts are expanded and optimized page borders for most mobile devices, and you can search for cryptocurrencies and tokens that interest you.


Added answers to frequently asked questions in various sections of the site, You can find the information directly on the section page, for example, TKEY-QT, SWAP or Core. Right on the page there is a FAQ section, in which we disclose answers to questions, for example: How are You going to solve the scalability problem, or why did you choose Phoenix as the logo and symbol of the project, or how do you exchange cryptocurrency for pound or dollars? As you can see, you can get answers to different questions, depending on the topic of the site section.


For convenience, the site’s footer has been expanded and new sections (quick tabs) are included, which are also available in the QR-code format. In addition to various details, the footer is now accompanied by the company’s coat of arms — the Phoenix, which is the symbol of the entire community, the Phoenix Alliance.

Page 404

Added page 404, which is also an integral part of the site. now when you go to a non-existent site page, all the necessary menu items are fully available to us, which will quickly Orient You and direct you to the desired section.

What is waiting for us in the nearest future?

In addition to various improvements, connecting services, our team has been working every day on other main areas of the Tkeycoin project, which are already being prepared for the next release and we will tell you what updates, what plans, events, and what else will be interesting this year.

Online conference with management

An online conference in question-answer format will be organized. The main task of the conference, in addition to questions and answers, is to discuss plans, talk about new directions, touch on issues of legislation, and analyze current issues of users.

The online meeting format will allow you to get feedback and discuss a large number of issues in a short time. Questions related to technical support and other questions that can be answered through the administration will not be discussed.

The meeting involves the development, constructive, and suggestions from users for further development of the Tkeycoin project. If you are interested in participating in the conference, you can also make business proposals during it, please use the time to your advantage. We work for you.

New content: reports, new categories, useful information

Based on user feedback, we introduce new categories to our content plan:

This section will be accompanied by information about the work done by the team for the month, the format of submission — abstracts, highlights. This format will help establish feedback between users and developers.


In addition to the content that we produce ourselves, users have questions that arise during the process of working with the project’s services, as well as during interaction with the project itself. To avoid making guesses and making up stories, we have introduced the question-answer category.

Users ask questions in comments, and the company prepares answers based on the questions and they are published in the post. Depending on the number of questions, the post generates all the answers, or the post is divided into parts if the number of questions for the past period was the largest.
In addition to asking questions, you can make suggestions to the project, for example, about new features or directions.

This format also builds feedback and helps to improve all services. the most important thing is that it can not only help us but also you, as the offer and questions will help you focus on the tasks that the end-user wants to see.

TKEY-POOL (Tkeycoin pool)

We are completing the work and debugging of the official pool for Tkeycoin, this is a completely new approach for mining Tkeycoin. The pool will feature higher performance and stable architecture, a light interface, and objective commissions.

A pool is a highly loaded system that works 24/7/365, it turns out that such a product hides a sufficient number of lines of code and, most importantly, is built on a reliable architecture that can withstand +50000–100000 miners, not to mention the number of connected devices for this number of miners.

A cryptocurrency pool is a combination of the hardware power of many miners at once to increase the probability of finding a block. The reward for a block obtained by the pool is distributed among all participants.

The TKEY pool is developed taking into account the features of the Tkeycoin blockchain, including multi-blockchain, transaction model, hashing, blocks, and other nuances that are an upgrade of the blockchain among others. Together with the pool, the TKEY network is being tested: high loads, attacks, and other tests that show positive results, proving that the TKEY blockchain can work under any loads and is protected from attacks.

Our task was to:
1. Stable system for handling high loads;
2. Adaptation pool for any software;
3. Connecting any hardware for mining cryptocurrency Tkeycoin;
4. Fair remuneration calculation;
5. Security.

The main goal is for any user, regardless of the software and hardware used, to be able to connect to Tkeycoin mining via a pool. The first releases will be accompanied by a simple user-friendly interface, easy connection, instructions for various mining programs that can be connected.

In future releases, we will optimize the operation of the pool, add new features, as well as tracking functions and other nice things. any suggestions from miners and the community are interesting to us and will be implemented, so do not hesitate to send your suggestions after the launch.


Work on the TkeySpace mobile app is also not standing still. We will soon release updates for TkeySpace on Android and iOS.

This release is a complete transition to the most stable version of the mobile wallet. This means that after the update, even with the largest changes, the user will not need to completely reinstall or restore to use the new features, as before, just update the app via the AppStore or GooglePlay.

Between the previous update has been a sufficient amount of time, on average, updates are released once a month. This update will be one of the major ones. We are finishing work on the code to prepare the app for the new features that will be available this year. Besides, we are improving the app’s logic, data processing speed, optimizing the code, restoring order, and preparing for the global market.

Exchange, purchase of cryptocurrency and withdrawal to the Debit/Credit Card

In addition to pleasant optimizations, the app will display the exchange and withdrawal to a Bankcard, tab with an optimized page for exchange, withdrawal, and the purchase will be available directly in the mobile app. This upgrade will also capture the cryptocurrency exchange SWAP page, which can be evaluated after the update. Other features and new features will be announced by the developers immediately after the release.

SWAP Update

The development team is finishing work on optimizing the SWAP service. Regardless of updates, it is available in working mode 24/7/365.
The team is working on improving the operation, optimizing the page, changing the interfaces, improving navigation, and speeding up query processing. This update is also among the upcoming ones, along with the pool, mobile wallets, and other news that will excite.

Network Statistics

In the network statistics section, there are several sections that will be fixed — this is the hash rate of the network and the volume of Tkeycoin. Now the volume of Tkeycoin is displayed by mTKEY, and the graph itself indicates M TKEY, the user may incorrectly understand the volume of transactions in the network, so, given the current volume, it is advisable to switch the display to TKEY, and in the future switch to mTKEY for large volumes.

TKEY is divided into cryptograms (CryptoGramm, cgr), uTKEY (keys), and mTKEY.
1 TKEY = 100 000 000 cryptograms.
1 mTKEY = 100,000 cryptograms.
1 TKEY contains 1000 mTKEY. 1 mTKEY = 0.00100000 TKEY
1 uTKEY =100 cryptograms
1 TKEY contains 1,000,000 utkeys.
1 uTKEY (keys) = 0.00000100 TKEY
1 cgr = 0.00000001 TKEY

Cryptocurrency Exchange

This issue has become the cause of mass discussions, disputes, investigations, the subject of memes, kitchen, and online conversations, that just did not happen, that TKEY is not taken anywhere, someone made guesses that we are waiting for everyone to run away, or TKEY is a world conspiracy and around some actors, you can write a book or shoot a great series, not worse than Breaking Bad.

Jokes, jokes, but the question is serious. Since the 4th quarter of last year, the company has been actively working on the issue of listing, prepared the necessary platform for this, held several meetings, negotiations, released the necessary products, figured out various transfers of funds to the blockchain, worked out many small things, many major issues that were behind the scenes. Everything is ready, and it’s time to start soon. This will be a surprise,
believe it or not, and we will meet you on the stock exchanges :)

What other plans does the company have?

Enabling payment at retail outlets

After entering the exchange, we will actively engage in connecting payments to implement them and link them to TKEY. The plan, strategy, and legal component are ready.

Payment development

This implies the development of payments and services that will expand the use of digital currencies in the commercial sphere. Application on the territory of Russia will depend on the Federal law on the CFA, in any case, we plan to analyze the law, after its release, to find a legal way to implement payments based on blockchain and digital assets. Therefore, until the law is released, we are keeping this initiative in the future, and we will work on other jurisdictions that will support it.

We left some plans behind the scenes, because they will make the greatest impact on the market and the value of our asset, and this — likes silence.

What useful materials will be released soon?

How to effectively use the SWAP service together with the exchange and purchase of cryptocurrency from a Bank card?

We will tell you in detail how to use these 2 services, how to save on payments and purchases, how to exchange tokens that are very difficult to exchange, how to quickly get money for them to the card, and much more.

The law CFA

Our opinion about the law of cryptocurrencies in Russia, what to pay attention to, what to prepare for, how to act if there is a complete ban. Let’s talk about legal nuances and banking practices.

TKEY blockchain

In this material, we will talk about the blockchain, analyze the issues of the system, expand the questions on attacks, payment processing, and touch on the system of multiple chains. The article suggests your suggestions, perhaps someone will have ideas that we will implement in the chain.

At the end,

Don’t forget to ask questions in the comments or send suggestions to []( we will be happy to respond and consider your requests for any of our services. Collaboration, feedback, help us make the whole platform better.

Thank you for being with us! Until new meetings, stay tuned for news, updates, because the most unexpected news comes spontaneously.

The BitcoinBlink Tokens

BitcoinBlink use Ethereum platform based ERC-20 to create their tokens, Blink Stock Token (BSTK). You can get this token from their ICO (Initial Coin Offering) event and Bounty program. During the ICO phase, users and investors will be able to deposit cryptocurrencies and purchase BSTK tokens directly from the platform (in fiat or crypto). BitcoinBlink is a promising project, you can join to invest in this project and you can help them to grow faster. Then, their goal to spread the easiness in using cryptocurrency to all over the world will be able to become reality faster as well.

BitcoinBlink will a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 BSTK, of which 600,000,000 will be distributed to investors during the Token Sale, 200,000,000 will be distributed for Founding Team, 100,000,000 will be distributed for Marketing, and remaining 100,000,000 will be reserved for BitcoinBlink.

Check this out for full story!

Bitbuy announces partnership with Knox, creating Canadas first 1:1 insured Bitcoin platform (current BTC/USD price is $9,092.84)

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The latest Bitcoin news has been sourced from the Bitcoin Price and News Events page. CoinSalad is a web service that provides real-time Bitcoin market info, charts, data and tools.

05-27 10:24 - 'MAJOR UPCOMING EVENTS IN JUNE!' ( by /u/Leonid83 removed from /r/Bitcoin within 11-21min

[uncensored-r/BitcoinMarkets] [Daily Discussion] Wednesday, May 27, 2020

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Settling up your bitcoin to be safely inherited

I’d like to prepare my bitcoin to be inherited with the idea in mind that I die suddenly so as not to allow time for me to reveal information on my deathbed. I’m having a hard time figuring out how to do this safely.

1) I’m sure I could just give someone (like my lawyer) my private keys to be revealed in the event of my death, but I have a feeling the wallet would be empty.

2) I can put my private key in a bank safe deposit box, but then I’d be paying to keep it safe every year, even though it’s not terribly expensive.

3) I’m sure companies like Coinbase have a way for family members to access a dead relative’s crypto, but the I have to leave my coins on an exchange vulnerable to attack.

4) Best I can think of is to keep coins on a hardware wallet and give the password to an attorney to be revealed upon my death. That way, at least the device and password are separate even though the situation is not ideal.

Right now, most of my coins are on an exchange. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

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05-27 07:34 - 'Bitcoin Could ROCKET After Tomorrow's Goldman Event | Craig Wright & Justin Sun Embarrass Themselves' ( by /u/DarkestChaos removed from /r/Bitcoin within 291-301min