Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Bitcoin is about building generational wealth

Bitcoin is the hardest money ever discovered. It is the most decentralized currency available to mankind. It's value will ebb and flow over the next decade just as it has for this past one. Bitcoin is the greatest tool for building generational wealth because of one primary property. It CANNOT be confiscated if stored properly. It cannot be confiscated through inflation.

If Bitcoin is banned in the US next year I don't care. If Bitcoin is banned for a decade I don't care. Bitcoin will outlast the US, Chinese, and Russian governments. Authoritarians thrive on confiscation of wealth. They prey on those who cannot defend themselves. 99% of us fall into a class of people who are laughed at by the wealthy and powerful. They take their back door deals and convince themselves they're better than us. Bitcoin is our way of silently revolting from their corrupt system. Bitcoin IS political. It is not left vs right, but Authoritarian vs Liberty. Centralization vs. Decentralization. The masses vs the inbred elite.

The fiat system is a ponzi scheme. Made up of even smaller ponzi schemes like social security. It is an illusion of wealth. Right now this illusion is starting to fade. It's impossible for anyone to miss the rising prices of food. For those more astute they will also notice the rising price of education, healthcare, and housing. Bitcoin is the lifeboat from this sinking ship, but it's more than that. It is the foundation from which to start a new society.

Bitcoin bleeds the fiat system which subsidies oil production at the cost of future generations. A fiat system which engages in pointless wars to destabilize the middle east and shore up the petro dollar. A fiat system that bloats the upper class through the Cantillion effect.

Before now there have been efforts to fight against this system, but none have been as successful as Bitcoin. To tear down the disgusting and abhorrent fiat system all that you have to do is hodl Bitcoin. This simple task is not so simple to carry out. I'll lay out the steps I believe are needed to successfully hodl Bitcoin and I welcome input.

  1. Learn how to hold your keys securely
  2. Learn how to get Bitcoin
  3. Think with a generational mindset

The Bitcoin revolution is a silent revolution, but it is not a fast one. Very few revolutions are. They are a culmination of events, a build up over years and decades. The fiat system and those who have grown fat from it will not go easy. We must be patient but also steadfast. There will be many challenges, either from shitcoin distractions, legal harassments, CBDCs, phishing scams, exchange hacks, or blatant attempts at confiscation. If we can just hodl we will win. The first step to surviving this revolution is to get angry. Get angry at the injustice done to the 99%, to our children and grandchildren. Use this anger as a motivation for when things get hard. Lastly, remember what we are building as we fight for Bitcoin. A better future for the generations to come.

We can win a major battle in the arms race and gain a new territory of freedom for several years. -Satoshi

If anyone can help, I will be grateful.

Last week I looked at a report by a 35 year old Brit, bitcoin investor where he said that nothing else could bring him happiness, I spent hours thinking about the question, I don't know if he will come and see my post here, but I would like to say that despite not knowing what he is feeling, what is the psychological state he is facing at the moment, I am sure he can find happiness by trying to do good, whether it is helping a person, a cause or a non-governmental organization, there are countless people afflicted and needing some help or support.

I would like to share a little of my life, I was born in a small town with less than 5,000 inhabitants, at 8 years old my mother was experiencing financial difficulties, despite wanting to stay there with her, my stepfather sometimes did not want me I suffered domestic violence, felt that I was an extra burden they would have to carry. So I went to live with my mother's aunt in another city, my life changed a lot all of a sudden, I started going to school and also helped with homework, some classmates had more time to play, I never refused to do things like washing dishes, washing bathrooms, making beds and helping elderly neighbors with things like fetching water from the artesian well on the same street, sometimes I went to the market for neighbors and helped clean their yards, I remember each one of these people and how they liked me, whenever they could also gave me some gratification, I think they were happy to help me in any way.

Time went by and when I realized I was already in my teens, I divided my time between school and work, my first job was at 14 years old in an electric car, with less than a month I was already doing repair work in alternators, I stayed in this job until I got another job as a helper in a shoe factory where the salary was a little better, at 16 I found myself in another situation that would once again transform my life, my mother's aunt I lived with would go away. moving to a smaller city, with a more affordable cost of living, as one of my cousins ​​and I used to work, we decided to stay and rent a place, as we were still smaller, we had help from our boss who was responsible for the apartment contract, we continued working and beyond to pay our expenses, we helped my aunt with a little that we saved, we continued in this job until we were 20 years old, then my cousin got a job in a construction company and I started a business by gathering my echoes. Nomies, believing that the internet was the future, I opened an online store to sell some products that I could get a resale price, it worked out very well, after a year I had already doubled my income, I hired an employee and expanded the amount of items for sale as customers asked, so I conquered my space and made some dreams that seemed impossible before, like buying a motorcycle and then I managed to get it together for a car, everything was going very well, I met my wife, had a child, I started having closer to my biological father and I was living a life that I've always asked God for, not just because of the achievements but because I've reached this point in life, looking back and by the things I've been through, I could consider myself victorious.

But many times there are events that are beyond our control, unfortunately my father found out he had a heart failure problem and this affected me psychologically, now that I was closer to him there was the fear of losing him, I tried to be strong and not show my I was afraid, I gave support, I said that everything would work out and I started to help with medical treatment, but the covid-19 pandemic came and with it operating restrictions, my clients who served the public were affected and consequently sales fell, I looked for alternatives, I cut expenses and I borrowed so as not to close the company in which I dedicated so much time and effort, I had no idea how long it would last, I thought it would take less time for the economy to return to normal, unfortunately it's been 20 months and we're still living with the virus, with the impacts generated, both in the economy and in the psychological and physical part. After so many months with few sales, my company went bankrupt and I lost everything I had achieved in years, looking to find something that could help financially, I saved the money I had and got into a blockchain game called Axie Infinity, I got it earn a little money in the first month, but the game took a hit and I had to sell my team to be able to recoup some of what I invested and pay house and treatment expenses. I thank God for being alive, but I find myself psychologically affected by not knowing what to do at this moment, I don't know how I will continue helping my father's treatment and how I will be able to get back on my feet, I'm doing small jobs, but what I've achieved is wrong you can pay for food and medicine purchases. I wrote this text in order to let off steam, it's hard to bear the pain of not being able to help the people I love, I need to find the strength to continue, I know some may say that the internet is not the best place I should seek help, but I believe that through it, I can share it with more people and maybe someone can help. If you're comfortable helping someone, whether it's with words, a job offer, or anything else you believe might give you an opportunity to change bad expectations. Any help, advice or words of support would be most welcome.

Sorry about my English. Thanks.

In case anyone can help in any way, follow my metamask portfolio and my email.

email: jamesblessph@gmail.com

metamask: 0xf2CD3EA1E59812c88337bd233fFfDBf19c66e24A

12-28-2021 Market Update-holiday edition :)


TS: 2:30pm pst

Didn't update the last few days as little had changed. Pretty quiet market as is typical this time of year.

Choppy risk on sentiment apparent in broader markets post Christmas-volume is middling so strong conviction is absent.

My liquidation call was dead on (again), this is a cut and paste:

  • Nearly 80% of long positions were liquidated over 24 hours after spot market drop >> coindesk

Got Long Be-Gone? This Ditch Warned About That Consistently!

Take a look at LUNA, the story is all right there-that is why I have been duck hunting it....as everyone thinks I am a contrarian lunatic and missed the memo! :)

I am still wary, but see a slow grind up from here. Same reason: bargains galore with huge cash hordes on sidelines seeking a place to go....and FOMO is almost as strong a "thing" as gravity.

Ms. Market may have bottomed here===>largest caps back up to bullish trend (see chart at item 5.5 below), and wee wee hour fire sales have ended. We'll see, but the case for this is strengthening, not weakening. I am wary of whale toilet flushing before strong swims, and will be until January 2 is here.


Bubble "Gone" (stuff is on relative sale-so 'price up!' probability is de facto higher)

Huge amount of cash on sidelines seeking a "go to"-and crypto has gained a "go-to" badge in 2021.

The 8000lb Gorilla Event In The Room (the Fed Speaky), is O-V-E-R.....markets are still adjusting.

Broader Markets Stable To Up-relevant correlations (SPX & VIX) increasing (\see chart at item 5.1)*

VIX Bottomed Out, absolutely nothing scary in view

VIX of VIX-ditto, absolutely nothing scary in view

Wee Wee Hour Fire Sales Gone (=market stabilized)

Seasonality (markets usually grind up on avg into year end-so far this pattern has not shown here)

Delayed Seasonality point to post Christmas snap higher (think of it as a tightly coiled spring)

DOW THEORY Signal 100% Positive (general 'risk on' orientation ok)-but w/secondary reaction warning

Covid Fears Stable-Lockdown Damage Potential Stable (low political will here in the world landscape)

Hedge Fund Positioning Trend Reversal Just Emerging (=slight market up signal, see item 5.2 chart)

The Fun-O-Meter (see item 5.3 below), is moving back to Hopium.


1hr Trends In Many Staple Industrial Coins Remain Negative (this is the tide-respect the tide!)

Media Hype Darling LUNA just got its ATH hair cut about 20%-what goes around may come around!

FED Taper to be more aggressive than thought & interest rates to rise (this is a "surprise black swan")

Tax Loss Selling Wary (section 475 trader big money=market down and nervous)

Hedge Funds Are Heavy Short (=market down/nervous, see item 5.2 chart)

Holidays Reduce Liquidity (aids market manipulation by pumper/dumpers & whales, BS Liqs, etc)

Covid Fear Based Volatility Potential = High, and now increasing (yields 'risk off' anti FOMO sentiment)

Broader Market Sentiment recently very 'risk off' per this piece: https://www.reddit.com/r/DorothysDirtyDitch/comments/rk719b/the_80000_lb_gorilla_ever_in_any_market_room/

Santa Rally narrative faded. Negative "surprises" have stacked up....sleeper rally may kick in 12/26-12/31, but looks as though the FED "surprise" has knocked the Santa Sentiment right out of the room here. That is a fairly rare event in broader markets.

This and that:

  • Ethereum whales dumping ETH as price slides below $4K >> cointelegraph

3.0 MY SCALP TRADE POSITIONING: (unchanged-and working very well)

Long Bias, few to no reversal shorts on long exits.

Shorts; "duck hunt"* shorts sought actively, (*ie: "over priced" shorts on wild pumper action).

No Meme Coin Longs (hopium has flagged and may stay weak/risk off in this sector)

Small Range/Shorter Parry Advisable (tight market not likely to run far here, more drop pops in cards)

4.0 TARGETS I PREFER: (unchanged & working well-may need to switch out some horses in 2022)

4.1) Solid Industrial FAAMNG type value stuff that has not run way up recently, (or if it has, dips huge\*);*

ADA, ALGO, AVAX**, ATOM, BNB, DOT, FIL, LUNA**, SOL, UNI===>(all long, shorts ok on range bounds)

4.2) Solid project small cap stuff that has been beaten down;


4.3) META & Exchange Buzz small cap stuff with some cap mojo that is being FOMO bid and "influenced";

CRO, MANA, SAND....(long & short, TA signal dependent)

4.4) Duck Hunts (short targets)



None of this stuff is a reason to do anything on its own, its value is in synergism with other signals.

The Price Chart is ALWAYS Queen of the trade realm.

5.1 Broader Market Correlations

Abra Cadabra-Strongest Correlations We've Had In A While!

5.2 Fast $ vs Slow $ Positioning

Minor Change-Extreme Disagreement Continues

5.3 The "Are We Having Fun"-O-Meter

Ho Ho Hopium Is Moving Back Into The Cryptoverse

Takeaway: fear is abating from last week's gloom in bunches. But do note this:

  • More than half of Bitcoin's current investors got in over the last 12 months >> bloomberg
  • IE: Lotta newbs out for trick or treats! Take this crap with many new vintage grains......

5.4 Volume

Big Surge In Volume-Dip Buyers At The Trough Here!

Volume way up-dip buyers are shouting risk on! See the Fun-O-Meter for correlation.....

5.5 Largest Cap Trend

Trends Move Bear to Bull In No time....uh huh!

Trends Continue To YoYo Change Each Day? (um, no....see the note***)

***If you follow these posts you know that the Trends (Bullish-Neutral-Bearish), have been flipping about all of a sudden. Why? Can a "Trend" change 180 degrees in a day? No. It can be challenged, it can diverge, it can do nothing....but Trend doesn't flip about like a dying fish. See extensive notes here:


5.6 Things That HODLrs Need To Understand

Welcome To BTC-No Reliable Store Of Value Here!

Now THAT is on tradeable asset! I see two great easily predicted buy/sells there.

HODLR 2021: ~$30k max gain.

TRADER 2021: >$150k max gain. Five times the potential. Why is this so hard to explain to people?


Read some of the ignorant commentary....oh my! I guess verifiable data just doesn't matter to the reddit masses.....narrative remains king.

Do you know the story of The Coin Who Lived?

Bam it's (ticker) BITCOIN baby!

Yes it's got the ticker BITCOIN...it's none other than HarryPotterObamaSonic10INU.

So how did this come about? It starts with our plucky CEO's adventuring in the markets of Laos in South East Asia, where he happened upon a backpack displaying Sonic, with the text 'Obama', 'Harry Potter', '10'. Recognizing the sheer genius at play here, he sought out the boy who made the backpack and gave his family $10,000 so the boy could leave his life of strife in the markets and go on to pursue his passions. The boy went on to become a scientist as a world famous space agency. Inspired by these events, the CEO started this project, the Peoples' Bitcoin HPOS10I. We have a hilarious community armed with some of the funniest memes you've ever seen, audacious stunts, and a future that is full of promise. When SHTF you sure would wish you had a huge bag of BITCOIN.

Join us! Telegram - https://t.me/HARRYPOTTEROBAMAINU

Site - www.hpos10i.com

๐Ÿ‘ASSCOIN๐Ÿ‘ | Low mc 17k ๐Ÿš€New Service OnlyAss ๐Ÿš€I Sexy Girl Promote Us l The Ultimate Bitcoin Parody | Big Marketing | Nft Shop l Video In Burgerking

Join our Telegram, a sexy girl promoted us!

Contract 0xdfb637b35e1ea86fcf2880f1859b2bbaa821e5a8

Nft gallery

๐Ÿ‘‰Check in Telegram๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Launched new service where hot girls will can make custom pic/videos for promotions.


Video burger king

http://files.fm/u/kaxu5am3k Soon more WTF videos!!! The coin of LOLS/WTF


  • Asscoin is the meme to Bitcoin as Shiba is the meme to Doge.

  • Dedicated and hard working dev, with engaged moderators and community members.


  • We don't throw empty promises around like 'you will go x100'. We will reach that goal by dedication and hard work! Only then we will say: here you go, enjoy the big gains.

  • We are honest about the fact that Asscoin is a meme coin. However, that doesn't stop us from going big!

  • All ideas, opinions and contributions are welcome in our group.

  • We don't lock ourselves with a generic roadmap that every meme coin is using nowadays. We have specific goals, but improvise on the go too.


  • Marketing is an ongoing process. We continuously search and engage in the most efficient promotion for Asscoin.

  • Coming marketing (under review): shout-outs by TikTok influencers, reviews by YouTubers, viral events with price pools, shilling contests and many more.

  • We will keep pushing to get on cg and cmc.


  • Liquidity is locked on DeepLocker for 10 years.

  • Max supply of 1000T tokens.

  • 990T circulating supply.

  • 10T burned

  • 49T team (dev) tokens.

  • Max 5T per transaction to prevent sharp pumps and dumps.

  • 5% tax (4% liquidity pool and 1% rewards for Asscoin holders).

  • 0xdfb637b35e1ea86fcf2880f1859b2bbaa821e5a8

(Check in Telegram)

Still have some questions about Asscoin? Check our links below. Excited? Then join us, share ideas and lets go to URANUS ๐ŸŒ• together!

5️⃣ LINKS❓

๐ŸŒ Website


๐Ÿ’ฌ Telegram group


Liquidity locked 10 years


๐Ÿฅž Buy on PancakeSwap (Always check and verify the contract address!)
