Thursday, December 30, 2021

New year? Same shitcoin mining 🤷‍♂️

It's April 2011, I am mining on some number of Radeon 5850s making around 1.1 BTC each day. The price is crossing $2.

It's May 2011, I am mining on some number of Radeon 5850s, doubled. Mining difficulty is climbing quickly, and so is the price. We're almost at $10 by the end of the month and I'm still making around 1 BTC per day, somehow managing to stay on par with the difficulty as I buy more graphics cards.

It's early June, and as I am powering on even more GPUs, the price hits roughly $32 before halving over that weekend.

November 2011, we reach $2 after several months of everyone declaring it dead. I am on something like 8 5850s now, probably still making around 1BTC, maybe a bit less, it's difficult to remember after 10 years. After the monstrous crash of about $30, things begin to pick up by the end of the year and we enter 2012 at about $5.

We crash from $7 to $4 between January and February, then from $13 to $8 over one weekend in August. It's dead, each time.

It's 2013 and things are batshit insane. We have some minor 10% drops through the year but everyone is buying. Everyone is mining. I heat my new rental property with Radeon 7990s and only heat the house with graphics cards during the entire winter from 2012-2013. About 11 steps up the stairs, you go from freezing cold to being blasted with heat, like when you exit the plane into Spain.

By April we all lose our shit and people are buying bitcoin for $100. By the 9th they are paying $200 and within a week decide that $70 is more reasonable - a 66% drop in a week. Of course, people can't make up their minds whether Bitcoin is a scam or if it's the future of humanity, so the price goes haywire and we see regular gains and drops of 10/20/30%.

It's November 2013. Bitcoin is not a scam. Clearly, because it's now worth $200. Or is it worth $650? No, it's worth $550. Now it's $700. Nope, $1,100. Now it's $950.

Now it's December and it's $1,100 again. But what the hell is going on, MtGox won't let me log in despite me not sleeping and spending the last 15 hours through the night trying. Now I'm late for work and I've lost 20% of my money, even though I've actually gained 1000% this year, I'm only bothered about losing 20% of what I had a day ago, just like literally everyone else.

It's 2014. It's also most of 2015. The entirety of both years. Bitcoin is dead. Never coming back. We're down to $200. Mining still makes me the same $2-3/day that it ever has, even though the 1BTC/day from 2011 is now worth $200+/day. I give up. Everyone else gives up after buying these new things called shitcoins. I forget, not bothering to sell what I had left as it's barely enough to buy a small used car.

It's 2016 and apparently Bitcoin has tripled since I last looked at it. What. You what. What. Everyone now wants Ethereums. It's like Bitcoin, but it'll fit on my hard drive. Everyone's shitcoins have disappeared. The however many thousands of Doggo coins I mined before I quit have disappeared along with the exchange. Ethereums are bringing out these new shitcoins that actually do something, like Golem, which is like Seti@home but will eventually literally do everything and generate an income for you. Great! Ethereum shitcoins are not called shitcoins. The world of cryptocurrency is very different to how i remember it. I swap half my BTC for ETH and then 80% of that for various tokens.

It's 2017. Nothing bad is happening. Everyone is investing in ICOs for non-shitcoins. Everyone's making $2k/day just trading. Everyone's also making $500-2k/day just holding. Everyone has bitcoin and eTH, as well as a tonne of ERC-20 tokens. Some people also have Bitconnect which seems very much like the HYIPs I used to join during my PTC/PTS days as a teenager. Seems like a scam, no good. Ethereum has several 20-30% drops throughout the year. Seems normal, I'm no longer phased after 2013. Everyone in my office is interested. They all discuss it at $10, but ask me about investing $15k when the price hits $300. Finally, they enter at $600 and no one does any work for the rest of the year. We just talk crypto.

It's the second half of 2017. I make more on crypto in one day than at my day job in a month. Literally everything is going up. No one considers that it'll ever drop again. I'm like: "🤷‍♂️ Looks pretty normal to me, but I better sell some soon else.."...

Actually, it's January to April 2018. New York bonuses or Chinese New year or some seemingly random event makes everyone sell literally everything. Everyone had put all their bitcoin into ether, and then all their ether into ICOs. What was once 25BTC was now 400,000,000 various ERC-20 tokens, or kittens, worth around $200. Not only did everyone sell their tokens, causing them to crash, but everyone sold everything else, making everything else crash. Crashception. Every second word on reddit is "crash".

Ether went from $1,200 to $75 in a year or so. Declared dead by everyone.

It's 2018-2020. I'm like, well, not sure. Probably will repeat the cycle of dips, moons and crashes, but probably should have sold. How many Deloreans could I have bought? Better not check my "How many Deloreans I can afford if I traded all of my cryptos for deloreans.xlsx" spreadsheet. My heart and soul must be dead. I have felt no emotion or regret during the crash. 2013 had used up all of that. All of my colleagues are bored and stop talking about crypto. Despite what they said, they weren't interested in the tech, only the money. One buys a folding phone for $1,500 with what was once $10k of Galaxy Ripple chocolate bars, I think. I buy more Ether, deciding to not exchange any for other tokens. From now on, only BTC and ETH for me. I buy some occasionally, but not as much as I should. I pretty much leave crypto will the expectation that we'll just repeat it all again in a few years.

It's 2021, things are batshit insane again. Already? Woopdedoo. Everyone's talking to me about crypto. Fgs. I just decided to try the real stock market where people cry over a 3% crash. Everyone is jumping back in. What is defi and nft? Are BAYC nft? Is my kitty still alive? Who knows. Give it 5 years and there'll be a yet another new equivalent to shitcoins.

Bitcoin drops by $10k in January, I'm like, meh. I play with Coinbase Earn and shortly make a mint.

It's the present: Bitcoin drops another 10k in February, even though it's still higher than the last drop. I'm like, meh. Everyone panics. For some reason I decide to write a 20 word reddit post and it turns into whatever the hell I'm writing now for whatever point I'm trying to make. Something about not declaring it dead over a $10k drop when we're still up by $20k this year.

It's mid-late 2021. Bitconnect is back and they want your doge. Bitcoin hits $69k but crashes by 25% down to $53k. The world is on fire and shit is hitting the CPU fan. It crashes by another $5k before hitting $48k. ETH was $4.8k but now deemed dead because it's only $3.7k. Soon it'll be $3.5k. Elon tweeted about doge being the national currency of Mars. It's a joke, but now doge is $42 and I remember that old exchange that vanished with probably $420,000,000 worth of my doge, and 50 LTC. Twelve seconds later it's back to $0.10. Everyone is mad because it is now only worth double of what it was worth yesterday, even though it is down from ,12 seconds ago.

It's every other year from now until the end of eternity.. Everything crashed by 50% overnight. Now it costs me 250 satoshis or less for my latte. ETH is $126 or something and no one knows what is happening anymore. The price went so high because 10 billion people on Earth use it daily, either directly or because their car automatically pays for tolls on the Ethereum network with that project from Oaken Innovations that hasn't been updated in years, that now no exchange can display it correctly or something. Everyone is now an NZT or NFT or POS or some other acronym. While I'm working, my phone earns me 0.2 LRC, my fridge earns me 4 BAT, my washing machine earns me a few E-DOGE, all while I process medical simulations and allow some family in China to access wikipedia without their government seeing. My family on Mars send me some DOGE to keep me afloat. Ripple is still being investigated by the SEC while their owners siphon another $100m each year. The price of all cryptos goes 10x every other year but it's all dead when it drops 10-20%.

It's the end of this post. I've no idea what's going on. Has the crash reverted in the time that I've written this? How many Deloreans worth of crypto have I lost today? How many Deloreans worth of crypto have I gained since the start of the year? I look at the price of literally every crypto and see a 10% drop after an unlimited % gain since inception and several hundred percent just this year or so.

Its the end of the end of this post. I consider how to end it, but instead have two endings. Things don't make sense. I consider changing the title to reflect my original intention of pointing out how a 10-20% drop is pretty much to be expected with crypto and that by looking at the bigger picture, you won't even see this dip on a chart next year. Instead, I do whatever I am doing now. I give up and decide to post this so I can use the reddit app to check if anyone has posted anything meaningful about NuCypher, even though I expect the usual pump posts.

Reminder to Newbies: China already BANNED crypto like 15x and they will keep doing it because newbies panic sell everytime they do it. HODL ON!

With the surge of new subscribers to this sub, it's safe to assume that we got a lot of new investors coming into crypto in the past few months.

It's important to know that there's 1 thing that keeps happening during a bull run:


And the market always dumped immediately after.

Here are some history lesson of China banning Bitcoin:


(1) China's Ministry of Commerce barred the use of blockchain-based currency for purchasing goods. (Source)

Even during Bitcoin's infancy, China already one step ahead.


(2) People Bank of China (PBoC) prevented financial institution to use BTC. (Source)

This happened when BTC first reached above $1000 and dumped immediately after


(3) A Fake news in Weibo said that China Central Bank will ban all BTC transaction. Although it's fake, the dump is as potent as if it's real. (Source)

(4) At roughly the same time, a Chinese exchange FXBTC, closed it's door due to regulation. (Source)

This result is BTC price dumped from ~$700 to ~$350


(5 & 6) Twice in September, China government officially banned exchanges from servicing users in China. (Source)

This causes BTC price dumped from ~$4500 to ~$3500 before skyrocketing to $20,000 few months later.

(7) In October, BTCC (Chinese exchange) forced to close by government. (Source)

(8) China cracked down on ICO and banned any Bitcoin transaction which was 80% in China at the time. (Source)


(9) In January, there's a report that China cracking down on Bitcoin mining. (Source)

With addition of speculation that Chinese people cashing out for Chinese New Year, Bitcoin price plummeted from $17,000 to $7,000


(10) China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) revealed a draft that they are planning to ban Bitcoin mining... Again (Source)


(11) In November, Hong Kong government announced ban on retail crypto transaction. (Source)


(12) In May, China Banking Association issued a statement warning against investing in cryptocurrencies. (Source)

They timed this announcement perfectly as soon as Elon Musk energy FUD dumped Bitcoin from $58,000 to $50,000. This action dumped it further to $36,000

(13) In June, PBoC ordered all banks and mobile payment service to prevent purchase of cryptocurencies (Source)

(14) In the same month, Chinese officials issued ban on Bitcoin mining, effective immediately. (Source)

These 2 events spiraled down Bitcoin price to $28,000 at its lowest point.

(15) In September, once again, China declared all crypto transaction is illegal. (Source)

As usual, it dumped Bitcoin price from $51,000 to $42,000


Don't be afraid of China ban. They've been doing it since 2009.

Withdraw from Binance to Wallet

r/Bitcoin and r/Binance deleted this post and I don't know why. Hopefully it's allowed here.

I've read posts that say convert the BTC to LTC or XRP etc. but that would create taxable events for me.

BTC withdrawal fees are currently about USD 25. Is there a cheaper way to move from Binance to cold storage? Can I withdraw to a BEP20 address and then to Ledger? If that would work any guidance as to how to do that is appreciated.

The ballad of Binance and Ontario

I present to you the most exciting story in provincial securities regulation this month. That’s not a high bar, but it may still be worth reading.

Once upon a time, Binance announced that they would no longer do business with customers in the Canadian province of Ontario (Canada’s largest province, with by far the largest finance industry.). Why, WHY asked the poor crypto fans!

Apparently the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) doesn’t like the idea of sketchy companies selling securities to Ontarians without any kind of regulatory permission. Who could have known? Not Binance, obviously.

So there was of course great wailing and gnashing of teeth, but mostly people accepted the fact and moved their assets away from Binance (until this week, when the procrastinators started asking how to do it.). Story over.

But not! A few days ago Binance announced (or CZ tweeted, same diff) that they had registered as a money service bureau with FINTRAC (Canada’s financial intelligence agency, comparable to FINCEN in the United States.). Oookay, so they’re no longer violating the Proceeds of Crime, Money Laundering, and Terrorist Financing Act by failing to register. Nothing to do with permission to sell securities but it never hurts to stop breaking laws.

But it did mean more! By registering with Fintrac, Binance announced , they could keep operating in Ontario, much like you’re allowed to drive so long as you’re in the process of getting a learner’s permit. Surely you must be able to. (FYI, check out the Yahoo Finance article. They typos are spectacular.). Here was part of the e-mail they sent out to customers:

However, as a result of ongoing and positive cooperation with Canadian regulators, Binance in Canada has been successful in taking its first steps on the regulatory path by registering in Canada as a Money Services Business with FINTRAC.

This registration allows us to continue our operations in Canada and resume business in Ontario while we pursue full registration.

As a result of ongoing and positive cooperation with Canadian regulators, there is no need for Ontario users to close their accounts by December 31,2021. Please check the following official announcement later for more details.

Everyone waited with baited breath! No, just kidding, they took Binance at face value and didn’t worry about the “official announcement later.” Finally, the OSC released a comment. A vigorouscomment, in fact:

Binance represented to OSC Staff that no new transactions involving Ontario residents would occur after December 31, 2021. Binance has issued a notice to users, without any notification to the OSC, rescinding this commitment. This is unacceptable.

No entity in the Binance group of companies holds any form of securities registration in Ontario.

So what next? Does Binance climb down in the next 24 hours? Does the OSC have to figure out how to hit Binance with a regulatory stick? Or will something even weirder happen? We’ll just have to see.

So you bought high and are in the red? Don't worry, by DCA, buying the dip, staking and lower your cost basis, it will turn out alright in the long run. The power of DCA and compounding interest.

This December has been quite an eventful while the Bitcoin price fell from $57,000 on 1st Dec to $49,200 on 06 Dec. Three other lows were recorded on 11 Dec ($47,300), 14 Dec ($46,700) and 18 Dec ($46,300). It is now around $47,000. Many people had fomo-ed in above $60,000 around Oct-Nov and now are in the red.

But don't worry, Bitcoin and Ethereum are great long-term investments. Taking it back to December 2017 when Bitcoin was around $17,000 and Ethereum was $1,450 in Jan 2018. Those prices would be a steal now.

The power of DCA and buy the dip - lower your cost basis

Some people may argue that BTC and ETH are special. This has some merits. Yes, it is correct that not all the top projects back in 2017/2018 have surpassed the previous all time high records. Aside BTC / ETH, we can see LTC, ADA and a few others have managed to do so. But now I show you, even when a project hasn't returned to its previous all time high, it doesn't mean all the holders are in the red.

Take BCH as an example ( I personally don't like BCH, but for the sake of this post, make an illustration). This coin reached ATH on 20 Dec 2017 at $3,785.82. It is now $431.03 (down 88.6%).

You may think that the vast majority of holders are now making significant losses? Not quite. Even at this price, 66% of holders are still in profits.

A word of warning though - this only considers legitimate projects, so it is still important to do the research. Crypto verse is changing so fast.

How exactly does lowering the cost basis work?

Let's say you fomo-ed in BCH, putting $1,000 in Dec 2017 at the purchase price $2,500. If you do nothing, your cost basis is $2,500 @ 0.4 BCH, and you are now down 82.76%.

However, if you bought in the following year, the same $1,000 would purchase a lot more unit. Say, for example:

  • You bought another $1,000 one year later, in Dec 2018. The price was $90, thus you added 11.11 BCH. Your cost basis is now ($1,000 + $1,000) / (0.4 + 11.11) = $173.75 for 11.51 BCH.
  • Let's say you bought another $500 one year later, in Dec 2019. The price was $187, you added 2.67 BCH. Your cost basis is now ($1,000 + $1,000 + $500) / (0.4 + 11.11 + 2.67) = $176.30 for 14.18 BCH.

With the current price of $431, you're now sitting on ($431 - $176.3) x 14.18 = $3,611 profit. Even though $431 is much lower than the price you bought on your initial purchase.

Effects of staking and passive income

As you know, you could earn passive income by staking and interest on Celcius or Binance etc. That will in turn lower your cost basis further.

Never underestimate the power of compounding interest: (1 + r)n

If it's 10% over 2 years, daily compounding: (1 + 0.1/365)365x2 = 1.2214 - almost 9/40 added

Over 5 years? 1.6486 - almost another 2/3 added


Don't panic sell when things are in the red. If you believe in a project in the long-term, DCA and buy the dip to lower your cost basis. Utilize the power of staking and compounding interest, the future will pay off.

Woodford Reserve Tasting

Bitcoin Thinkers Club has coordinated a bourbon tasting with Woodford Reserve and Crazy Horse in Bloomington. Bitcoin and Bourbon Tasting

You got skewed!

If you're not mad you should be! The massive change to the vlp program is worse and even the negative people are letting on! Let me explain.

First of voyager got 40 million tokens which they can spend however they want. And in just 8 more months they will get another 20 million more tokens! This is 60 million tokens earning 7% for them! Let's do the math... 7% of 60 million is 4.2 million coins that they are given extra every month. Or at current prices $12 million a year or $1 million/month. IF they have 100 million in bitcoin from customers that participate in the program and if they give out 1% that's $1 million. Or $1 million thats probably going to get dumped on the market each month. And money that they now don't have to pay out of pocket! (Now I don't believe they are even paying this out as I don't believe most people would pay $15k to get 1% in a token that doesn't do much and gives them less than other companies)

I told you guys this before that if they drop rates (which they can and others don't then the program will only get worse!) 4.75% is what is going to be paid out in bitcoin! Celcius pays 6.2% which is 1.2% higher without having to own some stupid token! FTX pays 8% up to $10k and 5% after that which is a higher base! $20k would still give you 6.5% at FTX! Holdnaut gives over 7.4% so that more than voyager by a landslide and up to 2 BTC and since less than 800k people in the world have 1 BTC if you have 2 then there's less than 600k people that have that!

The debit card! Are you freeking kidding me! 3% if you're navigator! Why pay $60k to get 3% when I can get a coinbase debit card and earn 4%! But you get 9% on usdc! Who cares! Are you bad at math! 9% is less than 1% a month most people who get paid spend their money in 1-2 weeks! Even if you waited 30 days before spending all your money you are still getting less than the 4% coinbase is giving! Oh and you're getting it in a vgx token that most people will sell anyway which again will cause even more selling pressure!

There's 1000% nothing that makes anyone want to hold this token! And maybe people will be gullible to buy into it. (Like people on binance and coinbase where they get 0 value from owning it) they do say there's a sucker born every day after all!

There is some hope though. When Europe comes the token will pump in anticipation. I'd hold out for that instead of selling right away. BUT it will be a buy the rumor sell the news event so be sure to get the fuck out when it pumps.

Also there's some very very little hope if enough people are dumb enough to use the 1-3% back debit card then maybe all the rewards will get used and voyager will have to buy them off the market. (Fat chance though and let me explain why.) They will have $1 million in rewards in just intrest alone remember. For them to go through that at just 1% there would have to be $100 million dollars spend in debit card purchases every month! Possible? Yes! But probable? No. Why? Cuz in order for you to even get the 1% you need to spend $1,800 in vgx most people on the platform have less than $6k! So 1/3 of all their money is not going to be in vgx again especially when they can get better rates and higher debit card rates elsewhere. Not including the $15 grand you'd have to spend in vgx to get 2% which my citi card already give me! So how many people are going to actually use this? Very few. Maybe dumb people like DJ crypto.

Do the math guys! If you had been giving vgx at $7 for you're bitcoin rewards you'd be down over 60%! At the same time even at bitcoins high in march of $63k you'd still be only down 25%! Also if you want your bitcoin rewards now you have to sell your vgx and buy bitcoin which causes 2 points where voyager makes more money! Don't get me wrong it's a great financial decision for voyager! They are going to save tons of money and make more money all at the cost of you the customer! And scary part is at any time they can change the program to benefit them more and not you! Voyager doesn't care about vgx they care about them period.

PS! The burning tokens is scrapped! They removed it from their website. So any hope for that is gone. The token just keeps getting worse not better.