You have the benefit of knowing this has all happened before. This is the process. Bitcoin HODLERS held. Same with AMC and GameStop. This is formulaic. You're here and you're with people who know how to HOLD. Relax and stay the course.
Likely you've seen posts from the people who bought around $.02 and you wished you'd have been one of them. It's their turn because they were already here so stay through it until that's you.
You thought this was going to $1.00 today and you're watching whales do what they do. $.40 is a really good number for them to sell at. There's a two step process: 1. They're going to cash in 2. They're going to buy back a lot as low as possible.
For the rest of us it feels like that sucks but the model is proven for them which means it's proven for you. You can ride in the slipstream of people who know what they're doing and leverage if you HOLD and BUY THE DIP.
If you're lucky it's going to crash down to where you would have bought in the first place to have a shot at going big but you have to actually BUY.
Maybe the lights going on for you that of course this is how it works so you're now commuting to buy the bottom. You can't predict where the bottom is unless you're a whale so the solution is you BUY THE DIP all the way down. So what if you bought a lot on the higher dip. The math works so just do it or you will miss the bottom. Period.
It's scary. If you're new the current numbers show you just lost a lot of money IF you sold right now. You're scared you're going to lose and that you made a mistake. Whatever you put in was a lot. You took a risk.
You're riding on a pattern. One side or the other. A proven sequence of events so if you're scared you're going to lose then here is how you lose:
Sell at a loss and get out and be sad you couldn't quit your job after buying a trending crypto a few days ago at thirty nine cents.
Sell at a loss and then look around at your new crew who also choked and sold. Is this who you planned on being with or was it the people saying to HOLD. There's only one way into this club. Make the decision consciously who you are going to lock arms with. If you want to be in with people that hold then hold. It doesn't matter who you are. If you do it you're in because you did it. Period.
If you're scared of losing and you're psyche is more comfortable hanging out in loss vs. the fear of loss (that's a thing) then sell.
Then you go away and watch it go up and down but on the whole it's up and up and up over the months and years. More and more you're trying to ignore the distinct and unshakeable pain we all know as regret.
When DOGE comes up in conversation you tell people how you owned on 4/20 in 2021 (but sold). You get a small sense of relief every time it drops so you can tell yourself you didn't make a huge mistake but you still don't buy because now the crash price is so much higher that you can't even buy one coin for the price that you actually owned thousands that you actually owned in your account but you sold to salvage your 'loss'.
If you're panicking about losing and don't know what to do, the guaranteed path to loss is to sell. The other option is you do what you came to do which was to hold and buy. Right now if it was going to $.50 then $.60 and on to $.70, your inner struggle would be if you should buy more even though now it's so high at $.70 compared to what it was but you do buy more because it's clearly going to $1.00. Then what?
The whales crash it because of course they'd sell and cash out at $1.00 because that's their formula, but think about it:
If you were the whale and DOGE became one of your top opportunities to cash out and get back in based on your whale formula, would you just be done with DOGE and sell out? Go try to get lucky on some other unknown coin?
Youre always on the hunt for the entry levels but the point is to ride a winner. Why would you abandon your current winner when you've got it perfectly positioned to go bigger. Ahead of you is still the $10 mark, $100, $1,000, $3,000, $5,000, $10,000. You crank it over and over again. Repeat. Buy as low as possible and do it again.
The narrative ahead of us is easy. It almost died. Kt held on so there's something to it. It passed a test. It's got some staying power. It's resilient. It crosses beyond the highest price its ever been. Now back into the media. Another boom and you're the one with a ton of coin because you stayed in to buy low.
It's bigger numbers next round because whales didn't buy it back at bottom for $.002. This time they bought back at $.20 or $.05 or $.01. When they buy back in, we who Hold also buy as much as we can. Buying boosts the price up and the beat down becomes the rises again to some new stable spot and we still have a target number $.42 $.69, $1.00, $4.20, $10.00. Why not $69. Think about Bitcoin. What is it to get to $100? The whales fully intend to get there and will get there so what are you going to do?
There's a place for you in this. The reality is, if the price went straight to $1.00 now, you would need to have put in $10,000's+ back when DOGE was truly considered a joke by most to really change your life. Were you ready to do that? Talk to people who've had a decent windfall, it goes somewhere and then it's gone or you put it back in and leveraged it to the next level.
Your shot at millions is that you were here when DOGE got hot and crashed and you followed the people who've been through it. You chose to BUY THE DIP all the way down as low as it could go and keep buying.
In the upcoming days and weeks, if it's total wreckage you're lucky because you have got a shot to pull your biggest money together from wherever you can and buy.
If your family and friends know, they'll think you're being crazy. If you're past the indecision you're somewhere new inside. You're different because holding is clarity. It's an anchor. Its power. You're paying the price that there's no way around.
Then no matter what happens, no one needs to tell you to hold.
This is the way.