Saturday, October 20, 2018

Easy Dark Web/Darknet Marketplace Access/Buyers Guide

Starts at ends at r/http://darkcannaqvqwkam.onion.

It has tutorials anyone can use to get quick and easy access to the Dark Web and darknet marketplaces (DNMs), including links to the most reputable markets (always double-check your links, though).

It's also a full Darknet Market Buyers Guide that includes all you need to know to have a successful purchasing experience, including:

  • Using Tor to access the Dark Web
  • Buying Bitcoin
  • Downloading and using Electrum to store your Bitcoin/other crypt
  • How to use PGP encryption for messaging
  • Links to Darknet Marketplaces (include non-cannabis-only markets)
  • Guide to Selecting Markets and Vendors to Use
  • Tips on Keeping Anonymous (OPSEC)
  • Shipping Explained
  • Best Practices to Avoid Scams
  • Essential "Pro Tips" to using the Dark Web and DNMs.
  • And a bunch of other stuff you need to know to safely make any purchases on the Deep Web/Dark Web/darknet.

[Note this guide is intended for medical marijuana patients but can be used by anyone trying to access to darknet markets or just the Dark Web in general.]

Again, starts at ends at r/http://darkcannaqvqwkam.onion.

Hope this helps!

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