Thursday, October 11, 2018

HOWTO: Verify you own 1 BTC or more

To verify you are the owner of 1 BTC or more you have to verify your bitcoin address as an owner.

This can be done by creating a digital signature, without revealing your identity or private key.

Submit in this thread your digital signature (bitcoin address + message + signature). After verification by one of the mods, we will give you the rights and full access to this community.

YouTube Tutorial how to do this:

And here is a step by step guide:

1.) Go to one of the following page where you find an online tool


Get the offline tool from (open the page file index.html offline)

2.) Click on 'Sign'

3.) Enter your private key

4.) Enter a message, for example '21 million club reddit'

5.) Post the SIGNED MESSAGE here

ATTENTION: Never give anyone your private key!

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