Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Investing is about information

Cryptocurrencies have been increasing in interest for investors since the creation of the first, Bitcoin, in 2009. There is still some that don’t believe cryptocurrencies are here to stay, but with close to a thousand in existence today, the number of believers is growing.

When investing in cryptocurrencies it’s always a smart choice to invest in many at a time rather than just one. In diversifying your portfolio with multiple cryptocurrencies, you lower your risk. If one were to drop drastically you wouldn’t lose as much of your investment as if you had all your savings invested in just that single cryptocurrency. By investing in a variety of currencies at once you are also able to mix up your portfolio having some that are more long-term value and others that are for a quicker return.

As before making any investment, and with cryptocurrencies, it’s no different – an important first step is to do the research. Know what you are investing in.

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