Tuesday, October 23, 2018

New to Tokenized Assets and STOs (Security Token Offernings) and how Ravencoin fits in... here's a ELI5

It’s actually elegantly simple. The most powerful aspect of blockchain is an immutable record or ledger. So with that, one of the most valid use cases is tokenizing assets, so what does that mean.. quite simply anything in the real world you can think of that could be represented by a legally binding contract (historically mediated by a third party) can now be issued/tracked and transferred on the blockchain. 

Some examples are: 

The biggest use case is...

Securities- a tremendous amount of interest is moving towards companies issuing stock as Security Tokens, this is a 60trillion dollar industry. The stock is no different than it currently is on paper other than how it is issued and who has custody of it. Currently all stocks are held by a third party clearing house and it costs companies up to $200,000 to be listed on an exchange like NYSE. Issuing stock via STO (Security Token Offerings) has major benefits in terms of efficiency and cost. Not only does it allow the market to trade 24/7 but it also offers instant settlements and a sliver of the cost. 

There are a lot of big players putting serious capital behind this, and it’s only a matter of time before the old clunky way is replaced by the high speed cost effective new way. Look up Circle, TZero, Templum, Coinbase and NASDAQ with Security Tokens in your search. That will give you an idea of how serious these players are.

Also small businesses who could never list or IPO due to cost can now raise funding through Securities : A small business raises capital by issuing 10,000 tokens, each token holder then receives profit sharing. 

Other uses:

-reward points for mileage plans or membership rewards

-serialized precious metals or gems

-real estate and land deeds

-collectibles and fine art

-supply chain

-tickets to events


Again, the magic bean in all of this isn’t the asset itself. It is in how efficient, trust-less and cost effective it is to digitally verify Proof of Ownership.

A Contract is a contract and that part is only as good as the issuer of the contract and the contract itself. But that is no difference now or 50 years ago for 50 years in the future it is all in how contracts are issued, track and verified. A tokenized asset is simply a digital contract that is legally binding like any other contract, be it on paper or on a database mediated by a third party or written on a napkin in a dingy bar. 

The revolutionary difference here, is the blockchain technology that takes out the need for a middleman and provides unparalleled digital security and immutability. Take Bitcoin, the king of blockchain, it is hands down the most secure and proven network in the world, it is constantly under attack, yet since its inception not a single transaction has been forged or altered. Yeah but what about all those hacks?? Those have nothing to do with the bitcoin network/blockchain and everything to do with the exchanges and custodians of the bitcoins.

SOOO... why Ravencoin? Well if you're still with me...

Ravencoin is currently the only Protocol that is custom built to handle the transfer of assets. There are others that can do asset transfers like Counterparty and ERC2-20 (ethereum) but those use a second layer solution, in other words they piggyback the asset information on a regular Bitcoin/ETH transaction and then another protocol scans the data and parses it out to deal with the Assets separately. This is extremely inefficient because one, you have to spend the native currency (BTC/ETH) to make the transaction in order to pass the data along the chain (ie expensive to do so) and secondly, the BTC/ETH blockchain doesn't natively recognize the asset (it just sees it as meta data passed along with the transaction). This means that there is a high risk of destroying the asset if for example someone sent a transaction with Asset Data to an exchange... poof, gone.

-Ravencoin has solved for this MAJOR difference as it is not tacked onto another blockchain, the code natively recognizes assets and can issue and transfer them without spending the native currency. The only cost is the RVN it costs to create the asset and the mining fee to process a transaction (which is basically insignificant).

Also: (borrowed from previous post by dcatt47)

-Ravencoin is easier to use than other protocols because it removes the complexities of navigating smart contracts, and Ravencoin is purpose built for asset issuance and transfer. Ethereum, on the other hand, runs general purpose code contracts, and wasn’t designed with asset transfer as its primary use case, and therefore can never be as easy to use as Ravencoin.

-Ravencoin allows messages to be broadcast to token holders. This capability is extremely important and valuable. Many ERC20 token issuers have learned the hard way that Ethereum doesn’t have a message broadcast system.

-Ravencoin allows voting by the token holders. Vote tokens can be distributed to your token holders. Vote tokens can be sent to specific addresses to vote.

-Ravencoin allows asset token holders anywhere in the world to be paid (in RVN) if desired. This reward or dividend feature is very powerful, and allows a capability that didn’t exist before the advent of crypto-currency. Ravencoin makes it simple and easy to reward your token holders and early believers in your project.

If your interest is piqued, I would encourage you to do some digging and research the project. It is backed by some really big players in the Blockchain, financial and Commerce industries.

To illustrate the public interest, RVN was just listed on Binance, one of if not the largest Crypto Exchanges in the world, and just yesterday alone, in ONE day the volume in trading was over 25KBTC (Approx $160,000,000)... that is astronomical for a relatively unknown project. Well, not anymore.. "the cat is out of the bag"

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