Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Q&A 26.09.2018

1. How many market makers now? Can we get any projections on exchange growth over next 6 to 9 months?

The number of market makers is variable as anyone can be a market maker and offer their quotes. We have 2 to 4 market makers quoting larger amounts plus a variable number of smaller traders. Exchange growth projection is a very speculative measure as it also depends on overall crypto market activity. We expect to grow 10-15% per month at current market conditions and double to triple that pace once we have launched payment products with our E-money company.

2. Do we have TRON, KIN or WAN in the next future on Globitex? Uldis, are there any plans to list new coins in the near future? Maybe like some huge platforms like tron, kin etc. I think KIN would be cool, it’s ether based and will be a huge success.

Our positioning is in the mainstream monetary crypto to fiat space. We are constantly evaluating adding additional coins and will announce new listings shortly before launching.

3. Is there an exact date for nexpay integration yet?

We will not give exact dates for new product/feature launches up to shortly before the launch. The integration completion is still scheduled for Q4.

4. Is Globitex attending any partnerships in the future?

If I understand the question correctly, Globitex is already working with and will make new partnerships in the future. Partnerships will also be announced at launch due to commercial reasons.

5. So what events have Globitex actually presented at since the new ownership of Globitex? I haven’t seen one. You guys have been on twitter saying your attending events but have you presented Gobitex?

Our Co-Founder Jon Matonis is regularly presenting at various conferences on different topics. If you mean events where Globitex would have paid promotion, we are in the selection process of such events.

6. Any plans changing your ticker symbol to avoid those irritations?

No. We are very content with the GBX symbol as it is a perfect reflection of our brand.

7. Which is the next pair to be listed?

Same answer as a couple of questions before. Our positioning is in the mainstream monetary crypto to fiat space. We are constantly evaluating adding additional coins and will announce new listings shortly before launching.

8. Didn’t you guys raise millions? Why are you guys talking like your making an exchange out of a garage? You guys have the funds to make it happen, well you should still have the funds. Do we have the eth wallet address to confirm this?

Globitex retained a significant portion of assets in ETH since the ICO which has made us more vulnerable to market vagaries. We have been responsible with the ICO proceeds and have consistently maintained at least a 12-24 month runway for ongoing operational expenses. It will continue to be the policy of the company to retain a certain percentage of corporate assets in cryptocurrency.

We have been consistent in our communication that we will not be disclosing details about our assets due to security and commercial reasons. Our asset structure is significantly more diversified than one ETH address.

9. 1. Can you buy banner on coinmarketcap ( may be only 1 day ) and plus listing on CMC ?

9. 2. What about google context PR ? Yandex context ? (word “buy bitcoin”.....and other )

9. 3. What about articles on reddit, trutnodes, cointelegraf..?

9. 4. What about Pr in YouTube , twitch ?

9. 5. What next legs in PR Globitex ?

9. 6. Has GBX converted eth into fiat? Can you provide an evidence?

We will not comment on specific marketing activities as there are tons of things we can and plan to do. Your suggestions are always welcome and will be evaluated. As a general principle, we invest marketing budget in positive ROI activities, which would rule out some of the suggestions listed in the question.

Regarding the ETH conversion into fiat – I will repeat the answer from the question before. We have been consistent in our communication that we will not be disclosing details about our assets due to security and commercial reasons.

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